#idk if I'll feel bad about a little rant lol
sonic-fairyspell · 4 months
The Jedi did nothing wrong. They didn't ""steal"" kids. They did not deserve to be fucking murdered. They weren't responsible for their genocide. They are not at fault for Anakin's Fall. They did everything they could do to help people. Anakin is responsible for his of his own actions and choices. That includes his choice to Fall and aid Palpatine instead of stop him, his choice to lead the mind controlled Clones into the Temple, his choice to lead the genocide of the Jedi, his choice to be literally the worst person in the galaxy, murder more people, and help lead and enforce the fascist Empire. Those were his choices, his actions. Not the Jedi's. Don't like it? Too bad, that's was the movies and shows literally show.
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nadjabear · 4 months
Now more than ever I have to follow this advice
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meraxesmoon · 5 months
Ok, but... What exactly did alicent do wrong tho... Why do people hate her (in the show ppl calm down)
Her being married to viserys was ottos doing ... She didnt have a choice she was a girl who was manipulated by her own father...
Her attacking luke was because he maimed aemond... If my son lost an eye i wouldnt stop until the person who maimed him was dead
"but lucerys was a child" SO WAS AEMOND, and he has to live with the loss of an eye
And lucerys didnt even feel bad... He was laughing when the pig was served at the table at the feast years later
The only thing that you can get her with is not being a very good mother, that i accept but blaming her for defending HER SON... girl...
Now in the book...
I do think shes mother... She such a complex character shes flawed but understands her mistakes... Dont get me wrong she is still mean and vengefull to people she deems as enemies but she has more of a heart than cersei lannister (despite some people trying to say that she is the version of cersei in hotd)
Idk... Some people just see the targaryens as superior beings and skip over their faults because they have dragons and are cooler to watch
I do think rhaenyra is the heir to the throne... But that doesnt mean that she has to be likeable to someone... Or that team black is better because she has dragons... If they werent evenly matched the war wouldnt be one of the most memorable in weteros for years to come
Im sorry for the rant... But im just tired of every team black member calling her alicunt...like... Are you twelve?
Yeah, people like to call Rhaenyra this feminist in Westerosi history, but it's just not true (at least if you believe some of the accounts in the book). Rhaenyra stans are like very extreme about her, and as a joke, that's fine, but most of them are dead serious.
I recently saw a post on TikTok that said the Driftmark scene was just Rhaenyra being a victim, and that's the most chronically online thing I've seen in a while. If you really sit down and think about it, Alicent had every reason to snap. Like, I love Rhaenyra, but she really was getting away with murder. Like, she had three illegitimate children, obviously, and just expected everyone to act like they weren't bastards.
People also say that it doesn't matter that Rhaenyra's children are illegitimate because she's heir to the throne. That makes ZERO sense, especially if you think about how that's treason and against the laws of Westeros. Alicent has every reason to feel bitter and upset about Rhaenyra pulling wool over everyone's eyes.
As for Alicent in the book, I really like her as well. Unlike Alicent in the show, she is in a huge position of power. A lot of people don't realize that she ruled ten times longer than Rhaenyra and Aegon combined. She wasn't this small little pawn being used like she is in the show. I adore both versions, but book Alicent is such a boss ass bitch! Despite her coldness and brutal behavior towards the Blacks, Alicent loves her kids so much in the books. Like, she places her own crown on Helaena's head after Aegon is crowned, she has a lot of faith in her sons, and the fact that Helaena and her children visit Alicent visit her every night before bed definitely says something about how Alicent was with her children.
Alicent in the book is pretty young when she marries Viserys, not as young as in the show. I feel like she was still sort of a victim of Otto, even in the book, but she ends up taking power into her hands because she wants to protect her children.
Notice how the people who hate Alicent would like her a lot if she was in any other type of series. They just don't like her because she's going against Rhaenyra.
Targaryen supremacists are so fucking annoying! If Alicent were a Targaryen woman they wouldn't have a problem with her, and Visenya Targaryen is a prime example of their hypocrisy (she literally usurped Aegon's son lol).
I'm Alicent's biggest defender, and I'll stay that way <3
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kim-ruzek · 1 year
It pisses me off that people are mad at Matt because he went to see the young girl for Sylvie and saying Matt didn't do enough for Gabby. Even making it personal saying they're glad Monica stayed away.
One, Monica left the show. It was her decision. I'm sorry if you're mad that your ship didn't end up how you wanted but you have to understand it was because of the decision of the actor, this storyline happened because she left.
Secondly, Matt is at a different point in his life. He probably wasn't ready then but he's ready now. He was also there for Gabby in every way he could and loved her so much that he didn't want to see her die. She was the one who didn't want an adoption.
With Sylvie, she welcomes the help that anyone wants to provide.
I don't see how that fandom can differentiate that Matt loved/loves these two women differently and that he is going to support them anyway he can.
I really need to stay away from the bird app or else my blood pressure is going to go through the roof with some of these takes I'm reading.
