#i'm sad. i am too culturally not american for this lol
angelsdean · 7 months
everyday i learn something new and horrific abt american food culture (is american)
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rainbowchewynuggets · 2 months
Hello, I'm still here!
I just moved again, and I wanted to share some stuff I made before I did.
So I was working on an idea for an episodic serial comic about a small polycule with mild super powers trying to live a quiet life together in an apartment in a small city--hanging out, running errands, going to work, and trying to duck the feds who want to take them away to be "studied". Just a cute slice of life thing with some spice to heighten the magic and preciousness of mundane life.
It woulda been called UNSUCOTH (Untitled Supernatural Comfort Throupple).
I didn't get far into making it, and I may never. I think I started it because I felt really sad and lost and missed my hometown. And now that I live there again, I don't really feel that motivated anymore. I just want to go outside all the time lol.
But here's the cast anyway because I love them, they're a part of me, and they may show up in later posts and projects regardless.
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This is Chesah. They have psychic powers (largely Akira style, but they've always had a spiritual/emotional connection to the stars and are starting to think they can also talk to the dead). ((My notes also say they have acid blood? What??)) They work as a clerk/archivist in the filing room at a very outdated office. People leave them alone, so they get to use their powers to do their job and listen to music all day.
They are my inner goth who never got to come out.
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This is Kanai. He can influence local temperature, air pressure, precipitation, plant life, animals, and kind of effectively the sun? A lowkey nature god, though he's too humble to claim the title. He splits part time as a line cook and a delivery cyclist. Really, he'd do any job where he gets to be in a group or meet new people.
He is the 90s beach dude I want to be.
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And this is Briar. He's a shapeshifter who has used his powers to explore his gender and humanity, as well as extend his lifespan by hundreds of years. She does odd jobs--any relatively anonymous contract work she can get. It's safer that way of course, but he also enjoys trying new things and getting to blow in and out of people's lives like a phantasm (with the exception of Chesah and Kanai's lives--he loves them to death).
She is the metalhead I almost forgot I am.
It's also worth mentioning that I had a funny little gender awakening after I started this.
Turns out I'm genderfluid! Yippee!
These three characters represent archetypes that have developed through my projects and hcs since I was 14. I always put a bit of myself into my ocs, but I put these three to paper and realized that they're much bigger chunks of me. All the stuff I'd been repressing all my life.
(Also, I should clarify that I'm a white redneck American. The ethnicities of the throupple obviously don't apply to me. They're based on other people I know or cultures I want to know more about.)
I especially looked at Briar and said to myself, "Oh, that guy really is just what I look like on the inside." So I named myself after him.
Can you do that? A reverse self-insert?
Still, all three of them have been my guides through this wacky, cool period of my life. I'm having all kinds of complicated feelings about it and am very slow in the process of exploring it as I put my new life together.
Look forward (maybe) to some kind of post about how agenderism, shapeshifting, and monster kinning factor into this. (Legitimately. I think it's really cool and I hope I can sort out my thoughts well enough to explain it.)
Anyway, thanks for reading.
Signed, BRIAR!!!
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
I know this is only marginally related, but the anon post about dating your boss in the military raising eyebrows and people's prioritization in shipping wars made me immediately think of "In The Navy" by Village People and of "YMCA" (because my brain thinks since YMCA has cheeky subtext and is considered a gay anthem if I'm not misremembering, In The Navy might have some cheeky subtext, too), and it reminded me of the musical Hair and within it of the song "Hair" in which Berger is asked if he's gay (supposedly because of his long hair and homophobic stereotypes IIRC?), which I thought was a reference to fraternization regulations (due to working with a lot of other guys I guess?) and to homophobic regulations (if I haven't misunderstood it, specifically the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy?), and it reminded me of the songs "Black Boys/White Boys" which always seemed a little tongue-in-cheek about attraction between military personnel to me (and only partially subtext, some of it seems to downright be text with no subtlety found, now that I'm rewatching the scene from the film lol). It's been years since I've been to the musical though, so my memory probably forgot 99% of the musical. Gotta watch the film some time.
(BTW I'm not from the USA or an English-speaking country, so I'm not very familiar with US American laws and military culture stuff or with US American LGBT+ history and culture, though I am even more unfamiliar with it in my country apart from a few things because I'm from germany and I know for example that gay people were also targeted and murdered by the nazis - one thing that comes to mind immediately is "Aimée & Jaguar", which is a film based on a book that's about the actual lives of two real people and which I recommend watching very much, though you might want to prepare yourself for seeing horrifying violence and for crying a lot - but I don't know much more about other things in german LGBT+ history, which now makes me pretty sad... Then again, I only realized I was bi less than 10 years ago when I learned about the existence of the term bisexuality, so it's possible that I've just somehow managed to overlook tons of things I've heard and read and that they never registered in my brain, which is very likely TBH.)
Sorry for babbling in your inbox, I shall be off to research more queer history.^^
I guess YMCA doesn't literally say "Stay there to suck cock", but it's still sung by a bunch of dudes in intentional camp stereotype outfits. There's subtext and then there's those pieces of art that are like 99% subtext with one tiny fig leaf of text as cover.
Germany had such an interesting history immediately prior to all that death, Magnus Hirschfeld and his Institut für Sexualwissenschaft being particularly obvious examples. Most of the research materials and art from that era were destroyed, but a few things escaped, including a copy of Anders als die Andern. Good luck researching, nonnie. Germany actually has a lot that was once recorded compared to many countries/societies even if it was systematically purged. It was the birthplace of modern sexology, after all.
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ms-lirio · 25 days
Thoughts on Macau? I think he'd be an interesting character to think about
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I know the question was directed to Macau, but it will eventually end up being Maycentric lol since the vision I always bring is the characters' relationships and their interactions with my oc.
In this case, a member of the Portuguese-speaking community and we have a lot to talk about. However, I'm not an internationalist, I know a little about diplomacy and history as a simple hobby. I am not an authority figure.
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My human name for him is Miguel da Silva Xavier/Chan Yee Cheung. Sometimes he may present himself as Miguel Chan. His nickname is Mimi and no one can stop me from calling him like this.
I remember someone a long, long time ago in the fandom giving him the fanon name "Xavier", so it got stuck in me for years, but it sounds better as a surname, in my opinion. So I preserved the Xavier, but as a surname, as a memory, for the sake of that good old-times fanon name, haha.
I baptized him Miguel, fits him better. Actually, Afonso did it, not me xd I am not the colonizer here. 💋
About the Cantonese name... I am not sure if it is correct, I spent so much time researching Cantonese names, and surnames, about important Macanese people, so I could have an idea of names... So, I am deeply sorry if I commited a mistake, if you are Cantonese/Macanese, feel free to correct me. I really tried my best 😔 uff
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Lusofam (from Brazil's perspective)
Firstly, nowadays, Mayara barely sees Afonso as a father figure (perhaps due to a kind of resentment that she developed over time). Although yes, in other historical moments Portugal and Brazil have maintained a kind of relationship similar to that of parent-child, but it was a very troubled relationship. And, it's still a complicated relationship. Although, currently, they are on great terms and cooperate with each other. They've been rebuilding a kind of family relationship, but there are still many fights and disagreements; It is very complex to define lol
I know it will sound sad, but May is a bit isolated from Lusofam. Not for the same reasons as the Hispanic American countries, but due to the distance. And because she is not all aware of them.
Brazil is the only country that speaks Portuguese in the Americas. The other Portuguese speakers are too far away to create strong family ties with, although yes, she is interested in getting closer to the Lusofonia, and little by little the relationship between them is becoming closer.
Many of these countries and regions, however, had contact with her at some point during Maylore.
The closest lusófono Mayara feels to having a family relationship (besides Afonso) is Lívia (Angola). With whom I believe she created a true fraternal bond (Brazil was the first country to recognize the Independence of Angola, for example).
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(Chinese Tea plantation in the Jardim Botânico of Rio de Janeiro)
The first relations between Macau and Brazil took place through trade and architecture through Portugal during colonial times.
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(Via: Terra de Santa Cruz)
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Chinese Jesus Christ.
"They came in one of the ships that traveled the "Indian route", a trade route between Europe and Asia. The presence of these statues in Bahia may have been the result of a mercantile exchange between Brazil and China. Recôncavo's tobacco was appreciated in the East, yielded profits for the Bahian farmer and enriched the region.
One of the fans of Cachoeirense tobacco would have been the Chinese emperor Quianlong (1711-1799), fourth monarch of the Manchu Qing dynasty, who had relations with the Portuguese through Macau. It is likely that, in this circulation of goods and culture between the two regions, a Carmelite friar, a businessman or a high-ranking official from the Portuguese overseas Empire bought or exchanged the set of sculptures for tobacco, giving them as a gift to the Order. Terceira do Carmo." (Font: A Terra de Santa Cruz, FB)
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Leão de Fô decorating a church located in João Pessoa, Paraíba.
This is a Chinese-looking statue. Sculpted by Macau and Goa artists in Brazil. This was a type of called "Arte Achinesada", "Chinese-looking art".
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Church of Nossa Senhora do Ó de Sabara, Minas Gerais, with Chinese Pagoda style and Macanese-Goan Chinese-looking art, made by a Goan artist.
This type of art was very popular at the time, and inspired Brazilian artists as well.
The first Chinese Immigrants in Brazil came from Macau:
Now let's talk about what I HC that I believe it was the first personal contact between May and Mimi.
"In 1812, a boat from Macau with tea planters arrived in Rio de Janeiro." First image above in Historical Ties.
"The truth is that there is no consensus on the date. Nor, even, about whether this landing of immigrants was the first contact between China (always through Macau) and Brazil." (A/N: I believe not, due to the infos above).
"Leonor Diaz de Seabra, one of the Portuguese who has most studied the relationship between China and Brazil, points to 1810. The professor at the Department of Portuguese at the University of Macau (and at the Research Center for Luso-Asian Studies) argues that since 1810, tea cultivation began, in the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro, with plants imported from Macau and with 200 Chinese to work there."
