#then depending on how many people died in the Shadowlands
For Clover: ✨ and because my weird little mortician brain wants to know all about everyone’s funeral whether they actually exist or not: 🌓
- @heylittleriotact
🌓 - What would your OC’s funeral be like? Would they prefer a tomb, cremation, or to be given back to the earth? 
Okay so first thing you need to understand about Clover is that she's more Druid than Ranger, and her mother is a retired Cleric of Chauntea. She's also half wood Elf lmao.
She's very much a "return me to the earth" girly. Don't even put her in a coffin, she wants to nurture the land with her body. She wants her friends and family to gather to remember her fondly, not mourn. Don't cry because I'm gone, smile because you got to know me, type. There should be music and her favourite foods for everyone to enjoy.
Plant a tree or flowers or something to mark her grave, visit her often and have picnics there.
Honestly she's pretty chill about death as it is, seeing it as just the next part of life. And honestly, presuming this happens a century+ after the end of the game? She's literally fought Myrkul... she's not afraid of death
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warwaged-archive · 3 years
good afternoon I’m here to talk shadowlands today (but only the parts I like):
in the night fae campaign, tyrande agrees to let you help save night elf souls sent unjustly to torghast/the maw. for my portrayal, this is not a given. she will not trust someone affiliated with the horde to do something so important, and she doesn’t care to hear what you may have to say about making things right. I personally think she’d be iffy even towards people from the alliance, depending on who they are. if you’re a nelf you’re good, if you’re gilnean you’re probably good, but the rest? not necessarily.
alleria? I can’t decide what she’s doing while everything’s on fire. taking a vacation in elwynn forest maybe. y’all can save the world this time, she’ll pass (I don’t blame her tbh look at this shitshow)
I think tiffin is the one I have a better structured sort of idea for shadowlands? she died many years ago, but the ascension process seems to be like... not easy? so she was in bastion for a while and ultimately she ascended as a forsworn because she would not let go of her memories. still, she’s one of those who followed devos without knowing about the mawsworn, because what devos intended and what they believed they were doing (reforming a flawed system that forced them to let go of what was important to them and gave them strength in life) is something she’d absolutely fight for, but she was never a ‘the end justifies the means’ type of person and siding with the jailer forces isn’t something she’d do. so once the kyrian campaign progresses and the kyrian realize change in their path is necessary, I think she’d no longer see a reason to oppose them.
alex should go to shadowlands but I’m still figuring that out. I do believe after the news from ysera she would want to see her sister again, and even before that, with the huge problems going on and all, I think she’d try to do her part to keep the universe safe. even initially, when it comes to just saving the kidnapped leaders --- she cares a lot for thrall, and I think she’d like to help.
nalice wants nothing to do with the shadowlands, thanks
kelantir is in bastion, but she’s not one of the ascended. she died fairly recently so she’s not an angel yet. unlike tiffin, who I think would want to keep all her memories, because even the bad things are important to who she ended up being, I think there are things kelantir would maybe like to forget, but they weight on her too much for her to be able to do so, even then. 
come find her chilling in bastion (maybe helping to save the universe too, probably)
lorna would go to the shadowlands to help tbh. if taelia and calia got there later, lorna can too -- except I don’t think she’d be content to wait in oribos, she’d want to actually go help. given she’s not a champion with an ability to enter and leave the maw at will, she wouldn’t go there I guess, unless someone took her with them. but in the covenants and etc she’d definitely go help. and if we get some info on how to fuck up sylvanas’ plans on the way that’s all the better.
besides, if sylv ran away to the shadowlands it’s a joke gilneas wouldn’t send someone. look at what they did in legion. let lorna be that person thanks.
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zmduelist74 · 7 years
Trigger warning. Press J to skip if on a computer, scroll really fast if on mobile. Because my suicidal ideation won’t let me rest…
-If I died today, would anyone find the body?
-How long would it take?
-Would someone get tipped off my the smell? I hear bodies take two weeks before they get to that point.
-Or would it be my cats? They know where the food is stored, and could probably chew through the bag. But what if they run out of food and begin eating me instead?
-Would anyone really notice my dissappearance from work? I work tech support from home; if I die, and don’t report in for a week, will they send the police to fetch their equipment? Or will they shrug and comp the monitors and laptop and cords?
-Would anyone be sad I’m gone? What would the handful of nice acquaintances I’ve made this month say or do, if I don’t show up to shindigs or return texts/calls? Would they do a funeral rite for me, or go on about their lives as if I was nothing more than a pesky spider underfoot?
-If I drank or got super fucked up and that was what did me in, would the chemicals preserve me? Or would it speed up my deterioration?
Would anyone honor my wish of being buried in a pod under a tree, or would they say ‘lol nope’ and toss me in a Christian cemetary with Christian funeral rites and claim my Paganism was nothing more than straying from their god’s path?
-Would the Goddess take me into Her arms and soothe all these wounds I’ve collected? Or would She dismiss me to the Shadowlands to suffer forever?
-What would become of my stuff? Would they just box it up and take it to the Salvation Army as donations? Or would it be cherished and honored and put to good use?
-Would my novels and Book of Shadows be saved and passed on to the appropriate party?
-What would happen to my money in the bank? My 401K? My kits, my car?
-Why do I get the distinct feeling no one would remember me in a good light? As a kind person.
-Why do I always feel so empty when I’m alone by myself, and an actress pretending for the world when around people? Why do my interactions with people feel so fake, so shallow?
-Why do my new experiences seem lackluster? Like my imagination made them more interesting than they actually were going in? Is that even normal?
-Why do I feel so broken, yet always pretending I’m whole?
-Sometimes I feel like my viewpoint is the only one that is being recorded. Like during a movie or TV show, the audience only knows what the camera sees. If the camera hasn’t seen it or heard about it from someone yet, there is no assumption it did indeed happen. What if I’m the only camera? What happens to that tape when I die? Does it just stop and I disappear? Does the world implode? Or does it continue and I lose the tape after reincarnating?
-Would anyone suffer or be negatively impacted because I died?
-Would anyone gain or benefit from my death?
-Would anyone check to make sure my wishes were fulfilled?
-What becomes of the guy or gal or ren who would’ve been my partner? Do they feel a twinge deep down, or is the entire concept of soul mates hippie-dippie bullshit? I can’t even imagine falling asleep in someone’s arms, let alone ever getting to that point with someone, despite how much I want to and have tried in the past. The one and only time someone has ever told me I was beautiful and valid and worth having around was two nights ago, and they were drunk beyond measure, so my brain dismissed their comments in .5 seconds. Will anyone ever say that when sober? Or is it basically agreed upon that I’m the most conceited, self-centered, bothersome, annoying, stubborn pain in the ass person they have ever had or ever will have the misfortune of knowing?
-What becomes of my loans? Do they disappear too, or do they steal from my estate?
-Am I shallow and self-centered for having these thoughts? How many people did I hurt out of spite, over the course of my life? To get what I wanted? Was I lying to myself when I thought I had lived a good life? That I was simply a good person that bad things happened to, and that I can’t possibly be bad? What if I was, and that is why I have no friends, and few acquaintances, and my family dislikes me, and I feel perpetually alone and isolated and ostracized?
-Why am I constantly evaluating my standing with people? Why is it that I fuck up once, or misspeak, or mispronounce something, and my brain says 'lol never speaking to them again, mate'? When does that become unhealthy?
-Is there peace in death, or is it painful?
-Do I get a different afterlife depending on what killed me?
…this is getting to be too much. Ra, please let me sleep. Even if I oversleep and miss Circle tonight.
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