#idk if topaz has any tags.
just-honey-dewd · 10 months
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Rouge art study!
I’ve been tryna develop how I wanna draw and render Sonic characters moving forward. I’ve also been telling myself for years that I’ll draw ship art of Rouge and Topaz lol— and I’m actually happy with how it turned out!!! Rouge is actually so fun to draw guys. I’m feeling boundlessly ecstatic with how it turned out (maybe I’ll finally be brave enough to tackle drawing Omega in several different angles TwT)
Anyways. Uh, if anyone’s got recommendations for Sonic characters I could draw, please send me prompts lol
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bakersimmer · 1 year
Sims get to know me Thanks for tagging me @oasivy @duusheen @citruswhim @zosa95🤗
What’s your favourite sims death? Death by chicken/rabbit. The idea that something so harmless looking could be so deadly 😬
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Match. Maybe a tiny bit of mix. Alpha is nightmare fuel...
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? No. But I make my sims heavier because I don't like them looking like bodybuilders after going for a jog 🙄
Do you use move objects? Yes!
Favorite mod? There are so many good mods, but I have to choose MCCC. I won't play without it. There once was a time when MCCC was broken for a longer time, and I couldn't figure out how to change my sims clothes 🙈
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? Get to Work, Outdoor Retreat, Romantic Garden
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Most of my favorite sims have actually born in my game 🤔 I somehow made parents that had very likable kids 😂 Idk, maybe Sam or Laila.
Have you made a simself? Yes.
What sim traits do you give yourself? Loner, Hot-Head, Foodie.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? Dark brown.
Favorite EA hair? The one that came with Eco Lifestyle, space buns with bangs.
Favorite life stage? Infant, YA
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I have 0 building skills, so my only choice is gameplay 😕
Are you a CC creator? No. But I can make recolors and simple poses.
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I have met some fantastic people here. But the lone wolf in me usually kills all social relations 🤪
What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) 2 and 4
Do you have any sims merch? I don't have any official merch, but I have 3 knockoff plumbob pins.
Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope.
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? There was a time when I didn't use skin details and rarely used in-game sliders. I just chose a random preset from the ones that EA had provided, and that's it 🙈 I have become much more picky.
What’s your Origin ID? BakerSimmer
Who’s your favorite CC creator? That would be quite a long list 🙈
How long have you had a simblr? Since 2016
How do you edit your pictures? ReShade + Photoshop - Crop -> image size -> personal pst -> topaz
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? Hobbies! I want bands, pottery, sewing, homemade cosmetics, skateboarding, windsurfing, snooker, etc.
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? Seasons.
A comparison of a sim made in 2019 and a makeover I gave her in 2022 (I gave her a 2023 hair and eyeshadow because I had deleted the others ones 😅)
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I tag @bunnithechubs @kazroze @katverse
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crystallinestars · 9 days
I saw the banner and it’s kinda relief that Kaveh isn’t pulling up with Haitham, even though the community I’m in is absolutely losing their marbles over this ahahah. Hopefully he will be with Nilou instead, I want them both 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Though OMG I saw one of the voice lines from new Sumeru guy Sethos regarding Haitham and Kaveh and the ship pandering that you’ve mentioned before, it’s so real 🙁 Like it’s along the lines of “Something about those two guys hanging out together, you just can’t look away.” Apparently the original CN line doesn’t even carry the same implication, like it focuses more on the fact that ah, these two famous people are hanging out and it’s eye-catching (?), iirc. For some reason English translator wanted it to look more sus ig. And the fandom is gobbling it up… haizzzz 🙄
I don’t know anymore honestly, when Mihoyo tosses the bait, the fandom will absolutely latch on to that stuff and make sure to rub it in everyone’s faces. “Ah, they are GAY for each other and everyone else who doesn’t feel the same way is WRONG” kind of thing. As far as I’ve seen, the only other ship whose fans get so insistent and up in arms about their ship and the sexuality HCs is a certain pair of Inazuman women (and even for these two idk if Mihoyo has baited as hard as they have for Haitham and Kaveh???). To many fans, close same-sex friendships are no longer viable; they must be kissing and getting hitched next week. And as usual, bisexual people do not exist in Hoyoverse fandom’s eyes. They’ve locked me out of Pride Month 🤣
Also, I was thinking about how pushy the fans could get and I wonder if it’s something that’s exclusive to the English-speaking fandom? IIRC I’ve also seen other nationalities such as the Indonesian fans who say that their part of fandom is not any better 😅 Cos I’m genuinely curious if the CN/JP/KR (or any other nationality) fans get so aggressive about ships, sexuality HCs, etc. I remember another anon mentioned how shipping as activism has become a thing and it seems like it’s really big among American fans in particular (and at this point, probably other anglophone fans).
I don’t even play HSR (cos no space on my device) but I’m just absolutely eating up the AvenStelle and AvenPaz feasts in lieu of what NL crumbs there are for Kaveh because hot DAMN Aventurine is just so fine. 😭 And Stelle, Topaz… they’re soooo pretty (it’s a digression but when I was at the con, many girls dressed as Stelle, and I observed that her fit looks good on pretty much everyone). I find it kinda interesting that even though Aventurine has a popular BL ship and a fandom that also likes to do the “he can’t be anything but gay because of his looks and personality” thing, he also has not just one but two popular NL ships. The tags for both on Twitter are alive and kicking, compared to if you go onto KavehLumi, KaveLou, etc and it’s a very, very small trickle of activity in comparison.
Not quite ready to stop playing yet because I need to build up my new team with Layla, Faruzan, Scara but maybe after I’ve done this, I’ll take a break to cook Kaveh food on AO3 ahahahah.
I think that I lack the ability to write short asks… Hope it is not too painful to read (and sorry for negative vibes 🙁).
Welcome back 🍓 Anon! No worries, I like receiving long asks ^_^ They're not painful to read at all, trust me. Nothing will ever top the pain that is reading academic research papers 😐
In the same vein, I hope my super long responses aren't too much for you. I can't keep them short even if I tried. And don't apologize for negative vibes, I get that sometimes you want to vent your frustrations and thoughts with someone who can relate. I would even say that between the two of us, I'm more negative haha 😅
I legit wanted to celebrate with a bottle of champagne when it was revealed Kaveh wasn't on Haitham's banner. Finally a win. I know the community is having a meltdown, but truth be told, their tears water my crops, clear my skin, and and extend my life by 10 years. 😊 I'm having a good day. If I actually bothered to look at their comments, I'd grab a bag of popcorn and have a field day.
And yes, I also hope he's with Nilou! I always thought they'd be together since they're both bloom-based, but some people speculate he might be with Furina/Sigewinne. Guess we'll see. Kaveh has been gone for over a year, which is so unusual for a 4 star. I though they were withholding him because of the deletion glitch a hacker did using him, but it's been a good while since then...
Regarding English localization... it has been established since a while ago that the English translation for Genshin and HSR leaves much to be desired. There have been multiple instances of mistranslations and butchering of characterization. Rhinedottir, Nahida, and Arlecchino had masculine pronouns in the beginning before the translators realized they messed up. Characters dialogue is often translated to sound more aggressive than it actually is, or subtleties get omitted entirely. It's a mess, basically.
I also wouldn't be surprised if the English localization team for Hoyo is trying to push their own agenda using their translations. Over the past year, I've seen proof that English localizers for anime and Japanese video games push their personal beliefs by butchering the original source material to suit their political standpoints.
The fandom doesn't even need poorly-translated dialogue to gobble up ship crumbs. They twist and misconstrue official media to try and push their ship being canon. Basically make their own crumbs haha.
