#but imagine the 2 years of depression for Saeyoung
anas-tasiaa · 2 years
[ V after ending - Forgive/Judge ]
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There's one thing about V after ending that bothers me. Not to mention that the ending itself seems to be revolve more about Rika than V himself. That's one thing, another thing is:
Keeping a secret about Saeran.
At first, I simply dismissed it because I believe V would benefit from some alone time to gather his thoughts and regain his confidence. (This is before I realise V is also looking after Saeran.)
But after I have got both of his endings, what bothered me is the fact that V kept himself isolated in a location that was inaccessible to either the C&R company's security unit or even Saeyoung. I know he wants to treat Saeran's wounds while also keeping him- away from his brother for a while to lessen the conflict if they must meet face to face. But I'm not sure if it's necessary to keep his whereabouts and Saeran hidden from Saeyoung and the RFA. He could tell he'd need some time to recover and let go of his past while also assisting Saeran in his healing process.
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Saeyoung was the one who suffered the most! 😭 We've all seen him lose his grip on reality and almost lose himself, wanting to avenge Saeran's death and even considering suicide. That is not something to be taken lightly. He's almost dead! Without Vanderwood's pity and mercy, and the help from the RFA, Saeyoung would have died without even knowing that his little brother was still alive, somewhere far away. Isn't it better for V to tell Saeyoung ahead of time not to worry about Saeran and to promise him that he and Saeran will return if everything goes well? It would not only put Saeyoung at ease, but it would also make him happy that his brother is safe.
Not to mention that keeping this a secret would be difficult for Jumin. Jumin is already under pressure as a result of Rika and V's decision to "disappear" for two years without saying anything. Jumin now feels responsible for his friend's actions toward Saeyoung, and we can all see that Jumin is doing everything he can to bring Saeyoung back into line and prevent him from making a risky decision. I know that at some point, at the end, V will return with Saeran, all safe and sound, but there are many possibilities for bad things to happen if it is kept a secret in the first place.
Consider that if Vanderwood actually pulled the trigger and shot Saeyoung, or if Saeyoung truly took his revenge, everything would go horribly wrong before V's return with Saeran. Not only would this endanger Saeyoung's life, but it would also result in Saeran losing his brother for the second time. Saeyoung has been depressed for two years, not making any jokes and living an empty life, just going through the motions of life like an emotionless human.
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oatmealcookie02 · 4 years
Choi’s parents (headcanons based on some game facts~)
NOTE! I’m not trying to justify twins’ mother’s actions; i’m trying to find a reason why she became like this. Please, don’t abuse your children^^
“CM” - Mother Choi (i don’t wanna use “MC” xD) “PM” - Prime Minister (their dad)
We know almost nothing about CM - we can only suggest that her hair is red (bc PM’s hair is shown to be different color), which is a really rare hair color (*laughs in V*). That fact made me think that CM might’ve been a foreigner. 
I imagine her being that typical young and naive girl who thought that she’ll find a place in live and bright future by moving in different country. That decision would probably upset her family (if she had one) and make them being in bad relashionship with her (if they weren’t already).
Now to the soon-to-be prime minister. You know, I really doubt that PM would bang just any call-girl (that would be dangerous for his reputation - he already has family; also he would’ve hired professionals, who wouldn’t get pregante that easily) and he DEFINETLY hadn’t sex just with some random alcoholic psycho woman.  That’s why I think that PM could’ve meet CM at work - you know, basic set up, a boss and their assistant. 
He’s a handsome and charming accomplished man, she’s a beautiful, exotic (idk her nationality but if she did had red hair...), and very naive young woman. PM is super cunning (i mean, he is a politician) so it would probably take just a couple of weeks flirting for CM to fall for him. PM planned just a quick affair but whoops she got pregnant.
As someone naive she just told PM about this “problem”, hoping to resolve it somehow; the best way for PM to deal with it would be just killing CM - she’s alone, no family or good friends, no one will think about it much. But CM somehow learned about it or just managed to escape the trap; either way, she tried to hide.
She felt heartbroken but she still decided to keep the child. Maybe she tried to prove something to herself, maybe an abortion was against her morals, maybe she just tried to be optimistic; but she took the courage, found some underpaid job (she still had to hide from PM so being officially employed would be dangerous for her). She started to save money, found some cheap house, and was preparing for a baby but whoops buy one - get one for free! You got twins, baby!
Even if she had what one child needed, she couldn’t afford two of them! But what other choice does she have now? She had to try to raise two babies.
Of course, she had to quit her job - there’s no way you can work having two infants alone. Raising children is expensive, hiring nanny is expensive, living is expensive. And since she couldn’t find a job, the only way to get money was to manipulate PM. CM probably thought that once kids grow up a bit and she’ll be able to work she’ll stop this at once, but... that never happened.
Poverty, hunger, constant stress, loneliness, paranoya (bc of possibility that PM will find them), postpartum depression, all that couldn’t but effect CM’s mental health. She tried her best raising kids, she loved them of course, but she was becoming more and more unstable. Eventually (i think at twins’ age of 2-3) she began to drink alcohol, sometimes throw a tantrum at her kids. A few years later she lost her mind completely, starting to abuse them and constantly being drunk.
Why I think that she wasn’t like that from the start? Once again, PM wouldn’t get so close with a crazy woman. Also the twins wouldn’t survive that long if she was beating them from the start. 
More then that, if a baby is being raised without love&care then it’s a very high possibility that they’ll grow up underdeveloped and slow in mind; twins, however, have amazing mental capacities. Also, without someone to talk to them, their social skills wouldn’t be so good when they were 5-6 (we had a flashback from 15 years ago). //this is based on things i learned at my kids psychology classes in uni//
They might not remember this due to being very young or getting trauma from all of this; but I really think that their mother did care about them from the start. 
She could’ve get rid of them long time ago; they could’ve die from not being watched enough. Also a few short facts:
- Saeran once says “I wish mom would hate me too, then I could’ve go outside with you” - CM probably guessed that weak Saeran won’t survive that long outside so she never sended him on arrands (like she did with Seven); - While she was screaming at Saeran (that he’s a bug; that this worls isn’t made for the outcasts like they are) it looked like she really was warning him. Well, of course she was drunk and mental, but I think she tried to explain to son how things work (from her point of view) in this world. She basically was teaching him to survive, saying that he should just accept his position and try not to get in troubles (which is again, wrong, but true from her point of view). - Again with Saeyoung going on arrands; how did he know where to go? She might have brought him with her to the shops and all when he was still young (or she just explained where the shops are really well).
