#ideally I’d like to try to grow some things eventually too
winemom-culture · 3 months
Decided I’m gonna get really into working on our yard.
The thing is: the yard is like 80% weeds. No exaggeration
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A Pirates Life For Me
Pairings: father Killian Jones x child/teen!reader
Imagine: what it would be like to be Killian Jones child
Warnings: none really, mostly fluff, and Killian Jones being the best father ever, I guess there’s some spoilers for those who haven’t watched all seasons I guess, mention of when he died, NOT proofread yet
A/N back to writing ya’ll (hopefully), thought I’d start it of easy with some headcanons, so a few other will come out too but this is the first because recently I’ve been obsessing over Killian again along with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Hunter (from tbb)
Side note half of this got deleted and couldn’t really remember what I wrote so it’s definitely not as good as the first draft
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First things first you were raised on the Jolly Roger, you would most probably grow up as a pirate, and when old enough you’d help him fighting against the other pirates that would attack you at times
I’m sorry but you’re gonna have to deal with wearing dark colored clothes, he doesn’t do light color therefore neither do you at least until you’re old enough to decide for yourself what clothes you want
You’d beg Killian to buy you the biggest hat ever as you read somewhere that pirates has hats, he never bought you that hat… he did steal a tiny hat that fit you perfectly though…
He was scared to death that he would be like his own father, but don’t worry he’s both like that he’s the best and he’d never leave you like that
Your initials are written beside the wheel (you know where he wrote with his hook for Bae/Neal)
Things you carved into the ship as a kid can still be seen in the most random places
He childproofed the ship, put child locks on nearly every cabinet not knowing if it was child appropriate things in them as the crew would put their things in random places, he did not find the thought of you finding a knife, sword, or gun and accidentally hurt yourself very comforting
Adopted child, biological child, doesn’t matter he loves you the same.
Depending on when you were born you might of watched The Dark One rip the heart out of your father’s lover
One of many traumatic events
Killian values you more than anything else, if he had to choose between revenge or you, he’d always choose you, he’d do anything for you even if it meant him dying
He still knows how to say no to things though
He made a mental list in his head on things he would teach you
1. How to sail
2. How to navigate with stars
3. Sword fighting
4. How to survive on Neverland (just in case Pan decided to kidnap you or something to mess with him)
5. How to escape from Neverland
6. What plants are poisonous or not
7. Do not make deals with the dark one
And then the list goes on and on, he would want to teach you everything he knows about everything really, he just doesn’t want you to make the same mistakes he did, or to end up being a villain as he wants you to get your happy ending
Somewhere along the road you got dragged into wanting to help your father get revenge, nearly succeeded in multiple occasions, but as it turns out villains don’t really get their revenge
You once made the crew find a hook and clothes similar to Killian’s and later on that day you’d run up to Killian, hand clutching a hook and act as if you were the captain of the ship, imitating your father (with a really bad “adult” voice). He would let out a wide smile, eyes twinkling and a soft gaze as he looked down at you trying to reach the wheel. He’d eventually pick you up and let you steer the destination as he helped you turn the wheel the other way than he had set the course too. This was also the first time he taught you how to sail. Or somewhat, it wasn’t like you took much of the information in as you soon got bored and went to watch over the railing at the crashing waves.
Btw I’m tired of fics where Captain Hooks child likes Peter Pan, why because a parents ideals usually sets with the child, meaning you’d probably hate Peter Pan and Rumplestiltskin as much as your father does
He would tell you stories of his older brother and how he was a hero and he wished you’d met him, you would eventually in hell though later as you went to rescue your father so that’s fine, turns out he wasn’t the hero your father made him out to be, but that’s fine you only need one hero and that’s your dad
He would also tell you stories of his adventures, it made for quite the long entertaining tales as he tucked you into bed, kissing your forehead before continuing his story which he altered to be a bit more child friendly and a bit more dramatic
He lets you have some of his clothes when he’s going away for a long time because he knows you’ll miss him
He lets you wear his jackets/coats, you freezing he’s already put his jacket/coat over you, even if they’re too big for you , he loves how adorable you look in it as he’s reminded that you’re still just a child and he doesn’t want you to grow up
He’d try to teach you how to paint, might succeed might not still he loves the bonding time he’s good at painting in any universe you can’t tell me otherwise
He hates seeing you hurt
If you get hurt on a raid he’d made sure whoever hurt you would suffer, you want him kiss the injury better, he’d do so in a heartbeat even if it meant his reputation would falter slightly
He starts dating someone else (Emma) he’d make sure that person treated you right, if not he’d dump said person
If he founds out you like someone he wouldn’t be overprotective, he’d still be protective but he’d mostly be supportive. He’d tease you about it until it became annoying, he’d encourage you and give you advice (even if most of his advice failed)and if it failed he’d be there to comfort you through it all
You’d blame Emma for turning Killian into a dark one and you’d blame Emma for Killian’s death
When you rescued Killian from hell he promised you he’d never die again if not of old age and that he’d never take of his good luck ring ever again as you thought he jinxed it by giving it to Emma
You were glad for his sake when he married Emma just because you saw your father happy with someone else again and not just grieving and seeking revenge for his ex lover
He hugs surprisingly great, he’s like your human sized pirate teddy bear
He misses the times when you would come into his room late at night after a nightmare and crawl under the covers and cuddle close to him, not because you had a nightmare but because he liked that you knew you would always be safe with him
He would hate that you’d have nightmares after his death and you no matter what age you are in would sometimes go into his room to make sure he was still alive and maybe even sleep beside him, he’d wake up to you sprawled out over the whole bed clutching his side tightly as if you were afraid he’d disappear
Will make sure you get your happy ending
He’s just father material it’s as simple as that (just look at Nook, love Nook though but original Hook is the best)
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fruit-salad-ship · 4 months
BNHA 2.0
Ok I’ve been revamping BNHA au. I don’t like the story I’d made, fun but not my speed. So this second attempt ignores all the canon characters in the show, and probably happens way after whatever the show is doing now, in a totally different country. This is literally just me playing with world building blocks, not the story we know.
A child is born to an unfit family, too busy for their daughter, ignorant to her quickly developing quirk. She is alone for so long until one day she becomes aware of her requests for time and attention becoming heard. It’s hard for her to tell why there’s been a sudden change, but she sleeps well when she gets days with her parents, blind to the fact that her deep sleep is from using up all her energy activating her quirk. She grows up realising that her family only love her at times, she eventually understands that she’s using her power to get their attention. The second she can’t keep it up, they go back to ignoring her, disliking her. The parents become wise to her power, scold her, are adamant that she must leave the house, she’s manipulative, she’s making them do things they don’t want to do which is the simple act of giving their child love, time, and attention. She is resented. She is removed from her family home.
Now you have a young girl with a quirk that can get any truth, anyone to say anything, it can get an item, food, money, shelter, even moments of strong emotion, it can provide so much with little to no trace. She is deemed too dangerous, she is removed from society, taken to a maximum security prison at a young age, isolated from the world until she hit her teens. Escape is easy once she figures out how. A touch of the hand, brush of the elbow, that’s all it takes for her to be in your head directing you. Plum is smart enough to know she’s on her own from here on out. She is quick to gain work, villains mostly, she runs with petty criminals, thieves, pick pockets, people who teach her that trust is not a luxury they can afford. Some try to take advantage of her, she’s young, they’re not, but plum learns her quirk can end people just as easily as any strength based power. In fact, easier. She kills. A lot of people. All who stand to threaten her in any way, it was self defence at first but eventually she developed a habit of tying up loose ends.
Plum at age 20 is cut throat, she’s been left to figure out her own path in life, a path that is lonely, but to her, lonely is ordinary. She’s always felt like that, like something huge was missing. By 25, she’s figured out how to remove anyone and anything from her life that scares her. She hasn’t run with petty criminals in years, instead mixing with politicians, leaders, CEOs, the top 1% who need her work to secure their ideal outcomes. Plums living a luxurious life, a nice car, a house, all the nice clothes and expensive jewels she could want, yet still she feels alone. By 30 she has messed with one too many high flying business man, crossed a few too many more. She’s hired home security, has guards, but seems they can’t quite hack it when faced with real powerful quirks. Not just grunts, she’s being hunted by actual hitmen now. Her money has to be invested more intelligently, she needs to be safe. Plum asks around, snoops and digs until one of her informants suggest a known wanted criminal who’s recently entered the system looking for employment. Plums fascinated, the file on this one is wide spread destruction, photos of craters in concrete, in steel, news articles showing the sheer power of this individual. It’s noted that no one knows their identity, and they seem to have an incredibly adaptive quirk that allows for evasion and escape too.
A meeting is set, and soon plum gets to stand in the same room as this individual. They’re masked up, dark gear, not talkative, simple yes-no answers. It’s a woman’s voice under there, but the build of her is powerful, tall, broad. Code name: Kingslayer, plum makes an offhand comment that she’s thankful she’s a queen then, and the pair agree mutually to a price, a schedule, and a few ground rules, notably that plums word is law, and fighting that is pointless. She explains her quirk briefly as a suggestion one, and asks of the woman’s. She says it’s a gravity quirk, plain and simple. Both women are lying to a high degree, it’s a lot more complicated than that. Explaining it is pointless however, all Kingslayer has to do, is keep her boss alive and well, and she gets paid in cash. Perfect. Only drawback is her boss is a clear asshole, but she supposed she’s worked for worse, least the pays good, who cares.
Peach, aka, the hired killer, has done this work for far too long, a child born of a volatile quirk marriage, after trying and failing to keep several children prior to her alive, bad genetics leading to quirks the kids bodies could not handle, her parents finally got lucky with peach. Her abilities manifested in what seemed like mundane gravity effects at first, but the more she grew, the more it was apparent that this was anything but. She was swiftly shipped away and trained, her family happy to sell her off to the highest bidder as a temporary rental. She was valuable, and as soon as she could prove it with a density quirk, as it grew and took shape, her work began. High demand for someone who can do what she did. It didn’t come without mistake, without injury. She learnt fast that her quirk had severe repercussions if done incorrectly. But peach trudged on, no option to get out, simply to climb the ranks. So climb she did. Past others, past her peers and cousins, past everyone in her way. Keeping her mask on was the only way to separate her work from her life, and thanks to keeping that habit up, peach was able to live a relatively normal life when she wasn’t working.
No matter what way you look at it, both women had found their way through immeasurable trauma brought on by a set of skills they’d not had a choice over, things they’d been simply “gifted” at birth. One was never left alone, pushed so hard by others that she became unstoppable. The other completely abandoned, pushed so hard by herself that she became ungovernable. Plum has the ability to gain anything she wants for limited time, but is always abandoned, she’s become fearful of making connections that don’t require her quirk to keep the other person happy and occupied, her trust is fleeting, so sure no one will stay if she doesn’t make them. She’s fine with peach’s few rules when working, accepts that the mask is a safety thing and will NOT come off, and hears her when she says to listen during an emergency situation.
Their relationship is tense, plum has all the control normally, and eventually ends up using her quirk to find out more about the woman she’s hired. It can extract truths, and when her bodyguard is cagey about things she’s coaxed to talk more, to give away details. It takes no time at all for the truths to come out, it’s little things at first, things that make this masked figure human to her, and if it’s human, it’s vulnerable in plums mind. Trivial questions like her hired hands favourite flavour, or what movies she likes best seem like nothing, but this is plum testing the water, pushing her luck. Peach let’s it slide, it’s harmless, until that is the girls collide, confront each other, and plum gets in with her quirk quickly, calms peach down and reiterates who the boss is. She peels back a glove ever so slightly to get a glimpse of this woman’s skin, so pale against such dark clothes. Nothing stops plum sitting in her guards lap and asking questions, getting answers, she’s holding all the power. Peach is fully aware of what’s happening, and could technically stop it, but it’d involve hurting her boss, a bad move for any employee looking to keep their record relatively clean. This is not the first person to push her, and it wouldn’t be the last, she puts up with it.
Plum feels rather fascinated by peach, the truths she’s extracted from her lead her to believe they’ve had to endure a lot, she feels kinship here, though she hardly recognises that feeling, doesn’t pay it any attention, too afraid that like everyone else, her guard will leave, she’s only here for money. The isolation is hard on her, plum never wants it, and peach eternally seeks it after being obsessively groomed to kill from a young age. She never had free time, so now her days off are sacred, giving that time up is not preferable. The girls have insane sexual tension, something that gives way to plum 100% using her quirk to get this woman to touch her, to make it so peach is not in control, that she remembers she does not hold the power in this dynamic, no matter how strong she is. Peach still does not break free, is grouchy about it, sasses plum a bit, tells her this is not a wise decision as her boss peels her mask up JUST enough to see the bottom half of her face, the scar on her lip, the complete contrast of her pale skin. They share a lot of hostile moments of passion, volatile, toxic, loaded confrontations that are just power plays, situations peach always loses. Brain over brawn seems to triumph here, so long as peach isn’t really trying to negate her boss’ quirk, so long as she doesn’t use her ult.
Plum is so afraid to NOT use her quirk because people won’t like the person she is, she knows what she does is bad, but being alone is scary, terrifying even. She hates it. No one is ever there for her without a reason, money, blackmail, manipulation, personal gain. Even this guard, this woman she’s come to rather enjoy, is only temporary. Plum is surrounded by people, but totally isolated.
There comes a time where plum’s life is endangered, she wrongs someone and they send killers after her. Her guard is tested, and she passes with flying colours. This happens repeatedly, over a long period of time, months of attempts on her boss’ life, and peach handles it. Her quirk is anything BUT a gravity quirk, plum comes to realise this seeing it in action first hand. With each failed attempt on plums life, the foe get tougher, people hire bigger, meaner assassins, until one day there is actually a viable threat that Kingslayer just can’t seem to slay. Peach tells her boss to hide, and not move from this spot no matter what, she’ll be back. Plum does as she’s told, but after a few minutes alone, she starts to panic. What if she’s been lied to? What if her guard just ran away and let her for dead. Plum leaves the hiding spot, starts to try to sneak out of the area, only to get nearly killed in one hit. Peach manages to step in just in time, but the fight is harder, instead of just going up against an enemy, now the guard has to attack them and defend plum. Her quirk is not built well for group tactics. They get out of this tense showdown alive, plums untouched, peach is hurt but fine, it’s nothing too serious. Their escape to a safe house is followed up by a moment to breathe.
Peach shouts at her boss, finally snapped, that she should have stayed hidden like she said, what she did was reckless and stupid, she could have died! Their arguing gets so heated, plum hasn’t been confronted like this before, not so accurately at least because peach has sat and watched her. She’s good at her job because she watches. Predicts quite accurately how someone will act, what makes them tick, their nature. She’s done this to her boss too habitually. Plums an insecure, lonely, untrusting woman with too much power and no use for it other than herself, and today she put both their lives at risk because she couldn’t trust. Plum hates it, hates being called out. Normally she’d get rid of someone who did this, just kill them, but she can’t, peach is all she’s got. Cornered, plum gets defensive, they argue more, and peach cant see the row going anywhere, so frustrated with how her boss is acting, how stubborn and blind she’d being. Peach grabs her arm and pulls her, hard, directly into her, this little woman’s gone through a lot today, she needs this. This lady who’s spent forever alone, who cant seem to even understand companionship of any kind, is suddenly engulfed in this hug. It’s all consuming, she instinctively activated her quirk upon being grabbed, a defensive reaction, peach felt it take hold, but if Plum doesn’t say any directions or commands, it doesn’t take effect…And plum in her shock of being held doesn’t say a word, arms around her surround in a way that feels like a shield. It’s so painfully obvious that this woman has never been held in a way that wasn’t initiated by her own wants. Plum can smell this woman’s perfume? Buried up in all the dark layers, swimming in just how full on this cuddle is, never had this before, not like this. The tears come, and they can’t seem to stop.
After that moment of weakness and a second to collect herself, Plum can’t even begin to fathom what peach is staying around for, she can’t give her the agreed money right now, she can’t offer her much of anything in this safe house, there’s no incentive for peach to stay and protect her. Imagine the boss’ surprise, not forcing an answer with her quirk from the only person who’s not run, when peach expresses that it’s simply the right thing to do, that even killers can have morals. That big woman is surprisingly well adjusted considering the upbringing she had. She has a keen eye and an observant mind. She sees plum and can only truly notice the scared lonely woman who has no real support, no one around to keep her grounded and comfortable. When she’s hurt she doesn’t tell anyone, when she’s stressed it never comes out, when she’s afraid she puts a brave face on. It’s all a front, there’s no two ways about it. All the months working for her and she never saw loved ones or friends, nothing. Peach can’t be unnecessarily unkind to someone who’s had enough of that for one lifetime. Perhaps she’s going soft, or she’s grown attached to this little woman and her awful behaviour, but theres something compelling in there, and its not her quirk telling her that.
Not a day goes by where plum doesn’t question her guards sincerity, they’re held up in this safe house making sure its ok to emerge again, and each moment that ticks by she’s wondering who’s bought Peach out, who’s managed to pull the rug from under her, people don’t just ‘do the right thing’. So finally, at her wits end with Plum’s caution, peach sits her down and holds her hand out. Her quirk can get any truth from someone right? So get the truth from her right now. Ask anything, and see that some people cannot be bought, or swayed, and do just tell the truth on occasion. Peach is so aware of how much this woman is still just a frightened child on the inside, she knows, she was there emotionally too, still is some days… so plum and her sit at a little breakfast table and plum goes to take her hand, asks her to tell truths, why she’s there, why help, why not leave? And the responses she gets are all real answers. She hears someone say that they actually enjoy her, even if she’s a brat and awful at times, certainly complex and toxic, but theres something strangely compelling about her.
