#i want like….dean working on the family ranch but finally giving in and admitting he needs help and hiring cas somehow
dollhousemary · 2 years
here’s the thing. i want to read a very specific destiel cowboy au. i’m sure there are at least a few that exist, but do i want to do the work of finding them? no.
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katehuntington · 4 years
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Title: Ride With Me (part 23) Fandom: Supernatural Timeline: 2008 Pairing: Dean x Reader Word count: ±5200 words Summary series: Y/N is a talented horse rider who is on her way to become a professional. In order to convince her father that she deserves the loan needed to start her own farm, she goes to Arizona for six months, to intern at a ranch owned by Bobby and Ellen Singer. Her future is set out, but then she meets a handsome horseman, who goes by the name of Dean Winchester. A heartwarming series about a cowboy who falls for the girl, letting go of the past and the importance of family. Summary part 23: The Flagstaff Horsefair has turned out to be a huge success, but before they go home, an unexpected visitor changes everything. Warnings series: NSFW, 18+ only! Fluff, angst, eventually smut. Swearing, smoking, alcohol intoxication, alcohol abuse. Mutual pining, heartbreak. Crying, nightmares, childhood trauma. Description of animal abuse, domestic violence, mentions of addiction. Financial problems, stress, mental breakdown. Description of blood and injury, hospital scenes, character death, grief. Music: Dean’s ride: Time Has No Mercy - The Common Linnets  Follow ‘Kate Huntington’s Ride With Me playlist’ on Spotify! Author’s note: Thank you @atc74​​​, and @winchest09​​​ for helping me. Also a special thanks to @jules-1999​​​, who has offered me her knowledge about rodeo events like these, and @squirrelnotsam​​​, who knows Arizona like the back of her hand.
Ride With Me Masterlist
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     The final day of the Flagstaff Horsefair 2008 is well on its way, the sun beating down on the market stalls and food trucks. Spectators mix with riders and trainers, some having drinks on the terras, others shopping at the tack and clothing stores. Giggling kids are chasing each other on the grass, the younger ones riding stick horses. Dean smiles at the children when they cross in front of him as he walks up towards the picture stand, slowing his step for a moment in order not to collide with the squealing youthful bunch. 
     By a van with ‘Equestrian Photo’ on the side, he pauses, then moves under the awning. The saleswoman gives out a printed photo to waiting clients on the side, wishing them a good day before she directs her attention to Dean. She greets him with a kind smile which the cowboy returns. Linda knows he doesn’t need help finding the images taken during this event, it’s not the first time the horse trainer has visited the photo stand over the years. Quite a few of the photos hanging on the walls in the Singer’s home and the cafeteria were made by Linda’s boss, the photographer who regularly works horse shows in the region. Ellen usually buys at least one when either he or Jo got on the podium. Dean isn’t interested in purchasing a photo of one of his own rides, though.
     He looks up when the red-haired photographer stumbles into the van from the back entrance, one Nikon hanging from a sling, dangling on her hip, and another one on a monopod with a huge zoom lens attached to it resting against her shoulder. Her curls are wild and it’s clear she’s in a hurry, the next class about to start already.      “Hi, Dean,” she greets, recognizing the familiar horseman instantly.      “Hey.” He nods at her with a smile, his eyes flicking back to the screen. “How’s it going?”      “Good. Busy,” she returns, taking out the battery of the cameras skillfully and swapping them for fully charged ones. “But busy is good these days, ain’t it? You had a few good runs, didn’t ya?”      “Can’t complain,” he admits, grinning as he thinks about how successful this event has been so far.      “Your student gave quite the performance last night,” the photographer smirks, handing Linda the memory card and taking back empty Sandisks to replace them with. 
     Dean looks up at her over the screen, noticing the mischief in her eyes. The way she just emphasized the word ‘student’ tells him that she knows exactly what’s up. He raises his eyebrows and chuckles, flustered. Looks like just about everyone in the business is up to speed at this point.
     “Check out the ones at the bottom of the folder. You can thank me later,” the redhead advises, grabbing a chocolate bar and a bottle of water from the small fridge under the counter before she heads for the back door again. “Gotta run!”
     Somewhat confused, Dean watches her head off to the main arena, before he redirects his attention to the display in front of him again. Stills of last night’s highlights pass by, allowing him to relive the amazing moments. The shots of the actual run are great, although he can imagine that Y/N and Meadow aren’t the most difficult pair to shoot. The Quarter mare is very photogenic with her copper coat and broad white blaze. She’s elegant, much like her rider, who has a fantastic seat, which shows, even on a still image. 
     Curious what the capturer of these images means, the cowboy goes down further, reaching a series of photos that show the seconds right after Y/N finished her freestyle, her arms wrapped around her horse’s neck, hugging her tight. He makes a mental note to pick that one. 
     There are more of her coming towards the entrance, waving at the crowd, but it’s the next couple of shots that has his jaw fall slack. The photographer must have sprinted to the other side of the tunnel before the horse and rider left the ring, because she managed to document the exact moment when he and his girlfriend embraced, Y/N still in the saddle, his arm around her, the emotional release evident. Jo is holding on to Meadow’s reins on the other side, smiling as she watches her friend and her cousin.
     The next photo shows just the two of them, standing in the gateway facing the arena while waiting for the score, followed by a shot of him lifting her off the ground when the realization of the new PR settled in. The final picture has to be his favorite. It’s one of the kiss they shared. The composition of the portrait is astonishing, the spotlights on the showground illuminating the figures in the center, silhouettes against the vibrant arena. His heart grows, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He never thought he would be able to experience what he felt at that moment again, the great magnitude of pride, joy, and love. But this photo brings it all back, and he has to have it.
     Still smiling at the warm feeling that has settled in his entire body, Dean scribbles down the file numbers on the order form and hands it to the blonde saleswoman, together with a fifty-dollar-bill. The wrangler bought six in total, one to frame and decorate the wall in the cafeteria, four for his girlfriend. The chosen photos are shots of horse and rider in a sliding stop, of the second right after finishing the test when Y/N threw her arms around Meadow’s neck, and of the precious embrace between him and his girl. He got a double print of the kiss they shared, one for her, one for him. 
     It’s a picture that he will cherish, come whatever. A picture he wants to be able to look at when he needs to, to remind himself of what he has got going for him. He knows challenging times are coming, with the ranch, with their relationship. Dean is well aware he’s approaching that inevitable turning point when he has to open up further than the lost boy with a dark past is comfortable with. But this photo, a moment forever frozen in time, will be the beacon he needs to find his way home. 
     Dean takes the envelope with the printed pictures from Linda and heads towards the ring. Jo is due to enter the arena in ten minutes and he wouldn’t want to miss it, for one, because she is going to bust his ass if he’s not there. It sometimes baffles him how his little cousin acts like she can’t stand being around him and yet searches for his approval so often. 
     He takes out the photo he wants to save for himself together with the one he will add to the cafeteria’s Wall of Fame, and slips them in the inner pocket of his denim jacket before he reaches the foot of the bleachers. With big strides, he conquers the steps, looking left and right in search of his friends once he has made it to the top. He spots Benny and Y/N on one of the higher rows when the farrier lifts his hat off his head and whistles. This barrel race is one of the highlights of the event and the arena is almost filled to full capacity, only a few seats left. Thankfully, his girlfriend saved him a spot.
     His smile grows wider when he sees the cowgirl, and deep inside he’s excited to give her the present he just purchased. He can’t wait to witness her reaction.      “I got you somethin’,” Dean announces.      Intrigued, Y/N pulls her focus away from the competitor currently in the ring and looks at her boyfriend, awaiting. He offers her the envelope, placing his now empty hands on his knees, somewhat nervously.      “What’s this?” she wonders, her curiosity peaked.      “Open it,” the cowboy urges.      She does, carefully folding back the seal flap and taking out the prints. When she turns them over, she lets out a stunned gasp, much to her boyfriend’s delight.      “These are amazing!” she says, elated, going through the pictures of her and Meadow slowly.
     The last two photos silence her, however, much like they did Dean when he first saw them on the screen. Moved, she takes in the portraits of the strong bond between her and the man that’s sitting next to her. After a few long seconds, she glances aside, meeting his warm eyes.  This cowboy with a John Wayne reputation - as Jo so poetically put it - sure has his ways. He might not be very vocal when it comes to his feelings, but that’s alright, because he is able to communicate through different languages. A kiss, a dance, his trust, his support. And now these photos. It’s proof of his adoration for her, and it’s more valid than a signature.
     She closes the small gap between them, moving under his hat, and grazes her soft lips over his. Ignoring his Southern friend, who lets out a low chuckle when he notices the lovebirds next to him, the head wrangler closes his eyes and kisses her back. His hand travels into her hair and holds her, making sure she doesn’t go anywhere. He can feel every connection; her featherlight fingertips on his stubble, her cute nose against his, her lashes dusting the freckles from his cheeks. Dean doesn’t need words, but neither does she. 
     When he slowly pulls away from her, he looks at her lovingly, forgetting time for a moment. It’s only when the commentator announces Jo’s name over the speakers, that they return their attention to the arena. The gate opens and his cousin and her horse Bullet shoot towards the first barrel, the animal doing his name justice. The three wranglers of the Gold Canyon ranch get on their feet, cheering on the blonde cowgirl, who goes through the course in record time. When she clocks a new PR, Y/N bounces on her feet, hugging Dean tight and letting out that laugh that he loves so much. 
     They don’t notice Benny’s gaze wandering off to the car park behind the bleaches. He has spotted a beige pickup pulling in. Like a hawk, the farrier follows the GMC truck.      “We’re going over to Jo to celebrate. Are you coming?” The enthusiastic intern calls for Benny’s attention, and he turns his head to face his best pal’s girlfriend.      “In a minute, darlin’,” he says, giving her a smile. “Gonna watch a few more runs.”      “Alright, see you in a bit, brother,” Dean chuckles happily, before his girlfriend drags him towards the exit by his hand. 
     The Southerner watches them leave, then redirects his attention to the beat-up car on the field. A man gets out, his face shielded by a black cowboy hat. His posture seems familiar, he’s not even sure why. Benny narrows his eyes, but the figure is too far away to recognize. Then the frown evens out, his jaw falling slack. Suddenly, it clicks.       “No fuckin’ way in hell…” he mumbles to himself.
     But there ain’t no way, right? He can’t be here. Before Benny can decide otherwise, he bolts towards the steps to get down from the bleachers, hoping to not lose sight of the guy. He better make sure who just set foot on the showgrounds is exactly who he suspects he is, before he breaks the news to his best friend.
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     Dean swings the heavy saddle onto Aerosmith’s back, his last horse to compete at this tournament. After this run, all that’s left for him to do is coach Y/N and Joplin for their competition debut, and then they can all pack their gear and go home. Despite that he enjoys horse shows like these, he’s looking forward to his own room, his own bed. He’s looking forward to pulling up the driveway that leads to the place that is his home.
     It has been a successful couple of days. With five horses sold and Joplin likely to add to that number, the Flagstaff Horsefair has proven to be very fruitful. Bobby made good money, and the ranch owner will be able to pay his crew, plus pay off some bills. Then there’s the business deal they landed with Fergus MacLeod. The cowboy might not like the Englishman in the slightest, but if they decide to take on Cain’s training, it will provide a much needed steady income. Dean isn’t delusional; he knows the ranch isn't out of the woods just yet, but it’s a start.
     Humming and relaxed like he always is before competing, he tightens the cinch of the chestnut Quarter, petting him on the shoulder before he takes him out of the stable.      “Good luck, cowboy.”      The man who the words are meant for smiles, peeking into the stable next to him and noticing Y/N through the steel bars. She’s preparing Joplin, brushing her tail. Their starting time is only forty-five minutes after Dean’s, since both are competing in the same class. Sadly, she will not be able to see him ride.      The mare next to his girlfriend pins her ears back and gives Aero a dirty look when the gelding comes too close for her liking. Both snigger at Joplin’s bitchy behavior.
     “You’ll make it back in time to help me warm up, right?” she checks. “I’m kinda nervous, this being my first cutting competition and all.”      “Yeah, of course,” he promises, shooting her a wink. “I’ll be there.” 
     Dean takes his horse outside, the Arizona sun welcoming him with bright light. A force of habit has him check his spurs and the tack before he positions himself on the left side of his horse in order to mount.
     “Chief?”      Looking over his shoulder, he sees Benny approaching. His strides are hasty, his jaw tensed. He checks if anyone is around before he halts and faces the head wrangler, who can read from the body language alone that something is off.      “What is it?” he asks, his brows knitted together.      The Southerner’s piercing blue eyes meet his gaze before he continues whispering. “I hate to do this now right before your run, brother, but--”      “But what?” Dean urges when the farrier hesitates.
     Benny draws in a deep breath and rubs his beard, needing a second to collect himself. He knows that what he is about to tell his best friend will have him shake on his foundations, but he needs to be prepared. He deserves to know who he might run into. The broad-shouldered ranch hand sighs, then delivers the unsettling message.      “Your father is here.”
     As if he just got struck by lightning, Dean stares at Benny, his eyes wide and mouth agape. The announcement rings in his ears, sounding more surreal every time the four words bounce off the walls inside his head. Reality hits him like a raging bull, however. His father is here. His father is here.
     The head wrangler drops his gaze, his eyes flicking over little rocks and lumps of dirt by his feet. Speechless, he takes his hat off and wipes his forehead with his sleeve, realizing he’s sweating. His heart is hammering in his chest, so forceful that it hurts. Panic starts to win terrain, but he pushes it down and nods rigidly, acknowledging Benny’s words.
     “Okay,” he returns after a few long seconds. “Thanks for telling me.”      “If there’s anythin’--” Benny offers, but is interrupted by the man in front of him, who shoves his left foot into the stirrup and swiftly gets on his horse.      “I’m good,” he assures, doing his best to come across as calm and collected. 
     Benny dips his chin, half accepting Dean’s choice to put this on hold for now. The rider has one last horse to compete, so the Southerner understands why he’s trying to keep his head in the game. He wishes he didn’t have to drop this bomb now, but there’s a chance his friend might run into John on these showgrounds. Benny might not know the entire story of what happened all those years ago, but he knows enough to recognize the impact the presence of Dean’s biological father will have. He watches quietly how the horseman pushes his legs into Aerosmith’s flanks and steers the horse towards the warmup arena without another word. 
     Suddenly nervous, Dean is highly aware of all the people who cross his path. He briefly studies them, even though recognizing the man who has been absent for over half of his life scares the hell out of him. Why the fuck is he here? 
     Dean isn’t just afraid of running into his old man; he’s angry. Angry about all the wrong choices that were made, angry about those memories rushing back to him. He stored them in a box and nailed the latch shut. He buried them, dug a hole deep enough to fit all those dark thoughts. He covered the surface with a thick layer of concrete, convinced that all those measures would be enough to lock away what he hoped to never feel again. Hopelessness, frustration, torment, aggression, guilt. But those emotions are now working their way through the cracks, like a weed that just won’t die, working up to the surface and showing its ugly head again. 
     But what has him exasperated the most, is the timing. Why now? His father hasn’t given a damn for fifteen years, fifteen fucking years, and now that Dean is finally getting to the point of allowing himself to be happy, he decides to show up? His fist clenches on the horn of the saddle, his nails digging into his palm. This isn’t fair!
     His insides churn and twist even more when his mind snaps to Y/N. A sudden and heavy uneasiness settles in his chest, almost suffocating him. Shit, what if she runs into him? What if she learns the truth? Dean breathes out a shuddering breath, closing his eyes for a second while tipping his hat down. The panic that has his fingers shaky while he guides his horse into the warmup ring only grows with that thought. No no no, he thinks to himself. He can’t have his father ruin what is supposed to be his love story. He can’t lose this, he can’t lose her.
     Preparing for his final ride goes anything but smoothly. The rider is so lost in thought that he accidentally cuts off another competitor and has to hit the brakes, apologizing to the cowgirl for the misstep. It’s a wake-up call, though; he really needs to focus and get his head straight. Aerosmith is one of the horses he and Bobby decided to hold on to a little longer, hoping the economy will be on its way to recovery somewhere next year so that they can make a better profit. Dean brought the younger stallion along to gain experience in the ring, yet he wants this ride to be solid, knowing a potential buyer could be watching.
     But when he enters the arena, he can’t help but scan the crowd, suddenly aware that one of those pair of eyes is his father. He thinks of Y/N and how nervous she was last night, and suddenly it makes so much more sense what experiencing that kind of anxiety is like. The rider doesn’t even hear the announcement of his name over the amplifiers, he doesn’t hear Jo and Bobby shouting words of encouragement at him from the sideline. What he does hear is his rapidly beating heart, like a thundering echo of an oncoming storm. 
     He glances over his horse’s ears at the cattle in front of them. C’mon, Dean, this isn’t difficult. Separate a cow and let Aero do the work. Two and a half minutes and he will be out of the limelight. Who knows, maybe if they pack fast after Y/N’s ride, he won’t even run into his father. 
     The two herdholders that are in the ring to assist all contestants keep the group of young steers together. Unsettled, Dean swallows thickly and licks his dry lips, his eyes on the clock. When it starts ticking, he moves his hands forward and pushes Aerosmith towards the herd. The game is simple. In two and a half minutes, he has to separate two different heifers from the group and keep the selected cow in the middle of the arena, he and his Quarter the only boundary between the animal and his flock. He and Aero will be judged on degree of difficulty, confidence, and agility, but right now, all Dean is thinking about is surviving.
     Deciding to not make it too complicated for his horse and himself, the horseman doesn’t pick a heifer too far into the herd on the first cut. Without disrupting the gathered bunch, the chestnut calmly makes his way through until Dean has decided on a cow, which he then carefully begins to push to the edge. When he has driven the brindle heifer out, Dean drops the reins and allows his Quarter to take the lead. Aerosmith locks on the lonely animal and crouches, skillfully keeping it in the center of the arena.
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     The crowd cheers, because the talented Quarter shows to be quick on his feet, darting from left and right and accelerating fast when his target tries to get around him. The cowboy keeps his balance, allowing his horse to move under him freely. After a few attempts to get past them, the cow yields and the rider signals Aero to back down. He blows out a breath. One down, one more to go.
     The second cut goes according to plan as well. This time he does pick a heifer in the middle of the herd. The Quarterhorse tries not to disturb the rest of the cattle as he separates the one, but splitting the animals is not as clean as the first time. Once the cow is driven to the middle of the ring again, Aerosmith is back in his element and shows off his moves. Dean only has to sit back and let his partner under the saddle do the work, which he’s grateful for, because he feels like he wouldn’t be able to guide his horse in a simple circle if he had to. 
     The buzzer sounds; his two and a half minutes are up. Relieved, Dean exhales; at least he didn’t completely screw up their run. The young gelding really pulled through despite a nervous wreck of a rider on top of him, which just shows what a fantastic horse he is.      “Thanks, bud,” Dean says softly, petting the chestnut on the shoulder.
     The applause barely registers and it’s only when his eyes roam over the audience, that he notices the numbers on the board. 72.5 points; not bad. Normally, he would have been elated with a score like that, but now he just wants to get out of the ring as fast as possible, away from possible prying eyes. He feels like he’s being watched, well aware that his father is quite possibly amongst the people in the crowd. Call him a coward, but he needs to get out of here.
     “Solid ride, Dean,” Bobby compliments when the rider comes through the gate, walking with him. When his nephew fails to respond, he looks up, narrowing eyes taking him in from under his baseball cap. “You okay, son?”
     The troubled rider snaps his head at his uncle. Son. Bobby calls him that all the time and has done so ever since he took the lost boy under his wing all those years ago. Dean has grown accustomed to the title, even found comfort in it, glad to hear that word coming from his surrogate dad. But now the term confuses him. Suddenly, the man who has failed to step up to take care of his children and yet is his only living parent is here, and it is messing with his head in more ways than one.      “Yeah, I’m fine,” he says, quickly averting his gaze and walking on.
     Bobby lets him go, but Dean can sense the ranch owner watching him carefully. Unable to stop himself from scanning the people around the warm-up area, he briefly acknowledges the congratulations wishes from a few of his opponents with a nod and a ‘thanks’. Normally he’s up for a chat after a good run, but not now. He feels like he’s about to lose his mind, and he wants to be alone when it happens. He needs space, he needs air. 
     After a few minutes of hacking, Dean reaches the stables, grateful to find them mostly empty. With the last competition currently taking place in the arena, a lot of competitors already packed their trucks and trailers and left throughout the morning and afternoon. At the other end of the tent two people are tacking up, but they are far out of earshot. 
     In front of Aerosmith’s stable, the rider dismounts and leads the Quarter into his box, making quick work of removing the tack and rinsing the chestnut down. With the saddle on his hip and the bridle in hand, he steps into the storage room.      “How did it go?”
     Dean startles and almost drops the heavy load he was carrying, spinning around to find Y/N in the doorway. Somehow, it completely slipped his mind that she would still be here. The cowgirl is wearing her show outfit again, but traded her black blouse for a denim one this time. Long chaps hang down from her waist, strapped around her legs, her brass spurs barely showing. Her boots are shining and her hair is braided, her lucky hat only just allowing him to behold the playfulness in her eyes. She looks absolutely perfect.
     Clueless and carefree, she waits for an answer, but her happy expression falls slightly when she notices his reaction. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” she chuckles, somewhat self-conscious. “What has you on your toes?”      The cowboy blinks at her a few times before he kicks into gear again, storing away the saddle in one of the tack boxes. “Nothin’. Yeah, it uh - it went alright. 72.5 points,” he says, smiling at her faintly, quick to dodge her unraveling gaze.
