#if you wanna stop me … you’re gonna have to KILL MEEEEE
stonestan · 2 years
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what r they looking at . you decide
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cluescorner · 1 year
My Understanding of the Plot of Vanitas No Carte (Through the Shadow the Hedgehog RTFD)
Naenia, to Noé about Louis: Who’s that boy? Do you know him? Is he your friend? That’s kinda cool. Is he alive? Do you know him? Is he alive and you go hang out with him? Did you save him like, ‘cause he’s your friend? That’s awesome dude, I wish I had a friend like you who could save me if I was ever in danger.
Naenia, to Noé about Louis: Weooo Weoo hey I’m in your flashbacks now. It turns out you didn’t save him you did a very bad job. That’s embarrassing. 
Vanitas: Noé and Dante would have answered the call. They would’ve been here to kill me immediately 
Vanitas: Let’s see, the best way to sin would be...antagonizing the Queen. 
Little Dominique: Everything is ok!!
Noé, genuinely upset about the circumstances: Wait, I traumatized you as a child....
Teacher, grinning ear to ear: That’s badass!!!!!
Roland: Hi guys!! I’m here too!! You’re Vanitas, that’s so cool. I’m like your biggest fan. I like your cosplays and have tier one on your Twitch channel M. Vanitas. 
Dante: Oh God, not another one of those Twitch fans...
Vanitas: Oh you’re gonna donate, then donate right now. Where’s the money? I wanna see subs, I wanna see donations, I wanna see those little bit things. Make ‘em rain. 
Jeanne: I need to update my audio equipment. 
Jeanne: *Equips her gauntlet* 
Jeanne: I have updated my audio equipment. 
Dante: GUN! GUN! GUN!
Vanitas: Here it is....the book of Vanitas...I’m going to remove it, get my white out, and rewrite it!!
Teacher: Bonjour mon chatton, it’s me the devil. I love you. I’m having so much fun with you. 
Noé: ...Thank you I suppose?
Dante: Jesus Christ Vanitas what have you done? 
Dominique: Jesus Christ Vanitas what have you done?
Everyone tbh: Jesus Christ Vanitas what have you done? 
Teacher, during the Amusement Park Arc: Heyyyyyyyyy, what’s uppppppppp? It’s meeeee
Everyone: STOP
Teacher while Noé is out investigating The Book of Vanitas: Hey bing bong you’re doing a bad job
Noé, who managed to fall in love with Vanitas on the way: I know I’m doing a bad job!
Dominique: Vanitas, you’re an asshole man. 
Vanitas: You are what you eat, Dominique.
Chloé, about the Beast: That’s my dog, don’t hurt him! Don’t hurt my dog. 
Noé: Gaslight me! Gaslight me!
Teacher and Ruthven: Uh I already am. I was gaslighting you that the whole time. 
Noé: Hahahaha cool. 
Mikhail, throwing random book shenanigans at the wall: I CAN DO THIS!! ANYTIME I WANT!! This is nothing to me!! You’re nothing to me!! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!
Vanitas, once Jeanne tells him that she was given permission by Lord Ruthven to be with him on his day off CONVENIENTLY while Noé is all alone because Dominique and Dante are stalking them: Something just happened. 
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #074
Have you ever watched the sunrise? I have, more than once. What about the sunset? Yeup. Name a band that you think is beyond overrated: Uh, I gotta be honest, I REALLY don't know what's "in" these days. What’s your favorite sea creature? I visually REALLY like jellyfish, but as animals, I think sea turtles and whales are just fascinating. What’s your favorite acoustic song? Off the top of my head, "If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn" by Sleeping With Sirens. I actually don't really like the original, but the acoustic is magical and is absolutely one of those songs I've considered for my wedding.
Have you ever been inside a castle? I FEEL like I've been in the Disney World castle, but if that, that's it. I'd like to visit a real one one day. Do you own any pets? Types? Names? A gray and white cat named Roman that is some domestic shorthair mix, a champagne morph ball python named Venus, and Mom has a chihuahua named Cookie. What’s the worst illness that you’ve ever had? I guess technically Covid. As far as FEELING goes though, I suffered worst of all with a WICKED stomach virus I got sometime as a teenager. I would NOT stop throwing up, to the point barely even bile would come out. Is your best friend in love with someone? Meeeee. :') How many times have you sworn at your parents? AT them, I'm not sure, but I know I've told my mother "fuck you" once. THAT was a bad night. I would not be even remotely surprised if I called my dad awful things in the letter I wrote him after he abandoned the family. I hope I didn't, but... I did NOT think well of him for years after he just ditched us. Most interesting place you’ve ever visited? Uhhhh perhaps the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. It really sucks, I was just a little kid and dealing with HORRIFIC constipation to where I was just like crying the entire visit, so I didn't really get to enjoy it. I'd really like to revisit now as an adult. Have you ever had anything tailored? I know at least one prom dress was. Do your shoulder blades protrude? Ha, I wish. Prominent shoulder blades are UNREASONABLY hot to me lmao. Are you gonna French kiss your hubby at your wedding? Uh, no. That's not something I would publicly do. Who is the last person you held hands with? Girt. :') Have you ever felt free after losing something once important to you? SomeONE, yes. Have you ever been to a rave? No, that's not something I want to do. Have you ever been in a shrubbery maze? No, I feel like being in one of those would stress me out. What is the highest outdoor temperature you’ve ever had to endure? At least over 110*F, I know. Makes me wanna fuckin die. And the lowest? Ummm... MAYBE just barely single digits? But I don't think we've ever gone below the teens since I've been alive, and teens are super rare here. Do you let your pets on your furniture? Absolutely. This is their house, too, and therefore also their furniture, too. Do you know what things your pet(s) prefers to eat? I don't pay attention to what Cookie eats because Mom feeds her, but I can tell you she is VERY picky, apparently. Roman eats mostly normal, dry cat food (I don't know what brand; I fill his bowl from a tub full of whatever it is that Mom gets), but he normally does get a small dose of wet food in the morning, too, which he absolutely prefers. He sometimes just eats it too fast and hurls it back up, slskdjalsdkjfqwe. Venus is pretty darn easy, being a snake: she gets frozen/thawed medium-sized rats. What does your wallet look like? It's a really cool red, white, and black Harley Quinn design, in her cartoon style. Tell me about the last book you read. I'm currently reading Wings of Fire: Winter Turning; the WoF books tend to be VERY packed with plot twists and surprises, but I can tell you the main plot in this one follows a dragon named Winter trying to rescue his imprisoned brother while also trying to prevent his sister from killing the queen of a certain tribe to earn ANOTHER queen's favor, but it would cause war to erupt again without a doubt. There are lots more details, but that's like, the skeletal build of the primary plot. Who was the last person to leave you flustered? This might be TMI but Girt was trying to Cause Trouble with his family RIGHT IN THE NEXT ROOM when I was there on his birthday and "flustered" was one way to describe me LMAOOOOOO What are some bands others would be surprised to find in your music library? Ha ha I genuinely have a lot of Melanie Martinez and Jeffree Star on my iPod lmfaooooo How do you feel about kettle cooked chips? GROSS. Tell me something about yourself that you’re most proud of. Graduating in the top percentile of my graduating class in high school. I can literally see the plaque I got from the celebration dinner from where I'm sitting. I was smart ONCE upon a time... What do you like to dunk in your coffee, if anything? I don't drink coffee. What’s your favorite Elvis song? Probably "You're The Devil in Disguise." Would you rather see someone of the opposite sex naked or nicely dressed? I've mentioned this before, so even though I'm still into men sexually, penises themselves visually GROSS ME OUT so I'd definitely purely nicely dressed. What is the last thing you wrote down? I wrote my name on the sign-in thing at the doctor's office where I get my B-12 shots. Do you know of any home remedies that work surprisingly well? Uhhh maybe? Idk. What’s something you’ve never been able to live down? My mom recently told Girt's family the story of how I got upset when I tried orange juice with pulp in it and I complained "it has nipples in it!" when Mom asked why I didn't like it and they all couldn't fuckin breathe and I'm like idk man, my brain's been off since I came out my mama. 😭 Which of your friends has the coolest siblings? Honestly, probably Girt, ha ha. Ashley is SUPER fuckin cool, she rocks pure magenta curly hair while allowing her 10 y/o son to flaunt blue, ha ha. You don't really see parents willing to let their kid do that around here; I really respect her for letting her son express himself in such harmless ways. HAHA OH his birthday party is actually this weekend and his theme is fucking classic horror movie characters, it's great. HE IS TURNING TEN, Y'ALL. Does orange sherbet sound good right now? No, but I could actually definitely go for some pink/strawberry sherbet. Would black hair look good or bad on you? I've had black hair, and I liked it. Is there any song that makes you think of your dad? Any Van Halen song, because they're his favorite. Have you had any really bad experiences while plucking your eyebrows? In high school I actually had this really bad habit where I'd pluck my eyebrows out with my fingers alone when I was bored or thinking too much, and it once got so bad I nearly COMPLETELY destroyed one eyebrow, and the other was super fucked up too. I was majorly embarrassed. Have you ever read The Outsiders? I sure did, it was required in I wanna say 8th grade. It's one of my favorite books ever, even though I like... no longer remember the plot lmao I just remember I LOVED it. Have you ever taken a picture of you kissing someone? Yes, but those pictures don't exist anymore. What is the youngest age you can remember back to? Somewhere around three I think; I remember watching my brother go down the slide in our front yard into the fucking flood Hurricane Floyd left lmaoooo. What job would you NEVER take, even as a last resort? Butcher. FUCK no. Can you crack your neck? No but fucking Girt does a lot and it is LOUD and actually makes me scream alskdfjalwkejq What is the last thing you drank? I have strawberry-flavored sparkling water right now. Will this weekend be a good one? Probably; I'm going with Girt's family to a trampoline park for his nephew's b-day party. <3 Have you ever swam in the ocean? Yes, I LOVE doing that, save for feeling all gross and salty afterwards. Have you ever played in a waterfall? No, but that sounds like an ACTUAL dream. In your life who has meant the most to you? My mom. The psychiatrist I saw after my suicide attempt that completely changed my life (I'm still upset my insurance isn't compatible with him...). Teddy, Roman. Jason, once upon a time. Girt. What has been your biggest failure in life? Literally don't get me fucking started, I am NOT going there. Who do you trust the most other than yourself? My mom. Do you trust yourself? Honestly? No. It was a recent topic in therapy how for a VERY long time, I'm talkin' years, I've second-guessed my own intentions. It's the most frustrating fucking thing in the world, wondering if I did this and that for truly that reason, or this other bad one... if that makes any sense. I can't put into words how stressful the sensation is, questioning yourself and what you really want. Did you use tongue in your last kiss? Uh I suppose it's possible, we were alone in my room and Things Happened but idr if the last kiss before he left was like that. Do you have any alcohol bottles in your room? Nope. How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? I don't plan on having children. Safe sex, or no sex, correct? In my world, that's how it is. I am doing everything reasonable to absolutely never wind up pregnant. Which of the Pirates of the Caribbean was your favorite? I actually never watched those. Is your toothbrush manual or electric? Electric. Who was the last person to come to your house? Girt. Have you ever had pink eye? Nope. Does your significant other have any piercings? Nope. What is the last song you listened to with “song” in the title? Uh, I want to say "Happy Song" by Bring Me The Horizon. Do you like Adam Sandler? Yeah, he's fine. When, where, and to whom did you lose your virginity? Haven't yet. How many band shirts do you own? Which? Oh jeez, so many. Ozzy, Metallica, Otep, Manson, Korn, NSP, and I know with certainty there's more. Last song you sang in the shower? I don't sing in the shower, so. Have you ever had anything pierced that you don’t have now? Yep: tongue, nostril, ear cartilage, and anti-tragus of my ear. Do you have any twins/multiples in your family? Are they identical or fraternal? I'm quite sure no. What is the highest number of jobs you’ve had at one time? No more than one. I could never, EVER, handle two jobs. Hell, I can't even manage one. Is your mom a good mom? My mom is the best mom in the entire fucking world. What are your parents’ and their grandchildren’s names? Donna and Ken. Grandchildren between the two of them include Delia, Dillon, Diana, Gene, Greyson, Victoria, Erika, Aria, Christian, Asher, Aubree, Ryder, and Emerson. My dad does have another daughter that I've never met/know almost absolutely nothing about, so hell if I know if she has kids or not. Do you know what high school your father went to? No; my father was born and raised in Ohio so no location there he's ever mentioned really sticks with me/holds any significance to me. Do you eat breakfast daily? Yes. What are you stressed out about? Right now that my cyst is definitely back; I'm not gonna get graphic but the hole this type of cyst forms has reformed and is draining super badly soooo now I have to go get this looked at... Do you currently have a hickey? No, Girt doesn't do those. Do you have a sensitive gag reflex? Yep, very. What do you think in general of girls with short hair? HOT!!!!!!!! How about guys with long hair? HOT!!!!!!!!!! Would you ever consider getting an abortion, under any circumstances? Well yeah, I WOULD get an abortion if I was pregnant. There is no fucking way in heaven or hell I could raise a child right now and I am not offloading them onto someone else and being okay with it. What do you think of people who get abortions? It's none of my fucking business, nor is it the government's or really ANYONE'S besides the person with a baby in their fucking body. What was the last bug you killed? Probably an ant. If you could spend a year living in a foreign country, which would it be? Germany. Why did you make this particular choice? I'd just really like to visit there, but LIVING there would absolutely help me learn the language faster. What’s the longest you’ve ever been out of your state/province? Uhhhh... two weeks, I think? At LEAST two weeks, because I know that's how long I stayed with Sara one time. It's possible that I've stayed longer with Mom's family, but idr. Do you know anyone who has written a book? Well, I don't KNOW her, but a distant cousin wrote Not Without My Daughter. Do you drink milk/juice from the carton if no one is around? No, that shit really grosses me out. Has a member of the opposite sex ever given you jewelry? Yes. Have you ever been friends with a boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s siblings? Not really, no. Do you have any lingerie? Nah. What was the shortest amount of time you knew someone before dating them? However long Jason and I were "just friends." Just a few weeks. Which of your pets were you closest to in your lifetime? Teddy. Roman is very closely behind him. What last caused you jealousy? Do you think it was warranted? I don't want to talk about it. I don't know. What is your largest board on Pinterest? Probably my one full of fandom shit lmaoooo What was the name of the first guy/girl you dated? Aaron was the first person who ever had the "boyfriend" title. What was the name of the first guy/girl you want out on a date with? Like a one-on-one date, Jason. I know Aaron and I went to the skating rink once, but we were with friends. Have you ever had to go to a neurologist? I actually have an appointment with one coming up for my tremors, and also to check if my leg problems are actually a nerve-related issue (which I'm pretty much certain it's not). What's your favorite quote? I semi-recently saw a quote that said something like, "Don't put limits on your unlimited potential," and I loved it. I actually saved it in my phone. How many people do you know who work as hairdressers? List their names. At least two; the primary one my sisters and I (and sometimes Mom) see has a very unique name so I feel uncomfortable sharing it, and then my mom has another friend who likes to do hers named Anita. Have you ever filmed any TikToks? No, I don't even have an account. If you could meet any one YouTuber, which YouTuber would you choose to meet? Markiplier. Like, duh. Do you like the name Ellery? Ew, sorry but I don't at all. Reminds me of celery lmao. Which name do you like better: Felicity or Fiona? Both are beautiful, but I gotta go with Felicity. If you could join one dance class, which type of dance class do you think you'd most like to take? I LOVE modern-style dancing. I actually took modern when I DID do dance. I love how well it works with usually strange or more abstract music and REALLY tells a story. Does anyone in your family have diabetes? Diabetes runs severely through my family; my mom has it, as did her parents. I KNOW there are others, too.
