#i was just in the menu and i think i accidentally hit the lobby button
sirompp · 2 years
i fucking WOULD manage to softlock splatoon 3 within an hour.
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johnnysnostril · 4 years
Without You
chapter seven
taeyong’s pov
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waking up, i sighed and looked at the ceiling. i was really losing all inspiration to everything. i didn't wanna write anymore. i barely wanted to be in the studio- just because alonna was always there.
it was just annoying at this point.
i knew we had nothing scheduled today- so i was purposely going to stay out of the way of everyone.
finally mustering up the energy to get out of bed, i dragged myself to the shower and washed up.
taeyong’s outfit:
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i snatched my room key off the side table then made my way out to the elevator.
i reached down into my pocket and looked at my phone, pressing the button for the elevator.
i sighed and opened his message.
“anything planned this morning?”
i fixed my hat on my head, riding the elevator to the lobby.
“meeting with malcolm..”
i replied.
i locked my phone, shoving it back in my pocket- exchanging it for the rental car keys.
at the studio
i swung the door open, revealing Malcolm. he had a female sitting on his lap, bobbing his head to the music.
i slammed the door shut and he looked in my direction.
“taeyong. my main man.” he laughed. “what’s up, kid?”
i sat myself down in one of the chairs, ignoring his question.
he instantly stopped the music.
“looks like someone had a bad night.” Malcolm lifting the girl off his lap and she walked out.
he spun his chair side to side, keeping eye contact with me.
“you know, you almost blew marteen for us.”
i shrugged.
“you don’t give a shit?” he crossed his arms against his chest and laughed.
“listen, i don’t have time for your bullshit games, kids. you’re either in this or you’re out. i don’t have to spend all this money, just to get you good features.”
Malcolm threw his hands in the air.
“there are TONS, and i mean tons, of talented men who would love to have your spot.”
i dusted my ear off like what he said wasn’t getting to me.
but it really was.
no one understood me.
“whatever man..” i mumbled.
Malcolm sighed.
“get in the booth.” he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs.
he was tired of my shit.
i laughed and shook my head.
“nah. im good.” i waved him off.
“get your ass in that booth, now.”
Malcolm and i made eye contact.
he was serious. i’ve never seen that look in his eyes before.
i rolled my eyes, lifting myself off my chair and walking into the booth. i threw the headphones on and waited for direction.
i watched Malcolm closely as he pressed the red button.
“you need to let go of that anger.” he said calmly.
i furrowed my brows.
“im not angry.” i lied.
“could’ve fooled me.” he chuckled.
“listen to this beat- tell me what you think.”
Malcolm played what he was bobbing his head to, when i walked in.
i thought for a moment, listening to the bass.
suddenly, a fire ignited inside me.
ivy’s pov
i rolled over in bed, trying to slap the alarm clock out of habit- accidentally falling out off the mattress.
i groaned as my body hit the floor.
this was definitely going to be a tough morning.
i pushed myself off the ground and looked around. this wasn't my room.
i furrowed my brows and quickly remembered that this was mark’s hotel room.
i gasped and covered my mouth as his clothes were laid out on the floor.
oh my god.. did we?
“are you okay?” 
i looked up, and there stood mark- with a towel around his waist. he had just got out of the shower and ran out of the bathroom to check on me.
i was silent.
my eyes wondered his body.
“ivy..” he called out for me.
i instantly shut my mouth and stood up, hugging myself.
“y-yeah.. i’m fine.. did we-” i said pointing at this clothes.
mark laughed.
“we didn’t.” he reassure me.
“oh! thank god!” i said running my hands through my hair, relieved.
mark huffed and slowly ran his hand down his stomach.
“damn. i didn’t think i was that ugly.” he laughed.
i quickly shook my head and lifted my hands.
“no, i didn’t mean it like that. honestly- i didn’t mean-”
mark held his hand up and walked over to the window.
“it’s cool.” he said in a hurt tone.
it was almost like i couldn’t breathe. i didn’t even know what to say to that.
mark didn’t move. he just stared out the window.
“i’ll get it..” i mumbled.
walking over to the door, i felt like i was disappearing with each step i took. as i swung the door open, there stood johnny.
he looked down at me and pressed his lips in a line. i wanted to say hi, but my lips didn’t move.
johnny looked behind me, noticing mark. i watched as the muscles in his jaw started to show. he was clearly upset.
“oh hey, man.” mark chuckled as he hurried to wrap his arm around my shoulder.
johnny was quiet.
“i should go.” i whispered. 
i quickly removed mark’s arm, grabbing my belongings and johnny’s clothes- giving them back to him.
“thank you...” i mumbled.
my throat was so dry, i thought i was going to throw up.
johnny still didn’t say anything.
i slowly slipped past him in the door way and rushed for the elevator.
jaehyun’s pov
cracking the egg on the side of the counter, i whistled. alonna was still asleep, in my bed.
we had a great night, needless to say.
suddenly there was a knock at the door.
“did you forget your key, you idiot?” i laughed, yelling at johnny through the door.
i pulled the door back, revealing ivy.
“oh shit- i’m sorry ivy. i thought you were johnny.” i said rubbing the back of my neck.
“you okay?” i asked, letting her in.
she looked so distraught.
ivy simply nodded her head then began to search for her purse. 
i opened the small closet beside the restroom.
“it’s in here.” i said grabbing her purse for her.
“thank you..” she mumbled in a low tone.
“she’s still sleeping. i can wake her if you’d like.”
she shook her head frantically.
“just tell her to meet me at home later. i’m late for work..”
with that, ivy rushed out the door.
ivy’s pov
rushing home, i quickly showered and dressed for work.
ivy’s outfit:
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running down the sidewalk, i glanced down at my watch. two minutes to spare.
i smiled as i quickly grabbed my keys out of the side pocket of my backpack.
for some reason, as i entered the flower shop- i felt more at home. like i could actually breathe for a second.
i set my stuff down behind the counter and tied my apron around my waist.
a few moments later, Mr. Suh walked in from the back.
“my ivy.” he smiled widely and greeted me.
“good morning, mr. suh. how was your weekend?” i asked giving him a hug.
“it was great. i need you to meet my son.” he stated immediately. 
i laughed at his statement.
“you can always bring him to the shop.” i said smiling through my words.
“that’s actually a really good idea.” he patted my shoulder excitedly. “i’m having breakfast with him a in little. maybe, i’ll have him swing by.”
mr. suh patted my cheek, heading to the back once again.
alonna’s pov
i sat up and looked around the room, clutching onto the sheets- hiding my chest.
i quickly grabbed my panties off the floor, along with jae’s hoodie and headed downstairs.
i smiled as he sat at the table, drinking a cup of coffee- reading a magazine.
i took in the scene, biting my lip.
jae looked up from his reading.