LITERALLY it is so fucking maddening to see!
It already just drives me mad when people don't ever seem to respect the fact that these actors leave, because they wanted to, so it's to be expected that the end of that storyline will be a little shit. Like you can forever be sad d*wsey isn't canonically together anymore and that Matt moved on, because if d*wsey is The Ship for you that is sad but at the end of the day, the actress wanted out and the show continued.
I also hate the argument that he didn't do enough for Gabby... Because he did. He did so so much. She was the problem, she didn't want the help he gave her. That's fine, in some ways I get that attitude and it's fine to see it that way, but lord you cannot say he didn't try.
And it's not like Brettsey was rushed. It's been built up. It's been shown again and again that they love each other, how that is shown. And they've grown together. Also Matt has seen the whole development of this arc really, from helping Sylvie with Julia and then Amelia and all that and to now the decision to adopt baby Julia, he's the most qualified to speak on the matter honestly because he's seen all that.
I would generally recommend staying away from twitter atm at least. I am currently too lol. My blood pressure definitely couldn't handle it.
I'm just so fucking done with all the people who one) keep dragging Monica into this, like damn the woman left l can guarantee you the only thoughts she has is pride for her former co workers and two) people just needlessly hating on brettsey.
Idk if it's because I'm also having to deal with the same sort of idiocy when it comes to u*stead stans on twitter (which already is laughable to me bc the stans tend to be the same people as the d*wsey stans) so I'm already pretty damn tired of people not getting things and mixing up not personally liking a storyline direction Vs bad writing.
It's also tiring to see the hypocrisy (like adoption is Valid when d*wsey does it but not Sylvie or that Sigan is a brilliant writer/show runner until upstead has to be broken down because the actor left of his own choice 🙄) and like. Just ship and let ship. And if the show choices upset you... You don't need to watch. That's fine. But attacking other ships is just not on.
Ugh I'll stop now before this turns into a full on rant. I could bitch for days about d*wsey stans but especially as you only sent the ask about brettsey I should stop because I'll just also rant about u*stead and idk how you feel about them lol.
Thank you for asking!! 💖
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galaxythreads · 4 months
Hello! I’ve liked your fics for a long time, and was wondering if you would write something with fem- presenting Loki? There are some gender-fluid Loki fics on ao3, but I Need More To Live. I would write one, but I wouldn’t ever finish it.
I really want Loki to join the avengers in 2012 so that the other stuff doesn’t happen. sometimes I want Loki and Natasha to make fun of the rest of the avengers.
Idk I just really like the idea that Loki and Natasha would be friends. Or Loki and Wanda. (Except for all of the aforementioned characters got done so dirty by MCU. Isn’t that like a trope? Kill off the girl so the guy has a motivation to defeat the bad guy? Like from Green Lantern or something?
And Loki and Wanda got rewritten.). Whatever. I’m PERFECTLY OKAY! *eye twitches*
That kind of turned into a rant. Sorry.
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Here are more of my headcanons, because I’d rather dm someone on tumblr instead of actually making a post on my blog. I’m weird.
-Loki was friends with Tchaikovsky and Mozart and Shakespeare. Maybe even Paganini, or like Ada Lovelace. Or Albert Einstein. Basically a lot of historical figures and also musicians from the 1980s.
-Loki is an honorary gay, because he’s an alien and aliens don’t have human concepts of gender and sexuality. But also you saw that 🏳️‍🌈hand flip🏳️‍🌈 he did in the 1602 episode. I mean, he was just being so gay in that 1602 episode. It was beautiful.
-Loki is a sad little boi. 🥺🥺
-Loki is a good little boi who got did dirty by MCU and Odin. (🥺🥺)
-Loki isn’t always a boy.🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️(unfortunately no gender-fluid flag emojis so 💕🤍💜🖤💙)
-Loki knows all the languages.
-Loki would watch anime and Kdramas if HE WASN’T DEAD.
-Loki is a theater kid.
-Loki is cat
-Loki knows how to play ALL the instruments. He likes cello the best though. Also he has perfect pitch.
-Loki needs therapy. Like two blue whales worth of therapy.
-If Tony and Loki ever had a long conversation, they would figure out how to solve world hunger and climate change and overpopulation AND THEIR MOTHERS. (It doesn’t make sense but just roll with it)
-Loki is a Major Fucking Nerd About Everything.
-Loki likes calculus as a hobby.
-Loki is, (un?)fortunately, a British stereotype.
-Loki ships appledash and narusasu.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. Bye, and thanks for letting me dump headcanons on you.
Hi! Thank you so much for sharing all of these with me, it's so fun to see other people's headcanons about Loki and their excitement about his character. I love discussing this blorbo and cracking him open like an onion to peal away layers of trauma and reveal the nerd beneath.
Lol, the amount of times I've thought about doing an MCU rewrite post a1 to fix everything is insane. If I did do this, I'd actually probably start at civil war, because personally, I feel like everything was (generally) actually okay and enjoyable until infinity war. Civil war is just a good place to kick around the fix-its because everything is such a mess.
