#if she were a companion
For Clover: ✨ and because my weird little mortician brain wants to know all about everyone’s funeral whether they actually exist or not: 🌓
- @heylittleriotact
🌓 - What would your OC’s funeral be like? Would they prefer a tomb, cremation, or to be given back to the earth? 
Okay so first thing you need to understand about Clover is that she's more Druid than Ranger, and her mother is a retired Cleric of Chauntea. She's also half wood Elf lmao.
She's very much a "return me to the earth" girly. Don't even put her in a coffin, she wants to nurture the land with her body. She wants her friends and family to gather to remember her fondly, not mourn. Don't cry because I'm gone, smile because you got to know me, type. There should be music and her favourite foods for everyone to enjoy.
Plant a tree or flowers or something to mark her grave, visit her often and have picnics there.
Honestly she's pretty chill about death as it is, seeing it as just the next part of life. And honestly, presuming this happens a century+ after the end of the game? She's literally fought Myrkul... she's not afraid of death
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artharakka · 1 year
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So, how was your weekend? Rhiam met a shapeshifting god of forests who transed her gender 🌷
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tinycowboyart · 1 month
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Putting my dnd character into Hades <3
I wanted to do an art study for the hades game because it’s got one of my all time favourite art styles, and who better to draw than my sweet golden child Eryth
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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Clara? You asked me what we're going to do. I told you -- we're going to hell. Or wherever it is people go when they die, if there is anywhere. Wherever it is, we're going to go there, and we're going to find Danny. And if it is in any way possible, we're going to bring him home. Almost every culture in the universe has some concept of an afterlife. I always meant to have a look around, see if I could find one.
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waywardsalt · 1 year
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refused to let myself rest until i finished making this
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krazieka2 · 1 month
is there a reason you prefer whichever Alear you prefer most?
if there was an au with both of them how would you do it?
what do you like about both m! And f! Alear respectively?
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I hope this is satisfactory
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demiesop · 8 months
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shadowheart has been so cool with my tav this playthrough tbh
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bedlamsbard · 22 days
okay what I've learned from this semester and this round of grading is that if I ever use an essay prompt about premodern women again (extremely likely) I'll have to say "you cannot talk ONLY about how women were oppressed by the patriarchy or I will fail the essay" instead of "talk about the ideal woman of [insert historical time period + geographical location] vs. the reality of women in [time period/location] based on the evidence that we have" (obvs it was better phrased than that on the actual prompt and it would probably be different in another context).
I...I restructured the entire class so that we'd be able to talk about stuff Greek women actually did based on the evidence. thanks for showing you didn't come to class that day, look at the powerpoint online, or do the reading.
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perenians · 30 days
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oh merrill...
#I LOVE YOU MERRILL YOU MAKE ME INSANE#she did something mountainous and nobody cared. she reversed the effects of the blight with blood magic!!!#the lengths she went to to try and rediscover elven history...marethari how could you blame her when you were the one who taught her?#you told her how important elven history is#can you blame her for listening#i think isabela would understand.#merrill did something people didn't want her to do#and just like that people turned on her#her whole clan wanted her dead and the party slaughtered them..........augh#the banter between merrill and fenris after you kill the elves...fenris have you no heart#fenris! she LOVED THEM she did it ALL FOR THEM#you know what it's like to be betrayed by family#you know what it's like to kill the people you loved!!#yes i am talking about his sister#i believe he loved her#oh merrill.#merrill is so empathetic and powerful and perceptive. if you think she's stupid YOU are the stupid one#she might be the only one in da2 that knows what's going on#she is so? kind. even when people (anders and fenris) treat her like a child to be chastised#anyway. temporary companion amell who learns of what merrill's doing to fix the eluvian#and realizes that blood magic could hold a cure to the calling#my amell is like. neutral good. but it's been so ingrained in her that blood magic is dangerous and bad that she shies away from it#her holding a dagger to her hand squeezing her eyes shut and slashing her hand open#blood pours and circles around her like a hungry animal#dragon age you haunt me like a wronged spirit that craves to be heard#merrill#merrill art#dragon age#peren procreates#calm down per
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elfcollector · 3 months
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What do you want to do, Shadowheart? I want to see my parents. And I don't care what happens to this one. She's been in my head long enough already. Do what you like. I know you'll choose well.
