#i wouldnt have been able to get close to all the new people who started at my other job if id kept working there
anotherpapercut · 5 months
I still feel sad and angry and a lot of other unidentifiable stuff about leaving the library, but I am undeniably happier now, so something has to be said for that
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fabled-fiction · 1 year
Mirror Image (Miguel O’Hara x Spider!Reader) ANGST
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Summary: When Miguel and Jess find a new Spider to recruit, neither of them expected to find you. Someone from Miguel’s past that was long gone…just like you never expected to see his face again.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: SPIDERMAN ACROSS THE SPIDERVERSE SPOILERS, angst, talk of death, use od (Y/N), heavy angst
A/N: I didnt respond to the request cause it had two so I chose the one I liked most! Hope this meets expectations and breaks a few hearts 😈 (it also wouldnt lemme tag you 😭)
Request by @written-subs: “a kinda angst(?) fic where Miguel has lost his s/o right? And then he recruits a new spider and finds out its his s/o but in a universe where HE dies and they just stare at eachother in disbelief and lowkey wanna be with each other again but its not canon :(( and reader feels as if its betraying their miguel”
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He would like to say that each Spider person chosen to join the spider society was a methodical, long thought out process.
That out of every thousand Spidermen, one was chosen.
But he would honestly be lying.
While there was a review process, where they evaluated a Spider’s abilities on a scale, it was honestly up to who piqued their interest first.
Like right now.
Jess and Miguel looked at the screen with interest.
The current Spider they were reviewing, was a tough one for sure. Probably one of the toughest that had been considered.
They had been a Spider for about seven years. Practically forced into the position due to the war that was going on on their Earth. You were drafted, and then chosen randomly to be genetically altered with Spider Venom in an attempt to make a super soldier.
It was very Earth-199999 esque. At first it almost made Miguel turn the page. He did not want to deal with a Spider that was from an Earth similar to that one. He could not deal with that headache.
But as the war continued, they became more cruel. Being the only successful Spider-Soldier, they wanted to run tests. Take blood, push your endurance and try to make you even more super. In their search to find out why you works, they pushed you away with their cruelty.
And that's when you truly became a Spiderperson.
“They’re tough. I think they’d be a useful asset.”
“You think they could follow orders?”
Jess stood there for a moment, looking over the files Layla was able to grab off your Earth. Everything was either classified, blacked out, or destroyed by you when you went rogue. She wasn’t sure if you would follow orders. You were soldier turned superhuman, turned vigilante. That was a story that told itself. You were a free agent - literally.
But she could feel your determination, even from dimensions away.
“I think they could.”
“We’ll go when their Earth hits o’three hundred.”
You had hit a dent in your plan.
While you had taken out three outposts, it seemed like they knew the next one you were planning on hitting. In retaliation they upped their security, and strengthened their towers to jam your signals. They had you between a rock and a hard place.
So right now, you were stuck.
Grabbing one of your monitors, you let out a guttural scream as you threw it into the wall.
It practically disintegrated into a million little pieces. The wall that it had hit had a sizable dent, with small cracks forming.
Closing out all your tabs, you sighed as you started at your screensaver. You felt your shoulders drop a little as you saw your reflection in the monitor.
Would he be proud? Or disappointed?
Before you could even reminisce, you felt the hairs on your arm stand.
Clicking a tab on the computer that turned it off completely, you quickly jumped up onto the ceiling. Pulling your mask down, you took in a deep breath as you watched the door get practically ripped off its hinges.
Two people walked in, and immediately you felt fear.
They were both Spider-Soldiers…or at least they looked like it. They didn’t have the uniform or the head gear…but instead were both in brightly colored spider themed outfits. It reminded you of when you broke off, you immediately designed your own to combat against your forced conformity.
You were mostly worried about the fact that they were successful in recreating the serum that made you.
“ The tracker says they’re here…are you sure this is their base?”
“ Look around Jess, this is obviously their base.”
Your heart stopped when you heard that voice.
And while it went against everything you’ve learned, everything that was drilled into your system, you acted on emotion. Screw the stealth tactic.
Shooting a web at the female Spider’s ankle, you yanked her up fast and hard so that she was dangling from her ankles.
A quick web to the mouth shut her up.
Shooting a web at her wrists, you shot back up to tie her wrists to the ceiling as well. Hog tying her to the ceiling, you stared at her for a moment unknowingly making eye contact with her. She shook as she hung there, unsure now what to make of you.
Especially now, as your face lined up with her. You reached forward slowly, gripping onto her glasses and taking them off. She shook her head, breathing heavily as she watched you.
You moved with deadly accuracy. At first she was curious as to why her spidey-senses hadn’t alerted her to you. But as she watched you she noticed how you used your stature to your advantage. You moved like you were one with your surroundings - more so than any Spider they had recruited so far.
Were you…you weren’t even breathing!
As you descended behind the other Spider, your heart was going a mile a minute. Your own spider senses were flying off the handle, it was almost hard to concentrate.
You needed to see if it was actually him.
You were literal inches away from him when your lungs started to scream for air. You had been holding your breath for a solid few minutes. Your expanded lung capacity could only help you for so long.
The minute you had let out just the smallest bit of pressure from your chest, the Spider in front of you had whipped around.
His hand immediately went to your throat, lifting you up with ease.
With your emotions still at an all time high, you started to kick and scratch. His grip was tight, but not deadly. He was holding you to keep you in place, not to hurt you.
While still keeping you in the air, he brought you closer to his face. His head tilted as he watched you struggle, hanging onto the hand that held you tight. His senses were fighting yours. Both your frequencies screaming at eachother. He could see you flinching as well, and not at his grip.
Despite the ringing in your ears, every sense telling you to trust him you needed to see. The growing pit in your stomach felt like it was devouring every bit of energy you had and throwing out every emotion you had managed to bury in these last few years.
Reaching forward, you hand gripped the top of his mask and quickly pulled up.
As if he knew what you were doing, the minute you had a hold on his mask whatever was making him freeze pushed him into motion. He immediately threw you as far away from him as possible.
Both of you were holding the other’s mask.
And both of your hearts felt like they had stopped.
At first he couldn’t believe it. That you were standing right infront of him.
A warmth he hadn’t felt in his chest had slowly started to grow, spreading to his neck and his heart. His hands gripped themselves tightly, to keep him in place. Oh how he knew that he had to stand his ground, and cement himself in place despite the only thing he wanted to do was to run and hold you in his arms…again.
That's exactly what you wanted too. To have him hold you so so close that you were both almost one. Your heart couldn’t keep up with everything that was pumping through your veins right now. 
You thought you would never see him again. It was fact to you for the longest time. You had watched him get taken from you, slowly and painfully. He was the reason for everything. For you going rogue, becoming the vigilante that you were now and painstakingly taking down the organization that forced you to be the way that you were. They took everything from you, and you had promised to take everything from them.
You had promised him…
Just like he had promised you…
He remembers holding you, feeling your body quiver in his arms after a particularly rough encounter. You weren’t built for his world but you were in it anyway. 
He remembers wiping your tears away, the last thing he saw in your eyes was a yearning sadness.
And here he was again, like it was that terrible terrible day. Tears threatening to spill, a look of want filling them.
That made it worse. That you knew him in this world.
“Miguel..?” You called out, your voice barely above a whisper.
Oh how he missed that sound. The way you said his name.
It was the only thing he wanted to hear.
This had to be some cruel joke that the universe was playing on him. That the multiverse had decided would be his fate yet again.
He was stronger than this.
When you took a step towards him, he took a step back.
Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. 
“Spider-Soldier…We’ve..Maybe we should explain on the way?”
The woman you had webbed up earlier was now standing beside you. Her hand being the anchor you needed to bring you back to reality. Reaching a hand up, you wiped away one of your tears that had fallen.
“You’re not him are you? You’re someone else entirely.”
Nodding, you swallowed as you turned to the woman. Giving her glasses back to her, you stood up straighter as the waves of emotion you were feeling began to bottle up.
“Explain what exactly? I have very important matters to attend to here.”
Walking back over to the computer, you turned it back on to try and distract yourself.
You were stupid to think that even for a moment he was back. Nothing in your life had ever been given to you. So to think that he was back without some catch? That was a thought the old you would have believed.
Oh to be that naive again.
Miguel and Jess watched from behind, as you continued to clack away. The way you had just sucked it all in, and became strict in two seconds really reminded Jess of Miguel…it was almost uncanny.
Looking over at him, she frowned when he saw the look on his face. Now that you weren’t looking at him, he let out a little emotion. 
The sadness in his eyes alone could weigh down multiverses.
Jess came to stand next to you, and saw the same look in his eyes that Miguel had. With a heavy heart, she put her hand over yours. It was shaking with every tape of the key, and you were sure if she hadn’t take your attention again another monitor would soon meet its fate
“I know this may be…alot right now but what we’re offering you could do some real good. You could help so many other Earths if you just hear us out.”
Stopping for a moment, you looked over at her and swallowed. You had so much to do here, for him and for yourself.
“My…Earth needs me though.”
Jess took a look over your screen. She could see that you were scrambling for an answer to an almost unsolvable problem. You were backed in a corner with now way out right now. She was sure it was the reason why there was a destroyed monitor on the other side of the room. 
“It looks like you could use some time away…come back at it with fresh eyes? Plus what we’re offering could be a little release of some of that building tension?”
Looking at her, you took in a small breath before pinching the bridge of your nose. Jess would be laughing right now at how uncanny you and Miguel acted oh so similar.
You two must’ve been inseparable on this Earth.
Miguel stood there, watching with a softened gaze. He wanted to go back. Because the longer he stood there the more his resolve was crumbling.
Especially now, as you looked back at him. He felt his heart break all over again.
“What even are you…inviting me too? You’re talking about Earths and you guys are…spider people?”
Miguel sighed, as he crossed his arms and ran a hand through his hair. He couldn’t believe he was dragging you back into this.
…what if this took you away from him again?
“It's complicated to explain here…why don’t we take you back to headquarters, where we can show you the whole presentation.”
Crossing your arms, you looked back at the woman and then Miguel.
