#i’m gonna bite your leg like a fucking coyote
blondeboyfriend · 1 year
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[ PAIRING ] Vash the Stampede x reader x Millions Knives [ SYNOPSIS ] You get high with your sweet roommate and his weird brother. [ WORD COUNT ] 3k [ CONTENT ] Modern AU, no plot/just smut, dubcon (everyone's high), marijuana, lowkey plantcest, threesome (mmf), marking, of course Vash has a biting kink, handjob, oral sex, nipple play, sensory deprivation, finger sucking.
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“I wish you would have said he was coming over,” you growled, mourning the loss of a lazy, hazy Sunday morning.
You were laying down on the couch, your feet resting in Vash’s lap. You wore one of his old shirts over a pair of comfy underwear while he was dressed in a pair of cotton running shorts and a loose fitting tank top.
Vash intently watched the baseball game you put on for background noise. It was cute, considering he didn’t know anything about sports. When your team hit a home run Vash looked at you, his puppy dog eyes sparkling with wonder, and said with full confidence, “The orange team scored a goal.”
He pouted. “I live here too, y’know? I’m allowed to have company.”
“All I ask for is fair warning. Your brother…” You groaned. “I don’t know. He weirds me out.”
Vash sighed. “I know, I know. But I told him to play nice.”
You sat up and glared. “Oh, whatever. Why did he even leave Alaska in the first place?”
“I think he’s lonely.”
“Did he not move up there to be alone? He hates everyone. Why the fuck would he be lonely?”
“Well he likes me,” Vash laughed.
You rolled your eyes and laid back down, your head hitting the arm rest. The vibe was sure to change with Nai’s arrival. He had a habit of sucking the air out of the room with his presence. It was like being locked up with a starved coyote.
And yet Vash brought out a devoted tenderness, one that radiated adoration. His brother was the only one who could coax a smile out of him. His grin was precious and fleeting like a nightblooming cereus flowering under a desert moon.
“That doesn't make him any easier to deal with though,” you whined.
“It’s gonna be fine,” he said, patting your leg. “You have nothing to worry about.”
Vash’s touch left your skin feeling voltaic. You hated that such a brief and simple gesture could render you reeling in milliseconds. Fortunately there was a knock on the door, breaking you free from your Vash-induced trance. Unfortunately the person beyond the door was a beacon of hostility. You grumbled and repositioned yourself on the other end of the couch. Vash got up and let his brother in.
“Hi!” he replied cheerfully, opening his arms for a hug.
Nai breezed past him, dropping his stuff down near the front door. He looked worn out, hostility tempered by a long flight. His platinum blonde hair was fluffy and askew, each strand riddled with sleep. His big blue eyes were half-lidded, obscuring the usual intensity of his gaze. His sweatpants were rumpled, hanging low on his hips and revealing a tuft of his pale happy trail. His shirt was slightly too short and it hugged his body, accentuating his hard earned muscles. An unbuttoned oversized flannel topped it off, the sleeves rolled up revealing his veiny forearms.
“How was your flight?” you asked even though you didn’t care.
Nai took Vash’s seat on the couch and sunk into it. He was clearly annoyed by your presence.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” His tone was dripping with impatience.
You couldn’t believe he was being so dismissive considering he was in your apartment.
“So I’m guessing it was bad,” you replied.
“I was stuck next to a screaming infant.”
“Oh fuck, that’s awful.”
“I know what you need to do,” Vash interjected with a playful grin.
“And what would that be exactly?” his brother asked.
You and Vash spoke at the same time.
“Get high!”
“Find somewhere else to stay!” 
Vash let out a little gasp and Nai weakly glared at you. “I’m kidding! It’s a joke. Like ha ha. It’s funny… Whatever. Yeah, smoke weed.”
Vash ran to his room and gathered his rolling papers and a mason jar full of fruity smelling marijuana. He sat on the floor in front of the coffee table and began to roll a joint. His dexterity and speed were awe inspiring. Watching him roll made you think of all the other incredible feats his fingers were capable of.
“I can’t even remember the last time I got high,” Nai mumbled.
“Is weed like extinct up there or something?” you asked knowing your wording would annoy him.
“Extinct? How could it be extinct if yo—I’m not going to even bother.”
“Smart man,” you laughed.
You were shocked to see a hint of a half-smile on his face. Maybe Nai had heeded Vash’s request to play nice.
“Wasn’t your last time with me?” Vash asked before licking the edge of the paper and sealing the joint.
“Probably. You’re the only stoner I know…  thankfully.”
You cocked your head to the side. “What do you mean by thankfully?”
“People that smoke weed are… hm. How do I put this? Obnoxious.”
Vash looked disappointed as he lit the joint. He took a hit and blew the smoke up at the ceiling. 
Nai continued, “And I hate the smell.”
“Why even smoke then?!”
Nai turned to you. “How can I say no to that face?”
The two of you directed your attention towards Vash. He looked up, big, blue eyes already red rimmed, and broke out into a goofy grin. His dimples were on full display, looking cute as hell. Nai had a point. How the fuck could you say no to such a precious creature?
“You can’t,” you confessed as Vash handed you the joint. You took a hit. “It’s a crime, like, a felony,” you continued, holding the smoke in your lungs.
You exhaled and passed the joint to Nai. He looked at the glowing, red cherry with mild disgust. He held it to his lips and took a long drag. He looked so confident, so cool.
However the illusion was fleeting. The second he tried to exhale he burst out into a cacophony of coughs with a melodramatic “WHY!?” in the middle. Vash got off the floor and took a seat in between you and Nai. He tended to his brother, rubbing his back as he tried to catch his breath.
“He gonna be okay?” you asked, plucking the joint from Nai’s fingers.
You took a hit and exhaled with little fanfare.
“I’d—” Nai continued to hack. “—shit—appreciate it if you didn’t talk about me like I’m not in the room.”
“I didn’t think you were capable of speaking.”
Vash put his arm around Nai, letting him bury his blushed face in his neck. You stifled a laugh and passed the joint to Vash. He took a lengthy drag and exhaled the smoke away from his sensitive brother.
“How are you feeling?” Vash asked softly.
Nai coughed pathetically. “Terrible.”
“That means you should smoke more,” you said. “You’re in like limbo right now. You’re existing in between worlds. Sobriety and fuckin’ uh… being high.”
You completely disregarded Nai’s attempt to speak.
“You should shotgun him.”
Vash appeared to be deep in thought. “That’s a great idea,” he finally said.
“Yeah and it’s totally, um, altruistic. I gain nothing.”
You knew you were overselling it, but you couldn’t muster any discretion regarding your deranged desire.
“Is it going to hurt?” Nai asked trepidatiously.
You laughed. “Nope. It’ll actually make the smoke less like… harsh, y’know?”
“What do I have to do?”
Vash went to speak, but you were feeling gutsy and interrupted him.
“Your brother,” you said, pointing at Vash as if Nai wouldn’t know who his brother was, “is gonna take a hit. And then he’s gonna kiss you and exhale the smoke in your mouth… And it’s not gonna be weird at all.”
Again, you found yourself overselling the act, but it couldn’t be helped. It was bubbling up inside you. There was no escape. You were trapped, practically drowning in your perverted need to see them kiss.
“It’ll be a little weird,” Vash admitted. “But only a little.”
You wanted to strangle Vash. He was right of course, but you didn’t want the bleak truth to deter Nai.
“It’s gonna be great,” you reassured. “And your brother is like the perfect person to do it with.”
Vash batted his eyelashes and relit the joint. He was so cute you wanted to hit him.
“Alright. I’ll do it.”
You planted your head in Vash’s lap for a better view. He took a hit off the joint, holding the smoke in his lungs before passing it off to you. He gently held onto Nai’s jaw, running his thumb across his lip. He placed his other hand on the back of Nai’s head and stroked his undercut.
Nai’s cheeks were flushed, his eyes wide and nervous. You felt like you were going to fall to pieces once Vash leaned in and pressed his lips against Nai’s. You were utterly bewitched as he exhaled the smoke into his mouth. Nai looked like he was in a daze as Vash pulled away.
“Ca—can I try?” you asked.
“Sure,” Vash said enthusiastically.
“Not you,” you said, taking a hit off the joint.
You dropped it in the ashtray and clumsily lifted yourself up to kiss Nai. His lips were soft and his mouth tasted faintly of spearmint gum. After exhaling you slipped your tongue into his mouth, the smoke trailing out his nose. The odd positioning of your body betrayed you. Your arms gave out from under you, breaking the kiss. Your face was nestled in his crotch. You could feel his girthy cock against your nose.
Vash cleared his throat. “You okay?”
“I don’t know,” Nai muttered, stroking the back of your head like it was a kitten. “Can we put something else on? I can’t handle sports right now. The competitive nature of it all is taking years off of my life.”
“What’s the score?” you asked.
Vash said solemnly, “The orange guys are losing.”
“Ugh. Yeah… you can put something else on.”
“Any requests?” Vash asked, scanning the floor for the remote.
“A Fistful of Dollars. Or Once Upon a Time in the West… wait, no. Not that one. I hate that part where the guy has his neck in a noose, and sitting on his little brother’s shoulders is the only thing stopping him from getting hung.”
“Boriiiiiiing,” you heckled. You lifted yourself out of Nai’s lap. “I’ll fall a—fuckin’—sleep.”
You found yourself lost in Vash’s eyes. You felt bad for being so dismissive of him when he offered himself up to you.
“Well what do you have in mi—”
“It doesn’t matter. Can I kiss you?”
“Oh, so now you wanna kiss me?”
“I don’t know… You kinda hurt my feelings.”
“Vash, please.”
“Jesus fucking Christ, just kiss them already,” Nai groaned, reaching for the extinguished joint. “Where’s the lighter?”
Vash practically threw the lighter at his brother and pulled you into a sloppy kiss. He wasted no time shoving his tongue into your mouth and rolling it up against yours. His hands wandered down your back, holding you close to his body. Drool began to drip from the corners of your lips as he whimpered in your mouth. You braced yourself, hands pressing into his chest, feeling the softness of his relaxed muscles.
“Ouch, ow, ow,” Nai droned as he burned his thumb with the lighter’s flame.
Vash turned his head and wiped his mouth. “What? What happened?”
“Burnt my finger,” Nai replied, taking a hit off the joint. As Vash went to speak, Nai pushed the joint through his parted lips. “I’m fine.”
“Baby,” you teased.
“I’m hardly a baby for being averse to pain.”
“Hate to break it to you, but you’ll always be my baby” Vash said while exhaling.
“Can I be your baby?” you asked, grabbing the joint from him. You took a hit and let the smoke trail out of your mouth. “Please?”
“No,” Vash said before kissing you once more.
Nai groaned and plucked the joint from your fingers. He finished it off. He uncomfortably crossed and uncrossed his legs. You briefly opened your eyes and shifted your gaze to his lap. His cock was stiff against his sweatpants.
You reached over, placing your hand on his cock and stroked his tip. He coughed, choking on nothing but air. He grabbed a hold of your wrist and you waited for him to shove you away. But he didn’t. He guided it under his clothes. Your fingers danced along his shaft, feeling the veins snaking around his cock.
Vash bit down on your lower lip before kissing your jaw. He moved onto your neck, grazing it with his teeth. He sucked on your neck, interspersing his kisses with bites. You could feel the bruise blooming on your skin. You stroked the back of his head, his soft, flaxen hair slipping between your fingers.
Nai rutted against your hand. His cock leaked precum, leaving your palm sticky. His breathing was sharp and shallow.
“You like that, huh?” you cooed.
Nai nodded. The power you felt was insurmountable. You never thought you’d end up in such a situation with him. You always knew you’d hook up with Vash eventually because you resided under the same roof, but fucking around with his brother never crossed your mind.
Vash tugged at the neckline of your shirt and peppered your collarbones with kisses.
“Take it off,” he said, breath hot against your skin.
You let go of Nai’s cock and pulled your shirt off. Your nipples hardened as the cool air hit your chest. Nai whimpered, longing for the return of your touch. He took your hand and placed it back on his cock. You wrapped your hand around it, letting him fuck your fist.
Vash flicked his tongue against your nipple, drawing your attention back towards him. Nai followed his lead, latching onto the other one. Your cunt throbbed as they lapped at your breasts.
“Sh—shit,” Nai choked out as he came in your hand.
You continued to jerk him off, coating the shaft of his cock with his cum. You savored each of his breathy moans. His brows were knitted together, a sign of the bliss overwhelming his body. You were a little jealous, praying one of them would tend to your weeping cunt.
“I have a fun idea,” Vash said abruptly.
You let go of Nai’s cock and held your hand up to his face. “Lick it up… Uh, so what’s the fun idea?”
Nai reluctantly dragged his tongue along your hand, slipping it in between your fingers..
“Okay,” Vash said sitting up. “One of us will go down on you and you have to guess who it is.”
“What happens if I guess wrong?”
Vash shrugged. “You’ll… I’ll… Nothing I guess. I didn’t think that far ahead.”
“If you’re wrong, we get to fuck your face,” Nai said, shoving your hand away.
That didn’t seem like much of a consequence so you readily agreed. Nai scrambled to his duffle bag and pulled out the complimentary sleep mask he got on the plane. You put it on and tried to ignore its recycled air smell.
“Alright, ready?” they asked in unison.
You felt a pair of hands grip your hips and pull down your underwear. Your toes curled in anticipation as they traveled down your thighs. They hung around one of your ankles; the man between your legs was too impatient to remove them completely. He kissed the inside of your thighs and slipped his fingers inside your slick cunt. He spread apart your folds. His tongue slid in between them, teasing your hole.
He dragged his tongue along your clit before sucking on it. You couldn’t figure out who was going down on you and you didn’t really care. He lapped up the arousal that glazed your cunt. You rolled your hips against his face, the tip of his nose grazing your clit.
You tried to speak, but you couldn’t. The words got caught in your throat. All you could do is whimper. You heard a familiar laugh and could feel the sound of his amusement against your body.
“Don’t laugh,” you whined.
He continued to laugh before biting into your thigh.
“It’s Vash.”
“How did you know?!” he asked, ripping off the sleep mask.
“You fucking bit me!”
“And? Maybe he would have bit you too.”
“Nope,” Nai said. “You’re just that predictable.”
“Yeah, you’re like especially bitey,” you replied.
“No I’m not.”
“You bit me all the time as a kid.”
“And you’ve been biting me all day.”
Vash groaned and buried his face in your cunt. He paid special attention to your aching clit. His soft tongue was relentless. Your skin was tingling, every inch of your body singing. He lifted one of your legs over his shoulder. You felt like you were going to burst with pleasure.
Nai sat next to you on the couch and forced his fingers in your mouth. His face was adorned with a sick grin, his eyes dark with lust. You glanced down at Vash, his eyes mirroring his brother’s. All the attention sent you spiraling, falling deeper and deeper into lusty avidity. Nai’s fingers in your mouth did little to quiet you. Your moans were simply too powerful.
“Aww. You’re getting close, aren’t you?” Nai said, pulling his fingers out of your mouth.
A strand of spit clung from your mouth to his fingers.
“Uh-huh,” you mewled as Vash sucked on your clit.
Nai couldn’t have been more right. Your orgasm rushed through your body in no time, leaving rapture in its wake. It was transcendent. You felt like you were hovering above the couch. Vash biting the inside of your thigh was what brought you back to earth.
“I know…” You struggled to speak. “I know I guessed right, but I still want you guys to fuck my face.”
Vash immediately pulled down his shorts, revealing his throbbing cock.
“Hold on,” you sighed. Vash frowned and tucked it back into his shorts. “I wanna be on a bed.”
In one swift motion, Vash hoisted you over his shoulder. You hung over him like a limp noodle with no will of your own. Nai trailed behind and pinched the tender flesh of your ass. All you could think about was how lovely it would be to gag on their cocks.
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Ride Baby Ride
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TITLE: Ride Baby Ride PAIRING: Bob/OC RATING: T CHAPTER: One-shot SUMMARY: Madeline, callsign: Mantra, is scrolling through Bob’s Instagram when she sees a video.
[A/N - Someone mentioned that Bob sounds very Southern in TGM and I have a thing for bull riders so... I’ll eventually write for Rhett Abbott, but I need to finish Outer Range first.]
Madeline had just finished setting up the living room when there was a knock at the door. “It’s open!”
Phoenix and Halo walked through the door holding bottles of wine.
The three of them had a girl’s night once a week. Being the only three girls on the Dagger Squad, it got tiring being around all that testosterone sometimes. It was mostly used as time to gossip about the boys.
“Did you see Hangman today? Looking mighty fine,” Halo said, biting her lip.
Phoenix rolled her eyes. “Yeah, if blonde, cocky assholes turn you on.”
“What can I say? I’m a sucker for a man in uniform!”
“Then you might as well be in love with every male on our team!” Madeline said.
The women cracked open the bottles of wine and began stalking the boys on Instagram.
“Oh my god! Every other picture is Hangman at the gym!” Phoenix complained.
“Bitch, why are you surprised? It’s Seresin of all people!” Madeline told her.
“Rooster is so sweet. He posted a picture of his parents together for their wedding anniversary,” Halo said, “Oh wow. He looks so weird without the pornstache.”
Madeline scrolled through Bob’s Instagram.
There were pictures of him in the cockpit of his and Phoenix’s jet, pictures of him and Rooster making funny faces, but what made her mouth drop open was a video.
It was a video of him riding a bull. An actual living breathing bull.
“What?” Phoenix asked.
Madeline sent the video to her.
“Holy shit! Is that Bob?”
“What? No way!” Halo said, “Who would’ve thought innocent little Bob had it in him.”
Over the next 24 hours, Madeline lost count of how many times she’d watched the video. It was just so sexy to see Bob ride the 2,000 lb animal.
Of course, Madeline thought everything Bob did was sexy. When he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, when he rattled off information about his aircraft, when smiled and laughed at something Rooster said.
Madeline sighed. She had it bad for Bob.
Madeline sauntered into the Hard Deck and made her way over to the Dagger Squad.
Rooster and Hangman were in an intense game of pool while Payback, Fanboy, and Bob watched from the sidelines.
Madeline snatched a beer from Coyote and turned to Bob. “So…I was scrolling through your Instagram the other day.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah and I just have one question. Can I ride you like you ride your bulls?”
Coyote nearly spit out the beer he was drinking.
Everyone turned to them as Bob’s cheeks went bright red.
“Baby on Board? Riding a bull? Yeah right,” Hangman said.
“He did! He’s got a video of it!” Madeline argued.
“No way, I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Madeline brought up Bob’s Instagram and showed everyone the video.
“Goddamn, Robert. You’ve been holding out on us,” Hangman said.
Bob shrugged. “It’s no big deal.”
Madeline stepped closer to Bob, putting her hands on his thighs. “It must be thrilling though? To have something that powerful between your legs.”
Bob looked down at her hands. “All you gotta do is hold on tight, darlin’.”
Madeline’s eyes drifted down to his plush lips. “For how long?”
“Eight seconds or longer.” “I think I can do that. Can you?”
Bob leaned in towards her ear. “The only Mantra you’re gonna be saying is my name all night.”
A shiver went down Madeline’s spine at the use of her callsign.
Bob hopped off his barstool and wrapped his arms around Madeline’s thighs. “Jump, darlin’.”
Madeline jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist. She giggled as Bob carried her out of the Hard Deck.
Hangman stood there with his mouth open.
“It’s about time those two fucked,” Rooster said.
“Rooster!” Phoenix said, hitting her friend on the arm.
Rooster laughed. “What? They’ve been dancing around each other for weeks now!”
Phoenix just shook her head.
Bob kept his word.
The only thing Madeline was able to say by the end of the night was his name.
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katiesharms · 2 years
i'm praying you don't see the signs (praying for you to be mine) - ch. 1
fandom: top gun: maverick, pairing: phoenix/hangman
read on ao3!
summary: Phoenix and Hangman have known each other for over a decade. It takes a lot of time for anyone to really see what's between them.
a/n: okay i'm back by popular demand (one tumblr ask). this takes place in the same universe as if you let me down, let me down slow! it'll be a few short chapters of everyone's first time noticing/understanding the phoenix/hangman dynamic. up first is coyote!
Javy notices it first.
He sees it coming from a mile away, the way his friend won’t stop riling up the sophomore in their honors Physics seminar. She’s the only sophomore to get approval for the course this year, and Jake can’t stand it, insisting that her being there lowers the integrity of the course or something. Honestly, Javy stopped paying attention pretty early on. He’s pretty sure Jake’s just upset because he applied for the course last year and was turned away.
At first, Javy feels bad for the girl. Jake can be mean, downright nasty, when he’s feeling insecure or overlooked, and her success in the class is definitely getting to him. But Natasha Trace can dole it out just as well as Jake, and soon the class is overtaken by the two of them lobbing thinly veiled barbs back and forth and racing to answer every question. In one particularly memorable class, the two of them spent the entire time arguing about an easily Google-able fact regarding jet propulsion engines. Javy honestly appreciates it, as does the rest of the class. They all get to sit back and let the two of them suck up all the air in the room for an hour.
Then, one day, Natasha isn’t there. The class is painfully slow, the professor’s attempts to get people to participate like pulling teeth. Even Javy offers up an answer every once in a while, if only to stop the torturous silences. Jake is quiet through the whole thing, occasionally shooting glances at the empty seat and bouncing his leg the entire time. 
“Where is she?” Jake asks as they’re packing up their stuff after class.
“Who?” Javy responds, just to be an asshole. When Jake shoots him a glare and Javy raises his eyebrows in question, proud of himself for keeping a straight face.
“Trace,” he grounds out.
“Oh, I heard some of her friends saying she has the flu. Must be pretty bad for her to miss class.” Back in October, Nat had come down with a rather nasty cold, but she’d shown up to class anyway, sniffling through her answers. Jake called Snuffleupagus for three days. 
“Huh,” is all his friend says and then they go their separate ways.
Despite the seminar being both their last class for the day, Javy doesn’t see Jake for a couple of hours. When he finally does return to their room, he’s carrying a paper bag. Jake rifles through his backpack for a moment, pulling out a notebook and then turns to leave, clearly trying to be surreptitious.
