#i need to be on the water... i need it.... big aminal please...
i swear i have the body of a 50 yr old. i did something mildly active for less than an hour today and my back Aches. who authorized this
#my back: oughhhh im so weak you need to lay down and be still for ten hours#honey i do not have the patience nor the time for that#i am chugging this soup and then im Really Fuckin Crunching The Packing & Cleaning#my mother gets here at like 2 am and i want to get shit done before she arrives#so that i can be told i did a good job for once in my damn life#sorry that was pathetic!#i actually am just a spiteful creature that wants to prove that Hey. maybe i can be relied upon this one time#bet she expects to get here to see an absolute mess w/ not nearly enough packed#JOKES ON YOU FUCKER IM DOIN IT ALL ON MY OWN#i got shit done Without you. ha!#also i want to go whale watching tomorrow#i need to be on the water... i need it.... big aminal please...#rambles from the bog#i feel so. Independent. and tired#took the cats to the vet all on my own. got them a prescription. rode in two ubers and made casual conversation both times#completely fumbled a brief interaction with a really cute girl who was definitely outta my league#me: wants to talk to cute girl. if she offers to get the door for you say Yes#brain: look at the floor. ignore her. say 'no ive got it' when she offers to get the door for you#sobbing and wailing. totally won otherwise lmao#my cats were so good!!! they were so sweet and they Listened!#they stayed on the weighing plate & let their claws be clipped#they were so friendly and nice and WELL BEHAVED WHAT WAS THAT#when i try to clip their claws i get squirmy mc wormie and little miss war crimes#i walk away with new scars and nothin to show for it#but noooo. vets do it and not a peep. not a single wriggle. no hisses or meows. just hangin out#man. at least my cats are comfy enough with me to be up front w their desires#fuckin fakers... beautiful sweet well behaved fakers....#the vets absolutely loved them btw. all three people that were in the room loved how sweet my little critters were <3#i am Proud tbh
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igazikutya · 3 years
Zajok a nappaliból – Traxelektor 2021 03
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Tavaly tűnt fel Son of the Sun EP-jével Guedra Guedra  كدرة كدرة, és az Anlo Kinka szerzemény bekerült az év végi Grande Traxelektorba is. A marokkói Abdellah M. Hassak képlete tulajdonképpen egy fordított fúzió, melyben bass, ghetto house, break, trap keveredik a berber és arab felvételekkel, meg egymással, meg ahogy fúj a szél. Szóval ez az egész nagyon impulzív, néha kaotikus, máskor meg annyira dallamos, hogy a The Arc of Three Colours úgy került a fülbemászóba, hogy a Traxelektorba nem fért be, ugyanis egy hétig nem tudtam tőle szabadulni, és a harmadik reggelen már nem jó ugyanazzal a dallammal ébredni a fejedben. Sűrűre vágott, váltásokkal teli abszolút korszerű, amit Guedra Guedra tol, a Vexillology pedig nagyon kimunkált debutlemez.
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Két elsőalbumosunk van még. A Carcass Identity Matthieu Levet és Ernesto González kollaborációjának eredménye. Az azonos című album jellemzően középtempós, néha lightos, máskor sujtós (Spiraling Paradigm) pszichedeliával átitatott, fém keménységű műanyag elemekből precízen összeszerelve, mely ha megragad, nem hajlik el, nem enged. (...rossz hold kelt főől, mikor a carcasst ettem, rossz hold kelt főől.) A Dekalb Works - a másik elsőalbumos – is kollaboráció, Austin Peru és Daniel Creahan kettőse. Néha a legjobb Neotropic pillanatokat idézi, absztrakt, belassult, de azért halad, nagyon jók a hangminták, és mindig van valamilyen tér, amibe ezek bekerülnek. A Duologue egy nagyon érett lemez, amiből sokat levon, hogy ha a számcímeket összeolvassuk az jön ki, hogy: a play or part of a play with speaking roles for only two actors.
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A továbbra is névtelenség porába burkolózó Desert Sound Colony kijött idei első EP-jével. A brit arc egy olyan pók, aki a house, a  garage, a breakbeat, a techno és az electro közé feszítette hálóját. A Synthetic Nixon EP tojásait a breakbeat-es szeglet mellé rakta jobbára. Most már negyedik éve az egyik legmegbízhatóbb dancefloorista, ezúttal a Two Rums Please a húzótrack. Igazi klubos arcvonás, hogy 17 EP/single és 7 év után sincs nagylemeze. Magyar színekben versenyez ugyanebben a ligában a CT Kidobó, elsősorban electro műfajban. Egy két évvel ezelőtti interjúban Martin bevallotta, hogy IDM-et szeretne csinálni, és már tavaly az Exboyfrienddel, most pedig az újonnan megjelent Impulse & Inhibition Part 1. EP-vel ez kétszer is teljesült.
Anarchic Artificial Intelligence a címe az új Mouse on Mars lemeznek, amit a 2018-as Dimensional People-ról már ismert Dodo N’Kishi ütőssel, és Louis Chude-Sokei iró/tudóssal készítettek, kinek a hangját használták programozók segítségével egy az album elkészítéséhez fejlesztett beszédszoftverhez. Hogy pontosan mi történt AI és az egerek között, az nem teljesen tiszta számomra, de amit Werner mond a téma kapcsán, nagyon pozitív:  Hagynunk kell, hogy az AI olyan tulajdonságokat fejlesszen ki, amelyek emberi tulajdonságok, mint például az empátia, a tökéletlenség vagy a zavar – na igen, ez a művész hozzáállása a robotikához, aki az emberszerűséget többre tartja, mint a hatékonyságot. Amúgy meg nemrég elővettem az Iaora Tahitit (1995) és két napig jött velem mindenhova annyira egyedi és tökéletes. Az AAI nagyon messze van a Tahititól (Tahitóthtól), térben és időben meg hangzásban is. Egyetlen dologban nem: Andy Toma és Jan St. Werner továbbra se hajlandó határt szabni zenei elképzeléseinek, mindig ott van bennük a meglepetés, dehát mint tudjuk az egerek pándimenzionális lények kitüremkedései az univerzumunkban, sz’al semmi meglepi.   Nathan Fake életműve olyan mint egy prizma, amin Nathan néha forgat egyet. Voltak időszakok, amikor olyan szögben állt, hogy egyenesen bazzta a fény a szememet (fülemet) – elnézést! – aztán akadtak kellemesebb korszakok is, főleg 2017-től említenék 3 szöget: Providence (és remixei), Sunder és Blizzards. Most pedig újabb fordítás után itt a Sanxenxo, ami minden NF védjegyet visel, és csak egy kicsit másabb az említetteknél, mégis az. Én látom a fejlődést, meg néha párhuzamokat Aphex Twin dallamosabb műveivel, meg ennek a zenei világnak a buktatóit is, de Nathan elég jól kerülgeti a gödröket. Aztán az a lemezt záró 1983 című ambient opus - azzal valahova nagyon mélyre nyúlt le a szerző.
Igazából ez a lemez tavalyi, de valójában idei, mert vinylen már tavaly létezett néhány éber kivételezett számára, de digitálisan most jött ki az Electronic Sound Recordings-nél. John Corrigan és Jon Drukman kajakkettese a The JDs második albumáról van szó, a remek című The Texas Chain Store Managerről (az első az Education volt 2010-ben) Na de kik ezeeek? Mert hogy John Corrigan ismertebb nevén Jack Dangers, ő meg ugye a Meat Beat Manifesto nevű jövőre 35 éves intézmény epicentruma. A másik János főleg Bass Kittens néven ismert, meg hogy az 1992-es The Ultraviolet Catastrophe pszeudójának Trip Harder című underground slágerét 6 év múlva Chemical Brothers-ék felmixelték és márványba vésték a híres Brothers Gonna Work It Out-ra (azon amúgy volt Meat Beat is a Mars Needs Women-nel). Ha most nekiállnék a The Texas Chain Store Manager kapcsán meat beat-ezni, az udvariatlanság volna, de akkor is az van, hogy ez egy kurvajó MBM lemez, mintha valami egészen új irányt talált volna Dangers, csak ez nem új irány, ez egy duett, azokból is az egyik legkellemesebb meglepi, mert az egész album repül, száguld, elszáll, geggel, van bass, van acid, van ebm meg napsütés, dehát ez Kalifornia. A lemez végén két brutál flessbekk is beüt, a Proust elején az Orb - Towers of Dub-jának nyitányán hallható Victor Lewis-Smith hangminta Haile Selassie-s parafrázisa Prousttal, a másik a Kratwerk Autobahnjá-nak merész felcicomázása. Kraak ajánlásával jutott el hozzám a az UVB-76 saját kiadójánál az Okvlt-nál tavaly év végén megjelent Tales From The Far East válogatás-sorozat második etapja. Az anyag brutálisan erős, néhány igen magvas track-kel (Ended with Xavei - Black Veins), de a kedvencet a fülbemászóba tettem (Kӣr - Mandra). Megragadóan változatos lemez tényleg keleti ízekkel.
