#if this is unrelatable i'm deleting
bloompompom · 6 months
you will know when i'm at my breaking point and writing something so extremely self-indulgent if the smut begins with reader downing a bottle of water, then ends with her immediately crawling out of bed in the most unsexy way possible to pee and take her prophylactic antibiotic
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roktavor · 4 months
...I know it's contrary to that meme I rb'd the other day, but does anyone else have a bad relationship with actually posting fic?
Idk. I happily write, but when it comes to sharing what I've wrote, sometimes it just....takes all the fun out of it. Fills me with dread, zaps motivation, regardless of how kind any comments are - like it's not an issue with reader response at all, it's just smth that's broken in my head.
Like. I haven't heard any other writer feel similarly. But I just rarely want to share anything these days, bc it doesn't feel good or worth it or satisfying anymore...
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clonerightsagenda · 1 month
It's really funny when a reviewer was clearly assigned a book about blorbo from their discipline though because they'll be like "this is a reformatted dissertation covering two years of this niche figure's life in exhaustive detail. You must be familiar with 6 subfields to understand anything past the introduction. 4 stars, essential purchase for all readers."
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crebby · 1 year
yk sometimes I get sad when I consume horror content bc I always see people talking about getting scared and it's just. ?? I never get that. this is not a flex I consider it a problem and I am missing out and it makes me sorta upset sometimes. I Want to be super scared and terrified in the long term and still be scared looking back but idk. I just haven't gotten that and it makes me sad to be missing out on something like that bc I feel like for a lot of people that's the main component of enjoyment in horror. I just wanna feel somethin man ://
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istillseeeverything · 2 months
ong if they don't want to talk to me and ignore me why are they looking at my fucking story 😭😭😭 even AFTER they see the shit on my private one where I complain about them. Why can't I be normal why why why does this have to fucking happen this is so STUPIDDDDD
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mslowlife · 1 year
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Mad(e) For You - Part III
Part I Part II
Pairings: Yandere! Ethan Landry x Yandere! Reader
Warnings: Murder, blood, violence, stabbing, swearing, possessive reader
Summary: No one deserved Ethan, especially her. You were going to make sure of it. Only you deserved him.
Word Count: 947
A/N: This part is really short I'm sorry ;-; i've been so busy last few days but I still hope you enjoy <3 thank u all for the support as well <3
Lydia Marrol. What a name, you thought. You repetitively told yourself that of course he had an ex girlfriend, there would always be another before you, but it still made your blood boil. How dare he. He should have known, he should have just been patient and not given in and dated some lowlife like Lydia. Lydia just seemed so amazing, Lydia had the perfect nuclear family, Lydia was just so smart with her scholarship. Gosh, why are girls so dumb you thought, just accepting any follow request they get for the sake of another follower. She practically let you into her life, to her ‘private’ online world. She did this to herself. 
And even though they had been broken up for nearly three months, she still seemed so hung up on him. Always posting some cheesy breakup quote on her story with a sad song, or posting some stupid and unconvincing ‘i’m totally not in love with my ex’ motivation crap. Scrolling through her older instagram posts, you found old photos of Ethan and her together. God. She probably didn’t delete them because she thought they’d get back together. Well they weren’t, you were sure of it.
It didn’t take long to find out who Lydia was, you see with some simple sleuthing you could find exactly what school Lydia Marrol attended, what classes she took down to the exact times and days, and what dorm she stayed in. 
Adjusting your coat, you slipped your boots on and headed out the front gate. Finding where Lydia would be this time of evening wouldn’t be too hard, considering she usually spam posts what she’s doing at every time of every day. 
Looking at her timetable, you found she just finished class minutes ago. Perfect. Then, you went on her instagram, knowing she would have just posted some unrelatable crap on story, and yes of course, she did. “study timeeee someone bring me coffee and i’ll love you forever”  After her insufferable story post, you went back to her first story of day, showcasing her ‘OOTD.’ Perfect again. Now you know what to look for.
Winter was truly showing how harsh it could be, dark clouds rolled over the city, making the sky darker than it was. Droplets of rain fell from the sky, and in a matter of seconds, rain gushed down in violent showers, causing people to run for shelter or pull out their trusty umbrellas. Taking shelter in a nearby bus stop, you waited patiently. She shouldn’t be too far away now. Lydia took the bus home from school on days like today.
