#i’m still gonna smash 🤷🏻‍♀️
ulfhrafnx · 2 months
the vampire cowboy genre has too much power and needs to be stopped
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eddieswh0r · 2 years
It takes one, to know one.
Eddie Munson FanFic.
Summary: your whole world takes a turn when you realise he’s not the freak everyone makes out.
Warnings: Swearing, Violence, Drug use.
Word count: don’t ask 😅
This is part 1 of.. 🤷🏻‍♀️
P L E A S E PLEASE leave feedback and if you want the next part.
I hope you all e n j o y 😭🫶🏼
You smirked laughing at Jason’s remark to the absolute freak who was stood on the table across the cafeteria. Wavy brown hair, stood there with his fingers beside his head imitating the devil. Eddie fucking Munson. You hated him, with every ounce of your being, couldn’t stand the sight of the freak. What 19 year old plays Dungeons and Dragons AND if you had to hear Ozzy fucking Osbourne blast from his shitty clapped out van again you swear you’d combust in a rage and those stupid rings he wore, those stupid fucking oversized ridiculous rings.
“Y/n, COME ON!!” You snapped out of your scowling gaze at the metal head freak who had by now absolutely scared to death a fellow class mate and resumed his seat at the table. “Y/n, will you hurry up please? Chrissy has practise and you’ll be late for class” you gathered your things and followed Jason and Chrissy.
Chrissy was your best friend, you did absolutely everything together but she’d started spending more time with Jason recently but that was ok as the three of you did everything together, it wasn’t weird though being a third wheel. You loved Jason to bits and he was your hero, you looked upto him a hell of a lot. This only bought you closer together and your bond was unbreakable.
Seeing as he is your brother, after all.
“Y/N. you HAVE too. I can’t afford to be thrown off the basketball team, and Chrissy? Chrissy is smashing all classes and can’t be dropped off cheerleading”
“Jason.. please, he gives me the creeps! I can’t, I won’t. I hate him, he makes me wanna vom.”
“Look, please? Y/n for your bro? I promised the guys for the party you don’t wanna let them down do you?!”
You’d do anything, anything at all for your brother but this? This was gonna push you. You hated the idea of even being in the same school as Eddie fucking Munson, the freak, But going to get drugs from him for a party? It was a big ask, but you couldn’t let your brother down. You wouldn’t.
The cool autumn breeze moved some yellow tinged leaves along the floor of the woods where Jason told you to specifically be at 2:30pm. You left early, an hour before you had to be there, just to prepare yourself for meeting this freak.
“1:45pm, Hm. 45 minutes till IT turns up.” You mumbled under your breath. You looked around to make certain there was nobody nearby, you slipped your headphones on to your ears and hit play.
The music blasted through your headphones, your foot tapping and head bopping. You closed your eyes and listened. You HATED the fact you absolutely loved this music because it was what he liked. That freak. It made you feel sick but you loved it and it was SO good. The music took over you, you led down on the bench, tapping your feet still, doing a little air guitar here and there while your eyes are scrunched shut.
Unbeknownst to you, leaves are crunching under white reeboks. Eddie was early, he just wanted his pre sale joint in peace but no such luck.
“Hey? Hello…?”
You didn’t respond, your music turned up full whack, you were too wrapped up in now Ozzy, which you claimed you hated but in fact absolutely loved! Eddie walked over towards you and could hear the faint beat, with a confused look on his face he bent down beside you and stretched his neck over to hear.
“Well shit.. Ozzy” Eddie muttered with a smirk appearing on his face, you blasted another little air guitar, eyes still closed not knowing what was going on. You sniffed up
“what IS that, what is that smell?!?”
Your eyes shot open and you scrambled to your feet.
“MUNSON. I.. wha..” did he hear it? He must have done, he was pretty fucking close. Eddie stood there, smirk on his stupid face and a joint to his lips.
“Ozzy eh?” He grinned.
“Why are you even here so early? Half 2 it was said.”
“Hey man, I could ask the same” he said raising his hands. “I shouted but Ozzy was priority.” A slight chuckle left his lips.
Just looking at him made your blood boil, his stupid laugh and stupid hair around his face. It made you sick. You slammed your purse on the table.
