#i won’t be silenced
exalt1ora · 6 months
which hatchetverse character has the most sex appeal and why is it gary goldstein attorney at law ???
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supersonic1994 · 1 month
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not many realize this about liam but he fucks his brother
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wildm00re · 1 year
after this latest episode… i see the monet x julien vision idk—
especially after the dialogue when they were throwing that girl around😭
monet: when i said war i didn’t know i meant on the same side
julien: don’t you love it?
monet: oh i do julien
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also this edit >>>
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yamat0 · 2 years
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Every time I try to post about how hot I find Yhwach and Yamamoto my post fails and I think that’s god trying to stop me
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crazydiscoturkey · 2 years
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Always thinking about Colin Joost looking like the thumb people from spy kids but also looking hot????
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jensonsbuttons · 4 months
what’s the funniest thing seb could post on instagram right now
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transmascissues · 7 months
i typically don’t post “off topic” since this is a blog with a very specific focus, but i can’t just post on here business-as-usual as if i didn’t just spend a significant amount of my afternoon learning about and crying for the family of a palestinian girl who just learned that most of her loved ones are dead.
a common refrain on this blog has been “we are hurting, we are dying, please pay attention.” so i feel the need to stress now that if you’ve ever heard and listened to that sentiment coming from me about my community and the violence we’ve faced, i need you to hear it now and listen to it now when it comes a thousand times more desperately from the mouths of palestinians in the face of the atrocities that are taking their homes, communities, and lives away. i need to make it abundantly clear that if you see what i talk about here and agree and support it but you won’t extend that same solidarity to the palestinians who need it now, you’ve entirely missed the point.
i also want to stress that you cannot let yourself fall for the propaganda that tries to pit queer and trans people against palestinians. there are queer and trans palestinians and their lives are also being destroyed. they exist and they are part of this family and we need to show up for them and their families. so please keep in mind that every time someone says “if you were queer or trans in palestine you would be killed,” what you’re hearing is an attempt at distracting you from who’s actually killing the queer and trans people in palestine.
i’m one of many people who feel incredibly out of their depth thinking about all of this, and i know that even once i’m better educated, i’ll never stop feeling deeply unqualified to talk about it in depth. i get feeling like you don’t understand it, i get feeling like you can’t do anything about it.
but you don’t need to understand every nuance of the politics or know every bit of the history or feel like an expert in it to give a shit. you can and should(!!!!!!!) learn more and find ways that you can contribute, but in the meantime, the absolute least any of us can do is not look away from this. you don’t need to be an expert to see the tragedies unfolding in front of us and know that they are wrong.
i’ll never forget that girl’s family. i’ll never forget the beautiful babies in those pictures who never got to grow up, or the aunts and uncles and grandparents who were taken before their time. i never knew them, but i felt their loss and cried for them and i will never forget them. they and the countless others like them deserved so much better, and those who are still surviving deserve freedom.
so if you’ve ever fought for my community or any other community facing violence, i better fucking see you fighting for palestinians now.
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emichevy · 10 months
Normal people making detailed headcanons and descriptions of Spider-Man Noir based off of lore etc:
Me: Lmao he’s got woman hips.
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sophfandoms53 · 1 year
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Love that we got new angles of him and that he finally barely moved but the real question is
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chainsawgvtsfvck · 1 month
There is something so sinister and inconsiderate about posting your pro self harm and pro Ana shit in a fandom tag. Y’all are fucking WEIRD get therapy.
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alaynestcnes · 20 days
It's 2024 and there's still those who feel the need to tell people who ship Jonsa that all the evidence is a reach. Why is that? Why are they so preoccupied with a ship that they think is delusional?
I think Sansa and Sandor is delusional, there's zero chance of it happening but I'm not sending anons to the people who ship it saying it's never going to happen.
The antis just need to admit that they're terrified that Jonsa is going to happen. GRRM has subtly sprinkled Jonsa dust and it's the critical reader who sees it. That's why you have people who don't ship any of the characters and aren't interested in any of the fandom ships who see the links between Sansa and Jon and wonder what it's about and why it's there.
we got that modern day cassandra curse. no matter how much evidence we have, the greater fandom will ignore it. but that’s ok, half the takes this fandom comes up with are terrible so i would rather keep them away from jonsa as long as possible.
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glossamerfaerie · 2 months
Friends, I only read the series last year (okay I actually read the first one many years ago and forgot to continue it 🫠). But I wasn’t ✨invested✨ until I read Silver Flames and the Az bonus chapter.
I honestly don’t know how you’ve been suffering for 3+ years. Forget the lack of a book, the fandom infighting and the toxicity and lack of endgame confirmation… I don’t know how much longer I can tolerate this. 😭 I need an announcement soon. Gwynriel, Elucien, I don’t care…. Just an end to this nonsense. And y’all deserve a medal, you really do. Shoutout to all the artists and AO3 writers who have kept me sane.
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napping-sapphic · 5 months
I’m not cut out for even slightly more intense health issues than my usual stuff yall so here’s my will for when i die of feel too bad disorder: i’d like to dedicate my few life achievements to all the sapphics out there and also they can have all my stuff i guess
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woman-respecter · 11 months
also while im at it those bracelets with the letters are stupid thats not what a friendship bracelet is. friendship bracelets are made of tiny knots of colorful string and you spend hours making them at summer camp and sometimes if ur really good like me u do cool patterns but most people just do diagonal stripes or a chevron. those are friendship bracelets. and the reason they are special and represent friendship is because they take time and dedication. friendship bracelets are not that shit with the plastic beads that you can throw together in a minute.
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jadelavender1301 · 10 months
What we wanted What we got
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boysnberriespie · 5 days
“Have a spine. Don’t vote.” Ah yes, the famously hard thing to grit your teeth and do: nothing.
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