I would agree with you that the only other same-sex ship that gets as much gatekeeping and toxicity as the Roommate Ship TM is the one with the electro Inazuman ladies. I would also go as far as to say that yes, they also get almost as much pandering, though maybe a tiny bit less? Just a bit. At least both of them can be seen solo or interacting with other characters frequently, and don't have forced moments of interaction for ship bait.
Please don't get me started on same-sex dynamics in Genshin and HSR. It feels like you can ask any shipper of a popular same-sex ship, and they'll tell you that every single character is either gay or lesbian, no in-between. And if they do accept other sexualities, then characters can be anything but straight. NEVER straight (as a saw someone say about Aventurine while using his lightcone art with Ratio as "proof" that he can't possibly be straight, how dare you ship him with a woman).
So yes, according to a significant portion of the fandom, only homosexuality exists, all other sexualities be damned. And yes, characters of the same sex can never be just friends, they're only ever "implied to be a canon gay/lesbian couple". The worst part is that Mihoyo actively encourages their delusions by pandering to the BL and GL sides of the fandom, and the toxic portions of those rub it in everyone else's face, as you said.
It's ok 🍓 Anon, even if they locked you out of Pride Month, you can come celebrate it with me 😊 (I'm straight though, hope that's ok).
The English-speaking side of the fandom is definitely extremely toxic. They've become notorious for harassing artists from East Asia over ships, so they've got a bad rep there too.
As far as I've personally seen, the Japanese side is pretty chill. People liberally block and mute stuff and people they don't want to see, but they do it quietly to avoid conflict.
I have a friend in China, and she told me that the toxicity is just as bad there as it is in the West. Chinese fans don't fight over sexuality, but they do fight over BL and NL ships. I can't say anything about Korea since I haven't seen anything from them, but I imagine it might be similar.
I also want to add that I haven't seen any ship wars for the Russian side of fandom, but I might just not be looking in the right places. I'd be pressed to find NL stuff there, though...
Lmao, Aventurine converted so many players to HSR. I was one of them (thought I started before he was drip marketed). That man is simply too gorgeous. And oh my god, you cannot imagine how stoked I was that Avenstelle (and Avenpaz) became so popular! It helps that Aventurine is still a new character, so his ships are very popular at the moment, but for two NL ships to be so abundant? Mihoyo would be fools to shoehorn him with Ratio, like what they did to Kaveh. Lowkey, I hope Avenstelle can be as popular as Chilumi so Mihoyo does more with them in the story (and I can continue seeing fanart of them years later).
Kaveh is a tragic case, but I think that's mostly because he has two things going against him:
1) He's a "tall" man, and as we have all seen, Mihoyo loves to create "tall" characters in same-sex pairs.
2) He's a 4 star. 4 stars are always less popular compared to 5 stars, both in ship combinations and overall popularity (I would know, 90% of my fav male characters are 4 stars. There's so little solo and NL content for them).
Surprisingly, Kaveh has a lot of NL ships (with Faruzan and even Layla too), it's just unfortunate they're not popular. Kinda hard to be popular when Mihoyo gives no food for those ships, and the toxic shippers harass you for shipping him with a girl. Mihoyo isn't even trying.
On the bright side, though there isn't much regular content for Kavehlumi and Kavelou, there are dedicated fans for those pairings that still create things for those ships.
I run a Daily Kavehlumi Twitter account, and though it's not bustling (I'm just not good at garnering a following lol), it's got over 200 posts and I still haven't even gotten through the majority of all Kavehlumi content that exists on Twitter. We'll be hosting a Kavehlumi week in July, and I hope we'll get a few participants to make even more content to celebrate the ship. I'll be taking a break from posting on Tumblr this month to write some things for it.
I'm curious though, what kind of Kaveh food are you hoping to cook? 👀 Is it for a specific ship, or something else?
Anyways, I wish you luck on building your Scara team (Who is the 4th member, btw?), and may you have a good day! 😘
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woosteru · 1 year
Sims Tag
thanks @catnipsims @powluna and @wastelandwhisperer for tagging me!!
What’s your favourite sims death? the rabbit one i think
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? maxis match babyy
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? never had that happen afaik
Do you use move objects? no
Favorite mod? just any CAS mod tbh
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? get to work i think
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? like alive
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? kinda hard to tell but it's yuhwa rn
Have you made a simself? no i literally don't know what i look like
What sim traits do you give yourself? uhh perfectionist, socially awkward, noncomittal
Which is your favorite EA hair color? the blueish black one + that new dark greyish brown
Favorite EA hair? that short undercut hair from get to work is so hot
Favorite life stage? i've never actually played with them but still toddlers bc they're cute
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? ....neither
Are you a CC creator? yeah
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? sim squad sounds so weird but ig yes??
What’s your favorite game? sims 2 castaways forever
Do you have any sims merch? no
Do you have a YouTube for sims? i don't post anything
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? idk i'd rather not think back
What’s your Origin ID? idk!!!!!!!!
Who’s your favorite CC creator? no favs that come to my mind rn
How long have you had a simblr? 2016 💀
How do you edit your pictures? just a lottt of topaz
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? even though i don't create for them rn i still think a toddler pack/kit would be nice
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? idk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tagging @strawberrylattesims @fiftymilehighclub @nicatnite88 @yooniesim @janjumjam @englishbreakfastsims @neverheresims @pluto-sims @marzmud @finnsim @superflare @wubblesgonefishin + literally anyone who wants to do this
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loveryss · 1 year
Thank you sm for the tag @duusheen 💛💛🤩
What’s your favourite sims death? I feel like I haven’t had enough unique deaths to answer this 😂
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis mix but mostly maxis match
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nope
Do you use move objects? Absolutely
Favorite mod? I couldn’t live without mccc
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? The first one that came out! Was it get to work? I think so (I no longer buy the packs)
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?  aLIVE and the other one sounds very wrong to me
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Marci Foote (from a very long time ago) or Britta Bunny 
Have you made a simself? Yes, twice but they both look nothing like me
What sim traits do you give yourself? Uhhhh socially awkward, lazy, squeamish
Which is your favorite EA hair color? The lighter orange swatch
Favorite EA hair? I couldn’t tell you honestly
Favorite life stage? ya
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I like to build but it takes me forever so gameplay I suppose
Are you a CC creator? Used to be! I created clayified hairs and some recolors under the name BabyShell
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I’d love to but not really
What’s your favorite game? Sims game? All 2, 3, and 4 have their upsides but I’d have to say sims 3 if it didn’t run so awfully
Do you have any sims merch? Nope
Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope (I tried once years ago though)
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? Less ugly? Idk 😂 My sims used to have no chin and also they no longer all look the same
What’s your Origin ID? loverysss
Who’s your favorite CC creator? I’d say simstrouble
How long have you had a simblr? A simblr since like.. 2017? But I’ve switched accounts/changed my name multiple times because I’m indecisive
How do you edit your pictures? Affinity photo & my own ‘psd’ + topaz clean & topaz denoise
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? Uhhhh cottage living is a good one (the bunnies!!) and I also like snowy escape
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? None, please EA fix all the bugs first
I’ve had a mild headache for 2 days now so I can’t be bothered to tag anyone unfortunately. But if you’d like to do this then please(!!) consider yourself tagged, mutual or not 🧡
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geminoir · 1 year
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ok so it’s the last day of february but i said i would do it and i finally forced myself to concentrate enough today post-work to make it happen so here are my 2022 beauty/skincare favs. ty to the ever-lovely @lovergirl for tagging me 🤍🤍🤍
1. Charlotte Tilbury’s Walk of Shame/Walk of No Shame lipstick - perfect rosy, bitten lips, not quite red and not quite pink but both, at least on me. Used to wear Bond Girl/MI Kiss on the daily but then discovered this. Like that one but more punchy. Still go for that on occasion but WoS is my holy grail now.