“good morning, beautiful.” he flashed his white teeth.
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i slightly blushed and walked over to him. he pulled me onto his lap and hugged my waist.
“i made you breakfast.” he said picking up a piece of bacon and placing it to my lips.
i giggled and opened my mouth, taking a bite and chewing.
“there’s no way you cooked this.” i laughed.
jaehyun kissed my shoulder and chuckled.
“excuse me. i’m a great cook.” he said slapping my butt.
i whined and turned to straddle him. he gently held my waist and looked up at me, biting his bottom lip.
i leaned down and kissed him softly, wrapping my arms around his neck. he smiled against my lips, pulling me closer into his chest.
slowly pulling away, i rested my forehead against his.
“you were amazing last night..” he mumbled as his eyes were still closed.
i planted an innocent kiss on his nose and pulled back.
“i tried to tell you.” i smirked.
jae lifted his eyebrow, opening his eyes once again and tilted his head slightly.
“don’t get cocky.” he glanced down at my lips.
we stared at each other for a moment- feeling the tension in the room.
it was like we could read each others minds. our emotions were in the air and we both didn’t mind.
taking his hand, i slipped his index finger in my mouth- swirling my tongue around it.
he watched me closely, with lust in his eyes.
as i blinked, he wrapped his arm around my waist tightly- standing up and bringing me with him, in one motion.
he spun me around, bending me over and pressing my stomach into the table- ripping my panties off once again.
johnny’s pov
last night, i slept on taeil’s couch.
i groaned from the pounding coming from my head.
“johnny hyung?” haechan called out for me.
“what?” i said rubbing my head.
i cracked my back and neck- slowly standing up.
“good morning.” he chuckled. “let’s play the game.”
haechan climbed out of bed, careful not to wake taeil and sat in front of the tv.
i shook my head.
“i’m having breakfast with my dad this morning. maybe later.”
he looked disappointed.
i sighed and grabbed him, pulling him into a hug.
“later. i promise.”
walking out of their room, i made my way to my own room.
slipping the key in, i heard moaning coming from inside. 
“jae!” i shouted as i quickly opened the door.
alonna squealed, immediately covering herself with jaehyun’s hoodie.
i shook my head, slamming the door and heading upstairs.
i quickly rallied some clothes together, throwing them on and grabbing my keys.
running down the stairs, i kept my eyes glued to the gps on my phone.
“johnny.” jae called out.
i sighed and looked over at him.
“don’t say anything...” he pleaded.
i shrugged and waved him off.
“i don’t give a fuck what you do. its not my business. i’ll be back later.”
at breakfast
pulling up to the restaurant, i smiled- seeing my mom and dad.
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walking up to the table, my mom smiled up from her menu and stood- pulling me into a hug.
“oh, my johnny.” she said squeezing me tight.
i missed her. 
my dad quickly interrupted and patted my back.
“how much did you have to drink?” he laughed.
“is it that bad?” i chuckled.
we all sat down and looked at the menu.
“son-” my dad started. “there’s someone i’d like you to meet.” he smiled.
i shook my head.
“dad, please no.” i held up my hand.
“you’ll really like her.” mom said smiling, reaching over the table to pat my hand.
i sighed and looked over to the side.
this was their thing.
every time i came in town, they would always try and set me up on these blind dates.
“i don’t want to go on another blind date.” taking out my sunglasses, i slid them on my face and ran my fingers through my hair.
“at least just stop by the shop and say hello. she’s a quiet girl and i don’t think she has any friends.” he began. “she’s also very beautiful.”
“we’re just trying to help you son. i want grand-kids.” my mom admitted.
“mom!” i laughed. “i’m not ready to have kids yet.”
“johnny, come meet her please.”
i rolled my eyes and slapped my menu on the table.
“fine. but this is the last time i’m going to entertain this idea of yours, dad.” i chuckled.
jaehyun’s pov
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getting out of the shower, i heard my phone ping with a notification. alonna was passed out on the bed, just like i left her.
i smirked before leaning down and kissing her head.
grabbing my phone, i seen it was a message from johnny.
“hey bro. party at my parents house tonight. welcome party i guess? idk. tell everyone to come. but, swing by my dad’s shop at 5pm- he wants me to meet some chick and i’ll need a wingman if she’s got a cute friend ;)”
i snickered at his message, replying back.
“what about ivy?” 
as soon as i sent it, he read it.
“pretty sure she had sex with mark last night. im good.”
“fuck.” i said out loud.
alonna groaned.
“why are you yelling?” she whined.
i smiled and hovered over her with my wet body. 
“i didn’t mean to wake you, baby.” i kissed her lips then playfully shook my hair in her face.
“jung jaehyun!” her eye shot open and she began slapping my chest, laughing.
“johnny’s having a party tonight? wanna be my plus one?” i said wiggling my eyebrows.
“is taeyong going?” she asked pushing me off and fixing her hair.
i rolled my eyes and sighed.
“does it matter?”
alonna huffed, getting out of bed and dressing herself.
“yes. because i can’t be all over you in front of him- and everyone else.”
she was getting frustrated.
so was i.
“at least come with me to his dad’s shop. he said there’s some chick he’s meeting.”
her eyes shot my way.
“i thought he was interested in ivy.” 
i smiled as i watched her wiggle into her pants.
“that’s a story i’ll have to tell on the way.”
ivy’s pov
the day was flying by. it was already 4pm. Mr. Suh had called the shop, asking me to close down early. i was totally okay with that, since i just wanted to go home and sleep anyway.
i pulled out my phone. still nothing from alonna.
i hadn’t heard from her all day and i was starting to get worried.
looking around the shop, i decided to start cleaning up to pass time.
5pm finally hit and i dropped my apron fast. swinging my backpack on my shoulder.
like clock work, mr. suh walked in.
“where’s my ivy?!” he called out. 
i could tell he was smiling by the tone of his voice.
as i turned around to greet him, i nearly stopped breathing.
“ivy, sweetie. i’d like you to meet my son. johnny.”
mr. suh smiled and pushed johnny in front of him.
we were both still. 
the shop was quiet. all you could hear was the clock ticking.
johnny suddenly laughed, wagging his finger in the air. he glanced around the shop then back at me.
“i knew that i’ve seen you somewhere before.” he slid his hands in his pockets, tilting his head.
“you guys know each other?” mrs. suh asked.
“i actually have no idea who she is.” johnny lied coldly.
i clutched onto my bag, feeling my body go numb.
suddenly the front door swung open. 
we all looked towards the doorway.
there stood alonna and jaehyun.
hand in hand.
“ivy?” jaehyun called out for me, confused.
“ivy, what are you doing here?” my sister asked.
i ignored her question, looking over at johnny.
there was clearly hurt in his eyes for some reason. 
i really didn’t do anything though.
