#i'm saying headcanon but this is literally his canon portrayal and as a person with bpd i'm diagnosing him so there. periodt
mlmxreader · 3 months
hi, genuine question but would you mind elaborating on this post? bc i read a lot of nikto fics and would like to educate myself on which instances they r fetishizing him (i assume its about him since u tagged him x reader)
thank you!
of course!
so, when I talk abt fetishisation of mental illness (in this case dissociative disorders & psychotic disorders specifically), I'm also talking about romanticisation and glorification of them; so, something I've seen a LOT within fanfic, headcanons, fan art, etc in terms of Nikto specifically is this idea that somehow his mental health issues make him "uwu so soft" or they make him scared, innocent, infantilised, etc. they treat a very serious, very GENUINE, mental health disorder as something is NOT serious or genuine, but rather, something that causes somebody to be "cute" and "adorable".
this idea that somehow mental health disorders turn you into LESS of an independent grown adult and somehow mean that you need help with everything. which simply isn't the case.
it's the portrayal (specifically) of Nikto being the "perfect" mentally ill person - he doesn't exhibit the "scary" symptoms, such as episodes where he lashes out and accuses people of not being real, or where he doesn't experience positive symptoms like delusions and voices in his head. or that somehow he experiences symptoms and episodes which DON'T scare him.
which isn't to say that EVERY SINGLE fan creation regarding Nikto SHOULD portray these things (bc G/d knows the cod fandom is NOT a safe space for ND people w stigmatised disorders as it is, esp not people w dissociative, personality, psychotic and schizospec disorders), but it IS saying that these things DO exist and should at the very least be ACKNOWLEDGED as part of the character.
on the flip side, it's also the fact that a large majority of fanfics, fan art, headcanoms, etc ALSO take away his disorder completely; suddenly he's neurotypical, or his symptoms simply DON'T exist and even the canonical mannerisms he has BECAUSE of his disorder (such as speaking as a group by using words like "We" instead of "I") simply are nonexistent. or making his symptoms line up MORE with *anxiety* disorders instead of dissociative disorders.
all in all, it's this ideal that either Nikto is "uwu soft bby boy who's going to cry if you're not close!!" or he's just... not mentally ill?? at all??
which is shitty!! it's shitty!! as someone who HAS been on the receiving end of this treatment due to being mentally ill myself and being schizophrenic, it's the type of fetishisation that people BELIEVE is ending the stigma against these disorders but is literally just turning them into something DESIRABLE instead.
BUT in all honesty? it shouldn't come as a shock whatsoever given the fact that the cod fandom is INCREDIBLY saneist and EXTREMELY disrespectful towards anyone who has a disorder such as Nikto's; it is NOT a safe space for people like me, in the slightest, and people refuse to do better and to learn how to just Not Be Shitty.
it shouldn't come as a shock that Nikto is treated the way he is when people go around w slurs in their urls (esp "schizo"), or when people use terms like "delulu". the cod fandom NEEDS to do better and NEEDS to stop being shitty towards people w "scary" mental health disorders.
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beebopurr · 6 months
Not an ask sorry, but I absolutely adore your portrayal of Leo!!! (both in art style and through your descriptions and ramblings)
You have such an incredible way of taking his character and really putting it into your work and that's something so special to a lot of us who really love that little blue dumbass.
While no hate to anyone, but you see so many creators taking a single aspect of his character and making it his whole personality, or taking a headcanon (whether their own or fannon) and dubbing it as the only way his character can be perceived or its shunned as 'wrong'.
Your take on Leo is one of the closest I've seen to canon that's not ridiculously dumbed down or over exaggerated into a whole new character. He's a complex turtle and has so much to love (and hate, let's be honest he sucks ❤️✨) about him and you really bring out so much about his character in an enjoyable and entertaining way!!!
// also the bi rep in the form of Leonardo the ninja turtle wasn't something I ever thought I'd need but by god do I cherish it with my whole heart. That and the way you draw and describe his and April's relationship??? Literally one of the best ships in this fandom seriously, you're up there as one of my favourite artists both for rise and everything else you create!!! 💕😭
I'm so sorry if this is incoherent at all, I just adore your work and thought I'd finally grow the courage to say it!!!
Thank youuuuuu and yeah you summed up how I feel perfectly lol. I don't care how people present him I just don't like that ppl make their own fanon takes and act like they are gospel 😭
like I was involved in the fandom as I was finishing rise so I thought the Don Suave thing was gonna open my eyes and make me realize why everyone was so certain that he's a gay man but,,,,, Don Suave's power was literally to serve like EVERYONE in the scene thought he was slay.
So a ton of rise fanon stuff confuses me bc I personally didn't take it that way but people act like it's the only way to take it
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mayxthexforce · 5 months
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
💻 ― excellent writing
🌼 ― creative headcanons
🎙️ ― great to talk to
📚 ― nice threads to read
🎀 ― all-around kind person
🥇 ― well-developed oc
😍 ― admiring from afar
📌 ― a staple on the dash
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
🧡 ― sender's choice ( sender can add whatever category they want ) - MICA I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU ❤️ you're the best mwah thanks for being such an awesome and cool friend ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ having you in my life has been PHENOMENAL!!! Thanks tons for the awesome joyride
💜 ― receiver's choice ( simply shout out whoever
*-cracks knuckles-* alright, let's do this!
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
Shout-out goes to @prodijedi. I love Callie's Dooku, he has so much depth and layers and cares so much about the people he loves deep down but is too deep in the mess he made and doesn't know how to show it, but Callie doesn't erase the fact that he has done terrible things.
💻 ― excellent writing
Shouting at @tacticalvalor for this one. So far, I've only interacted with Paz but I love him, and I love how well he's written. Jay has a way of making Paz so expressive despite the fact he's covered head to toe in armor and -understandably- unwilling to take it off. His inner thoughts are always a delight to read and the things he says always manage to crack me up.
🌼 ― creative headcanons
I think there isn't a single person in this fandom that's not creative when it comes to headcanons because we're all pretty big brained with them. But if I have to name just one, I'm gonna go with @thrawnur I LOVE YOUR HEADCANONS PJ! And I love the HCs and worldbuilding we've worked on together for Chiss. Our blueberries deserve more lore!!
🎙️ ― great to talk to
Shout-out to @corruptedforce/@crowsandmurder because Tanya is that one person you can always count on to be up to talk about literally anything. Everything I know about baseball, I learned from her. I also always love yelling with her about the stupid Star Wars questions people ask on Quora (still not over the person who had the audacity to ask why Obi-Wan didn't just kill Anakin, I'm outside their house with a baseball bat).
📚 ― nice threads to read
To this day, I still go into @d4gangera's blog just to read the stuff KT writes, and not just the threads I'm in, but everything she writes. I love how she writes Dagan, his inner monologues, his trauma after spending decades in bacta, his issues with the Jedi Order and the Empire and this new era he got yeeted into. I love it all.
🎀 ― all-around kind person
@vendettavalor IS THE KINDEST BEAN EVER!! I'm still absorbing all the analogical horror stuff that you recommended me and you bet I'm going to be yelling in your DMs once I'm caught up.
🥇 ― well-developed oc
Shout-out to @gwiazdowe for Cirz. HE'S BABEY!! I love him and how kind he is and how he sees good in people that nobody else would see good in. But he's not dumb. He's a smart boy and he deserved the world, I'm protecting him at all costs.
😍 ― admiring from afar
Not really from that far because we've actually talked but I have yet to start a thread with @alootus and that is a crime I should be in jail for. But I'm admiring because the blog theme is just so PRETTY, I love the color palette and the graphics.
📌 ― a staple on the dash
I love seeing @kylo-wrecked's posts on the dash. From the aesthetic stuff to replies to answers to ask memes, it's always god tier content!
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
@ofthestcrs AMAZING MUN, AMAZING CHARACTERS, AMAZING BLOG! Gee is one of the first people I interacted with in this fandom and honestly, I'm holding on like an orphaned monkey. 10/10 will not be letting go anytime soon.