2. Chanel Chance eau Tendre - easy to wear to work, it’s light, floral, fresh, hint of citrus. Probably overpriced for how low the sillage is and that it doesn’t feel like the most complex scent ever but I like it and it doesn’t feel like just water in a bottle nor cleaning product in a bottle.
3. A’Pieu Pure Block spf45 - Korean sunscreens are fucking amazing and better than French ones any day
4. LA Girl Pro-Conceal corrector in ‘light beige’ - a lot of people think this is too thick but I find a small dot that I can blend out with my foundation brush or fingers will correct my dark circles without needing setting or a concealer on top. I have really bad creasage, I’m dry as hell and I have darker undereyes. This saved me. It’s getting harder to find so I’m looking for alts while also stocking up when I can find this.
5. BotanicChoice Retionol Gel - Idk what the concentration of this is so don’t ask. But it worked for me and I’m already chronically dry. It took about two months for me to adjust. Now I’m at the point where I probably need a higher concentration because I can use this each night as long as I moisturize after but for now I’m content to stay at this level. It took a while, but it’s been close to two years now using it on and off and all my surface level congestion got better, my texture improved, my skin became a lot closer to “glass skin” than it was before (but still not the full on tret kind of glass skin, but remember I’m dry as hell). Their website is shit but I’m about to run out of my supply and I need to figure out what to do next.
6. Rimmel Maxi Blush in Wild Card - What the Dior Rosyglow is for fair people, this is for me. Instead of creating that babydoll flushed glow, this creates a vibrant, pink-red peonies in full bloom kind of flush on my tone. Blends out so well considering it’s highly pigmented. You can use it softly or go all the way, it’s beautiful no matter what.
7. Maybelline City Bronzer in 200 - only golden toned bronzer from the drugstore to exist that I know of. Beautiful - not grey, not orange, not pink or red, not even neutral. Golden.
8. St. Ives Collagen Moisturizer - they need to stop making scrubs and stick to this moisturizer. It’s quite light though. Despite being so dry, due to my dermatitis, heavier moisturizers cause congestion for me if I use them like two nights in a row. This has a really light texture, gives me glazed skin for a while when I use it and has ceramides. Haven’t found anything that has worked for me better yet. It might exist but I gave up looking after a while since this is cheap and doesn’t cause any issues for me. Only thing is it’s relatively light for a nighttime moisturizer, but you can always layer with a humectant of some kind. Ideally, if I wasn’t wearing makeup, I would reapply this sometime in the afternoon.
9. Maybelline Lifter Gloss - this shade is Topaz which I love. I think it’s the Fenty GlossBomb original shade dupe. These really are so comfortable, buttery, un-sticky, un-gloopy, moisturizing glosses. I wake up the next day with soft lips. I wasn’t a gloss girl until these came into my life. I get it now. I also like Petal and Opal. They have more and I want them.
Okaaaay that’s all from me for now. I tag @capricornpropaganda @thecapricornwifey @afropiscesism @longlashedingenue @hazyhhoney @smokedsalmoniloveyou if you would like to!!
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smackalicious · 11 months
Tag nine (9) people you’d like to know better!
I was tagged by @machtaholic. Thank ya!
Last song: Cloud Shadow on the Mountain by Wolf Parade. I fucking love this song, lmao. It’s a bit weird, but that’s just how they are sometimes.
Currently watching: Just sports right now, lmao. And youtube. (If anybody has any good like commentary/video essay channels you think I might like, lemme know bc I’m always looking for more to watch, lol. I really like Mina Le and tiffanyferg, for examples.)
Currently reading: Nothing, lmao. Just rereading Ten & Donna fanfiction before bed, as always. Gotta have my bedtime fanfiction. :P
Current obsession: One of the Brewers players is so incredibly homoerotic with his fellow team members and I’m really obsessed with whatever he has going on, lmao. See my Brewers tag (milwaukee brewers) for further info, lmao. 
Tagging (only if you wanna!): @baronessblixen, @akka-van-kebnekaise, @basmathgirl, @topaz-eyes, @sophiastorm, @ladyjess1126 annnnnd idk who else to tag, lmao. (I hate doing this part bc every single mutual I have just escapes me, like I suddenly forget everybody’s usernames, hahaha.)
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soonhoonsol · 3 years
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Welcome to soonhoonsol’s gif tutorial!
As a nice anon asked me how I make my gifs, I thought it’d be cool to create an in-depth tutorial :) Perhaps this can help some others enter the gif-ing world too!
What we’ll be using for this tutorial:
Software: Bandicam, Avisynth, Photoshop CC 2018, Topaz Labs
File Format: .mp4
Operating System: Windows
Disclaimer: This is just my method. Every gif maker works differently and has different preferences. What works for me may not work for you, and that’s completely okay!
Let’s get into it!
1. Find the best quality video you can find
This really depends on the content you want to gif. For variety shows, music videos or photoshoots, any video of [1080p] should be sufficient. Try not to use anything below 720p.
For stage performances, fancams tend to have higher resolutions [1440p, 4k]. Use these if your computer can handle it. If not, usually 1080p works fine. The best option would be to download .ts files, which provide clearer and less grainy videos.
For Seventeen, you can get .ts files from The Rosebay on Twitter :)
2. Screen recording
As a Windows user, I don’t have a built-in screen recorder on my laptop. So, I use Bandicam, which is a free screen recording software. The only con to it is that it has a watermark.
To combat the watermark, I always have the boundary box a little bigger than the video itself so that I can crop it out of the gif.
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This is what the recording would look like:
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Just record the scene(s) that you want to gif so your video file doesn’t end up too large! Your recording should be in .mp4 format.
(You may use pure .ts files in Avisynth but it never worked well for me so I usually screen record the .ts video and move on)
You can find your recorded videos in Documents > Bandicam.
3. Avisynth
I followed THIS tutorial to download Avisynth. This software is really helpful if you want sharp and clear gifs! I recommend to follow the steps in the tutorial as the below method stems from it.
- Once you have downloaded it, open up your recorded video from Step 2 and watch it. Take note of the duration you want to gif. (e.g. from 00:01 to 00:05)
- Drag your video file into normalwebrange.bat. On Windows, you can find this in File Explorer > Local Disk (C:) > video. For other .bat files, you may check out THIS tutorial.
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- In the pop-up box, key in the start time for your gif (e.g. 00:00:01). It has to be in hh:mm:ss format. Press “enter”.
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- Key in the end timing and press “enter” again. A resizer should pop up in an Internet Browser. I found that Firefox works best for me.
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- In the resizer, you may indicate the size of the gif you’d like to make. You can also click and drag the video to resize and frame it to your liking. You may refer to THIS post for Tumblr dashboard sizing.
(These are some common gif sizes for stage performances):
1 gif - 540px by 540px (square)
2 gifs - 268px by 350px
3 gifs - 177/178px by 250px
- Under “Preprocessor”, select “debilinear” for the second box. For the first box, you may pick between qtgmc 30 (same frame rate as video) or qtgmc 60 (doubles the frame rate; smoother).
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- You will also see “fast” or “slow” options. These are just how long the video will take to render. “Fast” will give you slightly lower quality as compared to “slow”, but usually is good enough.
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(You can see that his features are sharper and more defined in the “slow” gif as compared to the “fast” one.)
- Copy the code in the white box. Navigate to the scripting window (it should have popped up with the resizer) and paste the code at line 17. Type a “#” before qtgmc on the same line. This will prevent the software from lagging.