“Are we doing this or what? I don’t want to be here a moment longer with you.” Your eyebrows furrowed into a scowl.
“You think you’re better than me huh?” Eddie mocked, placing his metal lunchbox down on the bench.
“I don’t think I am, I KNOW I am.”
“The only reason they keep you around Carver, is because you’re a loser. Like me. You have nothing to lose.” Eddie taunted as he was now stood face to face with you. “They use you.”
You could feel your throat beginning to get scratchy, he’d hit a nerve. Your blood boiled and your whole being exploded.
Your face was burning, the rage Inside you was too much to bare. Eddie nods in response to your outburst and leans in close to you, cm away from your face.
“Sorry what music do you listen to in secret? It takes one to know one, You’re a freak.” He smirked, massively.
Your words cut short, you froze still. What the fuck is happening.
Eddie held his cheek and you pushed him back.
you were in utter disbelief. Eddie planted his lips on yours, just out the blue, you didn’t know how to feel. Weirdly you didn’t feel sick or freaked out, you glared at him. Eddie was still holding his cheek, it was a fair smack you gave him.
“That shut you up, didn’t it Carver? I tell you what, you can fucking talk for the whole of Hawkins” he raised his hands, dramatically waving them around showing his pink burning cheek.
“I- you- I-“ you stumbled over your words, a low burning feeling in your stomach. It felt good, you didn’t want to admit it, man his lips were soft. You looked at his cheek and back at him. Eddie was still rambling on, you looked at him and I mean really looked. He had the softest eyes, you’d never noticed before.
“Carver, i really shut you up huh?” He smirked. “Fuck me man, you can talk. I thought we were here to do a deal? I mean like, im sorry but Jesus h chr-.”
You cut him off. Your hand twisted in the top of his T-shirt and lips on his. You wanted to make certain that it did feel good and you weren’t just longing for touch, any kind of touch, from anybody. But no, it did. It felt good, better than even. You liked it, his lips on yours, it was new, you still hated him but by god it was electric. Eddie really leant into the kiss, he was stood over you and as he put his hand on your waist you pushed him backwards letting out a breath.
“Where’s the stuff?” Breathing heavy, you looked at Eddie who had the most confusing look on his face, he signalled over to his metal box. You took it upon yourself to walk over and open it taking 2 small bags.
“These?” You called over while Eddie just stared at you. “Is it these 2 fucking bags or not?!” Slightly irritated in his no response, he managed to give you a slight nod this time, you grabbed your purse from next to the box and threw the cash into it and just walked off and kept walking, replaying over and over what had just happened. Was that real? Did that just happen?
. . .
Music was pumping throughout the house and garden, everyone was having such a good time. “CALL ME, ON THE LINE. CALL ME CALL ME ANYTIME” you and Chrissy jumped facing towards each other singing the song and laughing so loud. Jason was playing beer pong with his fellow basketball players and they’d already delved into the 2 small bags you’d got off Eddie for them. Eddie. Eddie fucking Munson. He’d been on your mind since what happened yesterday. You’d not seen him since but seeing as it was a Saturday and you’re not in school, why would your paths ever cross?
“Man, that was the BEST EVER CAMPAIGN. Eddie sure knows how to catch us off guard.”
You spun round on your heel at the mention of his name. What? Surely he’s not here? He wasn’t invited, he’d never be invited. But to your secret anguish, he wasn’t there. Dustin, Steve and Lucas. Of course, Lucas invited his friends. Steve was invited anyway, he was so cool and you’d always liked him, Jason didn’t care dustin was here, he wasn’t like the freak.
. . .
Outside was much cooler than the sweaty mess and wave of bodies that were crammed inside. You stumbled your way to the very back of the garden and propped yourself up on the bench, head between legs. “Fuck.. I’m gon-.”
You retched and retched, throwing up everything you’d drank. Your hair gathered behind your head out of your pale face and a hand rubbed your back.
“Ugh.. Chrissy thankyou. I don’t know why I’m so bad”
“I mean I’d look FINEE as a girl but you did drink way too much”
Your head span round so fast your neck could have literally snapped. “Eddie..” you said with almost a whisper as you wiped the corner of your mouth.
“What? Ho-. WHY ARE YOU HERE!!”
