#i think it’s kinda fun how you can see every stage of my process here bc i don’t finish everything
time-slink · 1 year
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ok fine. caved and painted him
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bonesandthebees · 1 month
I care about Rose! In fact, we started watching house of dragon (only 2 episode so far though) and it constantly makes me think of Rose because you use it as inspiration. Like obviously there’s the coronation scene which reminds me of stars. And there’s the character Willum is sorta kinda inspired by. And it’s an entirely different world, but every time I’m drawn back to Rose wondering how things will play out. (Which is not pressure to finish writing it if you don’t want to. Writer’s block can be a bitch and I get that the motivation for this project has been sucked out, but I just want you to know that I still care, and I’m not the only one.)
Also, I’ve been meaning to start my Ready, Set, Detonate analysis but I keeps getting away from me. I’m not sure there will be much to analyse, but there’s definitely fun details I want to point out. Oh and I am Looking 👀 at the fit/pac tag and kicking my feet. I don’t actually know if they are already in a relationship (I’m sure we’ll find out, but I just loved Fit’s little “Pac’s here?” That man is gone. Oh and I’m so excited for this Tubbo and to read more Bagi and the lore. Just all of it.
Then the original writing is a mood. I keep getting like a few chapters into my story before deciding it’s not good enough or thinking of something else I could do and throwing it all out. It’s this constant loop that never seems to get anywhere even though the story gets more and more fleshed out in my head every time. I think it’s because the opportunities are endless. Like there’s no characters and personalities and dynamics to stick to like there is in fan fiction. It’s free game but that does mean you have to decide everything yourself.
Anyway, best original writing advice I can give is remember the drafting process. There’s going to be a shit ton of drafts, which feels different for you because you’ve been mostly writing stories and posting them as you go, which means some minor or major editing, but leaves you without a chance to do a once over. It’s a sort of pressure to get everything right the first time. Meanwhile, original writing is something you keep close to your chest. There’s different drafting stages ranging from the zero draft (aka excessive daydreaming about all the possibilities) to the final draft (where you just go through and kill all your darlings and pour over ever single word to find the right one).
I’m struggling a lot with the first draft, which is literally just getting words onto a page. It’s a somewhat coherent mess that just allows you to shape the story and its structure so you can work off of that and edit it later on. I don’t know if this actually helps, but yeah, the first draft sucks and then it mostly gets easier. Just write, is kinda shitty advice, but it’s mainly, just get words onto a page, you will get a million chances to fix it, you don’t need to be happy about what you wrote right now.
ohhhh I'm so excited you've started watching hotd!! good timing since the second season is going to come out later this year :D I hope you enjoy!! and I'm so happy to hear you're still excited about rose. I definitely want to finish writing it, like I said it's just me worrying about if anyone will bother to read it but a lot of you have said you would so that helps assuage my worries a bit
feel free to send whatever random thoughts you have about ready set detonate you know idc if it's analysis or not I just love seeing peoples reactions!! fit and pac are not in a relationship (yet) in the fic but theres a lot of flirty pining going on lol
god yeah it's so much harder with original fiction because it feels like there's so much pressure. you have too much freedom to do whatever you want so you're constantly second guessing if it's good enough or not. and ofc I know rough drafts are supposed to be shitty but I've tried to hone my skills so that my first draft is always incredibly solid because I rarely have the patience to do heavy edits, but that's with fanfiction. it has to be different with original fiction I know but it's hard to make my brain okay with that. I keep feeling like it needs to be nearly perfect on the first run :( but yeah I'm mostly trying to get words on a page. but then I think back and realize I forgot to mention this or I need to mention more of that etc etc and it's just stressful arghhh
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ferronickel · 9 months
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Looking Glasses Development Art 1
Next ==>
This was the first bit of concept art I did for Looking Glasses. The scene where Ralsei is first confronted by the titan was incredibly clear in my head from the beginning, so when I sat down to start working on the comic, it was the first scene I started messing with. This drawing was mostly about experimenting with fonts and effects, so the art itself is pretty rough. My development process tends to start with visual design stuff, so I often spend hours looking at fonts before I get into sketching actual art. I'm really glad that I went in a different direction with this page in the final product, this is pretty visually cluttered.
Going over my old artwork has me thinking about the craft behind that sequence a bit, so I'm going to throw some more thoughts under the cut. It's a two for one.
Let's start with the final pages for this sequence, just to remind you how it turned out
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You can see how that initial sketch got divided up into the second and third pages here. This served some practical purposes. To start, I realized I wanted you to be able to see Ralsei's face on the second page, to show how the loud titan voice is hurting him. But I wanted to keep Ralsei silhouetted in front of the titan eye for scale, so I pushed that into the next page.
Let's look at my initial sketches for this sequence.
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You might notice some pretty major differences between these sketches and the finished product. Most notably, panel 3 on page 1 and all of page 2 are flipped. That's because I realized I had broken the 180 rule on page one, and it made a scene without any visual landmarks kind of confusing. Of course, I didn't realize this until super late in the process on that page. You can see this in the difference between my flats and the final base colors.
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(I also fixed some weirdness at this stage, like Ralsei's head in the first panel was kinda wonky). But flipping this one panel also meant I had to flip the entire next page to keep continuity.
A few more details I think are kinda fun.
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On the left, I had added a bunch of eyes to the smoke, a design detail I later dropped because I couldn't quite get it to look good in the colors, and I figured the titan eye showing up on his top worked well enough. He's also crying in this panel, which I also must of dropped.
On the right I really had to work through a bunch of expressions for him before settling on squeezing his eyes closed. At one point he was really angry!
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But that didn't fit the vibe. Ralsei isn't exactly angry here, even if he is shouting on this page. I really liked him closing his eyes tightly though, it let me do this across the page-turn:
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Which I thought was a cool way to transition out of one scene (and visual style) and into another. Now, is he waking up here because he wills himself to wake up, or because Susie healed him? I'll leave that one up to interpretation.
I'm also kind of referencing Issue 17 of The Wicked and The Divine here, where the POV character closes her eyes at the end of every scene to mark scene transitions (and when she's dissociating).
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Anyway, that's the really long winded development of this sequence, from initial concept art to final product.