💜 ― receiver's choice ( simply shout out whoever you want )
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synonymroll648 · 8 months
explaim sokeefitz to me like im 16 and going through a sexuality crisis
apologies for getting to this late, i didn't check tumblr yesterday, but i'm answering it now!
sokeefitz is the polyamorous (consensually non-monogamous) ship between sophie foster, keefe sencen, and fitz vacker. some people interpret sokeefitz as a v relationship, while others (including myself) interpret it as a triad. in-depth explanation surrounding terminology and why people (romantically and queerplatonically) ship it below!
edit: this turned into an impromptu essay lol. there's a one paragraph summary at the end, i promise
v relationships versus triads, in relation to sokeefitz
v relationships are when one person dates two people, but said two people don't date each other. they're called v relationships because if you make a diagram of it, it looks like a v. typically, sokeefitz in a v relationship is portrayed as sophie dating the boys but the boys being just friends. but i've also seen interpretations where it's keefe dating the two of them, or fitz dating the two of them. sometimes, portrayals of v relationship sokeefitz are centered around their v relationship evolving into a triad.
which brings me to what triads are! triads are when three people are all dating each other. so a sokeefitz triad would be sokeefe, sophitz, keefitz, and the three of them together rolled into one ship.
most interpretations of sokeefitz, v relationship or triad, involve them being romantically interested in each other. (i'll talk about queerplatonic variations of sokeefitz later!)
why do people ship sokeefitz?
sokeefe and sophitz have a lot of canon grounding, so i think it's pretty self-explanatory as to why people ship sophie with keefe or fitz. the reasoning as to why shipping her with both of them became a thing was because people here on this lovely hellsite looked at the love triangle and went, wouldn't it be a win-win situation if they were an ot3 (3-person version of otp [one true pairing])?
while keefe and fitz have gotten jealous over each other's connections to sophie in canon, with their background of being best friends, some can see them being okay - with boundary-setting and trust-rebuilding beforehand - with dating her simultaneously. as for why sophie would want to date them simultaneously, there's a lot of moments in canon where she hates the idea of 'choosing between them'. she loves both of them in different ways for different reasons, and doesn't like the idea of giving up one for the other. if she were given the option of trying out a polyamorous relationship with them, there's a high chance she'd take it in canon. so, people give her that chance in fanon.
as for why people enjoy variations of sokeefitz where the boys are dating sophie and each other: keefe and fitz are often interpreted as childhood friends to exes. ex best friends? ex boyfriends? who knows anymore, keefe canonically stole fitz's bramble jersey, and fitz canonically wanted to move in with keefe and be his roommate. canon tries to portray them as friends with tension, but queer fans like myself have a tendency to look at their deep understanding of who the other used to be from the little things to the major parts and the bridge burning between them and go, hm. that's some good ship material, if i do say so myself.
keefe and fitz probably wouldn't have mutual romantic attraction towards each other in canon, but keefe flirts with literally everyone (from sophie to dex, and also going to take off his shirt for tam that one time) and is often read as bisexual-coded by the fandom. (typical bisexual definition: being attracted to two or more genders.) lots of people on here view fitz as being attracted to people based on personality, not gender. i personally like to headcanon him as someone who's not a big fan of labeling his sexuality, since it might feel like boxing himself into something, when the public and his family and his peers have been boxing him into different roles his whole life.
anyway! as to why people like myself like sokeefitz, alongside the screw the love triangle aspect of the ship, is how the three of them work excellently as a team. they have deep chemistry, and know how to compliment each other's weaknesses one way or another. they're by far not a perfect throuple, but i feel like they trust and love each other enough (in their own ways) that they're willing to work out their issues together. sophie and fitz have ironed some issues between them out through cognate training, and continue to do so; sophie and keefe have had major disagreements before, but reconcile in the end once they've tried to make up for mistakes made; and keefe and fitz have the hardest time making up, but it's arguably harder to let go of your first true friend when the two of you have gone through so much already.
queerplatonic variations of sokeefitz
i've also seen interpretations where at least two of them are in a queerplatonic relationship (qpr) instead. queerplatonic is a broad category that's typically defined as deep intimacy between people that may involve actions outwardly perceived as romantic (cuddling, dates, etc) but not have romantic intentions behind them. (for informational purposes, since qpr's aren't talked about much outside of the aromantic community, i'll note that most of the time qpr's don't include sex, but sometimes they do.) since queerplatonic is such a broad category, there are lots of variations of how it feels. the two main descriptions of queerplatonic attraction i've seen fall under the category of 'more intimate version of friendship' or 'relationship that exists entirely outside the platonic to romantic spectrum'. (personally, it feels like the former to me.)
queerplatonic variations of sokeefitz typically come from headcanons that fitz is on the aromantic spectrum, since he appears to have little to no romantic attraction in general towards people in canon. (example: while keefe frequently flirts w/ people and notes/hints at attractiveness in others, most of that doesn't even register as a possibility in fitz's head. unless he is attracted to someone, which appears to have only ever explicitly happened in canon with sophie.) there are headcanons that fitz is simply aromantic, while others headcanon him as demiromantic (only romantically attracted to people once he really gets to know them) or grayromantic (experiences romantic attraction occasionally, or only under certain circumstances, or only in small amounts).
this doesn't mean that sokeefitz is only ever interpreted as queerplatonic on fitz's end, though! i've read at least one fic where sophie was in a qpr with keefe and fitz (and i'm pretty sure keefe and fitz were in a qpr with each other too), and i've also read one where keefe was aroace (aromantic asexual, little to no romantic or sexual attraction) but willing to try out a qpr with sophie and fitz, who were both interested in him.
another important note about qpr's: some qpr's consist of people experiencing only queerplatonic attraction towards each other, other qpr's have at least one person who experiences romantic attraction and at least one other person who experiences queerplatonic attraction and they work out boundaries around what's 'too romantic' (been there, done that), or have at least one person experiencing attraction that fluctuates between romantic and queerplatonic, or something else. sokeefitz can be interpreted to fall under any of these categories, although i personally interpret it as the second option when we throw queerplatonic attraction into the mix.
summary: sokeefitz is the polyamorous ship between sophie foster, keefe sencen, and fitz vacker. it can be interpreted as all of them dating each other (being in a triad), or only some of them dating each other and others being just friends (being in a v relationship). v relationship variations of sokeefitz usually consist of sophie dating keefe and fitz, but keefe and fitz not dating each other - but there are other v relationship variations, like keefe dating sophie and fitz, but sophie and fitz being just friends. the main reasons why people ship these three is because the love triangle is stupid, and they have good enough chemistry and enough want to make things work with each other that they have potential for a good relationship. also, there are queerplatonic variations of sokeefitz, but those are less common and based on headcanons surrounding different characters - mostly fitz - being on the aromantic spectrum.
to anyone who made it this far - please let me know if you have any questions surrounding any of this, i'd be happy to answer!
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jadeacereigen · 5 months
reigen for question 8!
Thanks anon!
(ask game)
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Jesus fuck okay where do I even begin. Uh. Okay the question specifies "despise" so I'm gonna leave out stuff that just mildly annoys me.
(Btw I'm not saying that no one can do these things, I just personally do not like these portrayals at all.)
The first thing that came to mind was how Reigen's childhood gets depicted. While there was definitely loneliness and insecurity there, everything from the story itself to bonus omakes point to Reigen having had a relatively normal childhood. He's literally just A Guy who tried to relate to an actually neglected man by saying he also felt lonely when he forgot to bring a lunch on Sports Day??? I didn't mind it at first but at this point I just can't stand stuff where child Reigen was bullied and/or abused, it feels so overly angsty to me. I feel like there's some interesting potential with Reigen and the rest of his family that could be explored but I have yet to see one that isn't just his family being abusive to him. (I do have a personal fic idea about Reigen and his mom gradually making amends but I don't know if I'll ever muster up the motivation for it...)
I guess by extension there's also how Reigen's depression gets portrayed. I feel like because he's depressed and is unsatisfied with his life, people tend to push him in this Super Sad Box when that's not how his mental illness presents itself. I can understand why people do this though (it can be fun/satisfying to put a character through a darker emotional state and it's not like Reigen never gets sad about anything in canon) but I personally don't like it when the angst gets too extreme.
Uhhh also don't like stuff where Reigen is overly horny. Obviously I'm biased cuz uh *points to username* *also i am asexual myself* but it just also feels very out of character to me in general even if I disregard my asexual Reigen headcanon. Sometimes it feels like people just portray him in a certain way because they're horny for him...