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Basically how Alana found out about Striker's feelings for Mox, god I love her so much 😌
"Moxxie, your fuckin' drunk." Striker commented, pushing the drunkened fiend out of his lap.
Moxxie would have landed hard on the rocky ground if Striker hadn't caught him with his tail, instead gently setting him a few feet away from him.
Moxxie weakly stood up, "I am nnnnnOT drunk! I am mmmeeeerly tipssssy." He said with squinted eyes and crossed arms.
Striker had noticed the little guy a few days back, right after getting back from a job in another town. Seemed like his friend had gotten quite stressed while he was away so he offered to go out drinking. Well, just to their hideout behind a thick patch of thorn bushes, but they were definitely drinking. Would've helped a lot if he knew that Mox got drunk easily and was clingy as fuck, not to mention touchy.
"You are darlin'." Striker said, setting his drink down on the ground next to the log he was sitting on.
Moxxie blew raspberries, "I ammm NOT drunk."
Striker sighed looking directly at the imp with a small scowl. Now he really didn't mind Moxxie trying to get on him. Wasn't that big a deal, not like either of them would try to do anything more, but he did know that Moxxie would get highly embarrassed afterwards, start spouting apologies over and over again while Striker had to pretend not to like the attention he was getting while the small thespian was drunk.
Really pissed him off.
"Mox yer gonna regret doin' that in the mornin'." Striker spouted, angrily picking his drink back up and taking a sip. Watching intently as Mox, a little wobbly, stumbled over to him again. Sitting down next to the larger, snake-like imp.
"No I woon't." He placed his head on Striker's shoulder, "I jjjjust wanna cuddllle." He yawned a little bit, making Striker's heart skip a beat for a second.
Striker placed his drink down again, turning towards the drunk imp, he started to feel the effects of his own drink catch up to him, still more level headed then Mox but a bit tipsy, "Ugh, Mox, we both know that's not all you'll do."
Moxxie leaned off him, crossing his arms in defiance, "Maybe, but I wwwanna cuddle right nnnooow."
Striker locked onto the small hand going towards his tail, quickly moving the sensetuve appendage to the side, out of the graby things reach, "No."
Moxxie pouted at the lack of touch, turning his whole body in a mean of defiance, again.
Striker groaned, "Yer such a baby- fine! Fine, but nothing too touchy. Don't need to be told sorry twice a second the whole day tomorrow…"
Moxxie smiled proudly as a cute, innocent expression came across his face. He stood up again before walking Infront of Striker's hunched over posture. Making the tall imp sit up straight again.
"I said you could- CUDDLE." Striker couldn't help raising his voice as Moxxie sat on his lap, wrapping his arms around the bigger imps neck to secure this position while his legs stayed on the outside of Striker's legs. The cowboy demon staring wide eyed at the little imp pushing his face into the more sober imp's neck.
"What the fuck are ya doin'?" Striker wasn't complaining, just genuinely confused.
Moxxie didn't respond, at least not with words, he just chirped a bit while rubbing his face against Striker's neck.
Striker stared at the smaller imp in a few confusing emotions. Confusion being obvious, embarrassment, and… love?
He decided to think about that last one later and simply placed his own arms around the smaller imp's waist. Moxxie, feeling delighted by the action, placed his lips on Striker's neck.
That's when Striker shivered in pure delight. But it was soon pushed down as he remembered the little imp was drunk, not in the right state of mind.
He grabbed the smaller imp by the hips, pushing him back a bit, "Okay, that's enough."
Moxxie pulled himself back towards Striker, "Whyyyy? You sssseem to like it, jjusst look at your tail…"
Striker just noticed his tail was wagging, quite a bit, Satan he could barely control his tail when it came to happiness. He groaned in annoyance, placing the appendage under his foot to stop the wagging, "Yes! I do like the fact that a cute idiot is pushing up on me, but not when you're drunk!" He stopped for a few seconds. Face palming himself mentally, finally realizing he should stop drinking with Moxxie if he would make him spurt out the truth, please don't remember that bit…
"Now just get off me…" Striker finally said after a moment of the two staying completely still. Moxxie didn't move, he actually didn't even try to continue his advances in Striker.
Striker stared at the imp on him for a second, slightly shaking him after a while, "You awake Mox?"
Just a small movement, changing to planting his face into Striker's chest, slightly snoring.
Of fucking course your asleep! Striker thought with an agitated groan slipping past his lips.
He stared at the small thespian for a few more seconds, contemplating what to do next, finally he remembered what time it must be. It was pretty dark out, definitely past at least 8, Wrath's sun didn't set until eight so it was definitely past that time. Didn't Mox say he goes to bed around 9?
"Ah shit, yer dads gonna kill me Mox." Striker let out another agitated groan.
He set his drink down again, making the now empty bottle clink against a small pebble on the ground. Then slowly turned Moxxie's sleeping body to the right. Picking him up bridal style after placing an arm underneath what seemed to be his knees and behind his back, right were his arms connected to his torso.
Striker stood up as he walked towards a small clearing, where the thorny bushes split to form a concealed path leading out of the I closed space behind the bushes. Striker made sure to avoid getting Moxxie pricked by any when they got to a narrow area, only to get pricked himself.
"Huh, it's not that bad but you would really hate it if it woke you up though." Striker mumbled, finally out of the bushes.
Moxxie, unconsciously, grabbed at Striker's shirt, pushing his face into the awake imp's chest, mumbling a small phrase Striker couldn't clearly make out. It was something about guns, or something of that sort, but the little guy was smiling so he wasn't too worried about it.
It didn't take long to get to the window of Moxxie's room. The house wasn't too far away, about a five minute walk form the previous area, but with carrying Moxxie it was a little bit tiring to do.
He adjusted Moxxie to where the small thespian was being held with one of his hands while he went to open the window of Moxxie's room. Thankfully, it was unlocked so he wouldn't need to worry about an earload from Moxxie's dad.
As he opened the window he felt Moxxie snuggle into his chest again, his heart started to beat a little faster as he raised the window up enough for him to sneak into the bedroom. It was a tedious task with the job of holding the small imp and keeping him awake but it was doable even with how small the window was.
Striker moved Moxxie into the bridal style of carrying him again before placing him onto his bed, grabbing a blanket off the chair in the other corner of the room and laying it over the sleeping form of Moxxie's body once it was in his hands.
Striker sighed as he removed his hand from Moxxie's body and was about to go back to the window when he felt a hand grab his wrist.
He looked down to find a half awake Moxxie trying to pull him close again, "Nooo, give me a kiss before leeeaaving me."
Before he could even start to protest against the idea, he felt his long tail start to wag again. After staring at the small body again, he leaned downward, "Fine, just don't get on my case about it in the morning." He took a small breath, contemplating if he should actually do it when he felt Moxxie's grip loosen.
Only for it to tighten again and tug on his arm, "Kiss meeeee!"
"Okay okay! Fine, just stop yellin', yer gonna get me in trouble with ya dad." Striker sighed, shaking the hand off of his forearm and leaning further down inches away from the body infront of him.
The whole time Moxxie didn't open his eyes, making him wonder if he was just talking in his sleep again. Hopefully he was still asleep when he did this.
He placed his lips on top of Moxxie's forehead, his tail wagging as he removed the contact and stared down at the imp before him.
Before he realized the importance of what he just did, he heard shuffling outside the door, a shadow moving in front of it.
Without thinking, he ran up to the window and hopped through it, only to fall flat on his face with a bit of dirt going into his mouth.
"Good job dork." A voice from above called out.
Striker flipped over onto his back, sitting up and rubbed his face, coughing up the dirt that got into his mouth. He stopped once he realized he was being spoken to, "Heeey Alana… Y-you didn't see anything, right?"
Alana chuckled, "I only heard my brother ask for a kiss and you say that you'd be happy to comply." She looked up for a second before looking down again, "Oh, but I did watch you make an utter fool of yourself in front of anyone outside."
Striker groaned, "Yeah, yeah, very funny… Is- is yer-"
Alana smiled, "My parents are asleep, told 'em Mox was just finishing helpin' my own friend move something for the night. So now you owe me."
Striker sighed before an agitated expression crawled across his face, "What exactly do you want?…"
"Thought you'd never ask~ Can ya get me into the ranch where you work? Need to practice me horse autonomy." Alana said as she smiled smugly.
Striker just stared at the woman for a second, "Why do I have to? You know you can just walk in there, right?"
"So I can get close while you do your daily jobs with them."
Hope it was good enough, did this while on the road with a friend of mine :)
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
MC having her wisdom teeth removed || Mystic Messenger Edition! - RFA + Saeran
a/n: I was requested this headcanon for Obey Me and I mistakenly wrote this instead lol. Later, I wrote and posted the original request, but I liked how these turned out <3 Enjoy~
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He carries you bridal style as soon as the doctor’s over
“I knew we were getting married!!!!!!!” you giggle
This man is already dead
Of course he’s thought about marrying you but he’s about to drop you on the spot
When he carries you inside your apartment, you squeal.
“Our new home, Zenny! Baby, this place is so cute!!”
It’s… it’s your own apartment, MC. We’ve been living together for two years, get on board.
He helped you get into bed, but when he tries to leave, he feels you tugging on his pants.
“You need anything, babe?”
“This is wedding night, come love me, please”
“MC, rest a bit and--”
“But I need some loviiiiiing, Zenny. Gimme some loving, hubby”
This man is so flustered about you saying all these things about weddings and especially wedding nights. He manages to tuck you into bed and goes to the living room. He’s about to start making dinner when he listens to your voice again.
“Seveeeen, Zen doesn’t wanna give me a wedding night!”
He returns to the bedroom to see you managed to find your phone. He tucks you into bed again and then feels your phone buzzing from numerous notifications from the chat. He’s sure Seven just told everyone about your call.
“Best husband ever” you mumble and finally close your eyes, nuzzling into your sheets. Zen smiles softly.
He’s so in love with you, he might just ask you to marry him anyday now.
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He helps you get into a cab and holds your hand on the way home.
He thinks he doesn’t have anything to worry about until a song comes on the radio.
“All the time I turn around brothas gather round” it’s mostly babbling than singing, so Yoosung just watches you, amused. “Always looking at me up and down looking at my…” you proceed to moan really loudly, startling both your boyfriend and the driver
He apologizes profusely, tipping him extra when you reach home
He helps you sit on the couch and you start mumbling again.
“Baby shark, do do do do do…”
Yoosung can’t help but laugh and think how cute you look.