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pleuvoire · 1 year
ok here are my opinions on some common patterns in conway’s game of life that i am always seeing pop up in my experiments
1. blinker
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i do not like these very much. they are distracting when i see them littered around a still life and if i have ash of some kind i want to fuck with i usually just put dots on either side to stabilize them into a tub so their movement will stop catching my eye
2. traffic light
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this is just an arrangement of blinkers so you can imagine my feelings. often a pattern will do something very pretty with fourfold symmetry but then just stabilize into one of these which is disappointing cause it’s the most boring constellation result you can get. i think traffic lights should be a less common result in this thing :/
3. honey farm
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not the most interesting but has its own aesthetic qualities, it looks like a decorative embroidery pattern, so i support it and i’m like omg hi it’s a honey farm when they show up. and the process to generate one, while modest and not as fancy as some other formations like the pi heptomino, is still really pretty and often provides a gorgeous bit of symmetry among the chaos (for an example of what it looks like go to https://playgameoflife.com/ and make a line exactly seven squares long and press start). she is like a simple homespun beauty to me
4. glider
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MY DEAR LITTLE FRIENDS. i just made a post about it but they are like animals to me. just look at it. just look at it! i’m so pleased that they are so commonly generated by random processes because they are so cute and my friends. when they pop up inside a bunch of stuff going on i am rooting for them to escape without any fatal collisions and continue to make their way into the great unknown. they are not the only spaceship (shape that moves itself across the grid indefinitely) but they are by far the simplest, most common, and above all the most endearing
5. pi heptomino
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UGH I LOVE YOU. YOUR INTRICATE SYMMETRICAL BEAUTY IS MATCHED ONLY BY HOW EASY IT IS TO RANDOMLY GENERATE YOU SO I AM OFTEN GREETED BY YOUR ICONIC FIRST FEW STAGES BEAUTIFULLY BLOSSOMING FROM WITHIN CHAOS. she’s everything she is the moment. every way she interacts with her surroundings is going to look good as well. we have no choice but to stan. there is a beautiful tragedy in the way she generates a copy of herself (you can see in the animation before it gets prematurely cut off) but that copy will eventually be destroyed by all the other stuff unless you hassle the exhaust with blocks. tragic. but lots of potential applications for spaceship building!
6. line of six spark
(i can’t find a good gif so here’s a link to the wiki with an animation of it) if you’re going to go out do it in style. nothing special, a modest little thing, but it’s fun and unique to look at. i always like to see one of these appearing in my soups
7. phi spark
(same as above) it’s a lot like the line of six spark but twice as awesome because it REMINDS ME OF MY DEAR FRIEND TAKUMI :D and the distinctive ɸ shape is just so visually pleasing to suddenly see for an instant
8. r pentomino
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kinda mixed feelings. on the one hand, her absolute slay in taking over a THOUSAND generations to stabilize (this gif is only a brief snapshot) after coming from that one little shape. on the other hand, i’m too impatient to wait that long. also i resent her taking the title of most commonly occurring methuselah (pattern that originates from a small seed but lasts a long time before stabilizing) from my lovely girlfriend the pi heptomino. also she’s not symmetrical so it’s not as nice to look at :/ which also means i can’t actually recognize any of these supposed common occurrences because there aren’t distinctive patterns for me to notice. oh well. nothing personal
9. toad
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not huge on my radar compared to some of these others but the name makes it so cute, the way it looks is a lot more interesting despite its simplicity than my enemy the blinker, and it’s not as common a result so i when i get it i’m like omg it’s a toad :D also i hear they’re very useful in lots of spaceships and machines and stuff
ok that concludes my post about my thoughts on some common naturally occurring patterns from conway’s game of life that i am always seeing in my random soups. next i might do a post on some patterns that don’t occur naturally so much and that you have to manually input to see happen. if you actually read this far congratulations and thank you
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euphoricfilter · 6 months
any tips on how to write for beginners? also where do you get the inspiration?
i guess just go for it. when i started writing on here i had minimal writing experience, especially story writing, and then over the course of the last year and a bit, naturally i’ve improved (i hope)
i think it’s easy to read other people’s work and want to copy their style, or want what they have. which is just part of human nature, so i say when you start out— write to find your style, even if it is a subconscious effort to do so. by either using other people as a guideline or fully winging it until you’ve formed a way that’s uniquely yours which is a lot easier than it sounds i promise. you kinda just naturally progress the more you write
don’t expect to have a whole novel length piece of work written. it’s hard, writing takes time and a lot of brain power. write small tidbits, little poems, things you like, things you see. find a prompt and write a couple hundred words about that. i think my favorite part of writing is the little excepts that have no context whatsoever in my notes, but just sound pretty and paint the image enough for you to imagine the story further or create a whole new world
uhhh what else…
write for yourself!!!!!. i struggle with this a lot and have to constantly remind myself that what i write should be as much for me as it is for other people. i tend to put pressure on myself and then that makes what should be a fun process entirely unenjoyable and then it starts to feel more like a job than a hobby
depending on what you write, research is always fun and a good place to start. which can sometimes lead to further development of plot ideas.
don’t be scared of stereotypes. i think there’s a negative connotation between writing and stereotypes but sometimes they’re the best stories!! sometimes it’s nice to know what to expect, or read something that can evoke something like nostalgia because the story follows the lines of something you’ve seen before (no plagiarism though!!! that’s stinky)
i get inspiration from a lot of things!! a lot of my fics are based on scenarios i come up with while trying to sleep. i think i’ve talked about this before, but usually before i sleep, i’ll come up with film ideas or drama ideas and essentially script out movies in my head which i turn into fic ideas as i’m not exactly able to produce an entire millions of dollars budget film. which is why i feel like my writing, at least to myself feels more visual, because it’s a visual piece in my head
fics like ‘standing next to you’ was inspired by the part in the MV where he’s on stage performing in-front of the actress on the car.
some of my writing is inspired by words i like, simple as that
or certain themes. a common theme in my writing is stars and destiny, something i really really love writing about hence why i probably bring it up so often
“stardust” was inspired by an article i’d read. movies i like. that one tae idea surrounding howls moving castle. “helping hands” was inspired by a tiktok i saw. stuff like “the feminine pact” was derived from my own ideals surrounding femininity, and my own sort of weird relationship with the term “feminine”
of course i get inspo from requests as well
really if you think about it there’s a story in every little detail of your life. and finding inspiration becomes hard when you’re actively seeking for it so let it just naturally come. i have a over active brain so i’m constantly thinking which on the occasion is incredibly useful when it comes to pulling ideas from every little detail of my life and the things that surround me
i think the assumption is that inspiration has to be something big, or meaningful to a large group of people when really it can be smaller things that other people deem insignificant, that you love
i hope that sort of helps?? this is purely from my own experience over the last year and a bit ☝️😔
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tamelee · 11 months
hi! I really enjoy your art, it has a very unique touch to it that I really like. do you sell prints of your art anywhere?
