#if you see me in a specific tag you don’t want to see whump writing in
whumpacabra · 8 months
There’s a post going around recently about how the whump community tags for disabled characters and I…have to disagree with its main point.
Simply tagging a post with ‘disabled whumpee’ does not give me enough information to know if a fic will be validating or triggering for me. I need more specific tags to filter out my squicks and triggers, and to identify posts of interest. Specific tags are the keystone of a community that specifically talks about potentially triggering or upsetting content.
For example, I like reading stories with characters that use prostheses and mobility aids. I find these stories relatable and validating as someone with both! But should those posts simply be tagged ‘disabled whumpee’ because it might conflict with the other users of the mobility aids and prostheses tags? I can only find out the nature of the whumpee’s disability by reading, and a negative outcome can at best turn out to be a waste of time or at worst deeply upsetting.
Cancer is a difficult topic for me given my past and current experiences with it. I have the cancer tag and a dozen variants of it blocked. Of course, people on tumblr with cancer or talking about their experiences with it use that tag to talk about it. If someone is writing about a character who has or had cancer, but only tags for ‘disabled whumpee’ I won’t know that I’m getting into a story that will cause me great distress.
I’m disabled. I have severe nerve damage, limited mobility, chronic pain, a plethora of other medical bullshit, and my condition is progressive. Whump is part of how I’ve been learning to deal with and process my struggles, and part of that involves writing and reading about disability in whump.
Do I just block all ‘disabled whumpee’ content and never know if I’m clicking on a story I’ll find relatable and validating or if I’m clicking on a story that will upset me so badly I won’t use tumblr for a few days? No - I block specific tags and specific blogs as necessary. The idea that we should stop using specific tags, when writing about a specific condition or disease, to put everything under one vague blanket is naive at best and dangerous at worst.
I understand the frustration of seeing posts you don’t want to see in a specific tag (the number of x reader headcanon blogs for fandoms I’ve never heard of that I’ve had to block when trying to browse is ridiculous). But at the end of the day if those posts are tagged appropriately (ie. not crosstagged spam in violation of the TOS) you just do what you always do for something you don’t want to see on this site: blacklist, block, and move on.
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febuwhump · 5 months
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this year's prompts were chosen through a suggestion poll (in which we recevied 2,281 prompts) and a subsequent vote, where over 1,000 people voted for their favourites. the top 29 make up the core prompts, and a mixture of the next most popular - and this blog's personal favourites - have become the alternates
i’m so excited to see what you all create with these prompts, and hope they’re inspiring enough to trigger a whole month’s worth of creativity for you! if you have any questions, please check out the blog's faq before sending an ask, or check out the previously asked questions on the blog!
please note: this year, notifying the blog of completionist status will happen through a google form that will be released closer to the end of febuwhump.
full write-up of prompts and rules under the cut:
DAY 1: helpless
DAY 2: solitary confinement
DAY 3: "bite down on this"
DAY 4: obedience
DAY 5: rope burns
DAY 6: "you lied to me"
DAY 7: suffering in silence
DAY 8: "why won't it stop?"
DAY 9: bees
DAY 10: killing in self defence
DAY 11: time loop
DAY 12: semi-conscious
DAY 13: "you weren't supposed to get hurt"
DAY 14: blood-stained tiles
DAY 15: "who did this to you?"
DAY 16: came back wrong
DAY 17: hostage situation
DAY 18: too weak to move
DAY 19: "please don't"
DAY 20: truth serum
DAY 21: unresponsive
DAY 22: "you weren't meant to be there"
DAY 23: presumed dead
DAY 24: "i'm doing this because i care about you"
DAY 25: waterboarding
DAY 26: "help them"
DAY 27: left for dead
DAY 28: "no... not like this"
DAY 29: not allowed to die
is there a specific day’s prompt you don’t want to fill? here are ten alternatives you can switch them out for!
ALT 1: human shield
ALT 2: "i love you"
ALT 3: found footage
ALT 4: human weapon
ALT 5: cpr
ALT 6: immortality
ALT 7: last words
ALT 8: killing game
ALT 9: lightning strike
ALT 10: last man standing
prompts should be answered in the form of whump
creators can produce whatever kind of media they want
you don’t have to complete all the prompts! you can create however much you want to
you can use the prompts after the event ends and can complete them in tandem with any other event
you can post on any platform you want, however this blog will only be sharing those posted on tumblr
if you want to be featured on the hall of fame then you have until the 3rd of March to inform this blog that you completed all the days
if you have questions consult the faq before asking
HARD RULES: (specifically for being featured on the blog)
when uploading febuwhump content to tumblr, please use the tags:
febuwhump (i’ll also be checking febuwhump2024)
the relevant day’s tag e.g. febuwhumpday1, febuwhumpday2…
nsfw (if relevant)
and any trigger warnings that may be important!
you can also tag the blog, @febuwhump
i cannot guarantee your work will be archived on the blog because I have no idea how many participants there will be. a random selection of works tagged in accordance to the rules above will be reblogged every day of february.
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hurt-over-comfort · 2 months
Whump introduction!
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I figured I was due for a blog introduction!
Welcome, call me J or Jay! I had this blog for quite some time, but it was dormant for most of its lifespan. Well, time for a change! I want to be more active in the community and I would love to show you some of the things I’m working on. :) 
I both write and draw, but you’re going to see me post my drawings more often than my drabbles because I don’t feel too confident in my writing yet. (but it’s getting better!)
As for the actual content, I have two main whump stories that I will be posting about, one of which I'm hoping to turn into a webcomic/book in the future. (hopeful thinking…) I also have several related AUs because I cannot be helped. 
If I were to describe my whump taste, I would say it’s for the impulsive, visceral and emotional. My focus is usually on realism, mutually abusive and obsessive relationships, love mixed with hatred, emotional torture, and so on! I love to write stories about toxic, doomed, all consuming love, where both parties make each other worse but cannot resist the pull of each other. 
Some of my favorite tropes include: 
emotional whump
whumper turned whumpee  and whumpee turned whumper 
hurt no comfort (as you might have guessed)
defiant whumpee
masochistic whumpees
whumper caretakers
unhealthy devotion to whumper
drowning, choking 
Lastly: not all, but some of my content will be NSFW and might include noncon, which I will tag!
That’s all for now! The next thing I post will be an OC introduction post where I delve a bit deeper into the specifics of my characters and the story they inhabit, so stay tuned! Thank you for reading and have a good day <3
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the-depths-au · 5 months
*this post continues heavy totk spoilers
How did it start?
