#idries shah foundation
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eyeoftheheart · 4 months
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The Sufis by Idries Shah - The Idries Shah Foundation
(All books by Idries Shah are freely available on the website of the Idries Shah Foundation)
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idriesshah · 11 months
51 | Selections from The Elephant in the Dark | The Idries Shah Foundation Podcast
This episode features selections from The Elephant in the Dark by Idries Shah 
Check out this episode!
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intheturning · 1 year
painting and spirit 3. Path of the heart
Most Wednesday afternoons in my first and second year in University in Bath, I would go to the library, find a book about something I didn't know about and spend a few hours reading. Art, philosophy, literature, theory. Along the way, I found a section that I hadn't visited before. There were titles there like 'wisdom of the idiots' and 'a perfumed scorpion'. I had happened upon books of Sufi teaching tales by Idries Shah. I read a whole book. Then another. I had anticipated something along the lines of the stories I'd read previously, all trite morality and cosy conclusion. In these tales there was a sharpness and ruthless wit that I hadn't experienced before. As I read I could feel the forms of my constructed mind being unstitched or rewired. It felt positive and a movement towards rather than away from truth and integrity. Some showed me my conventional stupidity like a spotless mirror, others confounded me completely, which were lessons for another day. As I lived with them over time, the stories unfolded within me and made new spaces, revealed others that were already present. I was fascinated by the idea that religious practices were designed for the times and peoples in which they originated and that through time these ideas lose their agency, become emptied, and that a flexible approach was preferable, bespoke to the here and now. Over longer periods of time, I began to understand that there were layers of the stories that spoke about spiritual, inner work, behind the practical hard sense of the surface. Crucially they softened the edges of my mental structures and loosened the foundations of self.
I have to wonder looking back at the consistency with which I've encountered heart paths. Sufism works with the heart. Christ is the heart. Ram Dass, Bhakti, karma yoga, a heart path. 'I am loving awareness'. Do I find these texts or have they found me? How much is determined. Nothing, Everything.
Difficult to track the impact of any of this on my art practice. It certainly has informed the life of my mind in the broadest sense. My approach to art has been driven by the same search that led me to these texts and practices, but has not intersected. In university I worked with collography to help me to organise colour and space in a coherent way. The discilpine of printmaking, the search for colour has elements of disciplined practice, but unlike the expressive landscape drawings of walk valley draw, there has been no philosophical link between making and spirit. It's a circle I need to square. What follows will follow these questions, in word and paint.
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laurabarrettblog · 7 years
The World of Nasrudin: Book covers
Last year I got to work on a second set of book covers for the Idries Shah Foundation. The first series, The World Tales, originally collected and published by the scholar in 1979 were republished 2 years ago in a limited edition by the foundation.
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As the books were collections of folk tales from around the world and rich in imagery, I was in my element so I was delighted to be asked to illustrate the covers for Shah’s Mulla Nasrudin series too.
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Nasrudin is a wonderfully wise fool of Eastern folklore, and the tales left me giggling to myself on the tube whilst reading them! Originally illustrated by the fantastic Richard Williams (animator of Who Framed Roger Rabbit and many others), my new designs had a lot to live up to, and I really hope I’ve done this much loved character justice. The new covers feature beautiful metallic foiling. Here’s a peek at the inside dustjackets.
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didanawisgi · 5 years
THE SOURCE OF SUFISM by Moustafa Gadalla, published in Egyptian Mystics (2003)
“The common premise is that “Sufism” is an Islamic group practicing a form of mysticism that originated in Persia.
As the book progresses, we will find that “Sufism” has nothing to do with Islam or Persia, and everything to do with the quiet peoples of Ancient and Baladi Egypt. Two points of interest should be mentioned here:
The term and practices of “Sufism” surfaced as a result of Islamic conquests and the subsequent terrorizing of its victims. In order for the Islamic-terrorized masses to maintain their ancient traditions, they had to camouflage old traditions under an Islamic garment.
The pure form of “Sufism” originated in Egypt. Other countries copied it and were quick to take the credit for it. Their application of “Sufism” is impure and incomplete, as we will find throughout this book.
The common premise (mentioned above) about the roots and essence of “Sufism” is absolutely wrong, as we will conclude by examining the facts throughout this book. Here are just a few introductory facts:
1. The notion of an Islamic origin of “Sufism” is wrong. “Islamic mysticism” is an oxymoron—as per the following selected points:
The mystical seekers who are called “Sufis” have always suffered from Islamic rule throughout the ages. Many have been killed. They have been accused of attempting to make innovations on the dogmas of Islam; of following practices forbidden by the Koran; of denying the very existence of a personal Allah. The tolerance, or lack thereof, of Sufism in the Arabized/Islamized world is closely linked to the whim of the ruler and how he interprets/enforces Islamic laws. During certain periods, Sufism was/is tolerated; during others, it was outlawed and condemned.
The keynote of mysticism (Sufism) is the union between man and God which, in Islam, is considered blasphemy; and as such is punishable by death by any Moslem, who is “empowered” to do so by the Koran itself!
Islamic teachings are characterized by a consuming fear of God’s wrath, while the Egyptian model of mysticism (Sufism) emphasizes love and not fear. God is perceived in terms of emotional closeness—“the friend,” “the lover”—whose love can be experienced personally and individually.
