#i’m watching reactions on a creators patreon
samanthaswishes · 7 months
Me: You should really continue your full rewatch of agents of shield and finish your posts instead of rewatching seasons 1, 2, and 7 over again. It’s been like over a year since your last rewatch post. You’re on season 4, you love season 4
Also Me: *knows season 5 is next*
Me: You know what, never mind
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lunasstories · 10 months
In a blink of an eye Noah and Luna’s life changed! No one expected this to happen especially this fast. Luna was feeling off a few weeks after a “lovely night “ she thought it was just a head cold or something until one day she couldn’t stop puking up her lunch.”why don’t you go see a doctor hun” noah asked”I think I’m just going to take a home test “ said luna . So she waited and waited and waited for what felt like hours. Then they finally received their answer. Luna was in fact pregnant. She was so excited but also nervous about Noah’s reaction. So she took a deep breath and went to go find Noah. Turns out he was tending to the animals out on the farm. “Noah” yelled Luna. Noah looked up in shock. “What’s wrong?” Noah asked. She told him the big news and Noah was excited to be a dad he had dreamt about growing a family with Luna for so long and he couldn’t wait.
And few months have passed and Luna is really feeling it. She gets morning sickness and craves pickles and ice cream (yes together) *she has the weirdest cravings* Noah thought to himself as he is making her midnight snack.
Even though Luna is pregnant she still wants to help around the farm. She spends a lot of time with her horse daisy. Hoping one day she’ll teach her kid to ride her around. She starts getting tired so she goes in for a little nap on the couch.
As Noah stays busy on the farm tending to all the livestock and gardening Luna stays inside and gets ready for the baby to come. She puts the crib together and stocks up on diapers. She decides to go check on Noah and get some fresh air. “Hey babe!” Luna called out. Noah looked over seeing Luna wobbling to him. “What do you think you’re doing? “ Noah asked. “The baby is kicking do you want to feel?” Luna asked. As Noah felt the kicks he fell more and more in love. He still couldn’t believe soon he’ll be a dad.
A few weeks later: Luna thought maybe a walk would help things go smoother so she kissed Noah goodbye and headed out to see if she could find little rabbit friends but her water ended up breaking while she was out. She rushed to the hospital and they called Noah who also rushed to the hospital. After 7 hours a beautiful baby girl was born.
They finally get home after a couple days in the hospital. They are exhausted and hungry but determined to get poppy settled in before anything else. As the next few days pass they are getting use to the feeling of being parents. Feeding, cleaning and playing with poppy brings them so much joy. Noah is even doing belly time with her.
“Why don’t you go spend so time on the farm I’ll watch poppy” Noah suggested.
As Luna takes a walk around the farm daisy runs up to her and gives her a big hug. Luna wants to take a ride so she hops on and takes off. It was like she never took a break. She was such a pro.
Luna definitely missed this.
~To be continued.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Apologies if you've addressed this before, but, as a re-watcher, how do you feel about BL reaction videos, and the not so much shadow-industry as shade-tolerant industry thereof (on YouTube, Patreon, etc.)? This is partly a query of your personal taste--is there anybody you like among reactors, or does the whole talking-over-the-show thing defeat the joy of rewatching? But also, what's your take on how the BL industry and reactors are "reacting" to one another? Why and how do the IP policies of Thai BLs (selectively permissive) vs. Korean Bls (restrictive), GMMTV vs WATCHA, for contrast, differ? And what does protectiveness vs. permissiveness vs. selective permissiveness, in terms of reacting/sampling video/audio, say about the distribution methods and maybe the short vs. long term goals in terms of market capture of these regions' industries? In my own English-language algorithm, I find a lot of reactors the US, the Philipines, the EU, and Thailand reacting to a range of BLs on YouTube--is this an accurate distribution or just my algorithm ? (personal disclosure, coincidentally stumbling upon your blog + https://www.youtube.com/c/FudanshiNXTDoor sent me down the BL rabbit hole)
BL Reaction Videos
I don't like them.
Why and how do the IP policies of Thai BLs (selectively permissive) vs. Korean Bls (restrictive), GMMTV vs WATCHA, for contrast, differ?
I don't know contract specific arrangements, but YT distribution allows you to be as permissive as you want with your own IP. So, for example, it’s up to GMMTV to kill the reaction videos with cease and desists, not YT, (So far as YT is concerned). However YT is super responsive to a DRM take down from OCC once it’s filed. 
So far GMMTV hasn’t chosen to file any that I can tell. Either because they can’t be bothered or they think reaction vids, samples, etc.. expand their brand. Or their such minor channels that they aren’t popping up on their radars, for example. 
WATCHA usually distributes to Viki, which is non-permissive DRM slap happy. Japanese IP protectors are notoriously litigious, Korea is getting there too. Viki is a Japanese company so they gonna be super tight fisted about their content. 
I honestly don’t know if hosting an offering on YT means it automatically goes under American TM protections or not. But I’m sure that plays into it somehow. 
And what does protectiveness vs. permissiveness vs. selective permissiveness, in terms of reacting/sampling video/audio, say about the distribution methods and maybe the short vs. long term goals in terms of market capture of these regions' industries? 
See above. It has to do with how tightly the content creator, or IP holder (in the case of the streaming service) wants to protect its IP. Since Viki et al are using fresh content to gain subs, they have a vested interest in being tight about exclusivity of said content. 
YT and those choosing to distribute there, are about add revenue which means eyeballs which means getting the content out there as much as possible. Reaction videos only expand interest. It’s like fair use vs copyright. Reactions can be considered a kind of fair use, and if you’re in favor of that, philosophically, on the theory that it drives new eyeballs back to the original content and thus generates more ad revs... why not allow them? 
In my own English-language algorithm, I find a lot of reactors the US, the Philipines, the EU, and Thailand reacting to a range of BLs on YouTube--is this an accurate distribution or just my algorithm ? 
The algo. YT’s is VERY simplistic. If you watch something for more than a few seconds it serves you more of that exact same thing FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. It’s one of the LEAST sophisticated rec algos I have ever encountered. It’s laughably bad. So is Netflix, for that matter. 
I actually have a secodn YT account to watch oddball stuff on so it doesn’t impact my main account’s agos, it annoys me THAT much. 
Honestly I wish Google would acquire TikTok and just apply King Algo over to YT, but that’s a whole other conversation.... 
Hope this answers your question.
Welcome to the madness! 
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hotforhandman · 3 years
So there are some things I want to get off my chest that I’ve been mulling over for a while. I don’t expect this post to get much engagement, but on the off chance anyone’s wondering what I’ve been up to, I wanted to voice some thoughts.
I feel like this fandom and this blog are past their zenith. I’m not going to abandon it, but I just wanted to say that. I don’t know if it’s just me or if it’s the BNHA fandom or if it’s tumblr as a whole, but for over a year now the level of engagement on both my stuff and stuff I reblog from others has been falling at a fairly consistent rate. For reblogging stuff and making the occasional comment on the goings on of the manga and anime, that’s not really a problem, but my content creation has almost ground to a halt.
I know this is something that hundreds if not thousands of creators have stated, and people are probably sick of hearing it, but creativity thrives on conversation. At the peak of this blog’s popularity, I was answering asks, writing short stories, publishing both RP content and my own content regularly, and riding the high of being part of a thriving fandom. Now when I post original content I’m lucky to get five notes, and two or three sentence comments get far more engagement than anything I put effort into. Same goes for my patreon, which I’ve always been running in the hopes that even five percent of the love I got on Death Row or any of my other stories would come of something, but it never got much attention, and though I have offered content perks before I find little incentive to create more exclusive content because I feel like no one sees it, so hours of my effort are wasted on nothing.
I’m still keeping up with BNHA. I’m still reading the manga and watching the anime (and lamenting that we haven’t heard from Shiggy since AFO all but confirmed his goal was to possess him completely), but my passion for it is dying because I have no one to talk about it with anymore. Creating content for it feels more like a chore than a joy, and I can’t bring myself to put in the many weekly hours’ worth of effort it takes to maintain a constant publishing schedule when I get nothing in return. It’s work with no reward, which is why I’ve been neglecting it in favour of projects that are actually fun to me.
At the moment, most of my creative energy is going into producing DND content. My passion is in a couple of OCs I created for DND campaigns that I have been both writing and drawing content for, but I haven’t shared it anywhere because posting content to zero interaction is far more demoralising than keeping it just for me.
Once upon a time, I dedicated every second of my free time to this fandom and this blog, because I loved it. I loved interacting with you guys, I loved creating content, I loved bouncing ideas off of people and watching people’s reactions. Now it feels like I’m calling into an empty wasteland and waiting for an answer that will never come.
Thank you to everyone who’s still keeping up with my content, rest assured that I still see your names pop up in my inbox and I treasure every comment you leave, but my motivation is running on fumes. I don’t want to disappoint any of you, but that’s where I’m at.
Again, I have no plans to shut anything down. I fully expect all this to just peter out until it’s finally completely dead. Maybe we will have a revival, but I doubt it. On the off chance that you read all of this and you still have that passion and love for this fandom, please consider engaging more, maybe we can bring some of the life back to this part of the internet.
Thanks guys.
Jay x
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Amphiba: True Colors Review or FINALLY THE  FINALE
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We’re finally here all you happy people! Ten Months, 36 episodes, 20 half hours, a lot of gay subtext, a lot of bloodshed, and a lot of build up have lead us all here! One absolutely STUFFED finale: A trust is betrayed, a rebllion is had, a conquerer rises and NOTHING will ever be the same.. and yes htat’s thrown around a lot but this is one of those times where NOTHING WILL BE THE SAME. This is that kind of finale folks. 
But before I can get into all the juicy stuff you’ve been waiting for there’s a few things to discuss.. and the first is obviously the fact we had to wait three goddamn extra weeks to get here after spending all season leading up to this. 
You all know the story by now. Hell I even angirly ranted about it when it happened and rightfully so. But frankly the colossal delay is going to be such an integral and permeant part of this episode and this show’s history that not talking about it in this review would do it a diservice: So to recap: The finale was posted to air  May 1st, a weak after “The Dinner/Battle of the Bands”. I had it set in my schedule, it showed up in that month’s press release of Disney Channel Episodes, We were all ready to go with all the tight and intense build up leading up to this. 
Then the worst happened and Disney aburbtly, and with a funny face image trying to play it off as a joke annoucned via it’s animation twitter the episode would be delayed. Now in fairness to the twitter person there, they were PROBABLY trying to help massage a blow... but seriously dude, read the room next time.  Thankfully creator Matt Braly stepped in and explained it was technical delays. After what happened the next day I ASSUMED he was just trying to cover for them as it would turn out the episode was finished.. turns out, and I had to edit the review to reflect this the truth was somewhere in the middle. Edits were more discussed, likely due to the episodes very violent nature, and the episode was given a content warning. Given what happens.. I can’t blame Disney for wanting one or for thinking of editing it.. but canblamehtem for the “Things that could’ve been brought to my attention YESTERDAY’ nature of the edist and the insuing delay. 
I can also blame them for leaking the episode on ITUNES. Yeah if they were REALLY concenred abotu content then they would’ve held off longer and not brought this up five minutes before it aired, delaying the episode for many. Hell I DEFENEDED them in the original version of this, but they had MONTHS of this episode being in production to fucking say something. WHy do this five mintues before it’s finished? 
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It just smacks of laziness and overly panicy stuff. A content warning would’ve been FINE. You ahve it for racisim on Disney Plus, just put one here and call it a day. You haven’t objected to the horrifying content in the series up to this point why start NOW.  And they STILL never apologized. For any of this. For the leak, for the delay, never properly explaining the delay (Matt didn’t either.. but given how twitchy comapnies can be about what their creators say, I can’t blame him for not wanting to clarify it was a post credit’s thing till closer to airtime), just in general not giving a shit abotu the kids or adults watching this. Just because kids watch thiis dosen’t me older kids don’t have social media, and it dosen’t mean teens don’t. If you want to pretend us adults watching this don’t exist.. fine. It sucks but I can’t do anything. But do not do this shit to kids and then not go to them. And again Matt could’ve.. but it’s not his fucking job. His job is to make a show, help make sure it gets to air and be a sweeheart. YOURS is to make sure things run smoothly and when their is a hickup,get your house in order. 
Matt shoudln’t of HAD to beg people not to watch it. Various va’s for the show shoudln’t of HAD to record funny messages.. it was appricated but it’s not thier job to prevent this from spreading. It’s yours. It’s yours to open your damn eyes and see adults and older teens watch this stuff too and to head that shit off. This incident is going to stick in my craw for god knows how long and ALMOST convinced me not to cover Owl House weekly (I still woud’ve likely done a review on each half of the season). I ended up renegeing on that and will be starting regular coverage of that in June and continuing coverage of this show whenever it returns.. but it was close. 