A lot of people started posting some really cool art of a TotK ending where Zelda returns as a hybrid dragon creature thing. I saw a few that called it a “bad” ending and I noticed she was often portrayed with dominantly human-features just like, with horns or a tail, or the purple eyes, etc. I love to play video games(clearly) and I enjoy the challenge of seeing various endings, not just “secret endings” (think Heavy Rain, Until Dawn, The Witcher 3, Drakengard- anyone else play this?) I got to thinking about how her coming back didn’t really like a true “bad ending”. To me, a bad ending, really, would be one in which she didn’t get to magically, miraculously come back in any form. A bad ending to me would be Mineru’s warning held true. And in doing so, it would become The Legend of Zelda because she becomes the stuff of myths. Of true Legend. Fulfilling destiny (botw-era and the series as a whole). My brain sort of took off from there regarding the implications this would have on Hyrule and specially, our boy Link.
How could you! A Bad ending? Is this story at least hurt and eventual comfort??? Does it have a happy ending??
I could tag this hurt and comfort, but usually people who read these types of stories have certain expectations of what “comfort” is (and that’s okay!). Same with a “happy” ending. I don’t need stories to be wrap up in a bow with warmth to enjoy them. Honestly, some of the stories that have touched me the most over the years have had “sad” endings/negative character arcs/tragedy. That being said, I don’t particularly enjoy pure whump, either. What I feel is most important and what I am to do with this story, is to make any suffering meaningful. With purpose. And hopefully- maybe- you’ll see the “comfort” that is possible even in these types of stories.
Wait! So Zelda remains a dragon?
Yes. They defeat the demon dragon. Rauru and Sonia appear in a silent thanks, then they disappear and Link falls from the sky alone into the water. The Light Dragon continues along in her flight above him.
Link is also the only one who can see/has ever seen the Light Dragon.
Are there any other major changes from TotK?
It follows the game pretty closely. It’s just hard to say exactly what is in this story from TotK because there is just so much. In BotW, I headcanon Link took his time. He doesn’t remember anything. He is alone, lost, and the world is a vast, broken place. Therefore, it is plausible/ realistic in my head for all the side questions to be done prior to the ending being reached. In TotK, especially with the headcanon he and Zelda were together in the time between BotW and TotK, I had a hard time imagining Link would waste much time on anything unnecessary to save Zelda. So, with this in mind, I’ve had to justify the side questions to include in the story. Link’s journey is a bit different than my own. Whereas I actually spent 80% of my playthrough exploring the depths, this Link only went down when necessary. Meaning many of the lightroots have not been unlocked and he only has part of the armor of the depths. In the Linktober and the early concept, he has the entire set but this has been changed for the main comic.
How far after the events of TotK does this take place?
Five years.
Is it completely planned out?
Yes. I have a complete rough story outline done. It’s 17 chapters. I am anticipating some editing as I go, but regardless, it’s a big project. A huge shout out to @zeldaelmo and @fioreofthemarch for helping me get the story set. They are both phenomenal writers for the LoZ fandom so be sure to check them out!
What happened to the comic?
I made the decision to tell this story (initially) in writing. I have a very specific style in mind for this story as a full comic and honestly, I just don't feel like my artistic ability and overall proficiency is where I want it to be at this time. I'm still learning! I will be continuing to post art, concept art, and some comic panels here as I go and eventually, I would love to adapt the story into a full comic, but for now, I'll be telling the main story in writing.
How long have you been drawing?
I’ve been drawing all my life. Just for fun, although I took a few classes in school. Digitally, self-taught, since fall 2022. Still very new to this with lots to learn! I have a minor in creative writing and feel much more confident and comfortable with that.
Feel free to send me a DM with questions anytime! I plan to update this periodically.
Last updated 2/26/24
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dangraccoon · 3 months
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Roll for Request!
This event will run from March 13th to April 3rd, at which point requests will close!
Note: All images will be transposed below!
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How it Works
Leave the fate of your request up to the dice! Roll a 20 sided die 3 times to get a character, a dialogue prompt, and an extra theme, then send your results to my askbox. Make sure you add in any preferences! *You can also just pick and choose what you'd like!
Make sure you include any specifics such as: ~ Reader gender (default is unspecified/GN) or if you want a different pairing (i.e. Cody x Obi Wan) ~ If you have more specific requests (i.e. character A says prompt; specific scenario; additional characters) Note: I will NOT write for Clone x Clone; Rex x Ahsoka; P*edophilia; R*pe; pregnancy ~ If you don't know if I'll write for it, please send me a DM to ask!
All requests will default to Character x Reader unless otherwise requested. ALL fics centered around minor characters will be platonic or family based. *You can also just pick and choose what you'd like!
1-2 Hunter 3-4 Tech 5-6 Wrecker 7-8 Crosshair 9-10 Echo 11-12 Omega 13-14 Cody 15-16 Rex 17-18 Fives 19-20 You Choose!
All requests will default to Character x Reader unless otherwise requested. ALL fics centered around minor characters will be platonic or family based. *You can also just pick and choose what you'd like!
Dialogue Prompt
1 “For some reason, I’m attracted to you.” 2 “Am I supposed to be scared?” 3 “I can’t stay long, but I just had to see you.” 4 “Why didn’t [he] come and talk to me [himself]?” 5 “Stop it! All of you!” 6 “How long have you been standing there?” 7 “You are so bad at flirting.” 8 “Please, don’t argue. You have to leave right now; you aren’t safe here.” 9 “I’m ready to try again if you are.” 10 “There’ll be plenty more before this is over.” 11 “If only they would just tone it down a bit.” 12 “I’m sorry if it upsets you, but I’m going to marry [them].” 13 “Please, let me help you.” 14 “No! I’m tired of doing what you say.” 15 “You must be insane, coming here like this.” 16 “It’s been too long to try again.” 17 “You’re too good for me.” “You have a low bar.” 18 “Do they know?” “I don’t know how to tell them.” 19 “What’s in that bag and why are you hiding it?” 20 You choose!
[Pronouns subject to change based on request] *You can also just pick and choose what you'd like!
Wild Magic
1 Friends to Lovers 2 Fix-It 3 Rescue Mission 4 One Bed 5 Fluff 6 Hurt/Comfort 7 Mutual Pining 8 Whump 9 Drunken Confession 10 Best Friends/Platonic 11 Fake Relationship 12 First Kiss 13 Enemies to Lovers 14 Soulmates 15 Survival 16 Forced Proximity 17 Flirty x Oblivious 18 Already Dating 19 Miscommunication 20 You Choose!
All requests will default to Character x Reader unless otherwise requested. ALL fics centered around minor characters will be platonic or family based. *You can also just pick and choose what you'd like!
