#i: gabby livingston.
gabelivingston · 3 years
Being the coolest uncle ever was certainly no easy shoes to fill. For a better part of his niece and nephew’s lives, he had been there and he liked. In a way Asher and Joanna’s presence made his paternity need quiet down a bit.
Once Geo had told him Asher’s birthday party would be super hero themed, he was quick to enter deep conversations with his nephew, knowing that if Asher was going as a DC Comics character, so would he, same went for the possibility of Marvel superheroes. Last time they had seen one another, Asher had told him he was going as Flash, and Gabe quickly decided to dress up as Batman. He wasn’t sure if the bat wore a sling on his right arm, but he would just play it off as a work accident, surely his nephew would get a kick out of it. 
It didn’t take long for him to arrive at Geo’s doorstep that afternoon, letting himself in as he was sure the party was in full swing already (he absolutely hated how long it actually took him to get himself inside that costume with one less arm, and fitting the arm itself had been a nightmare). He left his present along with the others and after he had found the birthday boy, he moved on to where the other adults were lounging and approached his sisters as soon as he laid eyes on them. “Well, well, well, look at the two of you,” he nodded, “clearly I’m still the best at costumes.” ( @georginalivingston​ & @gabbylivingston​ )
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lydiabeckett · 3 years
at bootlegger’s pub on APRIL 20TH. around ten in the evening.
closed starter for gabby livingston — @gabbylivingston.
Bootlegger’s had become her second home by then. She had come religiously. Daily, ever since she had found out her father was not really her father. It had taken just about everything in her to rid herself of that information. Drinking into oblivion and knocking out for a couple of hours before her newfound therapy started again.
Lydia would hardly argue with anyone to the point of saying that she was right, or that it was a healthy alternative. She was wrong and it wasn’t— but it sure beat sitting down in an office pouring her heart out to someone who didn’t even know her. It wasn’t healthy, by any means, and it didn’t need someone very observant to see what it was doing with her. She was thinner, she looked exhausted and inside? She constantly felt on the breaking point. That’s where alcohol came in. It had become a crutch of sorts, something she had been leaning on to while she didn’t want to lean on other people. It made her feel nothing and it made her fun... somehow.
She couldn’t really remember which shot that was or what time had she arrived there, but there was a crowd cheering her as she out-drank the man across from her, slamming the beer mug on the wooden counter as the crowd all but erupted in cheers. Or maybe it was just her head. Now she needed to pee, and while she was already wobbly on her feet, Lydia managed to make her way to the less than clean bathroom in that busy night at Bootlegger’s. Once she flushed and pushed the door open, she was entrapped against the wall by two strong arms, she frowned and looked up, was that the dude from yesterday? “Let me go,” she tried to push him away, but he was saying things she couldn’t really understand and her fists were all but ineffective against him.
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gabbylivingston · 3 years
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Gabby posted this on her instagram in the early morning, a picture taken by herself on one of the many beach days in Mexico with Georgina, Asher, Joanna and Gabriel. And let’s be real, of course Gabby couldn’t help herself with teasing her sister with 40 coming up!
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milesmahir · 3 years
— putting the chief in mischief
The stage was set. Or should he say stages. Miles slipped to bed with a smile on their face, wondering how he’d fall sleep when he was buzzing with excitement for what tomorrow will bring. Everything was ready for, weeks of planning for one spectacular day who wouldn't be excited for it? If it were up to Miles, he’d make the day a second Christmas for the sheer joy it brought.
Morning came swiftly and with a scream. 
The Mahir household:
Another scream as Miles stirred awake wondering what their mother had found first. Was it a fake spider planted expertly in the kitchen, no, wait it had to the food colouring powder he had sprinkled over her toothbrush, forcing everything to turn red. These just a couple of the many things hidden for Miles's parents to find. Some bobby traps, Miles sets of themself, being perpetually confused and underestimating their own talent, these things were bound to happen.