“i’m out of here.” he mumbled as he rolled his eyes.
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benhardyisdaddy · 5 years
Love Of My Life - Part 10
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(hello!!!! hope you all like this part, ilysm <3) 
Word Count: 1,935
“How amazing was that!?” you ask Roger as you walk towards his car.
He was smiling like crazy to you the whole time you spoke. Your genuine excitement made me so happy and to see you smile again was heartwarming. The spark in your eyes were bright and undying, or at least he thought so. Suddenly, you look back at the building and your heart sank.
“John would have loved that.” you half whisper, staring forward.
Roger stops walking and his face falls he he watches you. He frowns and takes a few steps forward to you. You look as if you’re deep in your own thoughts as he reaches a hand forward and places it on your arm.
“Y/n,” he says gently. “It’s okay.”
You look over to him with tears pooling in your eyes. His heart broke.
“I know… I know you wanted to do this with John. I know I’m not the best choice, but I truly did have fun.” he says, trying to make his voice sound as cheerful as he could.
You look to him fast and your eyes go wide. You shake your head no fast as you walk even closer to him.
“Rog,” you whisper. “No, no, no. I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else to experience this with me. Thank you so much.”
You wrap your arms around his torso and hug him. He freezes for a split second before pulling you even closer into him. He places his chin on top of your head and then quickly kisses it. You back away smiling and continue walking to the car with Roger’s hand, once more, in yours.
“I think we should order room service.”
The two of you are lazily walking back to your hotel room as your stomachs growl loudly.
“Ugh, please! Eat something and then take a huge nap.” you say, fighting back a yawn.
Roger smiles as he clicks the elevators button and a loud ding lets you know it’s on it’s way down. The two of you stand there in silence and sneak glances at one another. You rock back and forth on your feet when finally the elevator doors open up wide, inviting you in. You walk in first and are followed by Roger. He clicks your floor number when all of a sudden, someone shouts out for you to hold the door. Roger rushes forward and leans his arm out, stopping it from closing. You look out into the lobby and watch as a huge family comes rushing towards you. 
There’s at least ten of them and your heart races. This elevator isn't that big and you weren’t sure if it would hold you all. You had a horrible fear of tight spaces and before you could say anything to Roger, he was walking beside you as they all make their way into the tiny compartment. You and Roger get shoved to the very back right corner as you two turn to face one another. A person behind you accidentally pushes you forward, causing your chest to bump into Roger’s. You look up to him to apologize when you realize just how close you really are to him.  
Your faces are merely a few inches apart as you look up to him. He stares into your eyes, his breath getting caught in his throat. You’re pressed against him, embarrassed with anxiety. The tiny elevator starts getting hot and you start getting panicky. You look down and take in a deep breath, closing your eyes. Roger watches you closely and leans his head down a bit, to whisper in your ear.
“Hey, you okay?” he asks.
Your body shivers when his warm breath grazes over your ear. You shake the feeling away and look back up to him. You shake your head fast and you feel yourself starting to tremble.
“Claustrophobic,” you whisper out, but loud enough over all of the voices talking. “Almost hard to breathe.”
You take in a sharp breath and tense your jaw. You know that Roger can feel the rapid beating of your heart, with his chest pressed against yours.
“Hey, look at me.” he says fast.
You look back up to him and stare, your eyes wide with fear.
“It’s okay. It’s almost over. Just one more floor, okay?”
You nod fast and begin almost gasping for air. It was excruciatingly hot in here and everyone was being so loud. Your ears feel like they’re ringing. You wish so badly John was here. He always knew how to calm you down, because no one else could. You feel a hand rub up your arm as you look back to Roger. His hands come up to cup both sides of your face, making you look at him.
“Look at me,” he whispers sternly. “It’s okay. Take deep, slow breaths. It’s almost over, okay? Just keep looking at me.”
You listen to him and stare into his eyes deeply, trying to calm yourself down. The moment your eyes locked with his baby blues, your heart started slowing down. You get hypnotized as you gaze in them, your mind suddenly unaware of the tight surrounding around you. It felt as if it were just you and Roger in that elevator, unaware of the ten people squeezed next to you. He stares back at you, his eyes glancing between yours rapidly. He takes in every feature of your rosy cheeks, amplified from the heat. Roger’s thumb gently rubs against your cheek mindlessly. You lean into his touch as he slowly dips his head down to you. You raise yours a bit, lining your mouths up merely a few inches apart. You can feel his warm breath on yours. 
You glance down at his lips as he does the same to you. Roger goes to lean in fully until a loud ding makes the two of you jump and look away. You don’t know what had gotten into you. You were ashamed and embarrassed, feeling as if you were about to cheat on John. Something you would never do. The doors to the elevator suddenly open up, allowing the large family to swarm off. You finally take a step back and feel cool air wash over your heated body. Roger is watching you as you take in a breath and fix your hair. You quickly walk off the elevator and straight to your room. You grab the key from your purse and open up the door. You wait for Roger and walk inside, looking around. You feel like you need a shower. You feel Roger’s eyes on you, but you choose to ignore it. You had too much going on right now, you couldn’t worry about this. You told yourself you would never love another man like you loved John and you plan on sticking to that.
You walk over to your luggage and toss it on your bed. You go to unzip it when you spot something lying on your bedside table. It was an envelope. Your heart raced as you drop your bag and rush over to it. You pick it up and realize the handwriting on the front. You look to Roger and watch as he pours himself a drink.
“Roger!” you say fast, causing him to spin around.
You hold the envelope up for him to see and smile widely. His face brightens up as he walks over to you fast. You toss your luggage off of your bed and quickly slide onto it, patting the spot next to you. Roger hesitates for a second before he finally crawls next to you, drink still in hand. You stare at the envelope and can’t stop smiling. You feel tears already burning at your eyes, but you ignore them. You gently tear open the top of the envelope and slide out a folded piece of paper. You take in a deep breath as you unfold it painfully slowly, nervous to read it. Roger watches you as he sips his drink, nervous as well.
To My Best Friend And Wife,
Hello, my love. I assume if you’re receiving this letter that you finished the amazing hot air balloon adventure. How was it? I assume it’s breathtaking as you stare down at all of the mountains and hills, making everything below look like tiny ants. I wish so badly I could have experienced that with you, but I’m so happy you finally were able to go. I know this all must be so hard for you, so I am so sorry. I just need for you to be happy. That’s all I want. That’s what you deserve. Pure happiness. So I hope that this experience gave you almost some comfort in your time of sorrow. Sorrow that I’ve put on you and if I could apologize a million times, I would. I’m just so happy you didn’t have to go alone. I take it Roger went with you. To him, thank you. Thank you for looking out for my girl. I’d say I owe you one, but you know how difficult that would be right now. (Sorry, bad joke.)