And uh yeah I guess those are the main things I can think of. Sorry this became a long mean rant 😭
(I guess I left out the worst stuff of all which comes from certain nasty shippers. Reigen would never be vile like that he would sick to his stomach if he saw any of that shit-)
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lorekeeper-backset · 5 months
New Year, New Me, Same old OCs. Here's a list of my protag OCs/Canon Protags with Headcanon Personalities. Not including Kanto and Johto because I still haven't played those games and my perception of Red is pretty solidly colored by @heavenlysphere's portrayal of him (sorry for tagging you, Maverick) and Alola because I kind of... forgot to make one. I'm also including Protags who serve as rivals if you don't pick them.
Marie "Mare" Lillian Birch: My first ever and longest running Protag OC, she's the protagonist of ORAS and also my fanfic An Account of Rayquaza's Chosen. Short and mad about it she has Aura Powers, allowing her to understand Pokemon, and is the Chosen of Rayquaza meaning Rayquaza likes her a lot and lets her use its power sometimes. Despite being somewhat overpowered, she's limited by her strict moral code and deep well of trauma. Her last name is Birch even though she's the protagonist because Norman is her step-father and her mom is Professor Birch's Sister.
Brendan Birch: A real brat of a boy and Mare's cousin, Brendan is desperate to prove he's better than her at literally anything, something he consistently tries and fails at because, despite claiming to be the best battler in his school, he's really bad at battling. Eventually, he finds enjoyment in something he is good at and actually enjoys and becomes a star Coordinator with the help of Lisia.
Detective Annabelle "Ann" "Dawnbreaker" "Dawn" Berlitz: Sole heir to the Berlitz family fortune and protagonist of Platinum, Ann has an obsession with classic noir style detective stories to the point where her goal in life is to become a Private Detective, much to her parents' chagrin, to the point that she wears a trenchcoat and fedora at all times and has a habit of diving into detective monologues. She goes by the codename Dawnbreaker, shortened to Dawn, because she met Looker and thought the idea of having a codename was really cool and all detectives should have codenames. She is the Chosen of Dialga and uses her powers over time in conjunction with her her partner, Lucas', power over space to solve crimes nobody else can as the Time-Space Detective Agency. It's kinda like Ghost Trick except they can only reverse a death under very specific circumstances.
Detective Lucas "Luca" "Lux" Diamant: An incredibly bright boy from Sandgem town, Lucas shares Ann's interest in Detective stories, gaining a reputation around town as a sort of Encyclopedia Brown-type detective, solving small cases like missing shoes or some kid's con scheme. His intelligence got him tapped by Professor Rowan to be his research assistant, a job he quite enjoys. He goes by the codename Lux for the same reason Ann goes by Dawn. He is the Chosen of Palkia an uses his power over space in conjunction with Ann's power over time to solve cases no one else can. He is also descended from Adaman and consequently is cousins with Calem and Perrin.
Hilda Kyoko: A rough and tumble girl from the streets of Castelia City, Hilda keeps the streets of Castelia safe from unwanted troublemakers (gangs, mafia, Team Plasma, etc) as part of the Castelia City Girls, a band led by Roxie (the band would later move to Virbank City and change its name to Koffing and the Toxics following Hilda's departure and Roxie becoming a Gym Leader, leaving Castelia's protection in the hands of a successor band that took up the band's old name). She is the Hero of Truth and Chosen of Reshiram, revealing the truth about Ghetsis to the world. Her connection to N isn't as strong in this universe since Mare serves as his foil instead so the reason she leaves is to track down an escaped Ghetsis, who she believes to have fled the region. She's also friends with Victini who will occasionally lend her its power when it feels like it.
Hilbert Ashton: An ordinary teenager from Nuvema Town, Hilbert dreams of becoming the very best, like no one ever was. A veritable Pokemon Master, one could say. And the first step on that journey is to become Champion of the Unova Region.
Rosa Florence Annie Bridgewood aka Stella Black aka The Riolu/Lucario Girl: A bubbly, happy-go-lucky teen actress whose breakout role as The RIolu Girl aka Stella Black in the first Brycen-Man film has shot her into the spotlight. She convinces her agent to let her go on a Journey with her friend and rival Hugh as a publicity stunt to promote the upcoming movie "Brycen-Man Strikes Back." As part of the stunt all League battles have to be taken on in-costume and in-character as The Riolu Girl (and later the Lucario Girl when her Lucario evolves), with the Gym Leaders being hyped up as sensational villains (some of them, like Elesa, get super into the role while others, like Cheren, put no effort into trying to sell it at all). Most of her battles against Neo Plasma are also taken on in-costume. She is not a Chosen but is best friends with most Legenaries, gaining the favor of both the Legendary Birds an Legendary Beasts as well Victini, Meloetta, Reshiram, and Zekrom. Even Kyurem likes her and Kyurem doesn't like anyone.
Nathan "Nate" Lumiere: An aspiring Cinematographer, Nate is an intern at Pokestar Studios. He finally gets a chance at making his dream a reality when Rosa asks for him specifically to film her battles against the Gym Leaders.
Calem "Cal" Xavier and Serena "Rena" Yvonne: They are a pair, do not separate. Despite not being related, Calem and Serena refer to eachother as Brother and Sister and share a deep bond, essentially being raised together. Calem is the calm and rational one while Serena is the Chaos Gremlin of the two, leading to much siblingly bickering and teasing. Excelling at Multi-Battles, each sibling can practically read the mind of the other making them a terrifying combination in battle but also meaning any matches they have with eachother always end in a draw. Two of the few Protags to actually become Champion and keep the role, they're referred to as the Twin Champions despite Serena being a year older than Calem. Calem is descended from Adaman, making him cousins with Perrin and Lucas, and Serena is descended from Irida.
Kai Riposte: A fencing prodigy and the protagonist of SwSh, Kai prefers fencing to Pokemon battles, going on a Journey to make sure her friend Hop doesn't get into too much trouble. Originally from Spikemuth, a fact her mom insists they keep secret so the neighbors won't judge, much to her annoyance, she doesn't get the big deal about Dynamaxing and almost never uses her Dynamax band.
Juliana Violeta: A quiet girl who is incapable of using first person pronouns (that's not a metaphor she literally cannot use I, Me, etc), she prefers to simply not speak at all, and when she does speak she keeps it short and concise. Despite all appearances, she's actually very friendly and open to making new friends. Nemona, who does enough talking for the both of them, appoints her as Vice President of the Student Council with Penny as the Treasurer (cause she's good with numbers and the position supplies her with certain privileges the can exploit for the purpose of Operation Starfall) and Arven as the Secretary (because they needed a Secretary and it allowed him and Juliana more time to speak). She bonds with Miraidon.
Florian Escarleta: A boy who is even quieter than Juliana. Unlike her, he prefers to keep to himself, being extremely shy and having difficulty interacting with other people. He is very creative and enjoys telling stories but is too nervous to show them to anyone. He eventually becomes Student Council Stenographer, keeping record of everything that happens in the Student Council Room as well as transcribing Student Council Meetings, revealing a surprising amount of wit on his part that he'd never display verbally. He bonds with Koraidon, an impressive feat since it hates everything.
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pinkprimrose05 · 11 months
ARC-V Month Day 16: Actually, He Would Say That
Look, we all like our cast with their pros and their cons, but sometimes there's just something... missing, when you look at canon portrayal. Some more depth. Some trivial details and silly nitpicks, to add to their flair... which are exactly what today is all about. Show us your headcanons and most random thoughts!
Ah yes, headcanons: my favorite way to patch up the swiss cheese holes in any story ever, and the personal cherry on top I place whwn there are no holes to patch. For someone who claims to have a lot of them, I've shared a rather small amount of my headcanons so far... but that changes today!
1- In a world where the counterparts stay separate, when all is said and done, the Lancers decide to keep in contact at Sawatari's suggestion -shocker, I know- and so they make a groupchat to talk about mundane life and things that strike their fancy. Said groupchat is... actually decently normal considering its members, but you still see flashes of the weirdest shit sometimes- like Dennis' massive collection of kaomojis, Reiji's 10-page long essays on why black coffee is overrated, Shun's inability to stand back and watch this nerdy fuck slander the superior coffee blend, Serena's copious cat stickers and reaction pics, Tsukikage's concerning stash of blackmail screenshots (99% of which is enabled by Sawatari, much to banana's mortfication), and Yuuya's oddly random, unprompted threats of homicide that he never fails to end with an innocent :D
2- Shuuzou has adopted all kids in the messy Akaba/Kurosaki/Hiiragi family tree, some metaphorically, most literally. He even got Himika to sign off custody of Reira, but left Reiji to his own devices because he just- doesn't know how to go about it with the guy. He's still invited to family & friend gatherings, however, and ends up getting called "son" no less than seven times in front of the whole family and the Sakakis. Legend has it that Reiji is still looking for ways to disappear into the ground to this day. Don't get him wrong, he appreciates the sentiment, but everytime he hears the word he straight up bluescreens.
