#i was like 'i need rich kids pouring some drama like good wine'
nikooktaetab · 2 years
Jeongguk und Yunhee tranken gerade ihren dritten Shot zusammen, als Eunsook durch den Barraum strakste, einen verwirrten Hoseok im Schlepptau.
„Komm schon, Hobi, den zeigen wir‘s?!“ „Yah, Kim Eunsook?! Warum fühl ich mich so benutzt? Und eher so, als würd man mich zum Schafott als zum Dancefloor schleifen…“, schloss der Dunkelhaarige mit hüpfender Stimme und sah sich verzweifelt im Raum um.
„YAH, JEONGGUK-AH! Hilf mir doch?!“ „Ach ich lieb‘s, wenn Hobi Hyungie so quietscht… Er ist ja so theatralisch veranlagt“, kicherte der Jüngste der Bangtan Frat, Yunhee hob ihre Brauen. “Da kenn’ ich noch jemanden…”, murmelte sie als Eunsook sich eine verrutschte Strähne aus dem Gesicht pustete und Hoseok herum wirbelte als ob er die Dame wäre und nicht sie. Plötzlich war die Ältere froh, dass Eunsook nicht in all-black gekommen war. Ihr Auftreten war so schon dominant genug.
Ironischerweise verlangte Ariana Grande über die Boxen lautstark nach Focus Eunsook warf mehr als einmal einen Blick über die Schulter durch die großen, schmalen Fenster aufs Deck, wo ein gewisser Kerl in einem weißen Anzug sich ab und zu den Nacken zerrte bei dem Versuch am Leader der TWICE Frat vorbei ins Innere des Schiffes zu sehen.
“What the…”, murmelte Yunhee und drehte sich auf ihrem Barhocker einmal um sich selbst als erwartete sie versteckte Kameras. Was für ein K-Drama war das hier?
“He Nuna, was, wenn wir behaupten, wir wären wirklich im Couple Look-” “-BARKEEPER! ‘NE COLA BITTE”, schrie Yunhee beinahe über Jeongguk’s verwegene, Alkohol-gesteuerte Worte und knallte eine kleine Hand vor ihn auf den Tresen.
Er japste erschrocken, strauchelte – und wurde von einem Kerl wieder ruckartig nach oben gedrückt. Der Neuankömmling hatte ein gleichmäßiges Gesicht mit einer stolzen Nase, mandelförmigen Augen und ehemals gebleichten Haaren, der Ansatz war bereits wieder dunkel und er schob sich eine verrutschte Strähne über den Kopf.
Yunhee blinzelte überrascht als er sie charmant anlächelte, es war diese Art schiefes Grinsen, die Gefahr bedeutete und ihr leider viel zu sehr gefiel.
“Hey. Na?”, sagte er und auch seine Stimme war, entgegen der einfältigen Worte, sehr angenehm. Yunhee warf sich schweigend das Haar über die Schulter. Der Alkohol machte mutig und sie war nicht gewillt, hier irgendwem leicht in die Hände zu spielen – nicht Jeon Jeongguk aber erst Recht nicht irgendeinem gutaussehenden Fremden.
“Kann sie nicht sprechen?”, fragte der große Kerl hinter ihm verwundert. Yunhee kam die Kante vertraut vor, woher nur? Der Schönling stieß seinem größeren Kumpel strafend die Elle vor die Brust, dieser ächzte und der Kerl grinste Yunhee erneut strahlend an. “Sei leise, Junhoe! Das ist eine der Amerikanerinnen… Hey, how are you? I’m fine, thank you!”, sagte er laut und streckte ihr eine Hand entgegen.
Sie presste heftig die Lippen zusammen, musste dann aber doch losprusten und hielt sich kichernd eine kleine Hand vor den Mund. “Mir geht’s auch gut, danke der Nachfrage”, antwortete sie spöttisch und fließend koreanisch, der Kerl guckte verdutzt – wurde dann rot und kratzte sich mit einem luftleeren Lacher am Nacken. Oh nein.
“Ehm, achso! Im Hanbin, hi”,stellte der Schönling sich erneut vor und diesmal lächelte Yunhee und es war echt. “Lee Yunhee.”
Jeongguk stand wortlos auf, sein leeres Glas kippte um. Er ignorierte es, fuhr sich durchs blonde Haar und verschwand über die kleine Treppe wieder nach draußen. Etwas landetete dumpf in Yunhees Magengegend. Vielleicht der Alkohol, vielleicht Enttäuschung, sie wollte es nicht bewerten. Die Kante folgte ihm und begrüßte draußen strahlend Tzuyu – ah, Yunhee erinnerte sich.
“Also, Lee Yunhee… erzähl doch mal”, fing Hanbin an nachdem er Jeongguks Platz eingenommen hatte. Yunhee wandte sich mit einem leichten Lächeln, dass an eine Katze erinnerte, die noch versuchte herauszufinden wie unterhaltsam die gefangene Maus war, wieder Hanbin zu und hob fragend die Augenbrauen.
Hanbin zuckte die Schultern und grinste breiter. “Hey, mir egal was! Fang an mit dem Inhalt deines Glases und hör auf mit deiner größten Angst, aber rede mit mir, okay?”
Daraufhin musste Yunhee erneut lachen und bestellt zwei weitere Vodka-Sprite bevor sie eine geschlagene Stunde mit Hanbin an der Bar saß und sich köstlich amüsierte.
Draußen an Deck amüsierten sich Jeon Jeongguk und Kim Namjoon eher weniger.
Dafür hatten Jisuk und Eunsook neue Gesprächpartner gefunden: Sungjin hatte einen guten Kumpel, Oh Hyuk, mitgebracht und Eunsook hing an seinen Lippen als würde Honig davon tropfen.
Er errötete gerade als Eunsook schallend über einen trockenen Kommentar über die Inkompetenz der Schulleitung und Hyuk wusste nicht ganz, wo er hinsehen sollte. Dann deutete Eunsook auf eines seiner vielen Tattoos und er drehte und wendete den Arm und erzählte mit seiner leisen, weichen Stimme während sie über die bunten Zeichnungen unter der Haut strich.
Mit angesäuertem Blick wandte Namjoon den Blick ab – und sah wie Jeongguk die letzten Neuankömmlinge. Die erste war Jisoo, die bei Jinyoung untergehakt war. Jisuks Lachen erstarb und sie sah über Sungjins Schulter in das Gesicht ihres Exfreundes, der ein blasiertes Lächeln zur Schau trug.
Als er ihrem Blick begegnete wurde sein Blick kühl und er hob eine Braue.
Sie machte ein komisches Geräusch, murmelte etwas von mehr Wein und stolperte unter Deck. Sungjin sah ihr erschrocken hinterher und musterte dann mit zusammengeschobenen Brauen die Neuankömmlinge, insbesondere den Schönling an der Front.
Mit drei großen Schritten war er bei ihm und taxierte ihn mit wachen Augen. Jinyoung regte sich nicht, hob lediglich leicht das Kinn. Sungjins Brauen zuckten, dann warf er Jisoo einen Blick zu und nickte knapp, wandte sich dann um und folgte Jisuk.
An dem führenden Paar vorbei trat Jennie in einem kleinen Lederkleid mit Tüll, in dem sie süß und gefährlich auf einmal aussah. Ihre dunkel geschminkten Augen fanden Jeongguk und sie verzog keine Miene als sie, ohne den Blickkontakt zu unterbrechen, an ihm vorbei ging um einige der Mädels zu begrüßen. Er wurde blass und exte rasch sein Glas um das Weite suchen zu wollen – allerdings Taehyung ihn auf, der sich in seinen Ärmel krallte und ihn mit steinernem Gesicht flehend ansah.
“Hey Taehyungie”, sagte Lisa hinter ihm mit kühler, glatter Stimme und Taehyung schloss langsam die Augen und wandte sich dann mit einem gequälten Grinsen um. “Oh, hallo Lisa, ehm, lange nicht gesehen!”
Währenddessen war die Größte von ihnen, mit vollem, blonden Haar, bei Namjoon und Jihyo angekommen.
“Unnie”, zwitscherte Rosé und die Ältere drückte sie quietschend an sich. “Oh my god Roseanne! Ihr habt’s geschafft, wie schön”, strahlte sie und deutete dann auf Namjoon. “Das hier ist der Leader der Bangtan Frat, Kim Namjoon!” “Hi”, sagte Namjoon mit einem falschen Grinsen, Rosé erwiderte es nicht und hob nur eine Braue unter den Haaransatz. “Oh. Ja, wir kennen uns bereits…” “Ist das so?”, fragte Jihyo mit einem hysterischen Kichern und wandte sich mit alarmiertem Blick um, las den Raum und schüttelte fassungslos den Kopf, “warum bin ich eigentlich so schlecht informiert…?”, murmelte sie entrüstet wie zu sich selbst und sah betrübt in ihr bereits leeres Aperol Spritz Glas.
Breit grinsend betrachtete Yunhee ihr gerötetes Gesicht im Spiegel der Damentoilette und dachte an den hübschen und witzigen Kerl, der an der Bar auf sie wartete und ihr die leckersten Getränke zusammenmischen ließ – wo war Hanbin ihr ganzes Leben gewesen?
Warum konnte es nicht immer so leicht sein zu reden, so leicht sein, sich einfach zu verstehen? Sie musste nicht viel sagen und trotzdem verstand er sie und irgendwie schien er immer zu wissen, was er sagen musste, um sie zu besänftigen, zum Lachen zu bringen und erröten zu lassen…
Vielleicht war in ihrem Bauch ja wieder Platz für Schmetterlinge?
Zuversichtlich trug sie neuen Lipbalm auf, korrigierte mit einem Zeigefinger und trat mit einem leichten Schwanken wieder hinaus auf den Flur – und hörte, wie jemand die steile Leiter zum Dach nach oben wankte. Sie hörte eine ihr wohl bekannte, hohe Stimme fluchen, und dann ein Schluchzen. Er war doch nicht etwa am Weinen und das an seinem Geburtstag?