     Silence follows and he knows that she’s studying him, but Dean can’t even look at her, not sure how to deal with the worry that he knows is evident on her beautiful face. The second he gets lost in the vision of his girl, he will fall apart, and that’s something the unsettled wrangler can’t allow to happen. He can’t let her see it, she can’t know. So instead, he moves past her through the doorway to fill a feeding net with hay, desperately searching for a way to keep himself busy as he tries to get a hold of himself.
     “Dean? Hey…”      Her voice sounds so warm and kind, that he can’t ignore her any longer. When he has strung up the net, he turns to his girlfriend, wiping his sweaty hands on his jeans. Concerned eyes take him in when he looks up.      “You’re shaking,” she notices, gently wrapping her delicate fingers around his forearms. “What’s going on? Did something happen?”
     Before she finishes her sentence completely, he’s already shaking his head. It’s more denial than an actual answer, refusing to give in to all the contradicting feelings that are pulling the rug from under his boots. She knows him well enough to see that he’s a total mess right now. His mask is faltering and he’s breaking character, unable to deliver the standard ‘I’m fine’. Can he tell her about the disturbing message Benny delivered earlier? She will have more questions, questions he is nowhere near ready to answer. But then again, he can’t lie to her either, not anymore. 
     Dean takes a deep breath in order to collect himself and looks at her as heavy footfalls draw his attention. Expecting Benny, he glances over his shoulder, ready to request if his friend can grant them some privacy, when he catches a glimpse of the person standing in the alley between the stables. Every muscle in his body tenses, an invisible fist squeezing his throat shut. His heart - which has been beating unhealthily fast since the alarming news was delivered to him about an hour ago - now seems to come to a full stop for a few solid seconds. 
     They might be in Arizona, but Dean just froze to the ground, unable to move or speak. All he can do is stare at the man that is his own spitting image, only three decades older. The familiar stranger is wearing a smile on his lips, emotion swimming in weary eyes. After fifteen years of silence, John Winchester stands before his oldest child, a broken voice delivering the words Dean never wished to hear again, and yet missed so dearly.
     “Hello, son.” 
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Well, shit... Enough with the fluff. Angst is here!
Also, did you spot my little Stan Lee moment? Does a certain red-haired photographer seem familiar? Yep, that’s me!
Thank you for reading. I appreciate every single one of you, but if you do want to give me some extra love, you are free to like or reblog my work, shoot me a message or buy me coffee (Link to Kofi in bio at the top of the page).
Read part twenty-four here
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129 notes · View notes
huntertales · 3 years
Part Four: All’s Well That Ends Well. (Bad Boys S09E07)
Episode Summary: When an old friend of Dean’s asks for help to solve a murder, Sam and the reader discover that the older Winchester as a secret past—one that will help solve the hunt. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 3,476.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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There was never a better feeling than wrapping up a particular rough hunt. Before you and the boys could say your final goodbyes to everyone and hit the road back to Kansas, Dean wanted to stay a little longer and have a private chat with Robin after the eventful afternoon she endured. There was nothing stopping him from giving the woman a proper goodbye, the one she deserved to have all those years ago. She was starting to understand Dean's past more and why he moved around so often. The business he inherited from his father wasn't like her own, but there was a sort of satisfaction to it of helping people. 
"So, then, this is the family business?" Robin asked the man, still trying to wrap her head around everything she witnessed earlier today.
"Told you it was boring." Dean replied with a casual tone that made Robin laugh. She shook her head at his attitude that was too laid back for her personal comfort. She had a feeling he dealt with stranger things out there in the world. "Well, as you can see, I did not run off to become a rockstar." 
"Mm...I don't know about that." Robin said. She tilted her head and smiled at the man. Despite the years that passed between them, not many things changed about him from his youth. He was still the same. Except that he seemed more assured of himself, more confident. And perhaps a tad bit happier. "You look pretty rockin' to me, Dean Winchester."
Dean chuckled at the woman's compliment. "And what about you?"
"I mean, I always thought that I would hate being in the same little town my whole life, and you know, taking over the diner like Dad always wanted, but...I don't. I just—I love it." Robin admitted. Dean was happy to hear about how the woman's life turned out. it was far from what she aspired to be when she was a teenager, but from the look on her face, she wouldn’t have it any other way. “How about you? The family business all that bad?”
“Well, it’s not all threatening to harm kids and spirits. It has its ups and downs, I’m not gonna lie. But it’s not all that bad.” Dean said. It was sort of funny to think back to the things the both of them discussed when they were teenagers. All their hopes and dreams for something different, wanting nothing more than to distance themselves from what their parents wanted, only to follow the exact same path they wanted to avoid. "I guess we didn't know everything we did at sixteen, huh?"
“Not everything.” Robin agreed. “Just some things.” 
She guessed everything happens for a reason. If he asked, she would admit to him that he felt like the one who got away. She wondered from time to time if things might have turned out differently if he stayed and they went on that date he promised her. Would their lives have ended up differently? For better or worse? She didn't know, and quite frankly, didn't really care. Robin was genuinely happy with the way her life turned out. It might not have been exciting and adventurous like Dean's, but she was okay with that. 
Robin found her mind wandering to a few different places with a couple of questions she wanted to try and pick Dean's brain before he left. She only had gotten a taste of what he went up against everyday. Part of her wanted to ask what kind of things were out there, but she had a feeling ignorance was bliss in this sort of situation. However there were other things she was curious about. She noticed Dean look over his shoulder to you and his brother, who had been talking to Sonny after he arrived back from the hospital. 
"Okay, I gotta know." Robin let out a quiet sigh from the intrusive thought that wouldn't leave her alone. She shoved her hands into her back pocket and casually glanced over your way. "Is Y/N your wife? I mean, I only ask because you don't seem the traditional type. And the both of you seem...pretty close.” 
“No. Not yet, at least.” Dean said. He found himself glancing back over in your direction again to see you talking to Sonny, seeming to have moved on from the update from the smile on your face. He prayed the older man who looked after him for those two months wasn’t telling you some kind of embarrassing story you’d most likely tease him about later when the both of you were alone. “I’m still waiting for the day she gets sick of me and runs off.” 
"Give yourself some credit. If she didn't snatch you up, maybe I would have." Robin teased the man. She took the man by surprise when she leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Not in a romantic sort of way, but a thank you for everything he had given her. "Goodbye, Dean. If you ever happen to come back here, those banana pancakes will always be waiting for you." 
The older Winchester smiled at the woman's open invitation and quietly gave her a verbal goodbye. He watched as Robin mader her way up the porch steps and joined Timmy who had been lingering near the front door. The kid smiled and waved to Dean before joining Robin back inside his permanent home. Dean left this place with a better feeling than he had all these years ago. Sonny was a good man, if anyone could help a kid like Timmy, he was the perfect person to do so. 
Dean made his way over to you and Sam, overhearing the conversation about the things Timmy went through today and the person responsible for the deaths of Ruth and Jack, along with the harming of the other boy Sonny was looking over as well. Trauma and trouble were things Sonny was quite familiar with. And he'd do anything in his power to make sure the kid grew up in a loving home.
"Sounds like Timmy's gonna need some help adjusting." Sonny said. 
"Yeah, but he's got you." Dean told the man. 
"I always hate to see you go, dee-dawg. Can't thank you enough for this one, man." Sonny reached out and shook the older Winchester's hand before embracing him into a quick hug. 
"Sonny, we'll see you around." Dean gave his final goodbyes to the man, a little disappointed all of you had to leave so soon. He'd like to stick around for a little while longer and catch up with Sonny, but he was starting to miss his own bed after a stressful hunt like the one all of you endured. 
"You bet on that, kids." Sonny said. "Take it easy, man." 
All of you gave your final goodbyes to the man before you watched Sonny make his way back up to the house to join the boys. You let out a quiet sigh and walked to the Impala that was parked a few feet away. As you reached for the backseat door, Sam found himself caught up with how the hunt ended. The situation looked like it was going to end horribly, until it didn't. Talking out problems to the monster straight on almost never worked. But for some reason it did in this situation. 
"Hey, how did you know Timmy asking his mom to leave was gonna work?" Sam asked his brother, a little bit curious to hear the answer.
“I didn’t. Total Hail Mary.” Dean admitted. “Got lucky.”
"You just got lucky?" Sam repeated his brother's response, seeming to find it a bit funny like the man did. "Kind of like you did with this place. I mean, here I was thinking this was the worst part of your life, and it turns out it was the best. Why'd you ever leave?"
Dean would never admit the truth about this place to either one or Sam. There were some things about his life that he wanted to remain a secret. "Never felt right." Dean said. Sam didn't seem to fully believe the excuse his brother tried to use, you simply looked between both of the boys, understanding the things neither one of them wanted to say. "It was two months, Sam, okay, and I couldn't wait to get out of here. I don't know what to tell you. It wasn't me." 
The boys were good liars when they wanted to be. If you keep telling yourself the same thing over and over again, eventually you'd start to believe it, too. You opened up the car door and slid yourself inside with the brothers following in suit. Dean could lie to your face all you wanted, but you knew there was a special place in his heart for this home and Sonny. A possibility in your life that didn't turn out to be. A chance for normality that never came. For Sam it was his college years, and Dean it was here. While it never lasted long, the chance of getting a taste was sweet enough. Because what you wanted in the moment might not be the thing you really wanted after all. Something made all of you choose hunting instead of a normal life. 
Sam had a hunch of what made Dean decide not to stay at Sonny's all those years ago and join him and John. Something Dean always chose. His older brother never once abandoned him over the years. He was always there for him, always wanting to look out for him. Dean made sacrifices the way a parent did. And never once over the years did he make Sam feel guilty over it. He did what he always did, protected him. 
"Dean...thank you." Sam muttered two words he felt he didn't say enough to his brother. Dean's face slowly morphed into confusion at the compassion being thrown his way. He asked what for. "For always being there, for having my back. Look, I know it hasn't always been easy."
The car fell into silence at the heartfelt words Sam needed to say after understanding the importance of this place to his brother, even if he didn't want to say it. Dean swallowed at the shift in atmosphere. The heaviness of the guilt his brother must be feeling at the moment. In true Dean fashion, the man denied anything to help avoid a deeper conversation. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about."
You rolled your eyes at the man's response, not sure why you were expecting anything else from him. Dean turned on the engine and put the car into drive, sending the Impala forward and down the dirt path out of Sonny's ranch. You looked out the window to get one more good look at the place before turning your attention back to the road. 
+ + +
There was never a better feeling than coming back to the bunker and unwinding after the rough hunt you had. Sam decided he wanted to tackle the book he wanted to read and headed off to the library, you decided not to delay the unpacking you needed to do and the laundry that was starting to pile up in your hamper. You threw your duffel bag to the bed and reached to unzip it. pulling out the dirty clothes and throwing them to the overflowing pile of others. You let out a quiet sigh of annoyance and debated with yourself if you really wanted to do this right now...
Lucky for you, a momentary distraction came to you when Dean stepped into your shared bedroom with his own overnight bag he threw over to the couch. You'd been meaning to talk to him about the hunt. You watched as he kicked off his shoes and jumped onto the bed, relaxation finally coming over him after the long drive. You joined him without needing to be asked, curling up to his side and taking the rightful place you loved to be. You didn't entertain small talk like how you normally did when you wanted to ask Dean persona questions like you normally did. 
“I’ve been thinking...” You began.
“That’s never good.” Dean was quick to try and humor you with jokes that made him laugh, you responded with an eye roll like always. 
"What do you think our lives would be like if we never met? If you never left Sonny’s?" You asked him the question that had been burning in the back of your mind for a while now. Dean could try and deny the truth all he wanted to you, but you knew him better than he knew himself. You sat up so you were staring at him in the eye to see his reaction from your question. "I know Sammy’s the reason why you really left.” 
You watched as Dean opened his mouth to try and deny such a claim. You raised your brow slightly and waited for him to try and stop the conversation before it could go any further. He shot down all of you every time you tried to dig deeper into this part of his past. But it seemed he didn't want to deny anything with you. He let out a quiet sigh. "I couldn't leave the kid alone." 
“That’s what makes you the best big brother, ever.” You mumbled, a smile spreading across your lips. “I could picture you turning out to be like Sonny. Having a home for little wayward boys, making them better people. Maybe settle down with Robin...be happy.” 
“You think I’d settle down with Robin?” Dean teased you from the way you trailed off before finishing your sentence. Speaking words that almost sounded like they left a bad taste in your mouth from the thought alone of not having a life with him. “Are you jealous?”
“What? No!” You jumped a little too quickly to deny such a claim from him. You rolled your eyes when the smirk that spread across his lips grew a little wider at your reaction to his question. You reached out to fix the flannel he was wearing so it laid flat, using the few moments between your words to help formulate your thoughts better. “Far from it, actually. It was nice meeting someone from your face that wasn’t a hookup. I...I’m happy your life wasn’t that bad all the time.” You were now fidgeting with his buttons from what you said. “You got to have somewhat a normal life. Experience the awkwardness of being a teenager. Date a nice girl. Even if it only lasted a few months. It just makes me wonder what your life could have been if you stayed.” 
“I never really thought about it.” Dean shrugged, giving you the honest truth. “Not recently, at least.” 
You looked up at him after focusing on his shirt for a little while longer, asking another question. “Was she the first girl you got serious with?” 
"Why'd you ask that?" Dean's expression changed into slight confusion at such an odd sounding question. You saw his brow scrunch together as he wondered to himself if you 
 were jealous. Not of what she was to him, but the fact that it wasn't you who gave him the teenage bliss of first dates and making out on porches. Stupid things every sixteen year old got to experience. Things you missed out on when you were his age.
“Because of the way you acted around her when you first saw her at the diner. You acted like you were more than old friends." You said. "You get this look in your eye when you're around girls who...gave you something you never really got to have." 
“She made me understand what it was like to be a teenager. What relationships were like.” He said. “But she doesn’t compare to you. Not even by a long-shot.” 
"I know our paths were supposed to cross and all that crap, but sometimes I wonder what things would be like if we were just...normalish.” You said. “What if we never met back up as teenagers? We might have gone our entire lives not knowing each other. You really might have become a famous rockstar. I could have been an adoring fan of yours!” 
"Would have you been one of those groupies who'd do anything to get backstage to meet the singer?" Dean asked, wiggling his brow to prove his point. You quietly laughed at the way his mind always seemed to wander. "Do you think you would have gone to college and live the life the way your mom wanted if we never met?"
“Mmm, perhaps. Maybe I’d settle down with some schmuck and live some boring life.” You quietly laughed at the thought of having the American dream most people craved to have. A boring job with a white picket fence and a spouse they’d most likely divorce in ten years. “I can picture myself having some lame career. Pop out a few kids. Definitely would have a dog…I mean, how can I not?”
“We’re not getting a dog. Or a cat. You know my allergies wouldn’t handle it.” He quickly shot down your idea of adding a furry pet into your family when you looked at him the way you were right now. You still were a bit  bummed since you wrapped up the case with the Colonel a few weeks back. You’d do anything to give him a proper home, but you knew that it was impossible with the life you lead. “Sammy’s kind of like a dog. He’s hairy enough. And Kevin’s like a cat. He never leaves and sometimes roams from room to room.” 
“You’re terrible.” You lightly whacked Dean in the chest at his horrible joke that made you smile. He chuckled to himself and titled his head to the side that you found adorable. For some reason you found yourself staring into his eyes, a rush of emotions came over you. Sometimes it happened when the light hit him just right or he was simply doing something mundane. It was the realization that Dean was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. He was your soulmate, your better half. Even if he was a bit of an idiot sometimes. He was all yours. And fate had led you together. “I love you, Dean.”
“I love you, too, sweetheart.” He whispered back to you. He leaned down slightly to give you a sweet and simple peck on the lips. “And don’t you forget that.” 
“I won’t.” You promised him. “Not ever.” 
Maybe that’s why he kept this of his past a secret for all these years. John told Sam that his older brother got lost on a hunt because it was just easier for everyone. Sam wouldn’t understand why John couldn’t pick his brother back up from this place. You bet that even at twelve years old Sam butted heads with his father. 
And Dean never told the truth because...because this place was something that made him think for a second that the life he had wasn’t what he wanted. He could’ve changed it around and never looked back. He could’ve gone to that dance like a normal teenager and continued on with Robin. He could’ve finished up school and possibly went off to college. Learn guitar from and become a big rockstar. Or go to college and study engineering. Dean was smart, much as he doubted himself at times. There was an opportunity to change his life around and stay with someone who cared for him and gave the right kind of tough love he needed at times. And he would’ve done it, only if he was an only child. Maybe if Sam was a few years older and was able to take care of himself on his own. 
Dean’s life could have gone in a million different directions if he wanted All of your lives could have. The one he was given was tough and unbearable at times. He suffered too much grief and constantly had a crisis that needed solving. But the good outweighed the bad. If his life didn’t go the way it did, he wouldn’t have met you. Or Cas. And few people he called friends. Dean learned that his life, good or bad, was his own to control after all the crap he dealt with before in the past. It wasn’t perfect, God knows that, but it was his. He was able to do anything he wanted. And the realization made him think back to what he said about you to Robin when she asked if you and him were married. Not yet...but soon. He hoped very soon. 
[Next Part]
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Welcome to my Dean x Reader Masterlist. **Return to the Main Masterlist**
FIRST LOVE, LAST LOVE -  An example of how one moment connects us to the next in our minds, especially when its about someone we love.
LEATHER, WHISKEY, & HEARTACHE - A fight drives you out of the bunker and Dean to the bottle. Can the two of you fix things between you or is it too late?
NEVER ALONE - Some days are harder than others, and when your struggles become overwhelming, Dean knows just how to make you feel better.  
THE RIDE - Saying good-bye is never easy
SALVAGE-ABLE (AU) - Driving across the country can lead to all kinds of problems, but sometimes breaking down in a small town isn’t such a bad thing.
ME AND THE MOON - An abandoned place, a lifetime love, and the moon as a witness
VILLISCA - Strange things are happening in small town Iowa, where a family was murdered in their home over 100 years ago.  Can you and the Winchesters work together to solve the mystery behind the Villisca Axe Murder House?
SAVE YOUR HEART - Dean helps you get out of a bad relationship and find yourself again.
LOVE IS A POLAROID - Love can be a lot of different things.  Sometimes it is complicated…and sometimes, it is as simple as a picture that represents a memory.
SOMEONE YOU LOVED -  Loving someone isn’t always enough, but feeling loved is everything
THE TIE - Imagine helping Dean with his tie
DID YOU SAY IT - Sam tries to help bring together the two people he loves most when they can’t seem to find the words to tell each other how they really feel.
THE BEST OF ME - After seven years apart, you come face to face with the one person you never expected to see again and current events have you looking back at your past with a new set of eyes.
I DARE YOU - No one likes to back down from a dare, but sometimes that can be used against you.
31 DAYS - You have one choice, to keep your secret or tell the truth, and 31 days to decide.
A SMALL PRICE - (request) Imagine Dean finds out you are pregnant
SKATES - After a hunt in the National Forest you sneak away to have a little fun, but what happens when you get caught?
SURVIVAL -  Sam and Dean have different views on how you are handling the loss of your family, but you know what you really think will help you survive and you will not stop until you get it.
CURTAIN CALL - While on a case with Bobby and Sam, Dean comes face to face with a woman he has only dreamed about before.
KILLING CHRISTMAS - The brothers pick up a case where 5 murders occurred in one night at a Christmas party.  The case turns personal when Dean and Y/N become victims of the supernatural and time is running out.
THE TEDDY BEAR DOCTOR - You must take your daughter to the hospital, and both of you are surprised by the gorgeous doctor that walks into the room.
FREEZE FRAME - When Dean finds an antique camera on a hunt, he thinks it will be the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. The camera, however, comes with a history.
FIGHTING 4 US - One second you want to ring each others neck, the next second he is racing against the clock to save yours.
WHAT WERE YOU THINKING - While on a case, a witch plays a little trick on Dean, giving him the gift of too much information.
MORE THAN A FRIEND - A night of celebrations leads to a morning of revelations
TAKE YOUR TIME - When Dean shares a secret with you, you realize that sometimes all it takes is knowing the right place to go for comfort to find you.
MORE THAN YOU KNOW - Dean finally asks the one question that has been weighing on his mind all day, and in some ways - for years.
FIRE - When the barn catches fire at your ranch, Dean and Sam do everything they can to try and save everyone - including you.
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY - This was written for a Valentine’s Day Gift challenge.  Just pure fluff!
SOMEONE LIKE YOU - Dean begins admitting his feelings for you to Sam, but doesn’t expect you to hear him.
DEMON DEAN - Bartenders usually know their regular clientele, but how much could you really know about a demon?
DARK SIDE OF THE MOON - Dean must travel to Purgatory to save the reader after an altercation with Roy
FIGHT FOR ME - All you want is to start a life with the one you love, but there always seems to be one more uncertainty for TFW to face first.
AMAZING - Inspired by Louden Swain’s song AMAZING
SHIFTER - Dean really hates shifters, especially when one of them looks just like him.
BECAUSE I LOVE YOU - Beka and Sam both know what Dean and Y/N are trying to hide from each other.  Will today’s events finally reveal the truth?
DUST TO DUST - As a bartender, you learn to read people - including the frequent stranger at the end of the bar. Will his ability to see the same things in you give you both the desire to make a change?