3- As little screentime as they get to actually appear and talk, the monster spirits are very much still willing to communicate with humans- with a few exceptions, of course. Some of the older spirits like the Magistus quartet and Agents have strong reservations toward making themselves known after the dimension split fiasco(s), but then there's little ones like the Wights and the Ghostricks, who just spontaneously spawn into the human world on Halloween (to the dismay of Maiami City's police department, which had to contend with 57 reports of vandalism and stolen candy and various small acts of mischief the first time it happened).
4- The reason behind the Performapals' synergy and eventual archetypal overlap with Odd-Eyes actually goes a few ways back to one of their shows as a wandering troupe. While preparing for departure, Hip Hippo stumbled upon a lone dragon roaming in the wild on their own, and told his companions about it. One hour in and lots of excitable discussion later, their troupe gained a special new member who would soon become their main attraction, and together they resolved to improve their talents, to put on the best show under their master's conduct.
Admittedly... this is quite a bit shorter than I wanted it to be. There are still many headcanons I've yet to put into words, buuuut I'm afraid this submission is a tad late already, so I'll have to ever-so-subtly shove some of those into written works and post the rest on their own later (someday. sometime. eventually. for sure.)
Thanks for sticking around, anyway- here's a cookie for your trouble! 'Till next time ;D
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stingslikeabee · 2 days
mun ask meme: dash commentary, fanon interpretations, another rpc you're no longer part of
send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics . accepting
1. dash commentary
I'm mostly... Neutral about it, I guess? I don't engage in this practice at all simply because I do not favor rapid-fire / crack interactions (I always felt that being iconless contributed to this, haha - I just prefer asks and threads over this type of activity). What I will add is that participating in dash comm once landed me in one of the very few cases of 'drama' pertaining to roleplay, and I'm just doing fine without reacting to stuff I see.
(Also I think it's complicated to follow - sometimes I just see part of the thing the commentary is about and without context I simply Do Not Get It, so I just keep quiet, haha.)
2. fanon interpretations
I like to see them around! While I am personally canon-compliant to the extent possible with a lot of headcanons to get all the canon stuff together, I do enjoy reading about other's perceptions of certain events/characters or even plotlines. I will say that I am more interested/favor those that are created in a canon vacuum where they just elaborate upon/create things to explain a given canon event or further detail things that are not shown in-game altogether.
I tend not to follow / interact with severely canon-divergent portrayals of certain muses (particularly on my canon blog) if they vastly disagree with something I (as a fan) see differently, haha. This is less common on Melissa, but it has happened with my other blorbos.
The last thing I have to say on the topic is that it's never comfortable when you're in the minority of the fandom - I can vouch for this for both Akiyama and Cid in their fandoms. Going by the tags, I just keep finding stuff from the RGG and FFXVI fandoms that I just cannot agree with and it makes me steer away from the blogs that actively incorporate that in their portrayals (not that it matters now because I'm not active, but shhhh). I won't go in detail and I think everyone has their own space to create their children as they see fit, but sometimes it can be lonely when you feel you're the single one supporting a given take, haha.
3. another rpc you're no longer a part of
I am technically still in a lot of them because Melissa makes my head full of contradictory stuff being fandomless, but I will try to narrow it down to two particularly niche rpcs where I saw certain trends that made me a bit frustrated.
RGG is the first one - I was weirdly surprised by the amount of OCs with RGG verses that appeared to just ignore the franchise dynamics (or even the irl thing, for that matter) by establishing immensely powerful characters that would not fit in a world that is already so ridiculously populated with over the top, invincible types. It was either another criminal lord that could rival the Tojo at a stupidly young age or someone with ties to certain canon muses that would have been affected by the existence of these relatives / connections. It just made me very frustrated because nothing about it felt real (granted I know Kiryu fought tigers inside Osaka-jo with his bare hands and that 'realism' in RGG can be a bit of a stretch but I like to be as close as I can to the sources haha).
Another rpc that surprised me in a way was Path to Nowhere - it didn't really flourish and I imagine it's because the game is very niche and small compared to other gachas, but I truly expected more people to be writing about the game lore and trying to dissect the story. it's one of the greatest things about it, literally every player will tell their friends about how good and insanely well-crafted the storytelling is... And yet I don't see it in the rpc. We got more bits of story added in and I just don't see anything about it being expanded. It felt like a very... Superficial rpc with the exception of a few blogs, and largely inactive, haha. I get that not owning a certain character can lock you out from certain profiles/interrogations, but they're available online. I just... Don't know. For a game that creates such an interesting 20 minutes into the future scenario with superpowers, I find the writers very unwilling to explore the canon we have. I wished people yelled more about their thoughts.
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arcanepactguile · 15 days
My input on the subject of Alastor and Feelings.
My Alastor portrayal, bluntly put, is human. I don't understand or enjoy the (too often an out of character misunderstanding by fans) idea that villains, especially the token Aloof & Private villain, are repulsed by all gestures of intimacy - even including innocent context like a wave or a compliment. Although we have a whole season and backlog of characterization to refer, Alastor's misunderstood in my opinion as a totally nauseated by touch and affections. I think it's not utilizing the lore we have, to depict him as a generic love-adverse character. It gets shallower than that because he's a villain, shoehorned into the boring and unoriginal stereotypes. So far we've seen Alastor show remarkably affectionate, physical gestures and body language around everyone, including the characters on his Shit-List. He's a wildly animated (energetic and open, not literal art.) guy, he talks with his body and isn't opposed or reluctant to move in on another's personal bubble. There's no indication I can see that justifies repulsion to touch. He's shown more physical body language love to the cast than they have, with the exception of Charlie and Nifty. He's forward, confronting, friendly, and coercive. Ripping his hair out, hiding the evidence (broken staff, which it's own lore I'm incorporating in my RP) of his inadequacy and incapacitated condition, powerless. He's exhibited flags that he's terrified of what's to come because he lost, he had no problem falling into a meltdown and ripping hair out to foster his distress in anticipation of whatever the punishment is. Now, there's the matter of love. Real love, as it is without sexual attraction or connection. We don't have the history on Earth when he was alive, any validated detailed parental abuse or from elsewhere, no lore to confidently say he's suffered and/or is suffering from his lifestory. It's definitely established in the Finale that he has a paralysing fear of pain, retribution, punishment, and discipline. There's very strong evidence like his disposition towards self-harm, self-deprecation, possibly isolation plays a role.
We haven't been given yet the story why he's so personally invested in Charlie and the Gang's survival. There's a popular idea he has to make sure Charlie lives in particular, otherwise he breaks a rule of his soul contract with whoever owns him, it could easily be s new unseen character instead of Lillith.
I have established in my portrayal, his owner is at the moment a Mystery so once we get the Canon, it won't be jarring and upend my headcanons. I'm more worried about writing Canon badly, or confusing than messing up my personal HCs. Sexual intimacy is certainly something. Mimzy confirmed two things: She and Alastor opposed Prohibition, and Two, he was a regular bar fly, frequently drunk and as addressed lucid/sociable more than usually sober. if he was actually an introvert or disguised by affections, she'd have said so, there's many popular stereotypes to push regarding a hard-to-get player. Either choice isn't an unappealing lore-dump of what Alastor's like if we're talking about us the audience's attention to how he develops.
My blog might be mistaken for a lewd blog. It's definitely not. I don't do magic anons, bend the character to satisfy OOC leans. I only have five threads at the moment, split between two characters, and 2.5 of those threads just happen to be NSFT.
Believe me, a sexual relationship is no less important than a chaste one. I love exploring and developing a character. Physical love and activities are just one facet of the ice berg. It's not the tip because he's not exactly hiding it; we can't assume he's sex repulsed or inhibited because we only have a handful of episodes to go by. Only Angel Dust had made a sexual advance (two if you count ep1's offhanded suggestion for a video ad) Alastor's delightful exchange is a classic rejection against a sex pest. A lot of the Helluva and Hazbin cast are sex-oriented. Just because a character isn't obsessed, it doesn't mean they're celibate.
