#i will scream i love her shes so cool aaaaa
zheph · 6 months
Eadin i love you so much
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giggly-toybox · 5 months
now that you're writing for One Piece, if you don't mind, u could share some general tickling thoughts/headcanons on the series? (hcs of characters, scenarios between them etc) if this is too broad u can feel free to ignore, thanks!
HI OKAY SO!!!! I was literally so excited to make this bc this show has absolutely taken over my brain AAAAA
But here we go! For now, we’ll only be doing MY personal favorite characters! If you want a character that isn’t on here, let me know when requests open up again!
Also note: I am in the middle of the Marineford arc (and might have cried a little bit) meaning I am nowhere near up to date with some of the newer stuff!
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Basil Hawkins:
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EASILY my favorite character. Me and my mutual have been rambling about him for days. So far he’s only had like eight minutes of screen time so don’t know why I like him so much, I just do. My silly babygirl. My borblo Right off the bat, he’s feather ticklish
Like, really. Feathers affect him more than actual fingers
I think he has a very gentle and soft laugh most of the time, but it can get loud if you hit a bad spot
I think his worst spots are his belly, neck, and chin
If you use a feather on any of those spots he will die
EXTREMELY squirmy. He will buck, kick, shove, squirm, whatever he has to do to get away
He’s a really gentle ler most of the time
He’ll just hold you close with an arm while he mindlessly traces his finger on your belly, reading his cards like nothings happening
If you want to get away he’ll let you
But if you tickle him first, that gentleness is thrown out the window and he immediately targets your death spots, scribbling his gloved fingers all over your squirming figure
He doesn’t do it for long tho, and he’s nice enough to get you some water afterwards :)
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MY GIRLLLL! I love her so so much she’s easily my favorite female character! I just love her style sm, I need her outfit! I love her little ghosts and her aesthetic as a whole, she’s just so pretty!
Persona just oozes sister vibes, both big and little. So I would say she’s an even 50/50 switch
She’s probably ticklish all over, but I would say her worst spot is her belly, specifically her belly button
She doesn’t shut up when being tickled. She’ll scream, beg, plead, complain, or try to distract you
Either that or she’ll send her ghosts to make you depressed
She would be such a brat after being tickled tbh 😭
She would pout and scold you before eventually moving on and floating away
She only tickles things she deems cute, so if you’re not cute in her book, you’re safe
But once she has you in her sights, she’ll playfully tackle you and absolutely wreck you
She likes your cute laugher :3
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My boy Crocodile! Gosh he’s just so cool. I didn’t like him too much in the Alabasta arc, but he got a lot better in Impel Down and Marineford! I just really love the way he looks, and his sand powers :3
Yeah…In all honesty I don’t think this guys really ticklish at all
As much as it pains me to admit
The only spot that could really make him laugh is his neck
Even then all you would get are a few chuckles
He’s not sensitive enough to wreck sorry 😔
He doesn’t really participate in tickling either
He thinks it’s childish
Nico Robin:
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The best Strawhat. I do not take criticism. She is my girl and I love her so much. Her “I want to live” made my heart ache! And she easily has my favorite devil fruit
We love a canon ler
Gosh her ability is so well for tickling as we’ve seen in the show twice!
Like she can summon two arms to hold yours and then two to tickle you silly
She’s a nice ler most of the time tho, she won’t torture you for too long
As a lee I think she’s one of those people that are ticklish on most of their body, but not too ticklish
Like no matter where you tickle her, tummy, neck, feet, she’ll giggle but that’s about it
As I’ve said before I think her worst spot are her sides so that’s where you’ll get the most reaction
She’s a bit louder but other than that there’s not really a lot of difference
She had a lovely laugh though <3
Jewelry Bonney:
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Another supernova! I really like Bonney, I find her devil fruit really interesting! I can’t wait to see more of her Ticklish thighs. I don’t take criticism she’s definitely weak there
She also has pretty sensitive armpits, but her thighs are a bit worse
Her laugher is kinda rough, and she definitely snorts
If you’re really close to her, she doesn’t mind being ticked by you
But if not you’re getting kicked in the face
Since she’s a big foodie, I see her favorite tickling methods to be things like nibbling or raspberries
I would say licking too but I’m super uncomfortable with licking tickles
X Drake:
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X Drake! I love him so much, my dinosaur boy. He easily has the best animal devil fruit so far (I forget what the type is called)
While I do think he’s ticklish, I think he has a lot of tolerance for those kind of things
I mean he used to be a rear admiral he definitely has some endurance
He doesn’t actually squirm around that much. He’ll flinch and shove a bit, maybe kick his legs a few times, but for the most part he just takes it
But he does have one weakness: raspberries
If you blow one right on his belly, like on the middle of the bottom of the huge X on his torso, he’ll laugh louder then the sea
He’s definitely more of a ler. I see him tickling people in his dinosaur form
Like he’s carrying them like a doll and tickling them all over
Or holding them by the ankles and wrecking their soles
Human or dinosaur form, if he’s tickling you you’re not escaping until he lets you go
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anantaru · 1 year
okay i just finished the windblume event and all i‘m going to say is:
mondstadt events are by far, the absolute best and albedo is super sexy but why do they put so much important lore in a time limited event LIKE THE LORE DROPS WERE SO GOOD THIS TIME, 10/10 event!!!! mondstadt related things never fail 🤍
!!!!!!! spoilers under cut:
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the way mona says "let me scry" just like her master is so cute, i’m so happy they included that and features a little of her master!! 🤍 i love how she calls her old hag LMAOAOA but she still respects her immensly!!! 🫶🏻
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also baby albedo aaaaa !!! 💝😇 he‘s so cute and smol !!!!! 🫣 everyone speaks of rhinedottir as this HUGE evil person but the way she talked about albedo and her voice didn‘t scream evil at all, her tone is so calming and when she talked about bedo (saying he‘s her son and she‘s his mom) it sounded so loving, as if she really loves him. 🤍
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not them trying to challenge venti bye 💀💀 i giggled at that part and how venti knows of them all, he hides so much and i’m so sure he’s stronger than he actually says!!! 🤍 i‘m so interested in the hexenzirkel now and everything, where are they all, what is their end goal? they gotta have a plan or something🤔 like there has to be something ulterior going on.
this is so cool too, everyone has a letter appointed to them:
R - rhinedottir (albedo‘s master, she‘s called the great sinner and is linked to the cataclysm 500 years ago which led to the fall of khaenri'ah)
N - nicole (the person who talked to us after kuni‘s quest when we saw that the vase was still broken after the alleged change through irminsul, also nicole seems so interesting because how on earth do not even archons remember changes irminsul makes but she does ???? or at least has a grasp on what is happening in teyvat, i‘m happy they confirmed it‘s nicole!! 🤍)
A - alice (klee‘s mom 🫶🏻 she‘s so cool i need her to be playable now, i think when we finally see her in person we‘re going to get heavy lore bits)
M - ??? (the author who wrote the boar princess and tought alice the meaning of grief)
J - ??? (scarlett‘s master, got married)
and those aren‘t even all 🙏🏻🙏🏻 alice said there‘s more and she‘ll tell us later like 🥲 tell us now alice i don‘t want to wait, you already namedropped a few, you gotta finish it now!!! 💝
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bookish-library · 4 months
Observations of someone who is obsessed with dissecting theater pieces and how they tell stories and has to study them for college
In Puppeteer, Eurylochus starts the song saying he needs to get something off his chest, but we never get to hear what it is. I wonder what it could be?
The fact that Odysseus says "where's the rest of YOUR crew", not OUR, not MY, not THE, YOUR. He has distanced himself from the crew, he doesn't view himself as a part of or in charge of them.