In just the corner of your eye, a blurry figure approached through the spitting rain, they wore a tan coloured coat, a grey beanie and dark blue jeans with a tote bag they kept under their arm. There’s Lydia, you thought. Wiping the seat with her hand, she sat down. Offering a friendly smile to you before reaching for her phone in her bag. You glared at her up and down, how could Ethan have loved her? Loved her? What if he loved her? Why would he? Just the thought of him loving her alone made you fuming.
But rather than losing your cool, just yet, you took a deep breath and scanned around you. Ensuring no one was walking nearby, or any cars were around. 
Lydia’s face lit up from the glow of her phone. She wasn’t going to see this coming. Reaching into the inside of your coat pocket, you pulled out the silver blade by the heavy wooden handle. 
Here goes nothing.
In sudden force, you twisted your body to Lydia, before plunging the knife into her stomach. Her body contorted, buckling beside you as she gasped for air and groaned. Her eyes bulged, swelling with hot tears. Using your free hand, you silenced her by grabbing onto her jaw and covering her mouth. In and out, in and out was the motion of the knife as it punctured her stomach. Blood covered your hands and shirt as you straddled her motionless body to get a better angle of her torso. 
“He’s mine. Only mine” You hissed.
Lydia couldn’t even respond, all she could do was gurgle and choke out incoherent words as blood oozed from her mouth.
“Fuckin’ bitch, think he still loves you?” 
Still no response. You twisted the knife in her guts, she deserves this.
As your adrenaline surged, you ploughed the knife hard and deeper into her stomach until your arms began to ache. 
“Can’t even fucking answer me, can ya?” You berated breathlessly.
Lydia spluttered her final breath, the entirety of her life in the last glimpse and blink of her draining eyes. 
You watched as the blood seeped down her torso, onto the bench seat then as it dripped onto the concrete. Her lifeless body spread on the bench, arms flailed apart from her body and painted with her own crimson red blood. 
The scene to you was beautiful. Your own artwork on display. 
Admiring your work was consuming and all, but as you came down from your adrenaline high, you realised you needed to go. Now.
Before leaving, you quickly changed coats with a new one stuffed away in your bag, then swiftly walked home.
Arriving home, all you could stare at yourself in the mirror. The intricate blood splatters on your body, the way it was smeared over your chest and arms. It was fascinating, surreal even. But what would Ethan think, would he hate you, or would he love you for this? Because after all, you did for him. You killed for him.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taglist @volturi-girl-imagines @poisonousgem16
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npd culture is submitting multiple things to this and never seeing them on here so im undiagnosing and and im not relatable and wtf was what i said too boring? not good enough?? what was it what was it (no pressure posting this either /g)
hey guys i'm just putting it out there that like if you're not seeing your asks being posted, it's better to just tell me briefly what the ask said/mentioned so i can see if i recognize it (as in i decided not to post it for some reason or you just missed the post) or if tumblr ate it (preferably send the ask off anon so i can answer privately but you don't have to). i really can't do anything if you don't tell me what you're referring to and i promise i don't delete asks for being 'boring' or personally unrelatable😭
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cookinguptales · 30 days
just some me thoughts. up and down but mostly hopeful, I think. might delete later, who knows. I think writing these things down sometimes is productive for me, but leaving them up might not always be best. lmao
(cw: mental illness, discussion of suicidal ideation, etc.)
I have struggled with MDD for... most of my life, I'd say. I had "child-friendly" suicidal ideation when I was maybe 6-7 years old, where I'd imagine just kind of floating away in a bubble and never coming back, but it had graduated to full-fledged suicidal ideation by like. idk, maybe 9? I remember a school counselor asking me if I ever thought about wanting to die and I was like "well, no more than everyone else does" and she was like. hmm!
(I have since learned that was not the correct answer lmao)
I struggled a lot more when I got older and the symptoms of my chronic illnesses worsened, and there was a lot of abuse at home, too. There was also some... I guess I'll call it CSA when I was a teen, but I don't think those chickens came home to roost until I was about a year into my degree and I had ~a breakdown~.
what happened, honestly, was that I'd barely been able to juggle my mental illness and my physical illness when I was at home being driven everywhere, but once I moved out for college and started walking everywhere, I completely lost control over my chronic illnesses. and then when that happened, my mental illness quickly followed.
