#i was really shocked that Saeran is actually with him after all this times
anas-tasiaa · 2 years
[ V after ending - Forgive/Judge ]
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There's one thing about V after ending that bothers me. Not to mention that the ending itself seems to be revolve more about Rika than V himself. That's one thing, another thing is:
Keeping a secret about Saeran.
At first, I simply dismissed it because I believe V would benefit from some alone time to gather his thoughts and regain his confidence. (This is before I realise V is also looking after Saeran.)
But after I have got both of his endings, what bothered me is the fact that V kept himself isolated in a location that was inaccessible to either the C&R company's security unit or even Saeyoung. I know he wants to treat Saeran's wounds while also keeping him- away from his brother for a while to lessen the conflict if they must meet face to face. But I'm not sure if it's necessary to keep his whereabouts and Saeran hidden from Saeyoung and the RFA. He could tell he'd need some time to recover and let go of his past while also assisting Saeran in his healing process.
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Saeyoung was the one who suffered the most! 😭 We've all seen him lose his grip on reality and almost lose himself, wanting to avenge Saeran's death and even considering suicide. That is not something to be taken lightly. He's almost dead! Without Vanderwood's pity and mercy, and the help from the RFA, Saeyoung would have died without even knowing that his little brother was still alive, somewhere far away. Isn't it better for V to tell Saeyoung ahead of time not to worry about Saeran and to promise him that he and Saeran will return if everything goes well? It would not only put Saeyoung at ease, but it would also make him happy that his brother is safe.
Not to mention that keeping this a secret would be difficult for Jumin. Jumin is already under pressure as a result of Rika and V's decision to "disappear" for two years without saying anything. Jumin now feels responsible for his friend's actions toward Saeyoung, and we can all see that Jumin is doing everything he can to bring Saeyoung back into line and prevent him from making a risky decision. I know that at some point, at the end, V will return with Saeran, all safe and sound, but there are many possibilities for bad things to happen if it is kept a secret in the first place.
Consider that if Vanderwood actually pulled the trigger and shot Saeyoung, or if Saeyoung truly took his revenge, everything would go horribly wrong before V's return with Saeran. Not only would this endanger Saeyoung's life, but it would also result in Saeran losing his brother for the second time. Saeyoung has been depressed for two years, not making any jokes and living an empty life, just going through the motions of life like an emotionless human.
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bluejay-writes · 8 months
Mystictober 2023 - Day 13: Autumn Leaves
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You can read/collect this fic on Ao3 if that’s more your speed!
Rating: E for everyone.
Prompt: Sweater / Leaves
Characters: MC & Saeran & 707
Wordcount: 1189
Summary: MC is raking leaves. Saeran is stealing her sweater. Seven is being a mischief. So, y'know, the usual.
Author's Notes: This was written for Mystictober 2023, Day 13. I've been intending to be writing for the whole month, but a lot of the prompts just aren't doing anything for my muse, so if you have any requests, hit up that ask box. (The full prompt list is at the bottom of this post!)
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MC sighed as she looked at the pile of raked leaves.  She’d gotten through maybe a quarter of the yard at their new home, and there were already so many.  She wasn’t bitter.  Seven… Saeyoung… had wanted to move into a real house now that he was reunited with his brother and had invited her to come live with them as well.  And since he still had more work than time (or sense), household chores fell to her. And, theoretically, Saeran. But MC couldn’t bring herself to ask the still-recovering victim brother to help with the physical tasks. He’d help in an instant, if he thought he’d get away with it.  After the last time he’d overexerted himself and ended up in bed for a week, MC was a lot more careful about asking for his help.  She was capable, and while she enjoyed his quiet company she wanted him smiling, not wincing in pain.  Thinking about his quiet antics made her chuckle, given that if he was dealing with only his twin he could be a right asshole. But never to her. There was probably some reason for it that she wasn’t aware of. Something aside from the fact that he still hadn’t truly gotten over Seven abandoning him as a child, regardless of the mitigating circumstances.
Those thoughts, however, were  for another time. Right now was for raking all of these leaves. Pulling off her sweater - a smart idea to battle the late Autumn chill, just a little too much now that she was actually working - she tossed it on the back step, and got back to raking.
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Finally, raking the last of the bright red and yellow leaves into the pile, MC turned back towards the house to get herself a drink.  Maybe some tea would be good…
She blinked, and then blinked again. Saeran was sitting on the back step holding two oversized mugs…and he was wearing her sweater.  On closer inspection, he was basically curled up entirely inside said sweater, which made her giggle.  He was so small, even now that he was recovering, the fact that he could curl his knees up and be contained in the thing… it was big, sure, and she wasn’t a twig like he was, but… it was too adorable.
“I brought you tea.” he said quietly, holding one of the mugs out towards her. MC tried not to focus on the fact that he was a blushy mess, but the pink on his cheeks, with that soft smile, it was too rare not to notice.
“Thank you! I was literally just thinking I could use some tea.  It’s chilly out here, do you want to go back inside?”
“No, it’s nice. I mean… it is now… do you want your sweater back?”
“You keep it. I’m still too warm for it. Besides, you’re adorable like this. You should consider oversized sweaters.”
The strangled sound he made only made her smile more. Sure, he was quiet, but that didn’t make him not a target for her teasing.
“Only if you help me shop for them.” He said, and she blinked in shock.
“Really? You’d go shopping with me?” Saeran had been disinterested in leaving the house since they’d moved into it. 
He smirked, and MC realized she hadn’t seen that look on his face before. He’d worn a similar expression when he’d broken into the apartment, but this was more honest, more himself.
“And take you away from my brother for an afternoon? I’d love to. How close are you to done with the raking?”
As he asked, the patio door behind them slid open, and a streak of red black and gold blew by them. 
“Cannonball!” Seven yelled as he jumped into the large pile of leaves that MC had made, scattering them everywhere.
MC laughed. She hadn’t jumped into the leaves since she was small.  She should have been irritated, given that Seven had just undone part of the work she’d spent the morning on, but she just couldn’t bring herself to be anything but amused by his childishness. Saeran gave her a look, and she held out a hand for his mug.
“Go on.” She whispered, and he launched himself also into the leaves, practically smashing into his prone twin while he was at it.
“Whoa, MC!” Seven said, and then realized it was Saeran in the leaves with him. “Bro?!”
“Hello, Brother.” Saeran said, a wicked light in his eyes “I have come to turn you into the scarecrow for the yard.” And without further preamble, he started shoving handfuls of leaves into Seven’s shirt.
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Both exhausted from their leaf fight, Seven and Saeran shook the leaves out of their clothes (and MC’s big sweater) and joined her on the back step.
“Y’all are cute.” MC said, grinning.
“Lies.” Saeran said quietly.
Seven simply said “Yep.”
“Now I have to rake all that back up.” MC said, despairing.  Mostly for effect, but it certainly did the job.
“Saeyoung, I am taking MC out shopping once I’ve gotten all the leaves out of my everywhere.  You are going to re-rake this entire thing back into the pile it was before we ruined it.”
Seven looked between MC and Saeran, and MC just shrugged with a grin plastered on her face.
“Okay, you two have fun.” Seven said, reaching out for the rake that MC had left leaning against the wall.
“Yes, of course brother. I hate you so much.” Saeran said, and it took a moment for MC to realize he was referencing that little cartoon with the kitty-ladybug boy, and not just being the mean version of himself that he only ever let out around Seven.
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Shopping was a time and a half, but after going to half a dozen stores, Saeran had a few sweaters that he was happy with, and had even found a gift for Seven while they were out.
“Brother! I am home!” Saeran announced as he walked in the front door.  MC hadn’t made it inside, she was staring at the fact that not only had Seven fixed the mess he’d made in the back yard, the front was also completely raked and leaf-free.  She circled around to the back of the house to realize that he’d actually bagged up all of the leaves, leaving the yard in pristine condition.
When she stepped inside, she saw the look on Seven’s face as Saeran gave him the sweater they’d found for him, which was an ugly-Christmas-sweater style knitted monstrosity with different meme cats all over it.  The boy was crying.
“This is the best gift I have ever gotten.” he said before shedding his iconic hoodie to pull the new sweater immediately over his head. “I will cherish it forever.”
MC smiled while leaning on the doorway. This was everything she’d ever wanted in life. A warm home, and a found family that loved each other. It was practically perfect in every way.
Just then, a voice called from the kitchen. “Dinner’s ready, come eat it before it gets cold.”
Wait, Vanderwood’s here? And he cooked? Now it’s perfect.
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asterjennifer · 2 years
Hi! Could I request a headcanon of the MC spying the RFA to find out what their favorite foods are and surprising them by cooking it up for them? (Plus, MC is a beginner cook who is trying her best) Fluffy humorous and sweet! Thank you so much!
🎀 Oh? That's a sweet idea, sunlight!
You'd be around the villa while he's out working, passing the time as you agreed to stay over until Elizabeth has been found. And having all the time in your hands; you start looking around, which includes the kitchen.
Of course, Jumin has a cook and so naturally you come to have a conversation with him about the preferences of Mr. Han one way or another^^ So if you get told he enjoyes stake with wine a lot, and you're free to use the kitchen? You do it...!
If he's coming home and you prepared the table with your best attempt of making his extravagant food? Jumin will feel appreciated and won't stop the smile that creeps over his lips. He really doesn't care you're a beginner because you made it for him specifically. He'll enjoy it either way.
Jaehee's cafe has some of her favorite food on the menu, which also includes sushi^^ And now that she's having more free time, she can actually eat fresh fish instead of buying take out like before.
She might tell you about going to the restaurant together once the shift's over, but you have other plans! You want to leave earlier and prepare sushi for her with your own inexperienced yet determined hands.
When you manage to do it behind her back and she comes home; she'll be so surprised, her brown eyes wide and then she won't be able to repress the laugher leaving her. And you both get to enjoy the food you made together because she wants you to know how good you are!
Zen needs someone to cook for him as he's barely keeping up with his food because he's too busy with rehearsals TT And you know what he needs as an actor overworking his body at times? It's some good old salad full of vitamins.
Does it taste good with beer? You don't know but still put a can on the table in the kitchen with the bowls of fresh salads. And when he comes back from his play, all worn out yet satisfied with his performance; he'll hug you tight for the lovely meal you prepared.
It's probably not his favorite, but I'm sure he will still adore everything you make for him. Zen will insist you sitting on his lap while you both eat the salad from the same bowl because, you know, it's romantic and you're just so sweet^^
Yoosung's studies stress him out a lot, especially now that he's about to become a vet. And considering he loves cooking, you won't need to spy to discover what his favorite dishes are, once you're together in his house, the two of you will do them with each other!
But if he's out for once to the internet cafe with Seven and you feel motivated to try make a stew for him on your own; it's helpful to have all these recipe books he bought over the years. Things will turn out fine if you stick to the rules, right? You'll give your best and that's what counts.
He won't expect it, his excitement when smelling the stew after coming home will be so wholesome to watch it's already worth the trouble^^ Yoosung's going to thank you over and over for doing this, he's a deeply grateful person.
Now that he's free from the agency, he and also Saeran get to experiment a lot with food, a privilege they didn't have back then as they were trapped in their systems. But even now, Seven's not big on cooking. It's linked to stress in the back of his head, sadly.
So if you're up for a full dinner prepared by yourself, then it's game on; Seven once joked how he dreams about a three course meal with bread as appetizer, good old burgers with some fries as main dish rounded up by ice cream. And now you're doing exactly that~
Just imagine the shock he's under when coming home, how the glasses on his nose almost slip off because he's so stunned by the hours of work you put into the meal for today. He's going to pick you up and turn you in his arms; how are you real and how are you his? Unbelievable!
V's dishes depend heavily on his mood, I imagine. As an artist, even taste in food can become different in perspective to other people. So if he's craving something specific; he'll end up asking you if you'd be fine with that dish sometime soon in the week for one evening^^
If you prepare that meal for him, he will be stunned you went out of your way to cook the food he'd been looking forward to, even if you might not see it as your own personal favorite. You still put lots of work into it, hopefully it turned out to his liking since he'd been excited for it.
But V's going to love it for sure, even if it might not be 100% how you wanted it to turn out. You both are going to enjoy it on the balcony anyway and talk about the day~ It's a calm and happy time regardless how your cooking turned out.
Also quick side note: Vanderwood won't like chips for... Obvious reasons lmfao 🎀
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Now, now... can we talk about Jumin Bad Story Ending 3? The one where Unknown literally blow up the whole apartment with MC there? God, I really want to know everyone's reaction/what they do after that ending.
I guess it will hugely impact Jumin's friendship with V? Since he's the one who urge Jumin to send MC back to the apartment. Seven is still unstable during that time. Yoosung is also confused as well. Would Zen feel guilty for pushing Jumin too much? And Jaehee... god she already had enough on her plate during Jumin's route tho.