The bass pumping in the background of Puppeteer sounds kinda like a heartbeat, which I love
The instrumentals in the background of when Eurylochus and Odysseus are talking about leaving are so gorgeous, the harp is *chef's kiss*
I love the detail of Circe not saying "gotchu now" (which is what most (American?) singers default to when saying the words "got" and "you" back to back, due to carrying ending consonants from one word to the next, to sound more fluid, but also gives a very bad habit lol) but instead going for the more proper sounding "got you", just a neat little detail that elevates how she could be above the crew
Hermes is just so....fun, I love him
The precision it takes to highlight the difference between "Be hurt or you could beat her" is so well done
Does the riff of "when you take her on alone" sound like a parody of when Odysseus says "alone" to Athena in "My goodbye"? It feels like to me it could lead straight into the "you're alone" line and I love that implication, the callback that he really is aline and doesn't have any gods on his side at the moment
The descending line that Jay has pointed out is so FUN to listen to, and it sounds even like Circe joins in in the background (gives kinda poor unfortunate souls vibes)
The Carmen reference combined with the throwback to "The horse and the infant" has me SCREAMING the first time I heard it, I love it so much
the callback to "the horse and the infant" when Odysseus reveals he can't be affected is so cool, because we have attached that motif to battle and strategy, so we get a sense of what is happening, even if we don't understand the lyrics first time through
The harmonies are so good aaaaa
The fact that you can still hear the "bum bum bumbum" in the undertones of the bass in "There are other ways" is such a good detail
The "just a man" reference also had me screaming it's so good
The subtle clash of their voices on "Forgive me" and "here" sounds so good, cause it sounds like harmony cause their vowels lock together and double but the notes are slightly off so it gives that "discomfort but somehow still works" feeling(in addition, circe is above Odysseus, which says something about what's happening here)
that "Penelope" violin motif was so good
You can hear shades of "just a man" in that section and just, ooooooo
whatever hand drum is playing in the background (djembe?, conga?) vibes
when everything comes back in at the end of "there are other ways" sounds like a hint of "just a man", and shades of Hermes' influence in the instrumentals
Also the crew voices, whoever riffs on "There's no puppet hereee" slayed that
Such a good album, throughly enjoyed listening to it, if you want to ramble about the music together, shoot me an ask!
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freedomfireflies · 11 months
You know what would be a cute story for the mine series, imagine y/n comes home seething like full rage mode, pissed as shit! and Harry and Asher are on high alert because she’s normally so calm cool and collected only to find out it was for something they see to be minuscule like a colleague at her work or gossip amongst her childhood friends, and maybe her period, but the boys who face actual reasons to be mad daily can’t quite understand her rage because it appears to be such a small situation; but when they ask questions she yells at them too, so they take to agreeing with her side until they eventually wind up in rage mode over the gossip as well, for what they’re not sure because y/n’s rants make no sense but shes so mad it’s pissed them right off too lol. So when y/n says “Im so mad I could just kill someone..” Asher’s mid dial on the phone like that can be arranged. And maybe she takes her anger out all cute screaming into pillows and creating false argument rebuttals to herself and their heads are simultaneously watching her pace back and forth mentally sharpening their knives while they wait her command which never comes because she calms down eventually and apologizes for overreacting and they’re like guns loaded “ wait that’s it.” Ash has the realization first of “so this is how normal people practice anger management.” And Harry goes “pretty overrated if you ask me.”
AAAAA THIS IS SO STINKIN' CUTE!!!! Omg I love it so much!! You've completely captured their spirits and reactions so perfectly and honestly, I don't think I could write it any better than this 😭💞💞💞 This was so fun for me to read, thank you so much for sending it and taking the time to create such a sweet interaction!!
10000000% agree!!! I'm actually going to sob over this for a good while 😭
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So I just finished watching Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans and I need to scream about it because it’s so good
Okay first off, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a new science fiction story that I felt like provided relevant political commentary to its time, and IBO delivered on that. Yeah it’s got the cool mech fights, but it’s also about the exploitation of children and what greed and lust for power do to a person, as well as the endurance of hope in impossible circumstances.
Orga is such an excellent character. I love seeing him form familial bonds with those around him, and his constant grasping for a goal to strive towards is fascinating to watch.
Mikazuki, my tiny war criminal son, I love him so much. He’s my favorite example so far of the human weapon trope, and watching him over the course of the show until the only time he truly feels alive is when he’s fighting is such delicious angst.
McGillis is easily one of my favorite antagonists. He’s scheming and manipulative and power hungry, and he’s also one of the most compelling characters in the whole show. When you get to his backstory, it recontextualizes all his relationships and his actions.
Akihiro, Aston, Shino, my boys. I love you all and you deserve nothing but happiness
Atra is so sweet, but I was thoroughly convinced she was a cat girl for a long time because of how her hair flopped. Her flirting gave me so much second-hand embarrassment though
I loved getting to see Kudelia grow. She starts off as very privileged, but seeing her come to genuinely understand the Tekkadan boys and them giving her a new mission to fight for is such a lovely arc.
Julieta. She’s so weird. She shows up ten feet off the ground swinging her feet, and she eats a butterfly, in her first scene. She’s so Joan of Arc coded, I love her
Iok Kujan is so annoying, but he’s so pretty and looks very good in a poet shirt
Gaelio. Oh, Gaelio. My other boy. I love him and his arc so much, just AAAAA
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hi, ari! This is my first time sending u an ask..nervy ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ what fantasy creatures would different jujutsu kaisen characters ? Like fae, centaurs etc. Dont be hesitant to unleash ur creativity! (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ could I take 🪄 ?
NICE TO MEET YOU 🪄 ANON that’s a great emoji pick…. i approve of your taste >:3 aaaaa and such a fun question too!!!! i’ve thought of this before but this was a great opportunity to make up my mind on it…. i’m on the fence for a lot of these but. hear me out!!
(i thought it’d be fun to just go for all my favorite characters, but i’d love to hear your own takes on some of these/others i didn’t mention 🪄 anon!!)
you said i was allowed to be creative so!! i decided to twist the assignment a bit…. some of these are fantasy creatures, others are more supernatural or mythological!! :3 i hope that’s okay hehe.
with that being said…….
satoru gojo
i’m on the fence between vampire and fae…… literally any kind of fair, pretty creature with a terrifying nature. vampire makes a lot of sense to me — pale and pretty and far too good at convincing you to let him linger near your neck… but there’s something really good abt fae!gojo too. a cute, charming creature who’s actually really horrific. skilled at tricking people. he invites you into the woods with the promise of a good time and before you know it you’re…. wedded to the fairy king? somehow???? no matter the option gojo is pretty chill tbh. not evil, just… mischievous :3 but he’s more than capable of being terrifying when he wants to be.
suguru geto
ANY KIND OF WATER CREATURE!! the one i always end up going back to is näcken…. a water spirit masquerading as a naked man, dutifully playing his violin by the river…. luring unsuspecting locals close so he can drown them <3 just like satoru he’s beautiful and terrifying. i momentarily considered a centaur too. i think that fits him!! centaurs are usually depicted as teacher figures in mythology and that’s just very suguru to me. and ofc i have to mention ghosts because they’re my favorites + suguru literally haunts the narrative of jjk <33 he’s a pretty sad ghost i think… just can’t let go of his grief. it consumes him and seeps into the air no matter where he goes. if you suddenly wake up to a freezing room and the flickering of your bedroom lights, it’s probably suguru.