(Font: PontoFinalMacau.Wordpress)
Macau wanted Brazil
"If there is no [...] scientific evidence in the Macau archives about the date of sending the ship "Vulcano" with farmers from Hebei to Rio de Janeiro, where they dedicated themselves to planting tea, there is no doubt that Macau has been trying to get closer to Brazil for a long time."
(Font: PontoFinalMacau.Wordpress)
This makes me think that, yes, Brazil and Macau may have met each other somewhere during the ~1810~, a little after the Portuguese Royal Court moved to Brazil. This is a HC, however.
AS YOU CAN SEE, there is too much to talk about them. But I had to stop here, because it is becoming too long. I would like to put more details. But you can research by yourself (if you understand Portuguese lol, or if I made another post like this, or to correct myself in the future(?).
Macau and Brazil, in my own views, do not have a fraternal bond (like Brazil and Angola, for example), however, this does not mean that the relations between these two are disposable. Quite the opposite.
Macau is a strategic point for closer ties with China, precisely because they have ties that unite them, which is the history with Portugal and the Portuguese language. (I may have read it in an article many years ago, but I don't remember it).
They do not necessarily need to see each other as siblings, but they can maintain a different relationship; like old acquaintances. Like...someone you have a fondness for based on your historical similarities!
Certainly. I don't see any problem with portraying Lusofam as a family in some type of AU, for example. Like, they all being siblings. I myself have already made drawings portraying May and Mimi as adopted siblings. And it is adorable to see them like this.
It is upon you. 🫵 This is just my vision on them. ☝️ I know I talked more about history and shit, but I think this way I could explain better my vision on them.
All the information I used has its fonts and credits.
Lívia (Angola) (c) @favichanwriter
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kustas · 6 months
can you talk about your issues with blue eye samurai
I can! warning: i will spoil the show here.
This show has an incredible issue with consistency, among other problems which make it one of the worst series i've watched in a long time. It has a basic plot thread it wants to follow and everything it does is malleable for the sake of said plot beats. The main character's personality can change from one scene to the other depending on if they want the moment to be funny or sad. Battle wounds, established personality traits and other Deus ex machinas vanish randomly when they become irrelevant. The show also has no idea of the tone it's going for. It wants to be everything at once, funny, tragic, epic; and does so by lazily copying better media of reference down to at times remaking shots nearly 1:1. It does nothing it attempts well.
The historical setting is a mess. For a show who's premise is entrenched in a particular historical period you'd expect it to be a major part of the story, but Japan is mostly used as a cliché set dressing. Each episode pulls out a few cultural setpieces in a shallow way that felt ridiculous if not borderline offensive. It's Japan right? Oh we gotta reference the Sakura. The sumo ring. The matcha tea. And I say Japan and not historical Japan because I have doubts about the veracity of every cultural element and how well researched it is. Keep in mind I am no expert, I know very little of either the country and the time period but even with that every episode made me go huh? This is not true. There is little to no effort spent on accurately representing a foreign culture's history and it is very visible in how the characters act - aka like modern american TV characters. The worst part? The cultural things its cast casually goes against are referenced...as jokes or as set dressing for each episode's look we are in Japan;););) scene. So, they know. They just don't care.
When it comes to...a bit more troubling topics, the show sucks too. The first episode reveals its main character is crossdressing to make her way across the world and the show has many secondary female characters in female social roles to contrast her to. This premise is a great one: watching a woman evolve in a sexist society by disguising herself into something she's not. Is it well done? Lol, nope! Gender remains explored in a very surface level way. The thing is, if the characters indeed acted like their time period would imply, I would be fine with much more, as this is a society with very strict gender roles. But given most of the times they act like modern american TV show characters, it stings that despite the MC's position, said gender roles are not much explored. Notable examples that made me facepalm damn hard: a side character who's established as a rich brat trying to work her way out of an arranged marriages ending up finding satisfaction in said arranged marriage; and the main character herself who i will repeat spends her whole life passing as male and fighting dudes, getting found out by the villain mid-fight because of her "fragile female bones". What the fuck?
Additionally, the show has two disabled characters, a blind man and a man born without hands. The former is written okay, the latter is not. He is treated like a comic relief and spends his time on screen (where he's not being a buffoon) sucking up to the other characters. It feels frankly insulting to have your fat guy with a deformity be this archetype and he is not allowed much growth or serious moments.
I'm not a woman, I'm not japanese and I am not disabled so all of what I say here should be taken with the grain of salt of: it's my impression, as someone who's not been on the recieving end of things. Seeing this show being celebrated for being progressive is a fucking joke.
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ca-suffit · 29 days
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I luv when u whiny fucks cry in my inbox because it means u just got hit where it hurts. u all have the same 4-5 tired things u say and the more u try, the more I can show off that this is all u've got.
bringing attention to loustat-0's many issues and showing real proof of her ignorance is not a personal attack. u wanted it to be a personal attack, that's why u came in my inbox giving me a bunch of her information but is that what I used to talk about her in reply? no.
bringing attention to fandom racism and inspiring others to speak up about it is the goal. being here long term to make sure u all get popped in the mouth the minute u try ur antiblack shit is the goal. being a pain in ur fucking ass is the goal. u notice how the PSAs have stopped, how much ppl like virginia and nalyra and the rest are too afraid to open their fucking mouths anymore to play victim? how angry u all are all the fucking time that I'm here? (why could that be??) how all this is all u've got cuz u don't know anything about me and I know so much about u? and what I don't know, ppl are more than willing to share with me. ur attempts to distract or guilt me will not work. I know what I'm doing and I know what ur doing and I'm happy to expose ur manipulation techniques and anything else so ppl can learn how to ignore it even more.
making fandom spaces safe for black and brown ppl *is* part of larger social justice issues. u ppl will pretend literally *anything else* fandom related is some kind of activism except for this one, cuz it's the one u most don't want to fall apart. I'm obviously not gonna dismantle the whole of white supremacy here, but I am gonna be loud about it. I am gonna make sure u don't know peace. I am gonna be persistent and tire u all the fuck out. maybe u'll get more creative in ur arguments? prbly not. ur all fucking dumb.
I'm sorry u came to the show that's v much about the experience of a black American and ur upset that u have to deal with an American fandom (there's lots of ppl here who aren't Americans and don't have this weird hang up u have about it too. they clearly don't want to associate with u tho, why could that be??) u can't use that excuse here to hold any weight fr because this is not a show that's meant to appeal to a broad audience about broad issues. it's about America's antiblackness. figure it out or fuck off, cuz u look stupid as fuck crying about this like some kind of gotcha to the fandom. this is a u problem, honey. do u know where u are? are u lost? do u need ur mommy??
also doubling down on ur transphobia is rly a choice but there are several v prominent trans ppl in all cultures that are currently experiencing genocides and whatever else rn. maybe u should go donate to them and boost their voices instead of yelling abuse at a total stranger *on anon* cuz u hate Americans. did u get the ego boost u were seeking by trying to shout me down? cuz this was not threatening lol it's just sad. ur all so fucking sad being like this. how lonely ur life must be that this is what fulfills u.
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princejiu · 4 months
cuban here, majority of us very very much dislike yanquis (americans) as your country and presidents in the past have been the reason for a lot of the bad shit here.
e.g. a lot of us find that the states are very good at deciding who stays poor and who was money in terms of countries and people under their jurisdiction and cuba and haiti are two of quite a few places who drew the short end of the stick here. there’s also a saying here “the american dream doesn’t come in our colour” which essentially means latinos who migrate sure they have better chances and more money but at the end of the day they are very looked down upon by many americans as racism is something that is still very prevalent there - obviously racism is present in other places too, but i’m focusing on mainly america here.
i personally do have yanqui friends and have nothing against the majority of americans myself, i just very much dislike your government and find many people, specifically southerners and people from places like cali, very irritating and cocky.
i came to texas when i was 17, now 20 as of last week and yes, i am fully documented i came here for college. and the racism i faced was horrible. obviously i know not all americans are like that but personally my experience with many of you has been 50/50, either you hate me for the colour of my skin and are disrespectful to my culture, or you’re some of the most chilled, funny people i’ve ever met. sorry for the ramble lol
tldr: i have nothing against americans unless they have something against me, however the majority of cuba very much hate the yanquis -a cuban
I totally understand you and I'm sorry you had to experience the harsh side of a new country. I wish no one has to face the discrimination American has buy like you said, there are some chill funny Americans who are more than happy to be your friend and I'm glad that you have some friends that's keeping you company. Okay, let's get into it.
Americans hate their own government so you're not alone. They do decided on who stays rich and who will stay poor, and they make sure to keep that balance tight. The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer. It's done with other countries and within the country itself. It's sad because there are people working multiple jobs and aren't even able to pay their rent still.
Racism is big in America, even when they preach equality, it's very confusing. Of course, it's not like this all the time, we all do get along with each other for the majority of time. But, then you have the people, who are colored and who are white, continuously be racist to each other.
Definitely the state your in will be different levels of racism. Texas is one of the biggest states known for being racist, and yes they're a southern state so with history and all that jazz, you know they remain the same. Over here in Cali, Latino (mainly Mexican) culture are very big. They respect and love the cultures but we do experience some racism as well.
Not to deter your experience with mine, but I'm half Mexican and I experienced racism from other Mexicans, they're very strict on who they deem Mexican and who's not. It's very annoying, so I won't go into it. But, the racism I experienced are from colored people, not all the time, it was very little considering almost everyone gets along in the town that I'm in.
It's an odd thing, no one can live peacefully it's all about race and that gets very tiring cause everyone thinks they're superior. That's what it is, they think their culture and color are superior to each other. But, those are the people who are ignorant and egotistical. The ones that don't mind to share cultures and get along are the best, because it allows everyone to be brought together.