I write Alastor as highly selective, a personal choice of his due to the very complicated and dangerous situation he's in. Soul bought, future pre-deternined, he emotionally can't afford to pay attention to a real relationship, for the long haul, unless there's some kind of contract and self sacrifice involved.
I have the idea that he has to surrender himself if he's grown attached to someone either meaningfully or as an act, in order to avoid repercussions with his owner. Humiliation will be playing a big role in his intimate relationships, he can feel genuine enjoyment in bullying and teasing his own slaves (Husker.). He's at the mercy of whoever has his leash in the canon, which I use myself to mean he's keen to over perform, being watched & conditioned by his owner to submit to whatever the relationship requires, unable to go at his own pace. It might not be comfortable for him - yet he doesn't have a choice.
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goldenngore · 9 months
🌈⭐️💻🌼🎙️🎀📚📌🏆 ( but also all these apply me @ u )
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🐝  *  ―  𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑻-𝑶𝑼𝑻𝑺 𝑶𝑭 𝑨𝑾𝑬𝑺𝑶𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑬𝑺𝑺.  / accepting / @greymount
🌈 ― aesthetically pleasing blog: @azmenka and not even because of Alex...but maybe a teeny bit. I just really love the ocean and vikingesque themed aesthetic, and I'm still in awe of Hannah's mobile header even now. It's just too good!
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character: @harringtontm of whom I am resisting @ them for multiple categories. The sheer amount of effort my girl roro has put into her Steve is nothing short of magnificent. His speech, his mannerisms, his reactions and actions, are so well crafted that the Duffers would be envious of roros portrayal of him.
💻 ― excellent writing: @sinfyre Ozzy, my beloved. Everything they write is worthy of being in a bestseller. It's poetic yet still easy to understand. Ozzy strikes a very good balance with it and I could easily fool myself that I'm reading a Madeline Miller book.
🌼 ― creative headcanons: @spynorth reading Lucas headcanons often shows how much effort my m8 puts into their research. Idk this muse but I feel like I do just from reading Lucas headcanons etc and it is one of the magic things about Lucas. They're just so dedicated to exploring their characters and I too feel that on a personal level. Our blorbos are our kids we didn't ask for.
🎙️ ― great to talk to: @clutchofmuses if I need to scream about tyrell siblings, Emily is the person to do it with. She's just so enthusiastic about them that it brings out mine too...not that I ever needed a nudge lol. But she always compliments and screams at me over the things I write for her and I'm just living for her friendship tbh. I knew I wanted to keep her right away.
📚 ― nice threads to read: I'm going to say two people and you can't stop me. @desiredprince just writes a really good lestat okay. everything they write is pretty much pure gold and I am here to devour it all. the duality of soft man and absolute lunatic is stunning. secondly, @n1atruc because it's heretic and I don't want a dash without them on it. the nuance in their crowley is an utter joy to read and how he's just so unapologetically him no matter the setting is chefs kiss levels of excellence.
🎀 ― all-around kind person: @outlawiism / @darehearts there is literally no one nicer in the Tumblr rpc than Lucy. We've been mutuals for a few years now and she always has positive things to say, and is such a good friend to those in need of one. She will always build you up when you're feeling down too. We truly aren't worthy of her. I remember a while back that she actually got burnt out from literally being too nice (I think this is correct? Plz tell me if otherwise), and I hope she has a better balance of it now. She deserves to chill.
📌 ― a staple on the dash: @musenssang whom I have known for years is pretty much on all of my dashes, and I can't imagine a dash without Lise on it. And like Lise knows so much about history so her asoiaf headcanons are far more interesting than grrms. I said what I said.
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend: @shadowcovcn for being one of the few people who will always offer to make a verse or find a way to interact with my muses even if they are from polar opposites universes and fandoms. Ace always finds a way and I admire them greatly for that, and it makes you realise that they really care tbh. I love ace. 😭
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aparticularbandit · 1 year
I was exploring thecreaminhiscoffee - because I'm autistic and I'm going through a Roger Rabbit phase and I love how you write Jessica - and I found your headcanon that Jessica and Roger's relationship isn't entirely healthy. Was that just a detail in your role-playing universe, or do you think the same thing about the movie canon? I ask because many other WFRR fans see Roger and Jessica as "couple goals" and "so cute" and "so wholesome", and I was curious to hear a dissenting opinion.
I assume you mean this headcanon? (Sorry, I have a lot, and it has been. a really long time since I've been super deep into them. I have to go back and find things to remember what I wrote. XD)
That particular headcanon would probably be specific to my personal portrayal of her built of the backstory and history I've given her. It doesn't necessarily have to be true of every interpretation of Jess; it would highly depend on how other writers build her history, what sort of history they give her, etc. (For instance, if I remember correctly, the history she's given as Jessica Krupnick in the script for the prequel/sequel that ended up not being made (for good reason) does something entirely different - but that's based on a Toons are born, not made theory which runs counter to the Toons are made, not born theory I went with (although - you're reading headcanon, you know that Toons can be born, but it's more complicated, especially when considering all the Nonnie Montgomery stuff; it's...another topic that we're not getting into, that's not the question, I'm getting distracted. XD Also this is not even getting into the book, which is a whole other animal.)
...which, actually, is kind of - I'm not using the book as a touchstone, but it does. influence. how I think about. the characters. sometimes. XD
But, like, if we're speaking from a strictly canon sense - and it's been a while since I've seen the movie, so I'm going off of memory and that. bulk of. headcanon and what I remember about it - even in canon, I wouldn't say their relationship is completely healthy? Healthy relationships rely on communication, and there's a lot of miscommunication between the two of them? Jessica is literally being blackmailed into cheating on Roger because he would be thrown out of the business if she didn't? (Patty Cake appears to be code for Toon cheating for Roger and their particular relationship, so. Using that term.) And like, sure, yes, that's a kind of love to do anything that you need to do to take care of your significant other, but like. Maybe in a healthy relationship Jess would have had the conversation with Roger about what was going on instead of just doing the thing? (To be fair. Roger would tell her not to do it, even though it would kill him to not be working, and then Jess would probably do it anyway, which is also not very healthy.)
Jessica, in the movie, does a lot of I'm going to do all of this on my own and not ask anyone for help at all (with the possible exception of asking Eddie to help her find Roger) and just does not explain herself to anyone either, although she tries with Eddie. This may be an example of people wouldn't believe her (Eddie certainly doesn't). It might not. Even with her devotion to Roger, there's a sort of...unhealthiness to it?
Loving him isn't wrong! Loving him to the point of doing things that hurt their relationship because she thinks it is all on her to take care of all the things on herself is...not.
(Then again, you can make the argument that if she'd had any of these conversations with Roger, he wouldn't have been able to keep his mouth shut, but, ah, that's another thing.)
EDIT: I feel better speaking about my personal portrayal vs. the movie canon, even though mine was originally built from the canon? I can speak to her, but the movie is. open for interpretation? It is. complicated. ><;;;;
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das-gelelenk · 4 months
So I read the first chapter of your Cedric x Reader fanfic and came to share my thoughts.
I will say, I'm not too fond of x Reader, I'm more about reading about characters instead of being one. That being said, I liked that there was an effort to include other characters from stf, and I actually got invested from how the fic was formatted as a genuine stf episode.
I don't want to be too critical of the portrayal of some of the characters, but as a Roland enjoyer, I felt your portrayal of him was quite decent until it came to Cedric. I'm not sure at what point the story is supposed to take place in besides being between Great Auntventure and Day of the Sorcerers, but I feel that Roland being unhappy about Cedric coming along doesn't feel in character. At most points in the show, Roland is shown to not mind Cedric, let alone with Sofia. Cedric's Apprentice was an episode where Sofia literally became Cedric's apprentice so he could help her for a test, and Roland never once objects to her being with Cedric. I think Roland doesn't have as big of a gripe as people think because he's more disappointed at Cedric not being able to do magic than him as a person overall.
That being said, I love how you wrote him as someone who respected Sofia's wishes and let her bring Cedric along to the carnival. That is very much like Roland to see that Sofia likes something and sets aside his biases for his daughter. I can understand headcanoning Roland not liking Cedric as a person, and It's not something I'd agree with, but I absolutely agree with him respecting his children and their wishes.
As for the royal family as a whole, I didn't expect them to take as much of a focus as they did, and it was a pleasant surprise to have the children interact with Y/N. In fact, the format of the fic was so creative, with the royal family being so involved, I found myself being invested more in that than the x Reader parts. That's just me liking things not involving Cedric more because of how focused he is in the fandom. I wanted to talk more about the other aspects of the fic because I think people would find these elements such a treat.