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- Click on the inverted triangle at the bottom of the screen. Your video will now appear in the scripting window. Drag the slider to the intended starting point of your gif and press the “home” key on your keyboard.
- Drag the slider again to the intended ending point of your gif and press the “end” key on your keyboard. This blue area you see is the duration of your gif.
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- On an empty line (I usually go to line 8), place your cursor there and click “Apply” in the mini pop-up window. Afterwards, remove the “#” from line 17.
- Go to File > Save or press Ctrl + S to save the code. Close the scripting window. The video renderer will pop up. When it’s done, it will automatically close by itself.
4. Using Photoshop and Topaz
I’m using my school license for Photoshop 2018, but if you don’t have that, there are plenty of cracked versions for free. I don’t have any to recommend though so I’m sorry about that :(
I followed THIS video tutorial to download Topaz plug-ins for free. I use Topaz DeNoise (the most helpful) and Clean, but you may use others if you’d like :)
Alright, let’s dive in to the steps!
- Open up Photoshop and go to File > Import > Video Frames to Layers.
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- A pop-up will appear. You can find your deinterlaced Avisynth video in File Explorer > Local Disk (C:) > video > temp > video.avi. Follow the settings in the picture and click “OK”.
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- Go to Window > Timeline to open up the timeline. You should be able to see your gif spread out in frames. If you press the play button, it should play like a video.
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- (Quick optional step I learned from THIS tutorial) Go to Image > Canvas and set the Resample option to “Bicubic (smooth gradients)”.)
- Select the first frame of your gif in the timeline. Shift select the last frame. Go to Window > Layers. Shift select these layers as well.
- With everything selected, click the 3 lines at the top right corner of the timeline. Select “Convert to Video Timeline”.
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- At the top of the screen, select Filter > Convert for Smart Filters. Your layers will condense into one layer. Don’t worry, your gif is fine.
- Now it’s time to sharpen the gifs. Go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen. Play around with the settings to your liking!
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- If you’ve downloaded Topaz correctly, it should appear under Filter > Topaz Labs. If a pop-up asks you for an activation key, you may use THESE to activate it for free.
- Go to Filter > Topaz Labs > DeNoise and/or Clean and play with the settings until you’re satisfied.
5. Blurring
If your gifs have captions/logos that are distracting, you’d want to blur them out. Don’t be like 2018 me that blurred out the logo frame by frame; it’s very tiring. Instead, using this method from @scoupsy‘s tutorial, you’ll save lots of time.
- In the Layers tab (Windows > Layers), select the “New Layer” icon. It should be blank.
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- Select the Brush tool. Make sure the “Hardness” setting is below 20%. This will blend the blurring nicely into the gif.
(For the sake of this tutorial, I will be blurring out the Bandicam logo to show you.)
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- Paint over the captions/logos. Make sure this is on the blank layer!
- Duplicate (Right Click > Duplicate) the gif layer and drag it so that it’s on top of the blank layer.
- Right click on the duplicate layer and select “Create Clipping Mask”.
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- Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and play around with the settings until you’re satisfied with the level of blurring. Click “OK”.
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6. Flattening & Colouring
- Once you’re done with sharpening and/or blurring, click on the 3 lines on at the right corner of the video timeline and go to Convert Frames > Flatten Frames Into Clips.
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- Topaz layers and blurring will take some time to render so you can just chill for now~
- When it’s done rendering, click again on the 3 lines and go to Convert Frames > Make Frames From Clips.
- Convert it back to the gif timeline by clicking on the 3-box icon at the bottom left of the timeline.
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- Select the first frame of your gif. It must be the FIRST.
- Scroll to the top of the layers and select the layer at the top. Any other layers you add should be on top of this layer. VERY IMPORTANT!!
- In the Adjustments Tab (Window > Adjustments), there are many different things to play with. There’s a high chance you won’t use everything, but here’s a few of my favourites.
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Levels - Adjust the brightness and contrast of your gif in depth.
Hue/Saturation - Useful for changing colours, or switching it to black and white.
Color Balance - Tweak the colours to your liking.
Colour Lookup - Comes with built-in LUTs that you can use as a preset. Great starting point for colouring. Saves time too. You can even download plug-ins for this. 11/10 tool.
Selective Colour - Adjust the vibrancy of specific colours.
- Colouring is completely up to the gifmaker. Go crazy go stupid :D
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7. Exporting
We’re almost to the end!
- Set the timing for your gif.
If you used qtgmc30, the best timing would be 0.04s / 0.05s / 0.06s.
If you used qtgmc60, the best timing would be 0.02s / 0.03s / 0.04s.
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- Once you’re satisfied with everything, go to File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy).
- Follow the settings in the picture below:
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- Tumblr’s gif limit is 10mb per gif. Check the gif size at the bottom left of the pop-up window. Make sure it’s below 10mb; the smaller the better.
- Click “Save”. Choose where you’d like to save the gif.
- Done!
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And that’s it! You’ve successfully made a gif! Good job you :D
I hope this tutorial was helpful! Please leave some feedback if it helped, or if you have other methods you’d like to share :)
Lastly, if you have any questions, feel free to send in an ask or DM me!! :)
Good luck and happy gif-ing :’D
224 notes · View notes
drabbles-mc · 3 years
Pick Up The Pieces
Opie Wintson x F!Reader
Request by Anon: Opie being gutted when he finds out Lyla doesn't want more kids, cheats on her with his best friend who actually turns up preggo. I feel like it could be a angst, smut, fluff combo. Idk thank you!
Warnings: language, angst, cheating, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, pregnancy, (this really really has it all my friends)
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: While it is usually against my moral code to inflict pain on my lumberjack husband, I got pretty into this. I hope this is what you had in mind! xo
Join my group-chat here: (X) ​
SOA Taglist: @garbinge​ @chibsytelford​ @mayans-sauce​ @adela-topaz-caelon​ @masterlistforimagines​ @mijop​ @xladymacbethx​ @i-just-read-stuff​ @kkim120​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @toni9​ @unicornucopia-fuckers​ @shadow-of-wonder​ (If you want to be tagged just let me know! xo)
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You heard the knock at the door and you instantly became confused. It was late on a Friday night and your place wasn’t exactly known for being a party spot. Case in point, you were bundled up in a fluffy bathrobe with a bowl of popcorn and a bottle of wine while watching He’s Just Not That Into You for the millionth time. You tightened the belt of your robe as you stood up and made your way to the door.
Looking through the peephole, you see Opie standing on the other side of your door. It was too dark to get a good look at his expression, but if he was showing up by himself on a Friday night you had to assume that he wasn’t in the best of shape.
Unlocking the door, you opened it and greeted him with a soft smile, “Hey, Ope.”
He didn’t even have it in him to muster a smile, “Hey. Sorry to just show up like this.”
You shook your head as you gestured for him to come inside, “No need to apologize. My door is always open for you,” you shut and locked it once he came inside, “What’s going on?”
Opie towered over everyone, yourself included, but he looked so small as he stood in the middle of your living room. His head hung low, his shoulders slumped, and you could see the defeated look on his face. You stepped in and hugged him, pressing yourself tight against his chest. His arms looped tight around you and rested the side of his head against yours. You felt his chest rise and fall slowly as he took one deep breath after another, trying to keep it together.
“You can talk to me, you know,” you stayed leaning against him, “Did something happen?”
There were a million different things that it could be. The club had been a mess lately, you knew that things with him and Lyla had been rocky, and then there was the hot mess express that was his family. There were a lot of different things to choose from, you just wondered what had him in such a hurt place.
“Shit with Lyla,” he mumbled against your hair.