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ganondoodle · 9 months
as i was awake in the middle of the night for like 2 hours bc i felt sick i had more somewhat random totk thoughts
one being that i really hate how raurus response to concerned zelda is, after sonia died in that almost funny how little impactful it was way, "im sure you are here for a reason" (actually, i hate how often this sentence is used in general to .. idk i guess its supposed to be inspiritational???)
bc what does that mean actually? him saying that to someone who got there absolutely by accident really just sounds like "i dont care go figure it out yourself bc i dont want to think about anything concerning you or your troubles lol" i guess its meant to sound like OOOOH fate has BROUGHT you here bc you have to furfill a role you dont know yet (spoiler its being a sacrifice girl with no personality) and besides me hating the 'inescapable fate' trope in general (at least the way its usually done in these games, which is not to struggle against it but willingly accept whatever you are told and pretend thats good) its really jsut goddamn boring and is really only an excuse to well .. ignore her and her trouble; shouldnt you, if you were actually such a cool guy like the game wants me to believe so bad, do everything in your power to get zelda back to her own world before shes pulled even further into the war you caused now that her only ""mentor"" that could help her get more use of her pretty much useless sudden powers is gone too?? i know shes basically dead wife sonia replacement (can of worms ugh) but it still grinds my gears whenever i think of that cutscene, bc i cant help but hear it as the lamest excuse in existence to not care about her and just kinda .. see what happens which in this case means leave zelda completely on her her own since both rauru and mineru die as well (honestly shouldnt rauru have thought about like .. any plan to defeat gan besides dying himself, given hes the oh so cool and goodest guy king whos only mistake was not stabbing gan the second he stepped into their kathedral castle thing, like even if you had a plan it can still fail but it seemed like he just kinda went in with a handful of people that didnt seem to know each other at all, never got names or faces -or unique voices for that matter- to fight gan face to face inlcuding the girl that came from a different time and had nothing to do with any of this conflict and couldnt even really control her sudden new powers just seems pretty stupid)
thought 2
how totk really feels like botw but for the people who didnt like shiekah tech, its not a sequel, its botw again, but version of only sonau, its like a pokemon game that had two versions but one has weirdly incoherent story and acts like the other never existed jsut as a whole its like retreading the same points but worse, all shiekah tech that was so integral to the world and had such a long history just vanishing and no one caring about any of it like it never happened, HELL the titans were called divine beasts in english but i guess they werent divine or important enough to keep around LOL champions WHO and isntead a never before seen or even heard of race for that matter showing up and planting their ass in every place the shiekah were before, dare i say it feels weirdly manipulative, like either them or some outside force erasing every fact about the ancient shiekah and replace them with sonau stuff bc they are the hot new shit now
this is a point that just doesnt stop bothering me, how the shiekah tech seemed so carefully designed and integrated into botws world and story, its a difficult to keep balance after all, integrating high tech stuff into a medieval setting, but they made it work! and then totk comes around and throws a bunch modern day tech into it puts some vague greenish stone filter on its exterior and call that even better more ancient tech; why did they even bother to make pottery inspired laser shooting spider legged robots so well integrated when they throw a car and rockets into the next game without a thought and call it a day, what was the fucking point
it feels like someone was dead set on having a set of legos thrown into the game it had no place in, if you want players to build whatever they want make a building game instead!! especially if you are just gonna throw it in with seemingly no consideration how out of place it feels togehter with the fACT THAT YOU ALREADY HAD AND ANCIENT HIGH TECH CIVILIZATION WITH A VERY DISTINCT AESTHETIC THAT WAS ALREADY WELL INTEGRATED INTO THE WORLD YOU ARE PLANNING TO REUSE WITH ALOT OF MYSTERY AND UNKOWN STUFF ABOUT THEM TO EXPLORE FURTHER YOU COULD HAVE USED!! but i guess they just "didnt want to play with you anymore" and that so much so that they went out of their way to erase every trace of it, i dont think the words shiekah tech are ever used in the game, and the purah pad and her towers just drive me more isnane bc they are the same shit but called different and also much worse, liek the purah pad isnt some more developed shiekah stone, no its a glorified camera with a teleport function and thats it
(i know i said this before but i really cant stand how obsessed every single NPC is with sonau shit, you get told to your face every second line of dialog that they are so cool and are so mysterious that it just makes me annoyed of them even more, the game is obsessed with shoving them everywhere and telling you over and over you too should obsess over them, they werent weird like that about the shiekah stuff in botw?? the biggesst talking point in botw was calamity ganon ..... which makes sense and in totk its like ... gan is mentioned what, in a newspaper article??? once???and then not even by name i think???)