As far as your request goes, it might surprise you, but you're actually NOT the first person to approach me about a genderfluid, fem-presenting Loki. More like the....4th? or maybe 5th? Idk. I've definitely been approached by multiple people over the years about this. Firstly, thank you for trusting me with your idea and your headcanons, I'm humbled and honored that you would approach me about this because you believed I would be able to write the story in a way that you would find meaningful and enjoyable <3
Second - I really just don't know. My first inclination is to say no, not because I'm not interested or don't care, but mostly because I'm so busy right now I really don't know when I'll be able to get to the story. Plus, I'm really not sure how to go about this. I'd need to figure out what direction I wanted to take the story, because Loki being genderfluid wouldn't change that much except their outward appearance. Loki + genderfluid + Natasha friendship is an amazing concept, but it's not a...plot, if that makes sense? "Fixing" a1 could be 50,000,000 separate things, and if it goes out as a fix-it for mcu, that would be an enormous project. Easily 200k-400k+, which would take me like...uh 1-3 years to write.
Loki being genderfluid IS something I've thought about just adding to my fics in general now (i'm really not sure, because I love cis male Loki, and I know it's canon that he's genderfluid, but I kind of disregard most things from the series anyway?) but Idk?
+ and this is just a personal one for me, but I don't know how to include Loki being genderfluid as a major part of the plot/story right now. Like, for example, I've been in the process of dumping all of my religious lgbtq+ trauma on peter parker in a (massive) one-shot that revolves around Peter learning to accept himself as being gay, but the point of the story is that Peter doesn't accept himself at first and the conclusion is when he does. (I don't know if I'm ever going to share or finish that fic by the way, so don't look for it) I don't know how to take the concept of this story, turn it into a fix-it for Avengers 1 with Natasha, and have a meaningful story about being genderfluid at the same time?
Like to me there's two different ways to go about lgbtq+ stories: a story about being gay that is intended to talk about lgbtq+ experiences and focus heavily on that, vs a story where the character is lgbtq+ and it's just part of their character and not something we spend a lot of time talking about because we don't need to. The story isn't about them being lgbtq+ specifically, it's about the character. Recently, a lot more media has started doing the latter, which is really, really nice because I don't feel like being lgbtq+ has to be justified every 20 lines.
The story I'm writing about Peter Parker is the former. It's about being gay. The entire story revolves around it. What I can tell from what you're saying is that you want something where Loki just IS genderfluid, but it's not something we spend a whole lot of time discussing because the story isn't ABOUT being genderfluid, it's about fixing mcu with genderfluid Loki as the main character, if I'm understanding this correctly? Which is fine and I absolutely support it because there is nothing wrong with writing genderfluid Loki and I wholeheartedly support those authors.
So i guess to shorten this - because this isn't just like a ~5-15k one-shot (which are about the only length of requests I can successfully complete right now), as respectfully as I can, I'm going to have to lovingly turn you down. I'm not saying no, I'll never write about genderfluid Loki, because I'm like 90% sure I will eventually, but I just don't know about a fix-it for MCU from the first Avengers. One suggestion I have is maybe, if you really really need to see this come to fruition, is to just write a bunch of one-shots that are interconnected based on each of your headcanons and then publish it as an interconnected series, not so much a full length novel like I would write. I can easily see this being a really enjoyable series. Best of luck
~galaxy <3
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shirogane-oushirou · 25 days
↓↓ the stinky. the silly. the baby. he's so little and adorable. don't make fun of his early-game no-money-limited-choices clothes, he'd be sad T-T also, top one is the lake where adult!ren and i meet if i choose galar as the setting :3c
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anyway idk if i'm playing any more despite not even reaching the first gym AKJNDSKJN
[ venting about having a bad time playing pkmn sword + talking around the dex.it Thing]
not me going "lalalala i wonder how many of our pkmn i can use to put a team together for my ren file in swsh?? teehee~~" and looking up the unobtainable pkmn list.
guess how many pkmn from our COMBINED teams i can get in the base game?......... three (3). one early game, two mid-to-late game. i could get 3 more in the post-game dlc, one through raids only, but idek if i'd WANT to replay the dlc...
then i looked at SV's unobtainable pkmn to see if i should play that instead, and it's a similar story. hell, both unobtainable pkmn lists have a LOT of crossover, which feels A Little Fucked to me. just how many people got shafted TWICE on the switch???
and suddenly i was hit with the force of how exhausted i was w this game after my first run-through... so now i'm instantly turned off from playing again jskdnjfJNSFJKN.
if i can't access half of my favs in EITHER mainline switch game, and the wild area feels this awful and overbearing to even RUN ACROSS through without catching anything, nevermind it being the core pkmn catching area... i have other games i can play instead :) and i'll just have to hope and pray that my babies show up in legends Z-A 😔
ugggghhhhhh. at least i got to make my little freak and scope out wedgehurst, and while i did want to see some of the places i think ren would want to study... maybe i can find an LP as a refresher. i think that's all i need from the game.