You sighed quietly, disappointed but not surprised. You had no problem with Lyla—she seemed like a sweet woman. She was a good friend to the club and she was good with her kid and Opie’s. But you always had the feeling that Opie was trying to fit a square peg into a round hole with her. He wanted things to work but he also wanted her to change, which wasn’t fair to either of them.
“What happened?”
“She doesn’t want kids. Never bothered to fuckin’ mention it,” he shook his head, “Lied about being on birth control.”
You couldn’t hide your surprise. Usually, women who hooked up with the guys lied about being on birth control meaning they said they were on it when they weren’t, not the other way around. But it really shouldn’t have surprised Opie, especially given Lyla’s line of work.
“I’m sorry,” you told him.
He shook his head, “Don’t be. It’s not your fault. You told me from the jump that it wasn’t going to work.”
You pulled back from him, “That’s not what I said. I said it was going to take some work.”
His laugh was hollow, “Right.”
You let your arms drop back to your sides, “Take your boots off, stay awhile. I’m only like twenty minutes into my movie if you wanna join me.”
He looked at the screen and instantly knew what you were watching, which he hated admitting, “You never get tired of this one, huh?”
You shook your head, “Nope,” you walked to the kitchen and grabbed a second wine glass, “I don’t have any beer. Wine alright?”
He chuckled and nodded, “I’ll take whatever you got.”
You walked back over to the couch and sat down next to him, handing over the glass as you did. He picked the bottle up off the coffee table and poured himself a generous glass, immediately taking a long drink out of it. You were so used to seeing Opie with either a beer bottle or a shot glass in his hand that it was a bit of an amusing switch-up to see him sipping on Moscato.
“You wanna talk about it?” you’d been friends with Opie long enough to know that sometimes he just needed to brood about things for a bit before having a discussion about them. You still always offered the option, though.
He shook his head, “No.”
“Wanna watch Justin Long get his world turned upside down with me?”
He chuckled, nodding, “Sure.”
You leaned onto his side as you pulled your feet up underneath you. It had been a while since the two of you had gotten to spend some quality one-on-one time with each other. You wished that it hadn’t been brought on by him being so upset, but nonetheless you were glad that he still considered you someone that he could lean on.
“Thank you,” he said after a few minutes of silence, draping his arm around your shoulders.
You nodded, “Of course. Listen, I have movie night here with myself every Friday night. You’re always invited.”
He chuckled, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
You felt him press you tighter against his side, “I really am sorry, Opie.”
He sighed, “It is what it is. Just gotta…pick up the pieces I guess.”
You turned and looked up at him, and despite the fact that he sounded calm and collected, you could see it in his eyes how hurt he was. He’d always been a family man. In your eyes, he was a family man who got put in the wrong life, but there was nothing to do about that now. He was being forced to juggle it and figure it all out. Learning was tough.
“You’ll figure it out,” you nodded as you reassuringly rested your hand on his chest, “You always do.”
Behind the tears and underneath the sadness, you could see something else in his eyes. You ignored it, not wanting to make a bad situation worse. You pulled away, clearing your throat as you poured yourself another glass of wine. You offered the bottle to him, and he gladly accepted it and refilled his glass.
You found yourself curled comfortably against his side again, pretending not to notice that his hand had slid down to rest dangerously low on your hip. You could feel the slight pressure of his fingertips through the fluff of your robe. You fought to stay focused on the movie but it was difficult when you could feel him staring down at you.
“Something you wanna talk about?” you finally asked.
Despite the look in his eyes, he shook his head, “No.”
“You sure?”
You saw his eyes dart down and look at your lips, and instantly the heat began to rise in your face. You knew that he was just lost and hurting, and that you were just full of liquid confidence, but part of you was telling you that it wouldn’t be the end of the world. If there was anyone you could maintain a friendship with after a hookup, it was Opie, right?
“You’re beautiful.”
You chuckled, trying to pretend that you were less flustered than you really were, “And you’re full of wine.”
He reached out and cupped your chin when you went to turn away, forcing you to look at him, “I mean it,” his hand slid up so that it was resting on your cheek.
You placed your hand over his, “This isn’t what you need right now, Ope,” it killed you to say it but you knew that it was true.
“Please,” it was the most broken you’d heard his voice sound in a while.
That, and the look in his eyes, wiped away what little self-control you had left. You gave him a slight nod and he instantly leaned in, pressing his lips to yours. You’d imagined kissing Opie a thousand times, even if you didn’t want to admit it, but it never went quite like this. It was desperate, like he was trying to fill a void, and you let him try. His hands cupped either side of your face and you reveled in the feeling of the roughness of his hands against the soft skin of your cheeks.
His hands dropped, gripping onto your hips and maneuvering you so that you were straddling his lap. You kept your lips pressed to his as you tore the beanie off his head, letting his hair fall down to his shoulders. You raked your fingers through it as you bit down lightly on his bottom lip, causing him to wrap his arms tighter around you.
He pulled his lips off of yours, letting them slide down to your neck. You tilted your head back to give him better access, a soft moan escaping your lips as he began to untie the belt of your robe. He pushed it down off your shoulders and let it drop to the floor. He drank in the sight of you in nothing but your bra and underwear, hands exploring all of the newly exposed skin that he had access to.
You lifted the bottom hem of his shirt, tossing it off to the side. You gawked at his tattoos, the muscles that flexed throughout his chest and shoulders. You’d seen him without a shirt on countless times, but being able to look and being able to touch were two completely different things. You lightly traced your fingers along the tattoos that covered his skin, but your admiration time was cut short as he pulled you into another needy kiss, reminding you what this was all really about.
His tongue ran along your bottom lip as he pulled your panties to the side, tracing one finger along your folds. You shuddered and moaned into his mouth at the contact, wordlessly begging him for more contact. Your nails dug into his shoulders as he slid his finger into you, moaning at how wet you already were.
You bit down hard on his bottom lip as he slid another finger in to join the first. You hungrily moved against his hand, desperate for any and all contact. His other hand rested on the back of your neck, making sure that your lips stayed attached to his. You could feel the heat radiating off of his body as his grip on you tightened slightly.
You pulled away, hands instantly going to the buckle of his belt. As soon as it was undone Opie lifted his hips off the couch just enough to push his jeans and boxers down below his knees, letting them pool by his ankles on the floor. He gripped back onto your hips and pulled you closer, situating you so that you were right over him. You leaned in and pressed your lips to his as he pushed himself inside you, both of you moaning at the sensation.
Not wasting any time, you began to move your body against his. It was messy, desperate, but the two of you didn’t need anything more than that. His nails dug into your back as you mindlessly tugged at his hair. He swallowed your moans as his nails raked down your back, your hands roughly cupping his face as he did.
How years had gone by without you two ending up in this position until now was beyond you. But as your hips moved against his you knew that you’d dug yourself into a very deep hole that you didn’t know if you would be able to get yourself out of. You didn’t want to go back to how things were before this, regardless of how you ended up getting here in the first place.
Your anxieties were drowned out by the sound of Opie moaning your name, fingertips digging hard into your hips. You cursed under your breath as he bit down on your neck, sucking a dark mark into the skin there.
“Fuck, Opie,” you gasped, “I’m gonna cum.”
He let out a low growl as he gripped harder onto you, hands sliding down do your ass and speeding up your movements. You buried your face into the crook of his neck, the sound of his name filling the house as he fucked you through your orgasm. Your legs trembled beneath you as you blindly grabbed onto his shoulders to support you.
His voice was raspy as he tried and failed to get out at least one coherent sentence, “Fuck, I’m gonna, where…”
“Fuck it,” you pressed your lips hard against his for a moment, “I’m on the pill. Doesn’t matter.”