“Where are you going?” Javy asks though he has a good idea.
Jake turns towards him and answers. “Bringing Trace the notes from the day. Since she’s a fucking sophomore, she probably doesn’t know anyone in the class who can get them for her.” His tone is even but Jake is shifting his weight, clearly sheepish.
“And the bag?”
“Uh, it’s soup.” A light blush rises to Jake’s cheeks and Javy bites the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. Jesus fucking Christ, he thinks.
“Any reason you're bringing your sworn rival soup and notes?”
“I need her up to par for it to be a fair fight. No fun picking on a poor sickly girl.” His act of bravado is back up, but Javy can see through it, can see the heart. 
“Right, well give her my best wishes. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to see you.”
“Fuck off,” Jake mutters and then he’s out the door.
In retrospect, Javy should’ve clocked it immediately. He chalks it up to the stress of the beginning of the semester and the initial aggressive antagonism of Jake and Natasha’s relationship. But now that he sees it, it’s obvious. They’re so fucking alike that they’re either gonna destroy one another or be the only people on the planet who can handle each other. 
So Javy sees it. He’s sure they will too, eventually. He doesn’t expect it’ll take more tHan a decade, but hey, more material for that best man’s speech.
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An Offer
Warnings: coercion, threats, slightly blackmail-ish, intimidation, entrapment, implied noncon
This is dark!(lumberjack/nomad) Steve Rogers and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Steve makes you an offer you can’t refuse.
Based on this drabble request:
Nomad Steve Rogers + “You'll never find anyone better than me.” + Lumberjack AU + Smashed and broken dreams of a good career forces reader back home. With a degree in her hand but no real chance of finding a good job reader has to accept any job she finds and Steve isn’t making it easy cause he wants her so he sabotages any job opportunity to make her depended on him. This really hits home 😭. Sorry 😭.
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When you sat in your college lectures, you never expected to end up there. Never expected to be carrying armfuls of wood to a large stack, splinters catching in your gloves as each piece clacked between the noise of the logs being split. You didn’t expect to be working for pennies, busting your ass for hours, just to pay for the room above the liquor store in your hometown.
You didn’t expect any of it. It was a surreal nightmare. It was as if that purgatory could never let you go. The small town’s always claimed what was theirs. Blood grown of that soil could not venture far before the roots dragged them back, a constricting coil around the throat.
Another log split, almost exploding as the two halves fell on either side of the stump. Steve took one and chopped it again, then the other. Perfect quarters for you to pile in your arms and add to the mounting stack. Your sweat soaked the flannel coat, the same kind your father wore when you were a child, the same that everyone in town seemed to have somewhere in their closets.
Steve rested the head of the axe on the stump and leaned on it as he watched you.
“Think that’ll do,” he said as you heard him scratch his beard, “supposed to be a mild winter.”
“Mild? Around here? You know that just means the snow stops at the knee, right?”
You carried the last of the wood to the pile and laid it out in the niches perfectly. It was like a Tetris game, every piece had its place. You clapped off your gloves and looked back at Steve as he shook out his jacket and pulled it back on. Even as his work left him sweaty, you didn’t know how he could stand to take it off and bear the bitter winds in only a tee.
“My knees are higher than yours,” he said, “think I’ll be fine.”
“Uh huh,” you put your hands on your hips and looked out at the trees, the sun setting behind them in an amber haze.
“Hey,” he interrupted your sightseeing, “how about you stay for dinner? I finally tried that chili recipe…”
“You? Cooking?” you shook your head, “so that’s why I’m out here lugging wood.”
“Is that yes?”
“Do you have pepto?” you joked, “sure, guess I could. Save me the trouble of opening a can at home.”
You followed him inside as he held the door for you. You shoved your gloves in your flannel pocket and hung it as you wiggled out of your boots. Usually you tidied and did the household chores as Steve worked outside. It wasn’t much of a job but there was nothing to be had in the lifeless town. Still, even with the work you found in the city, you couldn’t afford even a closet to live in.
The house was nice, big. The country land was cheap and as Steve told it, he built the entire thing himself. It was a wooden castle with better amenities than most of the antique houses in town. He bragged about how he chose every countertop and cut down every leg of every chair and sanded and polished the thick table over a willowy fall.
But you wondered how he ended up there. He wasn’t from the town and his accent was not of the nearby metropolis. He must be from far away. You could see it was an escape from the life he didn’t talk about.
You sat at the table as he clinked around in the kitchen. He came out with two red bowls and set one before you as he sat at the corner near you. He handed you a spoon with a wooden handle and you twirled it as you watched the chili steam.
“Did you make these too?” you asked.
“Ha,” he said dryly and stirred his bowl.
“Well…” you shrugged and looked around.
He smiled at you and leaned his head back until his neck cracked. He let his spoon rest and rubbed his jaw. It twitched and he looked out the big bay windows of the dining room, the ridged bark and overgrown grass staring back.
“I…” he shifted and leaned on the arm of the chair, “I slipped your pay in your jacket.”
“Oh, thanks,” you were embarrassed to talk about money. He knew how little you made even if he did pay you generously for the work you did.
“But… I did want to talk about it, er, about…” he sighed and rested his chin in his hand as he traced his lower lip in thought. He sat up and cleared his throat, “we get along, don’t we?”
“Sure,” you blew on a spoonful and tasted the chili. It was spicy but not bad.
“I know how hard it’s been, Maggie, Lester, Jeff… tough break.”
You swallowed and sat back. You frowned. “How did you…” your resume had been turned down by almost every business owner and manager in town.
“It’s a small place, like that box you’re living in.”
“I’m not saying it to embarrass you but… because I… want to…” he gripped his spoon, thought about having a bite, then let it go again, “I want to make you an offer.”
“You pay me more than you should for doing your chores,” you left your spoon in the bowl and ran your nails up and down your jeans, picking at the little metal snap by the pocket.
“That’s not--” he squared his shoulders and all humour left his face. He bit down and the vein in his head surged, “you could live here. The place is more than big enough… lonely.”
“I can’t--”
“Please, just listen,” he raised his palms, “I’m lonely and you’re in a bind. We could help each other.”
You squinted and shook your head. He took a breath and leaned forward. He reached under the table and touched your knee. He slid his hand up your thigh until it met yours and you stopped him.
“You don’t even have to keep on cleaning or any of that,” he said quietly, “just be mine. You’ll be comfortable here. All you have to do is… be here… with me.”
“Steve,” you held onto his thick fingers, “maybe you don’t mean it that way but I’m not… not a prostitute.”
“It wouldn’t be that,” his throat constricted, “it would be convenient; practical.”
“I should go,” you shoved his hand off of you and stood, “you did a good job with the chili.”
The chair scraped behind you as you stepped out from between it and the table. Steve was fast and caught your shoulder before you could evade him.
“Go where? Do what exactly?” his voice was stern and stolid, “huh? No one in town’s gonna hire you, we both know that. And you can’t make it in the city.”
“That’s mean, Steve, I want to go,” you pouted, “let me go.”
“Why can’t you see I’m helping you?”
“You have helped me but what you’re… offering is insulting, don’t you understand?”
“It’s generous is what I’d say,” he grabbed your other arm and pulled you close as he snarled down at you, “I can give you everything you need and want, all you have to do is give me…” his eyes crawled down your body, “a little sweetness.”
“You’re proud, I get it, you don’t want to admit you have no choice but what happens when Fletcher needs that room for storage or he rents it out to a higher bidder? Where do you go then? Huh, you keep handing out that resume and what has that degree got you but sorrys and no thank yous?”
“Get off--” you pushed on his chest as he squeezed your arms painfully.
“Let me tell you I will be the only yes you ever get,” he growled, “I made sure of it.”
“Wha-- I--”
“I’m not driving you back to town,” he released you, “so if you really wanna go, if your pride is worth all that, you can walk and see if you beat the wolves. Or you can stay and earn that extra bill I put in your pocket.”
“Steve, what the hell?”
“Your call,” his fingers stretched around the waist of his jeans as he flexed his chest, “reception’s shit so good luck getting a ride.”
“You can’t--”
“Let me make this easy for you. Walk and see if you make it home, stay and you’re already home.”
You searched his face. You’d never seen this side of him. You blinked and spun on your heel. Fuck him. You’d drive yourself and he could tell the police you stole his truck. You ran to the front door and snatched his keys from the hook. You bent to grab your boots but his hand on the back of your neck stopped you. 
He wrenched you back and tossed you against the wall. The keys tumbled to the floor and he kicked them away, “no cheating,” he said, “you wanna go then?”
Before you could answer the high whine of a coyote cut through the air and the glass slats of the front door dimmed. You faced him and your heart beat wildly.
“You going?” he asked again.
“You can’t do this,” you pleaded, “keep your money then. Just take me home.”
“No,” he marched towards you and pinned you by your neck against the wall. His hand threatened to stifle your breath as he leaned in, “go or stay?”
You batted away tears with your lashes. You turned your head as far as you could whimpered as the sky continued to darken through the marbled glass, “Steve.”
“Go or stay?” he rasped as his breath tickled your cheek.
You trembled and touched his wrist. He squeezed just a little and you gasped, “and if I get lost? If I die out there?”
His lips curved and he chuckled lightly, “you willing to take that risk?”
You watched him, looking for any crack in his veneer, looking for an ounce of the man who’d been your godsend in that desolate town. He wasn’t there. It had all been an act, a trick. He had you in his snare like any good hunter.
“What choice do I have?” you whispered.
He pressed his forehead to yours and his large nose brushed against the tip of yours, “I’m not that bad,” his other hand crept along your stomach, “you’ll see that,” he played with the ribbed cotton, “you'll never find anyone better than me.”
Please reblog and leave some feedback if you enjoyed. Thank you 💕
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Somethin’ Warm to Come To
Pairing: Billy Lee x dark!Fem Reader
Words: ~2.9k
Summary: There’s a new girl in the big house, but you’re Billy’s favorite.
Warnings: DARK!!!!!!!! Explicit language, explicit sexual content (f receiving oral sex, unprotected vaginal sex, forced voyeurism), violence (implied character death, mentions of killing and butchering animals for food, f to f violence), definite psychological torment, smoking, SMUT!!!! 18+ ONLY!!!!
A/N: I am definitely going to hell guys, this proves it. Please avoid if you’re one of my soft sweet babies! Thanks so much @sweeterthanthis for giving this a once over to make sure I didn’t go too overboard! Also, I know it’s pretty heavily implied in the movie that Billy’s partners are underage but we’re gonna say everyone here is over eighteen.
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You hummed softly to yourself as you worked on slicing the vegetables for the stew you were making for dinner.
Heather and Autumn were helping you in the kitchen, the two younger women working on butchering the chicken you had slaughtered earlier as you gave them instructions over your shoulder. Billy was still out, taking care of some problem one of the families on the commune was having, but he’d promised he was going to be back before the sun set.
It was your night, one of the two Billy set aside every week when it was just the two of you, the other women sent to their side cabin while you got lost in each other. You didn’t mind sharing him the rest of the time, but you were his first and his best, the queen of his little kingdom.
You turned to look when the screen door opened and sighed in exasperation when Rose came flowing in, eating an apple that she must have picked from the tree in the yard.
“Hello Rose.” You said, putting the cut up onions in the pot before moving on to the carrots. “Where have you been all morning?”
“Just walking around.” She said with a shrug, perching on a stool as she watched the three of you work. “It’s gorgeous outside.”
“I could’ve sworn I asked you to take care of the laundry.” You murmured, shooting your eyes towards the basket you had set by the back door.
She rolled her eyes at you before tossing the apple core in the bin and standing up to stretch lazily. You could feel the other two women tensing up behind you at her attitude, sensing your anger that the youngest woman seemed oblivious to.
Rose has only been with you a few months, and you were still a little pissed at Billy for bringing her into your delicate little ecosystem. She was lazy and stubborn, but so pretty and Billy just had to have her. At least she was good in bed, a little selfish though.
You’d almost slapped her last week when she refused to help keep the sheriff off Billy’s back when he was over for dinner. You had been buttering that man up for years with Billy’s sweet young wives and she almost blew the whole fucking thing until Autumn stepped up. She’d had the audacity to suggest you take care of him yourself and Billy had to hold you back to keep you from doing something stupid.
“I’ll do it tomorrow.” She said with a light laugh as she slapped the counter rhythmically. “Where’s Billy?”
“Taking care of something with the Hendersons.” You told her, chewing the inside of your cheek to keep from yelling at her. “They’ve been having trouble with coyotes getting into their chickens.”
She just snorted as she sauntered into the kitchen, inspecting what you were doing with minimal interest.
“Fine.” She said, hopping up onto the counter next to where you were working. “I think I’m gonna join you guys for dinner tonight.”
You heard Heather let out a gasp behind you and felt her and Autumn go completely still as you continued slicing.
“That’s not up to you.” You seethed as you tossed the carrots into the pot.
“I think Billy will be fine with it.” She said with a wicked grin. “He’s always so happy to see me.”
“Not up to him either.” You growled, stabbing the knife into the cutting board with a vicious thrust as you grabbed a hand towel.
“What, you jealous?” She teased you, kicking her feet lazily. “Not my fault Billy’s getting sick of that dried up snatch.”
You felt a wave of calm wash over you and stared at her for a beat before grabbing the back of her head and slamming it into the corner of the wall.
“Get out.” You said flatly to the other two women who were giving you terrified looks. “Now.”
They scurried out the back door without a second glance as you stood over Rose, who was holding her face and whimpering as she rolled around on the floor. You cocked your head as she tried to crawl away, grabbing her hair and yanking her up as she yelped in pain.
“C’mon sweetheart, let me see that pretty face you’re so proud of.” You cooed, a mocking look of concern on your face as you bent to look into her eyes.
She sniffled as she pulled her hands away from her face slowly. You tutted once you got a look at her, blood streaming over her chin from her nose and mouth.
“Not so pretty any more.” You said with a grin as you straightened back up.
She yelped as you slammed her face into the counter twice more until she finally shut up, dropping her to sag to the floor as you moved back to finish the stew. You frowned when you noticed the spray of blood across the front of your white linen dress but eventually shrugged before setting back to work, ignoring the crimson pool that was spreading across the tiles.
Billy walked through the door two hours later and grinned when he smelled the food. As much as he enjoyed having one of the pretty young things share your bed, he really loved having you all to himself.
“Hey sunflower.” He hummed when he walked into the dining room, wrapping himself around you and pressing his lips to yours as he wrapped his hands in your hair.
“Hey stardust.” You murmured happily against his lips. “I made your favorite.”
“You’re my favorite.” He cooed, rubbing his nose against yours before turning to take in the meal you’d set out. “Oh, what happened?”
Rose was tied to a chair at the opposite end of the table, her face purple and swollen as she cried around her gag. Billy noticed the blood splattered across your dress as you moved to slice the bread and he sank into his chair.
“Rose here wanted to join us this evening.” You said nonchalantly as you served him. “So I decided to make an exception to our alone time.”
“Shit, she mouth off to you baby?” He asked, his palm running over your thigh absentmindedly as he pulled you closer.
“Just a little.” You muttered as you sank into his lap.
“Well fuck, honey.” He purred as you tore off a piece of bread and brought it to his lips. “That’s no good.”
“I know. I fucking told you this would happen.” You hummed as he took a bite of the bread, his hands slowly dragging your skirt up to your hip.
“Yeah, I’m sorry sunflower.” He murmured before nuzzling into your neck. “Dunno why I didn’t listen to you.”
“Mmm, I forgive you stardust.” You moaned as he slid a hand between your thighs. “You really should eat your food though before it gets cold.”
“I’m only hungry for one thing, and it’s always nice and warm for me.”
You laughed lightly as he tossed you onto the table and wrenched your skirt up until it was gathered around your waist. He tossed your knees over his shoulders and started to plant soft kisses on the insides of your thighs.
He burying his face at the apex of your thighs and you moaned as he mouthed hungrily at your sex. You buried your fingers in his chestnut locks as his tongue swirled through your folds and he growled into your core.
“Fuck, Billy.” You whined when he wrapped his arms around your legs and pressed himself even further into you, shaking his head softly to bury his face even deeper in your folds.
You felt him grinning as your pussy clenched against his face, your arousal soaking his mustache and chin as he lapped at your clit. He held your legs open as he thrust his tongue inside you and you let out a wail.
“You taste like heaven, sunflower.” He purred as he gazed up at you through his lashes. “You wanna fuck my face while that little bitch watches?”
“Mm, yes. You know me so well, stardust.” You said, biting your lip and grinning as you peeked over your shoulder at Rose, your smile growing even wider when you saw tears leaking down her cheeks.
You started to grind against Billy’s face as he curled his tongue inside you against that spot that made your toes curl. His fingers pressed into your hips so hard they were going to leave bruises as you fought against his grip to clench your thighs around his head.
“Shit, right there.” You sobbed, your legs quivering with strain as your body went rigid before your release flowed into his mouth.
He groaned as you came around his tongue, your pussy fluttering wildly as you planted your free hand behind you to keep you from collapsing back against the table. You slowly relaxed as you came down, tugging Billy’s hair softly to tilt his head back and grin at him as you watched him run his tongue over his lips slowly.
He stood up between your legs and cupped your cheek as he gazed at you before bending to press his lips to yours softly. You sighed with content as you tasted yourself on his lips, tracing the curve of his mouth with your tongue and sliding his loose shirt down his shoulders.
“Hey! Open your fucking eyes!” He hissed over your shoulder as he snapped his fingers at Rose who had screwed her eyes closed and was trying to turn away. “You wanted to be here, so now you're gonna watch.”
He stepped away from you and prowled towards the opposite end of the table, ignoring the muted pleading that was coming from behind Rose’s gag. You swayed your legs lazily as he started to drag her towards where you were waiting. He slammed the front of the chair down dangerously before slotting himself between your thighs again.
You purred as he slowly undid the buttons on the front of your dress and bent to brush his lips over your collarbone. His hands moved to your waist after he slipped the sleeves down your arms, drawing you closer to him as his mouth traced the column of your throat.
Your hands moved between the two of you as he moved his face to run over your breasts, your fingers working quickly to undo his jeans.
“Fuck, flower.” He groaned as you drew his cock out and wrapped your hand around him, swirling your thumb through the precum that had collected at his tip. “Wanna feel that perfect cunt of yours around me.”
“Yeah? I want to feel that pretty cock of yours split me open, baby.” You teased as you lined him up, reaching out to slap Rose across the face when you saw her closing her eyes again. “Eyes open, bitch.”
He slid into you slowly with a low groan, leaning his forehead against yours as he watched you closely. You mewled softly as you felt him fill you up, your pussy fluttering around him once his hips met yours and you adjusted to his girth.
Your eyes rolled up into your skull as he drew out of you halfway before thrusting forward again, his hips slapping on your thighs as he drove into you roughly. He ducked his head and sucked a bruise below your ear as his arms wrapped around you, on hand trailing up your back to wind through your hair.
The soft sobbing sounds from Rose really spurred the two of you on, Billy’s thrusts becoming more vicious as he let out a feral growl against your throat. You dragged your nails over his back as his tip nudged against your cervix, making your vision white out for a second before you let out a shriek and came around him.
“Fuck, god you feel so fucking good.” He groaned as he followed you when you collapsed back against the table, pressing his chest to yours as he fucked you through it. “Like you were fucking made for my cock.”
“That’s cuz I was, stardust.” You cooed, wrapping your legs around his waist and arching your back to meet his thrusts. “We were made for each other, all this other pussy is just icing on the damn cake.”
He grinned before kissing you deeply, hooking his hands under your knees and drawing them up to loop over his shoulders as he sank into you even deeper. You whined as he ground against you, rubbing his pubic bone into your clit and making your breath hitch in your chest.
“So damn beautiful.” He murmured as he watched you fall apart. “Can’t believe this stupid cunt thought she could take your place.”
You bit your lip and your entire body spasmed with the force of your orgasm, your release squirting across Billy’s stomach. He buried his face in your neck and let out a low growl at the feel of your pussy clenching around him.
Your legs unwound from around his shoulders as he slowly pulled out of you, giving you a teasing grin before he flipped you over and slammed back into you. He brushed your hair out of his way and bent to press his lips to the back of your neck as he leaned his chest on your back, sinking his weight on top of you as his cock dragged against your g-spot.
“You close, flower?” He cooed, nipping at the shell of your ear. “I want this bitch to watch me fill you up.”
You turned your head to the side and beamed at Rose as Billy’s cock twitched inside you and his tongue traced the curve of your ear.
“Yeah, I’m real close baby.” You purred, arching your back to meet his hips as he buried his face in your hair.
He wrapped one hand underneath you, snaking his arm between your breasts before pressing his fingers to your throat and giving a gentle squeeze. His other hand brushed your hair from your face softly and cupped your jaw, his thumb tugging at your bottom lip until you sucked it into your mouth with a moan.
You gasped when he suddenly straightened, pulling you up with him as he knelt with one knee on the table and the other foot planted on the floor.
“Do it honey.” He groaned as you nipped at the pad of his thumb. “Wanna feel that pretty pussy cream all over my cock. Show this stupid cow what she thought she could steal from you.”
He sank his teeth into your shoulder and you let out a low moan as your whole body tried to arch off the table. You wrapped your hands around his forearms to anchor yourself as stars exploded behind your eyes, your voice leaving you in a hoarse cry as a wave of ecstasy crashed over you.
You felt Billy swelling inside you, his thrusts starting to become erratic as his own end loomed. He stilled his hips suddenly and groaned in your ear before he was filling you with warmth, his spend coating your satiny walls in thick ropes that started to leak down the insides of your thighs.
“Oh, that’s my good girl.” He cooed, holding you close to him as he relaxed, leaning back on his heel as his lips traced the curve of your neck. “My perfect little sunflower. Love you so much, honey.”
“Mmm, love you too, Billy.” You hummed, sinking back against him as his fingers ran over your skin. “What d’you want me to do with this cunt?”