This is not the last letter you will receive. I promise. In fact, you should be looking for one tomorrow, in regards to your next destination. I apologize in advance, but it’s a little further than just two cities over. You might not have any idea what I’m talking about, but trust me, you will love it. (Not as much as I love you, but you understand.) Please rest up and get prepared. Roger, thank you again. Truly the greatest friend a man could have. And to my sweet y/n, remember what I said before. Open your heart. Don’t close it off. When loves finds you, don’t push it away. Grab it, hold it and embrace it. Once again, you deserve all the happiness in your life. I love you more than anything in this world.
Yours Forever,
P.S. You’re the love of my life
Once again, tears flooded down your face. You glance over at Roger and it’s the same for him. These letters hit a certain spot for the both of you. The way John writes his heart out onto paper is the most beautiful thing ever. To have him talk to you once more was the greatest feeling ever. You look back over to Rog, the two of you smiling at one another. You lean your head against his shoulder for a moment, before standing up from the bed.
“You up for another adventure?” you ask.
He smiles and sits up straight.
You smile back and finally retrieve your pajamas from your luggage. You take your much needed shower, followed by Roger. The two of you look over the room service menu and decide on your dinner. When the food arrives, you both lay on your bed and watch TV as you munch. You place your dishes on your bedside table and lay down, continuing to watch the movie on TV. Roger does the same, not thinking anything of it. Your eyes drift closed as sleep overtakes you. You, without realizing, turn over and place your head on Roger’s chest. You cuddle up to him and fall back to a deep sleep. Roger freezes as he debates whether or not he should slip away to his own bed, but he doesn't want to wake you. He decides to stay and eventually falls asleep himself, a big smile plastered to his face. You’re nuzzled up to Roger while John’s letter is clutched close to your chest.
Tag List: @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @queen-bunnyears@queengavemeasheerheartattack @fatbottomedboi @lokis-scepter-in-my-pants @rtyler19
Perm Tag List: @loudxxstar @iambuckyrogers @babebenhardy @ramimalekrp-roleplayerpage @mautand @rogertayolr @mothermercuryy @basics-andthesimplelife @caterinaborgia @discodeakyjazzyjoe @sheridans-dynamos @bethany-cc @onexlittlespark @idontbelievethiss @having-a-freddie-time @denimmay @bensrhapsody @manuosorioh @writing-in-hell @cupcakehardy @toms-irish-girl @a-kind-of-magik @thesecondlastjedi @dianamarie-has-a-blog @ezmina98 @finnbalortrash21 @frostedsugarcookiemint @yourealegendroger @popcrone818 @wronglanemendes @sj-thefan @borhapqueen92
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underoos-shield · 5 years
little italy
summary: peter can’t seem to get enough of her
warning: just one curse word
A/N: hi babies. @petey-verse is amazing and i love her and if u haven’t read her part makes sure you do cause it is amazing!!!! hope u enjoy part 3 babies! mwah!💫✨
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peter’s jaded eyes glaze over the meal before him. he’s excited to tour the city of milan, but he isn’t too pleased that he, along with the rest of his noticeably exhausted classmates, had to wake up before dawn to catch the bus before the early morning traffic.
the tired boy slouches in his chair, arms set lazily on the armrests and disorderly curls covering his forehead. he didn’t have the energy to brush them out this morning, thus making a flop of curls sit at the top of his head. peter lifts a hand to tiredly run his fingers through the mocha tendrils, making the curly bangs lift from his forehead for a moment before they flop back messily into his eyes. he lets out a tired sigh.
and if things couldn’t get any more disorienting, the boy had failed to button his floral blue shirt all the way, the top three still undone and exposing his freckled chest.
peter doesn’t make an effort to join ned, betty and mj as they are busy discussing their afternoon plans, trying to see if they have enough time to visit il duomo milan cathedral and the grand galleria vittorio emanuele II. both sounded amazing, but very tiring, which wasn’t going to help peter at the moment.
“non ti piace la tua colazione?(do you not like your breakfast?).”y/n’s eyes are full of somber and peter quickly sits up and holds onto her arm.
“no no, è perfetto, grazie. sono solo un po 'stanco oggi (no no, it’s perfect, thank you. i’m just a bit tired today).” somewhere in the midst of his rushed sentence, his hand slides down from her elbow into her much smaller palm.
y/n furrows her brows as she stares at the sleepy peter. the skin under his eyes are darker than usual and he looks a bit pale.
“dovresti mangiare, per favore (you should eat, please).” she quietly begs. she would hate if he got ill while touring the wonderful city. peter knowingly nods and fills up a freshly washed ceramic bowl with fruit and yogurt. y/n can see how tired he is by the slow blinks and the short breaths that he takes.
“perhaps you should rest during your travel?” she kindly offers. the bus ride is going to be about an hour long, maybe even less since they woke up early enough to beat the morning traffic. but it was better if peter took a quick nap than tiredly drag through the long day.
“will you be coming with us?” peter asks almost desperately. he knew it was a long shot, especially since y/n and her family had to tend to the guests at the hotel. but he hoped...
she lets out a small sigh. “my father won’t allow it” she says, disappointment prominent in her voice. peter nods as he looks away and she can see how hard he is fighting the urge to pout. “ma ti vedrò stasera? al giardino? (but i will see you tonight? at the garden?).” her hand tickles the skin under his chin as she politely lifts it up for him. she does not want peter to have a bad experience just because she cannot tag along. peter deserved to have fun, with or without her.
peter’s lips curve up into a smile and he nods along with her words. “yes, please.” he says, hope lacing in with his voice. y/n smiles with him and runs the back of her hand across his cheek. it was a sweet gesture and it made peter forget that she wasn’t able to attend their trip to milan.
“okay.” her accent sounds like velvet and peter is almost hypnotized by her. she is so enchanting that peter doesn’t realize he’s still sitting at the table with his classmates. and he definitely doesn’t realize that flash is glaring at him and squeezing the handle of the knife he is holding.
“arrivederci,” she says sweetly. her hand slips away from his cheek and y/n allows her fingers to run along his bicep, down this forearm and past his fingertips. and peter is so under her spell that he watches her as she walks out of his line of view, a blush covering his cheeks.
she wanted him to have something to look forward too, again.
duomo di milano is so strikingly beautiful, with its massive stained-glass windows and gigantic pillars and amazing architecture. peter takes pictures of the richly-patterned exterior and he even has a few pictures taken of him and his friends in the background. it was just too beautiful to leave in his memories.
and the interior was just as beautiful, maybe even more so.
the stained-glasses windows were hit by the radiant sun outside, making the pictures appear so beautiful and almost like something you would see in a movie. the almost flower-like pattern decorating the floor was almost like a dream and peter can’t believe he’s actually lucky enough to get to witness such a sight. “i wish y/n was here.” he accidentally says out loud.
the group make their way to the elegantly structured gallery known in milano as “il salotto” to grab a bite to eat. it was dinner time now and they were all famished from their adventure. “thank god, if we didn’t eat soon i would’ve passed out.” ned sighs gratefully. betty pouts her lip and pats ned’s thigh affectionately. peter looks to mj on his right, who was failing to fight off a cringe.