You desperately wanted to just run back with him. Your heart was betraying you, because all it took was one look and it felt like you were a stupid teenager again. Hiding behind the bleachers and sharing secret looks.
It was beating in your chest at the same speed it did when he had kissed you for the first time.
He must have known you on his…Earth. Your head was just barely piecing together the fact that multiverses were real. You remember one of your fellow soldiers talking about it…as a way to distract themselves from what was happening around them.
But now you had to catch up to the idea that he knew you too…or at least a version of you.
From the look in his eye that you barely managed to catch every time he would glance at you, you could tell thing had not ended well for you.
That little voice in the back of your head, the voice you usually listened to to get you through tough times started to speak up again.
That since he had known you on his Earth…maybe just maybe you could get to know him.
Like you knew your Miguel.
Miguel found himself having the same thoughts. The same shameful thoughts that your touch would be the same. Your pillow talk could possibly be the same, The way you said his name was, so why not anything else? 
Flashes of your Miguel grounded you though. That he was not yours, at least not here. You had already had your time with Miguel. And for some reason it was only that short amount of time.
You had already gotten your allotted amount of touches,
And time to just…hold one another.
“ (Y/N)...”
Looking at him, he was carefully watching you. Him saying your name in that beautifully pained voice confirmed it for you. That he had already had his time with you too.
The woman, gods you should have remembered her name he said it earlier, came to stand next to Miguel. Pressing a few buttons on her watch, suddenly a medley of light and color opened behind her. 
“It really would be easier to explain if you just came with us. I promise I will bring you back if you say no, but just hear us out.”
Tossing you a wristband, you swallowed before looking back at your computer.
It was probably best that you not be here for a few hours…at least thats what you were telling yourself just to let yourself off the hook for jumping at the chance to be with him again.
Sliding it on, you watched as the woman stepped through and it was just you and Miguel standing there with the portal painting him in a beautiful array.
Holding out his hand to you, you could see how his hand shook.
You also noticed how it stopped when you took it.
After you took his hand you knew your fate was sealed.
That whatever this “Spider Society” was…you would accept.
Just to be near him again.
Even though it would hurt. That it would feel like your heart was getting ripped out over and over again.
A part of you hoped that it would stop…or numb after a while. But in the back of your mind you knew it wouldn’t
But at least you would get to see his face again.
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lakesbian · 7 months
How do you think Alec would have handled getting the Valkyrie treatment? Being made into a puppet in the same way that he did to other people, his sacrificial suicide being subverted by another cape who uses people as tools but in a much more complete and permanent sense, coming back wrong and having his cape identity irrevocably a part of his body and self, and no longer being able to take off the mask, is this anything?
see i've rotated this extensively in my mind before because i think coming up with how a cape's design would turn out if they got glastig uained is a really fun exercise (do that shit to lisa for some Fun eyeball body horror!!) but i'm struggling to come up with what would happen to alec :( the most obvious answer is the crown becoming like. Attached. to his head. but id ont know if that's too far out there. there's also the concept of having his face frozen in a permanent smirking expression but i feel like that would go Too tragically counter to the point of a 'surprise hes back again' au wherein he would be expected to. yknow. realize and experience some of his feelings again at some point. so yeah i'd need someone else to help me figure that one out.
anyway the actual experience of being glastig uained. if i recall correctly in ward brian says it was basically just like waking up feeling like everything from before he died was just a few days ago not Years ago so i don't think alec would care that much that someone was using his ghost or whatever for shit while he was dead, relative 2 all the other problems in his life. wouldnt even notice with the type of shit hes got going on. the big reason why this au doesn't really work is that it's just Wildly Unproductively Depressing. it seems like ciara only starts bringing random people back by the time aisha is like. what. 20?
it works Fine and Actually Thematically Interesting Well that brian is like oh FUCK youve GROWN UP when he gets back because it's relevant 2 their sibling dynamics. but it does. it does not work if alec gets back and aisha is like 20. it's just depressing. from alec's PoV it would be "congrats you've been brought back into a world where your best and only friend is too old and character-developmented for you to actually have a close connection with even though for you it feels like she was still your age only a few days ago and also your fucking shit ass siblings are here too and btw the world ended so all of the nice luxuries you were enjoying previously are not options anymore. go feed the earth gimel sheep boy." and from aisha's perspective her best friend would be back but in a monkeys paw way where he did not get to grow up with her and he's still little and sad and fucked up and more like one of his siblings that she's caring for/trying to help vs the equal best friendship she Wants but Can't Have because he is Fifteen. so now everything sucks and is sad for everyone involved. :(.
i would say "on the 'up'side this is a hot new contender for scenarios wherein lisa could feasibly decide alec is her new sopping wet fixer-upper" but she already has an even more absurd and unstable option (that one cop) so as usual alec remains background. btw he would be offended on taylors behalf that lisa had replaced taylor with victoria (who he does not like because shes annoying) and entirely oblivious that taylor had ever thought or said anything about him being sucks and utterly lacking in interiority. AUs that have potential to be funny wrt alec's interactions with the other undersiders but are wildly fucking depressing when you get to his interactions with aisha.
if we fudge a bit and say ciara brings him back like riiight after gold morning aisha would only be a bit over a year older than him so that's more doable in terms of character development and eventual reconnection but it'd still be a mess. i'm not articulating my explanation of how aisha's character development works rn and i don't feel like saying something wrong so i'll just leave it here but trust me it'd still be a mess. maybe an interesting one but a mess
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river13245 · 8 months
The Last time (Tony Stark x Reader)
Angst, no happy ending
Warning: Alcohol and Tony being an ass kinda
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This was not part of the plan, nor the agenda for the night. You hadnt planned on going out and getting drunk. However when Thor and Natasha both came up to you telling you that you should go with them to the bar, you couldn't just say no.
What you didn't expect was Natasha to participate in a drinking game with Thor. The both of them had a much higher tolerance than you, since Natasha drinks more than you do. Then with Thor being an actual god his tolerance is so high that you think he will drink up the whole supply. But when they started asking you to join the game and taunting who were you to say no. If you were anything...its competitive.
Thor and Natasha both had a higher tolerance than you since you didn't drink much. It also doesn't help that Thor was a literal god and Natasha drank at every party Tony threw..which was quite often.
So after an hour or two you were drunk while they were only tipsy.
Even in your drunk state you knew this was a bad idea but before you could stop what you were doing you had knocked on Tony's front door. Tony and you had an off and on relationship. The problem was he couldn't ever just commit to you.
Before you could turn to leave, the door opened and their stood tony wiping off his hands with a wrag and wearing his sweatpants and a tank top. He then looks at you "y/n"
"Tony" you said softly, Your eyes were red and wer leaning against the doorframe. "are you drunk" he asks and you shake your head but instantly regret it
He sighs "I thought we both said that we wouldnt see each other anymore." You steady yourself against the door and cross your arms glaring at him. "Yes I know that you said that..i just..I know this is a bad idea but can you please just hold me for a minute."
He nods and wraps his arms around your waist pulling you close to him. Your face rests against his neck and arms wrap around his torso. This is all you have ever wanted, all you have ever wanted was him.
You were getting lost into the moment that when he pulled away you had to force yourself not to frown. He pulls his phone out "im calling you a cab so you get home safe" you nod
Once you got home you climbed into bed and thought about all the times you would go back to each other. You always knew it would end the same way but it was like routine. It wasn't ideal but you get used to it after a while
A month or so goes by and you had promised yourself you wouldn't go back to Tony. You had been able to keep things professional between the both of you. Everything seemed to be going fine until one night you heard a knock on your door.
You were in your pajamas watching a Disney movie when you heard the knock. The only people who ever came to your place was Natasha or Thor so when you opened the door you didn't expect to see Tony.
Especially the state he was in. Tony looked as if he had been crying, his hair was a mess and you could smell the alcohol he had been drinking. "Tony" you said in a soft voice not wanting to speak to loudly.
He placed his hands on your upper arms and looks at you "y/n I am so sorry for the way our relationship is. You mean the world to me and I don't know why I cant change for you. But I want to, I really do."
As he speaks you smell the alcohol and you know this isn't really him talking. This is how it always goes, you let him into your heart over and over again just to watch him go again. It never gets easier. He never sees the way you ache for him to love you for longer than a few days before he leaves again.
Placing my hands on the sides of your face I kiss your cheek and I repeat the words I always tell him. "its always been you Tony, I wish you would see that"
He looks at me and nods but I say something else. Something new that I haven't said before. "this is the last time I let you through my door" He kisses my lips before pulling away "this is the last time, I wont hurt you anymore."
You knew how this was going to end. But you figured why not one more time. A little love now is better than none at all right?
How wrong you were, you had told yourself you wouldn't let it hurt you. Not anymore but when you woke one morning to find Tony packing his bag and grabbing his keys it still hurt just like all those times before. "Tony"
He freezes before turning to look at you. "y/n". Looking at him as tears fill your eyes you nod "There's someone else isn't there?" Tony refuses to look at you for a moment and that's all the confirmation you needed.
"I'm tired of asking to be the one you want. When time and time again you leave and break my heart in a blink of an eye" The hurt in your voice is very noticeable and he walks closer to you and says "I wont hurt you anymore" before placing a kiss to your cheek and walks out of the house. Leaving you behind for the last time.
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voidandabyssal · 2 months
Mmkay im gonna talk a little on lusttale.
Now Im not gonna lie, I know very little about the original lusttale, only that there was a lot of controversy around it; supposedly because it glorified sexual assault and sexualised children? I don’t know how true that is tho, so take it with a grain of salt.
But it’s an interesting au anyways, so I’m gonna have my own take on it!
Chara and Asriels death was the start of a slow decline for Monsters. Everyone fell into a dark depression, hope was lost; and though eventually people moved on from their lost heirs, things changed.
Fertility rates dropped shockingly low. Children were becoming increasingly rare. Extinction was becoming a very real threat for Monster kind.
King Asgore ordered the royal scientist to find a fix for this issue.
The lust serum was created. Not that thats what they called it at first, thats just the popular nickname the inhabitants started to call it.
