#if i even can here.. i still don’t know tumblr’s n s f w rules nowadays ._.
l4deeznuts · 8 months
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moar men
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emiisanxious · 3 years
TSUS Day 6 - Anxceitmus
This person is doing a really cool challenge! And while I don’t think I will partake in all days I couldn’t help and do today. Although, a fair warning the plot is really hushed (like with all this TSUS).
Challenges Rules can be found here.
Also the prompt: A and B are in a relationship together when they meet C. Sometimes they knew c before that, it doesn’t matter. What is important for this dynamic is, that usually both A and B are scared when they feel attracted to another person than their partner. This dynamic often contains angst, sometimes A and b break up because they think the reason for the attraction is that they weren’t really in love with their partner. If you’re going to write something like this, keep in mind that it might be a good idea to make C confess to both of them at the same time and/ or being open about them being poly. From tumblr: @xximagine-your-ot3xx in this post.
Summary: Remus and Virgil were in a good relationship but... They missed someone.
Also, reblogs are welcome! As it can make other people find my blog and I get to write more.
TW: Knives mentions, panic attack mentions, spiders mentions, n/s/f/w mention - just like really over mentioned, eating gross things (don’t know how to tag this), misunderstanding Like HELL lot. My wish was just to put the TW as: REMUS been Remus. But okay, tell me if I missed any trigger.
Relationship: Romantic Dukexiety end up with Romantic Anxceitmus
Characters: Virgil, Janus, Remus.
Mentions: Other sides without name.
Words: 1 369
Remus and Virgil, when they first started dating no one, literally no one expected that but with the days they all could see how hopeless in love they were with each other. They were good for each other and no one doubted that.
If Virgil was having a panic attack? Just let Remus make it better, he would do small breathing exercises and then go to the Imagination in his castle, where they would end up cuddling and watching a marathon of cheap horror movies and make fun of it.
If Remus's thoughts started to get louder? You bet that Virgil will carry him outside of where the sides lived and just stay outside, in the woods, doing a small camp. They would end up throwing knives and shurikens in trees, play tag in their fancy way, Virgil's handicap would be he wasn't allowed to use his spider-sense. But Remus won't cheat by going underwater.
An odd couple, sometimes chaotic, but they were in love, and sure they were also horny as hell, after all, Remus kinks list was a book itself and Virgil didn't mind at all in complying with it if it means that his boyfriend would be happy.
Yet as time passes they end up with a problem, both started to pay attention to a certain side. Although don't get them wrong, they did love each other is just... They felt like it missed something, someone.
Sometimes it would feel better for Virgil if someone else was there to stop Remus from eating pancakes with dish soup. As well sometimes it would feel better for Remus if someone else could explain to him why Virgil's panic attack wasn't subduing. Or why Virgil didn't want to be touched?
The green creativity needed the touches and was the only way that he knew how to calm Anxiety. Touch, holding, and then doing the breathing exercise. So, when they both found out that they loved Janus was really off for them.
"Wait... What?" Virgil looked confused at his boyfriend when they confessed at the same time. "That is weird."
"I know!" Remus sighs as he looks at the purple side. "I just... Love him, and love you."
"Hm... So... Maybe we are poly?" Virgil tried it as he looks at the ceiling.
"I don't know. Virge... I just. Don't want to break with you."  Remus confessed as he will look at his boyfriend.
"This is just..." Virgil didn't know what to say exactly as he looks back at Remus and so going to him, holding his hands gentle. "How about we take the time to think about it? Not break up just, take some time. Maybe try to pass more time with Janus and see how things go?"
The dark creativity didn't like it, but he supposed they didn't have a better idea right now as he nods. "Fine... But please look for help if you panic?"
"Sure, I will." Anxiety tried to relax his shoulders as he kisses his boyfriend for the last time.
For the next week, it was odd in the mind space. Everyone started to worry, as they could see that both Remus and Virgil were just miserable, yet when asked both just denied or didn't talked.
Janus could sense the lie, between the line of: "I'm fine" or "We didn't break up" or even the "Nothing is wrong". It was just off, what was also off was the number of times that Virgil had a panic attack and he was the side chosen to help.
"Hey, look at me." Deceit said for what seems the tenth time this day. "In for four, 2, 3, 4, hold for seven, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, out for eight, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Good, you're doing great. Again."
After a month, that was just in the ridiculous point, Janus would need to keep his eyes on both. If he wasn't in one room, he was in the other room. Remus often had a self-harm episode or Virgil had a hallucination as he was so freaking out. It was in one of the hallucinations episodes that Janus finally got his answer.
"Why the fuck are you two like that?!" Deceit was tired, he hasn't been able to really rest, he was sick worried about the two sides, and wasn't just because of his trait as self-preservation, was also because he was mad in love with them, but he always felt like he shouldn't meddle in their love.
Virgil was tired as his head was buried in Janus's neck, murmuring a. "Because... We can't figure out..."
"Exactly?" The yellow side was now caressing the purple side's head, to ground him.
"We both fell in love with you... But that was weird because we were in love with each other... So... We thought that maybe we weren't in love with each other and decided to take a break? And try to pass more time with you to figure out..." Virgil's voice was almost dead as he was slowly sleeping.
Janus was shocked as he looks at the ceiling, that was all happening because of him?! How these two morons couldn't notice the simple solution for that? Although he should be fair to himself, he never tried to show interest in them, he was good at lying to himself after all.
A sigh as he realizes that this chaos could have ended up way early if Janus stopped just lying to himself. He ended up staying the night in Virgil's room, holding him and keep him calm enough.
On the next morning though, Janus didn't waste time as he would grab Virgil's hand and pull him out to Remus's room, knocking on it till the other side opens up.
"J-Anus! Virgin, what a delight to see you here." Remus was weirder, his room lost a lot of the mess and chaos, also dirty and trash that always was there, he himself was a mess.
"Shut up." Janus finally sighed as he will push Remus back to the room and then get inside with Virgil, making both sit down on the bed and close the door.
Virgil and Remus didn't look at each other as they still didn't get an answer about their feelings so right now that was just... Uncomfortable.
Janus took a deep breath as he looks at them. "You two are just idiots you know that?" Deceit could see how surprised and confused they were by his declaration. "I love you both, sure I'm more idiot for not confess before but I didn't want to this happen." As he points for them.
Remus looked worse than he had in years, and sure he was weird, but right now he just looked sad and broken. Virgil looked like a zombie as he wasn't able to properly sleep at that time, so he was half functioning.
"You know, we could be in a poly relationship. You two didn't need to have this time and be like that if you two just asked me before!" Janus was pissed at that, at least they had the decency to look embarrassed at that. "So here is what we are going to do, Remus will do his bed bigger enough to have us three comfortable, with enough blankets for being a sauna. We are going to sleep all cuddle. And later, when we wake up. We will talk more about this. Are we clear?"
Virgil and Remus looked confused at each other, but they ended up smiling because that was exactly what was missing. As they ended up doing exactly that.
Sure, Virgil and Remus were good for each other, but with Janus, they got perfect.
Janus was the third person to understand Virgil's need during some of the panics' day and stop Remus from triggering him more. Janus was also the person to help stop Remus from eating something too disturbing.
But more important, Virgil and Remus were the ones to give all the love and attention that Janus deserved, never letting him alone, give him all the warmth and caress the snake-like needed.
No relationship was perfect, but that one was enough to be a good balance and healthy.
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beann-e · 3 years
omg , I just saw the followers tab & :0 woah over 100 people follow me ,Tysm i don’t even have that many people following me on instagram anyways , I thought I would write something about my favorite hot head reacting to his s/o getting over 100 followers
“ katsuki “ you screamed as you bounced up and down
the balls of your feet never hitting the ground until he finally grabbed your shoulders
“ what “ he huffed out staring dead in your eyes bending to your level “ you’ve been screaming my name for the past 15 minutes “
“ because you haven’t been answering me “
“ because your rambling on and on about nonsense I don’t understand “
you moved out of his grasp to hop more “ katsuki — you’ll never believe what happened “
he grunted to show he was listening as he moved around in your kitchen
“ I hit 10– woah what are you cooking babe smells good “
he let his eyes drift from the pan to yours
his face turning up in confusion before he spoke his voice laced with annoyance
“ y/n , what are you — get it the fuck out why are you dragging it —swear I won’t be mad but this is pissing me off more than whatever your gonna tell me“
“ fine “ you pulled on his shirt to get him to pay attention to you.
Him finally huffing and turning to give you full attention , back rested on the counter as his hands held him up. Apron in clear view for you to see his white shirt poking out
“ ok what’s up babe “ he sighed “ you’ve got my full attention if we don’t have dinner tonight it’s your fault — what do you want “
“ I just hit over 100 followers on my tumblr “
“ t-tumbler “ his eyebrows raised “ the fuck is that ? “
“ tumblr “ you exaggerated moving over to stand across from him “ and it doesn’t matter arent you proud of me “
“ uh “
“ i’m gonna be famous and we’re gonna travel the world and — “ he looked at you like you were crazy as you went on rambling.