I want to hear your opinion on this. Or, if you've already talk about it before, is there any link for that? I just started to collect everyone's bad ending without really knowing anything. So you can imagine how shocked I am when I read that VN ;-;
I have talked about this ending, actually! [You can click this link right here in the brackets!] Of course, that question was about Rika. This is an ending with a lot of weight to it so I can talk a little bit more about it if you want! 
The truth is the ticket. Saeyoung is going to find out. He’s going to realize that the blood at the scene of the explosion belongs to his twin brother, and whether Saeran is alive or dead, that much doesn’t matter. He’s going to go ballistic. He went nuclear in V’s Route as many people are aware the second they play the After Ending and that’s just because he kidnaps Rika and is on the cusp of killing her in cold blood for what happened to Saeran. It’s not pretty but we know what kind of person Saeyoung is. We know his anger and we know what he’ll do if it means he can protect his brother. 
If it wasn’t for the arrival of Vanderwood, Jumin, or Jaehee, I can’t promise what Rika would be. He doesn’t hesitate when it comes to his brother and I expect no less from him. I imagine that Saeyoung is going to be distraught but then he’s going to turn his anger and animosity onto V and Rika. It won’t take long. It will happen. It’s only a matter of time. If V doesn’t destroy himself, then unfortunately Saeyoung likely will. They’re going to survey the scene of the blast. Saeyoung is going to go there not only because he feels that he’s to blame, but because he’s sure that someone triggered that switch. If he doesn’t find his brother himself... it will be the blood that gives it away. It’s a huge building. 
The apartment is on the 14th floor. The entire building is going to crumble and I know that the likelihood that MC and Unknown surviving is 99% impossible. It’s going to take hours to find them and even then, they might only be able to get to the blood to test. Jumin would have his people find a match... and well, this is just like the V After Ending. The reason they were able to discern who was in the Mint Eye building was because of the blood that remained, and that’s how they figured out the connect of Saeran to all of this. Saejoong would be alerted if C&R doesn’t cover that up. 
Saeyoung’s life would be in danger, then, since Saejoong would know to start looking for “The Other Twin” to finally get rid of his sons for good. But, yeah, we know that Saeyoung will find out what happened. He’ll hunt for V. He’ll come for him and he won’t hesitate to lash out at him. It will be just like when he tried to mangle Rika for what she did in V’s Route. I try not to think too hard about that because I know Saeyoung is going to try to hurt V for making Saeran hurt, and then he’ll go after Rika, too. I can’t say his life is safe. If Saejoong doesn’t find him, then... he might get rid of himself to be with Saeran again. It’s really dark so maybe let’s not get into that. 
Just understand that when Saeyoung finds out, he’s going nuclear and nobody is going to be able to stop him this time because of the circumstance. 
Yoosung, Zen, and Jaehee are all going to blame themselves. Horribly. I think Zen might blame himself the most because he was the wing man for MC. He was fighting for them and listening to them. He was doing everything he could from his position on the outside. He would blame himself until the day he dies for this accident. He won’t stop blaming himself for it. I know him and I know what he would feel about that. He cares about people and MC was a soft spot in his heart, even in this timeline. He might start drinking more to cope, or he could put himself into his work until he can’t think about anything but being on stage. He is going to destroy himself doing that, I fear. 
Yoosung? He’s going to break down because MC was so kind to him and he liked them. He already struggles with his grief about Rika... and this is going to make it harder. He’s lost two loved ones. He might pull out of school and need some extensive time with his family back home. I’m not sure. Jaehee is also at a point of blaming herself, and I can see her drowning herself in work to cope with it. I think it’s possible she leaves C&R, too, but I’m not sure entirely how this is going to affect her on a deep level. I just know that she’s going to shut down her emotions like she often does to cope. 
Jumin is a wreck. Honestly, I'm not even sure where I would start with him. I fear that he's going to be in a bad place emotionally. He was already having such a hard time with his emotions and coming to terms with those feelings. In this ending, it was too much for MC to handle his pressure and paranoia. He isn't able to confront these problems in a healthy manner. If anything, this just makes him more concerned about the people around him. It's a good trait that he has that he cares about so many people, but sometimes he takes it overboard… like locking Elizabeth away or trying to keep MC locked away with him. It's hard to say how he's going to cope here. 
I guess I can see it going one of two ways. There's a chance that he gets even more oppressive about taking care of everybody in the RFA, so much so that it drives them away. There’s also a chance that he pulls away and isolates himself from everyone. We never see him fully isolate himself from everybody except for his BE2, but I fear this ending has the chance of causing that to happen. Losing MC after he realized he fucked up his experience with them is going to destroy him. 
He might assume that he made a mistake and that getting close to people and opening himself up is wrong… pulling away even further from society and the world because he blames himself for letting MC leave… but also for not letting MC go when they asked. It's complicated. He might push himself into doing his work and only his work. Nothing more. Nothing less. Not living. Just a shell of a man. 
I can also see him giving up on himself. Maybe he gives into his father’s demands after a while and just marries someone and gets on with it… leaving himself hopeless and fallen. After a while, not immediately. I’m not sure. I just don’t know what he’s going to do with himself after he’s had the love of his life die like that... he might assume that he has to continue for his father, but only his father. A loveless marriage with one child. But, I doubt that chance. I just think it’s worth mentioning since it’s always possible. It might seem out of character but he’s going to lose himself after this. 
This is not counting what will happen when the truth is revealed. This is not counting what will happen with Mint Eye, V, or Rika. Frankly, I just know the death of MC is going to be bad enough on the RFA. But the rest of it is going to blow everything up in smoke. It’s a dark timeline. This is one of the worst outcomes for the RFA. It’s definitely in my top 5 worst outcomes for the entire cast. It’s close to the Fried Chicken prologue BE from Another Story. God, it’s so dark for everyone. My thoughts are all over the place just because there’s a lot to consider! 
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bloodpacks-archive · 3 years
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first we have zen’s ring - the biggest thing for zen is waiting. he doesn’t want to get engaged until he’s financially stable enough to give the mc something that she really deserves. it won’t be anything crazy expensive, but it certainly won’t be cheap either. his proposal is also incredibly public. almost embarrassingly so. it’s almost certainly after one of his shows (if he plays his cards right, it’s the most successful one yet) and he makes a big announcement and pulls her up on stage. the engagement ring is red and silver because... well i think that one’s obvious. every time the mc looks at it, she’ll be reminded of his red eyes and white (or in this case, silver) hair.
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next is yoosung’s ring - he doesn’t propose until after he’s graduated college and has a job lined up. at this point, he feels like he finally has his life together and he really wants the mc to be there with him for the rest of it. he spends probably too much of the ring, let’s be honest. he doesn’t have the greatest fashion taste in the world and some part of him thinks big pretty diamond = i love my wife. he also sees one of those proposals where they put it in a dessert and he decides then that he’s definitely going to do that. takes the mc out to a really nice restaurant and all, and puts the ring in this really nice cake with the help of the staff, and then starts losing his mind because he’s afraid she’s going to accidentally eat it. mainly because he realizes at that exact moment that he would definitely accidentally put the ring in his mouth if he was in her situation. but no worries! she finds the ring and all goes well.
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jaehee’s cute little ring ^^ - it’s so dainty and sweet, and it’s so perfectly jaehee. neither her nor the mc are big on really outlandish or dramatic jewelry (or anything, for that matter) so this ring ends up being really perfect for them. jaehee’s proposal was hardly a proposal. after working at the bakery one night, she took a moment to lean back on the counter and watch as the mc cleaned up the last of their workspace. she’d probably been thinking about it for a while, and then the question just kind of came out. it was as much of a shock to her as it was to the mc, but it was a happy one at that. as soon as they have the free time, they go out to find their engagement rings together.
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jumin han’s ridiculous ring - sapphire. he loves the rich color of the ring and he thinks it looks great on her. it is heart wrenchingly professional but in a way that definitely makes it clear who she’s engaged to. obviously, we know when jumin’s engagement happens, but here’s the thing. this is definitely not the ring he would’ve picked out on his own. if it was his choice, it would be even more ridiculous (though still custom made). if there’s a certain ring that the mc wants, she has to casually mention it on like day 3 and he’ll write that down to have it made should the need arise (and it does, christ it does). but honestly, he’s really sweet about the engagement ring. I’ve mentioned this before, but he loves whenever she wears it. he really likes to lightly twist it around her finger whenever he holds her hand because he loves the reminder that she’s his. he takes some guiding into the correct direction, but once he gets it, he falls in love with it.
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everyone look at saeyoung’s ring - something so deep in my bones tells me that saeyoung is either a “we’re engaged for the rest of eternity” or “we can elope but please don’t call me husband that sounds old and formal” kind of guy. so he ends up getting this really sweet ring that might not be a very traditional engagement ring, but it’s something that they both really liked and it means a lot to both him and the mc. similar to jaehee, he doesn’t propose in the formal sense of the term. honestly, it happens really late one night in bed. they’ve moved out of the bunker because he finally feels safe enough to do that (though he never really lets go of his security system) and he kind of just decides on it. they’ve been laying in bed together and talking for a while, and he plays with her fingers while he speaks, and he’s shaking a bit while he thinks about it. honestly, he’s thought about this for a long time—played with the idea for at least a few months, even got a ring just in case the time felt right. he doesn’t want anything big, he doubts she would either, and he realizes that the time feels right. he whispers the question in her ears while his hands fall over her sides and down her arms, her reply bitten by sweet laughter.
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oh god jihyun kim’s ring - he’s really not one to spend a lot of money on things, but his engagement ring is really something that’s important to him. he wants this to be special, so he gets an opal engagement ring. it’s sweet and artistic and something that he really falls in love with. he loves how it looks against her skin and falls in love with the way it feels whenever his fingers brush against hers. the mc, ever sweet to jihyun, actually ends up giving him an engagement ring of his own. she says that he deserves something as beautiful as he gave her, and though he’ll never believe her, he loves and accepts the ring. it’s a similar one to the one he gave her, but the jewels are embedded into a much simpler ring. unfortunately, his work prevents him from wearing his ring on his hand most of the time, so instead he gets a really thin and dainty necklace chain and wears the ring around his neck. it’s always under his clothes so he can feel the cool jewelry against his skin, but also so that it’s always close to his heart. also similarly to saeyoung, he ends up proposing in private. though i find it more likely that he’d do it on like a really secluded beach or maybe in a little clearing in a forest he likes to go to for pictures. it’s sweet and he gets down on one knee but he doesn’t even have to say anything before he’s being pulled into a kiss.
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beautiful saeran’s ring - this is going to take. a while to happen. like, probably a good few years before he’s comfortable with this. i think that love was something that he kind of dreamed of when he was a kid to escape the environment of his household for a while, but it’s always seemed so far away so it takes him a long time to realize that the mc really isn’t going anywhere and that he doesn’t even want her to. when he does finally get comfortable, he takes a lot of time to look for rings and find one that he really likes. he chooses this one because it reminds him of nature and he likes the way it twists and how small and sweet it is. his proposal is definitely a nervous one. he turns red when the mc walks into the garden with him and he worries that this might be the final time she can say no. but she doesn’t, never would to him, and proudly wears his sweet little ring.
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anonymousbaev · 3 years
Hi! Could I request a platonic headcanon, where the RFA+Saeran finding out that the MC is a teenager? Have a nice day!
RFA+Saeran teen MC
Hello! Thank you, sorry late upload... (っ; ‸ ; ς)
“MC is a... teen?!?”
Pure chaos would be running around his mind, Yoosung never imagined you to be so young.
He would definitely hold a grudge against Seven and V, they knew your age after a background check, and still dragged you into this.
As for your bond with Yoosung, nothing would change.
Yoosung still wants to protect you, maybe even more now and you’re still a important person to him. 
Your kind words touched his heart, helped him out a state of depression and taught him the proper way to grieve over a lost loved one.
He would never nag you to study, he knows how annoying that is.
But he would nag you to eat well and sleep early, “The more younger you are, the better you should take care of yourself!!!”
☕️ Jaehee ☕️ 
Jaehee kind of just assumed you were around your twenties.
No, actually she never thought of your age, or even tried to guess it. 
But this... wow this was unexpected.
At first, she might act a bit awkward around you, a couple typos here and there. 
She means no offense, and she’s in no way offended. The woman is a bit shocked and needs some time to get used to it.
It would take her a while, but she would. After all, you’re a big inspiration to her and age wasn’t going to change that.
Though, she would basically turn into a mom and take care of you. But caring for others has always been a big part of her personality.
Like you told her to do so, she would tell you to chase your dreams.
🎤 Zen 🎤 
(Zen’s surprised emoji)
Zen would flip out at first, but he’ll manage to calm down and compose himself.
He would be even more protective and caring of you, if that’s possible.
You’re still the amazing person that trusted him though everything.
He wants to do the same for you, he would persuade you to follow your dreams.
He would make sure your school life is good and nobody is making fun of you, overall he wants to be someone you feel like you can lean on, a supportive adult figure he never had in his life.
