#im almost decided on his ultimate/mega
gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 4 Episode 11: Guiltrip
Spoilers below (because its out of order and it just got subbed)
-So class is going on and Rose got a headache. (Alya and Nino passing NOTES. Alynino get your JUICE)
-Marinette daydreaming about Adrien. So nothing out of the ordinary
-So Rose calls her headache Miss Dora. Okay this whole exchange with Rose is so cute.
- Juleka eating lunch, (you know we never really see the students eat lunch often.) And then Juleka got the sorrow clouds! OH NO! WHAT IS HAPPENING!
-Marinette trying to cheer up Juleka, back fires spectacularly. Oh Kwami.
-Jeez what happened to ROSE?
-Shadowmoth on cue because he really gonna capitalize on that suffering.
-Marinette got the bubbles for adrien still. She is still into him.
-Yo She CORRECTED her stammer! Marinette is getting better.
-Well this adrinette is delicious
-Marinette is keeping focus, and correcting her stammers. This is growth. Im glad for her.
-Juleka "I want to be alone" (Marinette texts the class)
-OH S*** Rose is at the Hospital! What the s*** Shadowmoth! Way to bury the lead? Side note: Everyone is just There suddenly
-Okay so basically Rose got sick when she was younger and that sickness can come back at any time, Rose made Juleka promise not to tell anyone about it, which she failed. And the class promises not to treat her any differently.
-And that is how you stop an akuma. Man The class is so supportive and caring for one another. The writers really just said (F*** class salt in particular) must be a sucky season to be a class salter
-And Julrose cuteness. And now everyone is being extra nice to rose which basically NEGATES what they said earlier. But you really can't fault them.
-Juleka is like 'Everyone, calm the f*** down' and its starting to get a little... obvious.
-THEY ALL GOT HER APPLES. I wonder if they are being to subtle (Not)
-Rose figured out something is up.
-Okay so I had to pause this because I LOVE JULEKA AND ROSE'S CONVERSATION! It starts like it is going to go the way of Rose feeling hurt and betrayed, but she pivots and realizes she had Juleka always worrying and that wasn't fair to her. So Rose doesn't get mad at Juleka but decides to clear the air and fix things.
-Rose got MASSIVE strength for a sick girl.
- Again, The class is a supportive group of friends. The writers really said f*** the class salt AGAIN.
-And now they are studying viruses in class. (I can picture how this is going to go)
-And this went how I expected it to go. I cracked up.
- And Now Juleka runs off because guilt
-Chloé and Sabrina didn't move and were like "WTH"
-Thats a weird way to say Girlfriend, but hey, Shadowmoth Aint the smartest bug
-Oh an amok!
-So the sentimonster is called Guiltrip
-And Reflekta again
-Wow Reflekta just Sent herself first! OH DAMN! Shadowmoth was like 'Wait no but my jewelry!?"
-The entire class save Sabrina, Chloé and Lila just up and ditched to go help Juleka. This class sugar is making me diabetic and I LOVE IT
-Rose straight up went in after Juleka (Respect)
-Ah yes the tried and true ladybug strategy. JUMP INTO ITS MOUTH. (but in this case portal)
-Shadowmoth is just like 'YESS ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU." but he really is like, thank goodness that worked.
-Ivan sweetie no. It isn't your fault.
-so the bubbles turn them into Reflekta when they overtake you? But also make you feel guilty.
-NINO! OMG! Nino just said he feels guilty that he couldn't help Adrien face his dad. Adrino stans we got some juice! Adrien knows man. That hurt.
-Did... Did Chat noir just try to.... That is DARK
-Wow... this sentimonster making Ladybug and chat noir give up
-Yum, that is some tasty ladynoir. Well fed this season.
-I do really like how Ladybug transforms after using Lucky charm. It looks better then her standard suit. Wish we knew HOW she got that upgrade. But hey, out of order episodes, what will ya do.
-I already love Daizzi and Rose together. The pig Kwami is precious.
-Okay, I like the costume. Pigella shirt adds some flair. Gives more variety to the female costumes, which we needed. Plus the clap is cute
-Reflekta got that MEGA GUILT
-So her power is gift. but basically shows them their hearts desire.
-Omg, I just realized, Pigella is the ultimate enemy of Shadowmoth. She makes things happy while he thrives on suffering.
-Okay, I like Rose's costume, but ... those eyes creep me OUT.
-The cute Julrose is cute
-Reflekta charm! Juleka won't be victimized by Hawkmoth. So it is a permanent ward then?
-Rose is SLICK! 100 stealth on that miraculous hand off.
-Oh now they teasing her. Thats what Rose wanted. Cute
-Chloé is mad that no one laughs when she says stuff like that.
-ADRIEN! YOU SAVAGE. Sassdrien is real!
Okay so I really enjoyed this episode.
I will say I wanted some more romantic Julrose, but you know, I gotta say. This was an excellent episode for both Juleka and Rose. The class also got to be supportive but in a believable way. Really got to show them more as characters.
The ladynoir and Adrienette was on point. And I think this might be one of the better hero intros.
overall 8/10
I felt that the conflict was handled a bit too quick and kind of anti-climactic. I would have loved to see more build up to Ladybug and Chat noir almost succumbing to despair. But it was good stuff
It is a solid episode and while I personally enjoyed other episodes more, this one was pretty good.
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alyasgf · 3 years
Teenage Rebellion -Adrinette April Day 2-5
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Summary- Marinette convinces Adrien to sneak out! Featuring a daring escape, Jagged Stone concert, André’s ice cream, game night, and cuddling!
Notes- knocking out 5 prompts in 1 because I’m late! Featuring prompts 2-5 rebellion, game night, best friends, and jagged stone! I decided to skip the commission prompt, at least for right now, which is why this was made :)
Side note! they know each others secret identities identity but Chat never officially said he had a crush on Ladybug. Therefore Marinette is fully aware of Adrien’s crush on her and is a huge flirt about it.
She had been trying to convince Adrien all day and if she kept using those faces he just knew he’d cave soon.
“I told you I can’t! I have a photoshoot and fencing practice Mari.” He said, avoiding her eyes.
“I barely got Jagged to give us these tickets last minute! And they’re backstage passes. Backstage Adrien. Picture it with me.” She pulled him in my his shoulders, looping her arm around him.
Adrien tried to suppress a chill and conserve his nerves. Her arm was around him. No big deal.
“Just you, me, the biggest rockstar in the world, and his huge pet alligator! Tell me its not worth your fathers wrath. You could even hide out at my place and spend the night! You wouldn’t have to deal with him until the next day.” She then turned to him, holding his shoulders and staring into his eyes.
“You have got to live a little Adrien. What’s the worst that could happen?”
And with that he caved.
“Fine what time is the concert.” He said, signing defeatedly.
“Yes!” Marinette pumped her first in the air and excitedly told him her plan.
At exactly 3:01 pm the next day he heard tapping at his window.
“You’re late.” He said to the girl two stories down outside his window.
“By a minute, I think you’ll live. Now throw down your bag.”
“Nathalie will be coming to get me in 30 minutes. I need to be long gone.” He explained, throwing his tied lined of curtains down for her to hold still as he climbed.
“Be careful, we don’t have time to stop at a hospital due to a broken leg and I don’t need you getting rope burn or messing up that pretty face.” She teased.
“Oh shut up I’m trying to focus over here.” He struggled to get down without accidentally sliding.
“You’re taking too long! You’re more than halfway just jump I’ll catch you I promise.” She said, and when Adrien looked down she was tapping her watch.
“Are you insane? I don’t have a death wish Mari, just wait a second.”
It was at this moment she chose to start silently chanting jump.
“This is peer pressure you know!”
“Shut up and jump already.”
He jumped.
As he braced himself for the short fall he felt himself feel in soft, unsteady arms.
They both toppled to the ground laughing with the rush of adrenaline.
“You’d catch me huh.” He said once they calmed down.
They laid shoulder to shoulder in the grass heads turned to one another.
Before Marinette could come up with a witty reply they heard something that made them freeze.
“Adrien I heard noise whats going on in her-“
They turned up to see Nathalie’s head sticking out the window, a look of surprise in her eyes.
Adrien knew he was doomed. Still stood up and gave her pleading eyes with his hands formed in a prayer form.
“I didn’t see this. As far as I know you said you weren’t feeling good and I had to cancel your appointments. Understood?”
“Thank you thank you thank you!” Adrien said, beaming brighter than the sun.
“Does this mean we can go through the front gate?” Marinette asked sheepishly.
“What was your plan if you couldn’t?” Nathalie asked with a disappointed look.
“Sneak through unnoticed?” Marinette offered.
“Mari! You said you had a plan.” Adrien said turning to her with his arms crossed.
“I never said it was a good one.” She said shrugging.
Nathalie nodded and they went on their way.
Outside of the gate was Marinette’s bike and two helmets.