Entschlossen und nach wie vor wankend folgte sie der Person aufs Dach und tatsächlich: sich am Schornstein abstützend stand Park Jimin. Er schiefte und schlug dann die Fäuste auf das helle Metall, das traurig knirschte.
“Na na”, machte sie bemüht besänftigend, allerdings lallte sie schon ein wenig und sprach viel zu laut. Erschrocken taumelte Jimin ein paar Schritte rückwärts und knallte mit der Hüfte gegen die Reling des Dachbalkons.
“Yah, Park Jimin! Fall bloß nicht runter!” “Sonst ist es so wie millionen Stecknadeln? Oder so ähnlich…”, kicherte Jimin, doch als sie näher kam sah sie, wie seine Augen verdächtig glänzten und auf seiner Stirn lagen Sorgenfalten. “Nee, oder heißt dein Schiff Titanic?”, antwortete Yunhee und stellte sich neben ihn, lehnte sie Ellen auf die Reling und stieß ihn sanft mit der Schulter an. “He, was’ los?”, murmelte sie sanft.
Jimin starrte auf die lauten, lachenden Gäste hinunter und presste die bebenden Lippen aufeinander. Fuhr sich dann mit den kleinen, beringten Fingern mit einem heftigen Einatmen übers Gesicht und stieß die Luft zitternd wieder aus. Krallte die Hände an der Reling fest und beugte den Oberkörper, ließ den Kopf hängen.
Es sah sehr dramatisch aus. Yunhee wartete mit hochgezogenen Brauen und blinzelte hektisch, als Jimin mit einem Schluchzer ausstieß: “Ach… es ist nur… der arme Gukkie!”
Panisch griff Yunhee nach seiner Schulter, bereit, jede Information aus ihm heraus zu schütteln: “Was?! Was ist mit Jeongguk-ah? Fehlt ihm was, oder seiner Familie?”
Jimin runzelte die Stirn, heiße Tränen liefen über seine Wangen und seine spitze Nase war schon gerrötet. Schniefend wischte er sich mit einem Ärmel darüber. “Was? Nein! Nein, allen geht’s gut, ‘s hat keiner Pest oder Cholera aber… ach, dass er überhaupt noch gute Noten schreibt, guck dir die Scheiße doch mal an?!”, jammerte Jimin und deutete mit ausladender Geste hinunter.
Yunhee blinzelte nach unten: inzwischen wurde auch draußen getanzt, die Meute lachte und bewegte sich wie die leuchtenden, pulsierenden Innereien eines großen Tieres. Der Pool beleuchtete geschminkte und zurecht gemachte Gesichter ganz bizarr und ihr wurde kalt – da standen ein paar Gesichter mehr, die sie nicht kannte. Aber ein Mädchen, in einem Kleid dass ihrem eigenen Stil nicht unähnlich war, stand klein und schön neben Jeongguk.
Sie sprachen nicht miteinander aber eine Aura umfasste sie, sodass niemand zu nah an ihnen stand, kein anderes Mädchen und kein anderer Kerl forderte einen von beiden zum Tanzen auf.
Wer zur Hölle…?
“Das is’ Gukkies Ex… und dann bald ist da ja… ach verdammt! Hätte ich mich nicht so dazwischen gedrängelt, dann wäre er jetzt nicht in dieser Lage!”, schluchzte Jimin und ließ sich an der Reling hinunter rutschten, legte den Kopf auf die angezogenen Knie.
Mitgefühl übermannte Yunhee, sie ließ sich neben ihn sinken und legte eine kleine, warme Hand vorsichtig auf seine bebende Schulter. “Ach Jiminie! Du gibst immer dein Bestes für andere, mach dir doch nicht solche Vorwürfe–” “-aber stimmt es nicht? Wenn ich nicht gewesen wäre… dann wärt ihr… aish?!”, hickste er und fuhr sich erneut über das nun leicht geschwollene Gesicht.
Es zerriss Yunhee das Herz; seine geröteten, glänzenden Augen waren dick, die Nase gerötet und er hörte einfach nicht auf, zu schniefen. Entschlossen griff sie nach seiner Hand und drückte sie, beugte sich vor: “Yah, Park Jimin! Du kannst nichts für das Schicksal anderer, Jeongguk muss seinen Weg selbst gehen! Was kannst du denn dafür, dass er sich von anderen immer die Entscheidungen abnehmen lässt? Er sollte gefälligst mal mutiger sein!”, rief sie entrüstet und schnaubte sich wütend eine blonde Strähne aus dem Gesicht. Als Jimin erneut los schluchzte legte sie einen Arm um seine Schulter und tätschelte sie, drückte seinen Kopf an ihren Brust und kraulte sein vom Färben strohiges Haar.
“There, there, Jiminie… Du kannst nun wirklich nichts dafür. Und du solltest nicht weinen an deinem großen Tag. Ich verbiete es dir!”, sagte sie energisch und schließlich musste Jimin glucksen und richtete sich leicht auf, atmete tief und ruckelnd ein und wischte sich ein letztes Mal über die Nase.
Sah hinauf zu den Sternen und während seine letzten Tränen versiegten half Yunhee ihm mit geduldigen Fingern und langen Jeansärmeln wieder etwas präsentierbarer auszusehen.
“Danke, Nuna. ‘s tut mir Leid, voll peinlich”, murmelte er heiser, sie tätschelte ihm die weichen Wangen, eine Welle der Zuneigung schwabbte über sie. Er war ja so putzig! “Muss dir nicht leidtun”, sagte sie wegwerfend und zog ihn dann wieder hoch sodass sie wieder am Geländer lehnten und nach unten sahen.
“Nuna, weißt du, mit wem ich gern tanzen wurde?”, murmelte er schelmisch aus dem Nichts, sie sah überrascht zu ihm herüber und verengte die Augen. Er wollte mit jemand anderem als ihr tanzen? Es zwickte in ihrer Mitte, aber sie wollte, dass er wieder lächelte also setzte sie ein verschwörerisches Lächeln auf und spielte mit. “Ani! Mit wem?” “Nayeon Nuna”, wisperte er und seine schmalen Augen fanden die kleine aber feine Gestalt, sie lachte über etwas und warf dabei den Kopf in den Nacken.
“Mh, gefährlich”, murmelte Yunhee stirnrunzelnd, “Und ich glaube, sie ist so gut wie verlobt.” “Was?”, entfuhr es Jimin enttäuscht, er klatschte sich die kleinen Hände auf die Wagen. “Ja, leider. Aber ich kenne jemanden, der liebend gern mit dir tanzen würde.”, flüsterte Yunhee diabolisch grinsend und deutete auf eine schmale, blonde Gestalt.
“…Yoongi Hyungie? Veraschen kann ich mich selbst”, knurrte Jimin, Yunhee verdrehte die Augen und gab ihm einen Klapps auf den Hinterkopf. “Jiminie Pabo! Ich meine Dahyun”, korrigierte sie und deutete erneut auf die Menge.
Jimin hob überrascht die Augen und betrachtete das Mädchen neugierig. Das Haar fiel ihr gelockt über eine Schulter und sie trug ein tiefrotes, langes Kleid, das sie etwas reifer aussehen ließ. Gerade streckte sie die Arme zu beiden Seiten aus wie ein Adler und zog eine Grimasse um einen merkwürdigen Tanz zu starten. Chaeyoung, Momo und Sana neben ihr brachen in Gelächter aus und Jimin seufzte.
“Aber sie ist so albern…” “Sie ist nervös weil ein gewisser Bootsbesitzer sie noch nicht zum Tanzen aufgefordert hat”, fauchte Yunhee und schubste ihn zur Leiter, “und jetzt los! Geh und hab Spaß, ich befehle es!” “Bist du neuerdings Königin?”, kicherte Jimin, gehorchte aber widerstandslos und taumelte nach unten, sie folgte ihm. “Nein, aber ich hab Recht!” “Wahrscheinlich ja…” “Ganz wahrscheinlich!” “Aye aye, Nuna!”
So gingen die beiden wieder nach draußen und bemerkten nicht die beiden Figuren, die vor dem Eingang der Toiletten ineinander stolperten. Jisuk kniff die Lippen zusammen und wollte sich an Jinyoung vorbei schieben doch er machte einen Schritt und stand wieder vor ihr.
Sie schluckte und sah an dem dunklen Jackett hoch und wieder in sein Gesicht. “Was willst du?”, herrschte sie ihn an und verschränkte die Arme. “Das Kleid…”, fing er an, die Stimme ruhig. “Was ist damit?”, fragte sie spitz. “Es steht dir”, sagte er leise, die dunklen Augen waren unergründlich, sein Gesicht glatt.
Ihre Wangen gewannen an Farbe und sie runzelte die Stirn. “Okay, was soll das?” Er schob ebenfalls die Brauen aufeinander zu. “Was soll was?”
Sie zischte entnervt und fuhr sich durch die honigfarbenen Locken. “Warum machst du mir Komplimente?” “Darf ich dir etwa nicht sagen, dass du schön bist?”, fragte er mit seiner tiefen Stimme langsam und hob eine Hand, streckte sie nach einer verrutschten Strähne aus, um sie ihr hinters Ohr zu streichen. Rasch fuhr sie mit dem Arm dazwischen und schlug seine Hand beseite. “Ich bitte dich! Du bist mit ihr hier, das ist ja wohl Statement genug, oder?” “Du sagst das so, als ob er nicht hier wäre und dir den ganzen Abend Komplimente machen darf!”
Jisuk warf sich das Haar über die Schulter und reckte das Kinn. “Anders als Andere muss Sungjin Oppa sich nicht bei anderen durch Komplimente einschleimen. Mit ihm kann man sich nämlich ganz normal unterhalten ohne Rätsel raten zu müssen, wann das Nächste Mal etwas Gesagtes gegen einen verwendet wird”, zischte sie, ihre Augen funkelten wütend, sie schnaubte vor Wut.