Now Zen has two people to nag on, and you definitely agree with Yoosung, Seven should make a mute feature.
♛ Jumin ♛ 
He’s shocked, but this man is perfectly skilled in remaining calm in the most difficult situations.
He takes care of you in his own way.
And he has to admit, he’s impressed with your maturity from such a young age.
Now, you have one of the biggest age gap with Jumin in the RFA but you would get along with him, fine.
I imagine you to help him explore new “youngster” or “commoner” stuff and he would find it surprisingly fun to do.
You’re basically his adored little sister, he would spoil you.
Jumin would tell you that studying and entering a good college is important.
He might even look forward to taking you in as a new employ for the company when you’re older.
Of course, he wouldn’t force you into it if you show interest for something else. But the spot’s always opened for you.
👓 Saeyoung 👓 
He would be completely worried for you at first. He’s concerned that you got tangled up in a dangerous place like the RFA from a young age.
He feels hesitant, Seven would carefully watch you and wont let anything happen to you.
Other than that, he would love teasing you for being young, and especially takes pleasure in nagging you like an old man.
Seven is a known genius, a great tutor. Although he gets a bit childish and makes you practically drown him with compliments till he finally agrees.
He probably drops you off to school in one of his babies, whether you like it or not.
Study sessions with Seven are always fun, half of the times it’s just a war of pranks.
He will seriously help you out if you have a test sometime soon.
♧ Jihyun ♧ 
(No chat)
He would be flustered at first, but he’ll be able to calm down.
He’s hesitant to make you join the RFA at first.
But he will go all lengths to promise your safety to the return of your family with not a single hair touched.
When all danger is gone, I imagine him to be a generous dad everyone wants.
V will really allow you to do anything, and if you happen to take an interest towards art or photography... man is more than happy to teach you the beauty of art.
🌚 Saeran 🌚 
Saeran would feel more than guilty for allowing a young teen like you to get involved with dangerous stuff.
And your kind and caring attitude just doubles the guilt...
Aside from that, Saeran would be a big brother.
He wouldn’t really care if you don’t study, if you complain about how hard it is, “Why don’t you just not do it then?”
“Because it doesn’t work like that”
He does want you to do well in school though, and pursue dreams when you get older.
If someone is messing with you at school he’s more than ready to break some bones.
When you hang out with him after school, he always brings you to get some ice cream.
Expect cursed stomach aches the next day from eating so much.
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
how would the rfa boys + v and saeran react if they found out mc was only eighteen after everything had already happened in their routes?
Hello! <3 Thanks for your request, I added their age to have a better reference when you read about this 18-year-old MC ~ Hope you like it! <3
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Yoosung is 21
He's totally okay with it!
He will try and help you through your first year of college if you're planning to go. He will also insist on giving you a tour.
Honestly, he feels so happy he's not the baby of the group anymore
Will give you all the tips and tricks he thinks you need for your first year and will help you with your homework as much as he can.
College sweethearts! <3 You both have picnics on campus, study together at the library and even share some kisses on an empty classroom. You go watch football games together and you’re first in line for his first E-Sports competition at college. You hug him in front of everyone when his team wins and he melts right there.
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Zen is 23
He's having a panic attack about kissing A BABY.
He talked about The Beast TO A BABY.
You explain you're just five years younger than and that's not---- SILENCE, WENCH.
He just needs a moment.
It's hard to understand how can you be so emotionally mature. When he was your age he was in a motorcycle gang doing races and here you are, the brand new member of a charity society that just pulled off a party full of important and renowned guests.
He’s impressed.
After the shock wears off, he’ll go back to his normal self, but will be 100 more times protective of you than he was before.
And when he found out Jaehee had lent you a copy of his infamous Jalapeño performance…
Just to say he almost didn’t let you.
But you later watched it together, leading to some private time for you both.
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Jaehee is 26
A little Concerned™
Like Jumin, she's a little wary of the age difference.
So when you open your coffee shop, she takes the role of a mentor at first. Then, as time goes by, she learns more and more about your personality and falls deeper in love with you.
You have to do the first move, but when you do, she’s pleasantly surprised.
She absolutely adores how much life you bring to the shop, and is always down for giving you advice so you don’t make the same mistakes she made.
“What do you mean mistakes?” “I did endure a career I hated for years” “Oh, but without it, you wouldn’t have had the money to start your own business!”
She’s even more in love with you now.
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Jumin is 27
*dances in Becky G’s ‘Mayores’*
He did think you looked a lot younger than he did, but he never thought he was proposing to an eighteen-year-old
I just picture him furrowing his eyebrows and drinking a glass of wine at his penthouse trying to process this new information because it’s too much to deal with
He will apologize for kissing you because he didn't know you were still a child
“Jumin, I’m not a child” “I’m ten years older than you” “Nine! :(“
He will not cancel the wedding but will definitely postpone it. Not only does his money and social status create an imbalance of power, but now knowing he's almost ten years older than you, he feels a marriage may not be the best for you at this moment.
*sad Jumin noises*
He’s really captured by the way you look at him with bright, wide-open eyes as he tells you about the places he’s travelled to. You tell him you wish you had the chance to visit those countries and he tells you he’d be more than happy to rediscover them with you
You will keep dating for a couple more years until he brings up the wedding again, to which you say yes (again).
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Saeyoung is 22
He uses a lot of "When I was your age..."
“Babe, it's just four years, it's not a big deal.”
He doesn't listen.
When he notices you're on the verge of actually being angry, he will hug you as tightly as he can while he laughs until you’re smiling again.
Honestly, he would have been a little scared you wouldn't have lived enough to understand 
his pain, but you happily surprised him.
You bring out a protective side of him he’s not used to, but he absolutely adores.
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V is 27
Like Jumin, he’s a little surprised at first. But he doesn’t have much time to think about it since he decides to go away for two years. When he comes back, you’re 20.
He didn’t expect you to wait for him. He understood you were young and were just about to begin discovering the world around you. It would make sense if you had been dating, he sure had when he was your age.
So when he came back to the party and found you with longer hair but the same loving smile, he was really surprised.
But maybe he had been right after all. Maybe you two were meant to be together.
He takes you on his trips as he opens temporal galleries in different countries. Some of them are for his old photos, but he starts showcasing his paintings as well.
He encourages you to find out what you really love and stick to it, not letting yourself be pressured by what your parents or peers think you have to do.
Two years later after adopting your first child, you end up pregnant. Since you’re way younger than him, it means your body handles the pregnancy fairly good, and he’s ecstatic to be able to share that moment with you.
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Saeran is 22
Like Yoosung, he doesn’t really care about your age.
That doesn’t stop Saeyoung from teasing you two.
He didn’t have the chance to grow properly, so it’s good you’re a little younger since you both can explore new things together.
You had your first drunk night together, you learnt to swim together, you both learnt how to drive a car (and maybe used one of Seven’s car and a far-away parking lot to do that) and you were each other’s first time.
You play him your favourite movies and he catches up with the ones he didn’t have a chance to see while growing up.
When you had finally learnt how to swim, you convinced him to go skinny dipping at the ocean on a particularly hot summer night.
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Omg, rfa + minor trio are here again. I almost droped my phone lmao... Can we have rfa + minor trio reactions when police brings their teenage child home? Thank you and take care!
RFA + Minor Duo’s teenage child being brought home by the police
As soon as I read this request I thought ,,yeah, this is just what I want write about!’’ thank you for your request! I hope I can make you happy! Please enjoy! And yes, ahaha, I am always good for a surprise! Let’s welcome the Minor Duo/ Trio again!
Vanderwood’s child being brought home by the police
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,,You really should send someone,’’ you mumbled, almost begging your husband.
The problem was that your oldest son, who was sixteen, didn’t want to become the new CEO in line. Instead, he wanted to go into show business, something Jumin didn’t want to let happen.
The amounts of arguments in the house were so many, that you lost count.
But as a mother, you were your son’s side.
,,No, I don’t care,’’ Jumin mumbled.
,,Does he really think that music will provide him with food, warm clothes, and a future forever?’’ he asked you.
,,Well, you could also lose the company, you know…’’ you mumbled, getting a cold look.
Suddenly the door rang, making your second daughter open the door.
,,Uhm, Mom,’’ the fourteen year old called you.
It was 10 pm. when two police officers stood there, your boy between them.
,,We caught him stealing,’’ one of them said.
And after Jumin thanked them and gave them so much money, that they would never ever speak up again, he was ready to scold your son if you didn’t protect him.
Jumin was speechless, and before he could act, your daughter helped you.
,,I will be the CEO in line. Have some faith in me,’’ she said.
,,Hyung is happier when he’s doing music, not working on your projects. I, on the other hand, love it a lot,’’ she said, solving almost every problem...
You and your husband were enjoying the day with your newborn when someone rang at the door.
Looking at the clock, you knew that it couldn’t have been your oldest daughter who was supposed to still be at school, however, you were wrong.
,,Mom…’’ the young lady began to sob, jumping into your arms.
,,What happened?’’ Zen asked, when he looked over to his little girl.
,,She was robbed in the middle of the street.
Thank god people were there to help, but she got a little hurt. However, she didn’t want to go to the hospital and instead demanded to be brought home,’’ the other police officer said.
,,I was so scared,’’ she sobbed as she cried into your chest, your hands slowly patting her back in a rhythm to calm her down.
Zen thanked the police officer and then closed the door, hugging his girl as she kept crying.
That night, the three of you slept together in a bed even though she was already so old…
Zen even put his pride aside and asked Jumin Han to give her a few of his bodyguards.
After all, the safety of his family was his first priority.
,,I don’t know what to do anymore,’’ Yoosung sobbed.
It has been three years ever since you died, taking two of your children with you.
It was supposed to be a happy day when suddenly he simply got a call, the call about your death.
It took him a long time to overcome this pain, especially because he still had a son he had to raise.
Everyone tried to support Yoosung, but the young boy he had to raise without a mother began to feel the cold.
He began to miss you, the motherly figure he longed for.
Yoosung’s son was just sixteen when he first got accused of a few bad things. People visited him almost weekly to make sure that the family problems would be solved soon.
However, nothing helped.
,,I don’t need you, old idiotic father!’’ Yoosung’s son yelled.
,,You?! An apology?!’’ he laughed.
,,You fucking let them kill my mother and my sisters. You didn’t do anything good in life, you studied to save some stray dogs, and let my mother die like one,’’ he laughed.
Yoosung slapped his son and panted in rage.
,,Your mother would be disappointed in you,’’ he whispered.
,,You have no right to say that!’’ and with that, Yoosung’s son disappeared into the night, leaving Yoosung alone for a while until he gathered his strength and called Seven, who immediately searched for the young boy.
However, this wasn’t needed after half an hour when the door rang.
,,Mr Kim, we will need to put your son in jail. We need to talk,’’ the police officer said.
Yoosung, however, knew that whatever happened, he wouldn’t let them take the last memento of you...
You always thought that you and Jaehee managed to have your own little, happy family, without anyone hurting you guys.
However, you were wrong.
And neither you or Jaehee knew how wrong you were until the door rang and your son entered with two police officers.
The shop was closed and you and your wife were actually planning a special for your coffee shop when your life was turned upside down.
,,Kang Jaehee and Kang Mc?’’ they asked before they received the response that they were right.
,,We brought your son home,’’ the police officer said, letting the young boy go in.
,,HUH?”’ you gasped, checking if the boy you were raising into a good man was hurt.
,,He was the criminal. I think the family of the boy he hit will drag you into court. You should be prepared,’’ he said and went away, leaving you and Jaehee alone.
It didn’t take long before your son broke down. He was pretty fragile even though he just caused a problem.
,,I’m so sorry,’’ he sobbed and went on his knees, covering his face in his hand.
,,They made fun of me because I have two moms. At first… at first I didn’t care. Even when they called our shop disgusting, I didn’t care.
But when they called you disgusting… I just...I-’’
Immediately you hugged him, kissing his cheek.
,,You were hurt… you felt attacked. It’s not nice to use violence, but you’re a victim too… we will handle it…’’
,,I can’t believe you stole something,’’ you sobbed as you watched your daughter.
She was currently in her rebellious phase.
,,Me neither. I mean, how many times did I teach you where the CCTV is? At least you could have-’’
You didn’t even let your husband finish as you hit him on his shoulder.
,,And you, young lady! I am so disappointed in you! Go up to your room, give me your phone, laptop, and iPad and write a letter of apology to the shop owner!
And then, later, I want to know how in the world you came to this stupid idea!’’ you hissed and turned around.
Your daughter was just brought home after the police caught her stealing, or trying to steal, a CD.
,,And you,’’ you hissed ,,don’t support her on these things!’’ you warned him.
After a bit you went up to your daughter and sat next to her.
The first few minutes, both of you didn’t say anything until she began to cry and went into your embrace.
,,Will you tell mommy now why you did that…?’’ you asked her.
You were still in bed sleeping when the door rang.
Since you were in your last week of pregnancy with the third child, Saeran let you stay in bed and instead opened the door.