Toriel is one of the few monsters not to have taken the serum. Instead she, and a few dozen other adult Monsters decided to start residing in the ruins. There isn’t as much tension between herself and asgore. He was more then happy to let toriel live there if she pleased (its not like their marriage was thriving anyways).
Though he was saddened at the thought of never having another child like Asriel again.
When Monster children are born, they may spend a few months to a few years with their birth parents before being sent to the ruins
There, they are communally raised alongside all the other children by Toriel and her Keepers. Once they reach the age of majority, they’re given a choice.
Either take the serum, and thus be able to leave the ruins and enter into Monster society with all the freedoms of an adult,
Or stay in the ruins. They would join Toriels Keepers and would help raise the children of the underground. In this case they wouldnt take the serum. They’d be the caretakers of all the little children.
Monsters primarily focus on the lust aspect of a relationship nowadays. A wedding hasn’t happened in a very long time
Most relationships are either casual or very short lived. Some Monsters aren’t even sure love is something they can feel anymore,
How could they when lust is all they’ve known?
Passion (LT papyrus) is a pretty flamboyant guy. His dream is to work for the royal guard and he has a huge soft spot for anything (or anyone) cute looking.
Passions also a hopeless romantic, he’s daydreamed about his one true love since he was a babybones. Which frequently leads to him excitedly jumping into new relationships and then getting heart broken only weeks or months later when he realised they aren’t actually who he imagined they were and breaks up with them.
Him and Undyne have been besties since childhood, Dior jokes that they must’ve had the same mother with how close they are.
Passion worries for Dior, he’s his brother and he can see how depressed Dior gets. Passions not blind, he knows his brother well enough to see through that facade.
Dior (LT sans) is a hard working man. He works at Grillbys as a sex worker. Grillby allows him and his brother to eat and drink there for free so long as Dior keeps bringing in customers.
He’s worked there since he left the ruins. Him and Grillby are pretty close friends. Probably the only person aside from Passion he actually likes.
Diors a real fashionista, he loves designer clothes, shoes and perfumes. Nothing makes him more powerful then a good looking dress and powerful set of high heels.
Very pessimistic man under all those smiles though. He thinks Passion is naive. Love doesn’t exist! Thats something for fairytales and babybones!
he’s worked long enough to know that everyone is just looking for an easy way to relieve stress. ‘Love’ is just some fancy dressed up word for lust!
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i-bring-crack · 1 year
Ah Jin Guild still needs members! AU
And it isnt just only because they need a raiding party of 10 people to enter a dungeon, bit because there has to be a specific set of hunters who have each their own work to do within the corporation.
{Ah jin guild consisting of S rank Sung Jin Woo, Radiru Esil [how?], Yoo Sooyoung, Lee Ju Hee, Song Chi Yul, Yoo Jin Ho, and Han Song Yi
Of course there is Jin Woo as Guild Leader and Jin Ho as vice-guild leader, but because hunters also act as part of team that produces its primary source of income, it means that all the paperwork has to be handle by other people who, at least have far more time in their hands than the hunters themselves. (And the goverments knew it as such, and so did other guilds, which is why you often see a lot of S ranks in vice and guild master positions instead of simply being workers to far more expirienced bussiness owners. It was also why the list to start a guild didnt only include three members but rather 7 guild members. [1:Master 2:Vice 3:Shareholder 4:Marketing 5:Administration and Finance 6:RRHH or Human Resources and 7:Production or Distribution of Production ])
So now Jin Ho and Jin Woo are outhere scavenging for people who could be able to join but wont get in Jin woo's way of collecting XP points. At this point jin Woo wont mind paying for anyone who can join because, he is freaking rich by now, he cant even count the numbers on his bank account anymore with all the raiding and the 3 billion won. And considering how well he could clear up dungeons later on, he will be even more rich, so he doesnt mind spending bucks on people to just fill in the gaps, theyve done this once they can do it for a longer time or until Jin ho manages to grow the guild with enough management workers.
So Jin Ho gets to work instantly while Jin Woo crashes down internally and realizes. He has like two friends at max.
He still calls on them though.
Ju Hee, as promised before, they went on that meal and even visited some parks in Busan. It was a fun while, he finally felt relaxed in what seemed like, no, in what had been years to him honestly. (whenever or not there is romance involved or not, its up to the imagination but for now this whole AU focus is purely on the gen side,) After a while (and Ju hee shooing away the press because Jin woo is an awkward duck no matter how strong he gets! he uses his shadows later tho) he does ask Ju Hee if he wants to come join his guild, and Ju hee despite knowing Jin Woo will be able to protect him even better than the best S ranks in Korean, still refuses. Jin Woo adds on that he just needs her to stay there and not actually go inside and raid, its to fill in basically. Well, she is a retired healer, but she wouldnt mind helping out her friend if nothing bad willl happen to her, and she will be too far away for that to happen, so Ju Hee agreesand sends her home like a good friend. They are both glad to be in talking terms again because really, they have grown so distant since the murder, and none of them really recognized the other. (The healer who felt safe within low rank dungeons and the hunter who always got hurt, to a retired high ranker that cant come close to the side of gates and a hunter who rivals the strenght of other S rankers... yeah, they were both surprised when they saw for how long they had been talking to one another during their walk.)
[Eh?! how come a low B rank healer can join but not me?? What am I lacking?!?! Does Sung even need a healer ??- a random definetly not S rank hunter out there as she looks at the news of Jin Woo's date or so all the media proclaims except the hunters themselves.]
After that trip he calls on his other "friend" or well, he should call him mentor really because it was mostly him being that. He feels a bit of pity scurring up when he realizes his only "friend" would be a 60 year old, and even then he is mostly an acquaintance with the man, either way he goes to the dojo were the he is supposed to work. Low and behold he did not expect the meeting to be even more awkward as he meets Cha hae In, who recently, like three to two days recently, just asked if she could join the guild. And now he will ask a lower rank than her to join. And she will probably be able to hear it.
Jin Woo tries to act as though he just came here on accident, no he wasnt spying on Hae In and no he really really just passed by and stuff you know, just a waltz and he suddenly got interested in this dojo.
"Mr Sung" but of course, his plans are ruined as Song Chi Yul approaches him and asks what he is doing here. Cha Hae In, despite much interrogation and thousand "press X to doubt" going through her head, she lets the case go as Choi Jong In calls for her help on another dungeon.
At that point is when Jin Woo talks to Chi Yul about joining his guild and if he could please come to fill in the gap. Chi Yul feels a little please to know the boy is being honest with him, and considering he already owns dojo, it isnt as though he needs the money, so he will be fine with just helping him out, the same as Ju Hee had said.
[The next day Chi yul is confronted by a blushing know-tow Cha Hae In asking him to pretty please help her put on a good word for Jin Woo because she really wants to get into his guild please!! and Chi Yul, after teasing his student (at this point foster daughter with how much he cares for her!) he promises to try and Hae In smiles.]
When Jin Ho and jin Woo meet up again, alongside the already new member Yoo Sooyoung (whose interactions go as canon with added bits of Sooyoung and Jin Woo stuck in a photo session for two hours bc Sooyoung trains him to smile more and look less menancing as he does so!) they see they are already halfway up! good for them!
but now they really have exhausted most of their help.
It is then!
Jin Ah is contacted during her small lunch break in school (how mean of you oppa!) to ask for some help in building the guild.
"Wow I knew you were bad at bussiness managment but I didn't think you would go so far as to asking me of all people. A student."
"Its not about that. Do you have your friends phone number?"
"I, unlike you, have many friends, so especify please."
"You little-- The E rank one, the girl with the hoddie who has a better fashion taste than you."
"because Song Yi wears the same edgy things as you!" Like she doesnt know about nirvana and MCR when both keep telling her they are the best things since slice bread.
"Yes her."
"Why? I dont trust you with her life oppa after what Song Yi told me about the red gate incient." She told her the WHAT now???
"Hey I saved her from an otherwise bad experience... and death."
"hmmmm... fine, but Im not letting my friend go out of sight with you, hunters can tend to be such risk takers nowadays."
So Jin Ah puts the phone on speaker as Song Yi is called over, they discuss the tradings as Jin Woo did before, and specify she wont do anything, she just has to be present. Song Yi feels a little disappointed knowing she wont be able to fight off against real monsters until.. she gets an idea, a sneaky idea! and puts the phone on mute to share Jin Ah of said idea (jin woo's brother senses are tingling and its not good.)
Unmuting the call, Song yi accepts [:D] under the condition that Jin Woo can train her [:0]. Jin Woo agrees it only on bi weekly sundays, and Song Yi and Jin Ah act all professional while ending the meeting (call) on an agreement before suddenly leaping out and squaling with joy that they get to spend more time now with the shadows and jin Woo!
Their high school classmates are so jealous right now. You bet Song Yi and Jin Ah wont miss an opportunity at inviting the shadows in for a movie night!!
Alright 6 down, 1 more to go.
[On Kakaotalk and Insta the most talked about thing currrently is this sudden Korean E rank student being able to enter one of the most anticipated guilds in the country due to Sung Jin Woo's reputation, and the people truly do wish to ask. why? who? the members so far have been S rank Jin Woo, A rank Soo young, B rank Ju hee, C rank Chi Yul, D rank Jin ho and finally E rank Song Yi. Some have started to point it out that it looks like he is trying to get one of each rank and have even celebrated about it. The assosiation is sent to keep close watch on the members since some of them most likely wont be able to deal with the press. "All except for C rank Chi Yul." One informs as he gets news that Hae In threatened the press not to spread rumors about her master or else they will have to deal with two S ranks.
Chi Yul in the back like: (´ー∀ー`) there goes my pupil making headlines again despite not liking talking to the press at all.]
As Jin Woo is reading the manual for making a guild, he suddenly has a realization, or at least managed to find a loophole in the system.
It said hunters, not just humans. Of course its not all that easy, or else he would have put his shadows as hunters and bam, case solveda milenia ago. They did specify that hunters are "Awakened people who use their powers to help in killing or kill Magic Beasts inside gates."
And now, as long as he can integrate that person into a "people" he should be able to get a seventh hunter, right?
"Alas... you came to our castle to ask us if I could give up my daughter again for her to gain this "citizentship" in your kingdom of Korea-"
"Its not a kingdom sir, but yes."