While the royal family isn't THE main focus, I found Amber and Miranda to be a bit weird as characters. The fact I preferred the writing for James over them says something. With Miranda, I felt she wasn't a character like everyone else. The only role she seemed to have was as a mother and nothing else. The way she didn't have as much of a prominence as the others bummed me out. And it's not that she had to have a bigger role, but I felt myself questioning where she was.
My thoughts about Amber are based on my opinion, but the way she was written felt mixed to me. There were parts where she felt like Amber, like her excitement at getting her fortune told, but her being interested in whether she has a spouse?? I don't know, I personally don't think she would be too interested in that, or at least would be more interested in other aspects of her future. Plus the "I AM EASY" part caught me off guard. That part with the part before of Amber eating fast but elegantly did not pair well. It felt like Hildegard core.
These are just my thoughts though. I really enjoyed reading this fanfic despite some parts I didn't jive with. I would recommend it for anyone who likes a storyline with their smoochies with Cedric rjdbhdidjdjdjrj
Thanks for recommending me this fic /g /vpos
I ain’t reading all that I’m happy for you tho or sorry that happened /ref
No but seriously thank you so much for writing all this 😭😭
First of all I always try to make my one shots feel like they could more or less happen in the StF canon, so I’m glad it works!!
Regarding Roland, I know that you love him but I don’t necessarily like him that much. I think he’s okay most of the time, I just hate him for fun lmao (that’s probably why I wrote him as less likable than he actually is)
About the characters overall, this was my first piece of StF fan fiction and when I was writing this I hadn’t finished the show yet (I was maybe at the beginning of season 2) so the characters hadn’t gone through all the development they had to go through yet, and I guess I didn’t have that good of a grasp on their personalities. Now that you point it out, looking back Amber was never boy crazy so I agree that that bit doesn’t make any sense (😭), and yeah I guess Miranda ended up being just… mom.
All in all thanks for the feedback! ❤️❤️
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antisatiric · 5 months
song challenge !
Share at least 5 songs that you associate with or remind you of your muse! (I went a little crazy and added explanations for them also. My bad. I like to talk about Twain.)
1. American Pie - Don McLean
Well, it's not really very original of me and it doesn't really remind me of him for the reasons you might think, because he doesn't really relate to the song or anything. But, when I was first starting to write Twain---back when he was basically strictly adherent to BSD canon---one of the first headcanons I ever made that had meant a lot to me was that American Pie was a really important song to him. The reason why has changed a lot---he used to have a mentor figure who liked the song, but now it's closer to "when he was a kid, it played on the radio a lot and he liked it". I think as my portrayal of him evolved I really wanted to emphasize the importance of his upbringing on his character, so that ended up fitting in well as a little nod to the fact that while things were hard for him, they weren't ALWAYS hard.
2. Nunemaker's Parable - Everybody's Worried About Owen
If you know this song it's probably obvious, but from the very first time I heard it I thought about Twain! It's a song based on a biblical story, which is a bonus point because Twain WAS raised in the bible belt in a very religious family, but the content of the song is someone losing every single home he's made for himself over and over again, and turning to worse places because of it. It resonated with me and my portrayal of Twain a LOT because I put a lot of emphasis on the fact that Twain, without someone acting as an anchor, is a drifter who's too afraid to put down roots because he's afraid they might get severed.
3. All Gone - Mother Mother
It's another song that reminds me of Twain because of the way he's pretty much scrubbed himself clean of the person he grew up as in every way but the ones that matter the most. He doesn't really talk about his childhood or his family or anything like that and it was because of a purposeful desire to "die" and carry on living as a new person. It didn't end up making him feel any better about the things that had happened, and it's honestly probably worse that he doesn't talk about it, but... Well. He doesn't really like to dwell on stuff so the idea of him talking about it at literally any point is far-fetched. The point of this one was that I like the interpretation that he thought had to mutilate his sense of self in order to move forward, only for it to not end up helping him at all.
4. This Year - The Mountain Goats
Despite being an occasional pessimist and the sort of person who'd joke about dying often, I've always characterized him as the sort of person who wants to live no matter what he has to do. I think drowning when he was 14 really changed his perspective on life, because he genuinely didn't see hope for a future at that point and wanted to die right until the water entered his lungs for the first time, and ever since then he's been oddly stubborn about pushing through. That's not to say he's afraid of death or anything---he's a little afraid of dying alone and he obviously doesn't WANT to die, but it's more of a sense of... "I know one of these days I'm gonna get unlucky and bite it and I'm glad there's an end to life, but I'll do what I can to make sure that's not today". From where he is now, he just wants to be able to appreciate the world and the things that are possible in it while he's alive.
5. Blossoms - The Amazing Devil
I wanted to have at least one song on here that gave me an excuse to talk about his interpersonal relationships and I think this is a really great one. He's lived the sort of life where he's either had to leave or has been left by most of the people who he's cared about, and this song has a sense of drifting and anger and desparation and hurt that I think comes from having those failed relationships and wanting to MAKE something with someone that ends up going right---but it also ends somewhat optimistically, and that's why I picked it over some of the other songs that I was debating talking about for my #5. He's been ruined beyond complete repair by the people he's disconnected himself from but he has the inherent capacity (and desire even if he won't admit it to himself) to choose to stay and work for something resembling a healthy relationship with someone else.
--- tagged by: @longerhuman --- tagging: the person reading this.... :D
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news-journalist · 8 months
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weasleyandweasley · 1 year
Gred and Forge / The Sorcerer's Stone
So the point of this post is to discuss the two dorks known as Fred and George Weasley. I like to think about their similarities, their differences, their mind sets, among various other things. They're two characters that are important to me and helped me through a tough time, and Fred became a comfort character. So, I've taken the time to really analyze them and see how I perceive them. It's very important to remember that this is my interpretation of them. Canon events will be discussed and how either I agree with them, disagree with them, and even how I personally think my own portrayal of these two would react and handle situations. I'll most likely even include my own headcanons into the mix as I see fit. So again, do not read this expecting flawless canon. Feel free to like the post, but I would prefer it not to be reblogged.
The very first time we meet the twins literally is the moment we learn one of their shared qualities: they're pranksters. In the book, Molly tells Fred it's his turn to run through the barrier to the train. To this he says, "I'm not Fred, I'm George" (Pg. 92), followed by a line that just makes me laugh cause it sounds like me, "honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can't you tell I'm George?" (Pg. 92). Not only do we see we got these little pranksters on our hands, but I also feel this is a good start of showing their differences. And to add real quick, Ron does say on the train to Harry, "are you really Harry Potter? I thought it might be one of Fred and George's jokes" (Pg. 98), which just gives us more evidence that these two are dorky pranksters. They live for the laughs. Fred officially started this. He is the oldest twin and technically the more dominant of the two. From what I've gathered, solely for this book/movie, is that he is the instigator. Not that George can't instigate, too, but he usually seems to follow suit. Looking into the dominant and submissive of the twins, Fred fits the dominants twin role in regards to being outgoing, more of the leader whereas George seems to fit the more submissive of the twins were he seems to be more shy and more of a follower. Note: these traits, apparently, can change as the twins age, but for these two we're currently only in book/movie one, and later (around the fourth book, most likely) I'll discuss a different type of dominance and submissive I've gathered from learning the differences in their personalities.
To derail a little into my own thoughts that have become head canon, I wanna say that I can't speak for actual twins, but looking into a little they don't always like being confused for one another. Applying this, a bit, to Fred and George I honestly believe it's dependent on the people and the situations. Newer people and friends in their lives don't really bother them much because they understand they're just learning about them, so they don't expect them to be able to magically tell. However, with close friends, family and significant others it's different. They understand once in a while there could still be some confusion, but with these special people in their lives they do want to be seen as individuals. Yes, they love being a unit (cause we do see they seem to be on the same wavelength - share one brain cell sometimes - since they do occasionally speak in unison) but don't want to constantly be thought of as one person or lumped together. They have similarities but they also have their own interests, dislikes, personality traits, styles to list a few examples. And to add, it does really hurt to be romantically confessed to just to be called the other twin's name. And lastly, yes, sometimes they do like to joke about who is who (and sometimes when they're hurt they may do the same).