Eyes finally coming down from their confused state as he found himself smiling at your excited motions.
He always enjoyed watching you talk about something that made you happy though he got a little jealous when it wasn’t him
“ I don’t like tumblr “
your face dropped “ w-what “
“ I don’t like tumblr don’t make me repeat myself again “
“ why “ you gasped out watching as he moved back over to the stove and the pan he was cooking in
“ b-because — don’t question me I don’t have to tell you anything you — you shitty person “
“ uh katsuki im so confused right now babe “
“ ok well tumblr can be too when you delete your account “
“ w-“
“ haha won’t they send you one of those deactivation emails —- “ he laughed as he thought about all the bad things that would happen once you deleted your account only smiling when he remembered that he would be the only thing left in your life to make you smile
“ ok so after you delete your account you’ll be so sad I just know it but baby i’ll be right here and we can go to the p— “
“ i’m not deleting my account katsuki “ you huffed out hands wrapped around your chest “ so screw you“
he stopped what he was doing
“ tumblr makes me happy and if you don’t like them you can take it up with no one since no ones gonna listen to you “
you stuck your tongue out at him as he jumped back at the action “ not even your shitty s/o “
You moved to walk away and out of the kitchen pulling your phone out to look at your follower count one more time.
Your mind slowing when you noticed what you’d just done
‘ w-wait I talked bad to him , then I told him what I wasn’t gonna do, then I made fun of his own words’
your voice came out soft and low as you finally made a realization “ oh shit and then I left him alone in the kitchen — you never leave a bakugou alon—- “
“ y/n the fuck are you talking about “ you heard his near guttural yell “ the hell do you think your doing leaving me alone in my kitchen after being an asshole“
you could feel him at the other end of the hallway your body freezing when you looked up from your phone to stare at him calculating how many steps it would take him to reach the end of the hallway and how many it would take to get back to your room
His eyes darting ahead to look at you and then dropping to your phone “ you’re on tumblr “
“ I-i’m on tumblr “
the two of you stood still for a moment before you seen him take off down the hallway ripping his apron off as you jetted down the opposite way taking the turn to your bedroom as he screamed smirking
“ oh fuck am I gonna kill you “
“ no no babe wait I — “
“ your fucking writer fingers better be moving just as quick to delete your page like they do to upload a new story “
“ not fucking funny katsuki “
“ I hear so much talking but not a ‘ are you sure you want to deactivate your account “
You screamed as you heard his blast go off and zoom him through the house as he grabbed you tackling you to the floor as you reached out for the bedroom door
“ damn it was 2 fingers away “ you whined “ baby please I win — I win i’m right here just give it to me “
“ no — nope you know the rules “ he smiled down on you his face less than a centimeter away from you
“ you don’t make it to the room after you’ve pissed me off and I win whatever argument we have “
“ you asshole i’m quirkless—you have an advantage“
he looked around the hallway with a small shrug “ huh sounds like a you problem shoulda designed the house to your benefit— “
he laughed as you frowned “ maybe you should talk to shitty deku about that heard there’s a way out of quirkless boredom for losers like him “
“ maybe I will go talk to him “
he quirked up his eyebrow “ you better be talking about quirks or i’m on your ass “
you gulped as he plucked the phone from your grasp “ thank you “
“ asshole “
“ we both have those yes “
“ fuck you katsuki “
“ you did earlier “
“ I hate you “
“ funny — is it your period cute how it always makes your mood change”
you felt yourself let out a giggle that turned into a loud laugh when you noticed you were never gonna win his game
You looked up at him eyes moving carefully over his features thumb rubbing at his cheek before you ran you hand over his nape and into his hair him shuddering at the new feeling
Before he plopped his head across your chest basking in the feeling
you staring at the ceiling feeling his low groans radiate through your body
He was overworked so you knew he was tired this was the most fun you’d guys had together in months apart from the dinner dates you only went on to copy your married friends
“ do I make you happier than tumblr “ you laughed at his question before smiling widely
“ yes you make me happier than tumblr babe “
he grunted as he nuzzled himself into your chest not wanting you to see the red blush decorating his face only to show off his red ears more
“ f-fuck tumblr then “
you sighed out as you took your phone back from his grasp him only making you drop it so he could hold your hand instead
“ does this mean I can keep I— “
“ if you ask me i’ll delete it myself “ he said through his muffled voice “ just shut the fuck up and enjoy my momental celebration of your 100 fans“
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 Character Bio and rules are below the line
You can call me Shadow. i’m a 28yo male that hasn’t rped in years. Last time i did was i think 3 maybe 4 years ago so i am plenty rusty. I know this doesn’t say a lot about me but if there’s anything you’d like to know, just ask.
About Karisa
Name: Karisa
Race: Tiefling: A Humanoid people descended from humans who made pacts or crossbred with demons.
Age: 18
Height: 6'3"
Hair color: black
Occupation: Golemancer, Adventurer, occasional Blacksmith
Appearance: As a tiefling, Karisa has several traits that distinguishes her from Humans. She has Lavender colored skin, ice blue eyes, two horns, pointed ears, and a 4 foot long tail.
Personality: When it comes to enemies, Karisa can be downright ruthless. if she hates them bad enough, she will leave an enemy broken but alive to let them try again. She swears a LOT around everyone no matter who they are with the exception of children and has a habit of making enemies through her mannerisms. She’s bad enough with her words that there have been jokes made about weaponizing her lexicon and isn’t afraid to cuss out friends! BUT if you can take her words with a grain of salt and actually befriend her, then no matter what she says to you, she will protect you with her life. In her words, “You may be a cunt, but you’re MY cunt. And no one FUCKS with my cunt!”
Karisa was born on a small farm and raised by her parents until she reached the age of 8 when they passed away. Since then she would delve into golemancy as a way to cope, keeping her hands busy and moving foreword as best as she can. This is around the time she found the large crystal that would become Grom’s core. At the age of 10, she made her way to the city with her golem Grom, who was wood at the time, to try and become an adventurer. There she met the Dwarf Bormi who gave her a place to stay and taught her in the ways of the blacksmith.
Modern Verse (Hazbin Verse rewrite):
Karisa is Tiefling who was born into an organization known as The Adventurer’s Guild. The purpose of this organization is to deal with supernatural threats to society as a whole by hunting down creatures, artifacts, books, and other things that could pose a danger. If it can’t be recruited, it is to be either destroyed or relocated. People of course know about them but there is a general distrust of the organization due to their habit of employing non-humans and the Guild’s use of magic.
When it comes to the forces of Heaven and Hell, the Guild was able to get their hands on a blueprint for portal technology. The portal they have doesn’t always work and sometimes accesses realms other than Heaven or Hell. This can have a tendency to get adventurers stuck in realms outside of earth.
Golemancy: Throughout her life, Karisa has made a variety of golems. These golems can me made from just about any solid material if given enough time. Golems made from metal, stone, wood, and even flesh are within her area of expertise. Her favorite golem is an 8 foot tall minotaur automaton she named Grom.
Cooking: Karisa LOVES to cook. She’s always experimenting with different dishes and creating a few of her own.
Basic Martial Arts: Since she turned 13, Karisa has trained with a quarterstaff and dagger so that if her golems failed, she could still take care of herself.
Magic: In addition to Golemancy, she has a small arsenal of spells at her disposal.
Fire Spells: All Tieflings are capable of fire magic. Fireball, Burning Hands, and Firewall to name a few. Using fire helps her a lot if she has to weld parts together on a golem.
Lightning Spells: Karisa can perform rudimentary lightning spells but this mostly equates to coating her hand in electricity to use. The strength of this can range from the power of a normal stun gun to enough power to jumpstart a city’s electrical grid.
3D Movement: This is a form of wind magic that allows her to “kick” the air. by doing this, Karisa can give off the impression that she is flying. This does not mean she stays in the air, only that she can move in it. she usually only uses this to get over walls or cliffs or maybe to get into a tree.
Empathy Link: This is something she originally learned in order to better deal with golems in order to find out what their orders are. it can be used on other creatures and objects to get a kind of idea of either how they are feeling or how they are used. She MUST make contact with the palm of her hand for this to work.
Golem Creation: As a golemancer, Karisa carries a number of golem cores on her at all times. These cores can often be infused into whatever matter she chooses to create a quick golem in the field. These golems aren’t as effective as one she has time to prepare but they get the job done. Golem cores are also extremely volatile! Damaging a core will cause any magic in it to go haywire and explode in relation to the core’s size. This makes golems and their cores effective bombs if she needs to!