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Looking forward to your requests! - River
DangRaccoon Masterlist Taglist Form
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Tags: @writing-positivelyexisting @nekotaetae @lokigirlszendaya @get-wr3ckered @flowered-bicycles @jediknightjana @idoubleswearimawriter @lucyysthings @error6gendernotfound @unstable-kiwi @6oceansofmoons @l3xi3luv @savebytheodoresnonjosestuff @techs-goggles9902 @winter-phoenix1995 @serenityselene @nomercyforthewarrior
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akseedragon713 · 1 year
DadGiri Week
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Hello and welcome! If you don’t know me, I’m AkseeDragon. 
This event is specifically for fanfiction and fanart of the Parental relationship between Kurogiri|Shirakumo Oboro towards Shigaraki Tomura|Shimura Tenko. Angst, fluff, crack, whump, whatever you feel like creating is welcome. Submissions can be about Kurogiri and Shigaraki, Oboro and Tenko, Oboro and Shigaraki, or whichever way you want to mix and match their identities! Date
This event will take place for seven days over the dates of March 12th through the 18th! You have one month to prepare!
Day 1: Video Games
Day 2: Solutions for Decay
Day 3: When They Were Young
Day 4: Experimentation
Day 5: Secrets 
Day 6: The One Who Protects
Day 7: A League (of Villains) of Their Own
I am offering Two Prizes for this event!
For the winner of the fan fiction category, I will do my best to draw artwork of the submitted fic! [Up to three characters, haha.]
For the winner of the art category, I will do my best to write a short story inspired by their art!
Note that, while you can submit for multiple days, only one story and one artwork will be picked as the prize-winner(s) for the whole week, and one person can not win both prizes.
When uploading to tumblr, please use the tag #aksee dadgiri week and be sure to tag me at either @akseedragon713 or my side blog @akseedragon so I can see your submissions! They won’t be eligible for the prizes otherwise!
You don’t have to complete all the prompts! You can submit however many you wish
You can use the prompts after the event ends, but you will not be eligible for the prizes
Other Characters and Ships are allowed as long as they are in the background, and the main focus is between Familial Platonic Kurogiri|Shirakumo Oboro and Shigaraki Tomura|Shimura Tenko. 
For the Writers
The Minimum word count for fics to be qualified for the prize is 1000 words. No maximum!
When submitting your writing, you have the option to add it to an ao3 collection for the event if you wish! The link for it is here!
For the Artists
Art can be just line art or fully colored! 
Sketches can be submitted but will not be qualified for the prize. [I would love to see and reblog them regardless!]
If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask in the comments or send me a message!
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
Hii PastorCraigEnjoyer you always give the best style recommendations, can you please recommend style stick of truth fics? <3
AAAAAA I am not even gonna lie this list is gonna be SO long bc not only am I a style enthusiast, I’m also A STICK OF TRUTH FANATIC!!!
A Ballad Of True Hearts by luckypoppies (yes I’ve reced this one before it slaps ok) LISTEN THE ANGST IS SO PAINFUL AND SO SLAY and the CRUMB of love we get is gorgeous
The king and the kite by brookeginko DUDE OK this is unfinished but one of the best sot/tfbw crossovers out there
Highest Honour by 24parts so this may not be an au technically but it’s the boys playin sot and ITS SO DAMN CUTE the “are we still playing” “I don’t know” AAAAAAAAA such a cute and quick read I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read this
Helping The Enemy by yeahbisalive420 y’all know how I love stan whump, esp stick of truth, and this is one of the first I read in that category, it SLAYS DUDE ITS SO GOOD the gangs all there, it’s fun, it’s sweet, omg
Your name written upon mine by sooduhnim WHEN I SAY THIS IS GORGEOUS!!! Soulmate au, incredible plot, style getting married (the wedding is beautiful ok), conspiracy and outside enemies trying to fuck shit up, kickass ending, pls read this one frfr
A kinights duty by brookeginko this is another really sweet oneshot (we know I love those) ohhhh my god it’s so wholesome Stan bbg I love knight Stan with everything in me!!!
How We Began by PastorCraigEnjoyer (also the other small works in the Of Forests And Finding Love series) OKAY YES ITS CRINGE TO RECOMMEND YOUR OWN STUFF but y’all I started writing fanfic SPECIFICALLY because I had a very particular set of tags I wanted to see and that was stick of truth fluff and hurt/comfort. And I loved writing these ones. 3 are oneshots if you’re not down for 20k words lmfao. (I have multiple unrelated sot style oneshots too)
The King’s Forest by iksolforb I JUST LOVE ONESHOTS and elf Kyle being bold and flirty dude oneshots are my lifeblood especially stick of truth and this Kyle is SO fun
Entries From The Past by ViviBaby69420 GUYS OH MY ABSOLUTE FUCK THIS ONE IS BEAUTIFUL IN SO MANY WAYS!!! The prose, the discriptions. AND it’s written in journal format from our elf king’s pov which feels SO personal and special dude seriously and the characterizations are beautiful STAN MY BBY plus the dialogue and the rapport between the guys absolutely slaps ALSO!!!! Guys check out their art (btw the story is illustrated holy shit I can’t emphasize the beauty enough) you can find it at @mellowybaby FOR REAL JUST PHENOMENAL AND I AM NOT KIDDING!!!
sleep tight by startwithsnail this is so rad a certain elf prince… meeting a certain warewolf… absolutely delightful oneshot fr guys
Y’all I’m totally blanking I KNOW I have more to recommend but I CANT THINK OF THEM RIGJT NOW maybe later but ANYWAY that’s your Fanfiction Librarian List for now!
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Hello there!
In the pursuit of giving the participants tools for tagging their works correctly, thus allowing everyone else to curate their experience, I’ve put a non-comprehensive list of tags together that should be used if they apply to your work, during the event (and afterward, if you want).
There are gazillion other things that could be tagged too, but let’s be honest, it’s impossible to tag warnings for every single squick or trigger of every person in the world. So, I collected a list of the most common ones below. Like I said, this barely scratches the surface. It’s just a small guide for themes and things that you should warn about. If there’s anything else you think it needs tagging in your work, do it, please!
As the title says, tags are the best friends of both writers and readers. Use them to warn and/or block the content you write/read. Not only that! They also serve to finding the content you want to consume! You got the power. Use it!
I classify the tags into broad themes or issues, and then give some examples of specific tags within each theme. Those are just a few examples, not a complete list. Use your judgment to add others if your work requires them.
#️⃣ Explicit Language - For stories with excessive use of curse words
Curse words, foul language, profanity, etc.
#️⃣ Sexual Content - For fics where sexual content is explored and described in detail.
NSFW, Smut, kinks (specify which ones), mild/explicit depiction of sex, etc.
#️⃣ Underage: This is NOT for hand holding and sweet pecks on the cheek. It's for detailed depictions of sexual activity by characters under the age of eighteen.
#️⃣ Mental Health Issues: If your work depicts or implies/mentions the characters' mental/emotional struggles.