Mysticism (Sufism) is based on self-attained revelations by mystical means, which is contrary to Islam. Such revelations, as experienced by the mystical seekers (Sufis), are considered blasphemy and therefore are punishable by death, as established in the Koran.
The Egyptian mystical seekers (Sufis) include in their ritual practices (as well as public festivals) specific methods to achieve ecstatic proximity to God through music, dance, or song. This runs contrary to Islam, where music, singing, and dancing are strictly forbidden, as clearly stated in all treatises on Islamic laws.
Contrary to Islamic doctrine, Egyptian mysticism (Sufism) bridges the gulf between man and God with folk saints. Veneration of folk saints and pilgrimages to their shrines represent an important aspect of the Egyptian Baladi mystical practices which is totally against the Islamic doctrine.
2. The claim of a Persian origin of “Sufism” is also wrong. The Persians themselves refer to Egypt as the source of “Sufism”. For example:
a. The Egyptian Dhu ‘l-Nun (died in 860 CE) is recognized in all Islamized Sufi references as the spiritual source of “Sufism” who prepared the way for the presently-known form of Islamized Sufism. Sufis claim him for their own as a leader and the originator of important concepts such as the mystic’s direct knowledge (gnosis) of God and the stations and states of the spiritual Path. Dhu ‘l-Nun was knowledgeable of the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. A number of short treatises which deal with alchemy, magic, and medicine are attributed to him.
b. Thoth (Tehuti), the Ancient Egyptian neter (god), is recognized by all early (and later) Sufi writers as the ancient model of alchemy, mysticism, and all related subjects.
The well- known Sufi writer Idries Shah, who was an Iranian/Persian himself, admits the role of Egypt via Thoth and Dhu’I-Nun on Sufism and alchemy as follows:
. . . alchemical lore came from Egypt direct from the writings of Thoth . . . According to Sufi tradition the lore was transmitted through Dhu’i-Nun the Egyptian, the King or Lord of the Fish, one of the most famous of classical Sufi teachers. [The Sufis, 1964]
Thoth’s name appears among the ancient masters of what is now called the Way of the Sufis. In other words, both the Sufis and the alchemists recognize Tehuti as the foundation of their knowledge.
Idries Shah also makes a direct reference to the Spanish-Arab historian Said of Toledo (who died in 1069) who outlines this tradition of the Ancient Egyptian Thoth (aka Hermes):
Sages affirm that all antediluvian sciences originate with the Egyptian Hermes [Thoth], in Upper Egypt. The Jews call him Enoch and the Moslems Idris. He was the first who spoke of the material of the superior world and of planetary movements . . . Medicine and poetry were his functions . . . [as well as] the sciences, including alchemy and magic. [Cf. Asin Palacios, Ibn Masarra, p. 13]
c. It is an indisputable fact that all Sufi mystical terms are not Persian (or Turkish). All Sufi terms are “Arabic”. The “Arabic” language is substantially of Egyptian origin. After the Arab/Islamic conquests of their neighboring countries (including Egypt), they simply cancelled the identity of their victimized countries,= and labeled them “Arabs”.
3. To continue the point above (regarding the language of Sufism), it should be noted that the word Sufi was never mentioned in the Koran or in Mohammed’s sayings. There is no consensus on its meaning. The “translation” of the word/term “Sufi” as a “wearer of wool” is totally fabricated, and is one of many attempted explanations.
The word is actually of Ancient Egyptian origin. Seph/Soph was a component of common Egyptian names; meaning wisdom and purity (among many other meanings).
4. Some of the standard Sufi terms that are often used are: old religion, antique faith, old one, andancient tradition. Such terms were used/stressed by all early Sufi writers, which is indicative of the pre-Islamic origins of Sufism.
5. The Egyptians are remarkable traditionalists to a fault. Early historians have attested to this fact, such as: Herodotus, in The Histories, Book Two, 79:
The Egyptians keep to their native customs and never adopt any from abroad.
And Herodotus in The Histories, Book Two, 91:
The Egyptians are unwilling to adopt Greek customs, or, to speak generally, those of any other country.
Plato and other writers affirmed the complete adherence of the Egyptians to their own traditions.
6. Supernatural powers acclaimed by the mystics (Sufis) are often called magic. From the earliest times, Egypt has been celebrated for its magicians, and accounts of their marvelous achievements have been documented not only in Ancient Egyptian records, but also in the Bible and in the works of several classical writers. Furthermore, many of the tales in the famous collection of stories known as The Arabian Nights show what wonder-working powers were attributed to magicians in medieval Egypt.
Heka [shown above] represents the Ancient Egyptian magical power of words. He is usually depicted holding two snakes with total ease.
7. The country that has the largest number of “Sufi” followers is Egypt. Participation in Sufi fellowships (orders) in other countries besides Egypt is very small in comparison.
Egyptian mysticism (Sufism) is not an offshoot of Islam; it is the old “religion” camouflaged into Arabized/Islamized terms.
Egyptian mystical seekers (Sufis) maintain low profiles, for they seek no public glory; but rather the ultimate mystical glory—The Divine.”
Previous: Preface [1st Edition]
Next: Chapter 6 : The Way to Revelations
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occulteaism · 6 years
“Be in this world, but not of this world.”
