#im hoping the season and my babies end on a high
nightglider124 · 1 year
I was meant to go and wash my hair like an hour ago but instead I have been glued to Tumblr and reading up about dickkory in part 2 of Titans s4. 👀
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Opening scene and Earth's got vibe-checked by God and I've been gaslit about the dinosaurs
GARDEN OF EDEEEEEN wow his first appearance and Aziraphale's already so prissy and flustered might fuck around and fall in love with him idk
I finally understand who these mf's are hi Hastur and Ligur you're not zombies after all
idk sister mary loquacious is kinda doing it for me rn with that satanic nun's habit and losergirl energy
third crowley scene and he's misplaced THE LITERALLY GODDAMNED ANTICHRIST because he made small talk with a bloke outside without checking for details
mmmmhm yes sister mary wink again your bitchless decisions are sexy y'know what i mean
Gabriel feels like his brain was eviscerated and replaced with one of those youtuber's paid course promos at the end of their how to change your life in 45 days: three simple mindset shifts video
mmmhm yes sure crepes French revolu--Crowley stop eye-fucking Aziraphale you're making everyone at the Ritz horny
Aziraphale don't moan into your food man you can't take these two anywhere
Crowley thanking the driver for slowing down is everything to me
And they're drunk hu-fucking-zzah good thing we'll have 11 year olds saving the world coz these fuckers sure ain't doing shit
What Aziraphale was doing back was definitely kissy faces though that mfer wasn't even trying to say bouillabaisse when Crowley said what sounded suspiciously like baby
kissy kissy from lil miss prissy [i would have made such a great high school bully shame i had no inclinations that way]
oop nun down nun down
i want ya see a wile ya thwart amirite on a t-shirt
"actually i encourage humans to-" just say you're a lazy bitch azi we love you
love crowley fake-manipulating azi into helping like azi wants to be manipulated y'know so it's not technically his fault he was wiled over or whatever and they're both just such ENABLERS
not azi going SOFT at being godfathers with crowley
why is nanny ashtoreth so seductive with that of course dear is it just crowley's inherent disastergirl sex appeal
erIC THE DISPOSABLE DEMON I DIDN'T KNOW THEY COME IN S1 well not come i hope unless being eaten by a hellho--nope
gonna give my roxie a kissy brb she's my angel and all this dog talk makes me miss her (she's a few feet away under the bed)
i asked her for a kissy and she crawled out and gave me a kiss i love her
...roxie's crying to be taken downstairs it's nearly 2 am this is on me for waking her up i crowley'd myself fml
EYYYYY WELCOME TO THE END TIMES don't mind me I'll have to take roxie down yes I know maggots I'm crowley-coded I KNOW THAT I'M A BLOODY DISASTER BYEEEEEEEE
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bisexualfemalemess · 10 months
Watched episodes 4-6 and Ricky Bowen is so unhinged this season, i love it 😭😭😭 Also rina failed couple costume because their out of sync and finally revealing their dating, i love it. Also my heart dropped when he said he needed a minute. MADLYN ALMOST KISS?!! Ruined by that pumpkin ghost, jarred is a fucking weirdo??? SEB CHEATED ON CARLOS???? Loved the original song this episode tho and jet simping for kourtney.
WITH BIG RED??? The way that gina’s motivation and way of finding chemistry is ricky 😭😭😭 I love them. Ej giving ricky advice on gina and caswen hug and i love you, i love their friendship. Glad, he’s with val. Loved their duet. The redlyn break-up was inevitable and i’m hoping it’s leading towards madlyn even if madison answered maddox’s phone. I MEAN SHR HAD A PICTURE OF HER IN HER LOCKER SHSHSHSHW Jealous ricky is a serve, i love it. HE’S TIRED OF LOOSING PEOPLE GIVE HIM HIS HAPPY END. Terri was annoying me in episode 5 like you told your daughter no boys and then you make an exception for a famous actor??? Like stfu. You don’t even know your daughter. I KNEW IT WAS COMING BUT RINA RAINKISS KNOCKED ALL THE AIR FROM MY LUNGS!!! AND THE CHOCOLATES?! A SPIN HUG IN THE RAIN TOO, I LOVE THEM, THEY HAVE AN INSANE CHOKE HOLD ON ME😭😭😭 Also, Love Kourtney’s storyline and jump was so good and Emmy is such a comedic relief, i love her.
Ricky calling her sweetie, awww. NO RINA TROYELLA??? I HATE IT HERE. Emmy’s episode 6 storyline, my baby she just wanted to sing ☹️ FLASHBACKS! Kourtney and Ashlyn were so cute in the scene with their little pact. Love their friendship. BENJAMIN WAS IN A BOY BAND?! BIGGEST PLOT TWIST OF MY LIFE. Awww miss jenn worrying and carinh about carlos without even really knowing him. MOTHER from the beginning. SEB AND NATALIE??? He’s so unserious “I was in a serious relationship. With a woman.” Seblos over again, they’re so cute. Get back together. ALSO THE AMOUNT OF SWEARING THIS SEASON ENSNEJWJS, IT KEEPS GETTING ME SO OFF GUARD. “He’s singing the damn song!” RICKYYYYY. Close-up on all the couples unofficial and official, they’re all endgame. REAL!! Gina flashback!!! Yes, she taught herself how to knit a hat. “Find something you like about this school and try not to kill it.” Runs into ricky. It’S A RINA FLASHBACK!!! I miss gina 1.0 but i love season 4 gina sm. Gina convinced him to join the musical and she joined because of him!!! “Love is lame, idiot. That’s why i try to avoid it.” NOT ANYMORE. Ha! “Good luck, skaterboy.” HE WAS A SKATER BOY, SHE SAID SEE YOU LATER BOY. They’re so fucking tethered and soulmates. THEY OWN MY LIFE! Alyson reed giving miss jenn advice and her joining east high omfg. TRUST THE PROCESS PERIODDD. GIVE RICKY A HAPPY END MF!!! THESE ARE HER CHILDREN DEN MOTHER FRR. OMG! DREAMS DON’t DIE!!!! Emmy’s voice is gorgeous, all the songs hit so hard this season tf. It’s the little rina moments this episode for me. ALYSON REED AND BART JOHNSON HELPING THE DRAMA DEPARTMENT AWWW! Gina not wanting to say i love you first i get it and i’m a ricky saying i love you first truther. RICKY GOT INTO COLLEGE!!! MY BOY! 1.8 GPA?! BOY, WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THESE YEARS. Awww, as long as gina’s there his future’s locked, she’s his future 😭😭😭 NO, WTF WAS GINA’S CALL ABOUT IF IT’S SOMETHING BAD IM THROWING HANDS.
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Confession #186
"hello hehe i feel like im sitting in a chair and someone just gave me a mike or something. ok but: also a Lower Decks themed confession.
I think Mariner is kind of annoying. Going against a flawed system and being little punk is fine. but she is SO BAD at working in a team.
Her whole cycle is: acting immaturely -> sabotaging herself -> fucking up -> saving the day (partly bc shes skillful, but theres also a whole bunch of luck involved).
She cant be lucky all this time. i kinda wanna see her fail at least once. Also the way she makes everything about herself and her issues... ok we KNOW she's the most complex character, but i find her the least interesting. She does the same thing all the time and never progresses as a character
ON THE OTHER HAND THOUGH: i kinda do like how she fucks up in the same way every time. bc that just realistic. as a person who has been stuck in life from time to time i appreciate that. if you have personal/mental problems which disable you in some kind of way it WILL be the same shit every fucking time. you do the same mistakes every time and its really frustrating. kinda how its frustrating to watch Mariner do yet another high stakes action without informing her team and endangering everyone (like PLEASE just communicate).
I do perfere watching the engineering/science nerds though <3 my friends my babies <3. And the end of season 4 gave Mariner a glimbse of character development so i'm hopeful.
(reading that other post about people calling Mariner a Mary Sue: oh DEFINETLY not. she's so flawed. like, SO flawed. she has lots to work out)"
Note from Cleo: Apologies for cutting the confession in the edit but it was a little much and I thought it would make the most of it in text instead.
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stevie-petey · 1 month
hiiii can you give us some info about the songs in your come home playlist? youve added so many new songs im kinda scared 🥲
oh BOY anon im about to write you an essay ,,,,, whew get ready
generally speaking, each song correlates with either steve, jon, or bug. so im just gonna go through each song in the playlist and say who is for what and then some insight if i can <3 also, if it applies, what season i envision for each song !
1. pretty boy - steve (vibes overall how i see his character)
2. i dont know you like i used to - bugs feelings about jon in season 1 (no longer knows him anymore)
3. chelsea dagger - overall vibe for come home. it feels so stranger things coded and chasing around the party
4. buttons - jon n bug (their dynamic and where the knife engraving comes from !! bugs knives were inspired by this song)
5. i always knew - steve n bug <3333
6. sweet nothing - more steve n bug
7. august - come homes main message. i see steve/bug/jon when i hear the song. growing up.
8. maple syrup - heavy bug and steve season 2 coded
9. oh no i think im in love - steve falling for bug and his fear </3
10. kiss her you fool - so steve season 3 coded its insane. kiss her !!!!!
11. star tripping - honestly bug and steve vibes season 1 ??? feels very nancy and jon being messy and making them Miserable coded
12. to be your lover - STEVE N BUG SEASON 3 ANTHEM !!!!
13. ode to a conversation stuck in your throat - jon and steve. thats all i will say
14. youre okay - jon and bug. how they see one another. but also steve and bug later. they have each others backs. theyre ok together.