And it’s ultimately YOU GUYS that kept me hanging in there. It was thanks to a Disney show this blog exists in the first place, and contiunes to get the bulk of it’s viewers. It’s how I got my patreon, biggest fan and bfinacial backer Kev. I’ts why I can do what I love, talking about and analyzing stuff I enjoy and ocasionally loathe. You guys came back week after week for my ducktales reviews and stayed for Amphibia. I”m sure i’ll get even more for Owl House. It’s thanks to all of you I can keep going despite the hardships, the lack of patreons, the long nights, the weird sleep schedules. I wouldn’t of made it through 20 weeks of awesome tv without you. So for you, and for myself, i’ll hang in there but I expect better Disney. And i’m damn well gonna get it. So join me under the cut as the world turns upside down.. and there are a LOT of spoilers. Seriously if you want to wait for the tv airing do not go under the cut
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So we open with a flashback to 8 months ago, the day all this began: Marcy was working in the library on her cram classes, getting texts from both Sasha, who was excited about Anne’s birthday, and her own father who wants her to come home right away as there’s something important they need to discuss. 
But before she can a book about the strange and what not naturally slips out and Mar-Mar can’t help but thumb through it.. and as you were no doubt dreading.. finds the box which is said in a large tv friendly caption to lead to other worlds. 
Naturally Marcie is intrigued and snaps a pick and heads home... and we cut to the END of that conversation as she tearfully runs out of the house , refusing to accept what they’ve told her and her dad coming off hella unsympathetic with his overly harsh tone, especially since we DO find out what he told her... and it’s a lot to put on her and a lot to just say “accept because I helped make you for all of two unsatisfying minutes. “ 
So while running away she passes the box.. and sets the events from both the show’s opening and the flashback from the last finale in motion. Marcy sent them here on purpose.
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Yeah needless to say I DIDN’T see this coming. And it seems obvious in hindsight: Marcy being the one most desperate to keep thier friendship together, as we’ll see at it’s worst through this episode, her barely mentioning going home, and most tellingly the only things she talks about from earth were Anne, Sasha and her dorky intrests. All the things closest to the heart and that she’s most likely to make out with.. but while Anne brings up earth stuff every so often even after getting more screen time in Season 2b... Marcy NEVER talks about that kind of stuff. She has her girlfriends and a real life fantasy novel right here... but she DOSEN’T miss her parents or earth itself. And given her life was already shown to be as an outcast with only two people carring about her, three with her mom now we know, who never REALLY fit in and whose on friends very clearly didn’t share her intrests.. it probably made it all the more tempting: a real adventure, an escape from her problems, and a way to start over: become who she always PLAYED and not who she was. Everything just.. snaps into place with this revelation and makes Marcy an all the more heartbreaking character... even more so soon enough when we find out what her overall plan was. 
But that’s half an episode away: for now our party returns on Joe to Newtopia.. though clumsly. Marcy admits that they probably can’t fit more people on him. But with this our heroes are ready to finish this story and with a plan since obviously they can’t just walk into town with two wanted crminals: Marcy will present the box and THEN sasha and grime, who will cloak themselves to avoid attracting attentions, with literal cloaks Marcy hasn’t made a cloaking device yet, so hopefully they’ll get a pardon. 
Inside Sprig and Anne talk, with Sprig admitnig he’s sad this is the last adventure.. but Anne has hope. After all they have a way home now and that portal goes both ways. She can hop back any time and vice versa. This sin’t goodbye.. it’s just goodbye for now. And i’ts something I genuinely didn’t think of.. and not just because Andrias’ shady actions and Sasha and Grime’s machinations meant this was NEVER going to end well. 
Speaking of Sasha and Grime’s machinations those come to a head: As our heroes enter the castle, greeted by Lady Olivia, and we get our typical end of the RPG speech from the “Good” king.... Sasha swipes the box and Grime uses the hammer to knock everyone off ballance. The coup the two have been cooking up has come to pass. 
Anne and Marcy’s reactions.. are telling: Anne is utterly pissed at the betryal and done with Sasha and Marcy is begging both sides to stop as this was not how it was supposed to end. Sasha tries to use a box as a baranging chip, and plans to destroy it if Andrias dosen’t surrender despite destroying her way home. Given it’s implied her home life isn’t great either and she gets to rule an empire instead of a school, it’s easy to see why. 
Grime stops him from calling her bluff though by wacking him in the shins and then hodling him at hammer point to get the military of Newtopia to stand down while his covert Toad agents reveal themselves and runamuck. Grime has won. 
Anne meanwhile is livid, with Sasha not quite getting why MAYBE Anne would once again feel betrayed that once again Sasha is trying to do everything her way and once again lied to her and harmed innocent people. Anne breaks off their friendship which deeply uspets Marcy.. who weirldy. ISN’T trying to talk Sasha out of this. After all she gets what she wanted anyway. She IS upset when Sasha tries to send them home for defiance.. but the box dosen’t work for her and she simply has the guards escort our heroes and Olivia out till she can figure this out. 
Naturally though Anne, being pissed, heartbroken and pissed, and yes that was indeed intentional, HEADBUTTS the nearest guard and breaks them out, with the planatrs starting to fight back. Their still outnumbered.. but help arrives 
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Or rather the Amphibia equilvent as both wolverines are busy with prep for the Hellfire Gala. Yes it’s General Yunan, who Lady Olivia cuts off probably not for the first time. Your lucky that’s one of her turn on’s lady.
So our heroes sneak out and head to Sals, while the Toads wreck up the town. Marcy... is of course desperate to fix things, but figures it’s easy. All they have to do is free the king, stop the rest of the army from arriving, their an hour away, and cementing grime’s foothold, get her girlfriends to reconcile and fix the inherent power imbalance so a rebellion doesn’t’ happen again. 
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But Anne rouses them: They may be a goofus, a quick witted kid, an out of touch old man, a literal baby, am etaphorical baby, and a nerd.. but their a BADASS Goofus, kid, old man, babies and nerd... and two other ladies the toads actually know and respect. They’ve fought worse: Canibals, princess bride references, theater bandits, chicken elder gods, Poly’s addiction to angry mobs and paste pot pete and come back stronger each time. They can do this. They might only be 8 strangers, but together they can fuck up this shit. or to have a previously mentioned buddy of mine sum it up
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So with that it’s time to split up gang: Marcy, Hop Pop and Olivia will go free the king using Hop Pop’s acting skills...which actually works despite Olvia’s doubts. Polly, Yunan and Frobo will put the hammer down and give them hell, taking out the toads in the city and drawing all of them away from the gate where Spriganne will trigger it thus saving the day. 
Meanwhile Sasha is feeling discontent. She got everything she wanted.. but she didn’t think about what to DO with all that power. At home she could do all sorts of things ruling a school but now she’s lost one of the loves of her life. Without Anne and Marcy i’ts just empty. Even Grime’s utterly heartfelt gift of an emerald sword, he knew she always wanted to duel wield that has a heron on it, a sign of how they met and a truly sweet gesture can’t cheer her up. So Grime suggests redecorating and the first thing to go is a sappy mural of Andrias and his subjects. What they find UNDER it though is horrifying.. and i’ts surprisingly not a bunch of spiders like you’d expect.. but a mural of Andrius as some sort of horrible king with an army of robot frogs like Frobo, with a LOT of frog, toad and newt skeletons piled up. Sasha and Grime are glad they dodged that bullet.. only to find Anne scaling the tower with Sprig, the two naturally going to stop them.
 The two try and turn the wheel, but can’t as there’s a doorstop... one they DEFINTELY saw earlier when looking out the window of Sal’s.
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Regardless they send Polly for that.. and the rematch begins. Sasha TRIES talking to Anne.. but given she stabbed her in the back AGAIN for incredbly petty reasons, that’s not going to work and the two get one hell of a fight. Beautifully animated and rife with emotion as the two clash with Sasha DESPERATLY trying to get Anne to stop for a second and listen and Anne rightly refusing, while we watching know our hero winning will spell DOOM for this world despite her trying to do the right thing. Anna and Brenda’s acting here is just TOP notch. In any other episode this would be the best part of it.. but we’re only getting warmed up.
While they fight, we get a surprising and awesome bout I did not see coming: Sprig Vs Grime. And it gives me Spider-Man vs Kingpin vibes really: A rotund but still far more powerful opponent versus a smaller but quicker one. And that’s how even more shockingly, Sprig comes out the WINNER. While Grime has the hammer and more strength and skill... Sprig has speed and thus gets Grime to whack himself with it. Granted he can’t use the thing and comically spins around afterword.. but it proves Grime’s racist thoughts about frogs wrong and leaves Anne free to turn the wheel once she beats Sasha. The invasion is thwarted.
But naturally given the ooky spooky mural and the other hints of ominous shit like the watcher with a thousand eyes, this isn’t the end. Back at the throne room, with Sasha and Grime as prisoners Anne gives Andrias the box despite sasha begging her not to. But rather than send her home right away.. he has a history lesson for her first. And nothing good ever starts with someone delaying helping you to give a sinister history lesson let me tell you.
We find out the while truth: Amphibia was once a technological empire powered by the box, and prosperity SEEMINGLY reigned, and Andrias, much like our heroines, had two close friends, a toad and a frog. But one day they betrayed him, abandoning him and seemingly stealing the box , leaving his mechanical marvels powerless and Andrias bitter and angry. Hence the whole revenge ploy. 
In an unsurprising and invincible-esque twist, he reveals his ancestors were not explorers but CONQUERERS and he intends to finish their work, placing the box on a pedestal that turns his castle into a flying fortress glowing blue. It only gets worse from there: the castle’s awakening also activates factories around Amphibia similar to the one we saw back in “Fort in the Road” that gave us Frobo and it turns out their dark purpose.. is to create armies of unstoppable soldiers to secure his dominon.... and spread it to the other worlds. The reason he didn’t send the girls home is he figures correctly Anne and the others will try and stop him from TAKING it. 
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So yeah Anne’s reaction is very naturally...
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And despite being outgunned, outmanned, outnumbered and outplanned she plans to make an all out stand. She realizes that her own fight with Sasha only allowed something FAR WORSE to take hold. She’s not WRONG for fighting her, Sasha was being a shithead taking over and did so for flimsy and selfish reasons and she had no reason to listen to her.. but had she at least thought over giving him the box and not simply given it to him to spite her none of this would be happening. So she and the plantars get ready for round 2, with Sasha having her back this time, and Grime having Sasha’s. It’s a really sweet moment, showing Sasha has realized just how much her own greedy and controlling ambitions have cost her and that she’s brought about something far worse thorugh them, and is ready to make amends and Grime as always ready to stand by the only true family he has. 
But before the carnage can begin.. Marcy stops them... and then tearfully turns to Andrias “This wasn’t our deal!”. Andrias, now not having to play nice, dosen’t care and cruelly points out of course he did: He would’ve said whatever it took to get her to fill the box and she did it. He also hints at Marcy’s dark secret, with both girls wondering what the hell he’s on about.. but clearly starting to piece it together, with Andrias cruelly toying with Marcy to tell them before he does.. and barely gives her any time before going ahead with it anyway, knowing she’d be unable to. And with this we get the best line of the episode and Keith david’s best delivery.. and given he makes a fucking seven course meal of the entire second act, yeah that’s a high bar.
"Did it ever occur to you — Anne, Sasha — that one of you knew more than she was letting on? That one of you might've gotten you stranded in Amphibia... on purpose?"
The line itself hits like a sledgehammer. We knew for the full episode she did this on purpose.. but we also knew at some point it was clearly going to come out and hurt them both.. and to see someone Marcy clearly saw as a better replacement dad, someone she thought cared about her and was offering her her dreams for no gain on his end cruelly tell them clearly for his own amusment as he dosen’t remotely see them as a threat.. it’s utterly chilling as it is heartbreakiing and horrifying. 
Naturally Anne and Sasha are upset, Sasha a bit baffled and Anne just utterly broken by this: She’d already been betrayed TWICE by the other love of her life.. now MARCY had betrayed her.. and WORSE? 
And it only gets worse as Marcy heartbreakingly reveals her motivation and what this was really all about: Her dad announced he got a new job and they were moving a state away.. and like I said he’s a prick. Not for moving, that happens and it sucks but for having no freaking empathy about it. Maybe if he took a parenting class earth wouldn’t be on the cusp of a robot invasion. Marcy was about to loose her girls and was desperate.... so naturally Andrias claimed to simply want to take them all with him on his journeys, obviously leading out the conquest and likely genocide part, so they could go on and on FOREVER. And this whole thing gave Anne the plantars so it’s not all bad right? Right? But it’s clear she’s trying to desperatly lie to herself this was all okay as she’s been doing ever since she started this all 8 months ago and Anne pointing out she misses her family, something Marcy never considered given her own reasons for leaving and how Sasha likely dosen’t have a happy family life herself. 
This.. this is Haley Tju’s finest hour. She’s done good voice work before, especially in this series but here, with Marcy’s anguish, desperation and guilt all leaking out as she tries to get her girlfriend not to turn away from her. it’s all just amazing heartbreaking stuff and I salute her and the animation does her fine acting a service and shows every bit of pain in the poor girls face. 