Golem Override: This is a skill that allows Karisa to manually control her golems and see through their eyes. HOWEVER this is only a last resort because it leaves her immobile and defenseless. 
Please send Karisa questions and asks either from yourself or your characters! i will fill this out as i go!
1: i am all for fight scenes and such but please do not god-mod. meaning do not assume what happens to my character. (EX: “My character fires a gun and hits your character in the shoulder.” or “Your character tried to dodge but my character cuts off their arm before they can.”) In my responses, i’ve taken to rolling a dice to determine whether or not my character gets hit and how badly she gets hit. I do not mind my character dying in a particular thread so long as it is discussed at length beforehand and is necessary for the development of the plot. communication is key for stuff like this.
2: Don’t send hate. I don’t mind criticizing because it helps me reflect on how i’m doing. Hate is just a dick move though.
3: I reserve the right to choose whether or not i rp or answer an ask. There will be times that i don’t have the inspiration or motivation to continue it or there is not enough for me to go on. An example of this would be if i responded to an rp and the response i get back is “Character ducks.” or something as equally short.
4: I don’t mind reminders but i DO mind spamming. I will mostly be rping either on the weekends or some afternoons when i can get up the motivation. DO NOT spam me reminders every day or every other day. I have a 5 month old son and a job that has me working monday to thursday with the occasional friday up to 12 hours a day. Those come first.
5: You will see a lot of stuff on here that i will do my best to tag from gore to n//s//f//w// threads. If there is anything in particular you would like me to tag when it shows up, please let me know! Anything truly spicy will placed uner a read more and tagged as “Read at your own Risk!::NSFPC” (nsfpc stands for not safe for public consumption.
6: While i accept starters, memes, questions and comments through asks, starters and starter memes WILL be turned into a post to start a thread. I will not rp through constant asks because this can lead to more dash clutter than the post will. That being said, i will trim the post before it gets too long and will try to have any appropriate tags on it.
7: THERE WILL BE LOTS AND LOTS OF SWEARING! Enough that i will not be tagging it because it is everywhere! I will not tone down her swearing except around child muses because this is part of her character and i ask that you please understand.
8: When it comes to shipping, Karisa will make things fairly clear on whether or not she wants to be with your character. I love shipping but i also know that not everyone will ship their characters with Karisa and that's perfectly fine! Karisa WILL flirt and get touchy with people she's interested in but if the mun or character they are controlling doesn't want that, TELL HER! Not me. HER. Have your character reject her advances, tell her "no" or even smack the shit out of her if she gets too handsy! I will not be upset and i will completely understand! A lot of people plan ships out and tell others there has to be chemistry, but as I'm thinking about it, im going to be removing that little section from my rules. Why? Because failed ships have the potential to create drama, angst, and even enemies if done properly! If she comes onto a character and it makes you uncomfortable or you're just not interested, EXPRESS IT THROUGH YOUR CHARACTER! The same will apply to her! The only time i will have any sort of problem is if she says no, gets into a fight, and you try to godmod it to your liking or try to guilt ME about it. My character makes up her own mind about how to do things just like yours.
I may add more rules as time goes on but it’s pretty straightforward. Don’t be afraid to come and talk to me! I’m pretty open about things and i would love to see you around! Come and join me on discord for more Mun stuff! Just make sure you edit your name to match your tumblr url so i know who you are please! https://discord.gg/6ftZuSP8XH 
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feliciohno · 3 years
I'm back but not without a quick psa
Okay ik I do like these little psa bullshits all the time and I am sorry and ik only like maybe 5 people care I'm just the kinda person who feels the need to over explain constantly even though ik I don't have to. Anyways, this is hopefully gonna be a quick thing and done but I just need to talk a little bit about my coming back and some changes to the blog so lets go.
So, I'll be honest, I'm not fully ready to come back. Just being frank but the only reason I'm coming back after about a month is because I wanted to take part in a Chaggie month during may and this is the blog I use for that kinda stuff. But I didn't want to reopen the blog and then just post about Hazbin cause honestly I'd feel bad. I know I say time and time again that this blog isn't JUST Hetalia but I'm not dumb, I know what you guys followed the blog for. And it's not that I blame anyone because where the content isn't only Hetalia it tends to be mostly Hetalia.
If it wasn't for the Chaggie month I probably would have stayed away longer ngl. Don't get me wrong, I do feel much better than I did when I first left. I just still don't feel great. Without getting too much into it, my brain doesn't really do great things sometimes. Whenever something bad happens to me it often will latch those emotions to things in the moment. Sometimes it's stuff like food or a song but a lot of times it's shows and characters and ships. It sucks cause it very often tends to hit special interests the most. There really isn't a special interest I have that I can enjoy without issue except maybe bats. And ik this is typically a trauma response but like? My brain recently has started to do it outside of trauma? Like I'm pretty sure I haven't gone through any trauma recently?? So idk man it's dumb and hates me. Anyways, there's still some characters and ships and stuff for Hetalia that I really can't look at without panicking lmao. But honestly it's okay. I'm kinda use to this kinda stuff by now?
Basically my hiatus was so I could step away from people and just like the show by myself. I blocked tags, I only interacted with the show and drew stuff for it when I felt like I wanted to or could. I only talked about the show with an extremely small select group of friends and even that was on rare occasion. There's a word for what I was trying to do but I can't remember it rn it's like re-something therapy. But whatever so yeah. And honestly? It was working really well. It's still working really well. I feel better than I did before. But like? It's still not great. There's gonna be stuff that still messes me up. This isn't the kinda thing that goes away over night and I knew that going into my hiatus. But! You guys stuck with me (from what I can tell) and I genuinely thank you all for that! So like yeah I am coming back to the blog including Hetalia posting. I'm probably gonna keep the tags blocked though and only look at like certain mutual content and stuff. Just stuff that I know for sure isn't gonna idk set me off (I desperately don't wanna call any of this stuff triggers cause then that's admitting how much they actually emotionally affect me and I'm not even gonna go there lmao).
That's basically it in regards of my hiatus BUT now I gotta talk about some changes to this blog. Nothing huge just two minor things.
The first thing is this blog is now my Problematic Media blog AND my blog to put Gore/N S F W content on. The main reason for this is I got accepted to be an artist on a blog called @/ponydoodles (if you like mlp related content go give it a follow :> ). One of the rules though of being an artist is the main blog you use and that is associated with your mod title can not have any extreme gore or N S F W content on it. Which like, I don't blame them for making that a rule. The mlp fandom has a lot of bad rep cause of older and probably even still modern fans. I have my own opinions on that kinda stuff but that's neither here nor there. So yeah! Any content of mine that is too suggestive or gory will be posted here no matter the source. Please make sure to block any tags of stuff you don't wanna see. And just a quick note, I will not be tagging N S F W content as such because those posts get blocked and it's FUCKING annoying. Instead I will be using the tag NSFT (not safe for tumblr) which from what I've seen is what most people are using these days. As for gore I always do my best to make sure everything is properly tagged with more intense or triggering content.
The last small change to this blog is this- I will no longer be posting about non blog related content on here. Lemme explain a little. I'm sure a lot of you noticed that I tend to make little posts here and there about myself, my life, cartoons just anything on my mind. The problem with this is I ended up almost killing my main blog @hext00ns because I was never fucking using it. And because I never used it for so long I don't get much interaction from people on that blog but I did start to get it here. From there it was a loop. I'd post more on here, causing less attention on my main, causing people to interact more with my side, causing me to want to post more on my side and less on my main. And honestly? It actually made me kinda depressed? In a weird way? It's kinda dumb but Hextoons is like my brand. Being the weird cartoon freak that knows way too much about animation and anything involving it has always and will always be my main and in some cases only personality trait lmao. It's also where I post my original content which is really important to me. So, here's what's gonna happen. I'm only gonna be posting about content that pertains to the sources and content that I use this blog for. Any other content or blogging or whatever will go on my main @hext00ns So like if you liked that kinda stuff or if you like other cartoons, anime, and video game stuff, just god please go follow that account. Genuinely. I promise that blog is full of the same F- bullshit quality all my content tends to be.
And one last thing cause I feel like some people are gonna be curious, yes you can still talk to me about Hetalia and send asks and shit. I still love asks and interactions more than life itself and that hasn't changed. It really is what motivates me to do shit. Comments, tags on reblogs, asks, this kinda stuff puts a fire under my ass to continue and create content that, I assume, you guys like. I'm always open to that kinda stuff on either blog. And where yeah, Hetalia kinda makin' me sad still just a bit, I am better. And honestly? I have the physical ability to just? Not check my notifs for a day or so if I need a short breather or I'm not feeling up to it? Like tech is so amazing how you can exit out of apps and windows like wow guys it's so crazy (/s/j).