SECRETS & LIES - (Between S5 and S6)  Dean has no idea that his brother is alive, but when his sorrow awakens a vision - you do.
LOCKED - Imagine Dean locking you in a cellar to protect you
WHAT WOULD YOU WISH FOR -  A stranger gives the gift of one wish, but all magic comes with a price.
FORGIVE ME - Sometimes the memories you make are worth the risks you take
THE ONE WITH THE ROAD TRIP -  Dean wants to go on a road trip with the girl he loves, but you have no idea all of the surprises he has in store for you.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN - Watching movies with you best friend leads to a surprise ending
HAPPY THANKSGIVING - When the lines of friendship have been blurred, you and Dean must decide where to draw that line again
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Ride ‘em Cowgirl
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A/N: If you like this then check out my bio for my Masterlist (for some reason it’s not working on mobile at the moment so you’ll have to use a browser)
Summary: Sam’s family owns the ranch next to yours and always has. For the past four years he’s been away at college while you kept nursing a crush on him. When he comes back and the two of you meet up will your feelings finally be reciprocated
Pairing: cowboy!Sam x cowgirl!reader
Warnings: Fingering, oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
Word Count: 2209
Wiping sweat from your brow you leaned the rake against the stall you were currently mucking out. This wasn’t anything new to you. Your whole life has been about taking care of horses, cows, a few goats, and the chickens your family owned. It was tiring work, but it was also rewarding. When you were younger you had been the scrawny kid; lanky and hardly any meat on your bones. Some of the kids had mocked you because you were part of the ‘itty bitty titty committee’. But that had been years ago. Now you were 21 years old.
Your hair was no longer flat and dull. It now had bounce and a few curls. Your body had finally filled out giving you that perfect bubble butt, nice shapely legs for days, and you had finally gotten out of the itty bitty titty committee. Not to say they were huge, but they filled out your pale purple with white lace bra quite nicely.
A lot of your shapely figure was because you worked hard day in and day out. There was hardly any time for you to have a moment’s rest and merely relax. When you did you have downtime you enjoyed it with the Winchesters next door. Dean was quite a bit older than at 26, but you had grown up with him and his brother Sam. Unfortunately for you, Sam had been away at college for the last four years. You hadn’t admitted it to anyone, but you had been harboring feelings for the hazel-eyed cowboy for years.
Sam was only a year older than you and while everyone else had picked on you he had defended you. The two of you were close growing up, closer than you and Dean had ever been. You shared a lot of similar interests and living right next to each other made spending time together easy. Many times the two of you had went horseback riding together, had picnics, went swimming. There were study dates. And long car drives with nothing but the open road and the two of you. You two would laugh together over the things other students did. And when it came to pulling pranks on Dean, you were always there to help.
It really was no surprise that you ended up with feelings for the youngest Winchester. Even when he started dating Rachel from English class you still hung out. When his date for the prom ended up leaving him because he wasn’t what she wanted you were the one that was there for him. You helped him through all of it and never once did you date. But then he graduated while you were still a junior and went off to college.
For the first year you stayed single hoping that maybe he would come back during break and you could finally confess. Instead Sam decided that he wanted to completely have a break from ranch life and stayed in an apartment. He wouldn’t come back until he graduated. When word of his plan made its way to you, you were hurt. Your best friend, the man you had feelings for was going to be gone and you wouldn’t see him for some time. That was when you tried dating.
There was Chad who worked at the local grocery store. He was sweet, but he didn’t know anything about farm animals. Then there was Mikey the mechanic who didn’t know nearly as much as he thought he did. And last there was Joel. Now Joel was a good looking guy, smart, his family owned another ranch in the area. There was just one problem; he was actually into men and only dated you to get his parents off his back. You helped him find his now fiancé Tom and the two were happy.
You on the other hand were still waiting for love. Waiting, hoping, maybe even doing a little praying that when Sam came home you would finally be able to be with him. The only problem was getting the courage to confess. It wasn’t like you could go to Dean or even John and ask for their help. Dean would tell you to put on a sexy outfit, kiss Sam like it was your last day on earth or some other nonsense and hope for the best. John would be kind, but you didn’t exactly feel comfortable going to him with this sort of thing.
Part of you was starting to think maybe you and Sam weren’t meant to be together. Of course that was probably your own insecurities talking and not the truth. Being bullied for so many years has left you wondering if you were good enough for someone as handsome as Sam.
You reached out for your bottle of water, but it wasn’t there. You frowned in confusion. The hard reusable bottle should be right there. Turning around you have to lean back a bit as the bottle is suddenly in your face.
“Looking for this?”
You took the bottle and look up into the hazel eyes you were daydreaming about moments ago. You couldn’t believe that Sam was here. He was standing right here in front of you. It would seem that the four years you were apart had done him good. His body had filled out rather well and you could tell that beneath his tight flannel and undershirt he was in shape. His chestnut locks fell into his face, giving him a youthful, relaxed look. His eyes were still a beautiful kaleidoscope of colors and he had some slight crinkles at the corners of his eyes from the wide smile he was giving.
“Y-yeah,” you whispered, pulling yourself out of your thoughts. “I didn’t expect you to come here. I mean I knew you were coming home after school, but I didn’t expect you to come visit me so soon.”
Sam leaned against a post, crossing his arms. His biceps strained against his shirt and his jeans hugged his thighs. “Already been to the house and dropped my things off. Dean has caught me up on everything so I wanted to come see you.”
“When you say everything…” Did he know about all your dating failures? Would he think that you didn’t know how to make a man happy? You weren’t sure you could handle him thinking that about you.
He smiled. “Yeah everything. Things with the farm are going well, Dean has a girlfriend, dad is planning to enter our horse in the races this summer.”
You let out a sigh of relief. “Yeah I knew about that. Dean and I were hanging out quite a bit until he got his girlfriend. And I knew John planned to enter Bright Snow in the races.”
“He also told me that you had a few boyfriends, but none of them went anywhere. Why is that?” He eyed you curiously.
You shrugged. “One was gay and I helped him find his now fiancé. The other didn’t know a thing about ranch life. And don’t get me started on mister I know everything about cars, but don’t understand why your truck won’t start. It was the starter. An easy fix for any real mechanic.”
Sam made a face. “That all sounds terrible. Guess you haven’t found the right guy.”
You looked down. “Yeah. That’s it,” you mumbled.
“Or maybe you have and just haven’t told him yet.”
You lifted your gaze and Sam was a lot closer than he was moments ago. “What?” You whispered.
His hand cupped your cheek. “I’ve noticed the glances you threw my way when you thought I wasn’t looking, the jealous look on your face when I started dating.”
“If you noticed why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I was young and dumb. I thought maybe it was just a crush because I was one of the few guys that was nice. I thought the jealousy was because you feared losing your only friend. I never imagined it was because you genuinely had a crush on me.”
“And now?” You moved a little closer to him.
“I saw that look in your eyes when you first spotted me, before you could mask it. That look of longing. And the truth is I want you too.” He rested his forehead against yours.
“Then what are you waiting for?”
Sam’s lips crashed upon yours in a mix of teeth and tongue. Years of pent up frustration and desire fueled the two of you. Your rough hands worked at undoing his flannel while his large hands cradled your head, deepening the passionate kiss.
Growing frustrated and desperately wanting to feel his skin you ripped his shirt open and pushed it down his arms. Next game his undershirt and finally you could touch his abs, his pecs, his biceps, forearms, back to his abs. You couldn’t decide which part of him you wanted to touch most and so your hands were everywhere all at once. You moaned into his mouth as you slid your arms around his back to grab hold of his shoulders.
In the next moment Sam was pulling away and ridding you of your own shirts. Then came your bra and his hot mouth was around your nipple, sucking. You keened and let your head fall back against the post behind you. You carded your fingers in his thick dark locks and tugged gently. He let you go and gazed up at you.
“Sam,” you whispered, voice full of want.
He grinned. “I’ve got you.” He undid your jeans and tugged them down to your ankles along with your panties. He kissed your thighs and nipped at them. “You smell so good,” he mumbled, letting his hot breath ghost over you. A small whimper left you and you spread your legs once he had pulled your jeans over your boots and off. He teasingly ran his tongue through your folds, flicking your clit. “Taste even better.”
“Please,” you begged and moved his face between your legs.
He growled softly and dove in; sucking, nipping, and licking at every inch of you. He gazed up at you with dark eyes and eased two fingers into your wet and welcoming heat. You fluttered around him and breathlessly whispered his name. His thick digits filled you and caressed you in ways you had never dreamed possible. Your legs shook as the tell tale signs of your release began. Warmth pooled in the pit of your stomach and you could feel the coil winding tighter and tighter. “That’s it pretty girl. Cum on my fingers and tongue. Let me taste you,” he all, but growled.
The vibration of his voice coupled with his fingers pressing against that spot just inside and his tongue circling your clit had you spiraling. His name came out in a broken cry as stars danced before your eyes. You didn’t know which way was up and which way was down. You barely knew your own name. Closing your eyes you tried to catch your breath as Sam kissed his way back up your body. When his lips met yours you lazily kissed him and began to undo his jeans.
Sam’s cock sprung free from the confines of his Saxx and he let out a soft sigh. Holding onto his hips you walked him backwards and pushed him into a blanket covered pile of hay. You straddled him and slowly sunk down on him, moaning as he stretched you and filled you full. The slight burn that accompanied the pleasure of him feeling you was perfect. You had never felt anything as incredible as having Sam Winchester buried deep inside your pussy.
“Fuck babygirl. Wasn’t expecting you to ride me, but this is a damn fine view.” He cupped your breasts and rolled your nipples, lightly pinching them.
“Save a horse right?” You mumbled as you swirled your hips. Slowly you began rocking back and forth, up and down. He hit every spot inside you and some you didn’t know existed. Pleasure coursed through you from the tip of your head all the way down to your toes.
He groaned softly and gazed up at you. “You can ride me anytime you want. You feel so damn good. So tight and wet. Warm and perfect.”
His words only encouraged you and you picked up your movements. “Oh Sam,” you moaned, resting your hands on his chest. The muscle felt so good under your hands as you continued to spear yourself on his impressive cock.
“Babygirl I’m so close. Gonna fill this tight little pussy. Tell me you’re still on birth control.”
You nodded your head and moved his hand between your legs. “Yes. I want you to fill me up Sam. Give me everything you have.”
He rubbed your clit and watched his cock slide in and out of you. He threw his head back as you clenched down on him. Seconds later he was pumping you full of warm thick ropes of his cum. Your own release came after his and you managed to milk him for just a few more drops.
Laying over him you wanted softly. “Welcome home Sam.”
He laughed. “What a homecoming it was. I get to call you mine now.”
Likes don’t spread my work! Please reblog and leave a comment if you enjoyed this! I love hearing from you guys and knowing what you think and hope to see!
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deathandrenegades · 7 years
Enscripted - Part 5
Summary: Soulmate AU between Dean and reader. Dean’s your new neighbor in a small town, which arises strange feels to implode from you. On top of it, there’s another face that seems to stir trouble. Could he be who he says he is?
Word Count: 2834
A/N: Sam Winchester finally makes an appearance.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
I practically danced down the stairs the next morning, confident in my new sundress I put on to meet Dean's brother. I wanted Sam to like me. I double checked my makeup, mostly shades of nude to keep it simple with the coral dress I’m wearing. I grinned at myself in the mirror, then turning to grab the pie I promised Dean. Dean told me we were going to have a late lunch, and to head over around 3. I walked briskly, the sun warming my skin in the best way. I swallowed my anxiety and knocked on the door, noticing Sam’s car in the driveway. Dean opened the door, smiling upon seeing me.
"Come in." He gestured. I handed him the pie and shyly walked in, who I assumed to be Sam was sitting on the couch. His long hair pushed back out of his face.
"So you’re the girl my brother won’t shut up about huh?" He grinned getting off the couch, he's much taller than Dean I noted. My eyebrows shot up in surprised, and I glanced at Dean who was glaring at Sam. I giggled, giving my attention back to Sam.
"Well I certainly hope so!" He strode over to me and I extended my hand for him to shake.
"Ooh firm grip, I like it." He joked and smiled, thanking him.
We headed into the kitchen and Dean set down my pie, eyeing it already. I chuckled stealing a glance at him. He looked over at me and then quickly looked away, smiling. My heart thumped under my tattoo.
"So how was the drive here?" I asked making small talk with Sam.
"Eh, nothing I’m not used to." He shrugged, dipping his carrot in ranch. I nodded. "How’s the town though?"
"Small and quiet. Very different from what I’m used to." I admitted.
"Oh what’s that?"
"New York, upstate." I added before he could assume I’m from the city like everyone else does.
"Oh nice. Yeah definitely not a ton of corn fields over there." He laughed, I joined in. Dean stood beside us, quiet.
"So Dean tells me you’re big into chemistry." He said, Dean's eyes snapped up to him. I swallowed, surprised Dean had said so much about me already.
"Is there anything you don’t know about me?" I teased, glancing at Dean. He flushed a little.
"Hmmm... that is a good question. I’ll get back to you on that one." He smiled. Sam was the polar opposite, so sweet and kind. Not that Dean was a raging asshole, but it was obvious Dean was so much more reserved than Sam. I grinned back at Sam.
"Okay so what about you though? School?" I quipped, continuing our conversation.
"Uh I was going to law school." His tone faded out of the perkiness it just was. My brow furrowed.
"What happened?"
His jaw clenched, looking down. So many secrets burdened this family. "My girlfriend died." He spoke quietly. Before I could say anything Dean clapped his hands together making me jump.
"SO, who’s hungry?" He asked, turning to get lunch ready. We all walked outside sitting under a tree to eat. The gentle breeze and sandwiches seemed to lighten the mood.
We Finished up and headed back inside after making small talk and finishing our meal. I listened intently while Dean and Sam were catching, up hoping to learn more about these mystery men. I pulled the pie from the oven and left it to cool by the window, then excused myself to the restroom briefly.
I was about to push the door to reenter the kitchen when I heard Dean and Sam, their voices urgent and muffled.
"I told you Sam, I want no part in that life anymore!" Dean hissed at Sam, trying to keep his voice low. "I mean what the hell! You knew this is why I came out here, to get away from all of that. I thought you wanted that too Sam, hell that’s all you’ve ever wanted!"
"I know Dean but-" Sam pressed.
"No Sam, I’ve told you already. I’m done." Dean’s voice was final. I swallowed, wondering what the hell was going on, my thoughts now skipping to all the times Dean kept his past brief and vague. My heartbeat quickened as I placed my hand on the door, I took a long deep calming breath.
"So I don’t know about you guys, but I could go for some pie." I beamed throwing the door open.
"I always have room for pie." Dean agreed with forced enthusiasm. I smile and quickly turned turned away, hoping to avoid him realizing I heard them bicker. I cut three slices and we all ate in uncomfortable silence. I bounced my heel up and down trying to ease my tension.
"So Sam, how long will you be in town?" I asked innocently, eating a forkful of apple pie.
"Uh I don’t really know exactly but I was thinking just through the weekend." His eyes flicked to Dean, hoping for his approval.
"Well you two have to come to my work later." I pressed. Sam smiled, seeming grateful for the opportunity.
"Yeah that’d be cool." He turned to Dean. "You in?"
"What you think I’m not gonna go to my girls work and have just you there?" He asked sarcastically. I bit my lip at his phrasing. Sam looked down at his pie, losing his appetite.
"Um well I bartend so I can get you a couple drinks on the house in celebration of you being here." I smiled politely. He looked up, pushing his hair out of his face.
"Yeah Dean told me you bartend. Where at?" Dean rolled his eyes at Sam and I blushed.
"It’s up the road in town, it’s called Quinby's. Just a little bar, nothing special." I shrugged.
"That’s cool though we used to go to bars all the time." Sam replied absentmindedly. My eyebrows shot up.
"Oh yeah?" I asked, looking at Dean. "So that’s why you’re so good at pool huh?" I mused.
"Yeah." He let out a shaky laugh. Dean cleared our plates and then we sat down on the couch to watch TV. I sat on the end, Dean joining next to me and Sam on his side. Dean put his arm around me and I smiled, trying not to gush over how sweet he could be sometimes. He started to play with my hair, making me sleepily lean more into his shoulder. Dark waves of fatigue crashed over me.
"(Y/n)?" Dean mumbled beside me.
"Mmmm?" I replied, barely audible. He nuzzled his face into my hair, kissing the top of my head.
"Don’t you have work soon?" He asked. My eyes flew open, and I shot up straight.
"What time is it?" I frantically asked glancing around.
"Almost 7." He answered gruffly. I let out a sigh of relief. I didn’t work until 8. I looked over at Sam, knocked out and snoring. I pursed my lips, sur pressing a giggle. Looking back to Dean, who caught my eye making us both erupt into a fit of laughter. Sam woke, startled to our noise
"Woa-what-" he looked around puzzled until his eyes fell onto Dean and I snickering at him.
"Did you enjoy your nap Sam?" I bit my lip trying not to giggle.
"I hadn’t realized I knocked out." Sam replied, slightly embarrassed. Dean chuckled.
"Well I’m gonna go get ready for work then. You guys are gonna visit me right?" Glancing hopefully at Dean. His gaze was soft.
"Of course."
"Awesome, I'll see you guys later then." I grinned. Dean stood to walk me to the door, opening it for me. I blushed and murmured "thank you", looking up at him. His hand slid around my lower back, pulling me closer to him as he slowly leaned forward, pressing a light kiss to my lips. I inhaled sharply, my hands already on his chest, weaving their way up around his neck. He smiled against my lips and slowly broke away. I sighed out, longing for him. My tattoo burned suddenly and sent a pulse of heat through me, making me bite my lip and pushing me even closer to Dean. I felt an overwhelming wave of longing crash over me, I looked up at Dean, analyzing his face. His lips were parted, his eyes locked to me chewing on my bottom lip. My breath caught in my throat.
What’s happening to me?
These feeling surging through me… they feel so natural but they aren’t mine…
It was his feelings...I was feeling them? My eyes widened as my thoughts raced, struggling to draw a breath. I turned sharply before he could see my realization and shock, throwing a quick "I’ll be late for work over my shoulder."
The farther I got to my house, I could feel his presence fading from me, reducing the longing burning through me to dull embers. But my tattoo still stung all the more, I had a feeling it might be because I was away from him. I chewed on my lip more, darting towards a bathroom.
I stood in front of the mirror, my eyes wild, and tore off the top part of my dress. Examining my soft white skin in the mirror, it was evident that the strange white scrawls that had randomly appeared had gotten darker. The scrawls were no longer stark white, but a light grey, almost as if smoke or fog were trapped inside. The darker shade of the script make it obvious that it was letters over top of my heart. I trailed my fingers over the raised lettering on my skin, falling back against the wall, unsure of what to think, to do. I squinted harder at the words, watching the smoke drift and twirl inside. My brain twisted, fighting to read the backwards elegant script in the mirror. I shook my head, having a better idea. I quickly snapped a picture of it, then editing it to flip it around, the letters coming together crystal clear.
Dean Winchester.
I dropped my phone, and it clanked on the floor. I turned back to the mirror, staring with my mouth agape at what was written on me. I quickly tied my dress back together and picked up my phone immediately deleting the picture, not wanting to see what was etched onto me any longer.
What could all of this mean?
His name on me, the fact that I can feel him? And was this only happening for me?
I shook my head, not knowing who to go to or if I could even tell anyone, certainly not Dean. I don’t know if I’ll ever figure out what to do.
I headed upstairs, taking care of routine things before work, attempting to feel as normal as possible, my hands still shaking.
Thoughts rattling through my brain as I drove to work, I decided it would be best to try to stay as busy as possible during my shift. I cleaned off the bar counter, ignoring the door periodically clanking as customers walked in. I hadn’t snapped out of it until I heard someone sit in front of me.
"What’ll it be today?" I asked without glancing first.
"I think a hello would be nice to start." A husky voice asked. I smiled, looking to Dean with Sam beside him, taking a seat.
"Hello dear." I said shyly. I handed them two beers.
"How’s work going?" Sam asked. I sighed and shrugged.
"I’m just glad I have you both to keep me company now." They both gave me smiles.
"So have you two ever played pool against each other?" I asked grinning. Dean grinned back, taking a swig of his bear.
"Hell yeah, and I beat him every time!" Dean bellowed, laughing. Sam rolled his eyes.
"Not true, jerk." He muttered, scowling at his brother.
"Whatever you say, bitch! You’re the one who still won’t play me." Dean mocked, challenging him.
"Aw Sam I bet you could take him on." I grinned, fueling the fire. Dean shot me a look, jealousy washing over him. I felt it in the pit of my stomach. My smile widened. Sam sipped his beer, thinking.
"Hey, if you win, drinks on me." I leaned closer to him. Dean stared a hole into me. I turned, catching his gaze and taking a step towards him. I rested my forearms on the bar, inches from his face.
"What’s wrong Dean?" I asked coyly. "Scared your brother might win?" My lips brushed against his, I pulled away before he could kiss me.
"Fine, but if I win, I am goddamn going home with you tonight." Dean looked me up and down, finished his beer and slammed it down. I giggled at how gruff his voice is. He stood, clapping his brother on the shoulder. Sam rolled his eyes but stood, setting his empty beer on the counter. I cleared them away, smiling to myself at the war I had just stirred. I served a few customers, cleaning and catching Dean’s eye in between, only to turn away and blush.
"Boy you are gonna lose!" Dean hollered as he sunk another ball.