Anne naturally does turn away a bit and Marcy cries.. but Anne quickly recovers... while she obviously isn’t entirely ready to forgive Marcy JUST yet, it’s clear she wasn’t thinking straight and did all of this out of desperation... and that the hulking dickbag who betrayed them all and is gloating about all of this manipulated her, preying on her desperation and anguish to finish his plan.  Marcy fucked up big time, no question.. but ANDRIAS is the true monster here, and if he’s not stopped this world she’s grown to love and the one she left behind will BURN. Anne may be many things: impulsive, kinda weird, easy to anger.. but she is over all that a HERO. And there’s a villian to stop
Andrias, while not seeing them as remotely a threat, does admit this will probably be fun and the fight begins, with our heroes, including Marcy, easily besting the Obsdian Swarm.. as i’m calling them now. It’s a cools equence.. but ultimately futile. Andrias is FAR more powerful than he’s let on with the box. And shows it off by destroying toad tower before coming at them with a fire sowrd, easily swatting them aside like flies. They try their best to fight back but it’s not much use, and Andrias NEARLY crushes polly to death under his fist. Yes a fucking child. What a dick. 
Frobo saves him... and sadly this is the end for our new friend as Andrias is mildly amused that one of his creations glitched.. then smashes him into robotic paste. Polly rightfully calls him a monster and his response is as chilling as it is wonderfully dickish: “Don’t worry, your next”. 
Thankfully though she got out of the way.. because she has LEGS now. It’s also why I keep saying 8 months, though it’s likely more like 9 given it took a month to get to newtopia: 
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The prophecy has come true! And while she stumbles for a second Polly quickly proves she can really move, she has an attitude and she’s the fastest thing alive by grabbing the box seemingly winning.. except Andrias has sprig in his fist and is going to crush or drop him ulness she stops. And despite Sprig BEGGING his sister to let him go for the sake of everyone else, like any good hero she naturally puts the box back. 
Anne begs for him to let Sprig go since he got what he wanted and he’s her best friend in this or any world... but all this does is insprie Andrias to DROP HIM OUT A WINDOW, bitter over his own past and eager to torture her some more. This really shows off who Andrias REALLY is now the mask is off; a sadistic tyrannical bully who relishes in making his victims really squirm, revels in malevolence and is just so damn gleeful about it: Not to say BIll Cipher levels more of a cold, cruel enjoyment of things. 
As I said earlier Keith David makes a motherfucking Seven Course Meal out of the second half of this episode, utterly stealing the show now he can play Andrias as he truly is: not skulng in the shadows with ominus hints he’s evil or pretending to be nice, but instead as a sadistic brute who delights in suffering and wants nothing less than everything under his boothill. in short he’s an AWESOME antagonist and while Keith David has played TREMENDOUS villains before, this one will easily be his best if the writing holds. Andrias is Keith David at his fucking best and proves the Disney legend has EVEYRTHING left in the tank even as he approaches 70′s. Jesus I fucking love this man. 
So this causes anne to retreat into herself, leaving us in a black void as Anne remembers all the good times.. and goes MOTHERFUCKING SUPER SAYIAN. Well more accurately super sayian god super sayian, or blueper sayian if you will, but still i’ts a n utterly striking sequence and a clear direct shout out with Anne getting her powers the same way Goku did: loosing someone to an utterly cruel bastard. Same with Gohan’s upgrade to super sayian 2. It’s just a truly striking sequence as she powers up in a FULL rage, DEMANDNIG he give him back. 
Andrais is stunned, clearly knowing this was something she was capable of but thought she could no longer do as the box shoudlv’e drained her of the ablility, while Hop Pop and Grime wonder if this is a human thing. 
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So Anne WAILS on the fucker, easily besting a shocked andrias despite his best attempts.. but she tires out and he swats her aside, gleefully noting she dosen’t know how to control it. Sprig turns out to be okay though. Marcy went and saved him while Anne was rippig Andrias asunder.. and then activates the box. Sasha and Grime hold him off while Anne makes a run for it with the plantars while Andrias gives out your standard villian big no. Anne and Fam make it... but Marcy is taking a sec.. and that second gets her GUTTED. Not an exageration or me being a smart ass like usual.. Andrias RAN HER THROUGH WITH HIS SWORD. 
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His only response is “Look what you made me too and Anne and crew are warped away, unable to save her. 
So we end with our heroes landing somewhere and Sprig wondering where they are... where they are is on the top of a car on a busy Los Angeles Freeway... and in front of two very weirded out humans. Anne is home. 
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So now for the part that wasn’t in the original release apparently: The teaser.. aka THE MOTHERFUCKING SEASON 3 OPENING. 
Hell. Yes. Just a few quick personal notes before we hit the wrap up: I love how the season will be on earth, a nice change of pace, how the Boonchuy’s have very clearly warmly welcomed the plantars, the expanded cast at the title card, and how Disney just let them go ALL out for this one. They’ve clearly stopped being cheap assholes when it comes to letting intro’s change or at the very least got this was the very end of the series and thus important enough to gussie up. But yes the end is nigh.. and probably not till late this year if this year AT ALL And I will return for it. Well return to doing this show anyway, i’m not going anywhere. They’ll have to pry this blog from my cold dead hands. 
Final Thoughts:
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This episode is the series best so far. My only honest complaint is the Toad Invasion comes and goes really quickly and I question why it was crammed into half the episode. Don’t get me wrong, Andrias’ rise needed the full 10 minutes, but I question why we dind’t get an episode before this settingit up and THEN have it happen over half an episode, epsecially since we spent an entire episode on getting the other toad barons involved only for ONE of them to show up for all of five minutes. 
Otherwise though? Yeah no notes. The cast is at the top of their damn game, with Brenda Song, Hailey Tju and Keith Motherfucking David as the standouts, the animatoin is likewise, and it pays off a thing or two you wouldn’t expect like the acting episode. This is a truly outstanding finale, one that has now joined other all time faviorite season finales such as “You’re In Control”, “Reunited”, “The Crossroads of Destiny”, and “Moonvasion”. I will be watching this again when it comes to Disney Plus. Masterful stuff.
As for the season as a whole.. this was a great season. While it did start a bit rocky with the road trip arc, which I’m still not a huge fan of as I feel it mostly wasted an awesome idea of them going on a world spanning roadtrip with some fairly weak episodes, with the exception of standouts “Truckstop Polly” and “Wax Museum”. 
But once we got to Netwopia it got better, with better spotlight episodes, the pacing picking up and Marcy joining our merry crew. And it hit it’s peak with the second half of the season: the return to wartwood effortlessly combined slice of life with the compelling temple episodes. It was also a nice break before the utter hell that arrived in the finale, but still nicely lead up to said finale.  This season may of STARTED bumpy but it finished at it’s highest point and with one epic finale to go it’s only going to get better from here. 
As for this blog the same holds true: Review wise next week i’ll be taking a break from normal reviews to do a week’s worth of Goofy based content in time for his birthday, from shorts, to goof troop, to hosue of mouse, to an obscure special, all leading up to the Disney Classic A Goofy Movie. So stick around.
And if that dosen’t do it for you I have an ongoing retrospective on the story arcs of ducktales season 2, i’m nearing the end of one on Scott Pilgrim and in the middle of one of The Life and Times of Scrogoe McDuck. and if you prefer weekly reviews, as I mentioned earlier offhandidly i’ll be covering the Owl House! LIke Amphibia i’m starting with Season 2, but just like with this show i’m excited as all hell and hope you’ll join me. And if you need even more I have a patreon, patreon.com/popculturebuffet, where I have exclusive reviews if you choose to back me as well as exciting stretch goals, one of which down the line is reviewing season one of this very show. So join it and if not that’s okay too, either way.. it’s been a pleasure. 
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foundthe8wing · 4 years
Okay, doing this over here because my main tumblr is usually a place for me to vibe and I don’t want all the bullshit tied to that account, but basically: I’m really angry and disappointed with the dndads cast for how they’ve put a lot of the minors in their fanbase in danger. Everything below is a repost from twitter (with permission from the OP, crypticjoy), and I’ll link the thread in a reblog. 
Under a cut because it’s long and potentially triggering (content warnings for grooming, sexualizing minors, and sexual assault)
[OP tagged the relevant cast accounts; I added slashes here bc I’m not sure if those same urls exist on tumblr and I don’t want to be randomly tagging people over here]
5:49 PM Sep 5, 2020
“I don’t usually do this, but: the way that the cast of @/dungeonsanddads engages with their audience is actively dangerous to minors, and they need to get it together. (cw for discussion of grooming, sexualizing minors, sexual assault)
First off, there are some iffy jokes and situations in the podcast itself. I’m not going to get into all of it right here, but have a google doc: [doc will also be linked in reblog]
Yes, the kids in #dndads are fictional, but that doesn’t mean this stuff doesn’t affect real kids listening. a. it normalizes talking/joking about kids in that way and b. There’s a lot of inconsistancy and confusion on the lines they draw--
Paeden saying “baby” is weird but Ron sitting in Terry Jr’s lap isn’t? I’m confused. You know who the fuck relies on that type of confusion and unclarity? Fucking predators
And I’m not saying every in-character decision has to be perfectly moral or acceptable, but the way the cast, out of character, discuss what’s weird and what’s not sends a lot of mixed messages. And that’s legitimately dangerous.
So then you take all of this, and you add a patron discord server that lets nsfw discussions run virtually unchecked--you create a fandom space that allows adults to discuss kinks, and porn searches, and just, all this other stuff, with teenagers...
... and it becomes a breeding ground for grooming and abuse.
The creators aren’t responsible for babysitting their fanbase or for how people engage with their content outside of their spaces (though, again, I’d urge them to be very careful about what kind of messages they’re sending)
But  they ARE responsible for taking basic steps to keep the spaces that THEY create and engage with safe.
“But the rules for the server say 18+!” The rules say you have to be 18 *or have parental permission.* They also say to keep things PG-13. That’s vastly different than establishing something as an adult-only/nsfw space.
“Minors shouldn’t be joining/listening anyway!” The cast can’t control who listens and neither can I, but there’s a difference between knowing teens are listening to you discuss sex with your adult friends vs facilitating conversations between teens and adults on those topics.
“If people are uncomfortable they can just leave.” First off, this situation isn’t just uncomfortable, it’s unSAFE. Second: fuck that. It’s not on minors to set and maintain boundaries about this stuff; a lot of them literally do not know how
Not because they’re stupid, but because they’re young and inexperienced. It’s the responsibility of adults to set and enforce healthy boundaries around sexual discussions, and this particular group of adults has done a fucking terrible job
(Maybe don’t encourage listeners to DM you about kinks! Maybe especially don’t do that when you’ve communicated, intentionally or not, that making and escalating sexual jokes is a really good way to get a reaction from you guys)
I get that they didn’t expect to have so many young listeners, but to be aware of that fact and make no adjustments whatsoever is irresponsible and it WILL lead to someone getting hurt. Does their “young, thirsty, female” audience only exist to them when they can laugh about it?
And let’s be absolutely 1000% clear: this isn’t an issue they’re unaware of. The stuff I’m talking about is an ongoing problem with how their server is run, but it came to a head with one specific situation very recently:
They released a bonus, patron-exclusive episode about the dads taking the bdsm test. Given the general state of the server, I was worried about where those discussions might lead, so before it dropped, I reached out to @/anthony_burch to express my concern
He told me he raised the issue with @/fwong and Ashley, meaning at least three members of the dndads team were aware of the situation, and decided it didn’t warrant any type of preemptive action on their part
(alternatively, it means Anthony lied, which would be a whole separate issue)
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[Image ID: a discord DM conversation from Sep 1, 2020, between a crossed out username and reverendanthony. It reads: 
OP: heyyyyy have you guys considered that releasing an episode focused on the bdsm test is almost inevitably going to lead to a bunch of 15 year olds sharing their results in your server because you might want to get ahead of that before someone gets hurt
reverendanthony: oh holy shit, really good idea
OP: thanks, I know it's easy to veer into that territory just because of the nature of your show but I wanted to bring it to your attention because I figured you don't want to create a situation that's like, actively dangerous (and for the record I'm willing to discuss what I think would make it safer but I'm also not going to assume you want/need my input, obviously you can handle it however you see fit)
reverendanthony: No, thank you for bring it up, I really appreciate it -- I just raised the issue with Freddie and Ashley
OP: Good to know, thank you /End ID]
I’m not overreacting. I have seen this shit happen, to my friends and to myself, and watching the dndads cast take absolutely no meaningful action to prevent situations like that from occurring directly under their noses makes me fucking livid
I can guarantee that the #dungeonsanddaddies fanbase includes both predators and survivors of abuse, grooming, etc (including those currently living through it), and I need them to think very, very hard about which group they’re prioritizing.
And I need that choice to be evident through more than just their words, because it doesn’t fucking matter how much you “really appreciate” that I brought up my concerns if you do fuck-all to address them.
It doesn’t matter how many times you say the word “consent” if apparently everyone was okay that “Darryl gets sexually assaulted” was almost a plot point played for laughs.
(His dare from Scam  would have been rape, straight up. Just because no one said the word doesn’t mean it wasn’t coercive and gross).
I’d like to think the @/dungeonsanddads cast isn’t intentionally encouraging abuse, but they’re sure as hell enabling it, and they needed to get their shit together ages ago, because they’re not the ones their negligence hurts.”
Quote retweet by OP 6:51 PM Sep 7, 2020
“So, they updated the rules for the patron server, but I want to be really clear that from my perspective, it’s way too little, way too late. 
The new rules don’t adequately address the core issues and they certainly don’t absolve the cast of the harm they’ve already caused. 
