#i'll post the adjusted version ! eventually !!!
becauseplot · 4 months
human!dagger rewrite of Hunting Lessons is officially complete letsgo. technically i did it last night but i wanted to proofread today once i had ykno. slept. which is a good thing bc i actually found a couple details i missed. only one part of a scene had to have substantial changes made to them but even then it's just flipping some of the dialogue and character actions. 99% of the original plot is still intact ^-^
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yikesmary · 6 months
how about idol mingyu hypnotized by reader from the moment he sees her -you can choose where and how they meet- I just mingyu pining over her 💚
HYPNOTIZED — kim mingyu x reader
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summary: where you've got seventeen's mingyu hypnotized, and he doesn't mind it one bit.
note: hey everyone🧍‍♀️
I don't know if I'm officially back, I just wanted to post something right before new years since I haven't posted since september and you guys deserve more than that. I might post here and there, but nothing too serious so don't expect me to come back with consistent posts. hope you guys enjoyed this though! <333
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"We're going to be late, love!" Mingyu called out from outside of your room and you could practically hear him pace, as if he wasn't the guest of honor and the party couldn't exactly start without him and the other guys.
Dating an Idol wasn't at all like you expected—and you didn't even have any expectations in the first place. You had been introduced by Mingyu by Wonwoo, whom you had known for a couple of years now. Initially, you were a bit wary of going on the date, considering you've heard all kinds of stories from Wonwoo.
However, what won you over was how Wonwoo described Mingyu; 'the human version of a golden retriever'. Now, if anyone else said that, you wouldn't have believed them. However, this was Wonwoo, and the fact that he had said this with the most monotone voice ever and his face as serious as ever, so you just had to meet the guy that got Wonwoo to say such nice things about him.
You then went on one date with Mingyu and many more dates after that, until you guys started dating and eventually moved in together. The relationship wasn't totally public; while fans knew that Mingyu was dating (thanks to Dispatch, who had photographed you guys together, but your face was pretty well hidden), no one knew who he was dating specifically.
You supposed that it was a blessing in disguise that people knew Mingyu was dating but didn't know who it was. Most CARATs were happy that Mingyu had been dating, which you were happy to see since you didn't know how exactly they'd react when news first broke out.
Of course, there were some instances where people tried to sleuth and find out through various methods on who Mingyu was dating, but the two of you knew better and did everything you could in order to hide your relationship.
Those who know about your relationship have commented on how it must be hard dating someone like Mingyu, but you've told them that it was worth it and that you'd do it if it meant staying with Mingyu. Usually, you've said this with Mingyu not around, but the first time he heard it, you swore that he had never looked more in love than that moment.
"The car is waiting for us and— oh," Mingyu started to say, but had interrupted himself as he spotted you, who was fastening your heels.
You stood up and adjusted your dress accordingly, making sure that there were no wrinkles. You opened your mouth to say something, but there was no time as Mingyu quickly moved across your bedroom to you and captured you in a kiss.
Startled, you eventually kissed back once you realized what was happening. To balance yourself, you wrapped your arms around Mingyu's neck, your arms lightly touching his hair. Meanwhile, his hands went around your waist, pulling you closer.
You kiss for a few moments before you realize where you guys weren't, so you pull away. "I thought we were going to be late," you said, a bit breathless at the kissing.
"Did I say that? Now that I think about it, I don't have to attend. There's 13 of us, they wouldn't notice if I was missing," Mingyu said before trying to kiss you again, but you stopped him, making him pout.
"Nope, you've already used that excuse. Remember when you thought you could not attend an award show to spend the day with me and Seungcheol noticed? The guys didn't let that go for a whole month," you scolded him, this time pulling fully away from him.
"I'll take the fall for it, let's just stay home," Mingyu practically begged, but you weren't having it.
"How about the driver?" you countered, moving away in order to get your bag.
"I was going to pay him anyways, and I'll give him a tip or something," he shrugged.
"We're still going,"
As you and Mingyu walked towards the front door, Mingyu albeit walking slightly slower than you since he was sulking, he abruptly blocked the front door, stopping you in your tracks.
"Gyu, we're going to be late, like you said. You can't resort to using your strength to stop us, no matter attractive I think it is," you retorted.
"You think I'm attractive?"
"Of course you are! Look at you!" You exclaimed, gesturing to the entirety of him.
Mingyu blushed but grabbed one of your hands to pull you closer to him. "Did I tell you that you look beautiful today?" He asked, putting your face in between his hands gently, making sure he didn't mess up your make up.
"Just today?" you teased.
"Well, you look beautiful every day. And all the days after that,"
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taglist: @belladaises @winterpaos @minhui896 @baekhyunimochibbh @x-alightinthedark @whywontyousetfree @coffeesandrains @slaveofmydreams @bmkgemz @dandycharmer @outrologist @stagefrjghts @dahliatopia @exo-saranghajaaa @uhlatcha @watermelon-sugars-things @miniminimingi @venzline @withloveyjh @lockburn-castle @userjunhuii @mypsychicpizzaworld @violetvoo @maevadobreva @soonyoungblr @baekhyunstruly @ryusol @dunixxd @minhwa @ovai @scorpiobitch88 @icyminghao @cookiehaos @duskunt1ldawn
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railroad-migraine · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you could write a Mighty Nein version of the hiding in the alley together Bell's hells scenario you wrote? I really loved your Bell's hells one! Thanks!
Thank you darling! I love that post so much too 🥰
Bell's Hells version 💙
Tight Squeeze (hiding in an alley together)
Beau 💜
You're standing on her toes, and her elbow is poking harshly into your side, and you both just don't know where to look. "Sorry, I'll scoot over a little bit-" "No, wait, hang on a sec-" Awkward scrambling ensues. You whisper and try to convince her to put up with the closeness until you guys are safe, but she. Just. Won't. Listen. Eventually, her squirming has you both off centre and reaching for each other for balance, and she murmurs a quiet: "... oh."
Beau isn't a romantic, never has been, and she's never really gazed into someone's eyes as purposefully as she is right now. You're fucking gorgeous. How has she never stopped to just look at you before? Have you always been so... You blink in confusion as she seems to soften, ever so slightly, calming down enough to breathe in sync with you.
You feel a palm drag itself up your arm, up, up, up until she finally cradles your jaw. And you both stand there, unmoving, for who knows how long, before she eventually tears herself away from you and the alley with a grumble. You take a moment to recover from the intense look in her eye, running after Beau only when she calls your name to hurry up.
Caleb 💜
His mouth is puckered in a tight frown as he looks anywhere but your face. It's an incredibly tight squeeze where you've found yourselves, so narrow that you're effectively pinning the wizard to the wall behind him. Your palms rest flat at either side of his neck and his hands have curled into little fists between your chests. Your heartbeat is thundering in your ears - or maybe it's Caleb's - you're not quite sure whose it is when you're this close together.
It's incredibly quiet. Awkward, even. So you say something. Anything. A stupid comment on how this is like a cheesy scene in one of the awful smutty books that's been passed around the group, and he can't help but huff a laugh and try to hold back an amused smile. His shoulders relax and he rests his head against the wall to finally get a better look at you, and something makes you lean your head towards him, following his lead. His lips part slightly as you move closer and-
Nott/Veth calling both your names from outside the alley jerks your faces apart, and Caleb very hurriedly inches away from you. "We should, ah..." He reluctantly shuffles towards the road, adjusts unkempt hair and smooths down the front of his coat, fingers twisting the buttons shyly. "W-we should go join the others, ja?" His heart sings at the simple touch of you linking pinkies with him. It's a quiet message he doesn't need to worry about deciphering.
Fjord 💜
"Beggin' your pardon." You can't help but snort. Even in times of peril, in situations where you're taking cover from the intense fighting outside of alleyways, Fjord still manages to treat you well and act the perfect gentleman. He shushes you, smiling himself, and it briefly feels like you're the only two people in the world - except for those in the battle mere feet away from your hiding spot.