I don’t think that there’re people who just born evil, I believe that ppl who does evil things were just poorly raised or had lots of troubles in life, that’s why I tried to understand CM. 
Also, it does kinda sound like something Cheritz would make canon xD
Anyway! Thank you so much for reading this! It was really hard to write for me (since i suck at english) but I wanted to share my headcanons^^ If you have your headcanons on this topic and opinions, please comment (here, or in twitter, or in insta), it’ll be very interesting to know your position!
Thanks again and have a nice day!
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Omg. Requests are open. I'm so happy. Can I have rfa and minor trio helping their kid with math homework? Like these adult people vs. math. Thank you and have a nice day
RFA + Minor Trio helping their kid with Math 
Hello my love! I love these kind of requests and I was so happy to write it! I hope you enjoy it! Tell me your opinion!
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,,Mommy…?’’ a young boy called through the penthouse, getting out of his room and walking towards the door of his parent’s bedroom.
Just when he was about to open the door, the boy’s father quickly stepped out.
,,Mommy is sleeping. She’s not feeling well, did something happen?’’ Jumin asked his son and took him in his arms.
Usually, his son would play alone in the afternoon for half an hour or do his homework and then spend some time with his family, but today he was pretty long alone in his room.
,,I need mommy,’’ he repeated.
,,I don’t understand Math,’’ the boy whimpered, tears in his eyes.
,,Daddy will help you since Mommy needs to rest. You will be a big brother soon, that’s why Mommy needs to sleep a lot,’’ Jumin told him and took his son and went into his room.
Jumin looked at the worksheets.
,,So, Mommy is in one room and I join, how many people are there?’’ Jumin asked him.
His son looked at him with panic.
But then the young father had an idea.
He got up and returned a few seconds later with a few sweets in his hand.
,,Here, have one,’’ he said and saw how happily his son took the candy.
,,Do you want to have this candy too?’’ he asked him then.
,,How many candies would you have had then?’’ he kept asking his son.
Finally, the young student understood the question and with his father he kept working on his homework.
,,MOOOOOOOMMMMMYYYYYY!’’ a little white haired girl ran through the house, her book in her hands.
,,Baby, psssst…’’ Zen quickly caught his sunshine and kissed her.
,,Mommy is trying to get Hana to sleep,’’ he explained and kissed his ten year old.
He then asked her if she wanted to show him anything.
He was surprised when she proudly showed him her homework. However, everything was wrong.
,,Come, baby, let’s go over it together,’’ Zen said and carried his princess into her room and sat next to her.
He first erased her wrong answers and then slowly asked her, ,,Imagine you have to count the number five, five times… take a piece of paper and draw five circles,’’ he told her.
She followed his instructions and then looked at him.
,,So, now we have to count them five times,’’ he explained.
,,One… two… three… twenty… twenty-one… twenty-five…?’’ she asked him, looking at him.
,,Right! Twenty-five!’’ he smiled and patted on her head.
He thought that it was kind of cute that her solution was fifty-five.
And so, father and daughter tried to solve all the problems together.
Yoosung looked at his daughter’s worksheet.
Since when did children have such difficult questions? He asked himself and tried to look up a tutorial to help his fifteen year old son.
,,Okay,’’ he mumbled and paused the video.
His son was unmotivated, bored, and depressed that he couldn’t solve that one question.
,,I got it, son. Together, we can do it!’’ Yoosung tried to stay positive.
Indeed, Yoosung could explain the task and didn’t even fail at finding a solution. 
,,We have ten balls: two red, three white, and five blue. The probability of getting a blue ball is five to ten since we have ten balls in total and five balls which are blue,’’ he explained and drew a picture.
His son nodded as he began to understand what his father tried to tell him.
Half an hour later, they finally finished with the homework.
,,You were good! I will give you a cookie for your hard work!’’ Yoosung praised.
Since then, his son always asked his father for help when there was something that he didn’t understand in his homework.
,,I feel as if I am in school again,’’ he whined one night at you while you giggled.
,,Oh dear,’’ you sighted as you looked at the question over and over again.
You hated these kinds of questions.
You were just as depressed as your daughter.
Spending half an hour on a question with only three points, wasn’t the best start.
Luckily, Jaehee saw that both of you were helpless and quickly joined you on this beautiful Saturday afternoon.
,,So, you have these three lines and they are parallel, aren’t they?’’ she asked both of you and quickly could tell you what the task was about.
Indeed, this seemed to be pretty easy for Jaehee.
,,Okay, you will be in charge of math and I will take over everything else. Just don’t make me work on math ever again!’’ you laughed and got up, ready to go for a walk with your beautiful family after working on the hard question for such a long time.
You expected Saeyoung to be good in math.
But you never thought that he would be that good.
You just spend half an hour on a single task, reading and reading the same question over and over again.
However, you didn’t understand anything.
Your twin girls looked at you.
,,Yesterday you said that mom knows everything,’’ one of your red haired angels told you.
You didn’t want to disappoint them, but for god’s sake, this single question was making you nervous.
It was as if someone would tell you that the sun is yellow and the house is green and ask you how long they took to build up the city.
,,I am home!’’ Saeyoung said after coming home, kissing his girl’s heads and your soft lips.
With a glance, he looked at the topic of his children’s homework.
,,I love this topic! LOLOL, this answer here is wrong,’’
And with that, you demanded that he explain the task to you, his children, and at some point, friends of his daughters.
And you were really glad that Saeyoung was by your side, supporting you as a wonderful father.
This was the only thing Saeran felt when he looked at all the numbers of his daughter’s worksheet.
He gulped. 
He was good at hacking and he was good at math, but this was totally bullshit.
He looked at the clock. You were still away for a few more hours.
,,Daddy, you don’t need to if you don’t get it either,’’ his little girl mumbled and was about to close the book and put away her stuff.
,,Don’t worry, I will try it again,’’ he whispered and read the task over and over again.
He tried to write down the most important information of the question and wrote them down.
Step by step, he tried to solve the mystery until he succeeded.
Finally, the solution seemed to be logical.
,,Now, step by step, that’s their question and here is what they give you,’’ he began to explain.
The both of them began to work on the three pages his daughter had as homework.
When you came home, a big smile was on your face.
You softly brushed Saeran’s cheek and kissed your daughter’s head as their sleeping faces laid over their hard work.
,,I wanna go to mommy,’’ Lucy said. A few tears dripped down on her book as she held the pen with a trembling hand.
,,I know, Lucy,’’ Jihyun began.
,,But first, we need to work on these tasks and then I promise that we can go to mommy and your little brother in the hospital, yes?’’ he asked his adopted girl.
The girl looked at him and nodded.
