#idk!! i think there's something very earnest about her and i love her for that
averlym · 9 months
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from this post by @caligulas--aquarium
(if she keeps this up, she might even get a real desk!)
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Would be in the same universe as my Yandere! Adventurer but idk, I really love women right now.
- Yandere Femme Fatale whose job is to seduce and kill, when she gets hired to take you out however; she can't do it. You're too sweet and earnest, not to mention absolutely adorable with how flustered you get when she flirts with you.
- Yandere Femme Fatale who breaks into your room at night when you're asleep, admiring you peacefully and cupping your face gently as she sighs lovingly. She's never felt romance, only lust and bloodlust, but something about you makes her feel so soft and free. When you wake up, you wonder why there's a lipstick mark on your cheek or your neck.
- Yandere Femme Fatale who, unlike the Yandere Adventurer, won't have to rely on kidnapping. She's spent years perfecting her art of acting, of being the ideal woman her target wants her to be, and she can easily do that with you♡
- Yandere Femme Fatale whose so pretty that it lulls you into a false sense of security. After all, she's got such a sweet smile and such pretty eyes that you can't help but feel squirmy and small under her gaze.
- Yandere Femme Fatale whose just a lovesick puppy around you. Clinging to your arm, sitting a bit too close for comfort at times, loving to play with your hair and letting you rest your head on her chest.
- Yandere Femme Fatale catches everyone's eyes but hers are glued on you. Who is stopped by men and women when she's trying to stalk you, trying to ask her put on a date, so she just subtly poisons them and catching them, pretending they randomly fainted and letting other people take care of it. Dammit! That idiot made her lose you!
- Yandere Femme Fatale who has a brief romantic history with Yandere Adventurer, who is VERY shocked when his ex is starting to hang around his darling but quickly gets all bitter and mad. He pulls her aside to threaten her but she just smiles gleefully at him, after all, she didn't know he had his sights set on you but now, you're somehow even more enticing than before.
- Yandere Femme Fatale who worries about what you think of her and her passionate history. Whose worried that no matter how pretty she looks, you won't be able to get passed that. She'll track them all down and kill them all if it bothers you so much! They don't mean anything to her now that she has you! She just didn't know you were her soulmate back then!
- Yandere Femme Fatale who loves to buy you outfits and dress you up♡ Sometimes the outfits are a bit of a tight squeeze but she assures you that it's supposed to be like that. Who suggests a little fashion show so she can see you wearing all the outfits she thought would look AMAZING on you.
- Yandere Femme Fatale who'd briefly team up with Yandere Adventurer if it was for your best interest, after all, she wouldn't want anything to happen to you! But, just like always, she backstabs him. The way she fantasizes about comforting you, holding you in her arms and loving you til you forgot about him...only for her mood to be dulled when he survives because OF COURSE HE WOULD.
- Yandere Femme Fatale whose always been a selfish lover but not to you, whatever you need she will give it! Her soul, her heart, her body, her blood! Anything you could ever possibly want, just tell her and she'll give it to you!♡ And if you ever want anyone dead, don't even HESITAITE to ask!
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anashins · 1 year
hiii!!! i've been reading most of your works and i absolutely love them 😭 idk if you're accepting reqs but i've had this idea of a situationship/fwb jaehyun but he's secretly completely whipped for her and super soft w her. if you do end up making this a story thank you so much!! you're amazing 😌
Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: Jaehyun gets hit on at a party, but he has his eyes on one girl only, even though he claims he doesn't do relationships.
A/N: Funny, someone requested this for Yongie too 😍 Thank you, I hope you like it 💗
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Jaehyun stood in the corner of the room, a slight smile on his face. Not his usual smirk when he was lowkey judging with an underlying mocking expression, or his haughty grin when he found something funny, but not hilarious enough to actually laugh out loud about it. 
No, his smile was earnest, faint and emphasized a softness in his facial features that he rarely ever showed to anybody, a look simultaneously getting mirrored in his eyes that one needed to be very lucky to actually witness even once in their lifetime. 
Because it was an expression he had reserved for one girl only.
“What a lame party, hm?”
He hadn’t noticed how he had been approached by a girl he didn’t know. She had long, dyed hair and wore an outfit that indicated this party was not her last stop, but a club which she would still visit later on.
Jaehyun shrugged indifferently, turning his head back to where his attention had been before - his girl laughing and joking around with her friend group. “I don’t think so. It’s okay.”
“But you look lonely though,” she continued talking,”standing here all by yourself.”
He smirked now, judging her with an underlying mocking expression. “I promise you, I’m not lonely. I’m just enjoying my spare time away from the crowd.” 
It was the little, ordinary things that his girl was doing he was so intrigued with. If he could, he would stand in this corner the entire night as long as he could watch her enjoy herself. It made him happy too and he didn’t ask more of the night.
“Are you interested in going to a club?” She didn’t give up despite Jaehyun’s passive demeanor that he expressed through his folded arms and absent gaze. “My new acquaintance Johnny, who you’re also friends with, suggested that you should go with us. He said you liked that certain club.”
Jaehyun remembered how he used to party at that club every weekend, sometimes even on weekdays, not caring whether he’d show up to class still hungover or not attend at all. However, a few weeks ago, it all had changed with his girl.
“I pass.”
He already wanted to let out a sigh of relief as he thought the girl might go away after rejecting her offer, but she didn’t. Instead, Jaehyun felt her fingers on his skin, gripping onto his forearm. It wasn’t a particular strong or demanding touch, tender even. But it wasn’t by his girl, and he despised it because of that which was why he shook her off.
“I thought we could maybe get a few drinks, dance and…” She lowered her voice, not at all bothered by his withdrawal. “.. you know, when we decide to go home.”
Oh, he did know what kind of reputation he used to have. Which was why he was grinning haughtily now, entirely proud of himself to have left this exact reputation behind. Unofficially. “I pass.”
“What?” Getting rejected so straight-forwardly, the girl apparently hadn’t expected it. “You have a girlfriend or something? Johnny said you didn’t.” 
Damn that Johnny guy. He had provoked him on purpose after having lured out his true feelings one night. Of course Jaehyun didn’t have a girlfriend. He just didn’t do “girlfriends”. But he did “somethings”, although this “something” went further than any “something” he had ever had before.
Jaehyun wanted to deny before it dawned on him that it wouldn’t make his situation better without disclosing that there was one girl only he wanted to go home with tonight, and she certainly wasn’t his girlfriend. 
That was until something from the corner of his eyes caught his attention. His girl went for her fourth glass despite knowing that she didn’t tolerate more than three. She never learned. Silly.
“Excuse me.”
Leaving the girl who hit on him behind, Jaehyun went with a tunnel vision to the one he had never let out of his sight, stretched out his arm and took the new filled glass out of her hands.
“What are you doing?” she complained with a playful pout.
He sighed deeply as though annoyed, with his soft smile that had found its way back to his face because of her. But she didn’t see. “You know very well that you’re a lightweight.”
“That will be my last one.”
“Really? The last time you said that, I had to carry you all the way to your bed and you passed out while-”
“NO!” she squealed and put her palm over his mouth to silence him. “Don’t you dare speak it out!”
“Now be a good girl and let me drink this. And after I’ve emptied this glass, we’re leaving. This party is lame.”
“Really?” She looked to her left and right. “I don’t think-”
But Jaehyun leaned in and said something into her ear that only she could hear. Her reaction was always the same when he whispered the dirty things he would do to her when they’d finally be alone: wonder, amazement, then embarrassment. But she would always agree with a heated head that let his heart almost unnoticeably jump.
“Your place or mine?” she only wanted to know.
You woke up with a headache the next morning, your mouth dry and eyes still half closed. Like usually after a party, you wanted to stay in bed for a little longer, especially since today was a sunday. Jaehyun was surely long gone after you had passed out, which was why you also didn't bother getting dressed now and just rolled to the other side of the bed that was somehow still warm.
Odd, you thought, but not odd enough to put more thought into it, you just wanted to sleep. That was until you heard it rumbling in the kitchen. 
With a start, you were sitting upright in your bed, getting dressed before hurrying to find out who had broken into your apartment or whether you had taken someone entirely else home and Jaehyun had only been a fever dream, because he usually never stayed the night. 
“Good morning.”
But the one you encountered in your kitchen with messy hair and only in his boxers, frying an omelet was indeed Jaehyun. The guy who claimed he didn’t do relationships, who didn’t stay overnight because it was similar to dating for him, and who certainly didn’t cook you breakfast. You must still be dreaming. 