The way of the Sufi, of the ‘humble man,’ is usually defined as something like ‘the esoteric/occult side of Islam.’ There can be no separating Sufism from Islam, truth be told: it is often said that one cannot even begin to approach Sufism without first approaching Islam. However, I feel like there are some key aspects to Sufism which must be discussed by themselves, for the sakes of developing a better understanding of truly powerful magic!
Sufis of the highest order are said to be capable of, to quote Idries Shah’s Oriental Magic, “time and space annihilation.” Time has no hold over a Sufi, and space is no more powerful to one, either: there are stories of Sufis sending sultans on a journey lasting decades of their lives, only to return them to the very moment where they’d embarked upon this journey by submerging their head in a pot of water, as well as tales of Sufis teleporting thousands of miles in an instant in order to attend the funeral of a peer.
How, then, can this power be cultivated? It’s certainly not a matter of rituals and incantations. Sufis open their meetings to outsiders all the time, allowing them to watch their rituals, or even participate if they like! Yet Sufis attest that all of their ceremonies and magical formulae are of no use to one who does not possess the essential hidden knowledge that forms the foundation of their beliefs, which is passed on to initiates by an elder master when they are ready.
Yet there is something that we common witches and other magicians can take away from Sufism in our everyday lives and practice, and that is encapsulated in the quote at the start of this post. Asceticism, self-restraint, and general shows of devotion are crucial for magical power to grow, and if you believe the Sufis, then isolating yourself from worldly desires is not the answer; they require members of their order to be productive members of society and provide humanity with some kind of secular, as well as spiritual service. 
One’s ability to resist temptation only truly shines when they face their desires constantly, and an oath is all too easy to keep if you won’t allow it to be tested by the storm and stress of everyday life.
I hope you all find this as illuminating as I did! ☆
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opportunitywow · 4 years
UNESCO/Idries Shah Foundation “World Tales” Short Story Competition 2020
Application Deadline:15 October 2020 at midnight (CET).
Climate change, human rights violations, conflicts, racism and discrimination are among many threats to our present and future. In the face of adversity and the manifold consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, creative young minds need to be encouraged to find innovative solutions.
With the aim to foster imagination, resourcefulness and ingenuity, UNESCO and the Idries Shah Foundation (ISF) launch the World Tales Short Story Competition in close collaboration with the International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities of UNESCO (ICCAR). Young teenagers from all over the globe are invited to write about challenges of today and tomorrow in the format of a short story, and share their perspectives.
The theme of this 2020 First Edition is “Once upon a time in my future”.
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Participants must be between 12 and 18 years old (inclusive). The Competition is open to all regardless of their nationality or city of residence.
Evaluation criteria
The short stories will be evaluated primarily on their degree of creativity and imagination. Participants will benefit from a particular leniency for potential grammatical and linguistic mistakes.
Three Laureates — Gold, Silver and Bronze — will be selected from each of the seven national and regional Coalitions forming ICCAR. All 21 names will be announced on December 2020.
We regret to announce that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it will unfortunately not be possible to organize a high-level conference at UNESCO Headquarters, as initially planned, and to invite the laureates to attend.
However, all will be invited to attended an online Award ceremony in December 2020 during which the names of the seven Gold winning laureates will be announced.
Each of these Gold winning laureates will be awarded an iPad.
The Idries Shah Foundation will publish the work of the 21 laureates in a special edition hardcover book. It will feature all winning short stories and honorable mentions, and will be made available in ePub format.
All winning laureates will receive a copy of the book, and a personalized certificate.
Schools and cities of the 21 laureates will receive copies of the book and a set of ISF children’s books for their public libraries.
How to participate?
Entries must be:
Short stories of 250 to 500 words;
Typed in English or French using Arial 12-point Regular font;
Original unpublished works of fiction;
Stories on the potential for future societies to be fair, inclusive, peaceful, resilient, sustainable and/or tolerant.
Download the complete set of rules
Attention: please note that entries not respecting all of the requirements will not be considered.
The deadline for submission to [email protected](link sends e-mail) is 15 October 2020 at midnight (CET).
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the UNESCO/Idries Shah Foundation “World Tales” Short Story Competition 2020
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2Gop5mY via IFTTT
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celebritylive · 4 years
Elton John gave an electric performance of “I’m Still Standing” from his home to thank those affected most by the coronavirus pandemic.
The iconic singer, 73, gave a solo performance from home during the One World: Together At Home special, raising awareness through the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund to support local and regional charities providing food, shelter and healthcare to those in need amid the ongoing health crisis.
“This is for everyone out there who’s been working on the frontline,” John said. “Thank you for your love, your care, your expertise. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Before his performance, the singer shared a photo of himself and his husband David Furnish on Twitter, writing, “I’m going to be sitting down tonight with David and the boys to watch One World: #TogetherAtHome, a global display of unity to support the @WHO in the fight against #COVID19.”