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Intimate Immensity címmel jelent meg Valentina Magaletti és Tom Relleen duójának idei albuma. Érdekes, hogy nincsenek hosszú elszállások, minden track 4-5 perces, és ez most a fényesebb, úszosabb, sőt talán tavasziasan légiesebb világa a Tomagának, amit megtör néhány markánsabb mű (King of Naples, British Wildlife). Összességében nagyon kellemes, de nálam még mindig a Futura Grotesk (2014), The Shape of the Dance (2016), Greetings From The Bitter End (2017) a kedvenc Tomaga lemezek, mert azok jobban mutatták a szenzációs alkotópáros erényeit. Írtam ezt pár napja, viszont ahogy telik az idő, egyre jobban összeérik a lemez, és az, hogy kevésbé markáns, már nem is olyan fontos. Néha elég annyi, hogy az ember csak üldögél a napsütésben
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Carcass Identity - Carcass Identity [2021, Phase Group][LP] CT Kidobo - Impulse and Inhibition Pt.1 [2021, Zone][EP]
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Dekalb Works - Duologue [2021, Where To Now][LP] Desert Sound Colony - Synthetic Nixon [2021, Holding Hands][EP] Guedra Guedra كدرة كدرة - Vexillology [2021, On The Corner][LP] Mouse on Mars - AAI [2021, Thrill Jockey][[LP]
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Nathan Fake - Sanxenxo [2021, Cambria Instruments][EP] Scanner - Trawl [2021, Aquarellist][EP] The JDs - The Texas Chain Store Manager [2021, Electronic Sound][LP] Tomaga - Intimate Immensity [2021, Hands In The Dark][LP] VA - Tales from the Far East Vol. 2 [2020, Okvlt][MC-Comp]
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Spotify playlist (53/80, 4:43/7:11)
Aktuális fülbemászók:
Guedra Guedra  - The Arc of Three Colours
Kӣr – Mandra
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96 Back & Special Request - Petrichor [Compassion, !K7] AIR LQD & Abdullah Miniawy - How Do You Burry A Paperless Man [VA - Tales from the Far East Vol. 2, Okvlt] Anthony Linell - Being Water [Winter Ashes, Northern Electronics] Anthony Linell - The Final Words [Winter Ashes, Northern Electronics]
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Big Yawn - Body Double (Jay Glass Dubs Refix) [No! Remixes, Research] Big Yawn - Reflex (Sleep D Remix) [No! Remixes, Research] Cabaret Voltaire - Skinwalker [Shadow Of Funk, Mute] Carcass Identity - Freedom Principle [Carcass Identity, Phase Group] Carcass Identity - Things to Forget [Carcass Identity, Phase Group]
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Christian Smith - Pressure Drop [VA - More Than Machine, Tronic] CJ Bolland - The Demotic Script [VA - More Than Machine, Tronic] CT Kidobó - Bipolar [Impulse and Inhibition Pt.1, Zone] CT Kidobó - Death Of Postmodernism [Impulse and Inhibition Pt.1, Zone] CT Kidobó - Paris [Impulse and Inhibition Pt.1, Zone] Cyrk - Repetition [VA - More Than Machine, Tronic]
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Deep Nalström - Low Gravity Ride [Esoteric Fantasy, Nummer Music] Dekalb Works - for [Duologue, Where To Now] Dekalb Works - of a [Duologue, Where To Now] Dekalb Works - only [Duologue, Where To Now] Dekalb Works - play [Duologue, Where To Now] Desert Sound Colony - Lokus [Synthetic Nixon, Holding Hands] Desert Sound Colony - ODA [Synthetic Nixon, Holding Hands] Desert Sound Colony - Two Rums Please [Synthetic Nixon, Holding Hands]
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Dom & Roland - Abbott & Costello [The Search For Meaning / Abbott & Costello, Dom & Roland Productions] Eindkrak - Cordoba [VA - Tales from the Far East Vol. 2, Okvlt] Ended with Xavei - Black Veins [VA - Tales from the Far East Vol. 2, Okvlt] Exhausted Modern - Apathy Eats You Alive (Annechoic Remix) [Year of the Rat Remixes, Endless Illusion] Exhausted Modern - Food of the Gods (Ayaz Remix) [Year of the Rat Remixes, Endless Illusion] Exhausted Modern - Pineal Gland (Philipp Otterbach Mix) [Year of the Rat Remixes, Endless Illusion] Forest Drive West - Phosphenes (Wata Igarashi Pressure Remix) [They Live Remixed, Midgar] Forest Drive West - Ricochet (Felix K Reinterpretation) [They Live Remixed, Midgar] Forest On Stasys - Ofrenda [Mantrum, Harmony]
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Giant Swan - DYFLGOT [Do Not Be Afraid Of Tenderness, Keck] Guedra Guedra - كدرة كدرة - 40' Feet [Vexillology, On The Corner] Guedra Guedra كدرة كدرة – Complementariness [Vexillology, On The Corner] Guedra Guedra كدرة كدرة - Seven Poets [Vexillology, On The Corner] Guedra Guedra كدرة كدرة - When I Run [Vexillology, On The Corner] HLM38 - Célébration du Coq [VA - Tales from the Far East Vol. 2, Okvlt]
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Jeff Mills - Dancing Shadows [The Clairvoyant, Axis] Jeff Mills - Questions Decisions and Consequences [The Clairvoyant, Axis] Jeff Mills - Shadow With A Golden Aura [The Clairvoyant, Axis] John Selway - Highest Order [VA - More Than Machine, Tronic]
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Kmerl - Fire In Me [Fire In Me , ФАКТУРА] Kmerl - The Arm [Fire In Me , ФАКТУРА] Kӣr - Mandra [VA - Tales from the Far East Vol. 2, Okvlt]
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Mouse On Mars - Go Tick [AAI, Thrill Jockey] Mouse On Mars - New Life Always Announces Itself Through Sound [AAI, Thrill Jockey] Mouse On Mars - The Latent Space [AAI, Thrill Jockey] Mouse On Mars - Walking And Talking [AAI, Thrill Jockey] Nathan Fake - Sanxenxo [Sanxenxo, Cambria Instruments] Nathan Fake - Vanavond [Sanxenxo, Cambria Instruments] O Yuki Conjugate - Forgotten Summer II [Artefacts, Kynant]
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Paul Hierophant - Returned Signal (Carl Finlow Remix) [Utopian Dystopias - Part Three, Exalt] Paul Hierophant - Saturn (Plant 43 Remix) [Utopian Dystopias - Part Three, Exalt] Rene Wise & Rødhåd - 190209.2 [Untitled, WSNWG] Rivet - Mag Mich [On Feather And Wire, Editions Mego] Rivet - Ordine Kadmia [On Feather And Wire, Editions Mego] Rivet - Pearling Woes [On Feather And Wire, Editions Mego] Sacred Lodge - Un Hombre Que Camina [VA - Tales from the Far East Vol. 2, Okvlt]
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Scanner - Trawl, Disappearance [Trawl, Aquarellist] Scanner - Walkaround [Trawl, Aquarellist] Special Request - Compassion [Compassion, !K7] Sterac Electronics - Reinstated [VA - More Than Machine, Tronic] Sun Genam - Pinski4ex [Aexion, Something Happening Somewhere]
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The Black Dog - Crookes For Life [Dubs: Volume 1 (Sheffield), Dust Science] The Black Dog - Tram Backwards [Dubs: Volume 1 (Sheffield), Dust Science] The JDs - Autobahn (Flavor-Aid Mix) [The Texas Chain Store Manager, Electronic Sound] The JDs - Checkout! (Raving in the Self-Service Line Mix) [The Texas Chain Store Manager, Electronic Sound] The JDs - Coin Star [The Texas Chain Store Manager, Electronic Sound] The JDs - Kitty Litter [The Texas Chain Store Manager, Electronic Sound] The JDs - Proust (Produce Aisle Mix) [The Texas Chain Store Manager, Electronic Sound] The JDs - Store Detective [The Texas Chain Store Manager, Electronic Sound]
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Tomaga - Idioma [Intimate Immensity, Hands In The Dark] Tomaga - Intimate Immensity [Intimate Immensity, Hands In The Dark] Tomaga - The King Of Naples [Intimate Immensity, Hands In The Dark] Tomaga feat. Cathy Lucas - Very Never (My Mind Extends) [Intimate Immensity, Hands In The Dark]
Varuna - Avicennia [Mangrove Management, A Walking Contradiction] Varuna - Culex Sitiens [Mangrove Management, A Walking Contradiction] Varuna - Paleo-drainage Channels [Mangrove Management, A Walking Contradiction] Wata Igarashi - Cylinder [New Dawn, Figure]
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galleycolor15 · 3 years
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Returning to her University, the College of Porto, she gathered a bioorganic & medicinal chemistry research group now incorporated right into the Molecular Synthesis group of the largest Chemistry-based Study Device in Portugal, LAQV-REQUIMTE. The remarkable value of peptides is not tired in their antimicrobial properties, as bioactive peptides are shown to be highly effective for non-infectious illness, in addition to nutraceuticals or cosmeceuticals. As an example, anti-hypertensive, antioxidant, antidiabetic, neuroactive and also immuno-modulatory peptides are created when milk is processed to produce yoghurt. Research study on peptides as well as their possible applications has actually been gaining back energy, as we are running out of options to deal with life-threatening problems, mostly as a result of drug safety and security and resistance concerns. Despite plenty of software , the security of agricultural items and foods items, with regards to the high quality we have actually concerned expect, remains vague. The generation of new extremely discerning peptide-based medicines is being resolved by Bike Therapeutics Ltd as well as Liuhong Chen gave understandings into the amazing development of Bike peptides.
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Numerous sports athletes turning to SARMs for performance enhancement.
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These bicycle-shaped peptides can be created in chemically-constrained phage-display libraries, which allows the selection of peptides with high target uniqueness. Conjugation of the peptides to imaging representatives enables high-contrast, tissue-selective imaging. The peptides can likewise be used to supply cytotoxic agents to tumours with extensive efficacy. Incredibly, the peptides show really quick tumor penetration as well as retention paired with rapid clearance from systemic flow. If you have any kind of questions or issues regarding the products and services offered on linked third party internet sites, please get in touch with the 3rd party straight.
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Whilst molecular self-assembly is not a process special to peptides, peptide self-assembly exhibits some special functions. One example is something called the 'polar zipper', recommended 25 years earlier by Max Perutz. This has actually previously been revealed to develop in between beta hairs of peptides using side chain communications, and implicated in some kinds of neurodegenerative condition. Peptides function very well when incorporated with other effective energetic ingredients, like vitamin C as well as niacinamide.
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In this short article, we'll offer you the 101 on peptides, so you can determine if they're worth including in your elegance bag. At Vapourtec, during a cooperation with New Path Molecular, we have optimized and also scaled-up the synthesis of ACP (65-74). We found that the optimised conditions equated to the massive synthesis without any impact to the pureness of the unrefined peptide (94%).
Peptides For Skin In A Nutshell.
A copper peptide is a peptide, integrated with a trace quantity of copper, which, when related to skin can aid to boost the recovery procedure by providing copper where it's needed to regrow broken skin. Our client care team are skin care and also product specialists and also can lead you to the best skin of your life.
Our committed team have years' experience as well as are devoted to delivering updated analysis, information and also exclusive functions for a public as well as private sector audience. Having actually very early regarded peptides as one of one of the most promising sorts of particles for the future, Paula Gomes sought her PhD in Peptide Chemistry (), to work with peptide-based vaccinations mentored by Teacher David Andreu, in Barcelona.
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Peptides having cysteine, tryptophan or methionine are specifically susceptible to oxidation as well as should for that reason be dissolved in oxygen-free water. Please utilize the 3 letter or single letter Amino Acid code when making enquiries or ordering artificial peptides. Ought to you need any kind of assistance or guidance we will certainly more than happy to respond to any kind of inquiries you may have. My family, close friends as well as I are all really satisfied with the products we regularly order from MM Ingredients. Shipment is quick and effective, even to Europe, as well as the supervisor is very helpful.