(plus I was put on birth control for the first time in this period (to deal with what we'd later learn was endometriosis) and that did NOT play well with my brain.)
I won't... get into all the details, but I was on medical leave for a couple years and the depression got pretty bad. Some of the responses to that mental illness poll I've seen feel totally unrelatable to my own experiences, which makes me feel... idk, I guess sometimes I tell myself it wasn't that severe. But then other times I hear people talk about their experiences with depression and I'm like "oh... maybe mine was pretty severe..."
Part of it is that my depression and my chronic exhaustion often kind of mingle. Back then, I'd be too tired to get out of bed, so I just wouldn't. For days. And then I might go a day or two without eating, and that would make the chronic illness worse, so by the end I'd really just kinda be sleeping and crying and Still Not Eating for a few days at a time. Maybe some crackers. I ate a lot of ramen and bed crackers.
In some respects, I think I was actually lucky...? I thought about dying constantly, but I was so exhausted that there was no way I was ever going to do anything, even that. My POTS was wildly uncared for at this point, so I'd just kind of slip in and out of consciousness sometimes. I got bedsores a few times.
I did eventually get back to school and I kind of got my head together, but it was definitely a struggle, made worse by my school's deeply ableist policies. I was a nervous wreck in college, if I'm being honest with myself. I cried a lot.
My PMDD ended up getting pretty severe, too. I had some very close calls. I struggled a lot with the hormonal medications I was put on to treat the PMDD and the endometriosis because often I'd do better for a while (once my periods stopped) but then I'd start bleeding nonstop or my brain would go bonkers or something. It felt like every hormonal medication I took was a ticking time bomb. It'd make me better before it then made me much, much worse. And there was really no way to predict when it would happen.
Honestly, after having suicidal ideation be the cosmic background radiation of my life for decades, anxiety was uh. I mean, I didn't enjoy it, but I always kind of felt like I was gonna throw up and pass out anyway, so really all it added was agoraphobia and some panic attacks. Anxiety was always pretty manageable for me compared to everything else. The depression was always more dangerous. I'd lose literal weeks that I wouldn't even remember later when the depression got bad. I would just kinda. Stop leaving my apartment. For weeks. Even months, a few times.
(There is a reason I get myself Little Treats a lot, and it's mostly because it's a way to force myself to leave my house regularly. lmao. It's... a bribe, let's be real. Like "you can go get that iced coffee as long as you go get it," that kind of situation.)
The reason I'm talking about this isn't so much to wallow, though... Actually, I think I've been doing a lot better the past couple years. Going to California during the summer has been helpful (so I don't just have to sit alone in a house with all the windows covered for 3-4 months every year because I get so sick in hot, sunny weather) and I think the ketamine has been really, really helpful. It hasn't cured me, but it does often take the edge off both the pain and the mental illness, and sometimes that's enough.
(Treatment-resistant depression is a biiiitch.)
I think getting diagnosed with PMDD has been helpful, too. It helps me to be a little more pragmatic about things, and has helped me to kind of see those voices as something outside myself. Now when I am... really, really struggling with feelings of worthlessness and feeling like... idk, like I'm a burden, like I need to die, etc. I can say like
well okay but you're also having cramps and your shoulder is dislocated so I think I know what's going on here lmao.
I'm not fixed, by any means, but I do feel like I have more tools to deal with it...? When my brain is getting very loud, I can be like. well, okay, auntie flo is being a real bitch to me this month, but I'll just move my ketamine treatment up a day and that should help.
So I feel less powerless, and I do think that's been very helpful. Having action steps and being able to look at my negative self-talk as my illness talking and not my actual self has been helpful. I can kind of frame it as being bullied rather than justifiably hating myself.
I do still struggle with a lot of self-worth issues outside of the chemical kind, but I think that forcing myself to unlearn a lot of internalized homophobia, fatphobia, ableism, etc. has helped to take the edge off of that, too. It's always been very difficult to imagine myself being loved, but I'm practicing. haha. It's a skill to master like any other.
I think what really prompted this, though, was remembering how bad I was 15 years ago. Like... having to cut all my hair off because it got so matted... It was so short for a while... And now I look at myself and like. I'm far from perfect, but I have long hair again. I own a little house. I take care of a cat. I have friends. I just finished writing a book.
I never could have finished something like this back then. I couldn't even feed myself.