,,What-’’ he couldn’t believe what his eyes saw.
,,Sorry, dad…’’ his young daughter mumbled, her black jacket brown by now.
,,What happened?’’ he asked the police officer.
His daughter actually told him yesterday that she would sleep at her best friend’s house, but now police officers were dragging her home?
,,Mr Choi, we found her drunk on the street. We actually first brought her to the hospital and didn’t call you to not cause a false alarm, and also because she said that her mother was pregnant and didn’t want to shock her too much.
Luckily nothing happened and a young woman called for help when she was found.
We beg you to keep an eye on her and call this number if you ever need help,’’ the kind officer said.
Saeran bowed to thank the officer and then let his daughter in.
,,I am so...angry and disappointed that you lied to us. Go and take a shower, I will wake up your mom so that we can talk about this,’’ he said and went straight to your shared bedroom, where you first began to cry while he tried to calm down. 
Memories came up, he didn’t want his daughter to end up like her, like his mother.
But then you had a good talk with her and decided to call help to support your daughter as best as possible...
,,Did you really break into the park for pictures?’’ you asked your son who nodded..
He explained that the stars and the shining lights were just too beautiful for him to ignore so he just had to go and see them.
,,And… oh dear, you know that it will be registered forever?!’’ you asked him.
Lucy was next to you.
She watched her brother as she tried to calm you.
,,Yes, but I couldn’t stop myself, mom. I’m sorry,’’ he mumbled.
,,We could have gone together while they were open,’’ Lucy commented.
,,I didn’t want any people in my pictures,’’ he commented and looked at his dad, who stayed silent the whole time.
,,Jihyun, it’s your fault for making him crazy about art! You need to tell him what’s right and what’s wrong!’’ you hissed and shook your head.
Together with Lucy you left the room, thinking on what to do next.
,,I know, how it feels,’’ Jihyun said when you were gone, making the young boy look up.
,,It’s wrong, but at the same time, it feels so right that nothing can stop you from doing it. I know it, especially with art.
I believe that this was an experience you had to learn. For the future, keep doing things like that, but instead of going in even though it’s closed, call me or Jumin. We will find a way. Always,’’ he laughed and patted his back.
,,Now, show me the pics!’’
14.03.2021// 19:48 MEST
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gureishi · 3 years
Oh! In that case, could I get headcanons for a trans man saeyoung x reader? Maybe with trans man reader, or gender neutral. SFW and nsfw if you’re comfortable with that!
Absolutely! I really love this headcanon~ I’ve done some SFW and NSFW (the latter is below the cut). Thanks for requesting this!! 💕
Saeyoung as a trans man (SFW)
Saeyoung understands the power of language: call him gendered words and he’s giddy. Refer to him as your boyfriend or your man—to his face or in reference to him? Gender euphoria. Tell him you want him to be your husband one day; you’ll absolutely melt his heart.
Same goes for gendered compliments. Our boy speaks seventeen languages, after all! Use google translate—call him handsome in all seventeen. He’ll be putty in your hands.
As we know, our boy likes to explore his gender expression through clothing; but on a day-to-day basis, due to a combination of his job (and perhaps some dysphoria?) when we meet him, he’s pretty much wearing that same baggy hoodie every day. But that can change!
At first, Saeyoung doesn’t own a whole lot of masculine clothing. There’s not much variety—he doesn’t quite know what he feels comfortable in. Take him shopping and encourage him to try on clothes that feel good to him; before you know it, he’ll have a whole second closet separate from his cosplay closet (look: the bunker has a lot of closets) just full of gender-validating clothing. 
A Saeyoung who wears a different outfit every day! Ones that actually make him feel good! The possibilities are endless (and thrilling).
Before he met you, he never had anybody he felt safe talking to about his feelings, or his past—or his gender. Imagine his delight when he brings it up and you listen, and you ask questions, and you have your own thoughts and feelings to share about your own gender. The boy’s never felt close to anyone before—not since he was a kid, with Saeran. How excited he’d be to get to tell you about these things! He’ll talk a mile a minute; but you can keep up, of course. Loving Saeyoung is following him through the complex net of his thoughts—navigating it with him and helping him untangle it when he gets lost.
And speaking of Saeran: listen, Unknown may hate everyone and everything, but he’s not going around misgendering people. Even assuming that Saeyoung came out after the two of them were separated, Unknown knows what’s up—he’s been observing him from afar for years, after all. Even miserable and messed up on elixir, he’ll get it right. And how strange for Saeyoung to see his brother in this state, but to hear him use the correct pronouns. A tiny bit of joy in the midst of all the pain.
The first time Saeran calls Saeyoung his brother is the happiest day of his life.
Saeyoung as a trans man (NSFW)
Continue below the cut for smut ❤️
Saeyoung (whether he’s trans or cis) is nervous about sex, in the beginning. He doesn’t see himself as attractive (this is canon) and he can’t quite wrap his head around why you find him sexy. But he wants to make you feel good—more than anything in the world. In the beginning, he fixates on giving you pleasure (whatever you’re into, he’ll try it—with enthusiasm). God knows he figures out how to use his hands and fingers pretty quickly (I mean, come on). If you’re into toys, he will get you all the toys you could possibly desire, and he will learn how to use them to give you absolutely ecstatic pleasure (when he sets out to do something—he does it perfectly).
But: oh, the first time he finds something that really brings him pleasure.
Maybe it’s a particular way that you touch him; or maybe it’s something about watching you unravel before him that does it for him. Maybe he wears a strap-on for the first time, and is shocked to discover how much pleasure it gives him to fuck you with it.
Whatever it is: the look in his eyes!
Starstruck. Blown away. Kiss him tenderly and tell him how sexy he looks—how hot it is to watch him enjoying himself—how desperately you want him. He’ll fall apart.
As time passes, he’ll want to experiment more. Does he want you to go down on him? Or maybe suck him off when he’s wearing a strap-on?
Packing? Yeah! I bet it brings him joy to do it, though maybe not every day. Our boy could make his own packers—and I’m not talking rolled-up socks. You can 3D print silicone, you know: and look, I’m not saying he’s necessarily 3D printing cocks, I’m just saying that he could. I think he’s very specific about what he likes: and it would make him feel so satisfied to be able to create something with his own hands (and computers, of course) that feels right on his body.
And we’re not just talking packers, here. Why have I never before thought about the concept of Saeyoung making his own sex toys? Of course he can. He has a wide array of cocks of his own design—I’m convinced of it now.
And if you’re somebody who wants packers/toys for yourself? He’ll make you whatever you desire—and he’ll make it perfect for you.
Saeyoung likes to explore the various facets of his gender. He’ll dress up like a hyper-masculine paperback romance novel coverboy for you; or cute catboy (of course); or a knight in (literal) armor.
He likes to be dominant a lot of the time—he loves to feel like he’s in control. But still: call him a good boy and he’ll melt before your eyes.
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Pairing: Suit Saeran x Non Gendered Reader
Description: A little fic based on that gorgeous Suit birthday title screen CG we got this year. Go on, put on that dazzling outfit. There is one problem here with Suit’s plan though…you don’t know ballet to perform for him. Guess you’ll just have to dance together </3
Little note for readers who don’t identify as female: On stage, EVERYONE wears makeup (lipstick, eyebrows, all of it) in order to emphasize features for the audience to see. And costumes are also very important, including ones with glitter! Suity here doesn’t discriminate, everything here is following performing arts rules. Feel free to think of the costume in any way you like as it isn’t referred to as a dress! It’s anything! Local theater kid here isn’t a lier promise.
I wrote this pretty much exactly after the CG was revealed :3 so it’s older
“Perfect...what a well behaved doll~”
Saeran crossed his arms in front of him, showing you his signature smirk in a smug look of victory. He studied you, traveling down from your face to the outfit you so graciously modeled for him, admiring the way it hugged your waist and fell with such a poof at the bottom, black feathers adorning the soft silky material. He coughed upon noting the exposed bit of skin the outfit left in your chest area, and he made it painfully obvious that where his glance landed up was the cause of the tiny loss of composure.
You couldn’t help but feel rather flustered under his gaze, relief washing over you as his eyes finally met yours again.
“So...it took it being a special day for you to finally listen to me? Well? Did you enjoy the show at least, toy? Wasn’t it cute? The little dolly made of my little doll finally doing what you’re supposed to do. Entertaining me! That is your purpose! And today…,” he huffed through his nose with laughter. “You’re finally going to do that properly! That wasn’t just any old puppet show...but a demonstration of how today is going to go. You’re going to dance for me as I sit back and enjoy my cake in front of you...and if the performance is good enough, you can have a bite. Aren’t I generous today?”
He snickered as you tried your hardest not to sigh tiredly, not necessarily completely annoyed by him but…needless to say this wasn't something you’d have planned. There was a short pause as he tapped his foot a few times impatiently. Clearly you weren’t getting his message.
“So then, toy? Dance for me! And dance for this sugary treat~”, he cackled, sliding the small plate in your direction before pulling it back, taunting you much like a toddler. Perhaps waving a reward in front of your face would light a fire under you.
It was moments like these where you found yourself wondering what good you initially thought you’d get from blindly following a complete stranger to a hidden location in the mountains. Truth be told, today you were mainly humoring his whims because of the sheer amount of detail and effort he put into this charade, and because you were curious to try on that exquisite costume. Birthday boy or not...this couldn’t become a regular thing of his.
“Oh..oh oh oh and one more thing.”
Saeran rather excitedly crouched down for the blue present box underneath the table, easily popping its lid off and pulling out the final piece of your outfit; the same feathers and golden crown worn by your doll.
“Aren’t you excited? You get to be royalty for the day...my prince(ss)..my birthday present to play with! Why else did you think I’d instruct you to wear your hair like that before I came?”
Sending someone in to do your hair for you that evening and pamper you was the proper explanation for what actually went on. It wasn’t like it would be an easy feat to add such a lovely jeweled hair piece to your do alone. The timid believer who assisted you even brought you a perfume sent by him...so you, according to the note attached, “wouldn’t smell so awful”. On the bright side, you really did feel dazzling, the pearls in your hair matching the ones on your new attire.
“Well...come closer so I can put it on you. I won’t bite...as long as you listen,” he teased, bringing himself forward to close up more of the gap between you two.
You bowed your head slightly in response as he fiddled with how the headpiece sat, occasionally feeling his hands smooth down and readjust little parts of your hair. Once he was confident the job was done, he took a step back to admire his work of art. He seemed proud of his accomplishments; his ability to get you to play dress up for him and how the puppet show went so perfectly after so much practice...and now was the time for his hard work to pay off. He expected you to make every bit his birthday fantasy come true, which was evident in everything from his expressions to body language. But there was a problem. You didn’t know ballet.
Saeran took his birthday hat and placed it upon his head grumpily before plopping in the seat you once previously enjoyed his performance in. He sat with a slouch, bringing his plate of cake to him, noming down on a small bite before speaking again with his mouth a bit full.
“Come on, toy! I’m waiting now that you’re all ready!”
He tapped his foot impatiently again.
You decided to address your concerns slowly.
“Uhm...Saeran..? The dance you made the puppet do was ballet…”
“Yes, aren’t you clever? So do some ballet for me.”
“That’s the thing...I haven’t done ballet since I was practically a baby. I’m not sure how to...and you’d have to turn on the music-”
Rational thinking interrupted your nervous attempt to reason a proper way to do this. “And hey...why am I dancing for you anyways?”
He tilted his head, raising a brow in disapproval.
“Because I say so, and because you value your life and your stomach. Remember? I can toss you out at any time,” he puffed, “and this cake will save you from your misery of having an empty belly. You will work for your food and convince me you deserve it!”
“...Ok..? But again...I don’t know how to do ballet anymore-”
Saeran cut you off with the sharp screeching of his chair’s legs dragging backwards against the ground, standing swiftly.
“Did I ask for excuses..? Hahaha...most people would be more pleasant on their birthdays..”, he stepped towards you. “...Is that what you’re expecting from me? Hmm? To be all sweet and sappy because it’s my big day? Extra nice to you? I still won’t tolerate disobedience...in fact, I have less patience today!”
He finished his march to you until he could make certain his dominance was well established through a face-to-face threatening scowl, towering over you best he could. He cupped your chin, tilting it up so you were forced to meet him in all his fury.
“You’re going to dance today. You’re going to dance today because I ordered you to do so, little airhead. Even if I have to force you!”
Releasing his hold on your face, he then grasped your left hand, intertwining your fingers, giving you a good yank forward into him. He caught you on his chest as you gasped in slight shock, the feeling of his hand making its way to the side of your waist; the unexpected cold touch making you shiver as you felt it through the fabric of your outfit.
There was an awkward pause as the two of you stood together in silence for a moment, Saeran just watching you with bated breath. The quiet was eating at you, feeling your heart clamoring against your ribs as you waited for him to initiate something. Your stare drifted down to his chain which sat within your outfit’s front feathers before moving back up. It was cute that he’d pick out a gold one for his birthday. You piped up as you heard him finally swallow saliva.