Jihyun knew that the relationship between mother and daughter was different, but he never knew that there could be such a big difference.
And so, the mint haired man sat next to his daughter and observed his daughter’s studies.
,,Lucy, are you sure that 365 divided 5 is 74?’’ Jihyun asked her.
She looked at him and all over again she made the same mistake.  
,,Look,’’ he told her and took a pen in his hand and wrote down the question.
,,If you write down 365: 5, and you only take 36 : 5, you get the number…?’’ Jihyun waited.
,,Seven…?’’ she asked him.
Her father nodded.
,,So, we write down 365 : 5 = 7, but there isn’t a 36 in the multiplication of 5, right?’’
,,No, there’s just  5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and so on,’’ Lucy mumbled.
,,Perfect! So, below the 36 you write down 35. You subtract the numbers and take down the 15.
How often does 15 go into 5?’’ he asked.
Finally, Lucy understood what her father wanted to tell her and since then she calculated the problem his way.
Btw, it should look like that ( I sat 5 minutes at that question because I got confused)
365: 5 = 73
You rubbed your temples and stroked your belly as your son kept crying.
Suddenly your husband stepped in, asking the both of you what was happening.
,,I…I can’t help him anymore, Vanderwood,’’ you began to sob.
Vanderwood patted your head and told you to go to rest since you were already eight months pregnant.
,,The hero of the day will explain the question to him,’’ he told you, trying to make you feel better.
As soon as you stepped out, Vanderwood asked his son if crying would make him intelligent.
,,No? Then stop sobbing. I’m here to help you,’’ Vanderwood said, muting his son in lighting speed.
,,Look,’’ he began.
,,If you draw a point here, here, here, and there, and connect them, it gives you this curve right?
So now we need to use X to find out the calculation for this point,’’ he went on.
,,Let’s calm down and search for an easy walkthrough,’’ Vanderwood told him.
Indeed, the both of them found a way and could easily work on all the questions that were left.
Vanderwood tried his best to teach his son so that he would do well in the exam, which was around the corner.
And even though you couldn’t support them mentally, you decided to bring over some snacks and help them in your own way.
This was really funny, I used my mother as an example. My dad never successfully taught me maths XD I always began to cry with him, lol and I still do because I HATE MATH!
02.04.2020// 00:51 MEST
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error-what-blog · 6 years
Self-Induced Solitude (Part 2)
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People keep asking me to make a continuation of my story so I might as well. That last one cracks me up 😂 like I don’t find it rude or anything it’s just funny ahaha I imagined it in Dan Howell’s voice for some reason 😂💕
Trigger warning; self-harm
The following few months were nothing but a frustrated fight. After Saeyoung had left your room in a panic following your breakdown, he decided he had to get you out of there. He had to get you off the medication and away from the therapists who unintentionally confused you and caused you more emotional pain by telling you that he wasn’t real. 
He knew that there was no point in approaching the doctors at the institute and being like, “Hey I’m Luciel Choi but that’s not my real name because I’m a top secret hacker and that’s why you couldn’t find me in your records because I deleted my information to protect (F/n) and hey! Guess what? She didn’t need to be here in the first place!” He knew that they would probably consider admitting him to the ward. So he devised a plan to break you out of the hospital and try to make you believe that he wasn’t an imaginary being. 
Although Saeyoung’s intentions were honest and pure, he did not consider the fact that your mind had already started to truly convince itself that there was no such person as himself to have ever existed past your imagination. So when the time came to break you out, he was shocked when you still tried to deny his presence. 
“Go away! Stop trying to control me! I control my own mind, not you!” This was one of the many pleas you shrieked at him when he entered the room.
“(F/n) you have to listen to me. I’m real, I came back for you. But I need you to cooperate with me for a few minutes,” He spoke as calm as he could. 
“No you’re not! Just leave–,” Your words were cut off when Saeyoung clamped his hand over your mouth. His hands… they’re so warm. 
“You can feel me. Feel the heat of my hands, listen to the beat of my heart,” He said while embracing you, resting your head against his chest while he released his hold on your mouth and secured his arm around your shoulders. The action had rendered you speechless as you took it all in. You could feel the erratic beating of his heart, the heat of his body and the slight tremor of his entire form and as soon as you had transmitted that into reality, your body shook with sobs.
“T-Thi-This doesn’t make a-any sense. They told me you weren-weren’t real. I… don’t understand.” Everything seemed so surreal in a negative way. You couldn’t determine whether you were more happy about the fact that Saeyoung was real and embracing you as proof or more terrified that you had been in this place for some time that was not needed. It was in that moment you had finally started to feel rage within for allowing yourself to give so much of your soul to this man. It had caused you enough sadness and confusion to last well more than the year and a half it had been. 
“I know. I know and I’m so sorry. This would have never happened if I was more more mindful and aware of the gravity of what I was doing. But we can talk about this later. I need you to act as calm as possible and just stay with me. I hacked into the computers here and have ordered your release for today.”
After that was a blur, you had walked out the doors of the hospital and followed Saeyoung to his pristine sports car. Once your sat yourself in the luxurious car, you immediately started to cry once again. All this madness was over. You had gained your liberty back after six long months. 
Although you were free of doctors and medication, it most definitely had some severe knock-on affects in the following months. You had been on strong anti-depressants to make your days in that place more bareable and when you were in Seven’s new home, you had to abruptly adjust to no longer having anything to help you feel as though there wasn’t an emptiness sitting in your chest. There was one day where you felt as though the blankness was consuming you. You craved to feel something, anything that wasn’t this. Thus, it led you to the bathroom where you began to slide a blade against your arm. You only did it on one instance because Saeyoung had broken the door down once he realised you had been gone for an abnormal amount of time.
It was in that moment, Seven knew he could not nurse you back to health on his own. He had contacted a few places and decided on the best therapist he could find. You deserved only the best after what he put you through. 
Since then, it had been another year. Your mental state had improved astronomically, so much so that you had been functioning smoothly for two months straight without your anti-depressants, and you finally began to love and appreciate life; like the warm summer breeze that swept through your braided hair, the feeling of tranquility as your strolled in the park and most importantly the familiar buzz in the pit of your stomach when Saeyoung held your hand. You turned your head to him and gave him a dazzling, warm smile. You had never been so content with life, even before you met the hacker. Everything had fallen into place so flawlessy. Both you and Seven had returned to the RFA after various meetings with the group to explain what occurred over the two years you were gone. It came as a shock to all of them at first when they learned about what turmoil you had gone through but they quickly understood and they all did what they could to assist you. Daily chats with Yoosung about his day helped you appreciate normality, calls with Zen helped you recognize your self worth and beauty, conversations with Jaehee helped you realise your passions and hobbies, chats with Jihyun made you see that every little thing in the world has its own beauty and your multiple talks with Jumin showed you how important it is to have a companion in your life.