15. plan on you - BUG !!! ITS SO BUG CODED AS SHE REALIZES SHE LOVES STEVE. play this while reading season 2 and youll understand
16. just a boy - steves anthem. this song screams his character and how i envision affects his relationships with others
17. youre losing me - jon n bug. obviously
18. sick of losing soulmates - bug later season 2. shes over jon, she has a chance at love with steve. will come into play more season 3 so shhhh
19. halfway - jon and bug anthem. it pains me. read the lyrics. im begging.
20. out of tune - jon n bug again. explains their final scene together season 2. they grew up together n this song captures their childhood </3
21. did i love you - more jon n bug. these songs were added as i was planning season 2 lmao. also a jug anthem
22. your needs, my needs - jon n bug. ouch
23. if i didnt have you - jon n bug end of season 3. cant say more. but also i see steve n bug on a happier note, the song is melancholy
24. blink - jons anthem :((((((( truly, this is how he feels about bug. its him.
25. if you call - legally cant say who this is for but it applies to season 4
26. romeo and juliet - season 3 stug <3333 babies <3333
27. high tops - season 1-2 coded steve. pining for bug without realizing it. just always watching her. ugh.
28. olivia - BUG !!! season 4 specifically and steve fearing things lmao
29. the view between villages - B U G !!!!! its her anthem. especially for season 4. i cant say anything else
30. our last summer - season 3 vibes overall :( its everyones last summer together and it concludes season 3s vibes
31. til forever falls apart - overall just a very stranger things coded song, but def steve n bug during the later seasons <3
32. drive baby - horny and pining steve lmao
33. honey - STUG SEASON 3 ANTHEM BABYYYY !!!!!
34. featherstone - added her today. feels very but n jon and what they couldve had :(
what a lovely note to end on LMAO. hope u enjoyed my ramblings i love my playlist sm
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whatthefishh · 11 months
Hi Mona <33
You're so cooool (and im proud of you in case you havent heard yet!!!)
Okay so exams are killing me even though they actually haven't STARTED yet its just the prep and the stress yknow!!! Anyway you also know I'm very much a slut for Rydal and the way you write him bc uhh he's just so fcuking fine and I love your writing!!
I know you aren't doing drabbles right now but would you spare this desperate and tired soul a few cutie pie Ryda hcs. Just a few smol cute ones abt his soft caring and hnghgnghgng during the high stress school seasons (yeah im projecting whatever.)
-Clem <333
Hi cutie
Thank you 🥺 and WDYM COOL LMAOO
Exams and exam prep can be super stressful, hope you’re taking care of yourself sweetie. I can definitely spare some Rydal HCs, and I know @campingwiththecharmings @xbellaxcarolinax and @melodygatesauthor have been asking me to drop stuff for our fave nepo baby hehehe
Random Rydal HCs:
Going out for something as simple as a drive isn’t just going for a drive with Rydal. The man puts on cologne and special sunglasses that he says work better for driving but you know it’s bullshit, he just thinks he looks cooler with them on in his vintage and unnecessarily expensive car.
Is the boyfriend that puts his hand on your thigh while driving. Buys you a drinkie drink and critiques your DJ skills loudly and rudely.
A trip to the mall usually means you have to block off a whole afternoon for it. Rydal tries on more clothes than you thought was possible, requesting certain cuts from the retail workers that you don’t even recognize. He definitely tries to fuck you in the changing rooms when the staff leaves you alone, claiming he could make it worth it for you to sit through his little fashion show.
You let him.
The first time you take Rydal thrift shopping he refuses to touch anything in the store. You think he’s mad at you for how little he speaks and how he glared at you when you ask him if the top you’re holding up would look good on you.
To make up for it, he forces you to get a pedicure with him. You thought he was joking but he’s dead serious, his face growing more irritated when you tell him you’ve never had one, opting to save your money and take care of them yourself. He scoffs and essentially drags you by the wrist (why does that action alone have your knees knocking together—) to the salon and picking out your colour for you. You feel quite pretty after you can’t deny but the memory of his face dropping never fails to make you laugh.
Playing board games with Rydal meant screaming matches that ended with the board game toppled over and his lips pressed against yours angrily
Movie nights found you both ripping on the movie choice of the night, commenting almost through the whole thing and making claims of what you’d change, what he thinks would’ve been a smarter decision of the main characters, taking sides and arguing them whole heartedly as if the people in the films and their actions had a direct connection to your lives
Sometimes Rydal would come over while you were in the shower. Sometimes he’d join you, finding it hilarious that you thought he was a serial killer but soon distracting you by dropping to his knees for you.
Sleepovers found you either on opposite sides of the bed or breathing in each other’s skin, arms holding the other close, legs tangled. The nights you spent laying with him were usually the sweetest mornings. Sometimes he’d wake you up with kisses, borderline ticklish movements, not letting up even while you squealed for him to stop. He didn’t let up until he pulled peals and peals of laughter from you, sharing syrupy kisses after and causing early morning butterflies to stir as your heart swelled with affection.
These were extremely random and scatter brained and I’m sorry because I really should be sleeping but I love him so much and I miss him and I promise I’ll work on my WIP soon ❤️ love ya
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starry-edeline · 3 months
I couldnt help myself and i skimmed through the eps but my goodness i have so many thoughts-
First of all, my poor babies TT they are truly going through it this season and it just breaks my heart
Simon???? PLEASE SOMEONE HELP HIM i really really wish in the finale we see him fully venting out and being vulnerable with wille in the most detailed way possible cuz he needs to do so. Poor thing probably feels so alone and just stunned by this whole fiasco
Wille wille wille, i really feel bad for him man. I will say, his impulsiveness and general aggression is quiTe frustrating and worrisome but i cant blame him when he has so many things weighing on his shoulders including massive blows to the perspective hes grown with. I really want to see him talking things through with Simon and Boris(we stan)
The erik thing? I will say it isnt shocking to hear he did terrible things but what he did is so much worse than expected. Can you imagine how Wille might be feeling? Like the man you looked up to, thought did no wrong and was always supportive and protective towards you did something like this? Its already so disgusting but, imagine hearing that about your brother as a queer person yourself? It just takes up the pain a notch even when its already so high.
A moment to just say, Linda my queen. When she popped oFF in the first ep istg i was so happy like YES. The not trusting simon part was...hurtful but i get her, shes worried about her kids and has been kept in the dark about it all. But the comforting simon while he cries just..that was painful man that hurt simon please never cry.
I hate you August. I sympathise, but i still hate you.
The hugs? the kisses? the hallways scene?? the snuggles?? My heart im so glad there are scenes of them being HAPPY
The end in ep5...listen i hope to god its not an ACTUAL break up and thats the moment they talk things through and wille gets insight to everything happening with simon and in simon's mind. I hope for wilmon endgame and i just want them to be those communicative kings like in s1. Its so painful to see them cry and just be sad...they are only teenagers...
Overall, im really excited for the finale please i wish qll the loose ends are tied and its a ending that makes sense <3 more thoughts on this later when i think about it more-
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canayams-art · 6 months
yikes ik it's been a while, and trust me ive been meaning to talk more about qianqing, but the uni exams started and now i FINALLY found some free time (and a sticky note at the back of my brain reminding me) to talk 😭
also before anything SEASON 2 LOOKS SOOOO FREAKING GOOOD!! like in absolutely in love with mq and i thought i couldn't love him more but i was fortunately proven wrong ! also it dragged me back into fengqing so there's that hensndkeknd it only took few hot shots of fx and yeah i hate that i love them again but i do and there's nothing i can do about it but accept 😔✊ I HAD SUCH HIGH EXPECTATIONS FOR LQQ AND HE MET EVERY ONE OF THEM SJDJDJD HE LOOKS SO BABY and speaking of him, im sooooo curious what was your favorite lqq scene??
you seem to have read my thoughts when you answered my last ask because THOSE WERE EXACTLY THE SCENES I IMAGINED THEM IN!! mq nagging lqq about paperwork, friendly sparring, lqq sticking around mq during events in the heaven iejejekejej gods i wish i have more time so i can write something for them because this hasn't stopped itching my brain for weeks 😭
i also raise you that they go on missions together, because once mq gets comfortable and once he notices that lqq keeps inviting him, even if he doesn't need the help, he would invite lqq simply for the company!
lqq meeting fy on his purse of revenge could go into sooo many different directions!! like does lqq figure out fy is out on defending mq's name quest and is conflicted because he wants to help but also killing qr takes priority rn? does he try to convince fy to work together?? now i wanna explore every crevice of that meeting and make like thousands fics for it!!
(it's not out of the question, ive done aus out of my own aus! im sure if i find the time i could do this as well😭)
the thing about qiurong for me, as it is with many ships in big fandoms, it feels very forced ig by the fandom? i don't think im wording it correctly, but for me i usually don't end up liking many of those ships because it feels like people would just smush two characters together because they ran out of characters they can pair them with. and it's not necessarily a bad thing, but in this case the most im seeing from qiurong is fluffy family aus, which would never come to mind for me when i think about qr and lqq in a room together. again not a bad thing, not a bad ship, but personally not my cup of tea.
i do have to admit tho, im always kinda leaning towards more canon characterization, so i do have a particular tastes in ships i do ship and in definitely not one of the people who would read anything they can from the ships i like. so i think i wouldn't have gave up so quickly on quirong if i found something that suits my taste, because i do like both of their characters separately.