...i just realized this fits ren's lore too KJANKJDNKSJFNK omfg. ren starting his journey and having some fun (routes 1 and 2), suddenly getting overwhelmed and realizing very quickly that he's more interested in non-battling activities during his travels (looking at the scenery like the route 2 lake), so he quits his gym challenge to focus his attention elsewhere (him: spore research, photography, foraging... me: idk playing more of x or digging into my otome game backlog LOL)
i have so much more i could rant about w how uncomfy game.freak made this game (ex the pokedex constantly popping up to show you what you should catch instead of just... letting you play at your own pace...), and i have some positives (i think this was the right direction to go wrt the stylized character models and vibrant environment colors), but i'll stop here kjsnfkjn. i don't want to go full hater mode on a selfship post LMALSKDN.
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themaskstayson · 4 months
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Part three of the Wyll origin run
Ah man, this is a lot. I haven't had Gale so excited to talk to me since my first playthrough 500 hours ago it's kind of cute ngl
I'm thinking about Wyll being emo during the party cause the little scene is one of my favorites, and trying to cheer him up from his body dysphoria(?) but I also really, REALLY, enjoy the idea of Wyll stuffing his feelings down to make everyone happy since he can't be emo by the river since he's the party lead. Wyll is trying to keep the team morale high and then when he's alone in his bed he just cries to sleep. Cause, let's be real, no one is mentally capable to help each other when the player is the therapist.
Also, his funny lines are pretty good and I have been picking every single option to have Wyll just laughing the pain away.
So, we saved Karlach, asked her if she had any advice on horn care since I feel like that's a WAY better route to go instead of Wyll being depressed during the party when you are Tav amd makes more sense since Wyll is gonna mingle.
(Side rant: People say Wyll sucks because he's insensitive but like, come on. He's a DEVIL not tielfing! I think he's allowed to express how he feels uncomfortable in his new DEVIL body. "But tielfings have horns!" yeah okay but they straight up saw Wyll as a human like two days ago, they know something is fishy with the sulfer smell coming off him. You gonna say there's no difference??? Now THAT is insensitive /hj lol)
I also went to the Rest and Counsellor Florrick asked what the hell happened and once again Wyll joked that he was running with the wrong crowd. Unfortunately that backed fired and she said she knew since his father informed them which damn. Ulder is talking mad shit about his own son, that's crazy. Felt bad and then she had the audacity to demand my help???? Like I was gonna give it but damn.
Anyways, I was hoping to get to level 5 before the Goblin Camp but I didn't. So, we gambled it. Had Gut give me the sleep potion and got assistance for that. Knocked Minthara out cause I'm STILL trying to get that girl without being a bad guy. Then fought Ragzlin which.... that was rough. Gale did die but luckily his deas body did some damage to a goblin and Ragzlin. I usually cheese the fight but idk I decided not to this time around for some reason.
STILL not sure who imma romance. Flirted with Gale at the party, which was cute. I am leaning towards him cause I gotta stop romancing Astarion and Wyll all the time. And despite being a huge wyllstarion fan, Gale is doing something to my current need for a cute romance. Plus my other game I am romancing Astarion and Wyll (two Tav game yippee) so I should romance someone new. Karlach did not try to put the moves on me and I am not putting the moves on her so rip. First time ever Shadowheart and Lae'zel are meh about me, which is weird. I'll figure it out the next time I play but might be joining the Gale/Wyll club. I should find some fics to get into the mindset.
Also if anyone is reading these I should mention this is a modded custom game. Meaning I am using the mod honor feature unlock so i can have the playstyle with multiple saves, playing in a custom game that I cannot see the NPC HP, gave the NPC 100% more HP compared to the game 30% more. I want the multiple saves for story stuff cause I'm still trying out new lines but also I need the combat to be harder.
Honour Feature Unlock
Tactician Plus (best for party limit begone tbh this file I'm doing just 4 to a party tho but in other files with everyone, I use the 150% HP)
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lea-andres · 1 year
This almost wound up in an unwitting person's asks, but I decided last second this probably stands better as its own post.
This isn't set off by anyone in particular, not even the person I almost yeeted this rant at unprompted. So I'm not mad at any one individual person, just at the fandom as a whole tbh.
It's no secret I love me a good villain redemption arc. A villain having some sort of moment that makes them want to switch sides and stop being so horrible, and all of the emotional hardships that follow as they struggle both to obtain the forgiveness and trust of the heroes they used to fight so bitterly with but also to find it in themselves to forgive themselves? And those moments of tension where something goes wrong and they slip up and some people point at them and go "See? They haven't changed, they can never change." And the anger, hurt, and feelings of betrayal that follow?