So while some days I feel like I haven't progressed at all, I can hold up those accomplishments and be like. Okay, so your house is a mess. You get behind on work sometimes. Maybe you're self-conscious about this book.
But you have the house. You have the job. You have the manuscript.
You can't compare everything that you are to the perfect idealized version of you. That person doesn't exist. Maybe you should compare yourself to what you were fifteen years ago. That person doesn't exist anymore, either, but she used to.
So... I guess tonight maybe I'm doing that. Forcing myself to think about how close I was to death while still living, and to at least give myself kudos for growing enormously from there.
I still don't always feel like I'm living up to my full potential, but I am living. Which is a lot better than the sort of half-death I existed in back then.
Severe depression is... a lot. It's so hard. So many days I wake up and I just lie there for a long, long time. But... I do get out of bed eventually. And I did eat a few meals today. And I did divide this book into chapters.
idk. It's a journey. It's one that was almost cut short many years ago, but somehow despite it all I'm still here. And still walking. Maybe I'll get better than I am now. Maybe I won't. Maybe the idealized me will never exist.
But I won't let the other me exist again, either, and I suppose tonight that's good enough.
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ashes-in-a-jar · 1 year
Okay but that fucking post is very frustrating now because people in the tags keep calling me unrelatable and weird and even creepy and I hate it so much I want to burn that post down now.
How can people feel so many feelings and be fully convinced they're real and strong? All I'm able to do is mirror the excitement of people around me while thinking very extremely mild thoughts of it all
And to me it really always feels like people are over acting their feelings and everyone is just performative and pretending which in theory I know is not true but I have such a hard time imagining that most people aren't playing it up
And people come onto my post and say they can't relate
Okay?? Make your own post?? Sirs??? Fuck you
I want to delete it
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greatqueenanna · 2 years
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As Promised, here is my very late review of Polar Nights.
As a note, if you are curious about my thoughts on other Frozen Novels, I have an analysis here where I did short reviews on all of them. Once again, my audience scores are based on Goodreads.
Frozen Polar Nights: Cast into Darkness
By: Jen Calonita and Mari Mancusi
Released: July 19th, 2022
Type: Stand-Alone
Age Range: 8 - 12 years
Audience Score: 4.2/5
My Score: 3.8/5
Overall, Polar Nights was a nice story that included some elements that helped build Frozen 2's story more and gave explanations to things that were previously left vague. Anna and Elsa's interactions were the best element, especially when they talked about the past, and there was also a little bit of great Kristoff and Anna content that helped built their relationship. However, the story was a bit boring for me and I wasn't really invested in the two sisters Sissel and Inger. It seemed like I was just reading it to see how much more deleted Frozen 2 content and world-building lore was put in there to help further develop the films, rather than actually caring about what happened in the story.
More details of my thoughts are under the read more.
The Good
Polar Nights shines the most with its main characters Anna and Elsa. It explores their relationship and even has them acknowledge more aspects of their troubled past, something fans have been asking for since Frozen that some fans felt was glossed over in Frozen 2.
Polar Nights tries to further canonize the infamous deleted scene where Elsa brings up a memory of their parents praising Anna - that was also previously brought up in Dangerous Secrets as well.
The novel also tries to better explain what Elsa is doing in the forest now, with her trying to better perfect her memory powers, learning more about the Northuldra and Spirits, and studying Ahtohallan.
The novel tried to harmonize the previous version of the North Wind Siren with the current film version. What do I mean? From Aurora's interview and the Into the Unknown: The Making of Frozen 2 documentary, the siren was meant to be an ancient force that calls to Elsa. This was then changed to Iduna calling her - leaving it vague on whether it was actually Iduna or the memories of her. Here, it explains that Ahtohallan called to Elsa using Iduna's image to appeal to Elsa as a mother. It was nice to finally get some clarity on this.
Polar Nights also has a great emotional side story for Anna and Kristoff. Kristoff begins to lose his memories of Anna and we are treated with some very emotional scenes of Anna trying to cope with this. I remember the satisfying reunion they had when Kristoff finally remembered Anna. It was a beautiful scene.
The Bad
This is less a criticism of the novel and more of Disney in general. The novel pretty much writes the Northuldra out of the story - which is understandable in terms of Disney not wanting to write them without a Sami guide, but given that the Northuldra were such a big part of Iduna's story and the overall story of Frozen 2, we really need more content with them in it. I believe it is long overdue to have a Sami actually write or guide a story featuring them to further push their importance to Frozen's lore.
