#if you want to send an emoji related to a different ask game
faithinchances · 5 months
It's snowing so ask me about my WIPs
These are all Ted Lasso:
Jamie blackmails Richmond (Concept)
Jamie goes to Barca as a kid (Concept)
Jan/Jamie (Concept)
Roy conned Jamie into being nice and City is mad about it (jamiesfootball's idea, which they have encouraged me to think about writing and now I am stewing on it - link to original) (Concept)
The Mafia AU where Jamie gets adopted by the Interpol agent who killed Tartt Sr (Concept)
Real People, Antonia Madero, Jamie/Halvar, and Sleepover (Writing) (these are all different documents, but all of them are stuff that will end up in the Cityzens sequel, probably)
Georgie and Simon host for the EDS (Writing)
Pep POV (early draft of Empty Space) (Writing? Debatably?)
Baby Jamie dukes it out with VVD (writing)
Chat fic (Writing) (I should really make an abandoned folder)
COVID fic where Jamie spends the pandemic with a City teammate (Writing, should probably be in Concept though)
Jamie & Bex origin story (Writing)
Sam's Wisdom Teeth (Writing, but I haven't opened it since April)
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vdelta · 2 years
hey i couldn't sleep so i decided to make one of those ask game things if anyone wants to send in numbers and/or invite their followers to send them numbers instead
do you carry around a bag when you're out and about? if so, what's usually in it?
describe your perfect first date.
guilty pleasure?
which fictional character archetype do you think fits you best?
what do you think others would consider your most distinguishable physical feature(s)?
what role do you play in your group of friends?
when was the last time you said something you regretted?
do you typically remember your dreams if you have them?
who is your biggest inspiration?
any unusual fears?
favorite myth?
when was the last time you were truly angry?
best compliment you've ever received?
which color of the sky is your favorite?
favorite font?
is there anyone you’re not biologically related to that you consider "family"?
what's your go-to funny story when people ask you to tell one?
what's your most controversial opinion?
what's been keeping you up at night lately?
do you have any ocs? if yes, talk about them a little.
do you believe in extraterrestrial life?
how old were you when you joined the internet?
what's popular with the people around you that you can't seem to get behind?
what would you consider part of your personal aesthetic?
do you collect anything?
would you enjoy being famous?
how liberally do you use the block button when browsing social media? does it differ depending on the site?
if you could travel back to any one point in time, where and why?
how many different names do you go by across the internet?
what’s your type?
does your favorite movie/game/book from when you were young still hold up in quality?
were you raised religious?
have you ever thought about changing your name?
any allergies?
what would your warning label say if you had one?
what's the most expensive thing you've ever spent money on?
any oddities when it comes to you personal belief system?
what is your love language?
do you still know your best friend from grade school?
if you could dye your hair any color, what would you pick?
has anyone ever told you they like your shoelaces in public? if yes, how did you respond?
how did you meet your best friend(s)?
do you play any instruments?
do you have any blorbos?
do you believe in fate?
do you follow any stereotypes of groups you're a part of?
how well-decorated is your bedroom?
you get to give a one-sentence note to yourself from a decade ago. what does it say?
if you're trying to make friends online, what's your typical approach for reaching out?
what do you consider most important in a romantic/platonic partner?
if you had the ability to change one aspect of yourself, what would it be?
what the best anon hate you've ever received?
favorite emoji?
what's the boldest thing you've ever done?
do you prefer having a few close friends or a lot of not-so-close ones?
nosiest question you've ever been asked?
favorite movie?
how many languages do you speak?
how much of yourself do you wear on your sleeve?
what's your go-to plan to destress?
do you believe in/follow any superstitions?
what do you think you’re most known for as a person?
how did you come up with your url?
what's the best thing you can cook?
do you have a Signature Outfit™?
what’s been the biggest hurdle you’ve faced in your life so far?
what's your favorite obscure piece of media?
what's the most recent entry in your notes app?
favorite song?
when it comes to affection/intimacy, do you prefer to stick to one person or are you more open about it?
did you have an imaginary friend as a kid?
which is more important when it comes to clothing, comfort or style?
what would you consider the most enjoyable accent to listen to?
favorite time of year?
how would you describe your favorite person?
do you like the height you are now, or do you wish you were taller/shorter?
what's your plan for the apocalypse? (don't pretend you haven't thought about it a little bit.)
favorite food?
who do you look to for guidance in times of need?
which you can spend a day each in five different places across the globe. where do you travel?
favorite memory?
favorite meal?
favorite pick-up line, if you're into that sort of thing?
favorite word?
are you on good terms with your family?
if you were given $1mil on the basis that you had to put towards something arbitrary and self-indulgent, what would you spend it on?
where’s "home"?
how fucked is your sleep schedule?
if you could keep any animal as a pet, what would you choose?
weirdest habit?
what's a common misconception people have about you?
who's in your dream blunt rotation?
favorite game?
if you could have any superpower besides the typical choices (flight, shapeshifting, elemental powers, etc.), what would you pick?
have you ever written any poetry? if so, what was it about?
favorite quote?
what's your lucky number(s)?
favorite color?
is there anything you would consider yourself an expert at?
do you believe in something beyond death?
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tadc-ragatha · 8 months
Congratulations on 50+ followers and may you gain many more!! 🎉
You truly do deserve it with your detailed writing style and I absolutely adore the writing you did for my request! If you don’t mind me requesting once again and if you feel motivated to, may you please write for Kinger and a character of your choice with 🌠🎠
May you have a well day/night and don’t forget to take care of yourself! :)
Starry-Eyed Carnival Date
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TW: Abstraction/"death"/going insane, memory loss, guilt/self-blame, angst
Type: Fic; romantic-related, platonic. Emoji details: 🌠 (Shooting Star) Stargazing, 🎠 (Carousel Horse) Amusement park activity. Game link [x].
A/N: "Kinger reminisces on his date with Queener." No reader. Kinger x Queener. As of posting, only pilot has come out.