His eyes soften as you share a secret grin with him, but not in the way you'd like. He clears his throat, peeks out of the gap of the alley."Look, I know this isn't an ideal situation but..." You say his name sweetly, urge him to look up from the ground to meet your gaze, and you see colour quickly spread across his neck in embarrassment. He swallows thickly and looks away, and breathes out the quietest shuddering sigh.
A hesitant hand reaches out for yours, and you grip it tight before he can regret taking the leap. The rest of the Nein find you both in that same position minutes later once the battle had officially ended and it was safe to leave, all tangled fingers and soft gazes. Fjord never wants to let go.
Jester 💜
"Are you gonna kiss me?" She's a little cross eyed, a little flushed and out of breath, and so so pretty this close up. Her eyes flick between your own, both your noses just barely grazing. "It feels like now would be a good time to kiss me." And it does.
But the moment is ruined when a swarm of soldiers charges right by the alley's entrance, and Jester lunges forward to hug you close. Together you find yourselves huddled further in the shadows while the enemy runs right by your hiding spot. She's so soft in your arms, perfect - it's like she belongs there - and you want to tell her that, but saying so out loud would easily blow your cover. So you settle for keeping her close, a hand in her hair while she ducks her head under your chin.
You wait until the last soldier has gone before you reluctantly remove yourself from the tiefling (who visibly pouts) and peek outside the alley. Once the coast is clear, you look over your shoulder, only to find Jester already looping arms with you. She smiles, this time confidently, and you enter daylight once more with no mention of the almost-kiss.
Mollymauk 💜
He doesn't say a word. Which, y'know, is ideal when skulking about in an abandoned alley, away from prying eyes of spies and mercenaries - but the way how Mollymauk is not-so-subtly glancing your way every few seconds is awfully distracting. You lightly push against his chest, tell him in a hushed voice to stop smirking so much, that this is a very serious situation. "What? Can I not look at you now? Can I not enjoy the little things while we fear for our lives? Who knows when I'll see something so lovely again~"
You push him again, a little more forcefully this time, and he actually barks a laugh, sways back to you and tilts his head with sticky fondness. There's a sudden commotion nearby - heavily armoured folk who suddenly look in the direction of the sound and touch their weapons suspiciously. Quick thinking in the moment has you press your body closely to Molly's, making your forms fit within shadow, and cover his mouth with your hand.
And he's silent again, but his expression has changed. He never looks away from you, nor you him, both of you holding breaths in anticipation - of being discovered, or of something more passionate, you are not completely sure - but the moment is never interrupted. When all is safe and sound once more after the hired fighters evacuate the nearby area, he slowly peels your hand away and presses a single, simple touch of his lips to your palm. It's barely even a kiss, but you don't mind. It's nothing. It's something. It's a promise.
Yasha 💜
She's... Well, you already knew that she was tall before this, but you never really knew exactly how tall Yasha was until you were up against each other in a tiny alleyway in some fancy town neither of you know the name of. It's a small space, and there are hired thugs sniffing around town looking for you and the Nein, but you feel so safe with the barbarian - a protective barrier between you and the rest of the world. Your face warms at the thought.
She peers down at you with a blank expression, and you expect awkward silence, but she surprises you with: "Well this is quite cosy, isn't it?" It's dark in the alley, but she can see the wrinkles by your eyes when you smile at her. Good. That'll ease the tension immensely... And the slightly nervous pitter patter of her heart.
Despite it all, she's a little flustered being so close to you. It's weirdly intimate caging you in, and she curses under her breath quietly when you look away bashfully and bite your lip with a grin. She's obviously done something right when you gently rest a hand on her arm and ease her wandering mind. She still feels that touch hours after, and wonders if you're thinking of it too.
Kingsley 💜
You don't want to admit it, but you're panicking. What started off as a cheeky side quest quickly spiralled into a catastrophe, and you now find yourself in a claustrophobic space with bad guys on your tails, and you have grazed knees after tripping earlier and you're stuck with your most charming friend who looks at you like he loves you, and it's all too much, and- "Hey, keep your eyes on me."
Kingsley is holding your face in his hands, and you can barely make out his crimson eyes in the dark, but you know he's giving you that look again. "We're gonna be fine, we're gonna get out of this. I'll buy you a drink later, you'll see." You want to believe him, even as your heart drums loudly in your chest, leftover adrenaline dulling in your veins. You follow his lead, breathe in, and breathe out as you move to hold the wrists of his hand that are cupping your face still. You find calm, and he looks proud. Maybe it's only a shadow of an expression in the dark though.
Instead of leading you back towards the ship, Kingsley takes you by the hand and dances around the crowded marketplace towards a quiet tavern on the outskirts of town. He reaches out and holds the door open for you, and grins when you look puzzled."I owe you a drink, remember?"
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cuubism · 1 year
would you be ok elaborating on the hob/death post? I already adore Hob and death friendship arcs and Hob/death as a concept and I would LOVE to hear more <3
*cracks knuckles* so--
there are actually two separate AUs. the canonverse one, and the human AU one.
i pitched the canonverse one to @magnusbae thus:
extremely funny au where hob and death have been casually hooking up since 1389 and dream finally confesses his feelings in like 2050 and hob's like ah. should i stop hooking up with your sister then? and dream's like should you stop doing WHAT?
basically. in the six billion years it takes dream to get his shit together and admit to his own feelings for hob, hob and death have just been having loads of no-strings-attached sexy fun in the background (death: you snooze, you lose, dream! *sticks tongue out*)
dream is very perturbed by this, he's like hello that's MY toy?? give it BACK???? I HAD IT FIRST!!!!!!!!!
(we don't headcanon hob and death actually dating, by the way. they're just pals who hook up sometimes. they're very chill about it. dream is the only one who's not chill about it because he wants All Of Hob's Attention All The Time NOW)
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The human AU version:
Hob and Death are roommates/friends/fuckbuddies who have this lowkey open relationship thing going on. they're having a great time in their casual but well-communicated healthy relationship.
enter Dream, least well-adjusted person on the planet, also Death's younger brother, who's staying with her for a while. and as soon as Dream arrives Death has to watch her formerly reasonable friend Hob disintegrate into a haze of utter Simp Behavior and insanity, and she's like oh boy. this is gonna get interesting.
meanwhile Dream is like handsome... guy... being nice... to me... 😳 *falling down the stairs*
Hob is into him so fast it's embarrassing and eventually Death yanks him aside and just gives him a look. And so like the mature adults they are they do talk about it and Death is like, dude, we aren't dating, you can do whatever you want. Besides, I'd rather have my brother be with someone I actually know and like rather than his other disastrous relationships (though Death is swiftly learning that Hob is much more unhinged than she'd previously thought. Dream brings all of it out in him). So Hob's like cool I'll flirt with your brother
Dream is under the impression that Hob and Death are actually dating. So the more Hob flirts with him the more Dream is like 👀🤔 and he's kind of in love with Hob because ohh Hob is so kind and handsome and he listens to everything Dream says and he's so charming... but he also kind of hates Hob because how dare he cheat on Death and how dare he make Dream want him like that?
Death: so are you and Hob getting along well?
Dream: no. I hope Hob falls off a cliff and dies.
Death:.... alright thanks for the input
But Dream does just keep indulging his worse impulses and one day he just finds himself sitting in Hob's lap on the couch in Death's apartment while Hob listens to him talk and he's just like: oh my god I'm a homewrecker
Dream, later: Sister. Your shitty boyfriend is cheating on you
Death: ....did it actually take Hob this long to ask you out? we talked about it ages ago
Dream: ...