Jinyoungs Lippen zuckten, seine Augen schimmerten hell. Sie wusste dass er es liebte, sie zu triezen, irgendeine Emotion aus ihr zu locken… aber sie war es so Leid. Mit resigniertem Blick sah sie zu ihm auf und hob ruhig die Stimme: “Jinyoung-Oppa… Ich hab noch nie Drogen genommen-” “-Alokohol ist auch eine Droge, weißt du-” “-aber du bist der schlimmste Trip, den ich jemals hatte.”, unterbrach sie ihn bestimmt. In seinem Gesicht regte sich etwas, sie meinte, Schmerz darüber flackern zu sehen.
Dann kam er einen Schritt näher und griff vorsichtig nach ihrer Hand – doch sie entriss sie ihm, umrundete ihn und drehte sich nicht einmal um, als sie entschlossen zur Bar ging und zwei Gläser Wein bestellte.
Eines für sie und eines für den Mann, der nicht mit ihrem Herz spielte als wäre es ein gottverdammter Jojo.
0 notes
pitubea1910 · 4 years
Something Just Like This
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: 4k
Warnings: -
Tags: -
Request: -
Notes: I had this little thing on my mind that I wanted to share with you guys, I hope you like it! It is based on the Coldplay song Something just like this, which I can’t get out of my head lately :)  Feedback is appreciated!
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Growing up in Manhattan wasn’t as exciting as Gossip Girl pictured it to be. There were no parties every day, no gossip, no drama. At least not for you. Your parents had been quite strict since you were little, which meant that they hadn’t given you the freedom most of your friends had. It wasn’t like you wanted to do drugs or have sex at the age of 16, but you couldn’t help but feeling a bit left out every Monday morning at high school when all your friends talked about was last Saturday party.
That was probably the main reason why you moved out as soon as you could. And that was when you turned 18 and your parents allowed you to go to college in England. That first taste of freedom was much better than what you had expected. You could do anything you wanted, whenever you wanted and with whoever you wanted. Needless to say that you took full advantage of it.
You loved that life without your parents so much that, when you finally went back to New York, at the age 25, you told your parents you didn’t want to live with them anymore. Of course, they were enraged, but once you found a job that allowed you to pay for your own rent, they couldn’t find any other way to keep you at home. Eventually, they even contributed with your rent so you could afford a place that was ‘right for a classy woman like you are’, like your mum said.
At first, you even fought against it but who were you going to lie? You weren’t a fan of your neighbourhood in Queens. Neither you wanted to go back to Manhattan, but you found a lovely apartment in Brooklyn, with views to the Bridge, big windows and an open plan living room and kitchen. The moment you saw it, you fell in love with it and you didn’t want to visit any other apartment. By the end of the week, you were moving all your stuff into your new place.
Only if you knew how much your life was going to change thanks to that apartment.
You had been living in your Brooklyn apartment for two years when you met him. He happened to live in the building next to yours and your windows were in front of each other. The first time you saw him, putting boxes down in the room as he talked to a read-headed woman, you immediately recognised him: Steve Rogers, aka Captain America.
It wasn’t until a few weeks later that you ran into him when you were coming home from the grocery store on a Sunday morning and he was coming back from a run. You weren’t even paying attention to the crosswalk, too busy trying to get your keys out of your pocket without dropping the bag of groceries.
“Do you need a hand with that?”
You looked up to find a pair of blue eyes looking at you with humour in them. You had got so used to see him from your window or on TV that it felt weird to have him standing in front of you. And it all was better because he was wearing one of those grey t-shirts you had seen him wearing so many times. The ones that looked too small for him, but he still could pull off effortlessly.
“Actually I do”, you finally said with a smile.
Without another word, he took the brown bag from your hand so you finally could take the keys from your pocket. 
“Finally”, you said showing him the keys. “They were hooked on a loose thread”, you explained.
“I figured that much”, he nodded. “You live here, don’t you?” He asked pointing at the door of your building. You gave him a surprise look. “I’ve seen your through the window.”
“Okay…”, you chuckled, kind of glad that you weren’t the only one creepily looking through the window trying to catch a glimpse of him.
“And that was creepier than I expected”, he said with an awkward smile.
“Don’t worry”, you laughed. “I’ve seen you too”, you shrugged.
“I guess we’re a pair of creeps then”, he said making you laugh again. “Does the creep have a name?”
Smooth, you thought to yourself with a small smile.
“(Y/N) Holston”, you said and took some hair out of your face.
“Steve Rogers”, he said, although you already knew. “Do you need some help with this?” He asked lifting the bag he was still carrying.
“Oh, no”, you quickly said. “Don’t bother, I can take it.”
“It’s no bother”, he shrugged. “I can take it up for you.”
“I’m sure you have some avenging thing to do”, you said. He laughed out loud and nodded.
“Don’t worry”, he said. “No avenging today. The world looks pretty safe.”
You bite your lip, wondering whether to accept his help or not. He looked really nice and not creepy at all. And you had seen him so many times in his own bedroom that he felt almost familiar, so why not?
“Okay”, you finally said. “I can take the bag, though.”
“Then I wouldn’t have any excuse to keep on talking to you”, he said, walking with you to the door of your building.
“I didn’t know you were looking for an excuse”, you said, taking the right key and opening the door.
“I’ve been looking for one since I first saw you in your room, so don’t take it away from me”, he said with more confident than he actually felt.
The statement made your cheeks blush. You didn’t know what to say to that, so you just let him walk in first and followed behind. Although you were glad that you weren’t the only one wanting to talk to your neighbour and not knowing how. At least he had found a good excuse to do it and you were glad he had.
“Wow…” he said when he walked into the apartment after you made your way upstairs silently. “Fancier than it looks on the outside.”
“It was renovated a few years ago”, you told him and took the bag from his arms after closing the door. “Actually I was one of the first tenants here.”
“How long have you been here?” He asked, walking towards the big windows from where you could see the Brooklyn Bridge.
“Two years now”, you told him, taking the items out of the bag. “I was living in Queens for a time but I didn’t feel… like home, I guess.”
“I know a kid from Queens who’s actually pretty nice”, he said, now walking to the aisle that separated the living room from the kitchen.
“Yeah, people are nice”, you nodded. “But not my neighbours”, you chuckled. “Also, I’m closer to my job here.”
“What’s your job?” He asked.
“I’m a content writer and social media manager for a small magazine”, you said, now putting what you had bought in their right places.
“Sounds…busy”, he chuckled.
“It’s not that big of a deal”, you said with a smile. “Do you want something to drink?”
“Do you have beer?” He asked.
“I’m not a beer kind of girl”, you chuckled. “But I have white wine?”
“That will do”, he nodded.
You took a couple of glasses and put them on the aisle in front of Steve. Then, you took the bottle of wine from the fridge and took the cork off before pouring some into both glass.
“Fancy”, he said when you put the bottle back into the fridge.
“It’s a really cheap wine”, you laughed, leaning against the counter. “But I love it.”
“Tastes good”, he nodded. “Although I barely drink wine, except on elegant dinners and that kind of stuff.”
“Do you go to a lot of those?” You asked teasingly. He laughed.
“Sometimes we have to”, he admitted. “And some other times Tony forces me to go”, he shrugged, making you smile.
“You look good in a suit, though”, you shrugged. He raised both eyebrows while looking at you, making you blush.
Actually, the main reason you knew how he looked like in a suit was because your mum was always sending you articles about all the galas she went to and, of course, Steve Rogers had gone to many of them. You would be lying if you admitted that you didn’t look at his photos closely, but who could blame you? He did look good in a suit.
“I don’t live under a rock”, you shrugged. “I read the newspaper from time to time.”
“I see”, he nodded with a small smile. You took the glass to your lips so you didn’t have to say anything else. “Anyway, I was thinking”, he suddenly said after finishing his glass. “You seem to know how to behave in fancy environments, don’t you?”
“What makes you think that?” You asked with a laugh.
“First, this apartment”, he said making a gesture that covered the place. “I bet you work really hard but I think that a content writer slash social media manager salary can’t afford this, which means that you’re family is… in good places, am I right?”
“You’re not wrong”, you said, surprised at how observant he was.
You didn’t feel entirely comfortable saying that your dad had insisted on buying the apartment a year after you moved in. It made you feel like one of those Manhattan spoiled rich kids, which you weren’t. Not at all. All you actually had to pay were the bills and your salary was more than enough for it.
“Also, who drinks wine at noon instead of beer?”
“A lot of people!” You exclaimed making him laugh.
“Honestly, I just saw you getting out of a black Audi with a driver last week”, he finally said.
Last week had been your mum’s birthday, so you had spent a whole day with them. At the end of it, you were ready to wait for an Uber, but your mum had your family driver -Albert- drive you home.
“Okay, fine”, you finally said, knowing there was no point on denying anything. “I was born in Manhattan. Rich family and all. I left to study in England and when I came back I didn’t want to keep on living with my parents, so I found a place in Queens.”
“But you didn’t like it”, he said, remembering what you had previously said.
“Exactly”, you nodded. “I found this apartment, which rent was way cheaper than what you probably think”, you said making him chuckle. “And I moved here. Anyway, my father has never liked me paying for anything so he bought the whole apartment a year after I moved”, you shrugged.
“Wow”, he said surprised.
“I know”, you sighed. “I’m not proud of it but at least I pay the bills and groceries and everything I can afford. So, to answer your question, I basically grew up in fancy environments. My mum used to drag me along to every single gala or whatever thing she had going on.”
“I think it’s great, to be honest”, he shrugged. “It doesn’t look like your father gave you too many options when he bought this place, so I think it’s admirable that you still work to pay the bills.”
“I hate owing him anything, so it’s the least I can do to have as much freedom as possible”, you explained. “Anyway, why did you ask?”