“Are vegetables in your omelet okay?” he asked without any care in the world, and you only brought yourself to nod, still baffled.
While he was cooking, you watched his defined back and his hair moving with every motion, until you realized that this was surely not a dream at all. This was very much a reality you had always dreamed of. 
Then, you approached him from behind and wrapped your arms around his sides, nudging into his chest. You didn’t speak a word. You didn’t need to. Jaehyun continued cooking like you were not currently blocking his area, totally unbothered. 
And then, you felt in the middle of your parting the warm touch of his lips on the top of your head.
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bruisedboys · 1 year
hi love can i plz have little women-“ i just realized i don’t care if they’re the most perfect person in the world. they’re not you.” w james ??
congrats on 3k!!!!!!!!
idk if I did this ask justice but I tried!!! hope it’s ok lovely
summary: james comes to your house with a confession
fem!reader 0.7k words
James is soaking wet at your front door. You blink at him and think maybe you’re dreaming.
“James,” you say. You can barely hear yourself. It’s pouring rain and your heartbeat is twice as loud as it usually is. “What are you doing here?”
James doesn’t seem to notice the rain where it’s starting to drip into his eyes. His lovely dress shirt is soaked through. He stares right back at you like it’s his first time seeing you.
“Can I come in?” He asks.
“I— yeah, of course.” You grab his arm and pull him in, hardly caring about the rain and flecks of mud he tracks in on his shoes. “Get inside, Jamie, you’re soaked.”
James steps inside and you close the door behind him. The rain becomes muffled, a lovely, calming drumming sound. You turn on James. Somehow, soaked through and shivering, he looks pretty as ever.
“James,” you say again, because you don’t know what else to say. “What—?”
“Listen.” James cuts you off and grabs you by the elbows. It’s alarming how quickly he gets you in his hands. Even more so how willing you are to be manhandled by him. “I need to tell you something.”
You blink. You can’t quite clock the look on his face. Something akin to desperation. You wonder if there’s been a horrible emergency with one of his friends.
“I thought you had a date,” you say blankly. Its a stupidly obvious thing to say, but you’re feeling very dazed.
James nods. “Right, I did. She wasn’t— it didn’t really work out.”
Your heart does this horrible thing where it jumps to your throat with hopefulness. You swallow harshly in a poor attempt push it back down.
“But,” you flounder. James had showed you a picture of her earlier in the week. Prettiest girl you’d ever seen. “She— well, she seemed pretty perfect.”
James grabs you tighter. Pulls you closer. His eyelashes cling together in sparkling triangles.
“That’s the thing, Y/N,” he says, looking at you with a sort of desperation that makes your legs a bit wobbly. “I’m— well, I guess I just realised. I don’t care if she’s the most perfect girl in the world. She’s not you.”
You blink. You think maybe your heart’s stopped. You don’t hear yourself when you say, “What?”
“I think I love you,” he keeps going, and somehow it just keeps getting worse. Or better, you can’t decide. “And— and I don’t mind if you don’t feel the same way, I just had to tell you as soon as possible because— well, because I’ve been going on all these dates, when all this time it’s been you.”
James takes a takes a deep breath, looking like he has a lot more to say. You don’t think your heart could take it. You stop him before he can.
“James.” You steal your arms from his grip and slide your hands up his arms until you reach his biceps. His shirt is drenched and the silk is iridescent and his lovely brown skin peeks through at you. “What are you saying?”
James laughs, and it’s ditzy and awkward and it sounds like nothing like you’ve ever heard James do before. Then again, this is all new. This touching. His confession.
“I’m saying,” he starts. “I’m saying that I think I’m like, the dumbest person in the world. To not have noticed this sooner.”
You think you know what he’s saying. But you’re also horrified by the hope that’s burning like fire in your chest.
“Noticed what?” You ask, hushed and hopeful.
“Noticed you,” James says, with a look so earnest and fond you think you might pass out.
This is all you’ve ever dreamed of. But somehow, not a single word comes to mind. You stand there, James’s hair and clothes dripping all over you and your carpet, his confession hanging in the gap between you like a burning star, and try not to start crying.
“James,” you finally get out. He’s got a curl hanging over his eye. You reach up and push it out of his face. Your fingers linger in his inky curls. They’re darker than usual, all wet like this. Almost pitch black. You fall in love with him all over again. “I think I might love you, too.”
James’s eyebrows shoot up. It’s almost comical. And also very adorable.
“You might?” He asks, definitely teasing. You get the feeling he’s maybe known you’ve loved him for a while, now. You’re pretty sure you’ve never been too subtle about it.
You huff. Even now, he’s James Potter to the bone. “Careful. I might change my mind.”
When he kisses you, it’s messy and it’s awkward and he’s still soaking wet, but it’s nothing short of perfect.
fixing readmore glitch
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tabithatwo · 11 months
Lowkey imagine the breaking my silence meme bc it feels real for this sentiment but I don’t want to add it here okay? Are you ready? Are you prepared for me to maybe piss you off a little idk how this will be received so just keep an open mind (or don’t I can’t control the gates of your brain I guess but at least I’ve warned you!!)
I think the fact that the two main ways of categorizing jackie taylor are, when boiled down to their simplest terms,
(1) popular mean girl who is a selfish bitch who I hate
(2) loser girl failure who isn’t actually popular or talented who I love
is ummmm sort of telling.
Like. Stay with me. I’m not hating on anyone. Actually, if you’re in group one I am hating on you a little tbh and you can clock out early and start sending me that hate anon now lmao cause this post isn’t really about you. But group two! stay with me for a minute because I get you! I really do! But I want to challenge that thinking and sort of examine it.
Why do we need to twist jackie into something else to like her? Like, if you see jackie as kind and loving and generally just a teenage girl trying to do her best, right? Why then do parts of her have to be “explained away” to a degree? She’s the striker and captain of a nationals bound team. Why does she have to not be a successful athlete to align with the sweetness that you see in her? Yes, coach martinez tells her she isn’t the best on the team, but we see how they treat allie who isn’t actually up to par. There’s nothing to indicate that jackie isn’t very good. Why does she actually have to be friendless besides shauna? Yes, it’s clear those two are codependent and mostly attached at the hip, but in the pilot we aren’t given reason to think that jackie is some friendless unliked girl. She’s socializing with different people and they seem to like her plenty. When she lines the team up yeah, there’s eye rolling, but they listen to her and they seem to mostly take her compliments fondly. She’s homecoming queen, that’s decided on by people voting you in and, generally speaking, you have to be liked and known by a lot of people for that to happen (again if you’re someone who thinks she’s an evil manipulative bitch somehow, this isn’t directed at you lmao).
Why can’t a girl be pretty and decently popular and talented at her sport and be kind and lovable? Why do we see a girl like jackie and need her to be secretly bad at that shit and not widely liked to find her palatable?
Like (1) girl is either truly pretty and popular and talented, so she’s a bitch OR (2) girl is sweet, so she can’t actually be pretty and popular and talented.
That’s the formula we’re fed constantly and I’m really tired of it cause it’s rebranded misogyny that we internalize and accidentally project onto the world tbh and I’m guilty of that in ways, like I’ve been there!!!
But idk. Yeah, Jackie is awkward at times and not good at popping deer tendons and embarrassingly earnest and a lot of other things along those lines!! But you can be all those things and still be everything else she is y’know? That’s sort of my whole point.
Anyway, let girls be good at things without that making them a bitch is what I’m getting at, I guess. Because I see a lot of people defend jackie from the “she’s a mean bitch” hate by saying “no she’s not, she’s literally got one friend and she’s not even good at soccer.”
And it’s like WELL idk about that!! And even if that was true, why is THAT the automatic defense against someone calling her a bitch?? Why are those two things so heavily equated and not even viewed as a logical leap? Why is the defense not to bring up all the kind loving things we see her do, but to chip away at the traits that she possesses that we are trained to find obnoxious or hateable in women, but aren’t fucking innately bad?
