#im so ill abt them you guys dont even know. you will never understand my illness.
dinodogs · 11 months
kay I don't give a shit what anyone says Weiss has a crush on Ruby. In my silly crazy headcanon world with rainbows and unicorns Ruby loves her back. But strictly speaking in canon, I find that doubtful. But Weiss? Theres no doubt in my mind Weiss has a crush on her.
Weiss always seeks out Ruby specifically. Rubys her comfort person, and I'm not saying everyone has a crush on their comfort person, but the way she always goes to Ruby when she needs help makes it so obvious Ruby makes her feel safe and happy. Weiss's first thought is always Ruby.
When the jabberwalker attacked the market, Blake and Yang ran off, but Weiss stopped to look for her and went to grab her. Thats such like a specific little detail crwby added. They didn't need to do that there was no reason for them to add that in but they did bc it shows how much Weiss cares about Ruby.
Weiss being the one to understand Ruby when she ran off. Honestly that was very mature of her and I'm so proud of u bby ur so sweet. Out of everyone, she was the one who understood her partner and how she was feeling, and how they didn't mean anything wrong by it but whether they meant it or not they hurt Ruby. And how they need to support her and be there for her.
Weiss being so ready to accept whoever Ruby comes out as too...its so sweet it makes my teeth rot. She didn't care if Ruby didn't remember her, if it wasn't the Ruby she knew, she didn't care she was going to love her and accept her no matter what. She knew whoever came out of that wood statue, it was Rubys choice, and if Ruby chose to be someone new then she was going to accept that simply bc it was what she chose.
The pure JOY when she saw her Ruby come out as Ruby, Weiss was willing to accept Ruby no matter what, but she was still so damn happy to see her partner. It makes me ill I love them so much you gusy don't understand.
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penaltyboxboxbox · 1 month
i love ur charlos parents au sm!! im not requesting art or anything if u dont feel like drawing (tho youre a phenomenal artist!!), but i was wondering if you wanted to share any more details abt the au? i thinks its so cute haha and would love to know more. also hope ur having a great day!
I LOVE THIS AU TOO i do want to draw more i always have ideas for it.... but i will gladly ramble about my lore ive developed
1. is this an mpreg au even i do not know or care to know. yes these are their biological children who look like them and share their genes but how did we get here ill leave that to you to assume. either way both of them definitely wanted big families and even tho i draw them with 2 kids i think they want at least 4..... charles wants a daughter and carlos says the same but secretly he only wants sons. hes picturing a future football team and also doesn't understand women conceptually
2. i actually think carlos3 was an accident child and charlos get shotgun married over it. its part of the reason why theres a bit of a gap between their first and second child. they had to like reassess and settle stuff after kind of having to get their shit together and make honest men of each other.
3. they get divorced at some point during all this mainly due to SAINZ SENIOR PRESSURE. probably while carlos3 is like highschool age. charles talks so much shit and then proceeds to get emotional like I SHOULDNT TALK ABOUT YOUR FATHER THIS WAY vs carlos like. bro tries to just act like they are normal regular friends now like man thats not how this works....charles always plays cool irl but is annoyed as hell underneath. very good coparents though....always at all the events together. when the kids stay at sainz family evil mansion for the summer they come back to charles so villainous and feral. he has to go supernanny on them...
4. charlos DO get back together after like 10 years of being separated lol. and yeah there were lots of messy nights out and not quite reconciliations throughout that time. very confusing family dynamic but theyre happy at the end
5. carlos3 grows up to be a guy who just kind of piggybacks onto whatever business endeavors his dads are doing. ultimate nepotism hire. hes not bad at what hes doing he just never really found that passion. his passion is like.....posting peaky blinders quotes on instagram. hes kind of a failson but hes also the perpetual baby for charlos so they just...coddled him too much his whole life djhdksndksbs.... younger son herve becomes a FASHION MODEL!!!! hes beautiful gorgeous and also a perfect nepo child so he's ripe for this career....he walks runways in paris
thats all i can think of for now thankssssss ily
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powderseas · 4 months
side order is here!!! its real!!! yippee
what do you think of it so far?
ok so im just gonna spit out all my side order thoughts so far
EDIT: I ACTUALLY FINISHED THE GAME WOOO (just one run tho lol) im gonna write my thoughts under the previous stuff
OK SO. i think im a little..? dissapointed..? abt sider order?? like im kinda conflicted abt the lore, also i suck BALLS at the game
the thing is i have done 5 runs so far AND COULDNT GET A SINGLE WIN. the most i can do is up to floor 20.... im literally so bad at this game I ONCE DIED 2 TIMES IN AN EASY LEVEL. im newgen guys.
maybe im not fit for rougelike games but like... idk. i feel like me and the fandom as a whole expected so much more from side order. i feel like if the game is gonna make you replay the same stuff over and over again it should atleast have a SOUL CRUSHING LITERARY MASTERPIECE TYPE OF LORE like OE and Alterna
AND CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW DIRTY THEY DID FOUR???? literally called them an irrelavent loser and then sweeped them aside... THEY DONT EVEN HAVE A PALETTE ICON???? theyre not even a secret boss smh.... agent 4 had so much potential I WILL NEVER FORGIVE NINTENDO FOR THIS. and like sure the parallel canon level kind of includes four but that thing is literally an npc??? like imagine what they couldve done with the story if they had included four in it:
when four is left out from the squidbeak splatoon they try to prove themselves by siding with marina with her project. it makes perfect sense. marina and four are both scared of being seperated by their loved ones. but four gets consumed by their anger and jealousy and goes full order mode LIKE DO YOU GUYS SEE MY VISION!!!! i will be forever mad that we didnt get this.
also why is murch out of all the chracters have a pallete??? why didnt they put in captain 3 or something????? sheldon i kinda understand since hes also kinda a part of the squidbeak splatoon BUT MURCH??? get the fuck out!!!
negative stuff aside tho. i love pearl and marina so much. THIS IS THE PEARLINA GAME GUYS!!!!! pearl literally mentions that marina and her sleep in the SAME BED???? marina is so autistic. my little autism creature. SHE MAKES DINO ARMS IN THE ENDING SCENE AUGHHHHHGHHH MY HEARTTT i love marina so much AND PEARL. SUCH A SILLY GOOBER. acht is so precious too... BUT I CNAT BELIEVE THAT THEY MADE THEM WHITE*??? ACHT IS NOT WHITE NINTENDO. anyways i love eight and her little found family full of lesbians. they are all lesbians your honor. we are raising lesbians in this house.
so yeah. i hope i can finish the run atleast ONCE. but like. idk i havent finished the game but side order jsut makes me feel. sad... and lonely...?? unlike octo expension where you could see more and more people using the metros and the chatrooms between marina and pearl are just AUUGGHHH OE IS A GAME. ABOUT CONNECTIONS OK. it makes me feel warm and happy and even though eight became traumatized i like to think that she healed and in the process met so many important people in her life.
in side order i dont see anything in eight*??? is she traumatized??? is she vibing??? is she happy to help??? I LITERALLY CANT TELL. side order makes me feel so cold and empty like do you guys understand what i mean. and its probably becasue it doesnt even take place in the real world. and the thing is. i understand that side order is supposed to be everything that OE couldnt be. i understand that. both games have their own quirks BUT. i just cant seem to make myself love it unlike any other story mode in splatoon...... im really trying to be not biased here but yeah. these are my opinions for side order
HELLO. so yes i somehow managed to win the game. and honestly. the final boss was pretty fun and everyone was so cute at the end omg... but i still think that side order is a bit underdevloped.... i dont even know if ill try to %100 is cuz playing it makes me SO STRESSFUL im glad i get to finish a run BUT i will definetly not be touching side order atleast for a while.... but despite i had plenty of stuff i didnt like in side order the ending managed to make me forget all that haha
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tell me about cornish history?
(you dont even understand i almsot cried when i saw this thank you)
OK SO for context my mums side of the family is cornish and so i have quite a random specific knowledge of its history and ill stick to my favourite parts, namely cornish pasties and tom bawcocks eve (although i could also talk abt humphrey davy for ages and the mining lamp lmao)
(idk if pasties are a widely known thing? but they’re these like pastry parcels with savoury fillings that look something like this:
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(my favourite filling being cheese and onion hands down))
but anyway basically they have these pastry handles almost on the edge with no filling (almost like a pizza crust) where the pastry’s sealed and it’s quite big and has around 20 crimps traditionally and it was brought in solely so that miners could bring them into the mines for lunch. they would have rly dirty hands from all the mining yk and so would hold the handle bit so as not to get the part they eat dirty and then so that they didn’t have to carry too much half of it would be savoury and the other half sweet (ive never actually seen a sweet pasty so idk how true this is but still). i could also talk abt the mines for ages they’re so cool and tragic but imma leave that there bc i wanna talk abt tom bawcocks eve
i don’t actually know how true it is obviously but tom bawcocks eve is basically a celebration each year in a village in the south west of cornwall called mousehole where they light these lights and eat stargazy pie which is basically a fish pie to put it simply. it originated from when there was a famine in im guessing probably around the start of the 20th century? but don’t quote me on that, due to a rly big storm which meant they couldn’t go fishing, fish being a staple of their diet, as well as it ruining crops etc.. this guy called tom bawcock then risked it and went out in the storm to go fishing, and so saved the village bc he got them food.
a lot of my knowledge of it comes from a children’s book by antonia barber lmao called the mousehole cat but i’m also pretty sure that there’s some truth to this. there’s also a folk song about it which is cool
this is stargazy pie and the mousehole lights btw:
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(i’ve never actually been to mousehole on tom bawcocks eve bc it’s the 23rd december but ive seen the lights most years at new years and i kid you not i have listened to the mousehole cat on cd every night to get to sleep since i was like 6 i cannot get to sleep without it)
if anyone sees this and sees any inaccuracies PLEASE tell me this is me picking up tidbits of information throughout my life and stitching them together so it’s likely i’ve got something wrong although it’s niche enough that no one will hopefully notice lmao
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yuukei-yikes · 10 months
hope you dont mind me asking this but since you seem very knowledgeable about the fandom and all i thought it was suitable
why is there so much ship content between sato kido and kano?? are they not adoptive siblings?? theres even some in semi canon (i think) contents like in anthologies too,, i mean not surprised it exists since weird people are in every fandom but its talked so casually here
with momo and hibiya too actually! because of the huge age gap you would think it wouldn't be such a casual ship but it somehow is?? as far as i seen anyways
oh man lollll nah i dont mind. fair question and it's much better to have an answer to this
im putting it under the cut bc it turned out kinda long and into a rant, and also to warn i mention the themes suggested in the ask (incest, age gaps)
basically it's no secret that in japanese media, incest and age gaps are widely normalized even today so just imagine in 2013 when kagepro was at its peak.
back then, kido and kano specifically were a WIDELY popular ship. here's the thing with the weird kano and kido (and seto too but mainly kano and kido) shipping, aside from what i said abt normalized incest and shit. kano and kido (and seto) being siblings is actually... sort of a spoiler? it's not revealed early on.
kano and kido are presented as 2 kids the same age living together and having different names. and they purposefully stop acting like siblings. SO it doesnt register until you get into their backstories. they're both adopted into the same family when theyre like... 7 or 8, and were friends before becoming siblings so people were able to use this excuse: "OHHH THEYRE MORE CHILDHOOD FRIENDS"
but like..... they live together as siblings for YEARS and to be honest im sure 99% of people watch the song mvs FIRST which u can binge in 1 afternoon and if ur watching with any sort of actual interest and attention, you WILL see kano and kido as part of the tateyama family in ayano's theory of happiness. not to mention the anime came out in 2014 which im also sure 99% of kagepro fans have seen. so to me that was always an excuse if it came from a very dedicated fan though i do understand it if it's from a casual enjoyer, like they truly didn't catch that they're siblings
when i joined the fandom i was 13, didnt know eng or japanese, and thought mekatrio childhood friends made total sense for some good 6 months into the fandom until I realised properly. a few months ago, i discovered a very close friend of mine had a kagepro phase in 2014 or something and told me he really shipped kano and kido and when i told him they're siblings he was like WHAT!!!!!!!