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zariyen · 1 year
Do you have any art tips for beginner artists?
hi! i'll do my best to list the most useful ones for me from the top of my head! but if you're asking about something specific, lmk too!
always use references! this is 100% the fastest way to improve quickly! and don't forget if you're posting artworks using references, to always ask for permission if needed and to credit the reference! here's a very good post with links to various art tutorials and references :) try to do things out of your comfort zone!
i remember my sister drilling this into my head as a kid lmao: if you're going to draw people, make it a habit to draw the whole body, not just a face or bust. this way you can improve drawing the face and body at the same rate, rather than perfect the face and have like. a shoddy body HAHAHA (<- speaking from experience - my sister warned me but i still did not listen) here's an example from when i was 12 lol i went so hard on the eyes but my anatomy wasn't great so the drawing looks kind of goofy
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if i'm being honest nothing has really changed even now HAHAHA you can still tell i spend too much time on the faces and neglect my anatomy studies a lot 🥲
3. don't worry too much about building a signature art style if you're a beginner! experiment and imitate art styles that you like, and it'll eventually develop into something you're comfortable with
4. speaking of art styles, Naoki Saito-sensei does very in-depth art videos for people looking to develop and improve their art, and he covers a variety of different topics! the link i provided is for his new YouTube account, since his first one was unrightfully terminated :( since it's new, there aren't a lot of videos up yet but he'll be re-uploading all his old ones soon
5. this video by tppo is also a useful tutorial/explanation for style breakdowns, using Mika Pikazo-sensei's artworks! also another good reference for building art and colouring styles
6. unless you're going for a specific art style, try not to use black colours for shading. Instead, try using a darker version of your base colour with the hue slightly adjusted. it's a little difficult to explain so i made a tiny diagram underneath:
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it makes the colours pop a lot! Kurahana Chinatsu-sensei and Akiakane-sensei are really good at doing this 😭💖 that can also apply to lineart! but again, only if you're going for this kind of colourful art style :') do what feels right to you!
7. lastly try to enjoy drawing! if you do what you enjoy, learning and improving will come so much easier to you :) i can understand the urgency to improve (it's like my default state of mind 🥲) but if you keep focusing on that, drawing will eventually just start to overwhelm and frustrate you. try to combat it by doing something self-indulgent! i like to draw my ocs whenever i start getting burnt out :')
8. actually i lied this is the last one!! never give up!! it's so easy to feel bad or frustrated about your art no matter where you are in your art journey, so what i like to do to try and fight that is to look at my old art and compare the improvements! here's one of the earliest oc drawings i could find from my childhood vs my most recent oc drawing :pensive:
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ddwcaph-game · 4 months
Hello everyone! The next update isn't close to being finished yet, since as usual I keep adding in new stuff, but before I respond to the asks for Roselyna's Matchmaking Service, I thought I'd update/recap everyone on all the big changes and new stuff that's coming:
New Nickname Changes/Options
MC's Pet Backstory
More Details about MC's Dad
Revamped Twin Fight Scene
New Secret About Julie & Maggie
JM's Mansion Sleepover Branch
Ancestry and Heritage Passives
Character Class, Trait, and Stat Adjustments
New Locket Stat and Intimidation Stat Rework
Missing Choices
Read below for more details:
New Nickname Changes/Options
You will now be able to change MC & Twin's nicknames anytime once you unlock the diary!
In addition, you will now also be able to choose/change the nickname you use for each F6E member (even if you aren't bestfriends), and change what you call Maggie/MC's Dad/Julie/Robert via the diary.
Speaking of nicknames, Wayne's diary entry will now mention that his middle name (and Mary's maiden name) is Hart! Of course, it's very much on brand for him to say that that's his middle name. 😄
MC's Pet Backstory
MC's pet will now have a prosthetic (I'm thinking one of their hind legs).
Okay, it's not an actual backstory, but this opens up new backstory opportunities (you'll know if you read IAC), about why Julie and Robert adopted them in the first place.
More Details about MC's Dad
In the next update, I will be updating the prologue to mention the job of MC's Dad, along with finally giving the option to choose where MC's Dad is from (if your MC is Half-Filipino).
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Revamped Twin Fight Scene
I haven't actually played through DDWCaPH! since I finished Chapter 2, and when I finally did last month, I noticed a ton of typos, confusing lines, and awkward scenes, which I'll be working to address.
The twin fight scene in Chapter 1 is definitely a big offender, so I'll try to rewrite it so it has a bit more build up.
New Secret About Julie & Maggie
The last conversation you have with Paddy in Chapter 5 will have new details about Julie's laptop. Technically I've already kinda spoiled this secret before in one of the older versions, but here's a related hint featuring a new choice in Chapter 3:
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I've also changed a few details in the conversation about how Tita Josie met Kuya Popoy, but you're not supposed to know that secret until Chapter 6 in the new branch. 😉 Speaking of...
JM's Mansion Sleepover Branch
Since I'll be skipping the Investigation Branch for now, I figured adding this branch is a good middle ground. It also lets me move the unfinished party conversation with Tita Steph/Yaya Connie/Kuya Popoy to that branch instead, since the party scene is overloaded already. Plus, it's also the only chance you'll have to visit his mansion.
Anyway, it looks like the majority want to have the sleepover at JM's instead! (Although I have a hunch that some of you are just more interested in having the chance to talk to B again 😛) I had a bit of trouble adapting some of the Chapter 6 scenes I've planned, but I figured it out eventually.
Ancestry and Heritage Passives
You will now be able to select your MC's Ancestry Trait regardless of your chosen favorite genre! You can check out this post for details about all the new passives.
Character Class, Trait, and Stat Adjustments
Character Class Buffs
Class Bonuses will be increased from 5/10/20% to 10/20/30% to make them more impactful. Class Passives will now also give +25/50/100% EXP from successful stat checks of the same stat as the Class Bonus (since the coding for it is already there).
Vocabulary Trait Changes
Someone pointed out that it's weird that inputting a custom swear word always censors it, so now I'm making it so that only the 🐤[Young at Heart] and 🐣[Child at Heart] Traits will censor your input and most of the swear words.
In addition, the above traits will now grant bonus EXP when increasing your Naive Personality, while the other two vocabulary traits 🦅[Mini-Adult] / 🦆[Childhood Graduate] will grant bonus EXP when increasing your Precocious Personality to make them a bit more immersive.
Gender Traits
As mentioned in the last poll, I was considering including the gender-related options (specifically Trans/Non-binary/Genderfluid/Questioning) to the list of Traits.
The majority seemed in agreement, so I'll go ahead with the change (unless someone has a good argument against it). I think adding it to the list of traits better communicates to the player that it's not just a cosmetic choice that gets forgotten.
Other Trait Adjustments
The 🥇[Top 5] and 🥈[Top 10] Trait Requirements have been lowered significantly (and now takes MC's Knowledge Stat into consideration). To make the EXP Penalty make more sense, it now only applies to EXP gained from Knowledge Stat checks.
This also applies to the 😎[Self-Confident] EXP Penalty (it now only applies to EXP gained from Charm Stat checks).
There are a bunch of other Trait adjustments, but these are the biggest ones.
New Locket Stat and Intimidation Stat Rework
Now that you've discovered one of your locket's powers, I've decided to add a new main stat alongside your HP. This will function like mana or energy in other games, and if you've read IAC, you probably have an idea of what this will be used for in the future. 😉
Your maximum HP will now also be increased to 1,000, and each point of Vigor will now increase it by 10. This was done to make chip damage (like being whacked with a stuffed toy) less threatening.
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The Intimidation Stat will now be based on your Vigor Stat, and is increased by 50% of both of your Cold and Composed Personality Stats. Certain Traits/Passives will still increase/decrease Intimidation, but this makes the stat less dependent on your personality stats.
For example: A Tall MC with 30 Vigor, 70% Cold, and 50% Composed will have an Intimidation Stat of 54.