shoko ieiri
say it with me: WITCHHHHHHH ‼️‼️‼️‼️ this is the highest form of praise btw i LOVE witches they’re my absolute favs (along w ghosts)... and shoko is obviously a witch!! there’s no other option. she’s charming and crafty and i would let her boil me into soup ANY day <333 definitely has a cat…. for the record i do think she’d be a terrifying witch. morally dubious. almost leaning towards a mad scientist type… but she’s usually kind if you treat her with respect <333 sometimes makes flower crowns with the local children. she’s less cordial with adults, though. (if you hear any screams from her cute little cabin late at night, it’s probably best not to mention them <3)
on that note!! here’s a REAL mad scientist <33 i’m on the fence between witch and a frankenstein-esque creature for kenjaku…… as a witch he’s even MORE horrific than shoko. has no morals whatsoever. might invite you over for a nice cup of tea and a chat, but you better not bore him <3 he’s sick and twisted and i like him very much. but i think frankenstein is too fitting not to mention…. he’s both the doctor AND the monster and i think that’s so sexy of him. dr frankenstein was a coward and a bitch but kenjaku is nothing like him!!! he experiments on himself dr jekyll style as he should.
toji fushiguro
werewolf. enough said. he rips people apart w his teeth and looks good doing it!!
nobara kugisaki
dragon!!!! idk why but. my brain tells me it’s the only good choice and i believe it. she’s a dragon girl!!! fiery and wild and brutal. curious and greedy. sleeps on a pile of gold <333 she’s just so cool and fun and i love her so bad…… has a big ol toothy grin and sharp horns and breathes fire………. kidnaps princesses but only to save them from bad situations bc she’s a #feminist and she treats them so well :((( i can imagine a fairy tale au where everyone talks about the cruel dragon who’s been terrorizing villages and castles….. meanwhile the dragon in question is having a tea party w her favorite princesses <333 she’s so cute!!
megumi fushiguro
like father like son <333 by which i mean i can’t pick between werewolf and vampire. i think he’s probably a hybrid? werewolf by nature, vampire by choice?? idkidk i just think it’d be neat if it tied into his backstory and character…. his choice to leave the zenin clan behind and find his own family…. and either option just makes sense. he’s a stoic, pretty vampire but also a wild werewolf…. probably still a polite boy at heart though. doesn’t even bite!!!
mai zenin
MY LOVEEE MY LIGHTTTTT mai is a siren. that’s all. i don’t even need to explain it just makes too much sense??? her beauty and her connection to the sea….. yeah. she’s 100% a lesbian btw that’s canon to me <33 lures men in with her looks and voice so she can drown them but spares the women. she’s that kinda siren (the best one imo!!)… aughhh i just think she has the loveliest silkiest voice and the most beautiful scales :((( sunbathes on rocks…. flashes her sharp teeth at whoever interrupts her……. yeah.
fumihiko takaba
my silly little guy <333 tbh i think takaba is some kind of alien lmao BUT i’m still gna go with ghost :3 a special priviliege from me to him. i also just think it fits him so well…. he’s a funny ghost. but also a sad ghost. contrary to geto he’s completely harmless, just…. can’t seem to let go of his regrets. haunts comedy stages because he misses performing so bad :((( he just wants someone to talk to!!! likes playing pranks on people but they’re always very silly, not dangerous at all. if you ever slip on a banana peel you’re sure wasn’t there just a second ago, it’s probably takaba’s fault <3
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Welcome to : The Def and Crue experience
Disclaimer : My phone isn't the best and I wasn't very close. Plus I won't talk much about Def because idk them very well, so I apologize.
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I need to check Def out more! They were super solid and entertaining. Rick is a true sweetheart and everybody cheered for him.
Billie kept saying "Thank you" after every song, like a true gentleman. The energy was over the roof when they play "Pour some Sugar on me" and "Rock of ages".
As someone who is not so familiar with them, it made me so happy to see many fans having the time of their lives. They totally gained a new fan in me.
Motley crue
It was an experience! Now, let's get the elephant put of the room: Vince wasn't the best and sometimes I had difficulty understanding his words. THAT SAID, I still think it's worth the experience. Look, especially if you live in Europe, you know how hard it is to find/ get tickets to see your favorite old men. I will forever cherish the atmosphere, the people screaming the lyrics around me, the fun, the loud music. So next time you want to complain about Vince, don't bubthe ticket and that's it. Still Vinnie was hilarious in being his usual sled and saying "shit" to refer to everything hahaha. Plus a shout out to the backup singers/ dancers, a part of me felt bad for the obvious objectification but hey, it's Crue!
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Now we get to the best part: the dilf parade. Now, Mr Nikki Mother fucking Sixx, idk if it's because we are the place of your origins but OH BOY IF HE WAS LIKE FINE WINE
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And speaking of Italy LOOK AT HIM WITH OUR FLAG. Porca troia, mi sento patriottica solo in questo momento aaaaa
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Plus a shout out to the wonderful lady who got on stage. She had a live wire tattoo on her lower back and she was fine as hell. Nikki let her give him a kiss on the cheek and said:" Don't tell my wife"
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And now, even more than Nikki, it was Mr Tommy fucking Lee who was SO LOVED HER ( come si dice qua "Era over come la Madonna"). This fucking dude single handedly gave us the best moment in history : HIM SAYING "TETTE". He was so happy after he said it, like a fucking kid! I want to post the video in a different post because it deserves its own.
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Bonus pic of the amazing graphics
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And lastly: John. Tbh he seemed very cool, he played very well. You won't hear me talking shit about him, even if it stung a bit to read his name instead of Mick but it's not his fault.
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So yes, if you are wondering whether you should go or not (taken from granted that you have the money to but the ticket) I would say yes: Def are great and Crue too. If you are afraid that "Vince might ruined it" I can guarantee you that there are tons of other factors that will make the experience great such as the music and meeting other Crue heads.
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mitamicah · 1 year
Spoilers for The Owl House 3.03 Watching and Dreaming
Okay so .... I have a lot of words about this episode!
Since I’ve just watched it don’t expect anything here to be cohesive since I am basically just ranting from memory and getting all my thoughts down in writing. No profound meaning behind everything here, just vibes :’D
The Collector - their mini arc in the episode and having them learn to appreciate life, forgiveness and friendship was such a treat - I screamed and actually feared for their life when they ran to Belos then to scream at Luz breaking apart (dying) afterwards - I had no idea this was the way the crew would go with the collector but I loved it
Belos - fucking hell, I am glad he finally died!! I am a little sad that we didn’t get more of his backstory with Caleb but I think what we did get about Belos especially though the words of the titan to Luz in the inbetween fits well with the story and gives closure to Luz and her doubts about being as ‘bad as Belos’. Also him melting in the boiling rain and Luz being over him to the point of not even flinching when Belos tries to manipulate her? Good stuff!! So was the call back to the first episode with the Good Witch Luz pulling Belos off the dying heart of the titan!!
The dream sequences ... I actually thought those and the games would take up more screentime but I am not too sad about it since what we got was pretty much just as angst as I’d thought it would be - and giving time to Raine being badass resisting Belos and Luz meeting the titan was a far trade off for me
I did get some Amphibia the Hardest Thing vibes from the Luz meeting a deity in the in-between after “death” only to get back to life bit but again I don’t mind it since it ended in a pretty badass finale seeing Luz, King and Eda fight side by side 
Seeing the rest of the Hexside squad helping to free the other inhabitants of the Boiling Isles with the help of best mom Camila was pretty fun although a part of me had wanted to see them have a bigger impact on the story: still, it was nice checking in with them once and twice and gosh I adored Amity for being the first to genuinely giving up her hand of friendship to the collector after Luz has just told them about friendship - it was a perfect moment in my mind.