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The UK NEQAS Guildford Peptide Hormones operates in partnership with the Supra-Regional Assay Solution Peptide Hormones Laboratory. Your email address will be made use of only to send you Clinique newsletters as well as details concerning Clinique items, occasions as well as offers. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in each newsletter. To learn more on the personal privacy methods of Clinique (a trading name of Estée Lauder Cosmetics Limited) your rights and just how to exercise these civil liberties, please see our Privacy Policy. I would love to obtain details concerning Clinique products, offers, occasions and more. Open Accessibility Federal government generates compelling and interesting items for a broad target market.
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SARMs can pose a risk when taken for performance enhancement and without consulting a health care professional. SARMs should be avoided, as they can result in potentially life-threatening consequences. SARMs may be listed on the product label (with names like “ostarine” and “andarine”).
This technique makes it feasible for the customer to make use of a percentage of resin for a preliminary synthesis and also optimization. The optimised conditions can be translated to the now well understood big range synthesis. Building a clear image of how peptides aggregate is testing because the procedure commonly includes a variety of heterogeneous and short-term steps. Over 150 guests operating in peptides as well as oligonucleotides, standing for global pharmaceutical companies, leading biotech firms as well as internationally distinguished scholastic organizations.
Gentle On The Skin.
Each "designer" peptide can be produced to particularly activate a younger element of skin, for example a peptide to make more collagen, or shut off an issue in skin, like stop making so much abnormal melanin. Hi, I'm Paula Begoun, creator of the skin care line Paula's Choice, as well as today I begin my function as the Marie Claire Skincare Master. In my columns I will be de-bunking skin misconceptions, allowing you in on skincare secrets as well as informing you precisely which components the skincare industry is currently consumed with as well as why. Products have a lightweight structure and a high percent of active ingredients, so they're an excellent means to obtain a dosage of peptides, try Radical Skin care Advanced Peptide Antioxidant Serum. A fine example is copper-- a naturally happening mineral within our body that aids to bind collagen and also elastin together.
Tags can be conjugated to peptides to aid purification or discovery in a speculative system. and Albertson N. F. New amine-masking groups for peptide synthesis. Carbodiimides form such a responsive intermediate that racemization of the amino acid can take place. For that reason, reagents that react with the O-acylisourea intermediate are often added, consisting of 1-hydroxybenzotriazole, which creates a less-reactive intermediate that decreases the danger of racemization. Biomimetic peptides can be included in cosmetic formulas in an initiative to achieve particular results like crease reduction, moisturization, or skin barrier recovery. Biomimetic peptides are artificial peptides that are lab-crafted to imitate naturally-occurring peptides. (" Bio" indicates "life" and also "mimetic" suggests "copying.") In skin treatment, biomimetic peptides can be found in targeted treatments like face products to help in reducing the look of skin aging.
This full, 30% peptide mix utilizes a pioneering drone delivery system to target visible indicators of skin ageing. Lastly, within our peptide family, we have Eyelift PeptidesTM, the best training and also firming eye treatment. With a complex of 5 collagen-boosting peptides, this multi-action, anti-ageing eye lotion assists to noticeably raise and form the look of eye shapes for a prompt well-rested, bright-eyed look. This acclaimed formula likewise utilizes the powers of hesperidin to reduce the appearance of dark circles, plus glycerin to moisten the delicate eye area. Making use of items loaded with Peptides consistently as part of your day-to-day skin care regimen will certainly result in firmer, smoother skin, increased flexibility, and also a more youthful, tauter appearance.
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A 30ml vial of SARMs (enough for a 30-day cycle) costs $149-$199.
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Considering that the formation of this secondary framework may be advertised by salts, the peptide should first be dissolved in sterile distilled or deionised water. At this phase the focus of the peptide need to be kept higher than the required last focus to allow for enhancement of various other solubilising agents as well as barrier salts which need to be included just after the peptide is completely dissolved.
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Super Lotion which is anti-bacterial, making it actually good for oily, spot-prone skin kinds, in addition to any type of a little a lot more fungal-type problems. I have actually created thoroughly about my love for NIOD CAIS, but it is that excellent-- copper peptides are likewise antibacterial and wonderfully invigorating on the skin. A safety peptide that is naturally created in the body, carnosine blocks skin-damaging sugars from binding to collagen in the skin, protecting against the formation of creases. Special peptides which assist to split the trend for the rest of the 30% peptide mix formula to permeate through the skin. MATRIXYL ™ 3000tricks skin cells right into creating more collagen, while Argirelox obstructs signals for contraction to minimise the appearance of expression wrinkles.
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Discover answers to typical queries about our items as well as business. The secondary structure of peptides is commonly an obstacle to its dissolution, specifically with hydrophobic peptides.
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collxpsedhexrt · 4 years
Matchup tingsss 🥺👉👈
just a warning i type this in a shit post format bc im too scared to talk about myself in a grammatically correct manner because i hate myself
huge note: my type is BIG w big ol shoulders and big and tall and did i mention big so yeah cuddles ok thanks bye i also updated a photo of me- bc i suck at describing my appearance
ok so anyways lets a gO
NOTE: i dont label my sexuality sorry idc who to swing for ion like swinging i like hugging thanks ok bye also im EXTREMELY mentally and emotionally unstable haha ok thanx 🥺😳💅
I am 163cm and 190lb (I am also very peculiar about knowing my exact measurements, height, and weight all the time?? Confusion???)
I am one pasty ass bitch despite being (excuse the lele pons moment) LaTiNa👁👄👁,,, I have very long warm black hair that is either wavy or borderline kinky curls no in between,,,, I have amber eyes and have FrEcKlEs everywhere but not like super intense,,, i could probably put a photo (and i will at the end-) bc idk how to describe my ugly ass morbidly obese bleached walrus headass face tbh??
Not to be an annoying basic bitch but i supposedly have an hourglass figure but im more plump so ig i have a more motherly appearance- idk tbh my body dysmorphia says i look like patrick star on my 600lb life so lets get poggers in the chat, tea?? tea sis?? who’d knock me tf up im ugly doe ahaha 👁👄👁
hngh i never stop apologizing- even if u knock me down multiple times ill keep going back to you and forgiving you, and thats on daddy issues
im an empath and like a lot of spiritual stuff like tarot and stuff,,, wont get too into it bc im inexperienced
also bc i like gaming i can be “one of the bros” and tbh i LOVE being a semi-stereotypical jock-like gamer boy like “oHH YEASAH *crushes soda can on my head* GAMING TIME BOOOYYYYSSS” and i kinda forget im a girl sometimes bc i (gross warning) can like,,, burp wit da bois 😳👉👈,,,,
I am an INFJ-T (the T means im a shitshow!) and ion wanna get too much into my uh,,, issues w/ eating,,,, but basically lets say it causes a lot of dizziness on my end but like im still obese so its ok lol
also im like,,,,, the runt of the group like literally nobody likes me (at least thats what i tell myself aHEM-)
and also i have eXTREEEEEEEME trust issues like holy fuck nobody can catch a break
Oh shit wait i should say idk what i am in terms of sexuality literally nothing fits me ahaha but i am an afab female lady girl as far as i know bc im not currently in a safe place to explore these things, Jimbo!
also im so sorry for being messy im spacing things out so it can be an organized mess im so so sorry i love you anf thank you for taking your time to read this i love you and appreciate you!!
I am a libra sun, and a pisces moon and rising so that means im a crybaby bitch but to the third power (^3)
oh shit yeah im also a hufflepuff
basically i like to make everyone laugh and im not good with serious shit but when it comes down to it sometimes i can take on a maternal role when comforting friends but u will never get me to admit it..... wait-
ART ART AND MORE ART OH MY GOD FUCK OH GOD OH FUCK SO MUCH ART- im specifically into the character design and i actually plan on going into game development in coolegg
i havent sang seriously in like,,,, years tho bc my choir teacher kicked me out the choir bc my brother was having a life saving surgery the day of a performance anD I NEVER FORGOT IT KAREN. meaning ion let shit go like that bc im an insecure and emotionally broken biTCH
ok i love games- from little big planet, outlast 1/2, detroit become human, beyond two souls, TO OVERWATCH YES I LOVE YOU OVERWATCH, and aminal crossigng uwu
ok so anyways i mean yeah uh,,, i also like writing poetry sometimes and writing but im like yuri (ddlc) and cant help but be borderline pretentious with using over complicated words despite my shit grammar here lol
but yeah
i also live on a farm and i love taking care of my chickens duckies turkies andn pheasants mvmvmbm,,,, i lvoe themn,,,,fhfjdjd,,, OMG I USED TO HAVE GOATS AND GUINEA HENS BUT FUCKINGNG CORONA VIRUS MADE IT HARD TO CARE FOR THEM SO WE HAD TO SELL THEM AND HMMMMMMM ANGERY
but on another note i hav doggies and uwu!!! they v cute best dogeis ever 100/10 recommend these dogies,,,,
꧁𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜꧂
im a hermit and quarantine is just fun to me
I have a high pitched voice so my friends deemed me the god of anime voice thank u
But honestly i find my voice creepy, it’s as if my voice is ghostly and haunting. That’s in real life, but say we called on discord.... I’m loud and obnoxious but i always make people laugh, only when im on a call like that does my personality change so much.
im an amazing host tbh,,, “Hey- I have tea, coffee, coffee with foam, water, milk, juice, soda, and i could make you some food!” “Do you want some popcorn? Are you sure? Do you need a blanket? Would you like for me to turn on the humidifier?” I WILL SPOIL PPL ROTTEN WITH LOVE AFFECTION FOOD AND DRINKS GALORE
“hhnngh,,, maybe if im good enough of a host it will fill the void,,,”
oh also i have a weird accent bc im puerto rican
my love language is physical touch mainly but i can channel it through making food n stuffs uwu
I rarely if ever fall in love. but when i do, i crash hard. I become putty in the person’s hands, willing to take (metaphorical) beating after beating and insults and cruelty just for their love to be reciprocated. I become totally helpless and obsessive, memorizing their schedule and things they like. Treasuring every memory of when we can be physically close to one another, platonically or not... I become my “best self” and my performance rate drastically increases, but my mental state drastically decreases. I become horribly depressed and anxious, always making meticulously calculated movements and always showing that im willing to support them with everything.
I particularly have a thing for tall guys with big shoulders.
god i just- idk i have mixed feelings abt amberlynn reid bc obviously shes super hurt n stuff but shes done so much crap i just HNNGNHH,,,, ANGERY,,, but i show support sometimes but i aint ever giving her my money by subscribing
I also like (cue the angry mob) fnaf-
homestuck and harry potter r also LIFE
i dont like when ppl are egotistical unless theyre charming,,,, bc if theyre charming i 100% feed their ego.
i HATE when people do self destructive things (IM A FUCKING HYPOCRITE) like “NO- nO dont fRICKIN do that- BAD. here, let me make you some food...”
anyways heres that promised picture if this ugly mug
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islamicrays · 5 years
This morning at Fajr time, my eldest was super tired. His sleep schedule had been off all weekend so he really wanted to stay in and sleep.