I've never been much of an artist myself, but lately I've been feeling like I would really like to try and learn how to draw. I know it takes a LOT of practise and that some have a more natural touch to it than others, but do you have any tips for a beginner? where should I start? I have tried reference pics and stuff like that but I never seem to get them right. how can I keep myself motivated when nothing I try turns out the way I imagine it?
sorry if you've already answered something similar to this, I would love to read that too. sending you good vibes and many thanks in advance ✨
Aaaahh thankyou so much! 💕 I don't yet but will soon I'll update on that 🎉🫶
And wow that's great to hear! I'm really excited for you honestly because it's really fun :3 Well, my ways have always been a little unconventional but most teachers would tell you to pick up a pen and paper and.. just start drawing/doodling with whatever reference you have. Or if you have a pen tablet already, explore the program you're working with. Any kinds of brushes, try them out, try functions the program has- see what it does, make it a fun experience because you can't make any mistakes. It isn't something you have to deliver to anyone, this is practice and this is for you. Put on some music or watch a show on the side that's easy to follow (not one you have to pay close attention to) and just scribble away. You can use an extra program like 'Pureref' (which is free!) that allows you to drag in any references you need on top of your drawing-program or create an extra window where you can drag in any images and rearrange everything just the way you like it, like this:
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And then let's try a Sasuke sketch in that pose upper-left corner.
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I usually flood the document with a bunch of references in case I need it. (It's always more than I need but I hoard my files a lot 😂.. I think it's a fear of it not being enough "just in case"- but it's okay.) When I'm coloring a sketch, I think of colors beforehand but it kinda depends on my mood. Most of the time I don't bother until I get to the lighting stage. If you feel like you don't really got the hang of using a pen-tablet yet, there is a good tutorial with exercises here. And don't worry at all!!! Because it'll get much easier and easier overtime, just please take care of your hands and stretch gently always. Remember it is never supposed to hurt.
Honestly the way to improve fast with art is... just get obsessed over something 😂 and draw that. Find something you like and enjoy drawing it at least from my understanding that is what happened to many people. For me it's.. well.. If you want to get inspired, go to places, preferably professional spaces and make a board with art in styles you really like. (Or a folder for example!)
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This way you can use references to make something and it's a good start/practice ^^! At least it was very helpful for me! If you feel like nothing turns out the way you imagine it, then don't worry about it please.. creating something involves so many steps it is nearly impossible.. or it is impossible actually to have something turn out exactly as you imagine it beforehand. It is more important that the end-result is something that is satisfying which has more to do with the actual process itself. And I know that is not something you might want to hear now but I guess you'd have to experience it? At least for me, every new art I make involves something along the lines of "oh I kinda liked that" or "ew, no, nope, no, not doing that ever again" it's a constant process. Here are some helpful video's for beginners because I think visual inspiration would be more beneficial for you than just a bunch of text from me!
Advice for Starting your Art Journey
Extra (not necessarily for beginners):
Why BELIEF Is More Important Than TALENT
How I Reduce TOXIC Perfection As An Artist (Best Drawing Exercise TO Do)
What to do If you aren't Improving
Why it takes so long to get good at art
I hope any of this is helpful to you and I hope you have a nice day 🌷💕! Happy drawing!
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sp00kygr33n · 6 months
How long do you typically spend on a drawing? Of the ones you've posted, which took the longest? Which was the quickest?
Hi, thank you for the question!
Short answer: anywhere from 30 minutes to like 12 hours
Long answer;
It really depends. I can whip some cute ones in like 20 minutes, others I draw through multiple days.
Depends on the style and the amount of detail. This is an example of a 30 minutes one:
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Only one character, no background, simple shading. I would say 10 minutes for figuring out the pose I want and sketching it, 10 minutes for lineart (maybe a bit less) and 10 minutes to color and shade it.
When I draw without lineart, with this more messy, paint-esqe style, it's also pretty quick. 10 minutes to sketch, and the rest is basically color and shades at the same time.
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This took me about an hour and a half to make, the shoes and the skateboard being the most difficult parts cause of the shapes, they had to be pretty even even in this style.
When I'm messing around with different styles or techniques, it often takes longer due to trying to figure out what I want certain aspects of the drawing to look like. For those two, the first took me close to 3 hours despite it being pretty simple - I was experimenting with drawing fire and I spend a solid chunk of time on just redrawing it over and over again. The other one was my first time drawing with different brushes and it took me an embarassingly long time to learn how to keep it under control. I would say it took like 6 hours to finish it.
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The drawings I spend most time on are those with proper backgrounds. I like to draw the backgrounds separate from the characters, so it means I make the whole background even when it's mostly covered by characters later, like this drawing:
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You can kinda see what I'm talking bout here!
I drew that over a few days, so I don't really know how long it took.
Those times are for drawings themselves - I sometimes spend even longer on looking up references and poses. Sometimes I want to draw byt don't know why so I just go on different stock image sites and look up random things in hopes of finding inspiration.
I think the pieces that take the most time I never post here, cause they are for my DND campaign and I don't know if anyone would be interested. For example, this is Hattie Lykaia, a tiefling owner of an alchemy store. Coming up with the design for the character and for the space took a lot of te and I had like fourteen aketches before commiting to this version. I would say total time was about 10 hours, I couldn't figure out the colors to save my life.
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The stained glass took forever. I never want to draw stained glass again.
One of the things I enjoy most but never share here is character design! I don't really know what I'm doing most of the time but I love making rough concept sketches, like those:
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Despite being messy and all, they take a long time! Looking up things, figuring out the shapes and colors... Me and my brother watched five movies in a row while I was making this ones. So yeah, despite the drawing itself being quick and messy, the whole process takes me a while. But it's really, really fun.
Thank you again for asking! I hope this wasn't too long or too boring but I just really love talking about my drawings and the process behind them. My irl friends have to deal with me showing them every stage and they're probably sick of it lol. Good thing they're really nice and will always pat my head and tel me I did a good job anyway
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aurora-daily · 2 years
AURORA — American Express Presents BST Hyde Park 2022
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We at JLTT were very fortunate to attend American Express Presents British Summertime 2022 in the gorgeous surroundings of Hyde Park in London. The last day of the festival was headlined by Duran Duran and featured an array of established acts and rising stars. Although she and her team had to endure traffic from arriving at Gatwick Airport, the enchanting AURORA sat down with us for a quick chat before she took to the Great Oak Stage
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JLTT: Hello. Welcome to Hyde Park first of all.
AURORA: Thank You.
How are you feeling about being here today?
I’m feeling very good about it. I love being in parks and I love being here. And I love that you can be in the middle of London and you don’t even know you know?
Yes definitely. One of the tracks of yours that I really like is on your latest album called ‘A Temporary High’ and I just wondered if you could explain what the writing process for that was like, please?
It was just a day of fun. It started with the guitar because I really like Ennio Morricone I think he was a very beautiful composer and I wanted something that sounded like a techno-cowboy song. Then I thought that kind of ugly and beautiful composition of sounds and styles made for me a very clear image of the world right now. The world seems like a strange composition of all kinds of different things that we hate, we love, we don’t understand. Everything goes too fast and it is all too much. Everything is just so overwhelming. I wrote the song about a woman – The personification of Earth for our time right now. She is a lot and she is very hard to keep track with.
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How do you look after your voice? Is there anything that you do in particular?
(Laughs) No – I should maybe. I’m very bad at doing things that aren’t driven by pleasure or fun.