The scenes of people meeting up with their family was so sweet - I enjoyed it a lot especially with Hunter getting his found family in Darius and Ebberwolf :3
Yet to me the real beauty was the epilogue - seeing all the different ways that the peeps on Earth and the boiling Isles have grown up and their new looks! I love Luz’ eyeshadow, and gah, Vee’s piercings look so cool!!! (I wonder if the nose piercing is a nod to the voice actor also being the voice of Amethyst? I believe she had a nosering  (Amethyst?)? I could be wrong, this is literally my unhinged, first thoughts written down unedited) - Willow being a badass sports girlie fits so well and I love the short hair for her, Gus looks incredible with those gold accessories in his dreadlocks, and Amity as a badass air explorer with a sidecut? Hello!!!? Hunter is killing me being this adorable taking up the mantle as apprentice of Dell and aaaaa the blue bird is gorgeous and somehow fits Hunter so well :’D what really killed me about him tho was two fold 1) Flapjack’s grave and 2) the red thing on Hunter’s arm that king of sort of looks like a Flapjack tattoo to cover up his empire coven sigil OVO
And then hello white haired Raine!? Why do they slay with that haircolour and the ‘tear down’ scars!? this look fits them so well, and I am so happy seeing them together with Eda, finally :’3
The ending sequence with the collector sending the fireworks and all the casts saying “Bye” feels like the biggest nod to the fans - thank you so much Dana, the crew, the cast, the animators, everybody for this wonderful show!!
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dangermousie · 1 year
The man was a terrorist/criminal who would have happily killed Ramo, but the fact that Ramo calmly gunned him down when the man was weaponless is...this is not your mother’s protag (unless your mom shares my tastes in morally grey hot men.)
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Ramo being left for dead and Sibel falling apart hearing is !!!
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The intercut with Ramo being shot and dragged out seemingly dead and Sibel singing a dirge as she’s preparing Ramo’s favorite food, devastated because she was told he died gave me shivers!
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Her plan - to off Cihangir and then herself...
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Except Ramo is not dead and managed to acquire an AK with the help of a knife and well...
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He comes back to discover Sibel went to avenge him and been taken by Cihangir who is all ”come here or else” - the man just needs a sitdown omg.
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Her face coming alive when she sees him...
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I swear, surrounded by killers he still finally feels at rest because she’s in his arms.
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Also, sorry Cihangir, you can’t off Sibel because Ramo smartly took your daughter on the way. Oops.
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But when they are trading women, plot plot both women get taken away. So he and Cihangir have to team up but I am gonna say, I love Mob Mama. She’s borderline senile from dementia but she knows what’s up!
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“Yes, mom!”
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When he and Cihangir were surrounded by killers and then Ramo yelled to Cihangir to get down and hit a button which popped the trunk of his car and an insane gun that was rigged appropriately started firing, I screamed!
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Gotta say, I bet Cihangir would have loved to have a son as competent as Ramo. But as is..My fave about Cihangir locking him up is Ramo banging his head on the door (!!!) when Cihangir says he will kill Sibel. AAAAA! And screaming to Sibel that he will save her. The man loses all his vaunted cool when it comes to her.
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But oops, the men Cihangir sends in all die because Ramo drops on them from a freaking ceiling!!!!
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And he calls Cihangir (who of course kept Sibel alive in case Ramo does get out) and is all I am coming for your life and to Sibel “stay calm and we will get out of this.” EEEE
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Is there anyone cooler? Nope, there is not.
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PS if you are wondering, while this is a fast-paced show, it’s not as insanely paced as my posts make it appear. I am 28 eps in and each ep is 2:20 plus so it’s 65 hours so far. I have been binging so hard I think I might be starting to hallucinate :P
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
I remember this chapter caught me SO OFF guard, i wasnt expecting the angst to be so intense /pos goddd this chapter is so good
Another eerie parallel of hats and my life is my aunt gifted me tarot cards, and we spoke a lot about tarot when i went to visit her, wild
Apparently her mom used to do tarot but then she predicted her best friend's death so she stopped 🧍‍♂️ LIKE??!?! MY AUNT JUST DROPPED THAT ON ME AND CHANGED THE TOPIC LIKE HELLOOO GO BACK WDYM UR MOM PREDICTED SOMEONES DEATH?!??!?@?
Shits wild, she ALSO told me some hella spooky irl ghost stories
Also lmfao i love hats tubbo sm, hes so iconic
It is crazy how accurate tarot can get like bruh... whenever i do it the cards themselves align with each other so well, to the point where sometimes they'll literally say the same thing 😭 out of the 60 plus cards in my deck i somehow chose the two that say the same thing, wild (i dont have an exact tarot deck, it's a spiritual oracle one but still cool :D
EUEUEUEU i love thr reading sm
I love how immediately after the cards call tommy out for not talking to Phil, he runs into him 😭😭 its so funny i love it sm
I remember being so jumpscared by the amount of adrenaline this scene gave me like ??? Bro its a slice of life movie, Why do i feel like im fearing for my LIFE /pos THE ADRENALINE IS SO MUCH FUN I LOVE THIS SCENE SO MUCH ITS SOOFOGOSJGKGK AAAAA ABDKGKGNDKDJKGKGMFBRJGNFNFKGMNF I CANT EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS FIC
I love tubbo:( all of them are so supportive
This is the most fucking awkward conversation 😭😭
Tommys such a little shit shfkgkfkf a clever one but still shfkgkglf
God i am not ready for the next few chapters
LMAO ngl I don't know how your aunt's mom could've predicted someones death when that's not really what tarot does (at least to my knowledge) but uhh idk I don't do it myself so who knows
tangerines crimeboys make me so ill you dont understand aaaaa wilbur wants to be a supportive older brother but also doesn't wanna push too hard and make tommy uncomfortable bc tommy was so young the last time they were siblings and just gahhh
I'm actually very much a skeptic of all those kinds of things tarot included, and I view tarot as more of a self reflective tool than anything else, but yeah it can definitely feel scarily accurate at times. the few times friends have done readings for me sometimes they say something insanely close to what i'm dealing with in my life and I'm just like OH
lol yeah ngl I was like "do I really want them to run into phil right after this tarot card reading" but I didn't want to put it off for another chapter bc the setup was just too convenient so I was like oh well it'll be plot convenience
it was SUCH an awkward conversation god all the interactions between tommy and phil in this fic are so tense
crimeboys <333 tommy using being drunk as an excuse to get a hug we love to see it
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iamnot-theboynextdoor · 10 months
ooooooh my god it's here
BEFORE THE BEGINNING this looks epic
DSFLKHADKJGHADKJ AZIRAPHALE (i knew they met but i wasn't prepared)
angel!crowley's eyes are brown <3
AAAAA AZIRAPHALE DID HIS LITTLE MID-CONVERSATION "(i forgot to say hello) hello :D" shit boy i die!!!
we're not getting crowley's angel name, fair enough (NOT FAIR I WANNA KNOW WHAT IT ISSSSSSS)
also angel!crowley clearly outranks aziraphale here. i never personally ascribed to the Crowley Is Raphael headcanon, but i might just have to eat my unspoken words there
"let there be light" and the galaxies explode and it's beautiful and angel!crowley's little facey and squeaks of delight, we are not even two minutes in and i can't handle it
are those the pillars of creation??
godddd aziraphale has such a crush on him. kill me
i love how aziraphale doesn't seem to understand a word of what angel!crowley's talking about. when ur crush has a really niche hobby and all u can do is smile and nod
oh no the record slowing down! :( poor baby angel crowley... only 6000 years of stars... he's so sad...
now aziraphale's talking about people and baby angel is just like WTF. WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M JUST MAKING WALLPAPER THAT THEY WON'T EVEN MOSTLY SEE!!!!!
"i don't suppose anyone could object to me putting a note in the suggestion box" someone's gonna smash cut that to "i only ever asked questions!" ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch
aziraphale freaking out at the very idea of questioning authority. this angel can fit so much anxiety in it
"i'd hate to see you getting into any trouble" KILL ME!!!!