“Where am I supposed to get on?” Adrien asked, confused.
Then he saw Marinette eye the handlebars.
“No no no! Absolutely not!” He protested.
“Do you wanna see Jagged or not?”
Adrien rode on the handlebars.
“Marinette would you slow down! I don’t wanna fall off!”
“Watch your sharp turns!”
“Sidewalk! Sidewalk! Sidewalk!”
“Adrien, lean left I can’t see!”
“If I lean we’re gonna fall Mari!”
“Have a little faith in me!”
“Dear god help us.”
“Would you calm down drama queen!”
They rode with his small suitcase on wheels dragging behind them, tied with a single rope Marinette had brought.
By the time they got to Marinette’s house Adrien had lost count of the near death experiences he had on that bike.
“Never again Marinette.” He huffed as he got off the bike with shaking legs.
“Bonding experience!” She said with a smirk.
She pulled him into the bakery. He said a quick hi to her parents before he was yanked over to the trapdoor.
“Hurry and put your stuff in my room. If we start running late we won’t have time to walk which would mean another fun bike ride Sunshine.”
“Marinette I would really like to see Jagged Stone in one piece if thats not to much to ask.” He huffed, climbing the trapdoor, throwing his suitcase in, and coming back down.
“Are we going or what?”
“Get ready for the time of your life Agreste.” She said in a way that lit Adrien’s heart on fire.
Adrien could get used to that tone.
By the time they left the concert Adrien wasn’t sure anything ever could top that day.
He and Marinette had spent the last 5 hours singing at the tops of their lungs front row at a Jagged Stone concert. They danced together and Adrien had never felt more alive.
Adrien bought them matching t-shirts (as a thank you to Marinette for getting the tickets, not because he thought they looked like a couple when they matched or anything.) When they went backstage to meet Jagged, he signed their shirts and gave them signed CDs and posters.
Needless to say they were on top of the world.
Marinette suggested they take the long way home because it was such a beautiful night, and who was Adrien to disagree?
Their luck led them to André and his magical ice cream.
“Oh I don’t know Adrien I don’t think i can finish an ice cream right now.” Marinette said, trying to pull them along.
“Then maybe we can share?” Adrien suggested nervously.
Marinette shrugged and Adrien took it as a yes. She decided to sit on a bench as Adrien went to get the ice cream.
“Hey André.” He greeted.
“Ah yes Adrien! I see you brought a girl! Would you like one to share with the lucky lady?” He asked while preparing his scoops.
“Yes please.” Adrien was curious what flavors he would get. He hoped it’d be something Marinette would like.
“Hmm... blackberry and peppermint. An explosive mix and thats a fact! But oftentimes it’s the opposites that attract." He said adding the flavors onto a cone. “What do you think?” He handed Adrien the ice cream.
“Perfect.” Adrien said, almost breathless. “Thank you so much André have a good night.” After paying him Adrien turned to Marinette.
She was sitting on a bench looking at some birds fight over bread. The sun was setting right behind her and it lit her up in the most beautiful way.
Adrien took out his phone to take a picture and just as he clicked it Marinette turned toward him. She had a soft look in her eyes that made the picture come out perfectly.
“Bring the ice cream over stalker.” She said with a giggle.
“Oh I thought you didn’t want it.” Adrien said teasingly as he took a large bite while the ice cream was still out of her grasps.
“Adriennnn.” She whined, and again Adrien caved.
“Oh fine.”
And they shared the ice cream walking home. And although both got sticky fingers and mouths from the melting mess, they wouldn’t have had it any other way.
“So what’s the plan now?” Adrien asked as they entered Marinette’s room. “I’ve never been to any sleepovers before so you’ll have to guide me.” He walked over to the chaise and sat down.
“Hold on I’m gonna grab some things.” She said rifling through the trunk at the foot of the lounge.
She ended up grabbing out a deck of Uno cards and Monopoly.
“The biggest tests of friendship known to mankind.” She brandished the boxes with a smirk. “So which one first?”
Marinette spent almost an hour trying to get a smooth game of Uno going but Adrien was pitiful. She almost felt bad for how hard he was getting beat. Almost.
After about 5 minutes of explaining Monopoly she gave up.
“You know what? Maybe this is for another time when we aren’t so tired from a day of excitement.” She said packing up the games. “Ultimate Mega Strike?”
“Oh I thought you’d never ask.” Adrien replied, bouncing up and down with anticipation.
“Wow I’ve never seen someone so excited to meet their doom.” Marinette smirked while turning on the TV and game.
“I could play circles around you any day, bug.”
“Then lets test it.” She challenged. “First to 10 wins picks the movie or show we watch after.”
“You’re so on.”
Adrien lost. Adrien lost bad.
Turns out what Marinette wants, Marinette gets. And what she really wanted was to rub that smug smile off of Adrien’s face.
Now there he sat with his jaw dropped.
“No way I only won one.” He stared in shock at the losing screen.
“Aww its okay Adrien.” She said condescendingly. “Since its your first sleepover you can still pick. Its only right.”
“I’m going to choose because I want to not only because you said I can you know.” Adrien said with scowl on his face and his arms crossed.
“Right.” Marinette let out a small fond laugh. “Im going to grab some blankets and change into my pjs downstairs. You change in here and I’ll knock before I come back. Cool?”
“Mari can we build a fort?” Adrien asked with childlike innocence just radiating off of him.
“Of course we can kitty.”
They stayed up until the early morning hours that night, building forts, watching anime, and talking.
Adrien took dozens of pictures to remember the moments because he swears its the most magical think he has ever experienced.
The next morning, Adrien awoke with a sleeping Marinette across from him. Her hair was sticking out in odd places. He could see her rise and fall with each breathe. He could hear her soft snores.
As he admired her, she opened her eyes and looked into his. He blushed, embarrassed for being caught staring.
Then in a whisper she said, “Are you a cuddler?”
Adrien nodded with wide eyes and a red face.
She then proceeded to move closer and lay her head on her chest. Adrien instinctively put his arms around her.
“Can we stay here a while longer?” She asked in the same whispered voice.
“Please.” Adrien whispered back.
If teenage rebellion always felt this good, he never wanted to stop.
End notes- Thinking of making a second part where Adrien tells Mari how he feels or where I actually write out the fort scene. Let me know which one you’d prefer and what you thought of the fic in the replies!
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holyhikari · 4 years
how do you feel about how they made the digimon digivolve into their ultimate form original vs reboot? im very intrigued on your opinion on each one!
heya!!! thank you for being intrigued by what I think, this is sweet :”)
Just a quick reminder so I don’t confuse you, or me, or both of us: I usually go by the Japanese terms, but sometimes I switch to the English dub ones without realizing, so I need to cheat a little. 
Fresh (幼年期 I Younenki I?, lit. "Baby I")
In-Training (幼年期 II Younenki II?, lit. "Baby II")
Rookie (成長期 Seichouki?, lit. "Child")
Champion (成熟期 Seijukuki?, lit. "Adult")
Ultimate (完全体 Kanzentai?, lit. "Perfect")
Mega (究極体 Kyuukyokutai?, lit. "Ultimate")
So! I think it’s clear that this time what really is going to matter character-arc-wise are the Ultimate forms. Even so, even considering that they’re the ones that are going to be more “endgame”, more decisive in terms of how powerful the Chosen get and what sort of enemy they’ll be prepared to defeat (with, of course, the exception of Omegamon, and Patamon and Tailmon’s holy evolutions, who can and WILL kill anyone on their way) — even so, [stares at Toei] I wish they had given the kids more time to make themselves comfortable within the story, grow a little more, rather than just consecutively evolve into Perfect and move on so quickly. Sure, they can fight better now, Sora and Garudamon are fascinatingly synced and that girl is so battle-ready that it intimidates me, but I don’t think they learned anything about themselves or about their partnership with the digimon when they evolved to Perfect.
In Adventure, for example, (most of) the events that triggered the evolutions were connected with what was happening or, like in Sora’s case, at least with a character arc that had been going for some time (I mean, MetalGreymon practically inaugured a new phase of the story, with Taichi getting back and finding out that it was still 1st of August, and started off the Vamdemon arc; which so graciously Angewomon, and then the prophecy, ended. Now, it kind of feels..... Jesus, I can’t even remember what rando made Ikkakumon evolve, but I think that’s my fault, lmao. At least Jyou didn’t almost drown this time. But I’m not too evil: the first time Weregarurumon appeared was 10/10. One of the best episodes. And I liked his wings, too. And Mimi’s episode was one of my favorites, as isolated as it was.) I know that  the comparisons with Adventure aren’t always fair, but they’re sort of inevitable :x
LIKE, maybe I’m being too dramatic and we will get all of those meaningful moments connected to the character long term arcs later, with the Ultimate, that’s what seems like will happen, but, for now, I think I need group therapy to deal with the fact that Tailmon hasn’t shown up yet.  