"Dean I seriously want to talk to you." Sam’s voice was low, but I still picked it up, I froze immediately. Was he talking about earlier?
"Sure, what about Sammy?" Dean grinning as he lined up another shot.
"Listen, I think there’s a case here." Dean missed his shot and I nearly dropped the empty glass I was cleaning. I quickly turned away from them, shuffling dishes around to seem distracted.
"Sam I’ve told you already!" Dean roared.
"Okay I know but Dean-"
"Do you really think I want to bring her into this?" Dean’s voice was low, I could barely hear him. I didn’t have to look over my shoulder to know he was pointing to me. "You know I don’t want that, for anyone that I care even a little bit about." My stomach twisted as I felt anger and concern flood through me. I gripped the sink, trying to steady myself. I turned to the bar, forcing a smile on my face as I helped a customer.
"I know Dean but-"
"You know what? I honestly can’t believe you came here to try to pull me into all this crap again, when I for the first time have been willing to put it all behind me." Dean said disgusted. I looked up as he grabbed his jacket and stormed out of the bar, all the while I felt my heart sinking. I looked over to Sam, the look of defeat written all over him. He caught my eye and I motioned for him to come sit.
"That uh didn’t sound good." I laughed awkwardly, trying to lighten the mood. Sam clenched his jaw, shaking his head a little. I looked around briefly, my eyes landing on a shadowed face, staring directly at me from the corner. I stiffened and shifted my gaze back to Sam.
"No, it wasn’t." He murmured. I swallowed and handed him a double whiskey. He tossed it back and I handed him another, and another. I took a shot with him, for the hell of it. My eyes followed the shadow, moving out of the bar. I shook my head.
"So what’ve you been up to Sam?" I asked innocently, trying to ignore what I saw.
"Oh ya know. Same ol' same ol'. He slurred. I giggled.
"Yeah but what exactly is that?"
"The stupid family business that never escapes me or Dean, no matter how hard he tries to run from it." He added bitterly. I handed him another double, he nodded approvingly.
"Are you guys like with the police or something?" I chewed on my lip, nervous to see if he'd tell me the truth. Instead he laughed, barely able to down his fourth whiskey.
"No, I wouldn’t call it that." He said through laughter.
"What would you call it then?" My gaze hit him hard, and he looked away.
"Nothing you would understand." He muttered.
"Try me." I sat his whiskey in front of him. He shot it back and looked at me, his eyes piercing through me.
"Maybe another time." He spoke softly, breaking from my gaze. I pursed my lips to his response, but gave a quick nod knowing to let it go.
"So what're you gonna do in town then while Dean and I both have to work?" I prodded.
"I think I'm gonna stay at this motel a couple streets over. I've got some business to take care of here." I rolled my eyes at how the word 'vague' seemed to stick to the two brothers.
"Well I hope that goes smoothly. I'm sure I'll see you again right?" I smiled, handing him another whiskey. He smiled staring at his drink and stirred it slowly, the ice clinking on the glass.
"Of course." He answered finally.
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 41
3901. What is the most annoying tv ad? idk, i hardly watch tv anymore. 3902. If you died, how would you hope others would remember you? for making them happy. 3903. Name 2 questions that you will most likely never say 'no' to: 1. do you want a massage? 2. do you want free tickets to (anything)? 3904. What is the softest part of your body? boobs lol. 3905. What family do you want to see in place of the Osbournes when they finally stop doing their show? none. never really got into those family reality shows.
3906. If you could pick 3 bands to go on tour together who would they be? meh, idk. solo artists would be cooler. 3907. What is a main differance between western and eastern philospohy? i don’t knowwwww. 3908. Would you be fooled by Joe/Josephine Millionaire? yeah but i wouldn’t let that stop me if i actually fell in love with them. 3909. Do you believe Michael Jackson does innoprpriate things at his Neverland Ranch? Like what? honestly, unless there’s solid proof i don’t think we’ll ever know.  3910. What do you think of gov. Ryan who cleared out Illinois' death row? idk anything about it. 3911. Would you want a $500 gift certificate to: Kmart or Target? either or, i’d gladly take it. Macy's or Hot Topic? macy’s. Border's Books or Spencer Gifts? borders. Victoria's Secret or Frederick's of Hollywood? vs. 3912. What do you think of this website: www.blackpeopleloveus.com/ feeling too lazy to click it lol. 3913. Man vs Elephant. A zookeeper was treating a constipated elephant. He gave her too much laxitive. Suddenly everything exploded out onto the zookeeper. He was knocked to the ground where he hit his head on a rock and got knocked out. There he suffocated under a pile of elephant dung. True story. Is it a funny story? If yes, what is funny about it? Why is it so taboo to laugh at death? i think it’s unfortunate. it’s not funny to joke about death. 3914. What are your favorite five things from this list: alternate realities, animals, astronomy, birds, camus, cats, cheap trick, cocaine, cooking, costumes, dancing, elvis, gambling, greta garbo, james dean, jeff buckley, joy division, marilyn monroe, mixed drinks, moody blues, morrissey, mozart, my bloody valentine, orbital, pizza, playing flute, prince, radiohead, rummy 500, scrabble, table tennis, talk talk, van morrison, writing cooking, mixed drinks, scrabble, gambling, pizza. 3915. Do you have to read lots to be able to write well? not always but it can definitely help expand your vocab. 3916. Vanilla ice. Everyone loved him, suddenly everyone hated him. What was the deal?? too young to have followed him. 3917. If you could kick one person out of the grammies who would it be (Avril, Eminem, etc)? taylor swift lmao. 3918. Studies have revealed that when sending out a resume a person has a 50% higher chance of getting a responce if their name is white sounding than if it is black sounding. What do you think about this? it sucks. it’s not even just ‘black sounding’, it’s just ‘ethnic sounding’. Why do companies respond this way? ask them. 3919. Should Big Fat Greek Wedding really be a Big Fat Greek sitcom? idk. 3920. What are you addicted to? sleep. 3921. What fascinates you? a lot of things. i’m easily amused lol. 3922. What is fascinating about you? idk :( 3923. Personality wise, is anything the same for all human beings and if so, what? we’re all conscious? idk lol. 3924. What kind of a contest woud you have a shot at winning? post your favourite travel photo and tell us why. lol idk. 3925. You see a dirty punk kid who had a giant cowboy hat on who is rolling his own cigarettes. Your impression? nothing. who am i to judge? 3926. What would you never want to have more than 2 of? cars. lol idk. 3927. Is there a movie you just could not finish watching? What and why? star wars, the one with natalie portman and hayden christensen. idk i was really young, everyone at school talked about how cool star wars was so my godmother took me to the movies and it was just way too long and boring. 3928. Is there anyone that you love and want to be around for no explainable reason? sure. 3929. Would you go to times square for new years? no, it’s a living nightmare in my eyes. only way i’d do it is if my hotel room overlooked times square lol. 3930. Do you think that there are to many signs blocking up the scenery? not really, it’s part of the appeal. 3931. Did video really kill the radio star? meh. 3932. What was your favorite atari game? idk. 3933. what is your favorite neon color? blue/purple. 3934. Do you get depressed eveytime it rains? If yes, why? no, i actually love it. i do feel a little gloomy if i have to go to work while it’s raining though. 3935. 'The more you admit that all your actions are robotic, the less robotic you are.' What does Tim leary mean by this? you’re acknowledging you’re being robotic so it suggests you’re actually conscious of it rather than just doing it without realizing. Do you agree or disagree and why? eh, neither. i don’t really relate to it. How much of your actions do you admit are robotic? not much tbh. 3936. Are we not men? i’m not. 3937. Is it easy to be you? Would being someone else make it any easier? it’s actually very easy to be me right now. 3938. Why are sex religion and politics such taboo subjects? too many conflicting opinions, that’s why. 3939. Is there really a differance between republicans and democrats? different beliefs. 3940. Imagine someone has a great personality, sense or humor, family and job. they also really really like you a lot. Would you consider dating them if they: were fat? limped? were a midget? had hiv? were paralized in one arm? had a glass eye? had only 6 months to live? i would honestly consider all of these. i’m not one to really analyse a situation if i start falling in love. 3941. What makes you experiance nostalgia? old photos, music, movies, memories etc. 3942. What do you remember about these historical figures: Woodrow Wilson? an american president? lol idk i’m not americans. Hellen Keller? she was both deaf and blind. amazing woman, google how she used to communicate with her carer, it’s awesome. Christopher Columbus? founder of places and shit. 3943. Out of the above three figures, one is a huge racist, one is a socialist and one is a slave trader. Can you guess which is which? Racist: no idea. socialist: slave trader: 3944. Betcha they didn't tell you that in american history. Wilson, Keller and Columbus are painted as heros, impossibly good, ideal people. Why are so many things ommitted from and lied about in american history text books? i’m australian, i wasn’t taught american history.  3945. Do you drink super caffinated energy drinks? no. 3946. eminem or moby? eminem. 3947. spongebob or the animanicas? animaniacs. 3948. Why do people rush to grow up only to wish they were a child again? idk. that’s just how life is. 3949. Why do people sacrifice their health to obtain moneya d then use the money to restore their health? i don’t think they realize they’re doing that. 3950. Jetsons or Flintstones? jetsons. 3951. What are you saving up for? a house. 3952. Would you rather improve your cooking, creativity, body,logic or charisma? body. 3953. Is it more important to have stregnth or speed? strength. 3954. What is your favorite thing to do each day? sleep. 3955. When you are driving do you ever feel like turning the car towards someplace unfamiliar and not comming back? no, i absolutely hate driving to places that i’m unfamiliar with lol. 3956. Have you ever gone to lunch at a job and never gone back to the job? no. 3957. What kind of a dining room set defines you as a person? a normal plate, knife, fork, spoon and glass lol. 3958. Kiss, with or without the make up? without is a lot easier. 3959. Madonna or Courtney Love? madonna. 3960. Are you down with james Brown? i only know one of his songs. 3961. Do you believe in miracles? not really. actually, sorta. 3962. Are you living a lie? no. 3963. If you had to give up one would it be caled ID or call waiting? call waiting. 3964. Are you ready to switch to an electric or solar powered car? i’d love to if i could afford it. 3965. What is the greatest band of the 90's? idk lol. 3966. What's the appeal of Alley Mcbeal? nothing. my mum did love that show though. 3967. Fill in the blank. ___ aint the kind of place to raise a kid. a casino. 3968. What song goes: starry eye surprise, sundown to sunrise, we're gonna dance all night to this dj' and who is it by? idk. 3969. What ever happened to the mtv vj Kennedy? no idea.  3970. if you could sing with one band for a day what band and what song would you want it to be? haha idk. 3971. Josie and the PussyCats or Jem? josie and the pussycats. 3972. Wouldn't oyu like to be a pepper too? no. 3973. Britney spears, school girl or sexy, which do you prefer? either or. the britney in toxic was fire. 3974. Would you get married on tv? no lol. 3975. Where do you go looking for the secrets of life? nowhere. i don’t care for secrets. 3976. What is the fuel for your soul? inspiration. 3977. Why do people watch american idol (I think it's for Simon)? no idea. 3978. What makes life sweet? being around people you love and doing things you love. 3979. What does it take to make a great band? chemistry. 3980. What do you think of when you hear the word 'devo'? devastated. 3981. What song or movie represents the 80's for you? the breakfast club. 3982. What song poem or other piece of writing would you want read when you died? not sure. 3983. Is a stable job home and family pretty much your goal or do you want more than that and WHAT? i would definitely want that and more. mostly happiness really. 3984. What tv show that is no longer on tv do you miss? the office! 3985. Remember when Chris from nirvana threw his bass in the air and hit himself in the head with it? nope. 3986. What commercial is really annoying you(almonds, want some almonds, you're a big fellow aren't you)??? i hardly watch tv. 3987. Nominate a rockstar for president: kanye lol. 3988. Who amazes you? myself haha. 3989. What's the best musical act to come outta your own country? another country? idkkkkk. 3990. Is your life glamorous and exciting? not at all. 3991. Greatest oldschool rap artist: tupac. greatest newschool rap artist: kanye or kendrick. 3992. DJ Jazzy jeff or Will Smith, which persona? will smith. 3993. Ever try yoga? no. i’d like to though. 3994. Are you a brick shit house? no. 3995. What products do you use? depends for what? i use a lot of products for different things. 3996. How good do you look? not good right now. 3997. Tonight you're going to party like_________ i’m about to sleep lol. 3998. Have you ever written a song? as a kid, yes. if yes did you record it? no. 3999. What would you like to have 999 of? $100 bills. 4000. Do you own a metal detector? no.
0 notes
katehuntington · 5 years
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Title: Ride With Me (part twelve) Fandom: Supernatural AU Characters series: Reader, Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, Ellen Singer-Harvelle, Jo Singer (Harvelle), Benny Lafitte, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Ash Miller, Castiel Novek, and many more. Timeline: 2008 Pairing: Dean x Reader Word count: ±5600 words Summary series: Y/N is a talented horse rider who is on her way to become a professional. In order to convince her father that she deserves the loan needed to start her own farm, she goes to Arizona for six months, to intern at a ranch owned by Bobby and Ellen Singer. Her future is set out, but then she meets a handsome horseman, who goes by the name of Dean Winchester. A heartwarming series about a cowboy who falls for the girl, letting go of the past and the importance of family.  Summary part twelve: After finally opening up to each other, Dean is having a hard time keeping his hands to himself. But the flirting is soon interrupted when one of the horses gets caught in a dangerous situation. Warnings series: NSFW, 18+ only! Fluff, angst, eventually smut. Swearing, smoking, alcohol intoxication, alcohol abuse. Mutual pining, heartbreak. Crying, nightmares, childhood trauma. Description of animal abuse, domestic violence, mentions of addiction. Financial problems, stress, mental breakdown. Description of blood and injury, hospital scenes, character death, grief. Music: ‘How Far This Road Goes’ - Gareth Dunlop, ‘Seven Riders’ - James Horner & Simon Franklin (second scene). Check out ‘Kate Huntington’s Ride With Me playlist’ on Spotify! Author’s note: Thank you @kittenofdoomage and @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish for helping me. You girls are awesome betas. Thank you for your endless patience!
Ride With Me Masterlist
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     With a grin wider than the horizon, Dean puts the rolled-up mattress on Ted’s back, attaching it behind the saddle by tying the leather strings around it. He barely slept last night, but he doesn’t feel tired, not in the slightest. Nothing will get him off this high cloud, because last night, he kissed Y/N.        The head wrangler hums a Led Zeppelin tune as he tightens Ted’s cinch a little, patting his four legged friend on the shoulder when he’s done. Joplin is waiting next to him, rather impatiently, tied up to the strung rope between a boulder and a tree, like the other seven horses. Her female rider moves in between the dark mare and Ted, causing Dean to fight back an amused scoff. Y/N could have tacked up Joplin from the left side, which is the usual protocol when handling a horse. But instead, the cowgirl chose the small space between the two large animals, the space Dean already occupied, making it a tight fit.     “Morning, Yankee,” he teases, still with his back towards hers as he secures his lasso.     “G’morning,” she greets back. “Were you humming ‘Whole Lotta Love’ just now?”      Dean chuckles now, “I’ve got a reason to be cheery.”
     Y/N presses her lips together, very much aware why her supervisor is in such a good mood. She is also very much aware that he’s only inches away, the two almost touching. The chemistry is evident and she needs to remind herself that the others are also readying their horses; they are not alone like they were last night. Giving her hands something to do, she checks the saddle bags again, even though she has done so already.       “Did you sleep well last night?” Dean wonders casually, but she caught the lower tone in his voice. That tone that makes her heart beat faster and has her closing her eyes and taking a moment to compose herself.      “I did actually. A little short, though,” Y/N returns. “What about you?”      “Oh, I couldn’t sleep.”
     She can hear Dean’s boots crunch the gravel underneath them as he turns around. He comes closer and Y/N forgets what she’s doing, one hand holding the stirrup, might she need the support. She feels his hand on her hip, the touch so featherlight that she could be imagining it. Holding still while he moves in, she fights a shocked whimper when his breath fans past the junction between her neck and her shoulder. How contradicting; the warm breeze leaves goosebumps over her entire body.      “How come?” she manages to utter, her voice close to failing.      Y/N feels his lips against her hair, but he doesn’t kiss her there, even though she silently begs him to do exactly that. She moves into his touch only slightly.      “I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” he whispers in her ear.
     Before the others notice, he moves away and his hand slips from her hip, leaving a burning sensation where his fingertips gently pressed into her skin through the fabric of her jeans. The cowboy who has clearly found his way into her heart and her mind, shoots her a wink over his shoulder when she follows him with her gaze. Chuckling, she shakes her head in response. It’s a good thing she held onto the saddle, because her knees feel weak. God, the things he’s doing to her.      “Y’all ready to mount your ponies?” Benny checks, before he gets on his horse himself.      When all the wranglers have untied their horses, Dean rolls up the rope that functioned as a makeshift fence and adds it to the load carried by one of the pack-horses. He then puts his left foot in the stirrup and swiftly moves his leg over the saddle, the fringes of his chaps whipping when the breeze catches them. The others follow his example.
     “Alright. We’ve got a long day ahead of us. We ride to the next spring, but it will be roughly six miles from here. That’s more ground to cover than yesterday. It will be rocky terrain, so stay sharp and keep up.” Dean turns his horse with the reins in one hand. “Don’t forget to keep an eye out for the herd. They were last seen in Marsh Valley by hikers, but that was four days ago, so they could be long gone by now. If we don’t find them by the time we reach White Rock Spring, we’ll set up camp there and continue the search tomorrow. Y’all good with that?”
     The rest of the company agrees, both wranglers and horses excited to get moving. Joplin especially; the waiting has made her impatient. She rears, lifting her front hooves a couple of inches from the ground, repeating the action several times. Y/N rides it out, her hand reaching to pat the hot blooded mare on the neck in order to calm her down. In perfect balance she gives her horse enough freedom of reign, but controls the movements with her seat.       “Joplin certainly is,” she laughs, amused with the mare’s enthusiasm.      “Alright then,” Dean returns grinning, admiring her riding skills for a moment longer. “Let’s ride.”
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     It’s past midday and there is no sign of the herd so far. The group of riders passed Weavers Needle hours ago, a thousand foot column of rock that forms a distinctive peak, visible from many miles away. Y/N felt so tiny when she rode through the landmark’s shadow, like an ant on the forest ground. She quite possibly strained a muscle in her neck from looking up, but the young woman from the North couldn’t help herself. The landscape, created by volcanoes ages ago and molded by wind and time, leaves her in complete awe. The further they travel into the Superstitions, the more surreal the scenery becomes. 
     Benny told stories last night about the mountains. About the legend of the Lost Dutch Gold Mine, and the hundreds of other abandoned tunnels, hidden in the volcanic stone. About the Indians, how some of them believe that the hole that leads down into ‘the lower world’ is located somewhere in these valleys, and that winds blowing from it create the severe dust storms in the metropolitan area. It’s a magical environment that, despite having a desert climate, seems alive. The way the wind plays with her horse’s mane and whispers as it breathes through the canyon. The way the mesquite bushes rustle and the Saguaro cacti reach their arms for the blue heavens above. This land has a personality of its own; unpredictable, layered and rich with wisdom.
     “Enjoying the view?”      Dean held up his horse as Y/N was staring up at the renmands. She didn’t even notice she fell behind.      “Sorry…” she mutters apologetic. “It’s just… everything here is so beautiful.”      “Sure is.”      The cowboy smirks at her, not just complimenting the landscape. Joplin’s rider is unable to hide her flattered smile.      “You can stop trying to win me over,” she returns jokingly, resting her hand behind her on the cantle of the saddle.      Dean side eyes Y/N, triumph in the way he holds himself, “Because I already did, right?”      “Don’t get ahead of yourself,” she warns. “Last night was amazing, but it was just a kiss.”      “Oh, I didn’t plan to stop,” he makes clear, copying her action without noticing, gripping the back of the saddle with his free hand as well. “Next chance I get, I’m gonna kiss you again.”      “Is that so?” she teases.      “Unless you’d rather not have me.” Dean observes her, eager to pick up on her reaction.
     His lower leg brushes against hers, the metal of the stirrups jingling when they collide. He stares into her eyes longer than he should, breaking through the resistance with more ease than Y/N wants him to. Honestly, she has never been an easy catch. She pictured she would at least let him work for it, prove to her that this isn’t just a fling. But her defense crumbles with every connection, no matter how small. The intern can’t help but crave for her supervisor to touch her, to kiss her right here and right now. Both of them being on horses complicates things, however, especially since one of those horses is Joplin, who is getting anxious now that she is a few hundred yards away from the group.       “I wouldn’t mind it,” Y/N admits, on a more serious note.      Dean smiles, delighted at that, looking down at his horse for a brief second.       “You oughta catch up then.”
     The wrangler moves his hand forward and pushes his heels to his horses flanks simultaneously, the aid triggering Ted to shoot forward like an arrow from a bow. Without giving Y/N  a chance to respond, Joplin’s instincts kick in; she needs to stay with the herd. In a blink of an eye she bolts, surprising her rider, who can only just prevent a squeal from escaping her throat. The experienced rider is quick to recover, though. She moves her weight forward, allowing her horse to move under her freely, giving her all the reins she needs. Within five strides, Joplin is at full speed. Y/N can’t recall that she ever galopped this fast. The wind pushes the tears from the corner of her eyes, dust blocking her view. Her hat falls back, but she’s quick enough to catch it and push it tighter on her head. She doesn’t care, though, because she feels like she’s flying.