Missing Choices
This includes:
Valentine's Entry in Roselyna's Diary
Karaoke party scene with Paddy, Wayne, and Roselyna
Pinoy Henyo party scene with Lily, JM, Yaya Connie, Kuya Popoy, and Mayari
Sari-sari Store Trinket
Chapter 3 Bike Choice (This was already coded actually, I just forgot to make it selectable 😅)
The 3rd Phone Game (Honestly I procrastinated doing this one because I wanted to make the name different according to your favorite genre. Yup.)
I'm also aware that the background music isn't playing, so I'll try to fix that as well (no idea how that happened)
That's not everything in the next update, but yup, that's why it's taking so long again.
Feel free to ask me questions about the next update! I'm still currently deep in the coding mines, so apologies if it takes me a while to respond to the asks for Roselyna's Matchmaking Service!
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duplicitywrites · 4 months
Thank you so much for replying to my other ask! I completely understand not wanting to revisit a fic you had wrote when you weren't doing the best, and I hope you're feeling better now! 🩷 I adore 'evermore' so much even though it's quite depressing aha 🥲 The way you wrote Harry's mental health and escapism was so good and Id love to hear some spoilers if you were up to it 😅
One thing I love about fanfic is the freedom of it all, and like you said "What is fanfic if not an ode to writing that felt unfinished?". Your interpretation of Harry as an abused child at his core in works like "damaged" always get to me. It always felt weird in the HP book series that Harry had such an awful childhood and was as well adjusted and happy in the future.
Another one of your works I was really interested in is 'perfect boys with their perfect lives', the Harry/Cedric aka a certain dark lord one. It really had me thinking about what could have happened in the graveyard if Harry hadn't escaped 🫣
i am, thanks! it was around covid, which was an awful time for everyone i'm sure, with weird life stuff piled on top of it.
i was going to answer all of the ones you mentioned, but evermore is actually one of few stories i have planned out in detail. this is why it has a planned chapter count (though that hasn't stopped me from going overboard before lol).
i guess i'll just give you the whole thing in case i never finish it kljsdgkljdgs it's pretty long, so under a cut it goes! but first some context for everyone else:
🍃 Evermore
Tags: Alternate Universe, Unhealthy Relationships, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Manipulative Relationship, Infidelity, Past Child Abuse, Dream Sequences, Depression, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Plot Twists, Happy Ending, Surprise Ending, Healing
Harry is a married man who is living a charmed life. He has no need for the fantasy potions gifted to him by the Weasley twins—or so he thinks. After falling asleep on the train ride home, Harry dreams of the perfect man, a man named Tom Riddle. As Harry explores his dream life with Tom, he realizes that his actual life is not as charmed as it seems. The pristine image of his faultless marriage shatters, revealing a darker reality, and Tom Riddle becomes an oasis, a sanctuary for Harry to escape to. However, no sanctuary is eternal and no oasis is truly perfect. Harry must eventually confront his demons, inner and outer, before he can find real happiness for himself.
these notes are arranged in order from where the most recently posted chapter left off.
there are probably some divergent points that occurred during the actual writing process, but this plan below (i'll admit i'm not quite brave enough to reread it all) is what the general storyline will be.
reality four - right where you left me
maybe harry's been harbouring fears of his potions being found? :thots: or his husband's made note of his changes in behaviour, accuses him of not spending time/being devoted
they get into an argument where harry gets a looooot of shit for stuff he doesn't deserve to get shit for, stuff that's not even true
harry yells back but gets hit, idk if by magic or not :thots: and he backs down, distraught. then once he's alone, he goes straight for the dream world
dream four - no body no crime
it'll be a much shorter version obviously, and the character roster won't be the same
i hadn't nailed down the specifics of the background and so i'm not sure how it'll look, exactly
harry is NOT married in this dream, he knows dream-husband but they are only friends
dream-husband is ginny's role in this particular iteration
but the climax of this scene is where harry is snooping around in the house, where he happens upon the dream-husband's diary
he's been looking for evidence to prove the murder
harry reads through the diary
and in the diary are tragic entries describing depressive thoughts, details of emotional (maybe even physical) abuse, etc.
this is a pivotal moment for harry, who up until this moment has been in denial about the failings of his real life marriage
reading this in the framing of it happening to someone else is enough for him to realize that it's wrong
what happens to him is not okay
but of course it's not that easy to just, shrug off years of marriage all at once; harry once again exits the dream, thus ending that particular dream universe
he's partly in denial but it's not as bad as before
he's been using the dreams as a coping mechanism up until this point
i've made it sound kind of frustrating but the dream worlds that harry goes to are meant to be very lush, romanticized
while we realize that harry's dream worlds are not ideal, he doesn't realize it right away
he thinks he's still doing something wrong
reality five - coney island
uh so next is probably another real life scene which shows tension between harry and his husband, only harry is no longer acting the way he did before aka accepting things without question
after the dream, harry starts to... notice things. he picks up on the slights, on the manipulative behaviours. he doesn't argue back for most of it, because he's still figuring it out and he's in shock, but he does start acting differently, which is noted by his husband
it escalates things further, a landslide of 'harry is no longer listening to me, is no longer under my control' type of deal where it results in more attempts to manipulate, which harry now sees is bad
voldemort grew addicted to power, made deals with politicians, gained a following
he looks back on past events and picks out the red flags, realizes that his marriage is not a marriage of equals. but just because harry knows these things, doesn't mean he knows what to do. he goes back to the dream world for comfort/answers
dream five - cowboy like me
this one is 'cowboy like me'
harry is there with his husband staying at a hotel, they happen across dream-husband, who is a con artist attempting to swindle an older woman
either harry is also a con artist in a similar vein, or he is mistaken for one - i'll probably decide once it's written out and i get a sense of the vibe
but he and dream-husband have some interesting conversations, flirting, etc
the theme of this dream i think will be further strengthening the similarities between harry and the dream-husband he's made up in his head
this dream ends with a bittersweet farewell
something along the lines of, despite their attraction for each other, they must part ways? :thots: or some other thing
but there will be a bit of a cheeky 'see you soon'
aka referencing the fact that it's a dream/dream world, that the dream-husband is a recurring character in harry's mental space
reality six - happiness
harry's down to two vials now, the bittersweet farewell of dream five has him realizing that time is running out in the metaphorical sense; we understand that soon he will need to make a choice
i might loop back to infidelity at this point, maybe in an attempt to bring harry to heel, his husband starts flaunting an affair? :thots: cause in the past, flirting with other people probably worked to make harry upset and easily manipulated
but y'know now harry is armed with his brand new knowledge of Marriage Should Not Be Like This and also he's got some shiny self-worth stored up, courtesy of dream-husband
dream six - ivy
in this dream world, harry is married to his current husband, but he is having an affair with the dream-husband; not in the sexual sense, but in the emotional sense. drawing on the dream five, harry is seeking comfort and solace from his bad marriage
this dream is meant to remove more of harry's doubts and encourage him to see that his current situation is bad
and i imagine we start to break through the fourth wall; dream-husband speaks directly to harry, referencing real life events that have occurred
he encourages harry to leave
harry is doubtful, obviously. this is all he's known and he's been gaslighted, manipulated, mistreated
he's terrified he will be found out and punished for it
but the dream-husband reassures him, promises him that things will be okay, etc.
he makes harry promise to take care of himself
and i'm thinking in true romantic sense, maybe they spend the night together? :thots:
reality seven - closure
we solidify that harry deserves better, that what has happened is not his fault, etc all the important, healthy things
we have harry reaching out to the people that have been slowly pushed out of his life (mostly by his husband). he’s reconnecting with them, being healthier, i think this section would end with harry going to ron and hermione and telling them the truth, telling them everything
harry is down to his last vial, so he's been saving it
like, he could obviously go and get more, they would give it to him for free, even, but you know it's kind of like
he shouldn't have to rely on that as a coping mechanism any more
dream seven - evermore
i'm thinking harry goes for one last dream, they sit together outside(?) or somewhere else that has significance for harry
they hold hands, harry talks about how much the support has meant to him, what he's learned about himself, what these dreams have taught him
sometimes things don't work out
he knows he needs to walk out and move on
i'll probably cry writing all this so you know it'll be good
the end - it’s time to go
then like i mentioned before, there will be a scene of harry signing divorce papers. his friends are with him, telling them they support him, and he feels... relief. he feels hope.
the story ends with harry attending a party, this time by his own decision. he's here to genuinely mingle with people, with his friends, and have a good time
and then he sees someone
much like the previous dream, it's someone who he once knew
they talk, they catch up, but this time it doesn't feel odd or uncomfortable
harry feels secure with himself, and we end on the hopeful note that this could go somewhere good
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taddymason · 3 days
So I have yet to read Lightning Pin. (I have so many fics and books on my TBR. I'll get to it eventually. I really will!) But I've seen bits and pieces from your posts.