“You’ll probably say no and I completely understand”, he said. “But… Tony is holding another charity event at the MoMa this weekend and I have to be there, but I don’t want to go alone, you know?”
“The Stark Foundation MoMa Gala?” You asked, your boss had been going crazy trying to find someone to get into the gala to write an article about it.
“That’s the one”, he nodded. “Would you come with me?”
“Actually… my boss would love me if I could get in it”, you said.
“Yeah, but I don’t want you to think that I’m taking advantage or something”, you quickly said.
“Don’t worry”, he smiled. “It didn’t even cross my mind. So… would you?”
“Of course”, you nodded with a smile. “I’d love to be your date.”
“Is it a date?” He said, his smile bigger.
“I guess it is”, you shrugged, blushing once again.
That weekend you went together to the MoMa gala and it wasn’t the last time you had a date. You ended up getting together most nights of the week, either at his apartment or at yours, although mostly it was at yours. You would watch movies, cook together, play board games, any time off you both had was spent together.
So it was just a matter of time before something else happened and it did just a month later. You had been at Steve’s apartment since you came back from work and it was when you were saying goodbye at his door, that he finally took his chance and kissed you. It was a short and tender kiss, but it was enough to open the door for many more.
In two months you were officially dating and in three months he finally took you the Stark Tower to meet everyone. You couldn’t remember being more nervous than you were that day. Walking out of the elevator to find Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson just playing poker was something you never thought you would see, but they welcomed you into the family with open arms and soon you were playing poker with them.
Six months after meeting him, you thought you couldn’t be happier and neither did Steve. He was hanging in his apartment, picking up the clothes he would use for his date with you that night. You had called him that morning to tell him that you had managed to get tickets to go to the movies that night so it was only a matter of time before you arrived from your work to head to the cinema.
“You look like a little girl before her first date”, Bucky, who was with Steve in his apartment, said as he watched his best friend trying to decide which shirt would be better for that night.
“Leave me alone”, Steve said with a smile. He finally decided he would use the navy one, knowing how much you loved that colour on him.
“You really like her, right?” He asked. Steve smiled and nodded.
“I do”, Steve said. “I’ve never felt this happy, Buck. She… she completes me”, he tried to explain.
“I’m happy for you”, Bucky nodded. “But be careful.”
“Why?” Steve asked confused.
“I just don’t want you getting hurt, that’s all”, Bucky shrugged.
“(Y/N) would never hurt me.”
Bucky sighed and looked down at his shoes. That was Steve’s problem. Ever since the 40s he always thought that everyone was just good. It didn’t matter everything they had gone through, what he had gone through, he still through there was good in everyone.
“You’re the Captain America, Steve”, Bucky said.
“What if she just likes the strips?”
“She’s not like that”, Steve shook his head, although he had to admit that it had never crossed his mind.
“How do you know that?” Bucky asked.
“I thought you liked her”, Steve frowned, crossing his arms.
“I do, but I want you to be careful”, Bucky repeated. “Anyway, I have to go. Sam needs some help winning a bet”
Steve walked Bucky to the door, his head still spinning from what Bucky had said. You didn’t care about him being Captain America… you liked him because of Steve Rogers, not the superhero. But what if you did? What if he wasn’t the Cap anymore? Would you still like him?
He wasn’t the insecure type, but he had never liked anyone the he liked you, and he suddenly worried about you not liking him the way he liked you. Maybe the last six months hadn’t meant the same for both of you and the idea of that being true broke his heart.
Just then, he heard his phone buzzing on top of the table. It was probably you telling him you had already gone out of the subway and were five minutes away. He took the phone and, indeed, he found your name on the screen. You were a few minutes away and he didn’t feel like going anywhere. With a heavy heart, he looked for your number and called you.
“Hey there!” You said happily on the other side. “I’m just a block away. I’m thinking about buying some snacks before going to the cinema?”
“I’m sorry but I’m not going to be able to make it tonight”, he said all of sudden. There was a small silence in the line.
“Oh…” you finally said. “What happened?”
“Tony called for an urgent meeting at the Tower”, he quickly said, coming up with that lie way faster than he expected.
“Okay”, you sighed. “Don’t worry about it. See you tomorrow?”
“I have to go to D.C”, he said. “I think we are going to be there a couple of days.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot”, you said.
You spoke to him so many times throughout the day that it was easy to say when there was something off. And there was something really wrong at the moment. You only wished you could know what it was, but it looked like he wasn’t willing to share what was on his mind. At least for now.
“Then give me a call when you come back?” You asked, after a few minutes of silent, when you were already getting to your building.
“Sure”, he said. “I gotta go.”
Before you had the chance to say anything, he hung up. You frowned looking at the screen and then looked up at his building, where you knew his living room was, but there was no sign of anyone. Quickly, you made your way up to your apartment and headed towards your room to look at his apartment but, for the first time, you found the curtains completely closed, keeping you from seeing anything inside.
What was going on?
The next few days you barely heard from Steve. He sent you a quick text when he landed in D.C., but you didn’t know anything else until he arrived at his apartment. And it wasn’t like he had texted you or anything, you just saw the lights in his room. You checked your phone in case you didn’t have service, but it was working perfectly. However, you decided to wait, maybe he was just unpacking and taking a shower.
A couple of hours later he hadn’t said anything yet and you didn’t know if you should text him or just keep on waiting. It was impossible that he thought that you wouldn’t see the lights when you had spent the last six months checking for those lights in order to talk to each other. It had become a habit for both of you. Still, you decided that waiting was the best option. Maybe something was going on at the Tower and he was dealing with it.
But when you texted him next morning and he didn’t text back and you still saw him getting into one of Tony’s Audis from your window, you just knew that something was really wrong. The main problem was that there was no way to find out what it was. You hadn’t said anything to him to make him get mad at you, right?
There was only one way to find out. You had to go to his apartment and face him. But he didn’t come back. It only meant that you would have to go the Stark Tower. Even if that meant that you had to talk to him in front of the whole team you didn’t care, you had the right to know why your boyfriend was ignoring you.
After taking a shower and getting ready, you took your bag with your wallet, keys and phone and let your apartment when the Uber app told you that your ride was waiting. Luckily, the traffic wasn’t as horrible as usual and you made your way to the Tower in less than thirty minutes.
You would be lying if you said that you weren’t nervous about facing Steve, but you were more worried about what was going on and wanted to fix it. Whatever it took. You had gone to the Tower so many times that the security guards that were by the private elevator that went straight to the Avengers HQ let you in without any inconvenience. Definitely, being Steve’s girlfriend had its perks.
When you walked out of the elevator, you were surprised to see no one. Usually, there was always someone watching TV or reading a book or just hanging in the living room, but nothing. Still, you made your way into the place and waited until you heard some muffled voices coming from the kitchen. As you got closer, you recognised Steve’s and Bucky’s voices. You were going to just irrupt in there, but you stopped when you heard your name.
“You can’t hide from (Y/N) forever, Steve”, Bucky was saying.
“I’m not hiding”, Steve said.
“This is the first night you’ve spent here since you met her, are you going to say that’s a coincidence?” Bucky asked but there was no answer. “Look, sorry I said what I said. I was just worried about you.”
“But what if you were right?” Steve finally asked. You frowned as you listened closely. “What if Steve Rogers isn’t enough? What if who she really likes is Captain America?”
“That’s bullshit”, Nat’s voice suddenly spoke up. You didn’t even know she was in there. “She’s completely infatuated with you, Steve. I don’t think she even cares about the stripes and the shield.”
“How do you know that?” Steve sighed.
“Well, I don’t, but I have eyes and what I see is a girl in love with you. With Steve Rogers”, she said. “Has she ever talked about you as Captain America?”
“No…”, Steve said after a few moments. “Not really. All she has said was that she loves the navy suit.”
“Even I do”, Natasha said, making you almost laugh, but you didn’t. “If you’re so full of doubts, just talk to her, but stop hiding like a little boy.”
Before any of them walked out of the kitchen and saw you there, ears dropping, you made your way back to the elevator silently. So that was the problem. Steve thought he wasn’t enough. How could he even think that? And how could you prove that it was bullshit, just like Nat had said?
When you walked out of the Tower and headed to the subway to go back home, you texted Steve, telling him to go to your place that night. You two had to talk.
It wasn’t until he texted you back that you breathed again. You were a bit scared at the thought of him saying no, but he said he would be there at 9 p.m. You spent the rest of the afternoon on your computer, finishing some work-related stuff you hadn’t been able to finish at the office and you had to turn in as soon as possible. Before you realised it, it was eight o’clock and you hadn’t even showered nor made dinner.
Since you weren’t going to have time to make some proper dinner, you just decided to order some Chinese food from Steve’s favourite restaurant. If he was comfortable enough, he would be more willing to speak to you. Or so you hoped.
As always, Steve was punctual and at 9 p.m. sharp there was a knock on your door. The Chinese food had arrived a few minutes earlier so it was still hot, meaning he was just in time. When you opened the door, a smile appeared on your face. It had been only a few days since you had last seen him, but you just realised how much you had actually missed him.
Immediately, you wrapped your arms around his torso, hiding your face in his chest with a content sigh as he hugged you back. As nervous as you were, his presence was as comforting as always.
Steve had missed you like crazy. It didn’t matter how worried he was, how insecure he was feeling. The moment he felt you close, he felt complete again, like he was home. The scent of your hair, your warmth, your smile. You were everything to him and the thoughts that had been haunting him for the last days were a completely nightmare.
“I missed you”, you said.
“I missed you too”, he sighed.
“I ordered Chinese”, you said, finally letting him walk in.
“Ching Pao?” He asked, taking off his jacket.
“Always”, you nodded. “And extra rolls”, you added.
“You’re the best”, he said with a soft smile.
You spent a few minutes setting up at the table with dishes and glasses before you sat down at the table, in front of each other.
“How was D.C.?” You asked.
“Boring”, he said. “Meeting after meeting and a gala”, he added.