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     Before they reach the others, Dean sits back in the saddle and pulls the reins, telling Ted with a ‘ho!’ to slow down. Joplin is next to him within a second, her rider laughing out loud. The cowboy watches her, laughter erupting from his throat as well.       “You’re crazy!” Y/N accused, a wide grin on her lips nonetheless. “What if I had fallen off?”      “You’re too good of a rider,” he returns, never worried she couldn’t handle herself. “And it’s about time you let go.”      “I usually don’t like losing control,” she returns, trying to be stern.       He cocks his eyebrow. “You didn’t mind last night.”       “Underlining ‘usually’,” she repeats with a tone, shaking her head at the up-to-no-good grin on his face.
     “Well, you—” He points his finger at her accusingly before he pushes his hat up a bit. “— should loosen up a bit. Picture it like riding.”      Y/N frowns at the wrangler next to her. “I thought we were talking about riding.”       “It doesn’t matter. What does, is if you hold onto the reins too tight, your horse will tense up. You will tense up. But if you relax at the right moment…” He moves his hand forward, giving Ted enough space to drop his head and the gelding blows out a satisfied sigh. “So will your horse. You allow things to be. And those are the best rides, ain’t they? The ones where the balance is perfect, and everything just clicks.”
     Y/N agrees to that without words, smiling at the comparison. Dean lets the true meaning of his message sink in as well. It’s good advice he’s giving. Maybe he should take it himself. In silence they take each other in. She has rolled up the sleeves of her dusty shirt for the warm breeze to caress her bare skin. Not so long ago, Y/N came walking into the Saloon, ironed button up, polished shoes, hair band and clips not allowing a single stubborn strand to spring free. Look at her now, like she couldn’t care less about appearance. Look how beautiful she is.       “By the way,” the woman next to him recalls, her voice softer so that the tourists can’t hear them.       “Hm-hm?”      “You were right. That was a lot more than just a kiss.”      With those words she canters away, and he’s only able to breath out again when she passes the other riders to lead the group. Don’t be fooled, he’s confident about how things are going, but that doesn’t mean that ‘allowing things to be’ is easy. Even he, the guy who doesn’t plan ahead and takes it day by day, is daunted by the possible commitment that this adventure with Y/N will bring. But one look at her, seeing the change she’s going through, the difference in her demeanor and her lifted confidence; she’s all the inspiration he needs.             “You better wipe that smile off your face, Chief, or the coyotes might start wonderin’ why you’re all giddy.”      A little startled Dean looks aside as Benny holds back his horse until he’s next to Ted. Caught in the act the head wrangler glares at his friend from under his Stetson, but the smirk doesn’t die down. No need to respond in words, because both know why Dean is on top of the world. And so the two companions ride next to one another for awhile in silence. Dean’s eyes never leave her, though, watching how she handles the bubbly mare, who’s excitement got peaked by the little race. Joplin isn’t for everyone, but she’s taking his advice and gives the dark horse free rein, trusting her, and eventually the mare transitions to a walk.
     “Well, now you’re just embarrassingly gaping,” Benny notices, clearly amused by the sight of his lovestruck friend.      Dean snaps out of it and eyes him again. It’s not so much the fact that Benny is mocking him, more the fact that he himself can’t get a grip.      “Shut up,” Dean mutters, shaking his head chuckling. “You were the one gaping when you interrupted us last night.”      “It was 3 AM and I wasn’t even close to awake, and what do I find?” Benny lazily points his finger at the intern, then at the man next to him. “You two, giving each other one hell of a Yankee dime. I mean, don’t get me wrong, brother. I’m proud of ya, but excuse me that I was a little taken aback.”      The Southerner pauses, his piercing blue eyes brassy and up to no good. Clearly he enjoys taunting his pal.             “Took ya quite a while to notice me too,” he comments, adding fuel to the fire.      “I was kinda in the middle of something!” Dean exclaims.      “Hell yeah, you were.” Benny sniggers. “Good think I stopped ya right there. At least now you saved some for later.”      “I wasn’t gonna go all the way with her,” his friend declares.      It doesn’t convince the rider next to him, though, because he laughs out loud.      “Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s rainin’.”      “Dude, I’m serious!” Dean states. “I ain’t gonna rush this.”      “Ah-uh.”      “I said: shut up.”
     The farrier’s laughter is contagious, hiccuping as he takes in air, and his friend can’t help but chuckle as well. The head wrangler adjusts the ranch rope hanging over his horse’s shoulder, the broad smile never wavering. It’s not just the smile, though, that tells Benny that Y/N is the girl for him. It’s his eyes. He has never seen them shine so bright. He has never seen Dean so contented.      “You two go together like peas and carrots,” Benny vouches, looking from the cowboy to the cowgirl. “I’m happy for ya, brother.”      “You’re talking like we’re about to settle down and get a dog,” Dean scoffs skeptical, even though deep down he wouldn’t mind an outcome as such.      “Give it time,” the Southerner recommends confident. “After all, two months ago, you would have thought I was crazy as a soup sandwich, if I’d predicted you to be on cloud nine by now.”       He wiggles his eyebrows and Dean sighs in response. He’s not even going to fight his friend on this, Benny is enjoying this way too much to ever let go.
     “Dean!”      The call comes from the front of the group and it seems urgent. Dean snaps his head to the sound of Y/N’s voice and the clatter of hooves. The intern has turned Joplin around and ridden back to the tourists. One of the pack horses, Cash, who Macy was guiding along side, tries to flee away as he kicks violently to the ground. He spins in circles around the rider and her gelding Jimmi, who is starting to panic as well.       “Pull the knot, Macy!” Dean commands, pushing Ted towards the commotion.      Fighting to control her own horse, she reaches for the rope that ties Cash to her saddle, trying to yank the safety knot. By this time, however, the distressed animal has pulled on the cord with all its weight, and there is no way it will loosen.       “I can’t!” she yells back, fright evident in her voice.
     Trying to not get caught up in the line, she steers Jimmi to stay head to head with the anxious pack horse. Dean is with her in a split second, maneuvering Ted close to her and staying free from the web.       “Listen to me, Mace. When you’re on the other end, I’m gonna take over.” He takes the end of Cash’s rope, wraps it around the horn of his saddle four times and locks it in his fist, hooking it behind his hip for leverage. “I need you to get yourself to safety the second that rope unties, alright?”       He makes eye contact and she nods frightened, all while trying to calm Jimmi, who is getting more claustrophobic by the second. The experienced wrangler then backs up Ted, using his horse’s body weight to pull the safety knot. The second Cash feels the freedom, he bolts. Macy is clear, but the head wrangler and his four hooved partner are about to be catapulted by the horse on a rampage. 
     Thinking fast, Dean moves his reins towards Ted’s ears, triggering him to rocket forward. Three strides later Dean can feel Cash jerk at the saddle, Ted bracing himself, the well-trained cattle horse maintaining his balance. The rope slips from Dean’s fingers, but he is able to keep his ground, even though the rough material burns in his hand. With tension on the line, the wrangler tries to keep Cash away from a boulder that came rolling down Bluff Spring Mountain, but can’t prevent the panicked horse from slamming the water tank he is carrying into the large rock. Even though drinking water pours from the hole, it’s not Dean’s first concern. Cash is holding his hind leg up, still kicking the ground as the black horse halts, breathing out nervously. Dean spots a trace of blood, just below the fetlock joint.      “Shit…” He gets off, dropping Ted’s left rein on the ground, a signal for the horse to stay in place and wait. Shit, shit, shit.      Cash, who is shaking and breathing fast after all the commotion, turns his head into the wrangler, seeming to seek comfort from him. Dean gently rubs the gelding’s withers and slips his hand down the hindleg to take a better look. Two distinctive small holes are visible on the white sock, crimson drops rolling down. It seems like barely anything, but he has lived in this area all his life; he knows a snake bite when he sees one.      “He got bit,” Dean informs the five wranglers, who are waiting on the path in anticipation.      Benny curses under his breath, getting down from his horse as well.       “By what? A spider?” Y/N wonders, sticking with the tourists on a safe distance.      “Nope.” 
     The Southerner picks up a stick, poking at something in the bushes. Then he lifts the piece of wood, a snake hanging from the end of it. Macy squeals and Y/N inhales sharply, too. She has never seen a snake up close like that, at least not without thick glass between her and the reptile. God, that thing is huge!      “Is it dead?” Dean checks, still standing by the wounded horse.      “Dead as steak on the grill,” the Southerner confirms, taking a closer look.       “Is it a rattler?” 
      The head wrangler watches Benny examine the animal as he prays to God that it isn’t. Rattlesnakes in this area are highly dangerous. The amount of venom they possess might not be enough to floor a horse, but it will cause extensive swelling for sure, most likely followed by a bad infection that will cut off the blood supply. A bite inflicted by a venomous snake could be life threatening, even when treated by a veterinarian immediately. Miles from civilization with no access to medical resources, it becomes lethal.      “I think it is, Chief.”
     Y/N looks over at the head wrangler, who drops his head and swears. It slowly begins to sink in that the consequences of what seems like a small injury might have serious consequences. Dean looks up, making eye contact with the intern and motioning her to come over. She rides Joplin off the path and dismounts the mare, leading her to Cash, who she comfortingly pets on the nose.      “Listen to me carefully,” he starts, his voice toned down so that the others can’t hear him, as he instructs the intern calmly. “If that is a rattlesnake, I need you to take the tourists a half a mile up the trail. At the junction, you wait until me and Benny catch up.”       “Wait, what are you gonna…” she stammers, hesitant where Dean is going with this.
     He bites his bottom lip for a moment and looks deep into her eyes, the urgency apparent in his intense greens.      “You’ll be responsible for the guests, so be cautious. Don’t take any risks and keep them safe. I know you’re not familiar with the area and that this is a lot, but can you do that?”      “Benny could go with them, he knows these trails,” she suggests, but Dean dismisses it instantly.      “No. I don’t want you to see this.”      “See wh -” she pauses, his penetrating gaze and tensing jaw stopping her from forming words. Shocked she rakes her fingers through Cash’s forelock, only now realizing the difficult task that Dean is facing. “Oh my God, you’re gonna put him down.”
     He doesn’t answer, but swallows apprehensively. If Cash has venom coursing through his bloodstream, his chances of survival can be considered zero. A slow and agonizing death awaits him; a bullet to the head would be the most moral way to go. The head wrangler takes a deep breath, composes himself, and shifts his gaze to Benny. Seems like he’s going to have to use the Colt after all.      “I’m gonna check out the snake, make sure it’s a rattler. If it is, you know what to do?”       Y/N nods uneasy, but determined enough to assure Dean that she can do her part. He thanks her without saying anything, his eyes softening. Then he moves past her, heading back to the trail. Left stunned, she lets her hand glide down Cash’s nose, trying to ease the horse, who in his turn gently presses his large head against her chest. Even though Y/N barely knows the horse, tears prick in her eyes. Poor, poor thing. She looks over her shoulder, watching in apprehension, how the head wrangler crouches down next to Benny, who has the snake at the end of a stick. 
     Dean pokes the reptile to make sure it’s dead, taking a good look at the animal. The light brown color with dark blotches on its back and smaller dark spots on its side, are indications that Benny is right. He can’t tell much when examining the head, since Cash killed the snake with a fierce kick and smashed its skull. Dean picks up the animal by the tale. It looks different from the rest of its body, but there is no rattle at the tip of it, like he has seen before with the Western Diamondback that is common in the area. He sighs relieved.      “It’s a Gopher snake,” he states. “A Sonoran, by the looks of it. Smart fellas; they mimic rattlesnakes to ward off predators.”      “Could’ve fooled me,” Benny concedes.      “Not venomous?” Y/N checks.      Dean smiles her way. “Not venomous.”      A weight falls off her shoulders, and the female wrangler rustles Cash’s mane thankfully. She exchanges a look with Dean, silent conversation easing the both of them. Then the group leader turns to the tourists.       “Alright y’all, let’s take a break here,” he decides, beckoning at the shade near the big boulders.       “Is Cash gonna be okay?” Macy asks worried.      “He’s gonna be fine. We’ll rest up for half an hour, meanwhile fix that water tank. Benny? Let’s repack so that we can take the load off Cash.” Dean turns to look at the farrier, who nods in agreement.
     They leave the snake for the vultures and move away from the trail. While Benny and Brad tack down Cash and focus on repairing the tank with duct tape, saving the water that remains in the tank by catching it with their water bottles, Dean focuses on the black gelding’s injury. Y/N strolls past him between the horses, who have taken cover in the shade. She watches how the cowboy flushes the puncture wounds with water, despite the fact that Cash keeps lifting his hind leg.      “Do you need an assistant?”      He looks over his shoulder and nods. “Could you hold him for a sec?”      She takes Cash by the rope that he fought so hard minutes ago, rubbing the bay’s shoulder in order to distract him. It works, because the gelding puts his foot down, allowing Dean to press a gauze soaked with betadine on the small holes.      “There,” he says satisfied, when he’s done cleaning the punctures. 
     Y/N lets go of Cash’s halter, picking up the bottle of betadine from the first aid kit, together with a clean gauze pad.      “Your turn.” She nods at his hand.“Show me that.”      Dean brushes it off. “It’s nothin’.”      His intern isn’t having it, though, and after shooting him a glare she takes his right hand and turns it over. Despite that his palm is calloused from years of ranch work, the rope has burned off parts of his skin, leaving fiery blisters.       “I wouldn’t file that under ‘nothin’,” she returns stern, mocking his slang.      Dean can’t help but grin at that, surrendering to her care. The smirk turns into a grimace when she dabs the damaged tissue with iodine.       “Sorry,” she apologizes when she notices him tensing up.      “It’s okay,” he assures, looking at her fondly, despite the sting.            Y/N blushes at his expression, breaking away from his warm eyes and focusing on his hand again. She applies a clean gauze and dresses his hand, taping the end of the bandage so that it won’t come off.      He checks his hand from both sides, impressed with her work. “How do you know how to do that?”      The cowgirl shrugs. “I have three brothers who never failed to miss an opportunity to fall from their treehouse or trip while chasing each other through the woods. You do the math.”      Dean chuckles, testing the movement of his fingers as he turns towards the other men, who are still working on the tank. On his way over, he glances at the young woman again.      “Thank you.”      “You’re welcome,” she returns happily, walking past Joplin to pick her water bottle from the saddle bag.
     Joining Macy and Jon, she makes the most of what remains of the half hour break, while the other wranglers try to repair the tank. Having lost most of the water, they don’t waste too much time resting up here and decide to move on to White Rock Spring. The other horses take over Cash’s tack, who only has to carry the empty tank. The gelding already puts full weight on his injured leg, the wounds so superficial that he doesn’t seem to be bothered by it. Twenty minutes later Y/N puts her left foot in the stirrup and hoists herself in the saddle. Her limbs are tired, her back is beginning to hurt. Day two of this trail is taking more out of her than she expected, not only physically, but also mentally, after the close call with Cash. Even though it’s early afternoon, she hopes that Dean and Benny will decide to call it a day, once the group reaches the spring. 
     It doesn’t take long before they pass the rock formation of Black Top Mesa and reach the T-junction Dean described earlier, left leading into Marsh Valley, right to Charlebois Canyon. The two Gold Canyon Ranchers leading the company have stopped just off the trail on the top of a hill. She catches a glimpse of Benny’s face, and he does not look pleased. Not sure if it’s her place to join them, since she’s the intern, she hesitates to ride up to the wranglers, but takes her chances a few seconds later. Dean did involve her when Cash suffered that possibly dangerous injury, afterall. Joplin halts next to Ted as her gaze jumps between the two riders.      “Something wrong?” she wonders.      “What’s missin’ here, Yankee?” Benny counters, without answering her question.
     Y/N looks ahead, down Charlebois Canyon. The land is dry and dusty, rocks and volcanic remnants more evident in the landscape. Now that she’s made aware that something is unusual about this picture, she remembers that the canyons east of Weavers Needle were much greener. More plants and bushes, more life.      “Water,” the female wrangler realizes. “There’s no water.”      “Yep,” Benny confirms. “That spring is supposed to be over yonder.”      “But how can there be no spring? It rained cats and dogs a week ago,” she wonders confused.      “Welcome to Arizona, where it can be raining like a cow’s pissin’ on a flat rock on one side of the road while the sun shines on the other,” the Southerner states.
     Dean is quiet, the gears in his head turning as he blankly stares ahead. He’s holding his reins with his unharmed hand, the leather feeling a little foreign, since he hardly ever rides left-handed. There are a few more springs close by, but since the whole canyon looks dry and dead, except for a few Saguaro cacti, he’s guessing that those ran dry too. Biting his bottom lip he glances over his shoulder in the direction where they came from, then north.      “What do we do now?” Y/N inquires, her eyes shifting from Benny to Dean.      “Chief?” the farrier checks with his friend, when he doesn’t respond.       “How far do you think it is to Eagle’s Nest?” he questions. “About six miles?”      “Give or take,” the Southerner affirms.      Dean ponders, but then turns Ted around to face the three approaching tourists.      “We’ve run into a bit of an issue,” he starts, updating the guests on the newly occurred problem. “White Rock Spring has dried up, and looking at the vegetation, I don’t think it’s wise to continue east. We’re not gonna find water there, which also means that the herd is most likely elsewhere. The way I see it, we’ve got two options: we either turn around and ride four and a half miles back to Willow Spring, or we move north to Salt River.”      “How far is that?” Brad asks as the dark haired student rests his wrists on the horn of his saddle.      “Six miles,” Dean declares. “If we leave now, we’ll hopefully make it by sunset. We need an inventory on water and food supplies. And I need y’all - and this is really important - to be one hundred percent certain that you’re up for another six hours in the saddle. If anyone ain’t, we will turn around to the Willow and cut our losses for today. No shame in it.”
     The leader of the company now turns to Macy, who has Cash waiting next to her. The black horse looks alert and calm, his weight on all four hooves.      “How’s he doing?” Dean wonders.      “He seems fine. He’s sound, even in a jog just now,” she returns, having kept an eye on the gelding next to her.      Dean nods, but not completely satisfied. He’s torn. Torn between pushing through and marching on to Salt River, or taking the safe route back to where they came from. Going back feels like giving up. It will be another day without a trace of the herd, another day of wasting time and energy. They have enough food with them for five days. Heading back might be a crucial setback, one that could lead to returning home without the group of young horses. He promised Ellen and Bobby to bring them in, but he also promised to keep everyone safe. 
     “How much water do we have left?” he checks.      After a quick count, they come to the conclusion that they have about 10 liters between the six of them, the horses not even included. The animals are used to these circumstances, though, and they can go without water for three to four days. Dean is confident they should be okay. It’s the riders he’s worried about: both the tourists and Y/N. Dean sighs, looking up the trail from Marsh Valley that leads into the mountains.       “Is there anyone who wants to go back to Willow Spring?”      No one steps forward or raises their hand. Dean looks the crew in the eye, one by one, trying to unravel them and detect even the slightest hint of doubt. His gaze lingers on Y/N, who doesn’t give him an inch and seems determined. He nods, his mind made up.      “Alright, then,” he decides. “We ride north.”
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Thank you for reading. I appreciate every single one of you, but if you do want to give me some extra love, you are free to reblog my work or buy me coffee (Link in bio at the top of the page).
Read part thirteen here
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When you have a bunch of ideas and can’t decide what to write
On top of being sick and not really having the energy to write these are just a few of the ideas that are bouncing around in my head. I will admit that I wrote the biker!Sam fic I had in my head all day. Hopefully I’ll get it posted tomorrow (needs beta’d) along with the next part of Every Rose Has Its Thorn
1) warrior!Sam x princess!reader
Summary: You were a princess and betrothed to a prince in a neighboring city, but you didn’t love the prince. You were marrying him out of duty. However after seeing Sam in the coliseum a feeling you’ve never had before hits you and you track him down. 
2) rockstar!Tormund x reporter!reader
Summary: You’re tasked with interviewing the lead singer of your favorite band. He’s loud, blunt, and a little uncouth, but he has a soft side and can be really sweet once you get to know the real him. He wants you to give him that chancw
3) Soulmate AU Steve x reader
Summary: You’ve had the initials of your soulmate on your wrist for as long as you can remember. Yet the older you get the less you have hope of actually finding him. During the battle for New York, the two of you bump into each other and your mark starts the glow. Only issue is, he’s Captain freaking America. 
4) cowboy!Sam x cowgirl!reader
Summary: Sam’s family owns the ranch next to yours and always has. For the past four years he’s been away at college while you kept nursing a crush on him. When he comes back and the two of you bump into each other will your feelings finally be reciprocated 
5) author!Tormund x barista!Jon
Summary: For weeks Tormund has been coming into the coffee shop to work on his latest book. It’s a peaceful place and he doesn’t have to worry about anyone bothering him here. What he doesn’t realize is that the cute barista that makes his coffee has been secretly admiring him. However Jon’s brother does notice and decides to take things into his own hands
6) Sam x reader
Summary: You and Sam have been dating for some time, but you never seem to get any time alone. Surprisingly Cas decides he wants to help. He takes Dean out to paint the town red “Whatever that means” so that the two of you can have a peaceful night in together
7) Fili x reader
Summary: You get hurt by an orc as you flee the troll shawls. The elves take you in to heal you and one gets a little too friendly. Fili doesn’t like this and decides that he’s going to take care of you instead
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Big Dreams & Broken Hearts
Summary: He was running from a past he couldn’t change, searching for a home.  She was running from the only home she had ever known.  When their dreams collide, they end up mending more than fences.