and another thing abt kano and kido. they're indubitably the queerest characters. THEY LOOK THE FUCKING GAYEST. there is Something abt pushing the gay characters together?? kido is constantly mistaked for a guy. kano the poor thing had ANOTHER popular ship going for him with ayano because people decided he is that way to shintaro because he actually had a crush on ayano. yeah. this was the fucking consensus with kano, shintaro and ayano. like i mentioned i DONT KNOW japanese and only ever read the translations of the novels and i also dont Know what jin was thinking when writing kano and shintaro. But. dear lord it reads fucking homosexual my dude. jin does this by accident a lot though. look at kido and momo. momo calling kido beautiful 1000 times but she's like Well as a woman i am jealous i wish i was that pretty. bruuuh ok anyways moving on Ill GET to jin again in a second.
like you said, semi official stuff like the anthologies are very heavy on this ship and also.... sorry, the manga which is an official media. is Heavily into this ship. for jin's stance on it, i am not sure. i do think he laughs it off but he NEVER intended to write them that way. in the seventh novel theres a whole bit where kido's telling kano you shouldve never hidden this from me im your sister we are family. even shintaro who is the pov ur reading from is like wow what a nice brother and sister AND THATS THE SECOND TO LAST NOVEL WHICH BY THEN THE SHIP WAS SUPER POPULAR SO TO ME THAT WAS JIN'S WAY OF REMINDING EVERYONE THEYRE SIBLINGS. personally i think jin truthfully intended to write kano and kido as siblings but doesnt care people ship them otherwise he wouldnt have had the manga written by someone who shipped them
so basically what happened. kagepro was confusing and people sometimes missed they are siblings. in japanese media its super normalized. it is 2013 so here it is also normalized in fandom spaces. fanart ensues, even official or semi official content teases it, and yeah. boom its popular
another big part of it was, EVERYONE GETS A PARTNER!!!! kagepro content has A LOT of Shipping Pieces if that makes sense. idk what to call it but like god, pixiv entries with 1 shinaya, 1 harutaka, 1 setomary.... and 1 hibiya and momo and 1 kano and kido. god awful. if any golden year kagepro fans follow me they will KNOW what im talking about.
now that i mentioned it. hibiya and momo. ough. idk man. people were properly weird with this one. because with kano and kido they at least made up a damn excuse. with hibiya and momo there was nothing. but the thing is, jin is entirely to blame here. absolutely fucking disgusting bro. unlike with kano and kido, with hibiya and momo he actively wrote it. in the third novel their chapters together or any of hibiya's chapters are actual fucking torture to read. i wont go into details if u havent read it but like there are Reasons i never recommend kagepro to people.
its good to give jin proper respect he IS the creator of my favorite characters ever in the whole wide world and the writer of the story that makes me the happiest ever in the history of life. but. that doesn't mean i dont hold him accountable for being weird as hell in his writing because he absolutely is
back in the early days of this blog i had my very own Gets Send Deaths Threats arc by some people who shipped these guys or people who were mad i criticized jin (i always suspected it was like. the same 1 or 2 people. with a lot of time in their hands) soooo honestly answering this activated my fight of flight a little bit but tbh i havent seen Any content here on tumblr (i do have everything blacklisted to hell and back) or gotten ANY rude messages here in years, so i think we're good👍
hope this was helpful and i hope ur not grossed out of kagepro though I'd understand. u kinda need a strong stomach not only for its themes but sadly kagepro does the gross anime thing animes do :(
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hanniluvi · 10 months
what do ur moots remind you of?! (ex. places, color, song, etc)
ooo another moot game ! tysm anon :) <3 ill only do a few cause im on a brainrot rn 😭😭
@flwoie — bad by wave to earth
bc u literally make my day 100% better. i always look forward to talking to you!! like you’re someone i can talk about anything with bc you wouldn’t judge me 🙁 like im prob on disc most of the time talking to u or waiting for a dm back. but yeah, i could never be bored when talking to you 🤗 love u lots pooks 🤍🤍🤍
@wvnkoi — one and only by enhypen
i was truly lucky to have you in my inbox (or for me to being in yours) 🙁🫶 like u acc put up with my bs and im so glad for that </3 U R MY ONE AND ONLY FR !!!! like who does it like u tbh … im always looking forward to our convos whether u think otherwise 🤍 but yes please be more active bc i cant be missing one of my ramyeonz 😊
@haknom — jolly ranchers but green apple
this is SOOOO random but HEAR ME OUT i love love LOVE jolly ranchers, just like how much i love you (ohhhh was that smooth 😍😍😍) which is a lot LMFAO. but i love green apple sm u dont understand…its pretty unexplainable why ure so fun to be with but us 08z r js like that!! UNBREAKABLE BOND!!!! #jolly-ranchers-w-soph-foreva #just-like-sola (soph + kayla .. get it)
@yeokii — nail polish 😊
listen hana ure prob like … erm What the freak!!! but just hear me out. nail polish isnt good for u (js like how ure not good w/ me /j) to smell but its addicting. thats like u and me cause ure addicting to talk to u (or make fun of) AND ITS GETTING OUT OF HAND!!! but its like a guilty pleasure soooo be glad i only had good things to say. love ya official 08z goofball !!!
@yenqa — strawberries
u just do 🤨🤨 like idk strawberries taste vary depending on the harvest / kind u get .. like sometimes u can be vv sweet and super kind 🙁 and then we have the sour kinds where u used to (and still do) hate on me and fight me 🤬 at least ure not bad like hana ALL JOKES but strawberries r a superior fruit so ure superior in my book 🤗🤗🤗
@yswon — hi-chew candies
hi-chews r too good n need to be talked abt more!!! js like ur blog (it deserves all the love) idk how to explain it, but u remind me of the candy in a way…like could be sweet if u pick the right ones 🙏 and u cant tell me hi-chews dont fit ur blog rn!!!! like its a comfort candy + super soft = amazing type of candy i tell u. nobody does hi-chew like this which makes u awesome n unique 😍 … what am i even saying urm but u get it (hopefully)
@soov — beaches
beaches r really pretty (just like you) and i really like how calming they can be. but sometimes, they can get violent as the waves of the ocean crash and could nearly drown u (js like how u could kill me w/ ur pics ohhhh) LMFAO but i really do love them!!! and i just get that beachy vibe from your blog too :)
guys i swear i was gonna do more than this but i really cannot think rn 😭 sorry i may have not tired my brain out writing (soph cb???) so its hard to come up w/ reasons why i think ure this etc etc. i could prob edit this post or js say in the comments what u remind me of if u do wanna know ^^ <3!
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obxsprincess · 3 months
heyy girl, how are u? i know ive been kinda missing but i might need your advice on something bc im very confused and unsure (and my friends are being kind of unhelpful bitches lol
So, im in college right? and theres a lot of fraternities around, and I met this guy, a friend of a friend, and he lives in a fraternity.
So far so good right? We kinda flirted with each other for a few days until a party last night where we finally hooked up (i was drunk but everyone said it was pretty hot :)) but i had to leave bc my roomate was very sick so i never got to talk to him abt anything else basically. And my friend said tomorrow they'll have a small party to celebrate a bday on that fraternity, and everyone keeps saying i should lose my virginity to this guy (ik shocking im a virgin), but the thing people dont understand is that i get attached very quickly and to me our kiss basically locked in, so im kinda nervous ill get attached and he wouldnt want anything serious w me
Reading it back it feels kinda dumb but specially for people on campus and SPECIALLY on fraternities is very rare for u to get kinda together w someone so quick, so I DUNNO WHAT TO DO
- 💋
hiii babes, ofc ofc im always here to help!! and remember not even my opinion should persuade you into anything, cus I can only go off of my own experiences with virignity loss and hook ups 💞 but I hope my insights helpful!!
I lost my virginity at 16 back in high school (a long time ago and not at all saying ur guy is like this ! cus he probably isnt! especially cus hes an adult so I hope to fucking hell he isn’t) and it definitely happened very fast and quick, texted for a few days, made out, and then met up to have sex. in summary it ended with my nudes being leaked around the school and almost a felony on my name (for sending them?) but the thing ive took out of it (and only reason for the story, im srry cus I was so young so it might seem weird to include) n held close is to remember trust is one of the most important parts of sex really! because your putting your pleasure and body into someone elses hands, but also your emotional trust because sex is so much more than just getting physical for a few minutes, and its important to remember that the lingering thoughts shouldn’t ever be negative, or the guy broke the trust you put in him. truly the after sex reaction is just as important as being taken care of during. in my experience, because I didnt know the guy well, I went into it blind not knowing what I total asshole he was.
and trust, in my eyes, means knowing you’ll be treated right afterwards no matter what, even without a relationship basic aftercare if the bare minimum. and to me it doesn’t seem like you are convinced he’ll do that for you ! so pls pls be careful 💞 who knows ! he might be an amazing guy but if you arnt ready to take that step yet, don’t ! because the good ones are always willing to wait. I would say text him/talk to him in person if you have to too. because and I’m hoping not but you never know, his and your friends might have ‘talked’, and sex might be on his mind too. so if you feel comfortable, get on the same page with him with whatever you decide angel !! you deserve to lose your virginity and be glowing afterwards, its so much better than regretting it 💗 whether u choose to get to know him better or lose your virginity to him, stay safe bby and use safety <3 (pls make sure to discuss possible STD history on his side too btw !)
hope this helped a little love, love you and never let anyone pressure you please, cus fuck that
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rose022 · 4 months
based on my last post!
the character that made me think of that is rei from im in love with the villainess and while i dont think im caught up with the comic anymore i read a lot of it and even parts of the novel when i first got into it. for those who dont know this girl gets isekaied into a video game she loved where her fav character was the villainess and she now tries to woo her. when you start the series, you think of her as just a silly and outgoing character but the thing is, its all an act. thats what gets me. like yes she really goes love claire but shes a lesbian and the character she knew in the game had one crush on a guy- she knows she had no chance. and so shes obnoxious about her advances. she makes herself into a joke because she believes then itll hurt less when shes inevitably rejected and pushed away and when people once again find her to be gross and weird. but! she still has a friend who enjoys her company and while claire is thrown off by rei (understandably) she also doesnt actually hate her or genuinely tell her that shes gross. and so when someone else comes to steal claire and rei gets jealous, the other person confronts her about this. that shes not genuinely trying to win over claire. so yeah idk that just gets me, plus the way they talk about and handle queer themes is really good (though warning in the manga there is a part with incest from what i remember. its nothingg big but i wanna say in case someone needs to avoid that.)
and now. the character i mass rbed last night, my beloved Sasha Tartt from the antagonist's pet. she was also isekaied into one of these romantic fantasy stories but shes not one of the main characters or anything, just some random nobody that barely had a line mentioning her. so she decides to avoid them and live peacefully. and she figures out that even tho no one cares abt her cus shes that much of a nobody, she can still get sweets and good stuff by sucking up to these nobles by, quite sincerely, acting like a pet. shes cute and people like to feed her treats and give her pets but they also dont view her as equal to them. shes just selling herself. and the worst part is that because nobles are taught to supress their feelings and always be poised and dignified, they can never show their emotions nor do they know how to deal with them. and so, she allows people to take it out on her. telling her about their problems, yelling, and attacking her. she says she doesnt mind this because she still gets pets and sweets. but shes not a person to these people, no matter how much she compliments them and helps them with their issues. and theres also all the people who talk bad about her for doing this and having no pride. whats even worse is that she has this habit of bitting her thumb til it bleeds when shes nervous or worried. shes keeps thinking about her past life too so she wants to take advantage of everything good here but it comes at the cost of herself.