Ooh, that's the good shit. I'm a sucker for it. I've obviously got my thoughts on how it'd go for the Hooligans if we really REALLY wanted to focus on the emotional hardships of a full blown redemption arc (TL;DR: Bark has the easiest time with the transition from bad to good, Bean has "Harley's Holiday" style troubles where he's just a little too weird for the average person to stomach despite his best efforts to be good and nice, and Fang has the hardest time and hits the level I like to call "barely housetrained" where he's still a nasty piece of shit and barely anyone trusts him but at least he's not actively evil anymore? Yay?), but we're not getting into that again today.
No what we're getting into today is how SOME OF YOU like to just skip all the meat and potatoes and jump STRAIGHT TO THE END AND ONLY GO "LOOK AT HOW SOFT AND UWU THIS VILLAIN IS NOW!"
"How did we get here?" I ask eagerly, craving that sweet, sweet content.
"IDK, LOL" comes the response, followed by more soft fluff.
It makes me want to chew my hands off.
Even if you don't really want to focus on that part, even if you're not confident you could tell that story as well as someone else could, you should at least HAVE AN IDEA! You can begin with the end in mind, that's fine, but we need something connecting point A to point B! Even if it's just an awkward rambley SparkNotes summary! I'm crazy enough that It's better than nothing!
I'll spare you guys the same ship rant AGAIN, but some of the ships floating around here have the same problem. Yeah yeah, soft domestic bliss, you can set up Sonic characters on a dartboard, get two at random, and draw them sweetly canoodling. BUT HOW DID WE GET HERE???
Some of you skip over the real good part to get to the point you think is the good part and it drives me fucking bonkers. It's about the journey, not the destination, or something. IDK.
Alright, I'm done for now probably, back to our regularly scheduled bullshit. 😎✌️
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redgemwink · 4 months
nostalgia blinded catgirl rants about the new dragon quest monsters game
okay i'm dropping dqm dark prince and wanna give my thoughts on it. actually i NEED to give my thoughts on it, i am dying to scream about how much i loved and hated this game. so i'll be blunt, both joker and joker 2 are better than dark prince and it isn't close. the vibe of this game felt much closer to like.. the original monsters remakes on the 3ds than the ds games. the season changing gimmick is terrible. the story is terrible. the lategame dungeons are terrible. the vibes are just off for me idk. i guess i'm biased bc the whole thing of travelling to islands and sometimes finding random events in joker were so neat and i loved that little weirdo monster that you could fuse into all kinds of weird forms and in general the areas and story felt more thought out.. and the hub area was wayyyy better. god, and the characters. i seriously could not stand ANYONE in this game. solitaire bb i miss you xoxo. tournaments were ok, the announcers were fun. i do think dark prince had some positives, like the sweets based areas were really neat, it felt like i was in candyland and i loved it. and as usual the fusing is really fun, it's still the biggest hightlight to me! scouting monsters and fusing them and just discovering all kinds of new ones is a great time. what really drove me away though was i guess the atmosphere and the dungeons. seriously, the dungeons suck BAD. the upper echelon ones have you aimlessly running in circles pressing buttons and shit to alter the dungeon slightly and you have no idea how many times you need to press it and you just keep ending up in the same place and it's the least fun ever- ok god fuck this game actually LOL i had fun with the early - mid game a lot and just fusing monsters and stuff but uhhhh i do wish i just stopped playing after the "bad ending" bc honestly it's a great stopping point bc the game just gets worse from there from both a story and gameplay perspective. the game has some bad performance issues, visually looks way worse than dq11, and in general just feels kind of.. subpar. i feel like as i played i couldn't help but think "wow i wish i was playing monster joker rn" and.. yeah! maybe i'll just go find my old copy of it and play it instead! i don't normally rant like this on here yall know i'm usually only here to rt yuri but like. i HAD to talk about this somewhere. i have rlly mixed feelings on this game but i'm still glad i played it, there were parts i enjoyed for sure and above all else i had a great time fusing monsters! i just hope if they ever make another dqm game they just,, remake monsters joker 1. FAITHFULLY. VERY, VERY FAITHFULLY..... PLEASE. ok gn!