Like I said very very confusing.
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thoughtsbyharu · 1 month
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Guts and Guts (spilled) Album Thoughts
My thoughts about Olivia Rodrigo's 2nd album, Guts!
Hi everyone! Long time no post! A lot has happened for the past months and I haven't posted a lot :(
Anyway, so Olivia released an album last September! This review is sooo long overdue haha but at least I could also review the new songs released on Guts (spilled) which is kind of like the deluxe edition of Guts.
I am very excited for this album because her previous album, "Sour" was one of my favorites. I listened to this on its release and it did not disappoint! So let's talk about my thoughts about it.
1. all-american bitch
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Rating: 9/10
Memorable line/s:
"I don't get angry when I'm pissed. I'm the eternal optimist, I scream inside to deal with it"
"I'm grateful all the time (Grateful every f*cking time)"
Way to start an album! The song is very catchy and the pop rock elements just hits up my alley. I heard that she used some American pop culture references in this song so I did some researching to know the meaning of them (since I am not American lol).
The overall tone of this song is somewhat sarcastic. I think the song is about how people expect her to be the "perfect American woman" when some of that ideals are quite destructive. Take for example the line:
"All the time, I'm grateful all the time I'm sexy and I'm kind I'm pretty when I cry"
and the line
"I don't get angry when I'm pissed I'm the eternal optimist I scream inside to deal with like "Ah""
It's like even if you are upset or angry, as a woman, you are expected to be calm and mature and handle things gracefully like a proper lady. Basically, bottling up your feelings because you, having negative feelings and expressing them doesn't sit well with people.
These types of expectations are toxic and unhealthy. Keeping your thoughts internally because people will be inconvenienced is such bs. Having emotions isn't a crime because guess what, women are people too. We should be able to laugh when you're happy, cry when you're sad and get mad when you're angry.
Overall (before this section takes too long), I like the song and it's meaning. I especially love the outro. Oh! and have you guys seen her performance of this song on SNL? It was amazing!
2. bad idea right?
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Rating: 8.5/10
Memorable line/s:
"Seeing you tonight is a bad idea right?"
"I only see him as a friend (The biggest lie I ever said)"
This is like hearing the thought process of your friend who can't leave their ex or move on 😂
It's a fun song and really catchy. I love the build up before every chorus hits. It's fun to sing along to.
It's funny because this song reminds me of one of my friends and his on/off relationship with a girl. Like, he keeps ranting about her but he just keeps coming back to her. Saying things like, "Well, we're still friends so we're still hanging out" but then regrets it later when stuff happens. This song reminds me soooo much of him. No matter how much advice we give him he always does the opposite.
Anyways, to my friend out there, hope you move on already!
3. vampire
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Rating: 9/10
Memorable line/s:
"I used to think I was smart but you made look so naive"
"You can't love anyone, 'cause that would mean you had a heart"
So this song was said to be about a previous boyfriend but others said that this is about Taylor Swift, but I think I'd go with the former. I did some research and she did have a former boyfriend that fits the description so maybe it's about him?
The lyrics is kind of like "All Too Well" all over again. Not saying it's bad but it's really weird to think that a lot of young women can relate to it. I mean, why do these men always go after young women who's like, years their junior? The line "Went for me and not her, 'cause girls your age know better"?? Like dudes, why can't you find someone your age? Young women in their late teens to early 20s are still figuring out life, leave them alone 😂
Anyways, the song is quite good and pretty hard to sing so kudos to Olivia! I watched her live performances to this song and it's just so amazing.
4. lacy
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Rating: 7.5/10
Memorable line/s:
"I see you everywhere, sweetest torture one could bear"
"People are people but it's like you're made of angel dust"
"I despise my rotten mind and how much it worships you"
This is definitely about envy. It's the kind of envy where you admire someone because you can never be like them. Do you guys get it? (haha)
She puts "lacy" in a pedestal because she's basically perfect; which is something that she (Olivia) thinks she could never be. Basically, "Lacy" brings out her insecurities and this is frustrating her.
I think most of us has their own "lacy". Maybe it's an idol, actress, friend, etc. and I get it because I also have my own. The thing is, you are your own person and that lacy is also their own person. You will never be them because you are you. It's alright to acknowledge the feeling of jealousy but don't let your life revolve around it. Do things that are best for you.
5. ballad of a homeschool girl
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Rating: 8/10
Memorable line/s:
"I'm on the outside of the greatest inside joke"
"Each time I step outside, it's social suicide!"
This is not a ballad, this is an anthem!! 😂
I have to say, this ain't just for the homeschool girlies but awkward and socially inept people too (like me). I am laughing all throughout this song when I first listened to it because it is TOO relatable for my own good.
I love how chaotic it sounds, like a mind of a very confused and anxious girl who does not know how social stuff works.
P.S. can't find a fitting gif for this sooo bear with me
6. making the bed
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Rating: 8/10
Memorable line/s:
"Well sometimes I feel like I don't wanna be where I am"
"Every good thing has turned into something I dread"
"I got the things I wanted, it's not what I imagined"
This is such a very personal and emotional song. I've been watching BoJack Horseman recently (I'm on Season 4 pls no spoilers) and this song reminds me of him. This song could be about her rise to fame but it could also be interpreted as facing the consequences of your own actions thus the title.
9. logical
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Rating: 8/10
Memorable line/s:
"No, love is never logical"
"I know I'm half responsible and that makes me feel horrible"
"i fell for you like water falls from the february sky"
Another ballad~ It's about how she wished she left an unhealthy relationship sooner. She reminisced about how she ignored all the red flags because she loved him. This is probably about that guy on vampire because some lyrics talks about how he took advantage of her because she was young. And yes, when you are young, immature, and inexperienced, love is not logical. She seems to blame herself over it as well which made me want to give her a hug :(
The song makes me sad.
10. get him back!
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Rating: 9.5/10
Memorable line/s:
"But I am my father's daughter, so maybe I could fix him"
"Wanna kiss his face, with an uppercut"
"I want sweet revenge, I want him again"
This feels like the continuation for "bad idea right?". Get him back is a song about having complicated feelings for an awful ex. She wants to get back with him but at the same time she wants to get revenge or get back at him for breaking her heart.
Song is very catchy and I hope I could hear this live soon! (Olivia please come to the Philippines) One of my faves in this album.
11. love is embarrassing
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Rating: 9.5/10
Memorable line/s:
"My God, love's embarrassing as hell"
This is logical but in a lighter tone or when you are at the stage that you've moved on but you suddenly remember what you did and you get second hand embarrassment for yourself 🤣 It's giving "What the hell was I thinking, tf did I do that for??"
This song is so fun and I found myself singing it from time to time. One of my favesss
12. the grudge
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Rating: 11/10
Memorable line/s:
"You took everything I loved and crushed it in between your fingers"
"My undying love, now I hold it like a grudge"
"I takes strength to forgive, but I don't feel strong"
"How could anybody do the things you did so easily?"
"It takes strength to forgive but, I'm not quite sure I'm there yet"
Ngl, this song made me cry. Every time I try singing it I always end up tearing up or crying. It's like you are trying to move on and forgive someone but that pain still lingers and it hurts so much and you can't bring yourself to come in terms with. To anyone who is in the situation, give yourself time because as they say time can heal all wounds. If you must cry, then there's no shame in crying.
13. pretty isn't pretty
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Rating: 10/10
Memorable line/s:
"There's always something in the mirror that I think looks wrong"
"...I could try every every lipstick in every shade, but I'd always feel the same "
"You fix the things you hated, And you'd still feel so insecure"
Seriously Olivia. Why should you always write songs that are so personal and relatable?? I gotta be honest, but this song made me cry again haha. I dunno, I just can relate to this song soooo much. I love how Olivia wrote this because it captures the struggles of being an anxious and insecure individual. Anyway, on a lighter note, I love the guitar and the bridge of this song. This is one of my faves.
14. teenage dream
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Rating: 10/10
Memorable line/s:
"When am I gonna stop being wise beyond my years and just start being wise?"
"They all say that it gets better, it gets better, but what if I don't?"
Another ballad and yes, I am crying because of this song yet again. If I have a song I want my teenage self to hear, it's this song. I am an eldest daughter in an Asian household so this song just pulls my heartstrings so much because it makes me feel heard and my feelings validated. I am expected of many things so this song comforts me.
The slow buildup to a rock tone during the outro is also such a nice tone.
15. obsessed
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Rating: 10/10
Memorable line/s:
"You both have moved on, you don't even talk. But I can't help it, I got issues, I can't help it baby"
You don't know how guilty I felt when I heard this song for the first time hahaha. At one point in my life, I've been soooo insecure at my boyfriend's ex and the lyrics just hits me like a damn truck because my thoughts are exactly the same!! I mean, sometimes you just can't help to compare yourself from an ex you know?
I love the contrast of this vs. the other 3 songs because this is pop rock. I love the instrumentals for this!
16. girl i've always been
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Rating: 8/10
Memorable line/s:
"And I can't say I'm a perfect ten. But I am the girl I've always been"
A country song! I love how lively this song is. The lyrics is kind of empowering in a way because it feels like Olivia has accepted that she is flawed and is not pretending to be that perfect girl anymore.
17. scared of my guitar
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Rating: 7.5/10
Memorable line/s:
"I can't lie to it the same way that I lie to you"
"So we'll stay together 'cause how could I ever trade something that's good for what's right."
Another sad song (please Olivia I'll run out of tears!). I think Olivia is pertaining to her songwriting skills here and how she uses it to express her raw and authentic self. She compares how honest she is with her songwriting versus her relationship with others. It is implied that she isn't transparent about her feelings with other people, possibly because she is protecting herself.
