#fandom got bigger faster than i could figure out the optimal curation method for it
softfists · 5 years
I’m at the point where my feelings about The Magnus Archives fandom (not the canon are):
1) I’m glad it’s exploded in fannish spaces over the past year because Rusty Quill deserves more recognition
2a) But wish it also translated into mainstream success because a cult following doesn’t pay the podcasting bills, and if we’re going to deal with the negative consequences of it becoming popular, we may as well go all in (Yes, there’s Patreon but the entire production team is still massively understaffed and everyone except Alex still has to work a day job because podcasting is not a lucrative venture)
2b) But wish many of the new fans weren’t a) so goddamn annoying, b) antis (Yay TMA Femslash week...wait, it’s run by fucking antis? Who don’t want ~problematic characters~ portrayed? Who have somehow forgotten about all the female characters who do horrible things because this is a horror canon?), c) whining about the presence of horror and suffering in a horror canon, d) constantly violating creator/fan boundaries and expecting Jonny to regulate their emotional reactions to a canon they are consuming by choice (it has been a trip watching “I’m glad Jonny doesn’t write sexual horror or play on -ist/-phobic tropes because he cares about responsible writing and fan-well being” transform into “Since Jonny says he cares about fan well-being then he shouldn’t write anything that could upset me, including my favorite characters being distressed in a horror canon”), e) all of the above
3) But also wish the fellow old fans didn’t a) whine about how annoying the new fans are all the fucking time because that’s annoying too (I have not bitched about this in months, I am ALLOWED, this is my bitching quota for the next few months), b) peddle conspiracy theories about the new fans influencing the actual canon (when there’s no indication Jonny (or Alex) are the kind of writers who do fanservice) because they don’t like certain canon elements and want to rationalize them away, c) whine about very minor romance elements in a horror canon that is still predominantly horror.
4) But also wish -- and this in particular is very much a me problem -- it had stayed small because I enjoyed the vibe of a small fandom -- the feeling that we were twenty people and a ball of yarn admiring this tiny gem of a show, the Little Podcast That Could, like it was a secret canon we had all to ourselves.
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