[Tweet includes 2 screenshots: one of a bot asking people to click thumbs up to confirm they’re 18+ (or have a parent’s permission) and agree to the rules, and one that includes two of the rules. It reads: 
“This is an 18+ space. Them’s the rules: per Patreon’s policy, you must be 18+ or have parental permission.
Use language as if you’re at your parents dinner table. Don’t get people in trouble because of your SPICY POSTS. Keep conversation polite. NSFW content is not allowed!”]
(and before anyone says I should bring up my concerns privately, a quick refresher on how well that went last time I did it:) 
[links back to the “(alternatively, it means Anthony lied . . .)” tweet from the original thread]
So hey, @/fwong, some thoughts:
1.The rules are vague and unclear: what /exactly/ do you mean when you say “NSFW content is not allowed!” when the content of your show itself is so often nsfw? And how are you planning to enforce this?
Does it mean you’ll shut down the MBIC conversation that is literally just kink discussion? I need you to be clear on where the line is, because, again, predators rely on that confusion. Don’t give them a gray area to play in. 
For an example of a more clear policy, it’s pretty easy to say, “yep, ‘Henry gets pegged’ sure is a sentence we said on our show and you don’t have to pretend it’s not, but if you’d like to discuss it in any more detail at all, you need to move”
2. Remember how I said I needed to be clear on whether you’re prioritizing survivors or predators? While I doubt it was intentional, the language you’re using here is prioritizing predators.
It’s not “don’t get people in trouble,” it’s “don’t make people uncomfortable.” It’s “we all have a responsibility to make sure this space is safe for everyone, especially the younger members of the community.”
You’re setting people up to be afraid of expressing concerns for fear of “getting people in trouble” or “inciting unnecessary drama.” Even if it’s not what YOU meant, it’s very easy for those words to be manipulated, so +
You absolutely have to be explicitly clear that if someone expresses their discomfort, you’ve got their back. Being safe is more important than being polite. 
3. I need every cast member to take responsibility for their own actions. I’ve gotten no indication from any of you that you understand the ways in which the in-show things I brought up were harmful.
Acknowledging that harm is important not just because of the immediate effects of that content, but also because it implicitly sets an example for how similar complaints should be dealt with going forward.
When someone says “hey, I was uncomfortable that you seem fine with the Glennary ship, because she reads as very young to me,” I don’t need a dissertation on how the perception of characters can evolve due to your improvisational nature
I need to hear “oh, I interpreted her differently, but you’re right, we should have been more clear, and I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable.” Because your responses to your own mistakes set the tone for any other situations like that going forward.
How comfortable is someone going to be with coming to you, or Ash, or any of the mods about someone making them uncomfortable if they’ve seen that when people call YOU out, they’re argued with and shut down?
Don’t tell people you’ve “made it clear that you won’t go there” when they tell you that you ARE there. Listen to them and do better. 
Set the expectation that people will be respected when they raise their concerns. “If you want to come at me you have to bring the heat” is not an appropriate response on a subject that made people genuinely uncomfortable. 
In essence: set people up to be supported and protected, not dismissed. 
[It’s like a matriosche of tweets over here. This one links to another thread, also by crypticjoy. That thread reads:
A non-comprehensive guide to keeping discord servers safe for minors:
1. Make designated channels for nsfw/18+ discussion. Generally speaking, this is a lot more effective than banning those discussions altogether, because it’s a lot easier to say “hey, can you move this conversation?” than “hey, I need you to stop”
In fandom spaces, it’s usually a good idea to have separate channels for talking about nsfw fiction vs discussing your personal sex lives.
2. Give everyone minor/adult roles; make sure your 18+ channels are locked to people who don’t have an adult role. It’s important that there’s more of a barrier there than just checking a box.
3. NSFW channels shouldn’t necessarily be a free-for-all; be aware of people’s boundaries and respect them (for example, r*pe jokes aren’t funny or okay, even if you’re not making them around kids)
4. Explicitly state in your rules that people should feel free to come to mods if anyone is making them uncomfortable. Actually listen to people and resolve the situation if they do approach you.
5. Make it clear that creepy behavior via DMs or other means is also not tolerated--you can’t control what people do outside your server, but you can make the choice to not allow people like that in your space
6. Make sure mods are on top of things BEFORE people have to say anything; sometimes being a mod means being willing to be the “asshole” who shuts things down before they get out of hand, even if they’re not asked.
Be generally aware of signals that people are uncomfortable or that things are escalating too far, and address those situations sooner rather than later.
*It should be noted that safety involves a lot of components beyond just containing nsfw discussions; this thread just happens to be focused on that one specific element.
oh also! It's a good idea to provide resources on grooming so people know what to look out for [links to some resources; again, this’ll be in the reblog]]
So, @/dungeonsanddads, if you’re interested in anything beyond just having a flimsy excuse you can point to to cover your own ass, I’m gonna need you to try again.
Sorry I can’t be nicer about it, but I’ve given so many benefits of the doubt I could be running a successful charity, and this isn’t an issue I’m willing to drop. 
10:02 PM
Thought I was done but actually I've got a few more questions: to what extent were @/HeyBethMay, @/WillBCampos, and @/mattLarnold included in conversations about this issue/the new rules? Is this something your whole team is involved in?
Have you discussed what you're doing on a team and individual basis to keep your fan interactions safe, and are you on the same page about how much it matters? Are you holding each other accountable? Is everyone okay with where this ended up?”
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lchufflepuffcorn · 4 years
Making time  (Aizawa Shouta x Reader)
Words: 802
Warning: None. 
Author’s note: My brain bugged I guess so here’s a blurb with Aizawa Shouta x reader. I do not own the gif, they belong to their owner/creator. You can find my masterlist here! You can also find more content on my patreon!
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He did tell you that teach in the morning and hero-ing at night was not a proper schedule for anyone. Many times. Did you listen to him? Of course not. After all, he was just one hero patrolling at night and teaching during the day, wasn't he? The call he got from the hospital had not surprised him at all as he was walking to school. Typically, you were there earlier than him anyway, so it wasn't strange when he woke up without you by his side that morning. 
The words of the nurse who had called him were still ringing in his ears. '' Aizawa-san? It's about your wife... She was found unconscious on the street and was rush to our hospital.'' That was not a great way to start his day. 
He called the school to let them know about the situation, and he turned around to make his way to the hospital. Sometimes you understood better after the fact, but he wasn't really into seeing you in a hospital bed because of a bad circumstance. 
"WHAAAA-" that was the answer of most of Aizawa's students when Yamada Hizashi entered the room. "What do you mean he's not making class today?" Hizashi passed a hand into his hair, that was going to be a hard pill to swallow. 
"He might miss a few days. Also, Aiz- hmm, (L/N)-sensei will not be present today due to health issues. They will take a short break to recover from it. " He declared in a loud voice. Once again, the class had a big reaction, drowning President Mic's voice. Without addressing the myriad of questions that followed, Hizashi started the class. 
You -on the other hand- were sleeping soundlessly on the hospital bed when Shouta entred. It was the first time in a while he saw you so peaceful. He sat on the chair near the bed and waited. The nurse passed her head be the door, and she cleared her throat. 
"Sir? Do you want a pillow?" 
Shouta nodded negatively without looking up. He just needed to sit down, and he could sleep for days. The nurse continued. 
"She's not going to wake up soon…" tries the nurse again. 
''I know, and she better not," Shouta answers, eyes closed for good. Since he's not working today, he can catch up on sleep. ''Sh'needs sleeps.'' 
The nurse left, and Shouta could finally sleep too. 
It was only later in the day when you finally woke up. Shouta was sitting up straight in the hospital chair. "What happened?" You asked in a low voice, your lips seemed like they had been frozen. Shouta opened his eyes and straightened his back and looked at you. 
"You fainted in the street, someone called an ambulance." 
You groaned, placing your hands on your face. "And they called you? When did you arrive?" 
"I'm your emergency contact. And I came this morning. Since the doctors didn't know when you would wake up." Shrugged Shouta getting up from the chair. "The doctors said that we could go home as soon as you would wake up, that you just needed to rest." You nodded at his statement. Your back was hurting like hell, and the rest of your body was heavy, but you went out of the bed and took the hoodie Shouta was giving you.  
"What about the school?"
"I called them to say that we would be absent for a couple of days, so you can rest. And don't think you won't hear about that again, you work too much." 
"That's not-" you started before stopping your sentence, the first part of his slowly going to your brain so it could analyze it." What do you mean we would be absent for a couple of days?" 
Shouta just smiles and shrugged, returning to his usual straight face as fast as he smiled. "Seems like I have to take some time for you, and we'll rest together." His arm looped with you, steadying you on your feet, but also making a loving contact, a thing that was rare outside of the house. 
After a week of staying at home, sleeping, cuddling, watching movies, Shouta, and you finally came back to school. The children of class 1-A were relieved, but they had questions. 
"Are you alright, (L/N)-sensei?" 
"Why did Aizawa-sensei missed school too?" 
"Was it serious, your condition?" 
"Is Aizawa-sensei alright?"
You raised your hands before you, asking silently for peace. The students stopped talking.
"Aizawa-sensei and I are both fine, it wasn't a serious condition. Aizawa-sensei was helping me with something personal during the week." You responded once the calm finally settled. Hopefully, they would' t ask any more questions, and they were lucky that you were their first teacher of the day. Otherwise, they would have died.
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simul16 · 3 years
Low Effort in Their Own Way
All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." - Leo Tolstoy, "Anna Karenina"
I've been watching a fair amount of D&D content on YouTube of late, for varying reasons, and if I may paraphrase Tolstoy's famous quote above, I've learned that all good D&D channels make high-effort content, while each bad D&D channel makes low-effort content in its own way.
Low-effort content tends to be:
Content that is or can be created quickly; it doesn't require a lot of prep time (and the presentation usually allows this limited prep time to show)
Content that copies current trends; while a certain amount of response to significant events in the gaming world is to be expected, low-effort channels regularly feature content that basically boils down to 'here's my reaction to whatever rumor or scandal is currently being talked about among the community'
Content that does not spark or contribute to a discussion; when such channels go beyond simply recapitulating a recent event, they frequently spend very little time explaining their own reaction and seldom spend any time at all explaining or exploring contrary opinions except to make jokes or elicit emotional reactions from an over-simplified or straw-man version of the contrary opinion
Now let's start off by saying that I'm not knocking low-effort content per se; anybody who knows anything about online marketing can tell you that low-effort content has a role to play in any marketing strategy. Ideally, though, your low-effort content, the stuff that you can get out the door quickly and easily and get in front of your potential customers, exists to guide those customers to your higher-quality content that convinces them to buy your product, order your service, or otherwise become someone who believes that you have something of value to say. Because it's cheap and easy to produce, low-effort content can be cast far and wide to serve as a net to capture many potential viewers and guide them to the gold mine of the really important stuff you have to say. Unfortunately, when your low-effort content is what you have to say, it very much begs the question of what exactly it is people should be coming to your channel for.
Here are a few but by no means an exhaustive list of the YouTube channels that to me seem to feature way too much low-effort content.
The Dungeon Dudes
The Dungeon Dudes are two guys (Kelly McLaughlin and Monty Martin) who mainly do scripted back-and-forth style discussions of D&D-related topics. I've talked about the Dungeon Dudes before, when taking apart one of their recent videos, but they also stream a D&D game they play in on Twitch (and frequently post recordings of those sessions on their channel), do product reviews, and generally do whatever they can to maintain a consistent pace of content output, generally a minimum of twice weekly. They've been around for nearly four years now, and have amassed about 273 thousand subscribers on their channel, with over 44 million views for their content, which seem like decent numbers for a niche content channel. (Contract with CinemaSins, which exists as a viral content manufacturer, and has amassed over 9 million subscribers and over 3.3 billion views. I'm not trying to say the Dungeon Dudes are the CinemaSins of D&D; if they were, their numbers would probably look a lot more like those of CinemaSins.)
The big problem with the Dudes as content creators is that, despite being a niche content channel, they are clearly in it to try to eke out some kind of income or living from the work they put into the channel: they've got a Patreon, they use affiliate links in the descriptions of their product review videos to gain some additional referrer income, and they do sponsored content when they can get a sponsor. They started back in the summer of 2017 with a very 2016-era plan on how to succeed at YouTube: put together a bunch of short (5-10 minutes, occasionally longer, but go over 15 minutes at your peril) videos and release them on an iron-clad schedule to get people used to coming back to your channel and looking over your new content, and to their credit, they've kept up their content production schedule very consistently over the past four years.
They've also learned a few things during that time and have adapted the channel in response: their videos explaining rules and reviewing new products tend to be more popular, so they work those topics in on a more regular basis. They've learned that the YouTube algorithm has subtly changed over the past few years to reward channels that can provide longer 'engagement' (which gives YouTube more opportunities to run ads), and have expanded their video length to an average of about a half-hour, with their re-broadcasts from Twitch being extra-long videos (between two and two-and-a-half hours) which, while drawing fewer total views, probably draw as much or more 'engagement' from the algorithm for the views they have.