Did he even hear him? Jin Woo can see that he is shaking in his knees, especially afterh he came back with such a new strong force below him, but he didnt expect the Radiru clan leader to still act tought. Well, its kinda funny so he lets him go on. Besides, Esil and him are already happy to see each other again, since , really, he didnt expect to come here again.
"Fine, but she better come back home before dawn. "
Is- is dawn even real here? the sky hasnt changed even when he was here for a week. Oh well, guess he can try. Esil nudges him a little saying its fine, he is just saying she has to come back at least once in a while.
"But now to explore this new Korea kingdom!"
"Its not a kingdom..."
Esil doesnt care!
Meanwhile Jin Woo is helping Esil shift somewhat into a passable human (how to hide those ears hmmmmm... the marks in her eyes will be a simple makeup- "Jin Ah!")
Jin Ah was never more exited in her life than at this very moment as she wants (heck yeah she's rich now!) And starts her mission as fast as possible. Song Yi joins in also, surgesting that she also wear a hoddie to hide her long ears, and maybe ask some questions about who she is.
"Im a noble."
Jin Ah interprets it as being a princess. And considering the best clan now is the Radiru... she isnt technically wrong.
Eventually the girls settle on a lot of different hairstyles to cover her ears very well while Esil's unique facemarks can be hidden within deep layers of makeup that are the top noch quality for S ranks. There are also some headbands that are long enough for her ears to hide in, and even then she could always slay in a hoddie or two. Esil Radiru quickly gains alot of followers as Jin Ah posts on her social media, feeling proud of herself for her work.
Meanwhile Jin Woo and Jin Ho are forgering papers to make it seem as though Esil is an actual real person all along. Its not the first crime they commited honestly.
Esil's name was changed to Ming A-Young, 24 years old (they never got a clear answer on her age so Jin Woo just guessed), and is taken the next day to get her evaluation tested.
"Sung Jin Woo-ssi! I think I might have broken something..."
"Hm? How so?"
"They told me that my status was inmmesurable... Im really sorry I swear I didnt mean to do anything I simply touched it and—" Jin Woo just pats her head.
He can already see the headlines for three days from now.
[Korean's 11th S rank Hunter! Ming A Young who already has become the last needed member for the new Ah Jin Guild!]
Korea celebrates as Cha Hae In notices she has new waifu competition.
...But seeing that the 11th S rank is a woman, around her same age? She could probably befriend her huh...
Suddenly It doesn't feel so lonely being an S rank anymore.
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i forgot that "putting a post under specific tags" leads to "people looking at the specific tags will see your post". so uh, hi! im not great at writing or talking, but i hope those of you who followed will enjoy.
(very long ramble under the cut)
anyways, ive been exploring the east branch the past... week? i think? ive been absolutely enthralled by this area. im such a sucker for strange and nonsensical places. exploring the various random rooms feels like travelling in a dream. id love to get out some graph paper sometime and try recording my path like you would in an old-school dungeon crawler. i think itd be very funny seeing just how lost i can get.
the tape recordings in the vents are maybe my favorite part though. its always a joy clicking on a vent and having the brief russian-roulette moment of "will this be of relevance to what im seeing or will this be smash mouths all star?" ive been caught off guard by the louder version many, many times. it never fails to amuse me. i believe ive seen all of the logs, but with how much there is in this branch i wouldnt be surprised to find a new one.
the memories im still not done with. last i checked i believe i was at... 110 out of 294? im excited to find out if its possible to get all of them, and what happens if you do. it is very difficult to accomplish this im realizing, since the counter depletes seemingly at random. this might be an entirely fruitless endeavor, but im nothing if not always down for a good challenge :)
i think the most eyecatching piece of the east branch is the chatlogs between wodin and the intern. when i first read through the entire thing, and i was meant to descend into the coffin, i declined (there was a vent in the room and i wanted to get the popup out of the way to read the transcript) and was then unable to trigger that dialogue popup again... which left me stuck wandering the rooms until i refreshed. whoops. its alright though, just gave me another opportunity to collect some more memories.
on my most recent venture, the coffin was present in the center from the very beginning, and almost immediately after starting to explore, a window popped up with some messages to wodin from the closer. while i did very much enjoy reading the contents, it did take me... around twenty minutes to screenshot them all? it was slightly nauseating trying to scroll down, since it kept shooting me back up to the top of the log whenever i tried to read the bottom-most message :( i did manage to screenshot them all eventually though, so i was able to actually read them all. im still super curious what it mightve been that triggered those changes in that run! i dont think i did anything different, other than play on a friday. maybe that was it.
god, theres so so much more i could say, this might be my favorite branch thus far. despite how much ive seen, i still feel like i havent even come close to seeing it all!
oh whoof. i didnt realize how long this was, ill need to put all of this under a readmore. hm. tl;dr, ive been having a boatload of fun exploring the east branch. if you havent done so yet, i highly suggest venturing into it for yourself. its like exploring a kaleidoscope maze within a dream. 10/10 experience
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dykeyote · 1 year
what do you think jedidiah and yvonne’s friendship would have been like during college, particularly when sydney was comatose?
!!!!!! okay so this one im gonna do less evidence baded more interpretation bc like i think this is something that will be explored more Later so like obviously idk for sure . but from what i understand of how they talk about it it seems like yvonne and jedidiah first came to be friends probably through a good deal of effort on yvonnes part since jeddie obviously was scared of them in the beginning i doubt he was the one initiating the friendship . and i think it seems like they spent a lot of time together since yvonne references trying to bring jedidiah to parties a lot, and i also think it was usually just the two of them since joshua asks if he knows this story (implying theres at least Some yvonne and jeddie stories he doesnt know), yvonne doesnt seem at all as close to sydney as they do to jedidiah, and they dont really seem to have other mutual friends thatr referenced . i think they used to just hang out and play video games and joke around a lot - they strike me as the kind of friends who spend tons of time together and consider each other best friends but dont really emotionally open up to each other that often, just bc both of them seem to struggle with talking about their feelings at times (except w joshua on yvonnes end) and yvonne doesnt seem to know abt how jeddies relationship to sydney reallt works. but i do think jedidiah opens up to yvonne more than most ppl!! theres a bit of evidence for this (yvonne refers to jeddie as not having been Openly stressed out in ages which implies hes been stressed out before in private) and i also just think it makes sense given how willing jeddie is to open up to yvonne. and even if they dont open up as much they still get along well and enjoy each others company!! i think yvonne also helped jedidiah open up somewhat - definitely not Fully obviously but i think they were a large part of jedidiah growing less sheltered, trying new things and generally becoming less of the EXTREMELY sheltered college jeddie thats scared of dyed hair. i think yvonne was a good influence on him, yk? pushed him out of his comfort zone in a way that sydney isnt always able to do necessarily due to the weirdness of their dynamic, sydneys pushes of jeddie to get out of his comfort zone tend to go too far and make jeddie uncomfortable whereas yvonnes seem to do more to be helpful - say what u will abt the skyrim dance scene but he definitely did loosen up and have fun lol
when sydney was comatose is trickier so thisll be more fuzzy since that whole timeline confuses me but based off of what yvonnes said about jedidiahs last year of college . my basic interpretation of yvonne and jedidiahs friendship at that time is that i think jedidiah began to start falling apart at the seams a little bit and began pushing people away and avoiding people and yvonne just sort of backed off a little because they werent totally sure what to do or say . yvonne references wanting to do a better job of helping jedidiah sooner than they did back then and yvonne seems to struggle with communicating with people sometimes - i think they didnt know what to say to jedidiah or how to help, and eventually things got so bad that there was nothing To do to help at all bc things just wouldnt get through to him even if you tried your best to help . i think yvonne and jedidiah largely get along due to their difficulty with emotional expression but i also think that became a major Flaw in their relationship as things went bad becaus i think jeddie couldnt ask for help an dyvonne couldnt bridge the gap
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everythingsinred · 1 year
what follows is a long, rambly, and possibly sappy thank you note to the best fandom ive ever involved myself in. if you have ever sent me an ask, commented on my fics, or replied to a post i made (or even liked it tbh)--then this post is for you. (and this is most certainly not a good-bye or even close; i just occasionally get into sappy moods)
i want to start working on a career that i like, and my mom’s recommendation was to start a writing blog (she insisted i dont call it that though--to call it a “website” so it sounds more professional when i apply for writing gigs). its not the first time shes given me that advice but i have for some reason always resisted that idea before. “nobody would read it” was always the bottom line. that whole “it has to be perfect to make up for the fact that it’s me” has always been my outlook on anything i produce. its why i feel so poorly whenever i post a new chapter of a fic or any art ever. its why im taking so long on the next batch of ga essays. its why ive never formally submitted any writing ever for publishing. why would anyone read anything i have to write, especially with no dead fandom to prompt them? who would choose me out of all the aspiring writers out there?
for ga it was a bit easier after a bit of breaking through the initial anxiety of sharing bits of myself. its a small fandom. not much content going around. theyd take anything right? even if it was from me! 
but something really weird happened these past few years in the ga fandom. i started writing essays and became more vocal, posting my thoughts, writing a long, dark, fucked up fanfic. i got feedback from people who wanted more from me. theyd ask me my thoughts on things, when id never considered myself an authority on anything or even very interesting to talk to (a lifetime of being the substitute friend will do that to you). ppl sent me asks about questions. they replied to my posts to further discuss things. me! what on earth?
then it got weirder. i posted my weird messed up little fic and now every once in a while ill get a comment from a person that says that my fic is their favorite, not just in the fandom, but ever. EVER. what? a couple of people have told me that they’d read anything i wrote, even if it had nothing to do with gakuen alice.
that they’d read something just because it was me.
this isnt a rant or a vent. something has changed in my self esteem in the past few years because today, when my mom told me i should start a “writing website” and post weekly writing, it actually sounded like a decent idea. no part of her advice was different than it had ever been, but i was. i could for the first time imagine starting a blog (website) and picture someone actually liking what they found there. and that’s bc of the ga fandom and bc of the writing ive done it for it and SPECIFICALLY the writing ive actually had the guts to share. 
