#i won't become a villainess
hisui-dreamer · 7 months
such lengths
Pairing: Floyd Leech x f!reader
Synopsis: if your fiancé is the one to kill you in an arranged marriage you can't refuse, then why not seduce said fiancé so he won't kill you?
Tags: fluff, cliché isekai plots, reincarnation, female reader, historical setting, arranged marriages
Word count: 1.7k+
Notes: how did i write more for floyd than malleus💀
anywaysss early birthday prize for everyone's second favourite eel!!
✧Jade's Villainess✧ ✧Malleus' Villainess✧
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The tale of this noblewoman is nothing short of a pitiful one.
Though born into a lineage of high prestige, her family's former glory had withered away, drained dry by the toils of generations past. Yet, the count and countess, bound by love and tenderness, still showered their daughter with affection, sparing no effort to ensure her well-being.
The noblewoman yearned for this fleeting happiness to linger, but destiny rarely extends its benevolent hand for long. On her eleventh birthday, her mother, weary from the ceaseless burdens of the household, succumbed to a devastating illness and became bedridden. In a desperate gambit to procure funds for the cure to his wife's illness, the count embarked on treacherous voyages to distant shores, seeking business opportunities in the coastal realms.
But alas, the wheel of misfortune turned relentlessly. On her fourteenth birthday, while returning home with promises of a prosperous business deal, the count met his untimely end in a harrowing carriage accident.
As the sole heir to the county, she was burdened with the weight of the title, a mantle too heavy for an adolescent to bear. She undertook the grim task of orchestrating her father's funeral. During the somber ceremony, a peculiar party of visitors arrived, their countenance unsettling, teeth like razors and stature unnaturally tall. She soon learned these were the Leech family, the very traders her father had forged deals with.
They dangled an irresistible proposition before her, one she could not refuse; in exchange for becoming the betrothed of the eldest Leech son, her mother's well-being would be safeguarded, and the finest remedies would be at her disposal.
Thus, the noblewoman, too foolish and naive, chose to secure her mother's future. Their union was sealed when she reached the age of eighteen. Yet, not even a year passed before a sinister illness overcame her, her constitution ravaged by a poison slowly administered by her own husband.
The Leech family, though incredibly wealthy and influential, had always hungered for the societal standing that had long eluded them. The noblewoman, unknowingly, was their golden ladder to ascend into aristocracy, for deceiving the aristocratic circles into believing she was sickly, much like her mother, proved a simple task.
And so, the noblewoman passed away pitifully, her title passed into the hands of her husband, and her mother soon followed her beloved daughter.
of all the characters you could've have reincarnated as, you had the worst luck of all when you woke up as Floyd's late wife
heck, Floyd wasn't even the main character of the novel, it was some businessman that grew up to be greedy and cruel, but had to learn how to love again after meeting the heroine
his late wife was just briefly mentioned for a paragraph about how the leech family, basically the mafia from "fathoms below", started gaining more influence and helped the businessman with his schemes
though Floyd and his twin brother jade did gain a large fanbase, they were a pretty striking duo and when did red flags ever stop fans from simping
you yourself were a huge fan of the twins, but even you didn't instantly recognize you became Floyd's late wife
it was only when you were grieving with your mother about the passing of your caring father and the leech family showed up at the funeral
the striking teal hair, mismatched eyes, and carefree grin stood out almost immediately
Mr. Leech, an formidable figure, cast a shadow of authority as he shattered the oppressive silence that had draped itself over the elegant garden. His voice, deep and resonant, possessed a commanding quality as he addressed you. "My condolences for your loss, my dear. Your father and I were business partners... He spoke very highly of you."
With a sense of poised grace, you offered a nod at his words. "Thank you, Mr. Leech. It is an honor to have made the acquaintance of your family, even under these less-than-fortunate circumstances."
Jade, his sharp and composed eyes keenly focused on you, joined the conversation. "I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm Jade," he offered his hand in greeting.
You shook his hand, your voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Jade."
In stark contrast, Floyd, exuding an aura of indifference. Mr. Leech took it upon himself to introduce him, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "And this is Floyd, my eldest son."
You extended a polite greeting to Floyd, your tone warm and inviting as you curtseyed. "Hello, Floyd. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Floyd, maintaining his stoic demeanor, made a "hmph" sound before turning away, his demeanor aloof.
Sensing the tension and his apparent disinterest, you scrambled for a way to interest him. "Oh uhm, you must be tired from your journey. Would you care for some refreshments? We have some pastries prepared, if you'd like."
He turns back to you, a glint of interest flickering in his curious eyes. "Hmmm... Alright, why don'tcha show me what you've got prepared, Shrimpy?" He responds, the edges of his lips curling upward.
thankfully, the funeral came to a close peacefully, and Floyd seemingly got along with you
from then you awaited the offer letter from Mr Leech to arrive
you remembered that Floyd, though easily bored, could be really dedicated to something if he wanted to
so what better way to survive, than to make Floyd like you?? only then will your mom get the medicine she needs, and you'll survive without struggling in poverty
worse case scenario, he gets bored of you when you're older and you'll just divorce
and if he's the one asking for the divorce, he can't really make you pay compensation for the past medical fees
so, you decided to accept the proposal nonetheless
but not without precautions!! you started studying intensely on all sorts of poisons and antidotes, just in case Floyd randomly gets bored and tries to unalive you
though if he wanted to end your life with brute force, you knew you wouldn't stand a chance against him
as fiancés, there's not much improvement in your relationship
sometimes he's bored and finds hanging out with you a chore, other times he's following you around like a curious puppy, and there are also moments where he pranks you to see your reactions
you've tried becoming closer to him by getting him cool shoes and playing instruments, but he's far too aloof for you to know if he likes you or not
but thankfully, your mother's complection has improved a lot, and it does look like she's recovering
and once you're both officially adults and married, you start attending public events with floyd to establish your connections
or more accurately, for the leech family to establish connections with aristocracy
this time, it was a tea party held by some business competitors of the leech family
The elegant garden was a tranquil haven for the tea party, the soft murmur of leaves rustling in the gentle breeze providing a soothing background to the clink of fine china and hushed conversations. You, Floyd, and the other aristocratic adolescents settled around a beautifully adorned table, the porcelain teacups and dainty pastries tempting you all.
Floyd lifted the delicate teacup to his lips as he rolled his eyes, having grown weary of the incessant chatter and polite pleasantries that surrounded him. Just as he was about to take a sip, you noticed a faint, unusual scent wafting from his cup, a scent that sent a chilling realization down your spine.
With lightning-quick reflexes, you reached out and pressed your hand against Floyd's, preventing him from taking that fateful sip. "Wait, Floyd, don't," you whispered urgently.
Startled, Floyd's gaze darted to your eyes, confusion etched across his face. "What's wrong, Shrimpy?" he asked, taken aback by your trembling hands.
You carefully take out the silver hairpin gifted to you by Mr Leech from your hair, murmuring, "Please explain this to father-in-law later..." Carefully, you submerged the hairpin into Floyd's cup, and both of you watched in horror as the pearly hairpin rapidly transformed into a sinister shade of black.
His eyes widened as he looked down at the poisoned tea, realizing the danger he had been unknowingly on the brink of. Anger simmered beneath the surface, his emotions stirred by the audacity of someone attempting harm. Swiftly, he plucked the hairpin from the cup, using his handkerchief to conceal the incriminating evidence before the guests could catch on.
"I'm bored," His voice carried throughout the venue, capturing the attention of the other guests. "Let's get out of here." He said as he pulled you up from your seat with a firm yet gentle gesture, placing an arm around your shoulder as he guided you away from the tea party.
Once you were far from prying eyes, he pulled you close, wrapping you in a protective embrace. His large hand moved soothingly over your back, attempting to calm your trembling form.
"Thanks, Shrimpy. I owe ya one" he whispered into your hair. After a brief moment, he pulled back slightly, his intense gaze fixed on your eyes. "But how'd ya know my tea was messed with?"
Anxiety seized your body at the question, the weight of your response holding immense consequences. If you answered wrongly, Floyd might suspect your intentions. In a panic, you blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
"I wanted to protect you!"
Floyd blinked. "Protect... me?"
"Yes!" You affirmed. "I thought maybe there would be attempts on your life since your family's incredibly influential, and I wanted to be able to protect you..." You murmured the last bit, praying that you were making sense.
With an expression of genuine astonishment, Floyd stared at you, unblinking. It was clear that your explanation had taken him by surprise, the notion of your dedication leaving him momentarily speechless.
"You... you went through such lengths... to protect me?" Floyd finally managed to utter, a hint of incredulity in his voice. A glimmer of warmth crept into his eyes as he studied your face, taking in the sincerity in your actions.
Before you could conjure up an answer, his grip on your shoulder tightened, drawing you closer to him. "You're really something else, Shrimpy," he murmured, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Hahaha! I wouldn't mind having you around!"
needless to say, floyd started following you around even more now
it seems this event really helped you gain his trust and affection
soon after the party, he gifted you a new hairpin, with "pearls he found himself" he says
he starts getting jealous when you spend more time studying poisons with jade but if you say you're doing it because you want to protect him he melts again
looks like you're not losing your life anytime soon, but i also don't think that eel is letting go of you ever
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ystrike1 · 2 months
For a Fairytale Ending - By Joowinter (7/10)
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I can only recommend this one for otome isekai fans. It won't appeal to anyone else. Its a very slow wish fulfillment fantasy with a "simpleminded" protagonist and enough cliches to fill a book. It's cute, and horrible, and the best characters are the villains. If you like the creepy/cute vibe it's passable.