EXPLORING THE SIDE CHARACTERS RELATIONSHIPS IS ALWAYS THE BEST PART IN ANY FANDOM FOR ME!!! especially as someone whose faves are usually the side characters lol the creativity and the freedom of interpretation, diving deeper into them and putting them into situations and having to think about how they would act in them sjsjjsjd makes me crazy every time!
WELCOME BACK QIANQING ANON!! Best of luck with your exams! Make sure you find time to take breaks and rest your brain when you can!
For real though season 2 has been such a treat so far— visually stunning and so fun to watch. I know what you mean about sinking back into fengqing hell while watching it. I’ve been in the same position— once you go fengqing you can never leave fengqing. They’re still so important to me 🥹🥹🧡
ALSO LQQ IS JUST AS ENDEARING AND CHARMING AS I HOPED HE WOULD BE. The way he’s so expressive and always so honest— he wears his feelings at all times and it’s always been one of my favorite qualities of his. Also asking me to choose a fav lqq scene is cruel— I love them ALL!!! From his intervention in the gambler’s den and subsequent fight with Hua Cheng, to the way Xie Lian still wrangles him like they’re still teacher & student, to lqq’s “if I hadn’t stepped in, nobody else would,” to the anger and pain in his voice as he broke his own arm to make a fair duel against xl,,,,, there’s so many good scenes!!!!
I’m bouncing all of these qianqing scenarios around in my head but I’m also especially intrigued by a fy & lqq encounter. If lqq was already close with mq when he was put under house arrest, I don’t know if lqq would be able to ignore that— even if he was still hellbent on revenge against qr. Maybe lqq doesn’t recognize mq in fy’s form— his decision to help would come across as so much more sincere like that, I think. Mq isn’t even present but lqq— who is still so jaded by his own quest— still thinks so highly of mq,,,,,,, I think mq would be taken aback by the gesture. Meanwhile lqq knows what it’s like to be wronged and want to set things right— he can empathize.
I’m shaking your hands on the qiurong sentiments— again, I think it’s fun for people to explore ships however they want. I don’t really like it so I don’t really engage with it. They don’t scratch the right type of enemies to lovers tropes that I usually like and that’s okay! I’ll be peddling my lqq content off in the corner while people have fun in their spaces.
I think it’s okay and important to be selective about how you enjoy your media! Not every piece of art or fic was made to be universally enjoyed and that’s okay! Personally I’m with you on focusing on characterization— If I feel like my silly lil guys would not say the words being put in their mouths then usually I put what I’m looking at down and move onto something else.
We’re alike in side character enjoyment too LMAO. Not to analyze it too hard but— for me at least— I think it comes down to how much they have or have not been explored and the intrigue that comes with that possibility. In more deranged words: they’re chewier! It’s like you said— it’s fun to try and figure out how they would behave in unwritten scenarios.
I’m glad you liked my autumn wind piece!!! I’d never drawn sqx before so that was exciting. I’ve been quietly enjoying people’s reactions to it while hiding so many other lqq rarepair ideas in my pockets 🤫😂
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doexoeyes · 2 years
Strangely Stranger Things
(Part 2)
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Summary: You & Steve Harrington? Well, stranger things have happened. Interdimensional monsters and all.
(Or in which the reader is a character in Stranger Things & this how I would incorporate them in the storyline).
Paring: Steve Harrington x Fem!reader
Warnings: Swearing, violence, a bit of suggestive dialogue.
Notes: This is part 2 of this series & it takes place during Season 3. Check out Part One before reading. Hope you enjoy♡
Season 3
You and Steve Harrington were living proof that the stranger, the better.
Never in a million years would either of you had thought that you’d end up dating, let alone be completely in love with each other.
Like literally devoted. Steve is like a love sick puppy around you, so inexplicably happy at being loved so fully and completely and by you. And you’re over the moon for Steve, butterflies and sparks every second you’re with him. Absolutely smitten.
The Loser and The Hair. Who would have thought.
Tammy Thompson is throwing a farewell party at her place and you and Steve attend, although he has made it impossible for you to even get out of the car.
He’s cupping your face, kissing you feverishly, one hand sneaking up inside your shirt while ‘True’ by Spandau Ballet played on the radio.
“Steve, come on..” you say as you tilt your chin away, although your words turn into a moan when he moves to place kisses down your neck.
“I can’t help it. You have me obsessed,” he mumbles into your skin, and you shiver at his confession.
“Mhm. We could have just stayed home then if this is how you wanted to spend the night,” you say, eyes rolling back when he sucks at your weak spot.
Your hands make their way into his hair, pulling at the strands. This elicits a groan from Steve, moving his hands down to slip his fingers under the waistband of your jeans.
“Mmm, not too late to turn back.”
You stiffen at this, gently pushing him away from you as you face him properly. “Steve, come on. This is probably your last high school party. You know, since the likely hood of me ever getting invited to one is very low,” you say, half joking.
You knew that when you’d go back to school without Steve there, you wouldn’t be as ‘respected’ as you were now. You knew the school would revert back to teasing or neglecting you, but you didn’t care. You had Steve at the end of the day and that’s all that mattered.
Steve looks at you with a pout, clearly unhappy at being torn away from you.
“I don’t know if I want to, actually. I think I prefer to make out with my girlfriend and have her make those beautiful sounds for me as I-”
“Is this about the college thing?” you ask him, a concerned frown on your face.
Sometimes it was a curse how well you knew him. He could never pull anything over you.
He sighs, slumping into his seat, hands running through his hair. “Im just gonna feel like shit when everyone starts talking about their futures. I already know I’m a loser. I don’t need it rubbed in my face,” he reveals.
Your heart breaks for Steve but you lean over to him, gentle hands on his cheeks as you tilt his head to face you. “Hey, you’re not a loser,” you say firmly, tone still maintaining its softness. “Getting into a stupid college does not measure your worth. You saved the whole freaking town for gods sake! And you’re the best baby sitter on the planet, hands down. You’re the most amazing person I know, Steve, and I know there’s other’s that feel the exact same way,” you state, smiling at him.
He looks at you silent for a moment, visibly thinking your words over.
“Besides, colleges are just a scam to trap us with student loans for the rest of our lives, enslaving us to the capitalistic world. And I’m not just saying that because my parents raised me to ‘stick it to the man’,” you say, and Steve laughs at that which makes your heart swell.
“What would I do without you?” he says sincerely, eyes looking into your’s with so much adoration that it makes your stomach do flips.
God, the effect that man has on you.
You kiss his forehead and his eyes close as he hums. “Hopefully you never have to find out,” you say with a wink, and he watches you move away from him with a dazed smile on his face.
With it being summer and all, you and Steve decide to both get jobs together at the Starcourt mall.
It was honestly not Steve’s decision per say, his dad forced him to get a ‘crappy mall job’ so he can ‘teach him a lesson’ on what happens to people who are ‘too stupid’ to get into college.
Those were his exact words. Sadly.
“Do you know how embarrassing that is? To have a dumbass for a son? What are you even good for, huh? You’re nothing but a disappointment. To me. To your mother. To everyone who has ever made the mistake of caring for you.”
His dad’s condescending words did a number on Steve, but you were right by his side, healing his wounds and giving him the encouragement and love he deserved.
“I love you so much. So, so much. And one day he’s going to realize that you’re a much better man the he will ever be,” you had said that night, both of you laying in your bed as you stroked Steve’s hair and held him in your arms as he cried silently on your chest.
That was the first time you had seen Steve cry, and though he resisted at first, your reassurance and kindness was enough to get him to let his guard down.
The next day he’s back to being all Steve-like, of course, not acknowledging last nights events, but you know that’s it’s a part of his process. You make sure to give him extra love and attention that day, and although he doesn’t tell you, he’s incredibly grateful.
Steve ends up getting a job at ‘Scoops Ahoy’, an ice cream shop at the food court, and you get one at ‘Tape World’, a music store on the second floor of the mall.
The best part? It was right across from Scoops Ahoy. So if you ever wanted to, you could poke your head out the store and wave at Steve (which you constantly do and he happily returns).
You’re the one thing keeping him going on the days when he feels like he’s going to explode. Especially since his coworker, Robin, seems to get her kicks out of humiliating him every chance she gets.
Despite this, you actually like Robin. You think she’s funny and has great taste in style and she gives you free ice cream when Steve is busy doing something in the back whenever you stop by.
“I still can’t believe you’re actually dating her, Harrington. You do realize she’s too cool for you, right?” Robin says one day as you walk out of the ice cream parlor.
Steve watches you walk away with a love sick smile, hand under his chin as he leans on the counter. “Yeah. I do,” he admits, Robin rolling her eyes at him.
You actually end up liking your job at Tape World due to your love for music, but also because you’re coworker is a certain dark haired, d&d loving, rock & roll rebel.
Eddie Munson is the coolest person you have ever met and you’re genuinely surprised by how you both clicked so easily.
You knew him in school as Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson, but you never really cared for labels as your given title of ‘The Loser’ made you very aware of how bogus they were. So you’re more than open minded about getting to know Eddie and you both end up bonding over your love for horror movies and your favorite bands.
He even introduces you to music you never heard before and lets you borrow his copy of ‘Lord of The Rings’ when you mention something about wanting to read a good book.
“So, you and Harrington, huh? What’s it like infiltrating the high and mighty of Hawkins High?” he asks one day as you organize a stack of tapes into their respected bins.
“Oh it’s insane. Did you know they have their own private bathroom with like a bathroom attendant? Along with a horse drawn carriage that takes them to and from classes. It’s crazy,” you joke with a mock scandalous tone.