Heroes on the frontlines, this song is for you
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Let’s all join @Eltonofficial in thanking frontline workers for protecting us during the pandemic. #TogetherAtHome pic.twitter.com/aPGpsAWw1O
— Global Citizen (@GlblCtzn) April 19, 2020
I’m going to be sitting down tonight with David and the boys to watch One World: #TogetherAtHome, a global display of unity to support the @WHO in the fight against #COVID19 pic.twitter.com/hc0iaGQyZp
— Elton John (@eltonofficial) April 18, 2020
Global Citizen and the World Health Organization curated the One World: Together at Home special in collaboration with Lady Gaga, who announced that they had already raised $35 million for WHO earlier this month.
John, who has postponed several of his Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour dates, has also launched a $1 million COVID-19 Emergency Fund to protect those affected by HIV. The fund will be part of his existing nonprofit, the Elton John AIDS Foundation.
RELATED: Elton John Launches $1 Million Coronavirus Emergency Fund to Protect Those with HIV
The singer shared in a Twitter video that “distributing medicine, testing and preventive treatment is not as simple as it was a few weeks ago” — efforts which he hopes his emergency fund can assist with.
“We must keep up momentum or else the results could be disastrous for people living with HIV and other infectious diseases,” the “Rocket Man” singer urged. “We’re with you, we’re thinking of you, we will not leave anyone behind.”
RELATED: Elton John-Hosted iHeartRadio Concert Raises Over $1 Million for Food Banks and First Responders
John helped to raise an additional $1 million while hosting the virtual iHeart Living Room Concert for America on March 26, presented by Fox and benefitting Feeding America and First Responders Children’s Foundation.
One World: Together at Home also featured Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong, J Balvin, Andrea Bocelli, Burna Boy, Elton John, John Legend, Chris Martin and Alanis Morissette, in addition to John.
Pianist Lang Lang, Lizzo, Maluma, Paul McCartney, Kacey Musgraves, Keith Urban, Eddie Vedder and Stevie Wonder, David Beckham, Idris and Sabrina Elba, Kerry Washington, Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Shah Rukh Khan made appearances as well.
Along with the celebrity cameos — additionally including Alicia Keys, Amy Poehler, Awkwafina, Camila Cabello, Céline Dion, Jennifer Lopez, LL COOL J, Lupita Nyong’o, Matthew McConaughey, Oprah Winfrey, Pharrell Williams, Sam Smith, Shawn Mendes, Taylor Swift, Usher and Victoria Beckham — frontline doctors, nurses and families from around the world headlined.
The One World: Together at Home special will air on April 18 at 5 p.m. PT/8 p.m. ET/12 a.m. GMT.
As information about the coronavirus pandemic rapidly changes, PEOPLE is committed to providing the most recent data in our coverage. Some of the information in this story may have changed after publication. For the latest on COVID-19, readers are encouraged to use online resources from CDC, WHO, and local public health departments. PEOPLE has partnered with GoFundMe to raise money for the COVID-19 Relief Fund, a GoFundMe.org fundraiser to support everything from frontline responders to families in need, as well as organizations helping communities. For more information or to donate, click here.
from PEOPLE.com https://ift.tt/2RQK1Ga
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eyeoftheheart · 3 months
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Idries Shah talks about the importance of a living philosophy based on direct experiential knowledge (gnosis / maʿrifa) of truth, reality or the Divine. The unity of theory and practice is at the heart of the ancient philosophy of Egypt and Greece and the philosophy of the Sufis is a living, breathing continuation of this stream of eternal wisdom.
“Philosophy has always existed, and there has always been a true philosopher in the world. The differences between the ancients and moderns is one of proof and demonstration. Aristotle was a great teacher, but dependent upon his forerunners. Among these were Hermes, Aesculapius and others, in very long succession. They may be divided into classes, some more elevated than others, according to the balance between intellection, speculation, belief and so on. The importance of the philosopher is so great that if a fully balanced one is found, he is the representative of God on earth. But the inner philosopher is always superior to the scholastic. There is never an age in which a great theosopher is not in existence. The speculative philosopher has no right or claim to rulership. This rulership may not be political power; but if wisdom and power of a material sort are combined, the age is illuminated. Yet the philosopher may, because of his endowments, remain unknown and yet have the mastery of the world.
It is best for the philosopher to combine insight with experience, rather than one or the other. Nobody can benefit from a study of Sufism unless he has freed himself from the mental habits of formal philosophy. Such an undeveloped person should only frequent ordinary philosophers. In Sufism certain perceptions have to be developed and further development depends upon these. This is the equivalent of the scholastic method in which the experiences are formed and ideas built of ideas. Unless this method of the Sufis is followed, the practitioner cannot be considered a real philosopher.
The ancient doctrines of Egypt and Greece are in direct line with Sufism, and with them, of course, exposition had to take its place and relationship to experience, which means the development of the Sufi perceptions. The terminology of the illuminists indicates that the theory embraces the ancient wisdom of the Semites as well as that of the Persians, hence showing the theme of the essential unity of ‘complete’ philosophy at the theory and practice level. In formal scholasticism, of course, the division between intellect and inspiration is so great that it is difficult at first for the uninformed reader to grasp that these two things are considered by this school to be inseparable if the truth is to be reached. Hence the Sufi insistence that this step of cognition must be made.”
― The Sufis by Idries Shah - The Idries Shah Foundation
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idriesshah · 11 months
48 | Selections from The Elephant in the Dark | The Idries Shah Foundation Podcast
This episode features selections from The Elephant in the Dark by Idries Shah
Check out this episode!