He pressed his lips against your cheek in a warm kiss before untangling himself from you slowly. You groaned when his softening cock slid out of you, a soft wet sound accompanying it as his seed ran down your thigh in a slow trickle.
Billy stood up and walked towards Rose slowly, frowning as he watched her sob around her gag and fight her bonds. He gripped her chin harshly and turned her face towards him, looking closely at the bruises you’d left all over her pretty face.
“Disgusting.” He spat, releasing his grip on her chin and letting her head sag against her chest as he wiped his cock off on her skirt. “Should’ve been happy with what she had. Get rid of her baby.”
You beamed at him as he prowled to the kitchen to grab a cigarette, ignoring the renewed screaming that was coming from Rose’s mouth. You followed after him, grabbing your carving knife off the counter before heading back to the dining room.
“The west garden bed needs some new fertilizer anyway.” You said, hefting the blade and cocking your head at Rose as she knocked the chair over in an attempt to flee.
“Whatever you want baby.” He murmured, taking a long drag when the screaming finally stopped. “I’ll let you help me pick the next one.”
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wanderingaldecaldo · 3 years
Leaving Night City
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For Snippet Sunday, a bit of No One’s Gonna Love You, Chapter 4. Fuck, am I proud of this chapter. There’s angst, comfort, some of my tightest prose, a really cool literary trick I’ve been wanting to use, and also what’s probably my best smut ever. (Smut not detailed below though maybe I should do a smutty Sunday post too... 🤔😏)
V takes advantage of the shitty motel’s indoor plumbing and showers in private one last time. She dawdles in the cool spray. Rolling out means Mitch is better, and her stomach trembles with nerves at seeing him in person for the first time since that day. Finally she steps out of the water and dresses, donning her favorite jeans and tank as well as her favorite sneakers she couldn’t part with. Last is the Aldecaldos jacket. She pulls it snug, checks herself in the mirror and, once satisfied, hauls the duffel that contains her life to the Javelina.
Panam’s waiting for her when she arrives, and they share a moment gazing at the city. There’s nothing left for her here, but there might be something in Arizona, or someone. She lingers for a moment before following Panam to her truck. She might be dying, but it sure as hell won’t be in Night City.
The nerves in her stomach have grown into knots and she’s glad for Panam’s conversation for distraction. As they drive through the solar station and enter Jackson Plains, a Coyote speeds by them on the left, its horn blaring.
“Panam!” Mitch’s voice on the radio makes V’s heart sing. “Girl, are you running from Night City or goin’ to your granny’s for cookies and milk? Gun it or that storm’ll catch ya!”
“Screw you!” Panam says as she laughs.
“Mitch! Hey!”
“Hey, V,” he answers softly; she can hear his smile.
“Good to hear you,” she says, her voice wavering. “How’s things?”
“Give me a month and I’ll be good as new. I told y’all I’d be fine, didn’t I?”
“Come on, Mitch, you weren’t nearly that confident after Mikoshi, none of us were. He was in bed for weeks, a vegetable,” she says as V didn’t know, as if she hadn’t been watching her agent for any sign of activity.
“Did save every one of our asses, though,” V says.
“Pity Saul’s not with us,” Panam says with a sigh, and it’s like a punch to the gut. “Or Teddy. Or Bobby. Or Scorpion....”
With each name another punch, until her chest is squeezed tight and she’s biting her lip to keep from crying. Turning to the window, she blinks away the tears that started to form and cranes her neck for one last glimpse at Night City. The late afternoon sun has receded behind the city and the shadows of the skyline stretch after them like brittle branches of a barren tree.
“They would’ve kicked your ass out of whack after that move with the panzer. Then hugged you until you puked.”
“I know, Panam, I know,” Mitch answers, forlorn.
“Gave us all a chance at a new start. Let’s not fuck it up,” V says, and she tries to keep her voice steady, as if she’s not the cause of their deaths, the reason Mitch had to do what he did.
“I’m glad you’re with us, V.” His voice is once again gentle. “See you soon.”
If Panam can forgive her, if Mitch can, then maybe one day she can forgive herself. The tears that were hovering just beneath the surface break through and she swipes at her eyes with her hand, and she’s thankful Panam hasn’t noticed and, for once, lets her ride in peace.
They follow his car to a clearing of solar panels with an antenna tower. As Panam stops the truck, the door to the Coyote opens and Mitch climbs out, one long leg then another then finally the rest of him and her stomach flips when his eyes find hers. His pace is slow yet deliberate and she follows his movements until his handsome face and beautiful eyes are in the window and he’s smiling at her—smiling, not smirking—and there’s something in the smile, the crinkle of his eyes that makes her heart flutter.
Mitch leans in and it’s déjà vu like that time right before Mikoshi when she couldn’t breathe and he’d held her hand and she closes her eyes as his lips meet hers and she’s the best thing he’s ever tasted and it doesn’t matter how long this headache lasts as long as it means V smiles at him that way.
After a long moment Mitch opens his eyes and pulls back, and V licks her kiss-swollen lips, her look disappointed as it dips to his mouth. Nice to see she missed him too. Her messages said she did, but nothing like a kiss for confirmation.
“Shall we get the fuck out of here?” he asks, beaming at her.
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asterekmess · 4 years
honestly, my fury at the lack of werewolf culture/history/worldbuilding is worthy of its own post. Let me know if by some ungodly chance, you actually wanna hear my thoughts on it // Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
ohmygod yes, pls, enable me.
I think I mentioned b4 that Teen Wolf hates werewolves.
This is a show about werewolves like, yeah, sure, they do other plots and stuff. But the main character is a werewolf. The vast majority of the cast are werewolves (at least in the first half of the show). But think about it. What do we actually know about werewolves? They uhh, they shift on the full moon. But like, what about the full moon? Cus’ Scott gets handcuffed to a radiator and he doesn’t shift and break out until the moon comes out from behind the clouds and he screams like it’s excruciatingly painful for him. But then Derek and his Betas are underground during their full moon, and they shift like it’s all fine and dandy (they’re furious, but there’s no pain) and it doesn’t matter whether they can see the moon or not. They, uhh, they’re allergic to wolfsbane/it’s poisonous to them (btw it’s poisonous to literally everyone, just the scent of it is enough to cause seizures and hallucinations in humans. It’s a whole other frustration that they won’t make up their fucking minds abt it. It’s one thing to say that this is some parallel universe where wolfsbane doesn’t poison humans (bc lydia makes them hallucinate with the punch but injesting that much wolfsbane should kill you, and Stiles straight pulls a plant out of the ground; should’ve caused itching, burning, a cough, nausea, fever, headache and More hallucinations) and yet Jackson has to see a doctor and gets told he’s got Aconite Poisoning. So WHAT IS THE TRUTH?) but apparently not enough for Derek not to be able to plant a wolfsbane plant and massive cord of roots (which he would’ve had to tie together himself) in a revenge spiral around Laura’s body. But just being around it causes wolves to lose control. But also there’s supposed to be different strains that do different things? And also sometimes you burn the wolfsbane and it becomes the cure, or you have to burn it out of them or you just cut it out of them? Make UP Your MIND or at least ACKNOWLEDGE that different strains do different things. They get stronger on a full moon. But does that mean they get infinitely stronger with every full moon they experience? Does that mean they get weaker during new moons? They’re stronger in packs. Okay, but they never establish what the fuck a pack is. Is it an agreement? Is it a magical bond? Scott just sort of says people are in his pack. Does that mean they are? Do the humans he knows make him stronger? Just how strong is this bond? Derek makes a claim that “You have your own pack now” so is that a joke, was he mocking scott? Or is he saying that there’s no need for an Alpha and just being a beta with some friends counts as a pack? Apparently they have some kind of...animal magnetism or mind control? Derek uses a funny voice and a guy wakes up from a near coma to look at him with seemingly no control. Peter can force Scott to shift up. Derek forces Isaac to shift down. Derek has an insane amount of control over dogs and makes one lose its fucking mind from like a hundred feet away? Scott makes one calm down, but derek sends attack dogs running with their tails between their legs. Is it actual control or is it just a persuasion? Is it just intimidation? I haven’t even gotten to culture. You’re telling me that we get an entire episode of Allison discovering the entire story behind the Argent clan’s origins as werewolf hunters, why they started, how her name means Silver and apparently that’s where the entire myth of silver hurting werewolves comes from, but we don’t get to know anything about the first werewolves? Where they come from? If they’re a form of evolution or just straight magic or if it’s a curse or a gift from the gods? There’s an entire hidden werewolf population with packs all over the world, but somehow there’s literally no wolf culture? No moon worship? No specific terminology (Alpha, Beta, and Omega are terms used by a really fucking stupid biologist who studied frantic wolves in captivity and cast aspersions on the entire species. He’s been disproven a Thousand Times. NONE of that Alpha, Beta, Omega shit is right. Packs aren’t Hierarchies of Dominance. They’re families. They’re led by two wolves, yes, an “alpha pair” that’s literally JUST THE PARENTS. THE ‘BETAS’ ARE THEIR KIDS. This terminology makes sense if used by HUNTERS who consider werewolves to be mindless dumb animals. WHY THE FUCK would werewolves use it to DESCRIBE THEMSELVES?) besides the absolute minimum of ‘I caught a scent?’ Are you serious? Then there’s werewolf ages. Oh my god that was so fucking lazy. Saying that werewolves don’t age like humans, but that Cora is seventeen “by human standards” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? I’ve seen theories that go so many different ways. The idea that Werewolves live really long lives because of the superhealing. The idea that they live really short lives because their healing just burns through their body really quickly. The idea that their lifespan is directly correlated to the amount of damage they take because they can only heal so much, so wolves who get hurt a lot age faster than wolves who don’t. There’s NO explanation! You’d think it might be an interesting point for Scott to find out that he’s gonna live to fucking 200 years old. (How old is Satomi again?) That sounds like something a Teenager would be daunted by. We see them make fun of Stiles a few times because he believes werewolf myths about silver, and then because he believes Peter when Peter tells him he lives in a series of underground caves. But like...why not? THESE ARE WEREWOLVES why did you just make them humans with extra facial hair? Where are the traditional mating rituals (or even the concept of a mate/life partner, can you imagine how interesting that would’ve been? If Scott found out Allison was his mate? Or if he suddenly had all these weird urges around her, like rubbing their foreheads together or cuddling her way too much or wanting to bring her food? That would’ve been fascinating and hilarious as subplots for their romance!) where are the full moon runs or pack get-togethers? Where are the aversions to perfumes or cologne? Where are literally any animal behaviors besides AGGRESSION? Where is the den-making? Can werewolves eat fast food or does the grease bug them? Talia was a famous Alpha bc she could full shift. Does anyone know why she could do that? “Evolution” is a bullshit answer, let’s be real. It’s shitty writing and it put Derek through so much more than he deserved. THEY ACCIDENTALLY ESTABLISHED that ALL HALES can full-shift! IT’s NOT EVOLUTION. It’s BIRTHRIGHT. Talia fullshifted. Peter full-shifted (though his was distorted into the monster thingy. That wasn’t anything like Deucalion’s shift. It was a FULL SHIFT) Laura could full shift bc she did it after she died. No other werewolves on the show turned into full wolves after death, even if they died with wolfsbane in their system? MALIA could full-shift into a coyote. LITERALLY EVERY HALE except Cora and that’s bc she got booted back to South America COuld FULL SHIFT (and it never happened after they lost all of their wolf powers, that coud’ve been an interesting plot if they didn’t FUCK IT UP.) But still there’s no explanation, or even just acknowledgement? You don’t have to spell it out for us, but at least SAY “Hey, so the Hale family is really powerful and all of us can full-shift. Not sure why, but it’s neat.) I’m still stuck on rituals. Routines. Werewolf mores. Social cues. Are there certain smells they’re supposed to ignore? Is it polite to pretend you don’t hear someone coming up to your house until they knock? Do they have rules about waiting until the Alpha eats before they start eating (much like how lots of traditional households wait for the father to dig in, or whoever is head of household)? Is it tradition to homeschool werewolves for the first few years until they learn control? Are there seriously no rules about biting humans? You don’t have to talk to their parents or have a specific conversation with them? And if werewolves are so dominance/hierarchy based, then you’re telling me there’s no “second-in-command” or respectful greetings that are supposed to be used for an Alpha? There’s absolutely no form of werewolf government or ancient laws or anything except a big spiral that is universally recognized as a sign you’re gonna kill people? What was the wolfsbane around Laura’s body for? Why make the spiral out of that instead of just drawing in the dirt or something? We make a lot of jokes about Derek being bad with his words, but so is Peter and so is Cora. And they’re the only born wolves we interact with (except Satomi who ALSO isn’t a chatterbox) What if that’s not just because they’re all traumatized and cranky? What if they’re just speaking on a different level? Scents and body language are integral to wolf interaction. Like how we say that Peter has that conversation with Derek’s eyebrows? What if Derek’s so fucking pissed all the time because he hates talking to Scott because SCott ISN”T LISTENING to his body language and scent and chemosignals? He tells Scott to use all his senses, and Scott does it fucking once to say that Peter felt “Angry” and never again. What if Derek is Talking PLENTY (with his body and movements and reactions) but Scott just isn’t paying attention? Isaac seems to understand Derek just fine. Erica and Boyd never complain that Derek is lying to them or ‘keeping something’ from them? What if the reason Scott always thinks Derek’s hiding something is because he isn’t reading the rest of Derek’s conversation and he assumes that the empty feeling is Derek lying. Even STILES seems to understand Derek. He’s human, but he goes totally wolfy. He already uses body language a lot and while he gets mad at Derek he never has to ask what the fuck derek is saying or what he’s holding back. I digress. I wanna know why no other packs came to help Derek and Laura after their family died. I wanna know why Emissaries and Druids are so incredibly important to the supernatural/werewolf world but Derek barely knew they existed (Especially when it’s established that he know tons of lore about other species.) and even though every single pack should have an emissary, they never handle who is the emissary for Derek’s pack or for Scott’s pack (Once again, is an emissary bound to their pack somehow or is it just an agreement?). I wanna know why Derek knew Satomi and trusted her but for some reason never felt like he could ask her for help? Centuries of hiding and living amongst humans with almost no wolf behavior to their name, but none of these packs interact? There’s Druid Vets and Hunter cops and Emissary counselors. But no werewolf doctors? No werewolf teachers? Absolutely no werewolf society? If Derek was worried about Paige not accepting that he was a werewolf unless she became one, what does that say about his experience with humans? He says “there were people in my family that were perfectly ordinary in that house” who died in the fire. But wouldn’t he talk to a human pack member about his worries, if he had one? Or even a bitten pack member? He admits he doesn’t know how to train a Bitten wolf. He’s never been called out by a human pack member for using phrases like ‘caught a scent’ or for reacting to things he shouldn’t. Does this mean Derek’s family was entirely werewolves? No humans in the know? No bitten wolves? He has a huge thing about keeping the secret and never letting anyone in on it unless they get dragged into it. Did Derek’s pack have some kind of prejudice against humans? Was Derek raised to believe humans were weak or cowardly or something, that he thought this beautiful girl would automatically hate him and expose him if she were to discover the supernatural without being forced into silence by self-preservation.
Lots of times, it’s easy to forget in this fandom that so much is missing, because we’ve been filling in the gaps for so long that some stuff is practically canon. It’s generally assumed that the Hales were homeschooled before high school. It’s generally assumed that there’s some kind of bond that marks people as pack. We instinctively add in mentions of Scent and the use of the shift (growling, claws, a hint of fang, flashing eyes) as part of the casual communication between characters. We add in scent-marking and territory boundaries and specific roles in the pack. We do all of that and never think twice because it’s already in all the fic. But we did that. The show gave us nothing. It spent an entire season talking about the nogitsune and the oni and how they’re summoned and what kitsune fox tails are for, but we never got to find out why wolves can do the pain-drain (or even if it dissipates the pain or just transfers it to the wolf doing the draining) or if Derek Hale EVEN HAS A DAD.
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Gilly Lopez x Reader
Serie Index. Chapter 3.
Word count: 2.7k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @starrynite7114 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. English isn’t my first language, I’m sorry if I have some mistakes with grammar. The gif isn't mine.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 @chibsytelford @mara-mpou @dazzledamazon @sammskellington @arvedua 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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You're nervous.
Gilly is holding your hand, carrying a cardboard bag in the other. You're about to sweat with every step you walk through the alley, on your way to the clubhouse. You look at him, biting your inner lip when you stopped walking. He turns at you with a raised eyebrow. Looking down for a second, you sigh.
“What's up?”
“What if I don't fit in?”
You have your own demons, a past that you wanna hide but sooner or later it will come out. It's not only about what they expected of you, or if you're good enough. It's about your shadow and what it has to say about you.
“Baby, they already love you. You don't have anything to worry about.”
“They're your family.”
“Are you more concerned about them being my family than about what they do?” Gilly laughs loud, you frown upset releasing his hand. “Cariño, come here”.
He pushes you next to his body, holding your waist between his hands. Rising up on your tiptoes and your fingers tangled in his shirt, you kiss him softly. He knows how to calm you down, with that peace only he can transmit to you.
“Shit, I ruin your lipstick”.
“Are you fuckin' serious?” You shout taking the phone of your pocket to see your reflection on the screen.
“Of course not. You're using that one I hate, 'cause it doesn't leave any mark”. He's laughing and you know you can't be upset with him, when he has that kind of smile on his face. He makes you melt every time he laughs so naturally. “Everything is gonna be ok, baby.”
You're not sure about that, but his kiss on your temple relaxed you. With an arm on your shoulders, you two finally arrive to the front yard. It's been three months since you were there last, but seems that everything is the same. You can see Angel taking care of the barbecue near the ring, with a big table full of different types of meat. Some of the guys are sitting around the bonfire accompanied by girls you supposed are from Vicky's place. Gilly told you about them. Good girls, bad life. They're drinking, smoking, laughing, focused on a conversation which is finished when they see you.
“Pretty girl is here!” Coco shouts getting up, walking next to you. “What's up, soldier?”
“Hey”. You say a little bit shy.
“What's that, ah?” He takes the bag in your hand, looking inside.
“Oh, ahm… Gilly told me… Bishop? Is that?” You ask to him, trying to remember all the names. He nods with a soft smile. “Yeah, Gilly told me that Bishop likes to dip the meat. And I made a sauce my mom showed me”.
“Well, lets see what he have to say about it”.
“No, no, wait!” Before you can say anything else, Coco already given him the sauce. Bishop looks at you with a serious gesture on his face. “Shit”. You sigh rubbing your nose.
“He will like it”. Gilly tries to calm you down, while the president walks towards Angel to asks him for a piece of meat.
With the plastic pot on the table, he dips it before eat it. He seems thoughtful, tasting every ingredient of the sauce. Then, you can see how he makes a gesture with the right hand calling someone. An older man walks next to him, while the president dips another piece to offer it to him. He eats it without asking. Gilly is trying to contain his laughs, 'cause he knows what they're doing. You're trembling as fuck.
“Gilly, they're coming”. You mutter at him without turning, with your whole body tensed.
You're about to hide behind your boyfriend when both men stand up in front of you, but you can't move a single inch.
“You made it?” The unknown man is the first one to talk. You nod remarkably nervous. Your hands are sweating.
“My mom… was living in Spain… The sauce is from there”.
“Garlic and oil?” Bishop asks.
“Lemon and salt. It's similar to mayonnaise”. After some seconds in silence, Gilly is who answers.
“Relax, pretty girl. It's fucking awesome, thanks for making it”. Bishop starts to laugh, as Taza does. “Welcome to the clubhouse. You wanna beer?”
“Yes… Sure…”
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
Thirty minutes later you almost feel like you're at home, it has its good things and its bad things. But you like it. You have a burger between your fingers, having a bite of it, while you're listening to funny stories about Gilly that Coco and Creeper are telling. He's ashamed, but at least you're calmer than before. They don't look as the assholes you thought they were gonna be. Men having fun, that's all; enjoying a family dinner.
“So, you work at a preschool?” Gilly seems alleviated when Riz changes the topic.
“Yes”. You nod covering your mouth with a hand, eating one bite. “Since two years ago”. You say after swallowing it. “With children from three years to six”.
“Is it hard?” EZ asks focusing in your words.
“Sometimes. Mostly they're good children, but when they wake up after a nap… Good god, they are like a herd of hungry coyotes”. That comparison accompanied by the gesture on your face seems so funny that everyone laugh.
“Where are you from, (Y/N)?” Bishop asks with a kind of curiosity that makes you feel uncomfortable for a second.
Gilly and you answer at the same time.
“Tijuana, Mexico, I mean”. You add. And you can see that the president is thinking about something that you wouldn't like to know.
The night goes on, feeling a kind of strange tension installed between Bishop and you, even if you try to push it away. But your attention travel to a noisy car being parked next to the motorbikes, and you can swear that you heard a “shit” coming from Angel's mouth. Three girls get out of it. Short dresses, exaggerated makeup and smelling like tropical fruits. You turn your face to the men around you, they don't seem so happy because of the new visit.
The girls walk towards the fire, having some beers of the nearest table, believing that they're the divas in the party. You can't handle with arrogance, but you keep your mouth closed.
“Looks like you saw a ghost, what's up, caballeros?” The blonde one shrugs for a moment, before drink of the bottle. “Woah, look at that pretty girl! Are you new? What street do you work on?”
Taza and Creeper snort. Did she call you ‘bitch’? Seems like. You raise a leg on the chair, supporting your feet on the edge of it. Your arm on your knee, the beer in your hand. You adopted that defensive posture, 'cause sometimes it's better let your body talks instead of your mouth.
“She's (Y/N), my girlfriend”.
“Yea' and don' worry 'bout your work, Crystal”. Coco says smoking of his cigar. “She's a teacher. A girl with a real job”.
If it was allowed, you could clap till hurt your hands because of his words.
“A real job is what I did with Gilly. I sucked his cock so many times it has my name on it”.
Now you know what's happening and why the men look so embarrassed. You know well what she's trying, but you're not intimidated by anyone. No longer. Slowly, very slowly, you draw a soft smile on your lips. That gesture baffles everyone. Tangling the fingers of your free hand on your hair, pulling it behind your shoulders, you have a sip of your drink.