Alice Estevan is a reincarnated....nope! She has The Eyes of Wisdom! She remembers her previous lives, and she can kinda see the future. The problem is her ability is too overpowered, and it takes a massive toll on her health. Alice Estevan thinks she's a twentysomething BL fan trapped inside a novel, but her brain just isn't big enough to handle her godly blessing.
She's secretly an Imperial Princess.
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Her mother is a nut tho. Karina is a former maid who managed to marry a Duke after his wife cheated on him. Alice Estevan isn't even his daughter. Karina just brought her in from a "previous relationship".
Karina is absolutely evil and a child abuser to boot. The Duke married her after his wife's betrayal because he is a thousand times worse. They are a fitting "couple" who think of power and nothing else.
Alice Estevan has to navigate around completely crazy adults to survive.
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Her doctor, Evan, is her solace. Evan eventually introduces her to his younger brother, Micheal. Both brothers have divine powers, and they help Alice Estevan heal. Without them she would have become a very bitter and illness ridden child.
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Edwin actually is the Duke's son. The previous Duchess did not cheat. He was born with black hair because Karina used expensive dark magic power to change his appearance. The Duchess also died during childbirth, because Karina was her handmaiden at the time. She was being fed multiple poisons during her pregnancy.
Edwin is locked away in a tower, and Karina abuses him with a whip.
Why is he there?
Why would the cruel Duke keep some unknown bastard from his dead wife?? Plus some unknown bastard from his second wife???
Karina thinks she's smart, and a true villainess. However, she's just a pawn.
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Karina tries to poison Alice, her own daughter, because she's a sick freak.
Micheal gets hurt instead, so Alice decides to expose the black hair trick.
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Karina is banished.
Edwin is released from his prison tower thanks to Alice, who he is now obsessed with.
The thing is...Alice isn't a genius.
How did this work out so well?
Is Alice really heading towards a happy ending, or is it all a trap?
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First things first we should establish that Edwin isn't a nice guy. He tries to kill Michael multiple times....by rotting him from the inside out with dark magic. Micheal doesn't notice though. Michael has alot of Divine Power. In another future Edwin and Michael would have been toxic lovers, but now of course Edwin loves his bastard non-blood sister.
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There's a time skip and reality starts to crack for Alice Garnet, who retook her maiden name after her mother was banished. She starts to see multiple "plots". She's supposed to be in a BL book, but nothing of the sort has happened. Reality feels organically real now that she's an adult. She starts seeing glimpses of the future that have nothing to do with the "plot" she thought she knew.
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She experiences terrifying visions about Edwin, her closest friend. He's no longer crazy in love with Micheal. He never was, and he's so gentle on the surface. She doesn't understand why she keeps seeing the castle covered in blood.
Edwin is barely holding it together.
He's pretending to be sane so Alice will play with him.
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The Duke reveals himself. He is a formidable enemy. Karina was tasked with watching over her because....you guessed it! Alice is secretly the Emperors daughter! What a shocking twist! She's a princess how original! Every member of the Imperial Family has special holy powers....that can kill them or drive them insane. The Duke has been raising Alice as a breeding horse, so he can take over the country. It's already in motion. He's currently controlling the Emperor with magic drugs.
Edwin won't move to kill his father as long as Alice is happily playing with him, but what will happen when she finds out the truth?
Her entire life has been a lie, and her powers are too much for her body. The Eyes of Wisdom made her extremely ill. She thought she was inside a book because she saw many visions while she slept. Her body is weak and frail. She's only happy because she has a few trusted friends. She doesn't even really want to be a Princess, but is she willing to use Edwin to get more freedom?
Not really.
She doesn't want to take advantage of her friends.
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wlwcatalogue · 11 months
Yuri Subtext (?) Anime List
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A supplement to my earlier yuri anime masterlist, this list covers anime which aren’t marketed as yuri but which prominently feature F/F pairs, whether canonical or subtext! Since subtext is so subjective, this post only includes series which I’ve actually watched, and so is by no means intended to be comprehensive.
Also, since the above description would not cover certain series with well-known yuri pairings, I've also included a few "bonus rounds" for the curious (although these are still limited to series I have watched).
At-a-glance list:
Revolutionary Girl Utena (39 episodes + 1 movie, 1997)
NOIR (26 episodes, 2001)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (12 episodes, 2011)
Haibane Renmei (13 episodes, 2002)
.hack//SIGN (26 episodes, 2002)
Read or Die / R.O.D. the TV (26 episodes, 2003)
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury (24 episodes, 2022)
Black Rock Shooter (8 episodes, 2010)
Izetta: The Last Witch (12 episodes, 2016)
Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll (movie, 2019)
Canaan (13 episodes, 2009)
Ga-Rei: Zero (12 episodes, 2008)
Bonus rounds:
Sailor Moon S3 (38 episodes, 1994) (subtext)
Mai-Hime (26 episodes, 2004) (canon)
Psycho-Pass (41 episodes + 3 movies, 2012) (canon)
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! (24 episodes + movie, 2020) (canon)
Summaries under the cut!
1. Revolutionary Girl Utena (39 episodes + 1 movie, 1997) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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(Copied from the Yuri Anime Masterlist post, since technically it wasn’t marketed as yuri)
When she was a child, Tenjou Utena (Kawakami Tomoko) was saved by a passerby prince, so she decided that she too wanted to become a prince as an adult. Fast forward to high school, and she hasn’t forgotten that conviction: Utena gets sucked into a series of duels while trying to protect her best friend’s honour. After winning the first duel, she becomes ‘engaged’ to the eccentric “Rose Bride” Himemiya Anthy (Fuchizaki Yuriko), and the two start living together in the same dormitory.
First things first: there are a million content warnings for this series, including implied rape, sexual assault, incest, and homophobia. Although the issues are handled well (in my opinion), it does go to very dark places, so those wanting a light, fun anime to unwind to should look elsewhere. Second, this series is very much a psychological drama utilising the episodic duels as a way of hone in on Utena’s opponents and their stories, so Utena and Anthy’s relationship – though important – is definitely not the focus of the anime. Third, the TV series is limited to hinting at the romantic relationship between Utena and Anthy, not to mention that they spend most of the series being little more than acquaintances rather than actual friends. The movie Adolescence (which can be taken as a retelling or sequel, depending on your perspective) is much more explicit on this front, but also suffers from a significantly shorter runtime and a much more opaque approach to storytelling.
That being said! If you’re okay with all of the above, this series is pretty much essential. The simplistic premise belies a much more complex and nuanced story about gender roles, sexuality, and human relationships and remains one of the smartest anime ever made, over twenty years on.
2. NOIR (26 episodes, 2001) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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The first in anime studio Bee Train’s “girls with guns” trilogy, NOIR follows globetrotting assassin duo Mireille Bouquet (Mitsuishi Kotono) and Yuumura Kirika (Kuwashima Houko) as they partner up to search for Kirika’s missing memories and the truth behind Mireille’s parents’ deaths. The series is pleasingly restrained despite the sensational premise, alternating between “business trips” to far-flung locations and snapshots of the pair’s domestic life in Mireille’s Paris apartment, and devoting more time to the unfolding of the relationship between the prickly Mireille and puppy-like Kirika than to action sequences. I won't say too much due to spoilers, but their relationship numbers among my favorites due to how naturally it is developed throughout and how it is very much at the heart of the series both narratively and thematically.
This is also the first anime soundtrack entirely composed by the legendary Kajiura Yuki, heralding a long collaboration with director Mashimo Kouichi, and her mix of classical and modern sounds provides the perfect accompaniment to NOIR’s atmospheric cityscapes. Also, for fans of Mitsuishi’s work (Sailor Moon! Utena! Evangelion!), I’d say NOIR is a must-watch for her performance alone; her Mireille is brittle and proud, and she brings so much humanity and nuance to the role. In fact, I don’t care if you’re a fan of Mitsuishi or Kajiura or assassins or whatever, please just try the first episode— this anime deserves way more love!
3. Puella Magi Madoka Magica (12 episodes, 2011) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica opens with ordinary middle school girl Kaname Madoka (Yuuki Aoi) standing in the ruins of her hometown, watching as a lone girl struggles to defend what remains of the city against a much more powerful enemy. A little rabbit-like creature informs Madoka that the girl is sure to lose without her help, and so Madoka decides to become a magical girl right then and there— at which point she wakes up and dismisses it as a strange nightmare. But then that very day, her school receives a new transfer student who looks just like that mysterious girl, and she also finds a hurt animal that closely resembles the rabbit-like creature from her dream. Madoka is then faced with certain questions: do magical girls actually exist, and will she become one herself?
Since Madoka Magica was all the rage back in the early 2010s, I don’t think it too much of a spoiler to say that the cheery first three episodes hide a dark, gritty story which uses the concept of magical girls to explore the tumultuousness of adolescence. The queer subtext only comes in at the end but tight plotting and inventive presentation make this show a quick watch— and if you’re the type who likes queerness in fiction to be intense, world-shakingly significant, and a wee bit problematic, the payoff should be more than enough. A word of warning: there is a movie sequel called Rebellion, but if you’re happy with the ending of the anime, it’s best not to watch it (although I love the movie, myself).