Fair enough!
I’m very bad at doing any kind of warming up. I should take care of my voice more but I take care of myself. I sing barefoot, I stand very firmly on the ground and I mean everything I say so it comes from the deepest place of my belly. So I can sing forever I think because it doesn’t come from my throat it comes from my belly button.
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I don’t know if anyone has ever referenced this to you before at all but I wanted to ask; Are you a fan of Iggy Pop?
Yeah, I like Iggy Pop. I met him a few years ago at a festival in Belgium. But he’s cool. I like the way he is extreme and I like the way he dances as well.
Final question – What makes you happy and what makes you unhappy?
Okay – So people make me kinda unhappy but also happy. I hate it when things are just bad in the world and we are not doing anything about it when things are just bad in the world and we’re not doing anything about it that makes me sad. It feels very pointless to just accept that things aren’t good enough. That makes me very sad.
But it makes me happy to see small things every day like people being born every day. Isn’t that amazing? Even now. It makes me happy to see butterflies and moths. It makes me happy to see sunshine in between the trees like now between the grass and pattern. Cold beer!
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(Laughs) I agree with that!
Wind on my face and sex. That little guy that just flew past us. Dogs and computer games. Heavy metal. A lot of things! (Laughs) That was it!
Okay well, I think that’s all we have time for so thank you so much! Thank you for your time.
Thank you!
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void-kissed · 1 year
oh i LOVED reading about how alectra would fit into the genshin plotline... if she were an NPC id be visiting her during every major plot beat to see what shes up to. she sounds like a very fun easter egg, kinda like those fatui guys who hang out near the mondstadt city waypoint
aaah thank you so much!!!! yeah I got way too attached to the concept of her foreshadowing stuff going wrong, ‘cause like - the first time you see her is during Ending Note, and you can only see her right at the start of that specific quest; she’s waiting outside the cathedral, looking up at the Barbatos statue, and she won’t give any dialogue when spoken to by the Traveller (or, if she did, it’d be something short, like.. “Isn’t there somewhere else you’re supposed to be going at the moment?”). However, her being there means she’s then right there to be in the cutscene where Signora first appears and then gets Venti’s Gnosis, so if you noticed her waiting outside beforehand, that’d clue you into who she was without actually telling you much of anything about her. But she only appears in a very short interval, so she’d be easy to miss.
The next time she could be spotted would be during the part of the Liyue archon quests where you’re going around buying things with Tartaglia’s money, and the idea is that she’s sitting high up on the rooftops, so that if you wanted to go to try and talk to her it’d be a massive hassle (and she’s not very easy to spot). If you actually went out of your way to do it though, she’d maybe say something like.. “Ah, so you actually managed to make it up here? I must say, you’ve quite the keen eye to have sighted me. Even so.. you’re still setting the stage at the moment. So, please, carry on as you were. I wonder how ready you think you should be for the show.” This is foreshadowing the upcoming (though not as immediately upcoming) boss fight with Tartaglia himself - he’s her brother, or as close as she has to one anyway, so it’s no wonder she’s keeping an eye on what he’s up to.
I don’t quite know if there’s an opportunity for her to show up again in the game itself here, but one thing that I do know happens is that she has a bit of a confrontation with Tartaglia some time after the boss fight, because she didn’t realise he wasn’t in on the same things that she was regarding everyone’s plans. She then also runs into Zhongli again after the cutscene where he gives up his Gnosis to Signora, and she manages to get a lot of comfort - and a hug - that she needed from that interaction (since.. well, I associate Zhongli quite strongly with my grandad. for some reason. so I wanted to have him and Alectra (and Lamia because she visits Liyue with Yoimiya during Lantern Rite) be close, even if it makes little to no sense, because of that.)
When it then comes to Inazuma, Alectra has the first act of her story quest - “Luscinia Cineris Chapter - Act I: To Be Fooled By A Familiar Face” - slotted in to try and space out the pacing of that nation’s archon quests somewhat. Her story quest revolves around the Traveller being mistaken for Alectra by some guards, and subsequently having to clear their name by figuring out what was really going on (since all they saw was someone “fairly short, wielding a sword, with blonde hair” wearing either “dark clothes” if playing as Aether or “a sleeveless dress” if playing as Lumine). In the process they would probably find out more about Alectra by overhearing some Fatui working for her or something. The section of this quest where you get to play as Alectra comes right at the end, when everyone goes “okay so we’ve established it definitely wasn’t the Traveller who’s been causing the problem. But then.. who was it?” and then you switch to Alectra successfully breaking into some official building or other, taking care of all the guards there, and stealing some important documents. Something, something, be gay do crime? =P
..oh crumbs I’ve been writing for nearly an hour. Help. This was supposed to be a quick reply. I hope it was alright ;w;
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20 - ZZ Top - Eliminator (1983)
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Ah, ZZ Top. The Houston blues-rock band known for spinning fuzzy guitars and big ass beards, except for the one guy who's last name was actually "Beard".
Having existed in America during the 80s and 90s (and having lived in Houston itself for a year and half) of course i know their hits (and i can see a few here) but I'm kinda excited to hear the deeper cuts.
Speaking of ZZ Top's deeper cuts: i got to see these guys live at Bonnaroo, but i don't think they quite got the point of Bonnaroo. Typically, if you're there, you're playing the hits. The Big Numbers. The ones you know everybody there is gonna be able to sing along to.
Over the course of 45 minutes, they didn't play a single song i could recognize.
I don't have an ounce of shame in saying that yeah, I left that set early and went to a different stage to watch The XX right as they started playing Intro.
Easily one of the better calls i made at that festival.
•Gimme All Your Lovin'-
Such a simple but effective drum beat. No frills but it doesn't need 'em.
Aggressively horny lyrics, but it feels almost campy with how straight they're delivered.
"If i blow my top, will you let it go to your head?" At the risk of sounding like John Waters for a moment, i think the world needs more barely-disguised lyrics about getting a blowjob, especially these days where it really seems like everybody's horny but nobody fucks.
"You got to pack it up, work it like a new boy should." Happy pride month, y'all.
•Got Me Under Pressure-
This girl sounds FUN AS HELL. I'm reminded of Sheryl Crow here: "are you strong enough to be my man?" (Yeah i know that's not what that song is about but play with me in the space here.)
•Sharp Dressed Man-
1000% the first song that comes to my mind when i hear "ZZ Top".
Also 1000 is likely the number of times I've heard this song in my 38ish years on this rock.
That riff still kicks all kinds of ass though.
Audience participation section: which movie's "main guy wearing a bunch of different suits for 5 seconds each" changing-room montage do YOU think of when you hear this?
(Correct answer: it's literally the background song for every. single. one. since this album came out.)
Also white gloves and looking for love...that's... certainly a look.
•I Need You Tonight-
I fucking love this song!