Going back, notice how Fred's first lines display the leader, the instigator, well, George's is a bit different. Now, George's actual first line is unwritten dialogue which is "hurry up" (Pg. 92), his first piece of official spoken dialogue is "want a hand" (Pg. 94). So, the hurry up I just take as George literally wanting Fred to move his butt, but the first piece of official spoken dialogue says a lot. Look, as nice as the movie is to switch to George saying the whole "He's not Fred, I am" (not perfectly quoted), I do prefer the book's introduction to them because even though Fred does care about people, we learn that George is the one that has more empathy. George is the one to offer Harry a hand with his bags when they first board the train. He actually has to tell Fred to come and help. I do believe Fred has empathy, but I do feel that George has more (plus, I do believe situations and people can affect where empathy plays a part but do not quote me, I'm no expert on this and have thought a bit about my own in regards to understanding Fred since he is the twin I relate to the most). When I get to OOTP I will give examples about how Fred and George handle dealing with helping people that aren't feeling ok, because they do it different ways. I'm not sure if this should go here, but heck with it.
Something I've noticed about Fred is that he's the more impulsive of the twins. When they first meet Harry, Fred does ask "what's that" (Pg. 95) and I'm sure it's in regards to his scar. He even mentions to Molly that he wonders if Harry remembers you-know-who (a.k.a Voldemort - also can't remember if it indicates it's Fred, but trust me, it's Fred-). There is a chance Fred may have asked Harry about it if not for Molly (or unless George thought to stop him). I do believe Fred doesn't entirely think things through and usually allows the impulse to direct him. However, this is not always the case whether the books and movies prove this or it's my own portrayal because there are times when he does sit there and think about his actions, but I believe it can depend on the situation, the person, his mood even. Just because he reacts one way doesn't mean it'll happen all of the time. And the same can be said for George. George, I believe, is the more calculating of the two. He thinks things through more often, however, it doesn't mean he'll always do so. Again, I do think it can depend on the situation, the person and his mood, as well. And to add to this, Fred may seem scary but he is more the "in the moment scary", whereas George is the "scary overtime". George calculates his attack and prefers it to be something that will affect the person over time (although sometimes he just wants to throw hands). I also think these seem to be trait from their parents cause Molly seems in the moment scary whereas I think Arthur would be over time. So, Fred, to me, takes after Molly in this regard, but George takes after Arthur.
Backtracking a little, I mentioned they're pranksters and two lines that indicate this. But to further prove they're jokesters and like being dorks we have Ron saying, "Fred and George mess around a lot, but they still get really good marks and everyone thinks they're funny" (Pg. 99). So basically these dorks are the class clowns of their school and have gained some popularity because of it. But also take a moment to realize what else Ron says. He mentions they get good marks. Yes, the twins are bright young wizards. Despite their idiocy, they're actually quite the little geniuses. As you read on through the books, you'll learn they're inventors and have created their own prototypes of things (to be discussed more when it's mentioned in book, and I'll even talk about what I head canon as their first invention). The second line I want to add is when the students are singing the school song. Dumbledore allows them to sing in any key, any tune that they want. The twins, well, "sing the Hogwarts school song to a slow funeral march, which Dumbledore seems to allow" (Pg. 128). Not to mention they're the last ones to finish up singing. Just...do you need anymore to understand these two are dorks? They love comedy, probably even find comfort in it, and it's something that fuels their ambition.
Something else I want to talk about is something I disagree with and it's more so movie wise is how the troll scene plays out when it comes to the twins. Look, I could completely be wrong but this is my own interpretation. We learn that "Hagrid said he spent half his life chasing the twins away from the forest" (Pg. 140) because he know no students are allowed in the forbidden forest. The word forbidden clearly grabs their attention. They're like cats. My cat knows she can't go inside our utility room and it makes her even more determined to get in there. That's the twins. Here's the thing, the twins could always do this just to mess with Hagrid and get attention for doing something they know they shouldn't, but I think they actually do want to go inside. They're curious about what lurks out there. And at a younger age I do think once they got inside they may actually become a bit alarmed like, "Freddie, was this a good idea?" In the movie when Quirrell comes in and mentions the troll, all of the students get up to run, including the twins. Now, look, this is fair because they're allowed to be nervous, anxious, afraid of all of the above. But I just think that if they're trying to break into the forest then they're not just gonna fearfully run from the troll. I kind of think they'd be a stupid brave that wants to get a peak at the troll and then regret it once the troll caught wind of them. This is up for interpretation, but this is my own.
Something that the movie eliminates that really bothers me takes place during the quidditch match where Harry's broom is jinxed. In the movies you just see the players on their brooms flying into view here and there whilst Hermione uses her red (it's suppose to be blue) flames to stop the menace. Now, even though it might not be important to the story truly, and may have just taken more film time then desired (possibly budget), I'm still gonna be salty that the twin's heroics were erased. Fred and George literally try their damnedest to save Harry from falling off his broom and I believe it takes place on page 190. They literally fly towards his broom in order to get him on theirs, but Harry's just keeps raising and raising as they get close, that it isn't possible to save him with that method. So, they hover below him to catch him if he would actually fall off his broom. These two have their flaws but I won't be convinced that they don't care about people. Did they have to try and save Harry? No. Did they, though? Yes. And, no, it's not because they'd get to be in the spotlight and shine for a few minutes or be heroes. It is because Harry is their friend. An important part of their life now. Even if it wasn't Harry, they still would have tried to save the person.
In a deleted scene / possibly one in the extended version, George comes over to Ron and asks if he likes his (Pg. 202), which I believe he is referring to his sweater. Something I've noticed about George is that he gives me more "family guy" vibes. He even tells Percy (same page) that he isn't sitting with the prefects today because Christmas is a time for family. I imagine George really values family traditions, like spending holidays with family members, finding eggs for Easter, giving gifts for Christmas, taking the younger siblings Trick or Treating (I suppose, if Fred and him aren't up to any tricks, or even if they are maybe, lol) to name a few. Whereas, I don't get the same vibe from Fred. I think he does care, in his own way, but not to the extent of George. Fred doesn't seem to ask about the sweaters, or show much interest. For all we know, he put his sweater on because he knew George would make him. Plus, he probably knows how much it means to George. Fred's personality just gives me vibes that he's more relaxed about it and taking part for fun and because I imagine that holiday celebration is normalized in their family.
On a smaller subject, I was discussing this with a close friend and the consensus seems to be that George is the more athletic of the two. I'm pretty sure that it's stated in canon (though I could be wrong on this) that George is actually the better Quidditch player. And while we're on the subject of Quidditch:
A head canon for my twins is that, yes, the boys do just love the sport and have probably learned things from Charlie (not to mention were probably his biggest fans), were not only inspired by Charlie to want to join the team, but someone else as well. Fred's favorite beater is Connolly from the Irish Team we see in Goblet of Fire. Since this is a head canon I have gone with the twins actually getting to meet him before they tried out for their own team.
Something I don't agree with in book is "the rest of the quidditch team would not speak to Harry and would only refer to him as seeker (Pg. 245). In regards to Harry losing a ton of house points, I believe. Maybe I'm biased. Maybe I'm giving them a bit too much credit, but I don't think the twins would do this to Harry. Can't speak for the rest of the team. I don't believe they'd be thrilled, but it's not like they've never lost points for their house. I personally think Fred would be a bit bothered and may have tried to joke about it once or twice. And even if George is bothered I just don't think he'd take it out on Harry. In fact, I almost think he'd try to comfort him a little, especially if he understood why Harry had lost them in the first place.
So, this is just some of what I analyzed about the twins. It's not perfect and as I even reread and go over it in the future, it's bound to be edited a bit.
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symbolsought · 1 year
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 All  right,  so  here  is  the  Toshinori  /  All  Might  headcanon  /  info  drop  for  now.  Since  he's  a  new  to  me  and  I've  literally  never  had  a  Sunshine  Boy  Tm  for  a  muse  before, some  things  maaaybe  subject  to  change  as  I  think  more  about  them  and  as  I  get  more  of  a  handle  on  him  /  my  portrayal  of  him.  
From  what  I  know  and  what  I  can  find  we've  been  given  NEXT  TO  NO  INFO  on  Toshinori  as  a  character  outside  of  the  bare  basics  which  is  wild  to  me  so  I've  gone  a  little  insane  over  it,  don't  mind  me.  