Side note: I won’t go into it too much due to spoilers but if you liked Madoka Magica you might want to check out Serial Experiments Lain – even if most of it is utterly incomprehensible (as it was to me), it’s worth watching until the very end (wink). Also, for the rare fan of Rebellion, Adolescence of Utena is a must-watch if you haven’t checked it out already; so much can be said about its conceptual and aesthetic influences on Rebellion!
4. Haibane Renmei (13 episodes, 2002) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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(Note: slight spoilers about the tone and overall themes of the show – but I think it’s necessary for the purpose of writing a more representative summary.)
Written by ABe Yoshitoshi – character designer of cult classic anime Serial Experiments Lain and author of the very unfinished manga which this show adapts and significantly develops – Haibane Renmei starts off as a light-fantasy slice-of-life anime following freshly-arrived Rakka (Hirohashi Ryou) as she searches for a suitable job in the town of Glie, before transforming into a nuanced exploration of grief and depression about halfway through. To say more would be really too spoilery, but I just want to say that this has probably the most grounded and sensitive depiction of depression I have seen in an anime; it shows that sometimes people struggle even if everyone around them is kind and supportive, but remains hopeful about the healing power of time and understanding. The subtext is between the protagonist and Reki (Noda Junko), the first person she meets, who also helps her get acclimatised to her new life in Glie. Again, I won’t say more, but their relationship really is wonderful. That being said, this show does touch upon suicide and suicidal ideation in the course of discussing these themes, so please steer clear if that is something you are wary of.
5. .hack//SIGN (26 episodes, 2002) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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A standalone spinoff of the .hack PS2 games, this show was the most well-known anime about players getting trapped inside a multiplayer game before Sword Art Online’s arrival in 2012 (ironically, Kajiura Yuki composed the music for both). Rather than being an action-adventure story about a heroic protagonist trying to find a way back to the real world, SIGN stands out as an introspective piece, far more interested in the psychology of those who play online games and the issues of human connection and identity. In fact, the female protagonist is all too happy to remain within the MMORPG as male player-avatar Tsukasa (Saiga Mitsuki) after becoming unable to log out; the story is more about how the player grows to accept the real world with the help of the other players she meets, rather than about figuring out the exit route.
On the F/F side, some way into the series, Tsukasa makes an instant connection with fellow player-character Subaru (Nazuka Kaori) and they soon start spending a lot of time together. I really love their scenes together; the series' masterful use of body language, framing, and music all comes together to create these beautifully tender moments of intimacy. Although there’s no kiss scene nor explicit discussion of dating etc., a lot of the other characters talk about their relationship and perceive it as being romantic, to the point where one gets homophobically “worried” about Subaru when they find out that the player controlling male avatar Tsukasa is female. Tsukasa and Subaru's relationship becomes a lynchpin for both characters' development, and in general is used to illustrate the series' underlying themes in a thoughtful and heartwarming way.
6. Read or Die / R.O.D. the TV (26 episodes, 2003) Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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A spinoff of the Read or Die series which takes more from espionage thrillers and Hong Kong action flicks than shounen anime, R.O.D. the TV takes the unusual approach of starting with its main character - elite paper-maniuplating superspy Yomiko Readman (Miura Rieko) - being nowhere to be seen after burning down the British Library in a dramatic resignation announcement. Instead of focusing on her, or the spy agencies clashing in her absence, the story instead follows her friend Sumiregawa Nenene (Yukino Satsuki), who joins up with a trio of sisters with paper-manipulating powers and criminal connections in her quest to find out what happened to Yomiko. The queerness is mainly implied through Nenene's focus on Yomiko, which is unrequited and sadly fizzles out narratively speaking in the back half. Unfortunately, this is coupled with an increased focus on more heteronormative topics, such as Yomiko's grief over her dead male lover, and the child one of the characters had with the villain of the OVA. That being said, I also want to shout out this series' surprisingly earnest depiction of budding queerness in a young (like, elementary-school young) side character - something that is rare in fiction even now.
7. Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury (24 episodes, 2022) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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The most recent entry on this list by far (the final episode aired just a day ago at time of writing), The Witch from Mercury initially seems to forgo the Gundam franchise’s usual grand scale, being set in an academy run by the corporate giant Benerit Group. Main character and new student Suletta Mercury (Ichinose Kana) - the franchise’s first female protagonist since its beginnings in 1979 - accidentally bumbles her way into fighting a mecha duel, and, when she wins, is shocked to find that she is now engaged to the sole heiress of that self-same corporate giant, her classmate Miorine Rembran (Lynn). So far so Utena, but after the first episode, things start to diverge significantly: though the duels continue, the focus shifts to how big-picture tensions such as the manoeuvring within the Benerit Group and the conflict between the space colonisers and people on Earth play out within the student body, and how the arrival of Suletta and her mysteriously cutting-edge mecha start to shake up the status quo… until things come to an explosive head.
For those who curious about G-Witch due to Suletta and Miorine, but who wouldn’t normally be interested in Gundam or space operas, I’ll just say that if the hype has led you to expect a big queer romance where Suletta and Miorine shout their love from the rooftops, well, that’s not how it goes. It’s a mecha anime first and foremost, after all! But lower your expectations and you may be pleasantly surprised. Season 1 offers plenty to enjoy in terms of Suletta’s earnest attempts to be a good “bridegroom” and the tsundere Miorine’s bouts of jealousy over Suletta. And while their relationship takes a bit of a back seat in Season 2 due to there being So Much going on, it remains one of the key elements of the series and their scenes together are the emotional peaks of the season.
Side note: Some might criticise Gundam for taking so long to have a female main character, but let’s not forget about how the even older Ultraman (1966), Kamen Rider (1971), and Super Sentai (1975) franchises still have not had a single mainline series featuring a female protagonist… Come on guys, I’m dying for a female-led Kamen Rider over here!
8. Black Rock Shooter (8 episodes, 2010) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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One of the two anime inspired by the Hatsune Miku song of the same name, this Okada Mari-penned series hones in on the passionate friendships and jealousies of a group of middle-school girls. In a twist that feels informed by the psychological allegory of the popular Persona games, this interpersonal drama plays out in the surreal battle world of the music video, with the titular Black Rock Shooter being the main character’s alter-ego. Of particular interest is the first half’s focus on the blossoming friendship between protagonist Kuroi Mato (Hanazawa Kana) and her shy classmate Takanashi Yomi (Sawashiro Miyuki), which has strong overtones of two girls developing crushes on each other – it doesn’t go smoothly, but hey, that’s life.
9. Izetta: The Last Witch (12 episodes, 2016) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Set during what is basically World War 2, Izetta: The Last Witch asks the daring question of “What if a small European country about to be invaded by alternate-history Nazi Germany could fight back with magic… and what if it was (subtextually) yuri?” The show follows politically-minded princess Finé as she and her best friend (read: girlfriend) Izetta think up ways to leverage the latter’s witchy gifts to save the country from invasion – a rare case of a military anime where female characters are significantly involved at the strategic stage. Those who enjoy the classic princess-and-knight trope may find something to like as long as they are fine with Finé and Izetta not having much relationship development (as their dynamic is established from the start) and them not having many one-on-one scenes together (as the series’ main focus is on the political manoeuvring). Note that this show is also pretty heavy on the fanservice – IIRC there was at least one moment of egregious sexualisation per episode.
Side note: those who like Izetta may also want to check out Last Exile: Fam, the Silver Wing, a female-focused dieselpunk anime with a lot of military strategizing and a very cool world setting, though Izetta is better-paced and the main relationship is much more plot-significant. (That being said I do like the relationship between Fam side characters Tatiana and Alistair… Tatiana is probably the adult character with the most screentime in Fam, being the main characters’ commanding officer, and although it’s very background, she has this cutely settled dynamic with former piloting partner turned wife right-hand woman Alistair.)
10. Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll (movie, 2019) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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(Note: this entry’s a slightly weird one, it only covers the first 40 minutes of this movie due to it being basically two episodic stories smushed together into a single package, and only the earlier story is relevant to this list.)
In this standalone spinoff of the Violet Evergarden anime series – itself an adaptation of the light novel series by Akatsuki Kana – the titular protagonist Violet (Ishikawa Yui) takes a break from ghostwriting letters to serve as companion to aloof young noblewoman Isabella York (Kotobuki Minako) in her last months of finishing school. The story is a quiet coming-of-age tale focusing on how the kind (and rather dashing!) Violet helps Isabella to open up, or, in simpler terms, it’s fodder for butler-and-lady fans. Don’t get your hopes up too much, though: Violet learning about her romantic feelings for her deceased male superior is one of the main throughlines of the anime, and this (half of the) movie also ends with a heterosexual arranged marriage for Isabella. That being said, this movie is really a feast for the eyes, its historical-fantasy setting being brought out with beautiful backgrounds and detailed linework, so it’s worth checking out if you don’t mind the very Class S narrative.