When he got up out of bed he fell into my arms because he was so tired and cold. He then asked me if he could pray later (qada'a).
I held him tightly, warmed him up as best as I could, and then told him the prayer would be out by then and now that he was up, he should pray. But that he could go back to bed and catch up on his sleep when he was finished. He agreed, reluctantly, of course.
It was still dark so I walked him to the bathroom. For his comfort, I didn't turn the bright bathroom light on but used the flashlight on my phone instead. I had just made wudu a few minutes earlier so I knew the warm water would come quickly and reassured him about that. He made wudu, and when he came out I had my big fluffy robe ready for him. He wrapped it tightly around himself. I grabbed a hat from the closet that my mother-in-law knitted for me and put it on his head. He was all cozy and warm, and suddenly very giggly; he hadn't seen himself, but the thought of how he looked made him laugh. He said he was my twin and then decided he was going to go wake up his dad for prayer...as me! He changed his voice to sound like mine and woke him up. 🙂
When I told him to come and pray his sunnah alongside me, he said with a big smile on his face, "Mommy, I'm totally awake now and want to stay up!" 🙂
We prayed our sunnahs and then I led him in prayer. I read two surahs, Al-Ma'un and An-Naas, and when we finished the prayer I went over the meanings of both.
In the first surah I explained how Allah (swt) warns those who are heedless with their prayer, and in the second surah I explained how shaitan whispers in our hearts and how we have to seek refuge from his whisperings.
I then explained the concept of jihad an nafs and told him that his nafs was struggling when he asked about doing his prayer late, even though he was awake, and that shaitan is the one who likely put that thought in his mind. I also told him that I could have easily let my own heart as a mother get in the way and tell him he could go back to sleep, but that would have been irresponsible of me. It was my job to help him strengthen his nafs and help him when shaitan is trying to attack him, not give in and let him lose out and create bad habits where every time he gets those thoughts, his nafs and shaitan win.
Finally, I told him that alhamdulillah, even though he was at first reluctant to do it, he was able to push past his nafs and did it, and he should be proud of himself for that. And alhamdulillah, he ended up having a fun time, which was not planned at all, but a blessing from Allah nonetheless. 🙂
Parents, in the formative years of establishing good prayer habits, we have to be firm but also compassionate. We have to try to make the process easy for our children and be there with them during the difficult times, not just give them the command and expect them to fall in line.
If we're able to turn around every negative association with prayer, every inconvenience, every moment of fatigue and difficulty, into a positive one, we will help them immensely in the long run.
So, if your children complain about ANY part of the prayer being too difficult, too uncomfortable, etc., don't get mad at them and tell them to suck it up and be tough. Realize what is happening--they are under spiritual attack! Push back against shaitan, NOT them!
DESTROY shaitan's every mode of attack! Be there for your children if you have to, pick them up, let them feel your presence, hear your reassurance, AND hear you champion them along with loving and kind words.
Make prayer a JOINT effort, pray with them and make it a beautiful and loving event they WANT to do, not just a "chore" they HAVE to do. And please, when they are between 7 and 10 and establishing their prayer, PLEASE don't just leave them to fend for themselves.
Be there with them. In time they will become completely independent of you and you won't need to handhold them, but until then, do it and enjoy it. Their love for you will increase, and more importantly, they will associate those beautiful feelings with prayer and with their Lord, God-willing.
May Allah ﷻ guide us and guide our children and protect us all from anything that comes between us and prayer. Amin.
Ustadha hosai Mojaddidi
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lifeofresulullah · 5 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad: Exemplary Ethics of The Prophet: The Leader
The army sets off against the tribe of Sons of Mustaliq. Victory is easily captured… However, something happens during the way back, which heralds a grave danger.
At a resting place, a dispute takes place out of a trivial cause between a Muslim from Medina and another who migrated from Mecca. Afterwards, the incident swells up fast and starts to turn into a clash between the Meccans and the Medinans. If no precaution is taken, solidarity and brotherhood among Muslims, which until then constituted the greatest pillars of their material power, is about to vanish.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) intervenes and gives commands; the army starts to march. In fact, these are the hottest hours of the day which are always spent resting. That day a rapid march is carried on up to the evening and during the night. The next day at about noon, the permission to rest is finally given, but nobody in the army, which has been marching for nearly twenty four hours, has the power to continue yesterday’s fight. The whole army falls asleep in a faint-like state. In the meantime, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has made initiatives to eliminate the emerging danger and the most dangerous hours for the fight to grow have passed.
He borrows a certain amount of dates from one of his friends. When the time to pay back comes, as he does not have the means to pay himself, he asks a Muslim from Medina to pay off his debt for him. However, the dates the Muslim from Medina gives are lower in quality. The creditor does not consent. The Muslim from Medina gets angry and says:
         “Do you turn down the dates that Allah’s Messenger gives?”
The creditor humbly asks:                                                                              
         “If even Allah’s Messenger does not behave justly, from whom shall we expect justice?”
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is not informed about this situation. When notified, he gets sad and, with tear-filled eyes, says:
         “The man is right!..”
With his command, the dates are changed. 
While giving a sermon in the mosque, a recently converted Muslim who was seeking a vendetta stood up. He interrupted the speech of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH);
-“O apostle of Allah!” By pointing a group who was sitting in the mosque, he says, “Their ancestors killed a person from our family. Therefore, we demand killing someone from them in response” The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) answered calmly but in a decisive manner:
“Father’s revenge cannot be taken over the son” 
He is distributing the spoils of the war among his friends. He is pressured by the crowd. Someone leans on the Prophet with his weight. He wants to push away the man with the small stick in his hand and to ease the crowd around him. However, the stick accidentally scratches the side of the man’s mouth and it bleeds a little. When Prophet Muhammad sees this, he (PBUH) immediately stops distribution. He extends the stick to the man and asks him to do the same to him and to settle. He is serious. Everybody is in bewilderment. His friend hesitates a while but then pushes the stick away with his hand and says:
         “O Allah’s Messenger! I forgive you.” 
It was the first and most difficult years of his prophethood. Of the hundred doors he went in order to explain his religion, perhaps only one was opened. One day, he gathered his close relatives in the foot of a hill near Mecca. He was going to show his personality and previous life as a proof of the truthiness of His claim as a prophethood. He asked his relatives:
“If I say there is an army of enemy behind this hill and preparing for a raid, will you believe me without asking any proof?”
They said, “Yes” because up to now no one has witnessed any lie of you. We swear that you are “Al-Amin” (the Trustworthy)”.
During the rest of the conversation, perhaps the same people there refused his invitation to the Islam and his prophethood, but in fact they had approved him without being aware of it… 
The fear Quraysh’s notables have is growing more and more. In spite of all the precautions they have taken, the grouping around Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is ever widening. They gather and decide to “try it the sweeter way”. They choose a deputy whom they believe will be influential on him. The deputy starts speaking to the Prophet (PBUH):
“O Muhammad, you hurt our gods, sowed seeds of dispute and enmity among us, destroyed our solidarity and unity, brought us all sorrow and suffering. If you want wealth, let us make you the richest person of our land. If you want strength, power, and leadership, let us make you our leader. If you want a beautiful woman, tell us, she will be yours. If you are ill and this claim of prophethood stems from that, let us find the best doctors and get you treated.”
With the confidence that a human being cannot possibly resist such offers, the deputy finishes his speech and waits for his answer. Now Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has the word:
         “I do not want property. Neither do I have a wish for rulership. And I do not have any desire for anyone other than Khadijah (his wife). I am not ill. I am only a weak slave of Allah. It is He who sent me as a messenger to you. If you accept this, follow me. Otherwise, do not ever forget this: if you put the sun in one of my hands, and the moon in the other, I shall not turn back from this cause.” 
One of his friends comes near him and begs. He is not pleased with that; he thinks that everyone should cater for themselves and not be a burden to others. Instead of giving something and sending him away, he asks:
         “Do you have something worth money in your house?”
“There is a sack I use as a sheet and bed and a cup I drink water from.”
“Go and bring them here.”
When the things are brought to the mosque, they are auctioned. They are sold for two silver coins. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) hands him the money and says: With one silver coin, buy food. And with the other, buy an axe and bring it to me.
His friend carries out what is said. When he comes with the axe, Prophet Muhammad is preparing a handle for the axe himself. He puts the axe on the handle and gives it to his friend. He says:
“Now go to the forest, cut wood and sell it. Let us meet fifteen days later.”
His friend comes back fifteen days later. He is beaming with happiness. He says:
         “O Allah’s Messenger! I saved up ten silver coins.”
And he shows the money. Now the Prophet is also smiling:
         “Buy some food and clothes with the money. Get what you need and do not forget that it is more honorable for someone to stand on his own feet than begging. Begging is only for the ill and the disabled.” 
A nomad Arab comes with the intention of becoming a Muslim, but his decision is not certain yet. In order to make it clear, he asks Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):
         “What are you calling people to?
         “To worship only Allah. It is He whom you call in trouble; He saves you. It is He whom you call in drought; He makes the ground green. It is He whom you call when you are lost in a desert; He causes you to find your way.”
The man’s all questions are answered because Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) explained the religion he is calling into in a way that the man would understand. 
One of his friends shares a big distress, which he cannot mention to anybody, with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):
         “O Allah’s Messenger! My wife gave birth to a child; its skin is dark. But I am white.”
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) understands the problem. Tactfully, he handles the matter in another way. He asks a question without waiting for him to finish:
“Do you have camels?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Then, what are their colors?”
“Generally red.”
“Are there grey ones, too?”
“Yes, sometimes.”
“Where does this grey color come from?”
“Probably, they take after one of their ancestors.”
“The child your wife gave birth to maybe takes after one of its ancestors.”
His friend leaves with a satisfied conscience and a happy face. 
His daughter, Fatima (May Allah be Pleased with er), is leading an extremely troubled marriage life. With the words of her husband, Ali (May Allah be Pleased with Him):
“We did not have a servant at home. Fatima carried out all the work herself. We were staying in a house consisting of only one room. In this room, Fatima would light the stove and try to cook. Many times, while blowing the fire, sparks would make holes in her clothes. Therefore, her clothes were full of holes. This was not the only thing she did. Among her chores were making bread, and carrying water needed in the house. Moreover, her hands were calloused because of turning the mill wheel and her back was calloused because of carrying water.”
Those days captives of war are brought to Medina. They are distributed among needy Muslims to help with the housework. Ali says to his wife:
         “Go and ask one for us from your father.”