18. stranger
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Rating: 10/10
Memorable line/s:
"I cried a million rivers for you but that's over now. You're just a stranger I know everything about"
"You are the best thing that I'll ever keep so far out of my life"
"If I'm not enough for you, you're not enough for me"
This song is so uplifting and positive for someone who already moved on. I love the lyrics of this as it speaks about moving forward and forgiving someone but never forgetting. Oh! and I love the reference from "enough for you". I also love the guitar on this one.
19. so american
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Rating: 9/10
Memorable line/s:
"He's like a poem I wish I wrote"
"Oh god, it's just not fair of him to make me feel this much"
"I'm probably gonna marry him if he keeps this shit up"
"I really love my bed but man it's hard to sleep when he's with me"
"I don't wanna assume this stuff. But ain't it love? I think I'm in love"
Guysss we finally have a love song!! This is such a perfect way to end an album together with "stranger" because it feels like a chapter has closed and another one has opened! This is her first love song since her debut right?? It's sooo good. The lyrics are so cute and makes me smile. She describes this guy as the best thing that's ever happen to her and that makes me happy somehow? She sounds sooo inlove and adorableee! I really love the bridge it makes me all giggly ><
My Top 5 Picks:
the grudge
love is embarrassing
pretty isn't pretty
Overall Thoughts:
I gotta say, kudos to Olivia and her team because they manage to create another good album! It's great that they are consistent with pop rock and ballads and I especially appreciate that they added a little country touch on the song list!
Overall, like Sour, I love how this album is so personal. Ngl, this made me cry more than Sour ><
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jiminsass-istant · 2 months
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I never ever said JK was forced. Infact even cleared it in my last post you have quoted. (Do you not read?) But I stand by the fact that his schedule was too much. Members RM and Jimin were not concerned that JK didn't have time, they were concerned about his HEALTH. He was partially sick when he was promoting Seven too. You could hear it in his performance. But since he's an amazing vocalist, he still managed to sound great. Listen to BBC lounge live, that's not JK's top condition at all.
And we saw how much he was flying everywhere. Obviously he wouldn't if he didn't have the ambition and motivation to do so. If you remember, Seven happened when JK suddenly received the song and liked it. You can't tell me that Golden was already planned by then. Infact they hadn't even planned for 11 songs in the album. So i stand by the fact that Golden was made in a hurry. And hence the promotions were all crammed up. That is exactly what you call as bad planning. Obviously JK did it because he wanted to and pushed himself to deliver. And it wouldn't be the first time bts have pushed themselves to their limits.
I have said at least 10 times now, that my issue is with Bangpd and his team. If i was in his place, I would have put together a better plan for him. Idk how, but that's THEIR job.
Secondly, about Golden. Please look at the other 5 albums and compare them conceptually. You can't tell me Golden has a better concept than any of the other 5 albums. (Not including jin because it was a single song) And no! This is not JK shade. This is a combination of personal opinion and objective facts. Golden was a commercial album with the sole purpose of establishing JK as a solo artist in the US. In the short time period, that's all they could do. Golden's concept was literally "Jungkook"- visually. But he himself said lyrics are not autobiographical. So it's almost an irony to me. So is it about JK or not? Golden refers to Golden maknae but the songs are not about him? That itself makes it clear that it was a commercial album with the aim of promoting JK as a solo artist.
About euphoria- I wasn't in the fandom at that time, so idk about the backlash. I like the song , especially the DJ swivel remix.
About Jimin's ' rumoured' all english project, if that happens and Jimin gets no credits anywhere, i am gonna be critical. I'm not gonna lie. If that happens , you can come back and check my review lol.
I am critical of artists who don't have any credits in their own song. It takes away from their artistry. No matter how big they are. If you don't connect with your lyrics in some way, (even if you didn't write them), how are you going to build a connection with your audience?? Like..this was the lyrics in 'Too sad to dance'--
"Pops"? it's such an American term, I can't even..
That is not something JK would say, like ever.
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Dynamite was extremely American too, but it was literally a tribute to American pop culture and bts were pretty open about it. The basketball, the disco, MJ inspired choreo, "keep your eyes on the ball"? It's like spending a day watching American TV. It was 2020, everybody was rotting at home and BTS literally said "Hi America, let us remind you about how fun your pop- culture is! Now get up and dance!" I found it hard to like Dynamite until i realised that it was literally BTS knocking at US's door, wearing US outfits, doing US things- like topping charts. That song is literally a statement. Anyway, I'll save my love-hate rant about Dynamite for some other day.
I know that no matter how much I separate my views on Golden from my views on Jungkook, people will still think I'm shading him.
Jungkook deserves all the achievements he's getting, not just because of his solo chapter, but because of the 10 years worth of blood, sweat and tears he has put in and built a huge fanbase.
And that's why I still trust him and BTS members to give us good, heartfelt music. That's why I'm still anticipating JK's future releases and hoping for more.
Anon, you also addressed someone in your ask who has their asks off, so I'll just put your ask here without mentioning them-
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About creative input. Again, absence of credits doesn't mean creative input is zero. But of course, it was not enough for him to be credited. Which means the songs were not made from scratch with him. Tae also had zero credits, but definitely had creative inputs. But somehow, his album sat very nicely in the niche of his genre. It represented everything about Tae. The whole mood, even the songs.
Jk is capable of making melodies, getting involved in production and even lyrics if he tries. And that's why my expectations were high.
And anon, thanks for mentioning the festa thing. Why do you think his older collection of songs were not chosen for his solo debut? Why was that solo project that he was excited about not released? It seemed like he had songs ready too. Definitely not Golden's songs.
Maybe those songs will be released in JJK2?! But why do you think so many things changed? Hint: scooter.
Scooter wanted to bring his producers, his connections into it. And Jungkook's ambitions to be a big global popstar fell right into his hands. Do you think Scooter would promote a project so massively which he didn't help create? The answer is no. And if those songs were Korean, Scooter would be even more unwilling to provide such a focused promotion to a solo artist.
I genuinely want JK to release stuff that he deeply immerses himself in ( which includes credits and concepts). Because I'm selfish and I want to feel connected too.
EDIT: Had more thoughts after this post that i realised after better thinking- Click here
Also anon if you still feel like fighting, just block and move on. I get like 5 likes on my opinions. You don't need to fight it if you don't understand.
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Rip Baek, they wanna make you an American football stan 🤡 I never understood Super Bowl tbh, some performances aren't even good anyway
Lol you're saying the Mbappe x RM saga will finally end? If he plays and behaves well be my guest, but it's on sight Kylian!!!
It's always sad seeing top players struggle in the NTs, because they're doing all the work. The disproportion is really big. I can't blame other players since a lot of them don't play in CL clubs, but it's so embarrassing sometimes 😭
So brother Baek could've been a cricket star?! Omg damn that injury sounds nasty though. I don't know shit about cricket actually. Tbf my wrist was already twisted because of another evil team ball sport called HANDBALL. My spaghetti arms couldn't take it lolol, I'm decent at basketball though! I did break two of my fingers while playing, but 😅
Pique thinks he's a spy or a detective trying to "expose" RM every 4 months, let it go... I can't believe Shakira got with him, girl??? I had to show some of the best football moments to my ignorant USA friend and I ofc sent her the Zidane headbutt and Suarez biting, culture <3
It happens every year so I don't think Salah cares? Good for him, but on the other hand I'd just stop posting at this point, cause the comments are getting worse and worse
Harry Kane being a disappointment isn't anything new lmao. Believe it or not, but I unfortunately have some Spurs fans among my friends and they're often mad at him
Omg, yeah see suddenly everyone knows everyone. Bestie I don't go to weddings, but I probably heard the songs you've mentioned, got me all curious 👀 Riverdale was filmed near you?! I'm so sorry, that's so bad 😩
Is the Yunho fic hot & cold too then? How's it going?
Hwa is a mystery, because no way he wouldn't be able to take Hongjoong down. Sometimes he does this though, soooo 🤔 runner Hwa AU... I'm manifesting
I hope Hwa will be able to attend EXO's concert 🤞🏻 I wouldn't mind a free ticket either, heh. Uhmmm wow, Neymar Jeongin stan... I better not see him at EXO World though
That radio clip of Seonghwa, I'm starting at nose ☺
Seonghwa stans Taemin and Taemin is Jesus, Taemin has passed his role to Seonghwa! But why did Woo say the choreography is tough, but Hwa said otherwise lmao. Maybe Seonghwa isn't doing anything 😭
Btw this person spoke the truth a fear, but they're booing them ausyshshjsjsjsbababsb. If they saw our opinions ☠ can't say shit on that app, because everything is anti behaviour
Halazia on the other hand seems nice, at least in contrast to Paradgim, idk if I'll be obsessed cause I'm used to them spoiling half the song so I'm not sure how I feel yet ajuduwuwsjjsjssjs, but everyone's already calling it SOTY ofc 😭 the performance spoilers what's going oooooon, feathers?! My issue is the cb is at 6am my time AGAIN???!!!! What happened to later comebacks, fuck America I know it's all for Billboard!!! 😭
LMAO gitl, so someone asked if the person on my lockscreen was my girlfriend??? And it's Christmas kitty Hwa I almost died
Oh he... yeah so anyway 🧍🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
Wait what's the god save the queen option about 😭 anyways I'm a communist, honestly I got called one more times that I can count so 🤷🏼‍♀️
hi helloo!!
Rip Baek, they wanna make you an American football stan 🤡 I never understood Super Bowl tbh, some performances aren't even good anyway //// Lol you're saying the Mbappe x RM saga will finally end? If he plays and behaves well be my guest, but it's on sight Kylian!!!
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 u will never catch me being one <3 id probably get whooped if i ever put on the american football in this ethnic household fbwndbej,,,, i AM SAYING PERHAPS partially bc at psg he gets the recognition and if he were to move it,,, he’d have to share it the spotlight but since he gets his fair share of it psg iM HYPOTHESIZING that he will not leave unless ronaldo pulls up that is dbd  
and also pelé??? 😭😭🤚🏻 vivienne westwood???