“We uh...need music..if you want to dance together. I think this is a good solution, actually.”
You gave him a smile, the same gentle look he’d cursed dozens of times before for making him feel so gross in the stomach. He kept quiet this time, but your expression made him feel no different than usual, if not more so.
“I knew that. Obviously we can’t dance to nothing. Tch, don’t get smart with me…”
Sure he knew that.
He let go of your hand to reach out and press play on the little radio he’d tucked away behind the little stage, contorting himself to stay close to you before returning to your old ready to dance position. He pulled you to the right with a shuffle together away from the set to a clear space in the room, closer to the window, the glow of the soft moonlight catching on the intricate glittery details of your costume.
Saeran stared for a mere moment, stiff as a statue as you placed your free hand on his shoulder. You could tell from the shifting of his eyes he was trying his best not to gawk now that he was getting a solid look at you up against him, clearing his throat with an “akhem” to collect himself. He’d never admit the tips of his ears felt hot to the touch.
Finally, with your prompting, the inviting melody which drifted through the room allowed the two of you to begin swaying together; Saeran watching your feet to understand the 1-2-3 step movements you did. He got the hang of it pretty quickly, grinning confidently as he took more lead and a firmer hold on your waist. It was a simple dance, rocking a tad and moving in a circle, the expression you showed him sweet and caring as he peered into your reflective (e/c) pools, (and perhaps it was flustered and nervous too). He, on the other hand, wouldn’t allow his mask of cocky satisfaction to be taken off so easily, despite the rosy hue his pale cheeks took on.
“My my...such a warbled little smile I’m receiving from you~ are you enjoying this, doll? Don’t lie, I can see just how red you are..pfft- is dancing with your prince something you’ve day dreamed about before? You and your delusions-”
You decided to outright call him out. He can’t just tease you like this when he came up with this whole plan in the first place, now can he?
“Says the one who made a detailed puppet set of the building we’re in. And two dolls of us. And got me a costume. And got me ballet shoes, which my whole outfit matches the doll’s exactly, by the way. And you even put on a whole show, plus made me do my hair the way you like...who’s day dream are we actually living out? Oh and don’t forget...you’re the one who took my hand to dance too~”.
You winked at him, eliciting a low growl which rumbled in his throat. His face grew redder, perhaps with rage.
“Hey...I never said I didn’t like it. The detail is incredible, and I’m being honest. I’m not sure how much work you put into it all...but I can tell it was a lot. You, sir, have a hidden talent. I’d like to see what else you can do with more free time for yourself….”
He sneered, “I’m not going to keep humoring you with more stuff like this, if that’s what you’re implying. Maybe with more free time, I’ll only find myself coming up with new ways to make you bend and break! But, I will take your compliment as you can at least appreciate this all as a work of my geniusness. I’m a busy busy man, but I found free time to set up a playdate with my toy. So stop pushing my buttons! You should feel lucky I graced you with my presence! It’s my birthday...and I’m stuck looking at your stupid face!”
“Hmm...again, with all that planning I think someone wanted to see ‘my stupid face’. And I do feel lucky, because I get to spend your birthday with you, although I wish I could have organized something myself. And what I meant was...Saeran this is a work of art. The dolls look hand crafted and painted, including the outfits which must’ve been sown for today in order to match perfectly. I also noticed the pearls on my costume match the ones on your birthday hat. And the set...some of the paint even appears as if its liquid leaf...which it might not be but still. Once we’re finished dancing, I want to go and admire your efforts. Especially the cute little replica of yourself you made~!”
Saeran sputtered angrily.
“You….are certainly an A grade weirdo. Don’t you hate this, even a little? Isn’t it sucky for you? Having to be my puppet today!”
“I’m no one’s puppet. I’m enjoying myself because I get to dress up, dance with you, and learn about a new skill of yours.”
He stopped your swaying with a halt, and you could feel his once icy hand in yours growing hotter by the second. His grip tightened as if to warn you he might hurt you with a squeeze, but within a second, it softened, and he let go momentarily to run it through his poofy locks. He grumbled.
“I don’t know why I even bother with an airhead like yourself. You didn’t even use the stamps I left so clearly out in front of you.”
You grinned at the opportunity suddenly presented to you. You hadn’t given him a birthday gift yet, and here was the chance to give him something small, but memorable.
“Hey Saeran...do you like the shade of lipstick I’m wearing today? It’s kind of purpleish..you know, a combination of red and blue. Like your stamps if the ink is mixed.”
He gulped, furrowing his brows.
“What are you getting at? I don’t care about your silly stage makeup I instructed the believer to do...”
You faked a sigh, “Sorry, sorry. I’ll make sure to get on that last bit right now about the stamps, since we’re no longer dancing.”
Without hesitation, you took him by the open sides of his striking suit jacket, pulling him to you to turn and plant a quick but firm kiss on his cheek. You then let him go, drinking in his wide eyed blushy appearance, raising his hand to touch the prominent lipstick mark you left on him. He wiped the area as if to show he didn’t like it, only to look down at the swipe of purple on his fingertips.
“See there? A stamp! And there’s more where that came from~”
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Soo, here is the oneshot for the angst anon! 
No happy end, which really broke my heart and I may or may not have been crying, while writing most of it :) 
I kind of set it after Seven’s route and the SE’s
This was actually the first time for me to write angsty angst, so I really hope it turned out alright and you guys like it!
(also, I don't know why Tumblr won't let me add proper paragraphs the way I want, but... I guess it is what it is now 🙃)
TW: Injuries, blood, death
“You wont die... Not on my watch!”
Seven x MC
It surely felt like the universe seemed to finally be on Saeyoung's side, seeing how things had progressed in the past couple of months. Him and Vanderwood got out of the agency, and his former supervisor still showed up from time to time. He always claimed it was to make sure that the three troublemakers were still alive, but it was no real secret, that he had grown quite fond of all of them. No one ever said it out loud, though.
Then there was his twin, who was doing way better at that point. Saeran wasn't a big fan of crowds or outings with the rest of the RFA, but he opened up a lot more to his brother and you. It always warmed the redheads heart whenever he saw the two most important people in his life interact and even laugh together.
And you... There were no words to describe just how happy he was about having you at his side. No matter what he'd went through, and also put you through at the same time, you were always there, never letting him face things alone and you always seemed to know exactly when he needed you the most. Saeyoung was convinced that you were actually an angel. Sometimes it still felt like a dream to him that you two were engaged and already planning your wedding. 
Although one thing still had to be dealt with and that was his father. No one knew what the prime minister could and would do, if he got his hands on the twins. But it had been kind of quiet for a while and that's why he wasn't too worried for the moment. He'd definitely deal with it later, though.
For now he wanted to enjoy a nice night out with his closest friends and the love of his life. Everyone had gathered at a nice restaurant and later on went to a somewhat hole in the wall bar afterwards. After all it had been quite some time since they all managed to find a date where everyone was free to meet up. The only one that didn't join was Saeran, who wasn't yet up for those kinds of shenanigans, which they all understood and respected
It was already rather late at night, when it was decided that it was probably time to head home and you and Saeyoung were the first ones to leave the bar, telling the others you'd wait for them outside, because you were getting kind of hot due to the alcohol you've had and wanted to get some fresh air. So of course your fiancé accompanied you. You were in an amazing mood after spending the night with the people closest to you and were giggling when Saeyoung decided to grab your left hand and press a kiss to your engagement ring, before he spun you around, his eyes gleaming with pure adoration when he saw the glee on your face and your wide smile. He'd never get enough of it.
  He was so lost in his thoughts, that he noticed too late how your expression changed, as you glanced behind him. From confusion, to shock and then panic when you saw a man in a suit suddenly pointing a gun at him. Just when he turned around to see what caused you to panic, you were already standing in front of him, back facing him. A loud shot rang in his ears, eyes going wide in sheer horror. Your body slumped into his and he quickly wrapped his arms around your waist to steady you, though you two still sank to the ground.
The man was cursing quietly about missing his target and that they'd come back for the bastard, before he disappeared into a dark alley. Just as the rest of their group came rushing out, to see what the loud noise had been. But everyone stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the scene before them.
Saeyoung carefully laid you down on the ground, hands trembling as his gaze glided over your form and he saw the blood seeping out of your abdomen, dying your shirt crimson. "No, no, no...", he muttered and quickly applied pressure, forcing himself not to pull back, even when you whimpered at the added pain the pressure caused. He just needed to to stop the bleeding! "Call an ambulance, damnit!" Jumin was the first one to snap out of his state of shock and quickly grabbed his phone to do as he told.
"I-I'm gonna die, right?", you managed to press out, voice already weak and tears were rolling down your cheeks.
"You won't die... Not on my watch. You just gotta hold on a bit longer, okay? Y-you're gonna be fine."
Having worked for the agency meant he knew exactly how critical the entire situation was, especially if the bullet hit some of your organs, and with just how much blood you were losing, he was praying that the ambulance would show up quickly.
Once he noticed how your eyes constantly closed, no matter how much effort you put into trying to keep them open, he felt raw panic bubble up inside of himself and he shook you lightly. "Hey, no! Babe, look at me... You need to stay awake, you hear me? W-we still n-need to get married... And we w-wanted to take Saeran on a vacation, remember? Please... Please hold on."
Your body felt weak and all you really noticed was how tired you were, not even really registering the pain anymore. It took you a lot of effort to raise your hand and brush your fingertips against his cheek, at the same time you forced a small smile to your lips. "I love you...", you whispered, your hand already falling back down, too drained to keep it up any longer.
"I love you, too. I love you more than anything and that's why you have to stay with me, okay? You have to-", Saeyoung got cut off by a choked sob.
His entire body was trembling as he saw how your eyes became dull, all color seemingly left your skin and your eyelids slowly fell shut.
"Y/N! Don't leave me... please wake up. You have to!", he cried and pressed you close to his chest. He was pleading over and over again for you to open your eyes praying that you'd be fine, but deep down he knew that it was too late. All he could do at that point was cling to your lifeless body, face buried in your hair, as tears streamed down his face.
He didn't notice anything around him. Not how Yoosung was crying behind you two, how Jaehee was still frozen in shock and unable to believe what was happening, or how Zen had put a hand on his shoulder and talked to him. Nor did he hear the sirens of the ambulance or saw the flashing lights of it.
Only when they had to basically pry him off of you, did the redhead somewhat snap out of it, and all of a sudden it felt like all strength left his body and he could only watch how the medics took your pulse, though there was nothing they could do for you anymore. He watched as they put your unmoving form into the vehicle, his sight blurred by the tears that were still falling.
The person that meant most to him was dead. And it was his fault. Because he had been too sure of himself and his abilities. He should've been more careful, should've payed more attention to everything... Then you would've surely still been alive. Now he'd never get to hear your laugh again, see your bright smile, feel your gentle touch, hear your soothing voice, wake up and fall asleep with you in his arms...
You were gone and it was all his fault.
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lunarmessenger · 3 years
hi!! i wonder if i could request a one shot angst with saeyoung. so mc have a huge anxiety and she always closed up everything even after she's with saeyoung. one day when saeyoung snapped at her out of stress, she end up missing for like around two weeks without any traces even saeran cant help saeyoung to find her
after searching for the whole times they end up finding out that mc got in accident and still in the hospital because her injuries was so bad and actually someone from rfa (u can choose who) try to hide this from saeyoung because mc told them everything
i know its quite hard im sorry 😭
ohohohoho anon you give me too much power for requesting an angsty prompt. i hope you enjoy, thank you so much for this request! I will have to split it into quite a few parts because otherwise...it’ll be much too long haha ^^;; - luna xx
p.s. sorry requests are taking so long!! the holidays have been insane, but i promise after christmas and new years i’ll go back to posting regularly!
warnings: graphic depictions of major injuries, mentions of hospitals, and mentions of mental illness.
word count: 1.9k
(pt. 2) (pt. 3) (pt. 4)
Hard Regrets (Pt. 1) - 707 x MC
Her nimble fingers switched on the heater as a cold chill ran through the house, hands reaching up to the small blanket she’d thrown over her shoulders. The soft patters of rain thumped against the roof of the apartment, the only sound competing with the rain being the soft clicks coming from Saeyoung’s computer and the flicker of paper as Saeran read through one of his many books.
She smiled fondly as Saeran’s eyes danced across each page, filling his mind with the story as he burrowed deeper into the couch. That smile faded as her eyes slowly switched to his brother, her boyfriend, the man hunched roughly over his desk as he typed furiously. Empty cans of soda and crinkled bags of honey buddha chips littered both his desk and his floor, causing her to sigh as she walked over to help clean up.
This project had ended up being one of his longer ones, tomorrow making it about two months since he was assigned the task by Jumin. She was used to seeing Jumin overwork Jaehee, but now that it was affecting Saeyoung the way it was...it made her anxious. Of course his exhaustion worried her, but he became much more irritable when he became fixated on an important project.