Moments later you felt him pull you as close as possible as he finished inside you, moaning and biting down hard on your shoulder as he did. He rested his forehead against your shoulder, fighting to catch his breath as he wrapped his arms tight around your middle. You leaned your head against his and lightly carded your fingers through his hair. His chest rose and fell against yours and you soaked up the contact, knowing in the back of your mind that you weren’t going to have it for long.
He stayed the night with you, and it was more of the same. You knew he was just trying not to think about the heartbreak, and you were in no position to turn him away. It was going to make it worse in the morning, but you didn’t care. He wrapped you up and held you against his chest, breathing heavy as he tangled his legs up with yours and slowly started drifting off to sleep.
You woke up the next morning to an empty bed, which shouldn’t have been as surprising or as hurtful as it was. With a heavy sigh you pulled on an old t-shirt and made your way out to the kitchen. You saw a note on the counter next to an already-made pot of coffee. You would be able to recognize Opie’s scratchy handwriting from a mile away.
“Sorry for crashing in and leaving. Thank you for everything. Love you. -Opie”
With a sigh you tacked the note up on the fridge. You knew you should’ve just crumpled it and thrown it out, but you couldn’t. Not yet. With a heavy sigh you went to shower off the events of the previous night in an attempt to get your mind right.
You walked into the clubhouse that night, and the weekly party was already well underway. Everyone was drinking and laughing, and it was a welcome distraction. You couldn’t pretend, though, that you weren’t constantly looking for Opie.
“What brings you here, darlin’?” Jax asked with a smile as he found a spot next to you at the bar.
You leaned into his hug with a smile, “I heard parties can be a good distraction.”
He nodded, smirking when he spotted the dark marks on your neck. He tapped them with the tip of his finger, “Looks like you’ve got a handle on that just fine.”
You laughed, face instantly getting hot, “Something like that.”
“That what you need a distraction from?”
You nodded, not caring to elaborate further, “Opie here tonight?”
Jax looked around the clubhouse as he nodded, “Yea. Got here with Lyla a few minutes ago.”
Jax returned his gaze to you, not used to hearing such a bite to your tone, “Um. Yea. You alright?”
You nodded despite the fact that you weren’t anywhere near alright. Your heart felt like it had dropped into your stomach, “I’m fine. I just, I need to step out for some air. You see Opie tell him to come find me?”
Jax nodded but didn’t say anything else as you got off your stool and all but ran for the door. You sat down at the picnic table, running your hands down your face as you fought back the tears. You had assumed that he had ended things with Lyla and that’s how he ended up at your place, but of course not. He was never good at being alone, he wouldn’t put himself in that position if he could help it.
A few minutes later you saw someone take a seat next to you out of the corner of your eye. You didn’t need to look in order to know who it was.
“You didn’t fucking break up with her?” you weren’t expecting to sound so choked up.
“Y/N, I just—”
“Just cheated on your girlfriend with me? And didn’t bother to mention that to me?” you shook your head, “And then I fucking showed up here tonight and…” your bottom lip quivered, “Fuck, Opie.”
“I know.”
“Do you?!” you snapped, “Lyla didn’t deserve that! And I sure as hell didn’t either,” you stood up, pacing back and forth in front of the table, “Y’know what, fuck this. I, I can’t be here.”
He stood up to walk after you, “Y/N, don’t. Come on.”
You were already digging your keys out of your purse, “Don’t give me that. I can’t…I can’t look at you or be around you right now. Figure your shit out, Opie.”
That was the last thing you said to him. It’d been a little over a month since then, and you hadn’t spoken to him or been back to the clubhouse since. You were currently hugging the toilet bowl as you threw up what little was left in your stomach from dinner the night before. On top of the actual nausea, you had an uneasy feeling that you knew exactly what was causing it.
Once you rinsed out your mouth and brushed your teeth, you grabbed the pregnancy tests out of the bag from the pharmacy. It was a long shot but they did always say that even the pill wasn’t 100% effective. Just your luck, you would be in the 1% that could still get pregnant on the pill.
You set the test on the sink counter and set the timer on your phone, your entire body shaking in anticipation as you waited. You didn’t know what you wanted the result to be, really. You’d always wanted kids at some point down the road, with the right person. This just felt so sudden, with so many blank spaces.
The timer went off and with a deep breath, you looked at the test. Clear as day, the little screen said pregnant. For a moment you felt like you were going to throw up all over again. But you managed to keep your composure and take another test just to be sure, and you were rewarded with the same answer. You sighed, running your hands over your face as you tried to figure out what you were going to do.
You took out your phone and texted Opie, “Come over ASAP. We gotta talk”
After a month and a half of not speaking, that was probably an alarming text for him to get. It was effective, though, because within the hour you heard the sound of his motorcycle outside. He let himself in, finding you sitting at the kitchen counter with your head in your hands.
“Got your text. What’s going on?”
Before you got into it, you wanted some answers on a few things first, “How’s Lyla?”
He sighed, thinking that you had called him over just to continue berating him, “Wouldn’t know. Haven’t talked to her in weeks,” he paused, “Broke it off the week after that party.”
You nodded, “Right. Good. You tell her what happened with us?”
He shook his head, “No point. Didn’t want to drag you into all that shit if you weren’t even coming around anymore,” he waited for you to meet his eyes, “What’s this about?”
You sighed, waving for him to come closer. He walked into your kitchen, leaning on the opposite side of the counter from you. Your leg bounced nervously as you tried to put the words together, “I, um, fuck,” you took a deep breath and forced yourself to make eye contact with him, “I’m pregnant.”
His eyes went wide, “What?”
You nodded, “I’m pregnant. Missed my period a couple weeks ago. Took two tests today to be sure.”
“Is it…” he didn’t have to finish the sentence for you to know what he was asking.
You nodded, “Yea. Yours.”
“But I thought you were on the pill?”
Your laugh was hollow as tears appeared in your eyes, “I was. Called my doctor about it and everything. It happens. Not common but it happens,” you shook your head, “I’m not saying you need to be involved or that we need to be together or whatever. I just, I couldn’t not tell you.”
There was a long stretch of silence as he processed what you had just told him. He drummed his fingers on the countertop, “Do you want me to be involved? You want,” he gestured back and forth between the two of you, “this? Us?”
“I’ve been in love with you for years, Ope. I never said anything because you’ve always been in love with someone else. Which was, fine. It was what it was. But when you came over here that night? I almost had a fucking heart attack. And then when I found out that you hadn’t even left Lyla I was fucking…gutted. I felt so dirty and…and used.”
“Y/N, it wasn’t—”
You held your hand up to stop him, “Don’t lie. Not to me, alright? You were a mess and I shouldn’t have let it happen. But I did. That was just as much on me as it was on you. I just never thought that you would do that to Lyla. Or to me.”
“I came here that night because I trust you, because I love you,” he said, his eyes glued to the counter, “You’ve always been…safe. And I shouldn’t…I shouldn’t have used you for that. That was fucked up. And I’m sorry. But,” he walked around to the other side of the counter, “if you want to do this, I’m here. For you, for the baby. I’m here.”
“I can’t just pretend…”
He nodded, “I know. And I don’t want you to. I know that I’ve got work to do,” he reached and thumbed the tears off your cheeks, “But that’s work I’m more than willing to do if you’ll let me. I love you.”
You let the words sink in for a moment as you shut your eyes and rested your hand on top of his, “I love you too.”
“And I’m sorry.”
You nodded, opening your eyes to look at him, “I know.”
“But I think we could do this. I really do. If that’s what you want.”