Thank you!! I'm very flattered and glad to know my writing style is being received well! You're absolutely allowed to request again, don't worry about it! I love knowing people loved my work so much they came back for more. You get a special Queener appearance because I liked this idea so much (she's not in the game, so please don't request for her otherwise guys)! I took some time to make this because I wanted to make it well.
Also, petition to name the Kinger x Queener ship Chess-Rule-Shipping? Or something adjacent to that? I think it's cute, anyway.
Each week would end with a special activity. Usually, this meant a longer, more in-depth one outside of the tent. This week, Caine had chosen to send the crew on a night activity at the carnival.
The purpose of the activity was to go on a scavenger hunt and collect as many puzzle pieces as possible and complete the final puzzle before the others. There were twenty-five in total, and three different puzzles for the three different groups. As such, each group was to consist of a pair. Each pairs' puzzle pieces were at different locations in an attempt by Caine to stop others from sabotaging the experience.
Walking through a path lined by food stalls, Kinger and Gangle looked down at their clue. It was a scrap piece of paper with the words typed on with a typewriter. Held in Gangle's free hand--the other one kept busy with her broken comedy mask--was the clue. Kinger kept the six puzzle pieces they had collected in his. So far, the pieces presented sections of very colourful oblong shapes.
Kinger read over the clue again, "'circular eye of the carnival. Red.'"
"It must be the Ferris Wheel, right?" Gangle turned to look at him. Kinger nodded, walking off ahead of her through the crowd of NPCs.
Looming above them was the Ferris Wheel. Its frame was a plain white, but each carriage was painted a different colour of the rainbow. At least fifteen carriages were suspended.
"We have to wait for a red one," Gangle said. As if on cue, a red carriage stopped before them. Kinger stepped aside and put his hand out to his left.
"After you." He gestured to the door.
Stepping inside the carriage, the two looked around. Under the seats, over the seats, and between the bars; they found nothing. Until Gangle grabbed onto the seat itself and tried to pull it up. It worked, revealing the next clue of the game and puzzle piece.
Kinger congratulated, "Oh! Good work, Gangle. Now, we better get going." Turning to exit the carriage, he found the door slammed in his face. Gangle gasped as he paused for a moment. "Oh."
"What do we do now?" she asked.
"Well, I guess we just wait for the ride to be over," he replied. Sitting down, he looked out the window as the ride jolted to a start, swaying the two back and forth.
Outside, they could see the lights of the carnival below. Yellow and warm, they filled the atmosphere of the digital world with a strange yet familiar feeling. Different food stalls of different colours were busy with customers, the scents of their products wafting through the air. Up above them, the fake stars shone and twinkled.
Kinger sighed.
Gangle looked over to him, asking in a timid voice, "what's wrong?"
For a short moment Kinger didn't reply. Instead, he continued to stare out the bars of the red carriage, out into the sky. Finally, he spoke up.
"I like the colour red," he said.
"What?" Gangle responded.
"I said, I like the colour red."
"What--what about red?"
Another moment of silence. She looked between him and his view of the stars.
"My wife was red," he said. "I like my wife."
He continued, "she liked the carnival, too. I remember I took her here on our first anniversary."
"How--how long had you been together?"
"Oh, many years." He cocked his head back with an unseen eye-smile that quickly faded. "I don't remember much about what we did now." Leaning against the bars, he looked up to get a better view. "It was a night just like this. Lots of stars."
An awkward silence passed. Or, Gangle thought it was awkward. To her, she could not tell what Kinger was thinking. All he did was continue to stare, not a single discernible emotion in sight. Yet there was still a sadness to him. She fiddled with her ribbons.
Kinger sighed again, "Queener loved the stars. She had the stars in her eyes that night."
The Ferris wheel was nearing a third of the way through its rotation. Deep down, she wished it would end sooner. The silence was deafening. So much so, she mustered up all her courage to ask a question.
"What was Queener like?"
"Queener was great." He didn't look back at her. "She was all work, no play. But she was nice." Another pause. "I miss her."
Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes.
"May--maybe we should focus on something else." She looked down. The carriage was at its peak.
"I think that's why she left," he said. Gangle looked over at him quizzically. He didn't need to look at her to know her expression. "She couldn't remember anything. It's hard not knowing your name, but then she forgot what she looked like, and her family, and our pets..."
"You had pets?"
He smiled with his eyes again, replying, "oh, lots of them! I don't know what they were, though." The smile disappeared. She could definitely see tears in the bottom of his eyes.
"But...Queener was always too hard on herself. She always thought she was too strong to ask for help," he gave a sad chuckle. Twitching his eyes around, he tried to stop himself from giving in as the tears slowly dropped down onto the floor. "I think she didn't want to talk to me because she didn't want to hurt me."
"I think--"
"I didn't talk to her, either. I didn't want to stress her out. I...I thought maybe she'd be okay if she just had time. I thought--"
"I...I miss my wife, Gangle!" he sobbed. The tears were full-flowing as he cried into his hands. With her ribbon, Gangle tried to put a reassuring hand on him.
"Kinger, I...I--"
"It's my fault!" he wailed. "If I--if...If I had just said something, then she would've still been here!"
Gangle didn't say anything.
"I loved her and it's my fault she's gone!"
She shook her head, saying, "no, it's not."
"It was!"
"No, it wasn't. I don't...I think...Nobody really--nobody really gets out of here." She shook her head. Kinger looked over at her. His wailing had stopped for a moment, replaced with red eyes and sniffles.
"What?" he asked.
She said, "I don't think it was your fault. We all go eventually." The carriage halted again. Looking down, she could see it was near the end. She continued, "we don't--if she was...Someone would have left anyway." Tears were streaming down her own face.
Kinger didn't say anything. He simply looked down at the floor where the pool of his tears was. As the carriage reached closer to the ground, the light became brighter. Soon, they were both flooded with the yellow warmth of the lamps.
Kinger dried his eyes with his hands. Standing up, the Ferris Wheel came to a halt as he picked up the puzzle pieces. Meanwhile, Gangle took her broken mask and the new clue. Watching him intently, she could see him staring down at the ground, seemingly unresponsive to his environment as he walked out the carriage door.