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(via Beginning at the End of the Unification Church; the "Restoration Backwards Principle" of Salvation Rose: Lady of the Lake of Fire)
“…A man met another, who was handsome, intelligent and elegant.
He asked him who he was. 
The other said ‘I am the Devil.
’‘But you cannot be,’ said the first man, ‘for the devil is evil and ugly.’‘My friend,’ said Satan, ‘you have been listening to my critics.’
A Few Forgotten Facts in the Dicta of Truth
( John 4:44, Mark 6:4, Matthew 13:57 )For my own Father himself testified;
” No prophet is without honour,except in his own house, from his own  family,and in his own country…”
Salman Rushdie as the Abdal of St. Francis; the Owl of Islam
There is little doubt of the breadth and scope of his work, which made a huge impact on seekers of Illumination everywhere, especially gratifying for him when his groundbreaking book, “The Sufis”, was published in 1964, and then exposed to an even larger audience when it came out in paperback in 1971.
It was to cause quite an international sensation in it’s claims and calm, clear, exposition of many unknown facts, an exposition that revealed to the world of much about Sufis and Sufism of what had only been guessed at or theorized about as mainly just plain unverified conjecture; by those attempting to explain contemporary Sufism in ordinary religious terms.
His prodigious work ethic, and his studiously written and eruditely exact and careful production of a steady stream of esoteric publications with his own Octagon Press brought to light a huge corpus of material, which he published at an unprecedented rate; all of a depth of expertise and universal scope on such a variety of subject-matters that it was, and still is, unequalled by anyone writing on Sufism to this day; all which he did without any fanfare,  and proved all of his loud and ignorant critics wrong, by quietly showing in his actions on his ally; blank paper, that he was well prepared by his predecessors for his globally cosmic mission: that of reaching out to those already prepared, who took his gifts to begin their next steps on the Path.
Indeed, his ability to share and thus help those predestined to receive the real knowledge of the foundation for the Global Unification of all Religions is unsurpassed; the sad truth being that this achievement was about the same Foundation that Rev. Moon was supposed to then set up for Christianity, and which Rev. Moon was to have received from Shah personally, as the current exemplar of the Sufi Elect: which understanding was then completely ignored by the Korean messenger, along with the reality of Islam.
Strangely, even those who began as foes of Islam changed their minds about the followers of the Seal and Envoy of Moses in the 7-10 Crusades, as Christianity was in the position of Canaan and their 7-10 Native Nations and 10 Tribes, these Tribes and Nations which the 7 and 10 Crusades represented numerically: having Islam finally be recognized even by the Templar Knights themselves as having been given the Kingdom
The Templars in their personal relations with Muslims on and off the battlefield could see that these Muslims stood in the position  of obviously having become the Second Israel, having been given the land of the Kingdom just as my Father had said. 
It was this Reality of which the Crusaders tried to hold back, yet even after taking Jerusalem in the 1st Crusade they realized Islam as the 2nd Israel had replaced the Jews of the 1st Israel, as being appointed by God in the reverting back to the Elder Line of Abraham back going once again to the First Born; Ishmael, which happened after the Jews killed Lord Jesus in the position of Isaac, Abraham's Second Born Son.
Thus Mohammed represented Ishmael, in his Ascension over Jerusalem and Mt. Moriah, as the place of the Rock in Zion in the Night of Power,  as Jesus had represented Isaac as the Bridegroom. But the Lamb was called the Sacrificial Lamb by John the Baptist first of all, as in echoing Isaac,  from Isaiah 42:2:
“Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights.
I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the nations.
He will not cry out or raise His voice, Nor make His voice heard in the street….”
Again this is repeated in Matthew, 12:19,
“…He shall not contend, nor cry out, neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets…..”
But this is mentioned because Isaac went with Abraham even when it was quite clear to him that Abraham planned to sacrifice him on the Altar. And Isaac did not struggle, nor try to escape, and was bound without protest. Just like my Father Lord Jesus; he went without protest……
“…..He raised not his voice in the street, but went like a lamb to the slaughter…”
Isaac had also said not a word, even after Abraham tied him to the Altar. Thus the Altar was a sign of the Cross, and the ram caught by his horns that Isaac and Abraham sacrificed instead resembles the “one who wore a “crown of thorns”.
But the problem for the elders of Judah was that in killing Lord Jesus in the position of the Bridegroom we end up with no Isaac: and without Isaac, there could be no Jacob, and thus: no Israel. That is why at the Table, in the Qur’an, it says that anyone who kills a single man it is as if they killed all of mankind. Thus they had actually erased the entire Nation of the 12 Tribes of Israel from the book of life.
This is what my Father really meant when he said
“…Forgive them Father: they know not what they do…”
The Coming of the bride, the Lamb’s wife.
“…For thy Maker is thine husband,
Jehovah of hosts is his name;
and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel:
The God of the Whole Earth shall He be called….”
Isaiah 54:5
It is the arrival of the Lady of the Lake of Fire: which shall confound this world
The Sufis, Sayed Idries Shah, and the Design of Providence:
Ibn El-Arabi and the first Real Unificationists.