“mind if i sit, parker?” goosebumps immediately appeared at the back of peter’s neck and he turns to his left to see flash towering over him.
“oh-uh, sure.” the boy hadn’t realized just how much flash affected him. just thinking about flash’s torment made peter was to run back to his hotel room.
“so, you and y/n seem to be getting along quite well.” flash was smiling, which was odd, considering that he basically threatened peter’s life last night when he wanted to talk to y/n.
“uh, yeah. i guess just as well as everyone else is.” peter tries to keep it neutral, but flash isn’t buying it.
“i told you to stay away from her”, he warns. peter swallows nervously and grips the left armrest, not doing the same with his right hand in case mj would see.
“i don’t know what you-,” peter tries to find an excuse to save himself.
“cut the shit.”flash says. peter looks around the table to see if anyone had heard what he said. unfortunately, no heads turned his way. “i saw you two at breakfast this morning.” flash is basically growling at peter now and peter doesn’t know what else to do except stare down at the menu, pretending to find it interesting as flash continues his reign of torture.
dinner was just as tense, flash making sure he cut his food as threateningly as possible, mirroring what he would do to peter if he didn’t listen.
“peter!” her voice was full of relief, happy to see him after a long and tiring day working in the dining room and kitchen. it was nice to finally have some time to relax. peter looks around the lobby to search for her and he jumps as y/n’s small arms wrap around peter’s waist from behind. he can feel her let out a satisfied smile and the way her cheeks are turned up as she smiles.
“mi sei mancato (i’ve missed you)”, she whispers, making goosebumps appear along his arms. the boy lets out a sigh filled with relief, he finally gets to be with her again.
y/n loosens her hold just enough to let peter turn around and finally catch a glimpse of her beautiful face. “ciao, bella (hello, beautiful)” peter says smoothly. y/n’s smile is hidden as she giggles into him, cheek pressed against his chest. peter would give anything to hear her laugh like that again. it was so light and free and so wonderful, just like her. and he smiles down at her because she is just amazing, so unlike anyone he has ever met.
“shall we go outside?”. y/n steps away from him and tucks her gorgeous hair behind both of her ears, her cheeks and nose noticeably glowing red.
“yes”. peter smiles at her and she shyly turns from him as she walks towards the garden. peter follows her with a dopey smile on his lips, happy that he was finally able to enjoy his favorite time of day with his favorite person in italy.
“ti è piaciuto milano? (did you enjoy milan?)” her voice was soft and inviting and so full of wonder. it made peter swoon.
“e 'stato stupefacente. vorrei che tu fossi lì. (it was amazing. i wish you were there)” peter whispers the last part but y/n’s ears still pick up the sweet message, it making her feel so appreciated.
she smiles and looks at her lap and tucks the already-placed hair behind both ears again. and peter picked up that this was her nervous habit.
“il ragazzo ti ha infastidito di nuovo? (was that boy bothering you again?)”. y/n rests her hand on his forearm as she waits for his answer. she would hate to hear that his trip was ruined because of some boy.
peter sighs and gives her a fake smile. “non parliamo di questo ora (let’s not talk about that now)”. y/n frowns and is about to push him into telling her what happened but
peter proceeds to take out his phone, opening to his camera roll and showing pictures of him, ned, betty and mj enjoying their day out, hoping it will change the subject. and it seems to work, because she leans forward to get a better look.
“chi è? (who’s this?)”, she asks, pointing at the picture to a happy mj as peter’s arm was around her shoulders. her voice is filled with something close to disappointment and peter lets out a soft laugh.
“solo un'amica. (just a friend)”, he says softly. peter can see that y/n visibly relaxes at his words, biting her lip to hide her smile.
she brings her petite fingers over his phone and swipes to the next screen, revealing a picture of him laughing as the golden sun hits his face. y/n smiles at this and takes the phone from his hands, gently stroking the sides as if she is stroking his face. her smile widens as each moment passes, finding the picture more captivating with each moment. he looks so beautiful in the light and his smile looks so carefree.
“sei molto bello (you are very handsome)”. peter blushes and wipes his sweaty hands on his pants. they’re sweaty now because no one had ever called him handsome before. only may, but it didn’t count.
peter smiles shyly and tucks his phone in his pocket. he reaches behind him and pulls out his soft cover copy of the book that brought them together, it being safely tucked into the back of his jeans.
“posso leggerlo a voi? (may i read it to you?)”, he asks charmingly. y/n smiles and rests the side of her head on his arm, waiting for her favorite private moment to begin.
“amo quando mi leggi (i love when you read to me)”. peter smiles down at her and opens to where they left off, imagining himself in an alternate universe where y/n and him didn’t have to keep their... rendezvous such a secret.
chapter 4
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dizzydennis · 5 years
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This caption above fits me pretty well with TSR as I end my second day with it.
(The following post will be noting some negatives about Team Sonic Racing. You’ve been warned, but remember it’s still a great game. I’d like this to spark discussions and not fights.)
The game is still a lot of fun! I love the gameplay, but as I am playing more, I am noticing some issues.
The story mode is fine and simple, but it drags and can becoming very tiring. I am up to the 6th chapter and I unfortunately think it’s overstayed it’s welcome. It plays well, but it doesn’t have the substance to really keep it going for as long as it is. There are even Grand Prix races in the story mode which take up a lot of time! It’s just draining. Still, I appreciate the amount of content on display here. It’s definitely more than other kart racers on the Switch.
Related to the story mode: some of the requirements for certain challenges are ridiculous. You can get a Bronze medal, but it doesn’t count as passing. Since Bronze is the lowest rank you can achieve, that should be the threshold for completing the challenge. Other requirements are just way too hard and take the fun out of actually playing them.
I really like to play as Team Sonic, but... what the hell is wrong with Knuckles!? Maybe I had a long string of bad luck, but he sucks... a lot. No matter how many items I send him, or let him take my boosts, he often ends up way down the rankings and hurts my teams performance. He’ll also sometimes just bump me into hazards. What is his malfunction? Tails almost never gets like this, so it’s really bizarre. Also, it doesn’t help that his new voice just sounds way off.