Paranoia-Inducing, Intrusive Thoughts, Medication, PTSD, Eating Disorder, suicide ideation, self harm, trauma, etc.
#️⃣ Violence: For stories that contain all kinds of violence.
Graphic Depiction of Violence, (implied/referenced, psychological) torture, gore, (mention of) weapons, (gun, domestic, canon-typical) violence, murder, etc.
#️⃣ Whump: For works that rely heavily on the hurt, and might or might not have comfort, especially when it's physical. Almost always, it goes hand in hand with violence and/or abuse.
Whump, injuries, blood, CPR, darkfic, sick fic, brainwashing, kidnapping, broken bones, etc.
#️⃣ Abuse: For works that mention, imply, and/or depict acts of abuse.
Domestic, physical, psychological, gaslighting, emotional, verbal.
#️⃣ Substances use: For when there's use or abuse of legal or illegal substances.
Mention of drugs/alcohol, recreational drug use, drug/alcohol addition, overdose, etc.
#️⃣ Death: For when the dead of a character is part of your work.
Mention of death, Main character death, side/background character death, Child Death, (implied, notes of) Suicide, Graphic Death, Animal Death, etc.
#️⃣ Type of relationship: Let your readers know what kind of relationship is explored in your work.
Platonic, romantic, x reader, clone shipping, father-daughter relationship, sibling rivalry, friendship, etc.
And the list goes on and on and on…
Now that you have some idea of what to warn about, let me remind you how you should tag your work. Be sure to @ this blog and add the following hashtags:
#the character of the day (hunter, tbb crosshair, oc, etc.)
#day 1, #day 2, #day 3, etc… (the corresponding day)
#medium (gifset, fic, podcast, fanart, etc.)
#trigger warnings, if applies. (see list above)
#prompt(s) used
#nsfw (only for NSFW content)
#any other relevant tags go here
More recommendations:
Please, don’t, I repeat, DO NOT put “tw” if front or at the end of your warning tag. Why, you ask? Because using just the word or phrase is much simpler for readers to block the thing. It’s because of the way the blocking feature works on Tumblr that blocks only the exact wording and not all the tags containing X or Y or Z word (it sucks, I know. I agree!). Let’s use PTSD as an example. I’ve seen #ptsd, #tw ptsd, #ptsd tw, #tw; ptsd, #tw:ptsd and more. So, you see the problem, right? Instead of just PTSD as a tag, people need to block every iteration of the tag that other people come up with, and that happens with every other single tag. Let keep it simple. That will be easier for everyone.
Tumblr veterans know this, but you should neither censor your tags, replacing letters with numbers or symbols. That takes out the very function of the tag, which is mainly to allow people to avoid topics they don’t like for whatever reason. Nothing of su¡cid3 or unalive, please! This is not TikTok or Insta; here on Tumblr, we tag using the actual words like human beings that we are.
Use Keep Reading break and/or Community labels to hide NSFW, violence, substance use and/or dark themes, and tag it properly.
For any piece where the creator pairs the reader with a canon character, please use the tag #x reader alone, without canon characters or modifier for the reader. If you want to include also the specific tag of the character x reader, you can add it. That’s fine. An alternative is specifying what kind of reader is in the post text. Because since the combinations of canon characters and several types of reader is virtually endless, it’s easier for anyone who don’t enjoy reading fics in second-person POV to filter out these fics if writers use a wide-spectrum, nonspecific tag for it. It’s the same problem as with the warning tags.
Likewise, writers who do a piece pairing clones romantically, please tag your work as #clone shipping, so people can block the tag if those works aren't their cup of tea for whatever reason.
Gifmakers, if applies, please tag your gifsets #flashing gif to warn photosensitive folks about it.
Use #dead dove do not eat for when you go hardcore, very dark, and/or graphic in the themes of your work and also have tagged everything you're presenting in it, to indicate simply that this fic is clearly labelled and fully warned for, so if you open it, you know what you are getting. If you heed the tags, then there will be no surprises.
I understand why some writers are wary of tagging some things, fearing spoiling the story among other reasons, but it's better sinning of over tagging than missing a delicate issue that could disturb a large portion of your audience.
But if you're still insisting of not tagging some things, please use Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings if you add your work to the collection on Ao3. As it says on the site's warning help (x): "Use this if you don't want to warn for anything. You may also choose this option if you don't know what you should warn for; if you don't like warning for certain topics or warnings in general; if you want to avoid some spoilers, but not others; etc.". It's a wordy way to say to your readers: "Read at your own risk because there could be unpleasant surprises".
Also, you can add the tag TBBAW2023 while posting on the Ao3 Collection, if you want. This is optional, not mandatory.
And last, but not least, readers, please curate your own experience. Be sure to block the tags AND post content for the things you find disturbing or could trigger you. Take control of what you interact with.
Two more suggestions, even if they're not exactly tagging related: The first one, let’s make art more accessible to disabled folks, so it’d be nice that fan artists (including artists, gifmakers and graphic manipulators) included image descriptions to their works. You can add those both on the web and the app. Just click on the 3 dots that appear in the bottom right corner once you have uploaded your image/gif, then click on Update image description (on the web) or Add Alt text (on the app), and write your description. Also, there's the option to put it directly in the body of your post.
The second one is also using Keep Reading break to shorten the length of your post if it's too long. It's annoying having to scroll down what feels like forever when you're not interested in said post. Also, you can add the tag #long post, if you want.
This turned out to be longer than I expected, so I'll leave it here. If you got suggestions or questions, please contact me through the ask box or chat, either in this blog or on @nimata-beroya.
And remember: tags, tags, TAGS!!!
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump No.15
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community! I’m Malice and I’ll be your host today. 
Here today to talk all things whumpy is the fabulous @actress4him!
We’re thrilled to have you here, @actress4him! Let’s start with a non-whump fact or two about yourself!
I go by Jada! I’m a mom of two girls, ages 6 and 8, and it’s a blast watching them play all the whumpy things we did as children and wondering if they’ll grow up to be whumpers, too. When I’m not writing, I enjoy creating cosplay, occasionally drawing, and going on adventures with my family.
Let’s get straight to the point! What does the term whump mean to you? 
Anything where the character goes through a hard time, physically or emotionally, or ideally, both! And we’re actually allowed to focus on it and see the beginning, middle, and aftermath.
And how did you find the whump community? Anything specific that made you want to join?
It all started on fanfiction.net with the hurt/comfort tag, then led to AO3, where I learned of Bad Things Happen Bingo and first started seeing the term whump. That prompted me to create a Tumblr account, so that I could participate in all these whump events I was hearing about, and the rest is history!
Has your view on whump changed since you joined? Maybe your choice of OC vs Fandom?
When I first joined I was solely writing fanfiction, though I did write a series with an OC 
insert, and I had been writing original stories for most of my life. It took a bit of time and seeing how well other people’s OCs were received on Tumblr to get the courage to go back to writing my own characters and universes. 