“And it only cost me to erase it a quick ride in the shower.”
At first, the front yard is silent. The men are looking at you with the eyes so opened that you're sure they could fall on the floor.
“Yo! She destroyed my ego, but man! She destroyed your existence!” Angel's laughter resounds throughout the place.
At this point of the night, the MC knows they can't fucking mess with you.
You start to think that the blonde girl in front of you thought that she could be an “Old Lady” or however they call it, but she fucked up everything before you came to Gilly's life. You try to remember her name being pretty sure that he talked you about her. Yeah, she was the one who he used to fuck at Vicky's place. But they weren't anything. A girl making a favor. That's all. And yes, of course you believe him.
“He will come back to my bed, remember my words”. Crystal says, proudly lifting the chin.
“Why don' you fucking leave, uh?” Gilly finally talks with anger, gesticulating with a hand for a second. You put a hand on his chest, palming it softly without turning your eyes to him.
You get up of your seat, leaving the beer somewhere on the floor, walking toward her. Face to face. You can smell her disgusting breath of mixed cigars and who-knows-what. Your orbs travel all over her face, studying every inch of it. You can see she's getting nervous, invading her personal space. Cross-armed, you look her from top to bottom slowly.
“You already had your glory minute. Now, leave”.
“Or what?”
“I know you're smart enough to know what's gonna happen' next”.
The three girls laugh, while the others whom were so kind with you are sighing. Seems like it's not the first time she do something similar. The problem comes when she's against someone who's ready for everything.
Crystal pushes you away with both hands on your chest, hardening her face. You laugh softly, putting your eyes on your own feet. Bad decision. Your left fist hits her ribs, causing her to bend forward with a yowl inside her throat. Moving faster, you put both hands on her nape, hitting her face this time with your knee, lifting it up tight. And when you're about to punch her again, hearing the crying, two shoots in the air make you stop. Of course, seeing how fast you move, the Mayans weren't gonna mediate physically. Your chest ascends and descends furious. Pushing your hair away from your face, you turn to the men. They're totally freaking out, but you're not able to look at Gilly. You're fucking ashamed.
The two unknown girls help their friend while Bishop keeps the gun behind his back, walking next to you. You think you fucked up things, before see how he directs his gaze towards Crystal.
“Don't talk about my man like that again, and if you can't respect his Old Lady as she deserves, then get the fuck out of my fucking MC. Or 'am gonna fuck you down and not in the way you would like it, you heard me, querida?” Then, he looks at you. “Come with me”.
Without a word, you follow the president inside the clubhouse, walking the place they call ‘the templo’; a large room with a big table in the middle. He takes a seat on the front chair, pointing with his hand the nearest. You do what appears to be an order. Taking the tobacco pack of his pocket, he offers you a cigar. You light it in your lips having a deepest puff. He does the same. You know that he knows.
“I saw the tattoo between the ring finger and the small one”.
“It's just a tattoo”. You shake your head with pursed lips.
“No, it's not”. He sentences. There's a pause, before he continues talking. “What are you doing here?”
“I'm hiding”.
“From what?”
“From a crazy ex”.
He raises an eyebrow, supporting his arms against the edge of the table.
“You can ask for my medical reports and all the complaints I made”. Your heart is beating faster than you could it's allowed.
“Are you an active member?”
“I've never been. My brother is the president, that's all”.
“You're brother is the president of Los Coyotes de Tijuana, and you say ‘that's all’?”
“Look, I'm not here to… spy or something like that. God! This is why I didn't tell anything about it, Bishop. Why would I have waited two years? It doesn't make sense”.
“Gilly knows?”
“Of course not”.
The man sighs rubbing his temples, throwing himself in the chair. He have a smoke, leaving it out by his nose.
“Your brother knows?”
“You know you have to request a transfer if you wanna stay here, even if you are not an active member, right?”
“And you have to tell Gilly”. Your heart stop for a second. You nod swallowing. But then happens something you didn't expect. Bishop holds your hand on the table, urging to look at him. “He's a good man, even if he does what he does. And I know you're telling the truth, but there are no secrets between my crew. And now, you're part of it. If you need protection, we'll give it to you. Although you know how to defend yourself, kid”.
You nod again in silence, while the man is getting up of his chair.
“I'll tell Gilly to come and you're gonna say him who you are, ok? And tomorrow you will arrange a meeting with Los Coyotes”.
Another nod.
The wait for your boyfriend is insanely long, feeling how your heart stops again when the door is opened. You can't turn to him, it's hard to face a situation where you are about to lose the only good thing you have had in life.
“You ok?” He sounds worried, sitting next to you.
“I have to… tell you something, Gilly. And I don't know how to do it”.
“Then make up the truth”. He repeats the words you said in Santa Madre, but you shake your head.
“I wasn't scared of Mayans”. You start, raising your eyes looking for his. “I was scared of what I have to tell you and you don't accepting it, or don't accepting me”.
He's listening only focused on you.
“My brother is the president of Los Coyotes de Tijuana”.
He has an impassive grin on his face.
“I'm not a member, I'm… just his sister, even if I grow up with them. My parents were killed because of their fault, more or less. So, they ‘adopted us’. My brother begun to be a prospect, till three years ago when they made him their president”. You sigh heavily, before showing him the tattoo on your finger. “Look… I didn't tell you 'cause…”
“Bishop already told me your story, before coming in”. He finally talks, and you're not sure what to think. “Are you really here because of me?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you really feel something for me, or it was just a trick to get closer to the Mayans?”
“Good god…”
“Answer the question, (Y/N)?” His voice is rough, determinant.
“I know it's been three months since we met, but… Shit, Gilly! You're everything I want. I've been hiding my whole life. And yes, I know how to fight, or shoot, or whatever. But being with you made me feel safe for the first time. And it's not only that. You take care of me without expecting anything back.” You're trying your best, exposing all your truly feelings for him. “Gilly, I love you. And I don't wanna lose you. Please… believe me”.
“Arrange the meeting, (Y/N)”. It's all he says.
“Gilly, please…”
“I have to go”.
“No, Gilly, listen. Please!” You're in tears getting up of your seat at the same time he does, trying to stop him.
“Leave me, (Y/N). I need to think and be alone”.
You nod biting your trembling inner lip, looking how he walks out of the Templo.
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sundownings-moved · 3 years
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originally a 3 part one shot series from when i was on igrp, this is set before and during season 4 of teen wolf. it is highly inspired by the supernatural episode ‘wayward sisters’. this is not considered canon on this blog. mutuals may interact.
word count : 3,700 words
warnings : brief mention of drugs, brief mention of physical abuse, death, guns
“you got someone watching you.” grace, one of alice’s teammates, nudged alice and nodded towards the stands where a girl with a halo of dark curls seemed to have picked out alice out of the crowd of volleyball players to watch. 
alice turned only to see the girl turn her gaze back down to the book in her lap. even though she’d turned her attention away, alice couldn’t help but stare a little bit as well.
“who’s she?” grace tossed the volleyball at alice and hit her on the shoulder to draw her attention back to the drill they were running.
alice rubbed her arm and picked up the ball, tossing it back to grace to keep a rally going. “i don’t really know, she’s in my english class. kinda quiet but insanely pretty.”
“your water bottle’s right there. go talk to her.” grace hit the ball off her wrists and sent it flying back towards alice.
“no! i can’t, she’s probably not even gay.” alice shook her head as she leaned and hit the ball back towards grace.
grace laughed. “lahey, you got eyes right? she’s definitely gay or bi or something. she’s got a thing for you.”
“bullshit!” alice dropped the ball when it came back her way and held it. 
“she’s checking you out right now. gimme that!” grace gestured for her to toss the ball to her and when alice did, she set it, hitting it over alice’s head and into the stands landing right next to the girl they’d been talking about.
“what the fuck, grace!” hissed alice, crossing her arms over her chest.
“go get it, lahey.” it was clear from grace’s smirk that she meant to do that.
alice sighed, rolling her eyes before walking over to the bleachers and climbing up them to retrieve the ball. “sorry about my friend, she’s kind of an asshole.”
“why’d you tell her you didn’t know me?”
alice looked down at the ball in her hands and shrugged. “i’m sorry naomi- i uh, i don’t really bring up being in eichen here. i’m already enough of a freak. i didn’t think you’d hear me.” she grabbed a drink from her water bottle when she heard her coach yell at her to stop chatting.
“you should probably go. i’ll talk to you later, alice.” naomi was clearly hurt by alice pretending not to know her, after all she really didn’t know anyone else at bhhs.
after practice and freshly showered, alice found naomi outside the gym. she leaned against the side of the brick building. 
back in her t-shirt and leggings she was a lot less intimidating than she had been on the court, but no less pretty than she had been to naomi when they shared a room in eichen house. “you’re doing good, i can tell.” she was quiet, not wanting to draw the attention of any of the other students leaving their practices and games with their conversation.
“you are too, i mean you look like you are.” alice stuttered out. “i thought you were going back to devenford?”
“they kicked me out. they didn’t want me to besmirch their precious reputation and besides i kind of skipped school for two weeks.” it was naomi’s turn to look down in shame. 
alice raised an eyebrow, letting out a sharp exhale. “you in trouble again?”
“yes, but not like selling. i’m not doing that anymore, i promise i’m clean.” she wasn’t sure what to tell alice or what the blonde knew about what was really going on in beacon hills. “something bit me.”
“like a wolf?” alice set her gym bag down on the ground.
“not a wolf, a coyote.” she was surprised how quickly alice had found her way to something close to the truth though. 
“i know someone who can help you. if you want. my brother, the one i told you about. he was bitten too.” she looked around for someone in the pack to call over, but their practice hadn’t let out yet.
“no! thanks, but no i have someone. you know what an alpha is right? i have one of those, she’s helping me like she’s helping some kids at my old school.” naomi couldn’t help but smile at how alice had wanted to help her.
alice smiled back. “yeah, i know what an alpha is. stay safe okay. i’m really sorry for pretending i didn’t know you.”
“i kind of understand. i don’t really want everyone knowing i went to eichen either.” she leaned against the wall next to alice. “and thanks for saying i’m insanely pretty, it kinda makes up for pretending not to know me.”
with that alice blushed and hid her face in her hands. “god, i really need to learn to shut up! too many people here have super hearing!”
“or don’t. we could pick up where we left off.” naomi teased, nudging alice’s shoulder.
“maybe so, my ride’s here. i’ll see you around, naomi. and i mean it, i’ll sit next to you in class and everything.” alice pushed off the wall and grabbed her bag from the ground and walked off towards stiles and scott who’d clearly just gotten out of practice and were headed toward the blue jeep to go to tonight’s pack meeting.
alice stayed by the edge of the water, pulling her swim cap from her head and shaking out her blonde curls while she waited for her girlfriend. their dates for the past few months had been low key, just getting coffee during alice’s break at the cafe in town or going to the movies. only the pack really knew they were together. she hadn’t even really told isaac about having a girlfriend. she was still much too angry at him for leaving her in beacon hills alone to bother to text him about having a girlfriend. he could find out when chris did. she grinned when naomi walked out of the locker room in her two piece swim suit, arms across her stomach to cover the bare portion of her chest.
naomi sat down next to alice at the water’s edge, dangling her legs in the warm water and letting her hands fall to her sides. one hand met alice’s and she gently intertwined their fingers. they’d been planning this for a while, it took a lot of convincing on alice’s part. she hadn’t really wanted to break the rules, but alice insisted it would be worth it.
“you’re so beautiful.” alice leaned her head on naomi’s shoulder, giving her hand a squeeze.
“nah, not like you.” the other girl shook her head, glancing down at the large bite scar on her thigh as well as the few scars she had that had been carved into her skin since before she’d been bitten. “i hate seeing this every day.”
alice let go of naomi’s hand and went to trace her scar with the tips of her fingers. at first, naomi flinched away but seemed to change her mind. “i’ve got scars too.” she pulled her hand back and pointed to a spot on her wrist. “see here? i fell off my bike.” then she pointed to her ankle. “i was hunting with chris.” and finally, alice lifted her hair off her back and turned for naomi to see. “i got these when someone threw a beer bottle at me and my brother.”
naomi reached out to touch the mess of raised and indented flesh on alice’s back. “shit. your dad?”
alice nodded and turned back around. “see, scars are no big with me. come on. water’s still warm and we’re gonna get in trouble soon.” she slid off the edge of the pool and into the water, grabbing naomi’s hand on the way down and pulling her into the water with her.
“hey!” naomi laughed as she came up from under the water with alice. 
they swam together, doing flips and splashing each other in the pool water as night fell outside. they didn’t know how much time had elapsed, but they heard footsteps coming. alice swam towards naomi and pulled her under the water, crashing her lips into hers before it was too late and this had all been for nothing.
“hey kids! get out of the damn pool!” a janitor peered over the edge of the pool and into the chlorine blue water with a frown.
they came up for air, an embarrassed blush crossing both their cheeks as they scrambled to the edge of the pool. alice couldn’t help but laugh. “sorry man!” she yelled as she pulled herself out of the water and held out her hand to help naomi out. the two girls grabbed towels and scrambled off to the locker room. 
“we’re toast, alice!” naomi insisted as they went to change. 
“no we’re not. we did what we came to do, remake the kiss from romeo and juliet! so i think no matter how many detentions we get, we won!” alice put her arm around naomi and smiled, kissing her cheek.
alice shook her hands at her side before ringing the door bell next to naomi’s front door. she waited, rocking back and forth on her heels. alice glanced back at the car where chris waited inside for her.
chris tried to smile reassuringly at alice despite the heaviness in his heart. alice had told him she could get scott or stiles to pick her and naomi up on the way to the dance if this brought back too many memories of allison, but he’d assured her it was fine, that he wanted to see her go to her first school dance.
she felt awkward in the dress lydia had picked out for her, after all lydia had tried to work with her on this, but the dress was still very lydia and not so much alice. if she had a choice she’d be wearing sneakers, but lydia had insisted on her wearing heels.
naomi opened the door, yelling a goodbye to her parents peaking through the living room windows. as the door slammed behind her, the brunette stopped to take in alice’s appearance. she’d never seen the other girl in a dress, and after all alice’s complaining on the phone she’d half expected to see alice on her porch in jeans and only a slightly nicer shirt than usual. “i don’t see what you had to complain about. you look really pretty.”
alice blushed and took her girlfriend’s hand and lead her to the car. “so do you,” and then with a quiet excitement “we match!” she opened the door to the backseat for her and slid in next to her and shut the door behind them.
as the girls put their seat belts on, chris turned around in the front seat to face them the best he could, causing alice to groan before he even opened his mouth. “hey, i’m driving you so let me say this.” he looked pointedly at the blonde. when she nodded he continued by holding a hand out to naomi. “i’ve heard a lot about you, but we haven’t been properly introduced. i’m chris- you can call me mr. argent. i don’t know what you two are going to get up to tonight, but know this i expect a text by 10 letting me know that you’re both safe and sober. alice will tell me if you two need a ride home.”
alice shrunk down in her seat, averting her eyes with embarrassment. sure, this was better than it could be and much better of a ‘talk’ than she’d expected but it still embarrassed her. “that’s enough,” mumbled alice.
“i’m almost done.” mr. argent pulled out of naomi’s driveway and onto the road on the way to the school. he looked at the two in the mirror where naomi was still watching him attentively and alice was looking through her phone. “have fun okay, girls.” 
he turned his attention back to the road, tapping the steering wheel with his fingers. “alice, send your brother a picture or something. isaac misses you and you haven’t spoken to him in a while.”
she looked up from her phone and nodded. she didn’t fight him on that one. she hadn’t talked to isaac and maybe he deserved a bit of a break from the silent treatment. maybe, and besides bragging about actually having a girlfriend seemed like fun to her. he’d have to be proud of her, right? alice leaned her head on naomi’s shoulder and began showing her things on her phone.
naomi leaned her head on alice’s, her eyes following the video of a kitten climbing into a box of tissues and falling asleep inside playing on the screen. she intertwined her finger’s with alice’s free hand in her lap, resting on the pink fabric of both their dresses. they stayed like that for the rest of the car ride until they pulled up to the school. 
“we’re here!” chris announced, turning to face the two. when he saw how they’d come to rest he couldn’t help but smile. “take pictures remember! have fun.” 
alice got out first, followed by her girlfriend who stopped on the way out of the car to say “thank you for driving us, mr. argent. i’ll make sure we take a ton of pictures.”
as the lacrosse team left their locker rooms, kira and alice joining up with the boys, alice was pulled aside by naomi. “hey babe, shouldn’t you be in the stands.” despite not sounding like it, she was happy to see naomi. this whole thing about the deadpool had the pack stressed and especially alice. naomi’s name was on it, obviously. she’d seen it right there in print ‘naomi reynolds, werecoyote, 3’ seeing most of her friends on there, she worried, but she knew they’d figure this out. but naomi didn’t have friends like alice’s. her pack was isolated and more members than just her were on the deadpool. her alpha, satomi, hadn’t wanted her to come to the game. they were already risking enough by having other pack members come, but naomi had insisted on coming to alice’s game. if anything happened to naomi here alice would blame herself.
naomi adjusted alice’s pads, and jersey over top. she could see the worry creasing alice’s face and practically feel it coming off of her. she glanced over alice’s shoulder and saw scott and liam staring. 
they could feel it too. she nodded for them to move on and that she’d send alice out in a second. “i’m gonna be okay. it’s just one game and then i’ll be home safe. it’ll be okay. i promise. there’s so many people here, no one’s gonna come for me.” she tried to hide her own fear, to believe her own words but she couldn’t. brett and lori were here too, her family. not only them, but scott, liam, lydia, malia and kira were all here too. it seemed like the perfect set up to attack. “go play. i’ll be fine.” she started walking out towards the field, motioning alice to follow.
alice did follow, black lacrosse stick in hand. “i’m sure you’re right.” she forced a smile, glad to have naomi there despite the danger. she pressed a kiss to naomi’s lips before pulling her helmet down over her head and sending her off to sit next to lori in the stands. 
“you two are almost so cute it’s disgusting.” kira commented, pulling alice into the team’s huddle. they turned their attention to coach finstock who just had to make a comment about whether alice’s head was really in the game that night.
the game went off without a hitch, but as they were playing against devenford prep in a real game, not a scrimmage this time, tensions ran high. half the pack had to keep an eye on liam and brett’s competition in hopes that they wouldn’t expose them all. however, even those two seemed more mindful now that the threat of death was real.
at half time, naomi walked over to the beacon hill’s side of the field, grinning. sure, bhhs wasn’t winning, but so far her promise to alice held true. nothing bad had happened. she handed alice a water bottle with fresh water and even brought other’s for the rest of the team. 
“hey lahey, any chance you’ll get your girlfriend to do this more often!” one of the the other players called to alice grabbing one of naomi’s water bottles. 
alice rolled her eyes and called out to the older boy “maybe if we win, but you’d actually need to be trying for that to happen!” she mumbled an apology naomi for her teammate’s obnoxious behavior to which naomi shrugged, her attention elsewhere. “alice, scott.” she looked to the edge of the field where a stranger clad in black waited. to her he smelled like gun powder.
scott looked to naomi and then followed her gaze. the alpha tensed and then nodded to alice. he’d deal with the consequences that came from running from the game for his younger teammate. “run.”
alice dropped her stick, grabbing naomi’s hand and taking off towards the school and the locker room. she felt the eyes of the crowd on her back and heard the yells of her coach telling her to come back. she didn’t listen.
alice and naomi took off towards the locker room where alice quickly shed her lacrosse pads and pulled her leather jacket on over her t-shirt. before she could start to lead naomi out the door, the other girl stopped her.
“you could get hurt, you gotta stay here, play the rest of the game okay?” naomi paced around the locker room, on high alert and listening. outside she could hear the others trying to buy them time. 
“no, i have to come with you. you don’t understand. i’ve already lost enough. i can’t lose you too.” alice started towards the door, bringing naomi with her. the girls ran down the halls of the school and out towards the woods. they ran side by side, and alice nearly started to believe that they were in the clear and that the rest of the pack had dealt with the assassins. that was until they heard yelling and voices behind them.
“they’re here!” “get the girls alone!” “is the blonde on the list?”
alice’s heart fell, but there was no time. they kept running, their shoes crunching as they hit the dried leaves and dirt of the woods. they picked their way through the trees. alice could feel her lungs, burning, crying for air but she didn’t stop until she felt like she couldn’t push on any more.
naomi leaned her back against a tree, allowing them both time to catch her breath, but still listening to the sounds of the hunters coming for them. “allie, they’re coming. we gotta go.” her panic was evidenced in her rushed tone. “come on.” she reached for alice’s hand and when she took it the two took off again. they ran deeper into the woods until they reached a clearing. standing in the center they didn’t know which direction to go. naomi’s ears perked up, listening again. she gulped. “they’re all around us.” the girl whispered.
alice drew her close to her, their hands still joined. “they don’t want me. i’ll protect you.” they turned slow circles in the center of the clearing. alice’s heart racing, finally understanding what it felt like to be prey. she watched as the lights on the the ends of the hunter’s guns drew closer and closer until they were more than beams of light but silhouettes of people. “please, she’s never hurt anyone!” alice yelled into the darkness, backing up against naomi.
“allie, no.” naomi tightened her grip on her girlfriend’s hand. “don’t provoke them.”
“don’t take out the blonde, she’s human.” the voice was deep, commanding.