Peach just wants to help her shed some of that fear she’s carrying around. The moments of physical contact, of sex, be it initiated by plum or not, has given way to tiny glimpses of plum as she really is, afraid, longing, lonely in a big world that was cruel to her. It left her reliant on whatever tools she had at her disposal. Theres no way Peach could ignore the way she would stay so close during those moments she was in control, where she could let her guard down a little, Plum would always hold her tight, even if it’s just hooking her finger around one of peach’s, or running a hand back to touch her. This woman who could get anything she wanted, was truly touch starved, not at all as calm and composed as she made out to be. There were enough occasions where Plum had gotten her quirk under Peach’s skin and immediately asked her to come closer, to hold her, be physical with her in numerous ways that while masked with an imbalanced power dynamic were actually all lined with gentle intimacy.No amount of money or power can make up for an empty heart, for her isolation. Peach saw right through her trying to hide behind the casual sex plum would demand, it was just a front.
Kingslayer is a notoriously hard person to find out about. No one knows her identity, and she likes to keep it that way. But when no one sees, and she’s out of the gear, she’d just a regular old citizen. Her free time spent feeding stray dogs, tending to plants, taking in the world around her with an appreciation that comes when you spend so much time destroying things, killing people. She’s surprisingly calm and jolly when she’s not working, people like her, she’s not at all as unkind and distant as you’d expect compared to the stoic front she has up for work. Plum has never seen this, hell, she’s never seen more than fragments of this woman’s body, little peaks. She has threatened to get peach to take the mask off on a number of occasions, but honestly? Plum would be lying if she said she wasn’t a little afraid of this woman. When she first saw her file, the destruction peach left behind, there were craters in photos, aftermaths of her fights. And yet plum’s not seen her do that yet, has no idea what kind of power she’s got. If she pushes peach too hard, will she lash out at her? A risk not worth taking, so far she’s been nothing but agreeable during work, kept her safe, better to not ruin it.
An opportunity comes up at a masquerade ball situation, Plum needs to get in there and infiltrate, charm, rub elbows with a powerful man, convince him to make a little phone call to tell his guards at his office to just go home, then to forget about it. Just lose that memory. But it’s a rather raunchy gathering, and plum is required to bring a guest, someone too ‘offer up’ into what is essentially a trade raffle, one night where people swap their guests and get a little freaky in this huge mansion where the party is held. She considers an escort, but then she’s going in without a guard. Brings this up with Peach who’s completely covered up all the time, says that its a masquerade-like event, she could still keep her face covered, no one would know. Peach worries about being exposed, her hair colour is a little odd sure, and theres no way she can expose skin, too many scars that are very telling. Thats a whole lot of people to kill if she’s revealed. No one sees her face and lives, it’s how she’s stayed safe this long. Plum says she wont even be there more than a few minutes, it’s just to get security called off elsewhere, they can leave as soon as she’s done. Through gritted teeth Peach agrees, if plum gets in trouble and dies, finding another job is effort she doesn’t really want to expend.
The pair end up dressed to kill, Peach does the full 3 piece suit, keeps gloves on, a black and white mask much like an old court jester, just glittery and elaborate, something plum picked out, but it did cover everything, hair included. She feels better about this. Not like her quirk requires weapons or gear, she doesn’t have to carry anything. Plums killing it in this regal looking dress, mask covering just the top of her face, gems and feathers, she’s making sure she’s noticed by her target. They show up, plum on the arm of her guard, staff walking around in barely anything, drinks offered, peach turns it down, plum takes one up. They seem to draw attention, this is the opposite of what peach is use to, but plum is thriving in this, it’s her thing, she fits in here amongst the arrogant and rich, blending in to take advantage of them. Honestly though? Her eye keeps wandering back to her guard, who’s really quite something to see dressed smart, she drags out the night just to see the raffle through, walk up on that stage and present her darling guest, her offering, and watch Peach play it very cool after whispering to her that they need to hurry up and get the hell out of here, she’s not being locked in a room with any of these people.
Plum sneaks off and does what she came to do, charms her way into the inner circle, gets to her mark, uses her quirk to call security off, and gets out casually. It’s all done, Peach watching her closely the whole time, trying not to give too much time to the people fascinated with her, and more so, the one man and his wife who’d purchased her time in the raffle. She’s quietly nervous, killing them would be such a pain. The girls regroup and go to leave, stopped by security, easily bypassed as plum touches their arm gently and smiles, tells them to let her and peach go, a sudden emergency has come up, this party can wait. They very nearly get out, but it’s been seen on the security cameras that they’re going, and someones paid for peach tonight, they can’t just let them leave now. Fine. They stay. Peach is irritated, getting chatted to by the couple who’d invested in her, plum watching on, amused, with a twinge of jealousy that she can’t place. Time comes, peach leaves with the couple, goes up to a room, they start to try to charm her into losing the suit, but she simply places a hand on each one of them calmly, and they fall. Grasping at their chests, trying to fight what’s happening, they feel their hearts heavy in their chests. Peach made their vital organs so dense they ceased to work. To most it would look like a heart attack, her quirk would wear off and they’d be untouched, no bruises no poison, no fighting. She places them in the bed making them light as feathers so she hardly has to touch them, after getting them out most of their clothes to throw around the room, making sure this scene looks like they’ve just overdone it, opened a bottle of Champagne, drank some of it to kill time, three glasses knocked or placed in natural ways. To anyone looking at this, the scene feels normal. The two bodies in the bed just look like they’re sleeping. Peach waits a couple hours, exits, leaving the ‘do not disturb’ tab on the door handle, retuning to the party.
The girls get to leave, unbothered by the security this time, and Plum wonders what happened in that room Peach wont tell her, says it doesn’t matter. She was in there a while though, and came out looking untouched give or take. It doesn’t matter, the job tonight was completed, they get home, peach back to her gear, far more comfortable now. Things play out smoothly, but plum HAS to know what happened, finally confronting peach with her one special brand of brat, saying if she doesn’t tell her what happened, she’ll use her quirk on her and get the truth anyway. A fair point, and not at all an empty threat. Peach explains she gave them heart attacks and leaves it at that. The ‘you can’t be that good’ comment that comes after gets the first ever genuine laugh from the guard. Plum didn’t expect to hear that, watching her composure crack and shake as she chuckles away at her comment. Plum’s heart jumps. She didn’t know she wanted this woman’s laughter in her life until that exact moment. The situation is explained clearer, another little branch of this woman’s horrifying quirk uncovered. It is so painfully adaptable, but only because Peach was trained ruthlessly her whole life. There was no breaks, no days off, no time to yourself, every waking moment was a drill, a test, a fight for your life, and she fought HARD. Plum didn’t have to coax her to answer her questions, seemed Peach was happy to oblige this one.
I don’t know where Plum would finally see her guards face, like in its entirety, but it’d have to be dramatic as all hell! Be it Plum forcing her to take the mask off for some reason during an argument, or Peach ripping it off due to no other choice, injury, a quirk making it the only option, frustration. Maybe it’s even a moment of ‘I trust you, I’m letting you in, you have to see that trust is a two way street.’ MAYBE plum does something very thoughtful and open, which is not in her nature so she gets the only thing peach can give her, total transparency. Plum getting so hurt Peach as to give CPR? The mask HAS to come off, she’s not usually one to save people but this is different, she’s come to like this little shit of a boss. Comes around and sees the relief in a person face that she’s ok.
Idk yet guys, im just playing with ideas to avoid life stress rn.
I was thinking bout Grey being the personal trainer peach hires as a civilian, his quirk is a great counter to hers and she likes to train against that kind of a skill to gain tolerance. Drinking buddies. Maybe he’s got a t hing for her, and she don’t see it, or feel the same, but they just stick it out? Unsure, he was honestly an afterthought.
He could also very well be a cop trying to catch the girl out, always missing. But it leaves little to work with, not that id focus on him much haha, soz grey.
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captainhysunstuff · 8 months
Thoughts on Mikalight?
I enjoy it~. They have the potential to be really cute together. I haven’t fully explored it, but I have a real appreciation for it.
While I do like it where Teru’s a devoted servant that has earned Light’s favor and eventually works his way to becoming a trusted advisor of sorts, I really like imagining them together outside of a Kira-related context. Teru would still treat Light as if the sun shines out of his ass. The effort he’d put into altering his strict schedule to fit Light into his life would hopefully be noticed and appreciated. In an odd twist, Light would be the one who’d try to get Teru to loosen up from time to time, like remembering to celebrate holidays together, at least at first. He’d still admire his work ethic and dedication to his job, but he wouldn’t mind seeing that passion directed in other directions (I.e. Light). I think it’d be a bit of a struggle for Teru to get out of his habits to make time for someone else unless it’s already been scheduled ahead of time since we weren’t shown him having much of a social life outside of speaking with coworkers.
I have the funny image of Teru having a rigid written schedule for things like “surprise” meals, date nights, and love making where Light just sighs and says, “lol okay.” However, Teru would still be very attentive to Light’s mood (he’s not easy to ignore, lol). After all, he does canonically deviate from his norm on his own whenever he thinks Kira is limited or at risk. I’m sure he’d get better at reading Light’s “will” with time~.
I still worry that Light would eventually become bored with Teru because of his initial rigid nature. Reliable and loyal (unless suddenly disillusioned), but a little too… routine? That he wouldn’t give Teru a chance. Maybe it would depend on when and how they meet. Sometime when Light’s older and matures a bit, they meet because their careers are related to law enforcement, and gain a mutual admiration that grows into affection. Sounds ideal. They’d probably have some communication problems at first, and I’d wish them only the best~.
This may be only scratching the surface and I’m probably giving these characters too much credit, but here’s some Mikalight thoughts. ❤️
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pekuliar · 2 years
HC for Reigen, his sibling, and his childhood
Reigen having a sibling is a pretty common HC!! Most headcanons with Reigen’s older sister/Reigen having a sibling portray the sibling as the “good kid”/“golden child” compared to his loser ass, but mostly based on…….projection from my own childhood……. I’d like to think it’s the opposite. IMO, Reigen was the “good kid” while his sibling was the one who Reigen’s parents probably worried about more
I think it’s quite a common hc too that Reigen’s parents were strict/emotionally neglectful/had unrealistic expectations of their kids, which I totally agree with. Now, here’s some projection and traumadumping to illustrate how children with these parents might grow —
There are a couple ways children survive living with overbearing/strict parents — by running themselves ragged trying to please them, or by accepting the frequent arguments/groundings/bans as part of life. I think Reigen (as I did) chose the former, and his sibling (as my sibling did) chose the latter.
My childhood went something like this: I was seen as the “unproblematic child” with a tendency to be a fast learner wherever it counted. I thrived off being good at things, and being told I was good at things. Classic “you can do anything you set your mind to” child. I wasn’t perfect by far; I just developed a sixth sense for getting away with things — lying, “reading” my parents, finding loopholes, scheduling “coincidences”, and a healthy amount of crying to guilt-trip my teachers.
My sibling, on the other hand, was the opposite — they skipped school, never cared to find any extracurricular clubs, and were always at odds with my parents. They made friends quick though; where I tended to only befriend people I was in the same class/club with, my sibling somehow always had a web of friends spanning multiple schools. Crucially, despite how often they fought with my parents, my sibling almost never lied, instead choosing to go “Yeah, I did that. So what?”, accepting the ensuing arguments.
Because of that, we grew very differently. My sibling is so much more open and sociable, hating environments where he’s made to act more “formal”/“professional”, figuring out early on that you don’t actually need to continually convince people that you matter. On the other hand, I think I’ve habitually covered up any single iota of genuineness inside me. I’m great at making first impressions but bad at actually connecting; I can’t cope with not being busy 100% of the time; I keep obsessively finding new skills to pick up because idk what else I can do. I also don’t have any good coping mechanisms for failure and rejection because, well, why would a “gifted kid” need to learn how to deal with being bad at things?* [*: sarcasm]
Does all this sound familiar?
So yes anyway. I think Reigen is Reigen because he was always good at pleasing his parents/teachers using a combination of deception/manipulation and actually being good at things, and was unable to accept failure/rejection because he’d always found a way to avoid it. And as a result of being unable to accept any outcome below the ideal, he would’ve gotten less and less honest about his own genuine emotions, eventually becoming great at presenting an “impressive” front but terrible at actually genuinely connecting with people.
And so in conclusion — LET CHILDREN BE SHIT AT THINGS. LET CHILDREN SUCK AT SCHOOLWORK/SPORTS/ETC. Literally no one was created to be perfect at everything. Allowing children to fail in a supportive environment doesn’t encourage them to “”underperform””; it makes them so much better at accepting failure and moving forward from it in a safe and non-self-destructive way. Also, forcing kids to be perfect doesn’t make them perfect — it just makes them damn good liars. Idk why this is becoming a parenting PSA from me, a single 24-year-old, but please just. Let children be shit.
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yumeka36 · 2 years
A couple weeks back I made the decision to reorganize my room and collection displays.
There were two main reasons for this, the first being that for over a decade I was using an old computer desk for displaying things and it was never ideal. I had bought the desk when I had a traditional computer setup with the monitor and computer on the desk where I would sit on an office chair. But around 2010 I switched to the setup I have now - using my 42″ HD TV as the monitor while I sit in a reclining chair using a wireless mouse and keyboard. Rather than discard the desk, I repurposed it in different ways over the years for my collections.
In 2019 when my collection was expanding even more, I took a trip to IKEA to get additional shelving. I still kept the old computer desk, but this time I bought a bookshelf and used putty to adhere it to the desk so it was sturdy. I also got a handyman to put wall shelves behind it. As you can see in the below photo, I moved the growing assortment of Pokemon plushies to the wall shelves, and game/anime figures to the bookshelf.
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Though still not ideal, this arrangement worked fine for me for a while...until last year, when the other reason for changing it up came about. We adopted a cat in February of last year after our old one passed away. The cat, Hoshi, was about 9 months old when we got her, and, well, I have to say that she’s the friendliest and most unafraid cat I’ve ever known (and I’ve had many cats in my life) but she’s also the most curious and nosiest cat too. I started having issues with her jumping on the shelves, getting behind the old computer desk where all the wires were, and knocking stuff down (thankfully she never broke anything).
I had to fortify the whole area to keep her from getting in there. I filled the space at the bottom of the desk with my empty figure boxes, I used large cardboard displays and plexi glass as blockades, and I got a bunch of plastic spike deterrent pieces and laid them on the open spaces on the desk, as well as on the floor. Every time I thought I’d done enough, she’d suddenly surprise me and find a new way in while I was away at work. As you can see in the below photos, eventually that whole corner of my room started looking like a fortress, and I was not happy about it.
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After a year of this haphazard setup, I started giving it some serious thought and planning. I knew what I wanted to do as far as fixing up my room so my collections would be displayed as I like, but also safe, and Hoshi could still traverse my room as she pleased. I decided it was time to get rid of that old computer desk and use that space for actual display shelves. So after another trip to IKEA and an afternoon of assembly with my boyfriend, I got my new setup, pictured below.
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(I moved the bookshelf that used to be on the computer desk to the floor against the wall - a much better place!)
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(The below photos are of other corners of my room, and thankfully those have remained mostly unchanged)
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I moved the Pokemon plushies to the new shelf and freed up the wall shelves for Hoshi to walk along. I even put some of her toys on the shelves too. I used to have to keep the nearby window closed because if she jumped on the window sill she would have enough height to jump on the shelves. But now I don’t have to worry about that anymore. The only area I still need to block off with cardboard is the space below the wall shelves above the TV to prevent her from trying to walk on the TV. But other that, my room is now to my liking, and cat-barricade free! 😺❤
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charanchula · 2 years
So, I have new spiders!
I bought a sub-adult Avicularia Avicularia from the spider shop along with their 10 sling lucky dip
1) Aphonopelma Anax - Texas Tan (I lost my aphonopelma hentzi recently, and while I'd still like to try again, this is a nice substitute)
2) Aphonopelma Seemani - Stripe Knee (my first one, surprisingly. I've loved the look on them, but I've been holding off for some reason, well, until now)
3) Holothele Longipes - Dwarf Pink/Colombian Blue Leg (this will be my second one)
4) Kochiana Brunnipes - Pink Leg (another duplicate in my collection)
5) Lasiodoa Parahybana - Salmon Pink Bird Eater (I wasn't going to get this because they can get up to 10", but this tiny sling has a lot of growing to do until then)
6) Nhandu Tripepii - Brazilian Blond (I lost my original one of these little guys and was really upset, so I'm happy to have another)
7) Pseudoclamoris Gigas - Orange Tree Spider (my notes in my tarantula spreadsheet for this guy read 'fast, so fast, too fast' which is why I never got one... guess I'm going to have to keep a careful eye when I feed them)
8) Pterniopelma Sazimai - Iridescent Blue/Sazimai's Tarantula (one that I was keeping until I got a little more experience under my belt, but had been considering lately - I love blue spiders)
9) Tliltocatl Vagans - Mexican Red Rump (score, I've been waiting to get one of these for a while, just wasn't sure if I'd get a juvie or a sling)
10) an 'Angustum' type, the vial says 'S', which would be a 'Sericopelma', but this is more likely to be Tliltocatl Angustum, another duplicate but one I don't mind
Not bad! And some of them I wouldn't have chosen on my own, so that's cool.I did ask for no OW species, I’m definitely not there yet.