And now everyone’s favourite bit: let’s talk whump tropes! Do you have nay particular favourites?
Lady whump, if that counts as a trope! Also captivity whump, restraints of any kind, especially gags/muzzles and stress positions, using whumpees against each other, playing on fears, whipping, stabbing, touch-aversion, even better when combined with touch-starvation…I could go on.
They’ve all got to be in my top favs too! Do you mind sharing a couple of your favourite pieces that you’ve written?
Oh my, that’s hard to decide. If I’m allowed to pick two, I’d first say Again, the opening piece for my series Obsession. The writing muse was just flowing that day and I always liked the way that one turned out.
Then from my favorite series, The Shadow of Death, my other favorite piece is I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure. That was a bingo prompt that I had way too much fun writing, there’s just so much pain all around for both the characters and so much angst to go along with it!
Damn, I love the lady whump in“Again”! So good. Do you mind sharing what your writing routine looks like?
I do most of my writing at night after my kids are in bed, usually between 10-11pm. I also sneak in writing time while they’re in dance class, though I do more rp during the day than personal writing. I have been known to get struck with a certain sentence that I don’t want to forget and quickly open Google Docs on my phone to add it, but most of the time I need to sit down with my laptop and get the words flowing to get much done.
And is there an easy thing for you to write? Or something you struggle with writing? 
Dialogue usually comes easily to me, especially when characters get angry. That seems to be when they have a tendency to take over the plot and do whatever they want! 
My biggest writing struggle is battle scenes, which is unfortunate considering the number of characters I’ve created that need to have physical fights fairly often. 
GIve us a sneak peak! Is there anything you're working on at the moment? 
Currently I’m putting the most work into the Soldier Boy AU with my OC Kamaria. I’m not entirely sure how it’s going to end yet, since it started out as a simple idea that I thought would only take 2-3 parts and I’m now on part 6, but it’s been a fun ride so far. 
I’ve also been having fun brainstorming, role playing, and writing a bit of Kamaria’s Royal AU, and am hoping that my brain will let me write another chapter of Liliana’s story sometime soon.
Is there any writing advice you’d like to share?
For me, what works best against writer’s block is having multiple series/WIPs so that I can bounce around to whatever is inspiring me at the moment. It’s when I try to force myself to write something that I’m not feeling that I start getting stuck and bored. And when the block still hits, I do a lot of reading - of others’ works and my own old ones! - and roleplaying and brainstorming with friends and searching for prompts to get inspired again. Most of all, though, just be patient with yourself when the muse is in hiding! It’ll come back eventually. 
Finally, shout-out time! Let’s hype some people up!
Shout out to @painful-pooch for being my best online friend and brainstorm partner and for bringing her OC Bruno into existence!
Also to @aprilwaters and @sableflynn for being so welcoming when I was first finding my way in the whump community, and to these fantastic people for being my ongoing rp partners:
And to everyone else on the Slices of Whump Discord server for making it a great place to hang out!
Anything you'd like to add?
Thanks for this interview, it was fun! And to anyone reading, I love chatting whump and meeting new people who share the same interests, so feel free to stop by my blog and say hello anytime!
Thanks so much for joining us today, @actress4him!
And to all you lovely folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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minotaur-asterion · 10 months
Pinned post!! (YIPPEE)
About me
I go by Asterion or Dice, or even Minotaur if you wanna be super polite, I have no particular preference
I use he/they/it/neos/nounselves (caw/crow/crows/crowself - coo/dove/doves/doveself), you can use any of these and even get creative with the pronouns! kiss/my/ass, attack/helicopter (I imagine just alternate between the two), the funnier the better. I also use masculine and gender neutral language
I’m catkin, I stick my paws under your door and scream loudly
Filled with so much autism soup and ADHD, erm… broth. ADHD broth. Yes
I can’t say I’m shy any more because I’m trying to be friendlier 😭 I am so so so friendly and silly and you should stick your fingers between the bars of my cage
In the maze: Silly shit that comes to mind or posts I don’t deem “fandom”-y enough to go into another tag
Bird interest: I like birds :^)
Butterfly interest: I like butterflies ;^3
Dialtown fanart: Specific Dialtown characters are tagged accordingly
Slay the Princess fanart: Specific characters are tagged accordingly. But if you’re looking for older art.. good luck soldier
Listening Carefully: Ask tag
Other tags: TW violent imagery, suggestive, Minotaur mention, mecore, fic stuff, sneak peek (works in progress, mostly screenshots of current fics), whump, TW slay yourself
Other things
My eyes fucking SCREAM when I see bright colors and shit so I don’t usually post/reblog eye strain or flashing lights but those should be tagged, please let me know if I miss any!
This blog is kind of sort of horny, so sex-repulsed people, tread lightly
Most of my posts are silly shit
You should totally tag me in posts with bird pictures :^)
I’m also on AO3 if you want my sleep-deprived/carefully crafted but incomprehensible Olandy + STP Voices fanfiction
I enjoy Dialtown, Slay the Princess, Inscryption, Minecraft, Pokémon, FNAF, Wobbledogs, Niche: A Genetics Survival Game, Wytchwood, weird ass mammals and birds, and (checks writing on hand) … egg
TERFs and proshippers DNI! Block me and move on girl
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snakebites-and-ink · 10 months
Interaction Policy
I feel like I shouldn’t have to write out a long DNI list of specific terms; basically if you harm/attack/violate marginalized and/or vulnerable groups of real people I don’t want you anywhere near me or my blog.
Edit: with some crap that's appeared in the whump tag, I am going to write out a few specific terms just in case this will do any good. It's NOT an exhaustive list, but here are some of the most important ones that come to mind: TERFs, transphobes, aphobes, queerphobes of any kind, and pedophiles DNI, stay off of my blog and away from my content.
Also even though it's not at the same level of harmful, I don't want to deal with people who try to police the very language others use. I find it irritating and tiresome. Don't do that here.
I’m okay with minors (teens, not kids) interacting if they are careful. The target audience of this blog is adults, so individuals under 18 should know that content on here will not be curated for them. I do not create or reblog sexually explicit content. However, violence, gore, language, dark subject matter, non-sexually-graphic kink, and implied/referenced sexual stuff is fair game. Please be safe.
Beyond that, pretty much everyone is welcome here. I do have a few rules though:
Do not send me sexually explicit content. This includes through the ask box, submissions, and dms; as well as tagging me in something sexually explicit without the proper labels/warnings.
If you add sexually explicit content on something you reblogged from me, warn for it and keep it hidden unless something additional is clicked (so I don't have to see that content in my notes). This can mean applying the sexual community label, or it can mean writing out a text warning and hiding the content under a readmore.