Word Count: 13,520
Warnings: angst, fluff, mention of loss
A/N: This is my entry for the @deanwbigbang ​and I hope you all enjoy reading these words as much as I enjoyed writing them.  Please feel free to let me know what you think.  A huge thank you to red_b_reckham for the lovely artwork and to @laughablelaments for taking the time to beta for me.
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  Chapter 1:
 Dean looked out at the vastness before him, taking a deep breath of the cold mountain air.  His gelding snorted beneath him impatiently as smoke from his hot breath floated up into the oblivion.  Dean ran his gloved hand down the gelding’s neck to calm him, leaning forward until he could smell the horse flesh mixed with leather from his saddle.
 Dean loved this time of day, when the world was just waking up and everything was quiet and still.  He loved the peacefulness in the air as his eyes traced over the miles of rolling hills, the snow kissed mountains barely visible in the distance.  It was the main reason he had wanted to move out west with his brother Sam after their parents died.  Sam had barely been 16 at the time, and the idea of a new adventure was an easy sell for 19 year old Dean.  Now, 9 years later, they had made a home in Cascade Springs.
 The horse whined underneath him, pawing at the ground impatiently and Dean chuckled.  “Okay, okay.”  Dean whispered, slightly leaning into him with his knees as he turned the reins.  He kept him at a steady cantor, but the horse kept pulling until finally Dean gave in and released the hold a little, giving him permission to run.  It wasn’t very often that he felt so spunky and Dean figured the chill that was slapping his face had a lot to do with it.
 Dean stopped in front of the barns, getting a set of saddlebags from the tack room.  “I’ve got to run and get some longer nails so the boys can finish that fence line on the back 40.  Probably meet up with Sam for lunch while I’m there.”  Dean called out to Bobby as he tied everything back down.    
 The ranch boss poked his head out from behind the corrals where two of the ranch hands were working on breaking a young colt.  Dean chuckled and shook his head as the rider was once again tossed into the dirt.  The colt wasn’t that green, at least not as wild as Dean was used to breaking.  Dean put one boot in the stirrup and pulled himself up in one fluid motion, the saddle creaking a little as he settled into it.  He eased himself forward until he was just outside of the round pen.
 “You want a little water to wash down that dirt you’re eating?”  He teased, letting out an airy chuckle at the dirty look he got in return.
 “Very funny, Winchester.”  The young hand smarted back at him.  Bobby just shook his head at the two of them, knowing that the more the cowboy allowed Dean to get under his skin, the more he would pester him.
 “Would you pick up a couple of boxes of ammo for the rifle while you’re there?”  Bobby asked, in an attempt to quell the argument.  “Tell your brother hi for me.  Haven’t seen him in a while.”  He added, turning to go back to work.
 “Sure you don’t want me to tell that to Ellen instead.”  Dean teased and Bobby glared at him, but his cheeks blushed.
 “Get out of here!”  Bobby scolded him, but Dean only laughed as he spun his horse around and galloped off in the direction of town.  “Idjit.” Bobby muttered behind him.
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 Abigail stared at the old ranch house, her memories flashing before her eyes.  She could almost see her mother hanging wash as her father fixed the roof on the barn.  It had been six years since she had been in the town she grew up in.  She could still remember the look on her parent’s face when their only child, in all of her 18 year old wisdom, told them she was packing up and leaving to find adventure out in the world.
 Everything they had worked for, everything they had tried to build, they had done for her.  But she didn’t want any of it.  She wanted to explore, so she said her goodbyes and rode away.  She sent postcards at first, but she never really knew if her mother read them, or if her father threw them away.  She never stayed in one place long enough to know if they wrote back.
 It took six months before she got the word that they had passed away.  At first she didn’t want to face it.  She couldn’t imagine this place without them, so she let it sit untouched and unloved.  Now she stared at the result.  Storms and time had done their damage to the place, and she knew she would have to fix it up if she ever expected to get it sold.
 She turned when she heard another horse slow down as it passed.  The rider, one she had never seen before, glanced her way before moving onward toward the town.   After a while, she took a deep breath and climbed back on her horse, heading to town, and to what was left of the family she had left behind all those years ago.
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 Dean dusted off the bottom of his boots on the welcome mat before entering the store, although the floors inside were constantly covered in the dust from the street anyway.
 “Morning Cas.”  He said to the store owner as he came in.
 “Hello Dean.”  Cas replied, climbing down from the ladder where he had been stocking the top shelf behind the register.  “Anything I can get for you?”
 “Just came to get some nails and a couple of boxes of 30/30.” Dean answered him, walking back to weigh out a pound of nails.
 He heard a woman come in, asked Cas about some balm that the ferrier had told her to pick up for her horse.  Cas stammered a little, unsure of what she meant.  Dean chuckled a little as he heard Cas pull out his inventory book and flip through the pages nervously talking the entire time.
 Dean shook his head and reached down on the shelf behind him to pick of a can of the horse balm.  He whistled and when Cas looked up, he tossed the can to him.  With obvious relief, Cas handed the product to his customer, pointing out the instructions on the side.  As she walked out of the store, Cas sat back onto the stool behind him.  Dean set down the bag of nails and ammo on the counter in front of him. 
 “Maybe this was a mistake and I should just go back to New York.”  Cas muttered to himself.  Dean sighed, feeling bad for Cas. 
 “Come on, Cas.  It can’t be that bad.”  
 “Really?  I don’t even know what half of the stuff in this store is, or what it’s for.”  Cas admitted in frustration. 
 “Okay, so you’re a little city-fied.”  Dean teased.  Cas looked up at him, and then managed to laugh at himself.  “You came all the way out here for a reason, right?”
 Dean knew most of the awkwardness with Cas came from the fact that he had never been outside of the city before six months ago.  Cas had just bought the general store as it was, hopped on a train, and then rode in a carriage for 5 hours to live and work in a place he had never even seen.
 “Well, yes.”  Cas answered.  “I wanted to prove that I could do something on my own, instead of just living in my father’s shadow and doing everything he told me to do back home.  I just wanted to be free to make my own choices.”
 “It takes guts to take a chance like you did.”  Dean told him.  “If this is really want you want, then just don’t give up on yourself so easily.  You’ll get there.”
 “Thanks, Dean.”  Cas said, standing up and shaking his hand.  “Is this all for the ranch?”  he asked, gesturing to the items on the counter.
 Dean nodded.
 “I’ll add it to the tab.”  Cas told him.
 “I appreciate it.” Dean replied, grabbing the supplies and walking out of the store.
 Dean placed the items in his saddlebag and sauntered across the dirt street to the sheriff’s office.  The bell above the door jingled as he entered and the sheriff turned to face him just as he opened the jail cell to let out the previous night’s patron.
 “Hiya Sammy.”  Dean said, nodding to the other gentleman.  The older man groaned and gave him a quick wave of his hand as Dean stepped to the side to let him pass through the front door.  “Who’s your friend?”
 “Just a drunk and disorderly.” Sam answered, ignoring the use of his childhood nickname.  He set the jail keys back on the hook above his desk.  “What are you doing here?”  He asked.
 “Supply run.  Want to head over to Ellen’s for lunch?”  Dean offered.  Sam looked at the clock and shrugged.  It was a little early, but he was already getting hungry so he agreed.
 The two of them entered Ellen’s through the bar, the swinging doors squeaking a little as they stepped inside.  The bar was mostly quiet at this time of day and the smell of wood and whiskey did nothing to dim the scent of good food coming from the restaurant next door.  
 “Morning boys.”  Ellen called out as she descended the stairs along the far wall, stopping at the bottom to only briefly run her fingers lovingly along the top of an old upright piano.  As far as Dean knew, no one had played it since Ellen’s brother past from the influenza three years ago and left her his bar.  At times, he couldn’t help but wonder if it even still played.
 Both of them greated Ellen as she walked past, heading into the office behind the bar where her daughter, Jo, was cleaning glasses.  Jo smiled sweetly at them as Sam tipped his hat and followed his older brother to right, through the open French doors to the restaurant seating area.  
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 Abigail walked into the saloon and immediately heard an excited screech come from the bar beside her.  She looked over and laughed as Jo leapt over the bar and ran up to her, hugging her tightly. 
 “I can’t believe you are really here!”  She said, attracting more attention than Abigail would have liked, but she couldn’t be mad at the warm greeting she got.
 “It’s good to see you too.”  Abigail replied, still laughing.  Jo felt her tense up and she pulled away to see Ellen step out of the office to see them both.  Jo squeezed Abigail’s hand and returned to her place behind the bar.
 “Abigail?”  Ellen asked unsure.  The girl nodded.
 “It’s me, Aunt Ellen.”  Abigail said and walked over to hug her aunt.
 “My word.  I had almost given up hoping that you would come back.”  She said.
 “This place hasn’t changed a bit.”  Abigail said whistfully as she glanced around.  Ellen followed her glance and smiled.
 “Well, there have been a few changes.”  She replied.  Ellen had been surprised at first when she inherited the bar, and she got several offers to buy it almost immediately, but instead she knocked down some walls and combined it with her restaurant.  She offered waitressing jobs to the saloon girls if they chose to stay, eventually converting the upstairs into living quarters for her and Jo.
 Before Abigail could say anything she heard the familiar voice of Ellen’s cook come up behind her and grab her hair, lifting it up off of her neck.
 “You know what’s under every pony tail?”  Benny’s cajun drawl asked.  Abigail spun around, a fire in her eyes as she glared at him.
 “Finish that thought and I’ll have you singing soprano for a week.”  She threatened, and everyone around scooted away for a moment.  Suddenly, and without any warning, Benny laughed and lifted Abigail off of the ground to spin her in the air.
 “Still full of fire.”  He teased, setting her back down.  “How you been girl?”
 “Good as I can be, I suppose.”  She replied.  Seeing them all was a bittersweet feeling.  She had missed Ellen, Jo, and Benny, but seeing them also reminded her of why she came and that her parents were really gone.  
 “Have you been out there yet?”  Ellen asked, and Abigail nodded.  
“It needs a lot of work before I can sell it.  I’m probably going to have to hire someone to help me with it all.”  She commented.
 “Sell it?  I thought you would stay.”  Ellen told her, obviously disappointed.
 “I’m sorry, Ellen.  Please understand, this hasn’t been my home for a long time.”  Abigail told her.  Ellen nodded, pushing the hope away into the back of her mind that Abigail would change her mind.
 “You come on by for dinner tonight, and we will catch up some.”  Ellen offered
 “I will.”  Abigail promised, turning to walk away
 “A horse’s a----“  Benny called out behind her.
 “Benny!”  She cut him off and he chuckled all the way back into the kitchen.
 Abigail just shook her head and walked back out of the saloon, heading to the general store for some supplies.  
 “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her before.”  Sam commented, watching the scene but not close enough to hear the conversation.
 “I saw her out at the old abandoned place on my way into town.”  Dean replied as he watched her leave.
 “She’s their daughter.”  One of the girls replied, noticing Dean’s glance as she poured another glass of tea for each of them.  “I heard her telling Jo she wants to get some help fixing the place up so she can sell it.” 
 “Thanks, Sweetheart.”  Dean told her, giving her a quick wink just to see her blush.  She smiled and walked away from the table.  Sam scowled at his older brother, shaking his head.  “What?”
 “Nothing, Dean.”  Sam answered, knowing that his words would fall on deaf ears.  Sam had seen way too many girls fall for his flirtations and then end up with their heart broke when they discovered that Dean didn’t want anything more than that.
 “We should offer to help her fix up that little ranch.”  Dean thought out loud, raising his eyebrows at Sam. 
 “Have you been out there lately, Dean? That place needs a lot of work.”
 “That’s exactly my point.  We can help fix it up for the extra money, and when it’s done and she wants to sell it, we should have enough saved to buy it.”
 “And what about Bobby’s ranch, and the sheriff’s office?  We both work full days as it is.  When exactly are we supposed to do all this extra work?”  Sam groaned.
 “Don’t worry about Bobby’s.  I can do both.”  Dean promised.  “It’s only a mile out of town.  I’d probably only need your help for a few things.  Just ride out on days when nothing much is going on around here.”
 “You really think it’s worth it?”  Sam asked him.  Dean nodded.
 “It’s perfect for you and Eileen – and the two of you are going to need more room than that shack you got now that you are going to be parents.  You guys can live in that house that’s already out there and she can have her garden.  I’ll build a little house out there and run the cattle and horses.  It’s everything we dreamed of, Sam.”
 Sam couldn’t help grinning at Dean’s excitement.  He knew Dean was right about needing more room.  Sam had already begun making a crib and a few other things they would need in 5 months when the baby came, and there was hardly any room for them to move around in the one room house that came with the sheriff’s position.  
 “Alright.”  Sam agreed.  “I can’t promise you much help, but I’ll do what I can.”  
   Chapter 2:
 “I heard you wanted some help fixing this place up.”  Dean said, leaning on the saddle horn.
 “Well, I wouldn’t turn it down.”  Abigail replied, brushing the hair from her face with the back of her hand.  
 “I’m Dean.”  He told her, climbing down from his horse and slipping into the coral with her.
 “Abigail.” She replied, taking his hand.
 Dean lifted the board she had set down and put it flush with the post.  When he reached for a nail, Abigail placed both of her hands under the board to hold it in place.
 “I work down the road a ways during the day, but if you’re open to it, I can be here every evening without fail until this place is up to shape.”  Dean spoke as he hammered the nails to secure the walls of the corral.  When he was done, he tugged on it to be sure it would hold and then laid the hammer to the side.  “I can probably get my brother to help with some of it too.”  He added.
 Abigail considered it as the two of them stepped out of the corral and she led her horse inside.  It wasn’t perfect, but it was the only offer she had gotten and she knew she could never do all of the work that needed to be done on her own.
 Dean filled buckets from the water barrels Ellen and Benny had delivered. Abigail took them, grateful, and poured them into her horse's trough. She'd have a couple of days, at most, to get her well fixed before the barrels ran out.
 “And if I ask the sheriff about you?”  She challenged, surprised when Dean laughed.  “what?”  She asked.
 “Go ahead.  I’m sure you will get an earful.  We’re on a first name basis.”  He teased, not realizing how it sounded until he saw the look of panic on her face.  “He’s my brother.”  Dean explained and she shook her head, turning away to hide the smile on her face.
 “You have a deal, Dean.”  She said, turning back to him.  “Thanks.”
 The two of them walked around the area discussing the items that needed fixed, and which should be addressed when.  Although the amount of pay she offered was less than Dean made at Bobby’s, it was more than he expected her to offer.  By the end of the day, the list of repairs included the water well, the roof of the house, some of the boards in the porch, some cosmetic work inside that Abigail was sure she could handle herself during the day, a couple of the walls of the barn, and some fence repairs.
 “We may find a few more things as we start working on everything, but I think that would get you to a point where you could sell if you wanted to.”  Dean told her as he climbed back onto his horse.
 “That’s great.  I’ll go into town and get what we need to fix the well tomorrow so it will be here by the time you’re ready to start.”  She promised.
 Dean reached up and tipped the edge of his hat before turning and riding off down the road.
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 For two weeks Dean showed up every evening as promised, working until it got too dark to see.  Abigail did as much work on the house as she could, and even proved to be a help with fixing the fence line.  When Sam finally had a few days of quiet in town, he rode out to help Dean make some repairs to the roof of the house.
 “How’s it going?”  Abigail asked stiffly, walking up and glancing over at what Dean was doing.  
 Dean glanced back at her, squinting a little at the sun behind her.  “It’s going.”  He replied, clearing his throat.  He turned, dusting off his gloves, so he could face her.  “Should be done with this in a couple of hours.”  He added.
 “Are you sure you want to do it that way?”  She asked, trying to hide that she was impressed with the quality, or that her eyes couldn’t help but notice the way the cloth of his shirt stretched over his arms and back.  
 Dean’s shoulders dropped a little and he sighed.  “If you want it done right, yes.”  He said under his breath.  She started to say more, but stopped herself. 
 “Are you heading back into town after?”  She asked instead.
 “Keeping tabs on me?”  he challenged, unable to resist teasing her a bit.
 “Don’t flatter yourself.”  She answered snidely.  She rolled her eyes before spinning on her heel and marching away.  Dean shook his head, chuckling as he watched her go.
 “You two sure are bickering a lot.”  Sam commented from the roof as he watched Abigail storm off toward the corrals.
 “That’s everyday.”  Dean told him.  “I tried to help her the other day with those cabinets, but she wouldn’t listen.  I guarantee you, the way she was hanging them, they won’t last and they will have to be redone.” 
 “And I’m guessing that is exactly how you told her.”  Sam teased.  Dean glared up at him and then shook his head, turning his attention back to the boards he was sawing.
 “I’m telling you, Sam.  You ought to bring Eileen out here with you.  Maybe she can keep Abigail busy for a little while, so I can get this done the right way.”  Dean told him.
 “I’m pretty sure the two of them will end up ganging up on you.”  Sam teased.  Dean thought about it for a moment and then agreed.
 “You’re probably right about that one.”  Dean chuckled at the thought.  “I’m going to grab some more boards.”  He added, turning and heading across the yard.
 Sam called out to Dean as he walked to the barn.  Dean turned, but every time Sam tried to holler for him to bring another bucket of tar, his words were lost to the wind before they reached him.  Sam signed to him.  When Dean didn’t catch all of it, Sam did it a second time.  Dean threw up his thumb and headed into the barn.  A few minutes later, he came back carrying when he needed and a fresh bucket for Sam.
 Later, after Dean rode back to the ranch, Abigail walked up to Sam as he was putting his tools back in his saddlebags.
 “That should hold up good, but if there are any leaks when the rain comes, it will just take a little more tar to seal it up.”  Sam told Abigail.
 “Sam, can I ask you something?”  She asked.
 “Ask away.”
 “Earlier, when you told Dean to get that bucket of tar from the barn, how did he know what you were saying?  Is that some kind of brother code you did?”  She asked innocently and Sam laughed.
 “No brother code.”  He replied.  “It’s sign language.  My wife, Eileen, is deaf.  She can read lips and communicate with people that way, but they taught her sign language when she was a kid.”  Sam explained.
 “I’m sorry.  I had no idea.”  Abigail whispered, feeling a little foolish.  “Dean never said a word about that.”
 “No need for an apology, and it doesn’t surprise me that he never told you.  My brother doesn’t really open up much, and he’s not that easy to get along with.”  Sam added, a knowing smile on his face making Abigail laugh.
 “Thanks for all your help, Sam.”  She said as he climbed back up on his horse.
 “Don’t be too hard on him.  He’s a good guy, just a little stubborn is all.”  Sam told her before turning and riding back to town.
 Chapter 3:
 Sam usually hated the ride out to Bobby’s ranch, but today he was grateful for it.  The ride gave him time to practice in his mind what he was going to say to his brother before he got there.
 “Hi there, Sam.  Everything okay?”  Bobby asked as Sam rode up to the ranch house.
 “Oh yeah, Bobby.  No problems.”  He said, climbing down from his horse and shaking Bobby’s hand.  “I just rode out to see if I could catch my brother.”  He added.
 “Well, he’s bringing some cows in with a group of hands.”  Bobby told him, pointing to the left where a hill blocked the pastures.  “You’re welcome to ride on back if you want, or I can offer you some Irish coffee while you wait for him.”
 “No rush, but I’ll have to pass on the Irish coffee.”  Sam chuckled, climbing the steps after Bobby to join him on the porch.
 The two of them talked over some of the recent plans for the town, the weather, and it wasn’t long before Sam could hear the chorus of cows bellowing in the distance.  About the time they stood from the porch, Sam was able to spot Dean riding over the hill with 10 other hands and about 200 head of cattle kicking up dust despite the green grass they trampled through.
 Sam waited on the porch steps as Bobby went down and opened the gate to the pens near the barns.  The sounds of whistles and shouts filled the air as hats waived the cows onward.  Occasionally one of the calves would break loose from the group and one of the hands would cut off and usher him back.  It took a few moments for Dean to spot him, and Sam waved to let him know everything was alright.
 As soon as the cattle started heading into the gates, Bobby waved Dean away, telling him to go ahead and talk to Sam.  Dean gladly rode over and jumped down to the ground by the house.
 “Sam?  Everything alright?”  Dean asked, leading his horse to the nearest trough so the gelding could get his fill of water.
 “Sure, Dean.  I just wanted to come out and talk to you a bit.”  Sam told him, but Dean could tell there was more to it.
 “Well, I’m done for the day so come on with me if you want.”  Dean offered, leading the gelding away, his spurs jingling with every step.  As he took care of his horse and put his tack away in the barn, Sam beat around the reason he came, asking Dean how things were going at Abigail’s and whether he was going to be finished by the time Abigail had said she wanted to be.
 “You did ride all the way out here to ask me how things are going at Abigail’s, Sam.  Now, what’s on your mind?”  Dean asked directly as he poured some fresh water in the basin to wash away the dust on his face and hands.
 “I heard back from the Marshall about McCleod today.”  Sam began.
 “That guy you got locked up in town?”  Dean asked.  Sam nodded.
 “That’s the one.  It looks like I’m going to have to take him over to Monterrey myself.  They don’t have anyone they can spare to come get him.”  Sam explained.  Dean tossed the rag aside and turned to face him.
 “When?”  Dean asked, taking a more serious tone.
 “I’ll leave tomorrow morning.”  Sam replied.  “I figure I’ll be back in a week.  I promised Eileen I’d be back in time for that festival they are planning in town.”