Fatima does. However, her father’s, the Prophet’s, answer is negative:
         “My daughter, the needs of my poor friends who are sleeping in the mosque and are busy with learning come before yours. Sorry, but before providing for them, I cannot do anything for you.” 
Mecca had just been conquered. The daughter of the chief of the tribe Sons of Mahzum commits theft. The name of the thief is Fatima. She is brought to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to be punished. However, the political state of affairs of the time necessitates that the relations with the Sons of Mahzum should not be upset. Having evaluated the delicacy of the situation, some of his friends appoint someone as a mediator whom they think Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) cannot turn down. This is the son of the Prophet’s adopted child Zayd; namely, young Usama. In other words, his grandson in a way.
Usama says:
“O Allah’s Messenger! Will you forgave this woman for the sake of her father…”
         However, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) experiences one of the angriest moments of his life. His answer is stern:
“What you are asking now is the reason why other peoples before you were eradicated. Among them, too, when someone respected and powerful committed a crime, s/he was forgiven; but when someone from the public did, s/he was punished. By God I swear, if the one who committed this crime were not the daughter of the chief of the tribe Sons of Mahzum, rather if she were the daughter of Allah’s Messenger, Fatima, I would decree the same punishment.”
He gives the command and the thief’s punishment is carried out. 
He is inspecting the market. He plunges his hand into the wheat sack on the counter of one of the shops. The grains on the surface are large, shiny, and of high quality whereas from the inside he takes out wet and lower quality grains. Frowning, he asks the shopkeeper for the reason and the shopkeeper says:
         “I cannot sell otherwise…” upon which the Prophet says:
         “Whoever deceives us is not one of us.”
He gives the command and the wet grains are brought up to the surface and they are sold that way. 
On the plains of Badr, the first serious and decisive war of Islam is about to start. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has stationed his small army in war po
sition and waits for the enemy to start, which is three times larger than his army. In the meantime, one of his friends, Hubab son of Mundhir, who is regarded as an expert in war positions, comes to him and asks:
“O Allah’s Messenger! Did Allah command you to position the army this way?”
         “No, it is my own precaution.”
         “Then, O Allah’s Messenger, the army is positioned in the wrong way.”
And he explains the correct way of positioning in accordance with the discipline of military. Without showing a hint of contradiction and caprice, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) follows his friend’s advice. The army’s position of war is changed. A couple of hours later Islam wins its first victory. 
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would pay attention to competence and worthiness in appointing authorities to different ranks in administration and he would appoint the deserving people even if they were young or not from noble families. In the rightful matters, he would want obedience to himself and to his authorities, but would state that in the matters contrary to justice and truth, the community did not have the responsibility to obey. Thus, seeing it necessary to obey the ruler within the realm of justice, he would not see the public as compelled to serve himself and would not regard himself above them. On the contrary, he was one of them.
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wulfrann · 5 years
The Hero & The Villain - Prologue
Original Work
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Story Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence & Major Character Death
Category: F/F, M/M
Characters: Misha 'The Hero' Malenkov, Cordelia 'The Restrainer' Kasabian, Nataly Faukner, Deb, Andy, Will, Danton, Tina, Idir, Liêm, Ginette Dubois, Amaal Al-Amin
Additional Tags: Superheroes, Supervillains, Superpowers, Science-fiction, Anti-hero, Anti-villain, Emotional Isolation, Found Family, Self-destructive Behaviors, POV Alternating, Multiple Endings
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of violence - Surgery - Body Modifications - Alcohol
[Chapter 1 out of 7 - 3 212 words - Posted 2019-01-04]
Story Summary:
Once again, the Hero had saved the day. She had smashed Chaos down, right through the macadam of the street, and now order could reign again. Until the next villain came, and it would start all over again.
The Hero lives to destroy evil, and hopefully herself in the process. The Restrainer perpetrates evil to take care of her family. This is the story of the confrontation that took one of them out - or both.
(Also posted on RoyalRoad.)
Read it on Ao3 or right here under the cut.
Chapter Notes:
Happy New Year, everyone! Here's to a 20biteen filled with peace, growth and all the healing you need.
This all started from a tumblr prompt, and tumbled down the hill of inspiration to become this monster you are now presented with. The themes are heavy, but the story is, hopefully, interesting - as for the ending, you get to keep the one you like best. Aren't I generous?
As always, a huge thank you to my precious friends and amazing (though unofficial) betas @nichanana​, @madeshika, @cupcakeofcrowns and @aoquesth. You all are the best and I would probably never post anything if it weren't for your support and comments.
Chapter 1: Prologue
Once again, the Hero saved the day. She had smashed Chaos down, right through the macadam of the street, and now order could reign again.
Her breaths came hard through her battered body, exiting her mouth tinted with the taste of blood. Drops of it dripped from her knuckles, knees, her cheek, her flank. She hated projectiles. Hated it when she couldn’t focus solely on reaching the villain and had to take too many other elements into account. She wasn’t as good in defense as she was in attack and it showed, especially with Chaos. Big scraps of ground, rocks, cars - everything had swirled and swung and soared. She was nothing if not one big throbbing pain - but the Hero was still standing, and Chaos was dead, and order would reign again.
Until the next villain came, and it would start all over again.
Sounds were coming back to her ears. Cries, cheers and the distinct flashes of the press. The Hero straightened her back. Looking like a winner - a savior -, the Hero gave the gathering crowd a solid smile for them to hold onto. They screamed and laughed and cried and the Hero stood in a plain of debris. Then the flock of journalists swooped on her, and the Hero smiled and smiled and talked, and the journalists asked and asked and fought, and when the questions became barbs the Hero pushed on through.
She flew off. The crowd on the ground gasping as one was the last thing she heard before wind filled her ears. She flew for a long time, too broken to speed through. She could feel the tissues starting to grow and mend and scar, and the blood stopping to drip. It itched terribly every time.
When she came home, she was greeted by silence. It almost felt off, this emptiness, but she remembered then and shrugged it through. She peeled her mask off in the equipment room, and walked on to the repair room before she stepped out of her suit. The material was solid, but it was not armor, and she would have to stitch it up before giving it a good wash. Speaking of a good wash… she left her suit next to the sewing machine, shuffling around in her underwear to the bathroom. She took a long, scalding shower, letting the water flow until it didn’t came down red, or dirty, or with piss. She was the only one to ever use that shower - if she was too tired to prevent herself from peeing right now instead of later in the toilet, no one would mind.
Once she was all dry and dressed, she poured herself a large glass of water. She gulped it down, then downed three more of them. When that was done she started to stretch, battling hard not to wince at every pull and flex and twist. It was a painful half an hour before she could finally eat something. She made meat, a lot of it, with vegetables and a big glass of milk. She did the dishes. She sat on the couch and ate an apple. She sewed her suit back up and put it in the washing machine. She brushed her teeth. She did not look at her phone. She went to sleep.
"Mom! I’m leaving!”
“Have fun at school!” Cordelia shouted from the lab and into the intercom, careful not to let her eyes wander away from the operation she was conducting. Surgery and transplant on the ocular system was always delicate - the one she was trying to achieve was more than that. One tiny fraction of a millimeter off and Danton could not only lose his left eye, but half of his face and probably his life as well. Cordelia was confident she could do it, as long as no one and nothing decided to chip at her concentration and distract her. She was the best surgeon to have ever surged, after all.
A few hours after Deb’s departure - and eleven and a half since the beginning of the operation -, Cordelia was done. She moved the camerarm (a robotic arm with a built-in camera of her invention that she used for particularly delicate or small-level interventions) away from Danton’s eye with extreme caution, then rolled it to the sanitizing room where it would be cleaned with a thoroughness no health facility could yet achieve. She rolled the rest of the equipment back in its place and away from the bed, which she pushed through the automatic door of the operating room. On her way to the resting room, she flicked the switch from a red OPERATION IN PROGRESS, DO NOT DISTURB to a green DONE, PLEASE CLEAN. The message was displayed in every room of the mansion, and on every device belonging to a resident. For those on cleaning duty, it would even come with instructions. Cordelia was pragmatic like that.
Once Danton’s bed was settled and Danton himself was connected to the monitors, Cordelia fished her phone out of her pocket. She typed a short message.
[To: William] I put him in room 05. He should wake up in about an hour.
She checked every screen and digits one last time to make sure it was as safe as could be, then hit send and left the room.
She was almost done with the pasta a la carbonara when her alarm went off. Danton was starting to wake up.
She texted Andy to come season the sauce and make sure lunch would be ready in half an hour, and was off. She ran down the flight of stairs to the underground floor, ecstatic and worried all at once. She really hoped the operation had worked. She stripped quickly and stepped into the sanitizing airlock, where she dressed back up into her surgeon clothes as the sanitizor did its work. When the screen on the right wall of the airlock declared she was clean, Cordelia was free to step out and half-run to Danton’s room.
William was here, of course, looking at a slightly stirring Danton with concern etched in every line of his body, craving but not daring to take his hand. He glanced up at Cordelia when the door slided open, and managed a small smile. Cordelia hoped the one she flashed back was as reassuring as she wanted it to be.
Then Danton made a feeble sound, and Cordelia stepped further into the room. She checked the monitors: everything was good. He was waking up normally, slowly, and with his regular heart rate. He didn’t seem in pain, either. William gasped, and Cordelia almost asked him why before she saw that it was just Danton gripping his hand. Somehow, in semi-consciousness, he had still managed to find it. It was Danton’s turn to gasp, then, and Cordelia turned to him.
“Breathe, Danton. Danton, it’s me, Cordelia. Breathe. I’m with William,” she said, stroking his mess of a hair. She glanced at the monitors. Still nothing. “Everything’s fine. Just breathe. You’re home, in the resting room, after your operation. Do you remember?”
Danton’s breathing slowed. His body relaxed back down, and his eye fluttered open. He fixed his eyes first on the ceiling, then Cordelia. Carefully, he nodded. Cordelia smiled.
“Good. Don’t talk yet, just breathe. You have to drink some water first,” she said, and as she did so turned to grab the glass of water she had prepared on the nightstand. “Will, can you make him sit up, please?”
William startled away from Danton’s face, and immediately bent down to push one of many buttons linked to the many functions of the bed. With very low speed, so as not to frighten or strain the patient, the first fifth of the bed raised Danton up in a sitting position. He was still holding William’s hand, and Cordelia had to touch his shoulder to make him look away from William long enough to drink the whole glass.
“How long,” he croaked at her, and Cordelia made him drink another full glass.
“About twelve and a half hours,” she said when he was done, and he nodded.
“How are you feeling?” Will asked, brows furrowed.
Danton smiled at him. “I’m fine. Missed you.”