“run, alice, i’ll be right behind you.” she pushed alice out of the way, forcing her to keep going. one of the assassins caught her and held her tightly. naomi saw her fighting to get away from them, her heart sinking. she turned her attention towards the rest of the men with guns and snarled, her eyes growing a brilliant shade of yellow.
the shots were deafening. gun fire filled the air for a split second and alice watched as naomi stood against the hunters before she fell limply to the ground. alice pushed forward, kicking her way out of the hunter’s grip and rushing to naomi’s side. she grabbed her hand, pulling her into her lap and cradling her. “no, no, no. naomi, you can heal. it’s gonna be okay.” she pressed her forehead to hers and tried to shield her. alice didn’t see the rest of the pack coming,  the hunters putting up a fight, but being outnumbered and sent scattered into the wind.
scott was about to call out to alice, tell her she was safe. that was until he saw her holding a body. 
alice watched, tears biting at the inner corners of her eyes, as naomi’s bright yellow irises went dull and her grip on alice’s hand loosened. “naomi?” the teenage girl whimpered, feeling the body become heavy in her arms. the early summer wind carried lydia’s scream into the night as the rest of the pack rushed forward. 
their ears rung with lydia’s wail and scott had to pry naomi’s body from alice’s arms. “it’s not safe here, alice. we have to go.” he lifted naomi’s body easily, holding it gently. 
stiles helped alice to her feet, putting an arm around her as she began to cry. the older boy didn’t know what to say to her, he just held her up as they walked out of the woods and met his father and the other officer’s on the road.
scott handed over the body to the police and alice was lead to the back of an ambulance, a blanket placed around her shoulders. when asked if she was alright, all she could say was “i said i’d protect her.”
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copias-thrall · 4 years
Now What?
Our heroes thought they smoothed out the bumps to What They Were, but as it turns out, being in a relationship means *gulp* intimacy …
(Part 1; Part 2; Interlude 0)
You lean into the mirror—creating your favored doll eye—as the tinny noise of your Bitches Night Out playlist sounds from your phone. You and Mary are going out for some beers at O’Reilly’s since both of you have the night free and nothing to do the next day. Mary sits on the toilet seat going through your makeup bag. Every so often, he takes an item out, opens it, and does a smudge on the back of his hand.
You tsk at yourself when your hand wobbles and you fuck up a line. Mary looks up at you—then his eyes travel down to your derrière. You’re wearing your denim mini over thigh-length lace leggings, and it’s struggling to cover your ample ass, bent over as you are.
*public sex; dirty talk; brief homophobic language; consensual degradation; mentions of past emotional manipulation*
“Eyes up top, mister,” you say as you lick your finger to erase the wiggly bit under your eye. You already had to institute a “no-touching” rule, otherwise the two of you would never make it out of here. Mary loves the feel of you unrestricted though cotton—his band tees, hoodies, loungewear—and on any given night his roving hands are apt to start something. But you dressed up in what he calls your “fancy shit” seems to incite his lust on a very different level—so you wouldn’t put it past his roving eyes to spark something as well.
“You’re so hot when you want to be,” he says
You turn on the faucet to wet your hand, then flick it in Mary’s face. He sputters and ducks before he remembers he doesn’t care. He’s not in his stage cake, but he still wears a light dusting of white face powder and his skull accents. Instead of the blood dripping down his whole face, he has it tipping his forelock.
He grumps at you, but you just cackle. “I swear you’re half cat.”
“Whatever. Are you almost done? We’re gonna miss $5 Buds.”
“Yeah,” you say as you turn your head to-and-fro to assess the symmetry. “Just gotta put my lips on.” You hold out your hand for your makeup bag, but Mary hands you the burgundy tube.
“This one.”
“Mmm, isn’t this a little 90′s?”
His eyes sweep over you again and his hand indicates the NIN’s Downward Spiral shirt you’re wearing that you altered to tie in front.
“Aren’t you a little 90′s?”
“Point.” You take the tube and apply a dab on the center of each lip. Then you smear the color to each side with your finger. Through the mirror, your eyes linger on Mary’s plump lips filled in with a dull red instead of his usual black.
“Fuck, I’d kill for your lips.”
He mashes them together. “Is that why you’re always trying to bite them off?”
It’s true: you tend to fixate wholly on his lips sometimes when you’re making out. You give an exaggerated, dreamy sigh.
“They’re just so nice. Full, plump, well defined …”
You shuffle over toward him and straddle his lap. Thumbing his bottom lip, you say, “I don’t usually hear you complaining.”
Mary leans back into the tank, his arms draping over it casually. “You’re breaking your own rule.”
Leaning in close you say, “I said you weren’t allowed to touch me.”
You slide a hand under his t-shirt—the skin of his torso warm and smooth—and tilt your head as if to kiss him. His eyes flutter shut, and that’s when you tilt your head back up.
“Hey, can we play?”
Mary’s eyes snap back open, and he lets out a sigh of exasperation.
“You’re a fucking tease, you know that?”
You grab his jaw.
“Can. We. Play.”
His eyes cast down.
“I don’t know, Suey. I really don’t feel like spending the whole night wondering if my dick’s gonna explode.”
You pat his cheek. “That’s ok, Mare Bear. Thank you for telling me.”
He turns to nip at your palm. “Some other night, k?”
You lean back in and actually kiss him—a short and sweet thing.
“I was thinking about something else, anyway.” You thumb his lip again. “Wanna see your lips all full and puffy. Wanna paint them with my lip gloss—have you wear it all night.”
“Is that … it?”
“Well—you can’t wipe it off, and if it gets smudged, I reapply.”
“And what do I get?” he asks as he gives a small roll of his hips. “Thought I was gonna get lucky later anyway.”
You straighten up. “What you’ll get is knowing that you’re my very good boy and that you have pleased me very much.” You smooth at a blackened eyebrow of his. “Don’t you like it when you’ve followed the rules and done a good job?”
Mary’s eyes are round and his pupils dilated. “Yeah. Yeah, ok.”
“Mmm,” you hum as you lightly sweep your hand over his stiff hair. “So good already. What a good job you’ve done keeping your hands to yourself.”
His eyes shine, and he says, “It’s easy being good for you.”
Mary and his inexplicable softness. 
“Yeah, well. Let’s get that lipstick on you.”
After gently wiping off his matte with a square of toilet paper, you rummage through your makeup bag for the ridiculous gloss you got as a sample with the purchase of something or other. It’s wet and shiny with a glittery sheen to it—and some kind of chemical that supposedly plumps your lips. The first and only time you’d worn it, your friend told you that it made your mouth look like a wet vagina. It makes Mary’s lips look like a delicacy you want to consume as an entrée at a ridiculously expensive French restaurant. With a white wine pairing or some shit.
He rubs them together experimentally. “Sticky.”
“Yeah, it’s not the kiss-proof kind, so don’t wipe at it.”
You admire you work for another beat, then have an idea.
“Wait—hold on …”
You reach for your phone, then start poking through the apps. He’s assessing his lips in one of your small compacts when you finally have your camera app ready.
“Uh …” he says.
“You have your porn, I have mine.”
“Whatever. I’m pretty sure my cum lips look better.”
You don’t really notice anyone on the street that looks twice at Mary—but then again, he’s in full demonsona, and most passersby try not to look directly at him. (Apparently he gets fewer freakouts when you’re on his arm, but that’s just because they don’t know I’m the one keeping you in line, Suey.)
It’s embarrassing the amount of ownership you feel over Mary when the two of you go anywhere—like he’s a feather in your cap and not your autonomous boyfriend. But there’s just something about having this dramatic boy—in his makeup and leather jacket—on your arm and deferring to you that makes you feel powerful. It doesn’t help that he enjoys playing the part of your attack dog, happy to wait patiently until you tap him in—but a lurking, menacing presence all the same.
Of course, O’Reilly’s is really Mary’s bar—a place he and his bandmates have been frequenting for years (even if it’s a place you’ve been known to hit up on a bar crawl or for late-night eats)—so the staff and regulars obviously don’t buy the dark & mysterious routine from a dude who once sang “Paradise City” shitfaced while trying to Coyote Ugly on the bar. It doesn’t stop them from acting like you have some sort of … control over him—which, ok: you do—now that’s it clear you’re pretty solidly in the picture.
The barstaurant is what Mary calls a “Pop” dive bar. It’s dim enough and cheap enough to attract the college kids and the punks, but it’s clean and serves decent food all night so that the yuppies flock there too. The regulars don’t think too much of the dynamic (and Mary’s known to get into drinking games with the finance guys), but that doesn’t mean there aren’t … clashes. The bouncers visibly eye roll with their entire bodies whenever they see Mary in line.
“Goore. It amazes me you haven’t been banned yet,” says ‘Bruiser’ (what Mary affectionately calls him—his real name is Rodney or something) as he haphazardly marks at X on the back of Mary’s hand.
“I’m pretty sure that’s because my friends and I single handedly keep this place afloat when there’s not a game.”
When you thrust out your hand, Bruiser hums at you, like you’re guilty by association (not that he’s wrong), and swipes at your hand too.
“You should be keeping him in line.”
You give him a wolfish smile. “Where’s the fun in that for me?”
Bruiser rubs his eyes.
“Just … try to stay out of trouble?”
Mary slings his arm heavily across your shoulders as you enter the bar, set upon his own claim. It’s not so much about keeping guys from approaching you (“I mean, they can try. It funny watching you turn them down.”) than it is a warning that anyone who starts shit with you will finish it with him (“Or maybe I just want to show off the pretty piece on my arm—ow, fuck”).
As the two of you make your way to the bar, a few people call out, and Mary tilts his head at them. “Thursday is the new Friday” is apparently in full swing here. It’s crowded enough that you two have to squeeze into an opening at the bar, but not so much that you can’t carve out a space for yourselves.
You order the two of you a round of shots and a lite beer as a chaser. Mary knocks the whiskey back like it’s sugar water while you push through the burn. You immediately take a swig of the beer; some of it dribbles down your chin, and you wipe it away with the back of your hand. Mary tracks your movement. 
“Oh—you want some?” you say licking your lips.
You crook your finger at him, and he leans down.
His glossy lips part, eyes fixed on yours. You bring up the beer bottle and carefully tip it into his mouth. He closes his lips around the mouth of it as you pour, but easily lets go when you incrementally pull it away. Some of the gloss comes away with it, so you tell Mary to hold up. You dig into your bra to produce the tube of gloss, then reapply to his lips.
“Disgusting,” comes a voice that startles the both of you out of your bubble. You turn to see a neckbeard in a hoodie scowling at the two of you. “You really going to let your bitch put that shit on you?”
Mary’s face darkens, and he straightens to much taller than his height.
“The fuck you just say?”
Mary lets a lot go—he’s a skinny goth boy who wears horrorface—but he hates it when men talk shit to you. Things that don’t even penetrate you seem to make his blood boil (“How can you not know this is just a thing?” “I did, I just … didn’t know how often it was a thing.”).
“You really gonna let some bitch dress you like a faggot?”
Mary tenses at the same time as you spit, “I’m sorry about your small penis.”
Neckbeard sputters at you, and Mary steps in front of you.
“Call my girl a bitch again and I’ll tear the veins out of your neck.”
“Fucking snowflake faggot, like you could.”
“Is that supposed to be an insult?”
“You’re ok with looking like a fairy?”
“The fae are fearsome creatures, so yeah.”
“Don’t be a fucking smartass, freak. You know what I meant”
“If you mean the colloquial meaning of ‘gay man’, then yeah—I am.”
“That’s fucking disgusting.”
“I’ve found sex with men quite pleasant.”
“What the fuck, dude,” says Neckbeard, recoiling.
Out of nowhere, Bruiser materializes.
At the same time as Neckbeard says Not at all, Mary is gearing up.
“Yeah. He’s harassing Suey and spouting homophobic language.”
Bruiser is—as it happens—a gay man, and his face darkens.
“I’m sorry, sir. We don’t tolerate that kind of hate speech here.”
“Don’t tell me they got you toeing the party line?”
“Management reserves the right to remove any patrons they feel contribute to an unsafe environment.”
Neckbeard sputters. “Y-you will let this, this freak stay here, and kick out a red-blooded man?”
“He’s a pain in the ass, but hardly a public menace.”
“I’m touched, Bruiser.”
“Shut the fuck up, Mary.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I’d like to speak to the manager. I want him to know what kind of Yelp review I’m going to leave.”
“Of course, sir. This way …”
Bruiser leads Neckbeard away. Mary gives him a thumbs up, but Bruiser just glowers at him.
You consider Mary.
“You like to fuck men?”
Mary looks at you, brows furrowed. “Well, yeah. I’m in a punk band.”
You squint at him. “What does that have to do …”
His features school. “You … you do know that we’ve all fucked each other?”
You didn’t. 
“That—that makes a lot more sense.”
No wonder his bandmates resent you. You took Mary from them.
“Is … that a problem?” says Mary, his face impassive.
“No,” you say quickly. “I just—didn’t know. I’ve never seen you make googly eyes at a dude.”
He crowds into your space, placing his hands on your waist.
“I don’t make eyes at anyone’s who’s not you.”
You burst out into laughing that turns into stifled giggles.
Mary scowls at you. “Don’t be a bitch. I’m being sincere.”
“No, it’s just … Mare—you’re the biggest flirt whoever made his family ridiculous. No, don’t shake your head at me—you are. I’m not the jealous type, but that doesn’t mean I don’t watch you play up your Evil Lothario persona when it suits you.”
He grumbles non-verbally at you, then deflects.
“Don’t you fuck women?”
“Oh,” you say, surprised. “Um. No? Not really.”
He tilts his head at you. “Not really?”
You shrug. “I mean, college … but no. I’m not sexually attracted to women.”
“Well, damn,” he says as he runs his hand through your hair. “I guess there goes all my hopes of a threesome.”
You smirk at him. “Does it?”
He stills when he gets your meaning.
“What?” you ask.
“I … I can’t tell if I hate that idea or not.”
“A devil’s threesome?”
Mary shudders. “I’m equal parts repulsed and turned on by that.”
You lean away from him. “Ok, wait. You have orgies with your band, but you’re stymied by a threesome with another dude?”
“I’m gonna sound like an asshole, but it’s different with a random groupie.”
“How so?”
His eyebrows twist.
“That was just fun. I never cared for them. Not like …”
He runs a finger lightly down your face, and you shy away from it.
Mary narrows his eyes at you, then grabs you by the hips to pull you into him.
“But: I’ll admit that the idea of watching some dick that’s not mine fuck you is … appealing.”
You feel the growing bulge in his jeans. He leans down to murmur into your ear.
“Fucking into your pussy, like he has the right.”
He hikes your one leg over his hip and presses his erection into your crotch. You make a pleased noise.
“Watching your face contort with the pleasure he gives you. Watching you moan as he makes you cum.”
He ruts into you, and you wonder if he can feel your growing wetness. He presses his nose into your neck.
“Fuck. That makes you hot, too. I can smell you.”
“Fuck, Mary.”
“God, what a little cock slut you’d be. Could I punish you after?”
You’re throbbing now between your legs, and you let out a soft moan.
“Yeah, you’d like that. Being punished for fucking a cock that wasn’t mine.”
You grind into him, and he slips a thigh further in between your legs, resting his foot on the rail under the bar. Immediately you grasp at him as you rock yourself back and forth on his thigh in little movements.
“How would you like to be punished? Should I take you over my knee?”
A thrill runs through you, and your back arches as you let out an Uhhn.
“Yeah,” Mary rumbles. “Take you over my knee and make sure to cherry that ass of yours.”
He reaches his hand around to press at you from behind, and the feeling goes straight to your clit. Your head lolls as your eye roll back. You’re sure some of the people in the crowd must be aware of what’s happening, but right now all thought is between your legs.
They’re welcome.
“Would you fuck me?” you breathe.
Mary growls. “Of course I’d fuck you. Gotta make you remember why you like my cock best. But only after I spanked you red. I’d want you to feel the sting every time I fucked into you.”
You rock hard into Mary’s thigh, and he pulsates the fingers pressing into you, ratcheting up your arousal.
“Oh god, Mary.”
“Yeah, that’s right. Cry out my name. You know who owns your pleasure.”
You’re riding his thigh hard, your movements no longer discreet. You know Mary’s hard, but he’s just looking down at you with hooded, intense eyes as his clever fingers manipulate you. You rub your clit forward into his thigh, then rock back onto his fingers—your hips circling sinuously. You’re terribly close to climaxing if you could just …. You grip hard at his arms as you speed up.
“Fuck, I want it. I want to cum.”
Mary’s other hand grips you harder, and he leans in so close you can feel his lips on the shell of your ear.
“I’d fuck your cunt hard to wipe away the feel of that other dick. Fill you up with my cum so you’d smell like me. I’d hold you down so I could cum into you again and again. Make you my cum dumpster. Would you like that? To have my jizz dripping down your thighs? So that everyone knew who you belonged to.”
“I’m such a slut! I don’t deserve it!” you gasp, your movements now jerky as you chase your orgasm.
“No you don’t,” he growls. “You’re so lucky to have my dick in you. If I could, I‘d always have you on my dick. That’s all you’re good for. Milking my cock. A fucking warm body. And you can’t even do that right. I should let that other dick have you, you worthless—”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you cry out as the throb between your thighs crests, hovers, then pulsates through your cunt from front to back. You press down hard into Mary’s leg as your pussy spasms, mouth open and drooling.
“Yeah, that’s it. There you go. Ride it out.” He pets at your hair.
Once you’re done, you slump forward into his shoulder, panting, and Mary wraps an arm around your waist. He extracts his hand from under you and brings it to his face. He closes his eyes as he brings his fingers to his nose and inhales. Then he slides them down over his lips and tongue.
A throat clears.
Mary jerks around as you sluggishly raise your head. Bruiser is standing behind you two, eyebrows raised.
“You two are fucking nasty, you know that? 
You just press further into Mary—mashing your face into his chest—not up to confrontation so soon after your orgasm.
“You think this is Amsterdam or some shit? Uh-huh. You need to get your asses out of here.”
You feel Mary shrug at him.
“What’s a guy to do when his girl’s this hot?”
“All right, love birds. C’mon.”
Mary grumpily readjusts himself as you ooze down to gather your things. Bruiser escorts you both out the back door and shakes his head, laughing, as he closes the door in your faces.
You press Mary into the alley wall and rub your tits on him.
“I thank you for the use of your shapely thigh, good sir,” you all but slur as you look up at him with a happy smile.
He licks his lips. “I can think of a better way to thank me.” He grabs your hand and guides it to the bulge in his jeans. You give it a squeeze and Mary growls in response.
“I swear to god if you’re going to tease me—”
“I’m not,” you say as you pet his dick, “but not right here. C’mere …”
You grab his hand, yanking him as he stumbles behind you. You lead him down another side alley and into an overflow backlot. A quick assessment has you saying Over there as you lead him to a walled corner with an SUV parked adjacently. He lets you maneuver him in between the car and the brick wall, his eyes predatory. You push him up against the wall with both hands, and he bounces a little; you press the line of your body into him and let your hands wander slowly down the plane of his torso.
You’re looking up at him, gaze full of intent, as your fingertips slip under the waistband of his jeans. His stomach contract as he inhales sharply. You’re just grazing the tip of his cock when Mary’s hand shoots up to your head.
“I want your mouth,” he rumbles as he applies a gentle pressure to your crown
You grin up at him as you sink down to a squat. “You have been a good boy.”
He lets out a Fuck and tips his head back into the wall. You reach up for his belt, but his fingers reach it first. “Put the lip gloss on, I want to see how it looks stretched around my cock.”
Mary fumbles with getting out his cock as you dig the gloss out of your bra. You hastily swipe the wand across your lips before shoving it back into your cleavage. Mary’s holding his dick at the base—it’s flushed and the tip is shiny with precum—but with his other hand he chucks you under the chin.
“You’re beautiful you know that.”
You roll your eyes. “You’re only saying that because I’m about to suck your cock.”
His grip tightens on your chin.
“And I’m going to ruin that pretty little face of yours.”
Then he pushes his dick into your mouth whether you’re ready or not—his hand slipping to the back of your head to keep you in place. Your own hand reaches out to steady yourself on his leg as he holds you like that. He lets out a sigh of relief, then his hand is gone.
“I want to watch you,” he says.
So you bob forward down the length of his shaft, then back up, trying to get him as wet as possible with your spit. You curl your free hand around the base to use in tandem with your mouth. When you reach his cockhead, you close your eyes as you suckle at it, twisting your lips around it as you tongue at his sweet spot.
“Yeah. Yeah, just like that. Fuck.”
You remove it from your mouth so you can tap the tip on your tongue. Mary lets out a breathy grunt, and you run your tongue around the ridge before lapping around his cockhead a few times.
“Uhn, yeah.”
You suck it down to the hilt in one swallow, and Mary gasps, his hand slamming into the wall. You deep throat him for a bob or two, then pull off with a sucking sound so you can take a breath, making sure to keep jacking him with your hand.
Mary lets out a half whine.
After repeating that combo a few times, you settle in to work at sucking him off for really reals. It’s a good thing it’s a tight fight in the corner, since you’re able to use the car to help redistribute your weight—you probably can’t squat for long.
Mary’s earlier guttural noises have turned into something high and breathy. If you could spare a hand, you could probably cum again just from the noises he’s making.
There’s a tense moment when you hear footsteps in the gravel and you freeze, Mary letting out a soft moan of frustration and his cock throbbing against your tongue. But then the steps get closer, and you feel him tense. He puts a hand on the side of your head—whether to shield you from view or keep you from popping off, who’s to say?
The sound finally does round the corner of the car, and your hand tightens on Mary’s thigh. He feels like a coiled spring. There's a clink of a belt that cuts off suddenly.
“Whoops … sorry,” slurs a male voice.
Then a pause.
“Girl, you ok?”
Mouth still full of Mary’s dick, you give a thumb’s up in the voice’s direction with the hand not occupied.
“Ah. Have fun.”
Then the footsteps stumble and recede, and you do pull off his dick. Mary spits out a Fuck and slams a fist into the wall.
“Stupid fucking drunk. I was enjoying that,” he says looking down at you. 
You’re feeling the burn in your leg muscles, which are starting to tremble.
“Wait—just let me …” you say as you try to shift around to a better position. You’re about to fold your knees under you when Mary says, “Wait. The gravel.” 
He shrugs out of his leather jacket and hands it down to you. You lay it down in front of you before kneeling on it.
“Why, Goore—you’re such a gentleman.”
His hand is behind your head again, tangling into your hair. “Shut up and suck my cock.”