none of it has been perfect. im lazy when it comes to self-editing and when i finish writing a chapter im eager to just throw it out there instead of rereading it once, let alone twice. a lot of it has been imperfect, but you guys still read it. you enjoyed it, even. “it has to be perfect to make up for the fact that it’s me” has never been a problem for you. for whatever reason, quite a few of you like me, like my writing, like my ideas and thoughts. a couple of years ago i wouldnt have been able to fathom that, not even in my wildest dreams. 
im proud of myself for taking those first steps a couple years back, for posting those first couple posts and letting myself get involved in the fandom for a manga ive loved for half my life. im proud because if i hadnt done that, then maybe my self esteem wouldnt have developed like this. maybe i wouldnt have been able to picture a career in publishing as clearly as i can now. i obviously still have issues as far as my self esteem is concerned. i second-guess myself. i talk down to myself. i put off rereading bc i dont want to hate what i create. but you guys have helped me like my writing and helped me see that other people can like it too.
i am beyond grateful for that. i dont get a lot of traction or feedback like i would if i were in a larger fandom, but i dont mind. the feedback that i do get is of such good quality and has meant so much to me that it has potentially changed my life. i just needed you all to know that. that the people who have sent me asks, both on and off anon, requesting my thoughts on any topic; the people who leave comments on ffn and ao3, giving support ranging from long paragraphs to a brief sentence; the people who dm me or message me to share their thoughts on my work; the people who commented on my natsumikan essays telling me that ive helped them see something from a different perspective--you all have helped me see that there’s value in the things i create. 
i just want to say thank you. it has meant so much to me so far to be able to feel so confident in my writing. i really didnt even notice the change until today. how bizarre is it that something so important can change without you even noticing? i look forward to sharing more with you, from more fics to the mikan essay (which still has to be perfect, just maybe not as perfect as it wouldve had to be a few years ago lol). 
don’t be nervous that this a good-bye. it is not. it’s strange because whenever i’ve said anything like this (sent a message of adoration to a person i love, for example), people think it’s a bad sign. that i’m saying good-bye, or that it’s somehow a sign of something unsaid. i understand. this kind of nonsense sappiness (like all that stuff i wrote up there ^) is usually saved for the ffn bio when someone is leaving the site, for the good-bye post when someone decides to leave a fandom. “you’ve all meant so much to me and i’m leaving now.” that’s because usually people save all the important things for the end. you only say how you’ve felt when you say farewell. i don’t think life should be that way. i’m not saying good-bye, i’m saying i love you. i think people should say that more. i want people to feel good about themselves for what they’ve done, however small, to make my life--and undoubtedly the lives of others--a little brighter. and you have. you should know and i don’t intend to keep it to myself until i say good-bye (whenever or even if that happens). 
tldr; i love you gakuen alice fandom <3 youre not dead because dead things cant give life the way you have.
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airic-fenn · 7 months
Only If You Think I Am.
Sometimes I remember the temp employee at my old high school job who offered to buy me lunch since I forgot my wallet, and then asked immediately after we sat down if I was mixed. I mean, he was right, but it was a very uncomfortable first question to be asked by a complete stranger.
But it was also one of the many instances that gets me thinking about how weird it is to be mixed race and also racially ambiguous.
Whether or not I’m perceived as a person of color depends entirely upon who is doing the perceiving, and even when and where in the world they’re doing it. Am I in the southern US, or Colorado? Am I in Europe? Is it summertime and I’ve developed a tan, or is it the dead of winter?
Some people dont bat an eye, other people look at me curiously, knowing I am something but they’re just not quite sure what.
One curious man jumped to the proud assumption I must be Turkish, instead of letting me finish explaining that my mom was only born there because her dad was stationed there once.
In France at New Years, my penpal’s friend made a joke about slavery, then laughed and assumed that if I was offended, its because I’m White.
And all of my experiences like these leave me wondering, where do I put myself?
A friend once admitted to me that in middle school when we were covering slavery in class, he had watched me closely to see my reactions to it, because at the time I was just about the most diverse that school got.
The funny part is back then I was barely aware of being mixed race, other than that my Opa is Black. I was just me, and that was just how my family was.
I didn’t really have Black friends growing up (re: very un-diverse schools and neighborhood). Though, my mom would tell stories about how as a kid, she’d get teased and called an “oreo cookie” and blatant questions from her cousins like “what are you?” She’d mention how she would code switch with them, and try to act extra Black with them because otherwise she wasnt Black enough.
But she didn’t talk about race, or how any of it might apply to me. She stuck with the facts: I was mixed. And that was it.
And so I grew up with little understanding of what that meant until I reached high school. I was sheltered, oblivious, surrounded almost entirely by Whiteness and barely aware that people might, sometimes, treat me differently.
That temp worker back at that job of mine was the first time I had considered that people might.
But because I am caught in this limbo, I will never know for sure. Unless they say it out loud, I am left to wonder whether someone is just being angry and rude, or if they’re pulling a racism.
Generally, I give the benefit of the doubt. And why shouldn’t I, when I often barely know for sure how to perceive myself? I’m just me.
Race feels like a concept thrust upon me. Am I
☑️ White/Caucasian?
☑️ Black/African American?
If I’m given the option, I’ll fill in “Other.” But I’m rarely given the option to fill in both.
The problem with being asked to respond with one or the other is that singularly neither feels right. I’d be lying.
I know a lot of mixed folks identify with being Black. I’m not sure I can no, I’m not sure I’m allowed to, even if I probably, maybe could. Because I get caught up in my own questions and fears of “am I Black enough?”
“What even makes someone Black?”
“Sure, the color of your skin, but its also a culture, its experiences.”
“But isnt it reductive to reduce a person’s identity down to whether they’ve been marginalized?”
“Even if I identified as Black, wouldnt that be perpetuating old racist concepts like the one drop rule?” (And if I think long and hard enough about that, I inevitably fall down the rabbit hole and start thinking about how if I couldn’t or wouldn’t consider myself indigenous despite my great-grandmother, why is it acceptable to identify as Black? Even though, technically, I understand the messed up history of why of both).
I’m never able to answer these questions.
But at the same time, identifying as White would feel like I’m rejecting an entire side of myself. Like I’m trying to hide my Opa.
So, I make myself stop thinking about it for a while, and settle back down on just being “mixed.” Its an answer no one can deny, or tell me that I’m wrong.
And as a result, I find myself approaching prying questions or opportunities reserved for BIPOC folks with varying levels of confidence.
“Do you identify as Black, Indigenous, or other Person of Color?”
Yes. Sometimes. Maybe?
Only if you think I am.
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Please continue a soul of a weapon au pls
Martyn sighed as he closed the dorm door. “Really Ember? Couldnt come up with a better name? Now they know who we are!” 
“Not like you’re much better, Myrtenaster.” Ember rolled her eyes and sat down. “Besides, you look like you could be Weiss’s twin brother. At least Veil and Luna only look vaguely like Blake and Ruby.” 
“And what about our plan? If they figure it out-” 
“No one will realize what’s going on until its too late,” Veil said. “We’ll assume their lives, make them into our weapons, and leave before anyone has a clue to what happened to Team RWBY.” 
Martyn looked over at Veil, eyeing her. “And you’re sure we can still pull this off? They’re going to start looking into what happened to us! There’s almost no chance they know we’re missing!” 
“And what exactly are they supposed to do about it?” Luna asked as she took her cloak off. “Its not a secret about who we are and its not one we were ever going to be able to keep. We know team RWBY better than anyone since we have a portion of their souls in us. We can deal with them without anyone causing trouble.” 
“Then we’ll deal with their leader first.” 
Luna paused for a moment. “Deal with their leader… but that’ll alert them to what’s going on!” 
“And it’ll make them fall apart.” Martyn sat down on his bed to study in a similar way Weiss would. “We turn Ruby first, get her out of the way and watch the rest of the team fall apart and deal with them after. Yang will probably be the next issue if Ruby’s gone, which will leave Blake and Weiss for us after.” 
“Yeah, but we’re not really going to go through with this, are we?” 
Veil shrugged and started to untie their ribbons. “Why does it matter? You heard Nocturne, we need to get them out of the way for any real change to happen.” 
“And you trust her?” 
“None of us do, sis,” Ember said as she put a hand on Luna’s shoulder. “But, we dont have a choice in the matter. Besides, dont you want to know what it’s like to live instead of being used?” 
Luna sighed and looked down at her feet. “Yeah…” 
“Then its settled.” Martyn smirked a bit and tossed a small necklace to Luna. “Get Ruby to wear this and she’ll become your weapon and you can live the life you want.” 
Luna fingered the necklace and slowly nodded. “Y-yeah… I’ll… I’ll do it.” 
Weiss pored over page after page of every book she could get her hands on related to weapons and souls, looking for anything to explain what had happened to their weapons. Nothing had made any sense to her anymore, and trying to find anything about weapons becoming people had only led her down a rabbit hole of fairy tales and legends. 
Ruby sat down next to her and moved a mug of coffee to her teammate. “How much longer are you going to do this?” 
“As long as it takes until I can understand what is going on.” Weiss pulled away from the book she was reading and took a sip of her coffee. “Weapons dont just become people, right? Something had to happen to them. Or… they’re not really our weapons at all and just people who look like us, right?” 
“I think maybe its time to take a break from it.” 
“Maybe.” Weiss leaned back in her chair a bit and let out a heavy sigh as she went back to the books she was reading. “But what good will that do us? I mean, we cant be huntresses without weapons and if we cant find them… then what? We just make new ones?” 
“Well, that is one option.” Ruby fidgeted with her own mug as she took a sip. “Though… it might be our only option soon. Assuming we cant find them first. Which wouldnt be too bad. I mean, I’ve been thinking about making a few upgrades to Crescent Rose anyway.” 
“I cant just remake Myrtenaster. Its all I have left from my grandfather before he got sick.” 
“I….  didnt know…” 
“Its fine.” Weiss flipped through a few more pages and then shut the book she was reading. “But… you’re right, I should take a bit of a break from this. I’m not getting anywhere and the more I read, the more I feel like I’m losing it.” 