He could just picture the rest of Catalina waking up to screams or confused head scratches, as they all discovered just why he had been so busy the last week.  He almost darts over to the first targets house to see her reaction firsthand, but remembering the pinky promised accurate retellings, he slows down to hand out passers by fake flowers and flyers that say nothing more than Gotcha! in bright bold letters.​
The Livingston household: @georginalivingston​
This was the first April fools since being back so not only did he have to make up for lost time, Miles had to make sure it was epic. Weeks of planning and having insider help, Geo would have a day she'll never forget. He almost has a thought of going easy, ever since the birthday surprise Miles had softened their edges around Geo, but when Joanna shows her perfectly cut bug, Miles schemes with a newly found vigor.
1. An alarm clock hidden under her bed, forcing her to getting up and hunt for it. At 6 am.
2. Paper cut outs of bugs of various shapes and sizes taped to insides of lamps.
3. Not only do fake fruit fill the fruit bowl, various food items have googly eyes stuck to them.
4. Her car covered in heart shaped sticky notes.            “Why are they hearts?”             “Because I prank with love.” 
5. At work, she opens the doors to find more googly eyes stuck to every animal poster in the clinic, comical and silly much like Miles.
Gabby Livingston: @gabbylivingston​
For Gabby, he waits until she’s at work. Having no one on the inside or easy access to her house, he allows her to have a peaceful morning. It’s around 11am when a delivery arrives for Gabby. A simple letter, nothing to be suspicious about at least not with the outward appearance, with her name written out in smooth calligraphy it wasn’t a cause for concern. But what should be cause for concern was the contents of that letter. 
A rain of glitter awaits Gabby when she opens it.
Gwen Prescott: @gwenprescott​
Miles didn't discriminate between strangers and friends, on the day of pranks, every one was a victim. Finding a lone car parked in front of a store, he doesn't hesitate in collecting all the shopping carts nearby and placing them in a circle around the car. Chuckling privately, Miles skips away before the owner could spot them.
Around Catalina:
Fake flowers and flyers were one thing, but having bought two packs of a 100 googly eyes of various sizes, Miles took to the streets of Catalina the night before effectively eyebombing the island. From lamp posts to rubbish bins and everything in between, even some trees had eyes staring back, he hoped it would bring a chuckle from people, a little thing to brighten up their day. He may be the self proclaimed chief of mischief, but at the heart of it all, there was fun to be had.
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Could you fancast the Wedding Singer?
Yaas, my first ever show was the Wedding Singer in high school. I loved every second.
Noah Kim as Robbie Hart
Savannah Verone as Julia Sullivan
Gabby Cheeseman as Holly
Cameron Wilson as Sammy
Clyde Bronston as George
Robert Dalton as Glen Guglia
Rachel Kennedy as Angie
Mei Natana as Rosie
Scarlett Verone as Linda
Astrid Livingston as Registrar/Tina Turner Impersonator
Bea Hastings as Bride 1/Cyndi Lauper impersonator
Henry Stevenson as Groom 1/Billy Idol impersonator
Dee Miller as Garbage Man/Bartender
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catalinaroleplay · 4 years
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GABRIELLA LIVINGSTON (Elizabeth Gillies) is looking for her ALMOST RELATIONSHIP connection. Please message MYR for more information regarding this connection. The status of this connection is currently: CLOSED.
“If we had more time” / Almost relationship.
Between 25 & 35, although this can be up for debate as well when you feel an older character.
UTP really but some faces that I ADORE (bolded are favourite) are; Lindsey Morgan, Tristin Mays, Michiel Huisman, Teresa Palmer, Ricky Whittle, Avan Jogia, Alia Bhatt, Michael Trevino, Lily James, Jordan Fisher, Liam Hemsworth, Lucas Till, Adria Arjona, Leigh-Anne Pinnock
When it comes to background, personality, how they arrived in Catalina… it’s all up to you. The only thing that has to fit is that they were in or around Stanford / Los Angeles in 2014/2015.