It's always sad seeing top players struggle in the NTs, because they're doing all the work. The disproportion is really big. I can't blame other players since a lot of them don't play in CL clubs, but it's so embarrassing sometimes 😭
yEAAAH! it’s cringe to even watch, i skipped so many of porto’s matches bc of it inconsistency in the plays and the ups and downs,,, if i compare them to argentina u could tell they all worked in a TEAM even if they got messi in, for porto it was like ronaldo was the only one being the definition of TEAM but when he’s benched it just crumbled,,, but i guess a lot of them have an experience now and hopefully put up a great fight next wc!
So brother Baek could've been a cricket star?! Omg damn that injury sounds nasty though. I don't know shit about cricket actually. Tbf my wrist was already twisted because of another evil team ball sport called HANDBALL. My spaghetti arms couldn't take it lolol, I'm decent at basketball though! I did break two of my fingers while playing, but 😅
fhandhwk nO bc we were REALLY onto him being one but then everyone kept pressuring him saying you’d be on tv and then the ball hit his nose and made a bump on it and it was determined he would never <3 dbwnbdsn no its ok cricket’s like football, if u watch it u can tell exactly what’s going on! LMFAOOOO GTFO HANDBALLS SO MUCH FUN HOW THE FUCK DO U FUCK UR WRIST UP PLAYING THAT ANON U MUST BE TWISTING IT AND HITTING ALL THE SCORES 😭😭😭 ronaldo + lewa possessed u i tell u, STOPPP??? ANON??? I WISH U SAW MY FACE WHEN I READ THAT 😭😭😭 anon hOW stop did the ball jam really hard and ur body just gave up 😭😭
Pique thinks he's a spy or a detective trying to "expose" RM every 4 months, let it go… I can't believe Shakira got with him, girl??? I had to show some of the best football moments to my ignorant USA friend and I ofc sent her the Zidane headbutt and Suarez biting, culture <3
NO SRS I WONT BE SURPRISED IF HES SOME TABLOID SOLELY MADE TO EXPOSE RM 😭😭😭 no bc theres like compilations of shakira destroying pique’s emotions and its so funny to watch after the shit he’s done, deserved 🤩 RBQMDBWMCKCK STOP U SHOWED THE BEST THINGS STOP IT FNFNJCKC CULTURE !!!!! CORRECT !!!! literally no one remembers the winners it’s just the headbutt, he def cursed italy ever since dbdb did u show the pep ramos duo 🔫
It happens every year so I don't think Salah cares? Good for him, but on the other hand I'd just stop posting at this point, cause the comments are getting worse and worse
yeah!! like i get religion but ppl also celebrate christmas,,, AND halloween?? it’s not like he’s disrespecting his own religion?? bro just wants to have a good time 😭😭😭 he's having a great season so far too now!
Harry Kane being a disappointment isn't anything new lmao. Believe it or not, but I unfortunately have some Spurs fans among my friends and they're often mad at him Omg, yeah see suddenly everyone knows everyone. Bestie I don't go to weddings, but I probably heard the songs you've mentioned, got me all curious 👀 Riverdale was filmed near you?! I'm so sorry, that's so bad 😩
LMFAOOOO i believe it 100% bc my english cousins were like “disappointed but not surprised actually” 😭😭 omg u must’ve heard his songs! if u didnt go to a hindu wedding bdbd if u watched the movie happy new year? with srk, there’s a track called lovely i think he produced it, he’s worked w/ mr snoop before! tho is songs are primarily from early 20’s! YEAH TRAGIC !!!! ABSOLUTELY TRAGIC I TELL U, constant memories of im a weirdo 🔫🔫
Is the Yunho fic hot & cold too then? How's it going? /// Hwa is a mystery, because no way he wouldn't be able to take Hongjoong down. Sometimes he does this though, soooo 🤔 runner Hwa AU… I'm manifesting
it is hot & cold! banter and silly arguments and a reincarnation of betty white as yunho’s grandmother like the proposal <3 yEAH LIKE NO WAY??? is he just masking his strongness under the humble, nice, oldest persona,,, need him to throw hands,,, runner hwa au,, where he asks the ostracized, once track prodigy for help who shuns him away <3 readers older too!
I hope Hwa will be able to attend EXO's concert 🤞🏻 I wouldn't mind a free ticket either, heh. Uhmmm wow, Neymar Jeongin stan… I better not see him at EXO World though
I HOPE HE DO BC IM EXPECTING HIM TO BE THERE 🔫🔫🔫 BFMWBDKSBDKCKC free ticket is what im hoping for atm bc ik im not getting the tickets 😭😭 they do a raffle thing too all my hope is for that,,, FBWMBDWKKCKC  neymar a kai stan?? 😵‍💫😵‍💫
That radio clip of Seonghwa, I'm starting at nose ☺ //// Seonghwa stans Taemin and Taemin is Jesus, Taemin has passed his role to Seonghwa! But why did Woo say the choreography is tough, but Hwa said otherwise lmao. Maybe Seonghwa isn't doing anything 😭
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taemin is the son of jesus, need to witness him live so bad ill make him my religion on spot fbfb SEONGHWA BECAME JESUS
i am gonna stop
i logged into twt and i
what THE fUCK
Btw this person spoke the truth a fear, but they're booing them ausyshshjsjsjsbababsb. If they saw our opinions ☠ can't say shit on that app, because everything is anti behaviour
they so brave for this bc its no one would wanna admit,, UTOPIA SUPREMACY!!!! LMFAOOOO the comment just under the post 😭😭😭😭
Halazia on the other hand seems nice, at least in contrast to Paradgim, idk if I'll be obsessed cause I'm used to them spoiling half the song so I'm not sure how I feel yet ajuduwuwsjjsjssjs, but everyone's already calling it SOTY ofc 😭 the performance spoilers what's going oooooon, feathers?! My issue is the cb is at 6am my time AGAIN???!!!! What happened to later comebacks, fuck America I know it's all for Billboard!!! 😭
sEEE NOW its def better than paradigm, i do dislike the “hala hala hala halzia” i prefer just the “halaziA” they do with their voices and it’s oomph 🤌🏻 the beat at hongjoong’s rap was sICK,, for a moment the beat drop was like the same type of music as dazzling light bUTTT it was good!! jongho’s vocals great i do think mayhaps there couldve been a chorus where they all sing together and it would be chills w the drop,, it was an almost anti drop in the first half,, ur opinions on it??
LMAO gitl, so someone asked if the person on my lockscreen was my girlfriend??? And it's Christmas kitty Hwa I almost died //// Oh he…  yeah so anyway 🧍🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️ALSO MINGI'S HAIR IS YELLOW AND RED AGAIN AAAAAAAA
Wait what's the god save the queen option about 😭 anyways I'm a communist, honestly I got called one more times that I can count so 🤷🏼‍♀️
A COMMUNIST 😭😭😭😭 i am a christmas enthusiast <3 heres another!
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NO CAUSE???? WHAT THE HELL???? 😭😭😭😭😭  
bro’s acting
is this not ceo hwa
and im afraid that arrange marriage fic is topping the tier atm…
ikon freedom era and bp going black label?? what IS GOING ON BFFB
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certainlysyko · 3 months
okay okay okay but?? music recommendations??
I had a long ass post with a bunch of links but Tumblr is a biotch so here's a basic ass list with my top songs
My music taste is pretty diverse, but mostly delves on the hard rock/ metalcore side. This isn't everything but its what I listen to on a daily basis more often than not.
I'm a huge music girly; My neurodivergence comes out I swear. I'm very particular about my music but also not at all, if that makes sense. I like music that tells a story. I don't mind the genre (most of the time) so needless to say I don't understand rave culture but to each their own haha.
Bad Omens - broken youth, exit wounds, feral, the worst in me, kingdom of cards, dethrone, the hell I overcame, burning out, said & done, IDWT$, what do you want from me?, just pretend, the grey, like a villain, the death of peace of mind, bad decisions, artificial suicide
The Band Camino - damage, 1 last cigarette, what am I missing?, save my life, same page, novocaine, three month hangover, see through
Beartooth - after all, clever, you never know, keep your American dream, the lines, beaten in lips, I have a problem, might love myself, sunshine!, the surface, doubt me, my new reality
Bring Me The Horizon - all of it. I'm not playing games right now.
CORPSE - see: bring me the horizon
Dayseeker - without me, burial plot, quicksand, neon grave, dream state, sleeptalk, parallel, drunk, crooked soul, homesick
A Day To Remember - 1958, you should have killed me when you had the chance, you had me @ hello, the plot to bomb the panhandle, monument, heartless, since u been gone, a shot in the dark, the entire homesick album, the entire what separates me from you album, the entire common courtesy album, paranoia, we got this, same about you, bloodsucker, resentment, only money, degenerates, permanent
Eminem - lol he's the king so if I have to give you recs of him there's an issue
ERRA - pull from the ghost, diversionary, gungrave, pale iris, cure, blue reverie, skyline, drift, snow blood, vanish canvas, sol absentia, nigh to silence, breach, unify
Halsey - without me, nightmare, I am not a woman I'm a god, sorry, eyes closed, 3am, you should be sad, die 4 me, the tradition, 1121, so good, alone, bad at love, strangers, girl is a gun, the lighthouse, colors
Harry Styles - see: discography. put one direction in there too
I Prevail - bad things, gasoline, bow down, doa, there's fear in letting go, body bag, deep end, paranoid, breaking down, let be sad, low, scars, stuck in your head, come and get it, alone, lifelines, chaos
I See Stars - anomaly, are we 3ven?, murder mitten, calm snow, running with scissors, break, white lies, yellow king, drift
Jack Harlow - way out, heavy hitter, rotten, lovin on me, I wanna see some ass, first class, already best friends, poison, nail tech, Tyler herro, out front, goin back down
Knocked Loose - deep in the willow, counting worms, blinding faith, god knows, deadringer
Machine Gun Kelly - everything. EST till I die.