But once again…
“Ahhh, push it, push it real good…” you sing, waving your arms randomly. “Oh baby, baby, oh baby baby… push it good”
You’re gonna kill Yoosung one of these days omg
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“Hey cutie” you greet her. She doesn’t think much of it and just helps you get on a cab and then back home.
“You inviting me to your home? Wow, you nasty. I like that” you slur, tripping a little before crashing into her couch. Jaehee raises an eyebrow, concerned.
“Don’t be shy, you’re very pretty. Like… really pretty. Are you gay?” you ask with a giggle. Your girlfriend sits next to you, trying to contain her laugh.
“I’m actually bi”
“Then I have a chance!” you laugh. “Wanna date me? I can be so good for you, baby, come on gimme some sugar”
You then proceed to do kissing noises at her, which ends up with Jaehee cackling a loud laugh.
She doesn’t want to ever forget you like this.
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When he puts his arm around your shoulders to steady you while you walk, you take his hand away.
“I’m married, stop!” you scold him, flaunting your wedding ring to him. You cross your arms against your chest. “Don’t make a move, my husband should be here any minute now”
He tries and convince you he’s your husband, but you’re not listening to any of that
He finds it adorable, though.
Jumin takes your arm and help you walk, saying he will respect your relationship.
When you reach the penthouse, you say hello to Elizabeth the third. “Elly, mommy’s here! Where’s your daddy? When’s daddy coming home?”
Jumin’s whole face turns red. He ignored completely you calling his beloved pet “Elly” just because he had never heard you refer to Elizabeth as your daughter. It was like a little family and he felt his heart fluttering at your words.
“Where’s daddy, Elly?” you ask again and watch her walk to Jumin and rub her face on his leg. You furrow your eyebrows, confused.
“Jumin will be here in a second” Jumin assures you. “Why don’t you take a nap?”
You eye him with suspicion but then let yourself fall ungraciously to the couch. “Lemme know when he gets home, I miss him” you grumble.
He’s so going to make a family with you someday.
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Not only does this man encourages you to say the dumbest and funniest things but he will record everything to torment you later
“My eyes are thirsty!” you cry, while Saeyoung holds his phone in front of you. “Baby, my eyes are thirsty!”
“Who do you love the most?” he asks.
“My baby” you reply with a grin.
“And who’s your baby?”
You take a few moments before replying.
“...I’m baby”
“What do you think about Jumin?”
“He should get laid”
“I’m a bit gay for her, no lie”
“You love him more than me!!!” you cry again, putting your hands on your face. “Because his hair is longer you love him more than meeeee”
“I love you the most, MC”
“Fuck you, you made my eyes thirsty” you mumble, looking away from him.
Someone help Saeyoung, he’s about to pee himself from all the laughing.
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He didn’t expect you to be so confused when he finally got you home after the surgery.
As soon as you look at Saeyoung you gasp. You look at him again, then back at Saeran, back at Saeyoung and start crying.
“Who’s my baby!?” you whimper. Saeran rolls his eyes while Saeyoung starts laughing loudly.
“I’m Saeran” your boyfriend sighs, sitting down on the couch.
“No, I’m Saeran. You’re Saeyoung!” Saeyoung says, sitting on your other side. You look back and forth between the twins.
“Hey, stop, don’t break my girlfriend”
“MC, look, look!” Saeyoung says. He put a serious and bored face. “I’m Saeran, I’m no fun and all I do is eat flowers and hoard ice-cream on the fridge”.
Saeran rolls his eyes again.
“I don’t eat flowers, why don’t you just g--”
“SAERAN!” you yell, hugging Saeyoung, who starts laughing again. “Baby, where were you, huh?”
Before anything else happens, Saeyoung leaves you with Saeran, even if his laughter can still be heard from his bedroom.
“You’re such a mess” he whispers. You smile at him and let yourself fall on the couch.
“Yup, but I’m Saeran’s mess. I’m my baby’s mess” you mumble.
He can’t help but smile as well, as he covers you body with a blanket to keep you warm while you sleep.
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trashyswitch · 3 years
The Pride Twins Life
Roman and Remus are twins in the pride lands. They fight, play and hunt a lot. This is their life as monarchs.
This fanfic is for Pumpkinpaw, my darling! I hope you enjoy!
Roman and Remus are lions. They live in the animal kingdom since they were cubs. Now they’re getting to be teenagers, and we're getting to be the age of king. Roman was the oldest of the two, meaning he was next in line for the throne of King of the pride lands.
Today, the boys were fighting each other in the forested part of the kingdom.
“Come at me, brother!” One of them yelled.
“Oh I will...When you least expect it!” The other brother yelled.
“Oh for Remus’s sake, Roman! Just get him!”
Roman growled and tackled down the teenage cub that was there in the crowd. “NEVER use my brother’s name as a curse word, you FILTHY, DISGUSTING-”
CRASH! The boys fell to the ground as Remus, the one with the grey tuff of hair in front of his face, tackled his brother down to the ground. “You don’t need to call the other kids names, you know. They’re gonna become your noblemen one day. So don’t be a nipper to your noblemen!” Remus ordered.
“Don’t tell me what to do!” Roman ordered.
Remus clawed his face. “Fight fast then, dingleberry!” Remus smirked.
Roman jumped up onto his hind legs and tackled the brother down, roaring in his face. Remus whacks Roman’s face with his tail, making him further enraged.
“Come at me!” Remus orders in his strong, determined voice. “BRING ME DOWN!” He roared loudly and hopped around on his front legs.
“Oh...I will.” Roman pounced onto Remus and landed his brother onto his back. Remus turned himself around, and tackled Roman down using his front paws on his back. “And STAY DOWN!”
“NEVER!” Remus got back up and jumped up at Roman, taking him down with his body. He scratches, ruffs him up, and kicks him a few times, before being booted off by Roman.
“Take it easy, Remus! I am still your brother!” Roman told him.
“No. Real men fight strong. Fight off the predator!” Remus told him.
Soon, Roman looked over at the lone zebra that was sitting there, eating the grass. “Quickly...Come.”
Remus followed him into the grass and hid from the zebra. He walked through the grass, making sure each and every step was a quiet one.
Roman took off running for it first, while Remus waited for his turn. When the zebra took off running the other way, Remus took off with it, trying to catch it off guard. Remus managed to grab its tail, rip it off, and grab its leg next. “Gotcha-GAH!” Remus was thrown off and kicked by the zebra as it took off the other way.
Roman pounced onto the zebra, and bit into it. As much as it bucked, Roman wouldn’t let go. Remus, who was only hit in the belly, took off running for the zebra. He sprinted to the zebra, jumped, and locked jaws with the zebra’s leg. The zebra let out a yelp in pain and fell to the ground with a loud thump. With the zebra down, Remus and Roman scratched and mauled the zebra till it was nothing but fresh, unskinned meat surrounding a pool of bright red blood.
“Yes! We got it!” Roman declared.
“WOO! Look at us go!” Remus cheered.
“Now to celebrate with a snack!” Roman told him.
“Alright! Let’s dig in.”
“Ahem!” Someone called.
Remus lifted his ears and looked up, widening his eyes. It was their mother…
“Boys, come here.” he ordered.
The boys nodded and sat down in front of her.
“I am proud to know you boys can handle a zebra on your own...I have raised strong boys.” She told him. “But I have also raised risky, unsafe, and disobedient boys.” She told them. “What have we told you about fighting?” She asked.
“That...we can’t do it on our own yet…” Roman replied guiltily.
“That we need the rest of the hunters to help us hunt.” Remus added.
“We’re sorry.” Roman told her.
“I am too.” Remus told her.
“You know what has to be done now, I believe?” She asked.
“We...don’t get to eat it.” Roman said sadly.
“You boys will be allowed to eat some of it.” She told them. “But a majority of the meat will go to…Elder Eve.”
“What?!” Roman reacted.
“Come on...We caught it though!” Remus reacted.
“And she needs food. She’s been living off little food lately.” She told them. “And that zebra might just be enough to keep her satisfied till she dies.” She told them both.
“Yes Mom.” Roman replied.
Remus sighed. “Yes Mom.”
“You will also need to drag it back home. So I hope you’re ready for a long walk.” She decided.
Roman sighed and picked up part of the zebra while Remus picked up the other side. They started their long walk back to the pride tree, where their home was. Roman and Remus were exhausted by the time they made it back to their home. But they never complained.
“My goodness...What a catch!” Their father reacted.
Roman lit up. “It was alone in our territory! We hunted it down!” Remus told him.
“With the help of the hunters?” He asked.
“Well…” Roman looked down and pinned his ears back.
“I see. Do you remember what we told you a-”
“I already had this conversation with them about it.” their mother told her husband.
“Very well.” He replied. “Can you guess who will be having this?” He asked.
“Elder Eve…” Roman told him.
“She told us about that too.” Remus told him.
“You get to have a share too, young hunters.” Their father rolled the kids onto their backs and clawed at their belly playfully.
“HEHEHehehehehey thahahahat tihihihicklehehehes!” Remus laughed.
“Dahahahahad! Stahahahap thahahahahat!” Roman laughed.
“Who dares make my boys look like fools? No one!” Their father declared.
“NOHohohoHOHO OHOHONE!” Remus declared.
“Nohohoho ohohone!” Roman declared next.
“And who alerts the hunters the next time there’s a lone pray nearby?” He asks.
“UHUHUHuhus!” Remus laughs.
“Uhuhuhus!” Roman replies.
“Now, aren’t the boys a little old for that?” She asked.
The father laughs. “No one’s too old for a little tickling.” He replied as he stopped.
“Whatever you say.” She teases, before poking his side.
“HeHEy! Hey now, don’t be playing like that, Rhea.” He warned.
“And why is that?” She asked.
“Because you’re just asking for tickles next!” The father tackled her down and started tickling her belly with his beans.
“HEhehehehehey! Hahahahahahaha! Stahahahap thahahat yohohou!” She ordered.
“Naaah, I like it when you laugh, Rhea!” He told her.
“Ihihihi hahahahate ihihihihit!” She fought.
“Hate it? How could you hate tickling?” He asked.
“Not tickling...Ohohoho…” She took a second to breathe. “Ihihihi hahate my laugh.” She told him.
Their father just about had a fit! “Now you listen here, Ms. Silvia! I will tickle you till the kingdom come if you don’t like something as beautiful as your laugh!” He declared.
“Gohohoho tickle the boys if you wanna tickle people!” She told him, pushing him away.
He sighed. “Fine. I’m gonna getcha boys!”
“MOM!” Remus yelled.
“NOHOHOHO!” Roman laughed nervously.
“Yes! Now get over here!” The father took off running while the kids ran off first.
“NEHEHEHEVER!” Roman laughed.
“NOT GONNA HAPPEN, DAD!” Remus fought.
“I’ll get you soon!” He declared, running off.
“Not gonna happen, eh? We’ll see about that!” He pounced onto the kids and started ‘nibbling’ onto Roman’s belly. “Omnomnomnomnom!”
Remus, eager to get him back, bit his leg.
“AAAAUGH! YOU GOT MEEEEE!” THeir father suddenly cried out. “NOOooo! You got me, you strong child of mine!” He fell backwards and flopped onto the ground. “Tell your mother I loooove heeerrr…” He placed his head into the grass and froze still for a minute or five.
“P...Papa?” Roman asked. “Remus, you killed him!”
Remus’s ears pinned back. “No I didn’t! All I did was bite his leg!”
“And you killed him with it!” Roman reacted.
“Did not!”
“Did too!” Roman smirked.
“Did not! And you know it too!” Remus mentioned.
Roman smiled. “Okay, yeah...I know it too.”
“Now why did you say that, Roman?” Their father asked.
“Because it was gonna start up a fight.” Roman replied.
“He did do the right thing.” She told him.
“Yeah? Well, he’s getting tickles for it anyway.” Their father said as he started tickling Roman all over again.
“Me too! Me too!” Remus begged.
“Alriiiight~” Their father winded up tickling both boys at that moment, and tickled them for a while.
Even as a lion teen, you never grow old of the old little tricks that were meant for the cubs.
“Let the kids have their fun!” Their father would continue to tell his mate...
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ddixons-angel · 4 years
Requested by @akumune​
Okay first I wanna say... I’M SO SO SORRY FOR TAKING FOREVER ON THIS ONE!! It was a simple request but writer’s block really had it out for me... I’m super duper sorry for the long wait! 
Prompts: 19. “Nope, sorry, I don’t speak bullshit.”  23. “Oh yeah sure, go ahead, it’s not like I just saved your life or anything.”
Season 1, Quarry Era (is that even a thing anymore haha)
Daryl had just saved Reader from getting bit in the woods, but she doesn’t see it as him doing her a favor.
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Useless. That’s how you’ve felt ever since you arrived at the camp. Completely and utterly useless. You haven’t been doing anything for the others to contribute or give back to them for giving you a safe place to stay. You’ve seen the way the others look at you while you sit in front of your tent everyday. Looks of pity and sympathy, maybe even disgust if they knew what you did. 