“I knew it. Those bastards,” Eddie teases back and you both chuckle.
“Nah, Steve is just…he’s different. I mean, don’t get me wrong, he was a real fucking asshole for like 80% of the time he was there, but he was just being a stupid, insecure teenage. We can all be assholes when we’re insecure. Turns out though, he’s the most kindest, pure hearted person I know. And it’s like..he actually sees me, you know? I feel seen when I’m with him. And I’ve never really felt that way before,” you confess, teeth sinking into your lower lip, a little embarrassed by how honest you were.
Eddie, however, doesn’t make you feel ashamed at your vulnerability and instead gives you a small, understanding smile. “Yeah, I get it.”
He reaches down to the box in your hands and grabs a couple of tapes, helping you sort them as he says “But if Harrington ever breaks your heart, I’m going to make sure he doesn’t see anything ever again,” he states and you bump your shoulder into his playfully, the both of you cracking up.
Meanwhile, Steve gets involved in Dustin’s plan to translate a ‘secret Russian code’ he overheard on his ‘cerebro’.
Robin also becomes a part of it, able to crack the code in less than a day, but Steve refuses to let you in on what they’re doing, promising himself that if he were ever able to spare you from potential dangerous situations, he would.
This unfortunately starts to create a bit of tension between you and Steve, because when you would visit him at work now, he would act incredibly fidgety and suspicious.
You were starting to think that maybe he was starting to pull away from you. ‘Maybe King Steve is over with experimenting with The Loser,” the voice in your head, which sounded a lot like Carol, said. But you try to pay no mind to it because that’s absolutely ridiculous and you know Steve loves you.
…He loves you, right?
“Hey, so umm…they’re playing that new movie tonight. The one with the DeLorean time machine, and I was thinking we can go watch it. Like a date night?” you suggest, leaning over the counter, eyes on Steve.
You see his face twitch, a mixture of pity and guilt, before he plasters on that ‘Harrington smile’. “I’m sorry, babe. I can’t. I have to stay late tonight to…to..”
You frown at him, knowing very well that he’s searching for any possible excuse to give you. He seems to notice that you’re on to him and is about to drop the act altogether until Robin chimes in, emerging from the back room.
“To clean the freezer in the back! Yeah, dingus over here accidentally disconnected it this morning and all the ice cream that was in there melted. Huge mess. It’s like, an ice cream massacre in there,” she states, feigning annoyance, but you see right through it.
“Mhm. Totally,” you say dryly, not trying to hide your disbelief. You to turn to walk away but Steve grabs at your wrist.
“Hey, we can watch it tomorrow? I’m off at 5. And after we can go to the fair and then watch the fireworks. It’ll be the perfect date night, I promise,” he says, eyes almost pleading with you to accept as his thumb rubs smooth circles onto your wrist.
You watch him in silence for a moment, chewing on your bottom lip before mustering up the tiniest smile. “Sure. Tomorrow sounds good.”
The smile isn’t convincing and Steve feels his chest drop as you slip your hand out of his grip, walking off without a proper goodbye.
He’s completely distracted by the thought of you all day, causing him to be more tightly wound up than usual. He even manages to snap at Robin, which throws her off because despite her constant teasing, Steve has not once been genuinely upset by it.
“I’m sorry, it’s just…I really can’t lose her,” Steve confesses to Robin when she asks him about it. “She’s the greatest thing in my entire life and if I lose her over this stupid Russian thing then I’m going to lose myself,” he says with a sigh, running a hand through his hair.
“Look, I know I said she’s too cool for you, and although that is true, she’s clearly head over heels for you. I just think she’s a bit weirded out over how off you’ve been acting. She can tell you’re hiding something from her. Maybe it’s better if you just tell her the truth.”
Steve immediately shakes his head. “No, I can’t. Because if I do then she’s going to want to be involved and she’s infuriatingly hard headed and as long as I’m a part of this, she’s going to want be too, no matter what I say. And I’m not putting her through danger. Not again.”
Truth is, ever since last fall, when Billy Hargrove broke your arm, he’s been living with the guilt of it being his fault. If he wasn’t so pathetic, then Billy would have never gotten into the house and hurt you the way he did. Your screams replayed in his head most nights, along with the voice of his dad letting him know that he was a disappointment to everyone who has ever made the mistake of caring for him.
You made the mistake of loving him. Which was even worse.
That night Steve, Robin, Dustin, and now Erica, are fully involved in their plan but become trapped in a secret elevator overnight and then kidnapped by Russian soldiers.
It’s in the interrogation room that Steve realizes that’s he’s probably not going to make it to your date.
As if that should be his biggest worry at the moment.
The truth is, Steve could be at the brink of death, and his thoughts would still be on you.
He pictures you in his mind as the soldiers torture him relentlessly. He thinks of your smile and the way your eyes light up when your excited and how you make him laugh more than he has his entire life and how your lips on his make him feel like the luckiest person in the world.
His eye is swollen and he’s spitting up blood but he still doesn’t break because you’re the one he’s doing this for. He’s not going to let you down this time.
When he passes out finally, he’s put into a room with Robin. Flash forward to the drugs they were given and the alarm going off right before Steve’s nail is pulled, and the gang finally escapes once Dustin and Erica come to their rescue.
They escape and take refuge inside the movie theatre where they’re seated coincidentally at the movie you wanted to watch.
“Hey! This is the movie y/n wanted to see! Where is she ?!” he shouts, and the audience shushes him harshly as Robin turns around to shush them back.
“They’re all just jealous. Ignore them,” she reassures him, crossing her arms across her chest as she sinks into her seat. “In fact, I’m kinda jealous too…” she mutters in her stoned stupor.
Steve is high as a kite and he knows it but he swears he sees you walking up the aisle and exiting the theatre so he decides to follow you out. Robin in tow, of course.
It’s not you, to the disappointment of Steve, and he actually lets out a whine of disappointment. He’s about to run around to find you (because he absolutely must apologize and explain that he didn’t ditch you, he just got kidnapped and tortured by Russians) until he gets distracted by the lights on the ceiling. They leave Robin mesmerized as well, but they both eventually get dizzy and dash to the bathroom to puke.
“God, I’m gonna lose her, aren’t I,” Steve says in between dry heaves. He hears the sound of the toilet in the stall next to him flush before Robin speaks up. “So what if you do? You’ll just move on to the next like you always do.” she claims and Steve frowns.
“It doesn’t work like that when you’re in love, Robin.” he says and there’s a pause from her. “You..love her? Like, for real?”
“Yeah. I do. I mean, I thought I was in love once before, but now I know I was wrong. This is what love really feels like, and I would rather be tied up in a chair and have my face bashed in again then lose it. I’m…I’m gonna marry her someday,” he reveals, leaning his back against the stall door.
“Wow. I just always thought that guys like you took that for granted. The fact that you can openly love whoever you want. I mean, you’re Steve Harrington. Your with a new girl every semester.”
“Maybe. But that’s not who I am anymore,” he answers simply. “And what do you mean I can openly love whoever I want? You can do that too, you know,” he says and his brows furrowed when there’s no response from her.
“Robin?” He chooses to slide into her stall and catches Robin sitting with her arms wrapped around her knees, back to the wall.
“That’s the thing. I can’t. I don’t know if I ever will.”
He eyes her, confused. Robin goes on to explain exactly why she was jealous of Steve back in school, and it all clicks for him.
The fear in her eyes are evident and there’s a tense moment of silence as she can visibly see Steve process it all before he finally responds.
“I mean, yeah. Tammy Thompson, you know, she’s cute and all, but…she’s a total dud.”
And the conversation surprisingly ends with them laughing and singing like muppets and Robin decides that she was wrong when she said you’re too cool for Steve.
Turns out, he’s pretty cool too.
Meanwhile, after accepting that Steve wasn’t going to make it to the movie, you had been walking around the mall when you realized you had forgotten your Walkman at work.
“Shit,” you muttered as you looked at your watch, realizing that the mall was closing. Thankfully, you had a key to the store and was sure your manager wouldn’t mind if you just really quickly grabbed your Walkman and left.
You do exactly that, making sure not to move anything out of place, but just as you finish locking the gate, you hear a car going off. “What the..” as you lean over the railing to see what’s going on, you notice a car lifting up the the air and barreling towards a group of men holding guns.
“What the hell!” you shout, and you suddenly see familiar faces looking across from you on the first floor.
“Y/n!” Steve calls out to you, and you immediately run down to the first floor, eyes widening when you see the state of Steve’s face. “Steve! Oh my gosh, what the hell happened?!” you say as you bolt towards him, immediately caressing his face in your hands, checking his injuries.
“Hey, I’m ok, I promise. It’s a long story involving Russians and a silver cat and a secret elevator but I need you to know that the reason why I’ve been acting so weird lately is because I didn’t want to get you involved,” he admits, words rushing out of him like word vomit.
You look overwhelmed and confused for a moment, but just as you’re about to respond, the rest of the gang shows up, including Jonathan who you immediately envelop in a hug.
“You’re crushing me,” Jonathan states, but you shake your head, ignoring him. “I feel like I haven’t seen you all summer,” you state, and he chuckles softly as he embraces you back. “Yeah, I know.”
After pulling away, you hear the rest of the group get reacquainted, listening to every detail you so obviously missed before this. Just as you’re about to ask Steve to elaborate further, Eleven collapses on the ground.