Matchbox Twenty - real world, push, unwell, don't get me wrong
Mayday Parade - jaime all over stay, jersey, anywhere but here, first train, I can only hope, when I get home you're so dead, three cheers for five years, ghosts, girls, hold onto me, oh well oh well, when you see my friends, call me hopeless not romantic
Michael Buble - lost, everything, haven't met you yet, hold on, home, sway, nobody but me, its a beautiful day, come your eyes, to be loved, I got it easy
Motionless In White - another life, sign of life, werewolf, slaughterhouse, BFBTG: corpse nation, scoring the end of the world, voices, America, immaculate misconception, masterpiece
Queen - again, if I have to give you queen recs, there's something wrong.
Rod Stewart - forever young, have you ever seen the rain, downtown train, the first cut is the deepest, it's a heartache, you're in my heart, Maggie may, have I told you lately, hot legs
Sleep Token - rain, alkaline, chokehold, the summoning, the night does not belong to god, ascentionism, the apparition, DYWTYLM, take me back to eden, Euclid
Taylor Swift - listen, that is my queen and my entire childhood. speak now & 1989 are my fav albums but folklore is also *chefs kiss*
Too Close To Touch - RIP KEATON 😢 - eiley, before I cave in, sympathy, nerve endings, novocaine, hopeless, control, miss your face, what a shame, pretty little thing, restless, hell to pay, until I collapse
Wage War - manic, stitch, hollow, the rover, relapse, godspeed, if tomorrow never comes, prison, me against myself, low
0 notes
papirouge · 3 years
Those "edgy" pro choicers are definitely super annoying 😑. It's becoming harder not to out myself as pro life on main lmao. "Fetuses are parasites anyway, they deserve to be punished by death for getting in MY uterus without MY consent" fuck you lol. If you absolutely didn't want to get pregnant, birth control or abstinence is a thing. It's like most pro choicers forget that pregnancy is a normal consequence of heterosexual sex. Yeah you also consent to pregnancy if you let a man ejaculate in your vagina / if you ejaculate in a woman's vagina. Even birth control isn't 100% effective so you should always expect pregnancy if you have heterosexual sex. They act so surprise and almost traumatized when it happens. I just don't get it. Are they that dumb ??? That brainwashed ? What a sad world we live in.
I think that's the most infuriating thing with pro choice feminist : they'll be like "women are so powerful we can do everything!!!💪♀️" but when it's about pregnancy? "oh but I'm so weak uwu my body [that's literally made to host babies] is not going to bear with it and I am sooo going to die because of it uwu". Notice they're hellbent on using US data for pregnancy death to project their pathological bias against abortion when other developed countries with a better healthcare system than the US (which isn't difficult bc American healthcare system is trash) pregnancy death rates are almost NONEXISTENT. In my country (France) they're below 1%. So pregnancy death isn't a pregnancy issue, it's a HEALTHCARE issue. But abortioners conveniently move the goalpost for their ideology.
You're not the first woman to tell me she's afraid to come as pro life on main because pro choicers can be rabid hysterical. Lowkey I think that's because deep down they know killing a baby is wrong so they'll cope with rootless ideology & emotionalism to justify it.
Surprisingly, a handful of radical feminist aligned women are pro life, but they're too scared to face radfem backlash, who also are a whole brand of hysteria and ideological inconsistency.
You're absolutely right about how pregnancy doesn't happen out of a vacuum and that heterosexuality is made for procreation. Abortionists trying to argue "consenting to sex isn't consenting to pregnancy" make as much sense as someone stating they want to go rafting in a river without getting wet.... Pure ideology removed from reality.
I once made a post asking why was that the same people who grasped that no one was entitled to sex were still freaking out whenever when abstinence was brought up as a valid way to avoid unwanted pregnancy. And radfem -as usual- acted sassy but...were unable to tell where my post was wrong ; because it wasn't. You can't in the same time argue sex isn't a right (to call out rape culture or TRA thinking "superstraights" owe them sex), and then act like bringing up "abstinence" was an attack against (female) sexuality. Why being so defensive about access to sex? Especially since no one is forcing anyone to NOT have sex ; just telling that it is a possibility. And yet that simple possibility makes radfem uncomfortable. Probably bc they're more sex crazed as they're willing to accept they are? Something they're somehow hellbent to input to men, and not women.
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alj4890 · 3 years
Angst Prompt
Dawn’s Early Light
(Part Three to One Fateful Night)
As requested by many of you.
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(Liam x OC) in a one shot continuation of the angsty One Fateful Night.
A/N Here's some happiness to the angst so many sent messages about. I know it is still bittersweet in a way, with Riley being dead and all, but I think it gives our favorite prince a chance to find true love after all. On another note, I had at one time considered Liam meeting someone in Washington D.C. in another story where Riley died the night of the Homecoming Ball in Book 2. I guess this makes up for deleting it and never posting, LOL.
Part 2 The Dark Before the Dawn
 @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @yourmajesty09   @gkittylove99 @krsnlove   @mom2000aggie @twinkleallnight @lodberg @sweatyrysconnoisseur ​ @motorcitymademadame ​
Dawn’s Early Light
Somewhere in Maryland...
Liam grimaced at the voice coming through loud and clear from his cell phone. The one time he convinced Bastien that he could travel on his own and the man still made certain to call every hour.
"Yes?" He huffed.
"Your current location?"
"That at the moment is a little difficult to pinpoint." Liam squinted through the pouring rain. "One of the roads was flooded and the numerous detours have sent me further east of D.C."
He could hear frantic mutterings in the background, papers shifting and clicks from computers.
"Pull over and we will try to locate you." Bastien ordered.
Liam looked about at the flour lane highway, barely able to see five feet ahead of him. "There isn't a spot to do so. I'll call once I find a safe place."
"Your majesty," he could hear the frustration in his Head of the King's Guards' voice, "this is why I insisted we fly down together."
"And I knew this was my last chance to take a road trip of sorts." Liam countered. "You worry too much, Bastien."
"And you don't worry enough." Bastien muttered. "If you haven't found a place within the next hour, I am coming to find you."
"Make sure to bring a rowboat." Liam teased. "That's probably the best way to travel here."
His jest was met with silence.
"Bastien?" Liam glanced down at his phone and saw the call had dropped. Tossing it back in the passenger seat, he continued on down the road.
Outside of Annapolis...
"No!" Autumn pleaded when her tire burst. "You've got to be kidding me!"
Pulling over onto the shoulder of the highway, she tried to call her parents.
"Gee, thanks for no bars." She grumbled, chucking her phone back into her purse.
Reaching for her coat she prepared herself mentally to change her own tire.
Why did Dad have to make it so boring? He knew I wouldn't pay attention!
It had been ten years since she had sat through that lesson, day dreaming of the cute guy who sat next to her in chemistry class.
And just like her lack of luck with Mr. Chemistry, she was about to fail miserably with her tire.
She pulled the flashlight and tools out her father insisted she keep in her vehicle at all times and stepped out into the rainstorm.
"Any creepy serial killers out there," she yelled towards the darkened woods that lined the highway, "now is NOT the time to mess with me!"
She paused in removing the jack from her trunk. "That goes for any wild animals unless you're the helpful kind from fairy tales."
She snorted at her own joke as she set reflectors along the road. "And if you know of any princes, do send them my way."
"Alright car, you and I have been through it." She patted it's side. "All the snow storms in Pennsylvania. New jobs. New apartments. Ex boyfriends." She knelt by the flat tire. "Let's get through this and I'll treat you to a tank of premium gas."
She removed the hubcap and blinked when a pair of bright headlights pulled up behind her.
"Didn't I specifically demand no serial killers?" She muttered to herself as she saw the silhouette of a man start walking her way.
"Pardon me?" A cultured voice called out. "Are you in need of any assistance?"
She lifted her hand to shield her eyes from the light. "I wouldn't say no to some help."
Her mystery person stopped a couple of feet away from her and studied her tire.
"Where's the jack?"
She handed it to him and watched as he expertly began to raise the back end up.
"Here's the tool kit." She handed it over, discreetly keeping a screwdriver in her hand in case he was a psycho.
"I hate to keep you out in the rain, but could you shine your flashlight here so I can remove the lug nuts?"
"Right. Of course." She dutifully lifted it where he directed.
"Perfect." He turned to smile at her. "Thank you."
She blinked at how handsome he was. "I, no problem. I should be thanking you."
"My pleasure." He looked around. "I don't suppose you know where we are, do you?"
Oh no. A hot psycho. Just my luck.
"Um, don't you know?" She took a cautious step back.
"I've never been in this part of America before." He explained, unaware of her trepidation. "I lost GPS about two hours ago."
"Oh." She relaxed and stepped closer. "We're about forty-five minutes from Annapolis.
"How far is that from D.C.?" He asked.
"About forty minutes or so depending on traffic." She tilted her head. "Let me guess. You're a politician or aide of some sort."
He chuckled. "Not really."
"You certainly don't sound like the men in Washington."
"Oh? And how do they sound?"
"Arrogant jerks. Every last one of them. Even the mailroom guys act like they rule the world." Her nose wrinkled.
"Ah." Her handsome stranger removed her flat tire and placed the spare on. "Not fond of men in power, I take it."
"Not really." She squatted next to him, hoping she would remember his actions in case she had another flat tire some time in the future. "I guess there's bound to be one man out there who actually wants to serve the people instead of having them serve him."
"I see." He glanced over at her. "I like to think there are honest rulers out there."
Her brow furrowed. "Rulers?" She studied his profile. "You're not American, are you?"
He shook his head. "No."
"Where are you from?" Her eyes narrowed in thought. "Your accent is hard to place."
"Cordonia" he grunted as he tightened the lug nuts. "Have you heard of it?"
"It sounds familiar." She muttered.
"It is a tiny but beautiful country in Europe." He explained.
"Isn’t every European nation?” She teased. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of of one that I would turn down a vacation to.”
