#idk if i’m making sense
chowmoon2 · 12 days
Ngl,I think it’s a shame that the majority of the Kirby fandom turn Morpho Knight,a character with very interesting lore and story potential into a “walking into Cynthia in Undella town” and “people who know” meme
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wroteclassicaly · 24 days
I’ll never shut up about this, because if more Hollywood producers weren’t afraid to let women of ALL sizes have starring roles, have the attractive male lead, and have explicit scenes - we would feel more comforted, seen, heard, understood, valued, and feel sexy. I haven’t ever felt the way I have when watching a love scene (such as this one), because it’s never from a perspective I can connect to/relate with. Are love scenes hot? Sure. But this one, the chemistry, the female lead, it’s hard to explain unless you’ve been in her position/character’s position in life.
I’m just grateful to see this. It’s a good thing, a very good thing.
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boydykedevo · 5 months
I don’t not like it when people make the parish very Formal And Ritualized And Weird in fanworks but part of what feels so real about it to me in canon is the mundanity of it all. Guidance isn’t dressed like a nun, she just looks like a mom. The parish doesn’t have to be visually weird to be a cult.
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wow-its-me · 8 months
After rewatching episode 5 I’ve decided I’ve changed my mind
That suit was definitely cursed
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that-frozen-queen · 7 months
do you hate the overall plot of the movie or just the ending?
I think if they did a better job fleshing out the story and building up to the ending, it wouldn’t have been as bad, because that’s my biggest issue.
I can see what they were trying to accomplish, but they spent so much time on world building that wasn’t that good, that the ending just seemed.. flimsy.
Don’t get me wrong, I think Anna will make a wonderful queen, I just wish we got to see her grappling with what it means to be a leader. I also wish we got more of Elsa actually struggling being queen, instead of a song where she mentions it.
Also, I love Lost in the Woods, but I would have loved to see more of a storyline where Kristoff is struggling finding his place in all of this while trying to propose.
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anouri · 2 years
i like the fact that the french say « j’ai peur » (which if taken very literally translates to “i have fear”) as opposed to in english we say “i’m scared”.
idk i suppose my brain interprets the french phrase as fear being something transient that you might possess for a moment, whilst in english you are your fear
(& with my very elementary knowledge of french, i believe a lot of other emotions use « je suis » instead (translates to “i am”). like « je suis triste/heureuse/énervée » so it’s interesting that being scared is different)
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jemmo · 9 months
i watched only friends ep 3 for the third time and i am stuck on nick saying the line “no one dares hurt me”. bc in context it’s nothing, and he says it with this slight smile that’s still a little disappointed but just trying to play it off and you could just see it for what it is, just him trying to act fine that boston is abandoning him or whatever. but where’s the fun in seeing things at face value. bc this is post him seeing the pictures and seeing and finding out who top is and putting the wiretrap in boston’s car and seeing boston talking to top (i don’t think it’s clear whether he actually hears what they’re saying about ray and mew and meeting up later and sticks around to see what happens, or is just generally sus of boston and hangs around bc he’s just sus and so happens to see them). this is post this constituted story he has that was sparked by that tweet about liking someone else and that’s why you can’t become something more. he thinks top is that person (and he’s kinda right), that boston likes top more than him, despite boston constantly calling him his favourite. you can see the pieces falling into place, that while boston’s behaviour serves to keep himself in control and have nick on this leash of always being there and keeping him interested with the promise of more that will go nowhere, for nick, it doesn’t just hurt him in these sad ways that keep him dependent on boston to feel good about himself and thinking he has this special relationship when he doesn’t. it also hurts him in ways that boston wouldn’t have intended, ways that turn nick into someone dangerous, someone that can be boston’s downfall. bc now he looks at top not just with sadness and envy, but with anger and disgust, bc who is this person?? what right do they have to be the person boston likes more than me?? when im the one he goes to all the time, when i have this connection, when our relationship is progressing?? bc the feeling of comparing himself to top, and his inadequate that makes him feel, bc of course he isn’t enough, of course he’s not better than top, of course boston would like him more, that can so easily turn and become something dangerous, bc you lash out at other people instead of lashing out at yourself. it’s that thing of i do everything, so why have i not earned your love?? that’s what he says in the trailer to boston; “i just want you to love only me”. it all comes together to make me think nick is gonna be the one that really starts shit. that idk, either through just telling people or maybe that wiretrap can record what happened, he’s gonna be the reason the whole mess starts to come out. and idk if he’s gonna just let it out and let boston get shit for it as a way to get back at him for hurting him, bc bc of his feelings, bc of that line in the trailer, bc i think he still depends on boston’s affection and validation, i think it’s more gonna be a matter of him doing it to push top and boston apart, so that when it all falls apart, the end of it all he can say to boston i did it all bc i love you, bc top doesn’t deserve you, bc i want to be the only person you love.