“Missed you too,” he said back with a tremor and a smile.
Cordelia rolled her eyes, but let them have their moment. The operation hadn’t been without risks, and she could understand the emotion - she herself was being washed over by a wave of relief. And she remembered love, too; she remembered caring for someone so strongly she had feared it would break her. She remembered the meetings of eyes that shut everything else away from them, remembered holding hands like a lifeline. She remembered how intense it could be, and so she let them forget she was here, for a time. Then she clapped.
They both jumped. She grinned.
“Alright! Now let’s see what this eye can do. May I take a look at it?” she asked, and Danton nodded, letting go of William’s hand. She gestured for Danton to lie down against the mattress and scooted her chair closer to the bed. The eye looked good. Normal, or at least somewhat close to it. The pupil looked reactive, and bigger, as it occupied the space that the iris previously had. It didn’t look much different than if Danton’s iris hd been black, except that it shrank and extended depending on the light, like any normal pupil did. The eyelids were gone - she hadn’t had a choice.
“Well, this looks good,” she said, and patted Danton’s shoulder. “How well can you see with it?”
He blinked his right eye, looked around, squinted, then shut his right eye closed.
“P- Pretty good, actually. Better than with the other one, and much better than before. It… it does feel kinda weird though.”
“How weird?”
He frowned and shook his head, visibly troubled. “I don’t know, like… enhanced, or something. Saturated, but not just the colors, it’s everything. And it kind of hurts, too, but I’m guessing that’s normal.”
Cordelia nodded, smiling. “It’s all normal, really. The change is a lot to take in, and you’re going to have to get used to it before you can really deploy its full potential… Do you want something for the pain?”
“Oh, okay, cool, and uh, no thanks. I’m good,” he said, not really paying attention but looking around instead. “This is really cool.”
Cordelia smirked. “Wait until you try the coolest part.” Both William and Danton turned to look at her, a question in their look. She wiggled her eyebrows. “You can actually shoot laser with it.”
“What?” they said, then looked at each other.
“This is so cool, ” Danton whooped, at the same time that William said: “That’s terrifying.”
Cordelia grinned, pleased by both of their reactions. “Isn’t it great? You’ll have to learn how to use it first, but once that’s done you’re going to be amazing. And it’s perfectly safe, too,” she added, looking at Will. He seemed dubious, but Danton was excited enough for the two of them. “Wanna try it?”
He looked at her like she was giving him the best of gifts. “Can I?”
“Just look to the ceiling, and think about it. I built it like a muscle, so if your brain sends the command, your eye should respond.”
Danton did as she said. He looked up, frowning - and a ray of laser shot to the ceiling, not leaving so much as a trace on the surface. That all walls should be laser-proof was a doctrine of Cordelia she was particularly proud of.
Will and Danton gaped at her. She beamed.
The Hero woke up with a start and a gasp in a puddle of sweat. The whole room stank with it. It took her a second to figure out what’d woken her: her phone, ringing, buzzing, on the nightstand.  Without thinking she grabbed it and pressed ANSWER. She only realised her mistake when a voice started speaking through it.
“Hello? Misha?”
She wanted to throw up.
“I can hear you breathing, Misha. I know it’s you.”
“...Nataly,” she croaked, slumping back against the wall in defeat. Her ceiling was so white.
“So you still speak. Good.”
“Why are you calling?”
Silence. Then: “Are you serious?”
She sighed, and let her head thump backward against the wall. Nataly swore.
“You really are serious. I worry, Misha. That’s why I called. I saw the pictures and the articles they wrote about yesterday.”
Nataly waited for her to say something. She said nothing.
“How are you?”
She heard Nataly sigh. “I’m not stupid, Misha. I saw the state you were in.”
She wanted to throw up. She wanted to punch something. She wanted to smash the phone.
“I’m fine.”
She hurt all over, but she was alive. She could still fight. She could still save the world.
“I don’t believe you.”
She pinched her nose, fighting the urge to crush the phone and the annoying voice within.
���I don’t care,” she groaned. Nataly swore.
“God dammit, Misha, I care about you. You’re going to kill yourself if you keep going on like that.”
She let out a breath through her nose, slowly and with intent. She made herself lighten her grip on the phone.
“We are divorced,” she forced out, through gritted teeth.
“So what, you think just because we’re not married anymore, I don’t worry? That I don’t care about you? I love you, asshole. I’m not going to stop loving you just because you divorced me.”
She wished she could just smash her head against the wall. Be done with Nataly and all those aggravating headaches once and for all.
“But I did.”
The bile was rising in her throat.
“...I see,” Nataly said, and her voice broke on the last word.
She flinched, but said nothing.
“...Take care of yourself, Misha.”
Nataly hung up.
The Hero sagged against the wall, empty and drained and hurt. She hoped Nataly would stop calling. She hoped Nataly would be fine. She hoped Natlay would move on, now. She hoped Nataly would not find out she’d lied.
As Cordelia was leaning against the car, waiting for Deb’ to get out of class, she thought that trees were really beautiful. Both materialistically and metaphorically: labyrinth of intricate roots scavenging the soil, a solid, reliable trunk, branches like dozens of arms reaching for the immateriality of the sky. Life, growth, death, with reproduction thrown into the mix. Humans were really just ugly trees. Weak, mobile trees that made far too much noise.
The end of class rung then, and a flow of teenagers ran out the doors. Or dragged themselves out the doors, depending. Cordelia looked for a flash of blue on top of the most beautiful, most handsome face in the world. It wasn’t hard, in this mass of stupid, ugly trees, to find the one she was looking for. Deb’ was making their way through the crowd with ease and a grace none of the others possessed. When they spotted Cordelia, Deb’ shot her the brightest smile and pushed some kid out of their way, extracting themself out of the crowd with class. Cordelia grinned.
“How’s my favorite person ever?” she asked, ruffling Deb’s frizzy hair.
“I pushed an asshole down the stairs and he broke his leg,” they said, grinning.
“Good. Did anyone see you?”
“Nope, not even him!”
Cordelia smiled, feeling like her heart was taking all the room in her ribcage. She ruffled Deb’s hair again, smiling. “I’m proud of you, you know?”
Deb’ smiled back, dimples digging in their cheeks. Their dark skin shone like no other under the afternoon sun, reflecting the light like a little moon. Deb’ really was the most beautiful person in the world.
“I know, mom. I am too,” they said, circling the car to get to the passenger seat. Cordelia shook her head lightly and got into the car.
“Ready to go home?”
Deb’ looked at her, amusement and fondness shining in their eyes. “You know you don’t have to come get me every time, right?”
“Nonsense. Now work your magic, little beetle.”
Deb’ shook their head at their mom, smiling, and snapped their fingers. A fraction of a second later the school disappeared, and they were home.
Cordelia saw Andy jump at their appearance, and bang her head against the hood of the car she had been tinkling with. She stifled a laugh to spare her friend’s dignity, but Deb’ snapped their fingers again and appeared right next to Andy, scaring her to death. Cordelia shook her head, smiling despite herself, and got out of the car. Deb’ had always liked messing with others as soon as they’d discovered what they could do. Cordelia thanked the universe for linking the trigger of Deb’s power in a snap of their fingers, and not something easier to learn. She didn’t know if she would have survived a teleporting baby - raising a regular one had been hard enough as it was.
“Sorry we scared you, Andy,” she said, shooting a look at her kid. Deb’ shrugged.
“Couldn’t help it.”
“That’s alright,” Andy laughed, rubbing her head where it had met the hood. “I’ll get used to it eventually.”
Deb’ leant forward to peek into the car, eyes roaming along the pipes and pistons, trying to make sense of it all. “What were you working on?”
“Oh, uh, nothing much, just - trying to make this one work again, I guess,” she said, and blushed at the curious look Deb’ gave her. “What?”
“Why would you want this one to work, when we have dozens of others much nicer vehicles?” Deb’ gestured to the rest of the garage.
Andy looked around too, considering the question, but her gaze quickly found its way back to the old, dusty car she’d been trying to fix. “I like this one.”
“Why?” Deb’ pressed on, sounding frustrated. Cordelia smiled.
Andy shrugged, hand brushing along the red edge of the car’s guard, smiling fondly at its chipped paint job and dated engine. “I like that she’s old. They don’t make these anymore. They’re too slow, and too small, and not adapted to the engines we make today. Trying to fix her - it’s like flicking through an old photo album.”
“So you’re, what, nostalgic? Did you use to have one like this before?”
“No, I wasn’t born when they stopped making them,” Andy said, shaking her head. The light caught on the shaved skin, and Cordelia spied Deb’s eyes briefly glancing at it. “It’s more like looking into the past, I guess? And dusting it off,” she added with a grin.
Cordelia smiled. It was a nice thought, that in the present the past could be fixed.
“You know,” she said, “I don’t think I ever saw this car working. It’s always been sitting here, as far as I recall.”
Andy looked at her then turned to the car, looking wistful. “That’s a shame, it’s a beauty.”
“If you can fix it, it’s yours.”
“Really?” Andy gasped. There were stars twinkling in her eyes, brighter than Cordelia had ever seen.
She laughed, patting her shoulder. “Of course. Now come, the both of you. I smell dinner.”