But the need to spit out so much content on such a rigid, unforgiving schedule means that they have to aim for quick-creation and easy digestion: putting subclasses into a bog-standard tier ranking, making 'top five' and 'top ten' lists that seem like they're being cribbed from a more thoughtful resource, and generally getting stuff out the door (like their 'Powerful Spell Combos Using Teamwork' video) without spending too much time thinking about how valuable or even accurate their advice happens to be. More to the point, it seems to be taking its toll on the guys who serve as the hosts of the show: Kelly McLaughlin has a fairly dour expression in general, but lately he seems to have the countenance of a man who's about to post a 'very special episode' discussing the dangers of YouTuber burnout.
The Dungeon Dudes feature low-effort content because they have to in order to support the publishing frequency they've chosen; if they were to take the time to put together a truly high-effort piece regarding one of their traditional topics, their Patreon subscribers would likely be asking why their release schedule had slowed down before their work was even half-done.
Dungeon Craft
The Dungeon Craft channel is run by a fellow who refers to himself as 'Professor Dungeon Master'; I have not yet found any reference in his channel or elsewhere that identifies who he actually is, so I'll just refer to him as Prof. Prof has been on YouTube a bit longer than the Dungeon Dudes, having launched his channel in October of 2016, and has put out 185 'episodes' (as of the time of this writing), thus averaging between three and four episodes per month. Prof's own 'trailer' video explicitly states his channel's concept: "Some channels focus on running the game, others on building terrain, others on painting minis. I do it all!" You might think, then, that this would be a place to find quite high-quality content, especially related to terrain and miniatures painting tips, but it seems like the main effect of Prof making his channel be about multiple topics (and there are plenty of topics he discusses that don't fit into any of those three categories above) is that he can't successfully communicate what his channel is actually about, other than about his specific opinions. Maybe that's the reason he's sitting at about 65 thousand subscribers and just under 5 million views.
However, being at a slightly lower 'tier' of content production than the Dungeon Dudes is not itself any kind of crime or even indicative of poor quality -- after all, one of my favorite D&D lore channels on YouTube is RavenloftTravelAgent, and she's got just over a thousand subscribers and only about 50 thousand views on her videos. No, Prof could have a very high-quality, high-content channel with the subscriber numbers and views he has, but he doesn't.
Prof's issue is almost exactly the opposite of that of the Dungeon Dudes: instead of cranking out a rapid-fire, breakneck volume of content to keep up with an arbitrary content production schedule because that's how you make a living producing content for YouTube and you have to keep feeding the hungry algorithm, Prof cranks out content that's very easy for him to write because he's been involved in the game for a long time and already knows that the way he learned to play the game is the best way. Any topic that comes up related to D&D, he's got an opinion and can spit out a script explaining his opinion quickly because it's the same opinion he's held for decades. Classic D&D didn't have skills, so the next edition of D&D shouldn't have them either. Classic D&D had slow advancement, so slow advancement is better than fast advancement. This becomes even more obvious in the videos that have very little or nothing to do with running a D&D game, such as where Prof explains why he thought Avengers: Endgame sucked, or why he thought Season 8 of Game of Thrones was 'nearly perfect'.
Some of the oddest episodes of Dungeon Craft have to do when Prof makes admissions that make him out to be, well, the D&D channel for 'that kind' of old-school gamer: the ones who can make comments to each other that they can't make in front of their wives or significant others because the latter find the comments sexist, the kind of guys you can complain to about not being able to tell a Polack joke at work, the guys who treated D&D in the 1980s and 1990s the way that guys in the 1950s and 1960s treated golf where they could build a wall between the world as it existed and the world as they wanted to believe it was (and, if we're being honest, the way that they believed it should actually be). Nowhere is this more evident than in the video where Prof starts by discussing the hot, rich girlfriend he had once who tried but never got into D&D who he just had to break up with, and which by the 3 minute mark has him "calling bullshit" on the idea that relationships are built on compromise and negotiation. (I mean, you saw this coming, right? Right there at the end of the last paragraph about how the ending of Game of Thrones was so good? You knew that's where this was going, right?)
And, of course, he's not immune to just jumping on the latest bandwagon to contribute his drone to the chorus of voices talking about things just to be talking about things. It shouldn't be surprising that Prof jumped on the bandwagon of the lawsuit brought by Hickman and Weis against Wizards of the Coast over the upcoming Dragonlance trilogy, which turned out to be a nothing-burger. Even weirder is the tag in the description of that video which says "Analysis you can't get anywhere else", even though the video doesn't contain anything that hadn't already been discussed over the three weeks between the lawsuit and Prof's video other than Prof's own opinions about it. My favorite howler that Prof makes in this video is his assertion that, because Hickman and Weis got a lawyer to file a lawsuit, that means there's definitely fire under that smoke, because "big law firms do not accept cases they don't think they can win", which both ignores the existence of SLAPP suits as well as the existence of authors who seem to take perverse glee in suing rival authors just to drive them out of the industry. He's also responded with multiple videos in response to Cody at Taking20s controversial 'illusion of choice' essay, and his response to Ginny Di's essay on making online D&D suck less didn't include any of Ginny's solid advice on making online play more compatible with an in-person mentality (recognizing interruptive behavior, or using text chat to maintain side-conversations that would otherwise not be distracting in person), but instead gave these recommendations to players:
Keep your camera turned on
Mute yourself when not talking
Don't distract yourself with technology during the game
Nothing specific on recognizing how online play differs from tabletop play and suggesting ways to bring those two styles closer together, just commands because he's the DM and he says so. Or, in other words, low-effort, opinion-based content.
Nerd Immersion
Nerd Immersion, a channel by Ted that started in May of 2014 and has amassed over 70 thousand subscribers, starts his "channel trailer" video by leafing through a book, then looking up and saying, "Oh, hello" as if he'd just noticed that there was a camera on pointing at him while he's sitting in his orange-trimmed gaming chair. That, sadly, is roughly the level of thought that goes into the actual content contained on this long-tenured but seemingly still super-niche channel.
The weird thing is that at some point, it was obvious that Ted put some real effort into this channel. There are defined sections of the channel that focus on particular things, avoiding the Dungeon Craft problem of 'what topic is our channel about this week?' On Tuesdays, Ted posts a top-10 list. Ted comes up with an idea for a series, like 'Fixing 5E' or 'Reviewing Unearthed Arcana', posts regular articles until he's said what he means to say, then ends the series. (There hasn't been a new Fixing 5E video in roughly a year, meaning that Ted isn't wasting his own time and that of the viewer continually beating horses he's long since killed.) And he comes up with some great ideas for series, such as his series reviewing products on the DMs Guild; that particular series comes out somewhat irregluarly, but not so irregularly that you think he may have stopped doing the series without telling you.
Nerd Immersion's big problem can be summed up by simply looking at the list of videos on his channel and noticing that when he puts his own face on the thumbnail of the video, the startling frequency with which he's shrugging or has a puzzled face or just seems to be presenting himself as if he's not sure what's happening in his own video. I mean, I get it -- that's his image, the personality he wants to present to his audience. He doesn't have all the answers (a refreshing change from Dungeon Craft, honestly), but has some things to share if you're interested, so go ahead and take a peek. But then you take a look at those different sections we spoke about earlier and see that the 'Fixing' series all have the word Fixing at the top of the screen, the Nerd Immersion logo in the top left, two images underneath the text, one on the right side of the page and one on the left, separated right down the middle, and they all have Fix-It Felix on the far right. The Top 10 videos always have Top 10 at the top of the thumbnail. The Unearthed Arcana reviews all have 'Unearthed Arcana' at the top, then 'Review' in an odd off-set to the right beneath 'Unearthed Arcana'.
In other words, Ted has a formula, and he's damn well going to follow it.
Now it's not a bad thing to have a workflow -- if you're going to be cranking out videos at the volume that Ted does (not to mention the others on this list), you'd better have some kind of process for making the video, getting the thumbnail on it, etc.; otherwise each new video is a horrible nightmare of effort as you re-invent the wheel for every project. Nobody wants to do that, and the results would likely be unwatchable. Having a process is a good thing. But the Dungeon Dudes clearly also have a process -- they've put out at least two videos a week for three and a half years, so they damn well have a process or they wouldn't have been able to get out that much content. Looking at their channel, though, shows you that while they have a brand, and one that's evolving over time to boot, they're not just making the same video over and over again, or at least you wouldn't think that from looking at the thumbnails.
Ted's most interesting videos are where he's interviewing another person or even just having another person in the video, because having another person around clearly takes him at least a bit outside his rigid formulaic comfort zone. The problem is that those videos are few and far between -- the review of the infernal tiefling is about eight months separated from his interview with Celeste Conowitch about her Venture Maidens campaign guide. Also interesting are his unboxing videos, because Ted clearly likes minis and takes some degree of joy in cracking open and looking at new minis. His unboxing videos aren't as irregular as his interview videos, but they are fairly recent, with the first appearing just a few months ago, so it's still not clear if this is going to be a new regular part of the channel, or just another series that goes until he says what he wants to say about minis and then stops.
Most of the stuff on the site, though, is just, well, stuff, cranked out on a formula and thrown out into the digital void with the same soft-spoken volume regardless of whether it's major news or a press release. As an example, while pretty much everybody had an opinion on the Dragonlance lawsuit, Ted covered when the suit was announced, when it was dismissed by Weis and Hickman, when the actual trilogy that was the subject of the novels was announced, and the official release date of the first book in the new trilogy. When it came time to get ready to announce the newest campaign book, Ted was on the job, posting a video preparing for the announcement, another video later the same day when his original prediction of a Feywild adventure book seemed to be contradicted by other rumors that the book would be a Ravenloft book, then posted yet another video when the actual book was leaked on Amazon at 11:24pm later that same day confirming Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, posted the video discussing the official announcement of Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft the next day, and then the day after that followed up with more details on Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft revealed in Dragon+. That's five videos in three days, for a grand total of just over 100 thousand views combined. The intention seems like Ted wants to be the CNN of the D&D news scene, but with those kind of distribution numbers, the result is more like your local home town's shopping circular that occasionally also features stories about the latest project to fix the potholes on Main Street. Just like nobody's doing 24/7 news coverage of your local town council, nobody is (or probably should strive to) doing 24/7 coverage of the gaming industry and Wizards of the Coast. At some point it just becomes running a script, pressing a button to upload the next video, because it's news, and while you don't have to think about news to quite the same degree you have to think about more opinion-based topics, once you stop thinking about the process and what it is you're making, all you have left is executing the formula, over and over again, and both the input and the output becomes repetitive.
Repetitive videos, in repetitive formats, with repetitive text, to keep the monster fed for another day. I can admire the effort that goes into it, but the overwhelming presence of the formula involved in cranking out this content keeps me from feeling that it's worth engaging with. It's low-effort, because the effort has been meticulously removed from the process.
I could go on, but I think I'll stop here. There's not really any constructive criticism I could provide to these channels because, as I hope I've pointed out, it seems like low-effort content is pretty much the only thing these channels have to offer or in truth can offer, and anything that might cause their owners to re-consider their channels to improve their content would almost certainly lead to a very different if not wholly different channel. With things being as they are online, there's no guarantee that any new, higher-effort channel would be any more successful than the old low-effort one (remember the RavenloftTravelAgent channel with absolutely miniscule numbers; effort doesn't automatically equate with success). I can't even claim that being low-effort channels necessarily makes these channels bad (despite what I said in the intro); after all, they all have at least some good ideas, especially Nerd Immersion, and they each have subscribers and a following. I guess this is just my way of putting some small amount of effort into explaining why I don't feel like doing more to help these channels succeed, because I'd rather put my support toward channels making higher-quality, higher-effort content, especially because its not the content itself, but people engaging with that content that really drives a channel's success.
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...but seriously, some of you people have NO idea how little us content creators actually know about ANYTHING we use as part of this thing we laughably call a "job." Also, I'm surprised we've made it more than a month into this before I actually skipped over an episode without doing a comic. Heck, I technically got TWO pages out of episode one. There's hope yet that we'll get through this in less than a year! But speaking of the episode I skipped, I DID want to point out something I'd never noticed before this current watch-through. Early in episode 4, Sakura mentions planning to spend the day with Tomoyo, and he had has this awkward surprised reaction. It's never commented on, and the episode chugs along like it never happened, but in retrospect that's a totally reasonable thing for him to do given what we'll eventually learn about this cast's tangled web of relationships (which you'd BETTER believe are going to be fodder for future pages). It's just been a while since I re-watched CCS and I always like shows with little moments that only register the second time around.
Conventional Wisdom / Patreon
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levyfiles · 4 years
Not trying to be the negative nancy while everyone is excited about the all the content but i'm starting to think I should quit the patreon. i got the $5 tier which is what i can afford right now but the perks aren't really that many except for the discord server and really the fans on there give me so much secondhand embarrassment W/ the stuff they say to the boys and about themselves just bums me out. I wanna support the boys but I feel sick and sad trying to participate in the patreon
Hey, nonnyb, let me just start by saying that I realise this answer is two and a half weeks late and I’m sorry. I had to kinda let this ask sizzle because I hadn’t as of yet reconciled my own feelings about the server and I didn’t want to weigh in without considering all the facts. So here’s a long-winded answer that I hope assuages the wait but 
[NOTE: read at your own discretion. the following contains a commentary on official fan spaces in general]
For one thing, I do hope that you didn’t end up canceling your patronage because despite how much it’s been the most emphasized benefit, it’s the 5th thing on the list of things listed here
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Those are quite a few things to enjoy that still involve interacting with Shane, Ryan or Steven directly. They look at the patreon directly to answer questions on WW+ and they read the feedback they receive there and given the actual speed and energy on the server these days, you can really tell that, much like any content creator that makes a server, they don’t check the space or backread as often as one might think.