I would describe this connection as “If we only had more time.” Gabby is in her last year of Stanford when they first meet. It can be everything. Maybe they met through college, maybe they met through mutual friends, maybe they met through going out or perhaps at a car meeting / street race. They’ve met right at the beginning of the school year.
Gabby has had her first real relationship during college but she has soon realized that settling down is something that’s not for her (because it scares the hell out of her). She works better with flings or one night stands than with a full relationship - in her opinion. Your character would come in her life and at first they develop a connection over a mutual interest but throughout time they really get invested into each other time wise and also feelings. Gabby’s school year is coming to an end, however, and I imagine that if their connection had just a little more time, it really could’ve become a real thing between the two of them.
After college, Gabby moves to Austin for her job that she’s gotten through connections and their contact just slowly disappears. They haven’t had contact for five years now and there is quite some unfinished business between them.
I have this headcanon where they are the ONLY person Gabby has ever cried over leaving them behind when it comes to relationships which is quite something because the girl nearly never cries. Also this person is the last one she could’ve seen herself in a relationship with until now.
If you have more questions just let me know and I would love to talk about it.
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Holiday Rush (2019)
This new Netflix Original is definitely a sappy one. I didn't like it at first, but the end was worth it.
Rush Williams (Romany Malco) is the DJ for the top morning radio show in NYC, and his producer, Roxy Richardson (Sonequa Martin-Green), wants them to become part owners of the radio station. Rush is ridiculously arrogant, and I've met some cocky DJs in my life, but he takes the cake. Roxy is just trying to keep him in line until they can talk to Marshal (Deon Cole). Turns out, Marshal has sold the station to a large company, and their new boss is Joss (Tamala Jones). Joss promptly fires Rush and Roxy. Rush is freaking tf out because he has been living very well and spoiling the shit out of his four kids. He's a single dad; his wife Paula (La La Anthony) passed away from cancer some time before the story starts. His son Jamal (Amarr M. Wooten), the oldest, remembers her well, the next oldest, Mya (Deysha Nelson) has some memories, but the twins Evie (Andrea-Marie Alphonse) and Gabby (Selena-Marie Alphonse) don't remember much. Rush's Aunt Jo (Darlene Love) who raised him has stepped in to help with his kids. But when Rush loses his job, he has no idea how to tell his kids, especially with Jamal getting ready for college. Roxy convinces him that they should buy a different radio station- the station they started at, which recently closed and is up for sale, and take back their old viewers. Rush sells the house, and he and his kids move in with Aunt Jo, which is the house Rush lived in with Paula before she died. Joss finds out about the new station and orders Marshall to bribe all the advertisers not to back Rush. Janella (Alysia Livingston), the station secretary, quits because of how Marshall is treating Rush and Roxy. She decides to join their new station. Between working around all of the setbacks to get the station started and parenting his rotten kids, it's a very stressful lead up to Christmas for Rush. Seriously though. They are so rude and disrespectful. It was difficult to watch. Funny enough, middle child Mya was the first to come around.
Riches to rags stories are fun. But this was full of modern versions of Christmas songs, which I generally do not care for, except I didn't realize Wu Tang Clan had a Christmas song. Learning is fun.
Overall, I give it 3.5 stars.
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deehollowaywrites · 6 years
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I made a boo-boo while writing my first Thoroughbred project--ok, I made a few, including an entire draft that used ‘furlough’ in place of ‘furlong,’ but the error germane to today’s topic is the omission of Cheryl White.
The project was structured around a female jockey and a female archivist, the latter of which was putting together an exhibition similar to the one arriving in July 2019 at the National Museum of Racing. There are huge chunks of dialogue devoted to discussion of female jocks; there’s an impassioned pitch of the archivist defending her choice both of exhibition and the inclusion of the protagonist jockey, a wild child whose status as role model is occasionally in question. At no point in the name-dropping, from Kathy Kusner to Rosie Napravnik, does anyone mention Cheryl White.