I’m starting to fear that I sound like I hate the show or something, but watching it is actually one of my favorite parts of the week fdksmfkdmf Also, I’m not sure which part of what I said is good criticism and which part is an unhinged young adult being mean to a kids’ show :}}}}}}} I’ll leave for y’all to decide.
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Sycamore High: An Ending (Almost) (Chapter 39)
A/N: One more chapter bois!!! Honestly, I love Tommy so much holy jeezus, hopefully, I can remember how to do comedy in the sequel again oop! Anyway, leave me some comments. Also, I love Tommy and Ted and my heart legit can't take how much I love them
summary: Its the last day of finals, and the last day of school. What could go wrong?
words: 3158
warnings: Swearing, negative thoughts, kissing, violence
Edited by: @theyreallidiots  (Seriously please go give them some love, they're amazing and I love them with everything I have)
Ao3 Link
Finals Day 3...
“Tommy, right?” Tommy glanced up, his eyes adjusting to the figure standing in front of him. He blinked, realizing how exhausted he was. The library was quiet, huddled in a corner with all his materials and supplies, Tommy was studying.
“Hmm?” He hummed, he didn't really have it in him to speak. The figure chuckled sitting down next to him, Tommy shifted giving him some room. He could see his face better now: his hair was dark and long, it fell to his shoulders in a wavy formation. His face...was boring. Not in a bad way but there wasn't anything special about him. He was cute, sure, but that's about it. Tommy recognizes him from his English class, he sits in the back, he doesn't talk much. He extended his hand towards Tommy. “English class,” Tommy said.
“Yeah” He chuckled again, Tommy hated the way it sounded as if no matter what Tommy said, he would smile and play along. “I’m David,” Tommy nodded shaking his hand, he didn't really have time for this and hoped the conversation would end soon. “I..uh recognized you...from class” He rubbed the nape of his neck, avoiding Tommy’s eyes. His lips curled into a sweet smile or at least an attempt. “You're like...really smart” He complimented. Tommy pressed his lips together swallowing an exasperated sigh.
“Thank you...I’m sorry, I'm really bus-”
“Oh yeah! Totally, sorry...don't let me disturb you” He gestured to Tommy's work. Tommy eyed him but went back to his papers, he tried to work but he could feel Davids intense stare. He put his pencil down looking back up at him. “Sorry, it's just…” David looked him over, his eyes twinkling, his lips in a half-smile. “You’re...really cute” He pushed his hair behind his ears
Tommy’s heart sunk, he was being flirted with, never had he hated a feeling so much. He shut his eyes, taking a deep breath. He looked back up at David, his smile as fake as he could make it.
“Thanks! My boyfriend sure thinks so” He chirped, and there it was. David's face fell, his smile disappearing becoming confusion. His eyebrows furrowing, he let out a small laugh.
“He's very lucky, and where might he be?” David looked around expectantly. Seriously? Tommy thought you're still going? He didn't really know how to respond, once his free period was over, he had a final and he really didn't have time for...whatever this was. It was almost selfish of him to wish Ted was here.
“I...I don't know” Tommy admitted. He was probably studying with Charlotte and Emma right now, seeing as they had free periods as well but he couldn't be sure. They used to know where the other was because they were usually together. And sure, some might say that's a bad thing but...it worked for them. And they loved it. They loved each other, Tommy loved him. “You know what? I have to go” But this time, he wasn't running away from someone, he was running towards them. He collected his things, not giving David another look and rushed down the hall and out of school. He was really hoping Ted would be at the coffee shop they always went to, and lo and behold.
Ted sat behind Charlotte fiddling with her while Emma lay strewn across Charlotte's lap reciting something. Tommy could almost laugh had he not been so nervous. Ted looked up noticing him, his eyes actually grew, the pupil dilates when it sees something it likes. Or at least that's what Tommy remembered from class, his mind was a little preoccupied right now. Ted stood, much to Charlotte's disappointment, well, until she saw who he was standing for. Tommy wasted no time, he took Ted’s face and kissed him. Ted was clearly taken aback but melted into the kiss nonetheless, realizing how desperate he was for this moment. Tommy giggled happily, wrapping his own arms around Ted's neck. Charlotte tried really hard but her heart was so full, she squealed Emma tried to stifle it but she was just as happy. Ted pulled away eyeing his friends, they quickly returned to their work shrugging. Tommy cupped Ted’s face pulling him back towards him.
“Hi” He smiled, his heart, much like Charlotte’s, was full. Ted shook his head trying to swallow a smile, he smothered Tommy in more kisses hugging him right after. “I’m so sorry dearest” Tommy whispered in his ear.  “How do I make it up to you?” He asked pulling away, Ted shook his head once more.
“You don't ha-” he paused, an idea popped into his head. “Sing with me” He marveled, Tommy laughed slightly. Ted stood his ground however, he didn't budge.
“Oh! You're serious?” Tommy’s eyes grew wide, Ted nodded.
“My parents wanted me to sing at the wedding...and I want you to sing with me” Ted admitted, Tommy forced a squeal squeezing his hands. To be honest? He didn't know if he would be here for the wedding. He wanted to, so badly but his parents were pretty adamant about him leaving as soon as he could. Ted bit his lips, still smiling. “What?”  Ted could tell.
“Nothing! I'd love to” he lied, well he would love to but...would he be able to? But no more, he was going to be here for Ted. As long as he could, he just had to convince his parents to let him stay a little bit into summer and it would be fine. “What are we singing?” He asked, his heart still racing from excitement to be back in Ted's arms.
“Bill Dorris!” The name echoed the auditorium. Ted always felt like this ritual was stupid and would cause low self-esteem for the students but watching Bill, shocked, rushing up to stage to accept the award, Ted felt nothing but pride. He definitely showed it by cheering the loudest. “Congratulations to Mister Dorris for winning the ‘Best Academic Student’ award”. The principal handed the boy the award, Bill was almost crying behind his glasses. He quickly returned to his friends, receiving an abundance of hugs and ruffling of the hair.
“Nicely done, dude” Paul complimented, Bill, smiled up at him. The principal called back attention. They turned to him and shushed.
“Next, as requested by Mr. Hidgens, our drama teacher-” Ted shouted out a single cheer, receiving weird looks but he didn't care. “Thank you, Ted” The principal shook his head at the boy, the school laughed. “As most of you know, the drama finals consist of singing a song, what those students didn't know is that those were auditions” The group stopped smiling and turned to one another, Tommy hid a smile. Those who were interested in the musical but were not apart of the class were asked to audition months ago, just as Tommy had done, his heart sank realizing he would have to pull out. “So, I'm here to formally announce the cast of Starship for next year! The cast is as follows” The list was something so many students had not expected to hear, but they were on the edge of their seats.
“Bug: Ted
Commander Up: Sam
Taz/Bugginton: Emma
Tootsie Noodles/Pincer: Tommy
Mega-Girl: Deb
February: Charlotte
Junior/Veeto Mosquito: Paul
Specs/Neato Mosquito: Alice
Roach/Krayonder: Bill
Overqueen/Sweetheart mosquito:  David
The Caller Bug/mister bug: Paul”
Ted’s jaw dropped hearing his name first, Paul was pretty shocked playing so many roles but excited nonetheless. Emma was delighted to hear her name called and getting a kiss on the cheek from Paul was pretty exciting. Charlotte looked to Ted and they shared a knowing look. Guess their chemistry was undeniable, on stage of course. Jackie hugged her, proud of her achievements. Paul shared a look with his sister, nodding at her for finally gaining enough courage to audition. Tommy bit back his lip, trying not to cry. He smiled and nodded at every single one of his friends, and kissed his boyfriend lovingly, but his stomach churned sadly. Bill nodded appropriately and congratulated his friends. David looked up and winked at Tommy who didn't reciprocate anything. Deb smothered her girlfriend in kisses, Alice returned the action. Sam smirked to himself but ultimately was just excited to perform again. They all were, junior year was going to be fun.
“Ok, kiss, marry, kill” Ted started pointing his fork at Paul. The teen returned the gesture, mocking his friend. “The try guys” He decided, Paul scrunched his eyebrows. Tommy rolls his eyes, returning to his conversation with Bill. The girls sit in their usual spots discussing other things.
“There are four try guys dumbass” Paul noted, Ted smiled coyly.
“Yeah, so double up loser” Ted replied, Paul, shrugged stuffing more salad into his mouth. “Alright, I'll go first. Mmm...id...kill Ned” Paul mocked a gasp, Bill stifled a laugh “Kiss...Zach and marry Eugene and Keith” Tommy turned to him, a smile placed on his face, but curiosity and confusion riddled his face. Ted turned to him, kissing him on the forehead. “Polyamorous baby” He joked, Tommy playfully pushed him off awaiting Paul's answer.