You acquiesce, sinking back down and getting right to it. He’s by no means soft, but he’s not as hard as he was before the unfortunate interlude, so you deep throat him a couple times to coax the blood back in.
“Hhhghh, how are you so good at that.”
You hollow your cheeks for a long suck.
You start bobbing on him again when he says, “Look up at me.” You flick your eyes to him. “Yeah, just like that. Keep your eyes on me.” His own eyes are glazed and his mouth is parted. “Yeah, keep going. Faster.”
Speeding up, you try to keep the hand at his base in time with your mouth.
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t stop, don’t stop.”
You bob faster on his cock, and you see Mary’s body tense, then release. 
He swallows audibly, the telltale stiffening obvious against your tongue, then he breathes out: “Keepyouhandgoing.” The grip in your hair tightens, and then he yanks you off his dick.
Your pace slightly stutters, but then you start jacking him as fast as you can as you squeeze your eyes shut. Almost immediately you’re hit in the face with the splash of his cum, and Mary makes this soft-moan thing in the back of his throat. He must really have been worked up, because he splatters across your face again and again. And again.
You ease up with your hand only when you hear him whine, but he just pushes your head forward as he presses back into your mouth, making a pleased rumble as he rubs against your tongue. He rocks into your mouth a little bit, and then the hold in your hair disappears and he withdrawals from your mouth. You feel him lean away from you and into the wall.
“Oh wow. Fuck,” he says laughing, then lets out a pleased hum.
You’re still kneeling on the ground, eyes closed and arms out for balance.
“What? Oh—yeah, fuck. Hold on.”
There’s a rustling of clothes and a zipper, and then you sense him getting on his knees in front of you. He chuckles.
“Wow—I really got you everywhere.”
“All right, all right,” he says still chuckling. “Um … ok.”
You feel what can only be his t-shirt wiping at your face. And your ear. And under your chin. And at your hair.
“Just a few more …” he says as you feel him wipe at your eyes with his thumb. “Ok … you’re a little smudgy, but—ok.”
When you open your eyes, he’s right in your face.
“You’re right—that lipstick is amazing,” he says, and then he kisses you hard and rough with an open mouth, his tongue going straight for your tonsils. 
Despite being crunched between a car and a brick wall with the sharp gravel digging into your legs, you and Mary makeout sloppily with too much tongue and a lot of spit. His hands have found your face again and yours are braced on his chest.
The sudden noise of a car starting up and echoing off the wall has you both breaking apart.
“We should go,” you say.
“You think.”
It’s a little awkward to navigate in the cramped space, but you help each other up, your legs wobbling a bit. You hand Mary back his jacket, and he brushes off the detritus before donning it again. You notice that he keeps pulling the bottom of his shirt away from his stomach, and you laugh.
“Oh no! That can’t be comfortable.”
“It’s fine. It’s only cold and wet. And sticky.”
You hold out your arms to him, and he perks up. When he’s in your arms, you make sure to rub and smush his shirt into his stomach.
“Oh my god you’re such a bitch.”
“I’m helping!”
“How is that helping?”
“It’s just like acclimating to the ocean—you just got to dunk under in one go,” you chirp at him.
“Next time I’m just gonna leave you looking like a bad bukkake.”
At some point Mary started rocking the two of you, and you squirm until he finally lets go. He sighs.
“All right. Let’s get you home.”
He puts his hands in his pockets and starts striding out of the parking lot. You skip after him and thread your arm through his.
“Really? The night’s still young!”
He gives you an incredulous look.
“Suey, you look like you just got face fucked in a parking lot.” He gives you an appraising look. “Actually, that’s kinda hot. On second thought, let’s go to Sixes & Sevens—”
“Mickey’s place. I have no problem with everyone knowing whose dick you just sucked. I’ll make them smell my fingers too.”
“Hmm, maybe I should reup.”
He pushes you against a wall and puts his hand between your legs. His face contorts into a look of surprise.
“Fuck, you’re wet. Like … really wet.”
“Well, what did you think—”
“Fuck, are you still …” 
Suddenly he’s pushing up your skirt and diving his hand into your panties. You gasp Oh my god when his finger slip-slides over your clit. 
“How are you still so wet?”
You give him a sultry look.
“You know sucking your cock does it for me.”
He’s still fingering you, leaning into your space, when he says, “Maybe we should get a cab. I could be fucking you in 10 minutes. No drunks looking for a place to piss.”
With his clever fingers manipulating you, you have to admit the prospect is appealing. But …
“No,” you purr at him. “You’re going to get me off right now because it pleases me. Then we’re going to go get a little sloppy, and if you can keep your hands to yourself, you can fuck me that way you like when we get back to my place.”
Mary presses into you like it’s a reflex.
“And if I can’t?”
“Then it’s you and your hand, mister.”
His fingers go to work at you. They’re sloppy, artless—unlike his usual careful manipulation—but you’re already halfway there from the blow job and that, combined with him sucking bruises into your neck, has you mewling and pushing at him in no time. The pad of a finger suddenly presses hard onto your clit, and you make a wounded noise. It doesn’t leave, and you feel the direct pressure keenly. You start twitching and letting out small noises.
“Oh oh oh … Mary—oh god … Mary …”
He turns his head to kiss at the hinge of his jaw, but his finger just. Stays.
The pressure is all at once Way to Much and Not Enough, and you’re thrashing you head back and forth.
“Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary …”
You’re asking for mercy, but he’s granting you no clemency.
It’s a slow build to your orgasm, but you feel every second of it intensely. Your head tips back, and your nails scrabble at the wall as you moan Oh oh oh oh in time to the pulsating of your clit. You’re making these embarrassing high-pitched wounded noises as the throb between your legs worsens.
When you finally cum, it’s almost painful, and you grapple at Mary’s arms, sinking your nails into him. Your screams bounce off the walls around the two of you, and Mary covers your mouth with his to muffle you. You’re dimly aware that you just squirted everywhere, soaking your leggings, the fluid dripping down your legs.
You jerk when Mary runs a gentle circle around your over sensitive nub, and he wraps an arm around your waist to pull you into him. 
“I made a mess,” you say as Mary withdraws his hand. You meant for it to be funny, but once it comes out, it sounds small and your voice wavers.
Mary wipes his hand off on his jeans and brings his other arm around you.
“I guess we’re matched now—both covered in sex juice.”
The wetness on your legs is beginning to cool, and the droplets are beginning to settle into your socks. Suddenly the thought of going anywhere else other than home is unappealing. Cleaning some semen off your face in a bar bathroom is much different than dealing with soaked bottoms all night. You push away from him.
“You did that on purpose!” you say as you tug on your damp leggings.
“If you really didn’t want to go back out, you just could have said!”
Mary’s looking at you helplessly. 
“You asked me to get you off …”
“I can’t go anywhere like this, Mary!”
He closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Are you really fucking mad at me because I made you cum too hard?”
“You knew what would happen!”
“Jesus fucking christ. There’s never any winning with you sometimes.”
You turn and start walking away.
“Where are you going?”
“Yeah? You gonna walk the whole way?”
“Yep.” Maybe taking off your leggings will help. Except then your ass will be hanging out.
“Suey … that’s an hour’s walk. Let’s get a cab, ok?”
You spin on your heel.
“I’m all wet, Mary! I can’t sit in a cab. I’m disgusting.”
You turn back around and continue walking. After a bit, Mary catches up with you.
“Let’s get a cab, you can sit on my jacket.”
You look at him. “I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Well I’m … it’s …” you sputter.
“It was really hot. Fuck, I think I almost came in my pants.”
“So I literally don’t give a fuck if you sit on my jacket.”
You don’t say anything, but you don’t fight him either.
“Look, we’ll get a cab; you can change; and we can go to the bar down the street from you. Ok?”
You stop and look at him.
He looks at you, then rolls his eyes, shaking his head.
“You’re a fucking pain in my ass, you know that?” He bundles you into an embrace. “I don’t know why I keep you around.”
You let him enfold you in his arms, but don’t hug him back.
“Probably the blow jobs,” you say into his chest.
He cradles the back of your head and you feel him smell your hair.
“Definitely one of the top 3 reasons.”
The two of you get a cab and—true to his word—Mary lays out his leather jacket for you to sit on. When you get back to your apartment, you make a beeline for your shower. You strip down to everything but your panties and leggings—those you’ll shower in.
The shower is amazing, and you relish in washing the night off your body. When you’re done, you hang the wet garments over the shower rod and wrap yourself in your robe.
You find Mary conked out on top of your covers in just his boxer briefs. One of his hands is on his chest and the other is sprawled across your bed; his mouth is open and there’s a little drool in one of the corners. You climb onto the bed and lie on top of him
“Huh, wha?” says Mary as he startles awake.
“Nothing. Go back to sleep.”
A hand rests on your back.
“Wasn’t sleeping.”
“Just resting my eyes.”
He rubs your back a little before saying, “Should we get moving?”
“Can we just stay like this?”
A pause.
You lay like that for awhile, feeling Mary’s chest rise and fall under you.
“M’sorry,” you mumble.
“I’m sorry I was such a bitch.”
“Yeah. I didn’t like that.”
You consider for a moment before saying, “My parents used to pull that shit on me.”
He breathes in. He breathes out.
“They’d—they’d give me permission to do something or whatever, and then they’d manipulate it so they got what they wanted anyway. Um, like one time I wanted to go to this concert? And they said I could if xyz, you know? I got the ticket and everything. All my friends were going. We had all these plans. And then like. The night before, my parents held up my English class roster. I had this paper due the next week and they asked me to show them my research notes. Obviously I didn’t have any research notes because I’d planned to spend that Sunday at the library. So they revoked their permission. Said I promised this concert wouldn’t interfere with my schoolwork, and obviously I hadn’t kept that promise. All my friends went to the concert that Friday and my parents drove me to the library. Said it was a lesson in responsibility.
“That’s just the one that really made me realize how fucked up they were. I know it sounds stupid—boo-hoo I missed a concert, but it's really the thousand little paper cuts like that. It’s about how stressful it was never knowing what I was actually allowed to do, and what was fake. Having to always go the extra mile and second guess myself. To do everything right and get tripped up on a technicality.
“One time I saved up to buy this dress to one of the proms I’d been asked to? And they knew that. They praised me for being fiscally responsible. I kept my grades up. I stayed on top of all my assignments and made sure all my chores were done. They helped me with a deposit to the group limo. And then a week before—you know, I didn’t even remember what bullshit reason they found. But they found something. And it’s like they knew I was going to go anyway, so they returned my dress and drove us out to grandma’s for the weekend. 
“It kinda beat me into submission, you know? I just. Stopped doing things. Like, what was the point, right? The dance? The new movie? Game night? They always found a reason. And my friends? Just stopped inviting me out to things. They said my parents would just find a reason to block me anyway and that they were tired of working around it.
“So, I dunno. Tonight? It felt a little like that. Like you’d wanted to call it a night, and when I didn’t want to, you found a way to get what you wanted while pretending to give me what I wanted.”
Mary lightly scratches down your back through your robe.
“That sounds really fucked up.”
“Are they …?”
“They disowned me.”
Mary lifts his head.
“What? Why?”
“I—not tonight, ok?”
The two of you lay like that, unspeaking, for a while. After a while you become aware of Mary’s hardness under you.
“Did you want to fuck?”
His hand stills.
You squirm a little.
“I can feel you.”
“Suey. You’re laying on top of me. What did you expect? But no: I don’t want to fuck.”
“Are you sure?”
“This is kind of nice, actually. As it is.”
“Gross, but ok.”
“Can I kiss you?”
Mary maneuvers his head until his mouth meets yours. He starts with your lips, then moves onto slipping you some tongue. You meet his kiss, gently tangling your tongue with his. He runs his hand through your hair, then rolls you onto your sides. His thigh slips between yours, but he doesn’t grind against you or anything. Still—his dick hasn’t seemed to get the memo. You slip your hand down to cup him, but May flinches and catches up your hand.
“Hey. I said it’s fine.”
“But you’re—”
“I said, no.”
You bury your head in his neck.
“Ok. But … do you really not want to, or is it something else?”
“Why do you think I’m some sexbot?
You bring your face to Mary’s and squish his between your hands.
“I don’t think that, Mary. It just seemed like—I dunno—you were falling on your sword or something.”
“Fuck, Suey. I don’t expect you to understand. You always seem ready to go. Like we could be having the worst fight, but if I took my dick out, you’d still drop to your knees and suck it.”
You flush at being read.
“But I don’t—I know my dick thinks it’s gonna get lucky because you’re so close, but I’m just not in the mood. If you want an orgasm, I’m happy to give you one—I’m always happy to make you cum—but I’d rather not myself, ok?”
You kiss his nose. “Ok, Mare Bear. But if you change your mind …”
The two of you make out lazily. Mary’s hands slip into your robe and roam all over your body—a light caress here and a grabby handful there—but you keep yours at his face and in his hair. Soon, he has his face in your neck and his one hand is kneading at your breasts. Because he’s pressed close to you, you can feel the throb of his cock. His finger sweeps over a hardened nipple, and you moan at the sensation. Mary ruts into you, then whines. 
You pet his head. “It’s ok, Mare. You can fuck me.”
“But I don’t want to want to fuck you. I should be fucking able to just lie here with you without fucking wanting it.”
“Ok, but if I want it and you want it …?”
He tilts his head back. “Christ, you’re frustrating. Look—you were kinda right earlier. You wanted to go out, and instead it became all about where we could fuck. Is that all? Are we just strung together by times we’ve fucked and times we could be fucking?”
You consider his words.
“I don’t have many relationships, Mary. They kind of seem like a waste of time? And if I get horny, there’s always a bar full of guys to fuck. But, I dunno. You’re different. You don’t want things from me. I feel like I can just … exist with you.”
“I want a lot of things from you.”
You huff.
“You don’t want idealized things from me. I don’t know where you’ve gotten this idea that the only thing we’ve got in common is our genitals.”
“Don’t say genitals.”
“Our nethers.” Mary groans. “But I feel like in a pie chart of my life, there’s a big slice devoted to Mary Rants. About capitalism, about the patriarchy, about gender construct, about slow walkers—”
“Who are these people who have nowhere to go?!”
“—and another devoted to the plotline of the WWE wrestlers.”
“I won’t apologize for that. It’s dramatic as fuck AND there’s head bashing. Everyone who disses it is missing out on some serious soapy shit.”
“Such on brand Mary.”
He grumbles.
“Fine, ok. But—you’re like this vault, and I only have a lock pick.”
“Am I?”
“Yeah.” He presses an index finger to your forehead. “I know there’s gold in there. But I can’t get at it.”
“I’m ruminating,” you say.
“You and your 10¢ words.”
“I won’t apologize for my vocabulary.” 
Mary pecks your lips. “Wasn’t asking you to.”
You sigh and snuggle—yes, ok snuggle—into him.
“I guess I take too much pride in being independent. And, I mean … I think we work because we’re both independent people looking for—I dunno—a partner to come home to, not someone who follows you around. But—I’ll try, Mary. To, I dunno—hand the gold bars out through a slot or whatever … it’s your stupid metaphor.” 
“It’s a start.”
You blow a raspberry at him, and he retaliates by gently biting your tongue. When you squeal in consternation, he just sucks it into his mouth. You try to push away from him, but he just rolls on top of you and begins to blow raspberries into your neck
“How do you like it?” Thhpbt “How do you like it now?” Thhpbt “You think that shit is funny?” Thhpbt
You’re laughing and trying to push him off you, but he has you thoroughly pinned.
“Wait—no! Stop!” you beg in between giggles.
He buries his face between your tits and gives you the biggest one yet.
“I will fucking murder your face, Mary Goore!”
He looks up at you, eyes glinting boyishly. “You’d have to get free first.”
You start kicking with your legs, and he tries to keep you pinned—but you bring your knee up, and he flinches away preemptively.
“Don’t play dirty!” he exclaims as you take your advantage to roll back on top of him.
You lick his face and try not to cringe from the awful taste of the makeup on it. Mary makes a disgusted noise.
“Did you mean murder my face like a kitten? Seriously, fucking stop.”
Still ignoring the bitter taste of his makeup, you continue to lap at him. He grabs you by the hair and drags your mouth down to his. Him sucking your tongue into his mouth (“Ugh, is that what I taste like?!”) is initially a matter of defense, but it soon turns into a heated kiss. Mary’s gripping your hair and pressing up into you as his tongue pilfers your mouth. He wrenches your head back so he can kiss down your neck.
“What about now?” you gasp. “Can I take your cock now?”
“Ugh,” he huffs into your neck. “I hate it when you win.”
He rolls the two of you back onto your sides, and his hand travels down to your cunt. You’re by no means soaking, but the play fighting and subsequent kissing have made you wet enough. Mary thinks so too, and—after some fumbling with his underwear and your robe—his cock finds your hole and pushes in. He makes a sound of relief, as you gasp, and begins to slowly thrust in and out of you.
The position is a little awkward, even with your leg hoisted over him, and you say, “I can turn around if …?”
But he just draws you closer. “No, this is fine.”
His thrusts are slow and steady, him slowing you down every time you try to pick up the pace.
You whine. “Mare—”
“Shh—it can be good like this.”
He finds your mouth again, his one hand tangled in your hair and the other gripping your ass. You let him slowly fuck into you, your hand snaking down to play with your clit. It takes longer than when the two of you pound frenetically at each other, but soon enough Mary is stuttering and trembling with the need to cum.
“Are you close?” he mouths at you. “I want to cum with you.”
You squirm. “Mary …”
“Please …”
You suck his tongue into your mouth and start tapping quicker on your clit. You dredge up your favorite x-rated fantasy. All you need is …
“Faster—oh please, Mary …” you plead, breaking away from his mouth.
He presses you into him harder as he begins to thrust faster. Your eyes are squeezed shut as you will your orgasm to happen.
“Suey—this pace … I can’t …” whines Mary. He slows down a little, pumping into you with longer, deeper thrusts. You press into your clit, hard, and clench around him, loving the feeling of being filled, of having something pressing back against you.
“Oh my god,” hisses Mary, and then he slams suddenly into you. “Ughn,” he grunts out as he empties into you. 
It’s actually enough to push you over, and your eyes roll back as you start to pulsate and spasm with the waves of your orgasm.
“Ah ah ah ah,” you punch out.
And then the two of you are clenching and grinding and grabbing at each other, mouths meeting and then smearing across faces and necks.
When it’s over, your leg is draped and hanging over his hip, his face is mashed into your shoulder, and your arms are wrapped around his head. You are both panting, hearts rabbiting.
“Fuck,” says Mary into your shoulder.
“Double fuck,” you say, and Mary huffs out a laugh. He raises his head to capture your mouth in a lazy kiss.
You’re both sticky with sweat, and it’s a messy business separating. Mary reaches out to you, but you’re already bouncing off the bed.
“No, why?” he whines as he makes grabby hands at you, but you’re already shrugging your robe back on.
“Do we have to go through this every time? I’m going to pee—I’ll be right back.”
You’re on the toilet when Mary wanders in—nude and soft cock bouncing. 
“Mary,” you squeal as you cover yourself with your hands.
He squints at you. “What?”
“Are you taking a shit?”
“No, but—”
He turns the sink faucet on. “Then what’s the issue?”
“Fuck, leave some mystery!”
He grabs his Mary-designated washcloth and looks over at you as he runs it under the water.
“I don’t really want ‘the mystery’. I want the real thing.”
Mary begins to wipe in between his legs, and you turn your head away with a disgruntled noise.
“I don’t get what the big fucking deal is. I probably know what your, uh, vagina—”
“You can just say ‘cunt’, jesus christ, this isn’t health class.”
“—your cunt looks like better than you do. I’m up there enough. And earlier tonight you were covered in my jizz.”
“It’s-it’s—I don’t know! Kind of gross?”
“You peeing is grosser than semen?”
You press the palms of your hands into your eyes.
The faucet shuts off. “Fine. I'll tell you what. You promised to be more open. So you can either finish peeing—don’t deny it I know I interrupted you midstream—
“Christ, Mary—”
“—or you can tell me one personal, intimate thing, and I’ll leave.”
You turn to glare at him. He’s standing with arms akimbo, modesty be damned. You keep his gaze as you unclench and finish peeing. He grins at you—a wide, fearsome thing.
“Ok, ok—get out. That’s all you get tonight, drive through.”
He leans over to kiss your head, and you make a mean lemon face at him.
When you get back into your room, Mary is in a fresh—well different—pair of boxer briefs and is straightening out your sheets. You hang up your robe and shimmy into the old tee of his that you’ve claimed as yours. When he turns and sees you, his eyes linger, but he doesn’t say anything.
You both climb into bed, and you allow him to big spoon you—with the understanding that the second he falls asleep you retain the right to extract yourself from him. He snuffles into your neck and sighs. 
After awhile you say, “Sorry that that’s not the way I promised to let you fuck me.”
He huffs into you. “How do you know how I wanted to fuck you?”
"It was implied.”
“You said ‘that way I like’. I like the way we fucked just fine.” 
“But I—”
“Hush. Let’s just go the fuck to sleep, ok?”
"Yeah, ok.”
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So There I Was, Barbecue Sauce (giant bug) on My Titties (actually it was on my shoulder)
2:45-3:45ish in the morning. I wake up because I'm hot and my cat's taking over the bed. I've been sleeping on my mattress in the living room due to my room being renovated. I'm almost completely unable to see in the dark without my glasses, but there's a bit of a light from nightlights, so I can see some highlights of things. I move the cat over, I try to go back to sleep. Something big and leggy crawls over my shoulder. Like big enough that I can feel a weight. I assume it's just a giant spider, and I love spiders, but when you can't see and there's something large on you, it can be pretty unnerving. I jump up, shaking around like a madman, throw my shirt off and dance around like an idiot, but without glasses, I cannot see a thing, so I'm doing these giant, comical leaps trying to get to the side table to get my glasses. I get them, turn the overhead light on, and I put shoes on so my bare feet don't have to be on the floor lmao. I then get worried that something might be bothering my cat in bed so I pick him up and move him. I shake my blankets out, and nothing. I find a tiny daddy long leg but that obviously was not it. At this point, I still think and hope it was a spider. 