"how much trouble can i get into just for asking a few questions?" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
present day!
maggie and her record shop are one of aziraphale's tenants, and she can't pay the rent because of how covid affected her business - she's sobbing and saying she can pack up and leave and he's just like "well that's my fault for not collecting the rent. i'll take this nice record as payment" "you can't just forgive eight months of rent!" "i can, i'm very good at forgiveness :D" I LOVE HIMB
and there's crowley at the park! and shax! (it's the scene we saw)
"hell doesn't care how jobs get done" shax has taken over a+c's clandestine secret agent meeting place, she is full-on hinting at her own Arrangement (and probably thinks she came up with the idea!) and crowley cbf
i really like shax's voice - none of madam tracy's airy lightness, she's all business. she's also a lil baby demon-intern who is trying just as hard as crowley did to be Cool and Mysterious and James Bond-y and i love her. she wants her own spy network so badly
"what do you have for me?" "frozen peas. that's what you feed ducks." crowley says fuck your spy network
(maybe. as just a headcanon. crowley will let her borrow shadwell (i know he's not in it))
"dunno who buys records in this day and age" nina is such a crowley and maggie is such an aziraphale. they are so cute
aziraphale doing nothing but listening to his record and pretending to conduct sdfkdsgkjdshg
aziraphale's "ugh" at his conducting being interrupted lmao
"oh and it would also be great to know where here is and also who you are and also who i am" "and also why you're naked!" "who told you i was naked" I AUDIBLY SCREAMED
"can i come in?" "no!" poor aziraphale looks terrified
maggie introduces herself to nina just like aziraphale introduced himself to angel!Crowley I SAW THAT
cut to heaven - michael is prepared to use Extreme Sanctions (what r those).
love the highlighter bestie
hot chocolate scene :)
of course he left the box outside. bet it's gone
no it's there!
"either call on the phone and talk or appear mysteriously, don't do both" aww. shax is SO baby.
"his royal smugness is in trouble? that's so sad >:3"
(if that's the first time someone has said "i love you" to aziraphale. and it's fuckign amnesiac naked gabriel i am goign to explode)
"what's gabriel?" "you are!" "cool. i love it. gaaaaaabriel."
"no- you're, um, jim!" "cool. i love it. jimmmmmm. short for gabriel." "no, short for james." "cool. i love it. jaaaaaaaaames. long for jim, short for gabriel." "JUST FORGET ABOUT GABRIEL"
"i find it hard to forget things" "then what was in the box" "what box" /aziraphalesuffering.gif
"hello, it's me. don't say anything. ...are you there?" "should i say something now?" AZIRAPHALE AND CROWLEY ARE INTERACTING AND FINALLY THE TRUE DUMBASSERY BEGINS
there's a fly hanging around gabriel. very suspicious
in heaven - a matchbox with "out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out, job 41:19" on it, and muriel very nervously picks it up!
"you have three reasons for calling me: you're bored, you need to tell someone about something clever you did before you pop, or something's wrong" "it's nice to tell someone about the good things you've done, now that i'm not reporting to heaven" poor aziraphale still wants a good grade in angel
the "naked man friend" scene LMAO
"he and i... go back a long time" YEAH LONGER THAN WE THOUGHT
crowley trying to get information out of aziraphale is just as hard as aziraphale trying to get information out of gabriel lmao
he chugs his six shots of espresso in one go and aziraphale takes the plate without realising GIVE NINA HER PLATE BACK
aziraphale hands crowley the plate so he can unlock the bookshop and crowley just looks at it like "why am i holding this"
aww maggie bringing nina an awkward present and then saying sorry for bringing it without asking...
nina is in a(n unhealthy) relationship NOOOOOOOOO
"you'll never guess who shax was asking me about" "i think perhaps i will" "go on then" "...jim" lmao
"do we know a jim- AAAAAA GABRIEL"
"ASK HIM PROPERLY!!! WHAT- ARE- YOU- DOING- IN- THIS- BOOK- SHOP-!!!!!" (calm down mr "grow better") (actually don't. last time he saw gabriel he was wearing aziraphale's face and gabriel called "aziraphale" stupid and told him to die. so this is justified actually)
gabriel like (oh is this how we're supposed to talk?) "I- AM- DUSTING."
"precious, peaceful, fragile existence" scene CRIES
"if you refuse to help me then you're at liberty to go" "to go? this is how you wanna do it?" "NO I WOULD LOVE YOU TO HELP ME! i'm asking you to help me take care of him"
(is this the first time aziraphale has directly asked crowley for help? i cry)
but the pouting doesn't work, crowley angrily storms out "just breathe, that's what humans do, then they count to ten before they do anything stupid... I CAN'T DO THIS I'M JUST SO ANGRY TEN!!" /redlightning.gif
and nina's security system activates and now her and maggie are locked in with dead phones >:3 oh no >:3
back in heaven - michael wants to be Acting Supreme Archangel, uriel isn't having it
"someone's gotta give the orders" "and that's you?" "it's... all of us" "ah." "...led by me" "mm." SO UNIMPRESSED.
seraquel's floating wheelchair is so cool
i love michael and uriel and seraquel's matching sparkly highlighter, which has replaced the ostentatious gold fashions in heaven. i love that heaven has fashion trends and the archangels co-ordinate them.
"who are you?" "no-one! well, technically, muriel!" i love themb
michael: how do i click the matchbox
it says "the resurrectionist" on it... clues...
poor crowley in his car with his plants... and flies. "IN MY CAR! REALLY???" "hello traitor. i suppose you're wondering why i called you here" "YOU CAME TO ME!" cloud of flies!beezlebub looks equally horrific and cool. also what a terrible way to be kidnapped
"what if i said hell was willing to forget everything you did, that we were willing to accept you back, no questions asked, with a hefty promotion... if you found gabriel and handed him over to us, you could name your price...anyone found involved in this affair will be Dealt With" "...how?" "Extreme. Sanctions." oh i don't like any of this!
"that isn't actually a thing, that's just something we used to joke about to frighten the cherubs" "no, it exists. anyone found involved in gabriel's disappearance will be erased from the Book of Life. they won't just be gone, they will never have existed." WELL NOW THAT'S A PRETTY FUCKIGN SERIOUS THREAT JESUS
"someone could break into my record shop and i couldn't stop them" "if i had a record shop, i'd be more worried about people breaking in and leaving more records behind" nina is so fucking funny
"good old fashioned lover boy" playing as crowley GUNS IT for the bookshop
"oh, really? my bad" crowley rescues them and he full-on miracles the power back on right in front of them
nina's partner lindsay is a stage 5 clinger, girl DTMFA, you've got a nice maggie right there
crowley walks into the bookshop and aziraphale glances at him and Very Pointedly Ignores Him
"you want a big I Think I Said The Wrong Thing sort of apology, or can we take that as said?" "i'd like the apology, actually" sdfkjdshgksjdhksg
"...you were right" "not good enough. i want a proper apology." "no." "with the little dance." (SDFKGHDSGKJDSHGJ WHAT?????) "i don't do the dance." "i did the I Was Wrong Dance in 1650, in 1793, in 1941-" (I HAVE TO KEEP PAUSING TO SCREAM. that's both the french revolution and ww2 scenes, where crowley romantically saved aziraphale EXCEPT HE MADE HIM DO A LITTLE APOLOGY DANCE I'M DEAD)
"you were right, you were right, i was wrong, you were right" ("i'm crowley and i was wrong, i'm singing the crowley wrong song" "do the kicks!")