“Ok lame, I’d kiss Zach and Ned, marry Keith and...kill Eugene” He decided, Ted can't even fathom his response. “What? Don't hate me cause im right” Paul defended, Bill turned now facing them.
“Even I know you don't kill Eugene, Paul” Bill commented. Ted gave him a high five, posing a confident ‘told you so’ face to Paul.
“I’d marry Zach” Tommy joined in, munching carefully on his carrots. Ted smiled at him, the tug at his stomach in delight. “That's all, the rest can do as they please” He finished, Ted chuckled softly nodding.
“Ok moving on” Paul continued, he waited for the rest to turn to him but to no avail. “Ted?” He asked impatiently.
“What?” He focused back on Paul, the teen smirked.
“You've never played tuber simulator?” Paul teased, Ted laughed sensibly. Bill and Tommy shared a quick glance.
“Hey, have you seen Joe?” Ted inquired carefully, playing out his part to perfection. Paul raised a brow.
“Whos Joe?” Paul gave in, no one matching the name.
“Joe mama!” Ted cheered victoriously. Paul turned to Emma instantly.
“Just kill me” He requested. Emme stroked his cheek lovingly, turning back to Charlotte and Jackie.
“You look wonderful, bubbles” Jackie complimented tying up the back of Charlotte's dress. She let her hair down, turning back to her girlfriend.
“I love you!” Charlotte quipped wrapping her arms around Jackie's neck. Jackie giggled kissing Charlotte, moving to her cheek. Charlotte pulled away “Sorry J, I gotta finish getting ready”. Jackie groaned, falling back onto the bed. She finished her braids and slipped her jean jacket on.
“I look like Rosa Diaz” Jackie smiled, admiring the new jacket she made. Charlotte smiled, wrapping her arms around her. She kissed her cheek from behind. “Hmm, can I do your hair?” Charlotte shook her head, tying her own hair up with a ribbon to match her dress. “Oh pretty, nevermind you've got it” Jackie kissed her cheek.
“I'm so excited for dinner!” Charlotte exclaimed putting her earrings in, Jackie helped her with her necklace. “Everyone back together! Tommy! Ted! Paul! Emma! Bill!” She turned to Jackie “You…”
“I love you, bubbles” Jackie kissed her, wrapping her up in a hug. Charlotte squealed as Jackie spun her around. “Oh! We gotta go” And so they did, saying goodbye to her mother and heading out the door.
“Ok stop stop stop” Tommy chided, he undid Ted’s tie fixing it neatly. Ted pouted kissing Tommy on the forehead, Tommy pulled him closer meeting his lips.
“Oh my god, I missed you” Ted sighed. Tommy chuckled wrapping his arms around his neck. Ted did the same around Tommy's hips. “Hey, after dinner tonight we should take a walk in the park” Ted proposed. Tommy giggled, his head landing on Ted’s chest. “What? I think it would be nice” Tommy looked back up at him.
“It would be pitch dark, and one of us would get killed,” Tommy said honestly, Ted smiled kissing him on the forehead. “I love you but that's just not plausible,” Tommy told the boy, Ted nodded agreeing. Tommy wished he could stay like this forever, and his face showed it. His eyes avoided Teds, his mouth quivered.
“Gumdrop?” Ted asked, the nickname rolling off his tongue easily. Tommy looked up and shook his head, he stood on his tiptoes kissing Ted softly, connecting their lips. “What's wrong?”
“Nothing, dearest” He patted Ted’s chest, pulling away and going to the mirror. Ted stood behind him wrapping his arms around the smaller boy. “Ted” Tommy giggled “I have to get ready” Ted moaned, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek. Tommy’s heart sank, he didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay like this forever.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt but Jackie just dropped off Tommy’s skirt” Paul poked his head through the door, Ted pulled away beaming. “She said it was done last minute because she wanted to put some more stuff on it” Tommy smiled sadly, he squeezed Ted’s hand nodding a thank you to Paul. He took the skirt looking at it. “Ted, your dads wanna see you” Paul notified before leaving. Ted kissed Tommy on the cheek before leaving. He set the skirt down clutching his chest, he and Jackie had been making this one for a while. It was put on hold for finals and she finished it. But something changed, he didn't want to. He shoved the skirt away putting on an old suit he brought from his house. It fit comfortably, and fine. It was...fine.
“Hey, look at mister fancy pants” Chad declared as Ted emerged from his room. He did a little spin showing off his new suit, he was test running the outfit before the wedding. Tommy emerged after a moment in a suit, Ted furrowed his brows. Paul followed in wearing a suit as well. “Well look at the three of you” Chad took a picture.
“Yes, you all look very dashing” Henry admitted, he handed Chad a drink. Paul smiled, he was really missing home. He talked to his mom every day but he missed his room, his bed, the smell when he got up in the morning. The back and forth with his sister. He loved Ted, and Ted’s house and the professors but it wasn’t home. “I hope you enjoy your night out boys, you two-” Henry pointed to Paul and Ted “Home by eleven, got it?” They nodded, Tommy, intertwined his fingers with Ted.
“I'll make sure of it, doctor Hidgens” Tommy assured, Henry, nodded at the boy. He was excited to see him back, Ted had instantly become happier with him around and it had only been a day. “We should go, we need to pick up Bill” Tommy reminded, Ted and Paul, nodded. They said their goodbyes heading out the door.
“Emma you look… stunning” Paul breathed as his girlfriend walked through the door of the restaurant. He stood greeting her, kissing her cheek and pulling out a chair for her. She sat next to him, her dress flowing beautifully. “I love you” he confessed, the table silenced laughing. He was clearly head over heels for this girl.
“Thanks, babe” Emma stroked his cheek, kissing it softly. “So...we did it! Sophomore year is over!” She declared, the group cheered happily. She grabbed a menu, skimming through the options. The rest of the group did the same, except Tommy and Ted they shared a look. Emma noticed and looked at them “What’s up you two?” She asked the group looked up at her.
“Tommy just wants to say something” Ted admitted, Tommy swat his arm softly. “What? It’s true” He teased, he kissed his boyfriend's cheek encouragingly.
“Um well… I wasn't planning on telling you all right now, but it’s as good as any I suppose” He looked around the table, he didn't want to bring the mood down but he had to tell them. “I'm leaving next year,” The group burst into a chorus of complaints, Tommy squeezed Ted’s hand. “I'll be back for senior year… I think” I hope “I’m going to a boarding school in France… I don't really have a choice” He explained, Bill put a comforting hand on Ted’s shoulder. “Um… my parents are letting me stay for the wedding but then… I’m leaving as soon as possible” Tommy finished.
“I hate this” Charlotte decided, a murmur of agreement was heard “I hate this so much”
“Look I just wanted to tell you, that's all, can we please move on?” Tommy begged, after more arguing and frustration they agreed to move on. “Ok, how about the musical guys?” Tommy proposed excitement buzzed throughout.
“Ted! Congrats on the playing ‘Bug’!” Charlotte announced, Ted blushed hiding it with his menu “Guess we just are the perfect couple” She joked, the group chuckled. Tommy shot her a playful glare. “I’m kidding, I clearly have the better significant other” She kissed Jackie on the cheek.  
“Hey, congrats on Pincer” Bill told Tommy “I know you don't get to play him but it’s still pretty cool” Tommy smiled gratefully. It was pretty cool and he was definitely going to ask Chad about the decision, mostly because he didn't see it himself. Tommy wasn't the type to play a meaningful role, but he supposed that's what acting was. He should take it as a compliment having such a big range. He was excited to return senior year and audition for Falsettos.
The dinner continued, a wonderful way to close off the year. Sharing stories:
“So you and Charlotte kissed?” Tommy almost laughed, Ted nodded shoveling food in his mouth. Charlotte giggled, Jackie, eyed the pair. “I… I have so many questions”
“It was for practice!” Ted defended, Tommy laughed into his shoulder. “I… shut up,” He said burying his face into the food.
Gushing over each other:
“I just love you all so much!” Charlotte announced, Jackie kissed her lovingly on the cheek.
“Oh, ditto that feeling” Paul commented, Emma laughed. They all did that night, down to the last dessert they ate.
“Bud, no matter what, we support you” Ted assured, Bill, smiled at him gratefully. He wiped away his tears, feeling foolish. 
“Thank you guys...seriously” He confessed “I don't know how im supposed to tell my dad” 
“Your dad is the most supportive person. He wouldn't care if you decided to like...become a murderer as long as you were ok.” Ted joked, Bill chuckled followed by the rest of the group “He’ll love you even if you are aro and ace” Ted's voice became more serious, Bill stood going over to his friend. They shared a hug and it was perfect. 