So yeah, your fruity little Italian is back from superhell what's up bitches
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wolfsgravity · 3 years
I can’t sleep so I’m just thinkin’ about my range of Pokémon romantic F/Os. This series has meant so much to me for so long, and I know F/Os from that source make up a decent portion of my list. I’d feel more embarrassed about it if I didn’t make it abundantly clear that Pokémon is one of the most pervasive influences in my life from an exceedingly young age.
I just. I dunno. I find my collection of Pokémon series F/Os so interesting.
I’m just gonna ramble a bit.
I’m going to talk in Generational order, because my 1am brain couldn’t decipher a more cohesive timeline if it tried.
Giovanni is a funny one. As a kid, his character in the show intimidated me a little. But I really loved Team Rocket on some level. They were my first Pokémon villain organization, and with the Gen III games having Aqua and Magma, I decided pretty early that Team Rocket was my team. I had a stint in Magma since when I was young, I thought I’d specialize in Fire types, but eh it didn’t stick. No team really stuck nearly as much until Team Skull! So I had a lot of time for my intimidation from Giovanni to evolve into a fearful respect, to a mild devotion… by the time I played Let’s Go! and Ultra Moon, I was more than a little excited to see him in game. As in, I would quietly cheer when he appeared on my screen, in some weird giddy manner. It was only a matter of time before I realized I was crushing hard.
Steven Stone (he has a full name so more often than not I use it when referring to him) probably didn’t make the biggest impact on me in the original Gen III games? Hoenn was my favorite region for a while (in part due to pre- “Hoenn confirmed” hype), but he didn’t have a huge role in Ruby/Sapphire. Maybe I noticed him first in Emerald? I wish I could remember my real first inkling of crush on him, because I just remember when I played Omega Ruby… I was already obsessed with him. He showed up for the first time in game and I squealed. I spent the whole game seeking him out and already making romantic passes at him in my around-19-year-old head.
I am counting Grovyle for this, but it bears repeating that my S/I for the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games is a Pokémon too. Those Mystery Dungeon games enamored me as a teen! I got to BE! A POKEMON!! So I probably got Explorers of Time/Darkness for DS not long after it released in 2008. I was so excited to have Gen IV Pokémon to be and battle and recruit, ugh, this game meant so much to me. I will always remember being part of Wigglytuff’s Guild super fondly. And like, as I am super susceptible to mental role play, putting myself in my characters shoes (or lil toe beans I guess) has always been second nature for me. So a dashing Grovyle just jumped into my silly life and was the most honorable and misunderstood character and I am not even joking when I say I fell for him in my first playthrough. And I’ve played through it a lot. I was always jealous of Celebi. I hate every Dusknoir I see to this day. *chefs kiss* Good game.
Gen V is “oops all F/Os” Gen, where to even start..
Just kidding, N is the obvious choice to start for me. He was love at first sight. He just, ugh, he cares about Pokémon SO MUCH. I literally don’t know how to even expand on this. He literally rode the Ferris Wheel with the player character in the game, and I WASNT supposed to interpret that as a date? Wack. It was a date. I love him so damn much. Next question
Elesa comes next because I’ve always thought she was stunning. I mean, duh I guess, she’s canonically a model. Also, Electric types are in my top 3, behind Fairy and somewhat tied with Fire, so she was a woman after my own heart. Her Emolga kinda wrecked my team and I respect that. Also, she loves puns. So again. Woman after my own heart. The only reason she’s still listed as Crush and not as Dating is because she intimidates me. She’s out of my league and I worry she’d only see me as a friend. Well, not “only”, her and Skyla are bffs and that also looks fun. I just. Can’t imagine her romantically being interested in me sometimes. Heh.
Grimsley was a crush that came on yeeeaaaars after his Gen, and it hit me like a freight train. I swear, he made very little impression on me in B/W, because I was young and I was just excited to possibly see N again as champion. I was a little shit, okay. I also never played B2/W2 all the way through, which is a huge stain on my Pokémon record. Anyways. When he showed up in Sun/Moon, I gasped. I was like, that’s a familiar face. Why is he hot now? (The answer is we was always hot, and I just had a few years to grow between games). But like, I kind of tamped it back down? I think I legit tried to tell myself around Sun/Moon era that I can’t keep finding Pokémon characters hot, because I was drooling over another one in Moon. Anywho. Grimsley kept popping up as fanart on my Tumblr dash for a while and by the time I pulled him in Pokémon Masters, I slipped into love. Whoops.
Professor Sycamore, probably not my proudest moment of fandom. He was another one I liked from the very introduction. I made fun of him in equal measure, but I affectionately referred to him as “Professor Hotdad” for an embarrassingly long amount of time. He’s not even the oldest of my Pokémon F/Os. One of my other Pokémon F/Os is canonically a father. But nope. Sycamore was Hotdad. That all said, he did make me smile like a crush-stricken schoolgirl when he talked in game so it wasn’t all just memey objectification. I do love him dearly.
Gen VII! Alola! Guzma! Oh man, like I’d stated earlier, Team Skull really nestled it’s way close to my heart the way no team had since Team Rocket. It wasn’t all because of Guzma, I really did like the group of ragtag misfits banding together and creating a family. Guzma was icing on the cake. Oh boy, he made my heart do funny little flips even when he was threatening me in game. I loved his design, I loved his character, the way he talked, I just. Ugh, I was down bad for ya boy in Moon and Ultra Moon. He’s actually the inspiration behind my main blog url: its-ya-boi-remington. The “Y’all are stupid!” line and face lives in my head rent free at all times. Guzma protection squad.
(Nanu isn’t a romantic so I won’t talk about him here, just know I’m not forgetting him!)
Leon was, believe it or not, my actual first Gen VIII crush. I saw that fashion disaster and felt a warm comfort from him. It didn’t help that I mentally read every character in Galar with some UK/British Isles accent, that sweetened the deal. I was actually gushing to a couple then-friends about Leon while we all played Sword/Shield together and they kind of mocked me about it. They chided me that Leon “doesn’t bat for my team” and said either of them would have a better chance with him if he were real. So I was a little downtrodden about Leon after that for quite a while. It wasn’t until a couple months ago when suddenly it hit me that A- He’s literally fictional and my version of him can like me regardless of what “team he bats for” and B- I’m nonbinary? So rules get thrown out the window, anyone who likes me is both a miracle and some kind of gay whatever way you spin it. So I let myself warm back up to him, though I’m still a little skittish from before.
Piers, I guess, as awful as it sounds, was initially a crush rebound. Like, don’t get me wrong, I’d have been attracted either way. He’s a musician, a SINGER no less, and has that emo/punk vibe. But he’s also gentle and kind. Swoon. But it helped that I had my crush-feelers out full-force for a cutie in game to obsess over since I was still butthurt about my “friends” killing my crush on Leon. Obsess I did, and continue to do. I could probably snap this man over my knee like firewood he’s so lanky, idk why I put that in here but it’s staying. Piers is the one I most imagine jamming out with on a regular basis, and it makes performing for no one a bit more fun 🥰
I’m finally getting tired, I feel like I’ve been typing this for an hour. I probably have been. Ah geez now I gotta tag all these F/Os lmao. Thanks for letting me ramble.
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Hey! In fact, I would like to open a tumblr for writing and imagines about MM. But the thing is, I'm not rly sure about that, like I'm not confident enough. Do you think that's a good idea? And what would be your advice? I'm sry if this is too much but you have this weird appealing and reassuring aura, I would say you make me wanna trust you haha
Oh, well I’m flattered you think I have some appealing energy. I try my best to be a kind person and genuine. I think it’s important to think with a positive note even when it’s hard to do so, trying to shift your perspective on the world doesn’t all that easy to some people, but I think trying is the real effort that we all can strive for to combat toxicity and our ill thoughts towards ourselves. 
I think that’s a great idea! Writing is a good outlet to channel your feelings in a way that you may not be able to verbalize or put into thought with your feelings in a personal way. 
Putting that steam and feeling into something written can, sure enough, make you feel surely like you’ve made something from your feelings. Anyone has the capacity to create and to be a writer if they so want to. It’s not about writing style, or if you have a “perfect” written work. God knows my writing is riddled with a lot of errors and grammatical faux pas from a grading standard, but that’s nothing but fancy talk. 
The most important thing in writing is that you can feel what the writer penned on their paper, or typed on their keyboard. I spend a lot of time reading and looking at stories that may not ever get glanced at due to the writing style and God, let me tell you that there are so many creative people out there that get overlooked due to their style. 
Writing is like art, you grow and get better as you keep doing it. 
I’ve been doing it for a long time for fun, and I still think I have a long way to go to get anywhere, whereas I think some people would say the same thing if they look at my stuff. We’re all learning and growing, and being positive to one to each other as well as helping each other get better is a great thing to do cause fandom is about friendship and support. 
I think it could be a great idea for you. 