The archivist character, it should be noted, is African-American.
A little while later, I wrote another project in the same universe, this time about a Black teen girl yearning to become a jockey. That manuscript also left out White, because the first time I encountered her name was well after all these flights of fancy were done, in the interesting, troubling book The Lady Is a Jock, where she merits an occasional mention in the sea of glam, sexy, or down-home white women riders. After learning, two years into my very jock-focused appreciation of the sport, that there had at one point been a Black female jockey of note, I went looking for Cheryl White elsewhere. Didn’t turn up much. Listened with avid interest to her interview earlier this year on Jock Talk. Wondered, as soon as NMRHOF announced the panel, whether she might appear at the museum to talk about women in racing.
Reader, if you’re a woman, do you remember the first time anyone mentioned the concept of ambition to you? Two instances stick out in my mind. There was my undergraduate advisor who asked what my ambitions were after graduating and frowned when I said I didn’t consider myself ambitious. There’s the foreword to The Blue Castle, of all unlikely books, which refers to L.M. Montgomery as a ‘serious and ambitious writer.’ It had not occurred to me by age nineteen to cultivate ambitions. It had not occurred to me that a writer of my childhood, associated with books for young people, could be termed ambitious. You can waft through life, an ingenue to whom things happen, reactive. You can carry out actions because you know you’re supposed to, because no one else will if you don’t. At some point, rote effort becomes intentional. At some point, you’re too old to keep on living without admitting ambition.
The ambitions of women like Linda Rice and Stella Thayer are not in doubt. Gabby Gaudet conducts her career with open eyes and full intent. Even the frontrunning, groundbreaking rank of jockeys like Julie Krone elides questions of ambition; it wasn’t whether they wanted to ride, but how they would go about it. There’s a lot to be said for sitting in the presence of icons--but at what point do icons cease to exist as flesh and blood, enacting will, and become those gallery bronzes? Thoroughbred racing is intimidating. Not being a fan of any other sports, I can’t say whether soccer or baseball have such high thresholds for belonging, only that I half-expect a prick of the finger when I pass through Spa gates, a blood test not for type but for class and breeding. Marylou Whitney six rows ahead in her hat, flanked on all sides by women (and the panel audience’s makeup was heavily female, no mistake) in the know: women who’ve been playing New York horseflesh for longer than I’ve been alive, women with connections, women who--as my girlfriend reported--happened to have a halter of Justify’s lying around to auction off.
Awe is not the healthiest of emotions.
It’s something, all right, seeing Charlotte Weber in the flesh, whose sprawling Florida farm I’d crane my neck for a glimpse at every time I drove through Ocala on the way to somewhere else. It’s something to listen to Krone’s stories, watch Rice’s wry smile appear, observe each woman’s reaction to a question--delivered in good faith or otherwise; Poe’s Law is always in play when a man is asking questions--about sexism in their sport. This is the top tier of a sphere I care about a lot. They’re known, for lack of any more scintillating vocabulary; they’re the basis for characters I’ve written and ones I’ve yet to write. They and other women are part of racing’s bedrock, the vein of that choice limestone that makes foals’ hooves grow strong… but what do we mean by women?
“Women in Racing.” You know what they mean. Whose stories are flattened by the broad application of female. The utility of female icons to institutions; the sinister ease with which appreciation becomes a checkbox, a cul-de-sac, proof of acknowledgment and feigned confusion over what more could possibly be done. Maybe it’s unconscious, an insidious natural selection of Cool Girls, in the Gillian Flynn sense, rising like cream to the top. Maybe that row of blondes, broken only by Blythe Miller Davies, was a coincidence. Walking through downtown Saratoga with my girlfriend a few hours after, I thought about how I would stock such a panel, or proliferation of panels. Jenine Sahadi. Kathleen O’Connell, maybe. Carol Cedeno, absolutely. Tammi Piermarini. Barbara Livingston. Sam Bussanich or Emily Gullikson. Cheryl White. Any number of grooms, assistant trainers, stewards, and veterinarians whose names I don’t know, but whose efforts make the sport run: a living record to prove the naysayers wrong, a testament to diversity, proof of racing’s vitality and its endurance, its breadth beyond the aristocracy of breeding and the heirloom of training.