Sadly...the night had to end
Then they went their separate ways. Emma got picked up by her mother, passing out as soon as she stepped into the car. Paul drove Bill home, dropping off Tommy at his house. Paul and Ted headed home sleeping as soon as they got home. Charlotte and Jackie had a sleepover, spending the night watching Barbie movies and playing with Maggie and Token. It was perfect, and the night went perfectly. It wrapped up a weird year that was, in the best way, weirdly perfect. There was a lot they still had to figure out but that's why they still had two years to go. Two years…
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All the TOP 10 OF THE DECADE posts made me want to make one of my own, so here’s my 10 fave games this decade:
Yakuza 0  Shovel Knight  Nier Automata  Metal Gear Rising  Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger IX Final Fantasy XV   Scott pilgrim vs the world the game Undertale Persona 5  Doom
Danganronpa 2, New Vegas, Touhou Luna Nights, Katana Zero and Mario Odyssey all only barely missed out, and it was a tough decision not to include them. I loved the shit out of those games but thinking it through I decided they were just slightly less loved by me than the above.
Below the cut are some extended thoughts (of varying length) on the games included:
Just CTRL F if you wanna find a specific one
Yakuza 0
Every Yakuza game is delightful and this is definitely the best one, in my opinion. The Yakuza games appeal to me for a lot of reasons: the combat, the story, the variety of activities, the look of it all and the music. I feel like its a very unique game experience with its blend of weird in-depth side activities, serious crime drama, manly man masculine combat friendship melodrama, metal gear-esque convoluted conspiracies and a surprisingly compassionate view of the world it takes place in. 
The combat is what drew me in initially because it just feels good, the feedback of stomping on a dudes face in yakuza is delivered perfectly, and the attacks are brutal, hard and flashy. Its a very solid and satisfying combat system and in 0 its the best it has ever been. The ability to switch between 3 different and equally fun fighting styles on the fly really lets you mix things up and adapt your approach, every style feels fun and useful. If i had to pick a favorite it would be slugger, but its a tough choice, and they are all very viable and FUN.
Yakuza 0 also gets big points for having the best story in the series. The protagonists feel much more interesting in this era, the fights feel more earned in this game than others, the relationships are incredibly touching (I’m almost mad majima didnt stay with makoto) and the substories (and some parts of the main story) are the funniest they’ve ever been. Stuff like the quasi-stealth mission where you have to make sure women don’t see you buying a porn magazine for a child, and the extended scene of kiryu trying to guess the right business manners for a meeting had me laughing so much i was i was almost in physical pain.
The extensive business and host club substories get you tons of extra game content and are good enough to almost be there own game. The other games in the series have extended side activites of varying quality, but i think 0 had a rare case of all of these being, basically, perfect. The team obviously agrees since host club management came back repeatedly, but never as good as it was here.
Being set in the 80s elevates almost everything in the game because of the outfits, money flying out of every enemy you attack, the classic sega games you can play at the arcade (Outrun is so much fun and I’d have never have given it a proper go otherwise) and the disco minigame everyones made a meme out of (that music is so catchy).
As a final note this game has the best boss fights and music in the series, which is a very high standard to surpass when you look at the rest of the series. The dual final boss fights, the recurring boss for kiryu and almost every majima fight are highlights of the entire series for me. 
0 is going to end up being one of the few games I’ll never sell my copy of because i want it available for me to play forever, its a complete delight.
Shovel Knight
This game has been analysed to hell and back, so i wont have much original to say i suppose. Admittedly i did enjoy the first campaign but it didnt completely win me over, plague knights campaign and beyond was what really made this an all time greats for me. It’s one of very few games that gets the NES+SNES platforming appeal 100% right and essentially surpasses most games of the day, with almost perfect pacing, challenge and level design. IT helps that the whole world and story and look is charming as all hell. It’s an easy game to love and the more you play it the more that feels justified. Being PACKED with great content is also a plus. If you liked the first campaign you can just keep going through a set of campaigns about as good that only really rehash some level assets. I would say its one of the best 2D platformers ever for me, if not quite my true number 1.
Since i have little else to add to the shovel knight discussion, here’s my ranking/thoughts on each campaign
Plague of shadows. BEST storyline, great levels with a really cool gameplay gimmick, the characters are all cute and the ending really makes me feel for him. both sorry for him at first and then a very real AAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW for LOVE
King of cards. king knight is just fun as hell to play as, he doesnt have that many tools but his movement is just crazy fun and i love the flair in all his animations. also has that rad final boss. joustus is ok i guess.
Shovel of hope. uuuuuuh what can i even say about this. its good, and the melancholy dream bits add a lot to the mood of the story. we’ve already analysed this campaign within an inch of its life i dont think i can say anything new. wish we could fight the battletoads on pc.
Specter of torment. still fun and i appreciate the tone change, but i didnt care as much for the characters and the mega man-esque level select doesnt suit shovel knight imo. specter knight has a lot of fun movement options though. mainly i just love GRINDING and the diagonal slash. i dont give a fuck about reize
Nier Automata
I feel a tiny bit ashamed i have so little to say about this considering it is one of the most emotional experiences i have ever had with a story. If i lsten to the final version of weight of the world i still cry just from remembering this game and how it made me feel. i think its one of the greatest narratives of the century but i can barely get across the appeal to anyone who hasnt already played it. its a story about hope, despair and the nature of the human race that never feels like its preachy or pretensious or taking on more than it can handle. it made me feel all kinds of emotions deeply and intensely, it genuinely made me burst into tears about 10 times, maybe more. even putting aside the ggrand narrative, theres so many cool character moments and bits of world building and visual eements and tragic little side stories that you would need a whole book to talk about them all while doing any real justice to them. i loved it so much that im paying £70 to see an orchestra do the soundtrack live. I want to hug and kiss 2b and 9s better. i just love it deeply and i find it hard to explain why it makes me feel that way, but its a dark beautiful and hopeful story where every moment feels earned. the despair of the story giving way to genuine hope with the rest of the world helping you fight for it is such an intensely emotional moment that you could never replicate outside of this kind of story and medium. how the fuck do i explain that to anyone that doesnt already get it. I’m glad this game exists
Metal Gear Rising 
Well, complete tone shift here. Platinum made a lot of great action games in the last decade that all dig into that same itch for DODGE SLOW MOTION BANG BANG BANG alongside great soundtracks, visuals and awesome set piece moments. Just intense, flashy, awesome combat. Picking a favorite of the decade was the hard part, because a platinum game had to be one of my faves of the decade. The closest was transformers, but mgr has a couple of things about it that put it above the rest of the platinum catalog for me.
The story actually works very well at still being metal gear while in the platinum formula, its about the cycle of violence and FINDING YOUR OWN PURPOSE and it works weirdly well. The strangest part is that it feels like a legitimate sequel to metal gear 4 tonally while still being the crazy action game it is
Raiden is just super fun to play as, while I’ll always miss the DODGE SLOWMO in a platinum game parry and zandatsu give a great flow to fights and there’s real exhilaration to parrying a hard chain of attacks and tearing out a bunch of enemies spines at once every time
raiden is also just  a fun protag, it truly allows me to embrace that kind of stereotypical edgy cool anime swordsman he embodies
Bosses just rule
one of the best final bosses ever, in my opinion? maybe that’s controversial, but armstrong gets an insane amount of characterization and pure PRESENCE out of such a small amount of screen time and the fact he feels like such a perfect rival to raiden so quickly is kind of nuts to me. within about half an hour you are ready for the ultimate final showdown with everything at stake, and then the gameplay 100% delivers on that with a fight that is challenging as hell and just feels climatic and intimidating. its a little thing, but having this dude just smack you around with his hands and almost no fighting skill after a game filled with crazy flippy cyborg ninjas makes him feel TOUGH and the way you finish him off? it just rocks, plain and simple. I don’t think i need to justify slices a massive dudes chest open and ripping out his giant still beating robot heart as the music climaxes and our cool edgy protag literally says WE’RE DONE HERE. truly, it has to be this way.
Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger IX 
For fast twitchy 2d platformers this barely beat out Katana Zero and Touhou Luna Nights, but i think its just a little better. The skill ceiling on this game is high as hell and once you really get to grips with it, its an experience you cant find anywhere else. its just satisfying as hell to be able to get through the point where you can ZOOM  through these levels by making use of copen’s dash and lock-on and weapons well enough. once you get good enough to get through a hole level without touching the ground, you just cant go back. I liked this enough to get an S rank on almost every level. this game just rules, man.
story, art and music are all great as well. but they pale in importance next to zippy jetpack zoom zoom fun time.
also great for having a cool twist that i genuinely did not see coming at all
Final Fantasy XV   
For context, my experience of FFXV was not the base game so i cannot personally address the concerns of the version at launch, which i hear from others was a total mess! The game has been updated and changed so much that it is probably almost unrecognizable aside from the absolute base aspects of it. The version i am talking about is, as far as we know, the “final” version released right before Episode Ardyn. There was of course an update after this, but it only added DLC compatibility and a few items, so it means very little in the grand scheme. I also played all of the dlc and watched all the periphery material to get the full, messy disjointed experience. it is also worth noting that the only other FF game i have played is the classic title Mario Hoops 3 on 3 Basketball. I feel it important to tell you this before getting into things so that you can have a full idea of the perspective i come at the game from.