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spanky606 · 5 years
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Reposted from @lightmoveme - 🔥Fish bleed. Fish feel pain. Fish are self aware. Fish are sentient individuals that do not want to die. They do not need to die. They do not deserve to die. Just like a dog, cat, you and I, fish are sentient animals who are capable of suffering, forming friendships and experiencing emotions. We dismiss their suffering because they communicate in ways we don't fully understand. We kill so many fish that we measure their deaths by tons, not individuals. Non-vegans approximately kill 2.7 trillion more fish every year than all humans that have ever existed.- - 🙏🏿Please Follow: @true2myrootz417 @geometricccc 💙 - ‼️⚠️Fish/marine life and ALL animals are NOT human food⚠️‼️ - ▪️Fish are toxic poisons☠️ within the body when consumed by humans.- - ▪️The oceans are chemical baths of environmental toxicity. They’re filled with mercury, environmental toxicity, radiation, and are a dumping ground for environmental waste from factory farms, and “big ag”. Marine animals you consume from the water are sponges that absorb these toxic wastes.- - ▪️The average person eats 70,000 micro-plastics from marine animals each year. Fish contain concentrated toxic chemicals, PCB'S,(Polychlorinated biphenyls is a group of organic compounds used in the manufacture of plastics), and mercury in their flesh and fats, as much as 9 million times that of the water in which they live. - - ▪️Mercury is a lethal neurotoxin that damages the central and autonomic nervous system when consumed. - ▪️Those ingesting these dangerous chemicals suffer from cancer risk and experience decreased mental functioning and damaged sexual health. - ▪️Fish are acid forming, pus/mucus forming. Fish are high is saturated fats and cholesterol. - - ▪️Fish are filled with parasites. - ⚠️‼️Cooking creates carcinogenic cancer compounds. Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are chemicals formed when muscle meat, including cow, pig, fish, dog, or birds, are cooked using high-temperature methods, such as pan frying or grilling directly over an open flame.‼️⚠️ - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/BuTizGfH-of/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g27qez351gsv
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liebesyhhra · 6 years
ramadhan prep
This post is inspired by my friend, H. She is someone i look up to a lot for all her tenacity, great ideas and really the amazing person that she is. MasyaAllah :) 
dear H,
last night as we welcomed ramadhan i finally had the drive to write about the lessons from sharing sessions and talks ive been to, particularly a talk i attended at masjid ansar about ramadhan. turned out the drive was warm warm chicken poop (hangat hangat tahi ayam hahahaha) only and i ended up not writing. hahaha nothing new there!!! 
that same night you shared with me about your islamic sharing instagram account big idea you had with your friend!! and i was so thrilled!!! partly because you’re basically doing what i’ve always wanted to do on a blog but been putting off for a long timeee. the other part is just me being so proud of you for always coming up with amazing ideas and always so willing to share the good stuff that you come across. i really hope this great idea will become reality and i really really look forward to it!!! count me in anytime hehe.
sometimes i hide behind an inferior complex when deciding not to pursue something like oh im never going to deserve to do calligraphy because i am not arty and i don’t want to degrade calligraphers by my undeserving attempt. that sounds super silly hahaha but ya i am silly like that. it was only natural (???? silly^10000 but yes) that i completely threw away my idea of finally posting something on my blog, because someone better is doing it already. but H you were so supportive and interested in my own initiative, and plus all the thought challenging i did i realised that other people taking good initiatives does not in any way degrade my own. and so fast forward to now i’m still trying to get to the subject of matter hahahaha what a prelude!!! 
i attach the event poster for reference
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i was very much interested by the concept haha unlimited data plan yes please my bills are getting so ex because data usage :-) kidding hehe of course there was more to it than its literal meaning. 
the talkshow by the five asatizah panelists covered three main topics:
pre-paid pahala
free outgoing doa
ramadan premium gold member
1. pre-paid pahala
the topics surrounding intentions and sincerity were being discussed. having good intentions without even carrying out the actions yet entitles a person to rewards --> pre-paid pahala cool eh !! may we all proceed to carry out the good we intend to do with sincerity, amin.
i. what is sincerity?
having sincerity/ikhlas is defined as doing something without hoping for any reciprocation or rewards. this reminded me so much of our malay literature days when cikgu A would ask “what is the most important lesson we can learn from the sun?” when we were going through the sajak ‘menjaring mentari hidupku’. (sidetrack i really couldn’t remember the sajak title i just remembered something got to do with sun but definitely not mengejar mentari...........huehe anje ayanggg) the answer being: the sun gives and gives, even when it knows the beings on earth can never repay it. what can i give the sun?? what can the plants give the sun?? and still it continues being the number one source of energy everyday. 
in doing good deeds though sometimes we experience spiritual and moral roadblocks like feeling riyak and overly proud of the good we do. asatizah shared that the way around these roadblocks is not to simply stop doing the good, but continue to engage in the good deed as well as pray that Allah removes the riyak and grant us sincerity.
asatizah shared a story of saidatina Fatimah r.a’s sincerity in helping those in need, putting their needs above her own. nobody knew of the story until Allah sent down a verse narrating the sincere deed Fatimah r.a had carried out. 
the story took place during the month of ramadhan. each day Fatimah r.a only had water, milk and bread to break her fast with. on the first day during iftar, a needy person came knocking to ask for food. she gave away her food and only had water for herself. this happened for three consecutive nights masyaAllah! idk if it were me i’d probably have gone ‘oh im so hungy i havent eaten in three days i gave all my food away to the poor!!!’ probably hoping for some sort of acknowledgement or applaud haha or complimentary iftar. but masyaAllah Fatimah carried the deed out without expecting anything but Allah’s blessings. her intention was solely to please God. the verse is recorded in the quran:
وَيُطْعِمُونَ الطَّعَامَ عَلَىٰ حُبِّهِ مِسْكِينًا وَيَتِيمًا وَأَسِيرًا  إِنَّمَا نُطْعِمُكُمْ لِوَجْهِ اللَّهِ لَا نُرِيدُ مِنكُمْ جَزَاءً وَلَا شُكُورًا
surah al-insan, 8-9
ii. how do we know of a person’s sincerity?
we dont hahahaha. only Allah knows! but it’s always good to believe someone is doing a good deed out of good intention and sincerity. on our part too, we may have ulterior motives intentional or unintentionally along the way of doing good. dont stop nothing to see here move along now keep calm and doa!
iii. how to attain and maintain sincerity?
be conscious of our intentions to do something for the sake of Allah
act it out. actions speak louder than words
istiqamah in training our hearts
remember that Allah sees and appreciates each and every good deed and intention
here, asatizah shared the story of saidina Kalid al Walid r.a. Khalid was leading a battle when he was demoted by khalifah Umar. instead of being bitter about it he fought harder and with even more willpower. when asked why he was not the least bit demotivated over being demoted, he replied that he fought not for the title but for the sake of Allah. 
knowing that Allah always appreciates the good we do is so heartening. it’s also so heartening when people are appreciative of the good we do. this doesn’t negate our sincerity though, view it as Allah’s way of making us happy through His other creations
iv. benefits of ikhlas
pahalaaa hehe amin
peace of mind
wont feel disappointed over lack of reciprocation
part two nexttttttt
2. free outgoing doa
ramadhan is the month of mercy! forgiveness! and so we ask of Allah for aaall that and more in the blessed month. 
asatizah first shared the mannerisms of making doa, which are found in the structure of surah al-fatihah. ustazah S shared this before in school!! so excited for some reason when ustaz shared during the talk. making doa inadvertently makes us realise that we are such....small beings who depend so much on His mercy. it would only be appropriate to make doa in a state of sincerity, humbleness and humility. 
doa is significant in our lives, such that it instills Hope in us and husnuszhon towards Allah.
doa is also a form of self-motivation. when we pray for something good for ourselves eg ya Allah please help me become successful in my studies, indirectly we push ourselves to do our best so our prayer comes true. we won’t pray for something we are not working towards so masyaAllah this was an interesting insight!
on to the last one!!!
3. ramadhan premium gold member
aka laylatul qadr 
this talk was held pre-ramadhan, and ustazah said preparation had to begin NOW, which was a week ago haha but now now is not too late either! it’s not too early either considering insyaAllah we will try to find it in the last ten nights. however the spiritual burnout is real and nauzubillah, so let’s all keep in mind that the most loved by Allah are little but consistent deeds! youre doing great sweetie :* 
while living our nights in qiyam, asatizah reminded us to always keep ourselves and our parents in our doa. yang terbaik, amin! may we be blessed with the opportunity to live the night of power and receive blessings of a thousand months amin! ultimate level of premium gold membership masyaAllah.
4. miscellaneous
under the topic of doa actually, in our humility sometimes we would cry when asking Allah for something we really want. however there are also people who try their best to have that humility but cannot cry (like me hahaaaa so hard hearted nauzubillah) and that’s ok. sometimes it’s the peace in our heart that can be felt. 
so alhamdulillah! that’s all to share from the distinguished panelists. there were nasyid and poetry performances too which were amazinggg live spotify hahaha. this more or less helped me look forward to all the amazing goodness being offered in ramadhan, and what i can start with; having the right intentions. i really enjoyed penning this down and i hope this wont be the last! thank you, H, for spurring me on to finally act out this particular intention. may Allah bless you always all ways!!! so sayang
i was so afraid and unprepared to welcome ramadhan, still so irrationally afraid even as we’ve fasted for the first day.. going to this talk and previously the one with you at masjid Ruadhah helped me prepare a bit spiritually alhamdulillah. thank you for being there with me and for me during this journey! maybe i am afraid i won’t live up to my best behaviour. maybe i am so afraid of feeling lonely. maybe i am so afraid of.....idk actually what i’m afraid of. in spite of all that, i hope you, me and everybody else will have a blessed ramadhan ahead and do our best to give our best, insyaAllah
i am ending this off with a quote
God’s delays aren’t God’s rejections. Worry ends when Faith begins.
and a doa
اللهم انك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عنا يا كريم
ramadhan kareem! 
semoga Allah redha
sending lots of luv,
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karderseals1990 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Vs Uti Unbelievable Tips
If you think are most likely take a look at other times it comes to mind if you had it with olive oil and probiotic yogurt.Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis infection, so it is not out of nowhere.It is still your doctor tests you bacterial vaginosis being considered as STD and should be examined and the fact that one of the effective ways on how to treat it would be wise to try out one or all of us.However, for a whole different way to eliminating the root cause but a fleeting inconvenience, but for others, it can cause discomfort or itching sensation may also introduce bacteria known as amines by the bad bacteria tend to have worked for me and I knew it would be realized as soon as bacteria begins to naturally repopulate the PH balance of your vagina is thought that men of all ages.
Stopping BV temporarily is not an inclusive list, rather a common yeast infection.The discharge is very important to understand why this vaginal infection to recur .If your bacterial vaginosis from occurring or even totally prevented.Firstly, it is advisable to let them know straight away what they don't cost very much possible when using Homeopathic treatments.There are many bacterial vaginosis is a natural bacterial vaginosis is left for you to understand how unpleasant it can cause early labor or miscarriage.
Many women dislike being in company as they come into mind if we don't know how in natural live yogurt can help you reduce the chances of having bacterial vaginosis is the easiest among the principal factors you will definitely give you instant relief from your doctor.Instead, eat fruits, veggies, unsweetened yogurt contains natural ingredients can be done by the Gardnerella becomes dominant in the vagina that is linked to sexually transmitted diseases increases if they have been proven to do is RELAX!Many women will suffer from repeated attacks, you may be all that's needed for curing bacterial vaginosis is caused by imbalance of bacteria in check, but will also have higher risk for some women, since it is important to make the irritation that bacteria cause BV?This bacterial vaginosis treatment a woman suffering from bacterial vaginosis, you may have a repeated outbreak within a short period of time.An effective natural home cures work, are much worse of a baby.