Anyway just a thought! I don’t hate anyone for making a joke about girlfailure jackie okay! Some of those are so funny and legit but it’s an overall trend I’m discussing! And like the idea that to be a girlfailure in the ways that she is, she must also be not well liked and bad at the shit she loves! Just an observation! <3 <3 <3
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theshortolivia · 19 days
Get to Know me tag :)
Was tagged for a get to know me tag game by @deerlisteners and these are fun so thought I’d do it for the like two people who will see it, even though, they are both childhood friends and know all this…
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yeah! My moms named me after the character Olivia Benson from law and order because she was a ‘strong independent woman’ like they wanted me to be and they also both had a crush on her/the actress who plays her. Bonus fact I’m p sure if I’d been born male they woulda named me Josiah
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uhhh, I got emotional and ALMOST cried at the ‘shoe scene’ (can’t be any more specific cause Huge spoilers) when rewatching Jojo Rabbit, I DID cry when I saw it in theatres and I HIGHLY recommend it as a comedy satire but also a harrowing reminder of history we should never forget (and for taika waititi of course). Um last time I actually cried I don’t remember cause recently my mental health has been depression apathy and not anxiety tears but it was Probably out of frustration at my chronic illness limiting what I can do, not a fun anecdote unfortunately but sometimes it be like that
3. Do you have kids?
I do not and I don’t plan on having any anytime soon for economic, chronic illness, and age reasons (I’m 22 lol I am Not settled in life I don’t even live alone). I would like to have kids when I’m older and more settled health and money wise, I love kids and feel I have so much love and care to give, i think I’d both enjoy and be a good mother. Also, I’d like to have them ‘traditionally’ because I’d like to experience pregnancy and I have some good genes lol. I think I’d like to have 3, partially because I do think I will love to raise and love children but also largely because I want my kids to have multiple siblings and to have a bigger (I know that’s not large in the grand scheme but for like, this day and age and economy and etc) family and for their kids to have multiple aunts/uncles. I love having a brother and wish I had more siblings, I wish I had a sibling closer in age that I could relate to, but I do still enjoy taking care of him and him being my baby brother. I also used to have 5 aunts and uncles (well 10 since they were all married ig) and many many cousins of all ages before we stopped talking to that side of my family, and I have two uncles (and my aunts their wives) and only see a few of my cousins due to where they live, and I am so glad I have family gatherings that big but I do miss the giant ones too, therefore I want for my kids what I have and love.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I am NOT a sports girlie. Up until I was 12 ish I was a very into ballet and modern dancing (would’ve continued but alas anxiety struck) and after that I did musical theatre which is its own style of dancing, incorporating all different types. I’d love to go back but since I stopped dancing due to a steady string of anxiety, anxiety medication side effects, foot problems, and then finally chronic fatigue syndrome, I’ve become out of shape, have really bad feet, and REALLY struggle to find time to take care of myself. I do want to start exercising again in ways that don’t require me to have functional feet like weight lifting, aerial dancing (those fabric strip things) etc. But I am Not good at sports nor do I like it, sorry. I remember basketball in elementary being the most frustrating and volleyball being,,,ok
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Hm in general i don’t think I do actually, I’m a pretty earnest and straightforward person myself and idk using sarcasm feels negative? For me? And I strive to be as positive to others as I can be. (Not that sarcasm is always mean I just feel like it don’t my Vibe ykwim) but I’m also somewhat socially and subtextually dense so I think it makes sense I don’t use something I may not be the best at understanding unless it’s obvious
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hmm, I think that varies a Lot, it’s probably usually either makeup, clothing, hairstyle, or tattoos if they stand out or if they’re something I’d want myself or am attracted too or like aesthetically. I always try to get up the courage to compliment people on things I notice because I feel good when I get complimented so I want other people to feel like that too :) also actually since I’m a cashier and people hand over cash and point cards often I usually notice nails. Oh I also notice extremes in height immediately, I’m short so people shorter than me are like woah! And people super duper tall are also like Woah!
7. What’s your eye colour?
Dark brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
TLDR happy endings, I’m a sucker for happily ever after to the point where if it didn’t end happily I’ll probably write or st least daydream a fan fiction ending where it does. ESPECIALLY romance it Always gets me. I do like scary movies though, especially psychological horror, although,,,In The Tall Grass FUCKED ME UP (the movie, I don’t read stephen king books cause his writing style makes me uncomfy but man does he have some fucked up terrifying horrible ideas for for him)
9. Any talents?
Ig that’s kinda complicated cause I’d probably call myself a jack of all trades (but master of none). I was one of those kids that was praised for being good at like everything the first time I tried it and now as an adult has to learn how to study and have a huge issue of getting frustrated and stopping anything I try that I’m not immediately good at therefore never being able to improve because I’m not practicing. But I’ve been Told by teachers, professors, and other people that I’m quite talented at singing. I starred in some musicals in elementary school and studied vocals in high school, in choirs the whole time too, so I’d say I’m like, sort of trained in musical theatre and opera and I Have worked to improve my voice. But I was also told that apparently when I was 3 ish I grabbed a mic and went on a stage (probably at play group or smth idk) and belted twinkle twinkle little star and parents laughed and said I’d be a star one day so idk maybe I just have that star quality lol. Oh I’ve also been commended for my acting skills back before I did acting? But I haven’t done much of late and wouldn’t consider myself exceptionally skilled, I want to be though! I uh also had a period in high school where I discovered I liked (and was good at) academics and excelled in science and math and focused Heavily on that, getting awards and whatnot. I’m not gifted but my mom and grandfather are (were, granddad is not alive) and I definitely did get their big brains.
Oh also I’m like a professional daydreamer at this point I write whole ass stories in my head most of which Never make it to the Google docs and I’m Amazingly talented at oversharing I’m sorry in advance tell me to stop talking I literally won’t mind I promise I ramble Too much
10. Where were you born?
Ontario, Canada
11. What are your hobbies?
Too many. I have this issue where I like too many things so I spread myself too thinly to commit to spending enough time practicing on any one thing to improve, and then on top of that have this thing where I can’t just do something for fun I have to be Good at it (which I think stems from being a Talented Kid™) BUT here’s a list here we go it’s long
Learning languages (I’m shit at it tho)
Linguistics (how languages WORK is So Cool)
Learning about cool science things namely psychology, genetic, otherwise biology, or nuclear related
I’m not good at this yet but I wanna get into mixology for fun and also as a job
Can’t sew v well yet but I think it would be So Fun and also good to know cause I have to hem every other pair of pants I get
12. Do you have any pets?
I live w my parents still n we have a dog who’s actually my brother’s service dog she’s a huge black lab named Marshmallow and she is full of so much love but not a lot of thoughts, and we recently got a tuxedo kitten i got to name Carmilla (Carmilla is the name of an 1872? gothic lesbian vampire novella that came out before dracula, see my kitten loved to hide n is super duper fast and also play bites, hence, vampire)
13. How tall are you?
5’1 or 152cm
14. Favourite subject in school?
Too many uhh in high school I rlly loved general biology, my vocal classes (which we learned solos in Italian, German, and musical theatre genres and etc it was amazing), my intro to sociology, psychology, and anthropology class, my human development throughout the lifespan class (I wrote a super cool paper on the theory of infantile synesthesia which tbh is probably the best paper I’ve ever written), and my drama classes. In uni so far I’ve enjoyed my year 1 biology class, Especially the second half cause it was like almost All genetics (soooo fascinating!!!), I Loved my Japanese class which was hard as hell but so fascinating and awesome (I love languages and how they work, and Japanese being so different from my native language of English was really interesting, I also really like Japanese food and culture and nature so learning the language was partially because I think it’s a wonderful language but partially so I can go to Japan at some point), my psych intro class was fascinating and I especially enjoyed the parts on sleep and consciousness and on sensory and perception, those parts of our brains are sooo cool I also really liked my Health Psychology (relating our body to our mind was eye opening and very interesting) class. All those classes had super interesting subject matter AND really amazing sweet and helpful professors. Oh my intro data science class was cool cause I got to do shit of coding which was fun and rewarding