In other bug news, I'm looking at some praying mantids: Hierodula membranacea - Giant Asian Mantis, phyllocrania paradoxa - ghost mantis, and my most wanted, a miomantis paykullii - the egyptian praying mantis. I'd love a straw coloured one, but I'm not that fussy. The only thing is they're really hard to find here, especially at the moment.
I spent too long considering the Fufius sp 'Rurrenabaque', or Gold Wafer-Lid Trapdoor Spider and now they're sold out, so I'm going to have to wait for them to come around again.
I also want to get a jumping spider, ideally Phidippus Regius Isla Juventus.  
I'm mostly holding off on all of the above because I'm going to need to handle flightless fruit flies for the first time and I'm not in a place to deal with a new learning curve at the moment - heatwaves plus a change of migraine treatment and an overwhelming constant giddiness is making everything hard.
I'll get there eventually, especially when I get my dart frogs set up, and I think they'll be helpful for supplementing sling diets, but until then...
I'm also considering getting into beetles. I'm interested in flower beetles and rainbow staghorns, and I'm also casting an eye over therea olegrandjeani, the question mark cockroach.
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anagramtransitory · 1 month
13. They’d walk me through my relationships with my actual family, and how to not be bitter, and how to accept them even though they can’t accept me. In other words, how to be a bigger and better person, as only a loving parent who understood me could. That I deserved love and support and parenting I didn’t get, and to try to let some of the shame and guilt from my resulting problems with behaving like I was raised by wolves go. Who forgives me first so I can forgive myself second. All problems I have are casualties of attempts to be perfect as quickly as possible. Only a parent very similar to me could understand what that’s about. Who could forgive me for being imperfect in the way I need to be forgiven. No one except that parent could love this mess. Not fully or truly. Who could love my problems. And the process of my growing up and not just the end product(s). So far, no one’s enjoyed any of it, I certainly haven’t. Not the process, not the end products, because I’m still not functional, and thus not worth celebrating/enjoying being. Granted in my real family no one really enjoys anything in a way I understand and can comprehend, just like the way I can’t understand and comprehend the rest of their existences, and they with mine. It’s sad, very sad. We’re just too different, and one side of the table (theirs) is unable and unwilling to talk about the things I don’t understand or comprehend in a way that makes any sense to me, that isn’t composed of accepting shitty answers, which is what I get, which is the reality, which don’t make sense so I never understand their lives of living out the embodiment of shitty answers to deep questions about why they do things or not. Oh well. There’s no one to compare myself to, there’s no one even here at all. I can rant and rave all I want about having to do everything myself, and that’s fair enough. But with this inability to function, the buck stops here. I’d like to think there’s a parallel world where this person, this parent, does exist, and they’re broadcasting their thoughts out to me. Either way, I know who I’ve got to replace. I could say there’s nothing to mourn but there is. My dad lost his mom, my mom was tormented by her dad, I wasn’t parented quite as well as I’d ideally have been, none of it is right or okay, and all of it needs to be taken up with god(s), in death or at the end of the world when those things get resolved cosmically somehow. I’ll put the tickets in. Fill the hole. I have to fill the hole. That’s all there’s left to do. While you work, you tell your parent about your day, they tell you about yours. Infinite possible imaginary interesting conversations with a thought experiment turned component of self on purpose. Why do this? Because I’m able to. I’ve got a big mind. I can fit many people in here. Not that I can’t to. But I’m able to. If I have to. And I’m gonna try to fit everybody in there. All the best parents I’ve had, they’re all going in the soup. And what’s gonna come out is gonna be completely uniquely me. But powered by all the love I’ve ever gotten, in real life, even quite recently, or even still. It doesn’t matter how old I am. It matters what I can bear on my shoulders. And I can say I’m getting just about close to being able to bear near everything on my shoulders. And that’s a lot of things!! And eventually, once I can parent myself, I’ll try to parent other grown ass adults, because “grown ass adults” are systematically denied love and parenting for no reason permanently just because of their age, which is ridiculous and doesn’t help anyone and only hurts people. It seems like no one is able to take care of themselves. Not the ones I’m around my age at least. Not perfectly, not like a perfectly raised adult. If I can be that person at some point, why the hell not be that person towards others? I’ve got enough love and strength. I do, and I should always use everything I’ve got to help people. All that emptiness, all that meaninglessness, that’s a lack of love. They know even less than I do about how to be. In some ways, at least.
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lovebiteshqs · 6 months
welcome to lovebites ker, giancarlo commare is now taken !! please make sure your account is sent in within twelve hours before our opening date, and give our checklist a read over.
⋆ ⠀⠀⠀࿐ྃ ▸ ; ⠀ [ giancarlo commare. witch/rogue. twenty-four/twenty-seven. bisexual. cis male. ] was that just LORENZO DI MEO, I saw coming out of THE OCCULT STORE? the SHOP OWNER is best to be described as SELF-CONFIDENT, but he could also be IRRESPONSIBLE and as well as being previously unmarked they can easily be noticed by THE INSISTENCE THAT HE IS A WARLOCK NOT A WITCH, SLIPPING INTO ITALIAN WITHOUT REALIZING & NO COLOUR BUT BLACK IN HIS CLOSET, as well as FOUR LEAF CLOVER ON HIS MIDDLE FINGER , which has only just appeared. /  broken mirror, open umbrella, horse shoe with ends pointed down, ravens, the word macbeth, stick figure under a ladder- poly open
⋆ ⠀⠀⠀࿐ྃ ▸ ; ⠀( giancarlo commare ) our LORENZO DI MEO is looking for their SIBLING. They would be OLDER THAN HIM and would most likely look like UTP - HAS TO BE ITALIAN. You DO NOT have to contact the player. Description: i like to imagine that the siblings are close ( the eldest moved to ‘look after enzo’ ) but they’d also be the one to call enzo out on his shit and dumbass ways. he’s extremely irresponsible with his magic and it shows, and tbh needs someone to reel him in. but also the angsty part of me would love a 'i didn’t come all this way to clean up after you all the time’ type argument to cause a drift between them.
⋆ ⠀⠀⠀࿐ྃ ▸ ; ⠀( giancarlo commare ) our LORENZO DI MEO is looking for a VAMPIRE THEY DO BUSINESS WITH. They would be UTP YEARS OLD and would most likely look like UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. Description: alright so; enzo owns an occult store, that mostly deals with dark magic items. ones that are more difficult to get and some straight up impossible, so he would need someone with that age and knowledge to find these for him, or tell him where to look. ( ideally, the vampire has to be someone on the more evil side, not scared to get caught doing things they definitely shouldn’t be ) and let’s just say, enzo will repay the favour in either his blood or in his magic.
soulmarks !
he was whipped before he met them.
like you don’t even get it, enzo??? WHIPPED for his soulmate
inlove with the idea of them since the age of 5
he was actually so heart broken when his mark didn’t come through, like cried for days, his mamma had to try and calm him down, but overall didn’t know how to help him
constantly wondered if there was something wrong with him, or if he did something wrong to not receive a mark
but also, the mere IDEA of having a vampire as a soulmark is INSANE to him
species !
born a witch at the age of three he had his first cauldron
also - lorenzo wants me to let you all know; he’s a warlock. not a witch.
he prefers the name, thinks it makes him sound more badass.
he considers his mamma the best witch he knows, he idolizes her and she taught him everything that she knows
both his parents, they taught their kids, to do as they pleased with magic
if something went wrong, it was a lesson they would learn later down the road and that’s made him more reckless in his own magic use
they’re his coven, his family
he’s also too dependant on his powers he relies on them for everything
like if anything ever happened to them? if he lost them??? i feel like he’d be a whole different person
misc !
catch up - 
he’s claiming getting his mark was the best thing to have ever happened to him
the second he finds his soulmate(s) i’m so sorry for the person he will become bc he’s just gonna be like
a whole bunch of over-excited puppy so happy and in love
character arc
idk, eventually i’d like for enzo to grow out of his spoilt rich kid aesthetic
find his soulmate settle down
maybe start their own little family-based coven ( if witch ) also, make a family of his own.
then, when he’s finally happy and things are looking good, yknow, maybe turn him. bonus points if it’s not his vampire mate and he loses his magic, he hates that idea but i love it 
background  —
lorenzo was born in florence, italy. his family had a coven of their own, and because he was born into his powers, he learned from a young age how to use his powers, as well as the ins and outs of a coven and how they worked.
his family is also extremly wealthy which highkey turned him into a spoilt brat with no actual understanding of money or its worth
once he hit eighteen and his didn’t come through he kinda lost it a little? he’s such a hopeless romantic and to not get his mark, he figured it was because something must be wrong with him 
his mama tried to help as best she could but she didn’t think there would ever be a time when vampires would get their marks back.
she wasn’t entirely happy her baby being paired with a vampire, but she also knew it just meant he was better suited for one
the two did try every spell and curse they knew, in hopes of giving him his mark, but nothing ever worked. 
eventually, he just got this feeling that italy wasn’t where he belonged.
he tried to explain it but never could, just this niggling little feeling inside him that told him he needed to be somewhere else
he needed to be away from here. 
so his parents packed him ( and his older sibling, bc they didn’t trust him being alone ) up and told him to follow his heart. ( his father instantly deciding it must be the soulmark making him feel this way, even if he didn’t have one. )
his parents were always the cheesy type though, beliving in true love and all that.
it’s where he got it from, his hopeless romantic side. 
however, once they arrived in everwinter, the feeling that had been pulling him there disappeared. he panicked at first, but after hours on the phone with his mamma, a lot of her trying to convince him he should come back home, so he met them half way with it, visiting home as often as he could while also trying to set up a life in everwinter. 
so, he set up a life for himself, finished school and went into business before eventually opening his own occult store. mostly selling and looking into all the magical objects he could only find in italty. ( eventually going into the more rarity of things )
he also looked into the coven within everwinter, but after deciding it wasn’t for him, enzo went solo. he still felt like he belonged back in his own coven.
he is more free and open with his own magic, but that was just how he was taught. reckless and irresponsible with his magic.
his mamma literally told him one time; you learn when you mess up
contact —
contact is required !
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
For the ask game: Cloverfield but make it Genshin characters instead of IRL people
~ aki
let’s just choose a zombie apocalypse to base my answer around for this ask.
in a zombie apocalypse, i would definitely try and hide. ideally, on some wide and flat hilltop on top of a steep hill, so that i could have a good view of any zombies in the vicinity. ideally there would be some farmland and some water source so i could grow food for myself and sustain myself until either the whole thing passes or i get killed: going out to raid shops would be not only dangerous, but eventually most of the food would go off (if other people haven’t taken it yet for themselves) and you’d be screwed if you couldn’t grow your own. if there’s some old and sturdy castle on top of this hill, even better.
now, characters i’d like to be with… definitely xiao and because i’m biased, cyno, because they’re both very skilled in combat should the need for violence arise. zhongli and raiden would also be similarly useful. however… it would be a little dangerous to have xiao around if he suffered from karmic debt. probably also ganyu and venti or kujou sara, so they could shoot any zombies from afar who are getting a little close to the settlement for our liking. we’d also need a healer: qiqi is probably the best option, because assuming that she’s not antagonistic towards us, she’s already a zombie, and we wouldn’t need to worry about our healer getting converted.
albedo and/or sucrose could be useful in working on a cure, and albedo (and also kokomi, who could be another healer) could be a great strategist when it comes to planning any next moves. albedo’s also not human, so maybe that would grant him some immunity to zombie infections?
kazuha would be good to have, too, because he’d be able to tell where the best hiding spots are, where there are any zombies, etc. and finally, i’d probably have xiangling with me, because she can make even the weirdest things edible, and when you’re living in a post-apocalyptic world which is running low on food supplies, you need all the skilled culinary aid you can get.
it’s quite a few characters, so maybe i’ll narrow it down a little:
xiao: despite karmic debt possibly being an issue, he’s very used to fighting enemies like this. he’s also an adept us, so he may have some immunity to zombie bites or however the disease is spread.
ganyu: she’s a skilled archer, and could eliminate any threats from afar.
kazuha: he’s an expert at tracking and detecting changes in the environment, so he’d be great for adapting to new locations and locating any oncoming zombie-induced dangers.
qiqi: a great healer who would be immune to being turned into a zombie.
kokomi: another healer, as well as a good strategist should we need one.
xiangling: we need to be able to have access to decent food.
and maybe albedo to find a cure for this zombie virus.
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7 From the Women with Ann Gray
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Ann Gray is the rising indie folk and pop singer/songwriter, who has recently released a series of singles from her upcoming debut album. She already has a few successes under her belt as the winner of the 2021 TasteBreakers Music Contest. Ann Gray’s eclectic debut EP “Foolish,” received glowing reviews and regional acclaim, picking up a Veer Music Award nomination for “Best Acoustic/Folk.” Her songs pair the whimsy of youth with the complicated nature of growing up in the modern age.
We got the chance to speak with the impressive musician about her music and career in this edition of 7 From the Women. So, without further ado, let’s dive in:
What Have You Been Working To Promote Lately?
Some of the main things that I’ve been working to promote lately are my more  recent singles, including “City of a Million,” “21st Century,” and “Teenage Rebel,” all of which are going to be featured on my debut album entitled The Half of It.  This specific collection of work serves as a sort of poetic narration of my life  over the course of about two or so years, with the name stemming from the idea  that even despite the in-depth descriptions woven into the rhymes and harmonies of it, it barely even borders on fully encapsulating “the half of it.”  
“21st Century”: https://open.spotify.com/track/7KVeAklogTAhH9SlSnaAfz?si=8cfc12c014af40a0
“City of a Million”: https://open.spotify.com/track/3yyEplEkQMbiNjgSkpxxaI?si=9f23a43f638e4a4a
“Teenage Rebel”: https://open.spotify.com/track/0D9POFLcSyqhF42Cz5K3DU?si=3fa4c8bb826941e8
Please tell us about your favorite song written, recorded, or produced by  another woman and why it’s meaningful to you  
I thought about this question for a good while, and I ultimately ended up scrolling through my “looks like I’m crying again” playlist in an attempt to find some sort  of answer to such a notorious question for musicians, which I like to compare to  asking a parent to name their favorite child and why. But me and the voices in  my head eventually unanimously decided upon one of my favorite songs of all  time: “First Day of My Life” by Bright Eyes. I think there’s something so utterly  special in a song that can make you both cry tears of joy or sadness depending  on the day, and the truly honest narrative and lyrics never fail to hit a little too  deeply. It’s one of those songs that I often catch myself listening to in a dark car  on the way home from some sort of long night, often just kind of reminding me  to slow down sometimes and really take in what’s presently going on around  me, especially since I can often tend to get so engulfed by ambitions and  external validation. This really hits close to home on the line “but I’d rather be  working for a paycheck than waiting to win the lottery,” and on another note, I  often find myself thinking of one of my best friends, Zoe, and just the way she  makes life so much more of a beautiful, glistening, and hopeful thing to live.  (haha she doesn’t know I’m writing this lol) 
What does it mean to you to be a woman making music/in the music  business today and do you feel a responsibility to other women to create  messages and themes in your music?  
Being a woman in the music industry, especially at such a young age, has  definitely posed its challenges at points. I often tend to channel these emotions  though, as I often do, through my music itself, especially in one of my more recent songs, 21st Century. I wrote this piece during a particularly strong rush of frustration with the constant and ever-changing ideals that we, as teenagers  growing up in this specific time period, are expected to aspire to and achieve. Especially with the growing presence of social media and lifestyle influencers, we’re constantly given so-called answers to what the “ideal” person is  supposed to look like, a standard that no matter how hard you try to mold to will always mutate and change depending on the newest definitions of trendy.  We’re constantly running after these new and improved ideals, but more in the  sense of the ideals being a sort of immortal golf cart and us running after it in  the heels that Gigi Hadid just told us to buy. 
What female artists have inspired you and influenced you?  
Some of my main female inspirations in the past years when it comes to music include (I mean it’d be blasphemous if I didn’t mention the ensuing name) Taylor Swift (the icon herself), Phoebe Bridgers, Lizzy McAlpine, and Joni Mitchell. Ranging from the precision  and complexity of their melodies and lyrics, to their impact on female representation and  equality in the music industry, all of these incredible women have and continue to inspire  me on a daily basis. 
Do you consider yourself a feminist? If so, why or why not?  
When I saw this question I immediately knew I just had to answer it, because as pretty much every single one of my friends can attest, I’m not very shy when it comes to  expressing my feminist frustrations. I once burst into a room this past year and when asked by a friend to describe how I was feeling, I confidently just said the words “feminine rage,” to which my teacher, whom I hadn’t known was there until then, burst out laughing just from the sheer audacity, randomness, and not to mention confidence of my response. I’ve also found myself advocating and denouncing such topics in my smaller school community such as the sexualizing of young girls through traditions such as the dress code, especially when it comes to excuses regarding that something as simple (and not to mention worn by almost half the world’s population) as a bra strap might “distract the boys.” Such statements as these continuously infuriate me, as the  emphasis is always placed on the mere garments that a woman wears rather than the rooted sexualization and overlooked/inconsequential behavior of our male counterparts. 
What was the most challenging thing you have had to face as a female  artist?  
One of the most challenging things I’ve had to face as a female artist is the  constant expectation of my image. Like, if a male musician was to show up to  a professional event with unbrushed hair and sweatpants, he would be praised for his “boldness” and “self confidence,” while if a woman of the same talent did the same, she would start trending alongside words such as “lazy” and “unkempt.” I’ve often felt pressured to manage my physical image when it comes to the industry, as there’s sort of this deeply rooted misogynistic belief that women will only be respected, or merely just taken as seriously, if we continue to look good while doing the same exact thing as a man. 