Show me not only the vanguard behind museum glass, but the inheritors.
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theliteraryflower · 4 years
The Best Friend's Billionaire Brother
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By: Bree Livingston
She’s loved him forever.
He’s been too blind to notice.
When Gabby Fredericks returns home for the holidays, she’s not expecting her best friend’s brother and her ex-crush—Wyatt West—to meet her at the airport. It’s been five years, and she’s over him. Only, her heart hasn’t gotten the message. Wyatt is taller, more rugged, and even better looking than when she left home…and he’ll never be hers.
Wyatt West can’t believe how much Gabby has changed since he last saw her. He’s always considered her an extra little sister—and off limits—but now the feelings he’s having aren’t brotherly at all. Between his uncertain future in the rodeo and struggling with his growing feelings for Gabby, his plans for a restful holiday have vanished.
It’ll take more than a little mistletoe for these two hearts to come together.
Okay, this was one of the most Hallmarky Hallmark books I have read. But I have to say that Wyatt was both hero and villan in this book. Like I get he has the morality where he hates cheaters and liars (so do I) but dude come on. You're willfully blind. Like my girl Gabby is dropping hard hints and its like whoosh. But besides that I did love the romance in it. Where Wyatt is like intentionally unintentionally making Gabby fall more in love with him. However, I think my favourite thing about this whole story is that Wyatt and his family are just casually rich. Why? Because they won the lottery. And now they are rich. I think Hallmark should consider this book (if they haven't already) for their Christmas movie list. It touches on all of the Hallmark movie tropes. Attractive rich guy completely oblivious to his kid sisters best friends feelings. Small inconvenience that leads to the happily ever after. And all in time for the New Year. For a feel good time pick up this book and enjoy.
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torentialtribute · 5 years
SPORTS AGENDA: Trouble brewed from the start for Paul Scholes at Oldham
More details have emerged that make you wonder how Paul Scholes even lasted 31 days as manager of Oldham Athletic.
A spokesperson for the club has admitted.
A club spokesperson admitted a problem with the generator meant that the water & # 39; lukewarm & # 39; while it was & # 39; second-hand & # 39; coffee maker actually broke.
At his first press conference, Scholes joked that he would go and get coffee unless the machine seized & # 39; was understandably unimpressed when his joke became a reality
Paul Scholes stopped Oldham after 31 days of claims of owner interference only 31 days in charge due to owner interference "
Paul Scholes retired from Oldham after only 31 days of owner interference
Ole is a cheerleader for women
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer & # 39; s interest in the progress of the Manchester United ladies team was another striking aspect of his time back in Old Trafford, comfortably collecting everything superlative Jose Mourinho.
Solskjaer, overheard of the female game during a recent coaching course, has good reasons to stay up to date, and his wife, Silje, 44, was such a miracle young player that the two of them ended up in the same youth training sessions, at the Norwegian Clausengen Club, where the United manager started his career.
Karna van Solskjaer, 15, is also a talented prospect. While continuing her education in Norway, she spent time in a regional training center near Manchester. & # 39; Ole knows the ladies game & # 39 ;, women manager Casey Stoney told Sports Agenda. During his return to Old Trafford, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has shown an interest in women's football. "
During his return to Old Trafford, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer expressed interest in women's football."
became interested in women's football
Grange out of reach despite Prince & # 39; s Trust
The Duke of Cambridge, no less, said last September that England & # 39; a better team & # 39; was with dr. Pippa Grange on board added a speech: & Gareth Southgate knew that the English team psychologist … could be the key to transforming our World Cup squadron.