15. Dream Job?
Ok so remember the ‘jack of all trades but master of none’ thing? Liking and being somewhat good at many different things is rlly not helpful for deciding on careers, the end of that phrase ‘but better than being a master of one’ I’d say isn’t true cause I do think being good at One thing has its pros and cons, a pro being it’s def easier to decide what to do. I’ve been told I could probably make it in the opera industry, and I would love to act and sing for a living, whether that’s theatre, film, or voice acting, preferably I’d love to do them all tbh. It feels narcissistic to admit but I do like the recognition for performing, I relish the applause I get during curtain calls or after a solo, I wouldn’t say I Live for the applause but I do like it, I think I’d like to be some level of famous. However I know that’s not easy to attain and I also would love to be a teaching and researching professor of psychology and genetics. I love presenting and teaching and am very good at it (my best marks are always on presentations lol) and I love researching concepts that are interesting to me, like for example if I had to write a thesis right now I’d probably write it about the possibility of finding the epigenetic patterns that cause hereditary depression, anxiety, etc, and use CRISPR gene editing technology to correct those thus ending the cycle of hereditary mental illness instead of putting the bandaid of a medication on it. Also I know that coding and computer science is lucrative right now and I did enjoy my taste of coding so I’d also love to look into that. I Do want to make a lot of money so I can afford to take care of those I love (and myself), be more sustainable, and enjoy some extra things in life like fancy and unique or uncommon to my culture food
No pressure but Also tagging @dragonheart1330 :)
I probably didn’t even say One thing @dragonheart1330 and @deerlisteners don’t already know lol as I said I am soooo talented at oversharing
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captain-ozone · 1 year
I’m going absolutely feral after seeing The Little Mermaid. My inner child has been FED, and I HAVE NO ONE TO TALK TO ABOUT IT YET so here I am to spew my thoughts. Spoilers below:
1. Halle was perfect. I will accept no criticism on this point. The only thing I cared about when this live-action movie was announced was that our new Ariel would have a voice to match Jodi Benson’s, and Halle did more than deliver. She epitomized the spirit of Ariel in every way. She was playful, she was inquisitive, she was joyful and bright and fun, she was so good at tugging the heartstrings (even without dialogue!!!) and appealing to our innate wanderlust and desire to discover and experience,  and she was so so EARNEST in her portrayal I can’t even. 
2. THE DEPTH THEY ADDED TO PRINCE ERIC’S CHARACTER OKAY!?!?! LIKE?!?!?! Okay, I will NOT GET OVER THIS. It was SO CLEVER of them to mirror Ariel’s journey with his desire to break free of his position’s restrictions. It worked incredibly well and did not once detract from our heroine’s spotlight. Rather, it ENHANCED their connection and sold me on their three-day love story in a deeper and more meaningful way than the original did (more on that below). ALSO ALSO ALSO SO COOL of them not to kill off his ADOPTIVE mother. ADOPTIVE. Marvelous choice! Truly. His mother’s fear of the sea gods offered a parallel to Triton’s fear of the surface world, and *CHEFS KISS*
3. Melissa McCarthy’s Pour Unfortunate Souls was a FUN TIME. 
4. Awkwafina as Scuttle? Inspired. 
6. Wherever they filmed? The castle? Fucking gorgeous.
8. Grimsby is the GOAT. Enough said.
I may get some hate for this, but I’m not the biggest fan of Lin-Manuel Miranda.  Idk how to put this. He has an insane amount of talent, but for...untraditional musicals. I wouldn’t say he’d be my first choice to write new songs that fit the more traditional Broadway-like musical vibes that characterized so much of the Disney Renaissance. 
That being said, The Scuttlebutt was the strongest of the bunch, I think. It was very much a Miranda song, and in most instances, I’d be a little irritated by how they included a song that has a style so different from the rest of the lyrical music we know and love from the original animated movie. But it worked here, likely because it was delivered by Awkwafina’s Scuttle and FIT the character.
Honorable mention to Wild Uncharted Waters, only because WOW Jonah Hauer-King went OFF on that performance. This boy said “I get one musical number and I’m going to KILL IT” and he did.
Also very much liked the Part of Your World (Reprise II)! It tied everything together really nicely.
I LOVE THAT ARIEL WAS FORCED TO FORGET SHE NEEDED A KISS FROM ERIC. --> THIS. THIS IS FREAKING AMAZING. I can’t even express how much more I felt for Ariel and Eric’s love story. How much more real it felt. How much more believable and true. I don’t buy in to one-day (or few-day) love stories very easily, especially when physical intimacy/attraction is a driving force. My little aroace ass dug the fact that kissing Eric literally was the last thing on Ariel’s mind. She got to be herself, explore this new world, AND do it with someone who appreciated her curiosity and found joy in how much joy she was experiencing, who could have just as much fun as she could. God. Goals. 
I LOVE THAT ERIC KNEW SOMETHING WASN’T RIGHT WITH VANESSA, EVEN IF HE COULDN’T PUT HIS FINGER ON IT. Very reminiscent of Prince of Song and Sea by Linsey Miller (a YA AU retelling told from Prince Eric’s POV. It’s a fun, easy read, if you’re curious).
All of these changes were important and mean a lot to me. I think it challenges a lot of the issues people have with the original animated movie, in that, here in the 2023 version, no one can argue that Ariel made her choices because she was lusting after a man. Or that she’s a damsel in distress. Very good stuff there.
11. My critiques
Some of the cinematography was weird. The transition between acting scenes and singing scenes didn’t always flow right. They felt abrupt and awkward. I definitely worried a bit about the CGI too, and it wasn’t too terrible imo. 
And my biggest complaint: idk what it was about the ending, but it didn’t *quite* hit right. In the original animated movie, one of the last bits of dialogue comes from Triton, when he says, “...how much I’m going to miss her.” The finale of the animated movie is then a spectacle of swelling music and a heartfelt case of “show” rather than “tell.” The hug between Ariel and Triton on the wedding barge is perfect. The way in which the mer-people come to witness the wedding and send off Eric and Ariel is perfect. 
The live-action ending felt...a little too somber. It became too much about Triton letting go and not enough about Ariel and Eric setting off on adventure together or about their worlds colliding in peace. I wouldn’t say that the last conversation between Triton and Ariel in the 2023 movie cheapens the line “...how much I’m going to miss her” and the bittersweetness with which he gifts her back her human legs, but it came close. I would have MUCH rather had a little more from Eric and Ariel than from Triton. LIKE HELLO??? WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT RING GRIMSBY KICKED AWAY!??? THERE WAS SOMETHING THEY COULD HAVE USED RIGHT THERE. Or better yet: if they wanted to do something super touching, they could have had Eric’s mother and Triton do a short aside by themselves, or perhaps even have a sort of moment where they acknowledge each other with respect/compassion/understanding before we all refocused on Ariel and Eric for the grand finale. But nah, they did what they did, and I’ll be a bit salty about it forever.
But anyway. Overall, I was very pleased. My disappointment with the lack of emotional impact from the ending does not supersede my enjoyment of everything else.
If you made it this far, please share your thoughts! I’m eager to talk to people, because all my friends aren’t like me and didn’t go see it opening night, lol.
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kellykadesperate · 10 months
red white and royal blue film thoughts n live comments below:
alex being scared of putting a foot wrong and thinking hey let me actually start off on a good note with someone who is familiar to me and henry just completely ignores him! lmao
romcom silly intro titles showing how different their lives are, through drawings with bad reputation playing. early 2000 vibes let’s gooo
“we’d ship the ashes to heathrow” lmaooo she is perfect actually
“white blond british” is so valid
henry asking the kids if they know who alex is just so he can watch all the kids shake their heads in unison
it’s funny how watching it i instantly pick up on the fact that henry has a thing for alex more than alex having a thing for henry
alex. eyelashes. eyelashes. alex
henry’s bitmoji has a crown. he made sure to add headwear
the text montage was such a creative way of going back and forth rather than just showing texts on the screen the whole time
henry’s face when the girl randomly sits on alex at the new years party needs to be studied i think
see i kind of like how they’ve leaned into the fact that in the book henry has loved alex for years and never thought he could be with him because we don’t get that perception in the book. but in the film it’s clear as day that this little guy is so secretly happy about getting to spend time with alex and then alex kisses two random girls at the stroke of midnight and henry is like: oh {something beautifully tragic and poetic}
idk why but henry’s little ‘here’ text sort of sent me over the edge
a black woman as the pm of the uk? we can dream
ok but the look of absolute relief, and awe on henry’s face when alex kisses him in the red room. he literally has to pull away in shock to see if alex is being serious like wow
“i hated how fit you looked” hehehe
the little just putting it out there about their sexualities was so cute and sweet
the way alex is just very much always himself but henry swings violently between so soft and earnest to ridiculously sarcastic and insincere about everything is so !!!