The Lovers of God, the Rose of Sharon,
and the fallen Wisdom of Solomon  
But this knowledge of the widening levels of the Providence was known not just to the Druse; but also once again also to the Sufis; as Sayed Idries Shah makes mention of the same doctrine in what is called “the system” and the technical terms taught in “the school”; as the analogy of the vine and the grapes.
This section can be found in his book “The Sufis” on page 296,
which was published in 1964:
a year before Rev. Moon came to America,
quoting from Lt. Colonel Wilberforce Clarke, an English Sufi.
The book is called the
“….Awarif el-Maarif….”
( ….‘Gifts of [ Deep } Knowledge’… )
—-written in the 13th century,
and studied by the members of all the orders;
and certainly the 4 Major Orders.
He writes about the parallel Sufic lore to that of the first Assemblies from the 1st and 4th Caliphs after Mohammed; which sees Sufism as a continuum, and as Clarke recorded, used the “wine” allegory to show the gradual development of the Teaching until it became a more or less public manifestation; before retreating back into the Tariks in the 17th century: until now. To wit ( page 296 ),
“This is expressed thus:
“…The seed of Sufism
….was sown in the time of Adam
…..germinated in the time of Noah
…..budded in the time of Abraham,
…..began to develop in the time of Moses
…..reached maturity in the time of Jesus
….produced pure wine in the time of Mohammed….”
This a rather clear indication the 7 levels of the Providence were studied quite closely; long before Sun Myung Moon arrived and claimed “he alone” knew of the 7 levels of the Providence of Salvation. But he did write more knowledgably about the Providence than any man before him, as my Father said of Moon, even as he had once said of John,
“…….Of men born of women, there has not arisen a greater prophet than Rev. Moon:
yet he who is the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he….”
That would be me: the least and the last: in the Kingdom. But I didn’t plan this: it just happened.
“….I saw Lucifer fall from Heaven as lightning…”
The Sufis; the first Unificationists, had already established the Foundation of Substance on the Prophet’s Foundation of Faith.
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mlorenzetti · 7 years
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The Way of the Sufi
East Lawn, The Detroit Public Library, 7/25/17
8x10 gelatin silver contact print
Joseph is a visual artist and poet. After living in New York City for 10 years, he came to Michigan to visit his brother. He decided to stay in Detroit as artists occupied forgotten buildings and gradually became part of the resurgence of the city. He just bought his first house downtown.
Marco Lorenzetti
The Way of the Sufi was written by Idries Shah. “Like a door opening where one leasts expects it, ”The New York Times. It was published by the Idries Shah Foundation, 1968-2015.
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healthcare00897 · 5 years
Point-of-Care Infectious Disease Diagnostics Market Research Report with Revenue
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Emerging economies such as Africa (West Africa), India, Brazil, and China have limited centralized laboratory facilities. In emerging economies point of care diagnostic is needed due to unavailability of labs, infrastructure, associated costs, and trained personnel. Most of the point-of-care diagnostic tests are comparatively easy to perform and can be performed with minimum amount of training. Infectious diseases such as HIV, Malaria, Tuberculosis, and others are highly prevalent in these emerging economies wherein point-of-care testing is a necessity. Furthermore, disease outbreaks are very frequent in these regions such as Yellow Fever disease outbreak in Nigeria and Brazil in December and November 2017, respectively and Acute Hepatitis E disease outbreak in Nigeria in July 2017, wherein point of care diagnostics could be helpful.
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Market Dynamics
Technological advancements (innovative assays) to facilitate speedy diagnosis and extensive product portfolios of point of care infectious disease diagnostics offered by manufacturer’s supports the growth of Point of Care Infectious Disease Diagnostics Market. Development of innovative point-of-care diagnostics for infectious diseases, wide applications in remote locations, constant disease outbreaks, and government funding for product development and research is expected to fuel growth of the market. The market is expected to gain significant growth, owing to increasing adoption of point-of-care diagnostics for infectious disease in remote locations, volume driven growth, and rising prevalence of infectious diseases such as HIV. Limited availability in emerging economies due to inventory issues and improper management, and result reliability issues are expected to hinder the market growth.
Advances in technology of point of care diagnostics is expected to support the growth of the point of care infectious disease diagnostics market
Centralized laboratory testing is the gold standard and has established in biochemistry, hematology, and diagnostics. Point-of-care diagnostic offers various advantages such as ease of use in remote areas, technological advancements, and lowered price points. Small handheld point-of-care devices are portable and can be used by patients themselves. These tests use fingerstick or capillary samples, which are directly applied to instrument and avoid need of sample containers. Technologies such as lateral flow, various molecular assays integrated with point-of-care have changed the outlook of point-of-care diagnostics. For instance, products offered by leading manufacturers such as Alere and Roche are immunoassays, which are cost-effective and provide rapid results. Furthermore, in 2014, Becton, Dickinson, and Company offered point-of-care system BD FACSPresto for HIV/AIDS. It offers percentage results of CD4 T lymphocytes and hemoglobin concentration. Moreover, Infectious Disease Research Institute (IDRI) developed a fusion antigen in January 2017, which is used as a part of diagnostic test manufactured by InBios International, Inc. for Chagas disease.