Do you think you'll wait to keep writing as new episodes come out? Or will you just write your own ending before we get answers from the show?
In your version will Jay re-gain his memories?
And most importantly, will Jay, Nya, and Kaida have a happy ending?
Hii thanks for the ask!!
1-It's hard to explain, but since I have already planned the entire arc that Jay, Nya and Kaida have to go through, it's really not difficult to adjust the plot to the episodes. For now, the second arc of LP covers the first part of DRS2 events, and the final arc will most likely cover the rest of the season's events. I'm lucky that with how long it took me to write the first parts of the fic I didn't have to wait long to update as the episodes come out. I also have, like, the biggest story planned in advance mostly because of the leaks (like the wolf warrior Jay one) , so it's very easy to plan each chapter and not deviate "so much" from the canon.
The fic already has an ending kinda planned, and the way things are going, if everything ends well this season, I don't think I'll change it and it would be a good way to close this fic.
2- I've been thinking about this a lot since I started the AU because maybe this will change, but the answer is no. And yes, because there are going to be a few little things that Jay will remember but it will be very at the end of the fic. There is a theme that I like to play with a lot when writing Amnesiac Jay, and that is that the ninjas hope that eventually when he regains his memories he will go back to being the "old Jay". They just have to wait, right? And everything will be the same as before. As if his "amnesiac personality" was just a temporary version that they have to deal with, because they have always been able to solve problems like this that have arisen (like with Nya, or the two times it happened with Zane).
So I like that they actually have to face the possibility that that may never happen. They have to stop expecting Jay to behave towards them like before and magically recover his memories, and instead try to start over with him and show him that they can trust them. And Jay has to accept that it doesn't matter if he regains his memories or not, it doesn't stop him from choosing to be better and stop thinking of himself as if he had been a completely different person before. Like, yeah, he obv has changed but he's still the same person, and he has to stop the denial of not wanting to look at his past identity with the idea that that "person is dead". No idea if they'll go down a similar route in canon, but I like the idea of ​​giving him an arc where he has a bit of an identity crisis where he tries to alienate himself from this older version of him and constantly justify his actions by believing he doesn't have another option than allowing himself to forget.
3-THEY WILL!! t's going to suck, yes, but they will get through it and have a happy ending. No spoilers, even if there are a lot of chapters left to get there, but the final chapter is called "The Dog Days are Over" :)
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forgot to post about him here BUT I finished my silly little Vashraptor fursuit just before Emerald City Comic Con (and Vancoufur)
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except he's not actually "finished", just finished enough for me to wear him to those cons for a bit. he still needs a few more details, namely feetpaws, the stitches on his torso, a more raptor-like hand for his prosthetic, and claws. plus I'm not totally happy with his ears so I might redo them. I'll make legs and different prosthetics eventually, but that probably won't be for a while.
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as per usual of raptors, he looks pretty silly at any angle other than side profiles, so its a little difficult to get good photos while im actually wearing him.
more ramblings + WIP shots under the cut because this was the most complicated project ive ever done and im insane
so far, he's taken about $700 worth of materials and 150 hours but I'll make another post with updated numbers when he's fully finished.
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the headbase is made of EVA foam, with a hinge from WeaselsOnEasels (covered with that pink fabric because I accidentally put it on the inside, rip) and 40 teeth from DreamVisionCreations. the eyes and antorbital fenestrae have .5mm computer fan pvc mesh-- his vision and ventilation are fantastic, rivaling my suit with a 3d printed base, but fine details like writing and text are lost as per usual with vision meshes (that's not normally much of a problem for me with the furry conventions I go to annually and know the layout of, but it made navigating ECCC a nightmare since ive never been before and the venue is HUGE. I imagine ill have the same struggles if I go to sakuracon-- anyone wanna be my handler for that? lol). the unfurred section is coated with Plastidip and spraypainted dark brown. most of his mane is zippered on both sides so I can remove it and make interchangable versions (I plan to make spiked-up hair in yellow, half yellow/black, and fully black) while the tip of it is magnetic so it lies flat against the base. his tongue is also magnetic. I was originally going to make magnetic eyelids, but in all honesty, I might prefer to make them velcro as they tend to be easier to adjust + more secure than magnetic ones.
the part I hated making the most was his tail, not because it's bad, but because when I was almost done with it my dog got to it and chewed it apart.
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you can see there's an awkward little bump along the top near where the light yellow and black fur connect-- when im wearing the tail that bump makes it look broken. but since he's so mangled anyway it can just be considered part of his design since I didn't add any scars to it
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the tail feathers were a bit of a nightmare to make but the progress shots are cool
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the part I loved making the most, and that im most proud of, is the bodysuit. I thought the scars were going to be a nightmare to sew, but they were actually the most fun and I love how they turned out!! he will be getting an interchangable mane down his back as well but I didn't have the time to finish it. I might also extend the shoulders a little for a better fit, particularly the left as theres a noticeable gap between the suit and the prosthetic as it is.
I showed this video of the pattern to a friend at When Furballs Strike a few weeks back and she told me I was insane. she is correct, and I'm fairly sure me actually finishing the bodysuit in a week only proves it further. but I did it anyway, and I had fun doing it.
Fur used: Yellow (Hair/Mane, Tail Feathers): HowlFabric Buttercup Luxury Shag Light Yellow (Main Body/Face): MofuMofu Mi Yellow Long Fur White (Neck, Top Surgery Scars, Tail): BigZFabric White Short Shag Brown (Ears, Tail Feathers): HowlFabric Fossil Grey Luxury Teddy Black (Arm, Tail): HowlFabric Natural Black Luxury Teddy Scars: HowlFabric Salmon Minky Tongue: HowlFabric Banana Minky Inner Mouth: HowlFabric Vanilla Minky Inner Ears: BigZFabric White Minky
note about the mofumofu fur: it's pretty thin, if you trim too much you can see the backing through it. HOWEVER. this proved to be a positive for the bodysuit, as it's MUCH more breathable than thicker furs like howl's and bigz's. (for the one day I could make it to ECCC and two days of Vancoufur, I wore this suit for 10-12 hours straight with a sweatshirt underneath and never felt like I was overheating, the minky scars most likely helped with it but STILL??) it also doesn't get as matted. whether or not it's worth the $55/yd price depends on what you need it for, if it's within your price range and you're particularly sensitive to heat, I'd say go for it. I only needed a yard for this as I'm kindof a little guy (5'5", 120lbs) so it was worth it for me.
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gender-buddies · 3 months
Final Thoughts on Gender Buddies
All in all the project wasn't too bad! I thought that I'd run into way more artist's block, but I managed to come up with a lot of good ideas pretty quickly. Once I stopped overthinking it, it was easy to come up with some good designs. It helped that I stopped making the Buddies so high-concept after phase 1. At a certain point I was coming up with these designs on the fly rather than sketching them in my notebook, taking a bunch of notes, then moving them to a digital format. Streamline!