This was chosen over Mario Odyssey and someone will probably kill me for that. I just think its a great emotional story that does a fantastic job of making you care for all the characters, and the world feels massive and full of cool stuff to see. It’s my favorite open world game and i love The Boys.  its not the kind of thing i usually play but i think it genuinely had a great story and its a very fun game to just explore and spend time in. ffxv truly understands the emotional bond between The Lads and it is fun to kill big monsters with your party
(they kinda ruin the last cutscene in english, in japanese he says I LOVE YOU GUYS and it makes me cry but in english he goes U GUYS ARE THE BEST which just isnt the same. a small nitpick though. a lot of this game made me cry regardless, its just great at creating an emotional bond)
I admire the insane level of ambition in the visuals and scope, and i bought every dlc for it because it was just that good. the ifrit boss fight and all the giant monsters are just amazingly epic in scale. the “found a cool rock” post is what i truly admire about this game summed up. 
all the ancillary material for the game is great and worth getting into, with the exception of the Comrades multiplayer expansion. Everything else adds depth to the story and the world without being entirely necessary for you to get through the story. the anime and the dlc all really feel worth getting into without being something you have to see to get The Full Experience
the giant monsters are cool
Scott Pilgrim vs the World: The Game
Being from 2010 this game only just makes it in, but it was my favorite beat em up this decade and a source of great nostalgia for me. It had a pretty big impact on music and art tastes in regards to games, and in retrospect this games existence was very much a dream team scenario. Paul Robertson is a great sprite artist who does a lot of good work, Anamanaguchi have gone on to become one of my favorite bands (another winter is still one of their best tracks imo) and at the time this came out i was obsessed with scott pilgrim. That plus the beat em up gameplay makes this kind of a perfect blending of a lot of my specific tastes. Playing this brings me back to the time in my school life that i played it very distinctly, a more comfortable time in my life for sure, and i think the game still stands up excellently. I hope that someday it will get a rerelease so others can enjoy it. I give this another play through every year or so, but i wish id gotten the dlc while it was still available
i like this game because of the intense adrenaline rush and violent catharsis it gives me, essentially a constant dopamine rush
fun game good
I’m glad i got to this before the massive wave of spoilers and popularity came about. It’s a great story with some fun gameplay, and i think SANS UNDERTALE was one of the best boss fights this decade. Its a shame that for so many new players this experience is going to be ruined by spoilers
Persona 5 
Danganronpa 2 and fallout new vegas were close contenders for this last spot. I actually made a post about my thoughts on this game before https://journaloftomfooleryandjapery.tumblr.com/post/184341270554/nue-is-great-love-his-goofy-design-when-life-will but essentially 
Essentially, its got a great cast of characters, a cool slick look, great monster designs, a fun gameplay loop of collecting monsters and grinding stats while waiting for the next big event, and a surprisingly good story
No idea if royal is any good, but its on a pretty small list of games that i might actually take the time to replay
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tickleraptorss · 5 years
Alright ya DORK. Tell us abt your Sword Game headcannons
easily the most ticklish of the entire party. also easily the most lee of the party.
he has a really squeaky laugh when you get to his super bad spots!! also just a very generally happy-sounding laugh. it’s so pure
he curls up and blushes so much when u tickle him. he crinkles his nose nd stuff nd it’s just v pure
his worst spots are his tummy, under his arms and his feets!! he’s also particularly ticklish on his lower ribs.... 
he is ticklish literally everywhere. you could tickle his like. elbows. and he’d be laughing
reyn LOVES tickling shulk. he loves shulk’s laugh so much that he’ll take almost every opportunity to tickle him. 
in fact, the entire party likes tickling him. shulk’s sad a lot so the other party members like to cheer him up with tickles :)
or they just tickle him bc. they can.
shulk doesn’t ler very often. he can only tickle reyn bc if he tried to go for anyone else he’d regret it immediately
he does more of that. observational teasing. stuff like “oh, you’re really ticklish here, huh?” 
although with reyn he uses teases like “c’mon, i know you wanna laugh! where’s that bright smile of yours, hm?~”
he once tried to get revenge on fiora. that went  horribly
sometimes he’ll get visions of tickle attacks from the party and he. can’t really do anything about it. thanks for nothing, monado
just. a very tickly boy
he’s very ticklish, especially on his belly. but don’t tell anyone or he’ll kill you
he’s mostly a ler, well, he prefers being a ler anyway
anyone who isn’t shulk can challenge him and win pretty easily bc he’s so damn ticklish
his laugh is so cackly and it’s also full of snorts!! a lot of protesting and blushing too bc he’s big embarrassed 
he just kinda collapses when you tickle him. his instinct is to curl in on himself and try to keep himself from laughing but he’s. very bad at that. 
also. he wears a crop top. you are Asking for tickles young man
yes you show off your cool six pack but is it worth it (its not)
he’s very weak to cutesy/childish teasing,, it makes him v embarrassed bc he’s supposed to be a tough man but he’s just Dying at shulk whispering “tickle tickle~” in his ear ghdjkfg
raspberries are his ultimate weakness he can’t stand them. shulk uses that to his advantage. 
as a ler, reyn is very silly!!! he loves playful wrestling and pinning his lee down nd just. going to town
he also loves tickl games. like he’ll have the lee try to keep their arms up while he tickls them nd stuff like that. or see how long they can last without laughing. Bro we are Tickle Games
he tickles shulk the most often, obviously. he’ll try and sneak up on the others sometimes, but that backfires on him 90% of the time.
while he’s cuddling with shulk sometimes he’ll just softly tickle him to see him curl up and giggle nd he thinks it’s super adorable (bc it is) 
the ultimate ler of the party. she’s an unstoppable force. 
you cannot tickle her and get away with it. hell, even if you try within about 10 seconds you will be on the receiving end
she’s teasy as hell, and she’s got the perfect voice for it too. if you’ve heard her voice you’ll know what i mean
she adores using those childish teases. the stuff like ‘kitchy kitchy koo~’ and she calls herself the tickle monster nd stuff and A
she tickles e v e r y o n e. no one is safe. she is a literal tickle monster
you can’t run from her bc she’ll chase you. you can’t hide bc she’ll find you. she’s a very determined ler and if she decides you deserve to be tickled, she’s not stopping until it happens
if she sees one of the party members sulking she’ll just waltz right up behind them, poke them in the sides and give them a lil warning
sometimes there’s no warning at all and she just straight up starts tickling them out of seemingly nowhere
“i heard someone could use a visit from the tickle monster~” fIORA STOP YOU’RE GOING TO KILL ALL OF THEM
she probably tickles melia the most often bc she wuvs making her birb gf smile!!
she’s rarely a lee. if she ever does get tickled it’s bc she let you do it
melia’s rly the only one who gets to tickle fiora.
lmao one time reyn and shulk teamed up to get revenge on fiora and despite it being 2v1 uh. Fiora easily won that battle
this is longer than i wanted but listen i fuckign love one (1) gal
def more of a ler and the least ticklish out of everyone in the party. 
she has Big Sister energy 
she’s rly playful like reyn!! she doesn’t do games like reyn does but she just has a v playful energy when she tickles
she has tons of experience from tickling juju (her lil bro!) so she Knowes how to deal w squirmy lees
she’s also very strong, so she can pin her lee down pretty easily
she’s rly close to fiora and melia. she’s like their cool adoptive big sister. squad goals.
sometimes she nd fiora team up to cheer up melia when she’s feeling sad!!!
she also likes tickling reyn bc the way he reacts to tickling is just super funny to her.
she doesn’t tease all that much tbh, but she’ll laugh along with her lee!! 
she’ll comment on the lee’s laugh sometimes too, especially if it’s squeaky (bye shulk)
it’s hard to challenge her bc she isn’t all that ticklish, but she’s got a select few bad spots.
her legs are mostly p bad, with w her knees being the worst spot.
she cannot handle knee squeezes she will probably die and then kill you with her..... gun that heals people
her laugh is surprisingly loud for how Not Ticklish she is. maybe it’s bc she’s not rly used to it? it’s a mystery!
she  might kick you so maybe don’t... tickle her for too long.
despite being fiora’s older brother he falls victim to her attacks very often.
he’s a true switch probably, mainly bc fiora tickles him so often. 