But you know what? I do actually get it. Of course the server sounds exciting in theory. The first few weeks, while heavy on the adjustments and really upsetting moments where people said some pretty icky things, it was nice that you could live-react to an episode or one of their series, knowing that they were there to receive the positive comments and reactions, but like any fan space, it grows and much like the energy in youtube comments, their mentions on Twitter, or even attending a panel where people without filters can just shout out whatever first comes to their mind. It’s easy to get drowned out by the ones that want to be the loudest thing in the room and don’t care about the humanity or the comfort of the people they’re yelling or chatting at. The purpose of the server, in Any community, is an illusion based in the ideal of direct, intimate conversation with the people you’re supporting but like any space where the content creator is mildly present, it slowly becomes a toxic space and that is an inevitability.
I don’t want you to feel like I’m saying all this in the vein of telling you to “get over it” because I’ve talked to a number of people on here who have either quit the discord, gone up a tier or cancelled, or muted everything so they don’t get notifications or risk reading something triggering but these are the facts and I’m gonna give it to you straight. Not every official fandom curated space is a safe space, and the closer you are to interacting with content creators or the tighter the parasocial interaction gets, the more you’re liable to witness the full scope of the effect a parasocial relationship can have on a person, primarily a young person. That is also the nature of a centralized space for fan interaction; it’s just so central which means there is no way to categorize the energies of the people you interact with; there is no blocking/muting or communities for specific kinds of fans. 
What the gist of it is, is that the server isn’t even the most important aspect of being on the Watcher patreon. The server is a great way to yell into a void hoping one of the crew or the boys is watching and often times, it’s about being as performative as possible. Some people there are Really chill and respectful, but if you find it hard to endure and scroll past some of the more alienating/intrusive conversations there, I would advise you to stick around on the patreon at least. Come to the safer fandom spaces, join a more specific server for fans only who like to talk about their patreon content, or feel free to shoot me a message. There’s a search function on the server itself so you can find out if Shane, Steven, or Ryan have said anything recently and I’d say if you want to pay them a compliment, just jump in on the appropriate channel and say your bit and then leave. . 
Plus, there’s a podcast coming, nonnyhun! The keyword is Content! They’re kicking up their social media game; their interaction with their community is so much more open than it was at Buzzfeed. Who needs the server, know what I mean?
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imthederpyfox · 4 years
Rant About YouTube Copyright.
by imthederpyfox, Moments ago
Journals / Personal
I know nobody's here anymore, hi, nobody~
But I need to take a minute to rant about YouTube's copyright system for a moment.
I know it's come a long way in the past few years, content creators never used to be able to defend their work with copyright under YouTube guidelines, and it's great that they now can. However, there is also the problem that as content creators can fairly and justly claim others videos that include misused content off their own, creators will also claim videos just because they don't like them. AKA 'foodybeauty' and 'Amber-Lynn Reid', to name a few...
Along with this, we also have major companies who think they should copyright any video posted about one of their shows or films or games, or anything really.
Now I know, full re-uploads of these things are against copyright law, well done YouTube, would you like a gold star? Well, guess what, you don't get one. Because not only can they claim these full videos, they have also been going on binges, where as soon as ANY kind of content related to their products comes out, it becomes copyrighted before the content creator can even so much as blink or press save.
I'm talking about videos where you can barely see what the creator's watching, i.e - an UNLISTED video I just posted of a review/reaction to a Netflix show called Haunted.
Now, I have posted another reaction for Riverdale, and spent months trying to figure out the best action to take. Bare in mind, these videos are 'unedited' for my patrons, and the links are only available to my patrons. But guess what? I HAVE NO PATRONS! First of all, HOW do these big companies find an unlisted video? Are they my patrons? I mean that'd be nice, but no. They Aren't.
Second of all, why the fuck would you block an UNLISTED video, when so many people upload full copyrighted re-uploads of films and TV with no issue?
Third of all, how did you even know my video contained any of your program when it's not even named after the show AT ALL because I KNOW you'll copyright it immediately if the title has so much of a WHISPER of the show included.
Now, I will admit, I understand why my first video got copyright claimed - despite being unlisted, which I'm still annoyed about - because most of the screen was taken up by the episode of Riverdale, rather than my reaction. I get it, fine. So, I edit it, I make myself the main focus - ew, I know - and I lower the opacity of the original video, and I cut out any songs that go on for too long, and I make sure that 1/4 of the video isn't even FUCKING VISIBLE!
Safe to say, this is not a re-upload of the original content. This is an upload of a reaction to said content. My reaction, in which I am constantly talking throughout, constantly cutting in, constantly ruining this series for everyone that decides to give me money to watch, what a good YouTuber I am indeed.
So, because I couldn't let sleeping dogs lie when I earned my SECOND COPYRIGHT CLAIM ON THIS UNLISTED PATREON VIDEO! I decided to look more into the company trying to claim it. Was it Netflix? Nope. Was it a TV company? Well, sort of? A french company that distributes TV shows, or so it claims. See what I did there? Good right? No, ok, moving on. So upon my research I happened to come across multiple videos, saying that the company was a scam, that they were fake and shouldn't even be copyrighting things.
SO, what did I do? Well, just to make sure I checked which part of my video was still listed under their 'copyrighted content' thing, because if you check it'll tell you time stamps and give you the option to trim. So, there was about 5-6 minutes of my video that for some reason was still being claimed as copyrighted, so I went in, and edited little bits out, where there was no dialogue, no important things, and then I saved it, and waited for it to process, and then I went into that copyright claims and I said, ya know what? I'm not taking this shit, I worked hard for this video, I made sure to do everything I needed to do, and since these videos fall under fair use due to the cutting and editing and the fact you can't SEE 1/4 OF THE VIDEO, I sent a dispute.
Now I have to admit, I was nervous. If the company that copyright claimed my video didn't like the fact that I'd done that, they could CHOOSE TO COPYRIGHT STRIKE ME. Like, no review from YouTube, nothing like that. If this company didn't like that a tiny channel with only 57 subscribers put in a dispute against them, they might get pissed. They might not like the fact that someone's done that, and they might turn around and say to YouTube, FUCK this channel, bye bye, bitch.
So I was worried to say the least, but I have never been one to back away from bullying, and in this case, I class it as bullying.
I filled in all the relevant details, including a very in depth explanation as to why my video was counted under fair use, and how my channel is tiny, how I don't have any Patrons to see the video, how my video was unlisted, and heavily edited to make sure the copyright did not count against me, including the use of disclaimers in both the video and the description.
I was professional.
I was right.
And I won the dispute.
A day later I get an email telling me the company decided to release my video of all claims and it is now available for all none of my viewers to watch! How exciting, right?
Well, today I decided that I'd upload my second reaction that I'd recorded, I did the same as with the last one, having learned something. I lowered opacity, I covered any nudity, I cut off 1/4 of the video, I made it so the focus would be on my ugly ass mug instead of the TV show itself. And I spent hours trying to upload it for it to fail and me have to do it again.
And low and behold, after all my troubles, all my trials and tribulations, all my blood, sweat and tears and turmoil... I got copyright claimed once again.
Now, it's safe to say, I'm a little bit pissed, ya know?
My video - much like last time - hadn't even fully been uploaded, around the 97% mark, and boom, claim. So I took a deep breath, ya home boi is NOT happy, and I see where exactly it thinks my video is not covered under copyright law. And this is where I think these companies don't care if you are actually covered under the law or not, because it's always a random part of the video, it's always about a 5 minute chunk of the video regardless of what you do.
Which leads me to my next conclusion, in order for these companies to be finding these videos - especially with them being in the unlisted category (needing a specific link to be able to view), and the title not being related, and the video being edited to make sure it isn't eligible for a copyright claim, they MUST have a bot, or a program running that searches YouTube for clips of their content, regardless of how it's presented, or whether it's a review or not.
Which I have to say, is unfair. Especially in the case of the unlisted thing. I know, YouTube can't help it if these companies have bots and programs and code, they can't stop that from happening. But what they can stop? What they SHOULD stop? Is these companies being able to claim videos that aren't even eligible for it.
YouTube, man, you gotta work on this.
We were rooting for you! We were ALL rooting for you!
Anyway, seriously, YouTube really needs to find a way to make sure copyright is fair and just and not maintained by just programs and bots. YouTube, why not create a part of your company that reviews these claims, checks the videos, guarantees that the claims only go to those ACTUALLY abusing the copyright system? Instead of those of us who just want to make fun content for our viewers, who strive to just make good reaction videos? Because that's what they are, REACTION videos. Not re-uploads, not someone else's content.
'Great poets imitate and improve, whereas small ones steal and spoil.'
Give a little back to the people that got you where you are today YouTube. None of these big companies had you raking in money to begin with, it was the little guys, the small content creators who now have millions of viewers, because they enjoy what they do. Well, most of 'em anyway...
Just think about your content creators, rather than appeasing the companies that give you a bit more money. I know they won't, because capitalism rules despite how shit it is.
Is it really a wonder that so many creators are turning to streaming through sites like Twitch.tv instead of uploading to YouTube? Even the other day, on a live stream I was doing myself, me and my friends talked about how much better streaming is, how you don't have to constantly be worried about making sure the video is friendly for 2 year olds. 2 YEAR OLDS SHOULDN'T EVEN BE WATCHING, OK?!
My goal has been to be a YouTuber since I was about 12. I'm now almost 22. That's just under 10 years of my life, where my goal, my one finish line, has been to become a YouTuber. But the more and more things like this happen, the more and more I want to listen to that voice in my head telling me to give it up and go to Twitch, become a streamer, not stress so much about copyright strikes and issues with monitisation, and having such UNREALISTIC goals in order to achieve being monitised and YouTube partner in the first place.
I have edited this video, the parts it told me to, I have made sure to cut out the music bits and make sure it's up to par with copyright based on where they claimed the video. But my issue with sending off this newest in what I assume will be a long line of copyright disputes, because someone, even as small a channel as mine, with my 57 subscribers and my 5 views a video (at a push), has to push back and say 'NO. THIS ISN'T OK.' and not let themselves be pushed around, my issue with this?
The company that claimed the video this time was Netflix itself. And we all know Netflix has money. And Netflix doesn't care if it shuts down a tiny little channel like mine. All my content? All my videos? All views and subs and likes I've somehow managed to accumulate? All gone. Like Thanos snapping his fucking fingers.
Regardless of what I do to make these videos fair use, big companies like this get the final say over them, and as far as they're concerned, us little creators who don't make YouTube money yet, but still hold onto that hope that, maybe, hopefully, one day we will be able to do it, we're the 50% they want to snap and get rid of.
And it'll stay that way for a long time, unless people actually stand up and talk about it. Heck, it'll probably end up staying that way even then, but at least we TRIED.
I have respect for Matpatt, I watched his video explaining the work he and other creators have done in bringing awareness to the higher ups in YouTube, using their platforms to help each other and millions of other creators, people who just want to make other people laugh or forget about their problems for a while, or just upload stupid, 2 minute clips because of inside jokes, or they find it funny, they enjoy doing it.
If we as humans have been taught anything recently during this quarantine, it's that a lot of our societal structures are flawed, some may even say broken. Big companies scam us, use us, and give nothing back in return. If peoples eyes aren't open now, when will they be?
This won't get views. This won't get likes or favourites or shared to other people because of some powerful message.
But maybe one day, someone from YouTube will be randomly scrolling through the internet, and find a random post on a crude fanart website amongst all the sonic and Mario at the Olympic fuck games art, and maybe they'll read it and take note.
But we all know that'll never happen.
So I'm gonna wait for the video to finish saving the changes I made to it, and I'm going to dispute the claim Netflix made against me. And I'm going to anxiously wait to see if I get to continue making content for another day, or whether I get taken down by the snap.
If you made it this far, thanks for listening to my rambling.
I feel strongly about a lot of things, and my friends often tell me that I should post about them, because I have such an... Eloquent way or wording things. Well, I finally decided to, because I need to vent as much as the next asshole. They're right, I AM eloquent!
Seriously though, thank you for reading, I know nobody would have but hey, maybe you're one of the 3 views I get on my YouTube videos!
I am blessed.
With like 50,000 curses going on at once.
Such a time to be alive.
Stay safe, look out for each other, and I may do another rant at some point, because this was fun I guess.