Initiatives and funding from individual organizations for point-of-care infectious disease diagnostics is expected to boost the market growth over the forecast period
Various organizations and governments are focused on research and development for infectious diseases to provide effective diagnostic and treatment options. For instance, QuantuMDx Group received funding from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop and test company’s CAPTURE-XT pathogen concentration technology and Q-POC molecular diagnostic platform for rapid low cost detection of tuberculosis in 2016. In January 2018, University of Glasgow-led project received US$ 1.85 million funding, which is a part of Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). This project will develop new tests for parasitic diseases and point-of-care testing in remote locations to help enable rapid diagnosis, and rapid treatment.
However, limitations associated with point-of-care testing such as specific steps and timing and different methodologies than laboratory testing, which may provide difference in the test results from laboratory testing may hinder the growth of the market. Moreover, in remote locations proper inventory system must be planned before to prevent deterioration, lack of stock, and shelf life issues which may further hinder growth of the market.
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Major players operating in the point of care infectious disease diagnostics market include Danaher Corporation, Abbott Laboratories, Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Hoffman-La Roche Ltd., Becton, Dickinson, and Company, Trinity Biotech Plc, AccuBioTech Co., Ltd. and Cardinal Health, Inc.
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csrgood · 4 years
ViacomCBS Networks to Air “ONE WORLD: TOGETHER AT HOME,” a Global Special to Celebrate and Support Frontline Healthcare Workers in the Fight Against the COVID-19 Pandemic, on Saturday, April 18
ViacomCBS networks in the U.S. and around the world will air ONE WORLD: TOGETHER AT HOME, a global televised and streamed special in support of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, on Saturday, April 18 (8:00-10:00 PM, live ET). Check listings for local start times.
The ViacomCBS brands airing the special include broadcast networks CBS in the U.S., Channel 5 in the UK, Network 10 in Australia, and Telefe in Argentina; BET and MTV globally across 180+ countries; and CMT, Comedy Central, Logo, MTV2, Paramount Network, Pop, TV Land and VH1 in the U.S.
The historic broadcast will be hosted by Jimmy Fallon of “The Tonight Show,” Jimmy Kimmel of “Jimmy Kimmel Live” and Stephen Colbert of THE LATE SHOW with STEPHEN COLBERT. Also, friends from Sesame Street will be on hand to help unify and inspire people around the world to take meaningful actions that increase support for the Global COVID-19 Response.
HUGH EVANS, Co-Founder and CEO of Global Citizen, said: “As we honor and support the heroic efforts of community health workers, ONE WORLD: TOGETHER AT HOME aims to serve as a source of unity and encouragement in the global fight to end COVID-19. Through music, entertainment and impact, the global live-cast will celebrate those who risk their own health to safeguard everyone else’s.”
ONE WORLD: TOGETHER AT HOME will also be broadcast on ABC, ABC News, ABC News Live, Freeform, Nat Geo, NBC, Bravo, E!, MSNBC, NBC News, NBCNews.com, NBC News on YouTube, Peacock, Syfy, USA, iHeartMedia, and Bell Media Networks and platforms in Canada. Internationally, BBC One will run the program on Sunday April 19, 2020. Additional international broadcasters include beIN Media Group, MultiChoice Group and RTE.
In addition, the special will also be a multi-hour digital broadcast streaming online on multiple global platforms, including: Alibaba, Amazon Prime Video, Apple, Facebook, Instagram, LiveXLive, Tencent, Tencent Music Entertainment Group, TIDAL, TuneIn, Twitch, Twitter, Yahoo and YouTube. This digital special will include additional artists and performances from all over the globe as well as unique stories from the world’s healthcare heroes.
Curated in collaboration with Lady Gaga, broadcast to include Alanis Morissette, Andrea Bocelli, Billie Eilish, Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day, Burna Boy, Chris Martin, David Beckham, Eddie Vedder, Elton John, FINNEAS, Idris and Sabrina Elba, J Balvin, John Legend, Kacey Musgraves, Keith Urban, Kerry Washington, Lang Lang, Lizzo, Maluma, Paul McCartney, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Shah Rukh Khan and Stevie Wonder. People from around the world are asked to tune in and take action at www.globalcitizen.org/togetherathome.
“The World Health Organization is committed to defeating the coronavirus pandemic with science and public health measures, and supporting the health workers who are on the frontlines of the response,” said DR. TEDROS ADHANOM GHEBREYESUS, Director-General of the World Health Organization. “We may have to be apart physically for a little while, but we can still come together virtually to enjoy great music. The ONE WORLD: TOGETHER AT HOME concert represents a powerful show of solidarity against a common threat.”
“The United Nations system is fully mobilized: supporting country responses, placing our supply chains at the world’s disposal, and advocating for a global cease-fire. We are proud to join forces with ONE WORLD: TOGETHER AT HOME to help suppress the transmission of the virus, minimize social-economic impacts on the global community and work together now to advance Global Goals for the future,” said Secretary-General of the United Nations ANTÓNIO GUTERRES. “There is no greater case for collective action than our joint response to COVID-19 – we are in this together and we will get through this together.”
Last month in response to the global pandemic, Global Citizen launched an urgent campaign in support of the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO, powered by the UN Foundation. Calling on individuals to take action, and asking world leaders and corporations to support both the response with sufficient resources, Global Citizens from over 130 countries around the world have taken tens of thousands of actions in support of the response fund.