But it was Saeyoung who showed you the most beautiful thing of all; love. He captured your heart for the second time. However one thing was different, this time love felt good. You didn’t feel any dread or sadness tug your heart when you thought about letting the man know how you felt. When you sat him down on a random bench in the park you guys were at and explained to him that you truly loved him and treasured him, there was no regret in your statement. 
And with his follwing words, you knew that this was the start of a new era in your life, and that involved Saeyoung Choi at your side as the holder of your heart.
“I love you too, (F/n), with all that I am.”
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Pokemon AU: RFA+Mint Eye as Pokemon Trainers
Ok,I’m a sucker for Pokemon almost as much as I am for Mystic Messenger so I had to write this AU... I hope you like it (and sorry to the people in my askbox because this took forever to be made so is the only think I’ve worked on this week)
Credits to shootingstar03 on deviantart for the template for the trainer cards
Warning: This is full of spoilers, like everywhere and from every route
RFA Member Yoosung wants to battle
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Since he is still unsure of what to do with his life I don’t think he has a preferred type on his team despite him having quite a few normal types.
His team is mostly composed of cute and energetic pokemon (Lillipup, Buneary, Ambipom, Pachirisu) but in case of needing they can still give a good fight.
He caught a Rockruff because it was cute and with time it evolved into Lycanroc a Pokemon that is loyal and protective like Yoosung is to MC in his route.
Similar he caught Goomy because it was cute and looked like a slime (he is a gamer kid after all) and as they trained together it evolved into his most powerful and beloved Pokemon.
Pachirisu besides the reasons already given is very protective of its food and it reminded me of Yoosung and his HBC bag  
Lillipup came into his team after Rika’s Herdier died but after Rika dying not too long after he found himself unable to evolve it till he meets MC.  Towards the end of his route it becomes a Stoutland.
RFA Member Zen wants to battle
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I do know beautiful is not a Pokemon type but a contest attribute, the reason I chose is because I firmly believe Zen is a contest trainer therefore he hasn’t got a main type.
His family runs a gym and he was expected to succeed his brother as gym leader but he loved acting, singing and pretty Pokemon so he ran away to become a contest trainer.
Lurantis and Vivillion are Pokemon that look pretty and elegant so I think they’d fit him well
Munna is a Pokemon that protects the dreams of its trainer with its psychic powers so I chose it because of Zen’s psychic dreams
Arcanine, besides being a beautiful Pokemon this big dog is loyal and protective; Much like Zen.
For Gallade I have no much explanation, his ace is a beautiful knight on white armor (he probably owns the mega-stone too)
When he was a kid he caught a Feebas and kept it since he felt identified because everybody said it was weak and ugly. After running away and start winning contests Feebas beauty stat raised to the point it evolved into Milotic.
RFA Member Jaehee wants to battle
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(Confession time: I was very tempted to give her Meloetta because of her love for musicals but I didn’t want to use legendaries so I had to leave it out… maybe in the future I’ll write about RFA and legendary Pokemon)
I hadn’t planned her to have a defined favorite type but as the Pokemon were chosen the flying type became evidently fitting since flying is associated with freedom and her route is about her freeing herself from expectations and finding her happiness.
Throh is the Judo pokemon so it fits her pretty well
Noctowl, owls are known to be smart and this particular one along his pre-evolution is based on clocks as for most her route Jaehee is running against time also is nocturnal and this poor woman never sleeps.
Fletchinder and Altaria are both known for being beautiful and have pretty singing voice which I bet she’d appreciate in her team since she loves Zen’s musicals.
Swanna is partly inspired in the tale of the ugly duckling and it reminded me of Jaehee forcing herself to wear office oufits, short hair and glasses for her job despite her loving long hair and pretty dresses, probably when she met MC she had a ducklett and it evolved with time.
Oricorio Pom-Pom style (Caught by MC) Knowing Jaehee liked musical Pokemon and that this particular one is known for cheering up depressed trainers MC caught one and gave it to her as a gift.
RFA Member Jumin wants to battle
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As you might have imagined this man has mostly cat pokemon
Also his team is not very battle orientated since he is a businessman not a fighter and thought his team can hold a pretty good fight he keeps them mostly as company.
This rational man that is also interested on paranormal stuff screams Psychic type. Thought he only has 1 ghost type I think he might be pretty knowledgeable on the type since he is interested on magic.
Meowstic is the only female on his team (is a white female cat inspired on a domestic cat…so, basically Elizabeth the 3rd)
Alolan Meowth they are the pets of wealthy families so probably Jumin got a Meowth from his father who has a Persian.
Alakazam, since they are incredibly intelligent and with amazing psychic powers I bet Jumin wants one on his team…. Similarly grumping has great psychic power too.
Espeon is cute and thought not exactly a cat is pretty close. I have headcanon that MC suggests him to get and Eevee like hers because they are good friends and could help him open up… he wasn’t trying to evolve it, it just happened.
I already said, this man is interested in magic so a witch inspired pokemon like Mismagius is a need on his team.
It wasn’t on purpose but I couldn’t help but mention most of his team is purple and even in shades similar to his hearts.
RFA member Saeyoung wants to battle
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Since he is a hacker he has electric pokemon related to electronics like Rotom, Magneton and Vikavolt.
By the way he said hackers were like cockroaches so it seems fitting he has electric bug Pokemon as Joltik and Vikavolt (sadly there is no Pokemon inspired on cockroaches)
Beheeyem is an alien with the ability to rewrite people’s memories which is both very fitting with his personality at the beginning of the story and useful for a secret agent.
Vikavolt is inspired on a bug, a battery and an alien so is no wonder is his ace.
Plusle is not in his team at the beginning of the story though he caught it on his childhood. The reason is because is a symbol of the past he is hiding. As he and MC head to rescue Saeran Plusle becomes an important member of the team.
When they were kids Saeyoung and Saeran found the eggs of Plusle and Minun and decided to raise them; hiding them from their mother who didn’t allow them to have pokemon. When Saeyoung joins the agency he keeps Plusle but can have him on his team because is part of the past he supposedly erased but he always keeps it close because it reminds him of Saeran.
RFA leader Jihyun wants to battle
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This man has such a free and creative soul that I don’t think he’d have a main type
I don’t really think I need to explain why Smeargle is his ace; is a painter after all.
Maractus is quite evident too, this man loves his cacti.