You paused, finally giving a slow nod, “I do. But I just…I need some time to get right with all this.”
He pulled you against his chest, pressing a kiss against the top of your head, “I got all the time in the world for you two.”
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kaibility · 3 years
 a content creator year in review~
i got tagged by @dongslchengs and @x-exo, thank you bebs!
first creation and most recent creation of 2020: my first gifset from this year was this one. remember when our beloved leader had only nice words for every member and when it was jongin’s turn he started crying so hard. so this is why you can still see some tears in his eyes during the ending of the concert. the most recent is this one, i made this last weekend because jongin’s cheek heart is just the cutest thing ever :3
one of your favorite creations from 2020: hmm, this is not about which gifsets i like the most, but the moments i enjoyed giffing the most. i want to add FILM : KAI, the part of nothing on me, to this question. not because my gifset is pretty or popular but because the scenery is so pretty and i think it’s going to be my most favorite song, and also teaser, for a while. i’m also going to add that SuperM says moment. jongin’s teaser was so beautiful!  a creation you’re really proud of: i’m not really proud of my gifs per se.. i’m going to say this again but i’m really proud of giffing jongin throughout the whole MMMH-era because i’m just proud i could witness this all from the beginning to its end. so i’m proud of each and every single gifset as well!
a new style you tried this year and a gifset that uses it: uhm.. actually, the only thing i really changed was the way i worked with topaz and my sharpening settings.. a creation that took you forever: i usually take a lot of time for each of my gifsets, just because i’m using avisynth and topaz. but compilation-sets take a lot of time and i also took forever to make jongin’s birthday gifset. 
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: i’ll only include gifsets and since i’m too lazy to work myself through everything i’ll only guess lmao. jongin with kids got quite some notes, jongin in crop tops as well and maybe the MMMH MV!?
a creation you think deserved more notes:  tbh i have no idea. the exo-fandom on tumblr has become quiet very much. but if i could chose one it would be one of my recent ones, jongin’s year in review. i make this kind of gifset every year since 2017, but this year people didn’t really care, lol.
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it:  i didn’t join any new fandom..
a creation you made that breaks your heart:  ah well.. idk if this could be considered as breaking my heart but when i made this gifset i was so amazed by his mind. this is what i have been wanting to do for years now but i still have a hard time opening up to people, and also myself.. 
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: i mean my gifsets and edits are simple most of the times?! always actually. but i really like this gifset. i really like how it turned out. AND yeah, as the sucker for nothing on me i am, i looove this one~
a creation that was inspired by another one: jongin’s hair color palette was the only one i think?! as it was during that time we didn’t hear much about him i made some compilation-gifsets and i really enjoyed making this one.
a favorite creation created by someone else:  tbh.. there’s so much!? and i don’t even know where to start. let me just say that i’m a weakling when it comes to performance-gifsets from @dazzlingkai?! something i will always be jealous of, lol.
some of your favorite content creators from the year:  okay, you know what~ i’ll just tag every single content creator i’m following - because every single one of you is amazing and i’m glad you’re doing what you’re doing, giving content to me and others.  @sefuns, @dazzlingkai, @exo-stentialism, @soyums, @byuntoro, @ainedreams, @tten, @kimkaijong-in, @amaranth, @bloomingyouths, @dongslchengs, @x-exo, @sehunlyone,  @intojennie, @yukbaeks, @dokyunqsoo, @do-kyngsoo, @yixing-zhang, @ciaozhan, @bikeryeollie, @subaek, @delhyun, @hiliqht, @captivatesme, @xiuminscheeks, @dayafterdae, @byunvoyage, @taeslight, @kaiternity, @kiauraly and @taeminnomuyeppeo. thank you so much for bringing so much joy to me and other people here. i really enjoy seeing you on my dash every time something happens. i know i’m not following a lot of people, but i most likely stick to people for a very long time!  and for good measure, another a couple more creations of yours that you love: uhm... idk, i just love making gifs of jongin! that’s it! so every moment of him is precious to me.
tagging: everyone i have mentioned above !!!
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blizabrth · 3 years
get to know me tag
thanks for the tag @inyoursheets !!! <3 since i've started participating more on tumblr and within the gg fandom lately, i've gained a handful of new followers and i've been considering trying to figure a way of like idk INTRODUCING MYSELF OR WHATEVER so i really thought this was perfect and then it sat in my drafts for a few days while i waffled dsghdfkg so anyway hello anyone new who has started to deal with follow me! happy to be here with y'all
name: jay (they/them) relationship status: taken favorite color: yellow pets: three fur babies! oscar is an 8y/o tabby teddybear babyboy who loves to cuddle and eat and purr and lounge on the balcony for an undetermined amount of time. gretchen was a feral cat that decided to live with us and she could be anywhere from 7 to ??? years old; tortie, sassy, she likes to sit in my lap when i'm pretending to write at 2am. and topaz is a 6y/o puppo who has very short legs and a long bod, whom we adopted from a former employer of my partner's. she's an angel, honestly. clearly i could talk way more about my pets than myself lololol they're just so great. favorite food: soups and stews. buttered bread. coke or pepsi: coke if we're talking from the fountain, pepsi from a can or bottle. day or night: all times of day. i wish i never had to sleep. chapstick or lipstick: chasstick text or call: please do not call me i will simply not answer last song I listened to: 60 feet tall by the dead weather any hobbies: reading and writing, taking care of my plants, long walks at the park, coding/web design sometimes, drinking cheap wine, casual gaming (farming sims are my jam), overthinking, journaling
this is.... obviously a tag game but i am already sweating over this enough without trying to consider who to tag ghdfkgjdf so if you see this and would like to participate, consider yourself tag-you're-it'd (and tag me when u post so i can learn more about you also :3c)!!
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joliebean · 4 years
Hi Elena, What would be your advice for someone new to tumblr making sims 4cc? Maybe things to keep in mind when making cc or posting on tumblr
Hi! Here a few tips which can help you to get noticed in the community:
Make a good preview pic of your cc! The item should be clearly seen on the pic. For example, if you upload a top, it’s better to cut the pic up to half length, a full length portrait isn’t the best option in this case. Also don’t overedit your preview. A bit of topaz here and there, some colour\light adjusting is fine as long as it doesn’t look very different from the raw image. Besides, it’s not good to manipulate your pics to make your cc better than it actually is. An aesthetically pleasing preview will also attract more attention to your cc, so you may try to play with it in PS until you achieve a desirable result. It’s an optional thing ofc, the crucial thing is making sure that your item is clearly seen on the pic.
Tag your cc posts properly. Add different tags like ts4cc, the sims 4 downloads, s4cc, etc. CC finds blogs track tags and if you tag your cc posts with them, it’s more likely that they will notice you and reblog your posts.
You make ask some simmers here to test your CC. You’ll get feedback and maybe you will find new friends here this way! Some may even make a promoting post with your upcoming CC ;)
It maybe helpful to tag big CC finds blogs in your cc posts, like @maxismatchccworld, @love4sims4, @wcifsareclosed (idk any alpha cc finds blogs lol) I personally never do it, but I see many folks around do this thing, so it’s 100% ok.
It’s better to have a personal tag for all your downloads posts and to put the link to this tag on your blog, so it would be easier for people to check the rest of your cc if they enjoy your content. Many creators have organized cc pages, it’s really useful in the long run. When you have hundreds of pieces and you need to find a particular post with a particular piece going through the tag may seem a nightmare.
As for making, I can recommend a useful list of tutorials by @simlaughlove. I believe @maxismatchccworld also reblogs tutorials, so you can check their blog as well!
p.s. it’s my opinion, I’ve learnt it from my personal experience on simblr, if anyone has anything to add, please do!