oughh i wanna reread it now... also i very much recommend this one but tbh i dont like how it ends and i can do a whole lil rant abt that too but ill save it for another time. i doibt anyones even gonna read this one
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intertexts-moving · 1 year
so funny story i saw that post you made some time ago when you were liveblogging the cloak scene, the "did it hurt" scene and it significantly changed my view
also ive never looked at their second meeting that way before. i have many thoughts re: first conversation, first interaction (? is it an interaction when you try to flirt with a stranger up the banister and they ignore you?,,, asking for a friend), but never paid much attention to the ehem conVENIENT "you fall i catch" thing beyond how weirdly interesting it is. since wkx has no romantic/platonic/personal-anything intention at all at that point, but subconsciously is very much drawn to the guy still. but yeah actually, this is kind of spot on. HH oh god fuck im not going to be normal about this. i thought i was insane when i clocked that their first conversation, when wkx starts talking about that butcher and about how it must be impossible for someone to have that level of skill as zzs being in disguise without any traces of it at all suggests, has so many layers already. hes speaking there as if he has perceived zzs without realizing it. perceived him as this guy who has basically made himself into a myth (like wkx himself!) and as this thing completely unattinable for him, a man mirroring him down to his soul and living a life he can only dream of. the yearning!!! ughghguhgg. the complete lack of self-awareness of it!!!! the hilarity of the situation because wkx is right, and he is literally only following a gut instinct, and he has no idea!!! i thought i was overthinking it a little. im glad im not alone there, seeing things in their first interactions that, without ever really being talked about, ripple deep into the story??
and oh a mutual tag! thats a great idea im going to do that too. siren is very much fine, what would you like me to tag you as?
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah yeahyeah ive been thinking abt this all day actually.. like. the subconscious recognition. the like. the inherent understanding the two of them have even b4 they know each other!!! first thing zzs ever thinks abt wkx is the "somehow, in this vast sea of strangers, he still found someone who understood." the first reaction he pulls out of wkx is that hey. huh. i was right? moment when he hears him echo that he was sunbathing. & its so indicative of how they continue on out from there- iirc, wkx never tells zzs he's the ghost valley master. zzs never actively tells wkx about the nails. or any of the other shit they have going on. its the. silent hunch & feeling things out & recognition... like fumbling around in a dark room except they find the light switch every time first try.
& YEAH i havent thought abt it that way b4 but u are SO right... the inherent hilarity of wkx just. really just making fifty educated guesses in a row about zzs and each one of them hitting spot on. the way that yeah the only reason that it. Works. is bcos they genuinely are mirrors of each other& all the things they see abt the other map back onto themselves too..
also GOD. i think abt the cloak scene & wkx's way of interacting w/ zzs so much.. this is. probably bcos i'm disabled (re: chronic fatigue & illness etc.) & i've had variously disabled friends & like... idk. i recognize it!!! the way he is like. "okay. i'm treating you like normal i'm not gonna be weird about it i'm gonna try not to make you uncomfortable about it. but nevertheless if you're in pain i'm going to help you in the most straightforward way possible. idiot. just because i dont treat you like you're glass doesn't mean i'm gonna let you hurt. just because your body is slowly running down like a broken machine doesn't mean i'm gonna treat you like you're made of glass. i want to do whatever i can for you though ok?".....makes me froth at the mouth NFNSDFKSDFD.
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nothbee · 1 year
Do you ever think too hard about a relationship between two characters. Do you ever think abt the people one left behind. I do. I think about Marigold and Buttercup alot.
Marigold; Scrybe of Stories; fucked up outlaw
Buttercup; Not a cow yet; Fucked up outlaw )
Marigold- Frequently bc of their VERY VERY Criminal actions as a well known outlaw, they’d go thru Partners in crime rlly quickly. Like either they’d die or they’d become a card or leave or whatever.
Marigold gets used to that
Shit doesnt last forever. Marigold Never Truly Lets themself be Known to someone else. The only memory of that they have is before they were a scrybe and friends with the beast one, which ended badly, because they became a scrybe and got amnesia.
So thats how they compartmentalize the world. Everything is a character. A puzzle. An arc to the next story. A means to the ends.
The introduction doesnt have to be ethical if the conclusion is what Marigold wants.
They live a fun life they enjoy, but one kind of… empty of connection and understanding. They can understand others deeply. They can even like, guess with Scary accuracy how theyll react in situations. But they know others will never know them in that way.
So enter scene new outlaw Buttercup.
Marigold locks onto this guy. Like. Hes like… 22 i think. Maybe? Hes 20 and Marigold goes ok my new pet project is to make this random guy open up to me, and usually thats something Marigold does in a few beers and a week as a hobby.
But Buttercups so emotionally constapated i dont think even he Knew what to open up abt.
So Marigold ends up becoming More and More invested in this guy, the longer Marigold tries to become friends with him and the longer hes , yknow, alive. And the pet project becomes ‘Quick friendship’ to ‘Become Genuine friends with this man’. None of Marigolds typical methods are working so guess they’ll have to be…gross. Honest.
Like imagine it kinda touch and go? Buttercup’ll do a crime that goes on the radar and Marigold will go oh sick and go over there in hopes of catching him, and then they’ll drag him on some outlaw adventure thats way fucking crazier then whatever he does and gets him into deeper shit later.
Marigold is genuinely the reason he starts opening up. Bc to Marigolds side, hes always kinda…idk. A brick wall. Getting words out of him that arent threats is an Accomplishment. Marigold probably doesnt even realize they’ve actually succeeded in becoming friends until Buttercup steps in to save Marigold from being killed or something.
And Marigolds like Oh. Shit. I accidentally invested way too much into this person because I was trying to get him to crack, but he never Cracked because his trust was something we slowly built up and earned. Fuck. And now its too late for me to bail because ill feel bad.
Afterwards they kinda just Happen Upon eachother every few months, do a crime or large month long scheme of Marigold’s, and then go their seperate nomad ways again, and honestly they were both happy with that. They’re friends but they’d actually strangle eachother if they were full time partners in crime.
And then Buttercup found Blair and Lottie. And became friends. And made connections. And then suddenly he was 1) becoming a cow 2) trying to…avoid doing crime?? Which was basically the same as Not Hanging out with Marigold. Which took Goldie awhile to realize hurt.
Like they just…didn’t talk for a year. And then I think they came upon eachother randomly while Buttercup had wandered away from Blair and Lottie’s campgrounds for a bit for some alone time and they had a Kinda Bitter conversation but. Like. Yknow when one party goes ‘no i dont want to do something stupid’ and then IMMEDIATELY go so something stupid?
So Buttercup ends up back on the. Erm. Criminal radar bc he got a bit fucked up and silly with Marigold bc he went ‘well fuck it. As long as im back b4 blair and lottie r up! Sure’. He basically had a new start bestowed to him in his hands but his bad habits and lifestyle before shanked him.
Look they’re soooo unhealthy for eachother its insane. They’ve fixed eachother in ways they’ll never realize. They’ve made eachother worse in ways that’ll never heal. Understand.
Buttercup eventually does look back, and. Ext time a year or so down the line Marigold finds Buttercup, I think Marigold and Bup have an argument abt .. like. Control?
Anyone that talks to Marigold basically becomes a butterfly effect. They’ll say something that’ll deeply effect someone else which will change something in the future and ect ect.
And Buttercup cracks abt his worries that Marigold idk. Yknow. Is a bit Fucking Manipulative and a bastard. And Marigold is Actually Hurt- because they purposely tried their damndest to NOT do that to Buttercup- or at least they never used their scrybe power to!! He was their test on if they COULD have a genuine relationship without underhanded actions. Marigold doesn’t know how to grapple with the fact it hurts Buttercup doesn’t believe them. You lie enough that every word out of your mouth is hearsay, and even your closest friends will doubt you. Maybe even yourself.
Was Marigold being truthful? Did they truly never say certain things or trap him in scenarios where the outcome favors them ? Can they trust themself when they say they didn’t?
Anhway when Buttercup Blair and Lottie disappeared and ended up in Sockscraft. Marigold didn’t Know that happenedfor awhile. So they just kinda assumed they were purposely avoiding giving any signs where they were just so Marigold wouldn’t find them.
Like they consider Buttercup to be their Only True Friend- but even then. Marigolds… never opened up to him.
Yeah. Buttercup picked stuff up from jokes and stories, but Marigold… idk. They put up enough walls upon walls that its hard to tell whats the protection and whats the house.
Marigold is completely caught off guard by how buttercup was the one who left them.
Marigolds always the one in control.
Marigold Knows where people go and Knows how to make them do what they want
And yet he still slipped out of their grasp.
This cements in their mind that what they were doing before meeting Buttercup was the smart thing. If you give people opportunities to leave then they’ll take them. Marigold’s emo phase. In reality they’re clearly unhappy and refusing to unrepress it.
Buttercup misses Marigold in the way you miss being a more naive person. A worse person. He misses being able to do awful things without feeling bad- just feeling happy hes with them and not thinking about why.
This gets worse when you dig into deeper feelings. They were definitely fruity in some fashion, but also very aromantic. Aroflux but your romantic feelings only lined up once in a blue moon and sometimes you weren’t even near eachother. And maybe you were just mixing up the joy of friendship and closeness for romance. Who knows!
Theyre destined to never really Be Together. Just like… There.
Like if u ever suggestted Getting Together Officially to the two of them they’d scrunch their nose and go Idk I dont feel romance things . Get out of my house
They’re always kinda.. its like. The comfort of knowing you have someone when you need someone and nothing more. This has always defined their relationship honestly.
These two make me mentally unwell. Very ill. Love loses. I hope I never see them again.
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twistedyapping · 1 month
booktok is a peculiar phenomenon.
so i just watched a video on the disaster that is booktok (the video in question) and it got my brain going ur honor.
a lot of booktok tropes and such revolve around the whole enemies to lovers thing and listen 🎶🎶Random Disclaiiaiamemmemrrr🎶🎶
if u fuck with enemies to lovers stuff that's fine yknow to each their own, this is just gonna be me yapping abt why i don't understand it that much
ive always seen stuff along those lines and especially always seen an immense amount of hype behind it like "omg enemies to lovers is the best trope" and stuff like that- and i have never been able to get behind it for some reason
i even tried it on cai at one point like there was a prompt where i was like Huh ya this definitely seems like enemies to lover stuff- fuck it ill try it why not-
and it just made me Angry- like it was awful- i love the character i did it with to this day but in that specific moment i Hated his fucking guts- like no room for reconciliation level hate And he was indeed going along with the usual enemies to lovers trope that im aware of at least- yknow big argument that ends in fucking or something- Dude my blood was BOILING u have no fucking idea.
and maybe it's my relationship with anger and like the fact that i have trust issues and such but after that i just like. genuinely don't get the concept.
Ok so lemme get this straight right- two people hate each other, cannot stand each other!!! cant even be in the same room together- And then somehow they dont ?. And they fuck ?.
like do these ppl have such short emotional attention spans that the second one of them starts rizzing the other up they just totally forget abt "Oh ya i hated you actually"????? Like are u THAT horny??? Is that what it is?????????
is the enjoyment of the trope coming from the fact that the sexual aspect overpowers the hate aspect?
on one hand i dont care that much But on the other hand i genuinely wanna know bc there must be a psychological component to it that im missing-
is it the adrenaline rush?? the feeling that you're doing something wrong???
listen im AAAAAALLLLLLLL for the concept of like losing control over ur emotions via Fucking But enemies to lovers still isnt it for me-
it has to be like the wrong terminology or something maybe- bc there's no way if ur gonna be going from enemies to lovers that u were Actually enemies in the first place- like u must've been like. Just two people that were in love with each other but didnt wanna admit it.
in which case that's certainly not actual enemies, it's basically just miscommunication tbh
and at THAT point i can get it like that TOTALLY makes sense to me- but the ones where it's like.