Oh wait, shit, no I'm thinking of INXS.
Jokes aside, i really like the echoing guitar tone.
Pretty solid bluesy "i miss my woman" song. If this album wasn't already stacked, I'd say this could have been a single.
And that solo, though!
•I Got The Six-
Before this one started, i was wondering what the six was referencing. A six pack of beer? I got your back? HAHAHAHA NOPE.
"I got the six, gimme your nine!"
Again, more songs about blowjobs! Sixty-nining, even!
And also, if you're attracted to women and you don't/won't eat pussy, know that i have lost some respect for you.
Horny as hell song, but it gets a nod of overall approval especially since the end is kinda hilarious.
ATTENTION META: 40 years ago, the bearded ones taught us all about the importance of having Legs and knowing how to use them. Y'all had no fuckin excuse for your floating torso mananangal-wannabe bullshit.
This song goes so fucking hard. At least 35% harder than a song about legs should go. I hate that it fades out during the solo, though. Let that man cook!
I know, I KNOW this album came out at least a decade before the show did, but that slap bass just feels Seinfeld-y. Funky, but Seinfeld-y.
Also, calendar check: June 21 is Thug Day, i guess. Remember to keep your machine guns and money secure, and bust your friends out of jail!
•TV Dinners-
Know what? I can appreciate that Billy and/or Dusty sings about processed microwaved slop with the same exact amount of gusto and dedication that he does about the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.
Otherwise it's basically a novelty song, imo. I can't believe it was a single.
•Dirty Dog-
Ah, the flip side of aggressively horny: the creepy/gross/misogynist angle. God forbid a woman does anything.
Also this really sounds like a ZZ Top b-side. It literally sounds like 4 of their other songs put in a blender for a while.
•If I Could Only Flag Her Down-
The misogyny continues and deepens.
In lieu of a review for this song, here's a lyric:
"I just want to crash her/
I just want to trash her."
And here's the vomiting emoji 20 times:
•Bad Girl-
"Praise kinks DNI": the song. I feel like i need a shower after hearing this.
Well, the second half of the album sucks some real shit, but Legs is still a banger. It's pretty easy to see why the deep cuts stay deep, though.
And, like many, many albums I've heard before: after the first 5 or so songs, it's just time to put on a new album.
Favorite Track: Gimme All Your Lovin'. 100%.
Least Favorite Track: If I Could Only Flag Her Down. I'll spare you another 20 vomit emojis.
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daandyli0n · 2 years
IM HERE IM ASKING ABOUT UR DSMP AVIANS AU okay so like when u mean avians im assuming human-bird hyrbids like we see with grian and phil and sometimes tommy and quackity but what kinds of birds r everyone?? does everything in canon still apply the same way or are some things altered to better fit their new bird characteristics???? And do u have any new, altered design ideas that you'd like to show or describe? ???? :DDDD
yep! bird-human hybrids!
i haven't got ideas for all of the dsmp characters yet, but here are the ideas i have so far:
slime (he's still a slime, he just shapeshifted some wings on himself to blend in and look more normal (since most of the server's members are avians of some kind))
techno (he's a totally normal immortal human who's just. kinda Here)
antfrost (still Cat)
those aren't the only non-avians, but they're the only ones i have ideas for atm
The Members (Who Are Avians) That I Have Ideas For:
tommy- Mourning Dove (listen. the Symbolism. mourning doves aren't Just symbols of sorrow and grief (which...yeah), but also for peace, love and faith (religious c!tommy hcs, anyone-))
tubbo- Eurasian Golden Oriole (this one is purely for the Vibes)
ranboo- Black-and-White Warbler (again, Also The Vibes)
wilbur- European Starling (partially for The Vibes, but also cause I just think it'd look nice (also, I know according to lore that c!wil is apparently from utah, so him being a European Bird would make no sense lore-wise, but shhh-))
sally (because yes, she's here as well)- Osprey (water bird, they live near water (like the ocean), and i hc sally to be a pirate)
dream- Loggerhead Shrike (my thought process behind trying to find a bird for this guy was basically 'what sort of f**ked up bird would fit with this guy?' then i remembered shrikes. y'know, those birds that impale their prey on spikes? that are also SONGBIRDS? look, the vibes fit Way Too Well for me. also, i discovered that loggerhead shrikes can be found in florida! :] also, a fun fact! shrikes are actually Also hunt other birds :) take that how you will)
punz- Peregrine Falcon (every time i try to think of a bird for this guy, my brain keeps screeching 'F A L C O N')
phil- Crow, but the wings still have those diamond shape things that are on his cape (i think this one's a bit obvious)
fundy- Raven (look, hes both descended from The Angel of Death and has prophetic dreams. it fits for me)
eret- Lilac-Breasted Roller (Very Colorful. eret deserves to have a very colorful bird. seriously, look them up, they are The Rainbow As A Bird-)
purpled- Violet-Backed Starling (...guess)
hannah- Rosefinch, Specifically one of those Very Pink Rosefinches (...pink, also is literally called a ROSEfinch-)
niki- House Sparrow (i looked up german birds and house sparrows came up. look, i'm trying-)
sam- California Condor (okay, so! i looked up vulture symbolism, right? well, along with death and all that, vultures are also symbols for seriousness, protection, intelligence, and resourcefulness. plus, these guys are Big, and isn't c!sam canonically like, over 7 feet tall?)
quackity- Mallard Duck (look. Duck)
jack- Robin (Vibes)
foolish- Golden Eagle (big bird, and also...y'know..Golden. Eagle. just. the pun (cause his character is like a totem. which looks like it's made out of gold. look this one was partially cause my brain thought it'd be funny))
that's all i can really of for characters atm. but now!! facts!! about the au!!
so! life stages for avians!
-Hatchling: basically from birth to 5 years old. wings have little-to-no feathers
-Fledgling: 6-8 years old. wings have Down Feathers. fluffy :]
-Featherling: 9-13 years. at this point, the actual feathers start coming in! featherlings now have the ability to slow their falling and glide! no flying yet though :(
-Flightlings: 14-Adulthood. they start learning to actually fly now! at the beginning of the smp, tommy, tubbo, ranboo, and purpled fit this description!
so yeah, as you said, certain plot points have changed due to most people being, y'know, Part Bird. basically, people can actually fly around now! birb instincts!! CHIRPING AND OTHER NOISES!!
sally is here because Yes. she drags wilbur off to therapy post-nov. 16th. she is 110% done with both dream and punz's bs at this point. she just wants to protect her flock, man >:/
wing clipping is. unfortunately still a thing. i mean, from what i've looked up, wing clipping isn't exactly Permanent-Permanent. like, the feathers will eventually molt out and new feathers will grow in. it's only be really permanent if someone were to keep doing it, y'know. every time the feathers come back. so...there's that! still doesn't mean it's absolutely horrible for avians though
dream has clipped the wings of at least three server members. you can probably guess who at least One of those people are and what arc it was during
fun fact! while it's still pretty bad for a non-avian to clip the wings of an avian, it's Still not seen as being as bad as when an Avian clips Another Avian's wings. because. y'know. that's actually viewed as being Incredibly F**ked Up! on Several Levels!
y'know what? if you want, i'll make another post specifically about Exile and the Avian Au Specific F**ked Up S**t that happened there
so...i've heard of like this 'death spiral' eagles do when they mate. however, my brain came up with an interesting idea for that in this au! what if was more of a...fighting move? like, one avian grabs onto the hands of another avian and just starts trying to get them both to spiral to the ground? you know, as a way of killing each other? basically, they spiral until one is finally on the bottom. obviously, the one who hits the ground first dies.