Within the past month he’d grown incredibly distant so that he wouldn’t have any sort of distractions, and that meant that she didn’t get to spend time with him as often as she wanted to. The last time she’d reached out to him he had glared at her, telling her that while yes, he loves you, he needed to finish this project.
“No distractions, MC.” She whispered softly under her breath, a reminder he himself had given her the last time she interrupted. All she’d wanted from him was a hug. She slowly approached, bare feet softly tapping against the wooden floors as she made her way over. She was a couple of feet away from him, stopping as she hesitated. Maybe coming up with some sort of excuse would help guide him away from his computer? It wouldn’t be seen as a distraction since it wasn’t selfish; more like a welfare check?
“Are you boys up for some tea?” Saeyoung didn’t move an inch, mumbling a rough no as he continued to type and click across the screen. She visibly deflated, the bags under her eyes from lack of sleep growing heavier from his rejection. He hadn’t even been sleeping in their bed lately; he would sleep right there, on that god damned desk of his. She was snapped out of her rejection at the sound of the couch cushions moving; Saeran gave a small smile as he book marked his page, placing the book on the coffee table as he stood.
“I would love some, MC. In fact, I’ll help you make it. Come on...” The soft tone of his voice was a nice contrast in comparison to the rough rudeness of Saeyoung, the weight on her chest slightly lifting as she walked with him into the kitchen. Saeran grabbed the tea leaves while MC weakly grabbed three glass mugs; despite Saeyoung saying he didn’t want any. She readied the kettle, pressing the on button and watching as the blue light illuminated the dim kitchen and the water slowly started to come to a boil.
“MC...I’m sorry that Saeyoung is...the way he is.” The sudden apology from Saeran made her eyes widen as she turned to look at him, parts of her long hair falling into her face as she cleared her throat.
“What? Oh, no I mean...I guess...” She tried to think of an excuse for him, tried to come up with reasons on why it didn’t bother her that he got so invested that he not only forgot about her and Saeran, but forgot to take care of himself. Her eyes grew hot with tears for a split second as she shook her head.
“I just, I don’t know what to do. I can’t be honest with him about anything, because the last time I tried he...” She started to visibly shake, the only thing keeping her together being the sudden tap of the kettle signaling the water was ready. When she’d interrupted him before he almost flipped the chair because he was so angry; her distraction had caused him to mistype due to ruining his focus; according to him.
The only people who knew how he was making her feel was Saeran and Zen; the thought of the two men’s kindness towards her when Saeyoung was the way he was when he was writing made a soft smile grace her exhausted face once again. Though she hated to admit it, sometimes she wondered why she had not moved on to either Saeran or Zen. Both men would treat her the way she deserved, and she knew that, really she did.
But Saeyoung...she just loved him so much.
The way he was when they first met; how he had tried so hard to push her away and he just couldn’t. Because he didn’t want to. She didn’t want him to either, and she stayed because she knew that he loved her. Something in him changed, she can’t really remember when it happened; it just did. When he got a new project it was like MC didn’t exist; and he acted like he didn’t treat her that way when it was finished. No matter how much she hated it, no matter how much it made her cry; she just couldn’t leave.
All because she loved him.
“MC...? Should we take these to the couch? Maybe I can read you a couple of chapters?” She was snapped back to attention by Saeran, giving a slight nod as he took two mugs and she carried the last one. The sweet smell of honey and chamomile filled her nose as she slowly walked over to Saeyoung’s desk, his body still in the same position she had left him.
“Saeyoung...” Her voice was soft as she tried not to startle him, her anxiety slowly building with the tension as Saeran noticed what she was doing.
“Wait, MC; maybe we should just leave the tea over here?” She paused furrowing her brows as she tilted her head and slightly turned towards him.
“Then how is he supposed to know we at least made him a cup?”
“MC—” She turned back around to continue walking when her foot caught on one of the empty cans, causing her to lose her balance as she let out a gasp.
“MC!” She tried to redirect the cup as it flew out of her hands, the hot tea splattering all over Saeyoung’s desk and computer. Her heart sank in her stomach as Saeran was instantly at her side, Saeyoung leaping from the hot temperature and the sparks that flew around his desktop as he yelled.
“Are you...are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me?!” His voice boomed throughout the apartment as he turned towards her, golden eyes filled with rage as he loomed over her. He was so angry that he hadn’t realized her hand was red from being burned; she’d managed to get most of the tea spilt on her in an attempt to salvage his tea. 
“Oh, MC...oh God you’re burned; we need to get you to a hospital.” Saeran helped her up but Saeyoung was quick to push them apart, getting in her face as he pointed at his desktop.
“Do you know how long it took me to figure that out, MC?! You’re so fucking lucky that I had a back up running at the same time because I swear to God...” His voice was low, teeth clenched and nose scrunched as he angrily glared at her. Saeran grabbed him by the hood, yanking him away from MC as she shook from his outburst. He has never physically grabbed her and yelled at her the way he just did.
She watched as the two brothers went head to head, noses almost touching as they screamed back and forth. It became too much for her as she got up, trying not to catch their attention as she slid on her shoes and slowly opened the door. The rain had started to come down harder, the wind howling as her loose bun instantly came undone and wildly blew her hair around her face.
She almost, almost second guessed her decision until the sound of glass breaking caught her attention, the mug of tea that was supposed to be hers now smashed in pieces by one of the walls. Saeyoung’s chest was heaving while Saeran got up from a squatted position; almost as if he’d dodged whatever Saeyoung threw.
 Those pieces mirrored her heart; that mug was one that Saeyoung had bought her when they had first started going out. A picture of a cat had been printed on it, the cat making a winking face as the phrase I meow you! cradled the toon cat. It was one of her many prized possessions, and he had smashed it like it meant nothing to him.
That finalized her decision.
“What, Saeran? Stay out of this!”
“Are you so damn selfish that you haven’t realized that your girlfriend has burned half of her body to try and save your desktop? We need to get her to a hospital! Now!” He quickly turned to where she was squatting down by the wall, pausing when he realized that she wasn’t there anymore.
“MC...?” Saeran’s brows furrowed as he walked down the hall, leaving Saeyoung to cool off as he looked back towards his computer. The monitor screens were black as the tea slowly seeped into his keyboard and monitors. The more anger that left his body the more he’d realized what he’d done, his body slowly going into shock as he stared at the broken mug on the ground. The pink heart was in pieces, the larger part covered in brown tea as Saeran’s voice slowly became white noise in the background.
What had he done?
This entire time he’d been an absolute shit to his girlfriend; the one person who had supported him from day one. He slowly shuffled over to the broken pieces, socks growing wet from the spilled tea as he picked up the pieces.
“What have I done...?”
“Saeyoung! Saeyoung she’s gone!” He slowly blinked, not even bothering to adjust his glasses and messy red hair in tussles as he put down the glass and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“She’s gone! Her phone is on the coffee table, and she didn’t take her bag! Saeyoung we have to find her; there’s a storm outside and she’s by herself!” Saeran was rushing to put on his coat and grab an umbrella, his boots clunking against the floors as he grabbed Saeyoung’s shoulders.
“Saeyoung, if you love her, you need to get off your ass now and help me find her. Now!” He slapped his dumbfounded brother, forcing him on to his feet and throwing a coat at him as he grabbed one of the many car keys hanging from the key shelf. Reality sank in as he threw on his sneakers, grabbing a beanie from the coat rack and tossing it on. He felt his stomach churn as his hand brushed against her coat and scarf, grabbing the scarf she always wore and wrapping it around his neck.
We have to find her, we have to find her.
I have to find her.
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rfamess · 3 years
RFA + V and Saeran at a party!!
alright friends. picture this: a party. what kind of party? that is for you to think about. i’ll give my 2 cents on what they prefer, but their behaviors still stand. If you’ve ever been to a party, (and I consider just hanging w friends a party as well... literally anything is a party if you want it to be a party) you know DAMN WELL you can find a specific type of person at every single function. we’ve got the corner standers, we got the emotional rollercoaster, the bitches getting crossed, the couch chillers, the flirt, the table dancer. you get the vibe.
in short, this is a (very) drunk rfa at a party.
- you already know this guy only drinks wine.
- two bottles; one red, one white (very bold) double fisting them.
- wine drunk is the best drunk lemme tell ya.
- he is just so relaxed. GODDAMN he’s chill
- he’s so chill that he could walk up to zen and take a drag of a cig. shocking. why would he do that? he would never do that! (he’s drunk bby)
- personal morals have left the chat
- definetly happy and very social. Likes to tell very good stories— and they are good. very funny guy
- total opposite from his work self, which many people know. it’s refreshing to see him let loose
- and when i say let loose i mean let loose
- oh, the function? he owns it. not only is he the life of the party, it’s actually in his penthouse. he literally owns it.
- he has the potential to throw a gatsby-like party, but he likes to stick with his close friends and colleagues. people are allowed to bring a plus one. the more the merrier. but not too many lol
- oh this guy? he’s a professional partier. balls to the wall type drinker.
- shotgunning beer, pong master, stack cup, ride the bus, shots, up jenkins. he plays them allllll
- very competitive. VERY. he gets really into it, but he’s not like a competitive jock type, he’s just very passionate.
- he will accept his losses with grace and dignity, as well as with a nice handshake with his opponent.
- his passion sometimes causes him some accidents. will probably bump into you, apologize and call you some sweet pet name, and then return back to his zone.
- everyone loves to talk to him. not just bc he’s handsome, but he is just so genuinely nice and can hold a great conversation, even while completely obliterated.
- he’s the kind of guy that goes around and makes sure everyone is having fun
- smooth moves. very flirtatious, duh. can literally charm anyone.
- ngl he’s probably also a horny drunk. he’s not creepy or anything. he is definitely very courteous and respectful, but sometimes he has a lot on his mind...
- you can probably find him at one of jumins gatherings, at a work friends house, clubs, etc.
- he also loves themed parties. he really gets into it
- he goes so hard.
- another themed party lover. especially costume parties.
- would probably show up in a costume even if it in fact was not a costume party.
- sorry, have you ever listened to tik tok by kesha? seven literally IS the party. “the party don’t start til I walk in”
- freestyle dances literally any chance he gets. definetly starts a dance circle— everyone loves a good dance circle
- he’s not a good dancer. he’s not bad either. but dancing with the stars is not in his future
- he’s wasted, but even if he wasn’t, he’d still be the life of the party. it just becomes magnified by however many drinks he’s had.
- very much parks and rec tom haverford vibes. snake juice episode. classic.
- he gets antsy to build things for no reason. tries to do small physics balancing things or maybe just do something productive, like cooking. he never cooks so he has no idea what he’s doing. will probably set the smoke alarm off, sprinklers will be going and people will be partying with INDOOR RAIN.
- that’s his legacy— the guy who set off the sprinklers at that party that one time
- you could probably find him crashing random peoples parties. he hears one going on in some apartment on the street and somehow he gets in and nobody questions it.
- you already know he gets DRANK.
- he doesn’t drink alcohol, the alcohol drinks HIM.
- he always goes over his limit. not bad enough where he’s incapacitated, but he for sure blacks out a lot of the time
- he’s kind of like a mix of his two besties ;) zen and seven. he’s a dancer, but he’s a COMPETETIVE DANCER. lol he probably challenges people to a dance off or contest. also likes table top games.
- he is prone to.... emotion. which is okay! but it happens
- once in a blue moon he’ll cry over something minor, but then start crying-laughing over it 2 seconds later.
- he finds a wii console buried tucked away in a drawer somewhere. he really brings it together when mario kart or wii sports resort gets pulled out. especially if it’s the sword play one. his find gets him clout at the party lol
- probably sees someone he thinks he wants to talk to... he overthinks how to approach them a little too much. but he’ll take a shot and go do it
- it always works out, he’s very friendly and likeable.
- he attends his college parties and always ends up making friends but he’s also hammered so he might not remember it much.
- probably wakes up in a random field somewhere the next morning. he is very confused.
- she goes to town on hard liqour. she can handle it alright.
- genuinely wants to fight everyone. not in a bad way, more of a “let me show you how fucking strong i am” way. it sure brings an audience
- people accept her challenges— she always beats them. probably turns them into drinking competitions too.
- like zen, she’s very competitive. she might lose her composure a little bit, but always self soothes and gets right back into it.
- 2 words: HYPE. WOMAN.
- she can get ANYONE excited about ANYTHING. always cheering others on and having them break out of their comfort zone (if they choose to do so).
- very big emotions. fangirls a lot. flirts a lot. a little dramatic, but she’s very entertaining.
- another great story teller— she loves to talk to people about the things she loves or crazy things that have happened to her.
- once she sobers up a little more, she is quite the helper. she helps clean up, helps people who might be throwing up. she’s a gentle care taker and welcoming presence :)
- she attends house parties a lot. usually her office friends, but sometimes zen brings her to his friends parties.
- she doesn’t party a lot since she works so much but when she does, she goes DUMMY!!