“I’m sorry you didn’t have your fancy reunion expert with you”, you said.
“I wish I had her”, he smiled at you, but you noticed that the smile didn’t reach his eyes. You sighed and looked down at your plate for a moment, you couldn’t wait anymore.
“What’s wrong, Steve?” You asked.
“What do you mean?” He asked, avoiding your eyes.
“Are we really going to do this thing when you pretend not to know what I’m talking about?” You asked. Steve sighed and put down his chopsticks.
“Do you like me being Captain America?” He asked. You narrowed your eyes and shrugged.
“I like that you are, I’m very proud of you, but it’s not what I like the most”, you replied.
“Then what is? What could you possible like about me besides who I am?” He asked.
“Are you saying that you’re not good enough if you’re not Captain America?” You asked. He didn’t reply, but when he looked away, you sighed. “Steve, I don’t care about it. If tomorrow you said you wanted to hang the suit and drop the shield, my feelings for you wouldn’t change.”
“How do you know?” He asked.
“Because, Steve, I’m not looking for a superhero. All I want is someone who’s there for me, someone I can kiss, someone I can turn to when I need him”, you said. “I’m looking for something…something just like this”, you shrugged. “And Captain America doesn’t give me that. Steve Rogers does”, you added.
Steve was looking down at his food the whole time. You had no idea how good your words were been to him, how much they meant. Just with them, you were fixing that crack that had appeared in his chest a few days ago.
“I fell for Steve Rogers, my neighbour, my best friend”, you smiled a little, reaching out to take his hand. “And I am incredibly proud of you for being Captain America, I really am. But you’ve been Captain America for a long time before we met and I didn’t fell in love with you until I met you.”
He finally looked up at you and couldn’t help but smile when he met your eyes. You had said “in love”, you were in love with him and he couldn’t express how much that meant for him. Finally, he got up from his chair and walked around the table to kneel next to you.
“I love you too”, he smiled, taking your hands in his. “And I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry about”, you said, turning your body so you were facing him. “But next time you’re feeling worried about my feelings for you… why don’t you just tell me so we can avoid all this?”
“Noted”, he nodded.
With a smile, he placed a hand on your cheek and pulled you closer to him, sealing the deal with a kiss that had you both grinning into it like idiots.
“By the way”, you said. “I love you.”
“I know”, he smiled widely before kissing you again, deeper this time, making you both forget about the now cold Chinese food for the rest of the night.
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ofcecilia · 4 years
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⌠ DAISY EDGAR-JONES, 20, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, CECILIA CASIRAGHI! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in SEDUCTION & FLIRTATION + LINGUISTICS, CULTURE & ASSIMILATION; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (pink satin sheets, the warm glow of a sunrise, the first pour of a bottle of red wine, unflinching doe eyes). when it’s the (capricorn)’s birthday on 1/13/01, they always request CANNOLIS from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ deanna, 25, she/her, est ⍀
NAME: Cecilia Anastasia Casiraghi
KNOWN AS: Cecilia, Celia, Cissy
BIRTHDATE:  January 13, 2001
ASTROLOGY:  Capricorn sun / Virgo moon / Pisces rising
HOMETOWN: Tuscania, Italy
RESIDENCE:  London, England
GENDER:  Cis female  ( she/her )
HEIGHT:  5'7"
HAIR COLOR:  Dark Brown
EYE COLOR:  Dark Brown
KNOWN LANGUAGES:  English, Italian, Russian, French, Spanish
Allegra Casiraghi: Mother, currently in jail
Federico Casiraghi:  Father, currently in jail
Salvatore Casiraghi: Eldest brother
Niccolo Casiraghi: Second eldest brother
Anya Casiraghi: Elder sister
Born Cecilia Anastasia Casiraghi, the baby of the Casiraghi family. You know them and you hate them, real asshat parents who value money and prestige over actually being nice to their kids. It's hard not to grow up despising your parents in that setting, though Cecilia would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the being rich part of it all.  Still, it wasn't worth the pressure and scrutiny she received from her parents.
She grew up in a giant castle in Italy where she liked to pretend she was a princess trapped in the highest tower waiting to be rescued. Cecilia watched her older siblings seem so put together and polished, exactly what their parents wanted them to be, and couldn't help but feel isolated from the rest of her family  ( though her older brother Nico was her fave ) .   The older she got, the longer she waited for things to snap into place, only to be met with disappointment.
She got more rebellious as she got older, which didn't bode well in the Casiraghi household. Her father tried to break her spirit, which in turn only made her angier, causing her to run away when she was sixteen.  She didn't leave so much of a note to her family, but she knew if they wanted to find her, they'd have the resources to do so.  They didn't.
She struggled once moving to London, because a rich girl isn't exactly great at not being rich, but she had been saving up stolen money from her parents for a few months before leaving, so she had enough to find herself a place to live while she worked odd jobs here and there. She wanted to focus on art, her passion, the one thing her family had always told her she was good at  ( though they also said it wasn't practical ) . But, surprise surprise, art is NOT practical, and nobody wanted to buy paintings from an actual nobody.   
The story goes that she struggled for about a year before making connections with a local art gallery to hold a week-long exhibit of her work. There she made a few sales on her art, though the most noteworthy one had been selling a self-portrait to a wealthy older man who took a liking to Cecilia and decided to fund her art career, and her lifestyle. From then on she lived the glamorous city life she had been destined for, only realizing recently that art and partying can only get her so far. She had begun to miss the world she had been born into, even if she didn't miss the family that came with it.  So Celia reached out to a few old contacts, and was able to secure herself a spot at Gallagher Academy in the fall. Despite the drama of her parents being arrested for tax evasion and fraud, she found that the name Casiraghi still holds some weight in the spy world. 
The reality of the situation is that even with the money Celia had stolen from her parents, her life was nowhere close to the one she used to live, and being poor kind of got old. Plus she still had this BURNING anger towards her parents, partly for letting her leave so easily. 
She had been living on her own for almost a year, and what little money she had left was slowly depleting. She had been one level above rock bottom when a faculty member of Caledonia Institute found her. Though she had no interest in returning to the spy world, they had fed into her ego that her being a part of their team was IMPERATIVE, and in return they would give her back the life she once had, while making her parents suffer.  How could she say no to that?
At only seventeen she was one of the youngest to enroll in Caledonia, and she became a professional spy in the process.  She'd have to sit through two years of training and schooling before getting an active mission, but training at Caledonia -- while strict -- was unlike the harsh treatments she was used to from training with her family. With a new outlook on the spy world, Cecilia began to enjoy it once more, and it helped that she was good at it. 
Mr. Stewart of Caledonia had promised her that her parents would pay for their sins, and in the spring he had upheld his end of the bargain.  Her parents were caught and tried for tax evasion and fraud, and she heard through the grapevine that they'll be going to jail for a long time. Though she wasn't sure what this means for her siblings, Celia was just glad karma finally bit them in the ass.
Conveniently after they're arrested, Mr. Stewart gave Cecilia an assignment for the fall :   everyone knows about Cole Conner's Gallagher Academy assignment from last fall, and how he's garnered less-than-stellar results. So she’s been enrolled as an incoming first year, returning to the spy world with a story weaved of her glamorous life in London, ready to pay off her debts to Caledonia without hesitation.  
Celia is a total chameleon, able to morph her image and personality when needed in social situations.  It's how she makes herself easily likable and gets people to let her in easily, though her doe eyes certainly don't hurt.  She makes it easy for people to get wrapped up in her storytelling and the lies she spins for the sake of getting on other's good sides. Not only is she good at it, but she gets off on the thrill of it, because it's fun pretending to be someone you're not !   Whatever you want her to be, she can be it.
Underneath the surface, Cecilia is truly a spoiled brat who likes getting her way and winning, and once in a while parts of that haughtiness will break through the cracks of her facade. Caledonia had worked hard to take the rebel out of the girl, but parts of it still appear on occasion, though never against her agency. 
Above everything, she's trying not to make waves while in Gallagher, to go by undetected, so the easiest way to describe her would be Nice.  ( This might change while I play her so we’ll see welp. )
TL;DR:  She's Nico's younger sister !  But ran away from her family when she was sixteen because she hates them, and at her lowest point Caledonia Institute swooped in and saved her   ( and also got her parents arrested and made them lose their money whomp whomp )  and now she's a double agent working for them. She’s looking to make friends with everyone who’s anyone at Gallagher. Two-faced bitch but ya gotta love her ?  Or don't, you probably shouldn't.
She’s going to be meticulously crafting her own inner circle of friends for her own enjoyment at Gallagher, a mix of people from influential families and those who are deemed “popular” or worth having around, please send headshots and a resume if ur interested xoxo
Family friends of the Casiraghi family, who she hasn’t seen in at least three years. 
Other students who trained with her siblings in the super super exclusive training program her parents ran. 
Those she's crossed paths with living in London for a year: friends, flings, fellow artists, coworkers at her crappy jobs, etc.
Fellow first years she can glom onto for automatic friendships right off the bat, regardless of who they are
Legacy family students she can cozy up to for the sake of her job
Someone who is reluctant to trust her, despite her attempts to befriend them/get on their good side
Someone with a crush on her that can sorta see how malleable her personality and is like? But show me the real you?
A no-strings relationship that’s purely physical 
Someone she’s stringing along for the sake of getting close and getting information out of them
An upperclassman mentor figure to show her the ropes of Gallagher and help her acclimate 
A ride or die that she feels a kinship with, where they click enough that she can be more like herself   ( aka a little bitchy )
Someone with a really optimistic/romantic outlook on life that truly tests Cecilia’s efforts to match their enthusiasm 
Fellow artists she can spend her free time painting in the gardens with and help her get back into it
Fellow LCA + S&F majors who she’ll either have in her classes or that can give her some class pointers or offer their old notes to her
Someone she got drunk with and maybe let something slip that she shouldn’t have and now it’s awk
Someone weak-willed that she can easily take advantage of/manipulate into doing things for her
Fellow smokers even though I don’t condone the habit!