“Meet you back in the dorm then?” 
Weiss nodded and started to gather up the books she had started to look through, pausing as she looked one over one more. She flipped through it, reading through a few pages about a legend of a weapon becoming a person. She closed the book once more and sighed as she stacked it with the others. “A little rest and then I can pick this up again. I need to get Myrtenaster back.” 
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iwaasfairy · 2 years
Start a Patreon and write for the people who are still interacting with you or just stop writing for some time it's not healthy to keep pushing and feeling drained anyways or just start everything anew
i mean you also have to see this from our pov, you've said so yourself that you have a bunch of unanswered asks (and i mean non-request asks), if you dont answer us how are we not supposed to feel discouraged or lose interest? you really seem to only favor particular anons and your mutuals
i understand that you have a large following and might be getting many asks and that it can feel overwhelming but i guess thats the downside of having a large following
I absolutely love your content and wouldnt want you to feel pressured into writing something because you have a responsibility towards us i want you to write because you want to but interaction-wise i have completely stopped, jst disheartened
warning: long response lmao buckle in,,, i had to sit with this ask for a little bit because i really dont know how to,, feel about it
first of, an obvious big thank you to the compliments you did put in between the criticism here, im very happy to hear that you enjoy my writing and that you don't want me to be pressured. that's very sweet. and while i have considered making a patreon, i dont find it fair on people who would pledge to not have a guarantee that they'd have however set amount of content a month.
at this point, i can't guarantee that. i go through ups and downs writing, i have bursts of inspiration sometimes and sometimes i just dont. that's just the nature of being a content creator. and as i don't get payed for this as of current, that's okay.
i had already taken a hiatus before and returned to post 6 more fics in 4 months when i did, because i returned with renewed energy. i returned to writing here because i wanted to. i understand that you are saying it out of a want to help and give advice, but it's quite hurtful an answer to someone who refused to leave even though all her close friends apart from a tiny fraction left, and someone who's been trying to keep a little bit of the spirit in it for new fans. because there's nothing more sad to me than seeing a fandom i love die before my eyes.
now is not the time for a break for me. i don't need a break, what i need is the tiniest bit of effort from all the people who consume content without giving back. i have already made a new blog before too,, and people didn't care to follow me over, so there's no use. i've been building this blog for the last 3 years, and there's no point in throwing away my hard work for something that might not ever get to the level it was at anyway.
but this ask is also overshadowed a little by the sheer negativity being tossed at me, even if it wasn't your intent, or even if you said it politely. it's quite a strange and harsh thing to say to someone who's expressing a grievance,,, don't you think? i have seen it from your pov, many many times. i have not said a thing about it for months, again, because i don't want to hurt people's feelings. i might have said that i have a bunch of unanswered asks before yes, because that's true, but as i also said in that same breath, most of them are requests. even if they don't straight out say "please write -" they can still be requests.
i also think you've already sent me a similar message a few months back when i was expressing frustration, which,,, kind of proves that i don't ignore anyone, and i haven't ignored your asks. i don't pick favorites, i don't only answer certain anons for the fun of it. and i don't know if you have tried to scroll my blog in the last few months, but any time i am able, all i'm doing is answering asks. all of which go ignored.
i have hundreds of answered asks that get no, or maybe one-three notes. i think it's only reasonable then that i started to assume that the majority of people didn't really care about my answers, and that maybe yes i did subconciously get more cautious which asks i answer immediately get upon getting them, because i didn't want to flood people's dashes and annoy them with my answers. i answer the asks first that are short and easy to answer, or that make me laugh or are trying to make me happy.
i answer an enormous amount of asks in between fics. so i'm sorry to say, but i genuinely don't think i've ignored many of your asks as you claim. you don't sign your asks so i wouldn't know if or when you revisited me if i tried,,, but just math wise it doesn't make sense. if you had sent me between 3-5 asks over these last few months, there's a 99% chance that i have at least answered one or two of them.
and if you've sent maybe one, or two asks and i happen not to have answered them, i am sorry for that, truly, because i never mean to exclude anyone from a conversation. but like i said, the majority of people don't care about my responses, and i don't want to dry my blog out more by burying my writing under such a heap of asks that people don't even bother to read anymore. i really don't know what you expect me to do.
people dont read my posts (any post except a full fic), or if they do, even leaving a like is too much to ask. i feel like im talking to a void with 99% of this blog. and though people do read my fics, it is such a rare thing to get a reblog, a nice comment, or an ask going into my fics. talking about a thing they liked, or simply saying they enjoyed the fic. you seem to equate me asking for interaction with 'sending asks', but that's not the case.
anything is interaction. showing you're interested. showing you're here, you're listening. showing you read something. this isn't ao3, i have no way of knowing how many people are actually here. so when writers ask for interaction, they aren't asking you for a book report (though i can guarantee that if you care about a fic and you put i that kind of effort that'll make you so so loved by that writer, and maybe you'll even become friends lmao,, that's how me and rhi, clover, angel, mous, violet, bee... became acquainted after all)
they are just asking for any sign that their hard work is not just,, there. it'd be nice to show you care. even if writers might not respond to you right away, or even at all
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tears-of-boredom · 1 year
i started thinking about trauma, and that lead to me thinking about how long it would take me to "get over" the death of someone close to me. i estimated about 3 years, and then tried to think of an actual person who I would mourn like that. only people that came to mind were our cats. everyone else is kind of replacable to me. maybe I'd occasionally remember why i havent seen them around, but I dont really care much about any human...I've had this revelation before,, i thought i was some kind of bad boy because of my "heart of stone". But i now realise that it most likely isnt true, that I cant love a person that is. i just havent really been friends with that many people, for that long. our (oldest) cats have been with us for probably 6 years at least. and while I have actually had one person i considered a friend, for about the same time as well,, we never really connected on a deeper level. we half-joked about it, but we really were just kind of two people, who were alone, together....to be honest i kind of feel bad for not having gotten to know anyone that deeper. i suppose i knew some of their basic interests, but like, I wouldnt have been able to make a music playlist for them. atleast not one that i would've been confident they would enjoy.....that realisation is actually new. not really that I didnt have close friends, but that i didn't actually care about the people around me that much. i mean, i liked them, sure,, but I really just liked the fact that i had people who wanted to hang out with me. it didnt matter much who those people were.
okay im gonna cut this here, because i have a screenshot on my pc that i actually want to add here. i mean, im gonna add it so the same post, and probably delete this paragraph, but still. lol my vent posts are evolving.
okay the specific one i was looking for was a bit tricky to find because i apparently took it through steam, instead of like, pressing "windows button+print screen". and i really couldnt figure out how to see my steam screenshots lol. but heres the one i wanted to add to this post:
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(from Our Life) this hit me like two trucks(having sex). like, i didnt quite realise exactly what i was doing back then, but i used to do this exact fucking thing. i only really got two chances to do it though. first was in kindergarten, and i didnt quite "succeed", because i was there for only maybe 2 or 3 years. and the friend pair i tried to "infiltrate" ended up sticking together after all. then in school i did it as well, and at least back then i considered it a "success". i think it started maybe in 2nd grade already. i was already basically in the friend group of three, but i guess i was just really insecure, and wanted to make sure that the other of them, L, was my friend. i developed this hatred towards the other one, N, and started complaining about them to L behind their back. in my mind, my complaints were reasonable, but to be honest, being a bit of a sore loser isnt that bad of a trait. im not really sure anymore if any of the parts of N i complained about were even real, but at least in my mind they were. i did "succeed" in pushing them out of the group. it wasnt a huge deal, since back then, the whole class was kind of a friend group, but still. and L turned into that 6 year long friend i mentioned earlier... I actually really regret what i did. i could have had two 6 year long friends, maybe even longer with the friendship having a different dynamic,, and i also kind of denied L and N the chance of friendship. i know that they couldve still been friends if they really wanted to, despite my stupid sabotaging, but it does kind of feel like i forcibly closed a door that was otherwise wide open for them....actually, telling this story from a bit of a different perspective helped a little... i had been carrying that hatred towards N -born out of something i dont even remember- for a really long time. i feel like doing this finally gave me the chance to see N as a genuine human being, a person. not just some kid that "stood between" me and L's "friendship". friendship in quotes, because honestly i didnt even do anything when i "had L all to myself". maybe for a year it was okay, but then i started to realise that i actually wanted more out of it. i wanted a genuine connection. and i wasnt getting that with L. i honestly probably was happier when N still hung around....i feel really disconnected from my younger self, while simultaneously feeling like i havent changed a bit. its weird...i guess i just really wanted to make up for the attention i wasnt getting at home, but didnt even really realise what i was doing. or maybe i wanted something constant in my life, with all the moving around we did until probably my 6th grade. its not like i changed schools any of those times, but it did leave a feeling of nothing around me being permanent, that still kind of holds on. we've been living in this place for maybe 4 years, and i still havent decorated my room at all. granted, i did change rooms about 2 years ago, but its not like my old room had any decoration either. it just feels like a waste, because i have this mindset that everything i add, will eventually have to be taken down and packed in boxes anyway. my mom has assured me that she isnt planning on moving us out of here, "at least not until shes alone". i guess the effects of moving almost every year since you were a baby, cant be really avoided, when its your reality. i was maybe 2 when the moving started, young enough to not remember the time we still lived with my dad, old enough to remember every apartment (and the one house) we lived in after that......i wonder how many times ive repeated this same story on here..at least this time i feel like its from a different perspective, slightly at least...yeah....i feel like now is time for a jokey comment about how im sorry if my writing is bad, because english is my second language. im well aware that im pretty on-par with a native speaker, at least when im using a text format. speaking is horrible though. re: my previous post about only really ever talking to my cats and no one else. and thats done in finnish,
aside from the occasional thought that comes in english, and i dont feel like translating before stating. my junky "english speaking voice" really discourages me from speaking it aloud, even if i do actually do a lot of my thinking in english.
im gonna end it here, i dont want to ramble on any more off-topic. sorry if you read this lol.