Chansey and Audino are both pokemon who main role is to be healers which is what Jihyun wants to do for his friends, heal their pain and keep them safe… also Chansey is related to good luck which Jihyun needs.
I’m going to hell for giving him a Cubone, I know. But Cubone wears it’s mother skull on its head till it evolves into Marowak when is replaced for its own and since one of the biggest traumas Jihyun carries with is his mother dead he’d probably feel very close to this Pokemon.
He adopted Cubone after his mother dead but it didn’t evolve till his 2 year trip after his route.
Braviary is known for protecting its friends without stopping to consider consequences, very similar to Jihyun.
Mint Eye admin Ray wants to battle
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He like plants and beautiful/cute stuff so his specialty would be Grass and Fairy
Roselia, of course flower boy’s ace would be inspired on a rose. Also it has a blue rose (unattainable) and a red rose (love)
Mimikyu hides it’s true self because it wants to be loved and make friends, just like Ray.
His savoir has a Florges so he in his admiration for her, he adopts Flabebé (one with a Blue flower) and raises it to become Floette. He dreams that one day his savoir will acknowledge his hard work and loyalty and will grant him a shiny stone so he can evolve Floette into Florges.
Mareep, it cute and cuddly so he probably would like it, also it produces electricity so it becomes helpful in his job as a hacker; especially on the firsts stages of the building of Magenta when he didn’t have permanent access to electricity (Also sheep are associated with sleeping and this boy needs a nap)
I chose Chespin mostly based on the XY series rather than the game itself. Clemont’s Chespin was really cute and loved sweets which I think suits Ray.
Cherubi, based on the chatroom in which him consideres destroying the stronger branch of his plant to let the weak survive because when Cherubi is ready to evolve the smaller cherry dries up; (Also you know he has no respect for the 4th wall, so Cheritz reference)
Mint Eye admin Saeran wants to battle
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I like the idea of his specialities being somewhat the opposite of Ray’s. Dark is contrary to Fairy (which symbolizes light) and Poison (associated to death) is quite contrary to Grass (Plants are the base of life) but despite that the reason is because of how dark his personality becomes and poison for the elixir.
His team in this case is composed of pokemon known to look scary and aggressive but that tend to be very protective of themselves or their master (since he tries to prove he is the stronger by being aggressive to MC yet he keep obeying his savoir) like Houndoom, Liepard and Mightyena.
The choice of Type:Null is rather similar but I wanted to expand a little here. Type:Null was created by humans as a weapon and it resulted to be too powerful so it has to be contained by that helmet or it might lose control and go against it’s trainer…. Which is exactly what Rika does to him with the elixir… in a minor point is very aesthetically fitting.
(I was rather reluctant to choose this one since it falls in a grey area between being and not being a legendary but it fitted too well to leave it out)
Toxapex is also similar to the others but rather than taking the offensive this pokemon hides on a hard poisonous shell.
Zweilous two heads are in constant conflict and the one that gets more food gets to be in control of the body which reminds of the relationship between Ray and Saeran during this part of his route.
RFA Member Saeran wants to battle
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He said it. He is both Ray and Saeran so he keeps both of his teams aces and since he reached a new stage on his life so do those pokemon.
Roselia evolves through shiny stone. MC gives one to him after escaping Mint Eye since she knew how much he wanted one. But he is now free from Rika’s influence so instead of evolving Floette (which represents he relationship with Rika) he decides to use it on the Pokemon that represents Ray, thus Roselia becomes Roserade.
Type:Null on the other hand evolves through friendship stopping it’s agresive behavior when it meets a partner it fully trust therefore no longer needing the helmet. So basically when Saeran decides to leave Mint Eye and open his heart to love and friendship Type:Null evolves into Silvally
Skiploom, I kind of cheated here because this is based on something we learn about Saeran on the secret endings rather than on his route but I think it stills applies to him. Skiploom is based on a flower and a bulb and likes to float through the wind similar to how Saeran likes to be able to see the sky.
Lillygant, he caught this one the night on the cabin when he leaves to pick the flowers.  Lillygant produces a relaxing smell, gets along with other pokemon pretty easily, is very beautiful and loyal so when he found one he immediately thought of MC and decided to add it to his team.
Swirlix, sweet candy pokemon which reminds of cotton candy and ice cream is perfect for this guy (I know vanillite family is literally ice-cream but somehow I feel swirlix fits Saeran better)
Minun; the same as with Saeyoung. He kept minun with him all time after Saeyoung disappeared but after joining Mint Eye he kept it on its pokeball because the memory of his brother’s betrayal was too painful, yet he didn’t have the heart to get rid of it. When he starts working with the intelligence unit to find Saeyoung Minun becomes part of his team.
Mint Eye Leader Rika wants to battle
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When she was in RFA she was a Fairy type trainer because she wanted to be good and didn’t want anybody to notice the darkness within her but when she embraces her demons she becomes more fond of Dark type (even though there is only 1 dark type pokemon on his team)
Vespiquen, this pokemon is the queen of the hive which is the role the savoir plays at Mint Eye.
Solrock, I don’t need to explain this…you all saw that coming.
Shiinotic, it produces powerful spores that Rika uses to make the elixir.
Florges (Yellow Flower) this is based on the chatroom with V on Ray route in which he talks about the daffodil on his garden, Florges absorbs energy from the surrounding plants.
Absol, they are believed to be a bad omen and bring disgrace which is pretty much how Rika lived as a child so it became her closest friend from the day she caught it when she was a child. When she started going out with V she hide it because she didn’t want him to reject her but when she discovers V sees nothing wrong with her Absol it becomes a permanent member of her team
Herdier (based on Sally) died on battle. It was a very traumatic experience for Rika from which she never got over so the spot on her team was left forever empty.
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sweetchcolate · 6 years
It’s lowkey a pet peeve of mine, but it annoys me when people use the name “Seven” instead of “Saeyoung”, especially when he’s in a relationship with someone, and especially so if the story is set after the secret endings. (I also mind this when it happens in imagines/headcanons too, but eh, I can always change the name in my mind when I read it). 
Names are so important to him when it comes to separating his identities/masks. and he himself says in the good end that he wishes for MC to call him by his true name, and the identity he has embraced. Not 707, the eternally goofy memester, or Luciel, the cynical and pessmistic man who trusted V’s every words and worked as an agent under cruel conditions, but Saeyoung, whose brother means the world for him, who’s fascinated with space, and who still has hopes, despite his harsh life.