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jamismejamiam · 9 months
Knack oc redesign :^]]
Her first design wasn't bad I just wanted her to look more unique and fit my style and aesthetic more, this design definitely reads more as different from knack but a similar type of creature/species(? Idk how to put it) I thought the owl theme was really cute, so I leaned pretty heavily into it, and I think it looks good! It probably doesn't make sense universe wise, but it's cute, so idc lol. This design gets her personality across a little better with the darker colors and sharp face
She's a little taller than medium knack(5'4) so she's about 5'7 pretty average height, she can't absorb relics the same way knack can due to her being a different type of relic golem than him, she's still made out of relics and uses the same sort of magnetic core to keep her pieces to together but she has more custom parts made her body than knack who's just made of basic relic shapes. To me, the knack and the ancient civilization are sorta Greek themed which is why I gave her the owl theme I think because it reminds me of Artemis. In general, I tried to give her a guardian vibe
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I guess I should also include her old design in the post because it's a redesign :^]
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I still think the old design is super cute but she looks a bit too cute for how bitchy her personality actually is, because she's from the ancient civilization she's still sorta warming up to modern society and humans. She comes off as pretty mean and blunt but it's just how she talks, she does care about people (alot more than she'd ever admit) but believes tough love definitely
Uhhh yeah! I'll definitely draw more of her when I feel like drawing again and I especially wanna draw her interacting with other characters because I have such bad brain rot about them all <3
I really wanna just rant about her for hours so I guess if anyone wants to ask anything about her I'd be ecstatic to answer! :^]]
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ishusi · 27 days
Ishu how are we feeling about the April Fools day unit swaps
I'm going to take this as a invitation to rant about them bc I have so many Thoughts on them (I'm so sorry)
First thing
Oughh this song...this might be my NayutalieP bias showing by this was ADORABLE. The little chibis were amazing. They really just added some of the best characters and had them sing one of the best songs in the game. The one thing that stuck out the most to me was the MIXING OMG. They all blended so well and Emu/Mizuki's vocals had me ascended. Those little symbols that represented each character was so cute (count pearl and Kohane...). I know a lot of people wasn't a big fan of the devil manners and alien alien covers but honestly their definitely my top 3.
Honestly at first I had kinda mixed feelings about this. But then I listened to it and omg. Yes. The mv is my favorite, besides maybe the Alien Alien one. I never knew I needed Toyamino in my life before this. Honestly I was never a big fan of booo, especially the MMJ cover (I'm sorry 😔) but this cover is just. Yes. Minori's chibi was so cute and THE OUTFITS??? Yeah definitely a fav.
Man, I have so many feelings about this. I love Setsuna Trip so I can't really bring myself to really hate it. Shiho absolutely ate and left no crumbs. Airi slayed just as hard in this as in the original minoairi cover. I love how everyone yells "Hah? More guitar!" I saw that some people really disliked Kanade in this but I don't think she sounded too bad! Her voice was sometimes drowned out by the music and the other voices sometimes though...but she really harmonized well with Airi and Shiho. The art and MV is so bright and flashy it makes me feel like I'm at a disco party. Kinda reminded me of an anime opening lol. Overall I think this cover was a bop
Honestly I have no really strong feelings about this. I mean Honami sounded so angelic in this and everyone harmonized so well. This was one of the rare times where the Vocaloid actually mixed really well with the others. The MV is definitely my favorite (besides maybe Devil's Manners). The art is so pretty (Mafuyu my beloved) and the purple lighting??? Yeah I'll take this. No strong opinions I just think it's really pretty. Would sleep to this.
They really just took my favorite characters and Vocaloid and made them sing one of my favorite songs. This entire cover was targeted to me. The strong vocals really made the chorus Pop Out. They all sounded so pretty please SEGA release a full version it would be a crime to not. Also the mv made all my girls look GORGEOUS. I love how dynamic(?) it is (lots of motion, idk what's the word for that). Amazing. My skin is clear. My crops are watered. My grades are up. I have 20/20 vision. The sun is shining. And it's all thanks to this cover.
So I think my rankings for the songs would go like this:
1. Devil's Manners
2. 6 Trillion Years
3. Alien Alien
4. Booo
5. Setsuna Trip
6. Meru (😔)
Overall I think that this year's April fool's covers were WAY better than last time. The only covers I really liked last year were happy synthesizer and positive dance time. This year I LOVE all the covers, even Meru and Setsuna Trip. 74827391/10 wouldn't mind another unit shuffle tbh
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anxious3cto · 1 month
The usual TW, not in any real detail or anything, but still. This post is mainly just me ranting/venting about my sad little boy crush ya know. As usual pls block don't report, and remember to hydrate before you diedrate <3. Love you all besties stay save 💓
Soooooo now time for the rant below:
It's been another bit right.., well now I'm definitely back on my bullshit, cause guess what besties that crush I had (still have tbh).
Soo, STORY TIME! [Note all of this info about my crush comes from my friend who didn't want me to suffer anymore]
So the guy I like apparently liked me too in 9th (I'm in 10th) my friend even said I was his bi awakening, (this fact kinda scares me cause I've been used in the past, so the what if cause I'm a trans masc I'll be used for my attributes, since I'm masc enough where it counts to be considered an 'adventure', but still fem enough to where it not that different. Like I'm sure he'd never to that to me, but still it's like my brain is trying to make him the bad guy so I don't like him anymore but I digress.) Anyway my other friend told me he has been in cahoots (not dating but really close, like she has his actual #, meanwhile ive never had it only the socials) with this one pan chick, and tbh from what I hear she's great, tbh she's definitely better for him than I am, I'm far to fucked up to be good for anyone. <side note, have y'all heard that song Jason by Bonnie Parker, that is what I'm afraid will happen to me> the song⏬️
I have screen shot of chats, that will probs explain this better than me [I might put it below (with the necessary blacked out] but idk, maybe not for privacy ya know.