"together?" "yes, we do a little miracle" "i think heaven would notice if i performed even a very minor miracle" okay so aziraphale hasn't performed a miracle in FOUR YEARS (this angel can fit so much anxiety in him!!!!) and crowley just. doesn't give a fuck and does miracles in front of anybody
gabriel! "where did you come back from?" "outside" "is it big? can i see the outside?" GABRIEL YOU CAME HERE FROM OUTSIDE YOU GOLDFISH
"what if we each did half a miracle to hide him"
"...until we figure out what's actually going on." "i know what's going on! i don't go to the outside, and now i have two friends! :D" "I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND"
"no one will have noticed a thing!" and they're both so pleased with themselves so of course someone will notice
uriel's like michael you said you wanted to be in charge this one's for you and michael's immediately like UGGGGHHH I HAVE TO DO WORK???
(end of episode one)
this was so fucking great!!!! i'm so happy to see everyone again!!!! god is not narrating... where is she? (she's eating popcorn)
ooh i like the end credits- choral version of the theme mixed with everyday
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
i love your feather hcs so much!!! i thought it would be cool if you did the same with enstars characters (feel free to choose, i will love it anyway)
Eheh I'm glad you liked them~ And aaaaa I could give you a platonic kiss rn, thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about my fave boys & gal~
As the love of my life, Leo gets the privilege of being feather ticklish absolutely EVERYWHERE! From the tips of his ears to the soles of his feet, no spot is safe from the tickles!
But specifically his hands are very sensitive to feathers. He will straight up squeak if you just lightly caress his palms with a feather.
His laugh gets very childlike and bubbly, it could cure anyones depression.
He might squirm a bit but that's cause reflexes, he actually admits to liking the tickles and doesn't get flustered easily.
Unless you compliment his laugh or smile, then he gets all shy and tries to hide his face~
His neck and ears are very sensitive. Just like pjsk Tsukasa, he will scream bloody murder if you tickle him in those areas.
His face turns the same shade as his hair and he squeezes his eyes shut as he just flails around, he looks like one of those balloons from the car dealers XD
So yeah be careful, he might accidentally slap you, but he'll apologize profusely afterwards~
If you as so much lightly touch his neck, be prepared for death. He will stare daggers into you if you even threaten to tickle him there.
He's so ticklish there the others can't help but bully him for it... lovingly~ I'm sure Leo has been inspired to write a song based on his wacky reactions lol
He laughs like an actual maniac, full blown wheezing and squirming like there's no tomorrow
And his face gets all red. And if you add teasing to the mix he just... *dies* XD
Just know he will get his revenge once he comes back to life
This might be an odd one but I think the back of her knees are very feather ticklish.
Just stroking along the back of her knees will cause her to squeal and crumble and then she just laughs her cute 'lil head off~
She doesn't squirm much, but she does get easily embarrassed by her sensitivity. If you tease her about it she will go full tomato mode hehe~
I don't think he would be that very feather sensitive.
Like yeah he might shake his head around or flinch if you try to get his neck/ears but he won't really laugh or giggle.
He might just pout 'cause it feels annoying XD
He's mainly doing the tickling 'cause he finds everyone elses reactions very amusing lol
I hope you like these :D
Feel free to request other characters/units, this is fun hehe~
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
RYENNNN WHAT WAS THAAAAAAT AAAAA just read you’re next the second time and why am i as shocked, or even more shocked than i was when i was reading it the first time????? (long post ahead i apologize for sending very long ones i had to scream bc of oc and yoongi and you ryen!!)
firstly, bestie tae? sorry oc he is Our bestie now! but literally, he's such a good friend to oc thought ☹️ he's like "you wanna meet your boyf-i mean fling? okay yeah fine sure i'll cover up for you if i have to ugh 🙄”
also when oc found out there was a bathroom in the haunted house... i was like THIS IS THE PLACE ISN’T IT! OC's A (GOOD) FREAK!!! IT'S HAPPENING!!!! 🚨🚨🚨
AND YOU KNOW the scene where yoongi was asking oc for a bite of her food, IT REMINDED ME OF THIS TWEET AAAAA I WANT TO SCREAM like i actually came across this tweet on tiktok like 2 days ago and i was like 3TAN OC AND YOONGS IS THAT U???? idk whether someone else has shared this tweet with you.. but i got so soft thinking about oc and yoongi when i saw this tweet 🥹
also the part where oc said like she never saw yoongi being this happy… like girl it’s cus of you????? don’t you see it??? he is elated because of YOU! oh heck these two are DOWN BAD for each other and yoongi asking a photo of oc’s ass…. he is unstoppable now wow he is BOLD bold gd
the tension between yoongi and oc is felt. like i’m just a 3rd person, why am i nervous? why did gasp? why did i take a pause from reading just to kick my blanket? am i the problem?
the scene in the bathroom. oh my gosh????? that was… wow. and that’s in the bathroom? what if.. what if they.. bedroom? oh i’m dizzy. i’m sorry i can’t comment more on this scene i’m still recovering from this i hope you understand
gosh ryen… you just never disappoint huh? you spoil us one after another and you just keep on giving!! gosh how are able to come up with such bangers every. single. time. you amaze me ryen, truly!!!! i hope you’re taking good care of yourself and allowing yourself to rest!! thank you so much for your time and hard work. many many forehead kisses to you! <3 (oh… this was a really long post, i’m sorry) - 🪐✨
also, are you catching bts’ concert later? i’m so freaking excited! ><
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SATURN HELLO🥳 yes I’m resting a bit more! Can’t completely rest until 3tan9 is done and posted but I’m letting myself have more leeway. Also, gonna sleep right after this so I can catch the concert later. Idk if I’ll just watch it in my own little bubble or be on here, as well, but we shall see.
But thank you so much for this amazing review!! Wow there’s a lot to take in and I am so happy😭 Tae being the incredible person that he is? You are correct he is our best friend now LOL. And the bathroom hell yeah😛 you guessed it!
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STOPPP THIS IS GONNA MAKE ME SOB😭 it’s been sent but of course I will still cry every time :’))
There is something there!! Like reader my love you don’t even know the half of it but you should think at least something! Although I would also not think it’s me if I was in that same position lol so I get it. And I am there blanket kicking with you💀 the bathroom scene required me to pause every now and then LMAO like yoongi my g o d you need to cool it!!
Thank you so much again, love. I’m so shy rn your words mean the whole world.. I just wanted to give y’all what you asked for/fought for😂 Hopefully it’s as enjoyable all the other times! Look forward to more drabbles, too🍂
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unsleepingtales · 1 year
Ravening war finale!!!! Reactions!!! this is so long guys and a lot of it is just me making terrified noises.
Oh my god that eraser would have SUCH a bad mouth feel I feel bad just watching that
Aabria’s hair and makeup look lovely!
Brennan’s immediately in character (looking into the middle distance in abject horror)
Dome looks great!
That’s a really smart cover story actually
Battle map! Battle map!
OH it’s so gorgeous
I love that you can see the icons on the gm screen behind the set, like they’re looking over the battle and observing
The fact that Colin’s art has a receding hairline and that is just Not the case on his mini is so funny to me
Matt automatically doing the Italian hands as Ariana
Oh would you say that things are busy?
THIS is what Lou screams you lied about??? Like on the one hand I’m glad it’s this and not something worse, but also. Eek.
The Elder’s mini is so cool and detailed aaaaa
Two of the threeeeee
Brennan and Anjali exchanging glances like a theory is being confirmed! Is it the same theory that we’ve been talking about online?
This is your big moment? Kinda sad ngl
Dark blessing energy! We barbin!
Matt’s right tho y’all are burning your spell slots Fast
It’s not the blender, it’s the disposal.
Oh that’s so coooooool
That was such a cool thing to say
One more thing that has not chosen me 😭
Oh she’s his daughter
Ok so Raphaniel poisoning the king is confirmed
I love when GMs play and are still who they are and bring all of who they are as GMs to being a player
Oh god
Oh god oh fuck
Hell yeah Raphaniel fuck em up
By ‘em’ I meant colliflour not the saprophians :(
I get that they’re not great but like. Civilians.