Another thing that annoys me: when he’s portrayed drinking (when he explicitly says he doesn’t touch alcohol, and considering his mom, of fcking course) or as complete jokester, as if he was only 707. Like... the whole point of his route is for him to learn to rely on people, and that people’s masks aren’t all they’re jacked up to be. Saeyoung is good at deception, has probably done so to every person he’s met since he joined the agency bar maybe V and Vanderwood (who must have seen him evolve from super stoic “sleeps 3 hours a day, competed his degree in an Ivy-league college in like 1-2 years, works like a robot” Luciel to a little more carefree “wears goofy glasses, drinks PhD Pepper and eats Honey Buddha Chips” Luciel. I say a little more carefree, because deep down, Saeyoung’s still depressed as fck), and he’s a genius: if it hadn’t been for the unique circumstances surrounding MC’s appearance (and for plot reasons ahem), who knows if Saeyoung would have found the resolve to leave and destroy the agency, to look for his brother and reunite with him, all on his own? Most likely scenario is that one day, he ups and disappears, the agency having erased all traces of his existence, just like they did when he was in college, and the RFA members would have known none of it.
...well this turned out longer than I thought it would. I still have quite a few pet peeves, but eh, it’s nothing major. Just things that make me frown a bit when I see them, like the points above
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chuuyazai · 7 years
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 followers.
Thanks to @waveringshadow for tagging me!! Thanks love!
Gender: Questioning...but I’ll go by any pronouns (preferably she/they but anything is fine)
Star Sign: Taurus
Height: 5′8″ (I think that’s like 173 cm or something)
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Hogwarts House: Slytherin but Ravenclaw close behind
Favorite Color: Any shade of Blue
Favorite Animal: Owls
Average Hours of Sleep: 2-4 most days because insomniac...some days ill go into a mini-coma and sleep for 13 hours though...those days are fun
Cat or Dog Person: Dog
Favorite Fictional Characters: Chuuya (BSD), Uno (Nanbaka), Mikorin (GSNK), Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Todoroki (all 4 from BNHA)(I couldnt pick just one okay?), Death the Kid (Soul Eater), Reigen (Mob Psycho 100), Levi (SNK), Luceil/707/Saeyoung (Mystic Messenger), Komaeda (Danganronpa), so...so much more 
Favorite Singer/Band: Imagine Dragons, AWOL Nation, 21 Pilots, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, THE ENTIRE HAMILTON SOUNDTRACK AND ANYTHING LIN MANUEL MIRANDA CREATES, also I’m going to start getting into kpop when I have the time lol
Dream Trip: Ireland...just yeah 
Dream Job: Being a surgeon but I’m going to settle for nursing right now
When was this Blog made: 5-6 years ago? I think?
Number of Followers: Somehow I gained fucking 8 more followers today alone so I’m up to 564...idk how though like shiittt I’m really happy you guys like me!!!
What made you decide to create this blog: hehehe...well...this started off as a depression blog because I was (and still am) very suicidal so  made a tumblr to help cope and I had the URL staying-strong-and-fighting and then slowly turned into a fandom blog by the URL unique-addictions and now I’m chuuyazai so yay
Tagging @kingshadows1001 @freezingdreamer @whos-gonna-love-you @eien-misui-ni-goodbye @shirooyashaa @a-chuuya @the-strange-fish @sassyysauce @sleepyshirota @jobei and whoever else wants to!! (You don’t have to if you don’t want to) Love you all!
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my-mystic-messenger · 7 years
since the topic of therapy came up, who do you think out of the big 5 RFA members really needs to go the most? V, Rika and Saeran are the obvious ones, so the deep story boys are probably my top candidates for really needing some mental health help (though really, they all do) and i always got the impression there's a lot more going on than we see. especially with jumin. i love him, but i think he's hiding some deep-seated issues. his impulsivity and step-mom's creepy behavior worry me.
This is honestly a really interesting question so I think I’ll attempt on ranking the main 5 from who needs it the most to who needs it the least (in my opinion, not that anyone comes attacking me for it later on)
1) Saeyoung
I feel like Saeyoung is quite the obvious choice but honestly I can’t stretch this enough. The fandom glorifies him so horridly, putting him on that strange pedestal of meme’s and space station weddings that they seem to completely ignore his horrid depression.
I cannot count on one hand how many times he openly talked about the wish to die like?! Is no one alarmed? Much like Saeran he grew up being told he was a mistake, that their father hated both of them, that they were nothing but a pressure tool to their mother as well as the fact that out of them both the mother hated him more and constantly tortured him and send him on errands like a slave.
If that isn’t enough for therapy let’s add the fact that he basically had to sell his soul to an immoral agency at the age of like fifteen or something? All of his bad experiences also lead him to develop a sadistic streak which I don’t feel comes natural to him but is rather the outcome of constant abuse from his very own mother.
I feel like people just love to forget that those shitty memes and jokes he always pulls aren’t all that funny but merely an act of sadism and a cry of help. This boy needs therapy, not a girlfriend.
2) Zen
I was torn whether to put Jumin above Zen or Zen above Jumin. To me they are pretty much tied but I decided to rank Zen higher, because I’ve went through very similar experiences and feel that to a certain extend his fucked-up-ness is a little worse.
Not that you can compare pain, but you know what I mean. For one he was constantly called ugly by his entire family. Let me tell you, that destroys your body image for life. It obviously did for Zen, because if anyone buys into his narcissism for one hot second they are blind to the bigger picture.
Trying to work against one extreme with another is something most people attempt in such situations. Everyone calls him ugly and ridicules him? He tells himself he’s the most beautiful person in the entire world to make up for it. It’s heartbreaking, really, when you realize he doesn’t believe it one bit. That he is constantly looking for validation because of his doubts.
It’s also most likely the reason he pursued acting and modeling. On top of that he was shunned by his parents for not doing what they told him to do, got kicked out by the age of fifteen, had to provide for himself at an incredibly young and vulnerable age and spent the most important and influential years of his life (15-18) in a highly probably dangerous biker gang.
More on my thoughts on that you can read here. As it is, I feel like all of these things would leave him extremely insecure and vulnerable and broken to the point where therapy is really the only solution.
3) Jumin
Jumin is my baby. Out of all the characters that are playable he is my absolute favourite and I’ve played all of his stuff religiously. Now me and my friends were just discussing his past yesterday and there was an obvious indicator that his step-mother, the one he called mother, tried to seduce him at a very young age.
There aren’t any specifics but we deduced from the info and wording and general time line that he was either in his late teens (probably around 16) or in his early twenties. Whatever the case such an experience must have been horrible.
For one, he never had a mother, whatever happened to her is still a mystery, before watching his father fuck his way through all the women he encountered only to end up broken-hearted. We know that Jumin loves his father and seeing that must have been hard.