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mypoisonedvine · 1 year
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it's finally happening! another sleepover!
those of you who have followed for a while remember when I hosted sleepovers every saturday night, and they were always so fun. I'm too busy to do that now, but when I saw that I had (somehow, miraculously) reached thirty thousand followers (!?!?!?!), I knew this was the only way to celebrate.
so first of all, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me and my writing over the years!! you are genuinely what keeps me going and it's so amazing to share my works with you guys!
starting friday evening (exact time tbd but I will start accepting requests and other asks early!) and continuing through most of saturday, I will be taking requests, playing games, and interacting with you guys which I have missed so so much <3
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of course, requests. send a drabble/headcanon idea for any character/actor/fandom I've written for before (check my masterlist!) - obviously not every request will get written because I just get too many, but I'm gonna try to have a lot of diversity in terms of fandoms, characters, and kinks.
emoji games!
🎵 ~ send a character name + the music note emoji and I will tell you a song that makes me think of the character and why!
😍 ~ send a character name + the heart eyes emoji and I will talk about what I think they're like when they have a crush on someone!
💋 ~ send a character name + the kiss emoji and I will write about what I think they're like during a makeout session
🖋️ ~ send a title of one of my fics + the fountain pen emoji and I will tell you about the 'behind the scenes' of the fic, any alternate titles or endings I considered, etc.
other games!
would you rather ~ this one is a bit self-explanatory, but if you send me a would you rather question (ideally fandom/character related) I'll pick my preference and maybe write about it a bit (e.g. "would you rather hook up with eddie munson in a bar or be steve harrington's friend-with-benefits?")
fuck, marry, kill ~ three character names and I have to decide which ones to fuck, marry, and kill
spouse, one-night stand, best friend ~ same thing but slightly different categories, based on that one shitpost I made that has like a bajillion notes for no reason
reblog, sequel, delete ~ this is my version of 'fuck marry kill' but for fics! send me three of my fic titles and I have to decide which one I'd reblog to promote, which one I'd write a sequel to, and which one I'd delete hypothetically. not doing any random sequels and definitely not deleting an old fic haha it's just about which one has room for a sequel and which one doesn't!
other rules: 18+ only for the entire sleepover and my blog; this is a celebration for my followers so I ask that you follow me before you participate; please no necro/snuff, raceplay, underage, or scat kink requests; do not resend questions or requests, it takes me a while to get through everything; feel free to send multiple different requests/games just keep in mind I'm trying to mix it up so I won't do the same thing over and over!
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tagging mutuals and friends who may want to participate, and who have been so helpful and important to me since I started this blog c: @quinnsmunson @starduststevie @mydearzero @earlgreydream @candyflossfairy @iraot @trelaney @wroteclassicaly @navybrat817 @breakoutt @mustyrosewater @syddsatyrn @littledemondani @writteninsaturn @pedgito @rosemaremembrance @ethereal27cereal @spiderrrling @hellfiremunsonn @foxgloveprincess @sagelunatic @always-andromeda @ebiemidnightlibrarian @sweetdreamsbuck @bubblebuckys @prcents @bruhlsbees @aarielsea @chrissquares @gogolucky13 @obsessedprincess @thesoftdumbass @whatevermonkey @inber @badwolfbadwolf @pedrospascalian @hornystan @cyberpunkyunho @serenalyon @emsgoodthinkin @ultraintrovertedgryffindor
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psychoelectricangel · 5 months
Intro ˚₊꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
I've been on this hellsite a few months now, might as well introduce myself lolol (intro will be updated as time goes on)
.𖥔 ݁ ˖☾𖤓.𖥔 ݁ ˖
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About me:
Hii, you can call me Selene, Leonid (or Leo), Angel, or Rainy! Sun and Moon are also okay nicknames! ^^
My pronouns are she/he/xe/mew/star!
I'm an aroacespec, genderfluid, xenogender cat therian, digital angel, and little star ₍^ >ヮ<;^₎ ₊˚⊹♡
I'm 17 years old, so no explicit nsfw; references, blood, gore, and the like are allowed though
My main interests are nso, pjsekai, Omori, Pokemon, and Zelda! I post a lot of art, mostly of these games but I will post art from any fandoms if I feel like it. I also want to get into Persona 5, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, and NitW, so no spoilers please!!
Current hyperfixations: Minori Hanasato, Honakana, Minokana and Minoharu ౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆
Feel free to dm me or send me asks, I love meeting and talking to people!!
I have very bad social anxiety tho so pls keep that in mind and be patient with me (>.,<;;)
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DNI list:
All the basics: no homophobia, transphobia, proshippers, maps, terfs, racists, antisemitic, pro Israel/anti Palestine, any bigotry, etc.
note: please do your absolute best to support palestine, but keep all that discourse off of my blog please, i am not in the mental state to handle it right now.
No syscourse please, I don't know much about the subject but I have system friends and don't want them to be hurt or upset!
I'm also taken so please no flirting or any sort of romantic moves, they make me very uncomfortable (ˊ~`;)
I reserve the right to block you if i don't like you or your blog
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Instagram, commissions, pronouns card, etsy
all etsy proceeds in 2024 will go to support Palestine
(comms are currently closed, but will likely open up in January or February)
(list to be updated later on)
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Requests + Tags:
Art requests are open!
I'll draw anything as long as its not too complex, explicitly sexual (jokes, innuendos, and references are okay) or explicitly gorey (blood is okay)
I'll also draw emoji requests! I will draw simple expressions, simple stim/autism/adhd related emojis, and simple objects. Anything more complicated than that, such as specific characters, multiple different emojis, and full body poses will later be available as a commission ^^
Please credit me when using them!! Edits are alright, also with credit ( `−ㅿ−´)
Using my art as a pfp, banner, etc. is absolutely fine, long as you credit me!!