But Sports Agenda can show that Grange & # 39; s involvement with seniors the squadron had already stopped last fall and that she has not been part of a camp in England since last summer's tournament in Russia.
The Wales Football League at Hensol Castle
formerly the Glamorgan County Asylum, had a few entertaining moments last week. Compere Gabby Logan asked Gareth Bale what he was most looking forward to when he returned to play for Wales.
& # 39; Being with Wayne, & # 39; he grinned backwards. Bale and Wayne Hennessey enjoy a special bromance, mainly about golf. John Toshack was also in a good mood when he received a lifetime achievement award the day before his 70th birthday.
] Teammates Gareth Bale and Wayne Hennessey enjoy a special bromance, mainly about golf "
Teammates Gareth Bale and Wayne Hennessey enjoy a special bromance,
Asked how he would celebrate, Toshack replied with a smile: Morning, afternoon or night
The absurd way in which owners of Miami Open, management giant IMG, allocate wildcards as favors to their own customers was emphasized this week by the cause of world No. 1 Osaka, the sister of Mari, [1]. 9459003]
The 23-year-old older brother of brother Osaka is on the ranking of 334 in the world and won only $ 58,000 in prize money for the career, but got privileged access to the main prize, despite that she lost her two this season and is struggling with a shoulder injury.
She lost quite a 6-2, 6-4 to another wildcard, the 16-year-old Whitney Osuigwe, 205, and became emotional during the press conference that followed.
It is, of course, a complete coincidence that talented sister Naomi – who represents Japan – is on his way to becoming one of IMG & # 39; s most profitable tennis customers in the company's history
Mari Osaka is on the list of 334 in the world but got access to the Miami Open headquartered 334 in the world, but got access to the main exhibition Miami Open "
Mari Osaka is ranked 334 in the world but gained access to the Miami Open main draw
There was a lot of support for Tamara Taylor, the winner of the 2014 World Cup that won 115 rugby union caps in England at the launch of its testimonial this week.
Taylor hopes to raise £ 100,000 for various charities in what is considered the first witnesses is for a female rugby player.
Dylan Hartley, Mike Tindall, Martin Bayfield and Jason Leonard were among those who attended the launch night at Smith & Wollensky restaurant at the Strand in London. BBC and Sky Sports in July Netball World Cup in Liverpool.
Both broadcasters will show the tournament and the synergy will even extend to the sharing of a number of experts and presenters, such as the desire to reach as many houses as possible.
England is very engaging to do well, given the success of the silk coached by Tracey Neville during last year's Commonwealth Games
<img id = "i-c9e5f0e1e60a5dac" src = "https://ift.tt/2TXKJ7R" height = " 438 "width =" 634 "alt =" England has great preference for the well under Tracey Neville in the Netball World Cup of July well under Tracey Neville in Netbal World Cup of July "
England is very tempted to do well under Tracey Neville in the Netball World Championship in July
Promised chief executive of the Professional Footballers & Association, Gordon Taylor, will ask questions to Manchester Stage keeper Alex Stepney during the & # 39; Legends Lunch & # 39; at Lancashire Cricket Foundation at Old Trafford on Monday, May 20.
] For £ 40 you can enjoy a two-course meal and try to ask Taylor, the best-paid official union in the world, about the & # 39; full and open assessment & # 39; that the PFA undergoes, or the Charity Commission commission, on how his £ 2.2 million salary is funded.
Gordon Taylor, the world's best-paid trade union official, will speak in the handsome bash "class =" blkBorder img-share "Taylor Taylor, the highest paid union officer in the world, speaks in the fancy bash "
the world, speaks in the fancy bash
It is clear that Nick Dougherty winks has been given to lead Augusta's Sky Sports & Masters coverage this year.