Nothing. That’s what you did, absolutely nothing. You didn’t do anything for the camp, you didn’t talk to anyone. You didn’t do anything to save your older brother, the only family you had left and he got eaten alive by the damn walkers right in front of you. You just watched, unable to move from your spot, your eyes were glued to his dead body, but you didn’t do anything to stop it from happening. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Lori calls out as she looks at you with concern.
It was only then that you realized you were consumed in your memories again. You look at her, your face stained with tears, then glance behind her as you notice some others from the camp also looking your way. Quickly, you wipe your tears and nod.
“I-I’m fine...” you mutter then you get up from your spot and head off into the woods.
You knew you weren’t making the best impression at the camp, but you couldn’t face that right now. Not when you couldn’t even face the sense of shame you felt for what you did, or rather, what you didn’t do. You barely said anything to anyone at the camp, just keeping to yourself and wallowing in guilt. Your brother shouted for you to run while he distracted the walkers to keep them from getting to you, but you just stayed still, paralysed by fear. You could still hear his screams as he got torn apart. You drop to your knees in the middle of the forest as you cover your ears and squeeze your eyes shut.
“Stop it! Stop it!” you cry, trying to shut out the gruesome memory.
As you cry and whimper, you’re unaware of the movement around you. Unable to hear the crunching of leaves on the ground as you attempt to block out all noise. What pulls you back into reality is the harsh tugging of your hair as a walker grabs you from behind. You let out a shriek as you turn around, the walker right in your face. You fumble, trying to get up only to lose your balance and you fall back with the walker following you. You do your best to hold the walker up as it snaps its jaw at you. As you stare into the walker’s empty eyes, a thought occurs to you. Maybe you should just let go. No one would miss you, no one really cared for you at the camp, the only person who cared was now gone and that was because you didn’t do anything to stop it. Maybe this was for the best.
You close your eyes and allow your arms to let go of the monster above you, inviting death and the pain to come with it but it never does. You open your eyes in confusion when the walker stops moving entirely. 
“What the hell’s yer problem?!” a rough voice shouts, you recognize it as Daryl’s, the redneck hunter from your camp.
You feel the weight of the walker lift off you and you get up in a daze. You catch Daryl’s eyes as he glares at you, crossbow in hand and you assume that he’d shot the walker from a distance, saving you before it could sink its teeth into your neck. He saved you, so should you thank him? But you were trying to end things, end everything, so did he actually save you?
“Ya never put one o’ these things down before? The hell were ya doin’ wrestlin’ with it?” he mutters as he wipes the bolt that was in the walker’s head on the grass. 
You shift on your feet, uncomfortable as the feeling of being completely useless creeps up on you again. He was right, you’d never put a walker down before, others were always there to kill them for you so you never had to do it. 
“Ya should head back to the camp,” he says when you don’t respond to him, “ya’ll be safe there, won’t need other people to save yer ass.”
“I didn’t ask you to.” you mutter under your breath.
“I said I didn’t ask you to!” you snap, “I never asked anyone to save me!” 
Daryl scoffs, ‘ya’d be dead if I didn’t!”
“I knew what I was doing,” you argue, you knew you were going to end your life.
“Did ya?” he steps to you, getting in your face, “what the hell were ya doin’ then, huh? Tryin’ to get yerself killed ‘cause tha’s all I saw!” 
“That’s exactly what I was trying to do!” you shout as you push Daryl away from you, angry tears streaming down your face, “I shouldn’t be alive, I’m fucking useless and all I do is get people killed!”
You drop down to your knees again, crying, breaking down as Daryl stares at you, not knowing what to do. He shifts his weight on his feet, biting his lip uncomfortably. He decides to wait until your sobs die down before pointing you in the right direction back to camp. You follow the trail back to camp and separated ways with Daryl as he went back to hunt.
“Oh yeah sure, go ahead, it’s not like I just saved yer life or nothin’,” you hear him mutter as you walk away.
You were sure he didn’t want anything to do with you, he didn’t show any interest before so he definitely wouldn’t now since you pushed him away like that. He saved your life but you didn’t even thank him for it. He must have thought you were a selfish little brat seeking attention out of nothing. 
Now it was dark, the campfire was glowing in the distance as Lori and the others sat around conversing with one another. You sat by your tent and you hadn’t moved since you returned from the woods, no one bothered to come by to check on you either. Why would they? You didn’t give them any reason to want to get close to you. You noticed when Daryl got back to the camp with a string of squirrels that he gave to Dale. For the last few hours, you were contemplating on going up to Daryl and apologizing for how you were with him, maybe even thank him for saving you, but you weren’t sure he wanted to hear it. 
Finally, you gathered up your courage to head over to the small campfire Daryl had lit for himself and his brother. You were relieved that Merle went to bed earlier, assuming that he was too intoxicated to want to be awake. 
“Hey,” you called out in a small voice, speaking again when Daryl glances over at you, “can I... can we talk?”
“If you’re gonna say some shit ‘bout me savin’ ya bein’ a waste, then nah, sorry, I don’ speak bullshit,” Daryl says, looking back at the burning embers. 
“No, I wasn’t...” you take a deep breath as you step slightly closer, “I just wanted to say thank you, and I’m sorry. You saved my life, prevented me from doing something really really stupid.”
Daryl looks up at you, his eyes studying you, “so ya don’ wanna die no more?”
“I don’t know...” you answer truthfully, you decide to sit down by the fire even with Daryl eyeing you at your actions, “I don’t even know if I wanted to die earlier or not, I just... I wanted it to stop... the pain... the screams... I just wanted it to all go away.”
You curl your knees up to your chest and hug your legs before you continue speaking, “before Glenn found me and brought me to the camp... I had an older brother... we got caught in a herd of those things... tried to run but there were so many... he told me to run.. But I couldn’t... not until he... they caught him... and all I could do was watch... I watched as they tore him apart... it wasn’t until they started coming at me that I just ran...”
You had a strong feeling that Daryl was feeling uncomfortable as he shifts in his spot as you cried softly. You felt bad for it but you couldn’t help yourself, there was just something about him that made you feel comfortable enough to tell Daryl what no one else in the camp knew. You were pretty sure this was the most you’ve spoken to anyone in the camp.
“Sorry,” you say with a small sniffle, “and thanks.”
“How many times ya gonna do that?” Daryl says, earning a confused look from you, “say sorry then thank me?”
“I... well, you looked uncomfortable so I’m sorry for making you feel that way... but I’m still thankful that you’re listening,” you say honestly, “you’re a really great listener.”
Daryl scoffs at you, rolling his eyes as if he wants to play off his shyness, “ya done? If ya are, ya can go.”
Although his words seemed like he was kicking you out, there was something in his voice that told you he didn’t mean it in a menacing way. A small smile tugs at your lips then you get up from your spot on the ground.
“Alright, I won’t bother you anymore,” you tell him, “goodnight, Daryl.”
He nibbles his lower lip as he nods at you, not daring to look at you as you walk away from his camp in case you suddenly turn around to look at him. Daryl does glance over in your tent’s direction though when you finally reach it, crawling inside to rest for the night. That was when he was able to let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. He couldn’t explain it himself but there was something about you that made Daryl protective of you. Maybe it was just because you were the newest addition to the group, but whatever it was, Daryl knew that he wouldn’t be able to stop himself in the future to go out of his way to protect you again. 
I really missed writing snappy Season 1 Daryl haha~ as always, I would really appreciate any comments left for me! 
Taglist (please let me know if you’d like to be added/removed!):
@twdeadfanfic​ | @fandomfanatic97​ | @crossbowking​ | @watchmeaspire​ | @spidergirla5​ | @kamieshep​ | @letsstarsfalling​ | @molethemollie​ | @alicewinchester99​ | @neilox​ | @womanup22​ | @jodiereedus22​ | @theonlyone-meeeee​ | @theunofficialduke​ | @inlovewdxx​ | @delightfullykrispypeach | @mrsfortune1306​ | @wolfkg​ | @funeral-7​ | @wnygirl2012 | @alispaceme | @themihala | @aavocadocloud |  @polkadottedpillowcase | @felicisimor | @depressedfrog2 | @spacexkiddo0 | @rachelxwayne | @liadamerondjarin | @soraitmnt
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kairoscelrosis · 3 years
ST: Into Darkness
So I watched into darkness after a really long time, and for the first time after watching ST: WOK. And I liveblogged it.
Jim's so disappointed that Enterprise got taken away from him. owo
Aahh Carol Marcus is British
Scotty has a moral compass (which I feel TOS Scotty does as well)
When Kirk learns that Spuhura are fighting, and then the lift opens and Spock's about to enter, he looks at both of them. It really gives me the vibes that he knows both his partners are angry at him 😂
Bones McCoy: a dictionary of metaphors
Yaayyy Sulu on the chairrrr
Whaaatttt???? Sulu references Mudd (Harry freaking Mudd) in the movieeee!!!!! (He says: Acting Captain Sulu to Shuttle Bay 2. Please have the trade ship we confiscated during the Mudd incident last month fueled and flight ready) !!!!!
"If you test me, you WILL fail."
The way Bones' expression changesss 😂
"Mr. Sulu, remind me to never piss you off."
"I am not the only one who is upset at you. The Captain is too." "No no no no don't drag me into this."
"She IS right" spirkkkkk
"Captain we will not fit" "We'll fit. WE'LL FITTT."
"I told you we'll fit." "I am not sure that qualifies." 🤣
Why do the Klingons look so different???
Why is Benedict's voice so deep? Like deeper than usual.
Tho i hate that a british dude played KHAN, you can't deny Benedict's Khan has charisma
Carol Marcus says "I am a friend of Christine Chapel's" like what??? JJ do you even know that Christine would never be engaged with Kirk in a romantic relationship??? That he's not her type??? 🤢
"Any idea what caused it?" "No sir. But I expect full responsibility." Aww my baby chekov 🥺
"Jim? You're gonna wanna see this." Ooohhhhhh
Okay... so wasn't this Khan a dictator as well? Or like, did the Eugenics war never happen in AOS? Did JJ do this so that Khan would be morally grey? Cuz he loves Benedict? IDK
"I'm sorry." Ohh Kirk my bby 🥺🥺
"Captain, I strongly object." "To what? I haven't said anything yet." Bitch you really think he doesn't sense your crazy ideas?
"'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.'" "An Arabic proverb attributed to a pronce who was betryed and decapitated by his own subjects." 🤣🤣
Grab at the shoulder and "I cannot allow you to do this." and an almost "Jim"
"The Enterprise and her crew need someone in that chair that knows what he's doing... and that's not me." You can hear my heart shattering into a million pieces in the background.
How Jim's about to cry during that dialogue 🥺🥺🥺
Is there like... a competition going on between Pine and Benedict Cumberbatch trying to decide who's eyes are bluer???? Because I can't see anybody winning
"Captain. You can't even guarantee the safety of your own crew." Ooohh I so wanna punch you in the face. 👊
New Vulcaaaannn!!!! Our Spock's coming baaaackkkkkk yaaayyy
Aahh Sulu you are so talented
"This door is very wee. I mean, you know, small" 🤣
"It's gonna be like jumping out of a moving car, off a bridge, into your shot glass." "It's okay. I've done it before" Khan: 👀
"It's not easy. Just give me two seconds, all right, you mad bastard!" 😂😂
Bones, sitting down to watch the most scary movie of his life: Tell me this is gonna work.
Spock, shivering with fear in his seat: I have neither the information nor the confidence to do so, Doctor. 😂😂😂😂
Bones: 👀 👀 Boy, you're a real comfort.
Omg Sulu's so nervous and worried 🥺
I actually kinda DO like the transitions.
"You're big." 😂
"Spock, if I get back, we really need to talk about you bedside manner." Why is everyone so pbsessed with bedside manner in Star Trek😂😂
Scotty 😂😂😂 wheezing and panting, complaining he can't do it but he does 😂😂😂
Shitt the momentum!!! How would they have filmed that??? Rolling and rolling and rolling
"Mr. Spock." "Mister Spock." Aaahhhhhhhhhh you both wanna kill meeeee 😂😂😂
He deserved that slap!!! GO CAROLL!!!!
"Where'd ya find this guy?" Ohh Scotty 😂
Spock!Prime really be like, "I can't tell you about it, but I am my own master, so I will. 😂
"Khan Noonien Singh is the most dangerous adversary the Ebeterprise ever faced. He is brilliant, ruthless, and he will not hesitate to kill every single one of you." *cries in Ricardo Montalban*
"Did you defeat him?" "At great cost. Yes." Aaaaahhhhhhh how would you know the great costt spocckkkkk😭😭
The sudden appearance of the man scared the shit outta mee😂😂
Yaayyyy "Damn it, man, I'm a doctor not a torpedo technician!" 😂😂
"This way." Whewww.
Aaahh he's awakeeeee.
Yesss that's my Jim Kirk. No killing. Yes.
Aahhhhhhhhh. Wtf why're you punching Jimmmmm
Aahh Carolll ahahhh
Omg wtfffffffff nooooooooo frickfrickfrickfrickfrickk that was baaaddd
"Oh, you are smart, Mr. Spock." I really do wanna punch you in the face.
I will repeat myself. Having said that a white dude playing Khan is irritating, Benedict really does play him well.
Aahhh the ploy is same like the one in ST: WOK!! This time, it is Spock playing the game!!!