Zavok’s purpose in the story makes no sense. He hates Eggman, but he’s working for Eggman with NO real explanation as to why. It’s just lazy writing. Now, I am not going to be on the voice actor wars that Sonic games have had since 2005, but Zavok’s new voice actor really hurts his character. He has none of the menace that he used to have and sounds really awkward. He sounds more like somebody doing a bad Erazor Djinn impression rather than Zavok. I tried to be positive with this character, but he’s useless. SEGA has to retire him as he doesn’t have the fanbase to warrant his inclusion and they aren’t putting in the effort to make him work. It could have just been Chaos, Infinite, or Eggman Nega. It really doesn’t matter. If they wanted to reference the Sonic Drift games, they could’ve brought back Fang. That would’ve been amazing.
As I’ve posted before, there are some glitches in the game. The Team Ultimate Attack has issues. 90% of the time, it works. However, it will sometimes just glitch out. I’ve been tossed off the stage a couple of times, been spun around for seemingly no reason, and sometimes just jitter between areas.
Online play is crusty; at least on the Nintendo Switch. It’s fun, it works, but it’s crusty and glitchy. Now, I said it works, but sometimes you cannot connect, lobbies will just be in limbo, and sometimes it makes bizarre, loud, scary, glitchy noises. I’ll post about that in the future. Other racers sometimes will float and lag between areas which is bizarre. I’ve been hit through the stage and just completely tossed off to my death. I’ll post about that in the future too. But one of the most aggravating thing that has happened 4 times to me is when you finish a race and the game softlocks. No music or sounds, just your characters driving automatically around the track upon completion. You do NOT get credit for finishing the race and it will kick you out to the title screen. Every time this has happened to me, I was in first place.... so I was pretty upset. Though even now, I am number 12 in the world, so I guess it’s not too bad. They NEED to fix this.
The last couple of negatives I want to note are for quality of life aspects of the game, but I think they are important.
First, when you finish some challenges, a Grand Prix, or a single race, the game will give you the results. I understand not being able to skip it in online multiplayer, but you can’t skip it at all. So it shows the character renders, the top 4 winners, the amount of medals you unlocked for Mod Pods, the standings for each racer, then the overall scores for the teams. It doesn’t take a LONG while, but I find myself just wanting to skip it. It takes too long and not being able to skip it sucks. Oh and I just mentioned Mod Pods before... I hate that loot box system.
Lastly, in Story mode, you can press A or Y to advance missions. Y button will play the story cutscenes while A will just play the missions with no story context. Now, for every single menu in the game besides the story screen, A advances the menus normally. This is standard across almost ALL Nintendo Switch games. Do you see where I am going with this? It is VERY, VERY easy to just choose a mission, accidentally enter it without activating the story missions, and not realize that you’re missing out on the plot. This has happened many times for me because my brain just wants to go to the next screen and Y is almost NEVER used to advance menus in any games. I just feel they could have handled this better.
Again! Team Sonic Racing is a great game! At it’s core, it is very fun and well made, but there are a number of negatives within the game that I don’t think we should ignore. It’s not perfect, but it’s still an amazing time. I just think some of these setbacks are significant.
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distractnova · 6 years
ok so i made a post abt this already but it was super rambly and barely got any attention and i feel like i didn’t do the game justice in that post and i’d love to edit it and make it better but i honestly dont see the edit button anywhere??? so i’m just going to remake it hopefully a lot better and try and add pictures if i can, so hopefully this is better sdfgfds i’m gonna add a read-more so you aren’t bombarded with a block of text dhsjkksdj (edit: might not work on mobile)
so it’s called Full Metal Furies, it came out January 17th this year and i think i got it around the 20th of January, it’s made by the ppl who made Rogue Legacy (yknow that super duper hard game?) and to get a much well thought out description u might wanna check it’s store page, the game’s on xbox and steam! (it’s also on sale for the steam summer sale! not for a whole lot but less than 20 dollars) ((its also recommended to play w a controller, preferably an xbox one, otherwise ur stuck figuring out which button does which blindly but once u get over that hurdle its all good, i personally find the keyboard controls annoying so i take the temporary button confusion over getting used to the keyboard)) (((u can also just google full metal furies and the first result should be the main site that cellardoorgaming made for it if u want even more info!))) also here’s the menu!
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most things i have to say abt this game are good, but like everything even an amazing game can have its flaws. the good things i have to say abt the game are; i love the controls and i love the fact that you don’t have to play alone for good gameplay, you can still play the game without gathering people to play it, but its still fun when u do, they recently even added in lobbies so u could play w random ppl or ppl u know online rather than a couch multiplayer kind of style, i also love the art of the game, the backgrounds the lighting the pixels and the lines and the characters and how detailed everything is, and i love the character personalities and relations, they aren’t the largest part of the game but there’s enough for me to get attached to them, even throw away kind of ones or minor characters, i love the lore as confusing it can b for me at times i love the battle mechanics and the boss battles, the music is also amazing!!! the album 4 the music is on itunes, apple music and steam if u wanna check it out! i especially love how the all four protagonists are kick-ass women who are goofy at times cus that’s just human!! and they interact w each other in a way i like! and the puzzles are super clever! i also like how you require teamwork when playing w other people, like there’s no leaving the other behind bcus u NEED the other to progress, there are these color shields that assign to a character (only if u have that color in ur party) that only that character can break, even the places that are usually stepping stones for games are incredibly important like the level map, you need the level map to solve puzzles and it even looks amazing! same with the camp where you can level up and access character choice, u also need that to solve puzzles and its extremely pretty, at some point u also get a cat! 
b4 i get carried away abt what i like abt the game i want to name some of its flaws, cause i think i failed to do that in the previous post so here goes. the puzzles are insane, like out of the box’s box thinking, like i accidentally unlocked a puzzle thing by just playing Alex’s guitar (from a music set u get l8r in the game needed for the puzzles) for the fuck of it sdfghfdsfdsds but the only really possible ones for me, a person who is shit at puzzles where the first two stages, and some points of the game can be pretty tough, that’s just me tho, there is a way to tone it down w a setting called story mode, and even then it can b pretty tough, it’s not game ruining but for people who really hate hard challenges i wouldn’t recommend it, unless u think u can overlook that sorta thing bcus u like the art, gameplay and the characters, back to the puzzles real quick; you CAN finish the game w/out the puzzles, but to get the true ending (from what i’ve gathered) you have to solve those puzzles, and they get HARD, for me personally it would take a lifetime for me to solve any puzzles late game by myself, as a person who is not good at puzzles, i could still do it but it’d take a while, and there’s this stealth level at some point within late game where you have to sneak around these enemies or fight a fuckton of difficult enemies if u don’t successfully sneak past them, and it is almost impossible, the game was not made for stealth, although a part of me tells me that’s intentional, cus even if you do like die, you still keep any money and i think level ups to items you have equipped, so the level might be designed specifically for that purpose, it’s a good grinding level or fighting for fun level, but if the true intention was a stealth level it pretty much failed.