The former European Tour player, 36, faced Sarah Stirk to replace David Livingstone, who bowed after 23 years last September.
However, the lead presenter is selected on an event basis, so Stirk still has a chance to lead Sky coverage in future tournaments.
Nick Dougherty (right) has understood to have the nod to Sky Sports & Masters coverage & # 39;
(right) is supposed to have a nod to Sky Sports & # 39; Masters coverage & # 39;
Nick Dougherty (right) has understood the nod to
Contributors to the sports diary: Matt Lawton, Mike Dickson, Laurie Whitwell, Laura Lambert, Ian Herbert and Kieran Gill [
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cmpfmp2018 · 6 years
Group formation and Leaving the group (24th September - 4th October)
For the past couple of weeks, I have formed a group starting off with Shantel Neo. Shantel and I discussed having Andrew Foster in our team and I was happy with the idea as I have seen his photography work and his work last year. His work ethic was impressive and it was definitely something we needed in our group.
Shantel discussed ideas of having an installation piece as that is what she thought would get us a high grade, however, I was sceptical. I suggested once me, her and Andrew have a meeting we could discuss ideas and branch out from there.
As the classes started to begin, Gabriella (Gabbie) Livingstone shared her interests in joining our group. I was a bit hesitant as I have worked with Gabbie on works outside the university but I was willing to give her a chance as Andrew and Shantel really wanted her. Gabbie, who had already sort of formed a group with Sunny Panag and Harjinder wanted to add more people to the group as she thought it would lessen the workload of the course and was also inspired by experiences from working in the industry to largen the group.
After she had discussed these ideas I started to be quite unhappy with the group as I felt the roles would be unevenly split, which meant that some people would be working a lot more on the project compared to others. I felt that way mainly because I was allocated the roles of Director and Editor, which I was happy with, but that meant others had easier roles in the group. This then made me question my role in the project. The group then decided to split to create separate ideas and pitch them together, which again, I was not happy with.
Finally, on the 4th of October, I decided to leave the group as I felt unhappy with how things were going. I felt like my ideas and opinions were not heard as now the group had expanded to about seven members. Ideas were not being generated and everything just felt really messy. I felt and feel that I can produce a piece of work that did not need so many people and was happy with working by myself.
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gabelivingston · 3 years
Feeling as if he had uttered the words “thanks ma” for about a thousand times since he had gotten in what seemed like a flowery field, Gabriel pertained himself to nodding his head as Sylvie went about her daily recommendations. Reminding him of everything he needed to do and how he needed to take care of himself. He often wondered if her protection would sound overwhelming to someone else, maybe, but he was reminded that the accident almost cost him his life, so yeah, he was glad he was there to listen to her mother behave as he assumed most mothers would if their children had fallen into such a predicament.
“You done?” He asked with humor laced in his tone which earned him a look from Sylvie, he raised his good hand in defense. “I’m just asking because I told Gabby I’d meet her out front so we could have a late breakfast and early brunch,” he said, knowing that quite possibly invoking one of her daughter’s name could ease whatever came his way next. “No drinking,” she pointed out. He wasn’t really intending on that, the drinks mixed badly with his painkillers and lately he had been needing the pills more often than not. 
With a kiss to his forehead and a hug from the woman, she sent him on his way, not before telling him to make sure his sister would go by and give their mother a hug. He promised. Carmichael Roses reminded him of a simpler albeit more complicated time in his life. Ah, the paradox. It didn’t take him long to find his sister a little further, making his way towards her, he nudged her on the ribs, hoping it had tickled and grinned. “Heyo. Ready? Mom said you need to go and give her a kiss, something about you not loving her enough, yadda, yadda,” a teasing smirk widened his lips. ( @gabbylivingston​ )
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sanfrcnhq-blog · 7 years
┄ ┅ ┆Spotted, CALLIOPE LIVINGSTON hanging out at Pier 39. Sometimes the TWENTY-SEVEN year old MARINE BIOLOGIST can be FREE-SPIRITED, but today she was being STUBBORN. Someone thought she was BLAKE LIVELY, but they were mistaken. I’ve heard some rumors flying around that SHE FOUND OUT HER FATHER HAS DONE SOME ILLEGAL DEALINGS WITH HIS BUSINESS but I’ve yet to confirm it, I guess only time will tell. { gabby / (she) / 18+ / est / suicide} ** filling nicholas' fiance wc
Welcome to San Francisco, CALLIOPE! Please send in your account within 6 hours or let us know if you need more time! BLAKE LIVELY is now TAKEN.