If you could form an all woman super-group who would play in it? 
Now that’s a tough one, but I think when it comes down to it, It’d probably  consist of Taylor Swift, Lizzy McAlpine, Lana Del Ray, Phoebe Bridgers, and  Brandi Carlile. 
Finally – Where can we find you online?
Instagram: @anngray_music 
0 notes
vetiversstuff · 2 years
This is a insane conspiracy theory more than anything, but here goes:
Sonic is the most powerful character.
We seldom get an explanation for his power or where it’s rooted from. We know that he’s been involved with prophecies, and can generate Chaos Energy without using a Chaos Emerald (Within Prime; Listen, I’m not even getting into Archie). He’s also the only character with this ability (I’ll get to Shadow in a second).
Hopefully, one day, this can be explained. (just one lore-filled game, SEGA, please [crossing my fingers for Frontiers])
There are many fan-theories but this is mine kinda sorta whatever.
Sonic is probably related to some type of god of chaos or celestial being somehow. Or there is something that has to do with him and Chaos in general, (maybe even dating back to Drakon; I don’t know too much about them besides they created Chaos, lmk in comments if there’s something I’m missing at any given point). We don’t have a canon origin for him, no canon parents, so that’s what I’m going with (maybe even a sort of reincarnation). When it comes down to Shadow vs. Sonic and who’s more powerful, I will always say Sonic. And not because of any reason you’re thinking.
See, how I view it, Sonic’s power is not absolute. It’s infinite. Sonic constantly uses and can regenerate Chaos Energy, though he may be ignorant of this or it’s unnecessary (for now). Take it one step further, and I say: Sonic’s power is consistently developing/growing.
Shadow, on the other hand, is like a battery. Even comparable to a leaky battery (I got this from a fanfiction I read, I forget, but it’s amazing).
Shadow has a lot of power, but is limited in how much he can control + just limited in general.
While Sonic and his power are similar to a combined entity, Shadow’s body is a vessel for his power. Without his rings, (this is not linear, that’s why [this] is more a head-canon than anything), he is able to generate the full extent of his power, but this does not come without consequences as he can become burnt out, injured, etc. Basically, he very often doesn’t come out unscathed doing so and can’t control his full power well. Also, to add, his situation with Chaos Emeralds is complicated.
Initially, he couldn’t use his powers without them. Now we know he has Chaos Energy within his body, but the usage of an Emerald greatly reduces energy spent. (I know what it says in Sonic Battle, I’m trying to create a theory based on logic.). The difference is that Shadow was CREATED with a set amount of Chaos Energy. Shadow is fully developed in that area, and he will not be able to use more than he already has. Shadow does have his advantages in this, like his fast regeneration, immunity, (immortality, which may be more of a curse). But, I will say that Sonic could be able to do this as well, if he was able to properly channel his power. At some point, I would even like to see him learn how to heal himself + others.
Sonic is totally organic and natural in his power (sorry Shadow). He’s able to use Chaos Energy exponentially without burn out or injury. And part of the reason we don’t see him use his power offensively is because of his moral code/ideals (specifically his “no kill” thing). Not to mention that Shadow is aware of this. Maybe this is just another personal head-canon, but I believe Shadow secretly acknowledges the fact that Sonic is stronger than him in many ways. (This is why he’s okay with self-sacrifice. As long as Sonic is alive, his promise is fulfilled. The world doesn’t necessarily need him.).
I’m not going to keep droning on, but that’s my belief or what I’d want to see eventually. It also draws back to my theory that when Sonic is missing from a Timeline, or dead, the world kind of goes to shit. The world needs Sonic, and at the very least this has been implemented many times throughout his story.
(Also! I really want to learn more about how Chaos affects Knuckles and Echidnas in general, if anybody has a link that is a good/simple/not Archie-centered explanation I’d really appreciate it. I know Knuckles is super powerful as well, but we don’t see that as much as we should in the games. I would like to know more about him.)
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hailhydra920 · 2 years
In The Endzone (2)
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Pairing: College!Footballplayer!Bucky x reader
Chapter 2       Series Masterlist
Summary:  You’re just the girl who plays the trumpet in the college band at the games, what does the handsome quarterback want to do with the likes of you?
Warnings: Hints of angst
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           You were nervous. Who wouldn’t be nervous if they were about to get lunch with Bucky Barnes? Taking a deep breath, you headed to the café. You spotted Bucky leaning against the wall, his eyes focused on his phone as he scrolled through social media. You didn’t really want to bother him, but as you got closer, he saw you and smiled.
           “Hey, doll.” He said pocketing his phone before looking you over. “You look amazing.”
           You felt your knees grow weak. How was he such a smooth talker? “Thanks. You look handsome.”
           He ran a hand through his hair before licking his lips. “You’re too kind, dollface.”
           He then held out his arm and you shyly linked your arm with his. He grinned at you and led you to the pizza place. You were trying to hide your excitement, and subtly checked him out as you walked. His hair was a bit fluffier today, and he was wearing a pair of fitted blue jeans. A white t shirt screamed against his chest, and his letterman jacket completed the look. It was definitely easy to fall for his looks.
           He held the door open for you as and you could feel heat crawl up your cheeks as he looked at you softly. You followed him to a table, and he sat across from you. After you decided on a pizza to share and getting your drinks, Bucky sighed and propped his chin against his hand.
           “So, I imagine this is like your hundredth date since you’re such a beauty.” Bucky said before sipping his drink.
           You shook your head. “It’s kind of embarrassing, but this is my first date since high school.”
           Bucky’s eyebrows rose and he felt his stomach twist a little before pushing it aside. “Well, I’m glad I asked you then. You got an ideal date? I’d love to take ya.”
           You felt like your heart would explode. “R-really?”
           He chuckled. “Of course! Who wouldn’t want to hang out with a pretty dame like you?”
           “Okay, well, I’ve always wanted to go stargazing with someone and just geek out about space.” Your face heated up as you saw his soft expression. “Sorry, it’s dorky.”
           “No, I think it’s cute.” Bucky responded as he smiled. He loved space, what were the chances that you loved it too? He fought the urge to stop what he was doing and come clean to you. You seemed like a nice girl, but he really wanted that money, so he decided to just stick with it. “We could make it a weekly thing. Saturday stargazing dates.”
           “Y-you actually want to hang out with me?” You asked in disbelief.
           He wet his lips and laughed. “You’re a wonder, doll. And I’m going to show you how you should be treated.”
           You smiled at him. “Well, thank you, just promise not to fall for me too hard.”
           A fully belly laugh bubbled out of him. “What’s that supposed to mean, doll?”
           You clasped your hands together and shrugged. “N-nevermind. So, what’s your ideal date.”
           Bucky’s blue eyes locked onto yours and he beamed. “Stargazing.”
           You slipped on Bucky’s football jersey with a smile. You and Bucky had been dating for two weeks and it has been amazing. He was a perfect gentleman and super sweet. You grabbed your trumpet before going to find Wanda. She was warming up on one of the bleachers and you joined her.
           “Hey girl! Looking good!” Wanda said as you laughed.
           “Thanks, Wan.”
           “That quarterback boyfriend of yours has put you in such a happy mood. You need to hook me up!” Wanda said as she eyed some of the players as they were doing some warmup drills. “Like Vision.”
           “Or you could just talk to him yourself.” You suggested before playing a few scales.
           “He’ll notice me eventually, I’m sure of it.” Wanda said staring at Vision as he ran across the field, as if staring at him long enough would make him go talk to her.
           You pat your friend on the back. “Me too.”
           More people started to file into the bleachers and you, and Wanda joined the band and started to play some music while the people were waiting for the game to start. You and Bucky made eye contact and he waved at you before making a heart with his hands. You made a heart back and he took his starting position for the kickoff.
           The game was a rollercoaster of emotions and you even found yourself cheering loudly when Bucky got in a few interceptions and tackles. You guys won and the crowd erupted into screams of celebration. You and Wanda started to make your way down to meet up with the team so you could all go celebrate.
           Bucky entered the locker room with a relived sigh as he took off his football helmet. Zemo sat beside him and clapped his back.
           “You did great out there, Barnes.”
           “Thanks.” Bucky breathed as he took a gulp of water from his water bottle.
           “You really convinced me you actually liked her for a second.”
           Bucky frowned. He wasn’t talking about the game. Bucky wasn’t going to admit it, but you were funny and cute, and he was somewhat looking forward to your dates. “Yeah, well, that’s the point, isn’t it?”
            Zemo shrugged. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll actually triple the money if you do meet the parents and date her for 2 extra months. And you dump her on her on the day before her birthday.”
           Bucky thought about it for a second. He had gotten through these past couple of weeks just fine but dumping you the day before your birthday seemed a bit harsh. “I don’t know. That seems a little cruel.”
           “Come on. Barnes, don’t be such a coward.”
           “I’m not a coward and fine, I’ll do it.” Bucky said as he aggressively untied his cleats.
           Zemo clapped him on his back again. “Atta boy.”
           “But I do have a question.”
           “Go ahead.”
           “Why her?”
           Zemo laughed. “She’s just a nobody. What will it hurt?”
           Her. Bucky thought, but he just shrugged. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
           “Alright. So, we have a deal then?” Zemo said stretching out his hand.
           Bucky grasped Zemo’s hand tightly as he shook it. “Deal.”
           “Hey, doll.” Bucky said before kissing your cheek. “Ready to go celebrate?”
           “You bet.” You said as you pulled him in for a hug. “Are we going to the diner with the team?”
           Bucky rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Actually, I was hoping we could stargaze tonight, just you and me. Something a bit calmer.”
           “Sure!” You chirped. “Sounds great.”
           Bucky stopped his truck and took out his keys before grabbing the blankets and pillows. He set them up bed of the truck before you both climbed in. Once the both of you got settled, he listened to you as you geeked out about some of the stars. His heart clenched as he looked at you all excited and full of light. He tried not to imagine how that would change if you ever found out what he was doing. You went silent after and while and you both just gazed up at the stars in awe.
           “What’s on your bucket list, doll?” Bucky asked breaking the silence.
           He propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at you. “You know, things you want to do before you die.”
           He saw you grow uncomfortable for a second before you covered it up and shrugged.
           “I don’t know. Random stuff, I guess. Catch a butterfly. Ride a motorcycle. Dance under the stars while on a boat on the open water. Kiss in the rain. It’s cheesy stuff I know, but it’d be nice.”
           Bucky hummed in thought. They weren’t big aspirations, but they spoke volumes to him as he thought about them, and how he might be able to help with some of them. Or maybe he shouldn’t. It would probably turn something good into a bad memory after he broke up with you.
           You turned on your side to get a better look at him. “What about you? What’s on your bucket list?”
           He smiled at you. “I don’t really know either. Become famous. Skydive. Own a mansion. Stuff most people want.”
           You looked back up at the stars. “I guess you’re right. Most people would think my bucket list is weird.”
           “N-no, doll. That’s not what I’m saying. Besides, why be like everyone else?” Bucky said adjusting the pillow under him. “And for the record, I think your bucket list is amazing. Just like you.”
           You looked back at him. “Really?”
His stomach twisted again, and he wanted to scream. What he was doing was wrong. So wrong, but he didn’t have the courage to stop now.
ITE Tags:  @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer​
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theoreticslut · 3 years
Mutually Curious // g.w.
george weasley x reader
requested: for @anxiousblanketqueen’s bday wc
word count: 3.8k
warnings: 18+ themes, mutual masturbation, slight dom/sub roles 
A/N: hey loves! I’ve been wanting to post this one for like a week and I just never got around to it because finals are seriously kicking my ass. I am so stressed and so tired and I just want it all to be over with. But i also really wanted to get this out before Jill’s bday on wednesday (you should totally check out her blog and participate in her bday sleepover 💗) ! Ideally, I wanted to get all the fics out for her bday wc before her bday, but alas that is not happening. Oh well, she’ll just get some late presents 😂💗 Anyways, I hope you enjoy this!! Xx
You truly enjoyed days like this - where you had nowhere to go or nothing to do. You could simply lay around all day and do whatever you pleased without feeling guilty that you were avoiding something else.
What made days like this even better is when they were spent with your best friend, George. You two had been inseparable since second year, ever since you got seated next to each other in Charms class.
Throughout the decade you’ve known each other, your friendship has evolved in some rather beautiful ways. It started with pulling pranks and just having fun in each other’s company. Then you guys started sharing secrets and deep late-night thoughts. Eventually, nothing was off-limits for the two of you to talk about.
You both were just so comfortable with the other that it wasn’t odd to share intimate details that you’d hesitate to tell others. You knew each other inside and out, ranging from the basics of favourite colours and foods, to the more advanced knowledge of deepest fears and wishes, all the way to the ultimate comfort level of knowing each other’s preferences and stories from the bedroom. You just felt completely at ease talking to George no matter what the topic was, and he reciprocated that ease.
You two never run out of things to talk about, though, as you’re always finding out more about yourselves, whether that’s a new kink you want to explore or a new fact you learned.
Today was no different. Without even thinking about it, you’re voicing a rather interesting segway question.
“You know what I’ve kind of always wanted to try?”
“What’s that, darling?” George asks, looking up at you as he’s laid down by your feet.
“Masturbating with someone.”
You can just barely hear him let out a groan before he’s humming out an answer.
“Yeah. I just wonder what it’d be like, you know, being intimate and vulnerable like that without necessarily touching the other. Not that you couldn’t touch the other, though.”
You watch as he seems to think about your statement for a couple seconds, nodding lightly.
“Yeah, it’d definitely be interesting. I mean, it’s fun to tease your partner that way - you know, not letting them touch themselves while you get yourself off - but I’ve never really thought about both people masturbating.”
“I don’t know what I’d think about it.” You admit.
“I feel like it could be embarrassing, but at the same time it really does sound like fun.”
Frowning in thought, you lean back to look at the ceiling. You can only imagine what it’d be like to masturbate with someone present. All of that attention on you, basically putting you in a spotlight. You’re not so sure about that.
“Why do you think it’d be embarrassing?” George frowns as he props himself up to look at you. He’s known you long enough now to know that you don’t get embarrassed very easily. Why would you find mutual masturbation embarrassing? It’s not like you would be the only one doing it.
“I don’t know. I guess I’m thinking I might feel too exposed?” You sigh.
“Being naked in front of a guy, touching myself, having him watch? Like with sex at least his hands are on me so his attention is a bit divided. I’m not under his full gaze, you know?”
He hums, thinking about your words. He could understand how it could be uncomfortable to have a person’s undivided attention, but at the same time he thinks it sounds pretty great - having your attention solely on him as he strokes himself. And just the idea of getting to watch you pleasure yourself has him excited, his cock twitching happily in his trousers.
“We could always try it?” He offers, not hesitating to share his thought.
“What?” You ask, a bit incredulously, sitting up to look at him, meeting his gaze almost immediately.
“I mean, if you want to. It’s not like we haven’t talked about doing things with each other before, and we’d just be getting ourselves off. We wouldn’t have to touch each other if you didn’t want to.” He explains as he rubs at the back of his neck, clearing his throat as his cock grows at the idea of watching you squirm as you come undone in front of him.
You can’t help the little needy whine that escapes your lips, cheeks growing warm at the idea. You’ve only thought of George in bed with you at least a thousand times by now. There’s no way of stopping the thoughts of his cock and what it’d look and feel like from running through your head.
“And we’re already comfortable with each other, yeah? That could help you not feel so embarrassed.” he offers, hoping you agree. He’s only dreamt of you a thousand times by now, picturing what your body looks like and what your moans and whines sound like. It’s not uncommon for him to pop a boner at the thought of you. 
You nod, understanding his thoughts. Honestly, there’s no one else you could imagine trying this with. While you’re embarrassed at the idea of your best friend seeing you naked and so vulnerable, the idea excites you to no end. You already felt safe with him, so why try this with anyone else?
“What do you say, y/n? You want to try it?”
You nod, a small whimper falling from your lips as you do. You never thought that you’d ever actually do anything with George, but Merlin have you wanted to. That’s one of the only downfalls of being so close with george - you can’t help but get turned on and want to see how true his stories are when he shares them with you.
“Y-yeah. Do you?”
“Godric, yes.” He moans, nearly panting already as he never turns his attention from you. If you thought you got turned on by his stories, you should try paying attention to him more when you tell yours. He’s constantly hiding an erection and trying to not pounce on you and make you his.
“O-okay.” You smile, already blushing as you gently chewing on your bottom lip as you figure out what to do first.
You figure that you should probably both undress first, so you cautiously grab the hem of your shirt, his eyes trained on you as he sits up.
Smiling and gently biting on your bottom lip, you slowly lift up the material to reveal your simple black bra to him, not able to stop the soft giggles from your lips as he groans.
“We’ve barely started and you’re already teasing me?”
“Not teasing you yet, Georgie. I’m just undressing.” You smirk, removing your shirt from your body.
He moans, eyes roaming over your exposed skin. Sure he’s seen your skin before while you wear shorter clothes in the summer, but watching you undress in this context for him is something he just can’t get over. He knows he’s not the first person to see your body, but that doesn’t matter when he’s the one who gets to see it right now.
“You’re so beautiful, darling. You know that, don’t you?”
You smile, a blush on your cheeks as you take in his words. You’ve been told by a number of people that you’re beautiful, but hearing it from George’s lips is otherworldly. It feels so much more sincere and intimate coming from him.