Colin! My boy!
Do the people in charge of these mini company shots have fun with them. I hope they have fun with them. I hope they feel like they’re playing with dolls.
Oh that mini is so fucking sick
Stick a fork in her please
Karna you better be fucking careful I stg if you get more nat1 acrobatics I’m gonna lose it
H o r r i f y i n g
Oh that’s so bad oh my god
Ooh Karna’s mini is pretty
Fuck her upppp
Hell yeah bb get her ass
Does she bleed machine oil now
Forty points of religious retribution and eight points of petty. All part of a balanced meal.
They really did hear Matt call it the avatar once and decided that was it
It’s just a complicated situation
Pull Of The Void Teeth?????? Hello????
I have no context!!!!
You saved his life!
I feel like Brennan and Aabria’s GM tendencies are popping out in this ep and I really appreciate it
Amangeaux fully having a crisis me too honey
Hey 20 damage is not bad!
Come on provolone!! Be ok please!!
Just noticed that the elder has a bunch of heads on his belt and I feel. Fine about it.
Oh god
This is so distressing
Enough to put it out of its misery?
Oh does being killed finish its go?? Does it???
Oh GOD it can MOVE them
Alien and cruel because it is machine and unfeeling rather than consuming for sustenance
Better that a soul should feed someone than be thrown away!
This is the third thing, not deus pa’zuul
🎶 looks like we maaade it 🎶
For ONCE lair actions are gonna help the party
She’s his daughter
Anjali and Zac are turning out to be one of my favorite duos
Colin :( please be ok :(
Colin yelling to deli I’m gonna cry actually?
Oh she’s so devoted to him
Let’s hear it for helpful lair actions everyone
It is, in fact, bad here!
Rip quichei
His bardic can be used as damage?? That’s sick ngl that’s really cool
Numb with ominous, ever present pain
Please tell me Deli does SOMETHING
Ok that’s good yeah that’s pretty good
Love seeing everyone hyping Lou up
He’s her father
Thank you pro bonos!
I hope you die UN HOT
Why would you do this Matt
Oh that’s really cool I’m really impressed with that idea he was actually able to trigger a lair action that’s neat
Good turn Raphaniel!
There’s a lot going on.
Healing? Healing lair action?
Karna full dead?? Karna full dead forever?? Oh my god
Oh god oh no please
Oh I might actually cry
Oh I just noticed that the dome is animated and not static. That’s neat.
Oh no
Ok. Okokok.
She was her family
I’m so glad I’m not the only one struggling to process that Karna is gone
Holy fucking shit man
Wait does Raphaniel know that Karna is gone. Like can he feel it through the telepathy. He was so prepared to not make it but I do not think he was prepared for her to not make it.
Oh never mind ok he’s also not gonna make it
Lou <3
Raphaniel full dead. Yep. Ok.
Horrifying. Great speech! But horrifying.
The closest he has ever been to anything that matters
Me too Zac. Me too. I also want to just scream.
Oh this is good story though
Oh my god
Colin is Skald but she’s Karna I’m gonna CRY
She’s lost her family oh my god
Framing the mycelium as a child is heartbreaking actually
Are they about to be killed
Can you keep a secret oh my god
Amangeaux’s protectiveness as her greatest strength and of course her complete downfall
Oh god
Oh my god
They’re curious Augh
Deli no oh god
OH MY GOD the cheese man
Oh he’s so close to death
Oh my god
This is gonna be the death of me
Oh my god the baby little saprophian
Oh my god if this kills him
They don’t have healing. None of them have healing.
Okay she has a hearts kit
Oh thank god okay
Okay okay okay
Oh god okay.
He really
Oh my god that letter. Yup. Actually crying a bit.
Love you too Matt <3 thank you for an incredible season.
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys and a Single Mom Pt. 3
Featuring: Suna, Bokuto, Kenma
Suna Rintaro
despite being a professional volleyball player, Suna was still a university student, he evenly splits up his days to go to volleyball practice and university
he was always dreading to go to university, but he knew he needed it, and you, being his seating beside you in three classes, made university bearable
you had this amazing aura, always so gentle, and kind, you had a soft smile plastered on your face almost like a motherly smile, your voice was always calm and soft, you were just so breath-taking to look at
although you two never talked that much, Suna already knew a lot of little details about you, he once drove pass you walking to the kindergarten just one street away from your university, he knew that you carry a container of fruits in your bag, you always left as soon as classes for the day was over, and that was only a few among a hundred of little things about you
Suna admired you from afar, as much as he likes you so much it physically hurts him, love just wasn't his priority, his priority was volleyball and his career
or at least he thought
life surely has a great sense of humor because somehow you guys ended up being partners for a thesis paper
"I look forward to working with you Suna" you smiled
"likewise" he says with his usual blank face
Suna didn't want to admit it, but he was excited
"so, where do we work on this?" he asks looking at the notes he took for that class
"well, we can work on it at my place" you say casually while also looking at your notes
"are you sure it's okay?" he asks again to make sure, this girl, the person he's been crushing on for his two years in university is now inviting him to her place
"yeah, i can't really spend a lot of time outside, my son hates it" 
and just like that Suna was having a mini heart attack, you were married? you have a son? what-
“hey, you alright?” you asked worriedly
Suna quickly composed himself 
“uhh y-yeah, won’t your husband get angry?” he asks 
“oh don’t worry I raise Kiro by myself” you smiled
Suna looked at you strangely, unable to keep up 
you chuckled at his dazed look “I’m a single mother” 
Suna almost breathed out a sigh of relief, thankfully he was able to stop himself or else you would get the wrong idea
“yeah, yeah sure, let’s work on it at your place” he snapped out of it, did he sound too happy to hear that you were single? yes, but we ain’t gonna talk about that 
what was your ex thinking? he was pretty sure your kid was cute and you were so breath-taking to look at, what a stupid guy    
“what does your son likes?” 
“hm?” you asked him to make sure you heard him right 
“what does your son likes?” 
later in the evening, Suna showed up at your place with chocolate chip ice cream and the most expensive sushi he could find
you worked on your project for a good two hours, finalizing the outline of the thesis, while Kiro sat on Suna’s lap, your son immediately liked him, maybe because of the ice cream and sushi , but Kiro was very fond of him
“Kiro, baby, get off of Suna’s lap please he might get tired” you said to your son while you were keeping the things you used
“I don’t mind, he’s surprisingly light” Suna says as he bounces Kiro on his lap
“alright, if you say so, I’m going to prepare snacks” you made your way to the kitchen and left the two in the living room
“mister rin-rin” Kiro whispers while tugging on Suna’s shirt
“hm?” he answers looking at the kid, he was right, Kiro was extraordinarily adorable, it felt like he was looking at a smaller boy version of you and it was making her heart go feral, making him break his rules and try his best to get the both of you
“i want you to be my daddy” he whispers while fiddling with his fingers shyly
please this man is about to combust
he pats the boy’s head “sure bud” he said with a smile
“then can I call you dad?” he asks , eyes sparkling
“well it’s better to start early right? sure you can bud” he says, a full-blown grin plastered on his usually stoic face
Bokuto Koutaro 
the flashing and clicking of cameras occupied the whole room where the MSBY Jackals were holding their post-game press conference, they won the game by the way and Bokuto was in high spirits answering questions thrown at him by the reporters 
it was your turn to ask a question to the players and you stood up “Bokuto-san, your fans are always wondering why you’re always in high spirits, what is your secret?” 