- very creative guy. he’ll have a conversation with someone and midway through he goes HOLD THAT THOUGHT!! because he’s had a little intrusive lightbulb moment. runs to go write it down or do a quick sketch then return to said conversation.
- if there’s a hot tub, he’s in it. he’s so in it. he has a glass of champagne and just sits. a lot of the time he never changes he just keeps his clothes on in the water. people question his judgement
- he’s not super animated like a lot of others, he’s more chill, but he’s also very excitable.
- he’s very giggly. anything could make him laugh.
- he really stays true to his hobbies while drunk too.
- photographer/videographer. but since he’s at a party and he’s drunk, they aren’t professional photos. a lot of them end up blurry. but a lot of them turn out great!
- he leaves disposable cameras everywhere so people can just pick them up and take their own photos— he sends out all the pics after they get developed.
- he’s definetly the type to go around making sure everyone is safe and helping them whenever possible. he doesn’t take a lot of time for himself :(
- he parties with jumin at his penthouse. they have a lot of the same friends and it’s a familiar place.
- he doesn’t go to giant parties either, mostly just friends in the comfort of his or someone else’s home.
- I don’t think Saeran drinks very much, to be honest. But hypothetically….
- he’s obsessed with making fancy cocktails. they are so beautiful. but they get infinitely worse the more he drinks them lol
- his parties are always with his close friends, probably at his own house. he’s more of a homebody. and the presence of his friends is very grounding
- he really likes to play tabletop-turned drinking games
- he also likes to make games up! kind of like true american in new girl. he’s actually really really good at making up rules on the spot and they always turn out super fun.
- he’s definitely the kind of guy you want at your party if you want to have a lot of fun just doing random shit.
- speaking of random shit, just like his brother he also gets spikes of energy to just go do something. he makes homemade ice cream in a plastic bag. he rearranges the furniture. he will learn magic tricks in about 2 minutes and then show everyone he knows.
- will try and flirt with you. like a lot. he’s incredibly endearing and gets kind of handsy. and by handsy i mean he wants to hold your hand briefly. both of his hands clasped around one of yours.
- he likes to do really harmless pranks. like so harmless that they’re just hilarious. he’ll take someone’s phone and sign them up for mailing lists they don’t want. he might replace a family photo with something else. or maybe just hide behind a wall and jump out and scare someone when they walk by!! PRANK CALLS. classic.
- he’s really funny. like really fucking funny. without even trying. and boy does he love to make people laugh. he’s comedy gold and a pro with the one-liners.
- after drinking he will fall asleep ANYWHERE. on the floor, in a chair, under a desk, on top of a desk, he could fall asleep standing up. all his friends have pictures of him just sleeping in strange places.
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asterjennifer · 2 years
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© @bloodvanessa on Tumblr
Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: SE Saeran x Reader
Category: Angst
Warnings: Arguing, Codependency
Word count: 2891
Author's Note: The Mystictober really drained me out lol. Guys I got your stuff saved up! But at this point idk what I'm doing for the time being shshs I'm just braindead-
Summary: As messy as it can be; there are moments bringing clarity to the surface.
It's just that it takes some communication for that to happen successfully.
“So..” She put her hands on her hips, the probable plan more than obvious. “You thought I don't know what's going on?”
He dodged her large-scale assessment, especially when taking hold at his body. Shame crept secretly between the door and the room as if he's forced to ask for it leave despite the stubbornness of standing its ground at the most unpleasant time.
Her jaw tense, she decided to first wait for his explanation before busting through the roof unjustified like it happened before. She's willing to understand the circumstances that caused habitual changes in the first place. Her wrinkle free stare glooming through the room must've been imitating like nothing else managed.
He let his head drop down into the palm of his burning, pale hand. Red strands of hair trapped in between reminding him how she started nagging at him to use the conditioner for the love of its texture. She touched it more often when feeling soft, therefore he tried remembering making use of the product he found unnecessary.
They didn't know where they stood; what the place was called they lived in. If it's home or just a hypocritical temptation of pretending it to be their place to spend their time in. He suffocated casually ableit regularly at a daily basis. She didn't seem to share the thin oxygen cut short whenever the slightest shift took place.
It's so familiar to her, he thought bitter. Like she couldn't afford even acknowledging the rather unpleasant atmosphere given the ridiculous amount of fear controlling her heart. Too many times and by now she's able to sense when he just pulls that cursed suitcase from the wardrobe.
He already knew the magnitude he had evoked once again, although he tried to avoid or at least reduce it. Regardless how much conflict filled the hours, it appeared to be an endless circle neither of them had the strength of leaving behind. With the difference he at least held the truth in front of his eyes by reminding himself of the flaws in between while she refused violently.
“It's the same as always,” He muttered back at her. “I want to leave and I'm gonna do it this time.” They stayed silent for way too long, his fingertips freezed down in the meantime. He'd knew she would throw the door shut when claiming to leave.
He closed his eyes to avoid the echo giving him an headache and instead grabbed one of the prepared shirts and stuffed it into the suitcase. Not the very first time for that to happen, yet every single occasion left the same anxious scars behind. He should've known she'd catch his wrist when continuing to pack up.
He sighed to himself as her nails slightly scratched his senstive skin. “Really?” She sounded almost shocked. “Again..? What have I done this time? Or what thought told you to fuck off..” As if she's seeing the depths of his mind, probably due to him spilling way too many secrets kept inside to prevent them from spilling over.
His attempt to pull away from her grip ended in vain; not because he's physically weaker than her. Simply because he's having no heart to actually hurt her that way. “We aren't good and you know it.”
His knees hurt from kneeling in the same position for ages, yet he kept his body still. Her hand loosened up occasionally, letting him know how torn she must've felt herself. “After all this work.. You keep thinking that we can't be together. Seriously..?” She's offended and it's her right.
At least in his eyes. He shook his head, turing his body to the side to find her standing taller than him. She just had taken a shower; hair still wet and curly at the ends. The water drops running down her neck, over her collarbone to let the evening sun reflect the orange light outside. She shivered when only covered in her towel and her lower lip colored blueish given the wamrth of the room's gone.
She's so very pretty, he found himself admiring her full being even though her eyes shot stares possessed with venom. He could've wondered how she heard him sneaking out of the living room into the bedroom to get his suitcase packed up yet again. However, knowing his lover, it's no surprise she's used to picking up signals.
He swallowed the thick lump blocking his throat. “It's useless.” She noticed him avoiding her after letting his eyes wander to the other side of the room. “Don't start the whining again, I'm leaving.”
She inhaled sharp, the same impact like she's smacked his face with the flat hand. Funny enough that she has never been once violent with him before. The pain he caused her despite his best efforts preventing her heart from aching let him feel guilty to the bone, every time a little bit more. She stood there at odds, stunned, even if it wasn't the first time the two had had such a conversation.
The grip around his arm suddenly disappeared, leaving him to cool off against his will even further. She pulled the hand to the towel covering her body, digging the same nails now into the wet fabric. “Is that so?” She asked, hissed if anything.
“Well… if even my words don't mean anything anymore then I guess I can't stop you.” That's new.
His head shot up by the words he'd never received before. Normally it's expected for her to either throw a tantrum and point out just how much shit they went through together; that it's wasted potential if they broke up now. And if she didn't use that argument, she would declare her love and need for his presence until it make his knees weak. That one ended mostly in a sleepless night for the both of them.
She met his confusion, eyes narrowing at his reaction. “What?!” Her defensive made her snap out, hair falling gently over her shoulder in contrast. “You wanna leave? Then go already. It's not like my words will change anything.”
The way she rolled her eyes had his body paralyzed. That's nothing he'd dealt with in the entire relationship, neither in theirs nor in any he shared before. It's overwhelming to hear the person you hold deep meaning and love for agree to your idea to abandon everything. It caught him so off guard he couldn't think for a slow motion moment.
Her bare feet on the floor caused the spot to stay wet, the longer she stood in the door frame the more water hit the ground. Although she'd been telling him to leave, her actions were contradicting exactly that. Was it a sign? He almost begged for it in the back of his head. His hand lifted in hesitation, should he truly complete packing his stuff?
After crossing her arms, her left index finger tapped in rhythm against her soft skin. Like a counter of some sort; showing the long seconds he's referring from doing what he's supposed to finish. He looked up to her, seeking any answer in her facial expression. That's when she raised an eyebrow at him. Motherly behavior, or at least what he imagined would it be like. She gritted her teeth at his slow pace.
“What are you waiting for!?” It should've been a question, however, it ended as an accusation. “Go, put everything in that fucking suitcase so I can lock the door once you're out.” She waved her hand at him in a «be gone already» manner.
Resembling a kicked puppy after chewing the sofa, he just gazed at her with wide, blue eyes. Was she that done? Finally had enough of his bullshit and the hurt that never died down thanks to his absurd personality? Was her pain so unbearable by now she's not able to carry on this messed up routine anymore? Did her love for him faded out due to his unreasonable actions?
Endless questions and as it seemed no answers in the near future. His heart contracted dangerously quick, taking away the ability to breathe correctly. His lips parted in panic, not a single noise fell out though. Awkward, he pressed them shut as he's scared of the next move being the one crossing the line once and for all.
Her shoulders tensed harder, helping him tear from the trance. “You— You are fine with that now?” The words left before he's aware what he's saying to her.
Her left eye twitched. With uncertainty? With anger? Out of frustration? Now when he needed it most he couldn't read her body language. “Does it matter..?” To the edge filled with poison. “Don't be a scaredy-cat and finally pull through with your shit!”
It would've offended him when speaking to him in such a tone of voice. Right now all he could think about's his heart that's about to bust out his chest. She didn't say she's fine with it; what imprecation held that statement? Countless thoughts made it difficult, almost impossible soothing out his situation to find the best solution. In the end his body reacted first to stand back up.
She followed his motion with her head, not a single change to find in her face. His chest tightened since he's unsure what it meant. “Are you…” He searched for the right words inside the room. “Do you not want me around anymore..?” She huffed immediately.
“Does that really matter?” Same question asked twice that evening. She took a step back to point with her hand to the entrance door of her apartment. “This is what you want; you get it. Where's the issue now!?”
His brows frowned some more. “No,” He refused to take that as an answer and shook his head. “I mean if you are sick of me now.” He's taken aback by the loud, desperate growl killing the silence of the air. She raised her hand and pressed it to her eyes in what looked like annoyance.
He noticed the unobtrusive, fading blue color on her neck he'd left not too long ago. Another strike of guilt. “Why is that important now…” The way she looked at him then sent a cold shower down his spine in weariness. “Get your ass out of my place if you're fed up with me! It shouldn't be of interest to you what I feel!”
“It matters to me..!” He yelled back, hand held with desperation over his heart unconsciously. “Of course it's of interest to me, you think I could take it if you want me gone!?” Another wave of nothingness crashed over their tangled heads.
She blinked surpsied by the sudden outburst on his part; no denying as he had shocked himself a little as well. Her body crouched forward as if to shield herself and it urged him to just grab her for another close embrace. “If you can't take it… why do you do this over and over.”
A justified statement which he couldn't defend. She lowered her head forward; wet hair still tingling against her now dry skin as she let the gears over her mind ratter. “Is it like.. a passtime? Some weird need for you to make me go nuts and plead you don't go!?” Her next questions won on volume.
“What the fuck is this for, then?!” She yelped, walking into his direction until she could push him by the chest. “Do you really enjoy making me scared all the time, to feel better about yourself or something?”
He lost on balance by the pressure, stumbling over the suitcase still spread out on the floor before hitting the wall with the back. “Your fucking ego needs the fragile, paranoid (N) to feel worth of shit!? I'm not a damn doll, Saeran—” He cut her by being the one grabbing her wrist next.
“You know me, don't you?” He pulled her face to face, keeping the eye contact intense as his own burned from getting called out. “Then you should know how fucked up I am! And how I— I can't help but feel insecure!”
She felt a shudder of fear rush through her veins for a brief moment. He reduced his strength a little; enough for her to pull away in case she desired so. However, she let him hold onto her. His strict eyes softened as his voice fell into a whisper. “You are too good for me.” He said what he usually were only brave enough to think.
“Can you guess how much I need that confirmation you feel anything for me that's not repulsion..?” She stiffened in his hand, he could feel it. It made him sigh the heavy breath he'd been holding.
He pressed his teeth together; fire of self-hatred flaming up and bubbling underneath his skin all over again. It made the vision of his become blurry, head falling down as much as possible to hide the shame consuming his emotions. He wasn't good enough for her. It showed by the current position they were in. He wasn't and he couldn't blame anyone beside himself for destroying the one thing he wanted to cherish rightfully.
“But… You're right,” He husked the words in a raw tone, letting loose of her some more. “I should finally fuck off for real.” He admitted the thing he'd been scared of ever since kissing her for the first time at the charity party.