George smiles, watching as you melt at his words. He’s loving how absolutely adorable you currently look with a blush on your cheeks half undressed for him.
“Keep undressing, baby. I want to see you.” He urges, leaning back a little to spread his legs.
“Aren’t you going to?”
“Eventually, I promise. I want you to show me your beautiful body first. Can you do that for me, baby?” He asks, trying his best to contain a groan. Seeing you so vulnerable and pouty is more attractive than he would have thought.
You nod, smiling as you watch his eyelids droop in pleasure, a low moan passing through his lips.
You slowly untie the drawstrings on your sweatpants, smirking as his eyes follow every movement of your hands.
Carefully, you trail your hands over your body on top of your bottoms, enjoying the needy whimper that leaves George’s mouth. You grab at your inner thighs, purposefully avoiding your sex, loving the way that George is squirming in his spot.
Smirking, you slip your hands under the waistband of your pants, finally pulling them off your legs.
“Fuck, darling.” George groans, head lolling backwards.
He can’t help the grunt that leaves his lips at the soft giggles rising from your chest. He’s trying his best to behave, but all he wants is to take control of you.
“Georgie, you’re not watching.” You giggle, teasingly pulling the straps of your bra down off your shoulders.
“You’re being a tease, darling.”
“I would never, Georgie.” You smirk, loving the way his eyes darken at the sight of your bra straps hanging around your arms.
“No one likes a liar, y/n. Behave, angel, or maybe I’ll just leave you to get yourself off in front of me. Won’t let you see me.”
You whine, thighs clenching together at his threat as a pout forms on your puffy lips. George had mentioned he was pretty dominate, but you never expected it to be so hot, nor could you ever truly picture it. 
“No. George, please don’t. I’m being a good girl. I promise.”
Whining at his dark chuckle, you watch as he situates himself a bit on the bed.
“Show me then. Show me how good you’re being.”
You nod, unclipping your bra and tossing it across the room. You grope at your breasts, a moan falling from your lips at the pure pleasure of it.
You hate to admit it, but from the moment george offered to try this, you had gotten extraordinarily aroused. You needed relief and you were finally getting some from your touch against your breasts.
“Such pretty tits, baby.” He praises, eyes glued to your chest and the way you wriggle under your own ministrations.
“Why don’t you take one of your hands, angel, and touch yourself through your panties? I bet your wet already, yeah?”
You whine, trailing your right hand down your body to the waistband of your panties, teasing it gently. You slide your pointer finger just under the band, enough to lift it from your skin and send shivers throughout your body, before you let it softly snap against your body.
“You like teasing yourself, darling?” George asks, restraining from touching you himself.
He just wants to see how wet you are. The idea of a wet spot growing on your panties while you rub yourself has him nearly wild.
You smirk, chewing on your bottom lip as you start to touch yourself, your fingers against your heat feeling amazing.
“Oh, George. Feels so good.” You moan, eyes shutting and head falling back against the pillows.
“I bet it does, darling. I bet you want to finger yourself right now, yeah?”
“Yes. Yes, George. I do.”
“Well wait a minute now, okay? You want to watch me undress, yeah?”
You nod lazily, trying your hardest to prop your head back up through your initial wave of pleasure.
He smiles, loving your blissed out face already as he lifts off his shirt. He smirks as he hears you hum in admiration.
Once off, he tosses it onto the floor and turns his attention back to you. He can’t help but chuckle as he watches your eyes trail over his torso. He knows he’s fit, having played quidditch for years, but having you admire his body has his ego rapidly inflating.
He carefully undoes the button on his jeans, slowly undoing the zipper and watching as you watch his every move.
He groans as he notices you slowly start rubbing your fingers over your pussy through your panties.
“So pretty for me, darling. Touching yourself while I undress. You’re so pretty, but you’re needy, yeah? Can’t even wait ‘til I’m out of my trousers.”
He smirks at the whine that leaves your lips, watching as your fingers slow down and you squeeze your legs together.
“M sorry, Georgie.”
“Don’t apologize, darling. I like how needy you are.” He smiles, watching you with pure adoration.
You blush at his words, unaware that he’s watching you intently as you watch his hands.
You whine as he slowly pulls off his pants, his boxers coming right along with them. You nearly drool as you watch his cock spring free from their constraints, and the groan that leaves George’s lips alongside it is pure heaven.
“Can you take off your panties, baby girl? Please?”
You nod, carefully hooking your fingers under the material on each of your hips, before swiftly sliding them down your legs, leaving you bare in front of your best friend.
“Godric you’re so pretty. Knew you would be, but bloody hell, darling.”
You blush, a whine slipping past your lips as he chuckles, grabbing the base of his cock.
“Fuck, baby. Show me how you make yourself feel good.”
You start at your chest again, softly groping each of your breasts and rolling your nipples between your fingers. You sigh gently at the feeling, registering George’s heavy panting across from you.
You carefully open your eyes to look at him, finding it difficult due to the pleasure coursing through your body.
You watch as he slowly strokes his cock, rubbing his thumb over the slit for a second or so whenever he reaches the top. Moaning softly at the sight, you slowly start trailing your hand down your body towards your sex.
Bucking against your hand as you reach your clit, you listen as George hisses, drawing your attention to him.
You watch as he grips his cock a bit tighter, his eyes closing gently in pleasure, falling backwards.
“You look so handsome, Georgie. Love when you throw your head back.” You giggle, loving the groan that leaves him and the small smile that forms on his face.
“You’ll be the death of me, y/n. The absolute death of me.” He smiles, watching as you blush and close your eyes gently while you play with your clit. This feels so much better than you could have imagined, your pussy already so wet and fluttering for george.
“Oh, George!” You gasp as you slip your middle finger past your folds, not thinking much about your actions anymore. whatever felt good is what you were doing.
“Ohhh, feels so good.” You mumble, starting to finger yourself as George watches intently, throat going dry. He wants nothing more than to take over for you, to finger you himself and to maybe get a taste. It’s taking everything in him to hold back, wanting to watch you pleasure yourself.
He watches as your fingers speed up, drawing you closer and closer to your release, moans and whimpers falling freely from your lips.
Before either of you truly realize it, you’re gasping as you come undone in front of him. You can feel your wetness seeping out of your cunt as the haze of pleasure slowly clears from your mind.
“That was so hot, baby.” George states, mouth softly closing as he watches you come to, his cock throbbing as he’s close to release himself just from watching you. 
“Oh, George. Y-you haven’t cum.” You pout, looking over his face as he scoffs.
“I don’t care, darling. Seeing you come undone was more than enough.”
“C-can I touch you? I want to finger you, baby. Please?” He asks, cutting you off from whatever argument you were going to give.
“You want to finger me?” You ask, a little surprised at his bluntness.
George nods enthusiastically, practically drooling at the idea. He can just imagine how warm and soft you must feel.
“C-can I touch you?”
“Merlin, please. Yes, y/n. Please touch me.” He begs, finding it hard to wait for your answer.
“Okay then. Go ahead, Georgie.” You blush, biting on your bottom lip as he practically pounces on you, fingers quickly finding your folds and running through them.
You jolt at the sudden friction, your previous orgasm having left you more sensitive than you realized.
“Hold on, George.” You gasp, grabbing a hold of his wrist to stop his ministrations.
“Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?”
“Didn’t do anything wrong, baby boy, I’m just sensitive. Need you to give me a second.” You explain, trying to catch your breath.
He nods, breath catching in his throat at the pet name. He’s had women be more dominant with him, but none have ever called him that. He never realized just how nice it could sound, but he’s sure it only sounds so nice because you spoke it. Regardless, he wants to hear you say it again.
“Okay, Georgie. Start gentle, please.”
“Like this?” He asks, his fingers barely touching you as he circles your entrance, occasionally dancing up to play with your clit.
“Just like that. Feels so good, baby. You can add a little more pressure if you want.”
You gasp, nodding as he increases the pressure in which he touches you.
“So good, Georgie.” You sigh, slowly reaching out for his cock between the two of you.
“C-can you call me that again?” He asks a bit bashfully, shivering as you faintly circle his tip with your finger.
“Call you what?”
“B-aby boy.” He gasps, your hand grasping around him tighter.
“Oh? You like that name, do you? Like being called baby boy?” You giggle, stroking his cock slowly.
“Yes.” He groans, bucking into your hand.
“Alright, Georgie, baby. You’re doing so good, but you can speed up now if you’d like to baby boy.”
He nods, finally taking control of your pleasure now that he knows you’re okay. He sighs as he can smell, and practically taste you, wanting more than anything to do so.
You quicken your movements on his cock as you feel yourself clench around his fingers. You want, more than anything, to make sure he gets to cum this time around.
“So close, Georgie. I want you to cum with me, baby boy. You think you can do that?”
He nods, bucking once again into your hand as you swipe your thumb over his slit, spreading his pearly precum around.
You can feel him twitch as you smirk, moaning as he leans up to start kissing at your neck.
“George.” You whine, eyes closing at how amazing his lips feel on you.
“Yes, darling?” He smirks.
“Who’s the tease here, now?” You pant, squeezing at his cock as you stroke him, loving as he shivers in pleasure.
“I th-ink it’s still you, baby.” He smirks, nipping at your neck.
“If you’re going to kiss me, can it at least be my lips?” You pout, wanting to kiss him so bad. You’ve always wondered what his lips would feel like against yours.
He chuckles, leaning up a bit further to capture your lips with his, both of you moaning at the sensation.
You can feel him twitch against you as you clench around his fingers, both of you close, but you had a feeling George was closer.
Sighing into the kiss, you squeeze your hand around the base of his cock, gently tracing the outline of his balls as he jolts.
“Fuck!” He groans as he cums, spilling his warm seed onto your thigh as you clench around him again, so close to cumming a second time.
“I’m so close, Georgie. Don’t stop, baby, please.” You beg, still slowly stroking him to milk his release.
With his eyes shut tight, he curls the two fingers inside you, perfectly hitting where you needed him to to send you over the edge.
“Yes, George!” You gasp, coming undone on his fingers.
He groans, eye shooting open although they’re heavy with his own pleasure. There’s no way he’s going to miss watching you cum around his fingers.
“So...pretty. So pretty, angel.” He mumbles, completely blissed out from his own release and then watching yours.
He sighs as he gently removes his fingers from your sex, groaning as he stuffs them into his mouth.
You both lay there for a few minutes, him laying practically on top of you as you both regain your energy and catch your breaths.
He’s the first to look up at you, admiring the post-coital state you’re in - happily playing with his hair and thinking with a soft smile fixed on your lips.
“So? What did you think?” He murmurs, watching you for your reaction.
You smile as you look down at his face, taking in how tired he looks.
“It was amazing, George. Something I’d definitely be willing to do again.”
“Yeah? I’m glad. I’m thinking next time we go all the way? What do you think?”
“All the way?” You ask him, quirking a brow in amusement.
“After you taste me, we get to see how my dick feels inside you.”
“Oh, so you just want to fuck now, yeah?” You laugh, pausing your hand in his hair as he chuckles, burying his face into your neck in slight embarrassment.
“Well, I’d kind of like to take you out on a date and ask you out if that’d be okay?” he smiles, muffled by your neck as he presses hot kisses to the skin.
“Oh yeah?” You tease, smiling just as he nips at your neck, sending a shiver throughout your body.
“Definitely. Best friends is wonderful, but I think we both know we want more, yeah?” He smiles, watching as you chuckle, a small blush taking over your cheeks.
“Just took us messing around to actually admit it.” He adds.
“Admit what now, Georgie?”
“That I want to be with you, as your boyfriend and maybe more someday. That I love you and always have.” He smiles cheekily, leaning up to kiss you as you giggle, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before pulling away.
“I love you.” You smile, absentmindedly picking up where you left off in playing with his hair.
You both lay in a comfortable silence for a minute or so, basking in each others love and body heat. You never expected your day to turn out like this, but you were glad it did. 
“Thank you for trying this with me, but I agree, next time we go all the way.” 
George chuckles at your words, a smile on his face as he presses a sweet kiss to your lips, his arms wrapping around you as he pulls you in close to him for a short nap.
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what’s stopping you from creating a harem?
let the little birdie be doted on by pretty anime boys, she’s earned it
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[Referring to this post!]
(Raven art by shimmeryspark!)
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Well, since you asked (which, by the way, I’m both surprised and flattered by??? 😳) you shall receive~ Please note that none of this is meant to be taken seriously as Raven canon, I’m just throwing ideas around for fun. 
(ahbfiyoabdsabd And to answer wildnya before I begin! I think it’s impractical to have 20+ characters romantically interested in the same person! While I’m open to exploring the potential of other ships, a harem is not something I’d want to be “endgame” for Raven. I want her to have friends and other loving platonic relationships too, because those are just as important to cultivate!)
Alright, with that out of the way... I’ve scribbled my ideas below the cut! (Some sections are longer than others because I had a less concrete idea of how I think their relationship would go, so I just kept on throwing out random thoughts that crossed my mind; it’s not a reflection of how “good” I think one ship is over another.)
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“There you are; your teacup is topped off. Now then, would you like clotted cream or strawberry jam with your scones? I’m rather partial to the strawberry myself.” — Riddle
Riddle and Raven both have that smol, studious/serious, yet angree energy going for them 😤 so right off the bat, they’re already got a lot of similarities. They’ve also both got a bone to pick with the Leeches. I can see them studying or just gossiping about the twins over afternoon tea (and which is something I also mentioned in their friendship).
I feel that Riddle and Raven can bond on a deeper level due to their similar struggles as well. In a way, they are both characters who look young, but have been forced to “grow up” faster due to their unique circumstances, leaving them both with unfulfilled childhoods and a childish side which they hide or are ashamed of showing. It would be nice if they could eventually relax around one another and revel in the childhoods that they missed out on... Maybe experience a crush for the first time? 😂 And awkwardly fumble through all the new feelings together, attempting to hold hands, etc. At the same time, I can see a drawback in them being so similar; they’d probably enable one another’s worst habits (overworking, for example), so they’d actually have to become aware of that and work on keeping one another in check.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Raven just kitten sneezing because she’s allergic to the pollen of all the flowers in the Heartslabyul gardens so Riddle quietly sets out a box of tissues every teatime but doesn’t comment on it out loud... It would also be cute if he just whipped out his butter knife and perfectly sawed a strawberry in half just to give it to her ❤️ or just picking out cute clothes for each other, since it feels like they have similar fashion sense, too!
“Whoa, careful there. You might cut yourself on that blade--wait, you’re putting it in wrong!! Don’t tell me you don’t know how to use a food processor. I guess it can’t be helped... Here, let me show you.” — Trey
Honestly, I feel like Raven would fall into the same trap that she fell in with Jade. The only difference between Trey and Jade is that Trey is just Some Guy (TM) trying to live life (and who only helps her because it saves himself some trouble), whereas Jade has more dubious intentions. She’d initially gravitate toward Trey because he gives those “reliable big brother” vibes, only to kind of have her illusion shattered later because he’s not really that idealized version of him that she came up with in her head. (Like, maybe there’d be this moment where Trey jokes about putting oysyer sauce in a pie, but Raven, not knowing much about human food at the time, believes him and just slaps the sauce in, then happily eats the oyster pie when it’s done?? And Trey is just standing there and staring like “WTF kind of a demon child are you? Are your taste buds broken?”)
I can see them doing favors for each other on a regular basis. Trey could share some of the plants he grows in the greenhouse with Raven, Raven could give him some of the herbs she grows in her room; Trey would use the herbs and such for baking and cooking, Raven could use his plants for ink. As they help each other out in the lab and in the kitchen, they’d come to learn more about each other and appreciate each others’ own rationality and pragmatism compared to the rest of the weirdness that is NRC. They’re basically the “reasonable” parts of Heartslabyul and/or Crowley’s administration, respectively. I can’t imagine that either of them would be particularly smooth about asking the other out (since Raven is only good at writing romance, and Trey is just... hopeless); they’d be a pretty awkward couple!
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 When they both try their best to be romantic but they both just suck at it so it turns out all wrong, but they still have fun anyway................. Like, they use cutesy nicknames but just end up laughing, or they just casually tell each other how terrible their corny lines are. They have no shame in calling each other out... Trey making chocolate or marzipan birdies and feather decorations on his sweets and sending them to her so she has something to nibble on when she writes late into the night 😌 Maybe with dumb little notes, too~ AHLDivfoavsyfviyadv AND TREY ALWAYS NAGS HER TO EAT MORE............
“Eeeh? You’ve never used Magicam before, Rae-chan? Seriously, how were you even living before coming to NRC? Well, never mind that. You can count on Cay-kun to show you the ropes, okay?” — Cater
I don’t think Raven would initially get along with Cater. She sees him as a little pushy and gaudy, especially with his insistence on helping her start a Magicam account. On Cater’s end, he’s pretty much only helping her for clout ✨ However, I feel that there’s a lot of important things Raven could actually stand to learn from Cater (like how to socialize, how to express herself, and how to use social media/online platforms to connect with people whose faces she may not see). Maybe he even helps her set up a writing blog 😂 And maybe when he sees her writing, he’s impressed, even envious (?), of how she can so easily express herself in script when he can’t.