“Ive been here like 2 hours maybe? Your brother and his friends pretty much ran out and LOW AND BEHOLD THE FREAK WAS SUMMONED” Eddie stretched his arms above his head and practically shouted across the garden but nobody paid him attention.
“Go home EDDIE, no ONE wants..” *hiccup* “..wants YOU here!!” You stood up wobbling and almost falling to the side but Eddie caught you.
“Woah, woahhh. Looks like someone needs bed huh? You’re waaaay too drunk Carver. The fuck have you had to make you this bad” Eddie put his arm round your waist and yours round his.
“MUNSON I swear if you don’t let go of me I will SCREAM SO F-FUCKING LOUD”
“Go for it baby, you’re going to bed.”
Eddie threw you over his shoulder and carried you inside, not a single person turned their head to look as you glanced round, they were all too drunk to care. Jason was more or less dry humping Chrissy against the kitchen side, Dustin was well being Dustin, he was looking through the shelves and Steve was busy trying to flirt but with no avail. Your eyes heavy as Eddie carried you upstairs, he pushed your door open with his foot.
. . .
Led under your covers, your eyes closed. Tiredness took over and you fell into a deep sleep. Eddie point blank refused to leave, he was sat on the floor next to you making sure you didn’t throw up in your sleep, his hand on your forehead.
“Shit, you’re hard work Carver” he muttered under his breath as his eyes slowly closed. At this point you were both soundly asleep as Eddies hand slipped gently from your forehead onto your shoulder.
. . .
The sun peaked in through the gap in the drawn curtains, soft snores came from both you and Eddie who were still soundly sleeping. While sleeping your hand linked with his, fingers intertwined.
“Y/NNN.. will you GET UP!!!”
The call of your name from Jason didn’t wake you, nor Eddie and with a crash of your door opening Jason stood in the door way taking in what he could see before him, your hand linked with the freak, the freak that is Eddie Munson. Every part of Jason’s body boiled with anger.
“WELL WELL WELL. WHAT THE FUCK DO WE HAVE HERE THEN” your eyes opened slowly not knowing what was going on nor even having a clue your fingers linked with Eddies but before you could even process anything a hand was dragged from yours and you suddenly sat bolt upright seeing Eddie being pulled up by the scruff of his top by Jason.
“You wanna fuck around with MY sister freak? Huh? You wanna do things to her against her will? Wait till I tell everyone what you’ve done to her, you’re gonna fucking pay for this”
“Hey man, I d-did nothing, I was making sure she was okay! I- I didn’t.. I was just..”
And with that Eddie let out a loud grunt as Jason’s fist connected with Eddies stomach then his face, punch after punch. Eddies lip instantly burst, he was doubled over taking hit after hit. He looked at you, bleeding mouth, soft but scared eyes. You did nothing, nothing at all.
“Y/n.. please, t-tell him, it’s not li-like that”
“Shut the FUCK up, FREAK. She won’t help you, not after what you did to her, you were seen you know, carrying her upstairs against her will.”
You looked at Eddies face pulling your cover under your chin, you couldn’t do anything, you couldn’t speak. He needed your help, he needed you to tell the truth but you didn’t. You let him take beating after beating. Jason dragged him out your room and down the stairs and finally throwing him out the front door. Eddie led there, helpless.
“If I ever see your face again, FREAK. Just know you won’t like what happens.” And with a swift few kicks to Eddies ribs, Jason slammed the door.
. . .
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I don’t know if y’all want part 2😭🫶🏼
Part 2 ⬇️⬇️
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bisluthq · 2 years
If Taylor was drinking back then, yeah there’s no way she was gonna say that on main unless she’s an idiot. She probably was but not super regularly unless she was just like INSANELY careful every weekend. Miley, Demi etc it was always quite obvious they were partying and shit a lot, the gossip live journal communities always had pictures of them at parties, the famous salvia video of Miley is the only thing that ever really got any traction in the news. Taylor was going to visit Abigail at college pretty often and I’m genuinely shocked we never got anything besides like them hanging out at Dennys and shit.