Keep in mind there is NO guarantee I will take the request, based on my current circumstances and/or mood
art posts: #psychoelectricangel
shitposts n random thoughts: #moonposting
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I hope you decide to stay here and chill with me!!
dividers are by the lovely @/mamimikey
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
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outsidereveries · 7 months
now you will be suprised and very shocked, but i decided to do a
GAME [usa’s thanksgiving edition]
since it’s my first one and i don’t really know how to do them properly, i am sorry if it’s not what you like to see
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i am aware thanksgiving is celebrated only in usa (at least this one) so the purpose of my first game will be related to spirituality, possibly family and choices of life (yes I did my homework to check why it’s celebrated and even searched keywords and symbolism of these words, i really tried to think of more food-related questions but it’s only one so sorry for that :( )!!!
beware that:
i still don’t do personal requests and readings so my games are strictly towards famous people (influencers included)
i still have the right to deny your request even in a game if something is wrong, they don’t want to share to me or i cannot share, will tell you the reason why if that happens
so without further ado, some add-ons:
you can ask anonymously, you can ask public, i don’t mind how
therefore if you like this post will be greatly appreciated to see if you are really interested in these types of games or not
the thing you have to do to participate is to send an ask choosing one of these emojis for your question:
[🙌🏻, skin color doesn’t matter] is (the person for whom is the request) thankful for everything they’ve achieved until now?
[🍽️] has (the person for whom is the request) ever gone on a strict diet (like 500 kcal daily for a week)?
[🏡] how (the person for whom is the request) views themselves in 10 years?
[🌽] would (the person for whom is the request) change their current job?
[🍂] would (the person for whom is the request) live in a quiet place (village, around forest/mountains, more near to the sea) or in a busy place (cities)?
[🌰] an advice (the person for whom is the request) would need right now, related to their career or purpose of life?
[🦃] what does (the person for whom is the request) would do if they have an actual freedom (infinite money, to live whenever they want and etc.)?
saying for who (has to be famous person!! locally works too) i have to ask (it has to be one person per request) and to explain either what you feel might be the answer or why you request that. it can be different thing apart from these two but a dialog is always refreshing, so if i force you to do that, i’m sorry, you can do it briefly or to talk about sth else related to the request!
here are some examples you can ask for the game:
“🦃 for nayeon of twice”
“ 🌰, justin bieber”
“emoji: 🍂
for: kim lip, loona/artms”
the game will be for 1 week, which means it will end at 24th november 2023 at 12:00 eet/gmt +2.
game: CLOSED
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lou-struck · 1 year
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Emoji Writing Event!
Hey guys!
I wanted to start this year off with a New Event To Introduce a few New Fandoms to my Blog with the Emoji Game...
If a picture is worth a thousand words then emojis are just as useful. These digitized images are able to shorten text messages, express emotion, and increase communication... And they are so freaking fun to use.
Send Me an Ask: With a combination of a character, an event, and one to two emojis of your choice and I will be posting drabbles and short fics related to the asks.
Example: Deku +Picnic + 💍
➼Fandoms include BNHA, KNY, HQ, Obey Me, and...
NOW INTRODUCING... Blue Lock and Tokyo Revengers!
➼Please refer to my Blog Rules before submitting
➼All works will be SFW
➼Character repeats ARE allowed
New rule: ^ up to 3x
➼Feel Free to submit more than one. No guarantee all will be added
To Enter: Feel free to send me an ask, message, or comment below a combination of a character, event, and one to two emojis of your choice
STATUS: Submissions Closed!
Prompt List Below The Cut!
Tea For Two: Barbatos + 😘 + tea party
Like the Dead- Belphegor +🧟‍♂️+sleep
Countdown... Belphegor +😴+hypnosis
Sipping on Stars :Belphegor + 🌠/ ⭐ + Picnic
For Sweeter Dreams: Beelzebub + 😭 + nightmare
Composure: Levi +🤬+troll
A Simple Gift- Lucifer + 💍 + Dinner
Luke + 😊 + Baking
House Rules: Mammon+ 🚫👖+ Casino|
A Demon's Duty: Satan + 🐈 + Park
Different Results: Solomon + 🎂 + cooking
Melting the Ice: Kyojuro Rengoku +🧊+ beach
Sea Birds: Hawks + 🚢 + vacation
It Goes Both Ways: Hawks + 🤒 + date night
Hawks +⛈️🖼️ +meeting the family
Sugar and Secrets: Tamaki Amajiki + 💌 + bakery!
Tamaki Amajiki+ 💐+ museum
Beyond the Sunset: Katsuki Bakugo + 🍁+late night drive
Tiles, Towers, and Teleportation: Katsuki Bakugo+ 💣🐩+game night
Strawberry Candies: Haijime Iwaizumi + 🍬+ garden
Bribery: Kei Tsukishima +🍩 +study date
Boba and the Beach- Koshi Sugawara + 🧋+ beach
Kotaro Bokuto + 🎶+ kitchen
Suna Rintarō +🍰+ vacation
Tooru Oikawa + 🔮 + arcade
Sick Days With You: Meguru Bachira+ 🤧🤒 + cuddles
Yoichi Isagi + 🍨+ sleepover
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snakebites-and-ink · 2 months
Out-of-this-world worldbuilding questions!
I’ve included what the emoji is in brackets because they don’t always show up right on different platforms. You can send in the word instead of the emoji if you need to.
🌌[Milky Way] Did you draw inspiration for your worldbuilding from anywhere in particular? If so, where? How did this affect your world?
🛰️[Satellite] What kind of technology exists in your world? Are new technologies being developed? Have any significant technologies been lost?
🌠[Shooting star] Is there magic in your world? What kind of a magic system is there/How does it work?
👽[Alien] Does your world include any fictional races or species? If so, what are they?
🚀[Rocket] How do people get around in your world? What’s the ideal way to travel? The most common way to travel?
☄️[Comet] How does your worldbuilding affect the story set in this world?
🛸[Flying saucer] How does the worldbuilding affect the characters in this world?
⭐[Star] What aspect of your worldbuilding is the most special or enjoyable to you personally?
🧑‍🚀[Astronaut] What roles can people have in your society? Are there any unique jobs you invented just for this world/story?