Turns out the Mind Flayer was back and it has possessed Billy Hargrove and taken victims from Hawkins. While battling it, a piece of the Mind Flayer had gotten inside of Eleven and now it needed to be taken out. You watch in disgust as Jonathan attempts to cut it out of her, but Eleven finishes the job herself, levitating it out of her leg and throwing it on the other side of the room.
That’s where Joyce, Hopper, and Murray come in.
As Eleven rests and the rest of the gang plan out their next move, you take the time to confront Steve.
“I just don’t understand why you would keep something from me. Russians or no Russians, we’re supposed to tell each other everything,” you state, clearly hurt.
“I know, and I’m sorry, but I knew this would put you in danger. And I honestly can’t imagine what it would have been like knowing you were in the same situation as I was. I don’t want you to ever get hurt again. Not if I can stop it,” he explains, and your brows furrow.
“Is this about what happened that night. With…with Billy?” you ask, swallowing down the lump in your throat.
Steve looks at you with sad eyes, confirming your suspicions. “I will never let something like that happen to you again. I couldn’t stop it then but I will now,” he promises and your chest aches.
“Steve…I love you. And I love how much you care about me. But you can’t keep things from me, or lie to me in order to do that. You need to let me make my own decisions. You need to trust me,” you say, eyes pleading with him. He looks at you with his big brown eyes and that look that makes you want to melt. You’re the most important person in the world to him and you can feel it when he looks at you that way.
“Okay. I trust you,” he says and leans in to kiss you gently. Your hand instinctively cups his cheek as the kiss deepens but he pulls away with a small hiss.
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry, I forgot,” you say, hands over your mouth as you remember the state of his face. He chuckles and kisses the top of your nose, reassuring you that it was ok.
“Steve, come on! We gotta go!” Dustin calls out to him, and Steve grabs your hand, ready to lead you with him, but you pull away. “Actually, I’m gonna stay with Jonathan and Nancy and the rest of the kids,” you state.
You can see the way his mouth is ready to protest but you flash him a pleading look and he immediately drops whatever he was going to say. Instead he sighs and wraps his arms around you in a tight embrace. “Just promise you’ll be careful. No putting yourself in stupid, risky situations for no reason, ok?” he asks and you smile softly, nodding and hugging him back. “I promise.”
When the group separates, you, Jonathan, and Nancy work on getting the car started out in the parking lot. You get in the drivers seat while Nancy and Jonathan check the engine.
“Hey, you didn’t have to stay with me and Nancy, you know,” Jonathan begins to say, approaching you. “You could have gone with Steve if you wanted. We coulda done this by ourselves,” he reassures you, hands scratching at the back of his neck.
“Maybe, but I need to make sure that my best friend survives the night. Especially since we have movie night coming up on Friday and it’s my turn to choose,” and he chuckles at this. “Hey, you know I love you, right? And you’re like so important to me and I’m just sorry that this summer we have haven’t been able to hang out as much as we used to, but you’re still my best friend and I wouldn’t ever want to los-“
“I love you too,” he interrupts, giving you a sincere smile that lights up his eyes. You smile back.
“Dork,” he mutters under his breath and you snort, flicking your middle finger at him jokingly until a roar of an engine catches both your attention.
As if meant to interrupt all the peace and happiness you’d been feeling after days of anxiety, Billy Hargrove is seated in his car, engine sputtering and roaring like an animal ready to pounce. Even from inside the car you can see his deranged expression, the anger in his eyes. You were let in on the fact that the Mind Flayer had possessed Billy, but it still didn’t lessen the hatred you had for him.
You abort the original plan and run back inside of the mall, where Jonathan attempts to start the car that Elven had thrown at the Russian soldiers. But then the Mind Flayer literally crashes in and ruins any hope of getting that thing to start.
Meanwhile, Dustin’s trying desperately to get in contact with you all but to no avail. This causes Steve to grow anxious, knowing that if no one was answering, then something was very wrong.
He runs off with Robin to go back to the mall to try to save you all, praying to the universe that you were fine and he would make it in time.
You all eventually manage to escape out of the mall, but you notice that Billy is still outside in his car, ready to drive right into you all.
Nancy orders Jonathan to start the car and the kids pile up inside, but as you look towards Billy, all you can do is remember that night at the Byers’ house, when he grabbed your arm and slammed you into the table. When he put his filthy tongue on your neck. When he said those awful words to you. When he made you feel so helpless and weak; a feeling you never wanted to experience again in your life.
You spent months with a cast after he broke your arm, a constant reminder of that terrible feeling. You knew it was the reason why Steve saw you differently now. Why he feels the need to protect you so much.
You refused to be seen as weak ever again. You will not let Billy get his way.
Nancy is screaming at you to get inside as she stands with her gun pointed towards Billy, but you don’t move an inch.
“Nancy, give me the gun,” you demand.
“What?! Are you out of your mind right now?!” she shouts, looking at you as if you grew an extra head.
“Nancy, just give me the gun and get in the fucking car!” you bark and something flashes in her eyes as she looks at you and then back at Billy.
She gives you the gun as she heads to the passenger side of the car and you stand with your hand on the trigger. Billy starts the car, speeding towards you and you immediately shoot. Bullet after bullet pierces through the glass but he continues to accelerate towards you. Despite the fact that he’s most definitely going to crash into you, you stand your ground to the very end, and just as he’s about to hit you, a car suddenly crashes right into him, forcing him out of the way.
You watch with wide eyes as you realize that the driver of the car that saved your lives was Steve, and you let out a sigh of relief before racing towards the trunk for you to sit in. Nancy drives over to Steve and Robin so they can get in, just as the Mind Flayer appears once more.
Once inside the trunk, you embrace Steve, who’s quick to embrace you back but not before exclaiming “you broke your promise! this is exactly what I meant by not putting yourself in stupid, risky situations!”
You all watch anxiously as the Mind Flayer tries to gain on you all, but the sound of Dustin and his very much real girlfriend Susie singing ‘Never Ending Story’ on the walkie is a welcomed mood changer. Despite everyone giving you a strange look for singing along. “Oh please, don’t act like you don’t know it,” you state with a roll of your eyes.
You all make it back to the mall and see the Mind Flayer collapse, a sign that the gate was successfully closed, which signaled the end of all this. You spot Max hovering over Billy’s body, understanding that he hadn’t survived. Although your anger towards Billy over what he did to you may never go away, you wouldn’t wish death upon anyone, and your heart ached for Max and her loss.
That night, you stay over at Steve’s. His parents are gone for the week and you’re both very clearly out of a job given the destruction of the mall, so the night turns into a few days and you spend your time holding one another, crying, healing, and trying to enjoy one another’s company.
Along with the death of Billy, you were all informed that Hopper did not make it either, and with that, the Byers’ were moving out of Hawkins and all the way to California. Which meant that the only people who made you feel like you had an actual family, were leaving you.
Steve reassured you that they wouldn’t be gone from your life and that you could always go and visit during breaks and holidays. And although you knew that was a possibility, it still didn’t lessen the pain you felt at once again having someone leave.
“Steve?” you call out to him softly, your head laying on his chest as his arms held you. “Yes?” he murmurs into your hair. “Promise you won’t leave me?” you ask, voice watery as tears trailed down your cheeks.
Steve immediately lifts his head up, causing you to do the same in order to look into his eyes. “Never. I will never leave you. I promise,” he swears, and the look in his eyes tells you he means it.
“Hey, I know what will make you feel better,” he says after a moment of laying in silence together. He gets up from the bed and turns on his cassette player, the opening chords of ‘Separate Ways’ by Journey plays and you sit up from the bed, raising a brow at him. “Really?”
“It’s your favorite song,” he claims as he air guitars and a smile breaks out on your face as you giggle. “No, that’s your favorite song.”
“Mine? Are you sure?” he asks, and he walks over to you and grabs your hands pulling you out of the bed with him.
“Here we stand
Worlds apart, hearts broken in two, two, two”
He sings to you and you’re a giggling mess, Steve laughing along with you before head banging as he begins to bounce up and down, moving your arms around with him.
“Feelin' that it's gone
Could change your mind
If we can't go on
To survive the tide, love divides”
Steve’s energy is contagious and you can’t help but sing along with him, both of you jumping up on the bed and shouting out the words to one another.
“Someday, love will find you
Break those chains that bind you
One night will remind you
How we touched and went our separate ways
If he ever hurts you
True love won't desert you
You know I still love you
Though we touched and went our separate ways”
Steve grabs onto you and makes you both fall onto the bed. You squeal, a mess of giggles as he lays several kisses on your face. “I love you,” he says, forehead resting against yours.
“I love you,” you recite back, gazing at him with pure adoration. In that moment, nothing else mattered. Just the two of you in your own little world. A world where nothing or no one could hurt you.
Little did you know, there was something lurking around the corner, getting ready to deliver more hurt than you could possibly imagine.