Writing has helped me find a stronger voice because for a long time, I didn’t really have a voice and I didn’t really feel great about myself. I still struggle but knowing that I can channel my feelings into something that makes someone smile... God, I can’t express the feeling that I get when I answer a request. I think you could find that same feeling, so my first advice is that you keep an open mind and be kind to yourself. 
Don’t kick yourself for just starting out. 
We all start somewhere. 
Now, as far as a blog goes... Set your rules first. What are you willing to write? What aren’t you willing to write? Lay down what feels right. What is a trigger to you and what won’t you do? Like, I don’t do Yandere stuff, as an example. So, think about your comfort zone and label it thusly. Are you willing to write N/S/F/W or not? Label that. Are you okay with writing for multiple characters? Or do you want anons to limit their requests to a certain number per post? 
Make sure to set up a tagging system! Character tags, fandom tags, tags for any triggers, and so on and so forth. That helps a lot more than you think it would, to be honest. Masterpost is also great to have so make a chart for yourself as soon as you can when you start writing! 
Kindness is key. Don’t let anyone pressure you to write something or send you messages that are rude. You’re doing it for free, so they will get what they will get and they will wait for it if they truly love your writing and want to see what you have to say. Close the ask box if you have to sometimes, God, I’m still learning that one. 
Remember to always share your warmth with others, but don’t let anyone in that has ill-intentions. If you feel shady vibes or uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to get rid of an ask if it doesn’t sit well with you. It’s your blog, you write what you want and you do what you want. 
Oh! I know I’m rambling here, but if you do make it, let me know and I’ll give you a shout-out and probably read a lot of your posts. I love reading what others have to say. 
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Reasons I may not follow back
which I will link to my rules later in case people are curious (and of course excluding the option that I didn’t have the chance to check blogs that very recently follow me. It can take days.)
-given that I’m not English and I can’t, obviously, write or read as well as as an English person, if your replies have also lots of grammar mistakes or are difficult to read (including exaggerate purple prose but who would follow me if they wrote purple prose? I purposefully go the opposite way) I can’t follow -you ship my notps and don’t tag the gifsets (obviously I don’t expect people to tag threads, that’s just impossible). Honestly you can ship what you want, just like I can, but seeing lots of images about things I hate isn’t great.  -you write smut or post gifsets of that content or of gorey stuff (trying to avoid the n*s**f*w word here to avoid getting hidden by tumblr savior) without tagging it in an easy way to block -it looks like all you write is smut? (no judging but I know you won’t enjoy interacting with me) because given my issues with it I don’t want to find myself in the awkward situation of being ‘expected’ to write it. And ‘with all you write’ I mean pretty much all interactions with everybody for pages, usually untagged. And even when I ship in theory, I want to develop a friendship/bond to see if it works with our muses, the way we write them, before going for it, so while your muse finding mine attractive and viceversa is totally cool, nothing should be expected because I can’t decide in advance. That is true a thousand times more for smut. (also once someone I was still plotting with already asked me about a muse’s sexual likes and while I’m very okay writing headcanons about it, and writing smut with people I know because there is character development and sometimes straight up fun finding out about it, coming from a stranger in ims it felt like chatting on some app to find a hook up and it creeped me out. I’m sex repulsed, I can write it when it feels just as unreal/fantasy as magic, if I feel like we are plotting out something real, between us, or that’s the immediate expectations from people I don’t even know and whose character doesn’t know my muse, I feel gross even if it’s not their intention)  -you write characters, oc or canon, that I don’t see easily interacting with Emma, particularly villains. Very difficult for me to follow back a Regina blog simply because Emma would not interact with her. Same would go for Cora. Villains in general are complicate, Emma can try to push them to be better but if her efforts result in them attacking her/imprisoning her and never changing, what are we going to write next? Her killing them, her being killed by them, her escaping and if unable to fight them personally never interacting with them again. Not necessarily just about villains though. I could also just not be interested in the kind of plots you like.  -you only seem to write one liners, I already know I’m not into those  -personal bad feelings about something in your rules. I don’t tell you how to run your blog, but I don’t have to submit to how you feel either. -if you hate my otps, I may not follow you or I may follow you anyway, depends on how you express it. If you hate my muse, well, duh, what are we interacting for? But that also goes for people hating on Emma Swan. I’d just feel like arguing with you and resent you because I’d have to scroll past it but still always find it in my dash.
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blatherkatt · 5 years
i just started reading your blumenthal kids reunionfic and i LOVE IT! Its so good and so full of potential and angst and I LOVE IT!!!💞💞💞 The way you write Eodwulf is soooo good hes such a mess and so gay help him. and Astrid Omg... I cant wait for more of her i checked out some of your posts on here and shes just great??? You've clearly put a lot of thought into them with the child designs and stuff, did you have any major inspo for the two of them like songs or other characters and stuff???
hey tumblr dont…delete part of my answer what the heck
anyway!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH,,, ed ( @tactfulgrimalkin ) is the one doing the actual writing but we plan everything together and i edit and do artwork so he deserves lots of love for the great writing…i dont remember what else i had here before tumblr deleted it so i hope thats the gist of it 
eodwulf is a gay disaster of a bastard man and astrid is SO fun and im SO GLAD UR EXCITED TOO BECAUSE WE SURE ARE
anyway you just opened pandora’s box and i’m very sorry for the length of the rest of this answer but here we go prepare for some cursed content necessary to answer that question ( | ) w ( | ) it was a Wild Ride getting these two characters to where they are boy howdy 
so the thing is in order to explain how we created these characters i actually have to get into the origins of the fic on the whole because the two are inextricably linked, and also, the origins of this fic are incredibly cursed and you can send all ur hatemail right here go on blast us we’re ready 
but we were talking about caleb and how we’re both excited for whenever astrid and eodwulf turn up, and the thought came up for basically the rough skeleton of that scene in chapter 2: 
“hey how messed up would it be if instead of them both hunting him down like we’re expecting…one of them comes in with a huge savior complex and sincerely thinks he’s delusional and should still be in the asylum, how MESSED UP would that be” 
…and then shortly after that, this happened 
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thats the cursed part dont say i didnt warn u but listen you know we’re right
also that pic of caduceus didnt exist back then i went back and got this screenshot just to share the curse with you all
in classic us format we got carried away and eodwulf got slotted into the role of that scene in chapter two and his character was largely developed around that scene, like, what kind of person would still be clinging to caleb after all this time to that degree to make that happen? and what was come up with was an extremely avoidant person clinging to a fantasy version of things wherein they don’t have to fight
(eodwulf was developed into a Person before astrid, i should note at this point, and ed did most of that developing; i took point on astrid later on)
but around this time i went “screw it im gonna do some concept art we’re both in too deep now” so here’s some of that for u guys 
started with them all as teens and did a couple sketches as well as one of baby (well. teen. so baby) caleb/bren/we were calling him felix at the time as some of u probably already know 
first draft had astrid with longer hair than eodwulf lmao check this out 
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flipped the hair length on those two which was for the best because at the time we were imagining eodwulf as a bit more mischevious which is another thing that got reversed over time now astrids the prankster and eodwulfs the overworked mom friend because bren takes astrid’s ideas and makes them SO MUCH WORSE but he still looks better with longer hair and then i played around w/ colors for a while and wound up w/ this
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voila, the initial kid concepts, to which subtle yet vital changes were  made after time. if any of you are curious about if im frustrated that that’s still the best i’ve ever drawn eodwulf’s nose the answer is yes. yes i am. 
astrid’s hair is not messy enough, theres not enough freckles, and she does not look ready to fight the entire world for a dare. 0/10. 
anyway then i did adult versions which look WAY OFF NOW LMAO 
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eodwulf with way too much beard, looking far too messy when he ought to look very clean so that he can hide how much of a disaster he actually is, and also a glimpse into the very boring Ice Queen/Heartless Bitch we vaguely had astrid as to start with. even more out of character tho is the earring, astrid as she is today would absolutely never tolerate an earring unless she absolutely had to, girl’s got sensory issues but she didn’t back then. ALSO STILL NOT ENOUGH FRECKLE 
anyWHO a while after this it was decided that eodwulf has ADHD, something both the authors have a whole lot of lmao, and that was the point where ed REALLY took off and developing eodwulf went out of control and we both went Well I Guess We’re Gonna Have To Write This At Some Point Now
and with that happening is when developing astrid took more priority i think, because man, at that point in the game she came way too close to that really  annoying trope that shows up in fanfic a lot wherein The Girl is A Bitch who is Getting In The Way Of ~*The Yaois*~ and thats like, thats bad. we knew from the outset we were absolutely not setting this up as a love triangle because we both hate those but even w/ her having no romantic relationship to either of the two, like…she was kind of just There and the one who was most loyal to trent (the only thing of her original characterization that really stuck, honestly) and sooo boring???? 
so like, and i say this honestly, i managed to COMPLETELY FORGET that “reverse sasuke” cursed comment from the beginning of all this and STILL go “well what if we made her more like caleb’s rival that’d be fun” 
and that’s how astrid sorta wound up accidentally morphing into the Scrappy Underdog of this anime trio and calling her a naruto analogue is extremely cursed but also not inaccurate tbh 
started out with the concept of her popping into bren’s window because she heard they were doing magic and wanted to learn it too and evolved from there; we decided that she was gonna be neurodivergent too but, hilariously, initially that she was “the best at pretending to be neurotypical” (WE COMPLETELY REVERSED THAT AND IT IS FOR THE BETTER. SHE’S SO MUCH MORE FUN NOW) and made her also autistic because it one meant she could be like SAME HAT at bren really hard which’d make her feel more like part of the group instead of just the odd one out, and two because it fits with the whole rivals thing
branching off of that we made her just. INCREDIBLY direct. like. astrid’s thought process is “how can i accomplish what i want accomplished with the smallest number of steps? what are the consequences of doing it this way? do i give a shit? no? im gonna do that.” 