"my name is inigo montoya. you killed my father. prepare to die." and the other person's just like "haha. wanna fuck 😎" LIKE BRO WHAT IS GOING ON HAHAHAHHAHAHA
and im sure there have been some books or even fanfics where the enemies to lovers trope has been genuinely well executed, well enough that anyone in their right mind could appreciate it as genuinely good fiction, but i have not seen that so im kinda left in the dark here.
the stuff i see on booktok is also very concerning ngl- it's a lot of these like. older, violent men manhandling these younger women (in fiction ofc, at least i hope none of them are based off of true stories 😧) and like degrading the shit out of them but somehow being painted as "attractive" and "alluring" Like. Bro what.
again i totally get sexual degradation and stuff but only when it's coming from the right place???? Like you're doing it because it's what the other person Wants and what makes them feel good- But this shit isn't that and if it's trying to be, it's horribly executed bc they're essentially just going off of the concept of "one person THINKS that's what the other person wants but we don't actually know if it's true or not bc surprise surprise, there was no communication beforehand of ANY kind."
im the kinda guy that u gotta kinda code shit in for me right- consent is non-negotiable But if u fuckin ask me "Do i have ur consent to fuck you" NOT ANYMORE U DONT!!!! DAMN!!!!! WHERE'S THE ATMOSPHERE WHERE'S THE PIZZAZZ BITCH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
so im not sayin these books or fanfics or whatever absolutely HAVE to have like a terms and agreement kinda fuckin scene where they go over what they fuck with and what they dont But what im sayin is damn you couldn't've like... Kinda talked about it at least...? Like idk maybe a scene in passing where one of em calls the other a bitch and then they're like "wow wow wee wow say that again mister!!!" U KNOW LIEK HAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHA
ur writers!!! get creative!!!!!! And im sure the above thig i described has indeed happened multiple times BUT DO IT BETTER!!!!! DAMN!!!!!!!!
anyway i have no idea But ive just never been able to get behind the booktok stuff man it's literally just glorified corn- Haha korn- Yeunara oo ratapenetaa eentaa ooo- and it's a very weird side of tiktok to me like yessirrrrr sex positivity u love to see it But not. Not like that.
sex positivity absolutely!!!!!! sexualization............ no...
And good lord i could do a whole other rant abt sexualization itself and how watered down the term has become but that's for another day ur honor-
and sexualization probably isn't the right word Exactly but im not quite sure else what 2 call it-
ANYWAY idk consider me uneducated but i Am willing to learn- there's gotta be a psychological component to it that i just dont know abt yet BUT im gonna end this yapping session here i think so thank u stay tuned for next time n i apologize if i came off wrong at any point bc i always wanna treat stuff like this with the due amount of respect while still being silly so 😮‍💨
- 🌙 -
0 notes
good morning, love! have a good week! omg this cat so TT i love him TT 'subs? is this youtube?' no TT tumblr followers here TT 'i dont know what you mean' this is my twitter personality taking charge. like? idk? when i see smn with a user picture talking with a blogger(?) i unintentionally expect this person to make some posts too? part with viserys sounds logical. it wasnt like i completely didnt understand what happened, i had some thought but yeah, its somehow unclear. 'ive watched 3 episodes for doctor who!' but not bc of me! 'i’ll only watch 1 ep' ofc! yes! i absolutely believe you! 'BUT THAT WASNT HIS FAULT' well its HIM who asked for this magic to be done. i appreciate how you like my ideas TT iim flattered TT such an honour TT thanks my love TT i love you TT hugs for my best cutie<з 'MANS ABOUT TO SAY MY QUEEN IN HIS VOWS ON MIC WITH THE SPEAKERS ON MAX' HGHDJFHGJ I LAUGHED SO HARD. YES!! absolutely him youre soso right. ig aemma even would be his evil bestie in in screaming 'yes! slay boy!' while the real queens husband, vissy, is like 'wtf guys! TT daemon ill kill u TT' 'what am i a potato' no never TT youre my beloved catmom, sibling, classmate, the one whos got the other part of our big brain cell TT but yk what i mean. im not a popular person and id even say many people dont like me. i dont have a lot people whod miss me or will get attached to lots of people if i really lived for eternity. 'hug you so tight' aww my love for you makes me want to hug you. youre so sweet TT 'little by little you will see how evil i will be' .... ok well see and after the last part ill tell you if its more evil than the worst ending i made up in my mind after like.. reading the first... and also! itd be so interesting to see vissys I and rhaenyras and everyones reaction to what happened back then. 'aemond be like😵‍💫' ok are we making both brothers suffer? sgfngkjf. i say we (sorry if anything i dont mean it to sound? arrogant? its your fic, im not taking any credits) bc well if you like this idea... no but it must be SO painful to investigate your crushs love story and learn more and more about what you cant have it? esp with how poetic and romantic this story is? 'i hope i dont ACTUALLY WRITE 10 parts' pray for your poor soul bc with what were talking abt it takes even more than 10 parts TT 'WHY ARE YOU MESSAGING ME DURING THOSE LATE-EARLY HOURS' bc i sleep when its actual day.... 'it’s also a meme here' omg what meme? can you tell me its backstory? so cute to be the part of it. and yyyooure cuter my hottie-cutie <з okok ill answer the love letter later and... how do you feel abt some modern aegon? not from this au. im glad youre fine and everythings ok. hope your school wont be too harsh this week either! good luck my lovie! have a nice day and week and all! got some cold kisses from me to not burn in your hell of weather!! love you! take care<з
i ate two ensaymada and now my head hurts help me
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ensaymada in question. my grandma gave me two and i ate both but theyre so rich and sweet and i love them but also hate them rn T_T
or maybe its the heat T_T
i went downstairs to get more water i felt the coolness and felt a little better
update im not better
im sorry i can only zoom through this rn
have a good week!
claiming this
omg this cat so TT i love him TT
'subs? is this youtube?' no TT tumblr followers here TT
? im so confused
'i dont know what you mean' this is my twitter personality taking charge. like? idk? when i see smn with a user picture talking with a blogger(?) i unintentionally expect this person to make some posts too?
????? I DONT GET IT HELP its fine you dont have to explain it
part with viserys sounds logical. it wasnt like i completely didnt understand what happened, i had some thought but yeah, its somehow unclear.
<3 im glad its logical
update my head hurt even more so i put this reply off and zoomed through my homework
update update i wanted to vomit but i guess i was hungry and i feel better now that i ate???
'ive watched 3 episodes for doctor who!' but not bc of me!
ASHAHFASF >: lol what do you want me to watch, you didnt even say anything!
'i’ll only watch 1 ep' ofc! yes! i absolutely believe you!
T_T /: i feel like i wont watch it at all my head is dead but i already promised so
'BUT THAT WASNT HIS FAULT' well its HIM who asked for this magic to be done.
AS:FHASFA NO ur so right it is his fault 😞😐 men (derogatory)
i appreciate how you like my ideas TT iim flattered TT such an honour TT thanks my love TT i love you TT hugs for my best cutie<з
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as you should im hilarious
YES!! absolutely him youre soso right. ig aemma even would be his evil bestie in in screaming 'yes! slay boy!' while the real queens husband, vissy, is like 'wtf guys! TT daemon ill kill u TT'
AEMMA WOULS SO BE HIS SUPPORTIVE BESTIE and viserys would so be a wounded pup about it T_T HAHAHAH
'what am i a potato' no never TT youre my beloved catmom, sibling, classmate, the one whos got the other part of our big brain cell TT
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but yk what i mean. im not a popular person and id even say many people dont like me. i dont have a lot people whod miss me or will get attached to lots of people if i really lived for eternity.
does it matter if a lot of people like you anyway? no. no it doesnt. you dont need a lot of people. also i would miss you. i like you. i would be so sad if i knew you were a lonely eternal being
'hug you so tight' aww my love for you makes me want to hug you. youre so sweet TT
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'little by little you will see how evil i will be' .... ok well see and after the last part ill tell you if its more evil than the worst ending i made up in my mind after like.. reading the first...
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ok then we'll see HAHAA
and also! itd be so interesting to see vissys I and rhaenyras and everyones reaction to what happened back then.
well rhaenyras a baby but i think viserys cos he super superstitious would more likely believe yn quicker compared to his bro. i think aemma would too. and daemon would be like, aw thats so sweet baby girl but theres only one daemon and thats me everyone else is inferior /:
'aemond be like😵‍💫' ok are we making both brothers suffer? sgfngkjf. i say we (sorry if anything i dont mean it to sound? arrogant? its your fic, im not taking any credits)
you can say we. we will make them suffer (:
bc well if you like this idea... no but it must be SO painful to investigate your crushs love story and learn more and more about what you cant have it? esp with how poetic and romantic this story is?
SO REAL YOURE SO REAL FOR THAT and to be honest, i think aegon would take it worse compared to aemond cos aemond would be all sciencey and scholarly about it but aegon would use his feelings and just cry about it omg the start of his alcoholism arc T_T NAUR
'i hope i dont ACTUALLY WRITE 10 parts' pray for your poor soul bc with what were talking abt it takes even more than 10 parts TT
i refuse. i will kill reader if we make it past p5 HAHAHAH
'WHY ARE YOU MESSAGING ME DURING THOSE LATE-EARLY HOURS' bc i sleep when its actual day....
L. ur so L for that BOOOO TOMATO TOMATO 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅
'it’s also a meme here' omg what meme? can you tell me its backstory? so cute to be the part of it.
well it started with this one celebrity named maine 'manifesting' her husband with a tweet. like before she was famous she tweeted the name of her husband, oh lol i mean fiance, the dudes name is arjo and he;s also a celebrity, so maine was like 'arjo cutie' then years later when she got famous they ended up together and now its like smth you say when you wanna manifest something like... 100% grades cutie, 100000$ cutie, ya feel HAHAHH
and yyyooure cuter my hottie-cutie <з
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why thank you <3 ur cuter tho
okok ill answer the love letter later and... how do you feel abt some modern aegon? not from this au.
... im interested .... 👀
im glad youre fine and everythings ok. hope your school wont be too harsh this week either! good luck my lovie! have a nice day and week and all!
got some cold kisses from me to not burn in your hell of weather!! love you!