Side note: if you want F/F butler-and-lady or princess-and-knight vibes I would really recommend watching Fate/Zero for Saber and Irisviel – yes Irisviel is already married to one of the (male) main characters and yes Saber is absolutely the main love interest for the famously-straight Fate/stay night, but their dynamic is really good and Saber gets to wear a stylish suit and be all chivalrous to a woman… Please watch the third episode of season 1 at least…
11. Canaan (13 episodes, 2009) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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There’s quite a lot going on in Canaan – perhaps unsurprisingly so for a spinoff of the FMV visual novel 428: Shibuya Scramble, which is famous for its intertwined storylines – but in true action-movie blockbuster style, all you really need to know is that the titular mercenary Canaan (Sawashiro Miyuki) is on a hunt for her mentor’s protégé-turned-murderer, and a lot of flashy fighting is involved. Also, there's no need to worry if you haven't played the original game, as Canaan is pretty much a standalone work and all of the significant characters are original to the anime. Yuri-minded viewers may enjoy her clashes with the villain Alphard (Sakamoto Maaya), but the main source of F/F subtext is her relationship with the young photographer Maria (Nanjo Yoshino), for whom she cares deeply and must rescue on multiple occasions. However, do be warned that the one canonically queer character in the show – Alphard’s subordinate Liang Qi (Tanaka Rie), who is fixated on her boss – is handled very badly, being portrayed as a raving predatory lesbian who is mocked, rejected, and finally killed by the object of her affections. Canaan and Maria’s relationship is also framed very definitively as friendship by the end of the series, although they don’t get paired off with male characters. IIRC there’s also some fanservice but I can’t remember the details as it was a long time ago, sorry.
12. Ga-Rei: Zero (12 episodes, 2008) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Back in the old days, I had heard this show talked about in the same breath as yuri classics such as Kannazuki no Miko and Mai-Hime, and, well, like those series it comes with significant caveats (though thankfully there is no sexual assault). Although it’s a prequel to the Ga-Rei manga by Segawa Hajime, the anime is basically standalone and focuses on original characters Kagura (Chihara Minori) and Yomi (Mizuhara Kaoru), the latter of whom welcomes protagonist Kagura into her family and demon-hunting squad, only to leave the team in a devastating betrayal. After the explosive opening, the series jumps back to explore the events leading up to that point; fans of director Aoki Ei’s work on Fate/Zero should note that the dark tone disappears in the third episode and never quite comes back even when things get serious. Viewers should also keep their F/F expectations in check, since despite the premise I would say the series is more plot- than character-focused, and on top of that a significant amount of time is devoted to Yomi’s relationship with her male fiancé (Yomi and Kagura have more screentime together, but there’s not much development whereas Yomi and her fiancé are given a whole romantic arc). There is one very fanservicey scene between Kagura and Yomi in a car early on (in episode 3?) which viewers may want to skip, but IIRC it’s an outlier and the rest of the series is nowhere near as bad.
Bonus Rounds
1. Sailor Moon S / Season 3 (38 episodes, 1994) (subtext) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Possibly the most widely-known F/F couple in anime, Haruka and Michiru (Ogata Megumi and Katsuki Masako, respectively), make their first appearance in episode 3 of the third season as mysterious newcomers who refuse to work alongside the Sailor Senshi. Apart from being consistently framed as an ideal couple throughout (they practically cruise to victory in a couple’s contest in episode 5 of S3), they also get some juicy narrative moments, being the main subject of the excellent episodes 17 and 21 – the latter being the mid-season climax. They return in S5 but I haven’t watched that season yet.
Side note: Utena fans may be particularly interested to hear that the aforementioned Haruka-and-Michiru-centric episodes 17 and 21 are helmed by key Utena creatives. Both were written by Enokido Yoji, Utena's lead scriptwriter, while episode 17 was directed by Igarashi Takuya (who storyboarded 5 Utena episodes) and episode 21 was directed by Utena director Ikuhara Kunihiko himself.
2. Mai-Hime (26 episodes, 2004) (canon) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Way back when, Mai-Hime was very popular among yuri fans for including a canonically queer female character who was in love with another female character… even though, like in Kannazuki no Miko which was broadcast the same year, she commits sexual assault against her. For those still curious, Mai-Hime starts out as a quirky fighting-monsters-and-going to school anime but turns into a battle royale where characters fight each other using robots – the twist being that the robots symbolise their love for the person most precious to them, and if destroyed, that person will die. The queer storyline comes in only in the last quarter or so, but is compellingly told and at least the queer character isn’t quite as maniacal or otherwise demonised compared to some others (looking at you, Liang Qi in Canaan). It's a fun reveal, so I won't spoil it here even if you're likely to have heard of it already.
3. Psycho-Pass (41 episodes + 3 movies, 2012) (canon) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Psycho-Pass is set in a dystopian world where people are rated on their criminal tendencies; the main characters’ job as police officers is to arrest those whose tendencies exceed a certain level. The F/F is canon but very, very background; one of the surprise twists of the finale is that forensics expert Karanomori Shion (Sawashiro Miyuki), whose appearance screams “sexy doctor character” but is played with surprising warmth by Sawashiro, is actually in a relationship with seemingly aloof field officer Kunizuka Yayoi (Itou Shizuka). I only watched the first season and so can’t comment on the rest, but apparently they are still in a relationship in the third season.
4. My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! (24 episodes + movie, 2020) (canon) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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An adaptation of Yamaguchi Satoru’s popular light novel series, this show headed the wave of reincarnated-villainess isekai, focusing on the bumbling Catarina Claes (Uchida Maaya) – in actuality an otaku who has been reincarnated into an otome game – as she tries desperately to remove her character’s image as a villainess and thereby inadvertently attracts the attentions of many a suitor. Among this reverse harem are three female characters Maria Campbell (Hayami Saori), Mary Hunt (Okasaki Miho), and Sophia Ascart (Minase Inori).
While the female suitors’ romantic interest in Catarina is generally not undermined or played as a joke, they are not necessarily treated as equally valid options compared to the male suitors - it doesn't feel like Catarina has a real chance of ending up with any of the female characters. I've heard this starts becoming more obvious in S2 (which I haven't watched), which apparently focuses on Catarina's relationship development with one particular male suitor compared to the others. Also, the VN spinoff had 6 routes in total (all 4 male suitors + 2 original male characters) but did not include a single female route, despite being non-canon in nature.
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forbidden-sunlight · 1 month
a small announcement
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Hey guys, hope you have all been well as we start the first day of a brand-new month, some may already be on the second day lol. I do apologize that there haven't been any newsletters from me in the past two months, as I have become quite busy in my personal life but thankfully things are slowing down to where I can take about a two week break from writing, starting today until May 16th.
Please do not flood my inbox with questions about when I will update part three of my yandere!ceo with villainess!reader scenario project or bizarre requests that have recently made me uncomfortable to respond to.
I am human, and I need to take a step back from social media for a little while.
I do have a few solid projects lined up to write on both here and my fluff blog @an-idyllic-novelist, so if you'd like to see what these projects are about on both accounts, click on the 'follow' button so that you won't be missing anything :)
So, with that being said, hope you all have a great day, and I will see you all when I come back. Ciao~!
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skylerthebean · 7 months
YES TUMBLR ITS I FAVOR THE VILLAINESS MONDAY AND WOW THAT EPISODE HAD NO REASON TO BE INTENSE... yet it did ofc here are the screenshots I took and let me tell you Lambert and Lene why... (I won't explain due to spoilers) and two I LOVE HOW OUR BELOVED TSUNDERE IS WARMING UP TO RAE AHHHH!! ANYWAYS SEE YOU NEXT MONDAY!
(Hello yes it is future me editting this because wow I wrote Claire instead Rae, Tsundere Rae is something I'd pay to see tho ehehe, also I want to personally thank you all for the likes and reblogs I get everyday, I am still very new to Tumblr so it'd be awesome if I could become friends with one of you! Ahh sorry back to this blog see you guys next week!)
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honestly-oceanie · 2 years
YOU PUT ME ON AND SAID I WAS YOUR FAVORITE || soft bois edition pt.3
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Synopsis: drawing something(s) on their arm/wrist/hands
《Ijekiel Alpheus, Felix Robane, Isis de Elmir, Erden Astar Halstead, Erudian Lu Soledo Belgoat, Cassian Eckard, Felix Chamberlain, Anakin, Zachary de Arno, Kiyu Ahn | gn!reader》
{Fluff♡ | ▪︎imagine/scenario▪︎}
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I Have Become The Hero's Rival/Your Ultimate Love Rival
Felix Chamberlain
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🦋 You were at the Chamberlain's manor, just slouching on their couch, all bored.
"What's the matter? Why do you seem to be sulking?"
🦋 Felix's sudden appearance made you jump out of your skin.
🦋 You were currently at their manor as per Claudia's request. She had ask you to come to their house to hang out, however, an hour had past but she still hasn't arrive. You had asked their servants yet they all say the same thing: "I don't know, My Lady."
🦋 You and Felix have been friends since childhood, thus you always talk to him informally and freely.
"Felix! Just right on time. Do you know where your sister possibly could be?"
"She left with Irene an hour ago."
"What?! But I did not saw them."
🦋 Felix just shrugged and you sighed. Those girls are really something, you thought. You stood up and was heading to the door but Felix stop you by grabbing your wrist.
"You're leaving, just like that? But you're already here."
"Exactly. I am here but Claudia and Irene are not here."
"But I am here, [Name]."
🦋 He saw a pen and grabbed it. "Lets have our own fun. We hadn't done this for a long time." he said. And he was right. Drawing on each other had always been a favorite hobby between the two of you, despite the scolding you'll receive later it was worth it.