I have some things on her pinterest page here for inspo, also this tag
Lit rally anything please hmu !
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preface2adreamplay · 4 years
Under Your Spell (Chapter 27) - I Keep On Biting Til I Feel It
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Summary: A Jared Padalecki/ OFC/ Oscar Isaac fiction.
Stef makes a phone call she didn’t think she’d make.
Married Jared! Single Oscar!
Chapter warnings: Angst, swearing, masturbaton.
Chapter WC: 2,450
Spending the weekend with Darius had been fun. They spent a little time at her mom’s graveside, then drank a few vodka’s in her memory at a bar downtown. 
It was the first time in a few years that they had one on one time. Stef could feel herself relaxing out of ‘mother mode’. They were sitting outside of the airport when Darius brought up Jared, not for the first time that weekend.
‘You don’t like him?’ Stef asked, sadly.
‘I do like him. He’s cool and he seems really into you. But, I dunno mom, I’d hate to see you hurt again.’
Stef put her hands into her lap, looking at people rushing in and out of their cars, trying to avoid the snow fall.
‘I hate that you remember the first time.’
‘I barely remember it, but you were pissed at dad for years.’
Stef snorted, half in amusement, remembering. 
‘I really didn’t let him forget it, did I?’
‘No,’ Darius’s voice, deeper than his fathers, sounded unusually snippy. 
‘I agree with that to a certain point, but.’ he hesitated, watching his mothers face. ‘Did you ever ask dad what actually happened?’
Stef whipped her head around to look him in the eyes, ‘I was there, Darius, I saw. That was enough.’
Darius huffed and looked out the window.
‘If Tanya did that to you, would you forgive her? Stef rolled her eyes and continued ‘actually, I don’t wanna have this conversation. I don’t want to argue with you before you go back to school.’
‘I’d at least hear her out.’ Darius regarded his mother for a moment and shrugged, he had said his piece. 
‘Don’t give me that mom look,’ He drew the corners of his mouth up into that cheeky smile she loved so much.
‘Give your mom a hug and don’t give her a headache, please?’ 
Darius got out of the car and walked to her side, grabbing her into a bear hug. 
‘Thanks for coming to see me baby boy.’ 
‘Take care of yourself, mom.’ 
Darius looked back over his shoulder as he walked into Departures. ‘I’ll kick his ass if he hurts you!’
Stef sat in her car, deciding she would text Claire and see how she was doing. 
Stef: Hey how did the weekend go? Darius surprised me and came to visit, I just dropped him at the airport.
It took only a few minutes to get a reply.
Claire: that’s so sweet! did Oscar come too?
Stef: Nah, he hurt himself on set, it was just my boy.
Claire: Poor Oscar. I’ll be back on Friday, so we can hang or go for food or drinks. Whatevs.
Stef smiled at the phone, tears threatening. Claire always remembered the upcoming weekend was a bad one. Each passing year, Stef would get less sad about her mothers passing and somehow that did make her sad, but in a different way. Claire was a great friend, albeit an unpredictable whirlwind of craziness and love. 
Stef was grounded and quiet where Claire was a leaf tossed in the changing directions of a gale on an island in the Atlantic. 
They complimented each other perfectly.
Stef: Perfect. tell Rich hey from me. xx
Claire had gone down to meet Richards family. Stef didn’t recall that ever happening before. The thoughts of it ignited excitement for her friend. Finally.
‘Ok, time for some music to calm me down.’ Stef poked around at her playlist until the familiar sound of Devin Townsend’s ‘Kingdom’ came onto her speakers. Hitting the road back home she could only think about what Darius had said about hearing his girlfriend out if she tried to explain why she kissed someone else. Stef knew she never let Oscar explain, she was too angry, upset, humiliated. 
Shaking the thoughts from her mind as she pulled up outside the house, she swallowed her pride and called Oscar.
His voice was muffled when he answered.
‘Shit, can you hear me?’
‘My name is not shit.’
Stef rolled her eyes.
‘I know you’re rolling your eyes,’ his familiar chuckle warmed her insides a little.
‘Am not.’
‘I gotta tell you, I was so surprised when I saw you were calling me.’
‘Coz you never call me.’
Stef scoffed, ‘I do!’
‘Nah, you don’t, tell me, when was the last time you called me.’
Stef closed the door behind her. Brendan was slinking down the stairs, watching her with his green eyes narrowed. 
‘It’s Oscar!’ Stef declared. The cat stopped at the end of the stairs and looked at her expectantly.
‘Who are you talking to?’
‘Brendan.’ Stef was rubbing the soft fur under his chin, cooing at him as if he were baby. 
Oscar was laughing again. ‘I miss that crazy cat.’
‘He has calmed down a lot now. Usually if he misbehaves, I tell him he will have to go see Aunt Claire for a weekend.’
‘I imagine a weekend at Claire’s would be a lot more fun than you think.’
Stef hmmed a response, not really listening to him while she took off her coat one-handed.
‘You ok, Stef?’
‘Yeah, all good. Why?’
‘Not to keep at it, but you called me and you never call me. Is something up?’
‘Nooooo,’ Stef felt a little caught out, ‘I just wanted to see how you were, your foot, I mean.’
‘Just my foot?’ Oscar was biting back a giggle. 
‘Well, you hurt it!’
‘The rest of me can go fuck itself.’
Stef stopped dead in the middle of the living room and threw her head back, closing her eyes. ‘I could use a massage.’
‘You are so strange, you know that?’
‘Am not!’
Oscar was in a good mood, despite being in pain.
‘So what’s up with the foot? Darius said you hurt it in a stunt or something?’
‘Yep, I was doing a really cool and impressive stunt, and whatever way I landed, I twisted my ankle little.’
‘Oh, that sounds awful. I can’t wait to see the stunt that took you out.’ Stef laughed.
‘Ha ha, Stef. You’re all heart.’
‘Do you think you’ll live?’
‘I might, if only to see your face one more time.’
‘Oh fuck, you’re not allowed to do any more period dramas.’ 
‘I have help here anyway, I’m good,’ he said, exerting himself loudly as he shifted off the bed.
‘Who’s there?’
‘No one....I got a crutch.’
‘You sound like a crazy ex-girlfriend.’
‘I am.’
There was silence between them for a moment before Stef remembered why she called.
‘Thank you for getting Darius to visit me. That was a nice surprise.’
‘You’re welcome. He wanted to do it since last January, but he didn’t tell me in time and there were no flights.’
‘He’s so sweet.’
‘Yeah, he gets that from me.’ Oscar said, without missing a beat.
Stef sighed loudly into the phone. ‘Ouch,’ Stef’s hip brushed against dining table, pulling her jeans down with her free hand she inspected the large finger sized bruises there.
‘Earth to Stef, what’s up?’
‘I have a bruise on my hip, hurts like a motherfucker.’
‘Where did you get that?’ Stef caught herself before she tumbled out the words ‘Jared’s hands were holding me still while he fucked me hard, the way I like it.’
‘Walking into this dining table too often.’
‘You should move it.’
‘Good idea, come up here and help me rearrange my house so I don’t keep running into things.’ 
‘I’ll sit on the sofa and point to things with my crutch. You can care for me while I recover.’
Stef bit her lip, trying to imagine the scene. ‘I don’t know if I’d be a caring enough nurse to get you back on your feet.’
‘I disagree, I’ve seen you care for your mom and you raised a child. But I agree, you may not take care of me the same way.’
‘You make me sound mean, I was trying to be funny.’ Stef wiggled her fingers under the tap, there was plenty of hot water there for a bath. That may be just what she needed. Bubbles and wine. Why not, she was alone and needed to think. 
‘Definitely not mean. You are anything but mean.’
‘I dunno, maybe I am a horrible person,’ she said softly, more-so to herself than Oscar.
‘What the hell? There’s definitely something up with you Stef. You’re calling me, walking into furniture and telling me you’re a bad person. Do I have to come up there and tell you all the reasons why you’re great, coz you’re not listening to me now.’
‘Gonna hobble up?’
Oscar laughed. ‘I hear water. You’re either running a bath or having an almighty piss.’
‘Oscar!’ she scolded, ‘a lady passes water, we don’t piss.’
‘No matter how many times i ask you not to pee while you’re on the phone to me, you still do it.’
‘I know you too long to be shy around you.’
‘As long as it stays at number 1 and doesn’t drift into the number 2 zone. I would rather stay where I am if that’s what is the future offer.’
‘What are you rambling about?’ Stef poured a generous amount of bubble bath into the running water, enjoying the sight of it frothing furiously. It was gold and glittery. The glitter didn’t stick but it gave her a golden sheen that looked a little like a tan, depending on the light. 
‘Ok thanks for telling me about your bubble bath.’
Stef gulped, did she actually say that out loud?
‘I would actually love a bubble bath right now, but if I got in, I couldn’t get back out. I need a nurse. Will you wash me, Stef?’
‘I would wash you and leave you sitting in the cold bath water until you wrinkle up like a raisin.’
‘Woah, I’m glad we stayed friends.’
Stef cleared her throat, ‘so I was talking to Darius when I dropped him at the airport.’
‘He get going ok?’
‘I haven’t heard, I assume he got the flight. Anyway, he was a bit annoyed, well, maybe annoyed is not a good word, maybe more disapproving of how you and I dealt with things.’ Oh this was going to be happening now, why did the words keep coming out of her mouth?
‘What things?’
‘You know what I’m talking about,’ Stef lowered her voice, hoping she wouldn’t have to hear this conversation.
‘He brings it up sometimes with me.’
‘I understand why he brought it up when he was a kid, hoping his parent’s would fall in love again and get back together, but why is he brining it all up now?’
‘Would it be something to do with him meeting your...boyfriend.’
‘So you heard. I didn’t know he was coming up, if I did I wouldn’t have invited Jared over.’