“Though we touched and went our separate ways”
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kedreeva · 2 years
OK OK SO LISTEN OK HEAR ME OUT I AM VERY VERY MUCH WELL ON MY EAY TO ACTUALLY WATCHING THIS BIT H OF A SHOW JUST BECAUSE EVERY TIME YOU TELL ME MORE ABOUT IT the broken ass fucking thing in ny brain that controls my serotonin levels goes _Ping_ and i get to experience The Happy but LISTEN here the fucking issue ive got an absolute bitch of an executive dysfunction and main issue: everything i know about thr show and everything that makes my brain go HYPERFIXATION TIME is shit from like,, the last 2 seasons ig mostly and like on a Theoretical fucking level i am well aware that once i start watching ill start enjoying it from the first coupke episodes (whatever deity may or may not be out there ought to just strike me down already at this point my previous self from like 5 years ago would strangle me if that fucker knew ehat our stupid bitch of a brain latched to amd decided to sing praises to in the end) but like The Things that currently have me in the headlock when it comes to the damned show Wont be There yet and even though i logically know it doesnt matter cause ill enjoy the rest too stupid piece of shit brain goes "must watch 2 seasons just to get there? Must watch 2 seasins to get to the Serotonin? Not in this energy crisis" so im Stuck unable to Watch it and Wanting to and reading and looking at SO much fucking fancontent cause goddamn the fucking fandom is talented fuck yall
Also i really appreciate your offer regarding the poll its v sweet of you but unfortunately its got a local target audience since its for a project that will begin at a local stage (and if i get my way slowly grow bigger until it reaches nationwide level but yeah v low hopes for it to get that far) and also since the whole project thing is basically a part of a far larger project thing with lots of smaller teams like us and shit and the reason im part of the whole shebang is that a professor of mine decided to place me on her team without even asking ive gotta make the poll using my Proper™ account which not only means sharing my deadname but also my last name (in short my whole legal name) so yeah big fucking mess thats going to shit anyway but i really appreciate the intention its v sweet (also as you hopefully have figured out i am VERY shit at explaining anything on a manner that makes sense but also im my defence it Is currently 3am where i am so yeah id like to throw a teeny bit of the blame for my inability to communicate on that)
Go to SLEEP.
But before you do I need you to look me in the fucking eyes, and understand this: season 1 is absolutely fantastic. Season 1 is still my favorite season. Not only do you get to meet all the amazing characters as babies, but the plots.... oh, the plots. oh. the storylines in season 1 are all fucking gorgeous, Delightful.
okayokay, listen. listen.
I gotta calm down a second because season 1 is so good, but listen
Season 1 does something that's so incredibly difficult to pull off, and not only did they pull it off, they pulled it off with flying colors. They told three narratives that were all part of one narrative, expertly braiding them together until suddenly they have all come together and everything crescendos and hhhhhh it's bliss. It's fucking bliss.
You have the first plot, and that's a kid's adventure plot. It is the genre of plot where you have a bunch of kids who get into a supernatural shenanigan with a New Friend, completely under the noses of the oblivious adults. This is some ET shit, some Earth to Echo shit. They've got to hide their New Weird Friend from the adults, and they are the ONLY ONES capable of saving her. High Child Adventure Time. They're riding their bikes and yelling over their radios and doing things only children would think to do in an attempt to keep El safe.
Then you have the second plot, with Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve (and arguably tommy and carol). This is a teenage monster horror flick w/ bonus romance. This is "one of the teenagers got killed/taken by a monster and the rest of the teens have to survive/cope with it/hunt the monster down together" genre. Nancy and Steve are busy getting into romance and then crashing and burning it because Nancy knows there's monsters and Steve has no idea, but Jonathan knows there's monsters, and now they're teaming up to fight back right up until Steve crash lands in the middle of the event and picks up the nailbat the first time. Delightful, you have to understand. You have to know. The first time Steve weilds the nailbat, he twirls it. And that twirl is.... fucking everything. That twirl lives rent free in my head for eternity.
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You have to understand. This entire scene leading up to this is pure fucking gold. Steve is beat the fuck up after picking a fight with Jonathan (and losing), and he's come over to Jonathan's house to apologize to him, because he realized he's been an asshole. Who DOES that first of all. Second of all, this is AFTER he went and made amends with the theater he and tommy and carol defaced to be mean to nancy, and before he's apologized to nancy herself; he's coming to jonathan's house, alone, at night, to apologize to Jonathan, not because he knows Nancy is there, but because it's the right thing to do.
And then Nancy opens the door and okay, he had guessed they were... a thing, maybe, so that's not totally unexpected, but then he sees her hand. He sees the bandage on her hand, the blood they were using to draw the monster, and he has NO IDEA monsters exist still. He pushes into the house because he thinks Jonathan hurt Nancy, only to find Jonathan is also sporting a bandage, and also there's like. weapons all over the fucking place and christmas lights and Nancy's yelling at him to leave and she pulls a fucking gun on him and tells him he has 5 seconds to gtfo, and as if that wasn't enough, a literal monster claws through the ceiling, drops down and starts trying to eat them all. Nancy's firing a gun at it right up until Jonathan grabs her around the middle and bodily hauls her away from danger, grabs Steve's hand with his other hand, and hauls his partners down the hall to safety.
Down the hall where, you know, he and Nancy put a fucking bear trap on the ground. A bear trap steve does not know about but when Jonathan yells JUMP, do you know. Steve doesn't even stop to ask how high. he just fucking jumps. He's freaking out and the monster seems to disappear and they tell him to leave because it's going to come back and he makes it all the way to his car before realizing... he can't fucking leave them there. so he goes charging right back into danger, and good fucking thing too, because Jonathan's been disarmed and nancy's out of bullets and the demogorgon is still coming after her, and Steve gets there just in time to scoop up Jonathans nailbat (which FYI, was made from Nancy's bat, with Jonathan's nails, and now Steve wields it, as if I NEEDED OT3 feels) and start wailing on the monster until it's beaten back into the trap and they can set it on fire.
and then!!! there's also the ADULT plotline, which is of the government conspiracy theory genre, as Joyce refuses to believe her son Will is dead and Hopper doesn't agree until actually he finds out she's RIGHT and the corpse was a FAKE and then HE is in on it and they are desperately trying to figure out what the fuck the LAB was doing with all its secrets.
And Delightful.... I have to say. Watching these three plotlines converge.... I've watched the first season dozens of times by this point. Chef's kiss. They all come together and realize they've all been dealing with facets of the same problem, and they move forward together to save Will and take down the monster and the lab that caused the problem. Oh my GOD.
And that's not even speaking of the characters. You will be adopting every child. Season 1 mike is the best mike. I would kill for season 1 nancy but she's got it covered. Season 1 Steve shows you his capacity for being a bitch, which is WHY the later seasons are so amazing with him being a good guy. You have to be able to remember the moment he took Jonathan's camera from him, jonathan's most prized possession, probably the most expensive and difficult to replace thing Jonathan owns, and smashes it on the pavement. You have to experience him writing (or allowing Tommy to write) "Nancy Wheeler is a SLUT" on the movie theater announcement board on main street. You have to see him shove Jonathan and say "always figured you for a queer" in order to understand how far he's come when he sits on the bathroom floor with Robin and softly says "oh." and still looks at her like she hung the moon. You have to see how much the kids care about each other when they are all in one place or you will never survive the catty nonsense they go through in season 3. SEASON 1 MATTERS SO MUCH.
There's SO MUCH about season 1!!! I'm supposed to be writing stories right now, so I'm gonna leave it here but please know you will not be slogging through 2 seasons to get to 3 and 4. You'll be watching the best season, a good season, and then arrive at when the plot kind of sucks but the characters have a chokehold on your heart so it doesn't matter.
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petrichoraline · 1 year
Hiii let me chacha real smooth in your inbox for that "X or Y" game!
The Untamed or Word of Honor? Pat or Pran? To my star or To My Star 2? Pawin in Star in my Mind or in The Eclipse or in Never Let Me Go?
Gmmtv whiped boys edition: Palm or Tinn?
And would you rather eat Noey's over salted food OR Tan's 'dr bun wont eat that' instant(ly failed) noodles? -☆
<33 what a smooth sliding into my ask box 🥰 it's a tough road ahead from here on though, go make a cup of tea, i've prepared you a read
The Untamed or Word of Honour?
ohhh shit, okay. so.
cql was the most draining show - it's amazing and so enticing but i had never watched anything from the wuxia genre before so it was A Lot..i would not rewatch it tbh, maybe the special addition if i miss wangxian too much 💞 it's so tragic and i'm always at risk of The Feels when i come across any cql or mdzs post, not to mention the yi city arc which fucked me up in a particular way...
woh doesn't make me as emotional because everyone is insane? it's actually impressive how unhinged every single person in the show is, the stories are tragic too, especially the last episodes but i was kind of numb to it, decided to focus on my guys and their happy ending only ✌️
woh gave me wen kexing, visuals (the designs of the characters are wild, espeecially the ghosts, they're straight out of a children's book, so expressive and individualistic) and the most blatant expression of romance they could - not only could you feel the love through each gaze, touch and action but boundaries were pushed in terms of script and the portrayal of physical affection was more than what they had to do. also i'm obsessed with the lipreading videos <3
cql and mdzs are still distant to me and i feel like an outsider to the fandom but i feel the same way about woh. cql introduced me to wuxia, i see posts about it more often and i feel like i remember the characters and events better. not to mention i got into mxtx bc of it so i have it to thank for the blast i have when im reading svsss. so ig i have to pick the untamed? but woh really is special, i hope ppl watch it
Pat or Pran?
boyyy i would usually say pat no questions asked but i think about pran and how he's handled all that his mom put him through and how he clearly struggles in so many ways and my protective instincts are screaaming, he's such a brave patootie (or, yknow, patootie)..but yeah no, i'll say pat, he is so loving loving loving despite everything, so considerate, so caring, he's a bit of a jock, a bit of a theatre kid, a bit of a band member - he's straight out of high school musical but adorable
To My Star or To My Star 2
TMS2!! i am sure s1 is great but it just didn't leave a lasting impression on me, it was the second season that had me shaking in excitement and yelling at the screen and going through tumblr to read analyses and stuff. it made me care about seojoon and jiwoo soo much and even if in the future i find the first season better in retrospect, s2 is my baby (and it got me so excited bout daseul's vision for blueming 2 🥰)
Pawin in Star in my Mind or in The Eclipse or in Never Let Me Go?