🦋 You just gave him a closed eyed smile and agreed, "Alright."
🦋 Felix made sure to take a mental note to thank his sister and Irene later for helping him.
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Kill The Villainess
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🦋 After finishing his part, I realized that it was the same as the one I had previously written with another character and unfortunately I have no more ideas for him. But I promise to write for him next time. If I get any idea that is.
Marriage of Convenience
Zachary de Arno
"Count de Arno"
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🦋 You were outside playing with Nikola, having the time of your lives. Meanwhile, the Count was just staring of at his window, watching you smiling so wide and laughing so carefree.
"Would you like to take a break?"
🦋 Vincent's voice pulled him out of his trance.
"I can call for Our Lady to come here—if you'd like."
"No, no, there is no need to."
🦋 He immediately rejected the idea. Although he would like to spend some time with you, he didn't want for your happiness to be put onto halt. He does notice you becoming stiff and guarded around his presence. He honestly just wants you to feel comfortable around him like how you are currently with the little boy.
🦋 He feels it's very embarrasing and won't ever admit it but he did feel a little envious of the child you were giggling with.
🦋 He cleared his throat along with his thoughts then proceded with his work.
🦋 A little while after, he heard the door open and immediately looked up and he saw you.
"Um... s-sorry to interrupt you work I– "
"It's alright. What brings you here?"
🦋 You gave him his dinner. You asked Vincent about the Count as he was nowhere to be seen during dinner and you got worried for him. You decided to stay at his office until he finish his meal and he didn't object, wishing to spend some time with you. However, both of you were stuck in an awkward silence, neither knowing what to do nor say.
🦋 You saw an extra pen on his desk and out of habit you picked it up and started drawing on your hand, the Count just watching you quietly. After you were satisfied, you look up to see if the Count has finished his meal but instead you both locked eyes, after realization you both looked away.
🦋 You sighed, this time you decided to have courage, it's not like the Count will eat you out alive.
"You know Count, whenever I feel stressed out I woukd usually do this. It relaxes me and I also love to make arts."
🦋 Your oh so charming smile made the Zachary's heart skip a beat. Without thinking, he placed his arm in front of you.
"You can draw on mine too." He says with a little redness on his cheeks.
🦋 You were shock at first, but then chuckled and proceded to do as he said.
🦋 Zachary just looked at you with fondness evident on his eyes. This little moment will always remain forever on him.
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Your Smile Is A Trap
Kiyu Ahn
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🦋 this was only suppose to be historical manhwa's but I can't resist him. He must me protected at all times🥺
🦋 Kiyu doesn't want to be bothered with this idol thingy anymore. You know that and you respect his decision.
🦋 You were Kiyu's first friend at school, you sat behind him and since he was a new student you thought about helping him adjust. The more time you two spent together, the more the friendship blossom and eventually, you both started dating, only your families knows about this and you both prefer it this way.
🦋 That was until, his identity and real face was revealed. It was a hot mess and Kiyu is feeling pressured and you can see that so you decided to help him ease atleast.
"Kiyu, your hand." you gestured and he complied.
🦋 You picked up a colored marker that was beside you and started drawing on his face. He was surprise but sit still. That was until you started chuckling, he felt a little suspicious and ran to get a mirror.
"[Name]!!!" he screamed your name while you just laughed hysterically.
🦋 You finally calmed down after he returned with a cute pout on his face.
"Oh c'mon! We can always erase that. Here, you can draw on mine too."
🦋 Without hesistation, he picked up a colored marker and started drawing on you. Then it turn into a contest between you two.
🦋 Kiyu was clearly having fun, now the one laughing hysterically at your messy form eventhiugh he was on the same state.
🦋 Seeing him like this made you smile so wide, this was the Kiyu you know, the Kiyu you fell in love with. Having him return to his happy and innocent self made you feel relief, you hoped everyday could just like be this happy and carefree.
"What? *chuckle* why do you look like that?" He asked.
"Nothing, I'm just happy whenever I'm with you. Stop worrying about the others for now and lets have fun, yeah?"
🦋 Kiyu smiled at you gratefully. He felt really lucky to have you, he was blessed with an understanding and caring partner, what more could he ask for.
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-honestly, Oceanie-
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
Yandere Dabi with a pregnant darling
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Warnings: pregnant reader, yandere behavior, slight talk about sex, talks about TikTok, talks about endeavor/about trauma, soft! Dabi (sorta ooc) and cursing.
A/N: this was requested and I deleted it. Yet again. On accident. Sorry :((
I'm not sure who the icon of Dabi belongs too! I found it in my gallery so if you have any idea who it belongs too, please message me so I can credit them/or you!
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His first initial reaction is surprised and quiet. He's in a state of shock and slight uncertainty; you're pregnant and he's fault for it. He doesn't know what to do.
While he does remember having round after round with you, filling you up. He just didn't expect you to get pregnant.
"Whatta' mean you're pregnant? Are you sure? Two lines? Are you shitting with me? Are you positive-postitive? Fuck."
The next few days are really hard on him. How can he, a monster, raise a child? What if they inherit his quirk and get hurt? Or worse, what if he hurts them? A lot of questions and anxiety spirals into his stomach and chest.
He won't leave you. He makes sure of that. He won't be like his dad or simply leave you/or disconnect with you due to your pregnancy. However, Dabi will be distant for a bit; trying his best to wrap the fact that you're pregnant with his kid and how he's gonna continue with this.
But, when he concludes that he needs to be responsible and support both of you, he comes up to you and hugs you tightly. Whispering In your ear, comforting you with his raspy voice: "It's alright. I'll help us out. I promise you, baby. We'll get through this together, yeah?"
For the new weeks to come, he comes up with a few plans. One is that this kid can't live in a trash place; one that's not very clean, wasn't kid-friendly, and is a potential threat to them. So, he decided to do the house a makeover, making sure to buy (steal) items, clothing, and furniture.
He makes sure that the child can go to school, have fun, and run outside while making issues that are irritating to fix.
Secondly, he makes sure that his plans of being a villainess are put to the side or at least aren't as huge. While he does work on the side (somehow working as a butcher or cashier), he makes money to support you two; Dabi makes sure to spend as much time with you.
From that day, he's rarely seen leaving your side. He's always beside you, always at your call and ready to make you whatever you want.
Dabi becomes more observant, more than he already has. He reads your body language, steps on eggshells around you to make sure you feel comfortable and knows what's up before you can tell him.
This includes your hormones and cravings. While he will cook and deliver the food you crave. He doesn't understand why you're crying about the damn bed being too uncomfortable to angrily yell at him for moving your toothbrush an inch.
But, as your bump grows, so does his protectiveness and fear of being a father. The two of you will both have continuous emotional conversations, showing vulnerable sides of each other and slowly healing with these talks that Dabi much appreciates.
He loves to touch your stomach and lay on your mid-thighs, even if it's not grown yet; he loves to kiss and rub his fingers all along your tummy, kissing it and closing his eyes as he hears you heartbeat.
But, when he feels the baby kick, he feels his breath ripped out of him while he stares at your tummy in disbelief; the kid just kicked him, didn't they?
In his free time, he will read articles online that show small things to help you with your growth. But sometimes he will go onto Tiktok and watch videos that make his stomach roll in butterflies. But when he saw the video of people lifting their partner's belly, he immediately tried it; to say the least, the minute he heard you groan, then yell in anger made him smirk for a bit.
Occasionally, he will use his quirk to massage your sore muscles, making sure to rub into the deep knotted parts and use your favorite lotion; putting it on your swollen ankles while kissing them to show how amazing you look.
If you ever feel insecure, he's immediately pulling you in front of the mirror and showing you every mark as to why they are important and how they're gorgeous; "These stretch marks are signs of your growth, your power, and living of the baby. You should be proud of these, dollface. I love them regardless."
Every doctor visit, he comes with. Even if you dare to insist it's fine. Dabi makes sure to hold your hand, squeezing it when he sees the ultrasound of your baby.
Speaking of ultrasounds, he doesn't care about the gender. He would love them regardless of the sex! (Although, I do see him as a daddy's girl :])
Cuddling with Dabi is very warm and comforting. He makes sure you lay on him, holding your favorite pillow and hod hand near you; warming you up with his quirk.
At some point, it's expected to go baby-clothing shopping. Once you do, it takes three hours for you two to complete because he couldn't pick between a Stitch and Snorlax onesie (you ended up buying both!)
On the last semester, Dabi is complicated. While you do tell him he will be a good father, he can't help but overthink the facts. Cuddling and kissing scenes tend to happen after this, and while you may see him extremely vulnerable, he hates showing this side of him due to his childhood.
My masterlist || Reblogs, comments, and likes are very much appreciated!! Stay well!!
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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lonleywriters-blog · 1 year
Could I request some yandere Gotham rogues falling head over heals for a rogue! Reader? Like the readers the newest rogue on the block and is very dedicated to getting their name out there/getting revenge on the people who drove them down this path.
I would love (not sure who you wanted so I guessed)
Yan. Gotham rouges with new rouge
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Victor heard from fish that a new rouge was in town. When he first met you he watched you commit crime from afar. He was obsessed the second he saw you. He loves to stalk you and will officially meet you and tell you about his occupation. He will buy you tons of things including weapons. He will spoil you any way he can. He loves that you are also a rouge it makes it so much easier for him. He also finds it very hot.