 “Okay.  Let me talk to Bobby.  I’m sure he can live without me for that long.”  Dean shrugged, taking a step toward the barn doors.
 “No, Dean don’t.”  Sam stopped him.
 “You’re not seriously planning on taking him by yourself?”  Dean asked, looking at Sam in disbelief.  “He robbed a bank and shot two people in the process.  His gang is still out there somewhere, Sam.”  He ranted when Sam didn’t say anything.
 “I know what he did, Dean, but I have to do this.  It’s my job.”
 “And my job is keeping you safe!”  Dean shouted.  Sam looked away, shaking his head.  Dean cursed under his breath, running a hand over his face.  “Why couldn’t you have a job as a shop owner or something other than a sheriff?”  Dean mumbled, and Sam chuckled, knowing Dean didn’t really mean it.
 Dean was proud of his little brother, and he knew in his mind that Sam wasn’t a kid anymore and he could handle himself.   Dean had spent so many years, even before they lost their parents, protecting Sam.  Even though he tried to stop reacting that way, whenever he thought Sam was in danger, that instinct kicked in again full force.
 “I wanted to ask you a favor.”  Sam started.  “Would you look in on Eileen while I’m gone?  I feel bad leaving her right now, even though she says she is fine with it.”  He added, with a roll of his eyes.
 “Of course I will, although I’m not convinced that isn’t a ploy to keep me from riding out after you.”  Dean teased.
 “Well, the thought did cross my mind.”  Sam admitted, pausing for a moment before laughing at the look on Dean’s face.  “The truth is, you are the only one I trust, and Eileen trusts you too.”  He added, more serious.
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 Dean shoved the rifle into its holder on the side of Sam’s saddle, tying the leather straps.  He stepped to the opposite side, running a hand down the horse’s neck as he did.  He glanced back at Sam saying good-bye to Eileen in front of the sheriff’s office and he sighed.  He knew in his mind that Sam could handle himself and would be fine, but he just couldn’t seem to convince that gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach.   The entire time, McCleod continued to make sarcastic comments from atop a second horse tied to Sam’s by a rope around the saddle horn.
 Sam walked up to McCleod and tightened the rope around his wrists as he struggled against them.  McCleod glared at Sam as he stepped back, taking the reins from Dean and climbing onto his own horse.
 “This is all a waste of time.”  McCleod stated to Sam’s back.  “No one can prove anything, and when I get out of that jail in Monterrey, I’ll be coming back here to see you.”
 “Are you sure I can’t just shoot him and save you the trip?”  Dean grumbled.
 “You wouldn’t.”  McCleod challenged arrogantly, but his confidence faltered when he saw the look on Dean’s face.
 “Oh, trust me.  He would.”  Sam said over his shoulder.  “And if you don’t shut it, I might just let him.”  He added, leading the horses back from the post.
 McCleod just shook his head and looked away, but he didn’t make any more comments.  Sam kept his face turned away to hide the smirk on his lips.  He glanced to where Eileen stood and signed “I love you” to her.  She smiled and waved a kiss to him.
 “See you in a few days.”  Dean said, taking a couple of steps back.
 “See you then, brother.”  Sam nodded, turning the horses and heading out of town at a trot.
 Dean watched them until they past the livery stables and he felt Eileen’s hand on his arm.  He turned to see her smiling at him and he chuckled. 
 “He will be fine.”  She said, and Dean nodded.
 “I’ll be back this afternoon.”  He promised her.  “If you need anything before then…”  
 “Ellen and Benny already offered to help when you’re not here.”  She interrupted him.  “Go ahead back to the ranch.”  She encouraged.  
 Dean smiled, hugging her close to his side before walking back to his own horse and heading in the opposite direction of where he wanted to go.  He still hated the idea of Sam taking McCleod to Monterrey alone, but he did what he promised he would do and rode back to Bobby’s to go to work.
 Chapter 4:  
 Bobby could hear the argument from the pasture behind the barn.  By the time he reached the corrals, he could see the young hand and Dean almost ready to come to blows.
 “Hey!”  He yelled, stopping both of them before any swings were taken.  “What that hell is going on out here?”  He barked, looking back and forth between them.
 “Nothing, Bobby.”  The younger hand answered, looking down at the dirt.  Dean didn’t answer, but Bobby could see that they were both still fuming.
 “Take that gelding back out with the others.”  Bobby instructed, gesturing to the 2-year-old horse huffing in the corrals behind them.  
 “Yes, sir.”  The kid answered, dusting himself off, and glaring once more at Dean before heading off as Bobby instructed.
 “He’s careless, Bobby.  He’s going to get himself hurt, or that gelding.”  Dean said, gesturing behind them as soon as the hand was out of earshot.
 “Why don’t you just take a couple of days to go rest or blow off steam or whatever?”  Bobby suggested to Dean.
 “I’m fine.”  Dean said, a little harsher than he intended.
 “No, you’re snapping at everyone, including me.”  Bobby snapped back at him.  “Now, get out of here.”  He insisted.  Dean’s shoulders sank as he realized Bobby was right.  He took his hat off, slapping it against his thigh as he ran a hand through his hair.
 “Sorry, Bobby.  Guess I’m just a little uptight.”  Dean sighed.
 “Well, it’s no wonder with all the work you’ve been doing around here and at Abigail’s.  Hell, you ride into town twice a day to check on your brother’s wife on top of that.”  He said, placing a hand on Dean’s shoulder.  “I’m not punishing you here, Dean.  I just think you’re wearing yourself thin.”  He added, concern in his voice.
 In the year and a half since Dean and his brother Sam had come to this town, Bobby had never seen Dean so wound up.  Things were slow around the ranch this time of year, and Bobby knew they could easily handle things at the ranch without Dean for a few days if he needed it.
 Although Dean knew that Bobby was wrong about the reason for his short temper, he also didn’t want to correct him.  Instead he just nodded.
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 “Hi, Dean.  You’re early today.”  Eileen told him when he rode up to the house.
 “Yeah, I had to come into town for a few things so I wanted to check in with you.”  He lied.  He knew she would probably figure out the truth eventually, but he didn’t want to worry her.
 “Everything is fine here, and before you ask, I haven’t heard from Sam.”  She teased, knowing he wanted to ask.  Dean exhaled, shaking his head at how well she knew him.
 It had been a week past when Sam had originally planned to be home.  He had sent Eileen a telegram explaining that the Marshall had requested Sam stay in Monterrey for a few more days until the trial was over and McCleod was sentenced, in the event they needed a witness statement from him.  
 Sam had once again promised Eileen that he would return in time for the fall festival, but that was only a few days away and he still hadn’t made it back.
 “Oh my…”  Eileen exclaimed, as she froze with her hand over her stomach.
 “What is it?”  Dean asked, rushing to her side.
 “I’m okay.”  She replied immediately, looking at him with a huge smile on her face.  “I just think I felt the baby kick.  I wish your brother was here for this.”  
 “Me too,”  Dean said, ignoring the tightness he felt in his chest and forcing a smile.  “He is going to hate that he missed it.”  Dean practically whispered.
 “It’s okay.  It will happen again after he gets home.”  Eileen told him optimistically.  She eased down into the rocking chair, her face lighting up with every single movement she felt with her hand.
 “If you’re sure you are okay, I’m going to take care of a few things around town.  I can check back on you before I head back to the ranch.”  Dean said, after a few minutes.  
 “Everything’s fine, I promise.”  Eileen answered.  She noticed how fidgety he seemed and she understood why, but she simply smiled at the relief that appeared behind his eyes just before he walked out of the door.   
 It was just after lunch so Dean stopped at the saloon and ordered food, but he couldn’t eat it.  Every time he took a bite, the knots in his stomach made him nauseous.  His eyes kept darting to the bar across the room.  When he couldn’t shake the restless feeling inside of him, he walked over and ordered a shot and a beer, only intending on having one to help him settle.
 When Abigail stopped by Ellen’s around 4:00, she saw Dean sitting with a couple of guys playing cards on the opposite side of the saloon.  She watched him confidently tossing a few chips in the middle of the table before wetting his lips and taking a long drink from the glass in his hand.    
 “Are you sure there is nothing going on between the two of you?”  Jo teased, noticing that Abigail’s attention was focused on him.
 “We are barely friends, Jo.  It’s just a surprise.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen him here in the two months that I’ve known him.”   It surprised her that after all the talk he had done about him and Sam saving money, he would be sitting in the saloon drinking whiskey and gambling.  
 “He’s been here most of the afternoon.”  Jo told her.
 “What about Bobby’s?”  Abigail couldn’t help but ask.  Jo shrugged, but before she could say anything else, Benny came out of the storeroom with Ellen close behind him.
 “Bobby told him to take a couple of days off because he was biting everyone’s head off.  You are working that boy to death.”  Benny teased Abigail, with a wink to Ellen as he carried a box of liquor and set it down on the end of the bar.
 “Benny!”  Ellen scolded, swatting him on the arm with the rag she had in her hands.  “Stop teasing her.  That’s not why.”
 “That’s what the hands told me when they came at lunch.  They were in here talking about how Bobby told him he was working too hard.”  Benny argued.
 Hearing those words filled Abigail with guilt and Ellen sighed when she saw it written all over her face.  She rolled her eyes and shoved Benny back to work before taking Abigail’s hand.
 “Come with me.”  Ellen said, pulling Abigail into her office and closing the door.   “Just after they moved to town, Eileen started helping me out around the hotel.  About a year ago, she mentioned something to me that I think may have more to do with what’s got Dean so uptight.”
 Ellen paused.  No one else in town knew anything about what she was going to say, and a part of her wanted to keep it a secret,but she also loved her niece and didn’t want to see her get hurt.  Finally she took a deep breath and continued.
 “She told me that Dean lost his wife before they all moved to town and that he was taking it pretty hard so Sam took him hunting to help him stay busy and keep his mind from dwelling on it.  She only mentioned it at the time because she was worried about him.”  Ellen explained.
 “And Bobby doesn’t know?”  She asked.  Ellen shook her head.
 “I don’t think anyone around here does, so keep this one to yourself okay?”
 “I won’t tell anyone.”  Abigail promised.
 “I’m only telling you because I know how the two of you have been bickering, and if his attitude was bad enough for Bobby to send him away to town then he might get a little short, even with you.”  Ellen said.
 “Thanks, Ellen.”  Abigail said, hugging her before she turned to go.
 “You still coming for dinner?”  Ellen asked after her.
 “Wouldn’t miss it.  See you around 6:00.”  Abigail said over her shoulder as she headed out.
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 It was dark by the time Abigail returned to the ranch.  She slowed her horse to a walk as she entered the gate and saw Dean’s horse in front of the house.  Cautiously she made her way down the drive until she could finally see him on the porch.
 “Dean?  What are you doing here?”  She asked, climbing down and wrapping the reins around a post.
 “I promised you every evening, so here I am.”  He replied, swaying a little as he stood up.
 “You can’t work like this.”  She told him.  “You can’t even walk straight.  You’ll just end up getting hurt.”
 “Sure I can.”  He slurred a little moving confidently forward, but he stumbled on the steps and barely caught himself on the railing.  “Or maybe not.”  He mumbled, easing himself down on the top step.  Abigail sighed and sat down next to him, noticing a gash above his left eye.
 “Oh my gosh, Dean.  Are you okay?”  She asked.
 “Hmm?  Oh that?  Yeah.”  He answered, trying to shrug it off when he saw the way she was looking at him and he remembered.  
 “Stay right here.”  She insisted and he nodded as she got up and went inside the house.
 When she came back out with rubbing alcohol and a piece of cloth, he was still sitting on the steps, leaning his back against the railing.  She was a little surprised the she didn’t get any arguments as she sat down and told him to lean forward into the light from the house.  Dean flinched when she touched the edge of the cut with the alcohol.
 “Sorry.”  She whispered, ready for him to get mad.
 “s’okay.”  He muttered, his eyes closed as she gently removed the dirt and blood from his brow.  For the first time all day, Dean started to relax and the knots in his chest loosened.
 “How did you do this?”  She asked, trying her best to ignore how close he was.  As hard as she tried to focus her attention on what she was doing, her eyes would occasionally take in the freckles that dusted his cheekbones, or how soft his lips looked as he spoke.
 “I got in a minor disagreement with a beer bottle.”  He replied with a smirk, holding his hand up with his thumb and forefinger barely apart.  Abigail stifled a laugh, pushing away the thought that he looked adorable like that as he let his hand fall back down.  “Just a fight though, no big deal.”  He added with a shrug.
 “With the guys you were playing cards with?”  She asked and he frowned, squinting at her.  “I stopped by Ellen’s earlier and saw you.”  She explained and he nodded.
 “They said I was cheating them, but I’m pretty sure they just thought I was too drunk to put up a fight and they would just take the money I won off of them.”  Dean told her.
 “I can see why they would think that.”  Abigail teased.  Dean shocked himself by laughing at that, almost forgetting what that felt like.  
 He knew it had been pure adrenaline that kept him from losing that fight behind the saloon.  As soon as he had stepped around that corner, one of them had hit him over the head with a bottle and the other tried to hold him down.  What they didn’t realize is that was the fight Dean had been waiting for all day.  All of the tension and aggression he had been holding in, he released on them.  
 She cleaned directly over the cut, the burning sensation bringing him out of his thoughts and he involuntarily hissed.  Abigail blew on it gently, trying to take the sting away and a gently smile grew on his face.
 “Maggie used to do that.”  He said before he even realized he was saying it.  His voice came out a whisper, but Abigail could hear the pain behind every word.
 “Maggie?”  She asked and he nodded.
 “My wife.”  He answered. “She died a couple of years ago.”  He added, turning away as he cleared his throat and ran and hand over his face.  He silently cursed the drunken tears that pooled beneath his eyelids.
 “I’m sorry.”  She whispered.
 “She was at home and she went into labor early….too early.”  He told her, his eyes looking out into the yard.  “By the time the doc came, it was too late.”
 He wasn’t sure why he was saying anything to Abigail at all.  He hadn’t spoken of it since it happened to anyone, and he wasn’t sure if it was the whiskey or her that made him do it now.  He felt her reach out and rest her hand on his arm as a show of compassion and he turned to face her.  His mind felt foggy, a mixture of loss and regret.
 “I’m sorry.  I better go.”  He told her, making a move to pull himself up, but she stopped him.
 “You don’t have to go.  Why don’t you just come inside and stay here?”  She offered, helping him to his feet.
 Dean wanted to say no, but he was dizzy and so tired.  The idea of laying down and going to sleep sounded so much better than getting back on the horse and riding a half hour to the bunkhouse that he found himself nodding in agreement.
 Abigail led Dean to the spare room, helping him to keep his steps steady.  While she went to grab a pitcher of water, Dean took off his gun belt and hat, setting them on a chair near the bed.  The door was open when she came back and he was sitting on the edge of the bed, struggling to kick off his boots.  She set the pitcher on the nightstand and knelt down to help him by pulling them off.
 “I’m not usually like this.”  He said, a little embarrassed as he laid back against the bed, feeling like he was sinking into it.
 “I know.”  She confirmed, handing him a blanket from the closet.  She turned to leave, but Dean reached out and grabbed her hand.
 “Thank you.”  He said as his eyes grew heavy.
 “No problem.”  She said, smiling tenderly.
 “You should smile like that more often.  You look pretty like that.”  He mumbled, his words barely legible as his breathing deepened and her hand slipped from his.
 Abigail could feel her face flush as she left the room, closing the door quietly behind her.  She leaned against the wall, resting her hand on her stomach to try and quiet the fluttering she felt inside.  She went outside and took care of the horses, setting Dean’s saddle and bridle next to hers on the porch and letting the horses run in the corral.
 She went to her own room, trying to ignore the fact that Dean was sleeping behind a door not 20 feet from her own.
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 The smell of coffee roused him the following morning.  He groaned as he squinted against the sunlight coming through the windows, his head pounding.  It took him a moment for his eyes to focus and he realized he wasn’t at the bunker on the ranch.  He sat up on the edge of the bed, putting his head in his hands until his fingers touched the cut above his eye and he flinched.  
 A flash of memory from the night before came back to him and then a few more, until he realized he was at her cabin.  He poured some water into the glass on the nightstand, remembering enough to drink it slowly in a futile attempt to quench the cotton he felt in his mouth and throat.
 “Morning.”  Abigail greeted him from the kitchen when he stepped out of the room.
 “Morning.”  He replied, his eyes downcast.  She watched as he turned his hat in his hands before he took a deep breath.  
 “Do you want some breakfast?”  Abigail offered.
 “No, thanks.”  He grimaced at the thought, holding a hand up and she smiled.  As hungry as he was after not eating the day before, he knew what would happen the moment he climbed on his horse to ride back to Bobby’s if he did.
 “Just coffee then?”  She asked and he smiled.
 “Coffee would be great.”  He admitted, exhaustion and relief in his voice.
 He moved to sit down at the table with her, the sound of his boots shuffling on the hardwood floor threatened to distract her as she poured a cup and set it down in front of him.  
 “What are you going to do today?”  Abigail asked.  Dean shrugged.
 “Mostly just hang around town, probably go by Eileen’s this afternoon.  Bobby told me to take a couple of days off.  He thinks I’m working too hard and that’s what has me so uptight lately.”  He told her.
 “I know.  Benny heard about that from some of the hands.”  She commented, rinsing her cup.
 “He was wrong though.  That’s not it.”  Dean said, not wanting her to think the same thing.
 “I know that too.”  She said, her voice softening as she turned to face him.  His expression was impossible to read as his eyes snapped up to meet hers.  It was a combination of panic and anger.
 “Who told you?”  He asked, his voice measured.
 “Ellen.”  She said, his brow crinkling.  “and then you.”  She added, biting down on the corner of her lower lip.  His eyes closed and he let out a defeated sigh.
 “I’m sorry about coming here last night like I did, and for telling you those things.  I wish I could tell you what I was thinking, but to be honest, I don’t really remember.”  He told her shamefully.
 “You were just trying to keep your word to me,”  Abigail said,  “and you don’t have anything to be sorry for.”  She added.
 Although he still felt a little embarrassed about the night before, he was grateful that she wasn’t upset about it.  He had been worried that he had gone too far and she wouldn’t want him to come back and finish fixing up the ranch.  The idea that she wouldn’t want him there bothered him more than he thought it should, but he refused to think about whether it was a fear of losing the extra money, or of getting to spend his afternoons with her.
 “I have to take some supplies out to the Branson farm for Ellen today.  Why don’t you come with me?”  Abigail offered.  “I could really use the company.”  She added when Dean hesitated.
 He considered it for a moment and then agreed, rising from the table and resting his hat lightly on his head.  “I’ll go get the horses ready then.”
 By the time Abigail stepped out of the house, Dean had both of the horses saddled and he handed her the reins to her’s before climbing up on his.  
 “I’ll race you into town, if you’re up for it.”  She challenged, much to Dean’s surprise.  Dean raised an eyebrow and a mischievous smirk crawled onto his face.  Although he wasn’t really sure if how happy he was going to be with himself afterwards, hangover or not, he wasn’t going to shy away from a challenge like that.  He reached up and adjusted his hat so that it was sturdy on his head.
 “You’re on.”  He answered.
 “One, two,….”  Abigale kicked her horse into action early, giving her a lead on Dean, but it didn’t take long before she could hear his horse’s hoofs beating the ground just behind her own.
 The wind whipped her hair around her face and she leaned into her mare’s neck to create less resistance.  The mare’s sharp breaths matched the thumping she felt in her heart.  Dean kept his gelding just beside the mare, but he didn’t really want to win this race.  Instead he kept the horse neck to neck until they reached the livery and both horses skidded to a stop.
 “Why did you hold back?”  Abigail accused breathless.
 “I didn’t.”  Dean lied, jumping down from his horse and letting him be taken by the stable hand.  
 “Liar.”  She teased.  Dean glanced back at her as she still sat on her mare.  He flashed a smile and winked to her over his shoulder before he turned back and headed to Eileen’s.  Dean could barely hear her laughing behind him as he walked away.
 Abigail shook her head, climbing down from her horse and heading to the saloon to pick up Ellen’s wagon to load the supplies.
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 “Dean!?  What happened to you?”  Eileen exclaimed as soon as she opened the door.
 “Nothing.  Just got in a fight last night is all,”  he told her, brushing it off.  He could feel her eyes on him as he stepped inside.  “You doing okay?”  He signed.
 “I’m fine,”  she answered,  “but you look like hell.”  
 Dean huffed and rolled his eyes. “Don’t sugar coat anything now,”  he teased, and Eileen laughed, placing her hands on her hips.  “I told Abigail I would ride out to the Branson’s with her.”  Dean added when Eileen didn’t say anything else.
 She nodded as she took the biscuits she had made out of the stove and set them aside to cool.  “Are you sure you are alright?”  she asked finally.
 “I’m good, just a long night,”  Dean told her.  “You heard anything else from Sam?”  he asked, wanting to change the subject.  She shook her head.
 “I’m sure everything is okay, Dean,”  she replied.  “How about you come to Ellen’s tonight with me for dinner when you get back?”
 “You got a deal,”  he said.  “I’ll see you this evening.”  He winked as he grabbed a biscuit and thanked her before leaving again.
 Dean didn’t want to admit it, but every time he saw her move a certain way, or place her hand on her stomach, it reminded him of Maggie.  He knew it wasn’t fair, and he would never say anything to Eileen or to Sam, but when she felt the baby kick the day before, it felt like someone had shot him right in the pit of his stomach.  Most days, he couldn’t be happier about his little brother becoming a father, but right now he knew he just needed to stay busy if he was going to keep his own sanity.