Growing up without a proper woman in his life even harder, but to then end up with a step mother that was probably closer to his age than his father and then attempted to seduce and sexually harass him…I cannot imagine the impact that must have made on him.
He’s completely shut off for a reason, right? Who is to say it was the first time it happened? Not to mention that he was aware, even as a child, that people were only ever nice to him because of his money. He never in his entire life felt genuinely loved. That boy needs therapy.
I mean he openly discusses the threads in his head and how he only ever loved Elizabeth, because he knew she’d never leave him. After being left by all these women supposed to be his mother figures he has severe trust - and abandonment issues.
Not to mention that even his ‘best friend’ V called him peculiar and strange, manipulated him later on and allowed his beloved Rika to dig his claws into her. Jumin was fucked from all sides and even when he tries to help - take Zen’s route for example - he is constantly portrayed like the last asshole.
Especially by Jaehee which I honestly find slightly ridiculous, because fine, catsitting isn’t her job, but she doesn’t really speak up and frankly he does pay her amazingly well. She is supposed to do her job so I don’t understand why she has the audacity to whine and bitch at and about her boss in a chatroom like that. In the real world no one would dare to do that. You suck it up and continue working because capitalism is a thing. She’s lucky to have such a well-payed and in comparison to others easy job.
Anyway, what I’m trying to say, he constantly gets fucked over and insulted by everyone he trusts and loves. His father put two bitches he didn’t even know above Jumin’s needs. The very last person he could trust. Poor soul, give him therapy.
4) Jaehee
I feel like what she went through was definitely traumatic it happened later than what happened to Zen, Jumin and Saeyoung so it generally doesn’t have as big as an impact. I mean it’s horribly, don’t get me wrong, but something you have to endure since childhood generally leaves you more scarred than what happens in your teens.
Which isn’t to say that Jaehee doesn’t need therapy asap. She lost both her parents, her family obviously didn’t want to take care of her, she got kicked out during a hard time as well (getting into college) and had to fend for herself for years. Then she got into a mentally and physically draining job, because money was essential to survive.
Dreams were nice but they don’t pay the rent and she had to learn that particular lesson a little earlier than the average person. I feel like her extreme perfectionism is also a result of that. Like her family hated her so she desperately tried to be perfect so she wouldn’t be a burden to them, in hopes of them accepting her.
That way of thinking is extremely damaging though and I feel that therapy would be really beneficial to her. However, I also feel that while she would benefit from it, she doesn’t necessarily need it as much as the others. She’s a tough cookie. I feel like she might be able to work through it by herself if given the safe space and time to do so.
5) Yoosung
Honestly, compared to the others, this boy is fine. He suffers from major laziness and self-caused insecurity but if those are his biggest issues in life, I’m glad. Frankly, the only thing this boy really needs to sort out it his obsessive/addictive personality. Whatever he does he does it to a certain extreme to the point where it’s not even bordering unhealthy but past the mark. Rika? Completely obsessed with her. She dies. He falls into a pit of sorrow that is no longer to be considered normal.From what I gathered they didn’t become close until about two years before her death. You don’t get that attached in two years or at least you shouldn’t and even if you do, with the help of friends and family you generally work through it. Instead he replaced one obsession with another, namely LOLOL. Once more he drowns himself in it to the point where it’s unhealthy.Then you step into his life and bingo the whole thing starts up again to the point he risks his goddamn life for you, because he is so goddamn obsessed. I respect everyones opinion when they say he ‘grew’ as a person, but honestly I just see it as him finding a slightly healthier obsession and replacing his old ones. The only reason he powered through his studies was because of you. The amount of time he must have put into it I don’t even want to imagine. Probably too much, just like with LOLOL. So yeah, he needs therapy for that but not as urgently as the rest, because emotionally he’s actually pretty fine. It’s just that obsessive/addictive part of him that needs healing, the rest will come naturally.Damn, I went a little overboard here, but I hope I answered your ask to you liking XD
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
Saeyoung’s After Life Chapter 5
Go to Chapter: 1 here/ 2 here / 3 here / 4 here 
So, yesterday someone contacted me via Instagram and thought that the last two chapter got deleted since there was no link....I’m sorry I hope this won’t confuse anyone, let me explain: I write my writings in my Masterlist to show you what will come next and to make my life easier because just adding a link is quicker, HAHAH I’M SO LAZY XD and since we talk about being lazy....I was to lazy to correct this chapter, that’s why it took me so long, lmao XD but now I’m posting it...have fun my lovely Fonys :3 
Ps. If some of you memorized my Masterlist and got confused, yes, I planned to write a 6th chapter but realized that the last two chapters were really short so I put them together, heheh XD 
Saeyoung’s POV 
,,Please take care of them, guys...“ I mumbled and looked at Zen, Yoosung and Jaehee.  ,,Don’t worry....“ Jaehee mumbled. She was clearly worried. Well, I was too.  It was uncertain if I would be back alive after all.  ,,It’s kind of unfair that the trust fund kid is allowed to come along just because he‘s rich.“ Zen complained.  I looked at him ,,I would rather send you than risking my life there, trust me.“ I snapped.  Perhaps I was a bit too hard on him since he was helping me out... Hopefully I will have time to apologize to him after everything is finished....  My thoughts often wandered to my little family while we were driving in Jumin‘s van. 
,,Let’s talk about the plan....“ Saeran mumbled as he typed something into the laptop.  ,,We will first kidnap the man in black, his name is Lee Sang Chul.  He‘s the prime minister’s right hand and the one who followed us in the past. He was also the one who hurt Mc and the twins.... After we have him, we will interrogate him, that would be team A’s task.  Team B will hid cameras in the surroundings so that we have enough evidence.“ Saeran explained with a layout of the place.  Everyone nodded and agreed to it.  And so we followed the plan.  It was pretty easy to kidnap Mr. Lee Jumin simply began to talk to him and explained, who he was. The plan was to tell him that he was interested to work together with the Prime Minister. In the next moment however, Mr. Lee was dragged into the inside of the Van.  
,,Who are you?“ he snapped.  ,,You still don’t know?“ I asked and began to throttle him.  ,,Saeyoung, we need him alive.“ Jumin said as he observed us.  ,,Unfortunately.“ I snapped and tried to stay calm while the man, who almost killed my family, glared at me.  A bodyguard began to film the scene as Jumin calmly tried to get information out of him.  But the right hand of the Prime Minister stayed silent like a dead man.  ,,The Prime Minister will eventually go to prison, you won’t face danger if you tell us now.“ Jumin said.  ,,I....am loyal.“ he mumbled and looked away.  The man was depressed, I could see that it was pretty hard for him too.  ,,Why did you do that to my family?! Is that the way to show him that you’re loyal? Dirtying your hands with blood?! A pregnant woman? Twins?! Who the hell was loyal to us? We never did anything to this man! I don’t know and I don’t wish to know what my mother tried with that ass BUT WE ARE TRYING TO LIFE!“ I yelled. 
