#i think of this not infrequently
shoutout to the (1) film major from movie school who told everyone that his favorite film was Paul Blart Mall Cop.
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paper-mario-wiki · 2 months
what is the sexiest name one can choose for themselves and why is it scout
very roundabout way to give me a compliment ive never received before ("your name is sexy" is new to me). thanks!
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moeggoi · 1 month
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day 4 souyo week '24 @souyoweek2020
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paintpanic · 6 months
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terracyte · 2 years
[Does civilian Bruce even know Duke is a meta? Or is he just like "My son is so chipper that he lights up every room he walks in!" And all the kids are like 👁👄👁] via anon
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anon thats the cutest thing ive ever heard- i feel like bruce probably didn't know but the second after he found out he makes this joke immediately and frequently
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 5 months
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Heyoo. Not dead yet :P
Been in a constant “I’m too demotivated to draw because I hate the direction my art style’s going, but because I haven’t drawn in a while, my art’s gotten worse, so I’m even more demotivated”-rinse-repeat loop as of late, and it got to the point that I essentially had to refind my artstyle again, eheh. But, like, hopefully better? Somewhat? Haha.
Anyway, I’m quite chuffed with these two at the moment—especially Orihime; she looks very cute if I do say so myself ^^—so lemme post something before the year’s over, yeah?
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starsh0cked · 5 months
I’ve been reading your fic “And they were Roommates” on A03 and was wondering what all your gijinkas in it look like. Do you have any doodles of them or detailed descriptions?
hi anon!!
first of all, thanks for reading my fic! and second of all, while i do have a few artworks floating around of my gijinkas, i figured it'd be best to put together a genuine reference for wave 3!! (second image is magolor with his hood on)
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i might make references for the cast as they come along, but for now, here's my wave 3.
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somecunttookmyurl · 27 days
barbequeues here are a bit shit, and everyone knows they're a bit shit, but will get excited at the chance to be involved in one anyway
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solradguy · 6 months
Hello there; I don't know if you take translation requests, but I was having difficulty translating a 4-koma from GGXX volume 3. on page 62, there's a comic where Sol twists Bridget's arm after she speaks to him. It feels like the joke is based off of wordplay / double meanings, which isn't something I'm able to do personally. If you're uninterested in translating it, thank you for your time regardless o7
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Yeah... This one's really Japanese and really, really, hard to get into English haha The pun seems to be that Sol is misunderstanding Bridget saying おひねり (a type of monetary gift/offering wrapped in twisted paper) as お (polite/honorific particle) + ひねり (twist/spin)
I don't feel too great about my translation here tbh but I just could not think of a good way to get the money/gift -> twist joke to work the same way in English. Hoping the "roll" in the first panel reads as like "roll of cash." The strip's title is also kind of an enigma to me too... Maybe this will at least give you a good idea for your own translation of the comic? Good luck, in any case. Sorry I couldn't come up with something more concrete or helpful ^^;;
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petrichorium · 28 days
the capitano breadwinner thing pluvi….i just could not picture him being okay with you leaving for long periods of time lol. plus i sort of imagine him living somewhere extremely isolated ? like a days journey into town at least. if you were a writer or an artist he’d be totally fine with that but anything that requires you to leave his home is sort of out of the question i fear
Yeah exactly exactly. It’s a classic nobility setup where u could take on the household responsibilities as the lady and manage the staff but only if u rlly want to, I think he’d actually rather u be the quiet eccentric type who largely keeps alone so preferring to write or paint or garden is the ideal for him. Also you having hobbies (and he does think of them as hobbies even if u think of them as a job) gives him more opportunity to shower u with gifts……. he just doesn’t want you out and about. Wait until he returns to take you out to that new shop with the nice paintbrushes, don’t go on your own.
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luxrayz64 · 4 months
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comfort character redraw
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sweetandglovelyart · 8 months
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Knightfall in Dream Land - Page 1
While helping Meta Knight with some spring cleaning aboard the Halberd, Kirby, Bandana Dee, and Sailor Dee come across a box of old armor and weapons. A game of dress up leads to Meta Knight sharing the story of how he arrived on Popstar, how he met his crew, and how he became acquainted with a certain king.
This is my attempt at making a comic of my interpretation of Meta Knight’s backstory. It’s going to cover my ideas for where he originated from, how he ended up on Popstar, how he met Captain Vul/the Meta Knights/Sword Knight and Blade Knight, and how he met Dedede. I’ll probably be pretty slow with updating this but I still thought that it would be fun to attempt.
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emberglowfox · 10 months
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lie back and suffer now, we've both earned our reward.
textless + closeups under the cut
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wingedkatgirl · 1 year
Ahem (mumbles) ok here goes nothing
*looks around*
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slippy-socks · 1 year
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invinciblerodent · 3 months
I've been thinking a lot about magic healing today.
Like I can't stop thinking about how much truly incredible medical knowledge (specifically what we now think of as folk medicine, or like... battlefield surgery) is rendered pretty much completely obsolete by the existence of people who can mend bones with a thought. About how rare it must be for someone to actually know about how a body functions, when among most adventuring types, there's... actually little practical use for such knowledge, with little motivation beyond curiosity to figure it out.
Like of course, I'm sure there are many settings in which those with magical talent are few and far between. I'm sure there are low-magic settings where having access to magical healing is rare, and/or comes at a prohibitively high price for most commoners. But I can't help but think that... in worlds where healing spells and broad-spectrum healing potions are found in the stock of pretty much every merchant and every thug's inventory, ready to be looted, the work of midwives, village wise-women, herbalists, field medics, surgeons, and a thousand other professions is made pretty much completely irrelevant to so many people, simply because clerics, paladins, druids and such, are able to just.... wave a hand, and eradicate diseases, mend bones, transfuse blood, restore limbs, and sometimes even raise the dead.
Being medically knowledgeable on top of being magically adept would probably not only be rare as hell (hello, Halsin), it'd also take a lot of dedication, and a lot of respect for the body and the natural way of things that... I don't know how many even among the best magical healers would actually have.
I'd imagine that many who usually have steady access to a healer don't actually know jack shit about their own health, and... maybe even those who rely on magic to heal, don't actually know what they're doing all that often.
Idk. I'm just rotating this thought in my head today.
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