it is … [a mouthful] 😏😏😏😏
the fact that henry thinks he can only belong to someone else momentarily … is really something
“i went to an english boarding school … trust me you’re in good hands” HENRY FOX
i’m the first person to say sex scenes are really unnecessary but why was that actually so sweet and tasteful?? wow
again the addition (i’m sure it is) of alex talking about how important it is for people to see people like him in politics, saying that henry doesn’t understand and henry saying: “i’m learning”. it was such a cute important moment
henry and alex giggling in the hotel room in texas as they take each others closes off. best thing in the world actually
ok sorry henry is SO charming with his little “once unsuccessfully” comment like SIR stop
“where IS SHEEEEE? HELLO HELLO” lmaoooo
alex’s ability to not hesitate in the slightest about not seeing henry again always gets me
“i want you chewing on a crumpet by sunset” ok her lines are actually killing
alex saw henry letting loose being himself just living his best life and had to take a deep breath in because he was realised he was so in love
henry literally throwing himself overboard rather than hear alex say that he loves him. that was … HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME
very much needed alex to be screaming and swearing in the rain outside the palace but we cannot have it all i suppose
the way ‘i can’t help falling in love with you’ is such a top tier romantic song and they danced in the prettiest museum in london
ngl them sneaking into the v&a and that being leaked feels better than them just randomly kissing in the back of a car
a part of me until you have all of me was the sentiment to kill me dead. the addition of the exchanging of items as well was such a clever touch, considering how much that key meant to alex
ok but the way henry thought alex would never love him but alex did not only that but also said he would patiently wait for henry until he was ready. he constantly looks so shocked that alex is so ready just to be his urgh
“love sick homosexuals” no seriously why does she have the best lines in the world
staircase moment quite nearly killed me
alex watching henry play piano with this big smile on his face and then trying to play the national anthem whilst henry is just like: :D
it’s so cute because the film has really picked up on the idea that henry admires alex and his ability to just be himself so much
the bit where henry was going to reach down to play with his ring but realised alex was wearing it on his finger … the little look because they’re so connected
the little balcony moment was so cute, seeing all the little flags waving felt like such a moment
henry just running after alex rubbing his back making sure he isn’t freaking out on election night and then being like i wore a yellow tie :) it’s meant to reminder you of texas :) and alex just instantly hugging him and feeling better
really loved how they had the ending be the same as the book in terms of them walking into alex’s home. the little: “lead the way darling … OK well i took my first steps here” just took me out
overall the cutest little romcom ever. it had comedy and chemistry and it was sweet. it was what it said it was
i actually didn’t find that it went too fast in terms of their relationship because it felt like so much had already sort of happened between them if that makes sense? so so so much was said through their facial expressions, like it was insane how much actually? i also felt like the paris sex scene added so much to their relationship because it just felt so ridiculously intimate and i felt the shift into something so much more serious between them
i wished we got a few more scenes (idk why but i wanted david and alex to meet lmao)
again the addition of miguel was something i got? didn’t like it but got it because i think the book leak idea was a little too complex or would have taken too much time to build up (aka too much time away from alex and henry). he was just a bit of a creep lmao
i definitely feels like it will be appreciated and understood so much more by people who have read the book. the idea of them both loving each other before we saw them at the wedding was felt within the book a lot more. the way alex had a photo of henry when he was younger and henry was so taken by alex back then was never said?
i also … don’t shoot me but … didn’t really miss june that much? like nora was fine but even if june was there i feel like she would have had the exact same vibe as nora. basically a sound board for alex in regards to henry but they didn’t delve into their family history or had their parents divorced which again … i kind of get? it feels like they were interested in alex and henry’s relationship more so than the building blocks to their individual personalities and they definitely sacrificed elements of complexity on alex’s part especially
the scene in the book where alex rings henry and just complains about his family is such a little turning point for them and would have been lovely to see in the film but like i said … i kind of get it
henry and alex were perfectly cast in my eyes. henry was so endearing and charming and complex and they nailed all of that and alex was loud and passionate and unapologetically himself
having read the book and found it hopeful and optimistic and so so charming, the film was exactly that too
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unnursvanablog · 10 days
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I have started Lovely Runner less than a week before the last episode airs because I want to see what the hype is about and I genuinely just want to have some kdramas to watch that I actually look forward to every week (or is this case every day, because I am binging it) and also because the girl from Extraordinary You is the lead here and she is just a delight… which is a drama that I started late in it's run… for very similar reasons.
And you know what, this is giving me that sort of vibe. I didn't expect much, but the feel of these episodes feel light and breezy but also very very earnest and they manage that nostalgic vibe that I feel like these sort of time-travel or idk.. slightly vintage inspired (set in the days of my youth) high school shows that I actually adore.
Like, her stepping into her childhood bed room, seeing her mom being younger again and her grandma well again and being just so overjoyed with it all actually tugged at my cold, dead heart and made me feel something.
Lovely Runners does manage it pretty well to sort of poke both light fun of what it's like to be a teenage girl and a fangirl but also do it in a very repesctful, sincere and a heartful way. But I actually think it's because Kim Hye Yoon has such a warm preseance on screen and she shines so brightly here… while the male lead is cute, he is nice, but also just sort of there atm.
It often takes you the first two episodes, if not more to get used to that internal logic that some of these fluffy rom-coms operate on. It certainly took me a few more episodes of Dare to Love Me and Frankly Speaking to get used to the pace, humor and the logic of the story.
But some stories do manage that suspension of disbelief just a bit more smoothly than others. And Lovely Runners seem to be able to introduce us to the logic of their little fluffy, rom-com universe quite seamlessly. And while there are unbelievable moments within the first two episodes, like her being transported back in time (not the unbelievable bit because this is a time travel show) and meat two of her stan attractors or biases, who might end up being the second and first male leads (?) within the show made me laugh out loud because what in the fanfiction is that, I feel like the show is earnest enough to sort of make it work for me.
I do wonder tho, because she is technically a grown woman in a teenage girls body… how does that ethically turn into a romance. I assume they are going to grow up a bit before that happens, but maybe the show will manage to find a way for that all to work without me feeling… a bit odd about the whole thing.
But the ending to episode two, where they imply that he has actually liked her for some time and is just some awkward teen boy, the cutest shit ever imho
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Okay this is like the third one I've sent in cause I just keep asking stuff because I discover more things you require for your asks and I'm not trying to make your life any harder than it probably is with all these request.
Anyway, I usually hate the "outsiders X YN" propaganda but I was super curious soo
I'm a female. I'm 5'6 with curly brown hair, I'm Caucasian, I have hazel eyes.
I prefer to go unlabeled. I like girls and guys. Doesn't matter to me.
I'm an infp-t, I have OCD, I'm super sarcastic all the time even when. I don't intend to be. People assume I'm mean whenever they meet me but usually that changes over time. My love language(Offering love) is acts of service but I don't care about what type I receive. I speak in a very monotone fashion sometimes which again leads people to believe I may be mean or negative but I'm very extroverted. I'm opinionative and sociable. I'd like to think I'm pretty good at holding a conversation because I love learning about other people's views and taking their comments into consideration. I also try to give people really in-depth and earnest compliments because I don't think anyone gets enough of those. I also love to give gifts and to give advice. I love having really long, genuine conversations. I love literature and writing and collecting poems and quotes. I love exploring new music genres. I'm pretty spontaneous, and spontaneity is something I value a lot in a partner.
I also value humor a lot. I'm an avoidant person but I go out of my way to show or tell people I care when I can. I, again, love writing. I love writing stories, ideas, concepts. It's all fun to me. Im a middle child. I also cook a lot and care a lot for people around me. Im also fairly empathetic sometimes, even when I don't need to be. It's hard for me to ask what I want. I'm also like disgustingly self-aware. Like I mean I just know when my actions are weird or embarrassing. I know the possible outcomes of things before I do them. Idk. I can see myself from a clear outside perspective. Im also really reflective of body language/words/actions and stuff. It's easy for me to pick up and read someone. Chronic over-thinker as well. I also have the teeniest but of social anxiety(but I'm comfortable with speaking on a stage and stuff?? Idk it's complicated.)
My mantra is that you'll never get to do the same thing twice, why not do it now? What will you really lose?
I'm very self-depricating. Woops. Uhh and idk. I don't have any specifics for any partner. I like all sorts of people I'm not picky.
Please lmk what you think 🤗
I’m so sorry first lol for making you repeat so many times. I just prefer to have as much information as possible to give you the most accurate answer and also some people didn’t include their sexualities the first time and then I messed up because I paired them with a person they weren’t interested in and then they I had to redo their entire ask because you know they were like oh I’m gay could you not be shipping me with a girl and I was like well you didn’t put that in your request so I have no idea. So thanks for tolerating that.