There are a few designs I would love to redo (looking at you, Aesthetigender.) I also had some lofty plans to have "items" that followers could use on Buddies to change their elements, or to turn them into the fluid or flux version of the genders they represent, meaning I would draw new designs for them. I was also hoping to release some "special edition" Buddies to commemorate important dates, like when I posted Neogender on New Year's Day (another design I didn't like all that much.) I was also supposed to post Demiboy as a birthday Buddy (I'm a demiboy and would have posted it on my birthday to celebrate my identity), but never did and instead posted it as part of the original 120.
Yes, I do want to take requests. I didn't accept or deny requests that I got because I didn't want to give away which Buddies were or weren't planned, but now I can do the requests! There are two that I plan to draw in the near future, but I mostly want to take a break for a month or two before touching them. But I'll totally take requests. If I have time, I'll post a list of every single Buddy I drew so it's all in one place and followers don't have to search so much.
I think my biggest disappointment was the lack of follower interaction (like comments and asks) and the lack of popularity. I was hoping for more followers and more talk about it (I barely saw anything discussed in the YB3 server even though I was posting a lot of updates.) I don't typically worry about the numbers, but I feel like it would have at least pulled in some new followers from my YouTube channel or something! That feels silly though, but this is the first time I've ever finished a planned project, and it was a big deal for me.
Maybe I'll do another similar project in the future, maybe one with a lot less structure. I put a TON of thought into the stats and into which Buddies would make it into each phase. I use Trello for all my planning and you should see what it looks like! It legitimately looks like I'm programming a Pokemon game or something!
This project really helped me get better at drawing because I was drawing so regularly, and that's after spending years not drawing anything at all. I have some newly developed muscle and nerve issues in my dominant hand from intense restaurant work, so that was a struggle for me. But I eventually embraced the shaky lines and slightly off proportions and saw those things as features rather than mistakes. It's not great as an artist to embrace things that clearly need adjusting, but it is what it is. I'm an amateur and self-taught. It's okay if I suck at drawing!
Feel free to send asks about any of the Buddies and I'll gladly talk about where I got the ideas for them and what they're based on. Phase 9 and 10 Buddies have artist commentaries in their replies and I do have posts with artist commentaries for previous phases, but I would love to talk more about individual designs!
Anyway, thank you for supporting my silly little project. Now my focus is on my dragon story worldbuilding crap (@project--eclipse.)💙
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More skin concepts! Each are based off various deep-sea fauna! There will be more made before eventually deciding which serves this massive beast the best in its current niche.
I've added rows of ventral countershading photophores to each concept, which would help conceal the Gargantuan Leviathan from below by matching light output from above and breaking up the Leviathan's silhouette. The photophores along its fins are no longer lures as mentioned in my last post, and are instead used for further silhouette breakup, species identification, and intimidation. The photophores on its tail-tip is the Garg's lure. Its whiskers are usually used for countershading but can also be used for communication.
The Gargantuan Leviathan is able to control the light output from its photophores depending on what the given situation calls for and shows a decent level of intelligence in this aspect, knowing when, what, and where to attack.
I still feel the sperm whale analogy I made in my first post still sort of fits my current version of the Garg, but adjustments to its speculated behavior have been made with the current reconstruction in mind.
My current version of the Gargantuan Leviathan is a deep-sea predator but starts it life in the shallows and move deeper as they grow larger and stronger. Adult Gargantuans usually stay in the deep, only moving up in the water column if sick, dying, or starving. Gargantuan Leviathans use the photophore at the end of their tail as a lure and will often dim or completely darken their dorsal photophores when actively hunting to help conceal the rest of their body. Once prey is close enough, the Leviathan whips around and snatches up its meal in its deadly jaws. While it's hard to show on a full body, Gargantuan Leviathans are covered in extremely tiny jelly-filled sensory pits called ampullae of Lorenzini, which are used to determine when prey is within striking range and help with navigation.
(Even though the Garg's anatomy is still subject to change, If y'all want this base I've been using for concepts do lmk! If there's enough interest I'll publicly release it and perhaps past and future concept bases as well!! I'm also interested in feedback for the possibility of Garg adopt sets to help fund potential extensions of this project and my general life stuff.)
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desolateice · 8 months
How would your versions of Lawrusso(and maybe og cobras) from Rootbeer floats and green tea react if they ended up in the cobra kai universe? Like they ended up traveling to this alternative dimension of their lives. And they see how this older version of themselves and their kids/students? The Kreese and Silver problem? I just have tons of thoughts about it. And would love to hear your opinion.
Thank you. This would be probably pretty difficult for them because what I wanted was to give a ripple effect that allowed them to avoid Cobra Kai. Like a video game where the show is the arguably bad ending. (I mean it's not, but like for them it would be in a way) I'll put the entirety of this under a read more because it's going to be long. Lol guess what it's too long. I've got to do this in two parts. I didn't know tumblr had a limit for posts. 🤣 I wrote too much for Daniel and Johnny so they're going in a reblog, so this is cobras and Chozen.
Chozen: I think people wouldn't notice but he would. Kumiko would notice if he was back home and so would his friends back in Okinawa but for RBF&GT specific Chozen he'd be so lost because he'd made a home for himself in LA and it just wouldn't exist. And he wouldn't have the cobras as his friends or flirting with him and I think he'd be lonely. But he would see that Johnny and Daniel aren't together and I think he'd very quickly adjust and test the waters with Johnny, realize that Johnny hadn't ever like healed or anything of that journey he'd been on and he'd see if there was any of the Johnny he loved in there, realize there was and go for it. It'd take a bit of work, but I think he might succeed. Bobby: Would be surprised Johnny and Daniel aren't together, that Johnny and Daniel are both hurting still because of Kreese and Silver (ect.) and would feel obligated to help them both. He'd also do everything in his power to get Dutch out of jail and then lecture him forever. He would be reticent to break Daniel and Amanda up, but he'd try to peace keep and counsel and he'd probably try to get Johnny to move in with him, though I have no clue how that'd work with his family since he's married but we haven't met or know all the details there. And for all we know he might've tried and his partner might've banned him from having Johnny sleep on their couch. Dutch: Dutch would be surprised he was in jail, but then would think it was a cool experience for a moment. He'd call Bobby and tell him what happened and ask to get out because Bobby never changed his number and he couldn't get through to Johnny. He would try and see what magic he could do to try and fix everything. He would probably end up just moving in with Johnny and hassle him into getting better and healing. He'd probably be super bummed that he never healed his relationship with his parents. Jimmy: Would not notice a difference at first. Not for a while. Not until he tries to call up Tommy or visit him for lunch and realize he's not there and then find out Tommy's gone. Then he'll start finding other differences until he realizes what's happened but he won't believe it and he might have to take a leave of absence or something because he'll just completely spiral because he's still married and still got his kids but so much else is different and eventually he'll figure out what it is and try and fix it. For Tommy. Tommy: My goal in Root Beer Floats was to not let Tommy end up alone. His friends would all stay close and by his side and he'd have a job in the public eye so his health would be kept on a close eye on him. And I feel like this version of him would be a warning specter nightmare for him that he'd wake up from and just be like oh man, glad I don't live in that time line and then he makes sure to stop ignoring people and visit doctors on a regular schedule.
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calextheneko · 1 month
Mario Maker 2 Self Promotion: Super World and Sky Tower Saga
So getting back into Mario Maker 2 and for those who don't know I freaking love Mario Maker. I currently have 80 levels uploaded in the second and forgot how many I have uploaded in the first. Never as many cause I never got enough likes to expand my upload pool in that one. Glad 2 through that mechanic in the trash.
Anyway, this post is just to blow my horn and talk about some of my favorite levels I've made. I'm far from the best or most popular level designer but I do put my heart into them! If any strike your fancy it means the world to me if you play them! So let's go on.