The man was still looking away, he actually looked pretty pitiful but I tried to ignore these feelings.  Before Jumin could say anything someone hit the van‘s door pretty hard.  ,,SAEYOUNG, JUMIN! WE NEED TO FLEE!“ Saeran screamed from behind, making me panic.  ,,Why?!“ I yelled as I opened the door.  ,,They found out! What will happen if they realize that Mc is alone without us?!“ Saeran snapped and tried to catch breath.  ,,Aish!“ I yelled and looked at the man.  And him?  But we couldn’t think about it.  Everything went quickly, five minutes of hell.
The prime Minister’s guards held guns up, ready to fire at us.  ,,NOW!“ Jumin yelled and all his bodyguards appeared from the hidden places, holding the Prime Minister’s guards.  ,,AT LEAST KILL THE DEMON!“ our ,,Father“ yelled and glared at me before he took his own gun.  I saw the bullet and regretted everything I did in my life. What if we would have stayed with our mother instead of going to Rika? Would I still have met Mc?  Would I still be a father?  What will have happen to my baby if I die now? To my two tomato princesses?  Who will snatch them away from me? Will Mc be able to forgive me for dying? Will she live without me?  I wasn’t sure.  All these thoughts hit me in five seconds.  Five seconds before my body fell backwards.  Blood was on my chest, my back was aching and my butt was scratched by now. 
,,SAEYOUNG!“ I heard Saeran yell. I turned to Saeran and saw how another bodyguard got a hold of the strong man we feared so far - the Prime Minister.  I looked at my chest, blood, I was soaked in blood.  Fortunately it wasn’t my blood.... ,,Why?“ I asked Mr Lee as he puked blood on me.  I stayed like that.  I was able to hear his words better like that.   ,,Because...I was sorry...I wanted to free myself from these regrets and wrong doings. I wanted the two of you to live happily...I really wanted to....“ he mumbled before he collapsed on me. 
Fear hit you in the middle of the night when someone tried to open the door, however mistaking the password four times.  You immediately jumped up, realizing that your reaction was too quickly.  You felt dizzy and were almost falling backwards but Zen was right behind you, supporting you like a strong rock.  ,,Princess, take it easy!“ he told you as he looked at you.  ,,Hid my children! Hid them! They are coming for us!“ you began to sob as the door opened.  It was over, wasn’t it?  ,,I MEAN, WHO THE HELL CHOOSES ARABIC AND FORGETS HOW TO SAY IT?!“ Saeran yelled as he supported his older twin brother.  ,,The word has a similar word, I just did wrong because I‘m not in my right mind.“ he laughed and looked at you.  The sight of Zen supporting you made him jealous but he was happy to see you.  ,,Are you well, Mc?“ he asked you as tears streamed down your face.  ,,Why are you soaked with blood?!“ you cried.  ,,Not his blood.“ Saeran snapped.  ,,Why are you supporting him then?“ you still asked.  ,,Because this idiot began to jump around and got hurt at his ankle.“ Saeran once again responded before he let go of Saeyoung.  Saeyoung approached you and hugged you.  You weren’t the only one who was crying now.  ,,J-Jumin?“ you sobbed.  ,,With the police...he will take care. Children?“  ,,A-asleep....“ you sobbed harder.  Your legs almost gave up but Saeyoung supported you for good.  This night the whole group decided to sleep at Saeyoung’s place, just to wake up two hours later.  None understood the fuss except for you and your husband of course. 
,,SHE‘S GIVING BIRTH GET THE CAR!“ Saeyoung yelled as he supported you.  ,,Saeyoung! Saeyoung it’s different! Something is wrong Saeyoung!“ you kept crying, clutching your belly.  ,,Mc try to breath, breath!“ Saeyoung comforted you and held your hand.  He tried to make you feel better but in his head he had completely different thoughts.  Was this what the doctor meant? Were unhappy things bound to happen?  In an instand Saeyoung and the other boys helped you to get into the car.  Jaehee went along with the two of you while Saeran had the task to drive a second car since the twins had to come along. Yoosung couldn’t drive and since Zen was in an accident once, Saeyoung trusted only his brother.  The girls didn’t know what was happening. All they knew was that their mom was sick once again.  ,,SHE‘S LOOSING TOO MUCH BLOOD!“ the nurse screamed as you lied down, completely pale in the white hospital room.  ,,SHE HAS NO STRENGTH LEFT!“ someone else yelled as the red haired father was pushed out of the room.  Saeyoung‘s heart was breaking apart when he turned around to take a last look into the room. He noticed that you were searching for him.  His wife longed for him.  This was the most horrible labor for everyone.  The medical support was at their limit, as well as the midwife and you.  But after a lot of complications and fears you finally gave birth.  And even through you still weren’t awake after one day and your new born boy was in the intubation, Saeyoung was happy because everyone was alive after all.  ,,How will you name him?“ Saeran asked when he visited his brother.  ,,Sang Chul. Choi Sang Chul.“ Saeyoung nodded. 
,,Yung Mi, Mun Hee, Sang Chul! Please stay here!“ you yelled as your 10 years old girls ran through the park together with their younger brother.  You were really afraid that your son could fall and hurt himself.  ,,Run behind them!“ you snapped at your husband.  ,,Huh?“ he asked you as he chewed his chips.  ,,You just don’t know how it works.“ Saeyoung laughed and begann to yell ,,OI! I HAVE HONEY BUDDAH CHIPS!“  You had to hide your smile as you saw how the children ran back to their dad to get the chips.  ,,Now, stay here, yeah?“ you slightly scolded them as you took your son up and in your ams and held Yung Mi’s hand.  ,,Mun Hee, take Unni‘s hand and Daddy‘s!“ she ordered and so like a family you walked through the park. 
This story is dedicated to @khaizusan. She actually requested a story where the Prime Minister found out about the twins, since she draw a picture with Saeyoung and the twins (Chapter 1) and so I began to write about it. I didn’t imagine that this would take 5 Chapters but I‘m happy that you guys kept waiting for me. Thank you. 
Tagging: « @khaizusan @sailormoonrocks666 @foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @widya345 @r-f-a-journalists @loveto-hateyou @sleeplesspieces @shirokazekikagami »
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