he likes to tickl reyn nd shulk a lot bc he’s like their SUPER RAD OLDER BROTHER
he used to be a very good ler, but now that he can only use one arm, he’s lost a bit of his skill
he has no problem with taking shulk and reyn down a few notches, however he cannot defeat his sister anymore
he constantly tries to get back at fiora for all the times she’s tickled him but he’s just in denial that she’s become a more threatening tickle monster than him :(
but he’s proud of fiora for being Feared for that
he’s like “i taught her well :)”
he’s a lot more ticklish than he seems
his worst spots are his ribs and leggies!! he’s not too good at fighting his attacker off though because he. can only use one arm
he has a more gruffy laugh. doesn’t really squeak all that much unless you manage to catch him off guard
dunban is cool and also he looks like alucard from castlevania lol
is it birb time? i think it’s birb time
didn’t really know what tickling rly was before she met shulk and co. like, she knew of it but that was the extent of her knowledge.
it wasn’t until she met fiora that she found out that she was, indeed, very ticklish.
her worst spots are her neck and ears, and probably around her shoulders too!
going for her neck makes her scrunch her shoulders up nd hide her face behind her wings its so cute
speaking of which, her wings are also very ticklish!! gently stroking them will make her giggle
she has a like. musical laugh. it’s v melodical?? idk how to describe it it’s just Very Pretty and fiora adores it
melia would be more of a ler if she wasn’t dating the world’s greatest tickle monster
she tickles shulk quite often, actually! fiora usually watches from the sidelines and tells her which spots are the most effective.
melly’s an observational teaser. she usually doesn’t mean to be teasy, but her tone makes it come across as such
over time she eventually learned how to be good at teasing from fiora and she’s almost as unstoppable as fiora.
keyword: almost
she’s still pretty weak
she just tends to curl up when tickled. she doesn’t rly fight back all that much bc she thinks its kinda fun!!
local party dad and is canonically covered in feathers
he’s v ler!! but like,, in a cool dad way. he tickles the others when they’re down so that they can feel a lil better
he’s just a big ol fluffball who loves seeing his adopted children happy and smiling!
he technically has two pairs of hands - his lil stubby ones and his big ol ear hands!! he can tickle with both at the same time
when the other party members are holding him if he notices that they’re sad he’ll go “>:3c its time for tickles!”
he just kinda pounces on the others when he tickles them. they can’t really fight him bc he’s so small and agile
riki is also ticklish!! he has a v ticklish tummy
tickling him will make him let out these lil purr-like giggles and its v pure. 
riki doesn’t mind being tickled! if it makes the others happy, then he’s happy too!!!
psst... his ears are also mega ticklish
when he teases he’ll mostly go for the Cursed phrases bc he’s so used to using those on his kids!! it’s only natural he’d do the same for his new Adopted children
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greenteaandwishes · 5 years
what an abortion is really like
because i would have loved to know what was gonna happen when i needed mine!
for reference: i had a surgical (in clinic/aspiration) abortion, i was around 13 weeks, and i didn’t go to planned parenthood, i went to a local womens health center in boulder.
i called the clinic on a thursday, they said they only schedule abortions on fridays and since i wasnt sure how far along i was they’d recommend i get there the next day if at all possible. i scheduled the appointment for that friday, asked how much it would cost and was met with a set price of $600. i asked if there was any way to set up a pyment plan, and they said yep! they also transferred me to their financial aid advisor and my total cost ended up being $500, of which i paid $300 upfront and am payingthe rest $50 weekly.
i got there and checked in, everyone was very welcoming and kind. they had me fill out some paperwork, mostly just typical medical care stuff like insurance, emergency contact, etc. there was a paper with specific abortion related questions like are you comfortable with your decision and who has been your biggest supporter through this, stuff like that. everyone also made sure to ask what my preferred pronouns were, which was really nice because i’m very feminine presenting and i sometimes prefer they/them as opposed to she/her. i went to use the restroom and there was a sign that said that they need a urine sample, so if i havent given that i should wait for the doctors.
i waited for about 10 minutes and then the nurse came out to get me. i went in, they took a urine sample and my vitals and then said that i was good to go ahead and strip from the waist down and the doctor will be in shortly. i asked if i could keep my socks on (i wore my lucky socks lmao). she said yes. anyway, i undressed and the doctor came in, asked how i was feeling and what type of abortion i would be having. i said i was nervous and probably surgical because i think im too far along for a medication. she did a quick pelvic exam and an ultrasound (but not on my belly, it was an ultrasound that went up my vagina.) she confirmed that i was too far along for a medication abortion and that i’d need a surgical one, and that my next step was to go up to counseling.
i went up to counseling and the woman i was with was super nice. i was expecting a “this is why abortion is bad” shpiel because i know that a lot of states have laws that require counselors to tell you things like that. luckily, i didn’t get that (yay colorado!). i got a very supportive woman who answered all my questions and walked me through what was going to happen through the procedure, and just a general place to talk and vent what i’d been feeling. it lasted about an hour, and at this point i started getting kinda hungry and i asked if i was allowed to eat (because some surgeries you cant eat before.) she said that i am but i should be aware that im probably gonna feel a bit nauseous during/after the procedure.
the first step in this whole thing is taking a pill to dilate and soften my cervix, and that takes about 2 hours to fully work, so i took that first. i also was given some anti nausea meds, advil and anti anxiety medicine. my doctors were very kind and asked me what i wanted and felt like i needed, explained to me that i could take two anti anxiety meds or just one, and explained that i had the option to take a narcotic painkiller as well. at first i decided to just take advil and one anti anxiety, but about an hour later i was feeling very anxious and a little in pain, so i took the second anti anxiety and a narcotic (i was skeptical about the narcotic but i talked with the doctors quite a lot about side effects and addiction, before ultimately deciding to take it.) i couldn’t have taken the narcotic if i were to be driving myself home. last but not least, they did a finger poke to check if i was rh negative or positive, because if i was negative i would’ve needed another pill.
after that super mega pill cocktail, i got called back to a room much like the first one with the ultrasound. i undressed and tried to mentally prepare myself. there were three people in the room besides me: my doctor, her assistant, and a trained support person. doctor and assistant were down by my vagina, while the support person was holding my hand and talking me through it. i felt the doctor put a numbing shot in my cervix and then i just felt a lot of pressure and cramps. i had my hand resting on my belly and i could feel my uterus cramping. i started crying, it wasn’t painful exactly, just weird and overwhelming. i squeezed my suppirt persons hand and apologized for crying, all while she was just talking to me and saying its okay and all that stuff. it was over in about 10 minutes. the doctor and assistant left right after that, but my support person stayed. i know it was so that if i fainted or something, i wouldnt be alone, but it was honestly really comforting having her there with me. i lay down for about 5 more minutes before i felt okay to sit up and put on my pants. me and the support person chatted for a bit. i dont really remember what we talked about.
after i put on my pants my support person led me to a room with recliners and crackers and water and books. there were two other women in there, who met me with a heating pad and a heated blanket. i rested there for about half an hour, drinking water and eating saltines, and reading this book full of other people’s experiences with abortion. i felt so cared for and seen, it was amazing. they had me give one last urine sample and then led me around the back (handicap exit, so no stairs) where my boyfriend was waiting in his car. i think they told him to go wait out there once i was in the recovery room, because that way when i was ready to leave i could.
i got in the car and drove home with my love. we stopped at walgreens to get some pads, because the doctors said i couldnt put anything in my vagina for at least a week, but that i was going to be bleeding a bit. since i use a menstrual cup, i didnt have normal pads at home. i cried a little bit in walgreens, thats around when the pain meds wore off. when i got home i took another advil and laid down with a heating pad and netflix, and eventually i fell asleep.
its about a week after my abortion now, my cramps have gone away entirely. they were bad for the first few days though. im almost done bleeding. i’m no longer experiencing nausea or fatigue or sore boobs. my hormones have been a little crazy, i keep going from very calm and chill to just downright cranky. i can call the clinic back any time for support, and to schedule a follow up appointment if i feel i need one. all in all, it was a very peaceful experience. not once did i feel judged or ashamed at my choice. everyone at the clinic was ridiculously kind and caring. im very grateful i had the experience i had.
feel free to reblog or message me with any questions!