(which is why she climbed a tree to get into bren’s attic instead of using the door because that way she just completely skipped having to convince his mom to let her in)
i cant get into it much here because so many spoilers and we’re gonna explore it all, but like, astrid’s backstory turned into this exploration of the intersection of sexism and ableism especially as applied to a medieval-esque society in which the word “autism” doesn’t even EXIST and in which a convenient double standard exists Right There in the form of bren and like,, its gonna be good guys im excited for it 
as far as characters tho she does also have just a touch of Vimes from discworld to her, albeit like, she’s lawful evil to his lawful good, but she’s got the same tendency to stick REALLY FIERCELY to the rules that she thinks are important, even when they inconvenience her, even if it’d be so much easier to bend them just this once 
and for songs i cannot link like any astrid songs because they all might accidentally give away so much BUT I CAN LINK AN EODWULF SONG 
this one was HUGE for him 
uhhhh i think that’s everything i can think of that we can say right now unfortunately so i’ll end this with a comparison to the current teen designs we have now that are being used in the actual fic, even tho im not fond of how bren came out in this picture, but like, for the sake of comparison 
lets see how far we’ve come 
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I N C R E A S E    F R E C K L E 
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amethysttribble · 5 years
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs!
Tagged by @avantegarda; Thank you SO MUCH! 
a-age: 21!
b-birthplace: Take me home, country roads, to the place where I belong: JUST VIRGINIA, not the west, we’re on the coast ~
c-current time: 4: 03 PM, as I publish this from work.
d-drink you last had: Peach tea.
e-easiest person to talk to: Well that’s a loaded question. Intellectually? Dad. About Literature and my interests? Mom. General fun? Sister. Emotionally... I’m trying to be better, but I’m not good at that. 
f-favorite song: To Beat the Devil, by Kris Kristofferson has been my favourite song since I was 15, and when I’m feeling down it can still almost move me to tears.
g-grossest memory: Many years ago, the toilet in my sister’s and I’s bathroom overflowed and flooded the whole bathroom due to our pre-teen stupidity, and we frantically cleaned everything before out parents could know. But let me just say, the water was not... clear.
h-horror yes or horror no: So, I don’t like horror movies as rule, jump-scare, slowly building, gore, nah. But those psychological thrillers that border on being horrors like Silence of the Lambs? That’s my jam.
i-in love: Can’t say I am, if we are defining ‘in love’ as ‘like-like’.
j-jealous of people: My god-siblings (I say, using the term as a feeling of closeness between two families and not an actual religious or legal term) are intensely likable and they get along with strangers so easily, and I am very jealous.
l-love at the first sight or should i walk by again: Who’s asking this question? Me, the void, tumblr, the person who tagged me? Answer me that and then maybe I’ll reply.
m-middle name: OKAY! You’ve given me the chance to talk about my name! So. I have one of those really awkward, but I think ultimately lovely, Southern style double-names, and I don’t even spell mine with a hyphen. I go by “FirstName MiddleName”, and I love my middle name to bits. If I ever went by a singular name, I’d pick the middle one. As my blog initials are my actual initials, I will say that it starts with ‘T’. Also, no one would ever guess what it is, as in even more Southern style, it’s a great grandmother’s maiden name.
n-number of siblings: (1) little sister. We call her the Badger.
o-one wish: To look back on my life in 30 years and be able to say, yes, I have built something tangible, and lasting, and to be proud of. I have not wasted my time on earth.
p-person you last called: My favourite cousin, who’s basically my older sister.
q-question you are always asked: Wait, so is your name just ‘Firstname’ or is it ‘insert my actual double name here’?
r-reading anything right now?: The Two Towers actually!
s-song you last sang: Murder by Numbers, by the Police was sung in the car on my way to work this morning.
t-time you woke up: 6:44 AM
u-underwear color: Purple.
v-vacation destination: I want to go to Cologne. Very, very badly.
w-when was the last time you really laughed?: Like twenty minutes ago when my office was delivered more giant stacks of the same unnecessary document that we already have giant stacks of. My coworker and I have now stacked them all in a pile taller than my desk, an the look of dismay on her face made me laugh harder than it should. 
x-x-rays: I have been told I need my Wisdom Teeth out by an x-ray. I have not done that thing yet.
y-your favorite food: Fried Corn (No, this is not corn on the cob battered and thrown in the fryer, I promise. Just look it up and try it if you get the chance!)
z-zodiac sign: Aquarius.
Tagging: @blue-ink-pearls @stick2sherlock @straightouttahimring @elevenelvenswords @aruthla @eigwayne @angmarwitch @imaginari-per-scripituram @nutmegs-tired @awesome-bluehair-universe 
Please feel free to ignore or answer at your own discretion!
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snapplefacts · 5 years
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disclaimer: i don’t know if i’m actually leaving tumblr! i’m absolutely gonna wait and see how things pan out. my blog’s not gonna be up one day then randomly deleted the next. i’ll give full, advance warning if it actually comes to that. no stress or pressure!
my concern is not that my personal blog or any of my sideblogs are too n-s-f-w for tumblr anymore. if you know me, you know that i barely post any n-s-f-w at all. it’s mostly a matter of tumblr’s algorithm messing up and flagging things that it shouldn’t be flagging and the notion that the rules could get even tighter a la livejournal back in the day that has me concerned.
so, for the time being, here are the other primary places on the internet that you can find me outside of tumblr!
TWITTER: snapplefactoids (most active!)
DISCORD: ashmee#3656 (pretty active! feel free to send me a rq.)
PILLOWFORT: snapplefacts (not active at all right now, but it exists!)
MASTODON: snapplefacts (just made it! no idea how to do anything. including link to my profile. that link might not even work.)
DREAMWIDTH: snapplefactoids (YES REALLY. also just made this.)
ETSY: stimmer star (i’m making stim toys and merch to try and support my fiance and i while we save up for a house! i have a cool lgbtqa+/nd pride shirt going up later today, actually....... :eyes emoji:)
here are some of my discord servers that i definitely encourage you to join if they’re relevant to your interests and you’re looking for a nice place to hang! they’re my pride and joy and ensuring they’re safe and fun spaces for adults and minors alike, people on the lgbtqa+ spectrum, people on the neurodivergent spectrum, people of color, people who subscribe to any or no religion and MORE is my #1 priority at all times! we’d be happy to have any newcomers!
A.P.A.: a discord group for people who love browser game and mobile apps! avatar, pet and adoptables games in particular! our flight rising, neopets, goatlings, chicken smoothie, pokemon go and subeta channels are probably our most active. it’s a very active server in general, but we have plenty of others and are always open to creating more! this is also the best community i’ve ever had the pleasure of moderating for and we have monthly movie nights, art trade exchange events and will soon have bi-monthly game nights as well!
SHINY LOVERS: a discord group for shiny hunters to hang, share tips and post about how much they love shinies! not too active, but we all still pop in every once and a while!
FARM SIMMERS VALLEY: like stardew valley, harvest moon or literally any other farm sim under the sun? wanna find some people to chill, be gay about your favorite spouses and play multiplayer with? that’s what it’s all about! also not extremely active, but you’ll definitely get a response if you post!
thanks for reading! again, i’ll be sure to communicate if i’m ditching/deleting completely.
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cowandcalf · 6 years
A - Z Game
A – Z Tag game
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Guys I’m seriously overwhelmed because I got tagged by five people. I still have some meme games queueing up to get done but I couldn’t wait with this one here. So thanks a million for thinking of me and wanting to get to know me better. I got tagged by the wonderful @leeloodmpwrites, by the lovely @82tweeder, by the fearless @tari-aldarion by the gorgeous @ibelieveinyou-ibelieveinus and by the wonderful @nade2308. Guys, you rock!
A – Age: Old (thank God others wrote that too!)