‘He high tailed it out of there, Darius said.’
She couldn’t see Oscar shaking his head. 
‘You ok?’ 
‘I’m fine, just feel like my head is spinning around after this weekend. I don’t want to have any more arguments, maybe I shouldn’t have brought this up.’
‘What do you want to know?’
The question was on the tip of her tongue, but she didn’t want to ask, did she?
There was silence between them again, she hated this. 
‘Nothing, I don’t want to know anything.’
Oscar sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. ‘I don’t think he’s entirely comfortable with you having an affair with a married man, no, don’t interrupt,’ he started, hearing Stef grumble on her end of the line. ‘The only reason is he doesn’t want to see your name dragged through the mud, that’s all. He wants you to be happy. People are dicks, you know that. Neither of us want to see you hurt by the fall out.’
Fall out, yes, that’s what was coming. She could feel it.
 ‘People should mind their own business.’
‘You’d think! But they don’t. They want to tear us to shreds over shit they don’t understand. You love him?’
‘Yeah,’ there, she admitted it.
‘Then fuck everyone else and what they have to say. Just don’t get caught with him or tell anyone whats going on.’
‘That’s conflicting information, Oscar.’
‘Well, that’s how it’s gotta be when you love someone you know you shouldn’t love.’
‘Does that help?’ Oscar was fidgeting, she could hear him.
‘Yep. Thanks.’
‘You don’t sound convinced.’
‘I’m stripping so I can get into the bath.’
‘Effie!!’ His voice, high pitched and exasperated tone made her laugh. 
‘I’m kidding. Not as if you haven’t seen it all anyway.’
‘Yes, but we are not on video call and that’s not fair.’
‘Stop! Anyway, what’s your plan for the day?’
‘Well, I got some nice photos I’m gonna look at while I’m incapacitated.’
‘Which photos?’ Stef dipped her hand into the hot water, perfect temperature, she would be red as a lobster in there.
‘Just some more old photos I found in the loft. Plenty of you and the band. Baby photos. Some of you on the beach.’
Stef gasped, ‘shiiiiiit, I forgot about those. Can you skip past them?’
‘You know, maybe I should, you were only about 17 in them.’
‘No, I was 18. It was my eighteenth birthday.’
‘Huh,’ Oscar decided, ‘well you’re legal in them, bonus.’
‘I’m ending this phone call,’ Stef laughed. ‘Please don’t sell those photos to the press.’
‘Your nudes would make me a rich man, Effie!’
‘Goodbye, Oscar!’
‘Goodbye, love.’ 
Dipping into the water, Stef felt the stress lifting a little. Silence drifted into the space around her, the whorls of scented steam shielding her from the world. 
Her fingers, as they always seemed to do these days, ran down her stomach, stopping when they reached between her legs.
That day at the beach had been sexy as fuck, although she had forgotten about it almost completely. 
Oscar had taken pictures of her, with her permission. They had been joking about in the dunes having left their son with his grandparents. After posing for a few shots, Stef decided to be daring and took off her bikini. There was no one around, why not?
It was only afterwards she realised how many photos Oscar had taken. They had looked back on the once after. It was hot. At least Oscar thought so. That was the only time she had ever allowed anyone to take her photo while she was naked. 
The thoughts of him looking at them now had her fingers dipping inside herself. Her orgasm coming faster than ever before. ‘Goddamn it, Oscar.’ Stef sank lower into the water. 
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worryinglyinnocent · 5 years
The Real Housewives of Storybrooke
A ficlet series based on this premise here, following the lives of Storybrooke’s elite wives, with all the scandal, bitching and backstabbing that goes on behind the scenes of high society…
This verse is open for prompts!
Previously on the Real Housewives of Storybrooke: Gold and Belle had a romantic weekend away whilst Bae stayed with Mary Margaret, who can’t decide if she wants him and Emma to be more than friends or not; Ariel planned her birthday party, and Regina’s rival Fiona revealed trouble is coming to Storybrooke in the shape of Victoria Belfrey.
[Part One][Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four] [Part Five] [Part Six] [AO3]
So far, everything at the party seemed to be going very well. Everyone was behaving themselves and no-one had started dancing on the tables. As entertaining as last year’s events had been, Ariel was glad about that. This year, she’d chosen to host the party at a new fish speciality restaurant that had just opened near the docks. Spending so much time there working on the boat, Ariel and Eric were well aware of all the new developments going on and they’d been quick to try this one out. Now it had become a firm favourite, and she really didn’t want to end up banned for raucous behaviour.
Although Ariel always enjoyed her birthday parties, there was also a slight sense of frustration at the constant onward march of time. Everything went by so quickly now. It didn’t seem two minutes since she’d graduated college, met Eric, and started their business, all in the same year. Now the business was thriving and practically running itself; she’d been married to Eric for ten years, and the thought of grabbing him and making a run for it on the boat was becoming ever more tempting.
To make matters worse, her father was talking about grandchildren again. It had been the first thing he’d said to her on the phone this morning after wishing her happy birthday - expressing his hopes that she and Eric would finally start thinking about having a family now, because after all, women’s fertility started to drop after the age of thirty-five, everyone knew that. Ariel had hung up on him, not sure what made her skin crawl more: the fact that her father was talking so enthusiastically about her fertility or the fact he was still adamant that Ariel should have a baby and make him a grandfather despite the fact that he had three other daughters, all of whom had children. Ariel had seven nieces and nephews and she had no intention of adding any more to the family. It was something that she and Eric had discussed very early on - no kids. The tropical fish in their aquarium were children enough for them.
Speaking of children, though… Ariel glanced down the table at Belle, chatting animatedly to Carrie. She’d been on soft drinks all evening, and Ariel wondered if something had finally happened in that area. She hoped that it had; Belle was so desperate to be a mother and Ariel could sympathise with her frustration even if she had no desire to feel it herself.
The meal was coming to a close, with glasses being refilled for what was probably the last time. That said, when this particular group of people got together to celebrate an occasion, they could quite easily sit there until the restaurant closed.
“Happy birthday, Mrs Prince.”
Ariel turned as Sebastian, the head chef, came over to her from the kitchens, and she smiled.
“Thank you, Sebastian. The food has been absolutely wonderful, as always. I think you outdid yourself with the lobster tails this time.”
“I always try to. I need to keep you coming back for more; you’re my best customer.”
“That can’t be true, surely.”
“Oh no. Without you I’d go out of business. So, I’ve prepared a little something for you as a thank you, and an incentive to return again, of course.” He waved over to the kitchen and one of the other chefs came out bearing a birthday cake with candles as the rest of the staff gathered around to sing happy birthday. Thankfully, Ariel had never been one to be easily embarrassed by such gestures, and she just raised an eyebrow at Eric across the table from her. He gave a sheepish shrug.
“I thought you deserved something special. It’s a milestone birthday, after all.”
Thirty-five years old. Where had all that time gone?
The cake was a glorious confection of silver and purple frosting in the shape of an oyster holding a shiny pearl, and despite being full of seafood, no-one could resist a slice of the rich chocolate cake beneath the icing. More wine was poured, the chatter around the table became louder and more animated, and Ariel really wouldn’t have minded if anyone had got up and started dancing as long as they didn’t stand in the cake.
She had never been one for the idea of a false sense of security, always taking everything as it came, but after tonight, she would certainly appreciate the meaning of the phrase.
“It seems as if I’ve missed the party, then. How distressing. Of course, since I didn’t receive an invitation, it was somewhat difficult to track you down.”
Zelena had arrived, and if Ariel hadn’t been so incandescently furious, she would have laughed at the forced drama of her entrance. Everyone else in the restaurant was looking at her, and it was akin to the beginning of Sleeping Beauty when Maleficent arrived. Zelena was certainly doing her best impression of a cartoon villain, but Ariel was too angry to laugh it off as she might otherwise have done. On the whole she was a laid-back person, not usually living up to the fiery redhead stereotype and usually being the one to step in when Zelena started antagonising someone else, like Belle.
Today though, Zelena’s sheer audacity was too much for even Ariel to bear, and the scrape of her chair legs on the floor was excruciatingly loud n the now silent restaurant. With all the cold poise and dignity that she had gained from years of hard-headed negotiation as she’d built up her business, she stepped around the table and over to Zelena.
“Surely, Zelena, the fact that you didn’t receive an invitation would have told you that you were not wanted at this gathering, so I’m at a loss for why you felt the need to track us down in the first place.”
“Not wanted? How rude.”
“No, Zelena, what’s rude is you walking in here uninvited and ruining what had been, up until your arrival, a perfectly pleasant evening. In what universe is such a thing ever acceptable? If you’ve got a problem with me, Zelena, then you know where I live, but I’d appreciate it if you air those grievances to me and me alone rather than making a spectacle of yourself in front of my friends. That is rude.”
“Madam, I must ask you to leave.” Sebastian had come back out of the kitchen. Ariel didn’t know if he was holding the rather large cleaver on purpose, but she certainly liked the effect. “You’re disturbing the other guests.”
“This isn’t over,” Zelena hissed. “I won’t be ostracised by you, or any of you. I’ve earned my place at this table just like any of you, so don’t you turn your noses up at me. At least I didn’t marry a man twice my age for his money or snap up some poor yokel off a farm out of pity.” These last two remarks were directed at Belle and Mary Margaret, and Ariel was so close to slapping Zelena around the face that she had to curl her hands into fists to stop herself, nails biting into her palms and leaving angry red crescents there. Luckily, Zelena flounced away at that point, and the other diners, sensing that the entertainment was over, went back to their meals.
“Come on, babe.” Eric came over and slipped an arm around her waist. “It’s over now, she’s gone. Forget about her and enjoy the rest of the evening.”