Against all bones in his body screaming at him to do otherwise, he turned around to kneel and keep panicking his suitcase. It has been foreseeable that one day it would fail, yet he wanted to draw out that moment. It seemed hopeless from the very beginning and there he was again; wondering why he let himself get involved with her in the first place instead of walking away.
The weight of the towel being thrown over his head forced a gasp out of his lunges, now he couldn't see anything. “You're so damn lucky I love you.” She grumbled at his ear, closer than suspected.
His heart pulsed in the tips of his ears while she came around to push him back to his butt. Although his vision's gone, the feeling of her body curling up into his let his imagination do the work alone. She placed both hands to his shoulders, forehead touching his neck as she came as close as physically possible. She's even more cold than normally; it made him raise his arms around her out of reflex.
Keeping her warm was one of his everyday jobs for her wellbeing. She'd been the one pulling the damn towel from his head, hitting the floor next to them. She rubbed her cheek to his collar, telling him to also put his legs around her in a cross legged position. Her, completely naked in his hug killed more worries than he wanted to admit.
She was hypothermic, his hands running over her back and spine trembled by her low temperature. “You will get a cold…” Was everything he could offer.
Her hair smelled of the shampoo she used since years; familiar in the most calming sense. Feeling worse for having no selfcontrol, he reached up to play with the curly stands of her hair between his fingertips. “I don't care.” Was all she said.
“But—” Her nails tore on his sweater as a warning. Therefore he shut up. Not wanting to anger her any further. He looked over her shoulder, seeing the little bit of her shape by how near she'd been to him.
She then exhaled low. “If it's damn confirmation you need then ask me..” Her seriousness worried him. “Touch me, yell at me, fight me, fuck me, I don't care what it is. Just don't pretend to leave me..”
Her words chased blush over his cheeks. Too embarrassed to speak he decided to nod at her, luckily that's enough for her to relax in his arms. “Stupid boy.. You're really a pain in the ass sometimes. But I know I'm too so I can't judge.” That made him smirk.
He buried his nose into her hair, wanting to take in more of her sweet scent. “Hmh..” He hummed softly, running his hands up and down in order to heat her somewhat. “Thank you, (N).” Her turn to smile.
She pulled away an inch, hand to his red cheek with a bright look of genuine sympathy in her otherwise grounded eyes which had his knees wobble. “Now be a dear and carry me to the bathroom. I didn't finish showering yet.”
Doing as ordered he picked her up alongside his own body, still a little heavy after what they just went through. The redhead made sure to not stumble over the suitcase a second time and helped her back into the bathroom. Feeling both relived she stopped him from packing; yet ashamed for the blame he carried when it came to her never ending paranoia.
At the end of the day he guessed it's their nature. Or whatever that stopped them from parting ways and find a better path without each other. He's clueless what it could be, but he wasn't in need to find out anyway. Given she'd never leave without him the way he couldn't get by if not having her closure for himself.
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koutone-moved · 3 years
Saeran/Ray After Ending: My Thoughts
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Hey everyone! I’m not one to really go in-depth about stuff in here, but I really felt the urge to talk about this since Saeran is a character that is really dear to me and this After Ending was something that I and many, many other people had been looking forward to for a long time.
I’ll be talking spoilers about the entire AE below the cut, so please beware!
I wanted to start off with the things I really did enjoy. 
Cheritz trying new things with the AEs for both V and Saeran was really great, in my opinion. They could have stuck with the previous format of just giving us sneak peeks into the respective couple’s life after getting together but instead decided to turn them into complete story expansions that felt more like Secret Endings. The effort and care everyone at Cheritz has put into these storylines is incredible and they deserve all the kudos and praise. 
The chatroom format was a really cool idea and having the player influence the outcome was something I greatly enjoyed. Having the story be a romance/thriller combination was super fun and immersive, too. The prologue was a great hook in my opinion--it had my heart beating fast with anxiety from the very start lolol.
ALL THE SAERAN FLUFF AND CALLS, LORD ALMIGHTY. I ADORED EVERY SECOND OF IT! I totally picture Saeran being a really cheesy and adoring boyfriend, especially since MC is so precious to him. I think they hit the nail right in the head with this.
The CGs were BEAUTIFUL. I was shocked at how many we got for a 4-day story, and they all really brought the story to life. Huge props to Cheritz for the immense effort they put into them.
The first two days of the AE (though extremely anxiety-inducing and emotionally painful for most of their duration, lol) were super entertaining and how I had always envisioned the story going down. I think having the PM and the agency unite forces as the main antagonistic force was awesome, and I really wish the story had solely focused on them.
Now, the things I didn’t like.
The Rika drama. I totally understand why addressing and breaking down Rika’s terrible actions is important for Saeran’s story. But... why, why did we need to revisit the “actually Rika has always been a good person that did some bad things” plot point when it was already done to death in V’s AE and route? I’m sorry, but this makes my blood boil.
Rika abused Saeran so badly to the point that he had to split his personality into two different people to survive, drugged him into hating his own brother, constantly told him and made him believe he was worthless if he didn’t work his ass off 24/7, killed his fucking mother, etc. The list goes on. Not to mention: she broke and drugged the minds of many other people! Not just Saeran!
I understand that the story gives us options to call Rika and V out on this bs and it encourages us to do it, but... just the fact that we have to entertain the possibility of forgiving her and letting her get off scot-free truly, truly fucking floors me.
What really bothered me about this is that this subplot took an entire day out of the 4-day story. A whole ass day that could have been spent developing the PM-agency storyline (which, again, I truly wish they had focused on). It really sucked that we had to spend a day exclusively talking to Rika and V about the same thing over, over, and over again.
V. What in the hell did Cheritz do to his character, lmao? I don’t like V at all and the actions he’s chosen to take in regards to Rika and Saeran have always truly infuriated and baffled me. But, I’ve never thought of him as someone who would willingly hurt the RFA.
I was SHOCKED to see how selfish and twisted he was in this story, especially in Day 3. He said he would never try to change Rika again and hoped she would flourish as a result and become a better person. But. My good man, how in the hell did he ever think that kidnapping two grown ass adults and forcing them to be their children was a sane decision? 
I was truly convinced until the very last moment that V returning to Rika was a red herring and that he had a plan all along to keep her in check and protect the RFA. But nope. 
I may not be a V stan, but even I know that V would never act so selfishly.
The GE/NE resolution. It felt so rushed and is the main reason why I think Day 3 should have been handled differently. The truly bullshit thing that stood out to me about it was how a short confrontation with the illegitimate son he gives no shits about is enough for the PM to have a change of heart. LOL. The corrupt, greedy prime minister that has his entire life and career hanging on a line is suddenly enlightened on his evil ways and turns himself in. Am I too cynical for thinking this resolution is stupid and makes no sense? I know at this point it was basically impossible for him to not get arrested, but I really didn’t buy this and it felt like cop-out from Cheritz’s part, writing-wise.
How Saeran’s trauma was handled. I know I already expressed loving how Saeran was towards MC in this AE, but that does not include this part specifically, lol.
I understand a big part of Saeran’s story is learning to forgive and understand to find true happiness and freedom. And I love that, it truly is a beautiful direction for his character.
I know Cheritz is not great at writing realistic trauma recovery for his characters--that was already apparent in Saeran’s route. But, I never found it so unrealistic to the point of breaking immersion for me until this AE. It just felt so silly at some points that I couldn’t even convince myself that maybe it was possible.
It’s been two weeks since he escaped Mint Eye, and... he is completely fine with talking casually to Rika, trying to understand her, and being in the same room as her? He is fine with confronting the PM and telling him he forgives him because ‘he must have a tragic past’? Really? 
Maybe he is just a better person than I am lol, but this was too much. I completely understand how someone could reach this level of inner peace and choose to forgive their abusers in order to heal. But. Two weeks. Although the circumstances were different, I think the Secret Ending handled Saeran’s recovery a lot better in this sense.
In Summary: LOVED Day 1 and 2, hated Day 3 and 4
I’m sorry if I got a bit too rant-y on the reasons why I disliked the AE LOL. I just had many feelings about it and couldn’t stop myself. If anyone wants to send me or comment their own thoughts, please feel free to do so!! I would love to read some different perspectives. 
I don’t hate the AE as whole, but it really let me down in some big ways. I’ll probably try to replay it in the future and see if I change my mind about some aspects about it, though. It’s sad to say this, but V’s AE left me feeling more fulfilled in some regards than this lol. I really wish Saeyoung would have had more involvement in the story, too.
I did love the very final epilogue for both the GE and NE, which was the main thing I was hoping for--so there’s that, I guess.
Anyways, thank you so much for reading!
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MC cuddling with RFA+trio and she's laying down with her head on their chest. When they end up almost falling asleep, she asks them if they're hungry, since their stomach is literally covering the soothing sound of their heartbeat
LMAO that’s so good pft also imma try a new sort of, style? To not use bullet points and make it look ✨prettier✨ but just tell me which style you prefer
RFA+minor trio’s reaction to their stomach growling when they’re cuddling with the MC (that’s a long ass title lmao)
-He loves cuddling with you!
-Zen adores when you fall asleep and how peaceful you look, he just loves how cute you are
-One day, you were falling asleep on ya boi while watching some TV. When you kept hearing Zen’s stomach growl. You tried to ignore it but it just kept going and going, and you were honestly wide awake now.
-You decided to confront your boyfriend about it, and you quickly sat up, scaring Zen a bit, and then you asked if he wanted some food since his stomach was growling a bit.
-Zen was taken aback for a bit but then he laughed and said that yes, he was actually really hungry. And then he apologized for waking you up, of course. You smiled and walked over to the kitchen, and cooked him some food. Zen gratefully smiled and kissed your forehead and then you cuddled again.
-Thankfully afterwards you could sleep in peace (kind of) after he had some nice food!
-He was always laying on top of you, but he also enjoyed it when you laid on top of him!
-It made his heart go all crazy, so the first few times you loved teasing about how you could heart his heart beating super fast (making him blush and his heart beat even faster)
-As time passed he did get used to it though, and he honestly loved when you laid on his chest and fell asleep.
-One day, while you were on the couch watching some TV, you were laying on Yoosung’s chest, and you were about to fall asleep when you suddenly jumped at the sound of your boyfriend’s stomach
-Yoosung screamed a bit too, since you scared the crap out of him, but then you calmed him down and explained that you just got scared at the sound of his tummy growling
-Yoosung immediately blushed and stuttered a response, but you just laughed and asked if he wanted some food. He shyly nodded and you kissed him before quickly grabbing his hand and leading him to the kitchen, so the both of you could eat!
-You were both laying in bed, listening to Zen’s music
-Jaehee liked when you laid on top of her chest, it made her feel so happy and she loved running her fingers through your hair
-As you were falling asleep, the two of you, really, you suddenly heard her tummy growl and you smirked up at her, asking if she wanted some food
-Jaehee blushed and sheepishly smiled, confessing that she was actually super hungry
-She honestly found the situation a bit funny, since you were trying to sleep, and her tummy kept you up
-The two of you went to the kitchen and ate some cupcakes you had made the day before, and you lay cuddling while eating them!
-He doesn’t want to wake you up pft
-He’s so hungry
-But it’s like when your pet suddenly lays on top of you? That you can’t move? Because you just don’t want them to go away?
-Jumin felt like that. He didn’t want to get up and eat, because he wanted to feel you laying there longer
-Then you fluttered your eyes open, and sleepily glanced up at Jumin. “Hey...Jumin...?” You asked.
-“Yes love? Is anything wrong?” You shook your head. “Jumin it’s just...are you hungry? Your stomach keeps rumbling.”
-Jumin looked at you, shocked and a bit embarassed but then he laughed. “Yes..I acutally am. I’m sorry love, did my growling wake you up?”
-You chuckled and nodded yes, and then you buried your face on his chest, saying that you still wanted to hug him though
-So the two of you (you hugging Jumin from behind) went to the kitchen and made some delicious pancakes, letting the poor boy eat (he was really hungry)
-So when you told him about his tummy growling waking you up, he acted confused.
-“Saeyouuuungggg, really! It’s keeping me up. Do you want some food?”
-“I don’t hear anything. Oh wait! That! That’s my stomach hungry for the blood of my enemies.”
-“Do you want a bagel?”
-“I want a bagel.”
-He’s so embarassed
-His face is Saeyoung’s hair color when you tell him
-I mean it came out of no where, you were just laying there and all of a sudden you just asked if he was hungry cuz his stomach kept rumbling lmao
-He apologizes for waking you up, but you just laughed and told him it’s fine, after all, you can’t control your stomach rumbling lmao
-You both eat some really good food, and then you both go back to sleeping together
-Ah lord it’s the cutest thing ever
-I mean, he’s running his hands through your hair, humming some really nice music, but then you’re woken up by his stomach
-And when you ask if he’s hungry because his tummy keeps growling he becomes red and laughs, because he actually is hungry
-But he has the cutest face ever, he’s super embarassed, and embarassed Saeran is cute Saeran so we stan
-You go to the kitchen and cook some super delicious food, putting on music and dancing around the room!
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