He began to lower her car back down with the jack. "All done."
"I don't know how to thank you." She pushed her wet hair back, wondering how horrible she must look as she picked up the safety reflectors
"No need." He smiled warmly. "Have a good evening, my lady." With an instinctive bow, he turned and walked back to his own car.
"My lady?" Her lips quirked with humor. Perhaps the fairy tale animals had sent her a prince. "Hey! Wait!"
He paused with his car door open. "Yes?"
"There's an all night diner a few miles ahead." She took a deep breath. "Would you like to follow me there? We could dry off and I could buy you a piece of pie as a thank you."
Her hero's smile grew brighter. "I'd like that. Lead the way."
"I'm Autumn." She held her hand out as they waited to be seated.
"A pleasure to meet you. My name is Liam." He took her hand and bowed over it.
"Is that how people greet one another in Cordonia?" She asked.
"It is the norm from where I grew up." He responded with a sheepish grin.
He shook her hand. "Is that better?"
"Your way was fine." She glanced down at their clasped hands. "I just feel a little under dressed for such a proper greeting."
"Nonsense." Liam continued to hold her hand. "A little water logged perhaps, but lovely nonetheless."
Her lips parted in surprise.
"Just the two of you?"
The pair turned toward a waitress.
"Yes." Autumn replied. "Just us."
"Follow me." She sat them at a table and handed over some menus. "What can I get you to drink?"
"Coffee, please." Autumn replied.
"I'll have the same." Liam added.
"Coming right up."
"Autumn?" Liam tested her name. "Were you given that name due to being born in the fall?"
She shook her head. "My parents have a warped sense of humor. I was born in April."
He laughed causing her to smile once more.
She thought his laughter had such a warm encompassing sound that made her want to hear it often as she could.
"They also wanted to have their kids' initials for Pennsylvania." She rolled her eyes. "My older brother, Patrick, took care of the P while I completed it with an A." Her own laughter bubbled out. "Then my unplanned younger brother was born and threw those initials out the door."
"What did they name him?" Liam asked.
"August, since he was born in January. Being that he was a surprise, they went with another A name to have an, aaahhh, moment at the end of P.A.."
Liam shook with his laughter over her parents. "They sound delightful."
"They sound that way," she teased, "but when you live with them..." Her smile softened. "They really are great parents and my brothers aren't too bad either."
"I have an older brother." He told her. "Leo and I were never as close as I wished we could have been. He spends so much time traveling and exploring the world that I don't have the heart to pressure him into coming home more often." A sadness came over him. "I've never seen him so happy as when he sends me pictures from his latest adventure."
"He's a wandering soul." She added.
"Precisely." Liam refocused on her. "And a wanderer withers and dies if tied down."
"What about your parents?" She asked.
"My mother died when I was very young and my father passed away about five years ago." He explained. "I'm close to my stepmother, Regina. She and Leo are all I have left for family."
"I'm sorry." Autumn mumbled. "I didn't mean to dredge up painful--"
Her breath caught when he laid his hand over hers. She thought she could actually feel herself getting lost in his blue eyes...which was something she teased her friends over every time they mentioned something like that. Yet here she was, finding herself falling for a man who changed her tire in the rain.
He gently squeezed her fingers. "Nothing to apologize for. I miss them but I am done grieving."
As their waitress brought them a fresh pot of coffee, Liam realized how true that statement was. He was done grieving for all of his lost loved ones.
"Now then." Liam looked up from his menu. "Do you work in Washington?"
"I do." She replied. "Not in a political aspect though."
"What do you do?" He asked.
"I'm an archivist at the National Air and Space Museum."
His expression brightened with interest. "I've always wanted to visit the Smithsonian. To work and preserve the very fabric of your nation's history must be fascinating."
"It is!" She leaned forward as she became more animated about her work.
Deciding to prolong this conversation, the two ordered a meal before indulging in pie.
Liam listened, asking questions that only made her more excited in sharing this piece of her life.
It was rare for Autumn to find anyone interested in what she did.
"Right now, my team is working on digitizing everything we have on rocket tests during the 1950's." She explained. "Reading through the vast paperwork, various film and photographs, all audio recordings; I get to sift through every bit of it for our records."
"I once assisted an archivist at the palace library." Liam told her. "I discovered long ago manuscripts and journals in a hidden nook." His smile softened at the memory. "It was all by accident. My best friend and I were playing in one of the ballrooms when the soccer ball we were kicking around struck a piece of the baseboards, causing a hidden door to open."
Autumn's eyes widened. "It's a wonder you didn't get in trouble with the palace curators. They do not appreciate anyone playing around the exhibits."
Liam chuckled. "I was lucky the curators were fond of me."
"You knew them?" She asked. "Were they family members?"
"They aren't family, but I did know them." He replied, being deliberately mysterious about who he was.
He hadn't had a normal conversation in years. When she didn't recognize him, he felt a lightness he had felt on that long ago night in New York. He had forgotten how it was, how it made him feel. So often, people said the things they thought he wanted to hear. He missed the back and forth of sharing personal tidbits.
Autumn grimaced when she realized she had basically dominated the conversation for nearly an hour.
"Enough about my work," she smiled at him, "what do you do? Did you come here for business or to finally see the Smithsonian?"
He chuckled before taking a sip of his coffee. "As much as I would prefer spending my days wandering through museums, I am here to meet with government officials."
Her nose wrinkled. "I’m sorry. I do not envy you for that." Her eyebrow lifted. "What's the government like in Cordonia? Do you have a prime minister or something similar to our president?"
"We are a constitutional monarchy with the king as the Head of State." He explained.
"I see. Then you work in some capacity for him?" She continued. "You must to be here for meetings."
Liam lowered his eyes. "I suppose you could say that."
"So what's your job title?" She persisted. "Are you a member of the house of lords or whatever you have? Aide to the king?"
"I have a higher position than anything like that." He hedged. "Which is why I'm the only one to attend these meeting the next couple of weeks."
Her brow furrowed. "The king doesn't handle stuff like that?"
"He does which is why I'm here." He focused on her eyes. "The king is the only one to handle the approval for trade agreements and maintaining friendly relations with other countries."
"Then why isn’t he..." She burst into laughter. "You really had me going there for a moment." She shook her head at him. "Nice try, but no king travels alone on highways in a Nissan Altima."
"I do when I want to appear a regular man." He explained.
"Because isn't that royalty is all about?" She giggled some more. "Living life as a middle class man."
"I'm sincere." He argued. "I really am the King of Cordonia."
Her laughter died. "And just when I thought you weren't mentally unhinged." She sighed while picking at her piece of blueberry pie. "I knew you were too good to be true. No man can be both selfless and handsome without a few screws loose."
Liam's elation she found him attractive caught him by surprise. It wasn't that other women had not said similar to him at various functions. It was that he actually felt attracted to her too.
"I can prove I'm the king."
"How long have you believed you were king?" She asked. "Any chance you've thought you were someone else at one time? Napoleon Bonaparte? King Tut?"
He snorted on his laughter. "I've been king for over six years now. The rest of my life was spent as a prince."
"Uh huh." She poured them each another cup of coffee. "Guess that explains why you weren't banned from the palace for playing soccer."
"It is my home." He pointed out.
"Sure it is." She patted his hand. "And I'm sure you're the best king out there who knows how to change a tire."
"I only know because my best friend taught me." Liam explained. "He was one of the few people in my life who did not allow me to become a spoiled prince."
"Right." She smiled at him. "It's been great and all." She reached into her purse for her wallet. "And I do thank you so much for your help with the flat tire, but I should go."
"You don't believe me?" He asked.
"I believe you believe it." She said cautiously.
Liam quickly pulled his phone out and handed it to her. "Look up Cordonia."
"Just because you think you're a king doesn't mean you can order me around." Her eyes narrowed in warning. "Besides, I wouldn't use your phone. You'd probably have me looking at some doctored photos of yourself."
"Forgive me I didn’t mean to make it sound like a command." Liam ran a hand through his hair. "I've never met anyone who didn't believe I am who I say."
"First time for e everything, huh?" She hesitated when she saw his disappointment. "Fine." She searched for her phone. "I'll play along if you find our waitress. I'm going to need more pie as I research you."
He grinned while doing as she asked.
Autumn wandered of it was because it was the middle of the night that made her sit here with some guy claiming to be--
"No!" Her eyes darted from the images of King Liam of Cordonia to the Liam sitting at her table. "You're really a king?!"
"Would you care for another slice of blueberry or a different type of pie?" He asked with a bright smile.
"Blueberry." Her jaw was still dropped.
"Another slice of blueberry please for the lady and I'll have a slice of apple."
"Why on earth are you traveling lone highways in Maryland?" She asked when their waitress left.
"I flew in to New York for a few meetings with U.N. representatives. Our representative is new to her job and I wanted to encourage her." He explained. "Then I suppose I caught a bit of wanderlust from my brother and wanted to drive down to D.C." He took a bite of his new slice of pie. "It's rare I am able to convince my security team to let me out of their sight, but there are times when I like to be alone with my thoughts."
"I guess you have a lot of people demanding your time." She conceded.
"I do, which is why I make time for the people and activities that are important to me." He looked up at her. "Experience has taught me how fleeting time can be and we should make the most of every moment we are given."
"I like that." She cut into her slice with her fork while scrolling through images of Cordonia. "A lot of people get so easily wrapped up in their work and don't realize that they are missing out on so much more."
"Are you one of those people?"
Autumn paused chewing to consider his question. "Sometimes. I can get so wrapped up in a project and shut out the world going on around me." She shrugged. "Then something happens to shake me back to reality."
Liam grinned when it hit him that his being confirmed king had not changed the way she spoke to him.
As if reading his thoughts, her fork clattered on her plate. "I can't believe you really are a king." Her head tilted as she studied him. "You really don't act like how I imagine one would."