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You are one of the first rogues he meets. He didn't need to talk to you to know he was in love. He is very attracted to the fact you are considered dangerous. He loves watching you fight or kill. He is like a puppy trying to get your attention. He will hang around you even if you tell him to stop. He assumes you are just in a bad mood if you yell at him. You are known as partners in crime, even if you didn't agree.
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Sees you in fishes bar. He will stalk you to no end. He doesn't like that you are doing rouge work, you could get hurt. He will watch you to make sure you are okay. Will plan your first meeting as an accident. He will charm his way into your life. Will buy you protective gear.
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You were a rogue when he still worked for the police station. He was obsessed with the way you worked. Feel super hard for you, and sees getting to you as a puzzle. Once he is the riddler he won't be shy in getting you. He will make you like him. There is no option you are his. Does not mind your villainess work.
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He was obsessed with you after he read about you in his brother's journal. He would track you down. He tells you he will help you get your name out. He will manipulate you into staying by his side. You become his queen and you are very respected.
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She is the queen rogue and will offer you to join her. You being desperate to be known say yes. You become a power duo and rule most of Gotham. Shall anyone see you as a target they will be killed. She loves doing rouge work as a date night with you. She treats you like royalty.
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She hears of you in Barbara's bar. She will seek you out and find you entrancing. She will leave a plant as a gift for you. She uses plants to spy on you. Meets you by sneaking into your house and making you dinner. She will make you stick next to her. You two are a very cute but dangerous duo.
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She knows everyone and you caught her eye. You commonly went to her bar for information. She adores you and will talk to you casually until she asks you out. She is very protective and will threaten everyone and anyone who stands in your way.
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kurokrisps · 3 months
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May as an evil queen!
I keep imagining a snow white inspired comic where the evil queen makes multiple attempts to kill a handsome and influential duke in order to keep her power. But he just won't freaking die - always escaping demise in some way! And it doesn't help that he's actually in love with the evil queen, much to her annoyance.
I've read too many villainess manhwa, so I can't even fantasy bullshit my way through this plot because I wanna incorporate accurate medieval politics... 😭
There's no design for Jack yet, but I keep envisioning him in bard's clothing since I imagine he becomes one in a scenario he's stripped of his title.
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blueinkedfrost · 20 hours
Tropes and Villainesses
The classic villainess isekai, where the protagonist magically becomes a character they knew as a fictional villainess and tries to change the story, is trying to criticise some of these tropes:
Protagonist-centred morality.
Disproportionate punishment of the antagonist.
Misogynistic Good Girl vs Bad Girl tropes, where the bad girl is a one-dimensional stupid evil caricature of a character written in a way that hits common sexist tropes.
The idea that there's a common videogame trope where the protagonist helps her love interest cheat on his fiancee with her, then the fiancee gets heavily punished, is largely what TV Tropes calls a Dead Unicorn Trope - people like to complain about it, but it actually doesn't happen in that many works. For example, "the butler did it" is the trope equivalent for mystery fans - people complain that all these badly written mystery stories just pinned it on the butler, but in fact it's only a few examples.
Protagonist-centred morality is a common writing problem. It's easy for writers to get caught up in their protagonist's point of view and brush some of their character's more stupid/selfish decisions under the rug as convenient for the plot. I don't think that the protagonist being in a cheating relationship is actually common, even with protagonist-centred morality in place. Cheating is pretty common and emotionally painful in real life, so if the protagonist is part of a cheating relationship in fiction then it's likely justified because the cheater's partner is abusive, already cheating on them, and/or in a culture that works differently to our own. The 'first love' fantasy is also a beloved romance trope, where it's critically important that the female lead and male lead never felt this way about anyone before (so if you're writing that trope, they won't be in an existing relationship when they meet unless it's abusive, arranged, or platonic).
Disproportionately vilifying or punishing the antagonist character can be a symptom of protagonist-centred morality, especially if the character actually had understandable reasons for their actions. For female villains, this also often reflects sexist tropes - Rise of the Shield Hero is a low point for this sort of thing, where the sexy Bad Girl character makes her entrance with a fake rape accusation against the protagonist, seems to make most of her life choices by deciding what action gets her the highest number of Evil Points, and is ultimately punished by being raped to death by her uncle.
Female villains are great, I love all interesting female characters, but sometimes writing of female villains can slip into misogynistic tropes. The sexually manipulative Bad Girl is one of those tropes, where if you analyse it for about five seconds you realise that she's probably doing sexual manipulation because society doesn't give her a lot of alternatives - she deserves more nuanced treatment than just being condemned by the narrative.
So, I like the concept of Villainess Isekai that tries to say, "In the original version, these two female characters were pitted against each other and one was punished in a truly horrible way that she didn't deserve. Now, the villain girl has a second chance to make a better story."
I don't like villainess isekai which is just simply, "Once upon a time, there was a Good Girl and a Bad Girl. The Good Girl won, and the Bad Girl was banished to the outer darkness. Now, there is again a Good Girl and a Bad Girl, but their colour palette has swapped around." At least give the Bad Girl some character complexity, competence, and a villainous scheme that involves more than batting her eyelids in the direction of powerful men.
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ystrike1 · 11 months
The Gentle Breaking of a Failed Villainess - By Yamamoto Tomomitsu (9/10)
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The plot twist here is...the plot? This looks like a simple love story with some kidnapping and class differences and unavoidable arranged marriages. Our protagonist spends her entire life as a servant, but then there's a grand reveal at the end. It actually caught me off guard.
Stella hates her savior. Her family lost everything. Her father fled the country, but he's most likely dead. Her mom died of an illness. She lost her servants. Her status, and her doting parents.
The noble man who arrested her loving father takes her in as a servant. Most likely out of guilt, because her poor family was innocent.
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It doesn't go well. The family heir, Michel, has kidnapped her...and she has no friends. Her peasant status is a joke. Her family is gone, and she lives in this weird limbo.
She clearly doesn't belong.
She didn’t fit in.
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Even the maids are higher on the social ladder. Michel, the son of the man who stole her glamorous life, was her only friend. She has trouble seeing him as a friend, because of her burning resentment.
Her feelings are quite complicated.
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Michel was supposed to marry the ideal bride. Stella was the butt of the joke the whole time. In this universe nobles must marry to inherit their title. Anna is the right woman in every way, but then Stella wakes up with Michel.
In a mysterious mansion.
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Michel isn't actually her meek and sweet friend. He's been waiting for the chance to catch her.
Being the heir of Duke Schwech kinda sucks. He was depressed for ages, and Stella was his only friend too. Stella wants to leave so Michel can grow up...but he won't let that happen.
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We get some details. Michel used to be a mousy, unpopular brat before he got handsome. He used to be the joke, before Stella. He knows praise from other nobles is basically worthless. He knows he can trust Stella to care about him, as a person, because she was decent to him...even though she has always resented him.
He knows about her revenge plot, but he loves her.
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She can't help it.
She wants that sweet revenge.
Destroying his future with love is an easy way to get it.
Marrying a peasant is a one-way ticket to becoming a peasant.
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Michel has been lying. He claims he is searching for the lost Stella, even though he is the one who stole her.
His family reputation is in tatters, because he keeps delaying his perfect marriage.
He's about to lose everything.
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Michel's fiance sends assassins after him in a fit of rage. She expected a perfect hot husband, but he ignores her. Anna wants him to die for disrespecting her.
Stella jumps into harms way to instinctively protect Michel, even though he's strong, because she does love him.
Being abused by the maids just kinda messed her up, ok?
It's understandable.
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She's the princess.
A "missing" princess.
Dukw Schwech was her father's vassal.
That's why she was saved and protected in his household, with a cushy job.
I assume she will marry Michel and gain a kingdom in part 2.
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inkbane · 1 month
I've been obsessed with villainess manga lately, so I wanted to review the ones I've read so far. It's a fun new-ish genre so it's interesting to compare the ones that are out so far. See under the cut for the reviews.
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! (ongoing)
Read 9 Volumes  ||  Rating: 5/5
Review: The OG. Extremely cute and charming, all the characters are really loveable. I really like that the protagonist isn’t the typical shy, blushing flower that a lot of historical/fantasy romance manga use. She’s a weird, brash tomboy and her friends love her anyway.
Accomplishments of the Duke's Daughter (ongoing)
Read 8 Volumes  ||  Rating: 5/5
Review: If you’re weirdly nerdy about taxation systems and politics, this is the manga for you. Competence porn at its finest. The love interest is boring but he’s not heavily featured so far, and the protagonist makes up for it by being really good at her job.
The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior (discontinued)
Read 3 Volumes  ||  Rating: 5/5
Review: I’m so sad this one got discontinued. I think it might be getting another manga adaptation, but if it doesn’t, I still highly recommend reading this one. Really lovely found family. The protagonist is really insecure, but she loves her friends and family and just wants to take care of them <3<3<3
The Villainess Stans the Heroes: Playing the Antagonist to Support Her Faves! (ongoing)
Read 3 Volumes  ||  Rating: 4.5/5
Review: This one is surprisingly fun. The protagonist is a huge fan of the heroes, and it’s fun seeing her reactions to the new characters as the hero party grows. Also, the love interest is pure 14-year-old wish fulfillment is the best way.