ohh that's interesting..maithee, namo and phum are all annoying but supportive losers lol
i dont have much of an opinion on any of them like phum was a villain for most of the show and then he had a glow up and became a rich hottie with a cute boyfriend, namo was a decoy that suddenly became a part of the squad and i dont remember much about maithee in the og show honestly.. based on the our skyy 2 episodes, i'll go with namo - he gave off sweet supportive kid who just wants to be loved and that's pathetic and cute <3 (tho maithee deserves betterrr)
Palm or Tinn?
in terms of whipped, i think i'd go with palm. man is borderline crazy for nueng, it's impressive. with their our skyy 2 eps out it's confirmed it's not just teen hormones lol
when it comes to my personal fave...they're both precious and frustrate me a lot but ig i'd go with tinn - i think of his reaction to gun rawring at him, about him coming back with those grocery bags.. he's so intense and awkward and devoted but it's not in the way palm is (which makes even me a bit uncomfortable hahah)
eat Noey's over salted food OR Tan's 'dr bun wont eat that' instant(ly failed) noodles?
i cannot deal with salty food, i'm more sensitive to salt than others so whatever noey's cooking has got going on that makes others spit it out immediately? not for me. nuh uh.
i can't find tan's noodles but i found the chicken scene and boyy that is probably salty on top of burnt and with disgusting texture soo (also burnt on the outside raw on the inside is wildd)
yeah. noey's food. small bites, lots of water - if it's otherwise tasty then i'll take a day to finish it, it's cool. :') (on a side note they'd both look with such anticipation and nervousness and wide eyes and aaa reminds me of dfqc, i love it when bad cooks try their best and realise they suck lol)
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maydoesthings · 1 year
Since the The Last of Us HBO show is over for some time now,
I wanted to give a quick rundown of things I liked and didn’t liked. As well, talking about references to the games (so spoiler for tlou 1 & 2) and also what I’d like to see in the next seasons…
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first the things I enjoyed:
First Episode
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The first episode was a masterpiece. I watched it three times, I cried three times and it set my hopes for the show really high. I think it’s my favorite episode of the series.
it was a lot more personal because you spend the whole day with Sarah, when everything was normal just to watch it burn
Broke me all over again
The original dialogues from the game and the scenery made it so perfect
Special mentions for the car ride since it was shot to shot the exact same
Sooo many little details (Sarah’s Band T-Shirt, Joel’s guitar in the background,..)
The beginning was a bit boring I must admit, but overall it was perfect
The explaining about the real life fungi in the very beginning was also important and very good made
Bella and Pedro matched the first of cold impression towards each other perfect
Joel & Ellie
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They had everything. The most important scenes for character building, the dialogue. I really liked how they acted that out.
The Car scene, the first meeting, the talk about Sarah, the scene at David’s, the giraffe scene and the end sequence- everything was included. and even more
It was so important for me to see how these two will interact with each other and it was just like I wanted it
Their relationship makes TLoU so special
Henry & Sam
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I really enjoyed Henry & Sam in the game so I also had high hopes for them. The serie didn’t do it as I expected but it was still good.
Henry cares so much for Sam and HBO showed that even more
They made huge changes for Sam like his age and the fact that he’s deaf -> yes, it makes the show more dramatic and their trust with each other is even more important so that was a good thing
But, I wanted to see two teenagers that have an understanding and are trying to survive together. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the relationship between Ellie and Sam in the show and it made it even more emotional for me it was just very unexpected and a bit more complicated because of the age difference
I cried when they died because,
The fact that he told Ellie because he’s just a little child (here the age difference again makes it more emotional since he’s just 8 :( ) and she even tried to help him and
Because it made Henry even more helpless because a teenager kind of knows what he’s doing but a deaf little child can only rely on him and he failed
It was also bad because Ellie wrote ‘Im sorry’ on his board cause she knew and also failed to protect him
speaking of, even though it was dumb to not tell Joel and Henry, it was such an Ellie like thing to do. She saw how Riley died because of the infection, and Tess… She wants to be the cure and she hoped so desperately that she could help Sam with her blood because she doesn’t want another one to die
really shattered my heart but they did a good job on that
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Jackson was truly something. So much foreshadowing for TLoU part II… I’m a big jackson fan anyway and to see the town like this really brought me joy.
not only the reunion with Tommy that was so beautiful, but also to see how the residents could live peacefully
-> I think everyone saw atleast one “I’ve got my eye on you” edit about Ellie and this girl watching her, right? So it isn’t really confirmed but everyone assumes it’s Dina! Ellie’s girlfriend in Part II.
-> Shimmer. You know, the horse. It was only a baby there, but we know that in the second part, Ellie and Dina have a horse named Shimmer on their way to Seattle
-> The tipsy bison. Joel and Tommy were talking in there. It’s a bar in part II and I think Sev (yk, the dude who makes ‘bigot sandwiches’) owns it
I really love all those little details
David & his people
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We all know David, yk the pedo? Even though I don’t like him, I really like his part of the game. HBO made his character even more disgusting and better.
Even though the chase wasn’t as frequent as in the game, and I really missed the teamwork with David where Ellie has no idea what’s coming… It was still one of the best episodes
Idk if it sounds weird, but I like how they made David even more evil and all. It shows what a true monster he is and all
What really freaks me out though, is that he used to be a teacher to students in Ellies age. And also, STOP WITH THE IM YOUR DADDY SHIT
But one thing about his people, yeah? This woman with short hair which name wasn’t revealed? Don’t tell me that isn’t Mel form TLoU part II <- Owens pregnant girlfriend. She looked so much like her. It doesn’t even make that much sense considering she was a firefly in the original but HBO did already a few changes so why not more?
Ashley & Troy
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I’m so happy that the original Ellie and Joel could make an appearance in the show. It’s just the right way to honor them.
Ashley Johnson (Ellie in the games) was featured as Ellie’s mother, which is honestly just fitting, because she likes gives the role away to her child yk?
Troy Baker (Joel in the games) as James from David’s people. He looked very fitting for it and also did a good job
It’s nice to have the original featured, even if they can’t play their actual roles
I think it’s a nice way to honor them
Now to things I didn’t like:
Tess’ Death
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I just think it’s not the right way for her to go. Even though the fungus made a connection throughout the kiss, it’s not really respectful for her character I think.
Tess was a really strong character who never showed fear and would do a lot of things for her survival. I loved her until the very end. I had the feeling we didn’t see that much of it in the show
Even though the understanding between Tess and Joel was more clearly
How they portrayed Tess in her last minutes was very weak and painful to watch. In the game, she stood until the very end while in the show, she’s shaking and not functioning properly and overall a lot weaker than the original.
I think it was disrespectful to let her go like this, I mean especially the kiss. She’s fighting against the virus all the time only to give up?
Idk if I’m the only one who thinks it should’ve been like the show but let me know what you think of this. I can’t really explain why I don’t like this…
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Don’t get me wrong. I’m not mad because they gave Bill a happy ending with Frank but because I wanted to see more action from Bill.
Bills Town was one of my favorite parts of the game. Not only the location, also Bill himself and the shotgun he gave us. I was really excited for this in the show and was really disappointed when I didn’t get to see that. I also missed the bickering between Ellie and Bill and I missed how Bill was killing infected with his machete
We already kind of knew about Bill and Frank because of the ‘nice’ letter Frank left Bill but it was really something to see their story. Although, I would’ve liked if it was like in the game. Yes, Bill does deserves a happy ending but it triggered me that he died before Ellie could meet him.
The world of TLoU is a cruel one and such things like love aren’t very common for it. So I actually would’ve preferred if Frank really would’ve died because it just sets a better example for the setting. It also just fits better for Bills character. It’s not very like him to just be all lovely with another person because we all know he’s an asshole. (we still love him)
Episode 3 was just an filler and it really disappointed me because if you wanna add backstory to it, do it. But I also wanna see some action and especially Bill action.
Sadly, it was really disappointing to see
(and with this, I’m not saying I want certain characters to kill themselves or that they don’t deserve an happy ending with each other, I just preferred the original < and that’s not because of Bill and Franks relationship… Frank could’ve tagged along but the death triggered me)
Catherine (was this her name?)
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I hate this woman. I hate her so much she didn’t deserve to be there. She was so unnecessary and did also foreshadowing for a certain character in part II. Why would you make her the leader??
First thing, it’s just a little game reference so it isn’t that bad but still a :| moment. Pittsburgh was a men only town. And then she gets to be leader. If you want a female leader, choose anyone BUT her. Worst leader fr
Her backstory. They tried that we sympathize with her because her brother died. Yes, a lost family member is really serious. But, they tried to explain her actions with it so we understand why she wants Henry and Sam. Does this remind you of something? Exactly, Abby.