and you can see how it would happen, when it all comes out and ray and mew clarify that there’s nothing between them and everyone gets mad at boston for fabricating these stories to manipulate people, who do you think is gonna be the most mad?? top. bc he’s the one being messed with, his relationship with mew, and it’s all just ultimately bc boston wants to have sex with him. the man is ruining his relationship just for a fuck, and at this point we don’t know if there are any actual feelings, or if it’s just so that boston can feel superior and in control still. the whole point is that bad behaviour yields bad behaviour. boston is a dick, but he also doesn’t know that he’s feeding in to his own downfall. and nick is being manipulated and taken advantage of, and that’s horrid and sad, but he’s also not this helpless victim. no, i very much believe he intends to bite back just as hard as he’s been bitten. and it still hurts bc it’s such a realistically human bad relationship, the person that lacks self worth and so over invests in a relationship to give them that worth back, and the person that doesn’t want commitment but also doesn’t want to lose control, and so they dangle promises they’ll never keep like bait to keep someone trapped. and it hurts bc the ways nick will turn and start acting out aren’t just his fault, bc boston played into it and made him believe, only for it to be broken. and this is not victim blaming, but you also can’t baby nick and make out he’s harmless, helpless, defenceless. you can’t not see the grey in him. bc he’s expecting boston to be something he’s not, and so you can’t say it’s fine when he gets mad that boston isn’t that thing he wants him to be. you can’t excuse him being overly invasive of a private space like he has ownership over every part of boston and his life. yes i get it, boston plays into it, but at some point we’ve got to stop using that as an excuse, bc the behaviour is still bad, and i feel like it’s only gonna get worse. im calling it, nick is gonna turn into a mess that boston created and become something he can’t control, and it’s gonna all come back around and destroy him. bc it’s not just a matter of messing with the wrong person, it’s the fact that boston doesn’t think anyone can mess with him back, and he doesn’t realise just how catastrophic the consequences of his actions are gonna be.
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reinanova · 1 month
hmm i wonder if the fact that i’m in a really bad reading slump and can only read fanfics or reread favorite books (where i’m consuming media with familiar and comforting characters and worlds) says something about my mental state
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uredrunk · 10 months
i wanna be the sleepiest girl but i have to rely on anti anxiety meds to have a good night of sleep
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browniefox · 1 year
You know I think a binder would not really fix me (I’m not dysphoric) but I do think it would change some aspects of my life for the better. If only I didn’t find the concept of buying one so intimidating
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sir-meows-a-lot · 5 months
The first time I watched a totheark video, all I could think of were those “yabujincore” videos
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feralgodmothers · 2 years
What does it say about me that Little Women and Wuthering Heights are my top 2 favorite books?  Upon reflection, I think they sum up my dual personality.  Like, true female Jekyll and Hyde representation
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the-witty-pen-name · 2 years
Guys that are metal heads that are butt hurt that girls like Eddie Munson I feel like I need to scream at the top of my lungs that it’s not that metal heads only just became attractive because of Eddie, but the looks has always been hot but Eddie’s actually a nice person????? Not like your gatekeeping ass who hates women I swear to god you actually have a conversation irl with guys who are mad about Eddie they are the most rude, misogynistic ass guys. All of them have “nice guy” complexes and think their owed something.
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Started having some RSD spirals more frequently lately and then I remembered that one Twitter post where the person was talking to their friend about how they were worried their friend hated them and their friend just kinda quietly said ‘you think that about me?’ and that changed the persons perspective. I am now pulling myself out of spirals thank u Twitter user for making the world and my head a bit better
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Obiwan fully cleaves through Vaders helmet and then just. backs up. goes back to a sparring position. Its like hes saying ”ok i won that round, lets just go again.” theyre training. im crying
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yvmoveon · 9 months
you know ppl i’ve gotten comfortable singing to have told me i have a beautiful voice but that ish makes me cringe idk why like i be feeling embarrassed. but i also wanna just go to a karaoke bar and just sing my heart out man. 🥲 but i also don’t want be perceived.
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