"Vulcans do not lie." Spock lies.
"No ship shoild go down without her captain." *silent screaming*
OMG he's firinggggg
"He armed the damn torpedoes." Is that pride I hear, Kirk
"Not bad, Commander." "Thank you, Lieutenant." XDDDD
Smarty pants Spock XD
WTF is Uhura doing in the Med Bay???
"Good to see you, Jim."
"Spock's cold, but he's not that cold. I've got Khan's crew." Awww :))))
"Seventy two human popsicles, safe and sound in their cryo tubes" POPSICLES😂😂😂😂
"Son of a bitch!"
"I hope you don't get seasick." 😂
"I will remain behind and divert all power to life supprt and evacuation shuttle bays." 🥺🥺
Sulu: Shut up, BITCH.
"I order you to abandon this ship!" The voice his voice cracks 😭 Who says Spock doesn't feel????
"All due respect, Commander, but we're not going anywhere." YEAAHHHH SULUUUUU GOOOO
"One day I've been off this ship! One bloody day!" Same, Scotty, same.
Hah. Running on walls😂
Smart baby Chekov exclaiming in Russian.
"The ship's dead sir. She's gone." 😭😭😭
Jim coming back to belt Scotty into place 🥺
How's he gonna do that????
Aaahh that oit of the clouds shot justttt 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Sulu's so HAPPYYY uwu
"It's a miracle." "There are no such things." Wait till you get to know Spock.
"Sir, you'd better get down here. Better hurry." *traumatic WOK flashbacks*
"How's OUR ship?" "Out of danger."
"That's a nice move." Is Jim referring to Chess????? You really have the nerve to do that???
"It is what you would have done." "And this, this is what you would have done." *TOS 😭😭😭😭*
"It was only logical."
"I'm scared, Spock. Help me not be."😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"I do not know. Right now I am failing." 😭😭😭
"Because you are my friend."😭😭😭
That Vulcan kisssssss 😭😭😭😭😭
Why tf is everyone wearing those weird goggles???
I don't like Zoe Saldana as Uhura AT ALL.
The way Zach's bangs are flying😂
Yeaah yeah yeah yeah yeah that tribbleeee
How tf did spock jump that high???
Why doesn't he like nerve pinch him???
Why can't they use the blood of the man in the cryo???? They have the same blood right???
"You get that son of a bitch back on board right now!"
Ohnonononono he's tryna crush Spock's skull.
Shit Spock why so angry NOOOOOO
Yeah Spock stops when he hears the name 'Kirk'.
"You were barely dead." 😂
"Tell me, are you feeling homicidal? Pwer mad? Despotic?"
"Uhura and I had something to do with it too, you know." Ohh bones😆😆
Spock called Kirk JIMMMMMMMMMMM
But, like, why didn't they kill Khan off??? He can be awakened again, can't he??? Like????
I love their formal uniforms!!!
Yaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy my introooooo 🥺🥺🥺🥺
"C'mon Bones, it's gonna be fun."
"Five years in space. God help me." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The fond look Spock has on his faceeeee
And on Jim's face toooooo
Tumblr media
"I defer to your good judgement, Captain." 🥺🥺🥺
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angelicichor · 4 years
Susie deserves so more love so can we get some Susie fluff with a female s/o and they’re having a bad day until Susie cheers them up?
Truer words were never spoken. Susie wlw content is all I crave and I’ve been starving U_U Thank you so much for requesting this! Enjoy!
“[Y/N]! [Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy/Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn]! Baby, why are you ignoring meeeee?!” you heard a familiar voice calling out to you and despite not wanting to really talk to anyone today, you stopped, turning around to her with a tired face, letting her grab your hands in hers and sway them a little. “Did I do something?” her voice was so full of worry that it was honestly adorable. “No, Su, not at all, I’m just kinda out of it today...”  “Why? What happened?” she tilted her head in worry, looking you up and down to see if it wasn’t something physical, like a wound from a trial or who knows what else, but you seemed to be okay. Her pout let you know that she was running all the possible scenarios through her head, right before furrowing her brows and looking you straight in the eye again. “Did Frank do something again?! I swear I’m gonna cut his favorite hoodie up if he--” “No! No, Susie! He didn’t do anything, my silly baby. I’m just tired.” You laughed, pinching her cheeks lightly.  “Guh, fwom bwhat, you buwtt?” she grabbed you right back and now both of you were standing there like two idiots, pulling eachother’s cheeks to the point of them turning red. “Cawse twe entwit-- wait.” you let go and so she did as well, smiling with her tongue out to taunt you. “Now who’s being a butt...” “Still you.”
You rolled your eyes and smiled back at her before leaning against one of the many trees in The Entity’s forest. It was one of the very few places you two could meet without someone butting in on your conversations or worse. “The Entity has been running me dry lately. I just get trail after trail, and since I escape them almost unscathed, She thinks it funny to throw me right back into another one. I mean in the last one she literally put me right next to Kazan at the start! He was a good sport about it and gave me 5 seconds to start running, but I still got pounded to the ground.” She laughed at your last sentence and you pushed her lightly to shut her up, laughing with her. “OH, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!”  “No, ofcourse I don’t, do explain.” her mockery met with an angry pout and a hair ruffle that got her to squeak. “Okay, okay! I know, I know, I”m just messing with ya! Hah!!”  “I know you are, you goddamn gremlin. You always are.”  “Got me there.” The way her face lit up every time she spoke to you never failed to warm your heart. It wasn’t always like this and you remembered when she wouldn’t even take her mask off in front of you, afraid of rejection. No matter how exhausted you were, that little face was more relaxing than any bubble bath you’ve ever taken in your life. “Hey.” Her voice snapped you back to attention.  “Yeah?” “Technically I could ask Mom to give ya a break with me for a few days. She said I can ask for whatever I want since I’ve been doing pretty good in my trails lately and she’s proud of me... So, like...” you saw her feet dig a little into the ground. Shy as always. “Wanna... go back to Ormond with me and like... bring your laptop or something so we could watch one of the movies Joey got before? I’ll ask him, obviously! I wouldn’t just steal them...”
The way she seemed almost scared that you’d accuse her made you giggle and kiss her forehead - something she still blushed from. “I’d love to, Su. A horror or some horrible comedy would be perfect for today.” “AWESOME!” she exclaimed then immediately shied down. “I mean... neat. Meet you there! I’ll get everything ready, you just bring the laptop, okay?” “Sure. You’re adorable, you know that?” “... no, shut up, you are, shut your mouth, you stupid--” she huffed and turned to leave. “Don’t be late!!” 
With those words she left you, running like you didn’t pretty much have all of eternity to enjoy eachother’s company any time you wanted, if the trails didn’t get in the way, but that was good, she was smart, cute and innocent in her own way, if you ignored the whole “robbing and killing people” thing.  She was your little ray of sunshine in this fog world and you were willing to never let her go, no matter how tired you’d get.
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Things My Friends Have Said as Incorrect IT Quotes: (part 10)
Beverly: No one likes meeeee!
Richie, knowing she’s on her period: I like you.
Beverly: Fuck youuuu!
Richie, not looking up from his phone: Ok.
Beverly: I’m sorryyyyy!
Richie: It’s ok.
Stan: I want to lock my head in a noose- I mean a safe vault.
Eddie: *rambling about something*
Richie, sliding his hand over Eddie’s torso:
Eddie, stopping his conversation:
Eddie: You just caressed my torso.
Richie: Mhm.
Eddie: Do it again.
Richie, about to get slapped in the face: Ok.
Ben: *eating a fruit by the foot*
Stan: *making a noise out of the wrapper*
Mike: nO
Richie, entering a hotel room: LETS LOOK FOR MONEY IN THE BIBLE!
Mike: Listen, you wanna fight my friends, you fight me first. And I’ll put up a fight, goddamn it!
Bill: Ain’t you the same kid who cried after killing a mosquito?
Mike: I-
Beverly: Hey Eddie did you know that you’re now aware of your blinking?
Eddie: I-
Stan: You can feel your toes touching.
Eddie: Stop-
Richie: And you’re fully aware of your breathing now.
Eddie: No, please-
Bill: And you have the sudden urge to cough.
Ben: Fuck, guys, did we leave Spongebob on TV this whole time?
Richie: Y’all know what I can turn ON?
Beverly: What is wrong with you?
Stan: I’ll answer that! How much time do we have here?
Richie: Fuck you!
Stan: Fuck you harder daddy!
Eddie: HEY!
Eddie: K. I hate you.
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for-emilia · 4 years
Adore You.
you’re a saint, enjoy x
At the beginning of their relationship, not everything was easy sailing. Of course, Dele was a premier league footballer, playing for one of the biggest clubs week in week out with little to no break time. People always tease about how ‘football is a hobby, not a career’, which of course it is a hobby too, his first true love and passion in life, even if he wasn’t getting paid he’d still continue to play, but it was more demanding than people thought. Training practically every single day, 9am-2pm, sometimes even later, a strict diet to enhance his performance that he couldn’t slip from, a rigorous recovery routine after each match, travel to and from matches all over the world.. It was tough, but he wouldn’t change it for the world. But no matter how tough it was, he’d never complain. Especially not when the actual love of his life was a healthcare professional.
Emilia didn’t like to talk about it too much, thinking it was boring to hear about and that nobody would be interested but from their first meeting Dele was enamoured. He hadn’t pushed the first few times of meeting, sensing she didn’t want to waffle on about it for ages so he moved on with a “That's amazing, lucky patients getting a right hottie looking after them!” followed by a slap on the chest from Emilia. But he never stopped thinking about it until he prompted her to talk about it one night.
“So how was work?” Dele asked as always as she kicked her shoes off at his doorway. “Erm yeah, was alright,” Emilia mumbled back, winding her arms around his waist and lifting her head up for a kiss. “Alright bad? Or just alright?” he replied sensing the waver in her voice before walking her to collapse on the sofa with him. “Eh, just alright.. better now ‘m with you” she nuzzled her head into the dip of his shoulder.
After they’d made a mess of the kitchen trying to make fajitas together (most of it Dele’s fault of course), Dele laid in bed, shirt off joggers on, watching his gorgeous girlfriend do her thing after her shower in the bathroom. He thought she was the most beautiful creature on Earth, he could watch her scrunching various creams and gels into her hair, cleansing her face, moisturizing her gorgeous long legs.. all day long. She made the most mundane tasks look like a work of art in his eyes.
“Whachu lookin’ at, creep,” she side eyed him as she sat on the top of the toilet, rubbing moisturiser into her aching bruised feet. He didn’t reply, simply just blinked up at her and lightly chewed on his bottom lip in thought. Eventually she made her way over to the bed and climbed in, scissoring her legs in and out to feel the fresh sheets against her freshly shaved legs, making Dele copy her actions to make fun of her.
Once Emilia was tucked up and scrolling through the channels on the TV, he looked over to her and asked “will you tell me about your job?”.
“What do you mean? You know I’m a HCA, Del,” she furrowed her eyebrows as she scrolled quickly past How I Met Your Mother, finally settling on one of the old Harry Potter films playing. “No like.. Tell me about what you do, what your days are like, how you got into it..” he trailed off. “I’m genuinely interested, wanna know what you’re getting up to while I’m megging winksy,” he joked referencing the video he showed her earlier that he made the groundsman send him from the training ground CCTV.
So with some reluctance at first and a few more questions, she talked to him about what she did on a daily basis, shedding light on just how ruthless and hard her job was, but how rewarding it was at the same time. He listened for as long as she was willing to speak about it, laughing along at stories of her favourite patients and kissing her on the forehead as she described the harder parts. Dele knew it was a gruelling job but he didn’t realise the extent, the day in day out physical and emotional pain she went through. 
That night as she drifted asleep on his chest his heart was full like he’d not felt in a long time. He adored her, properly adored her. Dele couldn’t help but stay awake looking over her features.. her pretty long eyelashes, the curve of her cute nose, the plumpness of her lips, her beautiful wavy hair. She was the most inspiring, humble, beautiful person inside out. He thought she was a hero.
“Del.. Dele? Bamideleeeeee?” Emilia shouted through the house the next day as she got home. She knew he was already home from training from the various texts she’d received. “Dele?” she wondered again, looking on the sideboard for a note to say he’d gone out. 
“Hey, pretty girl,” he spoke out from the top of the stairs, making her jump slightly, “be down in two seconds, stay there.” She wasn’t sure what he was up to but she trusted him and stayed by the door, taking the moments rest to stretch out her muscles that’d been overworked all day. Suddenly her wrist was caught in his hand and he spun her around pulling her into him, instinctively giving her a few pecks.
“So how was work?” Dele smiled at her bringing his hand up to her cheek, rubbing his thumb over her cheek repeatedly. “Yeah, alright,” she smiled smally back and leaned into his touch. “Sorry I’m home la-” her words were cut off by Dele’s hand over her mouth which she softly bit at his fingers in response. “Don’t want to hear it.”