I’m not sure how exactly, but I think sooner or later, Raven would suspect that there’s something up with Cater. His facade might slip, or cracks may appear just briefly enough for her to get a glimpse into his innermost feelings. And, of course, Cater’s terrified so he tries to cover it up, even distance himself... and maybe Raven calls him out on his hypocrisy, because Cater had previously helped her learn to find her own voice and express herself before. “Now it’s my turn to support you, Cater-senpai.” It’ll be kind of tumultuous for sure, since Raven is still clumsy with judging and expressing her feelings and Cater is in a sensitive spot emotionally and mentally 💦 but it would be nice to see them earnestly try to help each other while still being their own people. Because, like them, love is imperfect, but they still want to give it a chance.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Cater just casually calling Raven “Rae-chan” since day 1, but trying to get her comfortable with calling him “Cay-kun” and every time she fails, she just curls up into an embarrassed ball on the floor... helping her get used to the camera except she does the thing where she just covers her face in her hands every time Cater tries taking a selfie with her... SMILE PRACTICE fnsgwshdehieeje... And for those moments when they’re feeling down, they can spoon each other and talk until they both knock out :v
“Hah? I heard that the headmaster’s kid was in our homeroom, but I didn’t expect you to be some brat. What, you’re angry now? Just goes to show how much of a kid you really are.” — Ace
Okay, this is your “idiot doesn’t know how to express their feelings, so they bully the target of their affections in hopes of getting their attention” trope. Ace first approaches her because well... hey, she’s kind of cute? But he’s also weirdly turned off by the idea that she’s related to Crowley, so it’s complicated— Except Ace is an asshole, so he speaks to her in a teasing manner and offends her right off the bat. It paints him in a bad light, and their relationship spirals downwards from there. Every time he tries to say something nice, it comes out snarky and never as kind had he had intended it to be. bfjsnsksks I imagine he tries practicing in a mirror at home, or he psychs himself up, only to flop miserably when he puts it to practice. And so he can only continue interacting with her the only way she knows how.
One of the main things Ace teases Raven about is her “crap taste in guys”. Ace is a lot smarter than people give him credit for, so I think he’d pick up fast that Raven has a thing for certain guys. I can see him being sneaky and volunteering to help her practice asking them out, and while she initially (reluctantly) agrees, she eventually becomes frustrated with Ace’s nitpicks and calls it off. I think his confession would just result from that built up tension over time, listening to her go on and on about why she likes X and Y so much. At some point, Ace can’t hold it in anymore and just tells Raven she’s dumb for always chasing after upperclassmen when he’s literally right here and would treat her so much better. Yes, he’s a pick me/j
She’s dense, so it would take Raven a long time to come to terms with it and agree to give Ace a chance. Raven keeps him at an arm’s length and makes it clear that she’s still suspicious of him (which honestly is fair given how he has treated her up until then). He’ll have to do something pretty selfless or kind to fully earn her trust, and her heart.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Bickerbickerbickerbickerbickerbicker... Ace bragging every chance he gets, but Raven just interrupts him with a jab to stomach and reminding him to be humble... being a smug idiot and glancing at the stands every time he does an impressive basketball trick or shot, just to see if she saw it (90% of the time she didn’t, she has her head in her journal)... He tries to read her diary to see if she doodles/writes any embarrassing stuff about him, but it’s just a log of the dumb things he has done/said so she can recite them to him later 😌
“Ace! You can’t just talk to a girl like that! Show some respect...! Oh, um! I’m Deuce. Deuce Spade. It looks like we’re going to be classmates from now on, so please take care of me!” — Deuce
Unlike Ace, Deuce is actually someone Raven could actually get along with. He comes off as well-meaning and determined, even if he isn’t the brightest. Raven can help him study, and because of that, Deuce feels indebted to her. As friends, they hang out after classes sometimes, and during that time, Deuce notices that she’s not particularly strong (physically), so he feels like he has to “protect her”, similar to how he is protective of his mom and his grandma.
One day, Raven witnesses Deuce snapping and going delinquent mode on a mob student (for any reason, I don’t care what it is), and that completely changes her opinion on him. Both of them feel bad (Deuce because he couldn’t control his rage, and Raven because she’s reevaluating her thoughts on a dear friend), but they have to eventually accept that Deuce is still himself, delinquent or not. They make up with one another and promise to not keep any more secrets (but because of that, Deuce blurts out his confession... and when Raven stares at him, he just goes, “You... You didn’t want any more secrets. I wanted to honor my word.”)
They’d have the dynamic of being a cute and wholesome couple that’s easily embarrassed by displays of affection! The kind that happily introduce each other to their family without any fear but get all flustered when asked about how they met. Deuce will probably lose it on you if you like, shove Raven and refuse to apologize 😂 though she tries her best to temper him. In contrast to Ace, Deuce is more humble about his relationship and just quietly appreciates that he has it.
In a way, Raven acts like sort of a “big sis” figure to Deuce… Tutoring him, acting as someone he looks up to. And Deuce does the whole “you motivate me to be a better man” schtick 💀
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Magical wheel ride except Deuce is driving so damn fast Raven’s clutching onto him from behind and screaming... They have cute matching egg keychains? Like each half of a cracked egg or something! fbjsbejebeje And they both just love cute things, so you’ll find them window shopping and oohing at some cute plushie or something~ Deuce’s mom tells embarrassing baby stories every chance she’s on the phone with Raven— Meanwhile, Deuce gets super nervous around Crowley now... He just bends at a 90-degree angle and shouts “dad” at him, which freaks Crowley out...
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“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the headmaster’s prized Canary. Don’t think you can freely come and go from my territory as you please. There are consequences.” — Leona
Lemme just say that Leona and Raven would be like a cat and a bird dog, always at each other’s throats. Leona isn’t fond of Raven because he sees her as a spoiled princess/Crowley’s “golden girl”. This is where the nickname “Canary” comes from; it’s a mocking reference to how Leona feels about her. The bright color of the canary’s hide also contrasts with Raven’s actual colors, so it’s also a jab at her personality. All of this is to say Leona is petty and I stan that. As for Raven’s views on Leona, they’re not much more positive. She thinks of him as a lazy slob and a brute that namely resorts to force to get what he wants.
I’m going to be lazy here and say go read the snippets I wrote for EBG if you want more details, but essentially, Raven and Leona come to realize they are similar in some ways. Yeah, they still argue, but they share some of their insecurities, and they can relate in the fact that they both feel “cursed”. In Raven’s sense, it’s a literal curse, and in Leona’s sense, he feels like his UM is a curse. They understand the pain of feeling isolated and alone in the world, and they both struggle to convey it to others. Also, even if both of them would never admit it, they have their ways of bringing levity to each others’ lives. Raven’s wonder and curiosity may be a thorn in Leona’s side, but it does expose him to a more lighthearted facet of life. And Leona, for all of his bitterness, does get Raven to venture out of her comfort zone by taunting her. It’s unintentional, but they’re helping each other without really knowing it. (If you followed the EBG story, Raven comes to the realization that Leona’s nicer and far more intelligent than he lets on, too!)
Their relationship will be a very slow and gradually developing one. In a similar fashion to Ace, I feel like Leona would one day be fed up with Raven talking about someone else. Maybe some bitterness about being second place mixes in with his jealousy and he makes a remark about how he aims to be “king”/her “number 1” 😂 probably in that low, menacing tone or paired with a kabedon or something, I don’t know— Raven’s not used to Leona being so (romantically) aggressive fhhshsks so I can see her freaking out and needing some time away to sort out her own feelings. Leona wouldn’t force anything though, he’d respect her wishes and wait for the idiot bird to come to him herself.
This is another couple that would bicker a lot. They don’t see eye to eye often, they have hang-ups with each other’s personalities, and they don’t often overtly express their affection, but they care for each other in spite of that. Leona’s more of the type to “love” with snarky comments or with touch (and by “touch”, I mean literally just using Raven as a pillow substitute). He has his moments where he acts like a little kid and needs to be chided to go to class or to eat vegetables, but he has his methods of charming his way out of them. Raven eventually gets used to being his pillow and ends up also falling asleep on him half of the time. Though Leona complains about it, he does remind her every now and again it’s fine to be more selfish. Meanwhile, she’s his little support bird, speaking to him about his problems not directly, but via analogies made by stories. It’s more comfortable for Leona to talk about his problems this way, since he’s personally removed from them. They balance each other out.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Leona just being a casual rat bastard and doing everything he can to embarrass her, even something as small as blowing in her ear when she isn’t expecting it... (he does it a lot in front of Crowley just to piss him off) Raven making picture books for Cheka because he deserves nice things, Leona makes a comment about how she’s already “kissing up” to his family... they take little broomstick strolls through the sky... chess nights where Leona has a win streak but Raven still won’t give up trying to outdo him... Leona rigs a tire swing up and uses it as an excuse to invite her over (he still claims he finds her singing and lectures annoying though)...
“Heee~ Fancy meeting you here, Raven-kun. Guess even the headmaster’s kid has bills to pay. Madol really is the universal language huh~ Even animals understand it!” — Ruggie
Ruggie is a tricky one. Raven has no problems with him... until she finds out he’s a pickpocket the hard way (when he snuck some of her allowance from her wallet). She also associates Ruggie with Leona (and her opinion of him is initially quite low) as his “lackey”. When she sees Ruggie, she often lectures him and demands to see his pockets, which Ruggie never does. He’s usually scurrying off to his next job (though he seems to behave while on duty, thank goodness). Ruggie is generally indifferent about Raven; he mostly gets a laugh out of her confused noises, though he doesn’t like how demanding she can be.
Ruggie x Raven kicks in when, due to a series of unfortunate events, Raven is forced to take on part time jobs to pay for something she needs, or to repair something. She feels too ashamed/guilty to ask Crowley for money or feels that she must take responsibility for it herself, so she takes on odd jobs around campus. Ruggie happens to also have those same odd jobs, so, as the senior member of staff, he’s tasked with training the newbie up. It’s a huge mess at first, since Raven isn’t used to doing manual labor. She’s concerned with tidiness and perfectionism, while Ruggie’s fine with just getting the job done and done “good enough”. They can bond over their work shifts (where they are forced to be together), with Raven coming to appreciate Ruggie’s work ethic and Ruggie seeing that Raven is willing to pick up new skills even when she started with nothing, much like him.
I think it’d be really cute if Ruggie just fnsbsjs nonchalantly invites her out to lunch (on one of their breaks or something?) and they just chill, share cheap food, shoot the shit... simple, down-to-earth things. Raven usually has a very fancy way of speaking, but for once in her life, she’d be able to unwind and speak with someone else coloquially. Ruggie strikes me as the type of person who’d casually ask someone out, then just as quickly brush it off as a joke if they sense that the other person isn’t into it... but because Raven’s gotten the chance to know him, she feels more inclined to say yes.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Ruggie scavenges a bunch of raw materials for Raven’s enchanted inks when he could eat them or repurpose them for his own purposes... Raven custom dying a scarf for Ruggie... Granny Bucchi constantly asking Ruggie when he’s finally going to let him meet his girlfriend... Raven making all kinds of foods to feed Ruggie 😭 They send letters via the birds to each other when they’re far apart (since they can both communicate with birds)... HE TUGS THE CORNERS OF HER LIPS TO MAKE HER SMILE..........
“... Are you lost? You don’t look like you belong at Night Raven College. Get going, before someone else finds you here. They’ll show no mercy to the weak.” — Jack
Ah, yes. Another emotionally constipated boy 😌 Raven’s more intimidated by Jack’s imposing stature than his personality. Animals with his type of build could easily tear her apart in the wild, so she steers clear of him at all times. By comparison, Jack doesn’t even pay attention to her existence until he finds something she dropped one day and tracks her down (via smell) to return it. Raven gets the wrong idea and thinks he’s trying to hunt her down, so she panics and runs, leading to a huge Scooby Doo style chase throughout campus. She collapses from exhaustion before Jack does, and right before he can claim her life, he anticlimactically returns her item and warns her to be more careful next time.
I think their relationship would mostly be about Raven coming to see Jack more as a person instead of as this weird caricature based on his intimidating outward appearance. (Maybe she gets formally introduced to him via Deuce? And Jack kind of looks out for her because he doesn’t like the idea of the strong picking on the weak) Once she realizes how she misjudged him, she calls herself a fool for jumping to conclusions and decides that she needs to repent somehow. So, gathering up her courage, she apologizes to Jack and promises that she’ll strive to do better so she doesn’t repeat the same mistakes again. I think her nobility and willingness to accept fault, at the cost of her own pride, would resonate with Jack. Though he isn’t really concerned with what others think of him, he’d appreciate that someone else came out and confessed to being wrong. He’d accept her apology but tell her that he expects her to stay true to her word.
This is another romance that I feel would be really slow to blossom (mostly because the two people involved are both emotionally stunted). Essentially, it would start out as an awkward friendship, with both of them looking out for the other. Maybe Raven gets this idea in her head that she wants to become stronger herself so she’s not as much of a burden for Jack, but no matter how hard she tries, she can’t really make significant improvements. But she keeps trying and trying, and it’s that determination, that spark of hope that always lingers about her, that softens Jack up in her presence.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Raven hanging off of Jack’s arm like it’s money bars at a park or something??? And just being hauled around in general since she’s so tiny compared to him... Leaning against his tail as kind of a cushion while she’s writing, but she just ends up falling asleep and Jack doesn’t have the heart to wake her/tell her to get off... Raven coming to watch his track meets, just planting down in the grass and doing her work, greeting Jack with a handkerchief to wipe off his sweat or a bottle of water to cool off...
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“I’m honored to welcome such an esteemed guest to the Mostro Lounge. If you enjoy your dining experience here, please do consider putting in a good word for us to the headmaster, Raven-san.” — Azul
Like in the Tale of the Cursed Raven, Azul initially develops an interest in Raven because he sees her as an easy “in” with the headmaster. Basically, she’s a useful connection he can exploit for personal gain and profit. He does all of his usual things, kissing up to her and offering his help, should she need anything, just to get in her good graces. Raven, being as gullible as she is when she first arrives at NRC, takes him at face value and accepts his acts of “kindness”, coming to think of Azul as genuinely kind.
But hey, maybe the more time she spends with Azul, the more she comes to realize she’s being used to meet some end goal, and maybe she’s okay with that because she’s so desperate to have a friend. On Azul’s end, maybe he starts feeling guilty because he’s aware that she knows what’s happening here, and he’s unsure if he should keep perpetuating it or to just cut things off because oh no, he started to feel attached to her somewhere along the way. He could also be struggling with his own policy of keeping his distance from “clients” to prevent himself from getting hurt. The vibes of this storyline would be like a business transaction turned into “something more”.
Another idea I considered is Raven being Azul’s “business rival”. In an earlier concept draft for the Tale of the Cursed Raven, Raven was going to start a “Fairy Godmothering” service where she would try to help out the residents of NRC (post Jade betrayal) because she wanted to do something positive to get her mind off of those events. Azul was going to find out about it because he notices a decline in deals made at the lounge, but this idea got scrapped because I had no idea where to go from there. To be honest, I’m not sure what to do with this idea for Azul x Raven either, but I figured I would throw it in here anyway. I guess the dynamic for this path would be “rivals to lovers”?
In a sense, I feel like Raven and Azul can relate in their backgrounds. They’re both people who are deeply insecure about their own pasts, Azul because he was relentlessly bullied, and Raven because she was insignificant, and not truly a part of their “world”. I don’t think either would willingly come out to one another about how insecure they are, but it would be interesting topic of discussion for them to be open with one another about it.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Azul playing the piano while Raven just hums along, sometimes coming up with random lyrics on the fly... helping Azul taste test new menu items but Raven feels bad eating it all by herself so she just holds up a spoon to Azul and tells him to go “ahhhh”... getting into a passive aggressive argument over who’s paying for the entire dinner bill 😌 all classics, I’m sure~
“Oya, it seems that there is much you have yet to learn about the world. Fufu. You need not worry. I would be more than happy to be your tutor. After all, I found myself in your situation not too long ago. Consider this my way of ‘paying it forward’.” — Jade
I’m going to summarize Jade’s perspective in the ongoing series Tale of the Cursed Raven 😂 But basically, he initially enages with Raven because she seems like someone who would have useful information/connections. At that time, she had a very innocent outlook on the world and didn’t know much about what it is to be “human”, so Jade finds amusement in how readily she believes anything he says, at the sparkle in her eyes when she makes a new discovery. He gets to reexperience everything “for the first time” with her, and all the joys that come with it.
He opens up a whole new world to her, and she falls in love with all of it, letting her creativity and wonder take shape instead of being afraid of her unfamiliar environment. Expeditions out into the wild, gathering ingredients together, documenting new plants and mushrooms... Those are all important moments where Raven gets to really see that “soft”, more genuine side to Jade. (That’s what makes his betrayal hurt so much more later. It feels like everything, even the beautiful world she was introduced to, was all a lie.)
Of course I’m going to be biased towards this particular pair, but I really like the concept of playing with duality in their relationship. What is a truth? What is a lie? What is fact? What is fiction? It’s those kinds of questions that propel their relationship. With Jade, Raven never really knows what can be trusted and what can’t be, and with Raven, Jade can get a laugh out of teasing her, but he’ll never truly know what’s going on in her mind, just that she’s no longer as wide-eyed and open as she used to be. It’s one big game of truth and lies, with both being too prideful to admit defeat. That makes it interesting for me to write their back-and-forths because they don’t come across as “arguing” (like Leona and Raven), but more like they’re trying to one-up each other in an exchange of wits.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 (Going to limit myself to a few ideas, because otherwise I would literally go on forever and ever since I find almost anything Jade and Raven do together cute—) OVERSIZED CLOTHING OVERSIZED CLOTHING maybe he offers Raven his jacket or wraps his scarf around her 😳 CaMPING TRiPS... Househusband J Leech complete with a dumb apron... starting a little garden together... dndbdjsnskdns giving that rare true smile of his behind closed doors and getting a real kick out of Raven having a panicked reaction when he gets too close or gets affectionate ............................ ........... ...... ... .. . . . .