Ariel turned back towards the table. Conversation had tentatively started again. Mary Margaret was rolling her eyes; comments about her marriage had long since stopped affecting her. Belle had gone beet red and was refusing to meet anyone’s eyes, still sensitive to it all. Regina had her head in her hands. The evening would continue, but it had been irreparably spoiled now, and Ariel couldn’t help but fear that it just wasn’t over yet. Zelena was petty, and she did not like being bested; everyone knew that. She was probably cooking up a dish of revenge right now.
Still, there was nothing to be gained by standing in the middle of the restaurant, so she let Eric guide her back to her seat.
“Ariel, I’m so sorry,” Regina began.
“It’s not your fault, Regina, you’re not your sister’s keeper. You wouldn’t know she was going to do this more than any of the rest of us would.”
“I know, but I still feel like I ought to keep her on a tighter leash or something.”
“She’s her own person. We can’t help what she does,” Robin said sagely. “One day, she’ll take the hint. I’m not having everyone start inviting her to these things because they’re scared of what will happen if they don’t. She’s got to learn basic manners at some point.”
Regina raised an eyebrow. “You’ve known her longer than any of us except me. Don’t you think she would have learned by now?”
“Life is nothing without hope.”
“You’re far too optimistic for your own good, you know.”
In spite of the interruption leaving a sour taste in her mouth, Ariel had to laugh at the interplay between Robin and Regina. They were truly an opposites-attract pair, and considering the history between Robin and Zelena, Ariel didn’t that that they could ever have made as successful a marriage as they had. It was always good to see them stick together in the face of sister-shaped adversity, and it gave Ariel hope that no matter what might happen, she and Eric could get through everything life threw at them as well.
Eventually, the party began to break up of its own accord, with people wanting to get back to relieve babysitters. Sebastian came out of the kitchen again to say goodbye, and by the time they were leaving the restaurant and making their way towards home, Ariel was happy again. Wandering through the docks, they passed their boat, now finally in working order and ready to set sail.
Ariel stopped as they came up to it, pulling Eric back towards her.
“Let’s go somewhere,” she said. “Right now. Well, not right now, we’d have to stock up on food and fuel. But let’s go somewhere tomorrow. Take her down to… Oh, I don’t know. Somewhere far away and sunny. Just escape from here and all the bitching and social politics.”
Ariel looked at Eric askance, but he seemed completely in earnest.
“Are you serious? Normally when I propose impromptu boat trips you’re always the voice of reason.”
“Well, I’m not being the voice of reason today. You’ve wanted to get away for months, so I figure, why not? We just need to make a couple of calls to make sure that the office can live without us for a while, and we can go anywhere you like.”
“Oh, Eric!” Ariel pulled him in for a long kiss. “I think that’s the best birthday present you could have given me.”
“Does that mean I can take the jewellery back to the shop?”
Ariel just laughed and rested her head against his shoulder with a sigh of contentment. Let the town think what they would. True freedom was almost within reach.
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
Lose To Win Chapter 5: Decision Of A Lifetime (HLITF & KBTBB )
Title: Lose To Win Chapter 5: Decision Of A Lifetime Fandom: Kiss By The Baddest Bidder & Her Love In The Force Rated: Drama, Thriller, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Mystery? MPD’s MC: Mika HIJIKATA KBTBB’s MC: Mia SAKATA Characters: Goto, Kaga, Ishigami, Soma, Ayumu, Namba, Eisuke, Soryu, Mamoru, Baba, Ota, Kirisawa Summary: Mika, Kaga and Goto head to the penthouse for their first briefing with the bidders only end up with a heated argument. Background: Another 6 months later, she was back at the Tres Spades Hotel under Eisuke’s request. (Order)
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Chapter 1: The Reunion Chapter 2: RSVP Chapter 3: Recharge Chapter 4: Welcome Back
Chapter 5: Decision Of A Lifetime
You’d never shake the feeling when you step foot at Eisuke’s penthouses like every haunting memory of being here all prey on you at once, weighing your body and soul. The bidders are gathered by the living room, waiting to hear your big plan though Ota looks like he’s ready to mock and criticize at the slightest mistake.
Goto begins with a quick background introduction on the cruise, “Dreamers Cruise is a Japan cruise company and one of the world’s largest travel leisure company with a combined fleet of over 100 vessels across 10 cruise line brands. Four of their hotels are on the top thirty list of best hotels in the world.” The bidders almost know all the guests, including businessmen Eisuke has associated with, rich fellows who have their art stolen from Baba and a rival mob of Soryu; they invite two criminal organizations?!
Soryu and Mamoru volunteer to double check on the staffs’ background, guarantee that something shady would show up since the mysterious people behind it must need insiders. Eisuke makes it clear that he has his own purpose in boarding the cruise and warns you three not to interfere without sharing his true intention, at least not in front of everyone anyway. It’d be best to ask him in private but just the thought of being alone with him makes you uncomfortable.
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“I don’t give a shit about your reason, I only care about solving the darn case.” Kaga speaks for the first time and you wish he’s stayed silent.
“This is the guy who gonna act under Soryu Oh?” Mamoru chuckles and smirks at the mobster.
Letting out a long sigh, you break the unnecessary tension by the first idea. “Why don’t we each investigate different groups of targets?” And you shut Eisuke up before his lips could even part, “It could be beneficial and you know it.” Then turn to Ota, “It’s gonna be fun.” And Baba, “You can’t steal any valuables there but you may steal some women’s hearts.”
After dividing 50 guests to several groups, you begin going through the routine and discussing a contingency plan. “Maybe Mia can play a part too.” Ota suggests, mostly for his amusement as he lays a profile on the table- Takao Maruyama.(Character from My Forged Wedding)
“The kid got no poker face.” Several rings escape Mamoru’s mouth as he states the obvious. Mia has never been a good liar which is one of the reasons why people love taking advantage of her.
“Not a bad idea.” Eisuke says nonchalantly while Mia’s eyes go wide in shock.
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“What?! Nooo!! I …. I can’t. I’m terrible at lying, you know that.”
“That’s what makes it fun.” The blonde grins again, this brat has way too much free time.
“You want the princess to seduce another man, boss?” Baba asks, doesn’t sound concern though.
“Pff, I’d like to see her try.” Eisuke picks up the file and studies.
“Ya, wouldn’t it be fun if she gets stolen by some lawyer?” Sticking out his tongue, Ota wraps an arm around Mia’s shoulder.
“This guy looks boring but he’s the lawyer of The Kikushima’s Group, still worth looking into.” Eisuke drops the files back on the table and looks at Mia, “Get close to him, find something useful.”
One simple order and Mia nods obediently, you let out a long sigh before going through Takao Maruyama’s profile with your sister while Goto and Kaga divide their share of targets.
“I’m so glad you’re acting as a couple with Mr. Goto,” Mia whispers to your ear, “You know, it’s going to be awkward if it’s oniisan. Sorry I mean Hyogo…no I mean Kaga.”
Awkward, yes it would be, especially when he hasn’t spoken to you since the other day in Eisuke’s office. You steal a glance at the two captains while your mind drift back to the past, the silly quarrels, the incredible sex, his smiles. Not the devilish smirk but his rare genuine smiles, the same one he had on that night in front of the ferries wheel. He was so happy, that smile was stuck in your head for a long time as you often wondered how mad or disappointed he’d been when he found your letter.
You always hated uncertainty and when something too big and uncontrollable surface to your life, there’s only one thing left to do- RUN.  You make enough life or death decisions at work, you don’t need it for personal life. So you ran without looking back, Mia and Jin were the only people you told.
Seeing the former love of your life again four years later and he never says a word to you apart from that one time sex. Is that his way of tormenting you?
“No, we need to pull back if that happens.” It’s Goto’s voice that snaps you back to the penthouse. Kaga refuses to retreat if there’s a possible lead while Goto insists on reporting first and waits for instructions.
“You do it your way and I’ll do things my way.” Kaga states coldly, pulling out a pack of cigarette and heads towards the balcony.
“No, Kaga.” You stand up and block his way, “We need to do this by the book.”
“Namba already said this is huge. We don’t have the fucking luxury to play around.” Kaga lights his cigarette and turns to the side as he blows a ring out.
“Exactly! They are in the dark, we barely know anything. We need to play safe, we can’t afford to spook them.” He knows you are right but he has his point about waiting around for instructions too. Time is of the essence but better safe than sorry.
“So you expect me to go back to my room and type an email when there’s a potential suspect right in front of me?” This time he blows a ring right to your face, he knows how much you hate it, just like how much he hates waiting for others to tell him what to do.
“We are the police.”
“I am in Public …Safety.. , not a regular cop.” He deliberately says the words slowly, reminding who you once were and who you are now.
“Yes, public’s safety comes first not solving a case!” You raise your voice, this conversation is far too familiar.
“Oh for fuck sake, Mika. Not this again. We need to solve the case so the public can be safe!” Kaga tries not to shout, throwing his unfinished cigarette to a wine glass.
“Yes I get that!! Don’t treat me like I don’t know what Public Safety is, Kaga! People’s lives are in our hands, one wrong move and god knows what’d happened! We back off when the time isn’t right.”
“Tch, yeah that’s what you do best. Run away.” The man shrugs, the words he’s been wanting to yell at your face for years finally come pouring through his lips. “That’s what you do, you just fucking run away when you are scared but that’s you!! I face whatever shit’s up ahead and deal with it!”
“How dare you!!!” Your whole body is hot and trembling, anger isn’t just the only emotion boiling, a combination of shame, sadness and regret all welling up inside you.
“How dare I?” Now he’s on edge, “Are you shitting me? You left me!!!! No goodbye, no word. Oh no, wait, you left me a note! A fucking note!!! One minute you said YES then you just left me with a note! You couldn’t even say it to my face!! So don’t you how dare I! How dare you do that to me!?”
“And it obviously was the best decision I ever made!!!!” You yell then run to the balcony and slam the door. Ya you run again, he’s right, that’s what you do.
Chp 6 here
Notes: I hope you like this chap as much as I do, this is the first scene that plays in my head and eventually makes me decide to do this 2nd series.
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