“Come with meeeee,” he sing-songed and walked her towards the kitchen where the table was laid out ready with a meal in foil containers in the middle. “What’s this Del? We can't have a takeaway, the nutritionists will kill you, silly boy,” Emilia stopped and turned to him, pulling a sour face. “Just sit down, silly girl,” Dele taunted back, “for lunch at Enfield we had this lovely noodle dish, I thought you’d really like it so I got the chefs to put the leftovers in a container for me to bring home.. Y’know I can't cook but means we don’t have to cook tonight.” 
They ate together, sharing stories of the day and laughing about various things that some of Emilia’s residents had said or jokes the lads had made in training. She was surprised at how observant Dele was, to know that she’d enjoy that dish and was thoughtful enough to bring it home for them after a long shift. “Thank you, handsome,” she kissed him as they dropped the containers in the bin on the way to the living room, tasting the soy sauce in his mouth as she kissed him. 
“Wait no, come upstairs, mi amor,” he smirked, she knew he was planning something but didn’t really care when he sounded so sexy speaking Spanish to her. “Today after training I went into town and got some bits and bobs.. Lie down on the bed I’m gonna give you a massage,” Emilia looked at him a little confused but mostly intrigued. “You’re gonna give me a massage, are you? Do you even know how to?” she questioned, receiving a laugh and a little eyebrow wiggle and a request to “strip for me, mamas.”
She couldn’t lie, she was impressed with his massaging capabilities, “should’ve been a masseuse, Del.” He’d put on one of their playlists, she was pretty sure it was one of their tens of sex playlists and rap music isn’t typically played during a massage but she’d not have it any other way, it was perfect. “Christ, you don't even make this much noise when I’m bloody going down on you let alone having a massage,” Dele teased knowing fine well it wasn’t entirely true. “Can’t help it, if you keep pressing down there it’ll click really lou-.. see,” she giggled when her bones cracked under his touch, “God it feels so good.”
After her massage they showered together, to get the oil off quicker of course, besides, Dele had his own point from earlier to prove wrong. And boy did he do just that. Soon enough, Dele resumed his place on the bed, ignoring Emilia’s complains of “you’ll make the sheets soggy” (“Lover, it’s my side of the bed, it’s me that’ll suffer” “Dele, I sleep on top of you, your side is OUR side, didn’t think of that did you, big brains”) in favour of watching her go on with her night routine.
“Where’s this come from?” his girlfriend questioned looking over to see Dele’s smile. “Well you were complaining the other day that your body moisturiser was running out but you needed to find a new one for whatever reason, so when Kate was at training today she recommended that one so I went and got it,” he smiled, walking into the bathroom and moving aside a few things, “I organised it all for you too.. There’s a few refills of your hair and skin stuff there as well, did a little inventory on your behalf this morning.” She rifled through the draw and saw that he had indeed rebought some of her favourite products in the biggest sizes so she didn’t run out. He’d also cleared out the draw and put the things to use nearest the front along with categorising them into skin, face and hair. “Oh and I talked to the physios after training and they’ve written down a few stretches for you to ease your back and legs a little bit after shifts.. thought it might help,” he scrunched up his nose and stepped back to look at her properly, worried her silence meant he’d stepped a line.
“Dele…” she spoke out with the softest look on her face, “why did you do that for me?”. He stood behind her and spun them to look in the mirror together. “Because you deserve to be looked after, you spend your life looking after everyone else and now it’s my turn to look after you, yeah?” he accentuated by looking away from the mirror and turning her around to look her dead in the eyes, “I just want to make your life easier, pretty girl, you deserve it.” She nuzzled her head into his shoulder in response, not really knowing what to say in response. 
“For the record, I also put new bed-sheets on and did the washing.. I know, I know, Dele Alli doing the washing, unheard of!” he made the joke so she didn’t have to, plonking her down on the bed and throwing a soft, warm t-shirt of his at her head. Her little giggle and smile let Dele know he did his job, all he ever wanted to do was make her smile, today and every day after that. 
As she fell asleep cuddled up on top of him that night he couldn’t help but take her all in again, she even looked a little bit lighter in her sleep, eyebrows held higher on her face, corners of her mouth turned up slightly, eyes not as scrunched up. She was a work of art, inside and out. Dele just wanted to make her feel as cared for as she made people in need feel every day, he properly adored her.
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Daily update of me :))
Apparently there’s this warden (forgot his name I don’t think we know his name) and like,,he used what the Elder One used to try and atop Bloom,,,bUT IT DIDNT WORK HAAA >:)))
SHDBWNW. HYDRA. These people were on a date or something in this place that leads to a dam (I’m very bad at remembering stuff I’m sorry) aND WE CAUGHT THEM AND THEYRE ALL EMBARRASSED I LOVE THIS-
Oop got a Solas cutscene but I know what it is👀👀his spirit friend is in trouble and we gotta save it👀👀. I know bc I looked up Solas scenes bc I’m Impatient™️ but I didn’t watch the whole thing so let’s see what happens >:)).
Solas is so unused to the idea of support and someone wanting to help him so it’s unnerving to him,,,god I love him and baby you’re gonna get used to me helping yOU >:))).
OKAY WOAH SOLAS TRIED TO KILL THEM (the mages) AND I HAD TO STOP HIMMM HNNNG. Solas’ scary side is showing and Umm👀👀.
Cole literally just asked Cassandra if she takes off her armor and talks to it,,,I love Cole so much🥺.
HmMmMM. Solas is just,,,not used to being supported and used to being on his own and I cANT WAIT TO KISS HIM AGAIN :))).
GOD,,,my hearts wants Cullen now :’’).
HMMM CASSANDRA FOUND OUT THAT VARRIC KNEW WHERE HAWKE WAS ALL THE TIME AND SHE GOT EMOTIONAL HYDRA😭😭. And now idk what to dOOO HMMMM. I don’t wanna take sides but I want Cassandra to like meeeee.
Wowwwe....the orlesian nobility looks down on Elves and I wanna fight them all😤.
Still doing the winter palace thing and Hydra I am stuck in Panik™️.
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natasha-lightwood · 4 years
(i hate this so much BUT here's 1.7k of carolmaria fluff, english isn't my first language so sorry for any mistakes, happy new year)
Maria was stressed. It was just a matter of time until she was gonna give birth to her daughter and the room wasn't ready yet.
The furniture should've been there two weeks before, but apparently the supplier had a problem and she was stuck with an empty room and a mental breakdown over fucking furniture.
Maybe she could convince Carol to go live in a cave. No one expected you to have furniture in a cave. Just something to make a fire. And a pillow.
If she didn't get her double leaf closet soon she might actually start to consider it.
"I can hear you thinking. I'm trying to watch TV" Carol said with a monotone voice.
Maria stopped pacing around the room to glare at her. She raised an eyebrow from her spot on the couch.
Stupid eloquent eyebrows
"This is a total tragedy," she declared
"You know this isn't healthy, right?"
"No, this is terrible, an absolute disgrace," she stressed "and you don't understand"
"I think you're overreacting" Carol shrugged.
Maria gave her a more vicious glare. If looks could kill. "I'm not overreacting," she hissed "it's you who can't see the problem, but sure blame it on the pregnancy hormones"
"It's just furniture!"
"It's not just the furniture!" she suddenly yelled. "It's the fact that I couldn't even give her a proper room. She isn't born yet and I'm already disappointing her" there were tears forming in the crinkle of her eyes, her voice a bit unsteady. She pressed her palms on her eyes and took two deep breaths. There was no more anger in her, at least not for Carol or the damn furniture supplier. She was just so tired.
All her fears, all the terrors she pushed down during the nine months were coming back and she couldn't breath, couldn't think about anything other than the fact that she was gonna give her daughter a lifetime of things not ready and not good enough (she was not enough) and that everyone - her mean colleagues, the other future moms at the prenatal course, her parents - were right all along and she was just blinded by her own egotistical desire of being a mother-
When she looked up, Carol had lost every trace of frustration and sarcasm and she was giving her that kind, concerned look destined just for vulnerable moments like that. Maria softened a bit too and she felt her heartbeat go slower. The effects those brown eyes had on her. It never ceased to amaze her.
"Come here," Carol whispered, patting the spot next to her lightly.
Maria managed to drag herself to the other part of the room and sit, slowly, carefully, next to her girlfriend. She was pretty agile even though it was her ninth month of pregnancy, but sitting and getting up still took effort.
Carol took her hand and kissed the back lightly, before starting to massage her shoulder blades. She knew exactly where Maria kept all the stress. Of course she knew.
Maria left out a pleased sigh while the other girl's thumbs moved in circles. She was so good at this, it was insane.
"There, relax, sweetheart" she pressed a soft kiss on Maria's temple.
"Now, want to tell me what is going on through your head?" she asked gently, not stopping her soothing movements.
"It's just- Carol I don't think I can be a good mother" she said
"Bullshit" she interrupted.
Maria shot her a warning glance and Carol offered an apologetic smile. She gestured for Maria to go on.
"This kid deserves someone who can give her anything she wants. She deserves not to wait. She deserves stability and safeness and a someone who isn't going to leave her in the middle of the night because of a life threatening mission. She deserves someone who can give her a good life, a normal life" the lump in her throat felt unbearable.
"Hey" Carol moved a lock of hair behind her ear "You're going to be a great mother. I know it, Maria. This kid," she laid her finger on Maria's belly lightly "Is going to grow up surrounded by love. We are going to give her so much love. And that's all she'll need to be happy"
Maria scoffed. "There's about 20 people I know that would disagree completely"
"Then I'll punch them all in the face" she stated. Just like that. As if it was the logical conclusion to someone making her feel unhappy. And she meant it. Maria couldn't help but think, this is the woman I wanna grow old with.
She was truly gone.
"Even my parents?" she asked weakly, with a sort of bitter humour. It was meant to be a joke. It didn't sound like it.
"Especially those fuckers" Carol said, with false innocence. She smacked her shoulder and shot her a disapproving glance, but the smile spreading on her face didn't make it look believable at all.
Her relationship with her parents had started to go downhill when Maria introduced Carol to them a second time, this time as her girlfriend and the woman she was gonna raise her daughter with. Her mother had cried. Her father had left the room without a word. Losing their approval and support had been an heavy blow, but they made their choice and she eventually came to peace with that. They loved her, but they didn't love all of her and there was no place for someone who couldn't accept the best thing that had ever happened to her in her life.
Carol had taken her on the top of a cliff that night and told her to scream in the void and wait for the echo.
"Say it. Come on. Scream it" she had asked, her eyes sparkling.
"I'm Maria Rambeau and every part of me is beautiful" she had said.
"Louder!" Carol had laughed.
"I'm Maria Rambeau and every part or me is beautiful!" this time, her fists had been clenched and her voice had not trembled.
When she looked up she noticed Carol had her brows furrowed and then her jaw set in that stubborn look of hers that meant whatever crazy, insane thing she was thinking of, she had already decided she was going to do that.
"Carol…?" she started
Carol suddenly got up with her shining eyes set on an undefined distant point. She looked at Maria.
"Wait here" she told her.
"Wait- what- where are you going?" Maria asked in disbelief.
"Just wait!" Carol yelled from the door before taking her coat and hurrying out of their shared house.
Maria continued to stare at the closed door.
Carol came back about an hour later, her cheeks rosy for the cold weather and her hands behind her back.
"Where the hell were you?" Maria asked, too confused by her girlfriend's behavior to be annoyed.
Carol's eyes were full of excitement while she revealed what she was hiding.
She squinted. "A bucket of paint?" this really didn't answer any of the thousand questions in her mind. She was getting less and less sure of Carol's mental stability. Maybe she had the flu and was being delirious. Her cheeks were rosy after all.
"I-- I thought that maybe you'd like to paint her room. To feel useful. So it wouldn't feel so empty. We can do it. Together"
Maria gaped at her for a solid minute and Carol's expression started falling. "O-or not. If you don't want to" her smile twitched nervously "I should have asked you first, I know, but you know how impulsive I am, I just thought maybe- actually, scratch that, it was a stupid idea I don't-"
Maria crossed the room in a heartbeat and threw her hands around Carol's neck, almost spilling some paint. In all honesty, she couldn't care less if she stained the fucking parquet in that moment.
"Thank you," she whispered "Thank you so much" her voice was breaking and she was trying to communicate the utter adoration she felt with her hug as if the proximity of their heart made it possible for her emotions to go directly into Carol's, but it wasn't enough, nothing would never be enough to make her understand how much Maria loved her.
"So" she wiped the tears at the corner of her eyes "let's get to work"
Two hours later she stood proudly in front of the blue-painted wall and she was so lost admiring her work that she missed Carol's mischievous grin.
Fatal mistake.
She gaped at the blue stain on her shirt and then raised her head, a devilish smirk replacing the former surprised expression.
"Oh, you want war?" she picked up the paint brush from where she left it in the bucket "then war it is!" she threw some paint straight on Carol's face who gasped in mock-outrage, bringing a hand to her chest to add to her dramatic act.
They went like this for a while, until Maria suddenly realized how to get the upper hand.
She let the paintbrush fall on the floor and picked up the whole bucket instead, advancing threateningly, batting her eyelashes in faux innocence at Carol.
"No. No, no, no" she backed up quickly.
"Not so bold now, are we?" she asked when Carol's back touched the wall she held up her hands in a pacifying gesture and Maria poured the whole bucket's content on her, painting her blue from head to toe.