“Ne, ne~ When are you gonna get bored of Jade and come play with me, Black Pearly? I promise I won’t squeeze you... too hard!” — Floyd
It’s only on a whim that Floyd first approaches Raven. I mean, she’s a new element to NRC, so of course he’d be curious. Plus, he hears she’s got a thing for his brother, so he’s got to bully her about it 😂 He keeps bothering her and asking about things he can’t find out about elsewhere (like maybe if it was fun being a bird?), sometimes getting super invasive or personal. I can also see Floyd being annoyed or frustrated with Raven for being so restrictive with herself. She’s always holed up or limiting her actions and words instead of just saying what’s on her mind. Raven would also have a short fuse with Floyd, on account of him being so unpredictable and chaotic.
Like with Cater, Raven could stand to learn a lot from Floyd. She’s very controlled and reserved, whereas Floyd advocates for freedom, a concept while Raven idealizes but thinks that she can never fully realize. Some of her resentment for Floyd may just come down to being jealous that he can act so carefreely and not care about what others think or what the consequences are. By being around Floyd, maybe Raven can also learn to loosen up and take life in stride.
Floyd plays rough so um 😂 bye, Raven??? Have fun being tossed around, I guess???? He would definitely push her to get out of her comfort zone. That’s his own way of showing and teaching her about the world, compared to Jade’s more calm and traditional methods. Raven wouldn’t be happy about it in the moment, but later on she’d recognize those times as valuable learning experiences. Floyd would enjoy her a lot more once she starts to open up and become more adventurous. A fully realized Raven with a sense of her own agency, someone that can always keep him guessing with her creativity... that’s what Floyd loves.
Floyd’s much more fickle than any other character, but once he has his mind set on something, he’s persistent. When he realizes his feelings, he might be more clingy or express overt jealousy when she chooses other people or activities over him. He’d just chsvsjdnkdfbfbd casually say that he loves her and Raven keeps brushing it off because “it’s such a Floyd thing to say”; he’d really need to do something big to get it through her thick skull.
Floyd and Raven would be that couple you see and go “... Why the heck are they together?” From a distance, they’re pretty different in terms of personality. However, they do share a similarity in that they like their independence and their ability to act freely. I don’t think Raven would actually do a very good job at keeping Floyd in check (he usually does whatever he wants anyway), but she gets dragged along in his misadventures anyway, and comes out of it with an interesting story to tell. The dynamic’s like... wild child boyfriend and tired girlfriend that gave up trying to keep him on a leash but will happily walk with him into danger just to make sure he doesn’t do anything too reckless.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Floyd yoinking Raven because he feels like it... Just YOINK, no regard whatsoever for what she’s doing at the moment. He wants attention, and he wants it NOW. cbjsbsjsns And then tucking her under his arm or over his shoulder and nyooming out... Maybe he even tries to teach her how to swim so she can drift out with him on the waters. Whenever they eat somewhere together, you can catch them hunched over in their chairs and mixing their food to see what kinds of weird combinations they can make 😂
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“Try this next, Raven! Ooh, and then this! Then maybe some crackers as a palate cleanser! There’s lots of tasty foods from the Scalding Sands, so you should try them all! Next time, you should invite the headmaster to join us!” — Kalim
Raven pays attention to Kalim because he wears a lot of shiny accessories, and ravens like shiny things--
Kalim’s always up for making new friends, and that includes the mysterious new student. He’s like Floyd in that he can be pushy and somewhat excessive in his attempts to socialize with Raven. She struggles to wrap her head around both his wealth and his friendliness, (both concepts which were foreign to her in her original life as a bird in the forest), so she has to confess that she’s bewildered but curious about Kalim’s lifestyle. Because of this, Raven lets herself be dragged into Kalim’s flashy world (and boy, is she in for a shock). He gives her a grand tour and lavishes her with free gifts and food, then announces a banquet that evening in her honor (all of this, just to welcome her to NRC as his new friend!?). It happens too fast, leaving her light-headed and her thoughts spinning.
She knows Kalim means well, so she’s reluctant to turn down his frequent invitations. Raven thinks of Kalim as a very selfless person, someone without a bit of malice or hatred in his body. In that sense, she sees him as someone that is “better” than her, because while she also wishes for others happiness, she also can’t help but be a little jealous of them. On the other hand, Kalim only sees Raven as someone that doesn’t have a lot of life experience. He thinks it’s sad that she hasn’t been able to do or see much in her lifetime, so he wants to give her those chances! (What Kalim doesn’t realize, though, is that he, too, also lacks in life experiences, particularly the negative ones. This is something that I feel he and Raven could learn about and go through together. They’re confronted by their own naivete and have to come to terms with it, hand in hand.)
Man, this ship would be so tooth rottingly sweet. Raven would assume kind of a caretaker role here (Jamil silently thanks her for her service), as she is usually the one fussing over Kalim. Meanwhile, Kalim is the one that reminds her to take it easy every now and again, and tells her that it’s okay to let loose and let her emotions be known. He’d be really good at reading her body language and words to get a sense of how she’s really feeling but not really saying out loud. Kalim’s empathy would be super beneficial for Raven, who is still working on properly expressing herself. Of course, he’s also always getting expensive stuff (without being asked to) for her, and that pleases Crowley a lot.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Kalim flying with Raven (bird form) on his Magic Carpet! Bursting through the clouds, reaching for the stars!! Kalim stuffing her with crackers, just like the Sultan stuffed Iago’s beak with crackers in the movie-- Raven wanting to keep the relationship on the down-low but she literally can’t because Kalim shouts about it from the rooftops and tells all of his extended family about her... Raven insisting she’s clumsy on her feet, so she can’t possibly dance, but Kalim grabs her by the hand and encourages her to try anyway, to just do what “feels right!” 😇 because he’s such a good boi~
“I apologize for Kalim’s... zeal. If you need a moment’s respite, the garden is a comfortable place to collect your thoughts. Ah, and that dish... I would not recommend sampling it without yogurt to cool your mouth.” — Jamil
Take Raven x Trey, multiply its tired mom vibes by tenfold, and you have Raven x Jamil. I think they’d spend time together courtesy of Kalim, and they just both end up having to take their shifts babysitting him like an overworked mom and dad dealing with their energetic kid. Like, Raven gets the feeling that Jamil’s overworked so she offers to help? Or she notices a discrepancy in how he carries himself in classes (”average”) and at Scarabia (where he basically handles everything) and becomes curious about Jamil as a result of her observations. Maybe she even catches him dancing while he’s on a break and gets entranced by how easily he can express himself in his motions, when he represses them all the other times she sees him. She might unintentionally feed into Jamil’s ego by complimenting him on all the things he does well that she sucks at (like dancing).
Jamil and Raven relate to one another in that feeling of “helplessness” and their desire to “break free” (Jamil because of his status as a servant and having to consciously hold himself back so Kalim can exceed him, Raven because of her curse). Sharing their frustrations with one another could be a very meaningful display of trust, and they could grow closer because of it. They would slowly become “equals” that understand each other rather than someone Jamil has to keep pretending to, just like in every other aspect of his life.
They’d be a very private couple, only getting touchy-feely without prying eyes. Jamil would fuss a lot over Raven getting proper sleep and nutrition, maybe even pack little lunches for her to bring to class. He saves his teasing and sweet talk for behind closed doors, but he’s also easily embarrassed, yet pleased, by her own compliments. They don’t need that many words of overt descriptions of their feelings to understand one another; they just look at each other and know what the other is feeling.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Doing each other’s hair with fancy accessories... Raven just sitting on his shoulder in bird form, acting like the pet parrot that Jamil has always wanted... cooking and cleaning together, doing cutesy domestic stuff... Jamil frothing at the mouth and freaking out over a bug while Raven just casually guides the bug onto a book and sets it free via a windowa sdhasbdiaslydaidvasd MAYBE RAVEN PICKS UP A HABIT FROM JAMIL AND JUST SHRINKS INTO HER FEATHER SHAWL (instead of a hoodie) WHEN SHE’S BEING SHY?????? Also, apparently birds can’t perceive spiciness so I think it’d be funny if Raven just casually ate a bunch of spicy dishes without dying and Jamil makes it a personal mission to make her sweat with his cooking shdvwjsvwjwj
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“Your presentation today is adequate, but you still have a long road ahead of you if you wish to become a full-fledged lady. Leave your tutelage to me, Shetland potato. I will make you sparkle like no other.” — Vil
Unlike some of Vil’s other students, Raven actually actively seeks him out because she wants him to teach her about the intricacies of “human mannerisms”. She wasn’t always as polite and well-spoken as she currently is; she had to watch and learn how to emulate that kind of behavior. In that sense, Raven is one of Vil’s most eager pupils. I think that Vil would find her skillset to be useful to him as well. Raven can offer a unique perspective as someone with fresh eyes, maybe critique his performances based on what she knows from stories (since book to movie adaptations, for example, don’t translate perfectly from page to on screen).
Raven would admire Vil for his willpower, and his desire to “earn” things rather than be handed them. He exudes confidence that Raven knows she will never have, and that makes him a commendable person in her eyes. By contrast, I don’t think Vil would see anything “special” in Raven until he learns about her writing hobby. Maybe she just so happened to write a story that resonates with him, a story about a villain that wants to be a hero for once it’s Shrek. it gives him a little hope that what he strives for may be possible, even if the world beats him down again and again. It’d be cute if Vil asks Raven to share more of her stories, or if they work closely together to turn them into actual performances, and they can bond over sharing their creative endeavors with one another.
Vil can’t really make their relationship well known in public, but he demonstrates his affection in small ways--secretive smiles as they pass each other in the hallway, stopping to fix her hair or her ribbons if they’re out of place, etc. For their private time, Vil arranges for dates in spots far away from the flashing lights and loud chatter of the paparazzi. He’s not as excessive as Kalim is with his gifts and other surprises; Vil respects Raven’s boundaries. She’s also very lowkey about their relationship, sharing in his secretive smiles and waiting for the evenings when she can sneak away to meet with her beautiful queen. 
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Working together to make new enchanted ink colors? Maybe Vil can lend his advice/expertise in potions making to ink making? Or maybe Raven can be the one mentoring him instead of the other way around? Vil sitting Raven down to do her makeup or hair for her, or maybe he takes her to a store and has her try on whatever she likes because “you can’t dress in the same black frock every single day”... Raven writing a story based on Vil and it actually popularizes the idea of an antihero and lands Vil a prominent “villain turned hero” role??? And Raven’s so happy that things are finally changing for him~
“Do my ears deceive me? Your accent is reminiscent of the language of birds. Are you, perchance, fluent? Or perhaps a bird granted a human form? Fascinante! I must observe more and more of you.” — Rook
Rook already has a vested interest in non-human entities, so he would, of course, develop an interest in an animal that somehow gained a human form. He’d probably do his... uh... “Rook thing” and follow her around for a bit, observing her day to day life and such. I can see why Raven would be really put off by this at first, but since she’s also a curious person, she would also wonder about what kind of person Rook is and what his intentions are. I think he’d be absolutely delighted if she approached him first and asked who the heck he was 😂
It would definitely take some time getting used to his eccentricities... but once Raven adjusts, I think she’d find Rook to be a really valuable asset. He can see the beauty in everything, and is a much needed ray of sunshine in her life because of that. Rook could definitely offer some unique perspective and critique of her work, and he’d have great fun being able to watch her up close and personal. He’d be able to really see her come into her own, growing from someone skittish to someone confident enough to explore the world on her own. In a way, it’s like he’s helping her out of her shell and comfortably find her way in a realm she was once afraid of venturing into.
Besides their close ties to nature, they’re similar in that they have this boundless curiosity, but different in that Rook has a much more optimistic outlook on life than Raven does. They sort of balance each other out in that aspect. Raven is generally more grounded, while Rook is very much whimsical and lets his fancies fly. At the same time, Raven has her moments with her head in the clouds and Rook can be serious when needed. They keep each other in check.
😷 Rook and Raven would be that couple of polar opposites. On one hand, you have the super outgoing and romantic Rook, always loudly declaring his love and pulling out absurd public displays of affection... and on the other hand, you have the much more reserved Raven who shrinks into herself and mumbles back vague responses to her partner, trying to attract as little attention as possible. You wouldn’t think they’d get along, but they do.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Rook speaking in the language of the birds to Raven to say something really mushy and she chokes on her slice of bread or something because she wasn’t expecting it... bdjsbsjsns when Rook says something that’s just so dumb but somehow it makes her giggle anyway 🤭 Whispering so many sweet nothings her entire face goes red and she has to cover her face and squeak but Rook keeps talking anyway like the idiot that he is... Raven doesn’t like having her picture taken, so instead of a phot album, Rook just has a massive book of art pieces he made inspired by her... Like he has her face memorized to the last strand of hair 😂
“You can’t win a fight with just words. And if you don’t fight... the other students will stomp all over you. Is that what you really want? To be seen as weak? I can’t understand that.” — Epel
With the newfound knowledge I’ve gained of ravens and crows being crop pests, I’ve come to the conclusion that Epel and Raven would not get along 😷 I don’t think Epel would really understand her way of thinking. Raven is more likely to resolve a conflict by talking things out instead of throwing fists or spells; Epel is the opposite. He might think poorly of her for “being weak” and wanting to conform to Vil’s standards instead of sticking to her roots or defining her identity by herself. Raven would think Epel is foolish for being a “wild child” and making more trouble for himself than a situation may be worth.
They really only start to see beyond the surface after the events of chapter 5, when Epel embraces the “strength” in his cuteness. He doesn’t put as much emphasis on the traditional definition of “(physical) strength” anymore and comes to realize that everyone has their own unique “strengths”. Maybe after he reflects some more on how he acted before, he’ll try to “start over” with his classmates, Raven included. She’d have a better impression of post-chapter 5 Epel, because he’s being more respectful of their differences rather than using their differences as a means of belittling her.
With this second start, Epel could get a chance to see a new side to Raven, too—how passionate she is about her craft, and how hesitant she seems to be about going past certain boundaries (because of her curse and what she has been told by her storytelling mentor). Epel might be that rebellious push that she needs to shatter that ceiling and to express herself and her ideas to their fullest. The metaphorical “poison” apple he offers her could be the very thing that wakes her from her “slumber”.
They’d be a shy couple. What feelings they don’t convey in words, you can perceive through the quick glances they give each other. Even when they hold hands, they kind of look away or stare at the ground, keeping kind of a distance between themselves. Their romantic gestures and outings are also small and understated, but both of them enjoy the simplicity they provide.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Epel’s family sends a big ol’ crate of apples and Raven happily pecks away at all the different kinds... Epel accidentally crashing into Raven mid-Magift Club practice and as he’s apologizing and stumbling back to his feet, Leona shouts at him to “stop flirting” and to get his head back in the game??? They spend time together in the library learning about various plants and crops... Sharing the same book and blushing when their fingers accidentally touch... 😌
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“Wh-Why look for love in real people when you’ve got fictional characters that are always there for you? Things like true love... th-they don’t exist in the real world...” — Idia
They’re both shut-ins. What more can I say? Getting Raven and Idia to even cross paths would be a miracle, because neither is all that excited to get out and meet new people. I think it’s more likely that some external force (Crowley, Ortho, etc.) would try to have them be friends, and as a result, they’re extremely rocky from the start. Idia would probably start playing a game and Raven (with nothing else better to do) would watch him.
Through their forced hangouts, Raven would develop an appreciation for video games as a new creative medium for storytelling. She might even ask to see more, since she has no idea about video games herself. Idia might gatekeep or brag about how he has great taste (not sure which he’d do, honestly). (He could recommend some visual novels to her??) But what I’m trying to say here is they can bond over their love of fiction.
Maybe when Idia is comfortable enough with her, he can toss some snacks Raven’s way or invite her for a co-op game before proceeding to call her gaming skills “trash”— He communicates a lot better when he’s sharing something he is passionate about, so he could give a bunch of game, music, anime, manga, etc. recommendations to Raven to help immerse her in his otaku lifestyle. fhsjsbdjsjs Imagine him telling her what a waifu or husbando is?? 😂 “Who’s your ‘waifu’, Idia-senpai?” she asks, and he goes red in the face when the first person he thinks of is Raven—
xdgwwgdjehehebe THEY WOULD BE SO WEIRD, like keeping 6 feet apart and trying to not bump into each other or else they’d explode?? This is a rare case where Raven might be considered the more romantically assertive one, but in an innocent way? Like she asks to hold Idia’s hand (something innocent like that) and he goes mad from a good, strong dose of that cute juice.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Raven is inspired to make new ink colors based on what colors Idia’s mood ring hair changes to... Idia cleans up nicely and gets into a suit and everything because his anime told him that’s what girls would like, rehearsing dumb lines in the mirror to try and sound cool, until Raven tells him he’s fine how he normally is??? They share a light novel to read, and when Raven moves her head a little to read the words on the next page over, she gets a little too close for Idia’s comfort and he dies internally.......