and i think that’s all the flaws i can point out, in the end i’d highly recommend this game even with it’s flaws, for me the flaws weren’t many but they where still there, the puzzles are definitely hard as rocks but i think the outcome would b worth it (haven’t finished em but i hope it is) the hardness of the game is also there but heavily intended (this game is made by the ppl who made rogue legacy after all) and you will definitely fail some levels cus failing isn’t always the end, learn from ur mistakes and grow stronger n all that jazz, the stealth level is kind of a mix of good n bad, cus if u look at it in the perspective of it wasn’t really designed to BE a stealth level, and instead just to look like one, i personally can kind of appreciate it, cause the Furies don’t hit me to be exactly the stealthy kind of war-stoppers sdfghfdsjhfs but if u look at the level the opposite way, it’s pretty a pretty bad stealth level
and that’s it, i think i did a much better job than the original post i made, i wish i could add in stuff abt the characters but that would make this post much more larger for my liking, i’m glad i targeted some of the key flaws for me, which didn’t even really turn out to be that horrible once you looked at them, some more stuff i wanted to add, the game has colorblind and heard of hearing modes you can turn on if you experience any of those, which i thought was extremely thoughtful, also the story mode that makes the game easier DOES deduct some of the gold it gives you, not a whole bunch, but it is less than you would get on normal mode. on the final note of this post, i would absolutely highly recommend this game, absolutely worth any money it costs! (20 dollars usually, rite now it’s 13 dollars due to the summer sale) if you read through the whole thing the only thing i can really say is; thank you so much for reading! i hope you want to check the game out after this! and if u do end up buying it i hope u like it!
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coaguco · 4 years
Dev Diary - 7/11/20 - Haulin’ Oats And The Dope Game Remaster
Why hello, sweetlings.  It is time for another week of development diary entries for Haulin’ Oats and The Dope Game.  Also I will be taking the following week off of development to do some real-life stuff instead and will be changing the dev diary schedule to twice a month (every other week).  Yes, the applause is deafening but please remain calm... here are this week’s updates.
Haulin’ Oats
This week was all about getting that multiplayer up and running.  As you can see below, something that was visible in the current alpha (I think) is the hosting settings.  These are now functional.
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All of the lobby set-up functionality as well as server list functionality is now in the next alpha build.  In-lobby chat also works.  Still tinkering with kicking players from the lobby though.  Avatars should show up next to each player too.
Now the focus is shifting to making the game playable.  Luckily there were hooks already for bots / remote players, so it’s just all about adding in the client-server functions to talk to these.
When the next alpha version hits, this should all be ready to go.  Expect that, probably, in August at some point.
The Dope Game Remaster
Combat was the name of the game this week.  And a lot of changes were made since the last version, like armor, multiple enemies, better healing, etc.
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So yes, armor is now a thing.  It will be depleted before health except on criticals.  It can be purchased from Pinky or the Shady Merchant.
You can also now heal your crew in combat from the heal menu.  This will hopefully keep them in better shape during rough fights.  And speaking of rough fights, NPCs can now call in allies; there can be up to five different opponents in one fight.
There were also some minor tweaks to rewards, how buttons are laid out (no more accidental surrender), and more.
That’s it for now.  More in two weeks!
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Nintendo Switch review: a brave and fascinating new console
At 280 the Switch is a gamble, but Nintendo has again done its idiosyncratic best to challenge the way we think about games hardware
Nintendo remains a puzzling phenomenon for a lot of modern gamers. The company never makes powerful consoles, or cool consoles; it never pushes the processing envelope, and it always seems a little eccentric when it comes to online infrastructure. Unlike Sony and Microsoft, it isnt trying to make gaming PCs designed to resemble dedicated games machines it just makes games machines.
The Switch is the latest evolution of an idea Nintendo has been playing with since the arrival of the Wii in 2006 a console for everyone, with an interesting, accessible and flexible interface. The console itself is basically a tablet, and completely portable, but plug it into the stand and the action immediately appears on your TV. It is a weird hybrid, a new mid-point between home and handheld.
The big question is is it fun?
The basics
Priced at 280, the Nintendo Switch is a hybrid system a cross between a home console and a handheld. When you buy one, you get the console itself, as well as the two JoyCon controllers, the stand for plugging the device into your TV, and a controller grip. HDMI and power cables come too.
Nintendo Switch whats in the box. Photograph: Nintendo
Games are on small cartridges (that rattle rather suspiciously) and they slot into a port at the top of the console. Unlike with PS4 and Xbox One, you dont need to install the software on to your hard drive, which is just as well as the Switch drive is a measly 32GB. Theres a Micro SD slot at the rear of the Switch, which adds additional storage capacity.
Optional accessories include a wired LAN adaptor and pro controller which offers a more refined and traditional interface for 65. Extra Joy-Con controllers (necessary for multiplayer games like Arms) cost 75.
Size: 10cm x 24cm x 1.4cm (with Joy-Con attached)
Screen: 6.2-inch LCD Screen, 1280 x 720 resolution
Processor: Nvidia Custom Tegra processor
Storage: 32GB (with Micro SD card slot for additional space)
Connectivity: wifi (IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac) and Bluetooth 4.1
Weight: 300g (400g with Joy-Con attached)
A design of two halves
The Nintendo Switch looks like a very small, budget-conscious tablet, with the same sort of build quality (ie solid and kind of sleek). The capacitive touchscreen is not as precise as youll find on your new smartphone, but its a definite step up from the spongy Wii U GamePad and reacts to the slightest touch rather than a frustrated jab. The experience really does merge the accessibility of playing on a tablet with the added controller accuracy of a handheld. Its like a modern take on the multifaceted approach of the DS and 3DS, but with a larger screen and much more granular control.
When you want to plug it into into your TV, you slide the Switch into the dock, until it clicks into the port. This is a smooth, seamless procedure, but the console does rattle a little in its toaster-like home. The dock has HDMI, three USB ports and a power socket but thats all. Its just a hunk of plastic.
Nintendo Switch compared with a Wii U GamePad. Photograph: Keith Stuart for the Guardian
The Switchs built-in 6.2-inch display is 720p HD, and the picture quality is usually very good, with rich colours and a nice sharpness. When you plug the console in to your TV, Switch can output in full 1080p (though not 4K). On a larger display, its very clear this console is far behind Xbox One and PS4 in terms of visual fidelity the graphics have that familiar Nintendo look; cartoony, slightly hazy, but also artful. Titles like Legend of Zelda, Mario Kart and, later, Super Mario Odyssey do look beautiful, but in a more stylised way than the photorealistic aspirations of the other consoles.