Show basic human decency: no bullying, harassment, etc.
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febuwhump · 1 year
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the prompts this year were chosen through a suggestion poll and subsequent vote, where over 350 people voted for their favourites. the top 28 make up the core prompts, and a mixture of the next most popular and this blog’s personal favourites have become the alternatives!
i’m so excited to see what you all create with these prompts, and hope they’re inspiring enough to trigger a whole month’s worth of creativity for you! if you have any questions, make sure to check out the blog’s FAQ, or check out the previously asked questions on the blog before sending one of your own!
please note: this year, notifying the blog of completionist status will happen through a google form that will be released closer to the end of febuwhump.
full write-up of prompts and rules under the cut:
DAY 1: touchstarved
DAY 2: flinching
DAY 3: muzzled
DAY 4: knife to the throat
DAY 5: "that's gonna scar"
DAY 6: secrets revealed
DAY 7: made to watch
DAY 8: panic
DAY 9: voice loss
DAY 10: difficulty breathing
DAY 11: fever
DAY 12: "can you hear me?"
DAY 13: forced to hurt a loved one
DAY 14: captivity
DAY 15: self-sacrifice
DAY 16: semi-conscious
DAY 17: silent tears
DAY 18: can't stay awake
DAY 19: "you deserve this"
DAY 20: knife wound
DAY 21: shackled
DAY 22: can't scream
DAY 23: "you'll have to go through me"
DAY 24: bloody clothes
DAY 25: assumed dead
DAY 26: forced to choose
DAY 27: survivor's guilt
DAY 28: "you're safe now"
is there a specific day’s prompt you don’t want to fill? here are ten alternatives you can switch them out for!
ALT 1: rope burns
ALT 2: caged
ALT 3: soft words
ALT 4: experimentation
ALT 5: time loop
ALT 6: limp
ALT 7: immortality
ALT 8: found footage
ALT 9: natural disaster
ALT 10: inferno
prompts should be answered in the form of whump
creators can produce whatever kind of media they want
you don’t have to complete all the prompts! you can create however much you want to
you can use the prompts after the event ends
you can post on any platform you want, however this blog will only be sharing those posted on tumblr
if you want to be featured on the hall of fame then you have until the 3rd of March to inform this blog that you completed all the days
HARD RULES: (specifically for being featured on the blog)
when uploading febuwhump content to tumblr, please use the tags:
febuwhump (i’ll also be checking febuwhump2023)
the relevant day’s tag e.g. febuwhumpday1, febuwhumpday2…
nsfw (if relevant)
and any trigger warnings that may be important!
you can also tag the blog, @febuwhump
i cannot guarantee your work will be archived on the blog because I have no idea how many participants there will be. a random selection of works tagged in accordance to the rules above will be reblogged every day of february.
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hurtthemgently · 9 months
“Post whump clarity” is actually a phrase I just came up with, referring to when one has finished writing a whump fic or played out a whump scenario in one’s mind. Once the satisfaction of a job well done wears off, the realization sets in that the job was writing/imagining the horrific torture of a fictional character. This will come as a shock to one, and one will then begin to question what sadistic urges from the depths of their psyche compelled them to do this, and then start to worry about oneself because why on earth do they get so much satisfaction from inflicting imaginary traumas and torments and terrors on innocent not-real people? What is wrong with them?!
It’s an odd feeling, anyway. Sorry for the confusion lol (:
I may be the wrong person to talk to about this
I’m fully aware I’m a sadomasochist and it didn’t trouble me all accepting that. I never worried that I was a bad person for liking whump because in my moral system, actually doing bad things and harming others is what makes somebody bad in that situation.
Same with irl situations, it’s all consensual and no one is getting hurt who doesn’t want to.
It sucks that with purity culture and the more and more prevalent ideas on thought crimes, that people feel guilty for enjoying a trope or genre that isn’t perfectly innocent
Nothing is wrong with you for enjoying fiction, even dark fiction, even dark fiction that is triggering or disliked by others. As long as things are tagged appropriately and ok tumblr specifically kept under readmore cuts then people can avoid the things they don’t want to see
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rubinaitoart · 1 year
• Blog Masterpost •
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Hi! I'm Rubinaito (he/him), you can call me Rubin. I like to draw, ramble about my hyperfixations, create AUs, and write fanfics.
I have 2 fandom-dedicated sideblogs: -> @arcanarubinaito for The Arcana -> @voltronrubinaito for Voltron: Legendary Defender Please check them out!
I've got multiple interests but the here are the top things you'll see me posting about right now.
The Arcana (#the arcana)
Voltron: Legendary Defender (#voltron)
My puppy, Aster!! (#aster the puppy)
I don’t really have any DNI’s. However! I understand some of my personal interests might fall under some DNI lists so please read the following.
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I DO enjoy:
🖋️💜 All Fandoms 💜✒️
OC content in general
Analysis on characters, flaws and all
LGBTQ+ Media
Whump/Angst Content (will always have a TW tag attached)
Media Rewrites/AUs
Trans Positive Content
🔮✨ The Arcana ✨🔮
Muriel, literally my husband ❤️
Villain Lucio (want to study him under a microscope)
⚡️🛡️Voltron: Legendary Defender🛡️⚡️
Shiro, my beloved ❤️
Pidge (I project so hard onto them it’s not even funny.)
Literally all the characters tho
S1 and S2 were my favorites
Trans/Gender Fluid/GNC Pidge supremacy!
I think Allura x Lance is cute ngl
Lotor 👏 Deserved 👏 Better (let my son have a ATLA Zuko style redemption arc!)
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I do NOT enjoy:
🖋️💜 All Fandoms 💜✒️
Anti LGBTQ+ content
Bigotry and racism
Really, all the negative -isms are on the list
Pointless drama
Actively harming others for liking content you don’t. (DNI lists and boundaries don’t fall under this.)
I’ll add to this list if I can think of anything in particular for the specific fandoms I’m in.
Thank you for reading through this! 💞
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AngelBreaker part 4
ahem, this is basically two short parts mashed together, mainly because that's the only way it would make sense. Finally introducing someone that isn't under North, slowly trying to show the rest of the underworld. Not particularly happy with this one, primarily because of how long it took to write, this went through give or take 10 versions before I settled on this.
Ah right, I believe someone wanted a tag so before I forget//
The first one doesn't have much whump-wise, but I will say that North is a terrible friend, manipulative although it's now fully shown here. The second part is where someone's sedated, specifically via needle. North manhandles someone and is, once again, really shitty to Cypress.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The weather had been particularly lovely that week, The sky was perfectly clear and the temperature had been pretty pleasant. Thankfully work hadn’t been as rough as it usually was- at least to cypress. Said angel had just sat down on a park bench where he and North had agreed to meet. Cypress allowed himself to finally relax, putting his bag down and enjoying the afternoon breeze.