aside from that big point which will never let me go, its also just .. its not moving forward anything, it actively walks BACK the progress that was made in botw, call me dumb but i dont really count moving one step up in the social roles of each race as a character development (for the side characters like the champions desc- ahem SAGES) but mainly zelda ... god how dirty she was done, totk pretty explicitely makes her regress any development she made in botw aside from she likes link uwu and some people like her too, but also not enough to notice that that weird zelda being all evil and weird isnt her (INLCUDING THE CHAMP- SAGES WHO YOU ARE SUPPOSEDLY FRIENDS WITH??? you dont have to be a genius to pick up on that my god, were you all given the mc dumbo potion or what)
she gets put back to square one, back into the little itty bitty princessy maiden role forced upon her by her royal parentage, this time rauru edition, back into a white little dress, back into the scared puppy eyed teenager, back into a situation she cant handle, back into losing everyone around her (tho honestly botw made me care more about rhoam than totk did about rauru), back into being forced to do a big sacrifice- but worse actually
in botw she went to FIGHT AND HOLD GANON IN THE CASTLE SO LINK HAD TIME TO RECOVER AND IT WOULDNT DESTROY THE LAND!! and you are telling me in totk rauru takes up her botw role and she bascially killed herself to ... restore the mastersword.
......... she ... she did that only to be a glorified version of the stone pedestal in the forest. and then she gets returned to normal itty bitty girly no problem via magic sparkle beam at the end and
it really is just botw but worse, you even get yet another ghost king of hyrule to guide you around (rhoam did it better fight me ... we dont talk about the questionable choice to make himself darker skinned when posing as just some guy)
i honestly dont think i was ever truly taken aback by anythign that happened in botw, while in totk, the further i played, the more i had to fight with myself to keep the feeling of unease, disappointment and betrayal down
its such a god damn shame, totk should have stayed a DLC, i will forever mournfully dream of a game that explores more of the ancient shiekah, doesnt erase integral parts of the world, developes characters more instead of making them regress back and make them end up even less developed than at the start of the game, dives into buried secrets and mistakes of dark pages of history without giving into a weirldy nationalist(imperalisitc?) narrative and lets characters have some agency for once
if it werent for the yiga i might have actually considered refunding the game, just to be at peace with myself
anyway, aboslutely incoherent word vomit.
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"youre very late, all of you"
not to do the most unflattering reading of 13 at all times but this at the start of spyfall vs graham's "are we getting replaced" at the end, do you think she was being slightly vindictive bc she thought she was getting dumped for like half an hour
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sky-ivylight · 5 months
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my companions and I were talking about a Tobecky tiktok AU and i was struck with inspiration
[ID: A drawing of Becky Botsford, a dark skinned young person with dark curly hair, a magenta headband, and a white collared shirt layered under a dark green sweater, as if it's a screenshot from a tiktok. She's holding up a hand-written card with the words "TOUCH GRASS" in allcaps on it, and she looks annoyed. Overlayed on the top left corner of the screen is a comment from someone with the username "the_real_scoop" and it reads "he is literally in love with you" in allcaps. /END ID]
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thirddoctor · 6 months
as a long time hater of Donna's original ending I'm feeling so vindicated right now
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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laniidae-passerine · 5 months
well while I’m sorry to hear we’re losing Millie Gibson at the end of this season I damn hope that RTD can treat Varada Sethu’s companion character better than he ever treated Martha
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