“Raven Crowley-san, you and I are both at Night Raven College due to special circumstances. Hehe... That makes us kindred spirits! I hope we can get along!” — Ortho (platonic)
I’m going to keep this one short, but Raven and Ortho would make such good friends 🥺 Raven doesn’t know a lot about the world, but Ortho, being a computer, can give her basically any information that she asks for. Maybe he can help her do research for her writing! It might also be fun if he could help illustrate them (whether manually or by printing images). They may both be small, but you shouldn’t underestimate them, especially when they work together!
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“It is said that the elegant Witch of Thorns had a wise black bird advising her. How fortuitous that a black bird such as yourself should stumble into Diasomnia. You must be a good omen, young Crowley.” — Malleus
Uncle Crowley did an oopsie again and forgot to invite Malleus for the Dorm Leader meeting. I like to imagine that (now that Crowley had Raven), he just sends her to fetch Malleus for him because he doesn’t want to deal with the potential repercussions himself. Malleus and Raven would be somewhat familiar with each other because of these interactions, though they would be limited to being short and formal. During their longer walks, they could make some awkward conversation, and maybe they could slowly connect over time. For example, if Raven fetches Malleus around the time when Yuu gave him tickets to VDC, he might be in a good mood, and she might ask what he’s so happy about.
Whenever they look at each other, they are reminded of themselves. They are similar in that they’re both standoffish, but for different reasons, and feel immense loneliness because of their individual circumstances. Malleus may pity her and try to offer solace, acting as a sort of fairy godfather-like figure—because once, he was like Raven, having no friends to call his own. They could have little get-togethers—afternoon tea, strolls in the bramble garden... and if Malleus wants to ramble about gargoyles or the different types of fae, Raven would listen to all of it 😂 She’s up for learning new things! (I can see her having an interest in fae and dragons anyway, since those are common fantasy elements she includes in her stories.) They’re also both kind of useless with technology, so maybe they can uhhh... try to help each other out? Or they get even more confused together—
They’re definitely a mysterious pair. You don’t see them that much, but when you do, they just hover close together and talk in hushed voices. Actually, maybe they don’t formally become a couple at all (since Malleus has his royal obligations to worry about), but it’s the vibe that a lot of people get from how they act around each other. But rumors still can fly like crazy! It’s really a “forbidden” love. bdjsbsjen Maybe during one of their moonlit hangouts, Malleus goes, “Just the say words and I’m yours,” (something super corny like that) but Raven can’t because she fears for his reputation and for her own life. “I’m sorry,” she’ll say, slipping her hand out of his. “It’s not meant to be.”
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Giant dragon form Malleus with a teeny tiny raven perched on the tip of his nose or on his head????? Imagine it’s raining and Malleus uses his cloak to cover her and he’s so happy from seeing her smile that the rain instantly clears up... He calls her “pet” like Maleficient calls her crow, Diavolo… Malleus making a field burst into full bloom because he overheard Raven saying something about how she can’t find any good flowers for her ink... Raven making Malleus a cupcake so he can still have a “whole” cake without feeling lonely... 😔
“I sense a strong magic lingering about you... A power that is not your own. I believe I may recognize this feeling. Yes, there can be no doubt. This is the Enchantress’s handiwork.” — Lilia
The Lilia x Raven route is going to partially be an excuse for me to dump more lore about the origins of her curse. Essentially, Lilia (in all of his old age) knows the fairy that is responsible for the curse Raven inherited and makes mention of it when he meets her. At first, this excites Raven because she thinks Lilia can introduce her to the fairy and have her curse lifted, but Lilia tells her that the Enchantress will likely not help (since she is a “stubborn old coot”).
Lilia can take on a mentorship role in Raven’s life. Much like Jade, he can teach Raven all about the world in his own unique way. She would love to hear about his travels and escapades all across Twisted Wonderland. However, unlike Jade, I feel like Lilia would shelter her less and teach Raven all about the unsavory parts of the world too. She’d have a more realistic and grounded view thanks to Lilia, really looking up to him and his wisdom.
Lilia would just have a lot of fun with Raven. He’s an eccentric person, but so is she (on account of being a bird and all). I think he’d find it fascinating to learn about her lifestyle and how she adapted to her new form, though she doesn’t talk about those much. She’s also just naive enough to try his cooking and to believe the ridiculous things be shares with her— Raven’s a mystery, something Lilia hasn’t experienced for himself in quite some time, and it catches his interest.
Lilia’s biggest mistake in guiding Raven is entertaining her curiosity. The more he speaks of the Enchantress, the more compelled she feels to seek her out—and one day, Raven just packs her bags and embarks on a journey to find her. Maybe Lilia is worried and follows her, or maybe he tries to stop Raven from leaving, because he anticipated that she might do something like that?? It’s complicated, because he wants her to be freed from the curse, but he doesn’t want her to get lost or hurt in the process. Then they can be a globe-trotting couple, helping them each other out of tough spots and going on great adventures together!
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Lilia popping out from a tree or the ceiling and scaring Raven so badly that she spills ink all over a fresh page... Trying to cook together and keep Lilia from killing someone with his food... Lilia jokingly introduces Silver to his new “mom” and Silver and Raven stare blankly at each other because Lilia’s the only one who finds it funny—
“Once, I dreamed that a bird found a human form. I never thought that I’d wake up one day and find that my dream had become a reality.” — Silver
Wild animals have always been drawn to Silver, and Raven is no different. She may be mesmerized by his princely face, but unlike the other birds that flock to him, she’s too shy to try talking to someone so bulky looking. (Maybe she asks the birds about what he’s like and the birds dnbsjsbdjdjd are just like “you’ve got it bad”.) Silver might spot her out of the corner of his eye one day, just peeking at him from behind a tree or a window or something?? And he awkwardly waves or calls out to her and somehow coaxes her out.
They’d get along really well! Silver is quiet and reserved, the type of person that Raven can easily be around. Likewise, I think Raven is also an agreeable type for Silver. He doesn’t need to do anything wild to contain her, they’re zen. They could just chill under a tree or in a forest clearing with all the woodland critters, just chatting and chatting until they fall asleep against one another... weaving flowers in one another’s hair... cutesy scenes you’d basically only see in fairy tales 😂
I think they could really relate in their desire for improvement. Raven isn’t satisfied with her inability to convey her own feelings, and Silver isn’t satisfied with his penchant for falling asleep. They could try to help one another come up with solutions or research potential cures for their “curses”, respectively. Silver and Raven also come from similar family circumstances, having been “adopted” into new families (which involve really old dads), so it might be funny to see how Crowley and Lilia play off of each other if Silver and Raven ever got together.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 THE WOODLAND CREATURES GOSSIPING ABOUT SILVER FINDING ‘HIS SOULMATE’ (I want it to be peak fairy tale trash 😂)... Silver falling asleep on Raven in the most inconvenient positions (like on her shoulder, in her lap) as she’s reading him a story... He helps her onto his horse for Horseback Riding Club and lets her ride around on it so she can feel like a real princess or something???? Raven occasionally putting aside some mushrooms meant for her ink so she can use them to make risotto for Silver... Silver bluntly saying the most stereotypical fairy tale lines but with complete seriousness all while being oblivious to how romantic he actually sounds OTL Them recreating that stupid Aurora and Prince Phillip dance scene in the forest—
“Hmph! I hear that you are a teller of tales, bird. I am an avid reader myself—and I doubt anything you produce can match the epic sagas and stories from Briae Valley’s proud history!” — Sebek
Sebek’s condescending way of speaking (and his loud volume) will definitely initially rub Raven the wrong way. However, if there’s one thing they can both appreciate, it’s a good story. I think it’d be a funny dynamic if the first time they ever see eye-to-eye is when they 😂 collectively get hyped up about a new book series, and from there it just spirals into them recommending things to one another. (Like, just picture them reaching for the same book and their hands touch, and when Raven glances over it’s just Sebek staring at her—)
They could geek out over books together, then maybe when Raven is comfortable enough, she could offer her own works to Sebek. He could be her proofreader 🥺 and maybe they can even take turns picking books to read, then sharing their thoughts on them??? They could vicariously learn about one another’s morals and values via their preferences in books or archetypes and tropes; maybe Sebek really likes the gun-ho characters whereas Raven prefers the more reserved ones, maybe Sebek disagrees with the actions of one character or that a plot twist is genius whereas Raven thinks the opposite.
Once they find this common ground, Sebek might be a little more cheerful around Raven. He’ll still retain his arrogance, but he’d be more excited to talk and laugh with her. I feel like he’d also be great at supporting Raven and her ambitions in lieu of her own lack of confidence. Meanwhile, she admires that self-assuredness of his (even if it gets out of hand at times) and is thankful for his encouragement. They’d be another awkward but well-meaning and wholesome couple. Sebek would try to keep a better control of his voice so as to not startle her and go out of his way to perform complicated and outdated romantic rituals to show his affection. Raven wouldn’t be as grand, but maybe she’d take a book and highlight words in it to send a message to Sebek: I love you. It’s little things like that that drive him wild.
BONUS CUTE THINGS 😳 Sebek does the thing where Raven is too short to reach the book she wants, so he just reaches over her head and grabs it for her... He brews her coffee when she’s working late into the night... nckdnsjsbsjs he diligently sends her good morning and good night messages 😌 to keep her on a schedule... Sebek trying to teach her basic martial arts but he still decimates her in hand-to-hand combat... He stands menacingly behind her and glares at mob students that look at her the wrong way... Sebek asks for Malleus and Lilia’s blessing/approval—
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... And here’s some bonus NRC characters because why not (though these are much shorter, since these characters don’t have much of a defined personality)? Might as well get all of my brain worms out (but no Che’nya or Neige because I’m pooped after writing so much)!
“Hey, you’re related to the headmaster, aren’t you? Can you pass along a message to him for me? Tell him it’s from the Ramshackle Prefect. ‘Crowley, the kitchen sink is busted again. Send a repairghost ASAP...’ Thanks for your help, and sorry for the trouble!” — Yuu
Both Yuu and Raven are first years at NRC under “unique” circumstances, so it’s easy to see why they’d have some sort of “connection” right off the bat. Because of Crowley’s... irresponsibility, Yuu often has to use Raven as a middleman to convey messages to the headmaster. She does it free of charge, often apologizing to Yuu on behalf of her uncle. Given that almost everyone else on campus has their “quirks”, Yuu might see Raven as a “normal” or “good” person by comparison and form an attachment with her based on that, and the same goes for how Raven views Yuu. Grim can be the wingman/third wheel—
“... What are you staring at? Are you lookin’ to pick a fight or something? My eyes are right here.” — NRC Mob Student
Raven and a mob student can actually relate in a meta aspect. They’re both “background” characters, with not a lot of the spotlight focused on them, which in turn has a negative impact on Raven’s self-esteem. I can’t say for sure how (if at all) it affects the mob student, but I think that if they were aware of their own existence as a “background” character, the probably wouldn’t be happy about it. They can find comfort and solace in someone who is like them and understands the pain of being “in the background”.
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notgraceful4 · 3 years
Kokomi Teruhashi, Chiyo Yumehara, Aiura Mikoto, Mera Chisato, Imu Rifuta and Suzumiya Hii x reader who loves to garden:
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* When Teruhashi finds out that you love gardening, she researches everything she can about it to impress you, how can she be the perfect lover if she doesn’t know about something your passionate about.
* When you bring it up in conversation with her your shocked when she knows, so much she might even know more than you.
* If you ask her if she wants to meet up with you after school and help you with your garden, On the outside she’s like:
* “I’d love to y/n”
* Where on the inside she’s really going:
* *I didn’t think they would ask me to help, what if I get dirt on me*
* *Come on, Kokomi you’ve got this, gardening should be easy, I’m the perfect pretty girl after all.*
* When she comes to help, it turns out she’s a gardening pro, I guess those books paid off.
* Teruhashi is quite used to getting flowers since she has, so many admirers.
* So because of this she is very good at taking care of flowers
* So you ever give her a flower from your garden she would be very appreciative and take care of it well
* She would put it in her favourite vase at the centre of her desk
* She even keeps it safe from her brother in case he tries to destroy it
* She always catches him glaring at it knowing he can’t destroy it because she’d never forgive him
* Overall, she is the perfect pretty girl and tries her best to be the perfect significant other for you.
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* She really wants to be invited to help you garden, so she can spend more time with you, but she doesn’t want to get rejected, so she subtly hints at the idea
* When you come over to her house she leaves out loads of garden magazines on the table and when answering the door she is holding some gardening gloves with a bit of dirt on her face and a new gardening outfit she brought while shopping the day before
* In conversation she would ask questions related to gardening such as:
* “Hey y/n, what fertiliser do you think would be best to use for my plants?”
* “What type of flower should I plant next?”
* Eventually you get the hint and invite her to help you in your garden
* She was jumping for joy inside her mind
* The day before meeting you she was really nervous in case she messed up and you ended up hating her, so she stayed up most of the night to do research on gardening
* Now she wasn’t perfect, but she didn’t completely fail and as a bonus she got to hold your hand when you were putting her hands in the correct position to dig with the shovel
* These little gardening get together became a everyday thing since she loved spending time with you especially because you loved gardening, so much
* So when you gave her a flower from your garden she was, so touched
* She’s blushing all shades of red
* But what you didn’t know was she started a little garden of her own
* She was growing some flowers to give to you
* But as she was watering them she got distracted and flooded the flower bed killing the flowers
* So she ended up making you some origami flowers
* They looked really nice you really appreciated it
* She was very happy when you gave them there own special place in your bed room
* Overall, she tries her best to be a good gardener like you even though she makes a few mistakes she tries not to let them discourage her.
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* She’s very supportive of your love for gardening and very helpful too
* She likes to be very useful in terms of your gardening:
* Need help affording some new tools she’s buying them for you all wrapped up as a lovely present
* If you ever need help just give her a call and she will be right over
* She uses her crystal ball to predict what the weathers going to be like, so you can prepare your garden
* She might even try to convince Kusuo with some coffee jelly to change the weather if the weather’s not going to be ideal for your garden
* Aiura most of the time will set up a chair in your garden and watch you work, she likes to admire how attentive you are and the time and care you put into every plant or crop
* But if you need any help just say the word and she will be standing behind you with a shovel and some fertiliser
* If you ever give her a flower from your garden she would be really giddy
* And if you look closely you will find a small blush tinting her cheeks
* Also expect hugs you give her a flower she’s going to be like:
* “Come here, y/n” and pull you in for a hug
* Overall, very sweet supportive, is always there to help you as much as she can with your garden.
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* As soon as you tell her about your gardening she immediately thinks:
* *Oh I wonder what food y/n must grow*
* *I want to taste the corn, the tomatoes, the carrots, the potatoes
* Her mouth is watering just thinking about it, you have to snap your fingers in her face to snap her out of her daze
* Will quickly volunteer to help with your garden when she’s available since her schedule is, so busy with her multiple jobs
* As soon as she enters your garden she makes a leap for the delicious vegetables, you have to hold her back and warn her there not fully grown yet, so she should wait
* Dejectedly she stops running for the food and picks up a shovel to help you plant some more plants
* She’s actually quite good at gardening too having done a few jobs in gardening herself
* And even though she tried to eat your growing vegetables loads of times you both had a lot of fun gardening together
* When you give her a flower from your garden thinking it’s food she eats it
* You end up taking her to the nurses office for safe measure, but she turns out to be fine though
* So in the end you give her a whole crate of vegetables you’ve grown she’s very thankful for this
* She’s practically crying tears of joy because these vegetables will make a delicious meal for her and her family
* So you make it a habit that whatever food you grow you always give her half as a thank you for the help she gives you when she has time off work
* Overall, she’s very helpful when she has the time and loves the taste of anything you grow.
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* When you tell her that you garden she wants to help
* She doesn’t no a thing about gardening other then that you put a seed in some dirt and watch it grow
* But she wants an excuse to spend more time with you
* So when she comes to help you with your garden she is standing at the side supporting you, cheering you on
* Until you offer to teach her how to garden, she nearly faints from fan-girling too hard when you put your hands on top off hers to position them on the shovel right
* She starts to enjoy it, only because she gets to spend time with you
* The gardening she isn’t the biggest fan of, in her head she’s like:
* *This dirt isn’t good for my cuteness*
* *Come on, you can handle it for y/n*
* She buys a proper gardening outfit to protect her from the dirt
* She makes sure the outfit is cute enough for her liking though
* If you ever gave her a flower as a gift she’d probably malfunction
* *A flower from s/o*
* *I’ll protect this precious flower with my life*
* Overall, she may not like gardening that much, but she’ll do it with you since the time she spends with you is worth it even if she has to get covered in dirt.
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* When she finds out you garden she really wants to help, but is afraid her bad luck will get in the way
* You reassure her that it’s fine and you’d love her to help
* Worriedly she agrees to come and help you
* It’s a disaster, she’s spilling compost left and right, she’s already flooded two flower beds and stepped on this one rake about 40 times
* In the kitchen your putting a cold compress on the bruises from the rake, while she apologies to you for the inconveniences she has caused
* You reassure her that it’s okay and you can always plant more
* She stays away from your garden after all that
* But when her bad luck was lifted she rushes straight to you and happy that she can finally help you in your garden without making much of a mess
* She has, so much fun helping you in your garden after that
* When you used to give her flowers back when she was really clumsy she would be very appreciative
* But within a minute of you giving her the flowers lightening came out of nowhere and hit her making the flowers wilt
* You still carried on giving her flowers though no matter how many got destroyed
* When her bad luck was lifted she could finally keep the flowers safe
* She rushes home making sure she keeps them intact until she makes it to her room where she puts them in a vase on her desk
* Overall, she really wants to help you garden even though obstacles can get in the way sometimes.
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