🌃[Night sky] What is the world history? If it shares some history with real-life earth, where did it diverge?
🪐[Ringed planet] Are there any other worlds/dimensions/etc. that can interact/intersect with the main world? If so, what are they?
🌍[Globe] What countries or societies are in your world, and what are the relations between them like?
🌕[Full moon] What’s the culture like in your world?
🌑[New moon] Is there subtext or symbolism underlying any aspect(s) of your worldbuilding? If so, what is it?
🌙[Crescent moon] What does your society look like on the surface? What’s going on beneath the surface? How big is the disparity between these?
☀️[Sun] What physical differences are there between your world/universe and real-life earth?
I made this just for fun; I honestly do not have my WIPs well-developed enough for many of these questions, so there is no need to send me one of them when reblogging/using the game yourself. (though if you want to send an ask to someone else who reblogged one of these, you are encouraged to do so!) I made these for the sake of making them, not for the sake of using them myself, lol.
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mizugucci · 2 months
omg hii 🎵
oh lets go!!!! my fav idol hiii~ okay you have to bear with me on this one, it just so happened you rb a lot of bunnies recently... lmao
position: you were actually assigned the rapper position, but you hate rapping (and kpop does not need more rappers) so you weaseled your way into more of a singing position anyway. you're also the visual of the group, so you get booked for a lot of shoots with the other visual members
concept: BUNNY-DOLS! the group you're in is actually a (for fun) project group, where every member is an already debuted idol that people associate with bunnies, or members that have the bunny emoji as a representative emoji lmao. you can choose who of those you want, im not gonna list real names, just pretend this is a whole different universe
group name: okay i went thru the wikipedia for rabbit because im sticking to my concept, and i decided the group name will be BINKIES. lmaooo according to wikipedia, its a rabbit-term for zoomies and they do it when they're happy. so like, bunny related and also indicating the group is fun and happy.
debut song: omggg its called Easter Egg and it's literally an updated version of orange caramel's my copycat (where the mv is a game and viewers have to find certain things) and the things to find in the mv are 'easter egg' references to each original group the idols were in.
fun fact: it's definitely a co-ed group! but since there are so many members, there are gender-divided and age-related sub units. for example, all the guys are in a sub unit by the term for a male rabbit (buck) dont ask me how its matched with the original group but there we go. ALSO a 2nd fun fact - there are some members that find themselves as activists, boycotting fur and rejecting scientific experiments on rabbits and use their fame for good, so fans follow their lead
send me a 🎵 and ill create a kpop group with you in it, based on your blog
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kitkatt0430 · 6 months
3, 5, 6, 13, and 20 for Eddie Thawne!!!
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
So, I mean, it used to be that he died. Which is still a close second, but bringing him back and having him jump on the 'treat Iris West like a prize to be won' train, something he'd successfully avoided in Season 1, was... a choice. I get it, he felt like his life had gotten stolen away but... he chose to die to protect Iris. To give her a future, knowing damn well it wouldn't be a future with him. Having him throw a hissy fit over Iris doing exactly what he'd wanted her to when he shot himself was...
I'm still pissed off about it, to be honest.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
This is definitely a question I could get asked a dozen times over a dozen days and have a different answer every time. :D Today's answer? Switchfoot's I Dare You To Move. Which I feels kinds speaks to headcanons about Eddie struggling with depression.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
I see Eddie as someone who doesn't make a whole lot of friends, but he's the sort to have a few close friends who he'd drop anything for if they need him.
The day I brought Estelle home from the pound, one of my friends needed me to pick him up at a park near his home that evening because he'd walked out on a bad situation. So I just put Estelle in my car and we went to pick him up, give him hot tea, and stick him in my guest room while he figured out what was next. (Having a very curious and licky dog on his lap on the drive back home helped calm him down too.) And that's the kind of thing I see Eddie as being willing to do - give a friend some place safe to stay or a ride when they're stranded or... a friendly ear to complain to.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
My first thought was he'd totally have subtle bi-flag stuff all over the place. Mugs, stickers, blankets... I tend to headcanon that figuring out he was queer was a big comfort to him and also he just really likes the flag colors a lot.
Though while that's definitely a symbol I equate with him... I think it's maybe a bit too generic since he isn't exactly the only character I headcanon as bi on the show.
Maybe the police car emoji? 🚓 Police related emojis are definitely something I'd mainly associate with Eddie and Joe, anyway. And some of my favorite scenes for Eddie do involve cop cars. The radio betraying him musically after Joe found out he was dating Iris. After he finds out Barry's the Flash, that little grin on his face during the car chase where Barry sticks the driver in the back of the car while the cars are still moving...
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Ronnie. We may not know a whole lot about Ronnie since he too died too soon, but we know he had a good sense of humor and liked to put smiles on people's faces. He also gives the impression of being very laid back and relaxed, a calming presence. I could see him and Eddie just kind of clicking. Not necessarily being talky together, but they could hang out doing their own thing and really just enjoy having spent time with someone else? I could also see them having similar tastes in books and the like, so local book events would be something they'd do together - Ronnie dragging Eddie out to be more social while Iris does the same for Caitlin.
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🧡🩵 for hero HCs? (Is this how the ask game works?)
Hi Anon! Thank you so much for the ask and for playing our “Hearts For Hero” headcanons game! Yes, you’re exactly right. Just send in the heart emojis for the type of headcanon you’d like. If you want something more specific (i.e for a specific dynamic with Hero in it like Hero and Kel as brothers or Hero's friendship with Sunny), you are welcome to specify as well. You’re also welcome to ask again if you want more or different headcanons than the ones we’ve written here. We’re always excited for the opportunity to make more Hero content! 🥰
🧡— Hero’s Childhood Headcanon
One of Hero’s favorite childhood memories was waking up early every Saturday to make breakfast for his friends. They all used to love to meet up to watch cartoons at Sunny and Mari’s house, and Hero would always make breakfast for them. When he was very young he made breakfast with the help of his family, but as he aged, he gained more independence and made increasingly more complicated dishes. He always tried to remember what meals his friends liked best so he could make those for them and tried to rotate through everyone’s favorite foods (though he tended to make Mari’s favorite pancakes most often).