...so, fun fact based off the above point! sally actually did that with punz in this au post-final control room! basically as a 'f**k you for killing my flock'
...well, she didn't exactly win that one. but the point is that she tried and was angry enough to do that
tommy Really Really does Not like people touching or being around his wings. At all. if he lets you be around his wings-or even lets you Preen them-then that's him showing a major sign of trust on his end.
that's all i've really got for now! but yeah, i've put a lot of thought into this!! i'm proud of myself for this!!
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voicefromthecorner · 2 years
i followed you bc of your twewy lb but outside of that, do you use this account to liveblog other games as you play them?
No actually, and that's something I figured I'd address at some point, which might as well be now.
This is going to be an essay on the highs and lows of liveblogging from my experience with the TWEWY games here, so get ready for a long dissection (TL;DR, I hadn't done liveblogs prior to TWEWY but I'm open to doing more in the future but I'd prefer to keep them more smaller scale and less reactive if I did):
If you look at the start of my OG TWEWY liveblog, where this all began, you'll notice I didn't really kick this thing off with "welcome to my big liveblog" or anything like that. I just started posting out of the blue about stuff that I thought was funny or neat to comment on. Post frequency was far less and I didn't analyse nearly as much as I more regularly do now.
But people got really into it and, frankly, I got really into it, so it became a much much bigger and broader thing in scope and scale than where it started. So before long, I was writing essays about my favourite parts of the story and my favourite stages of the character development, as well as still cracking some short one-off jokes or just taking a moment to step back and let some great game moments speak for themselves (which tended to be the posts that got the most attention, which I think is really cool).
This was because I was just playing the Final Remix version for the first time and I noticed that I had the power to take screencaps, which I could then post here if I fancied. I love this game, I was on an excited roll at experiencing the Switch version for the first time and I didn't really have any real life peeps I could share that excitement with, so I figured I'd do that from time to time to add some fun to my playthrough and get to share my thoughts somewhere with some people who might enjoy it. It was just something I figured would be occasional one-off stuff.
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So yeah, basically this all kinda blew up from me looking to talk about one of my favourite games ever which effectively created these two concurrent liveblogs. The process has noticably slowed the pace that I go through them, of course, though part of that is my own procrastination or real life busyness, but I don't regret doing it and a big part of the reason I've kept doing it is that I can't shut up about how much I love these games.
I will say, from running a liveblog on these two games as my first experience of it, I think I do prefer the first one as a liveblog. The version of the game was new but I had played the story through before so I knew what I was getting into ahead of time, which meant I had less questions and more answers or at least thoughts to give.
Reacting to a game for the first time in this format is fun, don't get me wrong, but the experience is always getting delayed in certain forms and maybe it's self-talk but I'm often feeling like I'm burning posts on being clueless or being excited at every new thing I see. I'm not ashamed of that, but I can understand if it's not the experience people are looking for, at least as much as a reaction or commentary on the game's bigger moments. Like I said, I keep doing this because I want to ramble and rant about absolutely everything like a madman but it's definitely going to lead to content that is first and foremost only slowing down my playthrough.
And that's the one thing that's a big downside. Again, no regrets - the experience is fantastic and I'm delighted that I get to share it with people who are enjoying it, but it's definitely easier to liveblog a game I've played before because there's no loss in my delayed ability to spend time on it. I know what's coming, therefore I know better how to post about it and I'm not adjusting the pace of a new experience to accommodate it.
In other words, I find this text-based liveblog format is best suited for returning to something old rather than discovering something new. It can definitely work well for both when people are more economic with their posts, but I like to overdo things. Reactive playthroughs are better served by more live formats, like video recordings or livestreams. I did try a couple of YouTube playthroughs in the past (one that I'd played before, one that I hadn't) but neither worked out too well because I don't have the patience for editing.
As far as the TWEWY liveblogs go, if you're enjoying my NEO playthrough, don't be concerned! I'm going to have a lot more freedom as of roughly next week so hopefully I should have more time to power through it and I'm definitely going to! We're in the endgame, so close to the final showdown and I'm determined to see this through to the end! We've come this far together and we will finish it together. And afterwards, expect me to still post about either game when the whim calls for it.
But I think while I'm open to doing liveblogs in the future, I'll likely save it for specific things that I'm already familiar with. I don't think I'll do something on this scale again (with possible exception to a TWEWY 3 if it ever gets made (keep the faith!)) unless I developed a more efficient system for running it.
And to anyone reading this who's encouraged me and/or still encourages me over the months so much on this wild ride that started out as one of those little 4-year-old caterpillar roller coasters that steadily evolved into a 100ft tall dragon that's determined to break the sonic barrier, thank you so much for the support! It's really special to have a little corner of the internet that's enjoying spending time on your antics.
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girlreviews · 2 months
Review #491: Harry’s House, Harry Styles
I have never really taken much interest in One Direction or any of the solo careers of its members. A generation or two ahead. I gave “Fine Lines” a listen when it came out (which was previously on this list!) and didn’t think it was anything special. It does seem like Rolling Stone has really taken an interest in Harry Styles, and I don’t have any strong feelings about that either way.
Harry’s House is really fun. I’d go as far as saying that I like it. I can see myself putting this on in my car. As far as mainstream pop music goes, it’s interesting and different and has so many references to previous eras and artists in it that it’s possible I could spontaneously combust trying to identify them all. But I really enjoy that about it. If I got the chance I’d write a list of all the songs and artists I feel influenced this record and stick it in front of his face and ask him to confirm or deny it.
“As It Was” is a little 80s tribute and I’m not kidding you when I tell you if you wanted to sing “Take On Me” over the top of it, you can and it would work perfectly. I’m not saying you should, but maybe you should. It also sounds like Peter Schilling’s “Major Tom”. This is all very good stuff. If you haven’t heard that last song I just referenced, may I strongly encourage you to change that in the very immediate future.