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kyoryu · 2 years
My big problem with the ending is that the story had the characters like. At least a few times discuss how they could totally still be friends even after the adventure was over. And like, I understand there’s a metaphor going on about how your life changes and you don’t stay as close to people as you think you might, but like… it kinda comes in out of nowhere in the last two or three episodes. And on top of that, Anne losing Sprig ENTIRELY and then the dialogue implying she, Sasha and Marcy all drifted apart until that reunion just felt overly sad. Puts a lot more ‘bitter’ than sweet in that bittersweet ending than they meant to, I think.
this is gonna be a long answer so sit tight lol.
disclaimer: I LOVE AMPHIBIA OK? my criticism means i care and i am passionate!! maybe too much, but hey, who's doing the math am i right.
ok i absolutely agree with EVERYTHING u say. i think everyone who disliked the ending is in the same page tbh, we all agree on the same stuff.
what u said about mostly bitter than sweet is EXACTLY what i keep saying. like...i do not see the sweet ANYWHERE in that ending. the "sweet" is the girls finally making it home, yet we dont get to see that. we dont even see anne hugging her parents again or anything, and dont get me started on the marcy and sasha's parents thing (ok i will briefly: refusing to give us anything about them just cuz "you wanna leave it up to interpretation" is bullshit. ur writing a story. commit. not showing us sasha and marcy's home lives and families means youre not showing us ANY signs of us rooting for them to go back home, we aren't attached to the idea of it as opposed to sasha's bond with grime and marcy's love for amphibia. it is lousy)
like, people keep telling me im missing the point of an ending that was obvious since episode one and i just disagree so much. where in the world of episode 1 did we see that anne was going to fight the moon, die, meet god and be offered to become god? what the fuck. i keep saying this ending could only work if the stakes weren't so high and the girls didn't spend as much time in amphibia. for anne to separate from the plantars permanently just because "people in life come and go and it hurts but oh well thats life" is so... devastating. like, imagine not being able to see or talk to your family EVER again. because hey thats what lifes like.
"but vinnie they'll obviously see each other again!!!" if u keep saying this, then u just disliked the ending as much as i did and ur in denial lmao. we can make all the hcs we want, they can add all the fix-it they want to marcy's journal (context: matt braly implied marcy's journal could include terri and mr x giving the girls "a surprise" in the timeskip) but yknow the damage is done. the ending is there and it tells you that the plantars and anne say goodbye forever and thats how it is. at least accept it.
"its been set up since ep 1" i completely disagree. season 1 in its entirety is about anne learning to love wartwood. sure it makes sense if u just watch ep 1 because anne is desperate to get home but um, the point is that anne comes to love wartwood and its people and becomes a part of the plantar family. how is that ending an ep1 set up? well, wheres the WHOLE SHOW set up? it makes no sense.
and even for the trio, i understand the growing apart thing but man, after what they went through wouldnt they be bonded for life, having been the only ones to have ever experienced this same trauma, and be closer than ever? especially with the portal permanently gone. id totally be behind it if the portal was open, cuz anne sasha and marcy choose their new amphibian friends over each other to spend time with and eventually come together again as teens, but still close all together bc i cant stress it enough. you dont just grow apart from someone u fought the moon with.
amphibia was already their time apart yknow. again, if the stakes were lower id get it and it'd work. but u cannot have these 3 go through all they did and then try to apply a Down To Earth realistic ending. i dont get it.
like, ur telling me marcy had to move away and she did it happily after being stabbed, comatosed, posessed, etc? sasha and anne stop talking in hs after anne had held onto sasha's arm for dear life before she lets go to her possible death, after they both leaded a fucking army together for a WAR AT 13 YEARS OLD? they just...move on? with a smile? sure it works if you say it does. but if you look it from a writing perspective its just weird, incomplete, lousy. no drama.
everything happens and we dont talk about it. everyone's just freaking happy ig.
i could excuse the sashannarcy separation though but that along with the goodbye forever to amphibia are TERRIBLE combinations. like sasha anne and marcy close this book and open a new one, and how on earth are they even able to do that after everything they we through???
sure im happy theyre happy. it could be that simple. but to me its not. to me this ending ruins the entire show lmao. if u were gonna go for this ending then dont write such an epic story bro lol.
and for the "YOU JUST WANT A STVFOE ENDING/WHAT, IS ANNE NOT SUPPOSED TO SEE HER PARENTS EVER AGAIN?" gang: shut up dingus. no one talked about mixing both worlds or keep anne just in amphibia. thatd be just as bad. they should just have a way to access amphibia whenever they wanted, they met GOD. they literally had any excuse to make this work.
"but thatd be unrealistic" oh so sorry if i dont mind the story about 3 humans landing in a world of frog people, getting superpowers, leading an army, fighting a war, fighting an evil king and posession and the moon, doesn't have a completely realistic ending
"it would be too good to be true" so u agree. u agree the ending wasnt good.
what i would've done to make this ending Work, i would've added 3 simple things.
1. anne is a whole lot more broken up over saying goodbye to amphibia forever. shes not that calm about it. she's upset and thinks its unfair.
2. we get to see anne reunite with her parents back home
3. in the 10 year timeskip, we get an open ended situation with the trio opening a portal and its up to interpretation if this is the first time theyve done it or not.
thats it. i still wouldnt be a fan, i think anne deserves to grow up being able to see her family, but i think if they wanted that ending that badly they shouldve at least added those things. idk.
BASICALLY: i get what they were trying to do. it just does not work with the kind of epic high stakes story they've decided to write.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
The Detectives Den
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Summary: walter take you to a cabin for what you thought was a romantic weekend, but he has an ulterior motive afterall mateing season is just arou d the corner~
Warnings: Adult Situations +18, Smut, rough sex, primal sex, male dom, werebear Walter, Mating, Breeding, Turning, Noncon Bite?, claiming bites, soulmates, au shifter
A/n: so here it is! The were bear i started months ago and abandoned but picked up again today because of this post. Typos ahoy!
Taglist: in reblogs
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You cried into the matress clawing desperately unsure if it was an attemt to help the huge male above you, or tryingmto escape him. For some reason since being here at the cabin he seemed different? Instead of being your huge soft teddy bwar he was wild, dark and growly both at peace and on edge. It was like he was now this big bad bear of a man, growling and strong all macho 'chop wood and start fire'
You grunted as he rutted harder almost fucking your hips pff the bed sending your feet scrabbling on the wooden floor, your socks sliding on the smooth wood.
"oh god~ sl-slow down! WalteAGH~" you cried out pressing up onto your elbows and stamping a foot on the floor grunting. Walter snarled into your back almost viciously before pressing an open mouthed kiss to your back lappjng the salty skin. He growled feeling his inner beast beat on his own restraint. The beed to uck and bit was almost overpowering. He wanted you dripping, ozzing his cum as he stained your perfect frailty with his venomous bite and change you for the better. He needed it like he'd never needed anything in his life. It was his own fault he was so needy and eager... restless. Hed had you at his side for six months far to lost in his bliss of having his mate he'd all but forgot about the mating season untill he was weeks away.
He snarled grolwing deeper and deeper his inner bears bellows trying to break through damanding you put your head down and take your mating properly. Face down ass up and minimal complaints! The deep sounds echoed through as the harsh breaths and grunts fanned over the sensitive skin of your shoulder blades.
"W-walt! Fuck please- hurry!" You whimpered over your shoulder as the large hands of your lover held you still bent over the bed pinning your hips into the matress and he thundered away, burrying himself to the hilt again and again still trying to feed you every thing he had and more. You cried out as he arched, tipping his hips striking your clit with his heavy sack moaning out his pleasure, the small pats making his cock twitch flexing agaisnt your tight channel as he speared you pryingnyou opene like never before.
These were no calculated strokes, he was fucking you with little care to how you withered and cried at his onslaught. Maybe thats why he brought you out here? You were deep in the woods and no one could hear you scream out your pleasure.
He growled low in his throat again biting back at his beast who was watching as you keened and scrabbled bent over on the bed your bare back glistening, tiny beads of sweat rolling down your sides. The scent of your arousal was enough to make him rabid, he needed this! Needed the release. His instincts were screaming savagely just below His mate! His female! His entierly!
And you were. He'd known the second he'd seen you in the cells. He thougt you were coming to bail out your foster dad who'd been caught at the center of a party filming a snuff film. A dark bdsm practice where the sub was unknowinly 'snuffed out' usually sufficated or break their neck from trying to escape. Either way it was a disgusting practice that was hard to pin blame, who was the one to arrest? The person tying the bonds? The dom? The spectators?
As it turned out you were there to cuss him out and hand in evidence phone records, emails, previous incidences. It turned out your father had been arranging these snuff films as a quiet hitman business silently offing people for a price.
Walter had gone out of his way to protect you, luring you to him with sweet dates and raw sex appeal. It had taken just over two months but he managed to secure a relationship with you. Youd been a couple for six months now, and finally it was time!
Finally he could claim you as his own kind did. Allbeit a tad late with only weeks to get you used to your rightfull place. Beside him. Below him!
He'd managed to et you out here to his den, secluded in the forest for a month long stay, mot that you knew it'd be a month. He'd said it'd be a long week end, you wasnt the outdoorsy type... well not yet.
"Shh, shh mate~ calm down you'll get there, just not yet... don't come yet we need- I need you to hold on for me" walter growled lowly into you making you sob and slump on the bed moaning into the covers. He moved slower trying to remember you were human, no matter how close the season was he couldnt mate you just yet. He had to give you the bite, then claim and help you come around to your new form and mate you... all in three weeks. If he tried to mate you properly now youd never survive him.
"Bu-but Bear!? Please i cant!" You wailed grunting and pressed back on him urgently unaware of just what was about to happen. He almost felt guilty, but it was better this way. Bite and help them transition then breed and continue the line. Or risk looseing you? His one mate! Once you were turned you'd feel the bond and wouldnt leave. It was how things were done, tradition!
Walter shook his head ridding the doubts that collected in his mind before chuckling... if only you knew how right you were~. Because be was a bear, a grizzly to be exact. It always brough a smirk to his face when you called him that, it'd soon be an inside joke between you. For every shifter there was a soul mate. The wolves had it easy,being pack animals their mates were mostly wolves themselves. But bears? No. Bears were solitary and their mates tended to be human.