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angelhummel · 4 years
(1/2) demomorg does glee reactions and, best of all, he’s not a fucking creep! on youtube he’s still on season one but lately he’s been going quickly through glee — on his patreon he’s in the beginning of season 3, and i think he said that he’s going to start uploading glee reactions on yt way more often, so it should get caught up fairly soon. he was friends with thetrophymunchers but a couple days ago he put up a post on patreon denouncing him and basically saying that
(2/3) he’s disgusted with him and his actions and the fact that he was so close to him, so we can rest assured that he’s not one of those weirdos that defend their s*xual predator friends. i’ve been watching his uncut reactions on patreon bc i couldn’t wait for them to be uploaded to yt, and i’ve been really really enjoying them (even more than i ever liked thetrophymunchers tbh!) !!! i think he falls into the same thing most ppl do where it takes a lil while into s1 for them to warm up to the
(3/3) show, but by half-wayish he’s into it and the reactions are way more fun to watch! and — actual best part, in season 1 but ESPECIALLY in season 2, he’s a HUUUUUGE kurt stan (okay i’m done now lol sorry for sending three messages, i just knew that i was super bummed abt TTM and was happy to find someone else to watch)
Ngl I did have a mini heart attack when I saw I had three new asks bc you never know what’s waiting for you. But no, I’m happy to hear all this!
I mean yeah, cutting ties with your “friend” when you find out they’re a creep is a bit of a relief. Hope that’s a good sign. I’ll have to check him out!
But yeah like I love Trin Lovell’s reaction videos, and Amandabb has two hysterical videos about the show, even tho they aren’t reactions. Ugh and there was one other guy who reacted to just the pilot but now I can’t find him and I don’t remember his name
I mean yeah you know I’m just reaching for whatever new content I can and scraping it all together. There’s just not a whole lot and that sucks. Cause you wanna hang on to what we do have and then you find out one of the content creators is a nasty ass fucking pervert. Fun (:
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I’d like to preface this with a personal note:
I do not want to write these posts. I absolutely hate that there is a need for it and it’s been chewing me up. It’s taken me the better part of a month to round up all the evidence (I had to be sure and double-check my sources) and to put this together, in bits and pieces so as to not overwhelm my own mental health. 
I loved the Underfell Fangame community. I briefly met Mania at ATLANTALE early 2018, before I even knew about the project. I became a patreon supporter because he seemed to genuinely love the community and Undertale and the game he was working on. I joined the Underfell community in March and made a second home there. 
I considered him a friend. Looked up to him as a fellow creator, game developer. A fellow community admin. And I thought it was really cool the way he did the whole community server events Ink vs. Error stuff. I loved the concept and have been passionately involved in it since its start over a year ago. I’m closely involved in the development of the comic series based on these server events, called Memories of the Multiverse War and have spent countless hours dedicated to expanding the world our comic takes place inside the Doodlesphere.
I have since learned much is a horrific farce. And I’m really unhappy about it. 
But if I don’t do or say something before I go I could never live with myself. 
There are so many victims already. And more than a few look up to me like their big sib. 
There are good ways to make the audience cry.
This is not one of them.
It hurts me knowing the other Event Masters put their heart and soul into creating fun content, intended for people to enjoy, while Mania twists their work into ways to torment people, and even drags them to emulate his behavior. How much more will get swept under the rug, if I don’t speak up? 
It boils down to: 
Mania knowingly emotionally abuses server members, most of whom are children between the ages of 13-19. 
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He shows no remorse for it. 
Our Mental Health is a Joke to Him Part 1*  (xFrisk debacle; please take trigger warnings seriously) 
Our Mental Health is a Joke to Him Part 2  (Fallout from the xFrisk debacle)
Ink Was Never Going to Die  (He just liked fucking with us)
No, He Really Hasn’t Changed, And Won’t Be Anytime Soon*  (xPapyrus introduction, and all this matters)
*If this much reading overwhelms you, prioritize this post and starred pages above.
Event Masters are not the ones at fault here. They’re just doing as they’re told to play out the story Mania calls for, and probably do not even realize the impact their actions have on people since they’re told it’s all just for pretend. When they are aware, they’re under threat by Mania to keep quiet.
Abuse through role play is particularly insidious. Yes, the server events are a form of role play, by definition. Pretending to be a character, or otherwise assuming the role of as a way to interact with others is fundamentally role play. 
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In terms of power balance, the server events are more like a D&D campaign than traditional online roleplay. We even have “Event Masters” to parallel the “Dungeon Master” who has nigh god-like power over what happens in the dice-based roleplaying game. 
There are dozens of articles about proper DM etiquette, and how to tell a uniquely engaging story to invoke high emotions in effective ways:
There's no shame in manipulating your players' emotions, because that's part of your job as a storyteller. But, like anything else, it requires a deft hand. Be mindful of how your players react, and be careful not to go too far. If anyone at the table starts to feel uncomfortable about the situation you're presenting, it can quickly start to take people out of the game. Be mindful of your players' limits, and give them the option of saying when something isn't going over well with them. But once you start to get the hang of it, you can turn a night of goofy dice-rolling over drinks into a tense situation, or provide a moving, emotionally honest moment for your characters.
In short: It was mere storytelling until the moment the characters reacted to and responded to the players. At that point, it is role playing and the concept of consent comes into play, because real people with real feelings are part of the story, which, curiously, is canonically enforced: 
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And it’s it’s our fault for taking hurtful things that characters say and do personally?
Jerking player emotions around for laughs isn’t just an asshole thing to do; it’s straight up bad storytelling. 
There is no excuse for choosing abuse.
End of story.
I am hesitant to come forward with this, as I do not have evidence compiled other than the threat itself, and considering the nature of the issue there are privacy concerns regarding the victims. He has a tendency to target 17-19 year old girls, as a 28-year old. This was sent to me while playing minecraft while in server voice chat on June 16th, 2019. 
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I’m including it because this is a perfect example of how he’ll backtrack and play upsetting things off like a joke. The threat has since been deleted so I’m glad I grabbed a screenshot while it existed. He has a habit of deleting things that could be used as evidence. 
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hahahahahahaa no sir you do not get to drop a threat like that on someone and then play it off like a joke, particularly when “if you didn’t hear it doesn’t matter” 
It does matter. 
They matter.
All those kids are important. They matter and so do their feelings and all the grief they’ve experienced at your hands. The event may be more like a D&D campaign setting, in terms of balance of power, but this article does a great job breaking down the cycle of online roleplay abuse. 
Here’s an excerpt:  
Some people roleplay to heal their wounds, others play for fun or to escape. Any way you cut it, a good chunk of roleplayers have personal investment in their roleplay.
The human brain is a curious silly fickle sort of thing, a person who is capable of empathizing can empathize with anything that has human traits, be it a brave little toaster, a cartoon dog, a character in a book,crying at a movie, or screaming at the little man on playing sports ball on the television. People feel empathic sadness from witnessing sadness of others,people can feel empathic excitement by watching sports, in some cases to the point of violent outbreaks after their favorite sportsball team wins the big game.
Human beings are capable of immersing ourselves in the situation of others, and we are capable of feeling a wide variety of emotions as we endure the human experience of whatever we immerse ourselves in. This experience of emotional stimulation is not just a flaw in emotions or an inability to tell in character from out of character. Feeling this way does not make someone insane, weak, or flawed.
It is, in fact, a physiological chemical reaction in the human body. It’s chemistry, it’s oxytocin, it’s cortisol, it’s adrenaline, it’s dopamine, it’s serotonin, it’s estrogen, it’s testosterone, and who knows what else. When things happen in online roleplay we really feel it. (This is why consent is so important.)
In both roleplay and interpersonal interactions in online communities, and the feelings we feel when engaged in these things are real,are chemical, and they are not in our head.
Online community narcissists engage in their own flavor potentially insidious psychological abuse and manipulation, and it can cause real life distress, depression, anxiety, all in a situation where people are trying to escape, to relax, to have fun, and to heal wounds.
More importantly, this serves to validate the feelings of that the narcissist’s victims, be it ex-roleplay partner or a storyteller silenced.
You are not overreacting to a video game. Your pain is valid. The people you are interacting with on the other side of the screen are real; you are having real interpersonal interaction. The emotions you are experiencing are real chemical reactions in your body not a personal flaw. You are not crazy or stupid.
It is okay to cry about stupid online drama. It is okay to talk to your therapist if you have one. Know that even if you feel isolated and alone, even if you think everyone hates you. The truth is that outside of the narcissist’s circle, there is going to be people who do not even know of you let alone hate you, who do not care or believe the bullshit the narcissist tried to feed them.
—Credit to @zanpyr​. Thank you for this wonderful article.
Now. All of you, on the server, who’ve been subjected to all this fucking bullshit over the months or years you’ve been in the community: It’s not your fault. Your feelings and heartache are valid. You matter, and you deserve better than how we’re made to feel through this series of fucking bullshit. You’re not weak for caring about these characters; caring about characters is WHY we loved Undertale so much. You’re not stupid for getting hurt by someone you trusted and considered a friend. You can get through this and you’re gonna grow up and do great, okay? 
And any other adults who’ve been emotionally manipulated too: It’s not your fault. You’re no more at fault than the kids for falling for his tricks because guess what: you’re human and you have empathy. Those aren’t bad things. 
I know from personal experience that online interactions can be clinically traumatic, as in, diagnosable trauma response symptoms that should be taken seriously. I’ve already been talking people through their thoughts and feelings about this stuff and I recommend you do the same. Sorting out all the self-blame from guilt-tripping is important and if you have signs of trauma related to this event, please please please seek treatment even if it seems silly to be that affected by “a fucking discord event.” Gaslighting from any source messes with your perception of reality and doubting your ability to perceive the world can have lasting effects that topple like a domino effect. 
Once you’ve developed trauma response symptoms, you become more vulnerable to developing further symptoms by more common disturbing events. Don’t do like I did and let it go untreated for over a decade of accumulating traumas and Traumas. Many of you are already suffering with depression, anxiety, and existing trauma. The sooner you seek treatment the better. 
Outside Sources:
Quoted/Linked in Article: 
How To Manipulate Your Players (Into Having Emotions)
Wikipedia  - Gaslighting 
Abuse Through Online Roleplay 
Adventures In Random Roleplay: Safety/Consent Tools in Gaming
Additional Reading:
Lovebombing, Gaslighting, Benching, and Ghosting
Three of the Easiest Ways to Manipulate Someone
Gaslighting Definition, Techniques, and Signs of Being Gaslighted
Emotional Abuse in Non-Romantic Relationships
Signs an Abuser is Twisting Your Reality
Trauma: Big “T” and little “t”
20 Tips For Becoming A Better DM: Lessons Learned At The Table
One final addendum: 
As vindictive as I may feel after slogging through so many horrific conversations, I absolutely do not condone any attempts to actively harass him. Hold him accountable for his actions but do not send him hatemail, threats, or any other shit like that. He’s a fucked up human being but he’s still a human being and this whole effort has been to call attention to how much online interactions affect our mental mental health. Don’t do that shit to anyone, even if you think they deserve it. And don’t be a flying monkey, please.
Okay, that’s it. 
Stay safe everyone. 
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rebelminxy · 5 years
Cosplay Surprise
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Pairing: Jared Padalecki x PlusSize!Reader
Trope: Slutty Costume
Word Count: 2458
Rating: Mature for the design of the costume
Summary: There is a Halloween party going on at one of the conventions, and this will be the first time everyone from set sees the reader in their element when it comes to costumes. Might even reveal a secret she’s been hiding for a while. 
A/N: In this piece, Jared isn’t married to Gen. This is purely written for fictional use and in no way meant to disrespect the Padalecki family. I send them my best regards and love.  This was written for @supernaturaltropecelebration​ Halloween Edition.  Pictures are not mine, found on Pinterest.
     (Y/N) stood in front of her full-length mirror, debating if she should really go through with this costume or go with plan B, which was a simple Catwoman costume. She took in a deep breath and reminded herself that she promised Jessica Nigri that she would join her and the girls in the cosplay. It wasn’t the fact that she was a big, curvy girl that made her nervous, she was used to dressing the way she was for the camera. Her issue was the brand new relationship she was in with the very well known TV star Jared Padalecki and how this side of her was something she never expected to reveal to him, let alone what she did before her job on set as a special effects artist. 
     Before getting her dream job, (Y/N) used to model. It wasn’t the typical, run of the mill modeling, walking down runways. No, what she would do is create sexy, barely covering the important parts, cosplay outfits and take pictures of herself in different poses. She would then post one or two on her Instagram page and the rest would be sold via a Patreon page she had, where she had different memberships and each member had a different value of packaging. And yes, there were online trolls that called her and her friends, like Jessica, sluts and attention whores. But she ignored them because she loved being able to create all these costumes by hand. She even would purchase cosplay items or outfits from different creators just to give them a shout out and help them with their business, hoping the community could grow. She would even auction off certain costumes or accessories and donate that money to a charity of her fanbase’s choice. Simply put, if she hadn’t gotten her dream job, she would have continued doing what she loved.
      (Y/N) took in a second deep breath and decided to stick to her costume. She did put a lot of work into it like she always did to every cosplay she had made herself. She just hoped Jared would be ok with it. They were currently at a Supernatural convention and Jared wanted to use this event to announce their relationship to the fandom. They had been dating for a couple of months, only coworkers and very close friends knowing about their relationship. But when Jared asked her to be his girlfriend officially, the first thing that worried her was the fandom’s reaction. Danneel assured (Y/N) that everything would be fine, but (Y/N) wasn’t so sure about that.
     The ride to the convention hall where the party was at was a long one, (Y/N) making sure her costume was perfect. Even with the fear of Jared judging her after tonight, she still didn’t want to let her online fans down. The car stopped at the back entrance where everyone was told to go through and (Y/N) was so happy to see Jessica standing by the door, phone in hand. (Y/N) climbed out of the car and when she shut the door, Jessica looked up and smiled widely at her. 