“Little Freak” and “Matilda” really hurt my feelings (really really). I don’t want to talk about it but I do want to congratulate Harry on that. That’s what music is supposed to do. I’m glad that if he’s had this talent within him that he has been given the chance to make it happen, to work with the right people and to be taken seriously as an artist after a very particular start in the industry. Let’s hope for a day where every person who can write songs to hurt my feelings gets those opportunities also. Do you think as he ages he will experience feeling past his prime? No longer valuable? Marketable? That he has anything to offer?
With that being said, Cinema is a completely ridiculous song. A few of them lack substance here and there and that’s one of them. Not everything has to have substance and the actual music carries it, but it’s truly not very good. I think that’s okay though. When you’re actually pushing yourself some of what you make is gonna be not so great, and you’ll look back on it and cringe, but that same process yields tons of good shit. And you know what, it’s probably someone’s favorite song, so that’s really nice.
Something I think about a lot is just how young Harry Styles and the rest of the 1D boys were when they were launched into unbelievable fame and exposure on live TV every Saturday night right before our very eyes. How impossibly hard that must have been for them and they might not have even processed it until they were older (or have they even? Oof). I’ve kinda always been rooting for them. They were children.
The actual thing I always remember is that One Direction actually came runner up in that competition to Matt Cardle, which is wild. When they were all on stage celebrating, Harry Styles grabbed Matt Cardle and said in his ear “think how much pussy you’re gonna get”, and the cameras caught it. It was funny on so many levels. I really wonder if Matt Cardle got any additional pussy because I think winning X-Factor was probably one of the worst things to ever happen to him. And I think we all know how things went for Harry in that department. X-Factor used to be such a thing and what a weird time in our lives it was.
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zydrateacademy · 4 months
Current Activities in Gaming #226
Alternative title: My Christmas sale haul. I'll start with something that wasn't even on sale but still bought it at the same time as the others; Rogue Trader. Pretty much along the same lines as BG3, I don't expect to ever beat RT. There's also a lot of reports that Act 4 and beyond are a buggy breakable mess, which is similar to how BG3's act 3 becomes a lagfest for me because I'm still in the process of saving up for a new CPU/Motherboard so I can run newer games like Starfield. Quick aside about Starfield: The one saving grace of not being able to play it right away... I hear it's a fairly lackluster game. Perhaps by the time I am able to play it at all, the modding tools might be out and help liven it up. I certainly expect to get a ReShade because it LOOKS like dogshit from most screenshots I've seen. I don't want to play in a brown mess.
Back to RT; Much like BG3 I am finding myself doing some alt hopping to see how other class/archetype combinations behave. I also want one of everything; A heretic, a dogmatic, and the "iconoclast", a word I'm not familiar with but mostly means "helpful and supportive".
I have 20 hours played but have only gotten past Act 1 just last night on my "main" file. My main girl is a crime lord soldier, whose main job is being the team's backline sniper. She's very good at it, and when she CAN hit, she's the most likely to crit into very high damages. But she's the least capable of AoE. Her sniper can sometimes hit an enemy directly behind my target but that's it.
Next on the list is Evil Genius 2. Don't know much about it, screenshots and reviews remind me one of those "Dungeons" games I had where I had a bunch of minions build various functional rooms in order to do dastardly deeds. But if Zero Punctuation is anything to go by it sounds like EG2 spends too much time on the room building part and not enough on the dastardly deeds. Not sure if I'll like it but hey it was on sale.
We got Sipho next, which acts like Stage 1 of Spore but more robust. I played a few rounds of it and I'm still not sure I understand how to really build my own creature. Controlling them seems sluggish too, and I wonder if that will be more smooth as I get more parts.
Next up is Death Must Die, a survivor-like that follows the same Diablo-esque mood of Halls of Torment. If you liked Vampire Survivors I recommend both of these. Death Must Die is fun but it currently has a problem where one build is vastly superior to others, based around the "Mayhem" trait, if you can get it, it adds permanent damage for that run. I once got it up to 416% so I killed the map's boss in about seven seconds. That's gonna be nerfed.
We got Dome Keeper, which acts like that old digging game I can't recall the name of (but it was iconic for its era, I just didn't play it myself). You kinda play a bit of minecraft but your dome gets attacked every couple of minutes so you need to use the resources you get to upgrade it and fight them off. It's cute, finding it a bit difficult though.
Keeping the same theme here, Graveyard Keeper. Same developers as Stardew Valley which I really liked and most reviews state that if I enjoy Stardew than Graveyard follows a lot of the same beats. I just wish I could mod my bearded chud fellow into a girl but that doesn't seem to be available. Didn't play it for very long, I'll get around to it some day.
I -finally- got one of those Vampire Masquerade visual novels, a genre I don't usually care much for because there's not enough "game" in them. Sometimes one will add RPG elements and that catches my interest more. Right now I have "Shadows of New York", which I believe has a gal PC. I think the other ones you switch around like five different characters. I installed it but didn't play it.
I have Vectorio which I can't even get past the tutorial. I should probably refund that one. It's haunted my wishlist for so long but I have no idea what to actually do.
Got Hard West 2. Looks like another XCOM-like, as Rogue Trader is. Not installed yet. Low priority.
Startup Panic, another game dev simulator like. Not installed, low priority.
Crossroads: Anniversary edition has been on my wishlist for fucking ever but it's been locked to mixed reviews because apparently it's buggy to the point of unplayable for some people, and I'm just hoping I get lucky. The christmas sale finally put it on sale to an acceptable price so I nabbed it. Not even fully sure what kind of game it is, just an inn manager sort of thing.
Noun Town Language Learning. Installed but waiting for them to add Norwegian. I could get in there now and start a little bit of Japanese. One of my favorite things about learning other languages is watching movies and occasionally catching to see if the subtitles are accurate or not, which I can typically do with German even though I'm no longer remotely fluent in it (took German classes for a couple years in high school, those days are long behind me).
But I'm on a Norse lore kick lately and I want to be a little "closer" to it by learning Norwegian.
And that's a wrap!
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kim-woonhak · 1 year
Hi! Secret Santa again! I can only imagine how hard ur speed paints are to make gifs with how much you have to shrink them for tumblrs terrible limits and even remembering to record the timelapse, I always say I’m going to record myself making things so people can see the process, but I never think about it until I’m at least halfway done lol.  
Oml the all in Lino in the cop/detective look is SO amazing,  he really seems to be able to pull off any concept and not make them seem over the top or silly. When he’s in all pastels and wearing a beret it doesn’t feel like someone forced him into a “cute” outfit, and when he’s doing the almost costume outfits like cops, or vampires they also just seem to suit him completely. He’s really one of those people that because he is so confident in himself nothing feels silly or out of place. 