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gabbylivingston · 3 years
Starter for: @georginalivingston​ Where: Geo’s house
Seeing Thomas again for the first time in seven or eight years… Well, it had sent her head back a few years and Gabby knew that there was one person she wanted to talk to right now. But that also meant that she would have to explain everything firstly. She had never told her sister about her last year at Stanford where she had met Thomas properly for the first time. She had never told Geo about the fact that he had been the one who had introduced her to the world of Formula 1 and who indirectly had been the one to get her that job that she had loved so much. She hadn’t told her sister about the fact that she had loved this man but that she had moved away because she was scared of what was to come next? So that was something that she had to tell first.
Gabby had been seated in her car for a few minutes now, several times she had gotten close to driving off again and she finally shook her head, as if she were disgusted with herself. She was Gabby Livingston, for God’s sake. No one - definitely not a man or woman from her past - would throw her off, she had always vowed that to herself. She was the one doing the messing up of heads, not anyone else to her. So she had finally gotten out of the car and made her way up to the front door of Geo’s house. Soon after she had rang the doorbell, the barking from Lilo and Stitch sounded on the other side of the door, making Gabby smile in the process. When the door opened and she was met by her sister, she took a deep breath. “I need to talk to you.”
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Which New Directions member would you say each OC most resembles personality wise?
This was hard... the Cardinals are so different and I love that. But these are the vibes I’m feeling match.
Clyde Bronston - The vibes tell me Jake or Ryder? Gabby Cheeseman - she is the lovechild of Quintana. Robert Dalton - Robert shares a lot with Mike Chang, they're both not confident singers but excellent dancers and both pretty chill dudes. Rachel Kennedy - I think Kitty, but Kitty after she becomes actual friends with Marley. Like, she’s got a smol bean to protecc. Leah Kim - She's a mix between Sugar and Marley. Sugar because she can be like that and Marley because she's just so sweet but also a determined and Noah Kim - He reminds me mostly of Sam, but also a little of Finn, but mostly Sam. They're both protective of their younger sibling/s, and a bunch of other things Bea Hastings - Marley probably, although I get Unique vibes from her too. Dee Miller - Artie? They're both chaotic nerds. Astrid Livingston - I think Tina, because they're both determined to do something and become someone. Mei Natana - Quinn, I feel. Quinn with a touch of someone else. Henry Stevenson - Ryder, with season one Tina vibes. Savannah Verone - I think Mercedes mixed with Unique. She's unabashedly herself in a way that both of them are. Scarlett Verone - Mercedes again, but this time mixed with Quinn. Cameron Wilson - He's a little like Puck, and maybe more like Jake.
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gabbylivingston · 3 years
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Happy Holidays to @petersen-jannik
So apparently we have something in common! A little birdy told me that you enjoy the good life with friends and family - which I definitely understand. So next time that you spend your time with them, I hope these items will be used properly! I understand that you don’t drink alcohol a lot but that a fine whiskey is never a bad thing. So I found you a good whiskey and some cigars to go along with it because that combination is like heaven.
Since these days are also meant for good food, I hope this book helps you well. It has some damn good steak recipes (I couldn’t help but sneak a peek) so I hope you like it!
Happy Holidays and enjoy your time with the people you love!
Your Secret Santa (Gabby Livingston)
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