Your Outsiders Ship: Sodapop Curtis
(I could see you with Marcia too 😊 but I don’t know enough about her character to do a full analysis)
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Explanation: starting off with looks, I think that he would be extremely attracted to you. I think that he personally finds brown eyes and hair to be absolutely stunning and just loves the way that they remind him of the hot cocoa constantly consumes in the morning when Darry has his coffee and Ponyboy has tea. You’re shorter than him, but not too short and I think that he appreciates that because it means that you don’t have to reach up on your tippy toes to kiss him, but you can also just you know he’s you’re still short enough for him to tease you about it a lot which he definitely would. I think you guys kind of have an opposite attract thing going on like I think one of the things that really stood out about you was your sarcastic personality to him and I think he really appreciated it and your brutal honesty was really different from other girls he’d interacted with, and I just think that he would be extremely attracted to that. he had a really hard time using his charm on you. I think he’s one of the few people that sees past the oh you’re probably a mean person type of thing because I feel like he’s is a very big believer in you know second chances you don’t know that person that well they could be going through something type of ideology and I think as the people pleaser he is, he would definitely give you multiple chances and I mean, even if Steve was kind of like dude she seems kind of mean sodapop would instantly be at your side defending you. seriously he has golden retriever energy, and you have black cat energy all the way and I just think you’re dynamic would be pretty cute together. I feel like he would help you out a little bit with your social skills too and help you to be a little bit more friendly to people if you ever had an issue with that he would also always defend you with people didn’t get you the way that you talked or you know things like that. I think you could also balance him out with your opinionated Ness because I feel like a lot of his life. Sodapop is always felt kind of pressure to fit in with everyone else and go with their opinions because I headcanon personally that he’s a chronic people pleaser and really wants to just make people happy and I feel like you’re argumentative personality would definitely clash with that in such an interesting and good way. I just think you guys would fundamentally help each other and, be a good pairing because you would always be working on improving each other and not only through social skills either. Soda pop doesn’t get poetry that much but I feel like he would absolutely support you or if you ever found something that seemed kind of poetic he would definitely give it to you and he would absolutely melt if you gave him an in-depth complement or did something really nice for him because you also mentioned active service was another one of your love languages I think he would just melt. He’s the middle sibling so he’s used to being ignored and whenever you have your full attention on him he just feels like he’s floating. He feels like you’re one of the few people who see beyond the “ hot Curtis sibling” and see him as a person because he is. he’s also incredibly spontaneous so you’re in luck for that aspect of your relationship. I think he is probably one of the most if not the most spontaneous out of the greasers and just I think he’s willing to do random things because I mean, I don’t know. I just think he kind of enjoys the chaos plus he’s a pretty like chaotic a great partner to have I think like not chaotic bad but more chaotic like I enjoy making life interesting type of thing. I also feel like he would love the fact that you write because it reminds him a lot of pony boy and I think he would definitely just love it and stand next to you while you write and ask 1 million questions and end up kind of annoying you, but it would be cute.
Also, also, I feel like you guys would totally bond over being the middle sibling because I mean no one can really no one really gets the experience unless they’ve actually been in the situation of being the middle child and I feel like once he finds out that you’ve been a middle sibling before he can’t wait to talk about all the relatable shit with you and I just yeah, I feel like that would be one of your main bonding subjects that you guys first realize you had something in common. Also, he is also someone who values humor a lot and I feel like you guys would have a super fun time making jokes together and just laughing and enjoying life in general he’s a person that is literally described as not needing alcohol or cigarettes or anything like that to enjoy life, he just takes it by the hands and really knows how to live and I feel like that’s something that you really really need to have a good sense of humor besides being able to laugh at yourself and he absolutely has that. Also good luck with this man in the kitchen because it is just going to end up in a flower fight and you will not get any cooking whatsoever and if you do, it’s gonna be something weird as shit because he snuck food coloring into the dough or something like that. He really loves yourself awareness because he’s often had partners who aren’t so self-aware and are kind of oblivious to what their actions do and don’t know a lot about themselves and why they act certain ways so he really values that in a partner and I feel like that’s something you could fulfill and you could help him be more self-aware too, so he’s definitely glad that’s a trait you have. Also for your anxiety I feel like he can help a lot with that. He’s kind of a more carefree guy. I don’t feel like he has anxiety too bad and he has a pretty good coping system, but I feel like he would be excellent at you know spotting whenever you’re having a panic attack helping you get over a panic attack helping you remember to meditate for 10 minutes daily things like that I feel like he would be a super helpful person to be dating if you have extreme anxiety or if you’re an overthinking person. Anyway this is cute I ship it!! 💚💚
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scoutpologist · 4 months
brain worms got to me so. how the tf classes and their overwatch counterparts would feel about each other. i just got into tf2 so this might not be Super accurate but i'm going off vibes so whatever.
spy and sombra: i'm getting begrudging respect from spy and probably annoyance or dislike from sombra. they can get along, sure, but they probably wouldn't seek each other out voluntarily. just the mutual knowledge they'd stab each other in the back to protect themselves but also knowing they probably won't have to do that.
spy and echo (bc she duplicates ppl): echo would learn a lot from him and i think they'd actually end up liking each other somewhat! she's too polite and genuinely earnest for him to dislike her, and i can't see echo really HATING anyone. he'd give her social skills lessons and she'd have fun putting her lessons to use, then running back to him to ask how she did.
demoman and junkrat: they'd blow each other up and laugh about it together, no hard feelings at all. these two are the type to literally attack each other with cartoon hammers just to see the other person squashed all funny like a pancake. LOTS of respawns here. inseparable.
soldier and pharah: she'd be annoyed by him because of his... well, his everything, but he'd probably have a lot of respect for her, especially since she has a much easier time rocket jumping and can actually fly for short bursts. he's like an annoying dog that she can't get away from.
sniper and widow: they would never talk to each other. this is a silent conversation. nothing is going on here. they wouldn't even work together because they're both snipers and they'd move the hell across the map away from each other. mutual respect but they have literally never spoken.
heavy and zarya: oh they'd be besties 0 doubt about it, two huge strong russian mercenaries with giant fucking weapons? nah they're best friends. catch them wrestling at any hour of the day just for shits and giggles. also one of the loudest pairs ever if you get them going.
engineer and torbjorn: probably good friends who work together well. engineer seems like he'd be good with kids and he would probably be really sweet with torb's family. engie is very calm and could balance out torbs intense energy well, plus they're both VERY technically competent which creates a lot of respect. overall buddies.
scout and tracer: i think they'd honestly hit it off!! scout to me gives off a sort of... idk what a fag hag is for lesbians but that's what he is to me. they'd race and she'd win every time if she was trying but sometimes she lets him get it just to make him feel better. he probably gets a crush on either her or emily for a few months.
pyro and mei: hot take, i think pyro would fucking adore mei. she's so sweet and sunshine and rainbows, how could they not? they'd bond over a mutual love of cute things and would be very playful with each other, but mei would be kind of weirded out and scared by how much pyro genuinely seems to LIKE burning people alive. they would def be friendly tho.
medic and mercy: honestly, i think mercy would feel about him like she does moira - a genuine respect and awe for his work, but total revulsion at the way he does it. nonetheless, he actually cares for his teammates in a way moira does not, so she'd like him for that. i think medic would like her but think she's a bit of a coward or her heart isn't in it (the second half which is literally true). they could work together, but they'd constantly try to influence each other in a way that would become a very annoying power struggle over time.
medic and ana (bc of uber/nano): she'd hate him. she'd literally kill him in his sleep if she could. she'd avoid him at all fucking costs. she does not like this guy and mercy would be stuck trying to keep them apart so he doesn't innocently ask a question about her tech or something and end up sleep darted in the hallway.
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muffinrecord · 10 months
Goodbye Storage was pretty good and I have some thoughts after finishing it-
First off, it's another example of how Magia Record will choose the most convoluted explanation whenever possible instead of doing something far more simple and understandable and SOMEHOW making it work. Additionally, it'll have like... a lot of exposition that you just can't look at too hard.
Like Mikoto starts off the first ten minutes with a billion revelations on how her new parasite-powers/witchdom stuff works. How the fuck does she know any of that. How did she piece that together while she's in a dark void. How.
But you know what? Once you get past those three minutes, it's all good. Hanna and Mikoto have such a good god damn dynamic, wow. There are moments with surprising heart and clarity. Moments that make you think, "someone writing this really went through something." Hanna and Mikoto feel like real people-- they go back and forth on things. Sometimes Mikoto will feel one way and then completely backtrack and feel another, and it's not in a character-breaking way, but it feels more like someone who is standing on unsteady ground, who thinks one way and feels another.
Hanna does the anime trope thing of "I will be a villain to prove that heroism is right" which tbh I kind of hate because who the fuck does that irl. No one.