💙 — Hero Hurt/Comfort Headcanon
Going out for a run (or a walk) always helps cheer Hero up when he’s feeling down. When he has had a rough day, he has always loved to put on his headphones, listen to some of his favorite music and go for a jog. It really helps him clear his head.
After recovering from the worst of his major depression in high school, he started implementing it into his regular routine and began going for runs every morning. He kept it up in college and some of his friends would even join him sometimes, especially if they could tell he was going through a rough time. Hero’s friends would always try to distract him on these runs with some light conversation, but they always reassured him that if he wanted to talk about what was bothering him, they were there to listen too. Even though Hero always struggled with really opening up since he was so worried about burdening others with his own problems, he found it was easier for him to open up about things that were troubling him while he was on these runs with his friends. In the beginning, it was most just his stresses about school related things: concerns about upcoming exams, worries about getting projects finished by deadlines, ect., but gradually over time, he started opening up about other things too. There was something about these runs that just kind of took the pressure off and made it easier and more uncomfortable for Hero to talk about himself, and it meant a lot to him to see that his friends were always so supportive of him.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
hi !! i hope you’re doing well ~ i want to say a few things:
one: i’m no longer a mcyt stan and thus i’ve drifted a lot from writings of the community but somehow i always find myself drawn back to tommy’s clinic !! it was maybe ? the first fic i read about mcyt and i started it when it had like say three chapters 😭 seeing the growth since then makes me incredibly happy as a writer myself it’s just… you’re incredible and despite not enjoying the content anymore i will always enjoy your writing
which brings me.. two! i recently ( this morning ) discovered you have a new fic which i believe you call stars? 😭 and !!!!! oh my gosh. everything about it is mindblowing. the world building is incredible like i cannot begin to explain how much i admire it. i feel like i’m reading original work when i read your stories and it’s amazing how you’re able to create something out of a simple liking towards streamers and youtubers and their characters on a roleplay smp 😞🥺 i looooove love love your mind. seriously.
if you have any worldbuilding ( and ch. building too ) tips would you mind leaving them somewhere? 😅 your worldbuilding just itches something in my little author brain and i want to know your main process sooo badly !!
sending love love love !!! i might drop by again so i’ll drop this emoji so you know it’s me 🧸
awww oh my god this is so sweet!! I'm so happy to hear that even if you're not super into mcyt anymore, you still enjoy my writing :D seriously that's so cool to me that people will read my stuff just because of the stories themselves and not bc of the fandom it's for. like, that's one of the highest compliments i think you can give to a fic writer so thank you <33
also ty for the compliments on my worldbuilding i am SO proud of the worlbuilding i've done for stars. while I definitely do make a very strong effort to keep dynamics and relationships in character and to use the canon characteristics of my characters to influence plot, a lot of my fics are just vehicles for original concepts that i plop my blorbos into like i'm playing dollhouse games lol. I'd love to turn stars into an original novel one day with completely new characters, but we'll have to see how that goes
worldbuilding tips!! on the passerine podcast's channel on youtube I recently did a live interview where I was asked about that, so I'll try to give a condensed version of what I said there. when it comes to worldbuilding for me, I try to imagine it like a tree. there's the main trunk that your story is centered around. these are the world concepts that are going to be directly related to your story so you have to flesh them out to make the base of the trunk as thick as possible. examples of the 'trunk' of my stories would be: the way the system of heroes vs villains in clinic, the setup for the vampire hunting academy in notcturnal animals, and the general government structures of both eldingvegr and zephys iv in stars. these are concepts that are integral to the function of the plot, so they have to be very fleshed out and this is what you're going to want to focus on the most.
a lot of worldbuilding tips i see online say to HEAVILY worldbuild everything about your world so it makes everything feel more alive even if you don't end up using it in the story. personally, I disagree with this, at least for my style of writing. if I told myself I had to know the current economic state of the city in clinic just to 'flesh out the world' more I would never get anything done. instead, when it comes to details like that, I try to think of them as branches on the tree. when certain new elements become relevant to the story, you can add a branch onto the base of the trunk and flesh that detail out albeit in a smaller way. examples of branches would be: the entire function of sigil tattoos on humans vs vampires in nocturnal animals, or the details of different side planets in stars like Floslium, Kinoko, Badlands, etc. these are things that you don't have to start fleshing out until you need them to be talked about in the story. don't bog yourself down with worldbuilding trying to write out every detail of every possible character or organization or government that might sow up before you get anything down on a page. get your trunk determined, then start writing and figure out where you need to branch off from there
I don't know if that makes sense but that's how I think of worldbuilding in my head. as far as chapter building goes I don't have as much in depth advice because I don't really have a solid strategy for how i build chapters. it's kind of just based off what plot points I know I need to hit, and how many I can hit in a single chapter.
anyway ty so much anon!! i'll tag your asks as teddy anon bc of the teddy bear emoji, hope this helped!
