#im so fucking scared to post this
bizzaremageddon · 1 year
Hey tumblr,
So ive been thinking a lot about the pro ship and anti communities, and i feel like my stance aligns somewhere in between.
i, nineshrines, am NOT a pro-shipper. i am however kink and fetish positive, and all for dark themes and topics being written about in media. I believe that people should be able to enjoy their interests, no matter how “strange” they might be to others.
what i do NOT support, however, is extreme paraphilias and traumatic experiences being romanticized. People should be allowed to write about dark things, because they are VERY real, and shouldn’t be treated like they don’t exist. romanticization gives way to normalization in fandom spaces, and these things should NOT be made normal. instead, they should be written as they are; literal real world crimes that scar people for years afterwards.
That’s not to say i support the demonization of things like mental illness and whatnot. The stigma that it creates within a community often hurts people. just like the romanticization of harmful things does the same.
Fiction does affect reality, while not directly. it depicts and perpetuates different views and ideas to the consumer, some of which they will pick up and use in the real world. Why do you think people spread around fake news?
TLDR; I think that people can write about whatever they want (i.e. incest, pedophilia, abuse, etc.) as long as they’re portrayed REALISTICALLY.
i’ve been trying to come up with a term for it. Anti rom (anti romanticization) is what im calling it for now.
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goonmypenis · 4 months
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i drew this like a month ago and i am TERRIFIED to post anything on here but ive been convinced
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starry-bi-sky · 22 days
a half-ghost--? no- no wait, that's a changeling. that's even worse.
so i'd like to preface this by saying this stems from me going entirely off the rails thinking about tales of the passerine-- which is frankly quite on brand for me to think of one au, and then develop it so far left ways that it makes another au entirely.
bUT. Context! Danny's ancestors sometime before they immigrated to America had a fae marry into the family. This had its Side Effects. Naturally. The Fentonnightengale responsible for this charmed a fae thanks to their swagless nature and awkward demeanor, so instead of getting eaten the fae thought it was cute instead. The fae marrying into the family had an affinity for music, but that kinda repressed itself by accident -- blame the salem witch trials.
By the time Danny is born, the fae blood has become so latent that it really doesn't show up anymore other than the Fentons Eccentricity and obsession with the supernatural (a latent desire to return home to the fae realm - aka infinite realms). There's an unnatural charm surrounding the fenton that really only creeps almost every human within a visual radius, and Danny is no exception.
hoWEVEr. the accident that turned danny into a halfa in one timeline did no such thing in this one -- it just reactivated his latent fae blood, and reactivated it with a fervor. Effectively turning Danny from a human into a changeling.
Danny just thinks at first that he's a half-ghost -- only to realize later on from Clockwork that he's not one at all. He's very much fae -- which is a wild discovery for Danny to make. It also means his rogues are quite a bit more intimidated by him. Fae are above ghosts in the Infinite Realm Creature Hierarchy, no matter how powerful they are. A fae can still Steal the name of a ghost, so Danny's rogues are rather skittish/unsure around Danny until they realize he doesn't know he's a changeling -- after that, many of them vow to try and keep it secret amongst themselves.
Danny's 'ghost' form is rather birdlike, and in human form his appearance warps to match his comfortability. When he's alone with his friends he starts taking on unnatural features. -- his blue-green eyes brighten and his pupils elongate, his teeth sharpen, and his ears grow longer and animal-like. His hair softens to be more feathery, his nails sharpen. In general he takes on more 'bird-ish' features. At school, around his parents, and when he's stressed, tense, or scared, he looks completely human -- an instinctual survival mechanism.
As a ghost, he has large, pretty wings that gradient from black to dark purple-blue, with a shimmer across the feathers that resembles the aurora borealis. His limbs elongate, his legs becoming bird-like and his talons grow on both his feet and nails. His ears vaguely resemble a rabbit's, although they don't flop down like one. All his teeth sharpen. Razor sharp chompers, capable of biting through bone. His eyes take on a greenish-hue, but otherwise remain the same color, albeit his sclera becomes blue-ish and his pupils become diamond-shaped and white. Rings of seafoam blue circle around his iris, creating a reflective sheen. He makes chirping, creaking noises, and when he speaks there's a faint overlap that is very enchanting.
Overall he's rather beautiful in a terrifyingly inhuman way, its hard to take your eyes off him. He has a lot of feathers. He's very drawn to singing and music in general, and gets into music sometime after his accident. He likes flutes/ocarinas/woodwinds the most, followed shortly after by strings, and then piano. He also slowly loses the ability to lie -- which is really annoying and also terrifying until he learns how to reword himself and become a better wordsmith.