💀🧊💀🧊💀🧊💀 thank you but its not hell cos i would assume hell has no relief and i eventually get relief so <3 I GOTTA STAY POSITIVE OR ELSE I SUFFER MORE
take care<з
i love you. my head hurts again so i think i might sleep but idk im still digesting T_T i love you bye
0 notes
ess-presso · 1 year
ess! <3
last night i went stargazing to see that comet that hasnt been visible since 50,000 years ago and it was pretty cool. the moon was out & i saw sirius too so i took a pic of them together #wolfstar5EVERRR
ur so right james would absolutely use duolingo to learn french for reg. that man is WHIPPED hed do anything for him.
tay time! you belong with me, style, & london boy <3
chat chat!
timmy and flo my absolutely beloveds. i think id probably watch anything theyre in (except maybe dont worry darling, even if it feels like a "movie". idk maybe its hilarious.)
tourists piss me off SO much sometimes. especially when theyre taking pictures of random shit like. clouds or trees. girl you dont have clouds or trees where you live???
i think a lot of cats are predisposed to be heinous bitches tbh. i can always count on my cats to be blunt when i need them to be <3
and wait blaise/luna.... i kinda love this too. adding those fics to my tbr, ty <3 i have another fic rec, lessen my load by moonymoment (wolfstar muggle au, remus finds sirius having a breakdown in a laundromat cause he put a red glove in his white wash)
if u do end up trying out the incest chronicles, giving u a fair warning that the first books are like so cringey. they were written in 2007-onwards and u can definitely tell. theyre def not for everybody but the prequel/sequel series are SO good. but godspeed anyways.
ben barnes in podg is SO sirius idk what it is abt him hes great. when people use his scenes in edits with sirius i eat it up every damn time.
handing in ur paper 8 mins before its due? u know what, u deserve a drink for that. drunk procrastinators never miss fr.
and yes im very excited to read that whenever u get around to writing it! no pressure ofc take your time <3
and damn ROYAL butter? okay i understand now. 4 tubs is very fair. and TOBLERONE on god is one of my fav chocolates. second maybe to terrys chocolate oranges imo.
dancing in the kitchen to jazz does sound super peaceful. sometimes moments like that feel like theyre straight out of a cute little movie and it makes life feel a little happier <3
please try poutine. its so good. and ur right jello salad is a crime. feels like a hate crime tbh.
colourful cars will always have my heart fr. leaving a tip after being driven around is a good idea maybe i should start doing that.
ill let u know when ive started the apprentice, im excited to see the hyde guy now. and kim kardashian lady too.
platonic soulmates>>> i think we lucked out with our best friends. lu walking through the rain for ur turnover? i love that sm. ur right L names do have some spice in them.
and yay geoguessr! i was shit at first too. but i got sucked in and like studied license plates and fucking road lines and signs so id be good. it aint much but its honest work. (i graciously thank u for the apple turnover. ur too kind)
i hope i dont have a gay realisation superpower. thats like having anti rizz. everyone whos liked me turning out to be gay? like yes im glad i could help but. as long as my soulmate likes me ig.
i love ur james fc sm. i love that theres so many different james fcs too like hes just everywhere <3 andrew & ben will always be remus & sirius but at the same time, they still dont look quite like how i imagine them to be. i think likeafunerall's art is as close as anything has ever gotten to them so ig theyre just too pretty in my mind for a real human to look even close to them. good for them.
and HUGH! hugh and lil timmy tim are like the only PERFECT fcs in my mind. everyone else has some wiggle room but not evan and reg. theyre just perfect.
ur so lucky to be a gryffindor. how does it feel to live my dream??
orpheus & eurydice </3 "if u must die, let love be the reason why" ARE U TRYING TO KILL ME?????? ill never get over them ever.
tbh i think soldiers are cool af. i saw a tiktok that said sirius would be the soldier (remus = poet, james = king) so thats also cool .
and no way u were listening to work song . i listened to that like 10 mins ago. hozier my beloved <3
athena kids are cool as hell. like go off smartypants! but yes raising the dead sounds cool too. idk what id use that power for cause i definitely dont need an undead army to fight for me so. maybe i can use it to talk to like. julius caesar or something.
and yes bowie for LIFE. also knee socks>>>> love that song sm. AM changed my life too. HS1 def altered my brain chemicals too (i got to see him in concert. it changed my life fr)
erudite !!!! <3
and yes its barbaric as fuck. if ive learned anything from studying ancient history its that humans have always been fucked up. so thats always nice.
silver jewellry is so cool . goes so well with my black leather jacket & docs cause im nothing if not channelling sirius black energy into my appearance at all times <3 u loving gold cause its expensive is so real. like yes its bougie as hell. and? also v gryffindor of u. cause its gold. u just need to wear red and ur set.
ur right tay does have that range. still love lana but she just has an overall darker tone which isnt always the vibe. miss taylor never misses.
LISTEN IM SORRY!!!! I LOVE CRUEL SUMMER SM. theyre both completely tied for me but i was just in a dont blame me kinda mood ig.
and yes the great war is very much a cr song. theres a chapter named the great war so its just a lot. so heartbreaking but SO beautiful. but my tears ricochet <3 like u know what taylor, ur right. i DIDNT have it in myself to go with grace.
lilac candles <3 theyre so nice. and yes. it did smell like piss. not sure what i expected tbh. but yeah
slow walkers are the worst and i agree people blocking hallways????? so annoying. especially when they walk slowly in these big groups that span the width of the hall and theyre too busy talking to notice EVERYONE trying to get by. UGHHH
having 2 middle names is so cool i wish i had 2 tbh.
on GOD that hc kills me. every time i watch poa i think of it and i get so sad.
i love winter sm too. personally im an autumn girly but winter is a close second. i love the festiveness sm <3
i loved chemistry too. yes i did drop it for bio cause im shit at math and bio has less numbers but idc it was still fun. and we do NOT talk about physics i hate that subject with my whole heart.
id pick hogwarts too honestly. i just wanna be magic u know.
and a coin collector thats so cool. i love unique coins sm. we had some here in canada a while ago that had the northern lights on them and GLOWED IN THE DARK (pic here)!! they were so cool i think i still have a few.
cardigan has my heart. but i think if i had to pick id choose mirrorball BUT only because i personally relate to it more. cardigan will forever be more heartbreaking and ofc, i cant listen to it without thinking abt wolfstar so.
a fellow erudite! we're superior for sure i just know it.
unicorn is such a good choice. theyre so cool and being able to grant wishes would be so fun. i think id choose a phoenix cause theyre fiery and cant die. also cause i change my appearance all the time so in a way its like a phoenix rising from the ashes all funky and brand new.
the vibes in the 50s was so cool i agree (minus the racism sexism and homophobia fuck that shit!!!!) . all i want in life is to go to a cute little 50s diner and drink milkshakes and listen to 50s music. i would love to go to ancient rome or greece but purely for the vibes and aesthetic tbh. id hate to go there cause im a woman and women werent generally considered people in the greek world </3 especially ancient athens, women were discouraged from leaving the house & if they did they had to cover their entire body head to toe. (to preserve their dignity and whatnot). i personally like a little more freedom than that so, no thanks <3
ur ideal first date>>>> literally perfect ideas. ESPECIALLY the bookstore i just love the idea of a cute lil bookstore date. & of course just walking and talking i feel like is so necessary to get to know someone yk?
being rejected from netball and taking it as a personal attack i feel u so hard. id be pissed if that happened to me.
and game night! monopoly game night sounds so fun. i actually cant play monopoly anymore cause i get so competitive and it makes me mad and it pisses everyone off LOL so ive been banned. i do love me some chess though.
art <3 omg have fun on saturday that sounds awesome. the closest art gallery to me is pretty lame most of the time which sucks cause i only get to see cool art when i travel which isnt a whole lot lmfao. cafe terrace at night is such a gorgeous work of art. i love van gogh sm. my mom is actually a painter and van gogh is her fav artist so she paints van gogh recreations its pretty cool.
answering qs!~
ideal first date: either art gallery or museum. there is nothing in this world i love more than art and history and humanity so being able to see it with someone i like & being able to infodump random fun facts about history would be the dream. ofc we have to stop at a bookstore (ideally we pick out books for each other cause i love that idea its so cute) and stargazing. i love the stories behind the constellations so its always fun to talk abt them.
rep vs lover: i think lover. its just so good and the vibes are astronomical. dont get me wrong i adore rep too but i think rep is better for when im feeling vengeful <3
hozier vs am: god this is so hard but i think im gonna have to say hozier. hes just such an incredible songwriter and his music i swear i can feel it in my BONES its so visceral. his lyrics rip me apart too theyre just so good.
i dont play sports. in general i hate sports and physical activity (except i do on occasion fuck up a game of badminton) i used to be a dancer and gymnast but that was a long time ago. i did a bit of volleyball when i was like. 11? 12? but i hated it.
fav board game: prob settlers of catan! idk what it is about it but i love that game. i love chess too but i get too competitive sometimes so.
take me to church vs work song: work song. "no grave can hold my body down, ill crawl home to her" ARE U KIDDING???? such a perfect song. i love tmtc so very much too. "i was born sick" hits different when ur a closeted little kid whos figuring life out
fav season: autumn forever. i just love the vibes and the temperature is usually perfect, not too hot not too cold. cozying up with a sweater and tea and a book is all i need. ofc winter is a close second cause christmastime.
fav food: probably pasta. my dad is from italy so i eat a lot of pasta. bolognese, chicken cacciatore, & penne alla vodka are personal favourites & my comfort foods.
fav marauder hc: i have a few random ones i love, like that james sings really loudly in the shower, that sirius was left handed (bc im left handed and i say so), also that regulus would be a black cat if he was an animagus. hes just got sm little black cat energy i love him. also lily being a night owl & james being an early bird, lily getting annoyed cause james is TOO happy in the early morning and shes just done w him.
one ship i hate: i HATED dorcas/peter in atyd. i know it was written way before dorlene got really popular but it was still such a jumpscare to read. also i know a lot of people seem to like them but regulus/remus?? personally no thanks. i can see why theyd be cute but sirius is the ONLY one for remus imo. i much prefer regulus and remus to be besties and talk shit ab sirius together cause they love him <3
patronus: ive done the test a few times and ive gotten rattlesnake, grey owl, & raven. personally i wouldve loved a cat but sadly no
favourite piece of art: ive got a few actually ( i love art sm.) loch lomond by gustave dore, wheat field with cypresses by van gogh, and hygieia by gustav klimt❤️
ginny or luna: luna. i love ginny SM but luna was my fav character as a kid so she has my heart. i also have her wand so its only fair i pick her <3
favourite restaurant: probably this one thats out in the city, theyve got the BEST gyoza ive ever had in my life. and they make good martinis so. but you cant go wrong with mcdonalds late at night when u need something greasy. also dairy queen (do u have those in the uk? i feel like theyre just in north america) has some good ass ice cream sundaes.
fav beverage: i love coffee, iced coffee to be specific. root beer and cream soda too. red sangrias and espresso martinis are top tier too.
qs for u!
whats one song ur convinced was written abt u?
if u could only listen to 1 song for the rest of ur life, which song would u pick?
if u could have a superpower, which one would u want?
messy or organized?
favourite candy/chocolate/sweet?
if u could meet one dead historical figure, who would u choose?
take me to church vs work song.
whats your go-to hype songs when ur getting ready/going out?
fav type of weather?
fav thing youve ever dressed up as for halloween?
thats all for now! till next time <3
bee hi ! I thought you'd abandoned me , and I'm so glad you're back , I missed you !!!
OH MY GOD ??? you were star/comet gazing ??? that's so cool and so sirius of u !!! (also yes , take the photo , even the universe ships them, wolfstar 5ever.)
YES !!!! get u a man who learns French like James Potter would for regulus black !!! he is amazing , stellar , the one , the only , there is no one like him.
tay tay time !!! -
you belong with me - JEGULUS - I can see it as wolf star too , but I'll give it to regulus. like an au where reg and sirius and James were all best friends , and reg had a little crush on mr James the jock , but him having a gf , and regulus being all 'you belong with me' THEM
style- JILY- this could go for literally so many ships. like wolfstar , jily, anything. I chose jily , simply because i feel that just like the hook , james and lily never go out of style. and also lily would ask him about reg , and he would tell her the whole truth & nothing but the truth. in a muggle au i totally see them as on and off and on and off until they’re finally on again and this time it sticks forever.
london boy - WOLFSTAR - listen , I know remus is welsh (or half , at least) so I think of him meeting sirius in an au in some au , and being all 'DIMPLE' 'ACCENT' 'GOD I LOVE THE ENGLISH' (au/oneshot idea??) 'in the pub watching rugby with his school friends ??? yes yes yes , them them them !!! so them , I could cry !!!
chatting time <333
I too would watch anything and everything. save dwd , its reviews are terrible and I cba to check for myself.