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insomtiny · 1 year
this is me sending you all the emojis (or all the ones you want to do) for the atz ask game
i guess u could also pick like 5 random ones and go for it lol
ok it's happening
💗- who is your bias in ateez? - seonghwa! 🤗 💖- who was your very first bias? - seonghwa lol, i was in between a few at the beginning but it ended up being him and it stuck ⭐️- why is your bias your bias? - i could go on and on about how gorgeous and talented he is, but to be serious the main reason is cause he's a huge dork 💝- how long have you been a ateez stan? - late 2019! so like a little over 3 years ✨- why did you become a ateez stan? - i watched their halloween performance of wonderland and was hooked, i couldn't stop rewatching it, eventually i went on to listen to all of their other songs and haven't escaped since lol 💭- what was your favorite era? - treasure epilogue/answer era cause not only is answer still an absolute masterpiece, it will always have a special place in my heart for being my first comeback <3, also horizon and precious are still sooo good, and their styling was so pretty 🎤- rapper line or vocal line? - vocal line! 👊🏽- hyung-line or maknae-line? - hyung line! 🤙🏽- ateez or memeteez? - memeteez cause why are they so fucking funny for 🎶- what’s your favorite title track ateez song? - thanxx! 🎵- favorite non-title track song? - literally impossible to choose just one but take me home is my homie rn 🗣- share an unpopular opinion about anything related to ateez - before i say anything just know i love jongho and i think he's one of the best if not THE best 4th gen vocalist out there, but for the love of GOD people need to stop hyping him when he strains, it's not good for his vocal chords and it really doesn't sound great, he sounds perfect in his regular range 💀- share your favorite meme - i have a LOT but here's some
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🎥- favorite ateez mv? - probably eternal sunshine or wave i just think they're so fun and happy 🏆- share your favorite ateez moment - so hard to choose because they are NEVER boring to watch, but i think it was during fever road when a mysterious masked figure came in and blindfolded and kidnapped wooyoung and they all NO HESITATION went "7 makes 1 team" 😭😭😭 and then jongho was like "wait i wanna save him" and they were like "ok then 6 makes 1 team" 😭😭😭 👨‍❤️‍👨- who do you ship in ateez? - ship???
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👬- favorite brotps? - woosan and yunhwa are my 2 fave duos they are so goofy ❌- any notps? - any of them x sadness or pain or unhappiness :( 👀- name one member who isn’t your bias but… - SAN. when i tell you i came out of that concert with a whole crush on him 😫- have you ever seen ateez live? - saw them january 2022! literally life changing... 🌚-if ateez was on a deserted island, who would be the first to go and why? - wooyoung, they'd probably end up murdering him, that's if he didn't get himself killed first 💫- if you could tell one member one thing, what would it be? - i would tell seonghwa that he's the specialest boy in the whole world and that i'm proud of him 📢- say one thing you’ve been wanting to say about ateez but haven’t - they're genuinely the only kpop group i've never gotten bored with, even my other super faves have had lulls but they always entertain me in one way or another, i'd say the only other other exception is dreamcatcher 🚫- a fandom “joke” you think is overused and disagree with - ngl a lot of them get overused but like if everyone's having fun i don't really care, the only one i can think of that i'm completely over is "i cannot english" cause it's tired and just kinda... not cool... especially since mingi's obviously worked really hard to improve his english since then ❓- did you watch kq fellaz content predebut? - nope 😂- favorite variety show ateez has done? - the boatta dance bingo video is one of my favorites, them hyping each other up and trying to remember the different choreographies, and then the penalty of taking turns carrying jongho around was all just so cute 🤷🏽‍♀️- Treasure or Pirate King? - pirate king! 🤷🏽‍♂️- Say My Name or Hala Hala? - hmm, hala hala! 🙋🏽‍♂️- Desire or Promise? - promise! 🙋🏽- Stay or Twilight? - ooh... let's go with stay! 🕺🏽- fave dance mv? - wonderland, them dancing so hard the lighting goes weird still kills me lmao 💃🏽- favorite choreography? - hala hala probably, i'll never not love how absolutely manic it is 👽- favorite mv concept? - if we're talking regular mvs i'd say deja vu, but really it's black cat nero, i'd rlly love if they brought that aesthetic to one of their comebacks ♋️- do you share a sign with anyone in ateez? - no those bitches don't even have any earth signs AT ALL 😭 👫- a quality you and your bias share? - liking stuff to be clean and not liking bitter things 🤝- are you the same age as anyone in ateez? - i was born in 2000 but me and wooyoung are closest in age technically cause we're only like a little over a month apart i think
if you read all of this here's a kiss 💋
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bookwhimses · 1 year
honestly i'm very very tempted to send every emoji at once but i think i ought to try to be polite so: 🌤️ 💧 🌩️ ☔ ? (feel free to skip any)
You're always welcome to send as many emojis as you like for whatever reason but particularly for ask games!
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP. From Self-Imposed, the TMA x DGHDA crossover written in transcript form:
FARAH I heard you when I got in downstairs. The last time I found someone in this room at nine-thirty in the morning it was the Rat King.
MARTIN (sympathetically) Oh, like – like the Corruption? Or … sorry, I think you have different names for them here and I don’t actually –
DIRK No, she means it was literally the Rat King, king of the rats.
💧Share something romantic/hot from your WIP, or just something sweet if it's gen. From a fic about life immediately post-season two, current working title The Night Sky Settling Over Our Shoulders:
A weight is draped over Dirk’s shoulders; there’s the smell of clean linen, familiar and comforting. What is that? Dirk stirs enough to think, opens his eyes just enough to see a glimpse of rose-patterned flannel blurry on his shoulder. “Better?” says the voice. Dirk is already slipping back into sleep, tucking his head so that his cheek can slip under the warmth of the added blanket. Even as he does so his ever-questioning mind tries to think, again, what is that feeling? Part of his mind suggests a word – though it’s not a word, it’s a name. The rest of his mind vaguely answers that that’s not exactly right, but … “Warm now?” asks the voice again, and now there’s a hand in Dirk’s hair – ah, nice, yes, good … moving that strand that was tickling his temple … “My Todd,” Dirk mumbles to the voice, “looks after me …” Only quiet. Dirk is nestling further and further into sleep, warmth and weight enveloping him. As such, the reply when it comes is faint, already gentle and softened further by the haze of encroaching dream … The hand brushes a downwards path against Dirk’s cheek, until one finger barely lingers at the corner of his lips. “… Yours.”
More under the cut!
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP. From an as-yet-unnamed smutfic that will probably end up on my smut account, the doc title of which is currently "haha lol well", and the plot of which can loosely be described as Fuck Or Be Inconvenienced:
“How do you even get us into shit like this, Dirk?”
It’s the kind of thing Todd once might have said with far more vitriol – possibly even a bit of shirt-front-grabbing and yelling. These days it’s the kind of thing he still says regularly, but with the tired, grumbling acquiescence of a man who’s accepted his apparent fate. On some days, he’s painfully aware that he barely scrapes ‘grumbling acquiescence’ and veers dangerously close to ‘fond and willing.’