First  things  first,  I've  decided  Toshinori  is  part  American,  probably  on  his  father's  side.  Which,  I  think  kind  of  explains  a  lot  of  his  aesthetic.  Out  of  universe,  he's  suppose  to  be  heavily  inspired  by  American  comic  book  heroes,  which  is  why  he  looks  and  acts  the  way  he  does  but  I  don't  really  think  Toshinori  is  just  a  Japanese  dude  who  was  fetishized  America  or  anything.  He  has  a  reason  to  be  so  interested  in  the  country and culture,  imo.  So  yeah,  in  universe,  I'm  gonna  be  saying  Toshinori  is  biracial,  American  on  his  father's  side  and  Japanese  on  his  mother's  side,  and  that's  also  why  he  chose  America  as  the  place  to  move to  when  he  graduated  from  UA  high.  (  Pretty  sure  there  was  no  in  universe  explanations  for  why  America  beyond  The  Aesthetic  )  
I  haven't  decided  exactly  what  happened  to  Toshinori's  parents.  I'll probably go with the idea that they  were  never  married,  however,  and  Toshinori  was  born  and  raised  in  Japan  up  until  graduation.  Whatever  the  case  may  be,  I  feel  he  never  really  knew  his  father  to  begin  with  and  probably  lost  his  mother  quite  young  in  some  type  of  tragedy.   I'm  probably  also  gonna  say  Nana  reminded  him  of  his  real  mother  and  Nana  probably  stumbled  on  Toshinori  pretty  young,  so  ultimately  they  filled  voids  in  each  other,  with  Nana  having to  "cut  ties"  with  her  biological  son  and  family  to  protect  them  and  again, Toshinori  probably  having  lost  his  mother  to  some  crime/villain  related  tragedy  hence  possibly being  part  of  the  drive  in  him  to  become  a  "symbol  of  peace" and protect people.  We  know  Toshinori  claimed  he  thought  of  Nana  as  if  she  were  his  actual  mother,  and  I  think  she  shared  the  same  sentiments  for  him  given  everything.  
Anyways,  I  don't  have  super  extensive  details  for  Toshi's  pre-All  Might  background  beyond  that,  mainly  cos  I  am  kinda  hoping  we  eventually  get  something  /  more  from  canon.  So  for  now  those  are  the  concepts  I'm  working  with because I still gotta have something to draw off.
Now  as  for  Toshinori's  "personal  life"  I'm  about  to  speculate  something  brave  here  and  say  my  boy  might  be  gay.  I  say  this  for  no  other  reason  than  it  feels  fitting  given  what  I've  been  observing  of  him  so  far. I  mean,  we  know  Toshinori  has  no  children  or  wife  or  love  interests  to  speak  of  despite  his  status,  which  is  a  little  unusual  to  say  the  least ( That being said we also know the insane situation with AFO so that does factor as well, IMO )  But, we've  seen  he's  insanely  popular  with  women,  yet  on  top  of  this  he  never  seems  to  return  their  interest  in  any  way  we've  seen  beyond  being  polite  to  them and posing for them in his All Might persona.  Once  again,  even  though  we  know  Toshinori  is  a  humble  and  well  mannered  guy  his  apparent  disinterest  in  women  romantically/sexually,  and  the  complete  lack  of  any  female  love  interests  and  his  insanely  private  /  hidden  /  mysterious  personal  life  feels  to  support  this  idea. ( ONCE AGAIN, I know AFO's existence def factors in, I've done the math, so to speak. )   Moreover, though,  we  do  know  Toshinori  has  had  an  extremely  close  relationship  with  his  "best  friend"  David  Shield  and  tbfh,  the  homosexual  activity  radar  spikes  when  they're  around  each  other,  I  know  gay  subtext-nearly-text  when  I  see  it.   Toshinori  may  say  he's  a  hugger,  but  I'm  not  sure  we've  seen  him  back  that  up  until  David, or at least, not on the same level because  it  wasn't  even  just  a  hug  it  was  a  barrels  over  to  him  at  full  speed, lifts him up and swings him around in the air like the shit was pretty much romantic. They were genuinely acting like reunited lovers.  Then  we  have  the  fact  David  calls  him  "Toshi"  affectionately  and  Toshinori  calls  David  "Dave"  in  return  (  as  if  thats  not  the  cutest  thing,  actually.  ) It  was  also  implied  David's  marriage  may  not  have  lasted,  given  all  we  know  is  he  was  married apparently ( Seemingly  at  some  point  after  Toshinori  moved  back  to  Japan ? )  and  the  marriage  produced  a  daughter,  but  the  wife  is  pretty  much  a  complete  unknown,  and  tbh  imagine  being  David's  wife  and  your  husband's  phone  background/lock  screen  is  a  picture  of  his  "best  friend"  and  not  even  an  official  promotional  All  Might  fan  type  picture,  its  a  canid  of  him  from  back  when  were  in  college,  like,  please,  it  would  make  a  whole  lot  of  sense  of  things.  Not  to  mention  the  fact  David  ALSO  knows  about  Toshinori's  true  form,  his  injuries,  etc,  and  they've  been  in  near constant long distance  contact  with  each  other  no  matter  what.  ( He's also still the man who designs Toshi's suits as far as we know )
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They're  actually  adorable,  ok,  but  this  is  just  an  interesting  observation  here.  I'm not saying its intentionally canon or anything bc I'm gay and I Know Better than to think a popular Japanese Shonen type anime is likely to depict a main and influential character like All Might as a gay man but -All Might Voice- Thats why I Am Here. I would be REALLY shocked if this isn't a ship in the fandom because fr. So,  moving  on  and  back  to  "All  Might".  All  Might  really  isn't  just  Toshinori's  superhero  code-name,  it  really  is  an  entire  persona  /  identity  of  its  own.  Much  about  it,  aside  from  Toshinori's  spirit,  is  false, its mostly an act,  from  the  way  "All  Might"  talks  and  looks,  to  some  of  the  way  he  behaves  as  well,  and  I  don't  think  the  reason  for  that  is  hard  to  understand.   Not  only  is  All  Might  sort  of  "created"  by  Toshinori  to  be  the  most  "ideal"  hero  but  he  also  serves  to  protect  a  lot  of  Toshinori's  identity  given  the  entire  thing  with  One  for  All  and  All  for  One  which  again is  another  reason  for  the  fact  that  Toshinori  seems  to  lack  of  much  of  a  personal  life,  especially  inside  of  Japan  where  AFO  could  and  would  do  anyone  too  close  to  All  Might  extreme  harm.  David  being  largely  spared  from  this   problem DUE  to  remaining  in  America.   Needless  to  say,  Nana's  murder  in  front  of  him  left  Toshinori  deeply  scared  and  he  was  pretty  much  ordered  by  Sorahiko  to  hide,  even  going  as  far  as  telling  him  to  leave  the  country.   So,  as  he  was  preparing  to  move  to  America,  Troshinori  "reinvented"  his  All  Might  persona  in  every  way  and  cultivated  it  into  the  All  Might  we  know  now,  before  returning  to  Japan  after  many  years  to  continue  making  a  name  for  himself  and  eventually  facing  off  against  AFO.  I  also  consider  Toshi  to  have  been  a  fan  of  American  comic  books  and  the  campy,  larger  than  life  heroes  found  within  them,  due  to  the  joy  and  laugher  they  tended  to  bring,  so  whats  true  for  his  out-of-universe  inspo  is  also  true  for  his  in  universe  inspo  in  creating  his  "All  Might  persona".   But  of  course,  the  constant  smile  was  largely  Nana's  idea.  Because  of  Nana's  words  Toshinori  explained  that  he  smiles  even  when  (  or  perhaps  especially  when  )  he's  anxious  or  scared  which  means  even  All  Might's  iconic  smile  is  "false"  in  many  ways.  Just not in spirit. Everything about All Might was suppose to be comforting, protective and reassuring to everyone, but its also comforting, reassuring and protective to Toshinori himself. Anyway,  I'm  pretty  sure  we've  still  never  got  to  see  the  original  battle  between  All  Might  and  AFO,  but  god  I'd  like  to.  I  wonder  if  AFO  instantly  realized  that  All  Might  was  that  kid  who's  mother/mentor  he  murdered  in  front  of  him  all  those  years  ago  or  if  it  took  him  a  sec  given  the  difference  in  All  Might  back  then  vs  All  Might  when  they  eventually  came  head  to  head  again  years  later.  I  hope  we  get  to  see  their  original  battle  at  some  point,  it'd  be  so  metal  its  unreal.  
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