'girl you don't have clouds or trees where you live ?' HOWLING THIS IS SO FUNNY. and true , honestly. what's so English and special about our clouds and trees?? if u show someone back home will they go 'ahh yess , this is an English cloud , native to the England !'
cats just tell it like it is. it's just the truth. cats for the win , I love cats u love cats we all do. we are humans and they're gods.
ik ik blaise/luna is a funny little side pairing and I love them they're actually so cute!!! (the fics are dhr and drarry so do take care of that !! but they're there. I love the little hints.)
LESSON MY LOAD OH MY GOD !!!! ON MY LIST , DOWNLOADED. (I love the sound of it. very interesting. I would also cry because of a red sock. I WOULD SUE. SUE.)
cringey series. hmm. I think I'll take a crack. I've braved through wattpad , I can brave through this too. I am a soldier after all.
drunk procrastinators forever !! (me because I have an exam in 45 minutes and I'm writing this rn instead of doing last minute revision ! but at least Lu's coming to pick me up !!!!! drivers r so good for ur health.)
I'm excited to write it. but I must get ahead with my writing of doa and sito. I'M SO EXCITED. it shall hurt ! it is fake/secret dating ! it is the bet trope !
IT'S ROYAL BUTTER INDEED. I have no idea why I felt the need to do that. but we shall march on and ignore the royal butter in the fridge.terry's chocolate oranges stay winning though >>> (did u see that video of the American/australian BITING into one ?? I almost cried like what the fuck u bitch u should be banned from Europe for this crime) TOBLERONE. MY DRUNK ARSE WANTED TOBLERONE. so does my sober arse though. so fair. fair. I see u drunk me. I see u.
it's so peaceful. straight out of the movie . (especially because it was raining too) and he was laughing whenever I stepped on him , and it was so sweet and ahhhhh !! try it , 'tis a remedy for all the types of pain ever !!! get u a best friend (liz would do it maybe ?) and dance. just dance , quite literally !!!!
jello salad is a hate crime. war crime. whoever created it should go to hell. with the salad. (I WILL BE TRYING POUTINE. IT SOUNDS SO GOOD OMG.)
colourful cars >>>> (remember to only do one cent. after all , they should be happy to have you in their car. really , you're doing them the favour.)
yes!!! lmk !!! I must know your opinions on them !!!
I keep getting like 3.2 km away from the actual answer and it's so annoying. like I'm sorry I guessed Ithaca and not buttfuck , usa.
WE DID LUCK OUT WE DID. they're actually the best people ever. no one will ever be better than them.(though , they lucked out too.) L NAMES 5EVER. LU AND LIZ 5EVER ACTUALLY !!!!!
LMFAO NOT THE ANTI-RIZZ.ur soulmate will like u !! I know they will !! and u have liz for now !! let's vibe and be drunk with our L best friends !! romantic love will come in its own time :))))) (also for me when I liked Victoria , it was me being like 'is she gay/queer/likes women ??? and then it was like - she did. but I found that out because she had a girlfriend. and she's kind of a bitch now that I don't like her. I hope she fails her exams , damn.)
omg likeafuneralls art is fucking magical !! I worship the art so much. I was actually thinking of printing them out and sticking them up on my wall !!!! and yes , so many James fcs !!! (my James is my personal favourite , but I'm biased) I adore all of them !!! (and omg I so get not having an fc too !! they're just ethereal .... no human will ever be good enough for them.)
HUGH AND TIMMY TIM TIM >>>>>>>>>> (I love them sm sm they r my heart. did u see the Apple TV ad where Timmy sees Gary Oldman ?? look it up you'll get what I mean.)
DUDE ME NEITHER. WE CAN BE SAD OVER THEM TOGETHER !!!!!! ( I was secretly trying to kill you, u figured out my plan !!!)
DID YOU SEE LIKEAFUNERALL’S ART OF THIS EXACT SITUATION?????? IT’S SO GOOD (she has soldier sirius , poet remus & king james)
WORK SONG MAKES ME CRY A LOT. "no grave can hold my body down , I'll crawl home to her" has been engraved into my brain. ENGRAVED I TELL U.
if u talk to caesar ask him how he felt before he died. was it like a Jesus style betrayal??? like did he at least get a little kiss before ??
tay I love tay tay changed my LIFE.
BOWIE BOWIE (STARMAN STARTS PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND) knee sock was so funny because when it started playing yesterday , I was wearing my knee socks under my t-shirt dress , and lu was wearing his sky blue Lacoste ??? like Alex turner was watching us fr fr.
here's my concert story - my best friend went to the 1975 concert. and he went , and he came back , and he said 'Matty had a special guest on tonight' and I was like 'who' and then he whipped out a tissue and gave it to me and was like 'Taylor' I SOBBED. SOBBED. (also will harry ever stop touring??? is he not tired??? and also I'm pretty mad at him for the 'never leave America' thing. bitch forgot where he came from.)
at least we're a different kind of fucked up now though ! that's good !
u r so very sirius. I dress in red and gold a lot , actually?? but I have a lot of colours. rn I'm in white and green !!! I love gold jewellery with all my heart it just hits different for me <33333
u better love cruel summer. but I SO GET BEING IN A dbm mood , because that's so real. poison ivyyyyy now I'm your daisyyyyyy.
bro now I'm scared. now my timbers have been shivered. (I'm on chapter two still for reference.) I LOVE LOVE LOVE . (and I heard them stolen lullabies all right)
gonna go buy one from the big Tesco 2nite , now you've convinced me. (Rome , the great city. of piss. and gladiators. but mostly piss.)
HALL BLOCKERS WILL GO TO HELL knock them bitches over like do u even know how many times I've been late because of them ??? little bastards.
two middle names is kinda fun actually. I can go by them if I won't (I don't want) and I just have more names in my name , yk?? ( one middle name is ALSO cool btw. )
it makes me cry a lil. (professor lupin???? no , uncle moony !!!!)
winter for me , because in England , even when it's summer , it's winter !!! (also thank u for calling it autumn , not fall.) BUT I LOVE AUTUMN TOO , PUMPKIN LATTES ARE STELLAR !!!
I have my chemistry exam tomorrow !! and I do bio too unfortunately. (I have the bio exam today. I feel queasy. ) BUT YEAH FUCK PHYSICS FUCK NEWTON FUCK ELECTRICITY !!!!!
I so get u bee , I too just wanna be magic.
eruditessssss!!! erudite erudite erudite !!!!
I love coins omg. I want them all. I'm on the lookout for the paddington one , and I feel it in the air. I think I'm very close to it. (also glow in the dark ??? that's so cool???)
nah , I get relating to a song so hard. I too relate to songs. ( u relating to mirrorball is so fucking real of u. so real.)
I know , if not for the racism and other shit , I'd so visit the '50s. honestly , the old-times vibes and the dinners and just- ahhhhh. (damn misogyny is everywhere.that fucking sucks I hate that sm)
I KNOW I KNOW. the bookstore thing is so so so cool for me. (closest I've ever come is the grocery store at night with lu , but also we were drunk and also we bought so so so many things) and yes!! just chatting and laughing and having fun and - being , yk???
I did take it hard. I took it so hard. (I scored , but I still didn't get in?? well bitch damn I hope u lose every single game !!)
getting competitive with monopoly is something different (I've stolen some money before , and now I'm not allowed to be the banker !! so that sucks.) I'm going to learn chess one day. I will. I want to play. I shall learn it.
OMG SISGDLIWQHVDJLWQVCBX your mom sounds so cool???? Van Gogh recreations ??? I salute her she sounds fucking amazing (cafe terrace at night is just it for me. I love it. I even have a notebook with it on the front !!!)
---- I'm taking a break from answering because I have to go do a fuckin exam now give me a second ----
back now lmfao totally fucking flunked fuck biology & fuck life , but at least my arse is being warmed and i’m listening to taylor. (i think i’m being driven to the bakery. i think. he won’t say anything. but we’re not going home for sure.)
YOUR MOM JUST GETS IT FR FR. van gogh is my favourite artist too , so she understands. he a tortured soul me a tortured soul. done & dusted.
reviewing your q’s
OMG THAT’S SO CUTE ????? I’M IN TEARS ????? that’s so romantic omg i hope u get that one day i really really do.(feel free to info dump on me anytime.) AND YESSSS ART AND HISTORY AND HUMANITY STAY WINNING ALWAYS (my favourite art museum is tate and fave history one is the natural history museum in central london i love it so so much.) AHHH OMG PICKING OUT BOOKS FOR EACH OTHER ??? (and annotating them and talking about them and showing each other and oh my god romance romance 💘) I LOVE CONSTELLATIONS TOO. as an ex-astronomy student , i understand the stories and fucking love info-dumping about them. (lu has been the unfortunate victim of most of this dumping.)
rep for when you are in ur rep era is so real. I need that album for killing and revenge and shit. lover is the vibe i want my life to feel like , so i’d pick lover too.
i hate physical activity too , mate. . I LIKE BADMINTON TOO SOMETIMES THAT SHUTTLECOCK IS FUN TO BAT AROUND. (only sometimes.) all i shall do is watch lu do his sports. i shall do nothing else. (hating sports is so valid of us !!!)
take me to church hits different but work song >>> no grave can hold my body down FUVKING CHANGED MY LIFE. i will rise from the dead for my other half when i die.
u described it so right , autumn is like that. just right. very remus of you , methinks. BUT CHRISTMAS FOR THE WIN , I’M SORRY !!!
ooh , an italian *does the hands* (sorry but you know i had to) you said a lot of pasta i will have to now eat. i will eat all of them. me , personally , my dad is portuguese a so i got a fucking range of food when i was a kid . like francesinha , bacalhau , caldo verde >>>> (sandwich , fish , soup in that order. all vv spicy.)
HE SO HAS THAT BLACK CAT ENERGY. regulus black is a black cat 2023 spread the word. as a shower singer , i vv much agree james would do that. oooh sirius is a left-hand. yk what i actually like that one . JILY AGENDA WHERE SHE’S THE SLEEPY ONE AND HE’S THE GET UP AND GO ONE <3333
I too do not much rate the dorcas/peter. it’s surprising now especially because of the dorlene and how i think they’re perfect for each other. so obviously , i don’t want them to get with anyone else . and reg/remus ??? that’s odd. i might be hoodwinked into reading a one-shot here & there but nothing more than that.
rattle snake , grey owl and raven ??? that’s a slytherin if i ever saw one. (also ravenclaw potential tbh.) and what a range of animals ??? fabulous.
u have luna’s wand. i am very jealous rn. (love ginny but i agree with your decision to pick luna. i love her too much to pick anyone else.)
gyoza sounds so good. i could really go for some rn. (late night mcdonalds SMACKS.) and no we don’t have dairy queen in the uk. is that like an ice cream thing ?? sounds like that?? i want to try that now.
iced coffee >>>> AND OH MY GOD THERE’S THIS SODA AT THE CORNER SHOP ‘BARRS CREAM SODA’ I GET IT SO OFTEN IT’S MY FAVOURITE FIZZY DRINK EVER AHHHH. (i need 2 try sangria. i need to. ‘tis on my list.)
my q’s. -
this is me trying . there’s probably more that I can’t think of rn , but this is me trying. I am this is me trying. i used to be the one gifted kid who got rlly high scores without trying and now i have to do twice as much work for a fucking B. which is annoying. but yeah! ( I might tell u more if I remember them next time.)
black swan! i think that’s pretty cool actually !!!!
my tears ricochet. (or cruel summer) but if i had to choose , my tears ricochet. EVERY FUCKING TIME. ‘STOLEN LULLABIES OOOWIWOHOOO’
shapeshifting !! i think i’d love to shapeshift. it’d be so fun , i’m a snake , i’m a lion , i’m an old woman , i’m a muscle man. FUNNNN.
messy as fuck. 90% of the time my socks come back from the wash and at least one is missing at all times. fucking dk where they go man.