B – Birthplace: Switzerland
C – Current Time: 10.45 am Zurich Time, Switzerland (MET)
D – Drink You Last Had: Coffee
E – Easist Person To Talk To: I have more than one: my wife, my younger sister and my bestie Indie @indiepjones46.
F – Favorite Song: This changes frequently, but there are songs that stuck with me since my teenage days. My all time favorite is ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ by Elvis Presley. My current fave song is ‘Broken Glass’ from Mayaeni…and guess what? I watched an episode from season two Hawaii Five-O and at the end they played that song. Gosh, I googled it, downloaded it and when ever I sit down and write this song plays on repeat.
G – Grossest Memory: I’m not grossed out that easily. But yes there's this one memory. I worked as a cadet nurse (I don’t know if this is the right word) for my internship (nutritionist). During this time I had to wake up the patients and there was this room with only old men. The first thing they did after they woke up was to cough. Most of them had problems with their lungs, they were mucus-ridden. The sound they made while the slim got coughed up was gross. They spat it out into a cup and handed me the half full cup with yellow/greenish stuff at 7am and the cup felt warm in my hands. I was always at the verge to puke.
H – Horror Yes or Horror No: No. I love me some tension, but real horror is way over the top. I wouldn’t be able to sleep for days.
I – In Love? Yes!
J -  Jealous of People: Yes, of course I’m jealous of people. But I guess this needs definition? I’m jealous in a way that I wish to be able to do something specifically that the other persons are good at. And there is always someone I feel jealous of. But never in a distructuble way. I can easily admit this to the another person: "I’m so jeaous because….or I envy you for this and that" It’s normal and common to feel that way, isn’t it? It think of this as nothing bad, nothing special, it just happens.
K – Karma, do you  believe in Karma?: (The letter K vanished at some point. So I added a new question here.) I did a very long time, but now not anymore. It’s just a way to explain things we don’t understand; it is a way to look for justice where there is none sometimes. I try to just leave it be. I tend to see the world as a grain of sand in the vast, endless space of the universe. I have no fucking clue what is going on and humans can’t grasp this energy in its mighty. I don’t want to be ruled by human laws after my heart stopped beating. So, no, I don't believe in Karma.
L – Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: I believe in love at first sight, definitely a yes here. As I see it love is a force of nature. This energy is always around us and inside of us. We don’t have to build this feeling because it’s just there. I don’t talk about getting to know each other. I talk about just the feeling of love. Love has different levels and different stages of how it feels. I love a lot of people, but there is a huge difference in how deep, how much and what kind of a relationship I share with this person. I even can love my tumblr friends at first sight because they phrased a sentence in a way that pulled me in under one second flat.
M -  Middle Name: Elisabeth
N – Number of Siblings: 1 younger sister and 1 older sister.
O – One Wish: Whenever such a question is asked, there is this one wish that pops up without hesitation. So I just put it here: to live a Life around horses, to be able to ride and to read horses the way Buck Brannaman is able to do it. The yearning to understand these beautiful creatures is huge.
P – Person You Called Last: I don’t like to make phone calls. I’d rather record voice messages on WhatsApp. The last one I recorded I sent to my younger sister. So I ‘talked’t to her.
Q – Question You’re Always Asked: There are actually two questions and they are always the same: „You’re inked?“ and this: „How old are you? No, you’re lying, you can’t be that old.“ So yeah.
R – Reason To Smile: SO many things are able to make me smile: my animals, my wife, tumblr notes, funny English words, Steve McGarrett, Danny Williams, a good show, a bird, a chocolat bar, coffee, my note book, a child, the way I'm dressed….because for the love of God I can’t figure out how to have style.
S – Song You Last Sang: I can’t sing AT ALL. I love to listen to music, but singing?….forget it. I’m terrible at it and I never feel the urge to sing because I can’t find out how you keep a tone. So, no singing at all. I just remember one time, sitting on a spooked horse, on a chilly winter evening, riding alone on my way home, and my horse was skittish as hell and I started to sing; „silent night holy night“ like those four words because I don’t know anything else by heat. I sang it on end with a shaky, squeaky voice to calm us both down. It didn’t work though. LOL.
T – Time you woke Up: Sundays are an exception 6.30. Normally it's 4.30am, every day because I feed the horses at 5am. On Sundays it's my woman who gets up that early. I love mornings and the early hours before sunrise.
U – Underwear color: Black or white, nothing fancy
V – Vacation Destination: It would be Hawaii or a horse ranch somewhere in Montana USA.
W – Worst Habit: My eating habits. I eat to not feel hungry anymore. I actually don’t care sometimes what it is and I don't sit down. I eat while walking, doing stable work, reading, posting. Hmmm, and after work I’m very introverted and I don’t like to talk. I might come across very impolite and distant.
X – X-rays: Only a few and mostly during childhood. My last x-ray was taken from my teeth by the dentist to check if there is hidden caries. I was lucky.
Y – Your Favorite Food: I love Thai food and all sorts of dairy products. I love simple stuff, bread, apples, a soup, a stew. I don’t need much. But I have a sweet tooth.
Z – Zodiac Sign : Leo
Okay, I tag @laziestofthedreamers @mcdanno-love-marvey @once-upon-a-freaking-december @adz4995 @mcdannowave @cagdahl @missslothy @bgharison @vanduyn @bookemcaan-o @thekitsuneko
Feel free to skip it guys! 
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tofubeans · 6 years
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
LOL It seriously took me forever to even know how to make a post. Why am I like this? Since I’m still new to this tumblr thing, tagging 10 blog posts might be the real challenge, so let’s see what happens :P
A - Age: 20
B - Birthstone: Emerald
C - Current time: 12:48pm
D - Drink you last had: Agua
E - Easiest person to talk to: Best Friends and a scattering of kindred souls
F - Favourite song: Where do I begin? Probably “End Credits” or “rock+roll” by Eden
G - Grossest memory: Hahaha I do have a most embarrassing memory but I don’t have an obvious grossest memory :P
H - Horror yes or horror no: Horror YAS 
I - In love?: Who knows, maybe?
J - Jealous of people?: Not really, minus the occasional self-deprecating jokes, I enjoy my life and myself :)
L - Love at first sight or should i walk by again?: Definitely walk by again, and maybe spend some time talking to them too. Looks can be deceiving, kids 
M - Middle name: Nope. Fun fact, I didn’t know that existed until mid-elementary school lol
N - Number of siblings: One little sister
O - One wish: More wishes! Life and the world is a mess ;)
P - Person you called last: Where did my phone go? Probably either me mum or a friend
Q - Question you are always asked: “Why are you like this?” is pretty accurate to me as well lololol @silentorator and @potatonicloss
R - Reason to smile: Cute animals, cats, sun at a certain time of the day, crisp cool air during autumn and spring, pretty colors of the sky, smell of leaves, grass or good perfume..... need I go on? I’m a freaking hopeless romantic 
S - Song you sang last: 妄想感傷代償連盟ver luz/MKDR luz.... great song! No idea how to say those words though. Mostly me making noises and humming
T - Time you woke up: 5 am and then 8 am, it’s been an interesting week.
U - Underwater or Outer space: Underwater! But it’s honestly super close between underwater and outer space
V - Vacation destination: Anywhere that I can get away! Traveling the world is fun :P
W - Worst habit: Overthinking and overthinking and did I mention overthinking?
X - X-rays: Um sure? Aren’t they X-ceptional? Hahahahaha, I’ll stop now
Y - Your favourite season: Winter, surprisingly! Hate the cold but I love Christmas songs, bundling up, and giving gifts.
Z - Zodiac sign: Taurus. Apparently, we’re supposed to be good with money..... *cough*cough*cough* sure..... (immediately hides everything I buy and don’t use)
I tag: NOBODY, I guess. I still don’t know anyone here. @silentorator I hope that you found this interesting ;)
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dropsofletters · 6 years
alphabet tag
alphabet tag
I was tagged by the beauty @hoyuelosescribe so here I am, answering these things again.
Rules: make a new post answering the questions and tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better
A: Age | A number, hehe~
B: Birthplace | Somewhere really hot.  Literally, my body heat is insane.
C: Current time | Morning, still sleepy though~
D: Drink you had last | Water because I took medicine for a headache.
E: Easiest person to talk to | I am pretty uneasy at talking, but I talk to @byunists, @winner-tomyheart, @hoyuelosescribe, @velxris and @hitchhikingbabeh in almost a daily basis, so if we’re talking about tumblr mutuals, they are the easiest to talk to for me~
F: Favourite song | Me, being the dumbass I am, I have favorite songs that I keep very close to my heart, kinda like: eyes nose lips (the cover by tablo), she’s dreaming, skeleton flower, loser, divina commedia, those are the ones that immediately pop to my head. Lately, I’ve been into hold up by beyoncé!