At this critical moment in history, Global Citizen is also calling on philanthropists to join and support immediate COVID-19 response efforts as part of the organization’s Give While You Live effort. Investors, changemakers and foundation leaders are being urged to actualize their giving and invest quickly in related efforts like stronger health systems and vaccine development.
Over the past three weeks, the Together At Home series has featured performances from artists including, Chris Martin, John Legend, Charlie Puth, Common, Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello, Ryan Tedder of OneRepublic, Niall Horan, Steve Aoki, Jennifer Hudson, Miguel, H.E.R., Anthony Hamilton, Rufus Wainwright, Hozier and Julianne Hough, among others in support of the WHO and Global Citizen’s campaign, among others, in support of the WHO and Global Citizen’s campaign.
Commitments from supporters and corporate partners will go to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO to support and equip healthcare workers around the world, and to local charities that provide food, shelter, and healthcare to those who need it most. These local groups have been verified to ensure that they are helping communities impacted by COVID-19.
For more information about Global Citizen and their campaign to support the WHO’s Solidarity Response Fund, please visit globalcitizen.org and follow @GlblCtzn Twitter, Facebook and Instagram using #GlobalCitizen.
ABOUT GLOBAL CITIZEN: Global Citizen is the world's largest movement of action takers and impact makers dedicated to ending extreme poverty by 2030. With over 10 million monthly advocates, our voices have the power to drive lasting change around sustainability, equality, and humanity. We post, tweet, message, vote, sign, and call to inspire those who can make things happen to act— government leaders, businesses, philanthropists, artists, and citizens—together improving lives. By downloading our app, Global Citizens learn about the systemic causes of extreme poverty, take action on those issues, and earn rewards, which can be redeemed for tickets to concerts, events, and experiences all over the world. To date, the actions of our community, along with high-level advocacy efforts and work with partners, has resulted in commitments and policy announcements from leaders valued at over $48 billion, affecting the lives of more than 2.25 billion people by 2030. For more information, visit www.GlobalCitizen.org.
ABOUT THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: The World Health Organization (WHO) is the United Nations’ specialized agency for health. It is an inter-governmental organization and works in collaboration with its Member States usually through the Ministries of Health. The World Health Organization is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends. Learn more at www.who.int.
ABOUT THE UNITED NATIONS FOUNDATION: The UN Foundation brings together the ideas, people, and resources the United Nations needs to drive global progress and tackle urgent problems. To support the work of the World Health Organization (WHO) in its global work on COVID-19, UN Foundation helped launch the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund that has raised more than $100 million in less than two weeks for lifesaving work around the world. Learn more about the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund at www.covid19responsefund.org. Learn more about the UN Foundation at www.unfoundation.org. Follow @unfoundation on Twitter and Instagram, and @United Nations Foundation on Facebook.
ViacomCBS Phil Gonzales, [email protected]
Global Citizen: Charmion Kinder, [email protected] Sunshine Sachs on behalf of Global Citizen, [email protected]
World Health Organization (WHO): Paul Garwood, [email protected] Alexey Kulikov, [email protected]
UN Foundation: Rajesh Mirchandani, [email protected]
source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/44765-ViacomCBS-Networks-to-Air-ONE-WORLD-TOGETHER-AT-HOME-a-Global-Special-to-Celebrate-and-Support-Frontline-Healthcare-Workers-in-the-Fight-Against-the-COVID-19-Pandemic-on-Saturday-April-18?tracking_source=rss
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gethealthy · 4 years
Coronavirus: Music stars perform live-streamed concert to celebrate health works
A six-hour concert curated by Lady Gaga and featuring some of the world’s biggest stars was live-streamed on Saturday to celebrate the heroic efforts of community health workers in the fight against Covid-19. 
More than 100 musicians, actors, presenters and sports personalities from around the world are set to take part in the large-scale event from their homes, including Alanis Morissette, Andrea Bocelli, Billie Eilish, David and Victoria Beckham, Chris Martin, Eddie Vedder, Elton John, Idris and Sabrina Elba, John Legend, Kacey Musgraves, Lang Lang, Lizzo, Paul McCartney, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Taylor Swift, The Rolling Stones, Shah Rukh Khan and Stevie Wonder.
Here to read more about The One World: Together at Home concert: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/music/concerts/one-world-together-home-review-star-studded-thank-frontline/?WT.mc_id=tmg_youtube_offsite_televideo-youtubevideo&utm_source=tmgoff&utm_medium=tmg_youtube&utm_content=offsite_televideo&utm_campaign=tmg_youtube_offsite_televideo-youtubevideo
The concert was hosted by Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert and be shown live on multiple online platforms, with highlights being broadcast on the BBC and Channel 5 on Sunday evening. 
The event is being organised by Lady Gaga and Global Citizen and was announced by the World Health Organisation at a press conference on 6 April, in support of the Covid-19 Response Fund, powered by the UN Foundation.
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Telegraph.co.uk and YouTube.com/TelegraphTV are websites of The Telegraph, the UK’s best-selling quality daily newspaper providing news and analysis on UK and world events, business, sport, lifestyle and culture.
source https://gethealthy.pro/coronavirus-music-stars-perform-live-streamed-concert-to-celebrate-health-works/
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