YOU HAVE UNLOCKED SOMETHING HERE.okay , terry’s chocolate orange & smarties. I fucking LOVE smarties (& toblerone of course , we mustn’t forget the Toblerone.) AND ALSO JAFFA CAKES. CANNOT CHOOSE ONE.
SHAKESPEARE. need 2 ask about the ‘fair youth’ and also about his wife & about his plays and ahhhh. i love his plays sm and i just really would love to meet him<333
work song. i love take me to church sm , but work song . why??? “NO GRAVE CAN HOLD MY BODY DOWN , I’LL CRAWL HOME TO HER.”
promiscous , worth it , one look , knee socks , jealous (nj) , & …ready for it ? THESE ARE CLASSICSSSS . HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS MIX.
snow. by far. love making snowmen , n dressing them up and snowball fights. love it so so so much.
i did lady macbeth (n lu was macbeth) at a halloween party once!! I loved it vv much the fake blood and the scorpion prop , and the crown i made for lu. very realistic. (second is it and georgie. u know who it was and who georgie was. take a guess .)
q’s for u -
fuck marry kill - lily , pandora , marlene.
fuck marry kill - regulus , barty, evan.
what do you love spending money on ?
tell me one inside joke you have with liz (or just anyone, i only assume you’d have more with liz)
one weird fear you have?
weirdest dare you’ve taken in a game of truth or dare?
worst random impulse buy?
your favourite quote ever ?
your favourite quote from a fic ?
ever met a celeb ? (which one if yes?)
favourite snack ?
do u have a crush on anyone ? (skip this one if you don’t want to answer it & I’m terribly sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable!!!)
Who knows you best ?
lover (the song) vs getaway car?
all time favourite moment in your life ?
what’s your favourite moment with liz ? (curious to cut into that bff dynamic)
r(egg) or r(edge)?
do you speak any other languages (except english)?
bee bee bee <333 until next time , my friend. come back soon , or else i’ll start worrying.
0 notes
uth0ttm · 2 years
So like,,,
Awhile ago now, literal months has passed by since I've been on here but, I had deleted Tumblr bc it was just taking up way 2 much space on my phone and I wasn't using it much, which is understandable yk. Get rid of the things you dont use often for space. So I did
Well in the whole process of that shit happened
Biggest shit I never thought would've happened in HIGH SCHOOL of all places like miss gurl this shit was wack
So last December I met a girl and her friend because I was hanging out with my then gf in the library, and I overheard this girl and said friend talking abt Resident Evil: Village (if you don't know what this game is by this point in time u are fr living under a rock my guy-/lh), and specifically about Lady D. And now I know I shouldn't have been eves dropping or continuously listening in 2 their conversation, but I honestly couldn't help it bc literally no one else except for maybe 3 other people would talk abt things like Resident Evil bc this high school was built in probably one of the most mormon places u can find in Canada that borders the States-
So for that reason, ofc I was gonna be invested in their Convo. Well after listening for a bit, I politely excuse myself from my then gf bc she was doing homework at that point n it seemed like I was just gonna be bothering her rather than having her also be excited abt these two other people talking about RE. Then gf let's me go over and so I honestly pretty timidly walked up to the two cuz they're sitting at a table in the library, and I asked if I could sit down with them and talk to them because I've never heard anyone else talk about RE in this school. I did also apologize for listening in bc the conversation they were having could've been personal life details, but it was all about RE when I was listening in, so at least I wasn't intruding in that aspect. Anyways, the two let me sit down and talk with them, and the both of them are really excited to have another person to have sit down with them and talk about what seems to be one of their fixations and so we talk for quite a while before having to go home. What I didn't realize is that this girl has been on my bus the entirety of grade 12, and even though I sat in the back and she sat in the back, I never took notice because I was more focused on my brother, who was in grade 9 at the time, and unfortunately (or fortunately, however you wanna put it) I am quite overprotective of said little brother. But also, when I say this girl sat in the back of the bus, I meant it was WAY back, and this is because she is permanently in a wheelchair. Now you may be asking "what's so important about that fact, why do you have to specify that?" Well I have to specify it for later on in the story because it ties into the insanity I faced later on in this story. So she's in the very back of the bus because we have the bus that's meant for people permanently in a wheelchair to help them get onto the bus, and once she's on the bus, the whole way back home I'm talking to her, and I introduce my friends I already had to her because she's a really cool person and I have no clue why I've never noticed/spoken to her in the first place.
Well fast-forward to only a few weeks later, we've become really good friends, this girl (who I will continue to call S) and her friend (who I will call G) have full on integrated into our friend group and are all getting along great with each other. Plot twist, or so I thought, because I found out way later on that my then gf had been going behind my back to 2 of our other friends and ranting about how jealous she was of S and how I had apparently been spending way too much time with her and G, and not enough time with her, even though whenever I'd go to spend time with someone, it was always her. I was stuck to her side as the loyal golden retriever bf. Yet she was going behind my back and claiming that I wasn't spending enough time with her and all my time was going to not S AND G, but only to S. She was getting severely jealous of S because she thought I was going behind HER back and was cheating on her with S. My gf at the time even accused me of such in private and I had to prove that I had never, would never, and could never cheat on her because I'm too loyal to do so, plus S had already stated that she was AroAce due to childhood trauma involving her moms bfs when she was little, because with her being in a wheelchair, she didn't want to end up getting into an abusive relationship herself, because she has no easy way to get out of something like that, especially with having muscular dystrophy. I told my then gf that as well. Eventually said gf believed me and things were smoothed out, at least I thought so, but as time went on, then gf was still very jealous and still going behind my back and saying mean things about S.
So fast forward to April of this year. I'm really excited about this month because the 23rd of this month would have marked mine and said gfs one year anniversary, so ofc I was excited. That and at that point S and G where really close friends of mine, especially S because we found we had a lot of the same interests as each other, and even if we didn't, whatever interest the other wasn't into, we'd still hype each other up about it and state how cool it was even if we personally weren't into it (and this is how she got me into the band Ghost all the way back in January, but that's another story for another time-). Well, I was also excited about April because about a week prior to it being April, student council had announced they were gonna have a talent show event, and I didn't know this but S was gonna be in it! When she told me I was really excited about it because she's a real good singer and she knows all about music because that's what she's good at besides art. So she's telling me all about it because she came to ask me what song, specifically from Ghost, she should do, and when I gave her a few suggestions, she deliberated on them and had chosen Life Eternal. After a little while of us talking, she had also asked if I would perform with her so that it would be a little less freaky to perform in front of the whole school, and although singing in front of people scares me (I'll only do so in front of my brother and people I'm really close to usually), I agreed to sing with her because I will do anything for my friends. Little did I know however, this would only make my then gf MORE jealous. So anyways, time goes on, we did the talent show, it was pretty fun and as a last minute decision I had decided to paint half of my face in Copia/Papa IV's papa makeup, which made S really happy, and all day and a few days after, we won't stop talking abt how wicked we were, even though the thing as a whole wasn't, we were just happy and excited about our part we had in the talent show. This happened on the 12th of April. Fast forward only a couple days later, the 15th. At this point said gf and I had quite a few arguments, all started by her, all somehow involving S, and all deescalated by me. However, things weren't gonna be deescalated this time, since then gf had cheated on me the night beforehand with some guy. I was obviously taken aback by this because why would you ever do that? Anyways, we break up that day, but we don't tell any of our friends because we don't know how to break the news to them. Or so I thought. Even to the last minute, then gf had found a way to blatantly lie to my face. Remember how I've been saying then gf would go behind my back telling 2 of our other friends how jealous she was of S? Apparently she had PLANNED THIS WHOLE CHEATING AND BREAKUP SCHEME AND THOSE 2 FRIENDS ALREADY KNEW WE WERE GONNA BREAKUP
I only found out about this whole thing the next month, in May. But I went along with this big lie, which I only thought me and then gf knew about. Anyways, a week later is when S finds out we've broken up because finally it was decided by then gf and I that maybe the rest of our friends should know, and we all individually told them, although I didn't exactly one on one tell S about it, she found out through one of my Instagram stories, and so S being S, she runs to my DMs about it and asks if I'm ok. I tell her truthfully that I am, I've gotten over it, this and that, just generally reassuring my best friend that I would be ok, but if I had to, I would come to her if I was feeling sad.
Anyways, another week passes by, and S comes to me on discord really confused, and honestly pretty scared, and so me being a good friend, I sit down and listen to her. She reveals to me that she thinks she's started to have feelings for me, but since she doesn't really know how that feels, mainly due to her trauma induced AroAceness, she is currently freaking out about it because she doesn't know if they're actual feelings, or if it's just her brain trying to play tricks on her and whatnot. She then proceeds to profusely apologize because she knows this is bad timing on her part since I had just gotten out of a relationship and she feels really bad and like I'm going to hate her for such. But I reassured her that her confessing this to me wasn't going to make me hate her in any aspect, especially because she was confused about what her feelings were. In the end, I told her I would think about things and tell her the next day whether or not we could take things further, and then we went on like that and just didn't revisit the topic for the rest of the night. So the next day, I come back and tell S over discord that we can further what's happening and just kinda see what happens. I was expecting her to jump right in when it came to a relationship, but she held back and told me outright she couldn't be in a relationship yet because she didn't want to get into a relationship with me, and then a week later break up with me because she got too scared and couldn't handle it because she didn't want to be the next person to break my heart, especially since it was broken not that long ago. I respectfully accepted that and asked her where she wanted to go with that, and thus started her journey on learning to be ok with dating, and that not every person was going to abuse her like she had seen when she was little with her moms boyfriends. Weeks go on and whenever the topic of being in a relationship came up, it was always her asking me questions so she could be more comfy with the idea of a relationship. This whole time shes trying to figure things out is probably one of the hardest things she's experienced because she doesn't exactly know what to do, hence why she asks questions involving relationships, and so I answer to the best of my abilities. This whole time shes also really amazed and confused at how patient and nice I'm being about the whole thing and that if this were anyone else they most likely would've given up, but I got all cheesy on her and told her that if you truly love someone, you will be there for them no matter what, and that seemed to reassure her any time she was so confused about my patience towards her.
Anyways, it comes to be mid-May, the 17th to be exact, and the whole time I've been helping S figure what's going on out, we've become really close. We haven't talked about relationship things all the time leading up to this point, but it's been enough to help her get more comfy with it. Anyways, the night of the 17th of May, we get back onto the topic of relationship stuff, and it ends with her saying she thinks she's finally ready for a relationship!! She says that she's still a little scared and that there's still a gross feeling in her tummy when she thinks about being in a relationship, but she tells me that she's pretty sure it's just her brain trying to trick her, and her best bet is just jumping right in at this point because she doesn't think she can get any more comfortable, and in her words she said "what's the worst that could happen!" (Keep this in mind because this is kinda funny tying into this next part of the story) so at 10:56 PM, on May 17th, S finally said yes to being in a relationship with me, and today, September 17th, marks 4 months we've been together!! It's really exciting because even before being in a romantic relationship with her, the platonic one we had was one of the best friendships I've ever had, and since knowing her, I have been extremely happy and I could not be more thankful for having her in my life. One of my favourite nicknames for her is Skrinkle, which is just a deformed way of calling her my scrungle, and she calls me Scrinch, which is her romantic name for me that is literally just an inside joke about the Grinch, but idm, I think it's pretty cute lmao.