Today his token complaint has come out far more strained than usual, but Todd would argue that that really isn’t his fault, not considering today’s ‘apparent fate.’
“In my defence,” Dirk says in the same low, strained tone, “I didn’t realise it was a sex cult.”
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
I have a fic I'm still in process of plotting out called This, Forever, which is about Bart and Dirk's relationship. It's set a few years after season two, when Bart shows up out of nowhere with Ken in tow, adamant on reconnecting with Dirk. It comes out that Ken, having read their Blackwing subject files, found out that Dirk and Bart are half-siblings who share a mother, and now Bart desperately wants to have a good relationship with Dirk. Dirk is less than enthusiastic about this. Meanwhile, Ken is supposedly not aligned with Blackwing anymore, but Todd, who is extremely mistrustful of anything Blackwing related, isn't totally convinced. During a disastrous meeting that's crashed by Priest, everyone gets split up, with Dirk and Bart stuck together with two kids they've accidentally kidnapped – a ten and thirteen-year-old brother and sister. Todd and Ken are forced to work together to catch up with Dirk and Bart, and Farah is on her own trying to take down Priest, who is still on Dirk and Bart's trail.
I'm still ironing out a lot of things about it and it would probably change a lot, but it's a fic I'd really love to write one day. I know it would be more gen, with background Brotzly and probably some background Bart/Ken, whether that's in a romantic or queerplatonic sense (I can never choose with those two). There would be some of the inherent comedy of the Accidental Baby Acquisition trope but the two kids would also be used to highlight aspects of Dirk and Bart's stories and backgrounds. There would be a lot of delving into the parallels between Dirk and Bart, Todd and Ken, and Farah and Priest, themes about siblinghood and found family, a lot of Dirk and Bart backstory stuff, and also Dirk and Bart driving cross-country in a stolen 1974 Ford Cortina.
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psychelis-new · 1 year
How can we practice or start doing intuitive readings? how to do this ? I'd like to practice my ability and enhance it somehow but I don't know how to do it doing readings and in general**😔🥺(I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask this here but thank you anyways!)
Well you just.. start? I mean, I read somewhere someone suggest people to start reading in their own family or friends, like trying to guess stuff about them so to get feedback from them, but I honestly never felt like. My suggestion is to just start a so called "game" here on tumblr and make it easy (for you). Like guess anything you feel about people jumping in your askbox. Let them give you emojis or initials (Idk what may work better for you) or maybe write you a few words or tell you something or send you a random pic... this way you can connect with them and their energy. (Just remember to meditate and try to focus on them: leave yourself outside of this and remeber to clean your energy after every reading... we all work differently but you can read many posts about clensing your energy: you may need to disconnect for a moment, or meditate, or Idk.. I drink water too for example). Once you're connected, you can guess maybe their fav food or thing to do, maybe the month/season they were born in or anything related to their life... You can start with their vibes or physical appearance or whatever may make you feel more at ease to tell about. You can even do some easy yes/no asks, about things on which you can get an immediate feedback tho. It is important for you to get feedback so make it a rule: especially when we start, we need to know how to actually interpret the impulses/images or words we get suddenly from our intuition. Don't worry if you're wrong sometimes, it's okay. You need practice and to practice you need to try and it's okay to fail in this. Also, keep practicing and be open to the messages you get. If you really need you can ask for support to tarots (if you have a deck, but it's not mandatory at all. I started without and then I made one myself just to try after a few months).
If you want you can try to guess something about me to start with and build some confidence (which probably is what you're missing the most atm - dw, it'll come. And doubts... they'll often be by your side: dw either, we're humans, we have doubts. But trust yourself and what you get from your instinct at first, don't let your second thoughts ruin it). Try to guess my vibes, something I like or like to do or my physical appearance (if anything is standing out to you)... or even what I am wearing now. I'll tell you if you're right or wrong ^^
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discluded · 2 years
Tag Game: Reveal Your Blogging Style
Thank you @boysbeloving for tagging me. I might not respond to all of them, but please keep tagging me and I'll do a few.
Anyone who wants to do it can do it too. Feel free to tag me, and I would love to read/respond!
Highlight what applies to you
different blogs for different interests OR all-in-one blog // I'm @peruses for movie fandoms/industry/film criticism/fanfic recs and @loubootins for Louis Tomlinson and Louis Tomlinson only.
default theme OR custom theme //
one username till death OR change username according to mood/obsession // It's my brand. My name is Kyuu btw. Also I'm @/kyuu on Twitter too if anyone cares, but that's way more chaotic and mixed
round avatar (main) AND square avatar (sideblogs) //
personal avatar OR fandom related avatar // It's a fluffy eevee. I guess technically fannish but again, it's my brand and I've had it for 10+ years and don't change it
thematic consistency between header image and avatar OR who gives a fuck //
reblog without tags AND reblog with tags // I'm a messy bitch what can I say
category tags only OR personal commentary in tags (along with category tags sometimes) //
like+reblog OR only reblog //
replies allowed on posts OR replies switched off // please talk to me!!!
askbox open OR askbox closed // I just realized submissions were closed today so now that's on too
anons allowed OR anons blocked // My blog is not a public forum so don't bring your weird drama, but I love all my respectful nonnies who just want to chat
respond to every mention in replies OR be a hermit // not every but I try!
a quiet observer and enjoyer OR initiate conversation with an unknown blogger (i'm literally doing this thru this game lol) // fandom is for friendships! talk to me! if you're shy, pick an emoji and be my emoji nonny!!!
send ask OR send message on chat OR converse with people in replies //
blog from computer/laptop AND blog from phone // like 80-20 phone/laptop
personal posts OR fandom posts only // I think I mostly don't do personal posts. I just get progressively more unhinged on twitter. I share things other than fandom posts, incl LGBTQ+ and BIPOC history
have a well organised filled queue OR post intermittently and make it everybody else's problem OR post daily like it's a 9 to 5 //
likes and following displayed on blog OR likes and following hidden //
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