7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! (ongoing)
Read 4 Volumes  ||  Rating: 4.5/5
Review: Protagonist has lived multiple lives and uses her experience to problem solve. The love interest has become evil in her previous lives, but she doesn’t know why. I’m really interested to see where it goes. The love interest is a little weird, not sure how I feel about him yet.
I Swear I Won't Bother You Again! (ongoing)
Read 4 Volumes  ||  Rating: 4.5/5
Review: Protagonist tried to murder her half-sister and was put in jail, and was sent back in time to before she started bullying her sister. There’s two love interests, the prince and the childhood best friend. The prince is boring, but the best friend is cute and charming, and the protagonist is dealing with her guilt over her past actions.
I'm in Love with the Villainess (ongoing)
Read 5 Volumes  ||  Rating: 4/5
Review: Fun lesbian version of the typical villainess narrative. I like seeing the villainess warm up to the protagonist. The protag does rub me the wrong way a little bit, but overall quite enjoyable.
Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord (ongoing)
Read 2 Volumes  ||  Rating: 4/5
Review: The villainess is really nerdy about levelling up and training in a really funny way. This one isn’t very long yet, but it’s charming so far.
Though I Am an Inept Villainess: Tale of the Butterfly-Rat Body Swap in the Maiden Court (ongoing)
Read 4 Volumes  ||  Rating: 4/5
Review: Villainess body-swap. The protagonist is a little bit boringly perfect, but the outfits and the court drama are really fun.
Tearmoon Empire (ongoing)
Read 3 Volumes  ||  Rating: 4/5
Review: Villainess gets reincarnated as her younger self after she gets guillotined. She’s charmingly self-serving, although everyone around her thinks she’s a genius and totally selfless.
I'm Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness: I'll Spoil Her with Delicacies and Style to Make Her the Happiest Woman in the World! (ongoing)
Read 3 Volumes  ||  Rating: 4/5
Review: Some good hurt/comfort in this one. The villainess is rescued by a wizard. The wizard protagonist is a little obnoxious, but it’s nice to see the villainess get some comfort and love.
The Do-Over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor (ongoing)
Read 4 Volumes  ||  Rating: 4/5
Review: The protagonist has gone back in time into her child body, but she’s a total badass. I find the character really charming and the plot compelling. The only weirdness is the age difference between the grown adult love interest and the (ostensibly) child protagonist, but the romance is still really cute to me. I feel weird about this one but I do like it so idk
The Holy Grail of Eris (ongoing)
Read 6 Volumes  ||  Rating: 4/5
Review: The protagonist is haunted by the spirit of a dead villainess. The protagonist’s personality is very passive, and it’s fun to see how the two play off of each other. There’s also an interesting mystery to solve regarding the villaness’s death. The love interest is also charming.
Formerly, the Fallen Daughter of the Duke (ongoing)
Read 5 Volumes  ||  Rating: 3/5
Review: Protagonist has been replaced by her half-sister and runs away. Protagonist and love interest are both pretty boring. There’s some interesting side characters that never get flesh out. Very strange plot. Overall somehow both weird and mediocre.
I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss (complete)
Read 3 Volumes  ||  Rating 3/5
Review: Protagonist gets dumped by prince, goes and asks the demon king to marry her. Art is cute, and it had potential, but ultimately it was pretty mediocre.
Also, the last three below only have 1 volume out in English so far, so I don't have reviews for them. But if you want to get in on the ground floor, these are just starting.
The Villainess Who Has Been Killed 108 Times: She Remembers Everything!
If the Villainess and Villain Met and Fell in Love
The Condemned Villainess Goes Back in Time and Aims to Become the Ultimate Villain
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coralinnii · 1 year
The reincarnation series is just so SATISFYING and DELICIOUS, it's like binging one of those isekai historical fantasy mahwas in one go and I'm an absolute sucker for that stuff.
Out of curiosity, do you have any recommendations for that genre? I have a list haha: Who Made Me A Princess (An absolute classic, cried when it ended) Crazy Empress of the Magic Kitchen (My first taste of this genre, the mc is so badass in such a satisfying way) Taming the Lady (Can always relate to a simp fl and absolutely did not see them plot twists coming) The Divorced Duchess Bakes Cakes (I need this one to update faster, the need to watch the ex-husband regret his decision so much istg-) I Choose the Emperor Ending (Loved how smart the fl in the beginning, there's a satisfaction to watch medival people becoming enlightened to modern stuff that I can't explain-) Miss Not-So-Sidekick (the fl is us, we are the fl, one can only understand what I mean by reading it) ~Idia nonnie <3
Hmmmmm...should I expose my hermit self and recommend a literal page of all the villainess isekai manhwa/manga I can remember or should I pretend like I have a life?
Tell you what. I'll recommend some manhwa/manga based on the small reasoning you gave from your list (most of which I also read so yay shared taste!) These are also the ones I personally can still remember a chunk of their story but I may not remember everything and I want to let you know I won't get offended if you end up not liking them. Everyone has their likes and dislikes
Hope you enjoy, Idia nonnie ^_^
If you like sweet main leads getting the family love and happiness they deserve, you might like - Into the light once again - Father, I Don’t Want to Get Married! *takes a while to get there tho - Talented baby squirrel
If you like confident main leads who love food and cooking, you might like - Bon Appétit - The Duchess’ 50 Tea Recipes
If you like strong main leads who absolutely love their male leads, you might like - I Became the Wife of the Monstrous Crown Prince - Another Typical Fantasy Romance - For My Lost Love or For My Abandoned Love - Divorce plan with husband failed
If you like smart main leads that succeeds and get revenge on their terrible exes and/or family, you might like - I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life - Of course, I'll claim Palimony! *not really an isekai but fantasy historical - Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life
If you like quick-thinking main leads that becomes the male lead's greatest support, you might like - I Became the Tyrant’s Secretary - I Became the Wife of the Male Lead or Author of My Own Destiny - This Villainess Wants a Divorce!
If you like hilarious main leads that gives no f*cks, you might like - If You Touch My Brother, You’re All Dead *the absolute insanity of this manhwa - Beware the Villainess! - A symbiotic relationship between a rabbit and a black panther *not really an isekai but fantasy historical - Is It a Fortune or Is It a Woe? or For Better or For Worse
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eiswolfzero · 3 months
For fun, after seeing a few of your drawings with the g1-infection, I decided to look up some ponies, to see if they had namesake in previous gen... I discovered something I find really funny and need to share : Amongst the pillars only three have them and, in an infection AU, those are the WORST to lose in the group XD You have Starswirl (with 4 namesakes across generations, and three/four different design in g4 (I think?)), the one with the most chances to find a magical solution. You have Meadowbrook (g3) the litteral healer of the pillars. And Somnambula (which would be so weird as g1 Somnambula is a witch and not a pony x'DD) the element of hope, and she doesn't just become a different pony but instead a villainess who kidnaps ponies. Can ponies even change in non-pony if they have a predecessor which isn't a pony? I imagine for poor Mistmane, Rockhoof, Stygian and Flash if they are there and see their three friends changing... OOOF (with the added drama of 'if we weren't in this era it would have never happened to us')
Alright, so, I don't really know much about the pillars. I know and have seen the characters around (and seen the episode with Mistmane as far as I remember) but other than that, no idea about them.
But interesting that 3 of them have an inspiration! Certainly makes for a fun...dynamic <.< xD
I'd say for rules of the infection, Ponies can't change into non-pony inspirations. But it could maybe cause problems either way? If we're being REALLY mean, then they won't change outwardly but their minds and memories slowly fade and are replaced. It would certainly make things more difficult to notice until it is to late. But I'm not sure how much I'd want to implement that (although its a really neat idea xD)
But the "If we weren't in this era it would have never happened to us" hits different. Wow. the resentment and fear that might start to grow? Maybe the distancing from everyone to stay safe because you can't take changes. mhhh
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sea-owl · 1 year
In the isekai Portia au, where the Spouses remember but the Bridgertons, it's implied that Kate had a bad relationship with her family at the end and that's what pushed her to become a villainess. Her father couldn't look at her because she was a reminder of the wife he lost, her stepmother was kind but focused on little Edwina and everyone around her compared her constantly to her perfect sister. It'll drive anyone mad, and It's understandable Kate developed some resentment.
What if Kate, when she reincarnates, instead of staying with her family anyway, she decides to leave before things get bad? She doesn't want to repeat her actions, but can't stand another lifetime of feeling left aside and sacrificing herself for her family's happiness. She arranges everything for Edwina to find a good match and guarantees them both a cosy life, and starts to look for ways to move out. Then it comes to her ears that some Baroness Featherington is looking for a governess for her young children and Kate takes the opportunity. She makes sure Mary and Edwina are settled, and once everything is done, she packs her stuff and leaves.
Her new life in the Featherington residence is better than she expected. Lady Portia is a very busy woman but has still taken under her wing children that aren't even hers and raises them along with her daughters. She can't always be with them, so that's what Kate is for. Teach them, guide them, look after them. She meets Duke Simon, a regular visitor of the Featheringtons, and they become best friends. Things are going well for her.
Until Portia tells her that they'll be housing the Sharma family for a while because the daughter is about to announce her engagement and Mary needs assistance. And if the situation wasn't awkward enough for Kate, when she meets her sister's bethroted it's even worse. It's no other than Viscount Bridgerton, the man that started all her problems in the past life and caused her death
Drama ensues
I like this, let me tweak it a little bit to fit a little better with the rest of the au. @lyramundana since spouses remembering was your addition to the au I think you might want to see this.