Anyway yall I am mad depressed (literally, tw, but the night it all went down, ie me finding all this out, I took like four benadryl to sleep*seriously all ot was for* and I still feel weird and vaguely numb and overall just off (probably cause of the crush lore lol)
So now I'm bout to st☆rve the shit out of myself and overall get deeper, maybe if I can't be perfect on the inside, i can on the outside.
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fyodorkitkat · 1 year
Finally watched it and maybe I'll get some flack for this BUT while they did cut out a lot with Sigma esp the introduction, I really still think they got across his characterization pretty well, all things considered. I still think Sigma comes across as someone you want to sympathize with, even though they cut out most of the interactions with the customers.
(it's anecdotal like anything else but my partner's (who hasn't read the manga) response to this episode was "this man is going through it damn, he doesn't get blown up does he? I feel bad for him please tell me he doesn't blow up) I've stanned dead characters before and acted like they didnt die when i talked about them so like that was a valid concern for him lol.)
They also despite shoving so many pages of content into this season have kept a consistent narrative and done a decent job introducing so many new characters in a short time frame imo. Yeah they cut things out but I don't think they have ruined the overall story or any character in particular at all at this point in terms of like the potential experience for anime onlys. I have been trying to curb my expectations because I'm super biased to the manga (I mean I'm in love with Fyodor, I have already been so wounded by Bones lol) and everything but like, idk. There are complaints to be made for sure but in my opinion it's far from butchered or anything.
I do agree they rushed things and they did Tachihara's part going back to the hunting dogs a disservice (but they kept the push ups during the meeting and Jouno stepping on Tecchou, thank you bones I needed this) I will concede to that.
But I def am still happy with anime Sigma for sure (they could have done so much worse let's be real) and the casino arc all things considered. Sigma looked gorgeous and they even gave Fyodor a little glow up for the flashback.
That's my two bit stream of consciousness rant sorry yall.
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randomnameless · 1 year
FantasyInvader reply on the Edelstans going full circle on “translation=making Edelgard look bad” is the first time I heard of Treehouse hating Rhea, but it honestly makes sense now that I think about it.
TBH I ranted a few years ago about the localisation and the direction Cherami Leigh received to dub Rhea, and, uh, well...
I don't think she hates the character or anything, she just goes with the direction given, but man what a load of crap Pat told her lol - she made an interview where she says Pat told her Rhea has a hair-trigger temper (tfw she only loses her shit when you try to reenact the genocide she escaped when she was younger - but nah it's just a hair trigger temper) and how Rhea "just is", something we know is bullcrap because she's the same person who's insecure about "bothering" people if she eats with them, Rhea isn't the assured person she tries to pretend to be, but Pat dgaf.
Regardless of the meaning of the quotes, if you have time to spare of the feh wiki, just compare the delivery of lolcalised!Rhea and Inoue!Rhea (her Halloween alt is telling), they're like night and day - but in the game proper, we have the fe datamine website !
Short story : Lolcalised!Rhea isn't supposed to emote bar being AnGrY, monotone (that line where she worries about Aelfie's plans in the DLC could be swapped with her reading the notice of aspirin) or have 2 lines where she's relaxed (billy supports) - Jp!Rhea is allowed to be upset, to mourn, to be worried, cheerful etc etc.
I've already complained a lot about FE16's lolcalisation, cultural bias at play and wanting to soften a certain character, but to exaggerate only a little bit, I have the feeling Rhea was portrayed in the lolcalisation (and not localisation, the lol is very important) as the ultimate bogeyman of the "dictatorial evil leader of an organised religion who is also a zealot and does not tolerate dissent because she's religious" which has...
idk, but serious issues because again, if you are supposed to localise a product you cannot edit something red to be something violet and sparkly and if the shitstorm (that ultimately came from a misunderstanding!) about "creative localisation" is any indication, more and more people are fed up with lolcalisations altering the meaning, not of a word, but of a game to suit their own agendas.
Oh, and not specifically tied to Rhea but in a way it is because it adopts Supreme Leader's prop a ganda words :
A friend earlier noticed that the NoA official website - where you can buy the game (digital version) - adverstises Fodlan as a land controlled by the Church of Seiros. Oddly (lel) enough, this "controlled by the Church of Seiros" crap of a tidbit doesn't appear in the japanese website, and even in the european ones!
I don't believe we got another version compared to the Treehouse version - even if at times, the french script is closer to the japanese one and at times they come up with their own bullshit - but there is a point to be said that in a certain part of the world, the game was advertised in a way that kind of fit a certain's characters POV, something that doesn't exist in the rest of the world. And it's in that same "part of the world" that the person who directed the VA for the eng dub, well, worked and directed said VA.
So what, is it some great conspiracy or something else? lol no.