Hope you’ll find my tips useful! Welcome to the simblr community :)
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haknew · 4 years
i was tagged by alice ( @ljuyeon ), dani ( @hyunjoons​ ), and han ( @hwqll ) for showing my gifmaking process ! there’s a few components missing + some explanations and process details below the cut for those who are curious !
i feel like most of my deobi cc frens have been tagged so i’ll just tag any creators that would like to do this and you can just say i tagged you ! 
here’s the gif post avisynth w/ no coloring or sharpening: before
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after coloring + sharpening: 
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what you didn’t see in the video: 
me running the showcase video through avisynth- i trim and crop in avisynth just bc it feels more convenient for me, in essence i filmed it but it was 4 minutes of me sitting there with frames rendering and the actual avisynth tutorial found here is much more informative
for those who don’t know avisynth (for windows) / vapoursynth (for mac) helps resize and process video files down to tumblr’s gif dimensions without destroying the quality of the video as much as resizing in photoshop does, hence why i use it for every video i gif
after rendering the frames i simply file > import > video frames to layers > ok and load the frames into ps
what you see (and sort of don’t see *sigh*) in the video: 
for sharpening i use an action and i only recently switched to coloring after i sharpen (to no really big noticeable difference in my view perhaps) but i do not use topaz to sharpen 
coloring is this entire video and you can tell i’m kind of ;;; cr*zy to say the least about it 
i use a bunch of adjustments (which i should say is not good bc more adjustments can make your gifs noisier / grainier but i’m used to this process of just jumping around adjustment to adjustment screaming internally until i get something i like) 
you might notice i turn up specific colors all the way in hue / saturation this is to help me SEE what colors i’m working with better so i can better adjust them
then afterwards i just flatten frames to clips and convert back to frame animation so i can adjust the frame rate delay but i have an action for it too 
concluding notes / comments: 
i waste THE MOST TIME either coloring or waiting for frames to render so most of the time i’ll run frames through avisynth while i’m coloring and simply drag the group / psd coloring onto the next gif after it loads if i’m making a set
i by no means think i’m any good at gifmaking but i try my best and this video which is just me moving adjustment dials back and forth in minute almost unnoticeable quantities is the bulk of what i do everyday in ps when i go to gif something
sorry you can’t see me pulling up ? my windows with my sharpening action or for selecting things in menus idk why it’s like that
omg reveal / catching fire playing in the bg so hard for me to pay attention and not just full on jam out / start crying over chanhee’s voice
feel free to ask me any additional questions you may or may not have
usually sets will take me 30 minutes or so depending on how i’m feeling bc if i take the full time and not rush myself for posting i can get a set out that has decent coloring in 20-30 mins but if i’m rushing i can finish within 10-20 mins with really awful coloring !
i do not use psds idk if you noticed that but every video for me is different and just starting from scratch is a lot easier for me than going back through a psd and making tiny adjustments on every single layer
yes i turn the group on and off to check how it looks,,, sometimes if i stare at it for too long i forget what colors are 
also my alternative title is see jess struggle with photoshop for about 6 minutes
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season-of-love · 4 years
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 10 people you want to know better
I was tagged by @radcowboyalmondtree (go follow her!)
Name: Alexandra (Lexi)
Pronouns: She/Her
Nicknames: Lexi, lex, lex-I (its a long story)
Zodiac: aries
Height: 5’6
Languages: English and a lil french
Nationality: im first generation Canadian (so like Irish-Canadian if thats a thing??)
Favourite season: Fall, its all comfy!!
Favourite scent: fresh baked cookies
Favourite colour: pink! or just any pastel colours
Favourite animal: bunnies!!
Favourite fictional characters: Alyssa Greene & Emma Nolan, everyone from HP but specifically Ginny, toni topaz (in season 2), the heathers and a few more 
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: tea!
Average sleep hours: its not consistent at all (i have insomnia) 
Dog or cat person: i have had dogs my whole life and a cat for the past like 6 years until recently (rip CC, ily pretty kitty) so it’s hard to choose
Number of blankets I sleep with: 2, one heavy duvet and one light fluffy blanket
Dream trip: Ireland or NYC
Blog established: Idk like october?? November???
Followers: i hit 80 this morning!!!
Random fact: when i was in third grade (9 years old) i had the reading comprehension of a 16 year old but I was struggling to do basic math!
idk who has and hasnt done this and i dont really know anyone but mia so: @impossibleclair @babeebobo @queencamden @backlandsofbutter @beanmorechill @annabanana2401 @moonlit-inconsistent-art @parrlyndreams @lilreadergurl
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kpopper · 5 years
your header is so gorgeous omg wowow so stunning. talent has entered the chat and is here to stay!! how did you make it?? bc wow
jsdkljfdsklfsjkl YOU ARE TOO KIND TO ME!!!! 
i’ll make a short tutorial under the cut
what i use: photoshop cc 2019
basic steps: 640 x 360 px doc, paste the picture i wanted, resize it, sharpen/topaz, color it
the shirt: i pasted a floral print that i wanted it and cropped it from the size of jungkook’s shirt. that means i used the fast selective tool on his shirt until the layout was ready, clicked on the floral layer and 
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idk the translation sorry but it opens up a box that looks like this
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so the ones i checked in red are the ones that i always gotta make sure are on, all the rest is up to how the picture will look like. this is for me the easiest way to crop pictures and i always like the end result :D 
so after i have the floral layer cropped out in the format of the shirt, i check the blending options to see which looks better
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(i actually had two layers: the cropped out jungkook’s shirt and the cropped out floral layer in the format of his shirt on top, since the blending option made it look kinda transparent)
i used a very subtle blush on his face by streaking a red/pink pencil across his cheeckbones, setting the layer (everything i make is by setting one layer atop the other) in the indirect light blending option but really you do whatever you think its best, used gaussian blur to spread it around and mixed the opacity up and down. 
the freckles i just googled it and pasted it the way i liked it best
for the twirling light thingy i used a gif from a folder that a mutual sent me once, but i dont have the credits for. there are a lot of options if you google gif overlay or go to itsphotoshop and go around their overlays tag. 
so after i pasted the gif i located where i wanted it, grouped all the layers and set it to ‘division’ option of blending. created frames from layers > deleted all ‘frames’ that were useless layers such as color/blush/freckles > selected all layers that were essential (color, blush, freckles) and hit the match in all frames button
but only with that it kinda looked like this
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with the twirling in front of his face. so i cropped his face/neck and pasted it above the gif. this is how everything looks like finished:
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i hope this was more or less coherent hehehehe any doubts pls ask me 
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jjyubi · 4 years
my giffing process! tagged by: @coups​ & @shuuvee​; thank you for tagging me i’m sorry it took so long ;;  idk who to tag : ( i feel like most people have done this already
a little more about my giffing process under the cut!
this is a remake of the gif i made for my tumblr header. how much i adjust using the adjustments really depends on what i’m giffing but this video shows the order in which i do them in most of the time.
some notes: - i don’t use any psds bc i just prefer to do everything by hand - i don’t use avisynth or topaz or any other programs to sharpen my gifs bc i’m dumb and don’t know how they work, i just sharpen my gifs using smart sharpen + gaussian blur - after sharpening i always adjust the curves using the black and/or gray (sometimes white) points before i do anything else bc i just like the way they make certain colors pop and sometimes it does most of the color balancing work for me - my giffing procedure that has been the most efficient for me personally: curves > crop + resize > levels > color balance > selective color (it varies gif to gif but i like to mostly focus on the whites/neutrals/blacks) > vibrance > exposure (-/+15 is my sweet spot) or brightness/contrast
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