First off if you want to find me and pull up all my levels
Creator ID: GKP-1RT-HNG
Can use that to pull up my profile. If you see the name Calex and my little guy wearing the cat suit you got the right one!
So first up, my Super World found on my profile.
This follows basic 8 world progression, made in the Super Mario world style. I did my best to make it feel like a Mario game while adding in some unique twists. Worlds 1-6 have four stages including a boss stage, and world 7 and 8 have 5 levels including boss stages. I try to stay true to form with fighting the Koopalings and progressing but giving them unique mechanics or battlefields to fight on to freshen the fights up.
The levels start on the super easy side as I've attempted to scale the difficulty up as you progress through the worlds. I'd say world 7 is where you notice a big bump up.
I recently redid the final level of it 8-5: Seat of the King. Mainly, while I liked the original version the boss fight with Bowser took way too long. I wish they had a way to adjust his HP. So I updated it so Bowser will get damaged much, MUCH more quickly, as well as adding in a couple secrets that can let you skip round 1 with him. It's not nearly as hard, but I'll take fun over difficult any day of the week.
Most of the levels I'm proud of are later in the games as I made them more complex as part of turning the difficulty up. 7-1: Blast Off! might be my favorite of the set. As for hardest, for me personally I think 8-4: The Koopaling's Last Dance! As it contains rematches with each Koopaling that you fought throughout the game and then a fight with Bowser Jr. I put two checkpoint flags right on either side of a pipe for this one so you can reactivate them any time you want to save your progress in this level.
I could gush about each level but there are 40 of them total in the Superworld so going to move on so we're not here all day.
Sky Tower Saga
Sky Tower Saga is a series of levels I made back before the game had Super Worlds using the Mario 3 layout. Sky Tower Saga contains much more and often difficult twists on its boss fights and each of the levels has its own boss.
Sky Tower Saga is a five level collection that basically tells the story of Mario's journey to Sky Tower after it mysteriously appears in well, the sky, and his effort to stop Bowser from seizing the tower's strange powers for himself.
Sky Tower Saga Part 1: Journey
Course ID: 402-DQ9-LSG
Journey has you start in a winter themed level, as you platform your way along before reaching the Tower's entrance. Once inside you climb the first few floors before facing Boom Boom. This level is the only completely normal boss fight in the series, as it serves as a warmup level before you enter the tower proper. So Boom Boom has no mechanics. There is sadly a Soft Lock in it, there's an area you can go down under after hitting a P Switch and find a 1-up. But if you don't have the Super Leaf then it's not possible to get back up and eventually you die once the P-Switch runs out.
Sky Tower Saga Part 2: Ascent
Course ID: 1DT-J87-6RF
Ascent where the series starts using vertical levels as you climb higher and higher into the Tower. This level also has far more secrets in it than the first, including eight key coins that if you gather you can unlock a special bonus door right before the boss fight. You can also use the key to skip the boss fight if you want, but kind of ruins the fun. Up to you if you want to get through faster or if you want to fight it! Whatever you feel like! But the fact the boss can be skipped is why I later stopped using red coins in boss stages to prevent that. I just like putting in secrets for people to find. XD I feel it makes things more fun.
Anyway, this time the boss fight is against a Flying Boom Boom but now we start to have new mechanics introduced. This fight has a time limit beyond the actual course timer. As the fight continues one of the walls will closely close in giving you less and less room to move around in. You need to defeat Boom Boom and unlock the exit door before the wall closes in completely and squashes you flat. I left the timer very generous.
I designed it by using a Bill Blaster as the wall. It doesn't shoot anything, but I put it on a conveyor belt that tries to carry it right. However there are switch blocks in the way blocking its progress. Below it is a shell that is fired onto a conveyor belt that tries to carry it right but the shell is shot left making it travel very slowly. At the end of it is a Switch Block. So each time it hits the block the Bill Blaster is released from a switch block and moves right. Meanwhile the shell is quickly delivered back to where it started before bouncing and slowly moving towards the switch again. During the fight you can see it moving so you can see exactly how much time you have before the wall moves again.
Sky Tower Saga Part 3 Secret
Course ID: K47-5M0-5RG
Sky Tower stretches so high into the sky you start to leave the atmosphere. As a result any time you are physically climbing the outside of the tower there will be less gravity. Thankfully it seems the Mushroom Kingdom invented artificial gravity so inside you're fine.
Once again we have red coins to unlock a secret room as you travel up. And once again it can be used to skip the boss fight if wanted. But surprise twist! There are two boss fights! More on that in a second.
Secret introduces something important in the form of the three Fire Orbs with wings that will be seen again. These are used to represent an entity called Tower Soul who will be a problem in a later stage, but for this one you just get a glimpse of them. Meanwhile, the challenge takes in the form of scaling the place while managing the lowered gravity. There is also a snake block to ride, but don't worry there's a two-way pipe right before it so you can exit and re-enter if you fall off and need to respawn it.
As for the fights. It's Bowser Jr with a round 1 and a round 2 against him. The first round is simple, some Throwmps slam down activating an on and off switch which drops Bowser Jr and two red Bill Blasters into the room. You have to hit Bowser three times while dodging homing Bullet Bills and you're done. But round 2 things kick up a bit. Bowser Jr is now protected in the safety of the Tower and you must fight him while dealing with the Tower's defenses. Your only platform is a seesaw that goes up and down but this is to your benefit once you realize what you need to do. You need to jump on Koopa Troopas and then shoot their shell into a small hole where they'll travel down and hit Bowser Jr. If you stand on the left side of the seesaw it will form a perfect ramp that you can slide the shell along right into the hole instead of having to jump into the air and fire it. While you continue to fight the tower will release other defenses including buzz saws so watch yourself as you take it down. This fight is good training for a future fight that's a much bigger problem.
Sky Tower Part 4: Apex
Course ID: W7B-R7W-XKG
Finally you reach the apex of the tower. But as you reach the top, you will find none other waiting for you than Bowser! Charged up with the Tower Soul the entire Tower is now at his command as he attempts to destroy you!
Once again, up in space so low gravity when climbing the exterior of the tower, but most of the platforming takes place in the interior as you climb up the last few floors. Beware of Bullet Bills as they'll be a constant threat when you climb. When you have to charge forward towards a Bill Blaster remember to look for holes in the area you can jump or duck in to dodge the bullets. Also, as you navigate flying beetles and other surprises there might be a chance to grab an unintended upgrade along the way.
Apex is where the red coins stop as I realized I was undermining the levels, as well as this is where you face a much bigger threat for the boss. Bowser himself is the boss fight this time. When you finally make your way up to him, the arena will look familiar. You fight Bowser in the same was as you did in Mario 3, but with a slightly simplified arena. Naturally a you can guess from the previous fight this is just a warmup for the real fight.
Grab the Fire Flower after round 1, it will make your life much easier, I promise. For fight 2, you'll be facing Bowser in a Fire Car, but you have a Fire Car of your own. If you grabbed the Fire Flower you shoot three fireballs instead of one which will make things much easier. Dodge Bowser's attacks and take him out with your own fireballs to proceed forward! However, Bowser is probably the smallest worry you'll have at the moment. The Tower Soul will be seen flying around the map damaging you if it impacts you, as well as there are tons of cannon balls being fired. Navigate the maze of obstacles carefully as you fight Bowser and finally finish off the fight... Except, not quite. At the end of the level you'll see though Bowser is gone, Tower Soul remains.
Sky Tower Saga Finale: Soul
Course ID: 5S2-81B-XGF
It's the final level. With Bowser defeated Tower Soul has gone berserk. If the tower is left unchecked its destruction power will spread to the Mushroom Kingdom. Are you ready to fight an entire freaking tower? Cause you're fighting an entire tower. Or at least the heart of it.