Another one for Disney in general because I'm not sure how much power the writers actually had when it came to his character - Runeard continues to be a one-dimensional villain and scapegoat for everyone's problems. The issue with this is that we can't really teach children that evil things only happen because of unrelatable evil people - it happens because of abuse, misinformation, prejudice, pride, and fears that are not exclusive to just one big bad. Anyone can do something bad if they think it is right.
The story itself wasn't bad - it was fairly serviceable in terms of a simple, monster-of-the-week type story. My only issue with it was that it was a bit boring. I didn't really feel anything for Inger and Sissel since they seemed to just be diet Anna and Elsa and felt they needed a bit more pizzazz to really make me want to know what happened to them and invest myself in their story. I know the focus needs to be on Anna and Elsa - but you can't build a story around the interactions of two people without building an interesting world around them.
I don't know what it is about Frozen Novels, but they seem to love to write out Kristoff and Olaf as much as possible - and now Mattias has been added to that list. Maybe we can use a little less of the original, forgettable characters and start using the ones we already have. Like, instead of a random shepherd seeing the death of the sister, why not use Mattias to involve him more in the story? Again, this could be more of an issue with Disney restricting characterizations, but given that Mancusi was getting ready to write in Kristoff's mother in Dangerous Secrets with the only thing stopping her being timeline issues, then maybe we can get a little more content here.
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aranarumei · 1 year
tagged by @hua-fei-hua! it’s been ages since I’ve done one of these it was kind of fun lol! sorry for the delayed answers...
1. are you named after anyone?
a couple of ppl assume my name is kiri because it’s like, referencing kirishima from bnha. i haven’t kept up with bnha properly since. honestly since the dabi reveal ch dropped so that’s… nov 5th 2020 lol. I’ve got residual feelings abt it but not much interest in actually reading it (sorry). nowadays I don’t get as much of that anymore—my name is just like. digimon dusk only lets your character have a 4 character name max so I hit various syllables together and keysmashed until it sounded good. im attached to it now.
2. when was the last time you cried?
…today lol. i cry easy when i'm frustrated.
3. do you have kids?
no. I have a Feeling this will be rather unrelatable to whoever I tag so. electing to present my own question:
3 (again). [FREE SPACE] recommend a song?
im gonna recommend Tsuru (en: Bowstring) by koyori / denbolP bc it’s great. I love this producer actually.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
mm I think im probably averagely sarcastic but like. I do have a habit of like. ex: someone will be like oh where’s [kiri]? when I’m literally right there and I have the immediate impulse to say, completely straightfaced, like “oh [kiri]? sorry they’ve been dead for seven years. they’ve never been in this room in your entire life.” so essentially I like doubling down on things when I think it’s funny.
5. what sports do you play/have played
i played basketball for six years!
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
i think the first like, physical detail I pay proper Attention to is earrings. just cause I like em. apart from that it’s probably their voice and what they find funny.
7. eye color?
brown. comparatively I think it’s rather dark to the point of looking black.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
i mean I feel like this is a. false dichotomy but I really don’t have a good stomach for horror and stuff so. happy endings ig.
9. any special talents?
talents… I’ve memorized my squares up to 30-ish, so like if for example if someone says 28 I can rattle off 784. I’ve been told I have a talent for talking abt media I like but that’s also something said by my lovely friends lol.
10. where were you born?
on earth. im also electing to replace this with my own question:
10 (again). what made you make a tumblr account?
if ppl look at my blog they shall think I showed up in 2020 but I’ve actually been here since 2015. I just… deactivated my acct by accident when I meant to delete a sideblog. ok. so obviously I remade in that case. I made one back in 2015, though, because I was like, really into hxh and ran into some hxh blogs I was like. in love with. also some fairy tail fic authors I rly respected were on here. and I wanted to discuss hxh and post fic. so I joined.
11. what are your hobbies?
writing! and reading! and drawing! and playlist making. im basic. writing is probably #1 to me tho I rly enjoy it. like for all I complain about it I actually really enjoy the act of like putting down words and crafting stuff and editing. I’d actually love to beta fic more regularly. and get reallllly good at grammar (seriously if anyone has any resources on that chuck it at me) and action scenes. those r my big two dreams.