G: Grossest memory | Out of my many gross memories (most of them including insects), I think I stepped on my dog’s poop barefoot once. I cried a lil bit not gon’ lie.
H: Hogwarts house | Ravenclaw? I haven’t watched Harry Potter ever in my life, neither have I read the books.
I: In love? | With food? Yesssss~
J: Jealous of people? | Most likely, no. Yet, I am a perfectionist bitch so I guess I kinda have to compare myself to others in order to be so…but I don’t know?
K: Killed someone? | I can’t even kill a fly, so huhu no.
L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again? | Walk by a hundred times and try your luck, getting me to like someone is really difficult lmao.
M: Middle name | The one after my first name?
N: Number of siblings? | Two.
O: One wish? | Start studying again because damn @ my uni: what the fuck are you doing?
P: Person you last called | My dad~
Q: Question you are always asked | “why are your eyebrows so thick?” like legit, people always ask me that?? i guess god took pity of me and went “oh fuck she isn’t thick physically let’s give her some thick ass eyebrows” and they look great to me so…sorry?
R: Reasons to my smile | Real cheesy, but my parents most likely. I love them a whole lot.
S: Song you sang last | Actually, I’ve been obsessed with the song I last sang (rapped?) it’s YeLowS Gang by Sik-K with Woodie Gochild and 허내인
T: Time you woke up | 6 in the morning
U: Underwear colour | black
V: Vacation destination | Anywhere!  Just take me travel pls, somewhere snowy if you can pls.
W: Worst habit | I stick my tongue out all the time and also delete conversations immediately after answering because it bothers me when I can see when people check my messages or leave me hanging or stuff like that. I am boring lmao.
X: X-rays | ? Yes? No? I don’t know? What?
Y: Your favourite food | I used to say pizza and it still is but chicken…pls…
Z: Zodiac sign | Sagittarius, go figure.
Ultimate Bias | Too many, but Minseok, Seunghoon, Yukwon, Seungri, Yuta and Jonghyun are my main ones.
Ultimate bias wrecker | How to tattoo Kim Junmyeon in neon lights around my forehead?
Favourite kpop song | ^All my favorite songs are kpop lmao
First kpop song | Fantastic Baby~
Favourite kpop album | Story Op. 2. The War. MADE. Those are like up there.
Favourite kpop ship | ? i don’t have any ?
Hard or soft stan | i know i am a super soft stan but shit goes down sometimes y’know?
Favourite Kpop company | whichever treats their artists like human beings instead of machines of making cash.
Backstory of how I got into kpop: My big sister showed me BIGBANG, I was straight up astonished because I had listened to Fantastic Baby somewhere before, I saw Seungri’s weird hair and I thought: “if this man can rock this hair and say mama, just let me be your lover…he’s the one.” and indeed, he was the one that got me into kpop even when Seunghyun was my first bias hehe
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Cupcake Talks about: Rp Rules
I’ve come to decide, personally, that every rp blog should have rules. Some rules should seem like a given, but inevitably someone from a different culture or even just a different mind-set will need to be informed of something you think would be common sense. That’s the main reason why there isn’t one set of tumblr rp rules to follow, why everyone’s seems different, and absolutely the reason why you should put a lot of thought into making your rules, so here are a few tips on points to hit when you’re making your rp rules. None of them are in a particular order, but these are what I look for in rules.
1. How old are you?
You don’t have to be specific. I’ve put down that I’m a twenty-something before and that’s all my fellow rper’s need to know. If you’re under-aged let tumblr know that you can’t do NSFW content, it’s illegal... Which brings me to...
2. NSFW content.
Obviously, even if people are of age they may not necessarily want NSFW interactions... Which can mean either sexual situations, incredibly violent situations, or anything that would be Not Safe For you to read at Work. Readers should be able to glean what sort of content you can post about and what you’d rather not.
3. Mutual exclusive or non-mutual friendly?
Being Mutual-Exclusive means is that you won’t interact with someone unless you’re following them, and they are following you. I never understood this until just recently- this is often a way rpers can cut down on time to enjoy with the friends they have. Needless to say this makes them more exclusive, but if you’re non-mutual friendly a random rper can still hit you up.
4. Are you cool with crossovers? (For Verse-Specific Characters)
Some people get very particular with cross-overs... But are you open to the idea of Spock arguing philosophy with Obi-Won Kenobi?
5. Is it cool to contact you via IM?
Inevitably someone’s going to have questions if they read the rules. Is it cool that they ask you about it via the messenger or do they have to go through the ask system?
(Tumblr im, in specific, though I guess it doesn’t matter if you have another im in it’s place.) 
6. Is godmodding okay?
No. It’s never okay. Just say godmodding is not alright, you’ll thank yourself later. Trust me.
7. Your rights to change rules whenever you see fit, and when you last updated.
This here is something I don’t see often, but it’s still incredibly important, especially if you’ve got a new blog and will be making changes to the rules as you add or adjust things. Also, add the last time you changed or edited the rules- it’s just a lot more professional and shows you care so that you don’t have to inform everyone you changed your rules.
8. A list of things that you may need to block/can block.
Let’s say you suffer from seizures, so gifs are a no-go for you. Write it in your rules so the people who interact with you are aware gifs may make you seize.
In the reverse, if you happen to reblog a lot of spider-pictures, and one of your friends lets you know they have arachnophobia, this means you can list and tag when you reblog spider pictures.
9. Do you ship?
And to what degree? Maybe you’re a super serious muse who has no chance or interest in romance. Maybe you’ve got a separate verse for everyone you ship with? Maybe your character likes relationships but not sex? Let us know.
I’d only recommend this if you’re trying to cut down on interaction or read out those who aren’t reading your rules, but some blogs issue a pass-phrase at the end of their rules page. The idea is that, after reading everything, the reader looking to interact with you can send you that phrase and you know they’ve read your rules.
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halekingsourwolf · 7 years
Rules - copy and paste this in to a new text post, delete my answers and put in yours. when you’re done, tag up to 10 people!
Tagged by the brilliant and lovely @doctortay. (Be warned, this’ll probably edge toward depressing.)
A - Age: 28
B - Biggest fear: That one day the last few people in my life will confirm the worst thoughts I constantly have about myself. That if I reach out for help I’ll be told I’m not worth helping. That the rest of my life will continue on the way the last fourteen years have. That this is really it, the best I can hope for, and that I’ll never actually know what it feels like to be happy. (Welp, there’s the depressing.)
C - Current time: 17:17. By the time I finish this it’ll probably be two hours later though.
D - Drink you had last: white wine
E - Every day starts with: usually some horrible swoop of why, but not always, which I’m taking as improvement.
F - Favorite song: Unwell, Matchbox 20
G - Ghosts, are they real: Honestly, who knows. Is it possible to be hella skeptical and hella openminded at the same time?
H - Hometown: same place I am now
I - In love with: *shrugs*
J - Jealous of: Basically everyone, at this point. I hate that, and I don’t like being that person, and it’s something I’m really trying not to let pull me down into bitterness.
K - Killed someone: I wanna think up something clever to say here, but I’m just wondering how many people actually answer yes to that question...
L - Last time you cried: “like an hour ago, watching a vid of a grumpy old cat being friends with kittens” <–– TAY I CRIED SO HARD THIS MORNING AT THIS EXACT VIDEO
M - Middle name: Lynne
N - Number of siblings: 2
O - One wish: To actually feel a little bit good about myself.
P - Person you last called/texted: @sourwolfsparking
Q - Question you’re always asked: This one seriously stumped me. Outside tumblr asks, people don’t really ask me things...? The five year olds ask me to tell them “Mean Witch Stories” a lot. (The mean witch loses. The Easter Bunny saves the day *shrugs helplessly*)
R - Reason to smile: this awesome fandom, getting to see my old work kids, comments and kudos, long summer days and warm weather
S - Song last sang: Probably Moana’s “How Far I’ll Go” at work?
T - Time you woke up: 6:15 (and I didn’t even have work today ugh)
U - Underwear color: green
V - Vacation destination: legitimately anywhere but my hometown. (yeah, I’m 28 and I’m still “that kid” :P) But probably California because it just felt good that one time I went there, and England because I’ve wanted to go my whole life and never been.
W - Worst habit: assuming people hate me and then slowly and steadily making it a self-fulfilling prophecy
X - Xrays you’ve had: dental, my ankle once... I think that’s it. But, heh, it’s been about four years since I could afford a doctor so it’s been a while.
Y - Your favorite food: veggie spring rolls, strawberries, blueberry pie? idk
Z - Zodiac sign: Aries
Anyway, sorry about that, all. Tagging @sterek @accordingtomel @troubleiwant @pale-silver-comb @clotpolesonly @candybarrnerd @stilesbansheequeen @andavs @anodyneer @letsescapefromreality & @sourwolfsparking bc i already mentioned you in this and it would be totally rude not to ;P
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