Liam folded his arms on the table and leaned forward. His bright blue eyes held her gray ones. "How should I act?"
She snorted. "For one thing you wouldn't have stood out in the pouring rain to change a tire."
"Aren't fairy tales filled with princes rescuing damsel in distress?" He countered.
She rolled her eyes playfully. "It isn't like you slayed a dragon."
"According to your imagination, what should I have done in that situation?" He countered, delighted with her not putting him on a pedestal.
"First off, if you were on a," she made quotation marks with her fingers, "road trip, you'd probably be in a limo since your private jet is tucked away in a hangar somewhere."
"But then I would have a driver and thus not able to be alone." He reminded her.
"True." She propped her chin on her hand and smiled. "We'll forget the car then since you are chivalrous and in need of a break." She gestured with her free hand around the diner. "A king wouldn't come her, happily order food, nor be willing to sit here for hours listening to some girl talk about museums."
"Why not?" Liam asked. "He could have been hungry since he had been lost for a while."
"I guess that's a reasonable possibility." Autumn muttered.
"And if he wanted to know more about the damsel he rescued, then shouldn't he be at least willing to remain here with her?"
"Maybe." She forced herself to look away from him. "Then again, maybe this is a night for things out to the ordinary to happen." She asked their waitress for their check.
Autumn shushed his arguments, insisting on paying for his meal.
At that moment, Bastien and some guards walked in.
Liam's eyes widened. "Bastien? How did you find me?"
"We have a tracker on your phone, your majesty." He explained. "We really need to get you to Washington. You have an early morning of..."
Liam tuned him out and focused once more on the lady he had met tonight.
"It's my fault." Autumn spoke up. "I wanted to thank Liam with some pie for his help earlier."
She stood up and held her hand out. “Thank you again for helping me.”
Liam pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Autumn."
"I..." She could feel her entire body blush with that simple touch. "I'm happy to have met you too, Liam." She grimaced. "I mean, your majesty. Should I curtsy?"
He chuckled. "Just Liam with no curtsey is fine."
"Liam no curtsey." She winked at him. "Nice name for a king." Nodding farewell toward his guards, she slipped out of the restaurant.
Liam watched her drive off from one of the windows.
He wondered if he had just met the one.
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literally ✨samantha✨
also unrelated but a long time ago she posted her dog with like a rainbow scarf on pride with a a lgbt supportive caption :))
I know!! i remember when i was younger thinking that i was the only queer indian person like??? bitch you’re not that special lmao..
i get what you mean about home, coming out means essentially losing a connection to your culture and heritage. it’s scary to think of how much i would be losing in order to be authentically me and honestly idk if i could ever come out. i’m rlly glad that you exist as an online person like i cannot put into words how grateful i am to have found you (insert sappy tears) cause it’s like reassurance that i can still be connected to my culture and be queer :’)
(also idk if any Indian actress was my gay awakening or if i has one.. maybe like kristen stewart lol)
awe discourse:
you bring up so many valid points! i hate to think that it made it worse for so many people instead of raising awareness like it wanted to do. also the lesbianism is in my blood made me giggle. can’t say that there are any lesbians in my bloodline personally but i did come out of the womb a raging homosexual
mWAh 💐 <3 (what can i say, i move fast 😉)
also i did bring u flowers
- indi
mwah! (totally got you with a surprise kiss)
soooo true, like idk if youve seen ashta chamma but when the girls at the beginning are losing their minds over mahesh babu getting married? that was me when samantha got married like ma'am 😭 im right here!
bestie where??? i spent half on hour scouring for it, she posts so many pics of her dogs im 😤 miss ma'am i get it but please
lmao i did that too! i actually have a diary entry of me cerca like age 10 if i'm the only telugu gay girl, then i can never go to india again like yeah i was devastated but. in hindsight that was hilarious (to be fair i was reading a lot of ya novels at the time so i thought i was The Only Special One
its the exact same for me! like i know when i get older and come out and live as myself, i'll still cook telugu food and watch telugu movies and maybe even perform telugu poojas for the heck of it, but it still feels like i'll be losing something. like i'll never have a wedding with my grandparents yelling at people for the food and decor.... my uncles and cousins will never help me get ready before.... i'll never be rubbed in turmeric by my cousins and no one will do my gorintaku and feed me tirupati ladoos.... i know in the long run i wont miss it, but i still feel a bit sad that even if i get married in a hindu, telugu fashion as the groom, i wont be able to get married with my humungous entended family watching. 😔
but i do know that i will find other queer indian people, and maybe even more queer telugu people, and i'll have a family i made myself, and people by my side that i chose, and that will be more than enough.
(babe every time i watched an indian movie with an item song id be like i am looking respectfully...... wait why am i looking? so pretty much every actress i saw in my formative years was their own awakening) (i think an american gay awakening would be anne hathaway? shes amazing)
im glad you think im funny lol. i like thinking about my bloodline (ironically since im the one whos gonna end it) bc like... i cannot be the only queer person in my family. like i cant. so queerness is in my blood somewhere, and that makes me feel a little better about myself. its actually what helped me smack away my internalized homophobia (for the most part) bc what can i do about it if the gay gene is floating inside me? 😌
💐 wow these flowers are so beautiful! ill keep them in a vase right here 🍶 to remind me of you <3
🥰😚 ah you got me! i love you indi 💖
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everything-laito · 4 years
Hi I'm hearing so much about minors should not be reading these concepts of dl but(i'm a minor until next yr)I don't think it isn't so bad. If you know right from wrong/u know dl is just an anime u will know not to take it too far. (I hope anyways) It depends on the culture/environment your brought up with. I am from a Sicilian family; those concepts are not seen as bizarre, extremely sad or dramatic like the way Americans express, no hate. In France 13yr olds can watch sex films soo?
Oh no I definitely agree! I hope people know watching DL know that most of it isn’t a good situation. But this is different than knowing about consensual sex and sexuality. And I do have a bit of an American perspective on sexuality but I’m doing my best to “resocialize” out of that lol. But I assume by the blizzare/dramatic stuff you mean the kinky undertones? Yeah that shit’s looked down on as abnormal in America still. But the darker themes like rape etc should be held with concern and understanding the gravity of it. Cuz it can fuck up a person a lot!
Again in my last post I said that it’s not like I can stop any minor from being into it and so I’m just educating them. The main concern of mine is just that a lot of minors younger than you (I don’t think 16/17 is too bad) tend to gravitate towards the romanticized part of the fandom; I know I did when I was starting out, and although I knew all of the dark themes were bad, I got into DL before I had a brush with one of DL’s main themes in real life. I know I’ve mentioned here and there that I have.
Which I’m not trying to gatekeep, and unfortunately minors have gone through some of the dark themes. I know I’m probably saying something controversial in this fandom though, but I apologize if I came across as gatekeeping or what not. But sexual assault, rape, pedopholia etc is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly and that’s really what I’m preaching about, I’m sorry if I offended anyone.
But yeah I do believe that those themes should be looked as something that we all should be aware of and take preventative measures. Even DL itself does romanticize those situations too, I won’t lie. But Yui’s reactions to them are definitely real and human and psychologically make sense.
Again I’m sorry if I came across as gatekeeping, it really comes from a place of concern! This is my opinion though, keep that in mind; again I just want people to be safe and understand! Thank you for your thoughts, anon!
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logicalstansadvice · 3 years
They use the excuse she made CA to use all kinds of slurs against her because they say she deserves it, but they're not just offending Ale, they're also offending a group of people. It also proves that they are prejudiced waiting for the opportunity to get it out. If you're a foreigner and you're in this group of haters, don't support it, they would do the same to any of us.
// I know anon, I saw what gets posted there and I agree with you. I am foreign too and I felt offended by lots of anons there. Even the fact that they reffer to her as the "spaniard" or the "spanish woman", "spanish unknown" sounds offensive. Why do they have to bring her nationality into this?
It's clear they have prejudice against certain nationalities, they keep saying europeans are trash and so on. So how does that go hand in hand with holding her accountable for cultural appropriation, when they discriminate people based on where they were born? It's not like we can control where we are born ffs.
Anon #2
The morons over at kev blog are gonna cancel racism with their stupidity.>> I came across xenophobic comments, things like her English is not good, she makes mistakes in English and also she should be deported.
I'm really sorry anon, I know how that feels. I unfollowed that blog for the same reason. It wasn't like that from the start you know. The mod is actually cool but she posts everything and I think that's the problem. Sometimes, even if the content could be triggering for a non-american, the ask still gets posted without even a note. But yes, to your point, the people there pretend to be offended POC, but the way they speak about other cultures, man it sounds like white rich priviledge to me. And they have no problem offending others, even directly offending certain anons, yet they hold her&him accountable for offending.
Raise your hand if you are surprised by the lack of self-awareness.
Anon #3
Anon the blogs I follow are down too. Sigh. There is another reasonable blog I like if the ladies don't mind me posting it here. It's agirlonline here on tumblr. / Hi anon! The blogs I used to follow are not down. They're full of psychos. I unfollowed them for my emotional well being.
Anon #4
Sebastian is up to 7,7m since yesterday, so I don't know what kind of hate/cancel campaign the trolls are pulling, but pretty sure it's having the opposite effect and not the one they expect./ Which is why the trolls are getting worse. They are frustrated that they aren't having an effect and getting the results they want, wanting everyone to hate Seb like they do. From their perspective they broke him and E up, forced apologizes from him before but now he's ignoring them.
Anon #5
Seb has always been a little weird, definitely sarcastic and sassy, and his sense of humor is ... different.
/ I know right? It's actually what I like about him, aside his talent and good looks. How is him being him suddenly weird to people? Just cause he tagged his gf? Lol. They really act like disgrunted teens but the sad part is that most of them are in their 30s. Especially some mods of the hate blogs. They are freaking adults with jobs yet they act like children and say he's the immature one. Pot meet kettle
Sebastian said...
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I ain't playin' with y'all no more 😂.
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