Shared pleasures
Once charged, the Switch can be taken wherever you go and this is a key feature. With this console, you can put the screen down wherever you are, slide the Joy-Con off, hand them out and start multiplayer sessions with friends. The fact that the controllers can be used independently means Mario Kart, Bomberman, Just Dance and SnipperClips can all be played without the need to buy extra pads. Its the whole games-for-everyone philosophy of the Wii, joyously emancipated from the home.
On top of this, the console offers ad-hoc local networking for up to eight Switches. The idea of being able to meet up with pals wherever you are and play Mario Kart or Splatoon 2 together in big team sessions is an enticing one and the concept becomes even more interesting if/when we start seeing community-focused titles like Monster Hunter and Pokemon coming along. It was the former that more or less kept the Sony PSP alive, exploiting the machines ad-hoc connectivity; and we saw how powerful Pokemon Go was as a roving social experience. If Nintendo can harness this potential, it would be a major plus for the console. Sitting in a park with a whole bunch of people playing Mario Kart is a really fun proposition.
Joy or con?
Perhaps the most intriguing element of the Switch is its two Joy-Con controllers, which can be used separately, or snapped either side of a plastic grip to make a standard pad. Each Joy-Con has an analogue stick, a button array on the front, and four shoulder buttons along the edges. They also have built-in accelerometers and gyroscopes for motion control, while the right Joy-Con has a motion-sensitive IR camera, which can sense movement in front of it. Theres also a Capture button which lets you take, store and share in-game screenshots (but not video just yet).
The Switch Joy-Cons, close up. Photograph: Nintendo
The Joy-Con are small, but theyre very comfortable in the hand and the plastic is good quality. To make them more sturdy, there are wrist strap sections that slide on to the side of each controller, clipping into place. Theyre easy to get on, but removing them is an unnecessarily fiddly process of lifting a small locking mechanism, pressing a tiny black button then sliding them off it takes some practice (and brute force) and if anyone accidentally puts one on the wrong way round which really shouldnt be possible they become wedged pretty fast. It doesnt really feel like the neat, graceful, child-friendly industrial design were used to from Nintendo.
But theyre definitely good fun to use. Gripped in your hands they become almost invisible facilitators of ridiculous interactions. Whether thats milking a cow or pretending to scoff sandwiches in 1-2 Switch, or cutting out shapes in Snipperclips they take on the forms that each game requires; like the computer mouse, they simply become extensions of your own movements. This could (and in Nintendos hands should) lead to whole new interactive experiences
The Zelda box?
The Switch is launching with eleven games, but many of these are updates of already released titles like I Am Setsuna, World of Goo, Skylanders Imaginators and Just Dance 2017. One exception is Super Bomberman R, a re-invention of the classic multiplayer maze battler.
Of the two major Nintendo titles, 1-2 Switch really should be bundled with the hardware. This collection of competitive mini-games is fun for a while, but its purpose is to exhibit the capabilities of the console and with no lasting challenge to any of the 28 tasks, youll soon tire of it. Even a limited demo of the game would have been a welcome addition to the console package.
The key draw right now is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and honestly, what a draw it is. Expansive, refined and exciting, it could well be one of the greatest launch titles ever released.
Later in the year, well get Splatoon 2, Super Mario Odyssey, Arms and Super Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, which all look wonderful; then there will be Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and a Fire Emblem title, pretty much capturing the RPG market. Nintendo claims there are 100 games in development from 70 publishers highlights include the Elder Scrolls: Skyrim conversion, a Dragon Quest, a Sonic game, Ultra Street Fighter II, and follow-ups to cult titles like No More Heroes and Shin Megami Tensei. Thats a lot of fun to be had.
The big draw The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Photograph: Nintendo
Nintendo has announced 60 indie titles as well: successful releases like Stardew Valley, Shovel Knight, Cave Story and Overcooked are on the slate, as are newcomers Yooka-Laylee, Snake Pass and Wargroove.
The big test of course is whether the big hitting franchises will come over. We know EA is making a Switch version of Fifa, and theres a Switch Minecraft, but will there be a Switch Call of Duty (and if the series goes back to WWII this will really matter), a Switch Red Dead Redemption?
So far it feels like theres more industry positivity around Switch than there ever was around Wii U. If Zelda starts shifting machines, the big publishers will want a part of that especially with the costs of producing high-end Xbox and PlayStation titles exploding with every new hardware iteration.
The end of the Miiverse
One disappointing aspect is that two favourite connected services Street Pass from the 3DS and Wiiverse from the Wii U will not be returning on Switch. Instead were getting a more conventional online subscription service offering multiplayer gaming and other content including monthly free titles.
At the same time, online lobbies and a voice chat app will replace the community hub that made your Wii U desktop feel like a thriving virtual town rather than a staid menu system. Indeed, the Switch desktop is rather sparse, so far consisting of large icons for any games youve played, as well as smaller options for the eShop, photo album and controller settings. Youll be able to import your Nintendo Account ID, make your own Mii character and set up friends lists, of course but currently the UI is very bare and uninspiring (although you could also see its simplicity as a bonus, especially as it also has to function on a smaller, portable display).
In many ways, Switch is going to be a lot more like Xbox and PS4 in its connected philosophy and thats a shame. And whats missing from this more conventional set-up is apps: currently there are no video-on-demand options like YouTube or Netflix, though Nintendo has said its considering them. Furthermore, we still dont know how much the subscription will cost, but it will be free until the autumn. On a more positive note, the eShop looks to be getting some excellent support from indie developers who are looking to support and explore the unique feature-set of the console.
The Nintendo Switch is a brave and fascinating prospect. While the Wii U hinted at a dual screen future (and provided some truly brilliant games), this update truly gives us a strong standalone handheld platform as well as a home console that produces beautiful visuals and trademark Nintendo experiences. Those who well say buy a PC/Xbox/PS4 instead are too entrenched in conventional wisdom to understand the appeal of Nintendo hardware, which has always stood slightly to the side of the industry product pipeline. The Switch is playing in a very different space, a space of its own, and we now need to see if the rest of the industry, and a large enough audience of casual gamers, will join it.
Whatever happens, Nintendo has once again done its idiosyncratic best to challenge the way we think about games hardware. Right now, it has the best launch game in at least a decade, and enough compelling possibilities on the horizon to warrant enthusiasm and hope. At 280 it is a gamble; when the price drops, as it inevitably will before Christmas, it may prove irresistible.
Pros: fascinating hybrid concept; interesting controls; good quality screen; some excellent games on the way
Cons: areas of fiddly and below-par hardware design; limited launch line-up; unclear digital strategy
Read more: http://bit.ly/2mfox6X
from Nintendo Switch review: a brave and fascinating new console
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