Thunderous has definitely been my favorite era for Minho specifically. I think the  modernized more traditional outfits really work well with him, and having changbin shout his name before his part every stage felt really special. Over all I think thunderous, backdoor, and maniac have been my favorite eras. I feel like ever since gods menu that the boys have become a lot more confident and their stage presence and just how they act on skz talkers and things has felt more comfortable. Those concepts also just have felt like they really suited all of the members to me, plus im just a big fan of their more “noise” title tracks they seem to have more fun when performing really signature sounding skz songs. But I also don’t think there’s an era I haven’t really enjoyed, like some part of every comeback has at least been something I’ve really enjoyed. Especially when like with thunderous they promote a b-side that is so different from the title track, I feel like it really shows their colors well.
I also see that you’re into a few other groups other than nct like tbz and ateez! I love both of them so much, it made watching kingdom extra fun, getting to see how they both interacted with skz, and seeing that they were all friends! I know I got into tbz right after they debuted but it took me a few months to really come around to liking ateez (though now I don’t know whyyyy lmao) how did u get into them and nct?
Yes!!!! their noise music is really chefs kiss for me too hahaha also i do love how they promoted thunderous and the view together that was a really fun contrast <3
I've been super multi these days! every time i get into a new group that was in kingdom or road to kingdom i go back and rewatch their clips and interactions hehe. I got into nct first thru superm (which I got into bc of baekhyun), and i think i kinda realized that it's really fun to stan a LOT of people, so i began getting into other groups like skz. i found atz bc of mutuals on my dash during kingdom but got into them more only recently after seeing them at kcon in august and then on tour in november!! so kinda like u, it took a bit to really get into them properly^^; and for tbz i was convinced by @chanstopher and @lonelystreetlight aka two partners in crime to check them out earlier this year, so i started from their predebut show boyz flower snack and then rewatched all their rtk and kingdom stages and then the rest was history LOL
sometimes i feel bad that since i follow so many groups that i don't follow skz's content as closely anymore as i used to. but on the flipside, i like how content creators on here make it easier for me to see all the best parts of their stuff, whether it's gifsets of stages or funny moments in skz code or just good looks in skz talker <3 also being multi means it's extra fun when the kidz have fun interactions with their besties in other groups like the darlingz friend group skz changbin + atz wooyoung + txt yeonjun + tbz haknyeon + crvt serim + gncd tag etc etc (the fact that i stan all these groups 💀) or also chan is just friends with everyone in the industry haha (i love his interactions w ab6ix during isac this year 🥺)
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fyeahnix · 3 years
My Editing Process
I've been asked to detail my editing process that I've been developing over the years. A bit of backstory overall—I've been writing fanfiction for 20 years as of this post, ever since I was 9. My first fanfics were godawful but I enjoyed how fun they were so I kept writing. I love worldbuilding and storytelling. The majority of my progress, however, has been made in the last 9 or so years.
Now as I've always said, I'm not the best writer at all nor will I ever claim to be, I've just been writing for a long time. My storytelling needs some serious work, and my lack of an attention span and ability to tell stories actually cripples me from writing longer, more fleshed out fics. Basically, I'm a short story writer. But with Apex Legends, I'm trying to inch my way into writing longer fics, and at the very least, fics with actual small plots.
In saying all that, my editing process has developed over the years as well, but the biggest overall was about a year ago when I started watching more YT videos of writer tips and content.
Kinda New Process (First major change)
My writing process for the longest time was just "read over fic, fix typos, done" which is...not very efficient lmao.
Last year during my YT video binge I learned about the different stages of editing and started incorporating that into my process. This was the first major edit I made to my process before my current iteration. I'll give a brief overview of what they these stages are, but keep in mind I'm not a professional writer:
Developmental. This is where I worry about the overall structure and plot of the fic. Does it make sense? Does it flow well? Is the pacing okay? How's the character development? These are usually the biggest changes I'll make to the fic overall and often times involve full on structural and paragraph changes.
Line Editing. What it sounds like. Editing lines line by line so the sentence sounds good and reads well. This is where I'll do the majority of the description editing and sentence restructuring. Making sure the sentence overall just isn't boring.
Typos/Grammar. What it says on the tin.
This worked pretty well for me. The first three fics I used this editing process on were the three fics I wrote for Apex Rarepair Week last year—"Rude Awakening", "Fairy Tales", and "I Got You". And honestly compared to the fics that came before these, I think they were a step up.
Current Editing Process
Sometime last year I got a copy of a Self-Editing book that broke down this process even further for...self-editing lol. There's a LOT of good info in there that I picked up and added to my process and it changed a little. This is what I currently do:
Highlighting Phase. This is where I read through the fic and highlight every line, paragraph, or section that I think needs some work. I also did this in my last process. The highlights are color-coded and correspond to each stage of editing I do. I will also add personal comments here. The comments are usually tied to a highlight and remind me of ideas I have to add, edit, or remove content. Or I just praise myself. Gotta pat yourself on the back too, ya know.
First-Pass Editing. The stages have slightly changed because of the info I got from the book. I'll repeat this stage as many times as it takes, especially if I've made seriously major structure changes (and this is partially why Mafia AU has been taking so long to finish). During this stage I will do Story-level, Scene-level, and Sentence-level editing. I'll describe those below. This is technically broken into three stages as I will only focus on Story or Scene or Sentence level only. Basically I knock out all the Story-level and associated comments first, then Scene, then Sentence.
Second-Pass Editing. This is after the first pass is complete. I will only do Sentence-level editing here. The purpose of this is to further tighten up my sentences after all the structure and story elements are set in stone.
Final Read-Through. The last time I will read the fic. I'll fix any lingering typos and oddities here.
(Optional) Beta Reading. I don't have a dedicated beta reader unfortunately, but my best friend enjoys reading my fics and she's a pretty good critic.
I also changed my editing stages a little:
Story-level. Similar to the previous Developmental stage. Worries about the overall structure of the fic, overall character development growth and change, makes sure the story overall makes sense. Again, this is where I'll make the biggest structural changes to the story.
Scene-level. This is somewhat similar to the previous step because most of my fics are one-shots. But slightly different. Here, I'll worry about scene versus summary (aka showing vs telling), description, pacing, dialogue and character action, etc.
Sentence-level. Basically line editing. I will worry about how well the sentence sounds and feels. Get rid of filtering ("he/she/they feels/sees/hears/touches/etc.) for stronger more visceral actions, fine-tune details, eliminate excessive stage direction (e.g. too much movement description, tho I'm still learning this), get rid of passive voice and ambiguity, and increasing specificity (instead of saying "she watered a plant", you can say "she watered a towering and wilting ficus.").
I can't remember what fic started the new process, but I'm pretty sure it was "Why I'm Here."
And that's about it! I am still in the process of figuring out ways to fine-tune this process and still digesting what aspects of writing I need to improve upon, but it's a process. This takes longer than editing used to, but I genuinely believe it's allowed me to output higher-quality content and stories. Read my first Voidstrike fic from last year compared to the most recent and I promise you you'll see a difference.
If you enjoyed this post and find it helpful, please reblog. If you want me to talk about something specific, I can do that too from my own perspective.
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