Cypress had told North about how heavy work had been lately, and with the weather finally being reasonable it only made sense for them both to take a day off and relax, sure this was only a day off for cypress, who, unlike North, hated the job he had been assigned to- North was much better at…disposing of demons than him and they both knew that.
His thoughts were disrupted by the sound of a tired, and totally apologetic North.
“Cy please I am so sorry! I promise I didn’t mean to be late, I just started preening and you know time, kind of flies for me when that happens and-”
“I just got here too you’re okay”
North stopped, raising an eyebrow and staring at his friend for a moment.
“What do you mean? Wait, you’re the one who told me to be here thirty minutes ago, what do you mean you just got here?” North asked, probably knowing why Cypress had done that already.
Cypress stood up and stretched “Because you take forever on your appearance alone, I think you take longer on your wings than I do on my entire outfit, I took my time” he shrugged.
North gasped, purposefully exaggerating how offended he was “Well excuse me if I like looking good, I don’t like when my feathers are dusty” he huffed “ And you could do so much better! Your wings are pretty I don’t understand why you don't-” he would’ve said something else if Cypress hadn’t suddenly shoved something at him. North looked at his hands and realized that Cypress had given him a small cupcake- pumpkin, his favorite. He was delighted when he realized what it was, almost taking an excited bite before pausing.
“...did you get me this just to get me to shut up?” he asked, glancing at his friend.
“Is it working?”
North finally took a bite, staring at Cypress the whole time before nodding.
“Alright now that I’ve calmed you down with baked goods, let’s go before the food gets cold. I put some effort into this little picnic of ours,” Cypress said before snatching his bag and grabbing North by the arm. “Now come on, I’ve been eyeing that park for a while now and today is perfect, we can just sit down, eat, and finally relax.”
North walked alongside his friend, eating the cupcake concerningly fast before speaking up “Well with how stressed you’ve been I guess I can take some time off for this”
Cypress nudged him “Hey, you’re tired too, out of the both of us you work harder, give yourself a break! you’re…Enthusiastic, you’ll tire yourself out you know?” He said, a bit hesitant to talk about North’s attitude during their work- hopefully North didn’t notice that, he didn’t want an argument about this again…Cypress should really tell North to stop being so cruel during work, sure they were demons and he wasn’t supposed to feel bad, but Cypress never expected to see so many beg for their lives.
North didn’t catch on to what Cypress was thinking thankfully, instead, he seemed to be proud of himself when Cypress mentioned his enthusiasm “Hey if I’m gonna make it big I might as well do it with style right?”
“...Sure, I’m sure everyone’s gonna talk about you one day,” Cypress said, finally smiling- North had always been the type to pull off things like that.
They settled into a comfortable silence as they walked, Cypress leading the way since despite living there his whole life, North didn’t know how to navigate the town without getting lost. They were seemingly the only people taking advantage of the nice weather since the streets were relatively quiet, which didn’t surprise Cypress since the Seraphim always encouraged them to work as hard as possible- but Cypress wanted a break damn it.
Cypress stopped in front of the park gates, looking quite proud of himself still for finding such a nice little place. North, on the other hand, didn’t seem to notice and bumped into him.
North was about to apologize and walk in before an excited Cypress grabbed his arm and practically sprinted in.
“Come on! I need to find a perfect spot” He said, scouting out the place while dragging his friend along. He’d reject places that were reasonably nice, from empty clearings to a bench by a stream. It took a while for him to find a spot- a quaint area under a tree that overlooked the park, and at that point North’s arm hurt.
Cypress put his bag down, unpacking everything he’d gotten, which was… excessive. He’d definitely packed more food than they needed, it was a full three course meal at that too.
“...Are you sure we can finish all of that? I know you like cooking but uh-”
“-Listen, we deserve a treat after working so hard”
Cypress was the type to cook whenever he was stressed.
North shrugged, sitting down on the picnic blanket Cypress had laid out, said friend, on the other hand, kept adding more pillows, lamps, bread, and fake leaves. 
Cypress had a stressful past couple of days.
Finally, Cypress presented his masterpiece of a  picnic, which was actually really impressive, and finally sat down himself. Cypress then went to open the basket of food, which was probably just as extravagant as the decorations before North stopped him.
“Cy, buddy, that’s… a bit too much isn’t it,” North said, “I promise we can eat it all later, it'll be fine”
“Right, right sorry I think I made too much…well, everything,” He said sheepishly, “Maybe I'll give it to random people, you know, random acts of kindness or something? I think the Seraphim encourage that right?”
North just shrugged “They’re very incon-” He stopped himself, rethinking his words “They encourage a lot of different things…but! Hey, what if you gave it to some random mortal? Just imagine popping into a random mortal’s house and giving them a pie! They’d probably be terrified”
Cypress grew visibly uncomfortable, he hated when North even mentioned mortals or their realm, he’d usually end up going on a tangent that eventually led to talking about work.
“-They get scared too easily, you’ll tell them not to be scared but they’d still panic over you showing up at all!”
Cypress sighed, trying his best to hide his frustration at the mention of the mortal world. “Listen, North, I wanted a break both from work and from that entire realm okay?” realizing that he’d been a little too mean- at least he felt he’d been too mean, Cypress tried to backtrack a bit “Not that I wouldn’t do that-”
He wouldn’t.
“-But this is my break, remember?”
North’s smile wavered, looking away from his friend. As much as North tried to hide it, Cypress knew how annoyed he was at how little Cypress liked their work. 
“Listen, I promise you’ll like it! Mortals are fun to mess with!” North said, once again trying to convince Cypress. “Is this about work again? It’s been so long man, I thought you’d at least tolerate it by now-”
“Okay okay- let’s not bring this up now, it’s a nice day, we can drop it for now and-”
“Nothing is going to change if you don’t address it Cy, it’s not bad and you can enjoy-”
“-enjoy what? Tearing demons appart like you?” Cypress finally snapped, shutting up North. The silence after that was awkward, neither of them looking at each other. Cypress at least was good at hiding how angry and tired he was. North on the other hand, never bothered to hide his emotions, and was clearly annoyed with everything going on.
In the end, Cypress always hated conflict, and even if he didn’t want to he knew he needed to apologize to keep the peace, they’d both go back to being friends as if none of these conversations had happened in the end. 
…He really should’ve distanced himself while he still had the chance.
Not like he could do much about it now, and no matter how much he thinks about what he could’ve done or changed, that doesn’t matter anymore, so he might as well just accept his situation. Despite constantly telling himself this, Cypress' mind often went back to those days. North was a jerk, but he wasn’t what he is now.