“Wow, woman!” Jessica exclaimed as she stood up straight, watching (Y/N) climb the stairs. “You still got it, girl! I still can’t understand why you stopped doing the cosplays and closing your Patreon.”
“I couldn’t do that AND work on a tv show set without someone finding out about that life,” (Y/N) responded quietly.
“Didn’t the guy that hired you said he wanted you because to the cosplay work you’ve done?” Jessica asked as she opened the door for both of them to enter.
“Yeah but that information stayed between us and the two other heads of the makeup department.”
“It’s not like you were doing porn or something,” Jessica shrugged as she walked a bit ahead.
“It’s borderline and you know it woman,” (Y/N) huffed in annoyance. “Plus, it's not something you throw on a resume.”
“You got your dream job because of it.”
“Yeah, and now I’m dating one of the faces of the show and I’ve told you how the fandom can get,” (Y/N) said angrily, pulling Jessica by the arm to stop and face her. “Do you remember what happened to that actress that played the character Lisa on the show? And that was just a character!”
     (Y/N) let Jessica go and turned away from her, pulling out her phone to call a cab.
“This was a mistake, I should have just gone with the cat woman costume and hoped no one would recognize me. I’m heading back to the hotel to change.”
“No, you’re not!” Jessica exclaimed, grabbing (Y/N)’s phone. “You shouldn’t be ashamed of your talent. Not only can you make a costume from scratch but your makeup and special effects skills are flawless. Top it off with one sexy body and a great personality, and Jared can call himself one lucky son of a bitch.”
“He won’t once he finds out about my old Patreon and sees the pictures. You know what some people call us for doing those pictures. It’s one thing to see an online troll say it, it’s another when there could be a big possibility that the man that I’m falling for will think the same thing.”
“(Y/N), the man adores you!” Jessica exclaimed as she caressed her friend's cheek. “Just go in there with me and you will see. Yeah, it will be a surprise for him to find out his hot girlfriend used to pose half-naked in sexy cosplay outfits for paying fans, but he won’t judge you for it.”
     (Y/N) looked at Jessica and smiled weakly. She nodded her head and hugged Jessica, the silent thank you being made. Jessica pulled (Y/N) by the hand and guided her down the hall to the main door where the party was being held. There were two guards there and when both girls showed their invites, the guards opened the doors.
“Ready, babe?” Jessica asked, holding (Y/N)’s hand tightly.
“Ready as I'll ever be,” (Y/N) responded, standing straight and shaking herself mentally.
     Jessica walked in first with (Y/N) right behind. The girls strutted their way through the crowd over to their other friends who were jumping where they stood in excitement. (Y/N) smiled widely at them but froze when she heard a voice call out to her. She could suddenly feel his presence right behind her, causing her to turn around to see Jared standing there in his Nightwing costume. Jensen, his wife Danneel, and Misha were with him as well. All four friends eyed (Y/N) up, especially Jared. Once his eyes landed on hers, his face went serious, making (Y/N) cringe internally, ready for any outburst.
“What are you wearing, baby?” Jared asked slowly.
     (Y/N) looked down at herself once more to make sure everything was perfect. She and the girls decided to cosplay as the group K/DA, her character being Akali. But instead of the outfit Akali wore in the music video, she went with her usual twist. She wore a black push up bra that lifted her breasts up, white cloth sewn in the front to look like the top Akali wears in the video. The leather jacket she wore was an exact replica from the music video but she wore it off her shoulders, revealing the lines of paint on her skin. She wore a pair of skin-tight black leather pants with a white belt around her waist. The pants were cut like the video, one normal length leg and another cut short, but instead of the smaller cut starting at the top of her thigh, she cut it smaller as if it were underwear, which barely covered her buttcheek. She wore a black knee-high stocking on the leg that wasn’t covered by the pants, and her shoes were a pair of all-black six-inch converse heels she got specially made for the costume, which had a gold and white buckle at the very top and white laces. She wore a long purple wig styled up in Akali’s signature ponytail in the video and the signature black cap with gold K/DA sewn into it. To top the entire look, she had a black face mask with the scary demon mouth painted on the cloth, which she had hanging from her neck, and her exposed skin had the same designs Akali had painted on her when she glowed in the dark.
“It’s my costume. Jessica and the girls have been planning this cosplay with me for a couple of months now and since I was coming here…..” (Y/N) slightly stuttered before suddenly being pulled by Jared through the crowd and out the party room. 
     He didn’t stop until he found an empty hallway, letting her hand go. (Y/N) leaned against a wall, dreading what he was going to say. But he stayed silent, so she spoke up.
“This isn’t new for me, you know. I used to wear this kind of stuff before my job on Supernatural,” she mumbled before standing straight and facing his back, ready for what she was going to say. “I mean, this is what I used to do for work. I would create costumes like this and get pictures taken to sell to my fanbase, on my Patreon. That’s how Jessica and I met. She helped me grow by inviting me to join her panels at cons she would do and do photoshoots with her.”
     Jared still didn’t turn around to look at her, so she continued.
“I loved it, Jare. Still, do and, if it wasn’t for my job on Supernatural, I would probably still do it. I love being creative. I love that, somehow, I helped and motivated some girls to be comfortable in their own skin and be able to admit how sexy they can be, no matter what society deems sexy. I loved it, not for the attention, but for the small changes I was able to do and put my work out there.”
“I already knew about all that,” Jared mumbled as he turned around to face (Y/N). 
“You did,” (Y/N) gasped, taking a step back in surprise.
“Obviously, this isn't something you could hide forever. To be honest, I knew the first day you joined us on set.”
“You WHAT?”
“Yeah, umm,” Jared chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “A cousin of mine was one of your Patreon members and he had shown me the last set of pictures you sent out. He was sad you quit. You looked so different but I could still see it was you. The glasses and baggy clothes, plus you never mentioned that stuff to anyone so I assumed you didn’t want people to know.”
“Yet, you asked me out, knowing those pictures were out there?!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air.
“(Y/N), that doesn’t matter to me. What you did before we met won’t change how I feel about you. Plus, I had my moments of pride knowing that everyone’s dream girl was actually with me.”
     They both laughed at his last statement, (Y/N) holding her stomach from the pain of laughter. Jared then pulled her into a tight hug, placing a kiss on her shoulder. 
“I love you for you. What took me by surprise was seeing you like this. It’s one thing to see you in pictures, another in person.”
“I love you too, Jare,” (Y/N) whispered back. They stood in silence for a moment before (Y/N) spoke up. “So, does it bother you people out there have pictures of me in revealing positions?”
“To be honest, no. They have pictures, I have the real thing,” Jared responded with a wide smile before leaning down to kiss her deeply. 
     (Y/N) moaned into the kiss, her arms reaching around his neck to pull him as close as humanly possible, mentally admiring the man. Jared ended the kiss too quickly for (Y/N)’s taste, but what Jared said next made her almost drop to the floor in laughter.
“I did have to take every single picture of yours from my cousin, though. I don’t mind complete strangers but my cousin, it just seemed weird. Bet he will have a heart attack once he finds out who you are and that you are my girlfriend.”
     Jared laughed along with (Y/N), walking back to the party hand in hand. Before they went inside, (Y/N) pulled at Jared’s hand and looked up at him, the worry written on her face yet again.
“What about the fandom?” she asked softly. “How will they take it all once we tell them about us?”
“I doubt they will judge you,” Jared answered, placing a hand against her cheek. “They will love you and hey, maybe they will want a few pointers when it comes to costume design and makeup if they see your pictures.”
     They both giggled and (Y/N) leaned up for a chaste kiss before they moved to go back inside. Once they were inside, Jessica and the girls, Jensen, Danneel and Misha crowded around them. Danneel admired (Y/N)’s costume while Misha and Jensen secretly congratulated Jared on his lucky catch. Even other cast members and crew that were at the party came up to (Y/N) admiring and applauding her costume. After an hour in, Jessica came over to (Y/N) and whispered something in her ear. She nodded her head fast and kissed Jared on the cheek, telling him to get as close to the stage as possible, before following Jessica.
     Both girls went behind the stage, their two other friends waiting behind the black curtain that was behind the DJ. They all got into position and (Y/N) shook her arms and legs from nerves. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked to the side to see Jessica smiling, giving her a wink and a thumbs-up, silently letting her know she had this. None of them could sing, but they did lip-sync and dance to the song once at a convention, costumes provided to them.
     That’s when she heard the DJ present them to the crowd and the curtain raised. (Y/N) looked into the crowd and saw Jared standing right in front with a big smile on his face, causing her to smile right back. She lifted her mask over her mouth just as the song “POP/STARS” started to play, ready to show her new friends exactly what she was made of.
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Who I Am
I’m a successful father of a confident, independent woman. I have zero tolerance for child predators. 
I believe Onision to be a clear danger to children and teenagers. He’s largely irrelevant as far as ‘content creators’ go, but he still has an appeal to kids struggling with the tsunami of emotions that come with puberty as well as disaffected teens and young men who gravitate to the misogynist areas of the internet. 
He obviously considers himself a God and a Spiritual Leader. His treatment of women (in his videos), and humanity in general (his ‘novels’), is consistent with that of an angry, capricious mythological god. We are playthings for his amusement, and he dislikes it when his chosen humans won’t behave precisely the way he wants them to. As a self-perceived God, he doesn’t consider himself beholden to the laws of lowly humans, even though he knows to skirt right against the edge of those laws to avoid prosecution. And the whole punishment as penitence for perceived ‘sins’ against him. 
There are not many causes that stir me to attention like child safety. Thankfully, my daughter was spared exploitation by any man while growing up. (We have an amazingly open parent-friend-daughter relationship, and we talk easily about everything. She’s never given me one major worry - other than a half-hearted attempt to run away because we relocated to a new city.) And she put herself through school to become a sign language interpreter. This year, we made good on our lifelong promise to go to the UK together. She is the center of my world. Even as an adult woman, I still know what I would do if anyone tried to harm her.
There are vulnerable girls out there who don’t have anything close to a relationship like the one my daughter and I have. And guys like Onision ... they can be appealing. He’s rebellious, parents don’t like him, and he’s an older guy who manages to keep his aging skin obscured with bright lights and filters. He thinks he’s Peter Pan. He’s going to stay at this mental and emotional and creative age for the rest of his life. He’s never going to grow and progress as an adult. This is as good as he gets, and as his pay-walled videos have evidenced, Gerg is taking a darker and more openly violent and misogynistic turn. He owns a fucking Real Doll and it has its own Patreon. THIS MAN HAS CHILDREN. WTAF.
So no, yeah, I’m on this team. I hope this gives you confidence that I’m legit. ♥
PS: I DATED A WOMAN LIKE ONISION. Watching him, and watching the serious reactions to him, brought a lot of negative memories flooding back. I really did think I was losing my mind at one point. And when I managed to confirm an infidelity I had been given every reason to suspect, I had the opportunity to strike the ‘relationship’ at the roots. And they threatened to drive 400 miles to ‘set me straight.’ And like Onision, it turned out she wasn’t poly like she claimed to be, but wanted a harem of men, all monogamous to her.
But that’s another story for another day.
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softfists · 4 years
I’m at the point where my feelings about The Magnus Archives fandom (not the canon are):
1) I’m glad it’s exploded in fannish spaces over the past year because Rusty Quill deserves more recognition
2a) But wish it also translated into mainstream success because a cult following doesn’t pay the podcasting bills, and if we’re going to deal with the negative consequences of it becoming popular, we may as well go all in (Yes, there’s Patreon but the entire production team is still massively understaffed and everyone except Alex still has to work a day job because podcasting is not a lucrative venture)
2b) But wish many of the new fans weren’t a) so goddamn annoying, b) antis (Yay TMA Femslash week...wait, it’s run by fucking antis? Who don’t want ~problematic characters~ portrayed? Who have somehow forgotten about all the female characters who do horrible things because this is a horror canon?), c) whining about the presence of horror and suffering in a horror canon, d) constantly violating creator/fan boundaries and expecting Jonny to regulate their emotional reactions to a canon they are consuming by choice (it has been a trip watching “I’m glad Jonny doesn’t write sexual horror or play on -ist/-phobic tropes because he cares about responsible writing and fan-well being” transform into “Since Jonny says he cares about fan well-being then he shouldn’t write anything that could upset me, including my favorite characters being distressed in a horror canon”), e) all of the above
3) But also wish the fellow old fans didn’t a) whine about how annoying the new fans are all the fucking time because that’s annoying too (I have not bitched about this in months, I am ALLOWED, this is my bitching quota for the next few months), b) peddle conspiracy theories about the new fans influencing the actual canon (when there’s no indication Jonny (or Alex) are the kind of writers who do fanservice) because they don’t like certain canon elements and want to rationalize them away, c) whine about very minor romance elements in a horror canon that is still predominantly horror.
4) But also wish -- and this in particular is very much a me problem -- it had stayed small because I enjoyed the vibe of a small fandom -- the feeling that we were twenty people and a ball of yarn admiring this tiny gem of a show, the Little Podcast That Could, like it was a secret canon we had all to ourselves.
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