Bokuto has never seen you before, were you a knew reporter? because damn he would’ve noticed you immediately if you were on their past press conferences, you looked like a celebrity to be quite honest 
“I’m playing volleyball, there’s no room for me to be unhappy” he simply says 
 it was you first day at your new job, quite frankly, you’re glad you quitted your old one, they forced you to stay behind the camera and write scripts for anchors when you finished a bachelor degree on broadcasting 
“Can’t blame him, I’m also happy when I do my job” you mumble to yourself as you remembered Bokuto’s answer to your question
“mama!” you looked at your son who was in the arms of your cousin Kuroo
“hey thanks for doing this for me couz” you say as they stopped right in front of you
“mama! have you seen the game?! they were so awesome! Uncle Tetsu promised me to go meet MSBY!” your son happily jolts in his Uncle’s arm
you looked at him with a motherly smile, happy that you’re son enjoyed the game 
“you coming with us?” Kuroo asked
“you two go ahead I’ll just rest for a bit” you were tired with keeping up with the game and asking questions 
the two nodded “alright, just show this to the guard and they’ll let you enter” Kuroo says, handing you a pass
you mutter a small thank you as you watch them walk away
let’s just say Gen, your son, was liked by every single member of the team, I mean, who could ever dislike such an adorable kid?
“MSBY cool! Shoyo pwaaa! Boto bam!” he says while jumping up and down, while Kuroo watched his nephew smiling
Bokuto was particularly very fond of him, was it because the kid was unbelievably adorable? or was it because the kid reminded him of a certain reporter? He’d like to think both
“Gen-kun who’s yer fav’rite player eh?” Atsumu asks the kid
the kid looked at eight full-grown man looking at him expectantly, his eyes stopped on the black-and-white haired spiker and made grabby hands towards him “BOUTO! BOUTO!” 
the members were disappointed but not surprised at all, kids tend to go to Bokuto or Hinata since they have the friendliest faces
“HEY! HEY! HEEEY!” Bokuto did not hesitate and lifted the boy up in the air, as they both giggle
“Tetsu?” your voice interrupted the commotion inside the room
Kuroo went to the door and opened it for you and the first thing you saw was your son giggling with the person stuck in your head for about twenty minutes now
“Mama!” your son screamed as soon as he saw you and asked to be put down to run towards you giving you a hug on your leg you looked down at him and patted his head gently
Kuroo cleared his throat “this is Y/N L/N my cousin, the mother of adorable the adorable Gen, she is single and ready to mingle, 2 in 1 you get an adorable son and a lovely wife, contact me for more details, the price can be discussed” 
you deadpanned at your cousin, why tf was he selling you like an auction, you shook your head 
you were hyper aware of the intensity of the owl-eyed spiker, making you blush
while Bokuto was over here thinking, damn he hit the jackpot an adorable son and an absolutely gorgeous wife? you bet he’s in and he’s gonna do everything he can to win you and make you and your son happy
“I’m sorry about him, please excuse me, my son and I needs to leave” you said politely and bowed as you take your son away
unbeknownst to you, Bokuto was in the middle of business with your cousin
“hey, how much for the details?” Bokuto whispers to his bestfriend as if they were in the middle of an illegal transaction
Kuroo looked at his friend with eyebrows raised
“I’ll pay any amount” Bokuto was very serious, which made the former Nekoma captain burts out laughing
“well, since you’re my good friend, a few drinks will do” Kuroo after his hyena laugh session
“Hey! hey! hey! thanks Kubroo!” Bokuto says in his usual cheery voice
later that night, you wondered why you were having dinner with your son, your cousin, and the former captain of Fukurodani, how he managed to get you flowers in such a short amount of time and this late at night was beyond your knowledge. But you weren’t complaining though, how could you when he looked adorable with a flushed face asking for your number after driving you and your son home.
Kenma Kozume
Kenma wasn’t fond of kids, he didn’t disliked them, he just preferred hanging out with adults who were less hyper, proceeds to hangout with Bokuto, Hinata and Kuroo
but he was a gamer and it is inevitable that some of his fans were kids, he didn’t mind it though he is thankful to each and everyone of his fans
being the twenty-eight year old youtuber/CEO that he is, he barely have time to go out and it happened very rarely, and today happened to be one of those rare occasions as he got out to get some ice cream in a very hot summer day
but he was in a for surprise, at an empty alley, he heard a ruckus
“give it back! please give it back!” 
it was never in Kenma’s personality to pry, but something was pushing him to go check out what was going on
he went inside to the dark alley and saw four boys, about eight years old, one was in the middle, his clothes all crumpled and dirty, his bag empty, his things sprawled out, scattered in front of him
“you want this thing? it’s not even the latest model, you think kodzu-” 
Kenma cleared his throat, already able to register what was happening
“ken” the bully continued
“you know kids, I don’t really like bullies” Kenma starts as he walks towards the little boy, picking up his scattered things one by one and putting it in his bag
“leave, before I report you to your school” Kenma says stoically which made one of the boys drop the game console in his hand as the three of them scramble to get out of the dark alley
the little boy picked up the game console and tried to open it, but to no avail, it was broken
Kenma went closer as he handed him his bag 
“are you okay?” he asked as he crouch down to the boy’s level, it was obvious that he was not okay, his face had little scratches and his clothes were all dirty and slightly damped 
but the little boy meekly nodded and looked down on his game console, which Kenma noticed 
“I can get you a new one” he says in attempt to cheer up the little boy, he didn’t know what was pushing him to do so, but his heart broke at the sight of him broke his heart 
“mister Kodzuken, can you please get this fixed for me instead?” for the first time, the boy looked at him with sad eyes
how could he say no to that face? he took the game console and looked at the boy
“is there a reason why you want me to fix it?” he asks
“my mom worked hard to get me that on my birthday, she didn’t buy her favorite coffee, her favorite bread, she patched up her shoes instead of buying a new one, she even lied to me that she wasn’t hungry when we ate out, I don’t wanna make her sad” the boy sadly said and wore his bag
Kenma was in awe, no wonder this boy was so polite and respectful
“alright, how but I’ll call your mother now, she is needed in this situation” Kenma says as he takes out his phone
the boy slowly dictates his mom’s phone number, and when he was done, Kenma was speechless, the number was already registered as his secretary’s number
Kenma shakily presses the call button
“sir?” your voice from the other line, never seize to make his heart skip a beat
“Y/n do you happen to have a son?” his voice was still calm
“yes, how did you know sir? i have a son he’s name is Eiji, he’s eight” you happily told him
“well, I kinda caught some kids bullying him, I think that you’re needed here” he says calmly 
“oh no, my baby, i’ll be there ASAP sir, please do send the location”
“I’ll send the location to my driver, he’ll pick you up” Kenma says and hangs up as he send a quick messege and the location to his driver
Kenma was supposed to ask you out tomorrow, that was the reason why he didn’t go to the office today, he was going to surprise you at his place because he didn’t want you, the girl he liked to the horrible people of the internet
you were too pure, too kind, you always made sure to get him something to eat despite his resistance, made sure that he doesn’t overwork himself and even going to the extent where you do some of his workloads, of course he trusted you enough to do so and you’ve been working with him for four years now
but you had a child? did you have a husband? but you’re resume said that you were single? is it a boyfriend?
“you know mister Kodzuken, mama always talks about you when I ask her about her day, I think she’s got a little crush on you” Eiji smiled softly at him
which almost made the former setter melt into a puddle, the boy was adorable, and even if his original plan was to just date you, he was more than happy to have Eiji, having a mini you around made it all even better, he wasn’t fond of kids but the little boy infront of him was an exception
“I think, I can make that happen” he smiles softly
the day after you appeared looking distressed, talked to your son’s bullies and their parents at the school’s principal office with Kenma and Eiji seating beside you, you were now inside your boss’ house, he was asking you to be his girlfriend, your son happily jumping up and down beside him
how could you say no, when four years ago, you were only dreaming of this moment? 
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