Kate was young when she left India, only 18. Governesses were not usually hired that young but she had some hope. Lady Featherington, who was a long distance associate of her father's, had a reputation of taking in those who needed it among her staff and some rumored even her wards. There was only enough money for one of them, and Kate refused to let the past repeat itself so she chose to take herself out of the picture. Even if things were good now she knows they won't last.
Kate tried not to wrinkle her nose at the tea, English tea was never as good as the tea back home.
"You are a bit young for the position," Lady Featherington said, her eyes looking over Kate's qualifications.
"But I am well qualified-" Kate started.
"Of that I have no doubt," Lady Featherington said, her voice gentle. Then the conversation took a turn. "Tell me Ms. Sharma, if you were to start a business what would be your trade?"
Kate glanced down at the tea again. "Tea, I can't stand the way English prepare their tea." She blushed realizing she just insulted the offered drink from her potential employer.
Lady Featherington laughed. "I see. Very well Ms. Sharma you will be instructing my youngest two, Lucy and Felicity, on writing, reading, and arithmetic, but when Simon comes to instruct the older ones on business you shall join them. He will help you on getting started with your tea business. I will help with funding and eventually we will make you a woman of independent means."
Kate didn't know what to say and was not sure of what just happened. "Lady Featherington I-"
"I like to make good investments Ms. Sharma," Lady Featherington said. "Like the others I believe you will be a good one too."
What Kate doesn't know is that Portia also has knowledge of the before, and she truly did believe Kate could do it. Like her other little villains she deserved a second chance as well. She also knew Kate's pride and with her being older than the others when she got them wouldn't accept help without putting in some sort of work. So a compromise.
The next day Portia introduced her to the rest, and Kate is quickly welcomed. They honestly treat her more as an equal or an an older sister than a member of their staff. With time she basically becomes another ward without the official papers. Especially when she joins them for Simon's lessons. Kate is astounded that Simon is actually a duke. They quickly become best friends.
Over the next few years Kate begins her tea business. Experimenting and mixing new teas for different pallets. She is prouder the more her business grows. She is happy, especially since Portia avoids London like the plague so she had no worries of running into the god awful Bridgerton.
Over time Kate learns the others were like her, villains in a past life to different members of the Bridgertons who got a second chance and was not willing to mess that up. They were also thankful Portia avoids London as they rather not have London seasons themselves.
Then one year on the verge of one London season Portia announces that they will be spending it in London and that those old enough will be entering society. "Kate, Prudence, Philippa, Sophie, Phillip, and Michael that all means you. You all need to learn to navigate business around London."
A collective groan is heard around the table. None of them want to go. There is so much of a higher chance of running into the Bridgertons if they go, they don't want that kind of trouble for themselves! But they're also not gonna disobey Portia like that.
"I also have a friend who will be arriving tomorrow. She and her daughter will be staying with us during the season. I will be assisting her with some business deals here in England before her daughter debuts."
What Portia doesn't say is that the friend is Lady Mary Sharma, who has been friends with Portia before she married her husband and she has been in contact with since Kate showed up on her doorstep. Mary had written to her frantic that her oldest daughter had left for England on her own. Portia had reassured her and sent updates to Mary about Kate. Now that Portia is forcing the kids to learn how to navigate London she asked Mary if she wanted to see Kate in her first season? Mary jumped on the chance, she was absolutely going to be there for her daughter's first season she'll fight anyone who tires to stop her.
Portia invited Mary to the country estate first before going to London. She suspected the Sharma family will have to work some things out first.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
When i saw you took requests for hamefura i SCREAMED, could i please have hc on being the youngest of the claes siblings?
Being the youngest of the Claes siblings
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[ My next life as a Villainess All Routes Lead to Doom! ]
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Dear I understand your excitement =w=
This was super cute to think!! Thank u for requesting it!! I hope you like it! ❤️
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When Keith and Katarina heard the news that they will have a young sibling they got really excited
Keith remembered when he came to the house of the Claes for the first time, he was nervous and sad but they recive them with open arm, specially Katarina, she was really sweet with him and even helped him win more confidence in himself, he was so happy for had the opportunity to meet his precious family and he wants to become a great big brother too, he wants to give you that feeling of security and love he felt
And Katarina was just excited in general, she can be pretty childish on times so this could mean more fun! Her excitment last for a while until she remember the whole thing with the videogame, trying her hardest to remember your history to came up with a plan to prevent you to became a villian too, she would hate for her precious little sibling get involved in her terrible fate too
To be honest their mother, Millidiana Claes things that Katarina will be a bad influence for you, but will never stop you to past time with her, while your father, Luigi Claes just find it pretty funny, he loves seeing his kids having fun. When you were just a baby she didn't leave her with you much time (specially after she tried to fed you with some cake), your mother trust more in Keith than in Katarina when it came to you (even if they are still young)
While you grow up Millidiana try to teach you how to properly behave for a Duke/Duchess, but Katarina is always there to mess the lessons, even if you try to learn and follow what your mother tells you she will always inviting you to play. If Katarina and Keith already go to the Magica School then she will take advantage of those moments where your siblings where busy to teach you
While Keith is trying to follow the lessons your mother gives you, Katarina is always trying to make you act like someone your age, like a child
It doesn't matter your gender or your age difference, Katarina is always up to play with you, always inviting you to eat some sweets together and even will teach you about her crops, and of course she will introduce you to the novel she loves the most
Even if you are more shy or mature she will always drag you to do things with her, whenever she does plans you end envolved too, from go take care of the crops to go in small trips (like when they went to the lake)
Keith really wish to be a big brother you can be proud of, to be that person that you can relay on whenever you need help with something, also he makes effords to make you feel comfortable and safe around him. And whenever you tell him how much you love him or how you are proud of him, even the smallest hint that you look up at him Keith gets blushy and melt in the spot for your cuteness (but if you show that you admire someone else aside from him or Katarina he will get jelous and sad but won't tell you anything about it, he will just be a little pouty)
As much as Keith wants to be more strict with you he just can't bring himself to do it, you and Katarina are his weakness, you just have to make some puppy eyes and he will give you whatever you want, and, he wont say it out loud but he really likes to spoil you (Katarina spoils you a lot without noticing)
Also, Keith grows quite protective over you, he just cares about you a lot, you are his cute litte sibling after all (and having a lot of people interested in Katarina doesn't help either), specially when it comes to Geordo, he just don't like him at all
When they have to be in school Katarina is constantly writing you letters about what happen to her in school, like when a girl blame her of doing something against Maria, about her crops she have in school, the school play in which her friends forced her to participate and the school festival
Keith and Katarina are very proud siblings too, they praise every improve you have, from your firs steps to your magic power, it doesn't matter if you aren't the smartest or the sportier they will always ve proud of you. And your parents too, but while Luigi show it all the time, Millidiana is more discreet
It's just matter of time for you to meet the others too, and everyone will end up caring about you in their own ways
Geordo is mostly polite whenever he sees you or spend time with you, but if you tell him that you see him more like a friend he start spending more and more time with you and be more friendly too (using it as a excuse to spend time with Katarina too), even start playing with you whatever you want (and will show it off to Keith just to annoy him)
Alan wasn't too interested in meeting you and he just keep your interactions to a minimum, but with time he grow fond of you and start spending more time with you and playing a lot with you when it come to something sportier, he will never say no whenever you challenge him. He also will grow quite protective over you, Alan will be the type to follow you around to makes sure you don't hurt yourself
Mary will totally baby you, she likes to hug you and pinch your cheeks whenever she have the opportunity and even gives you cute outfits (specially if you are a girl or girly), at first it was because it was like having a mini version of her beloved Katarina, but with time she just start loveing your cuteness. She will spoil you a lot and she can easily become your best friend
Sophia is really sweet and gentle with you since the first moment she met you, she isn't exactly the atletic type so she will spend time with you mostly by having tea parties, she will recommend books if you want and even will read to you if you ask her, and will love to draw with you or even study (or just hear you talk about your special interest whatever you like the most)
Nicol doesn't talk much and he finds difficult to approach people, but he is happy to help you with whatever you need, even if he doesn't express it he likes spending time with you too, and, just like her sister, he doesn't mind hearing you talk about everything and anything
Maria is really caring and sweet too, she will be happy to meet you, she is always looking after your well-being, you could easily see her as a second mother, but she, along with Keith, is really weak before your puppy eyes. She happyly play with you whatever you want and loves helping you with whatever you need
When you start spending more time with your own friends all of them feel their little baby is growing up so fast, and Keith can't help feel a little leave behind but just at first
At the vert moment they know exist the smallest possibility of you having in a near future a partner/fiance they will be all over you, but their reactions are diferent. Katarina, Mary and Sophia wants to know every detail they can get from you (or your parents), hoping for you to live a cute romance, Nicol and Maria wants to know to but mostly because they wants you to be happy, having by your side someone who cares about you and loves you inconditionally, and, in the other hand we have Keith, Geordo and Alan who Will be pretty wary of this idiot person since they don't want you to be stuck with a person who don't deserve you
All of them make a pretty messy group, but, over all, you are in good hand and you will have a lot of fun!
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