Did Treehouse told NoA "don't worry, I've got this game, I'll localise it just close your eyes and market it that's all" and they went bonkers? And for some reason whoever was in charge at the NoE branch didn't close their eyes (maybe half-closed) so we have a weird mix between the two? idk.
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Hey*not here to hate you* .. okay, agreed its a joke and now calm down. Here, have a hug. I like Taylor's music and she is a good person I guess... And it made me so happy when i saw that you send in flowers/good morning messages/asks to your cute lil moots. It was your "funny" opinion and i guess you are one of those okay to being rude and veryy straight-forward.. and btw your music taste isn't even bad, i like a few of the songs you have under Spotify tag. You are cute. Stay hydrated, Vighnesh.*hugs you again AJSKAJAKAJAK*💙
Idc anon. I'll say again, bigger. I've done the best i can to make people happy for the past months. I've had sleepless nights coz someone wanted to rant. I've skipped studying for boards coz someone was anxious and talking about hurting themselves. I wake up every morning and the first thing i check is if it isnt 12 already, go to pinterest download a flower picture and send it to 20 people. For what? It doesn't even give me anything. I just wanted to make people happy with the little love i have coz i never feel loved. No one's there for me when i cry. No one's there for me when i stare at the knife thinking to cut my veins. I just wanted to be that person to others. Ik how it feels when you have no one. Ik how it feels to love an artist. I've spent 2 literal years locked in my home, with people who fed me hate all day, and i had no irl or offline friends. Do yk how that feels? Do yk how it feels to talk to someone after 2 years? Its so weird. I spent 2 years just listening to K391. And you think idk what it is to love an artist. I remember the day when i first listened to K391. It was something in August 2019, i had planned that day to die. I was waiting for my mom to sleep so that i can silently go in the next room and hang myself. That's when i listened to K391. He gave me a dream, he gave me a new life. I promised myself that i would never harm myself and be like him someday. Idk how much you love TS, but my love for K391 will always be more than that. He's the reason I'm breathing, he's the reason I'm alive. Everyday i want to die, and everyday he reminds me that i promised to be like him. But idc if someone talks shit about him. Why does it even matter? K391 for you isnt what he is for me. I dont hate TS, and i dont think she's ugly. I find her really cute tbh. But sorry I'm immature. I didn't know people can get so offended if i say something like that. Coz tbh, people expect others to react how they themselves would have reacted. And i never would have been offended over someone calling K391 ugly, or shit. I probably would have added a lol in that post and scrolled ahead. But I'm sorry, i expected too much of people. You literally judged my character, my personality. You judged everything I've ever done for my so-called friends. You judged me that i would hate my friends coz they're ugly. I mean ofc. For my entire fucking life I've tried to find people who care about me, but i would hate them only because they're ugly. I feel betrayed. Ik I'm wrong. But what's worse is, that everyone made me feel like a pariah, an outcast. This is the only place i called home, and it is a ruin for me now. Because I tried giving every amount of love for people, but they judge me coz i called their favourite artist ugly👍
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endtheidolindustry · 10 months
Ok back to Barbie
I feel like it was interesting that they admit that in the movie that barbie made girls feel bad for not being an ideal figure of a woman (cis, white, blonde, thin) and how "she" alienates them whilst they saw a lack of representation of themselves. There are other Barbies of course, but the "Stereotypical white Barbie" is still the face of Barbie and all.
Still, America Ferrera's character (damn idk her name) believes that barbie is beyond just that and she's more than what her daughter seems to believe. Barbie is disappointed that in the real world, women aren't treated equally, and it's because she believes that Barbies should have motivated women for a better chance in society.
This isn't true because of patriarchy, and the daughter's rant about how Barbie does so little for women suggests that the movie wasn't trying to make Barbie, as a whole, out as a feminist toy or whatever. Her daughter doesn't come around and starts liking Barbies in the end or anything, so I feel like the movie was kinda(?) neutral on whether or not barbie is supposed to be an empowering figure for girls.
The whole thing about Ken and how he brought back patriarchy to the doll society shows that even though the Barbies controlled the world before, they were actually capable and the Kens....are just stupid lol. I don't think the movie was belittling men as much as it just belittles the Kens. But also, Barbie actually encourages Ken to find himself in the end as not an accessory to her.
Ultimately, it was a movie about toys and it wasn't the most amazing movie ever. But, more than the eh stuff about gender roles I feel like the parts of the movie that were more interesting was when it touched on the subject of humanity. Being alive and especially as a woman, aging and no longer being "beautiful" was more thoughtful.
Barbie gaining sentience made her want to be human and I feel like it was a sentiment that wasn't just "womanly" or anything. It's like, being a woman may be tied to Barbie's identity but the fact that she wants to be more than just a creation was so thought provoking. That one scene where she meets her creator where Ruth talks about how she places the same hopes as she does her daughter on Barbie was quite poignant.
Overall. Cool movie, I wanted to pee for 15 minutes so I didn't cry or anything, but I'm rewatching it next week so I'll probably have more thoughts then.
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