I lie back down, and my cat starts pouncing on something behind me. I turn my phone's flashlight on and look with him. He's pouncing on something behind the couch cover. I run my hand over the cover and feel like a vein in the couch. I'm like "was there always a weird vein here?" I take my hand away. The cat pounces. I put my hand back. The vein is gone. So with a very unnerving tip toe, I walk to the back of the couch, lift the couch cover, and a gIANT FUCKING CENTIPEDE COMES RUNNING AT ME. I am not ashamed to say that I screamed like a banshee. That sucker was at LEAST six inches??? Needless to say, my parents came running out of their room (my dad thought someone broke in lmao) and eventually my cats and mom helped me corrall this very leggy, VERY fast creature in a glass and we threw it outside. But DEAR FUCK MY MOST FEARED BUG WAS FUCKING ON ME WHILE I WAS SLEEPING. FUCK. Now I don't want to go back to sleep 😭😂
Like listen. We get some frightening creatures in the desert. Y'all ever seen a Child of the Earth? Freaky. Arizona Centipedes? Nightmare fuel. Sun Spiders? No thanks. Tarantula Hawks? Ginormous. The desert don't fuck around 😰
Plus the centipede bites are supposed to cause intense pain. Coyote Peterson did a video on Arizona Centipedes and for one of the first times ever, he had to make the cameras turn off because the bite was so painful. Thank the GODS that leggy bastard didn't bite me 🙏😭
And I have no idea what the fuck this is about, but I like somehow know days in advance if I'm going to encounter a centipede??? Like I was in my room the other day getting clothes from my drawer and it was some clothing I'd never worn before and I thought, "oh man, I wonder if there's a centipede in this" with absolutely nothing prompting this thought. Of course, the clothes were clean. And then I was like "well fuck, that means that I'm going to see a centipede soon". It happens EVERY TIME I HAVE THAT THOUGHT. What kind of six sense nonsense is this??? I can't divine the winning lottery numbers, but you can bet your ass I'll know when a centipede is gonna show up 🙃
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thecasinowolf · 4 years
Sensory Overload
It wasn’t often that Chronos, Zephyr, Cider, Seth, and Cas would head out to go shopping. There wasn’t a lot of time, constantly being in hiding. But they were running low on supplies, and because of the location they moved to just recently: the only store nearby was a grocery store, a dangerous place to be for criminals. But they had to. So, to avoid suspicion, they all decided to go. They’d all head in, collect and buy supplies separately, and head out. Very simple. Chronos told the group that they would most easily go unnoticed if they went when it was most busy, something they all agreed to. Something... one reluctantly agreed to. About five minutes in to this mission, Seth was taking a look at candles. They ran out of the ones Seris brought over, and it would be wrong if they just kept asking him for candles: so Seth was in charge of buying more. As he entered the isle, he felt a nose butt at his leg. Groaning, he looked over and saw Cas’ stylist, Garnet.
  “Jesus, wha-wha-what do you-” He was about to scold the dog for being annoying, but noticed she was unaccompanied. Uh oh. “Where i-i-is he?” Seth muttered, a bit of worry in his voice.   “He told me to go get you, follow me!” The german shepard said playfully, before taking off with Seth following. He thought about what could have happened. He was supposed to be getting tools for any sticky situations they might end up in, did he get recognized? But when Garnet led him to the tool isle, he noticed his dragon boyfriend seeming a bit... panicked. Cautiously, Seth approached him.   “Hey, hey, hey, woah, what’s go-...ing o-on?” Seth asked. Cas shook his head, he was covering his ears and whimpering. He didn’t meet the coyote’s golden eyes, he just shook his head and whimpered.   “It’s too loud,” Garnet said, taking a seat next to Seth. “And too bright. At least, that’s what he said.” Seth nodded, and just kind of... looked at him. What was he supposed to do in a situation like this? What was wrong?   “Are y-...ou okay?” Seth asked, giving Cas a small pat of assurance, but he shook his head again.   “It’s loud...there’s too much going on,” He muttered, shuffling in place nervously. Seth looked around, no one seemed to be looking at them; which was good. He didn’t want to cause a scene.    “I... see. I’m so-s-so-s-sorry,” Seth said, petting his head softly. “Um...can I do-do-do-do something to help you?” Seth asked softly.   “No... I dunno... I haven’t been out in a while... I... I forgot that this was something that affected me,” Cas grumbled, pressing his wrists harder against his fins.   “Wha-wha-what’s affe-...cting you?” Seth questioned. He was shitty at handling these kinds of things. If only Chronos were here... well, knowing Chronos: he’d probably make things worse. He’s all knowledge but no help.   “Everything...! It’s loud! I hear footsteps, and the lights, and the carts, a-and talking and, and, and!” Cas bit the collar of his shirt, muffling his words. Seth turned to Garnet, but she just sat there, pawing nervously at the ground. No help. Thanks, Gar.   “We-we-well... uh... you-you-you could step outside for a second. I’ll gra-...ab the stuff real quick and I’ll meet you out there, aight? I’ll grab the shit for bo-bo-both of us. If Chronos has a problem with that he can ki-ki-kiss my ass, he coulda done this himself,” Seth said, half joking. Cas giggled a bit and nodded, before grabbing Garnet by the leash and quickly heading out. Seth looked around, grabbed some shit he thought they could use. Wire cutters and pocket knives. Sure, they had enough tools, this was fine. Then he began walking to the candles, on the way there he saw Zephyr. He rolled his eyes before trying to continue.   “What’re those for?” Zephyr asked, noticing the tools in his hand.   “Chronos didn’t spe-...cify what we nee-needed,” Seth scoffed.   “Weren’t you on candle duty-”   “Goddamnit Zeph, mind your own bu-bu-business,” Seth groaned. “I’m going to the candles. What duty were YOU on, I do-...on’t see anything in your hands,” Seth commented.   “Ah-! Well, I was on tech duty,” Zeph began, before getting cut off by Seth snickering.   “Gross, Zeph, you sa-sa-said duty,” Seth laughed, Zephyr sighed. Jesus. He always made a joke about everything.   “ANYWAYS. I wasn’t sure WHAT parts I was getting, because Cider and Chronos were getting stuff for Poker Goat, so THAT’s not for me to do. So I was just going to check. But like I was going to ask, weren’t you on candle duty? Cas was supposed to get tools, what happened to him?” Zephyr pressed, Seth started walking away but Zeph followed him in to the candle isle.   “He had to... do something. Right quick. So I to-to-to-took his place,” Seth shrugged, and nabbed a few candles before beginning to leave again.   “He had to DO something? What could he have-”   “Good talk, Zeph, see you later. Tell apple bitch and Chro that I’m heading out,” Seth gave him a quick peace sign before heading to check out, Zephyr sighed. He never explained anything. But being vague was his specialty or whatever. Once Seth had checked out, he quickly made his way outside the store, where Cas was sitting on a bench near the carts; listening to music, with his head in his knees. Seth slowly made his way over and sat next to him, when Cas looked up, he looked... exhausted. “Damn. Must hate sho-...opping as much as I do,” Seth teased. Cas nodded, and stared off in to the distance. Seth glanced around and squeezed his wrist gently. “Hey, what ha-...ppened in there?” Cas sighed and put his head on Seth’s shoulder.   “I’m sorry for embarrassing you like that. But it was noisy. I couldn’t handle it. I hate crowds. They make me feel overwhelmed. Well... I mean... I guess it’s not JUST crowds. You know how I cover my ears all the time, even when we’re just at home?” Cas asked, taking his earbuds out.   “Yeah, whenever Chro starts fussing about something with someone, and I tell him to shu-...ut up because he’s scaring you,” Seth grumbles.   “Yeah...” Cas smiles a bit, “But also... when Cider drops something, or Zeph walks a little too loud, or a wack fighty action scene is going on on TV,” he lists. “I dunno... noises in general. I hate them. No one understands when I talk about it. I mean, isn’t it kinda RUDE to just go ‘stop talking, and walking, and breathing, and chewing because I hate you and you make me want to put my eardrums through a wood chipper’?” “Huh... yeah... I ge-ge-get it, kinda...” Seth nods. They both sat in silence for a bit, before Cas started crying. Startled, Seth quickly pulled him off the bench, in to a tight hug. “Woah! Hey! Do-...on’t do that! What’s wrong??”   “I’m sorry... I’m sorry... I wish I was normal. I looked so stupid having a meltdown in there. I wanted to do more than cover my ears I wanted to flap and and and and scream and and and and and cry and and and-”   “Shhh shhh shhh... shhh, hey. No you were fine, you were okay. God, no one’s nor-nor-nor-...mal. Don’t pu-pu-put yourself down ov-ov-over it. You did your best to stay calm and I respect that,” Seth whispered, patting him on the back.   “I’m so childish. I wish I could just deal with it but... I can’t. I just can’t. I didn’t do what Chronos asked and now I’m sobbing like a fucking toddler and-”   “Shhhhh. If you’re wo-wo-worried about ginger fucking Elsa ge-ge-getting after you for not getting a few tools I’ll yell at him before he yells at you. And if anyone judges you for crying I’ll bite their eyes out. They can’t watch if they can’t see,” Seth grins. Cas buried his face further into Seth’s chest, mumbling and sobbing.   “I’m such an idiot. I can be better than this. I cry and the stupidest shit.”   “You’re fine, Cas,” Seth grumbled, running his hands through his lover’s hair. He knew he had seen glimpses of his mental health issues before but... this was the first time he’d seen it get this bad. Maybe this meant he finally trusted him enough to let him see this side of him. That thought made him smile a bit. Cas trusted him. He was trustworthy. Fuck all that other noise, SOMEONE trusted him. “Hey, since those assholes are gonna be a while,” Seth said, breaking the silence, and slowly pushing Cas’ head away. “Why don’t we just head home? If we forgot some shit I’ll come back and get it. Tell me if Chro yells at you, I’ll beat his ass.”   “Yeah, okay,” Cas smiled nervously. “Okay.” With that, they started to head home. “I’m really sorry about all of that...” Cas whispered. “I swear I’m not usually this bad, I-”   “Didn’t I te-te-tell you to shu-...ut up?” Seth growled, grabbing his hand. “You are FI-...INE. Come on,” Seth said, pulling him along. Even if he didn’t really understand, he would do anything he could to help Cas feel safe wherever they were. He was his top priority, aside from world domination and snacks. He would keep him safe. He would protect him.
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hckerstvne · 5 years
survivor || lily, naomi & raphael
The sounds of the those two shots still rang loudly in Lily’s mind. Memories kept clashing of pulling the trigger on man sent to kill her. He was going to use it on her after knocking the young Stone onto the ground. Thank God to being put in all those self defense classes and how to disarm someone. If she hadn’t Lily fears she would be already dead with coyotes snacking on her rotting corpse. After shooting the man in his center mass the Stone had stole his black jacket to conceal her injuries along with stealing what little money he had. Even though it only had one bullet left in the barrel, Lily thought it would be best to hang onto it. She knew using public transport the authorities would stop her at the border due to how sketchy she appeared with a hoodie pulled over her head and keeping her head down. Thankfully she was able to flag a farmer down and sold him the story the man was attempting to rape her. Understanding her story the kind farmer allowed Lily to hide in the back with the horses. 
Hiding with the animals was somewhat soothing to Lily since it reminded her of home--of the ranch she’d grown up on. ‘This wouldn’t be such a bad place to die.’ the blonde thought. Being with the horses reminded her so much of home and what better place to die? The entire ride Lily barely had slept. As Lily laid on the hay she would often find herself looking at the USB she snagged before her hideout got ransacked. It made her question just what was on it. All she knew is it was worth killing someone over. 
“Thank you, senor.” Lily gave the farmer a faint smile as she handed him the wad of cash. They were just on the outskirts of Lakewood and it was night fall. Knowing the town from the back of her hand along with its residence Lily knew taking the trail in the woods would be the quickest way to getting home. That and being undetected by the enemy. Limping her way down the graveled trail Lily stayed on her toes. Even though she was back home Lily had a gut feeling still needed to be on the lookout. The pain gotten worse as her vision began to become a blur. Her body pleading to her to just give in and sleep. They ached every time she moved or even breathed. Leaning against a tree for support Lily slapped herself awake. She couldn’t pass out, not yet anyways. “You can sleep when you are dead, Stone.” she spoke to herself. Reluctantly getting off the tree Lily marched on with determination in her. Though that determination blinded her and found herself laying flat on her back. 
A low groan escaped her lips. “Son of a bitch.” Reaching behind her head Lily felt a warm liquid and knew instantly what it was. “Where’s the flash drive?” questioned the man. Her heart dropped at that question and Lily looks up at him. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” She quickly answered. “Don’t fucking lie to me,” Lily found herself being dragged off the ground by her blonde locks and came face to face with her attacker. “where is it?” His breath stunk of cheap cigars and liquor. “Go. To. Hell.” the hacker than spat in his face. Her attacker’s answer? He slapped her, hard. In the matter of a few seconds Lily became shoved against a tree and used it as support to keep her up. Her body continued to plead out to her as a familiar taste appeared in her mouth. It tasted of iron. It was her blood. “Y’know, with a body like yours it sure will go far in the trade.” His words sent a shiver up her spine. “I rather die then be sold as a slut.” Lily might’ve thought of lower standards for herself, but being a slut at someone’s disposal? Yeah, no thank you. “Then again with that mouth of yours you wouldn’t get far.” Hearing his words made Lily snort. Her mouth always did get her into trouble except this time it might’ve just saved her. “Go on and kill me,” Lily changed the subject and looks to her attacker with her good eye. Her other eye had swelled up and almost impossible to see. “I’m not gonna tell you where the flash drive is for I don’t know where it is at.” She bluffed. “And if I did? I sure as hell wouldn’t tell you--you low pieces of shits killed my mother!” Lily roared and paid no attention to the blood falling from her lips. 
Suddenly Lily found herself with the pain worse than any she has ever felt--including the pain that she fought all night. Shaking violently she looked down at the source of the pain. There it was--a knife embedded in her lower abdomen. Dark liquid came out of the wounded and stained her blue jeans.  “You...you stabbed me.” her voice almost sounded like a broken child. Holding the knife in place Lily slid down the tree. The pain that radiated throughout her body made her legs not wanting to hold her up anymore. Remembering something Lily leaned her head against the bark and looks up at him. “You got a tampon so I can plug this up?” She horribly joked. Her attacker rolled his eyes before muttering. “You fucking Stones think you are so goddamn funny.” Lily watched as he turned his back to make a phone call and that is when she made her move. Despite not being able to move much Lily managed to get the small gun she’d taken from her last attacker and hid it in her boot. Extending her arm out and using her good eye, Lily knew her shot was now or never. “Hey asshat.” Lily called out to him. “Do you ever shut the--” BANG! 
Watching the man drop to the ground like a dead fly Lily drops the not empty gun onto to the ground. “I never shut up.” She answered the dead man. Looking down at the knife that was still in her stomach that is when Lily finally let it all out. Tears and all. This whole time running for her life and Lily hadn’t cried not once until now. The water that left her eyes mixed with the dirt and blood on her face. The salty water stung the wounds on her face like a paper cut. Taking a deep breath Lily bites her bottom lip and holds back a scream when taking out the knife. “Fuck.” Carefully and quickly Lily took off the bloodied jacket and her flannel shirt she wore with a tank, she ties the flannel shirt around her waist to apply pressure to the wound--to slow down the bleeding. I gotta get home, she kept thinking. Using the tree to help her up Lily held onto it for dear life as she fought the pain. Keeping her back to the tree and using the dirty jacket, Lily puts the dark fabric into her mouth before raising her hand and hitting the stab wound. She needed to throw off the sharp pains by turning it into a dull pain or at least try to. Lily only needed to last a while longer and she will be fine. 
After a few moments of hitting the stab wound, Lily took a deep breath as she eyed the gravel trail ahead. “1...2...3.” She counted down to prepare herself and she was off. Lily ran and oh did she run alright. The dull pain didn’t last long and the sharp pain quickly came back to almost knock the breathe out of her. Just when Lily thought about giving up in getting home she saw it. The ranch; the family home. The bloodied Stone came to a stop as she held onto the wooden fence that kept the horses in. Not caring she was staining it and with no energy into walk around to the drive way, Lily climbs over it and ran once again. Her eyes staying on the front door as if it were a light at the end of the tunnel. Landing harshly against the door Lily began to beat onto it frantically as she felt the last bit of her strength leave her. Not caring she was leaving blood all over the door Lily rang the doorbell a few times right before falling back and landing onto the steps. At this point Lily didn’t care to endure more injuries she saw it she was just adding to the list and she was finally home. She knew someone would answer the door or at least find her and that was comforting enough. If she died right there they would find the flash drive on her. 
Hearing a frantic banging on the front door followed by the doorbell, the main maid who has been working for years for the Stones answers the door. A scream erupted from her as she saw the lifeless body of Lillian Stone on the doorstep in a pool of her own blood. “Miss Naomi! Mr. Stone!” screeched the maid. Her scream echoing throughout the house. “Come quick!” She rushes over to Lily’s side and embraces the young girl in her arms. Lily clearly still in distress even though she couldn’t move her body much. “Shh, it is okay, hun--you’re safe.”  
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@naomixstone @raphael-stone
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redrobinfection · 6 years
(29) “Date Night”
JayTim Christmas in July 2018 - Day 29 “Date Night”
(<< Continued from Day 17 “S’mores”)
Jason slapped his shoulder lightly. "Hey. I thought we went over this; none of that sexy stuff! This is a PG-rated, all fluffy fun bonding trip. No seducing me into sexual activities with your well-affected, sloppy cuteness," he teased.
"Kissing is hardly sex."
"It is if we start tongue-fucking each other!"
Tim let out an ugly snort before he contain it and Jason burst out laughing, which set him off laughing as well. “O-okay, okay, so… so b-bonding,” Tim choked out between laughs. “We hiked up here, we set up camp, started a fire, ate dinner, made s'mores… Now what? Do we sing campfire songs and cuddle? Or is cuddling too sexual? ‘Kumbaya’ sound good to you?”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Yes to cuddling - jeez, I think we can manage to sit together and hold hands without it turning into a porno for the bears, ya know - but no to singing. We came out here work on our relationship, so I guess that means we should, I dunno, talk or something.”
“About what?”
“About the things we never talk about,” Jason replied soberly, “The stuff we never get around to or the stuff we are afraid to talk about or-”
“So like… things we want to work on?”
“Yeah, or things that are bothering you, all the things tha-”
“A gun safe.”
Jason blinked and tilted his head quizzically. Tim’s expression had taken on a serious, contemplative cast. “If you’re going to sleep in my apartment - the real one, the one that 'Tim Wayne’ walks in and out of in broad daylight - and bring guns over then you need to help me pick out a gun safe for you to store them in,” Tim explained, meeting his gaze firmly. “It’s great that you’re storing the ammo away from the weapons and keeping the safeties on and all of that, but I need more if you’re going to keep guns at my place on a regular basis. At any of my places - apartment, safehouses, or my cave.”
Jason nodded. “I can do that.” Tim’s expression lightened and he nodded his appreciation. Jason took a moment to compose himself then blurted out,
“Date nights.”
“Date nights?”
“I love patrolling with Red Robin then crashing at your place afterwards, but that’s not 'dating’,” he informed Tim bluntly. “Eating dinner and chatting it up on a stakeout is not a 'date’ and fixing up each other’s wounds might be re-bonding flesh, but it’s not 'bonding’,” he explained, doing his utmost to keep his tone even and unemotional.
He’d been sitting on these complaints for a long time, not wanting to seem too demanding or needy, so it was tough to not let it burst out all at once. “I know you’re a busy man, and you do fantastic work, but sometimes I feel like you’re all 'go, go, go’ and there’s never really any time to take a break. Like there’s never any time for 'us’.”
Tim’s face crumpled in dismay. “Jason…”
“I’m not finished,” he said, holding up a hand. Tim waited, his hurt expression screaming concern. “All of that was fine before, when we were just feelin’ this out, figuring things out between us, but I feel like we’re ready to go further than that. That’s why I asked for this trip, that’s why I wanted us to talk seriously about what we need from each other. So…yeah. Date nights,” he finished lamely, leaning back with a sigh.
“I… yeah. No. Definitely. We can do that,” Tim replied faintly, looking sick.
Jason frowned. “Are you sure? You don’t look all to keen on the idea…”
“No, I…” Tim closed his eyes and shook his head vigorously, swallowing convulsively. When he opened his eyes again it was with a pained, apologetic expression. “I’m just so sorry you felt that way. I had no idea. If I had known-”
“Hey. Tim. Man. Chill, okay?” Jason reached out and grasped his hand, squeezing gently. “Breathe. I’m not mad and, like I said, that was fine before. We were keepin’ casual and that’s fine. I just… moving forward I want more. That’s all,” he reassured him, lifting their hands and giving them a little shake as he smiled down at Tim gently. Tim relaxed only slightly and smiled back weakly, as if not entirely convinced yet. Jason huffed a laugh and pulled their hands into his lap.
“Besides, even if I was upset about this - and I’m not - we came out here to talk things out, right? It’s okay for us to be honest and express what we’re really feeling, even the negative things, as long as we communicate and work together to get to a better place. Right?
Tim’s searching stare could have bored holes into the rock beneath them, but eventually he seemed to find whatever he was looking for behind Jason’s eyes and relaxed with a barely perceptible sigh. “Yeah, I guess as long as we’re here and in the mood to be open with each other we should try to discuss as many of our concerns and needs as we can, so we can work them out now before they become issues later.” He squeezed Jason’s hand gently, as if looking for confirmation.
Jason took the cue and squeezed Tim’s hand firmly, knocking it against their legs as he leaned into him playfully. “Exactly. Sorry, if I scared you. I just get intense, you know?”
“Y-yeah,” Tim replied breathlessly, swinging their hands and shooting him a sly grin. “I get pretty intense sometimes too.”