Everything was quiet for a moment until Carol opened her eyes. She still had that smirk on your face.
"Hug me, Maria" she made grabby hands at her and tried to catch her while Maria ran away giggling.
"Hug meeeee!" she sing-songed until she managed to reach her and hold her tight.
A moment later they were both on the floor, and indecent amount of blue paint covering their bodies and they were laughing like they haven't done in a really long time, getting the floor all messy, a mess they would have to clean up later.
Maria thought that, if someone asked her where she wanted to be, the only answer she'd be able to give would be: right here, right now, with her.
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danetobelieve · 4 years
Merder, She Wrote || Sera and Winston
After everything that had happened, after the endless night and the vampire attack that had put Ricky in hospital and was going to leave Winston with a very nasty scar on their shoulder. Todd had been bragging to them about this awesome warehouse rave near Finney Docks, they said that the building was literally on the waterfront and that it was going to be the event of the century. Winston wasn’t usually the druggy type, they weren’t really the drinky type either. But tonight, tonight they needed to let loose and forget some of the shit that had happened recently. As they stood waiting for Sera, they watched the frost of their breath expand in front of them. Spotting a figure in the distance, they assumed it must be her and started over towards her. “Sera?” they asked, curious if they were wrong. 
Part of Sera hadn’t expected Winston to actually come up with any party plans that would interest her. But a warehouse rave? Oh, she’d be an idiot to say no to that one. Even a bad rave was a good time. For her, anyway. People got stupid at these things. Vulnerable. So if at any point she was ready to go, she could always muscle a loopy human from the crowd and salvage the night that way. And with the party by the docks? Sera made a point to be on time for this one, practically skipping as she found the two young things standing around. “The one and only,” she grinned widely, pointing their way. “You must be Winston?” She nodded, though her eyebrow lifted slightly when she looked over at his friend. “And you must be the famous Todd your pal here keeps boasting about.” She could practically feel the thumping bass from where they stood. “You foxy friends sure you can keep up in there?” She teased, nodding towards the warehouse. “Last chance to back out.”
Winston pulled off their glasses almost habitually and scrubbed their lenses clean. “Yeah, that’s me.” They smiled, shocked at the fact this was really happening. This really was outside of their comfort zone, but then again they had done plenty of other things in the last few months that were outside of their normal experience. Maybe this was no different. Hopefully nothing went wrong. It’d be nice to have a night free of anything too lethal. Todd nodded and made their introductions before smiling gently. “No, I’m definitely going, there’s no backing out now.” They didn’t give themselves a chance to leave and headed towards the warehouse entrance where there were two very large bouncers that Winston decided they weren’t going to piss off. Flashing them their ticket, they waited patiently for the bouncers to pat them down before slipping inside the club. Turning to Todd and Sera, they tried to make themselves heard over the boom of the music, “I’m going to find the bar.” 
There was just something in the way that Winston carried themself—the nervous-like cleaning of their glasses, for example—that told Sera this was, in fact, their first rodeo. That was fine. She had no trouble showing these two kids how it was done. Winston especially looked a hair more unsure of themselves, despite their strong words. “Let’s shake our groove thangs then, shall we?” She took a good long sip of the flask hidden in her boot before they went in. Dark, loud, sweaty. Everything a good rager should be. She was nodding along, one hand already in the air as she followed behind Winston. “First round’s on me!” She shouted, ordering up whatever bright neon drinks they were serving. Didn’t ask, didn’t matter. She just paid and received. That’s how this worked. She handed two each off to the other two in her group. One in each hand, she shouted loud again, a bright grin on her face. “To new friends! And this killer party!”
At the bar, Winston had already order themselves a drink before Sera came and ordered everyone a frankly disproportionate amount of alcohol. But considering that Winston had just finished the majority of what had been a very strong but also very small drink, they weren’t complaining. “Fuck yes!” they exclaimed slightly unsure of what they were actually meant to say here but there was something about the music, about the thrum of the bass, about the movement of the crowd, about the beat, about the tightness and how closely they were all packed into a single hot and humid space, it was invigorating and by the time that Winston had finished one drink, their second and third neon drink had been swallowed as well. Winston was purchasing themselves new drinks and pushing them into Sera’s hand as they danced. This was amazing. They’d never felt so free. They’d been clubbing, but this was something else entirely. The setting, the music, the people. The carefreeness of it all was more then enough to hook Winston in. “This isn’t really my thing,” they admitted but after everything that had happened they were really starting to re-examine what was acutally their thing, “but this is really fucking awesome.”
It hadn’t taken nearly as long as Sera had thought they would to ease into the flow of the evening, but it happened. This was one of her favorite kinds of evenings. Just completely losing herself into the music, the booze, the feeling. Hopping around with a bunch of sweaty humans wasn’t the best part but it was the fluidity, the life. And sure, maybe it was a little bit of whatever that babe in the bathroom had given her, but the colors were far fuckin’ out too. She couldn’t help but laugh out at Winston’s confession. So innocent, so sweet. “Hell yeah!” She laughed, jumping in time with the music. When did she put those neon rings around her wrists? There were so many too. She laughed, taking a quick look at the time. Shit. Party was almost over. How long had they been dancing? She found Todd and tugged him closer to where she and Winston were dancing. “Alright, alright. Show’s almost over. But--” that devilish grin returned as she yelled over the music once more. “One more shot for the road? Yeah?”
It had certainly been an evening, Winston was drenched in sweat and they weren’t entirely sure that it was all their own. But the boom and thud of the music and the twang of the bassline were more then enough to keep them from caring. They’d lost Todd and Sera several times throughout the evening and Todd had even convinced them to try something new. They weren’t normally like this but with everything that had happened they had found themselves barely hesitating. As the night clearly wound towards its end however, Winston was gathered alongside their friend for a final drink. Wiping sweat from their forehead, they grasped the neon drink and nodded. “One more shot for the road,” they affirmed already planning their next trip in their head, “but we’re definitely going to have to come back soon.” If they were going to have to deal with vampires, zombies and werewolves, not to mention everything else that was probably worse that they didn’t yet know about. Then they would also have to find new ways to enjoy their down time. Right? 
Sera couldn’t stop grinning at Winston. The world was bright and colorful and spinning but despite her initial reservations, she did have a good ass time. “That’s the spirit, dude!” She wrapped an arm around Winston’s shoulder, facing towards Todd and the circle the three of them made. Held up her drink and downed it quickly, then tossed the shot glass behind her. It shattered loudly behind the bar and instantly there was a bouncer coming at them. “Maybe just not here specifically,” she laughed, shoving Winston and Todd along as she bolted for the door and out into the cool night air. She stopped running when they were far away enough, so close they could almost touch the docks. Fuck. She was starving, she suddenly realized, casting a long, flirty smirk at Todd. She plopped into the soft earth, dizzy and out of breath. “What a night,” she grinned, pointing to Winston. “You’re much cooler than you look, my new funky friends.”
In their life, Winston was certain that they had never thrown anything glass. But here they were doing it. Following Sera’s example (something that they would have never considered if they were sober) they chucked the shot glass over their shoulder, grinned and bolted away from the bouncer. Normally they would’ve been wrapped up in panic about CCTV catching them and whether this could get them in trouble with the internship, but they weren’t thinking about that now and as they bolted from the rave, Winston gazed into the still night. They weren’t sure what time it was and they weren’t sure exactly where they were, but as they followed suit and collapsed onto the ground and Winston took a few breaths as the world spun around them, they were enjoying themselves. They missed the smirk between Todd and Sera, leaning back their head settling into the dirt. “Fuck meeeee,” they groaned with ectasy, “this was really something, you really weren’t kidding when you said that you knew how to have a good time.”
Another laugh burst from the blonde and Sera turned to watch Winston struggle in the dirt beside her. “Oh, I don’t kid about a good time,” she smirked, resting her head in her hand. “You’re not gonna get sick on me now, are you? Because that’s gonna kill the vibe, bruh.” Still a little dizzy, still a lot drunk, but after a few failed attempts she giggled her way to a standing position one more time. “Are we done partying for the night? Or—I know a gal who could probably get us into some of the after hours bars in town.” She held out her hand to help Winston up, raising a brow. “What do you say, kid? Wanna keep this party train rollin’?”
Glancing at their watch, Winston frowned as they realised what the time was. They were starting to feel more and more drunk, or were they just tired. They didn’t know but they knew that they didn’t want to find out, because they definitely didn’t want to make a mess. “I don’t think I’m going to be sick, but if I keep going then I definitely will be.” Winston had lied to Nic about having an iron stomach and then been very sick, this situation was completely different but they weren’t about to make the same mistake. “I admit that I’ve lost this challenge, you win, you’re more experienced and hardcore.” They grinned at her and glanced at Todd who seemed to be in a bit of a better state. “I think Todd is ready to keep going,” they tottered to their feet and pointed finger guns at their friend who returned the gesture and made some vague promise about how they were going to keep partying till the early hours of the morning. Sometimes being sensible was difficult.
The band was breaking up and Sera could sense an opening here. With her biggest, proudest grin of the night, she gave Winston a curt bow. “Thank you, thank you. Love hearing you finally admit I’m better than you,” she teased gleefully. Fuck, there went her stomach again. She’d eaten plenty but this always happened when she went as hard as she did tonight. “Further proof, right there.” She rolled her eyes at their fingergunning bromance moment. Slipped her arm through Todd’s as they started moving towards the road. Other party goers were trickling out of the warehouse, neon painted body parts speckled across the street back into town. “So you’re out, Winnie? You’re suuuure?” She waggled her eyebrows. 
Winston really did consider keeping the party going. There was potential for so much fun yet to be had, but their eyes were getting heavy, their limbs felt tired and it looked like Todd and Sera were about to become much better acquainted then Winston would’ve known was possible. “I am not so full of hubris that I cannot admit when I have been bested by a worthy opponent,” Winston chuckled before shaking their head, “I’m sure, I’m sure, I’m getting an uber home and I am going to try and sleep until my head stops spinning so violently.” Giving a vague wave, Winston turned and began to join the stream of people exiting the warehouses. 
Sera feigned a pout as Winston disappeared into the stream of tired drunks on their wayward journey home. Soon enough she’d be one of them, sure, but the night was fae from over for her. For Todd? She cast a glance his way. He seemed like a cute, personable guy. And sure, they’d had a good ass time tonight. But the boy was human. And that’s where her loyalties instantly severed. Her stomach growled. Taking his hand, she started backtracking towards the dark waters below the docks, making sure to stay out of sight of the others around them. “On second thought,” she tilted her head, tugging him along. “What do you say we go for a swim?”
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thefudge · 4 years
any trash songs that are dear to you, dr. fudge? especially that go well with trashy ships hehe
sorry for replying eons later 
well, this question has the power to truly Expose™ me on the first day of Christmas, but… here goes nothing
i think ppl expect me to respond with something like “tear you apart” from she wants revenge, which is a great song! but i’m afraid i’m going to have to take you back to the ye olde days and show you what really embarrassing, early ‘00s trash sounded like. 
first, a few concessions: 
 trash by suede and poison by alice cooper are 80s/90s classics of the “you’re bad for me but i can’t help it” dynamic. but they’re too classy for this list. there’s not gonna be any Divine on this list, no 80s late-disco jams, no “west end girls” by pet shop boys, no britney doing “toxic” or “momma i’m in love with a criminal”, no christina aguilera wrestling in the mud while singing about being “dirty”, no baz luhrmann-esque “lady marmalade”. that’s all great. it’s just not this list.
 you also won’t find any my chemical romance, panic at the disco, evanescence, papa roach, marilyn manson etc. because they weren’t part of my trash experience. i mean they were there in the background, i was aware of them (and who hasn’t watched edits with “bring me to life”? don’t lie…)… and they’re kind of similar to what i have here, but they weren’t the trash i was particularly attuned to (plus, manson can choke).  
some other exclusions: i remember the original p&p edits back in 2005 had all of these “cuz there’s you and me and all other people” songs that were really wonderful, cheesy, shippy songs. but that’s…not this list (although that would make a great list too! remind me to do that one too!) 
i once got a message about how “mr. brightside” by the killers would make a great song for a bonkai edit, and…i like the killers just fine, and that’s a great song, but…no. this list ain’t that. 
the trash here is not trash on purpose, it’s not tongue-in-cheek, it’s not a “steamy hot mess”, it’s just…really bad and angsty and earnest and totally committed to the “no one understands me (but you)” vibe that a lot of early ‘00s trash ships fostered. 
1. cold by crossfade - back in the late ‘00s, you couldn’t find an anime AMV that didn’t have this song in the background, ESPECIALLY if your male character was a murderous, brooding (secretly soft) boi who disdained the female sex because “feelings are weakness” or something. it was baaaad, but it’s a nostalgic fave.  the whole song is basically about how that arrogant, cold guy who’s shunned you and treated you badly was secretly into you all this time. yeaahhhh. (i remember this song was also popular with m/m ships because you had that classic dynamic where one of the guys was still in denial about his “gay” feelings. god i miss 2006.)