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The ride out to the Branson farm was mostly quiet, consisting of not much more than directions.  When they arrived, Mrs. Branson immediately invited them both inside.  Dean and Abigail unloaded the supplies and by the time they were done, Mrs. Branson had a pie she had made sliced and set out on the table with three fresh cups of coffee.
  “You don’t have to do that, ma’am.”  Dean told her.
 “Since my husband passed, I seldom get any company out here.  It’s nice to have someone to talk with.”  She insisted, and the three of them sat down.  Mrs. Branson asked about the events happening in town and Dean let Abigail do most of the talking.  He listened as she relayed all of the preparations Ellen and Benny were doing to prepare for the festival.  A couple of times he felt himself smiling at how excited she seemed at the prospect, and he realized that he was enjoying the conversation as much as the pie.
 “Mrs. Branson, I noticed that barn door out there is loose.  If you don’t mind me using your tools, I can fix that for you real quick,”  Dean offered when the conversation lulled.
 “I can’t pay you,” she said.
 “No need, ma’am.  It would be my pleasure,” Dean told her.  “Besides, that pie was more payment than any man could ask for,” he added, with a wink.
 “Alright.  Thank you, Dean.  My husband had a few tools that you can use.  I keep them just inside that old barn,”  she said.  With a nod, Dean turned and was out the front door. 
 “That’s a nice young man you have there.”  Mrs. Branson told Abigail as she returned to the kitchen.
 “Oh, he’s not…we are just friends.”  Abigail told her, turning away to try and hide the affection in her eyes.  She picked up the plates and coffee cups from the table and rinsed them in the sink.
 “Girl, I’m old.  I’m not blind.”  Mrs. Branson told her forcefully, tilting her chin and looking up at Abigail over the rim of her glasses for emphasis.  “That Dean is sweet on you, and you are sweet on him too.”
 Abigail wanted to argue, but the truth was that Mrs. Branson was right, at least on her part.  As much as she had tried to keep from feeling anything for Dean, she could feel her own excitement at Mrs. Branson’s accusation.  She hated that she was allowing Dean to get to her like this.  With the farm almost finished, she knew she would be leaving again and Dean was a distraction she didn’t need.  His life was here, and this place had never been enough for her.
 Mrs. Branson smiled at Abigail’s obvious uncomfortableness, but she quickly dropped the subject, much to Abigail’s relief.
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 “You look like you feel better than you did this morning,” Abigail commented as she began the ride back into town with Dean.  Dean chuckled a little.
 “Anything is an improvement over this morning,” he admitted and she laughed at that.  
 “That was really nice,” she started, “what you did for Mrs. Branson.”  
 Dean shrugged, glancing over at her. “You sound surprised,” he teased.  She suddenly seemed so nervous talking to him and Dean fought back the urge to brush back the hair that had fallen loosely from her braid across her face.
 “No, I didn’t mean to….”  She stuttered, until she saw him smirking at her and she realized he was teasing her.  “You!” she huffed, rolling her eyes.
 “When we get back, I’m going to have an early dinner with Eileen and then I’ll head out to the ranch to work on the porch if that’s okay.  We don’t have too much work left before it’s finished,” Dean told her.
 “Of course.  Take your time.  It must be hard for her without Sam here,” Abigail offered.
 “She’s a lot stronger than people think.”  He chuckled adding, “Seems like she is always the one telling me he’s fine.”
 “Are you worried?”
 “Not yet,” Dean lied, taking the reins and resting his boot on the edge of the wagon in front of him.  Her gaze was so focused on him, and his eyes gave him away.  “Not really,” he corrected.
 Dean knew in his head that Sam could handle himself, and he kept telling himself that Sam still had two days to be back before the festival.  In his heart, he knew he would breathe easier once his little brother made it home.
 “You two seem really close,” Abigail said gently, her words pulling him from his own thoughts.
 “Well, it was just me and Sammy for a long time,” he replied with a shrug, thoughts of growing up together bringing out his childhood nickname for Sam.
 “Must be nice to have that with someone.  I never had any siblings.”
 “Weren’t you close with your parents?” Dean asked.  Abigail shrugged.
 “I was, until I got older and told them I wanted to see the world instead of stay here on the ranch they spent their lives building,” she answered.  “I used to write them, letters or postcards, but I never stayed in one place long enough to know if they wrote back, or even read them,” she added before she could stop herself.
 “I’m sure they did.”  
   Chapter 5:
  Abigail set out the plates of sandwiches on the table Ellen had set up in front of the saloon.  A crowd had already begun to build in the street as the band started playing on a makeshift stage.  The sounds of chatter and smell of homemade food filled the air.  She brushed her bangs back and glanced up to see Dean walking on the other end of the street, all bow legs and dress boots.  He was walking with a beautiful girl on his arm, stopping occasionally so she could look at one thing or another.  She couldn’t see her face that well, but she couldn’t help but notice the long black hair that flowed down past her shoulders.
 “Are you still here?”  Ellen asked, waving a hand in front of her eyes and she jumped.
 “Sorry, Ellen.  What did you ask?”
 “I just asked if you wanted a drink.”  Ellen repeated, holding out a cup of the punch she made.  Abigail smiled and took it gratefully.  “What’s got your attention?”  
 “Who is that with Dean?”  Abigail asked her, trying to sound indifferent.  Ellen glanced in that direction and laughed.
 “Don’t worry, honey.  That’s Eileen.”  She said, patting Abigail’s arm knowingly.  She smiled, feeling a mixture of foolish and relieved.  
 She watched them for a few more moments, noticing the way Dean would gently touch her arm when he wanted to tell her something.  She would study his face as he spoke, obviously reading his lips.  Abigail saw him use a combination of his words and his hands to communicate with her.   
 Not wanting to be caught staring, Abigail ducked her head and headed back inside to help Jo with a few more things.  
 “Bobby Singer, as I live and breathe.”  Ellen said once she noticed Bobby talking with Dean and Eileen.  “I can’t believe you actually left that ranch for this.”  She teased.
 “Ms. Harvell.”  Bobby acknowledged her with a tip of his hat.  He followed Dean and Eileen over to the table Ellen had set up.
 “Don’t you start all that, Ms. Harvell stuff.  It’s just Ellen.”  She instructed, a hand on her hip.  Eileen smiled and Ellen put an arm out to hug her.  “How you doing honey?”  She asked, her attention taken away from Bobby momentarily.
 “As good as I can be.”  Eileen admitted.  She glanced over at the door when she saw Jo and Abigail coming back outside.  “You must be Abigail.  It’s so nice to meet you.”  She said.
 “It’s nice to meet you too.”  Abigail replied, taking her outstretched hand and giving a quick smile to Dean.
 “Bobby, would you take a bite of this and tell me what you think?”  Ellen asked him, holding out a morsel of pie.  Bobby glanced at Dean and Eileen quickly before taking a bite.
 “Ellen, that may be the best thing I’ve eaten in years.”  He admitted.
 “Good.”  She beamed.  “Why don’t you come over for dinner this week?  I have a recipe I’d like to make and I think you are just the person I want to cook it for.”  Ellen told him.
 Bobby stammered a little, an embarrassed smile appearing on his face.  He started to think of a million reasons to get out of coming, but instead he simply nodded and thanked her for the invitation.  Ellen smiled, turning to go back to the saloon to cut the rest of the pie for customers and Bobby turned toward Dean.
 “What are you grinning at?”  He asked gruffly.  Dean shook his head and held up his hands in defense.  “It’s just dinner.”  He mumbled, straightening the collar of his shirt.
 “Well, it’s about time.”  Dean teased, and he escorted Eileen quickly away when Bobby glared at him.  Bobby watched them head closer to the center of the street so they could see the dancers; chuckling when he felt sure that Dean was no longer within hearing range.
 Eileen was admiring a quilt when Sam slipped quietly behind them, putting his hand on Eileen’s shoulder.  She tensed and Dean immediately turned protectively until he saw Sam’s face and he relaxed. 
 “Sam!”  Eileen exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck.  “You’re home.”  She said, letting him lean down to kiss her.  
 “I missed you too.” He said, allowing her to read his lips before he pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her waist.  
 After a moment, she stepped back allowing her hands to drop back down to her sides and Sam gave his brother a hug.
 “Good to see you brother.”  Dean told him.
 “Good to be home.”  Sam replied. 
 Sam relayed the story of his ride to Monterrey and back for them both, his hands signing as fast as the words came from his lips.  Dean never ceased to be amazed at how Sam could do that so easily.  Although he had picked up a few things over the years, Dean still had to think about it for most words, where Sam just glided through it.
 “So tell me, what’s been happening around here.”  Sam encouraged, noticing that Dean’s attention was being pulled out to the dance floor.
 “I’ll let you guys catch up.  I think I see someone that needs a little help.”  Dean told him, trying not to laugh as he gestured to the front of the stage.
 Abigail stood with someone in town, trying to follow as he danced, but his steps were stiff and Dean could tell from that distance that he didn’t have any rhythm.  
 “Go help her, poor girl.”  Eileen told him, shaking her head.  “You must be hungry.  Ellen made some wonderful food.”  Eileen said to Sam as Dean walked toward Abigail.
 “Can I borrow you for a moment?”  He asked Abigail, placing his hand on the small of her back.  The guy she was dancing with immediately thanked her for the dance and moved away from them.
 “Sure.  What’s going on?”  She asked, letting out a breath of relief.  “You have impeccable timing by the way.”  She added.
 “Well, you looked like you could use saving.”  He said, laughter in his eyes.
 “Aren’t you just a knight in shining armor.”  She told him, her embarrassment coming out as sarcasm.
 “I could always go back and leave you to your fate.”  Dean teased, taking a step away.
 “Don’t you dare!”  She said in a forceful whisper as she grabbed his arm to stop him from walking away from her.  Dean laughed, and then Abigail shook her head laughing along with him.
 The music started up again and Dean took Abigail’s hand in his, spinning her around before holding her close.  She rested her free hand on his shoulder, feeling the strength in his arms.  Years of work left his muscles defined beneath the fabric of his shirt.
 She looked up into his eyes, soft laughter shining in them and little crinkles in the corners.  When he took a step, she said a silent ‘thank you’ that her feet moved as well.  The movement was so effortless and she couldn’t help but think that she was meant to be right there in that moment for the rest of her life.
 “Well….what all did I miss while I was gone?”  Sam asked, surprised.  The others followed his glance to where Dean and Abigail danced together as they talked.
 “Would you look at that.”  Ellen muttered beneath her breath, tapping Bobby on the arm to get his attention.
 “My brother looks….happy.”  Sam said, glancing to Eileen as she touched his arm.  
 She signed to him so only he would hear, “I haven’t seen him like that since Maggie was alive.” Sam nodded to her and signed back, “Me either.”
 Chapter 6:  
 Dean rode into town just after lunch to make a feed payment for Bobby at the store.  He stopped by the sheriff’s office first to talk with Sam and as he was walking over to make the payment, he saw Abigail and Ellen cross the street in front of him.  He waved and Abigail smiled and returned his hello, trotting to catch up with Ellen who hadn’t noticed her pause.
 It had been a couple of days since Dean finished the last repair at the ranch, but Abigail had been busy helping Ellen at the saloon that she hadn’t gone out to pack up what she wanted to keep of her parent’s things.   Ellen had offered to help her with it, but Abigail had refused, knowing that it only served to encourage Ellen’s hope that Abigail had changed her mind about leaving.
 Dean walked slowly along the sidewalk, his eyes focused on Abigail until she disappeared behind Ellen into the saloon.  He let out a sigh and marched on toward the general store.  After paying the bill, he started to leave, but paused and glanced around at the other patrons shopping.
 “Do me a favor, Cas.”  Dean whispered, leaning over the counter so no one else would hear him.
 “Of course.”
 “When Abigail comes in to post that ranch for sale, will you make sure Sam knows?”  Dean asked, knowing he didn’t come into town often enough.
 “Right away.”  Cas promised.  “You and your brother going to make a play for it?”
 “Going to try.”  He answered with a shrug.
 “Why not just tell her you want to buy it?  After all the work you have put into it, I’m sure she would be happy to tell you when she does.”
 “I just want it to be a surprise.”  Dean lied.  Cas nodded.  The truth was that Dean wasn’t sure how much Abigail was going to ask for the ranch, and he didn’t want to be embarrassed if he told her before he knew they could afford to buy it.
 “Well, I will keep an eye out and make sure to pass it along to Sam.”  Cas confirmed, shaking his hand as Dean thanked him.
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 Dean spotted Abigail’s horse at the ranch a few days later as he rode back out to Bobby’s and he turned in.  He didn’t see her at first and simply climbed down from the gelding, tying him to the hitching post next to the front porch.
 “Abigail?”  He called out and she came from the back of the house, smiling as soon as she saw him.
 “Hi, Dean.  I’m just packing up a few things that belonged to my parents.  What are you doing out here?”  She asked. 
 Dean had wanted to tell her everything, but something stopped him.  “I just wanted to check the hinges on the door before winter comes.  I thought they looked a little loose the last time we were here but I forgot to do it before I left.”  He lied instead.
 Abigail laughed and shook her head.  “You know, I put it up for sale as is.  You don’t have to do that anymore.”
 “I know, but still.”  He said and she shrugged, waving him into the house.  She offered him a cup of coffee and after a few moments she let him get to work and returned to her parents’ old bedroom to pack.
 “Dean!”  Her voice rang out through the house a few minutes later and Dean rushed in, stopping when he saw her kneeling on the floor in front of an old wooden chest.  She looked up at him, her hands clutching a stack of letters, her eyes glistening.  “You were right.”  She told him, her voice breaking.
 It took him a moment to realize what she meant.  “Your letters?”  he asked as the memory returned.  She nodded, taking a deep breath.
 “They are here with my father’s bible and mother’s quilt – all of them.”  She said, running her fingertips over the letters that were worn from being read multiple times.  There were also a few letters that were written back to her, but returned unopened.  When she saw her mother’s handwriting, she started to cry.
 Almost immediately she felt Dean lift her up and wrap his strong arms around her.  She let the letters lie in the wooden hope chest as she gripped his shirt tightly, burying her face into his chest.  He held her, stroking her hair, as he sobs racked her.
 “I’m sorry.”  She whispered when she started to regain her control.  She pulled back, wiping the tears from her eyes.
 “Hey, don’t apologize.”  Dean told her.  “You’ve never said good-bye.  I get it, believe me.”  He added, his fingertips running down her arm as he released his hold on her.
 She bent down and lifted up a single letter with only her name written on the outside.  It was obviously a note written long after the others, and she could only assume it was a good-bye once they realized they were sick.  She felt her knees weaken and she sat down on the edge of the bed.
 “Do you want me to leave you alone so you can read it?”  Dean asked quietly.
 “Would you think I was pathetic if I said no?”  She asked, looking up at him.
 “Of course not.”  He answered seriously, deciding against making a joke.  Instead, he sat down beside her and put his arm around her.
 She smiled, relieved, and leaned her head against his shoulder.  Dean softly kissed her hair, both of them forgetting for a moment.
 “Abigail?”  Ellen called from the front of the house, causing them to pull apart quickly.  
 “Sorry.”  Abigail muttered, wiping her hands across her eyes and stepping past Dean.  Dean started to step out of the room, but stopped just inside the doorway when he heard them.
 “You won’t believe this, but the place sold.”  Ellen told her, holding up a paper in her hand.
 “Already?”  Abigail asked, surprised.  “That’s great.”  She added and Dean could hear the smile on her face, but it sounded forced.
 “Yeah, the offer came in this morning.  You might be surprised when you see….”  Ellen told her, but Abigail stopped her and turned away.  
 “Don’t tell me who bought it.”  Abigail instructed.  “I don’t want to know.”
 “What’s wrong?  I thought you would be happy.”  Ellen asked, concerned.
 “I am happy that the place sold, but I don’t really want to be able to imagine anyone else here.  They will probably change everything and I just want to always be able to see this as my parents’ place.”  Abigail explained.
 Dean took a deep breath and shook his head.  He had been ready to tell her himself a few moments ago, and now he was glad that he hadn’t had the chance.
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 Two days later, Benny loaded the hope chest and a few personal items into Ellen’s wagon to take into town.  Ellen came up and gripped Abigail’s hand, squeezing gently.
 “I’m okay.”  Abigail told her.  “You go ahead, I’ll be along in a few minutes.”  She added.  Ellen gave her a tight lipped smile, understanding and climbed into the wagon beside Benny.  Abigail waved once as the wagon rattled away toward town.
 She took a deep breath and walked around past the corrals, through the barn, running her hand along the garden fence as she came back toward the house.  
 She stepped inside, stopping in each of the bedrooms and taking it all in once more, pausing again in the front doorway for a last glance at the family and dining area.  She could almost see her parents sitting at the table, laughing together as she played on the floor.  She closed the door behind her and untied her mare from the post at the end of the porch.  She stood staring at her past, her childhood playing out in memories before her eyes.
 Memories of running through the fields until it hurt to breathe, of her father teaching her to milk a cow, of her mother tending her small vegetable garden beside the house, flooded her and she felt a bittersweet ache in her chest.  
 “Do you regret it?”  She heard Dean ask behind her and she turned to see him standing with his own horse’s reins in his hands.  Abigail smiled slightly.
 “No, just….saying goodbye.”  She answered, turning her attention once more to the house.  “The place is in good hands.”  She added without turning around.
 “I would have told you, but you said you didn’t want to know.”  Dean replied, still a little unsure if she would be okay with it.  Even though he had just come back from signing the papers with Sam in town, he knew in his heart he would give it all back if she asked him to.
 “I didn’t at first.”  She admitted.  She turned to face him now, taking a deep breath.  “I thought the idea of picturing anyone else here would bother me, but when I went by to sign the land title over this morning, I saw you and Sam listed as the buyers.  I’m glad it’s you.”
 Abigail bit down on her lip to keep from laughing at the way Dean rubbed his hand across the back of his neck.  She glanced once more at the house before taking a deep breath and climbing onto her mare.
 “I’m leaving in the morning.”  She told him, realizing that this may be the last time she saw him.  “Thanks for all your help, Dean.”  She added, trying to convince herself that the tightness in her chest was more about saying goodbye to the place she grew up and not the cowboy looking up at her.  She turned her mare and rode back to town before another word could be spoken between them.
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 Sam met Dean at their new ranch early the next morning before the sheriff’s office was scheduled to open in town.  They rode to the edge of the fence line and discussed how many head of cattle they thought the property could handle.
 “I was thinking I could stay in the loft above the barn until I can get a house built on the backside over there.  That will give you and Eileen some privacy.”  Dean told him, gesturing to a clearing near the river bank.
 “It could give you and Abigail a little privacy too, if you were of a mind to court her.”  Sam suggested, but Dean just rolled his eyes at him. 
 “There is no me and Abigail.”  Dean told him gruffly.  “She sold this place so she could move on to who knows where.”
 Sam could see the tension growing on Dean’s shoulders as he shifted his weight in the saddle, the disappointment in his tone making the air around him heavy.  It broke Sam’s heart to see the shadows returning to Dean’s eyes as he looked out onto a ranch that was once his dream, and now seemed so empty.
 “I wish you would reconsider.  It’s been good to see you happy again, Dean.  Ever since Maggie…”  Sam started, but Dean cut him off.
 “I loved Maggie.”
 “I know you did.”  Sam said, sympathetically.  “I know you still do.”  He corrected himself.  
 Dean just turned away from him, his horse taking a few steps beneath him.  He heard Sam follow behind, but he didn’t make a move to acknowledge him. 
 “You can’t mourn her forever.  She wouldn’t want that for you.”  Sam told him.  “She would want you to find a way to live and be happy again.”
 “What am I supposed to do, Sam?”  Dean asked, turning on him.  “She wants to go.”
 “Maybe she’s just waiting for you to give her a reason to stay.”  Sam answered.
 Dean rolled his eyes and turned back to stare out at the hills in front of them.  He hadn’t allowed himself to think about Abigail in that way, but now that Sam started this conversation, he realized that his heart had done the thinking for him quite a while back.  Dean knew she had always said she wanted to leave this place again once the ranch sold.  She was loading up in town to do just that as they spoke.  He couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if he told her how he felt.  Would it change anything for her?  Did he really want it to?
 “Son of a bitch.”  He muttered under his breath, spinning his horse around and spurring him into a gallop.
 By the time Dean reached the edge of town, the gelding was lathered in sweat.  He’d ridden as hard as he could, afraid that he would get there too late and she’d be gone forever.  He jumped down before the gelding had stopped completely, drawing the attention of a few passersby that grew concerned of incoming danger.  
 When Dean saw Abigail hugging Ellen and Benny outside the saloon he breathed a sigh of relief and tied his horse to the nearest post.  Abigail turned to see him marching down the street with such purpose she grew concerned that something was wrong.  She waited, wrapping the reins in her hands along the railing beside her.
 “Dean?  What are you doing?”  She asked, confused when he was close enough to hear her.
 “Don’t go.”  He told her, taking her into his arms and kissing her.  “Stay with me.”  He pleaded, whispering the words against her lips.
 He pulled back only far enough so that he could see her face.  Her eyes darted between his, a million thoughts running through her mind at once.  Suddenly she smiled.
 “I thought you’d never ask.”  She teased, pushing herself forward to kiss him back.
 Read more from my Masterlist here
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