For everything that happened in his life, he never imagined getting such a sweet gentle mate! You were a prize, his prize. Gifted to him by the old gods. You'd love and raise his cubs to be strong, fierce boy's and dainty smart females. His mind drifted, he couldnt wait to fill you, to plant his seed inside your womb and watch you create his cubs. But first he had claim you.
His eyes glazed as you beat at the bed arching your back to him trying desperately to pull him deeper clenching your pussy tight trying to force him to his own end where you could join him. You walls trembled as the suckled on him desperate to have walter quake at the knees and rut you into a tantelizing climax.
Walter snarled eyes now flickering with the burnt red brown that his beast held, the copper tinge glowing with a primal rage and need to latch onto his female and hold her still, repriand his sow for trying to take control and steal his seed before he was read to gift it to her!. Thoughts of tearing the skin and biting you twisted around his mind like a raging storm, his fangs ached. The venomous gift that would seal your fate to his forever thrumming in his jaws eagerly waiting. He was ready. He.was .ready! Years of woundering, then months of play the human game had made him impatient. He needed it, needed to feel the bond tie you together!
"Fine! You asked for it!" He snarled, an inhuman tremorto his voice made you pause, just as you tried to turn and question him you screamed out in panic. Walter bit you. Hard!
You thrashed squealing and panicking, kicking your splayed legs as your neck siezed, cramping. You muscle constricting around what felt like two deep thorns searing into you. Then a deep burn built. You cried in panic, fat tears rolling down your face mind bearly grasping what was going on around you. The shunts of your lovers hips became heavier and more pronounced, every breathnow a severe growl ratteling your bones. His cocks invasion slicing through the pain and terror as he moved faster and harder into you hitting your clit.
You wept tears streaming down your face as he fucked you rougher growling into your neck. Then despite the pain and fear the knot in your tummy snapped and you came around him. The trembling and mind numbing orgasm tore through you making you massage his still thrusting cock. You sobbed collapsing, giving up the fight as your sensitive body ached.
As if rewarding you for finally giving in Walter released your neck leaving it wet. You shuddered knowing that there would be blood but there wasnt much you could do about it. You keenesoftly as he roared over you victoriously painting your insides with his essence, lightly fucking into you. Instinct driving him to scent your cunt as deep as he could for your change, so youd smell of him warding off all other males in the area. This female was taken.
"Fuck. Fuck that was- better then the stories" he hummed over you smileing to himself head hanging down feeling at peace now his mate was claimed and would change. You'd be like him, strong fierce and safe. Able to take care of yourself and protect yourself and his young... fend off any vile human, fend off anyone but him~ your bear, your male, your mate!
"W-walter? My neck? What did you do?! Whh did you!- it feels funny it tingling" you panicked as walter pulled away from you befor slowly crawling onto the bed pullingnyou gently onto the soft bedding tugging you up to rest on your back.
"Its fine, perfect even- its the venom getting to work love" he explained cooing at you wiping you down patting the wohndmon your neck. In his spare of the moment bite he'd been rougher then he could have been, and that was part of the reason his venom was making you go limp already.
"V-VENOM! WHAT VENOM?" You bellowed now bawling panting, hyperventilating eyes wide and tears rolling down your face. His heart clenched as your hand waved in the air trying to hold him but you couldnt feel it, only a heavy numb limb that was useless.
"No, no its not bad- not bad my we t little mate... your turning, you'll turn and be like me" walter said hushingnou craning over you taking your waving hand an pressing kisses to the palm.
"Turn?! What are you- you bite me! We need help! Im gojng numb! Cold walter im bleeding out! Am i bleeding!?" Yu yipped still not understanding what was goingnon? He bit you... HE BIT YOU!? you tried pryingnyour hand free wanting to feel the damage on your neck. The room was spinning, you were growing cold you felt li,e you were dying!
"No shh your not bleeding, your turning... youve taken the bite soo well, so well love... you'll be fine... you'll sleep and then wake up stronger then ever" walter hummed fawning over you, giving you small gentle stroke's he knew he couldnt sit you down and explain, you were falling fast. He just had to reassure you untill you drifted off into the change.
"Shh im here im here mate... your gonig to be a bear just like me" he whispered softly grinning down at you unable to stop. He was too damn proud, he found you and bit you! Youd be with him always!
"Bear?" You muttere trying to hold him closer as the room began shimmering, lights and blaack dots laceingnyour vision as the heated chill rushed through you drowning your body in a strange soothing yet frightening feeling.
"Yes... I'm a shifter, I brought you here to- to my den, the den of my forefathers, ive given you the bite just as my father did to our mother inthis very cabin!" He rushed trying to explain best as he could not liking the scent of terror on you. He never wanted to scare you, but fear was inevitable. Still if he could ease your worries before you succumbed he would.
"What- walter im- its fuzzy!" You cried desperately tryingnto cling to the little consciousness you had. But it was getting harder as the seconds ticked by.
"Hush im here, it's the change my love... youll be like me... a bear shifter- and just before mating season too...You'll change and then we will mate over and over untill your carrying my cubs~" walter said as a lump swelled in his throat. His father had said this was the worst bit. The fear and panic as your new found mate fell to the transformation. But as the guilt and anxiety sent in so did the excitement of your furture. Your mateing, your family-cubs and a den of your own! It was enougn to make the grown boar cry like a young cub!
"W-walt your scaring me~" you slurred as the room began spinning, a hot sensation coursing through your veins but your skin was cool and prickling.
"Shh its okay love, you need to sleep, just rest when you wake things will be... they will be perfect, sleep, give in don't fight, you dont want to be awake for this part" he said movi g to lay your hand back down at your side. Then sat up besode you looking around for another pillow tomprop under your head.
"W-walter! No, dont leave-" you cried bawling frightened as your eyelids got heavy, he sounded as if he was drifting further from you. Bringing another wave of panic, especiallywhen he placed your hand down.
"I'm not, i wont leave you, not for a second my beautiful female" he said leaning over you holding your chin peppering kisses over your face. Making sure you felt he was still there even as you drifted into the comatose state that would protect you from the pain of your initial transformation. You cries slowly doed off as you closed your eyes unable to fight anymore and let the black take you.
Walter stayed put watching you with baited breath. Now it was his job to gaurd you. Protect and care for you as the grueling first shift took holdand he spied what bear you'd be. The venom in all shifters was the same, each becmea different animal in accordance to their individual traits. He was a grizzly one of the largest bear, his cousin geralt was a polar bear and sy a kodiak. He knew youd be a bear because you were mates, and thats just how it worked.
He sat back cringing as you grunted moaning as things began to shift, your body would rid itself of toxins and ailments first. Flush your system before the real process began. He stood from the bed making his way to the bathroom to fetch the many damp towels he'd need to clean you up. It had been him to insight the change and now it was his duty to care for you through this difficult transition. And it would be is absolute pleasure, because this was the all important duty for him as a male his kind, this would tighten his bond with your beast. He would oversee everything and help you, even help break bones to help you shift faster. Anything to get you through a full shift cycle, to beast and back so you could awaken that little bit faster and begin your life as a true pairing. Despite th grusome nature of the event, walter couldnt be more pleased because thos was the true beginning of his life with you, and he wouldnt change a damn thing.
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eternallyhyucks · 3 years
angel baby | choi yeonjun
pairing: bf! yeonjun x gn! reader
word count: 615
genre/warnings: fluff!! , none
—note: this is based on troye sivan’s new song, ‘angel baby’ !!
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𖤐 ྀ
you loved everything about him. you were in love with the little things about him. his smile, the way he looked at you, all of him and more. you loved how he never pressured you to do anything. he told you he loved you, but he made sure you knew that you didnt have to say it back until you were ready. you already knew you loved him back then. you just didnt know how to tell him that to you, he was perfect.
“y/n!” yeonjun tapped your shoulder. “what are you thinking about so intensely?” he said giggling as you came out of your trance.
“hm? oh i was thinking about you” you say casually
“really?? it’s very unlike you to be so straight up about your feelings ... what in particular were you thinking about me?” he said keeping his eyes on the road.
“it is isnt it,, im feeling a lot of emotions today” you say as you set your head on the window
“tell me about your emotions. i promise i wont look at you, i know you wont be able to tell me if i do” he said smiling
you sighed and began, “you came into my life out of nowhere. you make me feel things ive never felt before. you’re someone who feels like a holiday, so warm and comforting.” you knew that nothing you were saying was correlating, but you didnt care. you knew that you wouldnt be able to say any of this to him again because you’d never have this courage again.
“i was in pieces, i was barely feeling. i was starting to think that i had lost all feeling. you came into my life at the perfect time. i dont ever tell people i love them, but i love you, jun. i really, truly do. you are my first love and now, my first i love you.” you pause for a second, realizing that you were starting to ramble and your cheeks were burning from embarassment, but you forced yourself to continue. “i wanna live in this moment forever, yeonjun, im afraid that living couldnt get any better.”
you finished and sighed as you leaned as far as you could into your seat. the embarassment was kicking in. was this how people confessed their love? did you do it right? either way, it didnt matter to you anymore. you had finally told him everything you had been keeping inside of you for over a year and you didnt regret it a single bit.
yeonjun pulled into a random parking lot and turned to you. “oh my god, y/n. you just told me you loved me.” you smiled and nodded, still staring out the window. “i didnt know you felt that way, but im so glad to hear it because you put all of my feelings into words. i wish i couldve said it all before you did, but i doubt it wouldve been half as well said as you. either way, i love you. i love you, i love you, i love you.” you looked up to see him smiling the widest you had ever seen. he was looking at you with the eyes that you were so in love with.
locking eyes, the two of you simultaneously leaned into each other. it felt like the first time you were so close. he pressed his lips against yours and the fireworks in your stomach erupted. in that moment, nothing else mattered. it was just you and him. you pulled away and put your forehead on his and smiled.
“id give up heaven so that we would be together. you’re my angel, baby. my angel.”
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@overthemoonbae , @yejicrossing , @baekswoons , @igsana , @renjunn1es , @junityy , @pr0dbeomgyu , @igyus , @sungsunnie
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