SInce this stemmed from an older brother dpdc au, its gonna stay an older brother dpdc au alsfh. i'll just get to the dpxdc part in another post since i wanted to get this off my chest first
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 2 months
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[Yes this is a reference to that one superman pic]
*sniff sniff* Is-is that a boy I smell?
*sniff sniff* Mmh yes, I smell it! Boy Smell!
I smell a boy!
Ah! what is a boy doing here?!
Oh my gosh. What am I gonna do? There's a boy here!
I'm freaking out so much!
Calm down, calm down! Calm down and take a nice deep breath.
*sniff sniff* Mmph it smells so good. I love boy smell so much!
It makes me feel so amazing~
I'm getting tingles all over from the delicious boy scent!
Audio source
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transredguy · 6 months
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my fanart
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verdantmeadows · 1 year
To me the joy and beauty of vocal synthesizers has always been that they don't sound real and exploring that to create artistic expression that can't be achieved by human voices, so seeing them become more and more realistic is disheartening, almost? Especially since a lot of artists make the same voice banks sound so different and have their own personal charm. I'm glad that people will be able to make things that sound realistic, but I'm worried that songs that intentionally play out of sounding as realistic as possible will be sidelined, discouraged, no longer created, impossible to find, or unsupported by fans of vocal synthesizers. I don't want things to just push towards being as realistic as possible. There is beauty in how everyone's usage of the same voice banks sound different. There is beauty in the lack of realistic sounding vocals in vocal synthesizers.
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marcygoo · 1 month
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uhhmm redraw of a screencap from ep 7. idk
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shyybanshee · 9 months
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what if... hear me out... racer au feat. mechanic andrew...
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Oh the crippling reality of small fandom means if I wanna read the fic I'm probs gonna have to write it
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cloudysarts · 4 months
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this show would be good if literally everything about it was different
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enka11 · 2 years
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whaddayouthink im INSANE?? you think im someth- whatadyou think there’s something WRONG with me????
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yurki-posts · 2 months
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
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Hey hello!
Here are some colored doodles of the fun little DHMIS bodyswap idea thought up by the very fun, very smart @escargon! I did them way back when and wanted to finish them up to add to the fun lol.
It was sooo much fun to draw and I hope I made it clear whos who by the body language/dialogue but if not! I put a helpful little diagram in there. Also,as well, I think if Duck had access to a relatively-normal sized body like Reds’ that duckman is dressing up and NO ONE can stop him. So that’s the last two.
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frostedpuffs · 4 months
the anticipation before getting a tattoo is nerve wracking. it's like, i am so excited that im shaking, but i also might throw up. this is going to hurt so bad. but it'll be a good pain. and it'll be worth it. it will be so sexy
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okay so when i was very new to the pjo fandom i had alot of thoughts about being queer and being a half blood, so heres an old rant of mine edited a bit (alot) to be semi coherent and postable!
Being a half blood is by definition queer, not normal. Half bloods are unable to fit in with mortals, they're too different, too strange. Yet, they're able to find community at camp half blood, a place with others like them, others just as weird and different. I think this is something that resonates with alot of queer people, it's at the very least something alot of us have dreamed of or experienced something similar to.
Another thing that I think is worth mentioning is how we see, especially with Annabeth talking about her family–mortals sometimes almost demonizing half bloods, treating them as dangerous. Once again, in a way this speaks to alot of queer people. Being treated as dangerous for something you can not control, something that's just simply a part of who you are, the way you were born.
I think it might be worth mentioning how it's nearly impossible for a god to be cishet? Especially alot of the greek gods were as queer as can be. Humanity feels the need to fit themselves into boxes gods have no need for, half bloods i think fit right in the middle of that which i think might be a little reminiscent of how queer people are shoved into boxes that shouldn't exist by others around them.
I have no idea how to segue properly SO, MY FINAL POINT: The concept of being a half blood is something that i think speaks to alot of people, as a half blood you don't fit in, as a queer person you don't fit in; yet as either there are other's like you, a community that will welcome you with open arms.
tagging some people who might be interested: @agentwaffle @a-wondering-thought (i know you two want to see this) @genderfluidsgetguns @ssavinggrace (i just want you two to see this)
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raisinushigher · 5 months
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fuck this show
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