Right she’s always been careful. She still is tbh. And obviously she wasn’t like gonna publicly advertise it like that’s not a “lie” it’s literally just being responsible? Which tbh is how she always framed it like she ALWAYS brought it back to being a good role model and I don’t think that was in any way a lie like I don’t think a person whose platform reaches out to 10 year old girls should be like “guys don’t be squares just have a drink and a spliff and chill” like 🤷🏻‍♀️😭
The HP kids were the same like Daniel has explicitly admitted he’s an alcoholic but there were never pics of him like smashed on main like he really took being a role model seriously and he only admitted it as an adult and in part like due to also wanting to role model like good behavior tbh like there’s value to saying “I overcame this shit and you can too”.
Taylor isn’t an alcoholic so idk what the value of like saying “ya I went to some wild parties lol being 19 was fun” would be.
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heymonty · 3 years
Idk why so many people call Zach a cinnamon bun or whatever Jeff Atkins is the only cinnamon bun Zach Dempsey is not a sweet guy he thinks he’s better than everyone like he’s a saint, I’ve never been a fan of Zach remember what he said to Charlie about Monty? “You’re really gonna take advice from someone who buys their clothes at Target” something like that… I absolutely hated him after I heard that as childish as that sounds 🤷🏻‍♀️ I mean that is a disgusting comment to make he sounded like an absolute brat not everyone can afford to wear freakin’ Adidas every single day and drive a flashy car I mean wtf ??!!! Sorry obviously I still get riled up when I think about it lol 🙈 but I’m sensitive about Monty ☺️❤️
I don't mean to offend Zach fans and even though as much I like him and Alex, I have to agree with you, anon. I kind of feel the same way about Zach. Like he acts as if he hasn't done anything that's off for me. I don't mean to like *insert* my fic, but I kinda write Zach this way like acting all leader/know it all. lol just cause he gives such vibes in the show (but in somewhat a kinder way which still can throw one off). 🙈 But I don't hate him, more of indifference. (thanks to his scenes with Alex, gives me some care about him) sksjjshdjs BUT the one that really throws me off about him is at season 4, where he and Alex keeps smashing windows and stuff at school. Like, he asked Alex something like this "Why are you here with me? You should be with Charlie?" Like DUDE, are you dense? Alex cares about you more than he does for Charlie. That whole scene was completely OFF! And Alex is just "okay." and he runs away easily to Charlie. I love ChaLex but it just seem like Alex can't make a choice of his own. Or maybe that's just what happens when the person you like says something, and you're just foolish to follow. idk! I never understood that scene. ¯\_ʘ‿ʘ_/¯ Or maybe Alex is like "yeah, Charlie is way better than you." then runs away. Also, if I'm Alex in that scene, and then Zach tells that to me after we smashed things, I'd be like "what's the connection about me accompanying you to do this sh*tty thing with how I feel about Charlie?" sorry, that's just my take on and I know we all have different POVs about this.
Anyway, I remember that scene where Zach says that about Monty. Again, apologies, but I kinda find that scene funny. cause it's so SAVAGE! but I get you, Zach should know Monty doesn't live the same life as him. And WHAT'S MAKES THAT SCENE FUNNIER is that's where Monty says the line about Alex being a Homo and whatever after Alex points a knife at him, and then Zach jumps in telling Charlie not to believe him (the stuff he said about Alex) and I admit, what Monty said there is pretty offensive aside from his assumption (or his gaydar telling him) of Alex being a homo! BUT GUESS WHAT HAPPENED, ZACH? ALEX kissed you! 🤣🤣🤣 So, I guess you should've listened to Monty's Walmart sense. I think he says Walmart, not Target? idk. That's what he said in English.
Although, anyway, we don't mean to make a war between Monty and Zach cause most people will say that Monty (which we all know) is obviously wayyyy worse than Zachy! And sure, I have to agree. But each characters in 13 reason why were given some flaws, which I actually like cause it makes each of them more real and human. We all have flaws and we sometimes or mostly becomes unaware of how we act towards people too that maybe throws some people off about us, and only because that's just who we are.
Yes anon, we all have to agree that Jeff Atkins is the only cinnamon bun, but I guess if he wasn't killed off way too early, which is maybe what happened originally in the book, Jeff would do something disappointing too, cause that's just how writers in the series does it: "Let's do each of them dirtyyyy!!!! AND YES KILL THEM OFF after they show redemption!" which gives me love-hate relationship about this damned show! ತ_ʖತ
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