But, that's not the point, unfortunately story does not end at me getting my happily ever after with my absolutely beautiful gf, no, we're still on abt my ex gf, bc she's ✨fucking insane✨
And no, I don't joke about that. This isn't a classic case of the one ex over exaggerating how wack their ex is, no, my ex is literally fucking insane I swear to you. This is because the next day, our friend group is at school and it's lunch time, at this point ex gf stopped hanging out with us ig because I was there kinda thing. Anyways, one of our friends, who was also one of the ones ex gf had been talking to behind my back, tells me, Skrinkle, and a bunch of our other friends that she is scared for specifically Skrinkle's safety, because recently my ex gf has apparently been making death threats to Skrinkle in an entirely separate server where only my ex, and the 2 friends she was talking to were in, and ex gf would always try to poorly disguise said death threats as vents that she needed to get out
Now TW here for certain people
Now this is the part in the story where, if you've forgored, you remember that Skrinkle/S/my gf is in a wheelchair because of a disability she has because my ex gf, within her disgusting, hate-fueled rants, said on multiple occasions she had wanted to push Skrinkle down a flight of stairs, there was another instance where she talked about walking behind her with a hammer and wanting to bash her skull in, and, this is the fun part, last night (which would've been the 17th of May, the day we had gotten together), she had written a several paragraphs, of in depth details on how she wanted to murder Skrinkle. She had written these details an hour after me and Skrinkle got together. Now rightfully everyone sat there in stunned silence after our friend had told us this but she said she told us so we would be safe because she genuinely was scared one of us would get hurt, especially Skrinkle. I just kinda looked at Skrinkle and joked about how she had said "what's the worst that could happen" after she decided to say yes to being in a relationship with me, and we had just found out that the absolute worst that couldve happened did happen, and it was an hour after we had gotten together. Anyways, we continue talkig on about this, mainly about what we should do in this situation bc its really fucked up, but partway through I start overthinking bc I'm just like aw fuck I got her into this mess, she's gonna get hurt bc of me, this that n the other thing yk, n I start breaking down. People start freaking out bc they've never seen me cry so they're trying to make me feel better but I'm just having an absolute moment over here fjsjdnd-
Anyways, I calm down eventually and we get things sorted out but uh
Tldr; I met a new girl who's physically disabled, became friends w her, ex gf got jealous of her, we broke up bc ex cheated on me, girl I became friends with caught feelings for me, we eventually got 2gether, and my ex gf plotted to kill a disabled person and made wild death threats and whatnot (some involved pushing her down the stairs), but dw we're both safe and thriving now and I'm currently in college :>
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wickedpact · 3 years
im taking this fuckign class on ~exploring spirituality~ bc......... i needed a credit and it fit into my schedule, lmao.
and the class is taught by a sicilian roman catholic deacon (? ?? nickycore?) and like. literally its a two hour class where we just talk about religion and our relationship with religion (cries in queer ex-religious person) but yesterday we talked about ~witnessing~ (*cough* prothletising) and the prof actually made a pretty decent point abt it (for a catholic guy) about how offering judgement or trying to '''promote''' christianity is almost never helpful/useful to struggling people and how the best thing you can do both as a christian and as A Fellow Human Being is offer help and support. and thus if/when the topic comes up with that person of 'how/why are you doing this' then give that person the God 411™ if they continue to be open to it. but offering it without being given that opportunity by that person helps no one.
and also how, as a member of the clergy, he's found it counterproductive to talk to his parish about sin, especially 'harmless' sins (the example he gave was sex before marriage), bc doing so just breeds shame, which is again not really helpful to anyone and mostly just alienating for the person at hand.
but that made me think a lot abt nicky and his morality. and how thats portrayed in ttt (Avenging Hand Of God) vs. in the movie (We've Been Offered The Opportunity To Do Good So Lets Do Some Good). and how the former always struck me as. . . .. very very arrogant, to assume the will of God
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i mean 'a mistake can be forgiven'. i get it, the guy was an awful human being, but who are yoo ooo ooOUUuu to say what god can and can't forgive? you got the bitch on speed dial or something? (its also worth pointing out that theres no sign in the comic that this guy is religious. what does he care if he broke an oath before god? it makes nicky seem so out of touch for even bringing it up)
and i dont know. i mean... imo at least its clear that nicky is religious In Some Way in both movie and comic verse, but in the movie his ideas are communicated in such a way that they arent inherently 'christian' (note that in the movie nicky never actually invokes the name of god. i dont think he does so in the main comic either. which is a great detail imo! bc andy doesnt believe in god and he doesnt know if nile does! so when he offers up all these comforting ideas about Destiny and Purpose, he does so in a way that non-christians can find comfort in them, even if theyre 'christian concepts' when he thinks of them himself)
but compare that to ttt (and ill give the solo nicky story some slack bc hes talking to other christians there (other christians who use the bible as 'evidence' that theyre doing the right thing) but....... still.)
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'but those people really were evil!' i mean yeah. but the point here is nicky using his faith as a weapon of condemnation rather than as a motivator to do good and Spread God's Love (Trademark™). these people are evil not because God(Nicky) Passed Judgement On Them but because they are harming and enslaving people. nicky is killing them not because He Is The Instrument Of Sinners' Damnation but because these people are doing harm, and by killing them nicky is doing good for the people they are oppressing.
nicky reasoning what hes doing here is The Will Of God rather than strategical acts of violence which will have a net positive affect on the world is SUCH a Christian Person Red Flag™ to me. yes these people were all evil but when you reason that you, personally, understand the will of god, and that you, personally, can judge or condemn people based on that will, that opens SUCH an unnerving door in regards to how you see the world (& the people in it) and how you view your own judgement.
i mean,
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matchamabs · 3 years
I know you didn’t ask for it but- BOTW MONSTERS: RANKED BY HOW HOT THEY ARE,,,,
i do fuck all in the days lemme tell ya
ill admit i havent done EVERY enemy but like. i do enjoy making these posts so who knows, i might actually rank everything sooner or later 🤷‍♀️
,,,,, and if u want a specific ranking of botw/aoc stuff lmk 👀
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ahh the ol reliable. the classic bokoblin. he is just a little lad! unfortunately they’re genuinely kind of ugly??? and the idk the singular horn in the middle aint a good look. i see cute comics abt these guys being domestic and thats adorable but also giving them so much leeway bc they’re really Not that cute. not sure what the loincloth is hiding and im not sure i wanna know anyway. 3/10 really kind of. not good. 
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slightly bigger loincloth only means slightly bigger things to hide :( i rlly hate these guys noses and whatever the fuck toenails they have why do they have toenails?????? s’bad. the thing is tho they have the proportions of a potentially attractive gerudo which is probably what takes the edge off the general vibes of... u know... being an abomination. its also only JUST occured to me as im writing that these guys r just evolved bokoblins so. glow up i guess. 6/10 what that tongue do
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ok bypassing whatever the fuck rule 34 has done to these guys, i actually dig them. i find the huge fat ones way cuter than the lil bug eyed ones. in their case theres rlly no, like... hotness about them. its just cute. i think they’re cute. any monster that is cute and also doubles up as a bed gets my vote 7/10 get urself a fella as flexible as these guys 
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u know what, im gonna say it, these guys r actually kinda hot. proportions arent super bad, the face aint bad and generally they have good vibes. aside from, u know, when they’re tryna shank u. id say one of the most bearable monsters to have to look at. 8/10 im not a scalie
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??????????? idk what to say. u could tie these little shits to like swingball poles and beat them with rackets thatd b good. aside from that these guys have like no redeeming qualities. they’re a pain in the ass and not in a good way. 3/10 cute but like. is it worth it?
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i mean,,,,,,,, someones probably into it. i dont like these guys for a lot of reason and surprisingly the thing that gets me is the fucking hair why does it have that hair its like he-man just went straight over the top with an electric razor its not a good look!!! stop trying to make it work! it wont! and again with the loincloth??? im not into it. the only thing i like abt these guys is the lil waistcoats. they have some amount of decency (but the implications it makes are Not Good). uh. 2/10. barely.
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,,,,,9/10. but if you see a lynel up close like that chances are you died about half a minute ago
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again. ??? i dont rlly like. i mean. im digging the top heavy proportions? its got the same body type as kass so like. 4/10. bit plain around the features but what can u do. i dont understand how but the igneo taluses are like. sexier 
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UGHGHHH I FUCKING HATE THESE THINGS okay okay okay like these motherfuckers lure u in by being quite cute and dancin around and then u get a look at their faces and its like fucking JESUS and its even WORSE when you see under their cloak and they have no necks????? and like????? they do that gay little fucking dance that pisses me off???? they’re wearing hoods that give the ILLUSION that they have necks and im im fumin ok i HATE it i hate it i have been betrayed and i will NEVER FORGET ABOUT IT UGHGHGHG I HATE THESE CUNTS -10000000000000000000000000000000000/10 die
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hhhhh i just dont like em. theyre too annoying to be cute now. and whats gonna happen if i squeeze one? is like. water gonna come out? r they just gonna deflate? 4/10 tentacles are not hyrules forte it seems ://
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trust kohga to send the twinks out on the front line. seriously. they’re not bad tho? kinda small and underwhelming :((( tho i give extra points for the good crazy laugh we love a good manic cackle 6/10 they dont really count as monsters but ah well where else am i gonna put em
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now THATS what im talkin about babeyyyyy we love the muscles,,,,, the posture,,, the stride,,, we love it when u fuck up stealth and a torrential downpour of these motherfuckers come down to beat ur ass,,,,, 9/10 its raining men 😎
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u know. u dont rlly like. get a good view of these guys when ur balls deep in a battle with them, but the more i get like closer looks at them the more i go ???? like idk. everything about them looks backwards and wrong. but as far as backwards and wrong goes its not a bad look and the boss theme is a banger so 4/10 maybe dont jump on my ass every time i step one foot onto the desert :/
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i just. i dont dig it. idk why. aside from the fact they’re a monumental pain in my ass, and now everytime i hear a beep even slightly resembling a guardian i shit my pants, but. idk??? as far as robots go its not like. terrible. they’re like the milfs of robots. the milves, if u will. a rilf. except i wouldnt. so its more like riwlf. but even that leaves too much up to interpretation so im just gonna call em a cunt and go. 4/10 leg game strong
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here we are,,, the big boys,,,, waterblight isnt too bad i will admit, but the spear hand is both annoying and mildly inconvenient. its got a rlly big chest but rlly thin arms?? also not sure how i feel abt the strap on beard but oh well its not like ganons got taste. 5/10 kind of average for a blight i think
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a hefty motherfucker. a chunk of a lad. big large. the fact this is like one of the easiest blights makes it more forgiveable to me but like whatever its got going on with the 80s hair needs 2 be sorted out. i like its moves but it doesnt hang upside down like waterblight :((( 5/10 calm down kate bush
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ok who doesnt like gun arms. and a gun back. this things like fuckin megatron. the whole face plate thing doesnt look bad either. honestly its kind of a look? but its dickheadery in aoc makes me wanna set shit on fire so :// 6/10 hot but will not leave u alone 😔
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ok this one is by FAR the sexiest of all the blights. i just cant explain it. i like guys with bad posture. i had an easy time beating it but apparently its given other people a lot of grief and that makes it 10x more sexy to me lmaooo. also it can clone itself which is like. thats a win. 8/10 ganon spilt all the sexy juice into this one
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ok i didnt realise how many arms this motherfucker has and the whole hairline behind the ears thing is not a great look. especially w the beard. in fact the longer i look at it the less sexy it becomes tbh. 3/10 they tried to make arachnophobia sexy and it didnt work
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10/10 i will be taking questions in my inbox but i wont be taking constructive criticism and you cant make me 
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