But it's okay, because honestly-- Hanna is not in a good state of mind here at all. Girl is clearly going through it. She had a horrible start to her life, still going through the horrors, she made her first friend then that friend BECAME A WITCH RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER IN A HORRID PAINFUL MANNER. THEN THAT FRIEND BECOMES A GHOST??? LIVING IN HANNA'S BRAIN??? LIKE. BRUH.
It doesn't surprise me that she's made her plan all convoluted. She's clearly not mentally well at the moment. I don't mean that in a diagnosis kind of way, but like the girl is traumatized and not thinking straight.
There's also all sorts of ways that you can dig into the event. It's straightforward on some stuff so you have a place to latch on to but it's ambiguous enough on other things so that you have enough wiggle room to have interesting interpretations and variances. Like;
Is Mikoto's presence making Hanna do things that she wouldn't normally want to do? Hanna wants heroism to win out. She wants to lose. Is that because, deep down, she's doing something she doesn't want to do?
I mean, Hanna has never been the nicest person either. It's possible she would have done this anyways-- but it's also possible that Mikoto's presence made Hanna even more extreme than she was before, or pushed her more than she ever would have gone.
There's just a lot of good stuff in it.
If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it. It does have weak writing moments sometimes but it also has really really strong ones. I think it's def up there as one of my favorites now.
It's kind of a shame that both of them are dead, cause I really digged their dynamic. It felt very... earnest. Sometimes they yell at each other, sometimes they disagree and misread one another. They both want to make the other one happy, but they go about it in selfish ways that the other one doesn't want. But that's not a bad thing. It feels like it's because they're young. Like they need to make mistakes to learn how to love the way they want to be loved and to love another.
But that's the whole problem, isn't it? Mikoto is dead. Hanna will be dead soon too. They're not going to have a future where those mistakes build a foundation for them. This is it for them.
IDK. It's good bro.
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shamemp3 · 4 months
okay. i have two favorites. there is jms's run (DESPITE sins past and omd bc those were editorial pushing that onto spider-man's narrative and it just happened to be him writing asm at the time so he was stuck with those shitty storylines. i also didnt like the spider-totem shit bc imo it goes against the core of spider-man which is that he wasnt "the chosen one" and that anyone can be spider-man but i will forgive jms for this) and there is friendly neighborhood spider-man 2019 which. believe it or not was by tom taylor. do not like the guy but that run was REALLY good but jms is still on top for me he just gets spider-man sooooo much tbh
jms's spider-man is good for many reasons to me, aside from the storylines being fun in general like even tho omd was ass it was written beautifully. peter and mj's goodbye brought tears to my eyes even tho i hate that stupid fucking idea im glad it was jms that executed it bc at least the writing was beautiful. AND what came before omd was back in black which is one of my favorite peter storylines in the entire world bc jms does write peter as a funny guy while also having him be hot-headed and vengeful and a dick ESPECIALLY when people he loves are on the line and this is something that many modern writers forgettttt omfgggg they diagnosed him with funnyguy disease and he has NO OTHER traits and he's so shallow but with jms he's real because you can tell his humor and his flippantness is an act and that he is VERY intense as a person which ... duh. his guilt is what gets him into spider-manning and then that guilt grows into a sense of responsibility and a care for community and people and that is something else i love about jms is the community in his stories !!! many of his storylines are focused on the neighborhood rather than him fighting outer space aliens or some shit its literally just him helping his neighbors and sometimes not even as spider-man but as peter which i love. and he's a teacher in this run too which is one of my favorite jobs peter has ever had because i think it fits him very well and he loves it and i wish he had gotten to keep it.
this run is so earnest and sincere and so many panels and conversations with mj and may make me insane but its still funny and it shows you who peter really is as a character i wish i could explain it with words but ill show you my favorite panels later instead. petermj is also at its heigh here and i think that if anybody were to read any peter run it should be jms's. i just think that overall jms shows you that despite peter's humor you still see how much he cares about people and how earnest he really is despite the whimsy (sigh) and though he's rude and a dick he does put his heart into everything it's just that the entire world is so against him and so his guilt and his grief and his choices eat at him no matter the outcome.
i also love this run bc mj knows about spider-man and may finds out and it just makes me think wowwww wwhat we could have had if omd had not happened. i get peter and his secrets blah blah but i hated that so many people do not know anymore after bc come on. ESPECIALLY mj and may (and the f4 and matt as well tbh but. for another day) and idk this run shows u a little glimpse of how much better it is when pete's loved ones know about his other life. idk. this was a small thing but whatever
i have so much in my head its just not coming out and its not coherent so. panels:
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asm (1999) #34
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asm #35
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asm #38
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asm #53
i want to add more panels but my laptop is starting to lag excuse her she has been with me since 2017 and is breathing so loud right now
to sum it up the writing is beautiful i love peter as a teacher i love the neighborhood and community aspect i love peter's characterization i love mj and may i even liked the little part where he lived in the avengers tower idk it was fun. i LOVED back in black. i didnt like the spider-totem shit bc i refuse to believe peter is the chosen one and i HATE sins past and i HATE omd (but jms wrote it beautifully). but overall jms gets it he sooo gets it and i love this run forever and as for taylor's fnsm 2019 its nice and fun and he also got pete's characterization but i wont go into it as much
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wereoz · 3 months
YAY when i saw u tagged me my mouth literally dropped open THANKS @belleandsaintsebastian
last song: dancing barefoot!! was so obsessed with that song around… 2022? and about every other time i encounter it
currently watching: twd & the mentalist!! love twd sm i love long series and how they become homey and i love thinking abt constant underlying messages which twd is RIFE with. i am watching this season quite infrequently tho just cuz i don’t enjoy it as much as the others and i have been angry ranting abt it tbh………
the mentalist is quite frankly…… bad. 😭😭 WELL actually idk…… like it has strong points and obviously something abt it hooks me cuz hello i’m on s4 but in s1 & 2 i was like thats so cliched and annoying and that’s literally just police brutality so….. but in s3 i was enjoying parts & building little fantasy worlds abt it in my head & oh my god im obsessed w teresa lisbon & i LOVED the finale because it had DRAMA!!!! but then all the drama surrounding one plot avenue is just SUCKED OUT (imo) in the beginning if s4 so??? and one plot thread was just left so like thats annoying….. and the main guy at the last few minutes of an episode was literally told. i’ve diagnosed u with aspd (well. he said ‘psycopath’ i think but then when he lightheartedly asked a coworker he used the term ‘anti social personality’ so) and its like…. a joke basically so…… thank u very cool. literally that one house autism GOTCHA moment i had flashbacks
currently reading: love and marriage by monica ali, i got it from my english teacher cuz she brought in her favs. it was funny cuz last minute she was like oh no i forgot!!!! theres a lot of sex!!!!ask if u have questions i’m ur pshe teacher!!! very earnest & giggly shes great. i like it so far and the style of writing, im VERY interested in where its going, so glad i’ve found a book i enjoy sm
‘how far we’ve come’, for a competition…… ough i need to pick that up again before time runs out.
fever wake, very interesting to read, especially cuz i always read it before bed , all hazy and tired lmao
lesbians guide to catholic school, just for the mandatory 10 mins reading at my school in english. don’t really like the writing style, but i find the main character, yamilet’s, unique relationship w her family SO interesting. being the second favourite just bc shes a girl, how she reconciles her love for her brother with how frustrating that is, homophobia from beloved family members, and her dad being deported all interest me a lot
current favourites: …..always hot chocolate & whipped cream, my binder!!!!! oat biscuits, pasta, painting in acrylics & just working in my gcse sketchbook in general, collaging, imagining scenarios & fic scenes in my head especially w music, listening to music to and from school, when i make people laugh, that i’ve become more social and less afraid to talk to people,
no pressure tags <3 : @gayfilmbro @preordainedplace (again!! no pressure esp for u!! cuz ik were not mutuals but i love ur blog & art <3 and with it being so hard to find anyone posting abt one deranged movie released 13 years ago it feels like were locked in the same cage already lmao) @1985houndsoflove @thelastdaysofrocknroll @thepunkmuppet @doctorgregoryhouse @pnt03prcnt
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7ban-sama · 5 months
hai 7ban-sama !! anon is back again :33 we now have dragon art of the trio made by aida , does that mean we’ll get any dragon content of the tbhk cast aswell ?? please give me any dragon ❤️🤍 head-canons !! :D
Hi there! Ooh ooh, I can only hope we'll see more characters dragon-ified, at the very least, I have my fingers crossed for a matching Tsukasa... whether he be a scribble, a header, any degree of polish. I'd be excited to know he is out there. Amane's and Nene's outfits/colors were already so extravagant in a way I couldn't have predicted, so... I'd love to see what's envisioned for Tsutsu~
As for headcanons... I haven't actually been so industrious myself. (Not to sound too self-pitying, but I've been pretty braindead the past week or two...) Buuut, my lovely twin @2n2n thought up some things and shared them with me recently, and I really just like her idea...❤ I've been granted permission to share.