“S'all good,” Jason replied, pressing a soft kiss into Tim’s hair. “As long as we’re on the same page, it’s all good.”
Tim nodded and for a few minutes they both stared into the crackling flames of their campfire without speaking. Jason enjoyed the quiet moments sharing each other’s warmth and that of the fire; it was a comfortable, companionable silence. Jason could just make out the yips of a few coyote in the distance and at one point the howls of far-off wolves. After a few minutes Tim shifted.
“So… does this count as a date?” Tim asked, something about his tone making Jason draw back to get a good look at him. Tim was sporting a grin that he tried to hide by turning his face toward the flames.
“Yes. Yes, it is,” Jason replied slowly, biting off each word carefully. “But this is a special kind of date, a date weekend. Don’t think this counts for the next three weeks or some shit like that!”
“So we’re gonna do one date night per week?”
“At least. We’ll start out once a week and adjust from there.”
Tim smiled up at him in earnest. “Sounds good to me. What about these special date weekends? How often are we going to do these?”
“As often as I can drag you away from your precious duties, you crazy work-a-holic,” Jason replied blithely. “Let’s aim once every other month.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Tim replied, before turning back to the fire and yawning so widely Jason swore he heard his jaw crack.
“You know what else sounds like a plan? Sleeping. Let’s turn in, Timbo,” Jason said, standing with a stretch that popped several tendons and joints across his back, hips and knees. Ahhhh, the perks of being a vigilante!
“But it’s only nine o’ clock.”
“Yeah, but it’s pitch black out here and you’ve been averaging four hours a night for the last week and a half. Time to go pay off your sleep debt,” Jason replied, grabbing Tim’s wrists and levering him up.
Tim allowed it, but once he passed vertical he sagged limply into Jason’s chest and peered up at him from under his eyebrows, batting his eyelashes ridiculously. “You just want to get me into your sleeping bag, you horn dog.”
Jason laughed out loud. “I’m the horn dog? You’re the one who keeps throwing yourself at me.”
Tim grinned sleepily. “Guilty. Okay. Let’s sleep, that way we’ll be fully rested when I make you teach the birds how to sing come sunrise.”
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crewhonk · 6 years
In the Back of the Truck
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Words: 1,850
Summary: You and Jim Hopper have some fun in the back of his truck during the Snowball. 
Warnings: Swearing, Smut, Age Gap, Thigh Riding, Blowjob, Car Sex
December 15th, 1984
You dropped your little brother off at Hawkins Middle School on the night of the Snowball and watched him run into the front doors full of excitement. After all he had been through, he certainly deserved a night to make as many positive memories with the people he would die for. The past month had been a nightmare after you had found out what he had been doing with the Party when you showed up to the Byers house after you had found a girl named Elle (“her full name is Eleven.” “Eleven? Like the number?””That's what I said!”) wandering the streets alone. You had picked her up that night not knowing that the recent Coyote attacks (why you had picked her up in the first place) had not actually been coyotes but inter-dimensional dogs.
Okay. Sure.
You got out of the car and lit a cigarette before leaning on the hood of your mom's car and preparing yourself for the long night of waiting ahead. I was a cold night in Hawkins, so you had a thermos of coffee, a book, and a heavy blanket in your car to pass the time and fight the cold that would seep eventually seep into the car. Who knew that you wouldn’t actually need it that night.
“You’re waiting too, huh?” You heard a gruff voice pipe up from a few cars away. Jim Hopper had shown up (you assumed it would be to drop off Eleven), and your breath hitched in your throat. You were quite a few years younger than the Chief of Police, but that hasn't stopped you from developing some sort of crush on the man. It wasn’t the kind of crush that you would have developed in school (you never had crushes on anyone before Jim, apparently. That man made you feel… things), and just the sight of him would leave you quaking in your Converse.
“Will asked mom to give him some space tonight, so she sent me.” You laughed, taking a drag from your cigarette and coughing lightly, trying to shake the nervousness you had lodged in your throat.
“You know, smoking will kill you.” He lectured, pulling out his own pack and lighting it.
“Says you, Sir. What are those? The strongest ones? You’re not one to talk.” You laughed. You were completely unaware that when you had called him Sir, his entire body stiffened, and the flow of the blood in his body completely changed and his pants had suddenly grown tight.
“Yeah, but I’m old. You’re what? 12? You still have a life ahead of you.” He joked, leaning on the hood of your car. The closeness between the both of you had you breathing in short puffs and all you wanted to do was to be close enough where your breathing had altogether ceased.
“I’m 21, thank you very much. I can make decisions for myself.” You glared, a playful smirk on your lips. You noticed his eyes flick down to them, and you parted them purposefully, licking the bottom one slowly. You noticed that his pupils had dilated at your action, and the nervousness you were feeling vanished slowly— he felt the same way. You rested your forehead against his shoulder and breathed him in deeply.
“Y/N?” He whispered, you looked up at him slowly and your breathing had finally stopped. He was so close. “What kind of decisions are we talking about?”
“Whatever ones you want me to make.” You mumbled, hoping you were louder than your heartbeat.
“Can you make the decision to trust me?”
“I’m sure I can find it in myself, Sir.” And with that, he grabbed the hat at the nape of your neck and pulled you roughly to his lips. You had never felt anything like the kiss Jim Hopper had given you that night. His lips were chapped, but somehow still soft and his facial hair scratched the soft skin of your face. Your hands flew to his cheeks, and you held his large head tightly in your grasp. He pulled you so close to him after that, and you could have died right then and there because his tongue had slipped between your lips, and his arms circled your waist so tightly you would have assumed you had no organs whatsoever. Your hands slid down his torso and slipped under his shirt and you felt him flick away from the ice cold of your hands. Your fingers never ceased, however, because soon enough, your fingertips had slipped around the front of his pants and palmed roughly at his straining member. He growled into your mouth and you smiled, grabbing the buckle of his belt and nearly tearing it off completely.
“Let’s not do this here.” He gasped, grabbing your bicep tightly and rushing towards his police truck. You had no qualms about fucking the sheriff in his truck because you knew the little angel and the little devil over your shoulders cheering you on. You let him climb into the back seat first, and followed him, planting yourself on his knee and biting at his neck. Your trembling fingers reached quickly down to his belt and you quickly resumed your work while leaving rough kisses on his jaw and neck, making sure to leave swelled bruises where your lips touched. He was moaning in anticipation now, breathing heavily and lightly thrusting his hips into your hands, hoping to get some sort of pressure again.
You finally ripped his belt off his jeans and unzipped his pants, taking note of how he wasn’t wearing any underwear, and freeing his straining member. You froze. He was fucking ginormous. Not only was his cock thick and long, but his dorsal veins were prominent (waddup greys anatomy reference). Your mouth immediately had started watering and you looked up at him with a nervous anticipation in your eyes before kissing him hard and tugging at it. You hand had barely been able to fit around the entire thing, so you found it easier to use his premium as a form of lubricant to ease the movement of your grip. Your thumb flicked over his tip and you heard him gasp into your hair and his thighs had flexed in pleasure.
You immediately saw stars. Your hand movements stopped entirely and you had to close your eyes at the feeling the motion had given you.
“Is everything okay?” He asked, worried that you had suddenly changed your mind.
“No, yeah. Everything really fucking good, your thigh just flexed and I almost came.” You laughed breathlessly and twisted your wrist around his dick. He grunted lightly and leaned forward to bit your shoulder hard.
“You wanna cum all over my thigh, Little Girl?” He growled, lettings hands rest on your hips and dragging them slowly up and down your thigh. You let out a high pitched keen into his neck, and grinder down harder on his knee.
“Yes Sir, please.” You groaned. You stopped your motions on his dick, and your hands came to rest on the sides of his neck and you wanted to scream at the friction you found while you humped his thigh with reckless abandon. Your hips moved quickly, and Jim began bouncing his thigh which made the air in your lungs leave your body in one big whoosh.
“Sir. I’m gonna—“ you cut yourself off when his hand wrapped around your throat. You looked into his eyes, and your eyebrows furrowed together in pleasure when your eyes met.
“What’re you gonna do Baby Girl? You gon’ fucking cum all over my leg like some dirty slut? You gonna cum all over me without me even touchin’ you? Huh?” He punctuated the last sentence with a hard slap on your ass and you squealed at the sting of it.
“Yes, Sir. Please. Spank me again. Let me cum on your leg.” You whimpered, adjusting yourself so that Little Jim wouldn’t feel so left out. You let your folds rest against the underside of his dick and you rutted your hips into it, crying out when you felt his veins against your clit and hearing the sound of his balls being coated with your slick.
“Oh, fuck Baby Girl. So fucking good.” He grunted, pushing you back by your throat and pulling your hips down harder on the side of his dick, his own hips rutting up without any care. You were now resting against the back of the driver's seat, and you gasped when Jim ripped your blouse open, letting buttons fly around the car.
“Jim!” You cried. “What else am I supposed to wear!”
He reached around and undid your bra, unhooking the adjustable straps and pulling your bra off of your shoulders. “I have a jacket you can use. Say you were cold or somethin’.” He grabbed your tits and rolled your nipples between his fingers and you screamed in pleasure.
“Oh my god, Jim!” You cried. There were tears streaming down your face at the overwhelming pleasure he was giving you.
“Cum for me Little Girl.” He growled, pulling your hips closer and bringing his thumb hard down your clit. You came unraveled then, shaking and convulsing and crying in the backseat of his truck. You took a second to breathe after the intenseness of the orgasm he gave you. You tucked yourself between his knees and kneeled on the dirty, hard floor of the floor. You leaned forward and kissed the head of his cock, kitten licking it, and then wrapping your swollen lips around the head and sucking hard. You used your hands to pump the rest of his shaft and massage his balls softly.
“Oh. Shit. Shit!” He moaned and pulled your hair away from your hand, grasping it tightly in his hand and guiding your mouth slowly onto his cock. You pushed your face further, and you found yourself pressing your nose into his stomach and gagging around his girth. He pulled your head back, but you fought against it, wanting him to explode into your mouth.
“Kitten lemme cum on your tits. Please.” He whimpered. You let your hand reach down and play with your clit, already needing some form of stimulation. You pulled away, and let him wrap his own fist around his cock.
“You playin’ with yourself while I get ready to cum all over you? Huh?” He snarled, holding your chin tightly in his hand. You only whimpered before shoving your fingers into your dripping cunt and squeaking with pleasure. He let out a loud yell and covered your face and neck with his cum, you let it drip over your face as you came a second time, feeling your own walls flutter around three of your fingers. He brushed the hair away from your face and brought you closer to his face, kissing your lips softly.
“Good girl.” He mumbled, kissing you again. Your face flushed at the compliment and smiled into the kiss. You hoped you’d find yourself in this situation soon again in the near future.
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Resource Management, pt20
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Word Count: 2441 Tags:  @supermoonpanda @rayleyanns @sistasarah-sallysaidso @feelmyroarrrr @anyakinamidala @dirajunara @anotherotter @little-study-bug @rampant-salamander @goodnightwife @samaxraph99 @outside-the-government @kingarthurscat @coyote-in-space @originalpottervengerlock @dolamrothianlady @curiositywillbethedeathofme @superheroesofbothuniverses @mtriestowrite @wanderingkat77
“John Garrett.” I broke my self-imposed silence with Phil after a day because I couldn’t get it out of my mind.
“Great agent. Is this supposed to be a free association game?” Phil’s response was quick.
“He’s the one who called me Dominatrix Librarian Barbie.” I pointed out. It had been bugging me since he’d left my office the previous afternoon.
“He’s not the most evolved about women. You didn’t find him charming? Most women love Garrett.”
“He seemed a little slippery.” I just wanted Phil to reassure me.
“We trained together under Fury. He’s a good guy. Specialists don’t tend to have the best people skills, but he would take a bullet for any of us.”
“If you say he’s okay, I trust you.”
“He’s okay.” Two words and I felt better. Garrett rubbed me the wrong way, and I don’t think I’d want to spend my free time with him, but if Phil trusted him, how could I not? I sat back and took a deep breath to clear the clouds of doubt that had been hanging over me. There was a knock on my doorjamb. Erin was waiting with a file folder.
“I’ve got about a third left from the pile you gave me. These new helicarrier positions have a bunch of pre-vetting coded into them, it makes assigning to successful candidate a crapshoot,” she complained as she walked in. She flopped into the chair across from me and dropped the file folder on the desk.
“I know. I’ve had to review at least half of the ones I’ve worked on as well,” I grumbled. Every time I thought I had the right employee chosen, I would key their info into the position and hold my breath to see if it would be accepted. There must have been an orientation or course that was required to qualify for the Insight positions.
“Do you have a minute?” Erin looked nervous.
“Sure,” I nodded. She went to shut the door and sat back down.
“I owe you an apology. I’ve been acting like a total ass,” she began. I quirked an eyebrow and tried to bite back my surprise.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not going to argue with you,” I agreed.
“I don’t expect you to. I panicked when Fury sent out that memo about the training. It set me on edge. And I,” she paused for a long while, “I just, you’re my best friend, and everything seems to be going so perfectly for you. I got jealous and angry.”
“Oh, Erin.” I didn’t know what else to say. Her face had gone splotchy and red, and she looked like she was going to cry. I shoved the box of tissue toward her, and she pulled a couple pieces out, crumpling them in her hand, and then smoothing them. She laid them on her knee, almost as though she were putting them at the ready, and took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry. I was eating dinner with Matt last night and he asked why I was so angry at you, and I couldn’t think of a single reason. I don’t know why I am so angry. And I’m so sorry it’s been directed at you,” she blurted, picking up the tissues and blotting her eyes.
“Dinner with Matt?” I couldn’t help it, I was intrigued. And crying and confessions, and emotions had always made me uncomfortable. I wanted to smoothly change the topic before I wound up in tears as well.
“Yeah. Fucking Sunday morning rugby led to Tuesday afternoon sushi, and one thing led to another. I think we’re dating.” She blew her nose and retrieved a few more tissues.
“That’s kind of awesome, Erin,” I offered.
“Annie, please. I know you want to make a joke and make the drama go away. But I need to know if you and I are going to be okay. I’ve been an ass, and you are my best friend. I don’t know what to do to make it right.” The look on her face was all I needed to see. We’d been in new employee orientation together. She was my first friend at SHIELD, and I knew her better than I knew myself some days.
“Some best friend I would be if I didn’t forgive you,” I pointed out. Her smile was watery, and she dabbed her nose. Lucky bitch didn’t ugly cry, she looked beautiful.
“So we’re good?” She asked.
“I do have one concern,” I admitted. “Agent Garrett didn’t know that he would need to file a P440A for access to personnel files. He made it seem as though you’d always just handed info over.”
Erin let out a short bark of laughter.
“John is a great agent, but he’s old school, Annie. I doubt he even knows how to check his email. I always just fill the form in for him, and get him to put his password in. He’d never get anything done otherwise,” she rolled her eyes. I was mollified by the answer and nodded.
“You trust him?”
“I don’t trust anyone anymore,” she admitted, “except you.”
Once Erin and I had settled our differences, the routine in the office started to feel more natural. I was able to include her in some of the transition details, and we decided to play to one another’s strengths in a different arena as well: training. Erin was a significantly better marksman than I was. And she sucked at hand-to-hand. We started slipping out of the office an hour early every afternoon to work on one or the other. By the end of the week, my shooting was consistently improved. I still needed time to focus, which Barton had said I needed to eliminate, but my targeting was so much improved that I didn’t feel like a complete failure anymore. Erin’s hand-to-hand was coming along slowly. She was tentative and scared she might hurt me. No matter how often I reassured her that I would be fine, she hesitated over the simplest moves.
“What if I hurt you?” She complained after one session. It was a bad session. I was feeling edgy, and she was unwilling to engage. I’d eventually lost my temper; swearing and yelling that she needed to just fucking hit me already. Even that hadn’t helped her to find her nerve.
“So what if you do?” I shot back.
“I don’t want –“
“Erin, you can’t look at me and see me. You have to look at me and see an attacker, and forget who I am. I need to know, Fury needs to know that you’re improving and able to defend yourself for at least a little while,” I explained.
“I’d rather just pull my gun,” she wisecracked and the tension broke.
“I’d prefer you had that as your option too, but you need this in case it isn’t an option. In case someone takes you by surprise and disarms you,” I admitted. She nodded.
“Okay, let’s do this one more time. I’ll try.”
“Do or do not. There is no try.”
“Thank you, Yoda,” she rolled her eyes. I moved into attack position and came at her quickly. She hesitated for a moment and then blocked my punch. She attempted to sweep my legs from under me, and lost her balance, but as she went down, she very carefully and very firmly punched me in the kidney. I dropped like a ton of bricks.
“Good,” I groaned.
“Oh god, Annie, I swear –“
“No, it was good. I might pee blood for a few days, but it was good.” I held my hand out to her, and she leaned down to pull me to my feet. I pulled her down, and using my feet, flipped her over my shoulders onto the mat behind me. I came up onto my feet and dropped my knee into her back.
“No pity, Erin,” I reminded her before letting her up. She nodded enough that I let go, and pulled her to her feet.
“Is it five yet?” She asked as she reached for her water bottle.
“Almost. Hot date?”
“Matt wants to go out to celebrate his new position,” she nodded.
“He got one of those Insight positions, didn’t he?”
“Ugh. Yes,” she started, “some sort of computer tech position. He’s going to be gone for months at a time.”
I realized suddenly that Erin was actually really into him, and broke into a broad smile. Her eyes narrowed and she shook her head.
“Shut up, Anna.” She threw her towel at me and headed to the change room. I grabbed my things and followed, despite not being in any real hurry to get home to absolutely nothing. Phil must have been super busy because I hadn’t had so much as a text since my inquiry about Garrett earlier in the week.
I wound up at the bar down the street from my place, nursing a beer and a plate of chicken wings. It had been a long few weeks, and I just didn’t feel like going home to my TV on a Friday night. There was a hockey game on the TV behind the bar, and I was lost in my own world. The Caps were playing the Canucks, so I was keeping quiet, but I had my eye on the game with the quiet resignation of a Canucks’ fan. I could tell just from the way they were skating that the game was already over, and the Caps had it in the bag, but I still couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across my face when Kesler scored. Saul, the bartender, noticed.
“They’re gonna lose, Annie,” he taunted.
“Seems like they always do, Saul. Doesn’t make them any less my boys,” I laughed.
“Well, don’t say it too loud. Those guys in the back booth are pretty rowdy and have money on the Caps,” he warned me.
“I can take care of myself,” I assured him. He touched his finger to his nose and nodded.
“Just watch them. They don’t treat the ladies too good,” he reiterated. I nodded and went back to the game, and my food. Saul filled a pint glass and put it in front of me, trading it for my empty. I smiled and took a drink. I hadn’t been into McGinty’s since all the changes at work started, and I had forgotten how much I missed tuning out my week with wings, a beer and some hockey. I could feel my soul relaxing, if that was even possible. One of the big guys from the back booth bellied up to the bar to order another pitcher. He glanced at me, taking in my work clothes. I still had my blazer on, to conceal the shoulder holster, but I was in a tailored slate grey pantsuit. It was the favourite of my work clothes because it fit so perfectly. The drawback was that it fit so perfectly that it drew attention from unwanted quarters at times. This was one of them. The guy stepped over to me and smiled. He was already half-cut, and his eyes were hooded as he sized me up.
“This seat taken, honey?” He asked, gesturing at the stool beside me.
“Doesn’t appear to be.” I couldn’t see the point of getting worked up about him when I knew I could handle him if needed. He sat down with his pitcher and gestured at Saul for a glass.
“What are you drinking?”
“Never heard of it.” He was dismissive.
“It’s an export,” Saul offered. The guy looked at me and curled his lip.
“Something against Bud?” He sneered.
“Not at all.” I looked down at my plate and at my beer and weighed the value of sticking around and finishing while stuck with the Cro-Magnon beside me, or just leaving. Thanks in no small part to sparring with Erin, the food and beer won. I was probably going to regret that. The guy fell silent beside me, likely fuming over my choice of beers. I glanced up at the TV in time to see the Canucks score on a breakaway, and didn’t quite manage to bite back my cheer of pleasure.
“The fuck is wrong with you? Drinking an import, cheering for the visiting team? You not from around here?” He raised his voice, and drew the attention of his buddies. I glanced at Saul apologetically, and he shrugged in response. My gaze flicked over to the other cavemen and to the door. I sighed heavily and took a final pull from my beer.
“Dude, I just want to finish my dinner,” I began, “without causing a scene.”
“Well, I wanted to get to know a pretty girl, but now I think maybe –“
“Hey, sorry I’m late. Pilot was late,” Stark’s arm slid around my shoulder and he kissed my cheek. It was all I could do to not shriek and shove him away.
“I,” I scrambled, “was not expecting you until much later?” I played along, but was not expecting him at all. I slipped my arm around his waist and smiled benignly up at him. He leaned across me to the Cro-Magnon.
“Hi, Tony Stark. You are?” He offered his hand.
“Jerry Samson,” he shook Tony’s hand, “and she’s yours?”
Stark’s jaw ticked, just a little, and he forced a smile.
“I find ownership an offensive construct where it relates to women,” he responded, and squeezed my shoulder, “but we are quite fond of one another.” I forced an awkward smile. Stark picked up my beer and took a swallow before brushing his lips across my forehead. I grabbed my glass and finished it, lest he try to steal another drink. He nodded at Saul and held out his credit card.
“Cover my girl’s dinner please? And a couple more rounds for the bar?” Saul nodded and took the card. “We’re running late. We should get going.”
“Right.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say, I felt so incredibly uncomfortable. I collected my purse and waited near the door as Stark squared the last of the bill away. He shook Jerry-the-Cro-Magnon’s hand again and made his way back to me, lacing his fingers in mine as he came up beside me.
“Just a couple seconds more, and you can hit me,” he promised. I laughed and shook my head.
“As awful as I found that whole exchange, I’m just wishing it was Phil and not you that swooped in to rescue me,” I admitted.
“Let’s go find some bad guys. Then you’ll have a reason to track Phil down.”
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