12. do you have any pets?
nope! i do have a depressing amount of wips I have not taken care of, tho…
13. how tall are you?
5’2” or about 158 cm, i haven't measured myself lately. I’ve been told my various sources that I have “tall person energy” tho. im not as good abt it nowadays but I tend to be a bit careful abt keeping my back straight. at the very least I’m pretty aware of it. I wanna say it was just cool of me to be that way bc I was into having good posture but I’m like 90% sure it was because I read skip beat and I really liked that kyoko stood that way.
14. favorite subject in school?
math by farrrr. literature is dependent on the teacher for quality imo and while I enjoyed it I was always a bit sad that we never did any creative writing. math is just very nicely methodical.
15. dream job?
honestly I don’t have one. like I’d love to publish a book some day but I don’t want it to be my Job. im pretty satisfied just doing smthing productive-feeling and where I have enough free time tbh.
no obligation to answer ofc to anyone tagged. also if you don’t want to answer any of the questions just reject them... I just provided alternates bc I felt like it. i think this is supposed to be 15 questions for 15 mutuals but i dont want to tag that many people... @icharchivist @sunnnfish @dirtbra1n @mxddyhero @heartsdash @watcher-ofthe-sky @estradasphere
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nucleos · 7 months
actually i deleted my last post because i figured out what i don't like about pop music that tries to relate to me now! it's that i find them unrelatable! i'm not the target audience! i don't gain self validation from the ego, nor do i have an active social life! i'm 24! i have 1 degree! i'm not at the club! i'm fixing my sleep schedule! i'm 'inbetween jobs'
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a-pancake-i-am · 2 years
I may or may not simply delete Fictif after Last Legacy is fully released 🤔
I have grown uncomfortable with current tendencies of Fictif games. By that I mean - all the new released games moved from character route model to linear storyline where your choices may lead do getting intimate with all the characters at once.
I am a keen dating sim player, and I play all different types of novels, even badly written ones, ironically, and I'm telling you - it can still be fun. However for Nix Hydra and their games it is a dramatic decrease in quality, at least the way I see it.
For example It is sort of uncomfortable for me, that I can't avoid gettin intimate with every single character of "Courting the Croun". Even when I have a chosen love interest in my walk-through, others keep acting touchy and getting too close to mc. Mc also shows signs of attractions I've never intended to get in my walk-through.
It is not a big deal when talking about some simply made, low level novels that you read once and then forget forever. An mc who s happy to ride every sexy person they see /sigh/. I do play those, while also mocking them and callin them shitty and stupid. They re fine as a meme, as somethin that the genre is concidered shitty for.
But it is disappointing when coming from developers who gave me the game that became my main fandom for 4 years, you know...
Not to mention that I feel feel like an mc's are getting less and less flexible and unrelatable to me personnally.
Even though they manage to make female LIs attractive, they fail to let them develop a story and ignore what their audience demands.
Every time they release a new male route it is either a himbo or a nerd or a nerd himbo or a himbo nerd.
I'm just getting bored and sad.
We should probably admit that The Arcana was an accident succes of this devs team, and Last Legacy just lucky enough to follow it's step.
Fictif games are still fine, comfortable and friendly. But it is simply not what I expected and waited for, and I think Im gonna quit watching this app an these gamedevs failing me furthermore.
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bisluthq · 2 years
That Lily hirl said on twitter that E news reached out to Jeff for deets on Taylor's Sunday dinner. He has also deleted that tweet. It's honestly frustrating that her being spotted on a dinner date is being sleuthed for headlines. Now I'm genuinely concerned how she's gonna raise her kid and contain her privacy in the future.
… well ya dude like DOES SHE STUTTER lmao?? She’s BEEN SAYING this shit?? Like she knows this is an issue? And ya her going out for dinner is NEWS lol. Her going to a party made front page headlines and got the guy who met her a job opening for Tom Grennan. Literally just from the meeting. Like she is SO famous and yes IT IS HARD. There are obvi perks but it’s HARD dude. And I do think entirely unrelatable for us normies.
And when people are like “why would she write DWOHT about a cishet white man” because like it IS very fucking hard to be with her, regardless of identity. It’s VERY hard.
Also it wasn’t a dinner date it was a family dinner but ya.
I think like Swifties often forget just… the level of interest she commands tbh.
Also dope of Jeff not to like clout chase from this.
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best-fandom-blog · 7 years
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