If you like her, that’s to you I can understand. But the exact same reasoning why she killed Joel? They tried to say with Abby and Catherine that: “Oh, I lost someone very important to me and I’m gonna get revenge on the one who killed my important person. And oh, I’m crying so please try to reason with me why I’m doing horrible things that could harm others. “
(I’m honest, I don’t like Abby but this is more towards Catherine because even though it’s pretty much the same, Abby wasn’t as annoying as Catherine)
They have to learn that we won’t start liking a character just because you put them in the good light. Catherine was harming her and as well others just because of revenge. And even though it’s double moral because Abby and Ellie did this, they still trying to make it seem okay 😐
And when the infected came, she still tried to kill them instead of working together. Woman’s trying to win our hearts by showing her childhood room
She was just annoying >:(
So that’s all I have to say. Do you agree or disagree? Very hopeful for the next season 🤞
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princessmuk · 2 years
911 S6E1 Reactions!!!
Seeing the previews is just reminding me that we never saw the ghost roommate episode :/ I was so curious to know wtf happened and I’ll never know 😭😭😭
Oh my god not High Hopes
Oh this poor girl
Uh ohhhh the blimps goin downnn
There is no way they could do this quick enough lmao
Okay why is Maddie so gorgeous tho
*What a Man plays*
The way Buck said Eddie’s name… why did that make me feel smth—
Athena doing the medic role 🥺
I legit thought he was gonna slide down that thing
Lmao the way Buck looked at Hen
Bobby and Athena going strongggg
This Google ad is fake as hell they’ve leaked so many of my passwords lmao
Nooooo I forgot she was gonna be out of the show for a while :(
Buck baby please 🥺
Eddie really diffused the situation well
The things they are saying… oh my god… Eddie literally just said Buck could have gotten a new gf for no reason. Had nothing to do with the conversation. EDDIE
The ball is gonna go in the wood chipper and the dad is gonna try to get it back
Or the son
Oooo he gay
ong now his ring is in there
Okay but back to that Buddie scene. Someone please gif that I NEED to see their facial expressions again
Like that was SO GAY
Like I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE it was Buck’s place
Buddie is going canon this season I stg
Do you think they already had the hang out planned or did Eddie invite himself over bc he knew Buck was salty
Buck wtf. You can’t just take over while Bobby is still here 😭😭😭
Show initiative don’t literally step on his toes
Eddie and Bobby’s reactions lmfao
Josh ships it hard
Yes girl just tell him!!!
Girl. No offense but you look the same age as them. And I say that as someone who is also near your age.
This is adorable. I hope we actually get to see the honey moon 🥺
Okay this will be overheating or dehydration. Or some weird random thing nobody could predict
Buck and Eddie’s expressions behind Bobby are so funny
What a trio lmao
Athena’s cardigan is so cute
End of year two 🥺🥺🥺
Oh so they’re. Gone.
Aw 🥺 He’s planning bc be doesn’t wanna drink
Lmao Maddie
My heart has stopped
Okay so what happens when Buddie kisses and they do the same flashback thing
Did they sleep together. And he just. LEFT???
But she was so happy when she turned around. Like so excited 🥺🥺🥺
Lmao Chimney is getting schooled
Don’t you DARE give her another love interest
Face your fears girl
Please just TALK
Madney wedding this season IM CALLING IT
“Our ambulance” - insert communism meme
Not Bobby not even realizing lmfao
Buck baby your heart is right on your sleeve rn
The couch is a direct metaphor for a lover. So that conversation earlier…. IM TELLING YA
Um. Sir. You can’t just lift a chair like it’s nothing.
Also. Hm. Chris and Eddie at home playing the same game at home without Buck. Right as Buck sets up his chair showing he’s single. Very very interesting.
Why did I know he was gonna get hurt
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s2 young royals predictions based on only my intuition
-----these are solely my opinions-----
Simon & Wille
Willie was forced to spend every second on break learning crown prince stuff and couldn’t see Simon
Simon has built a lot of anger up and gets his feelings out by performing and he gets a following so he starts to perform locally
Willie sees his videos and sneaks to his performances, where he is pointed out at one point and Simon gets really emotional and it basically confirms what people already know
I feel like there is a really big online community that basically says wille is gay and almost ships them. People tweet Wille and say he messed up by giving up Simon
theres also an online presence thats basically wants to destroy the monarchy and they hinge a lot of their issue on the silencing of wille.
Wille gets extremely depressed and builds up anger
Wille has a blowup moment at the queen and basically everyone, esp at school, and is like I’m gonna be your king and none of you guys get to tell me what to do
Simon is still at hillerska because of Sara and also his education 
They introduce someone who is into simon but he doesn’t really reciprocate
Simon and Wille will have moments but I think at the end they will be ~friends~ for now or at least non exclusive while Wille figures coming out stuff out but ultimately they’re endgame obviously
simon supports sara throughout the season despite her actions but finds out she knew august leaked the tape months ago and he freaks the fuck out
Gets pregnant with august’s baby
Idk im hoping she’s over herself but I feel like we have a Cassie arc coming…….
…..is not straight
Has a crush on Sara
Is a detective and realizes Sara is pregnant with august’s baby
Also single-handedly aims to take down august 
Comes out to her parents and tells them off for ditching her at a boarding school and not really parenting her
Is overall just a bad bitch 
We get a backstory and maybe side storyline
Definitely experiments with felice 
is an actual sociopath and not just an asshole. We find out he has calculated all of his moves thus far to manipulate Wille and the royal family. if he didn't have a hand in the car accident, he wants to infiltrate the family to get a really high court/royal position.
Honestly I feel like Linda goes into mama bear mode and goes the fuck off at the queen
I feel like somehow wille finds comfort in Linda and like he sees her as a mother figure
are allys tbh and help wille sneak around. also tip him off when something is coming
doesn't put up with shit and protects both wille and simon
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iressails · 6 months
hi there!!! I’m your content creator secret santa 🤫🎄 how are you?? do you have anything you’re looking forward to this (holiday) season?
I’ve checked out your blog to see what kinds of things you enjoy, but I’d love to hear from you directly 😊
what are some of your favorite shows and movies? who are your favorite characters? ships? do you have any particularly favored music artists lately? maybe specific songs? maybe you even have some favorite books you’d like to share! what about favorite colors?
is there anything you absolutely DON’T want? lol just in case 😅
I hope you have a great rest of your week!
HII!!! I have been preparing for this question for a couple of days and right now immediately I've forgotten everything I know and like, and have ever liked.
[Pause to review my blog and get my thoughts in order]
i love red, green and orange. all the traffic lights baby!
Im looking forward to the holidays it's been... a year.
My ship (just the one rn *sob): I'm currently in Homicide: Life on the Street (1993 - 2000) hell. I love Frank Pembleton and Tim Bayliss with my whole heart, but a 30 year old show and 65 year old men are a bit of a hard ask even from a kind Santa. Bayliss was my first canon bi character on TV and I've not been right since.
Update: Earlier in the year I was heavily into Joanne Davidson/Kate Fleming from Line of Duty (2012 - 2021) until I was gratified by this fic: Bleed into me by Authorette and somehow never thought of it again.
(Yeah not sure about the non-canon (but one half queer in canon) unhappy ending cop duos being my shipping highlight of the year)
Movies: I love Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001), Pride (2014), Barber (2023), Gattaca (1997), Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (1997), Trust (1990)
Shows: Bob and Rose (2001), Homicide ..(ahahaha) Trust me (2017), Borderliner / Grenseland (2017)
People: I think Rebecca Ferguson, Raul Esparza, Hunter Schaefer, Lesley Sharp, Ethan Hawke, Carla Gugino, Laura Main, Brain Molko, Emma D'Arcy, Vanessa Kirby, Katie McGrath, Caity Lotz, Toby Stephens, Adrienne Shelly, Alexander Skarsgard, Patricia Arquette, Emerald Fennell and David Harbour are just so pretty
Characters: Omar Little (The Wire 2002 - 2008), Catherine Cawood (Happy Valley 2014 - 2023), Christine Chapel (Star Trek Strange new Worlds 2022), Alex Vause (Orange is the new black 2013 - 2019), Nomi Marks (Sense8 2015 - 2017), Joan Holloway/Harris (Mad Men 2007 - 2015), and Deran Cody (Animal Kingdom 2016 - 2022), Charles (Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994), Carrie Mathison (Homeland 2011 - 2020), Patsy Mount (Call the Midwife)
As for hates... I dont like too many fancy fonts on gifs, or double exposures that make people look like they have two heads (I'm guilty of this, yes, yes). Not big on the music. My spotify wrapped this year was where I was reminded that I had just listened to Alanis Morissette, The Crystal Method, Bright Eyes and Placebo and things-to-run-to as I always do. Every year. It is an utter wasteland.
Thank you in advance I'm sure whatever you make will be wonderful. I love this exchange so much. Both ways giving and receiving.
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stonedinparadize · 1 year
i love myself
im 20 years old, i have glasses and my hair has always been short since i was 11. i flip flop between baby bangs or a sleek middle part and sometimes i have the urge to dye it black or pink, which are my favorite colors. i like the look of piercings and tattoos because when i was younger, the idea of art on the body looked cool. i like cute things and stuffed animals even though i dress in all black. i listen to nu metal and short instrumental pieces but older spanish songs feel like home. i love cooking and seeing people eat. my love languages are quality time and gift giving. i’ve always wanted to go to art school and work in the high art museum but life’s taken me on a different path. even though i’ve been dealt some bad cards before, i still try to be happy and bubbly because better days always come. my favorite seasons are spring and early autumn. during those seasons, i enjoy being at the park for an hour or two. i love doodling and writing and sometimes i wish i had stuck with singing. i have a lot of love to give and want a lot of love back. i dream of having a big wedding in my pueblo and growing old peacefully with a big garden. im a crybaby and i love to reminisce about younger days. i love every single detail about me and i hope i have my happy ending
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