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seoschangbin · 4 years
please rachel is cute!!!😭💕💞congrats on your freedom!!! i saw your text post about having to do some peer grading🥺it sounds tedious): and then people not doing it properly, gosh😤i hope you can get through them quickly n still have time to relax!💕but i’m glad next semester is gonna be full of fun classes, it’s what you deserve!!! i just know it’ll be one of your best semesters yet😌💕and graduating in april!!! omg :0 congrats!!! that’s such a huge accomplishment hehe. -🎁💫
mndjdj UR cute!! tho waking up at 2am to get to the airport aint it 😬✈️ hehe i finished the peergrade it went better than i thought im so dramatic nd mean 😭 (jk i was v nice imo) ur so sweet i dont deserve u 😭i hope 2020 is good for us both and we both have a good winter semester ❤️ (not sure yours is even called winter) scared for grad but also wouldnt be able to do another semester ahah 😥
do you plan on going to higher education or are ya just gonna chill for a bit?😌that’s true!!! almost halfway! and i’m done with my gen ed classes so now i just gotta focus on my major!!! i don’t really like the uni life so this extra year sounds like hell to me😭but i guess i should start trying to put myself out there more n make the best of my last years😭😔man😭well you tried your best rachel!!! n that’s all that matters😌💕-🎁💫
i applied for grad school! but we'll see how that goes 😣 ooh gen ed is the worst imo bc then u get the fun specialized stuff! 😊 oh noo why dont you like uni? 😔 but i hope you find smth to enjoy in the last years, thats when i started to really enjoy it anyways! 🥰
LITERALLY😭😭felix is just the softest n he’s so utterly sweet!!! he’s been making me go through it lately especially since he keeps on being the ultimate cutie and posting stuff of him being at the dog cafe🥺🤲🏼skz variety😚i saw that video where we get to see chan’s studio n he’s with bin n ji and gosh the tiny teasers we got other songs... omg😳💕i’ve been having levantar on repeat as well, i think she’s gonna dethrone i am who for me😳yeah i dance but i’m not good!!!-🎁💫
omg i KNOW rly goin thru it w felix lately 😭 the dog cafe bls mjsjjdd hes so cute 😭 omg i KNOW!! the seungbin duet bls.. for me.. release it 😭 all the songs sound so so lovely im excited for their future 🙇🏻‍♀️ omg levanter.. shes that gal taking over the world! aww its ok hehe if u have fun then thats all that matters ☺️ how did u get into it?
i used to dance when i was younger but i went through a i’m shy phase n gave it up🚶🏻‍♀️recently i’ve been trying to get back into tho!!! my only source of lessons atm is felix’s dance to😚honestly that’s so valid bc skz titles are always so so so good n leave you with vastly different feelings🥺🤲🏼who knows😭😭😭chan does n says the weirdest stuff sometimes but it’s okay he’s still a cutie🥺right!!! i’m really glad they got a win! they're accomplishing so much n i am so!!! proud😭💞-🎁💫
omg felix nd his dance lessons hes so awkward but endearing bro  is there any dances ur looking forward to learning or currently learning?  i agree skz kings of versatility! i know!! they did so much this yr good job skz ️
i wonder if they’re gonna do more stages n if there’s possible for them to get more wins... i think they’re done right? just fansigns left? hmmm. changbin always gotta play hard to get i guess😤and omg yeah i guess so!!! bc i’ve realized that i listen to mostly jype artists :0 sometimes jype is ya kno... Yeah but i can’t deny that i love most of their groups🏃🏻‍♀️-🎁💫
i think they r done! but im honestly so hazy on their schedule i just take what im given LOL 😭 i love looking at fantakens from their fansigns though i hope they have more! mjdjf mood about jype... but their groups.. pure nd good! not rly relates but did u ticket this past week for skz hehe?
i’d like to file a complaint… 😭😭😭hyunjin is just so powerful, i always think how lucky jinnie stans are bc he just loooooves spoiling stays😚💓ooo i’ve heard of victon but i’ve never watched their variety! there’s so many groups i want to eventually listen n learn about tho and victon is one of em!!! i watched a few eps of that mx variety where they’re with PUPPIES😭i still need to finish it but so far… jooheon can get it and by get it i mean n my heart😞🤲🏼-🎁💫
omg i KNOW hj be like bf vibes always spoiling... omg victon is the CUTEST and theyre always on vlive itll be my mission to get you into them! 😉 omg i havent seen the whole puppy one yet but theyre so pure nd cute! i also recommend mx ray hehe! and hes jooheon must be protected hes the sweetest bab!
oh my goodness please i’ve seen clips of that moment!!!! changbin looks ULTRA teeny tiny i couldn’t believe!!!! so much cuteness in such a tiny body😭💞right!!! i love their friendship so much i just love how attentive they are with each other n how they always play around too hehe, its adorable!!! i will never get over felix whipping out that damn egg, king of comedic timing!!! yes!!! chan n changbin!!💕chan is a mega libra n as a fellow libra i couldnt resist! n changbin is changbin🥺-🎁💫
hes the teeniest i always go back to him on the zipline hes my babyyy 😔❤️ he looks scary but hes. baby.. his muscles r made of love.. mjsjd i KNOW feliz out of nowhere: 🥚 cute.. changbin n chan r a good bias pair! just the sweetest
being a changbin stans can never catch a break bc binnie's whole existence is just utter cuteness most times i can’t handle it, i blame his mega leo energy😭i’m into mostly nintendo n indie games! also its super cheesy but i love chill games like farming games or animal crossing! you too rachel! get plenty of rest n omg i hope you enjoy your vacation!!! being at the beach is the best🥰💞gotta apply buckets of sunscreen then!!! i burn so easily too so i feel your pain😔-🎁💫
omg i KNOW bin is just the epitome of cuteness i never thought id ever stan the aegyo boy 😭 ooh! do u have a fav game? and i hear animal crossing is super fun nd i love chill games so not cheesy at all!! im sure when im back the first thing ill say is damn.. never seen my skin peel like That ⚠️
and no worries!!! please take your time n enjoy your vacation😚💞but goodness you’re so sweet! i’m glad i was able to finish the thing i made for You hehe, i’m excited for you to see!!!🥰💞its been lots of fun chatting!!! even tho i feel so bad for rambling on n on at times😭but i hope this week treats you well rachel n you have the loveliest n bestest holiday!!! -🎁💫
i decided not to bring my laptop this time so i wont be able to finish what i had in mind until january i hope u dont mind! but omg stoP u made me smth 😭 ive enjoyed talking to u sm too thank u for being the sweetest 🥰 i hope u enjoy the week as well and take lots of time to rest!
0 notes
Sentence Starters Ft. Me & My Best Friends Pt 2
“That’s gay you fucker.”
“I want a wax seal.”
“__ is the ultimate comfort food.”
“I’ve decided no longer to sleep, it doesn’t react well to me.”
“I had a bad dream, are you okay??”
“Did you fall back asleep and have another bad dream?”
“If you want less murder, try not to suck death’s dick as much.”
“life has many doors ed boy”
“how long my erection lasts.”
“erection’s running out.”
“Old fashioned porn hub.”
“Just got done being a prostitute.”
“Subtle porno tape.”
“Deluxe porno tape.”
“Lookin fly and ready to die.”
“Psychic barber offers free glasses with every reading.”
“It looks so good on you!”
“The spooky nails will have to go.”
“Goodbye, spoop soldiers.”
“Eat more.”
“let me chug this vodka and i will.”
“I await ___’s arrival.”
“I await Captain Dangus von Ballington’s arrival.”
“Okay it’s happening the alcohol is creeping up. Save me.”
“At least I can buy a happy peen.”
“Can I yell about __?”
“Mid-painting, ‘FUCK MY B A C K’. They take the picture anyway.”
“I want noodles now. I don’t want to put forth the effort though.”
“I forgot what __ is.”
“I forgot what carbonara is.”
“Let me be the parental unit for your friends too.”
“Fuck it, why not.”
“Do I do my nails or cook my cheese sticks first.”
“Don’t die.”
“Turns out you can drink a shot to Hamilton’s ‘my shot’. Like every time he says the word ‘shot’ or anyone else. You just have to be quick.”
“Hello darkness my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again.”
“Consume manflesh.”
“Flesh of the MAN.”
“It’s a lord of the rings reference!”
“eat the flesh of anyone who upsets you”
“What have you done.”
“It looks like a mask on a serial killer!”
“He/she/they needs/need so much help.”
“’I got a thing for my laptop computer’. Isn’t that basically porn?”
“Go make hot chocolate. The biggest cup you can.”
“How was being a seafolk?”
“The second the friend hit zero and he started chugging, I was just grinning and went off saying ‘thanks for the free drink, babe’.”
“My head hurts.”
“I found out the hard way __ has no concept of bite strength. He/she/they proper bit down on my thumb and there is blood.”
“Deep breaths.”
“I hate everything.”
“You reminded me that I, too, have mozerella sticks in the freezer. The world is a good place.”
“I bought two packs of hot chocolate.”
“Mega hot chocolate.”
“Oh god I have to go say hi to my aunt/uncle/relative.”
“Plant cat holds my heart.”
“I want a hundred and thirty-two pancakes.”
“If you show me I’ll show you mine.”
“The baker of baked.”
“A guardian of the galaxy and captain of the skies.”
“I gotta screech for all eternity.”
“Is that the girl from Bioshock in the background.”
“Dipper’s book from Gravity Falls is under the couch.”
“Remember when you called me an asshole once?”
“Yeah. And I felt bad. I DON’T ANYMORE. FUCK YOU ASSHOLE. okay that was a lie i still feel bad.”
“I want __ to play the autistic guitar now so this can happen.”
“the what guitar.”
“I do not chill.”
“Are you prepared for the pain.”
“That pizza deserved better.”
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