This is a boss stage, no platforming to get here. Instead, you get some power ups and then are instantly thrown into a battle with Tower Soul. That's right, the final boss is a completely original thing instead of being Bowser again! I know it turns out I am capable of originality at times!
Now then...This is what the Bowser Jr fight earlier was practice for. You will see the Tower Soul inside a huge contraptions once you step into the heart of the tower. The ticket is once again to kick shells into a small opening so that it can damage the tower. But it's going to be much harder this time. There's no ramp you can shoot it up through. Now you'll need to either throw the shells from the air, jump up to the hole or time it perfectly off a moving platform to get a hit in. Each time you land a successful hit you'll see the tower start to fall apart as bricks fall from overheard.
This fight took a long time to design and went through a lot of versions. First I had to get it to actually work so that you could get a key for defeating a thing the game doesn't regard as an actual entity. I hit an enemy that's never visible on screen but is killed right after you land your final hit on Tower Soul. That enemy holds the key so that's how I made it look like defeating Tower Soul gives you the key. After I got this working though the fight was too insanely hard. So believe it or not this is the tuned down version of it. Keep aware of the threats around you and practice your timing with shells until you earn victory.
But the level isn't over yet. The Tower Soul flees as the entire tower begins to collapse. It's time for a Metroid this place is gonna explode escape sequence with some fun music. But, how do you escape Sky Tower? Well... You'll see when you get there. Defeating Tower Soul is the hard part the rest of the level is super easy and I don't want to spoil the fun of what's happening.
Anyway that's stuff about my Super World and Sky Tower. I may post more of these with other levels I worked on and their course IDs as it goes on. We'll see how it goes. Will also be trying to come up with some new level ideas cause the itch to make levels is bugging me like crazy now. Thanks for taking the time to listen to me rant, and super special thanks to anyone who plays any of the levels too!
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blackfire-fanfiction · 9 months
Decided to make a post specifically for my TMNT ideas instead of keeping them stacked awkwardly in the pinned post. Feel free to send in any asks you want about anything I post! Most of my aus are built by you guys, so if you want to be a part of the creation process, don't be shy! Anons are on :)
I am a fan of all versions of TMNT, but a lot of my ideas are Rise focused. Expect tmnt 2012 to show up often, though!
Same Raph AU (aka Two Sides of the Same Coin) Masterpost // Fanfic Link Summary: Rise Raph and 2012 Raph are the same person. He switches between bodies randomly whenever he sleeps (or gets knocked unconscious) -> Same Raph AU Crossover is a side idea (not canon to the main AU) where a typical Rise and 2012 crossover happens, but it’s with the same raph au. Only one body is awake at a time: shenanigans ensue. (There’s also a fun Battle Nexus plotline going on) -> Keep an eye out for the Same Raph AU Bad Timeline(s), its also a side idea where I explore what happens for the Rise Apocalypse, and what happens when one body dies
Soul Switching Masterpost Summary: [Inspired by the SRAU] Rise Leo and 2012 Leo switch with each other when they sleep. Two people sharing their life with the other causes drama.
Feral Mikey AU Link to the tag Summary: While exploring a mystic temple in a forest, Mikey touches something that makes his mystics overcharge, leading him to get teleported to a far away forested planet, eventually going feral to survive the horrors.
Glitched Out Fanfic Link Summary: After the Krang invasion, Donnie wants to understand mystics better. He pushes his powers too far, “glitching” as he experimented with his ninpo.
Right Back Where I Started Fanfic Link Summary: Leo gets trapped in a time loop of the Krang Invasion.
Divided Era Fanfic Link Summary: F!Leo goes through the time portal instead of Casey. Features both POVs: Leonardo adjusting to the past, and Casey dealing with a post-apocalyptic world.
One-Shot Weekends Fanfic Series Link Summary: I am challenging myself to write a short one-shot every week, posting on the weekends! (I'm posting the prompt in the discord server when it gets chosen at the start of the week, so if you're curious as to what I'm writing come join us! You might even influence how the finished writing turns out)
Idea Generator Link to the tag Summary: I have a list of ideas that will eventually get turned into a fic someday! If you send in a number, I'll answer with the idea. And then we can play around with the idea here on tumblr a bit! (all ideas are tagged with #idea generator, but they each have a distinct tag (ie; idea 1)
Other Fun Things! My TMNT Discord Server: https://discord.gg/RzPAR8U2j9 My YouTube TMNT Playlist Collection: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQBmD-iGAvJrw05P5SWQVtgVttO2Xal1Z My Spotify TMNT Playlist Collection (google doc with all the links): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P-XUS5nXCZnPbmM1wKym9Pw30c__3CgPYgj_bjhZROs/edit?usp=sharing
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censoredmovies · 8 months
hey everyone, because so many fellow parents like me were frustrated about the Barbie movie not being kid-appropriate, I decided to make a censored version of the movie. in the album is a list of things that were censored and not censored so you can judge for yourselves whether it's safe for your kid, sibling, cousin, niece/nephew, etc.
I hope this post won't get taken down as it is technically piracy. I also hope to make more censored versions of movies in the future, and that movie makers will eventually be willing to make their own censored versions of movies alongside the originals bc it's really not that hard.
there are no subtitles and the quality may look bad depending on your wifi, but you can adjust it on desktop mode or download it. it should be available in 1080p and only 1.3 GB. if the link doesn't work or wtv, maybe check the comments of this post, or my bio, or pinned comment (I'll write smth there eventually if need be).
I've linked the non-censored version in the "source".
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ravnloft · 3 months
writer interview
tagged @bardic-inspo (*´▽`*) thank u my friend these are so fun
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
3 lol. eventually i'll post more. probably. maybe
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
100,989 (not counting the original "draft" of wicked turns because a lot of that got reused in the current version)
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
girl (gender neutral) i don't even have 5 fics total... top kudos though is wicked turns :')
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!!!! comments are so nice and they let me know i am not posting into a void and that other people are actually interested in what i'm writing!!!! if you have ever left a comment on anything i wrote you have such a special place in my heart and you make me so happy!!!!!!!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
haven't finished it yet but it's going to be drowning lessons :)
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
also have not finished it but everyone in how to win friends will come out SO happy and well-adjusted. it's at a good little stopping point for now and i might skip into act 2 for the next chapter/s... idk it doesn't really have a plot it's just me giving myself like. writer aftercare from the stuff in drowning lessons or wicked turns fjgdfjjfdgj
7. Do you write crossovers?
not anymore but if you know the ancient piri lore of when i did tumblr rp......... the harley quinn/norman bates "it started out as a joke and now we're really invested" ship still makes me go insane from time to time...... i have a type and it is unhinged men who fall for somehow even more unhinged women
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes. the kind where i get wine drunk or have an edible and then scream into my hands after typing each word because i hate writing smut but damn if it ain't relevant to the storyline
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no but i HAVE had my peebles art stolen/reposted on at least one site
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
if you count tumblr rp as co-writing fic, then yes
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
ough. waugh. how can i choose between my beautiful children
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
yeah so i have. the loose outline of a peebs fic. and it has been rolling around in my brain for years and years and years. but in order to truly do it justice i feel like it would be a full-on multi-issue comic series and the last time i tried making a graphic novel-style work (shoutout to princess huntress, your worldbuilding lives on but i'll never finish you) i got maybe 8/100+ pages done and then spiraled into art burnout for like 4 years
15. What are your writing strengths?
i like to think i am good at writing horror and gore teehee <3
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
sex scenes...... i don't like writing it, i don't like publishing it, i am ehhhh about reading it, but again, damn if it ain't relevant to the storyline
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
don't trust google translate. just use <> or whatever if you don't know the language.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
batman (stares wistfully out the window for 10 hours)
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
i REALLY want to write a skyrim long-ish fic. i have so many thoughts on it. there would be two LDBs (amma and sigg). both of them are cursed by daedra but in wildly different directions
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
wicked turns :)
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