Cypress blinked, realizing how zoned out he’d been, at least he’d gotten some work done. Another fallen had washed dishes earlier, and the task of putting them away fell onto him. A porcelain plate was placed neatly in one of the many cabinets. If he broke it North would only scream at him unlike what would happen to the other fallen if they were to break something, so he was a bit more careless. There was a part of him that hoped to go back to the comfort of the life they used to have, although he knew that was impossible. Cypress still wanted to believe North was a good person. He’d been working hard to at least make North hurt him less, and there’d been progress, at least before recent events. 
Basil had broken the peace Cypress had been building up for years now- not that he blamed him of course. Cypress had always been protective of the fallen, but Basil was the youngest one he’s seen yet. Despite how much Cypress pushed back against North, he had barely prevented any injuries, or worse, but he just knew that if North listened to him he’d understand.
With a sigh, Cypress finally put the last of the dishes away, closing the cabinet and looking around the kitchen he was in, the room was spotless of course, North wouldn’t accept anything other than perfection. Opening the door to leave, it didn’t take long to see another fallen outside dusting some of North’s more expensive decorations. The other fallen looked towards Cypress, about to greet him before they were both distracted by the sound of North coming back home.
Usually North was quiet, only ever looking around to see if his house had been taken care of. For some reason this return was quite the opposite from that.
There was a series of crashes coming from the entrance, and Cypress saw a couple of fallen quickly going the opposite direction since North loved hurting them to relieve stress. Cypress would’ve tried to get away too if he didn’t hear North shouting his name. The sound of North yelling alone terrified Cypress, as much as he hated to admit it, but regardless of his fear he was forced to finally see what was going on.
The hallways were empty as he quickly made his way to the main entrance, the commotion only getting louder as Cypress got closer. The sound of a stranger’s voice became clearer, maybe an unruly demon had snuck in? It didn’t happen often but there was a chance that some young inexperienced demon decided North was a weak target.
Cypress rounded the corner to see what was going on, and the person North was trying to hold down was clearly not a demon. A pair of wings more than confirmed that this stranger was a fallen. The stranger was shoved down roughly, North finally winning the struggle. Cypress couldn’t help but notice that this fallen hadn’t just been banished, which is what North preferred since it made everything ‘easier’. This fallen had definitely been in the underworld for a while now, but why did North bring someone that would struggle so much? Then he saw why. The wings on the fallen had a gold shimmer to it, and if it wasn’t for mud and dust, they would probably be quite pretty… Fuck, North liked this stranger’s wings.
North took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure despite the fallen violently trying to get North off. Cypress froze when North finally looked at him, thankfully he seemed calm, at least considering what was going on. 
“Cy, can you please bring me the sedative? It’s the red syringe in the shelf to your left” He asked, sounding more annoyed than anything. 
Right, red syringe, he could do that.
The fallen immediately reacted when Cypress grabbed the syringe, doubling his efforts to get away and growing agitated “Why are you listening to him?”
Cypress stopped, he wanted to answer but every answer his brain tried to come up with didn’t make sense- because he had to? Because North would hurt him if he didn’t?because they were friends?
“Cy, the syringe” North said, clearly annoyed at the delay. This snapped Cypress back, he just wanted the situation to end so he hurried over to North and handed him the small syringe. The fallen’s eyes locked on Cypress as he moved.
North, thoroughly unbothered by the tension between the two, let out an exaggerated sigh of relief as he sedated the fallen, the struggling grew worse only for a moment before it finally died down. North sighed, glaring at his ‘friend’, “Why did you hesitate?”
Cypress froze, and like a deer in headlights he could only stare at North. Even when North stood up and got closer Cypress could only stumble back.
“I’ve given you enough, I don’t want you latching on to another fallen, got it?” North hissed, making sure that the threat was clear. “Now go, I’m busy and I’ve wasted enough time here, he won’t be here for long anyway”
Cypress didn’t seem to process the last few words and scurried off before North could think of a reason to hurt him later, but he couldn't help the growing feeling of shame as he left.
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ahh-fxck · 2 years
Warrior’s Blues Masterpost
Warrior’s Blues is a modern AU set in 1995. Geralt is an ex soldier who was cast out of the Army under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Jaskier is the owner of a gay bar. When Geralt’s car breaks down and he wanders into Jaskier’s bar, neither of them have any idea how much their lives are about to change...
First of all, a thank you to the co-creator and beta of this fic, @stressedspidergirlsfandomblog​. They’ve helped turn this into a really fun story to read, and I rely on them to keep me on track! This fic wouldn’t be here without you friend, thanks a million.
Warning: This fic is explicit. PTSD, Alcohol, Whump, Suicidal thoughts/tendencies, and other triggering topics can be found within. Specific tags on Ao3
There is also lots of found family, smut, and love.
Pairings: Geralt x Jaskier, Geralt x Yennefer, Geralt + Yennefer (You’ll see what I mean)
Rating: E
Status: In Progress
Ao3 link: Warrior’s Blues
Some brief notes before we begin:
Warrior’s Blues started as a response to Geraskier Pride Week 2020. I thought it was going to be a short, relatively easy fic to write when I first cracked open that fresh, shiny new word document. AS IT TURNS OUT I WAS WRONG. This story has evolved into a meditation on Pride, on otherness, healing, love, and found family. I’ve done my best to feature gay and queer artists of yore in the story, so you’ll find the occasional vintage photo tucked amongst the pages. In fact, all of the research I’ve done has split the seams of this story at this point so I’ve decided to include some of it in the #warriors blues tag. If you search it, you will come across hidden gems of queer tumblr in amongst the story chapters. I will also occasionally post about pieces of media that I discover as I research. Those can be found in my #warriors blues media stream tag.
I am a giant nerd and I am hoping someone else enjoys all the shinies I’m racking up as much as I do. In that light, I sincerely hope you enjoy the extras.
Now. That being said... onward!
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Chapter 1: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Tumblr - Ao3
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Chapter 2: Do I Look Like I Have A Permit? Tumblr - Ao3
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Chapter 3: Private Entry Tumblr - Ao3
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Chapter 4: I Need a Hospital Tumblr - Ao3
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Chapter 5: Fire Island Tumblr - Ao3
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Chapter 6: I Wanted to Get Lost, So I Got Lost In You Tumblr - Ao3
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Chapter 7: Fire and Ice Tumblr - Ao3
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Chapter 8: I’ve Met Your Idiot Tumblr - Ao3
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Chapter 9: Mockingbird Tumblr - Ao3
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Chapter 10: Glass Windows Tumblr - Ao3
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Chapter 11: What Would I Do Without You? Tumblr - Ao3
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Chapter 12: A Chance Tumblr - Ao3
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Chapter 13: A Choice Tumblr - Ao3
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Chapter 14: Yes is Just The Beginning Tumblr - Ao3
To Be Continued...
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