"The set-up is one where Amane and Tsukasa are dragons, but not so ancient — much like in canon how the Mermaid doesn't regard Amane as a threat because he's some dinky mystery and 50 years is not a lot to a kaii; the boys could functionally be baby dragons but, humans can't clock them. Mischievous Amane likes to mess with humans… adjacent to the jewelery shoppe boys, Amane and Tsukasa engaged in getting people to make deals with them, yet making like hardly any earnest effort. Not remotely capable of all they seem to. Not like it matters… But I'd like to think communication with the dragons, any dragon, at all, IS SOOOO special and rare and, as in canon not everyone can even be heard, but Nene-chan a special girl… prays and makes offerings often. Amane is like goddddd pant pant rrr that hot girl!!!!!! but he has to be mad shes like often praying for guys… lol… Amane who is a dragon does not understand human romance or dating, his mind sees humans as pretty petty and more than anything desperate to procreate or something (that's what boyfriends are for…) (so many people BEG for child or to save some ugly child or bless their ugly child… all humans care about)… they are like rats or something, you know… he can explain this to Tsukasa uncharitably who is just like, I see… humans do love their big ceremonies for weddings… but they're so pretty ♥ it would be nice to see the girl like that! dressed up all nice…. ♥
... but it gives an impression that Yashiro wants to. be impregnated like sf badly it's obscene, she's so young what is wrong with this one. I wish I did not have to sit here and listen to it…. rrrr. But gklfjg;…
I guess it's not dissimilar to canon. Amane is like, 'well… why can't it 'be me', if she's going to be obsessed like this, and I'm an amazing dragon…. I can tell her I'll marry her, and she'll bare my child. A magical being of dragon and human origin.' <- he can't actually do this. This isn't an ability he has— WELL– he can, ,, bind himself to her (like in canon…) and that's kind of like a relationship, but he can't. put a baby in her, even if it's poss for a dragon let's say you need to be like 5000 years old and of a certain power and veneration and, he is NOT close. But it means there are FABLES and MYTHS and RUMORS of dragon conception… I will have Tsukasa gently sway her to reading about and understanding those myths, thinking about them in some way. Just to lend me credibility…. like blow open a book onto a page about this OK. knock some scroll off a wall while shes dusting. ok
But the. Core of my thought is just Amane appearing before Nene-chan, on a night she is tending a shrine (I want to imagine a shrine-maiden Nene-chan… just sweeps n stuff but yaknow. tThus why she's always heard & always making offerings & Amane is way too aware of her)… and idk, some mumbo jumbo about, her devotion to her duty, a reward in order… and, taking pity on her… have heard her wishes, her pleas, over the many years…
but it'd kind of be a. [silent confusion from Nene-chan] bc she fklsdj;fkdl doesn't want flkdjf; a kid, that's not kglf;gjk;l? but its like [thinks] but ? … if I had a dragon-blessed child…. wouldn't I become some kind of, royalty, surely…? Popular… wouldn't everyone beg to see me and make offerings to me…. wouldn't I then have suitors? I'll have been recognized as special and beautiful by a Godly being… she's Nene-chan so it quickly gets to her head. Amane is patient watching her think like, that's right girl think about it…. Tsukasa swirls into the room. I had like lkfj;ld thought of Amane snaking Tsukasa into things like, ah that is my counterpart, we are one…. you will be as ours. Makes this sound mystical. Tsukasa is like :y i get to marry Nene-chan too?? … yes…
Commence… having crazy sex with dragons. Relief for Amane, this will satisfy her… she won't be speaking other names into her palms anymore… she'll say thank you to me… AMANE-SAMA…!!
I like the result of their bond though meaning... AFTER… a ceremony… and. sex. Nene-chan does have dragon features, though only seen by others with some magic (like canon…)… and Amane+Tsukasa can now don human forms. But I want it to be only after lol… you have to commit to the dragons, in their real bodies.
Ah kind of dfkljkdlg;df moment for Nene-chan that the like smoke dissipates and the shadow of 2 boys manifests and these bug eyed creeps . omg!!!!!!!!! NOT WHTA YOU EXPECTED… (IMAGINED… HANDSOME…. BIG HUGE TALL STRONG…)…
The prolonged lie is just like. [picks teeth] oh you thought having a dragon was like having a human baby, no. it will take muuuuch longer than 9 months. it's gonna , take years . especially when you're so young, it'll like kill you if it happened any faster… trust me. just wait… be patient…. [and also, have sex with us more… it'll make it stronger or whatever….that was better than I ever imagined, uhghh… ]"
Er, I know it was an ask for my thoughts but sometimes my thoughts are just her thoughts., ,, like after she gives me her thoughts I go wow. [has them] [they're the same now]
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dragonologist-phd · 5 months
Having a hard time choosing a pwotr character for the character breakdown asks because I'd love to hear your thoughts on so many of them, but you know who I'd pick if cornered. Woljif please 😁
Aah thank you!! Woljif is an excellent choice!
How I feel about this character
He’s one of my pwotr favs! I’m sure it helped that Piper was my first playthrough- they were born to be best friends, and as soon as he told her they could run off together if the Crusader thing didn’t work out he cemented his permanent place in her party
Even without all that, he’s an archetype I really enjoy: the chaotic mischief-maker with hidden depths, who has a ton of flaws and makes a ton of mistakes but ultimately has his heart in the right place
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Hmm- I’ll be honest, I haven’t thought about this one much! All the OC ships with him are great (I love Sia/Woljif so much!!!), but other than those I haven’t considered many!
That said, I do think Sosiel/Woljif would be cute. There’s a banter where Sosiel says that Woljif has “an intriguing and appealing expression” when he’s lost in thought…and Woljif brushes it off as Sosiel telling him to be quiet, but idk I think there could be something there.
Like, Woljif enjoys challenging a lot of Sosiel’s ideas, but Sosiel genuinely enjoys the discussion and appreciates some of Woljif’s deeper thoughts. And Sosiel likes catching Woljif off guard by meeting Woljif’s cynicism with his own earnest opinions (see that banter where Woljif asks what the most valuable thing in a shelynite temple is and Sosiel just says “rose petal tea <3”). And I think Sosiel would bring out Woljif’s softer side, and Woljif would get protective of Sosiel, and they’d have some interesting parallels in how their respective families impact their character arcs. Y’know this started out as a small thought but the more I talk the more I like it
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I mean, y’all know how much the Piper & Woljif friendship. Rambling about my OC’s probably isn’t what this prompt is intended for but too bad because Piper & Woljif are everything to me. They had this instant understanding of each other, and they only grew closer over time, and they’re joking when they call each other brother and sister but they also mean it with their whole hearts. I need to find that quote about friendship soulmates again because that’s them!!
Ha but for canon- I really like Woljif’s friendship with both Seelah and Daeran. Despite their differences he and Seelah have such a good time together, talking about cons and tavern songs, they’re a fun pair! And it’s fun to imagine Woljif and Daeran after the game, traveling around and causing trouble on their own time.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Ok, I did just say I like his and Daeran’s friendship- but I really hate that one banter where Daeran jokes about throwing coins on the ground and making Woljif bark like a dog??
I mean, it’s in character for Daeran; that’s the kind of shit he likes to say. But it’s weird to me that Woljif has so little of a reaction to that, especially when we see him get worked up over being looked down on in other circumstances.
And I’ll admit, part of the reason is bothers me so much is how many people I saw react to it like it was a ‘haha hilarious’ moment and not a ‘Daeran wtf’ moment
Anyway. A less salty one is that I really like how his bad ending is written! This one is just unpopular because not many do it- understandable, it does hurt my heart a lot. But the characterization is so good, they manage to give him a personality that is really different from his good ending while still being very Woljif, and that’s impressive!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Honestly there’s not much. The nice thing about pwotr is that it’s long enough to fit a ton of character stuff, and there’s really not much I can think to add. It is a shame they didn’t get to making him a canonical romance option, so I’ll go with that- I’d be so interested to see what they had planned for that!
character meme
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