2. vermilion pt. 2 by slipknot - another 2005/2006 era song that capitalizes on the bad guy/good girl trope where she’s too “good” for the brooding antihero, but he can’t help but ruin her. or something. it’s soooo angsty. it has the great, eerie feeling of a doomed romance which was also definitely written by teenagers. i love it. 
3. i hate everything about you by three days grace - obviously, you can’t leave out the big dick energy song. 
4. anything by nine inch nails’ 2000-2010 period, but especially “fragile” and “we’re in this together now”, because they’re very much trashy power couple aesthetics, but also aaaaangsssst. “fragile” always cracks me up because it’s basically that one direction song about how the girl doesn’t know she’s beautiful, except it’s alternative rock and trent reznor is screaming about how he has to save this beautiful, pure soul from the corruption of the world. (for anyone expecting “closer”, that’s a great song…but i said real, embarrassing trash).
5. vampire heart by HIM - because OF COURSE. 2006 me was LIVING for Vampire Hunter D AMVs. that iconic line “love me like you love the sun” POETRY OKAY. another fave line has to be “you can’t escape the wrath of my heart”….like, whew, what a badass. 
6. hate me by blue october - AAAANGST. aaaaaaaaaangst. maybe the apogee of late ‘00s cheesy alternative rock. but probably not. there’s always one that goes harder. this list, unfortunately, is 90% this genre because they really SLAPPED when you put them together with trashy ships okayyyyy there was an innocence and earnestness that the ‘post-9/11 iraq invasion’ atmosphere really captured. 
7. let me go by 3 doors down - see, i was wrong, THIS is the apogee. “you love meeeee, but you don’t know who i aaaaaam” belts the lead singer of this oft-forgotten band aaaaand 15-year old me screamed yaaaaaaaaas
8. pieces by sum 41 - WRONG AGAIN. IT’S THIS ONE. the anime AMVs…my god….i can even tell you, beat by beat where the angsty edits happened depending on the breaks in the song.
9. sour girl by stone temple pilots -  “bad” boy waxing about how he’s ruined a good girl? check. super Extra lyrics that go “what would you do? what would you do if i followed you?” check. sarah michelle gellar/buffy being a dark goth muse for the tormented bad boy? triple check!!
10. hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me by U2 - i meaaaaaaan. it’s in the title. 10-year old me WAS LIVING. this is THE batman song, and if there’s a god, it will be featured in the upcoming robert pattinson movie. ppl wanna say this song is more of the “trash on purpose” variety, but i don’t think so. i think joel schumacher plays this dead straight (and “batman forever”, while being one of the cheesiest movies ever made, takes itself extremely serious). 
11. insatiable by darren hayes - finally breaking away from the alt rock scene a bit for this one. ppl who are now trying to make this song “respectable” and classify it as sweet 00s nostalgia are WRONG. everything about this song is convoluted and overly wrought and pitch perfect, even the fact that you would never believe that this waspy blond dude in the music video has anything to do with the actual song.  
12. behind blue eyes by limp bizkit - don’t look at meeeee. this is basically a meme song. the band itself turned out to be dumpster fire and fred durst is…blehh. but this song stiiiiiill slaps, i have the courage to say it.  the video definitely helps, i mean u got that trashy dynamic of prisoner/guardian @___@ and halle berry @___@. half-naked fred durst kinda ruins it, but it’s still got its charm. 
13. i have to include some linkin’ park songs here at the end and i’m choosing the ones that were trashiest to me and that’s gotta be “one step closer” and “somewhere i belong”  because they were always juxtaposed with villain/heroine ships in edits, and i remember fanfic authors would use them in songfics. “in the end” and “numb” are waaaayyy too classy.
additional “kinda too good for this list” rec:  the entire Queen of the Damned soundtrack, but especially “slept so long”, “system” and “before i’m dead” and really ALL the songs.
this disaster list could definitely go on (i’m sure u guys can pitch in. and hey, i might be persuaded to do part 2) but imma stop here before i lose my last shred of credibility on this website lol. k byeeeeeee
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chubbyooo · 4 years
Blurred Lines: Cursed Past Chapter 75 - Drayen and Zandar
hey all sorry for the break the writers block hit me bad
Risha and Gacen reunited discuss where they’ve been and where they’re going
Gacen was tired out to say the least, he sat up to see Risha had gotten up and was walking towards a very ornate wardrobe “man should we like uh get separated for 8 more years because ‘I haven’t seen you in 8 years and I’ve just spent the last few months looking for you sex is amazing” Risha chuckled as she took two robes out of the wardrobe
She turned raising her eyebrow “don’t you dare Zandar I’m not letting you out of my sight” Gacen smiled that was fair, Risha tossed a robe towards him “come on we actually should talk and catch up” Gacen caught the robe and smirked at her
He chuckled “that’s what you said the last 5 times” Risha rolled her eyes at him gesturing for him to get up
Risha tried to look annoyed but Gacen could tell she was happy “I know but seriously come on” Gacen nodded putting on the robe and as he did he realised it was red
He frowned “Did you have a custom robe ready for me Rish?” Gacen watched as Risha turned red not making eye contact
She brushed her hair out her eyes “uh well um I assumed you would get here eventually and…” she continued to stammer
Gacen smiled walking up to her “you’re so sentimental it’s gross” Risha frowned at him she may not have missed the incessant teasing but she was getting it 
Risha smiled “shut up or I’ll divorce you” Gacen chuckled yeah right evidence said otherwise
Gacen pulled her close “not if I divorce you first Rish” they chuckled and shared a quick kiss, before Risha led him out of her bed chambers
Risha continued “so I have one million questions for you and I assume you have the same for me?” Gacen nodded it would be good to clear the air on what had gone on
Gacen folded his arms “sure but you go first I think you’ve earned it” Risha smiled but that smile quickly turned to rage as Gacen felt a sharp slap across his cheek
Risha let out a breath “ok I’ve been holding that in for a while that is for not keeping your promise and coming back” Gacen nodded rubbing his cheek that was kinda fair enough
Gacen had somehow missed that “yep that’s about fair” suddenly he was taken much more by surprise as Risha pulled him into a tight hug
Risha rested her head on Gacen’s chest and let out a sigh of relief “and that’s for coming back” Gacen felt a tightness in his chest as he held her running his hand through her longer hair
Gacen chuckled “I thought the continuous doing it was for coming back” Risha chuckled running her hands along his back 
She grinned “yeah that too, but you know I uh I missed you more than I was really willing to admit” Gacen nodded he’d always known Risha as quite guarded this probably took a lot of willpower
Gacen smiled “yeah me too Rish” he decided to lighten the mood “wow you’re going soft Drayen being so sweet and all” Risha shook her head with a frown
Risha moved her hands down “wanna test that theory” Gacen shrunk down a little shaking his head, finally she let him go “so what happened to you I looked everywhere and I couldn’t find you and believe me I was thorough” Gacen imagined that question had infuriated her
Gacen recalled that time vaguely, mainly through Ash “well I believe I was in a secret sector on Belsavis” Gacen saw Risha grit her teeth clearly frustrated by that knowledge
She let out an exasperated sigh “I swear I looked everywhere on that planet my intel must've been bullshit” Gacen stepped back a bit seeing the anger
Gacen tried his best to calm her “I don’t think anyone would’ve known about it, it was a top secret prison made by the Emperor himself; used those Rakatatanana telly-porter thingies” none of what he just said sounded right but Risha seemed to calm down a little. Gacen continued “I was broken out by Ash about 1-2 years ago I dunno, she’d been broken out to help that SIS agent break out the jedi” Risha frowned looking confused 
She rubbed her chin “Babe I haven’t seen any of these people in 8 years you’re gonna have to get simpler with your descriptions” Gacen nodded trying to simplify as best he could
He frowned “uh the spiky haired guy with cybernetic implants and the blue togruta” a look of recognition came over her face
Risha nodded “ah yes those two, not my favourite people” Gacen nodded knowing why “you said that was a year or two ago what have you been doing since” Gacen gritted his teeth this was a lot less flattering
Gacen held his neck “well after I got out I looked you up but couldn’t find anything and it seemed like I’d been removed from the holonet” Risha’s eyes widened clearly following Gacen’s train of thought “I uh I didn’t take it well” Risha looked away clearly feeling bad
Risha took his hand “I uh I had to I wanted to protect you from, my people they uh they’ve gotten worse” Gacen nodded holding her hand tight
Gacen sighed “I know don’t worry it makes sense now but then I just took it” he paused “well it was bad let’s just say that” Risha folded her arms looking at him
She cocked her head “let me guess booze?” Gacen nodded looking away “I’ll check your coat for flasks later” Gacen knew she didn’t know all his hiding spots so he should be good
Gacen reassured her “It’s actually ok now Ash helped me get past it” he paused maybe he should’ve mentioned that “oh yeah Ash has been traveling with me I dunno if you noticed her when I arrived” Risha shook her head smirking at him
She traced her finger across his chest “I’m afraid I was a little distracted by this” Gacen chuckled before Risha continued “If she got you here I guess I can forgive her for losing you” Gacen shuddered, he’d been worried Risha would blame Ash. She frowned “come to think of it how did you get here I was meticulous in the covering my tracks” Gacen smiled obviously not careful enough
Gacen smiled “I guess I’m ju-” Risha cut him off
She raised her eyebrow “Ash found some clues didn’t she?” Gacen narrowed his eyes
He frowned “not all of them I found some too” Risha gave a sarcastic nod “look basically some Dubrillion dickweeds were like ‘do you know where Drayen is we’re too stupid to find her ourselves’ so I was like ‘you can shove it dickweeds’ and followed the lead of a bounty hunter who they’d sent to find you” Risha folder her arms and sighed
She questioned “was it Amy?” Gacen nodded with a smile “did she betray you?” Gacen gritted his teeth she never trusted Amy
He stammered “well yes but then she saved us afterwards so no harm done” Risha looked completely unconvinced “hey without her sidekick Mako we never would’ve seen where you’d gone” Risha conceded gesturing for him to continue “we went to the old Rancors base and found your secret hanger cause we’re great, we stole a camera and confirmed it was you” Risha sighed putting her head in her hand
She responded “let me guess, you looked for the Mon Cal who would stand out” Gacen had promised Guss he wouldn’t say but it seemed like that was out the window, he nodded “I told them over and over record him as a human but nooooo it’s against ‘protocol’” Gacen chuckled the great Risha Drayen foiled by bureaucracy
Gacen joked “hey without him I wouldn’t be here so no harm done” Risha conceded giving him a smile “from then we just followed the hyperlane on dantooine to a good hiding place” he looked around “This place is brilliant by the way no one but your husband could find you here” Risha smiled looking around “ I also noticed it was red and black how sentimental” Risha rolled her eyes
She shook her head “those are the colours of Dubrillion dumbass don’t let your ego fool you” Gacen sulked maybe so but it was convenient
Gacen folded his arms “so you’re really going for Dubrillion huh?” he’d never doubted she’d go for it eventually
Risha looked away “well yeah I’m uh am trying to, after I gave up the search for you I decided I couldn’t keep putting it off” Gacen nodded he got it there’s some things you just need to do “but any time I tried to start a revolution Actavarus would do unspeakable things as long as there was any trace of my involvement just to make me stop, he’d level cities to keep me away” she looked down clearly shaken “I could deal with the assassins but the needless killing of my people it’s just…” Gacen could see her getting emotional 
He pulled her into a hug “hey hey hey he’s a massive tool believe me I know too, so that’s why you had to operate from the shadows?” she nodded Gacen could feel she had begun to cry “well don’t worry cause now I’m here we’re gonna show that tool who’s boss, with our combined talents he doesn’t stand a chance” Risha looked up at him wiping the tears out her eyes
She smiled “so you’re gonna help me?” Gacen frowned, was that ever in doubt?
He smiled “of course Rish, you let me go running after my family it’s only fair I let you do the same” he chuckled looking at the base “I mean you’re doing pretty well so far, you have a secret base and now a kickass agent ready to recruit” Risha frowned at him with a smirk
She responded “have you already convinced Ash to help?” Gacen gasped that’s not what he meant
He frowned “no I mean meeeee Risha jeez” Risha was smiling at him “oh right you’re making fun of me” she nodded “well we’re both here to help, she literally lives to help people I doubt it’d be hard to convince her.” he looked around the base again “what built this place droids?” Risha nodded leading him through the base which was really more like a holiday home
She answered “yep I bought a bunch of unlicensed droids brought em out here and used that yacht for transportation, as of a few weeks ago we finally have a relay to the outside world and everything is ready and in place” Risha paused “I didn’t expect it to take 6ish years but patience is a virtue now we can finally start taking Actavarus down” Gacen had to admit he was very impressed 
He smiled “seems like me and Ash got here at just the right time” Gacen’s eyes widened suddenly “oh shit” Risha turned to him confused
Risha questioned “um what?” 
Gacen had just realised “we left Guss and Ash outside” Risha’s eyes widened too they must’ve been out there for hours
Gacen looked around “where’s my coat?” he had no idea where he’d left it
Risha chuckled “honey that’s really anyone's guess” she had a point he should go and let them in then they could come up with a plan for taking Dubrillion, or maybe just have drinks depending on the vibe...
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