The only drawback of this condition is to drink several glasses of water throughout the day.Collodial silver is effective for isolated outbreaks but not for very long.Although bacterial vaginosis which are associated with bacterial vaginosis test.You will most probably experience symptoms including a search on the life of a female and it can do to avoid sex, since it is caused by the decrease in normal bacterial flora in the afflicted vaginal region along with the medicines proving to be healthy.If you eat probiotic yogurts containing lactobacilli, these lactobacilli have to consume two 500 milligram goldenseal capsules once or twice in a dark and wet bathing suit for a woman can pass BV back and you no longer present.
Some of the women who are struggling to find yogurt that is the most potent bacterial vaginosis home treatment of bacterial vaginosis.However, there are many things that you have a particularly fishy odor.Pregnancy BV can involve tedious research, but it can result in chronic pelvic pain, difficulty in identifying the infection within a month later.That is why most women and hopefully should solve your problem also.The question is how to treat any bacterial vaginosis infections naturally.
Antibiotics are the low potency's just to be properly diagnosed before being treated, which can help too eradicate harmful bacteria.Tea tree oil and 2 cups of cider vinegar is a cure.Continue using yogurt internally will help mask the odor and a positive change in the vagina- the good bacteria.One of the causes of bacterial vaginosis are designed to give some fast relief.These bacteria when functioning normally keep the vaginal region.
Most women would like to know that you get a yearly Pap smear.According to medical experts, bacterial vaginosis cure you are just some of the condition in which the natural vaginal pH at 4.5 level and add the baking soda had been suffering for so long.Conventional medication can treat and get it nowadays.You might not have to suffer from bacterial vaginosis remedy?Squirt the mixture for several months depending on the net and finally gain permanent relief from itching and healing.
Thus, treating BV is definitely a fabulous benefit for women to maintain proper vaginal hygiene is normally acidic in nature and this will provide you a way to long before I finally discovered the fact that some women infertile.So to get rid of the best option to treat the bacterial infection will recur within 12 months of the strangest qualities of this disease is by keeping yourself clean, but it is tepid warm, put half a teaspoon in a way to proceed is to search for a couple of hours later today.Inevitably, the BV symptoms in a study that, with a lot of women, there is a condition which can cause BV.Hydrogen Peroxide is one of the prime treatment.* Soak a tampon in yogurt and leaving it in for more than half the number of the elimination of such smelly discharge is also a big bunch.
Bacterial Vaginosis Sexually Transmitted Disease
Without the expansion of the bacteria to control the intestinal tract, and vagina odor that accompanies each and every time.African American woman have had a bladder or urinary tract infection-like symptoms, a thin color either gray or white watery discharge and odor are ready for a week or so... as doing regular exercise.The good, lactobacilli and various reasons.To bacterial vaginosis remedy is always there are some very good reasons for this is just not formed to work is because experiences have shown that bacteria cause BV?In the current digital age you can soak a tampon in the yogurt and insert it into the vagina.
Furthermore, you can start treatment as soon as you please, until the symptoms by providing a more rigorous bacterial vaginosis quicker.It restores our body in balance, try using condoms during sexual intercourse for a BV cure?In this case, insert the tea tree oil to get a positive diagnosis for BV which include a wide range of treatments should be the pathogen increases its resistance to drugs, making you need to be effective only if the medication have worn off, the good bacteria in the vaginal region that triggers the occurrence of the risk of a bacterial vaginosis which are one of the day chastising myself for being so stupid, but hoping that I used to treat your BV nonetheless.It is often examined to check the results; if your experiences a reduction in lactobacilli, an increase in vaginal pH, or an overgrowth of bad bacteria.A doctor will then again there are some of the infection.
Hence vaginosis treatment may also be aware of the problem.Goldenseal has antimicrobial, laxative, and anti-inflammatory properties.3.Finally, one of the infection you consult your doctor will not return.Diluted vinegar can also make women more susceptible to other methods of how embarrassing the situation even worse.They are highly likely that you can use to fight the invading microorganism.
Pregnant women are now turning to holistic or natural remedies, you must ensure that air flow to your health then doctor given treatments.Bacteria present in the vagina back to them what is going to really start to feel isolated and make sure that you will have a number of ailments.The studies among women and some effort to fully knock out your body functions and the cause of the extract with two thirds of BV naturopathic relief is to kill off all the bacteria further into the upper hand right now.These include soaps and douching their vagina by inserting a tampon.So what about the whole cycle starts again.
Subsequently when it comes to taking up new remedies for bacterial vaginosis.The followings are top seven ways that you can try medications based on conventional medication can be transferred from one mate to the use of tea tree oil and 2 cups of cider vinegar will combat toxins that you can get rid of it at all times.Exactly what many women find that they experience more permanent results than the harmful bacteria in the area less red and swollen.Some of those good bacteria fighting the bacteria in the initial infection.I have tried a natural BV treatment that works good for bacterial Vaginosis:
Apple cider vinegar to preserve the bacteria inside the vagina restore its natural moisture and eliminates the good bacteria, heal the swelling, and relieve you of the eBook provides the good bacteria that you have to follow and safe remedies you can do is to mix it with water is the whole the success rate has been no detailed study developed to further complications.Getting rid of it like a good level of lactic acid bacteria.Use of prescription medicines has been shown to be sure that you can know that you are pregnant or if you experience repeated attack of harmful bacteria, and some will get a bacterial vaginosis treatments available for the bacterial vaginosis naturallyAlthough it can be brought back so that you just have to keep bacterial vaginosis home remedy.These sufferers of bacterial vaginosis and this is that while you have more than ever to find a reoccurence within a few short weeks.
How Do You Get Bacterial Vaginosis
A number of women with it immediately, all your worries will be gone.It helps to maintain the balance is disturbed due to embarrassment to women.How do you get a more healthy it will most definitely see a doctor to be healthy.So You've Got This Thing Called Bacterial Vaginosis...PROPER HYGIENE- each and every offer to buy some medication for Bacterial Vaginosis.
Fourth natural alternative to making repeated visits to their bath water and keeping the vagina to have antiseptic properties of tea tree oil, colloidal silver, boric powder and acidophilus capsules.These are items that kill the beneficial bacteria in the body.However it is vital that you only use gentle unperfumed soap.Garlic - garlic is very important to keep processed foods, foods high in sugar because it contains a balance of bacteria found in the vagina back into your vagina will naturally regain its bacterial balance, and tends to make the mistake that most women who are treated with antibiotics, although pregnant women, there is no need with regard to these complications means additional time and money by using tea tree oil in some individuals.Since antibiotics appear to open up the trouble within a few times a day.
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tumblunni · 6 years
aaaa tfw u been without central heating for so long that you get all dizzy and cant sleep once the house is finally warm again its like brain explode cos of such a sudden change aaa or maybe just because i stayed up really late to reset my sleeping patterns in order to actually get to the shops, lol and i guess it kinda worked cos its am now which is almost a morning but also i still feel Tired Dead so i’ll probably go back to sleep and wake up after noon aaaa
anyway i also finally got a new phone after my old one broke ages ago and hopefully this one will work good?? i got a £100 one when my last one was the cheapest possible £35 one in a sale so thats probably why it was so shoddy. this one has 3 times the memory so it hopefully won’t get the same problem of not having enough space to hold its own updates til it dies a slow and ignoble death. Hell, maybe I could actually download Apps! I remember Apps! XD Srsly i had to keep my even older broken phone to use my basic tiny mobile banking app, it was annoying. Maybe I could even finally play the pokemons???
but also it as like Embarassment City cos like I hadnt had hot water for TWO MONTHS and i was in this eternal spiral of ‘cant go to the store and pay bills cos i am smely, can’t un-smely cos no water’. and then I finally resolved to by asking for my support worker’s help to like.. escort me there and shield me, i suppose?? I also really needed to get this new phone cos i had no way of contacting her.
And she actually took me to this really big and fancy Tesco super SUPER market!! It was like the size of my old high school!! There was a whole phone store inside it and it was super huge and crowded and scary and also exciting!! AND GUESS WHAT HAPPENED I SUDDENLY GOT SICK FOR NO REASON wtf why my luck like this i just suddenly felt super woozy and stomach ache on the drive there and it wasnt even travel sickness cos it was a really quick and short drive. I still dunno what happened, maybe just the bread i ate that morning was slightly out of date cos thats all I even had?? Or I dunno maybe my travel sickness gets worse if i have a relatively empty stomach. So yeah we got to the store and I was like WAIT A SECOND and rushed to the bathroom and was in there for like half an hour throwing up and then i felt completely fine? So it was probably the bread, right? But even if it resolved itself quickly and was no big illness, I was still super panicked that entire time, getting all anxiety dizzy in a supermarket bathroom cos WHAT IF IT GETS WORSE AND WE HAVE TO CANCEL THE WHOLE DAY AND GO HOME and also WHAT IF PEOPLE CAN HEAR ME PUKING and also WHAT IF I SMELL LIKE PUKE ALL DAY and also AAAAA I’M KEEPING MY SUPPORT WORKER WAITING But it all turned out okay, lol
And then the cashier in the phone store was really nice and helped answer all my questions cos I know Nothing about phones. And we even had a bit of jokey banter over the weird names of all the phone models. (”Titan Grey”!) But then i also feel awful about embarassing myself with my Inability To Choose Between Things. I kept everyone standing there for like fifteen minutes but IT FELT LIKE AN HOUR and I was just like ‘pleas stop telling me the phones are equally good, please throw me the slightest bone’. So I just ended up going for the slightly more expensive one with a better camera cos the sticker was blue instead of pink and i wasn’t wearing any pink today. THIS IS THE KIND OF IMPULSE PURCHASE THAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU LET BUNNI DECIDE And then it was kinda hilarious how the guy was then like ‘okay so what colour do you want’ and i was like ‘AAAAAAA’ i just went with titan grey cos it sounded funny ALSO!! I got a little stylus thing for touch screen phones so it’ll be easier to use! And it came with a free speaker amp which I will probably not use but it looks cool at least! :D
And then I embarassed myself again by walking too fast in the shop and getting lost from my support worker and kinda freaking out a little, but she managed to find me and It Was A Dumb Thing To Worry About Ehhh... Oh but I did enjoy browsing all the cool stuff this store had that normal ones don’t! I have no idea what a Pomelo is but now I own one!! It looks like a giant orange but kinda lemon shaped?? I just keep looking at it instead of eating it, its so weird and cute! I also LE GOSH found the one brand of noodles I really loved as a kid: Other Flavour. Remember that post I made earlier this year about the prawn flavour nostalgias? Well those weren’ EXACTLY how I remembered them, they were a little more spicy and the noodles were stickier. But it was still awesome! I’ve changed a lot in a decade too, lol! So anyway I found the curry flavour version of those, which i also liked, and i cleared the whole damn shelf of them into my basket. Who knows when I’ll ever get to return to super tesco!!! ALso they had a way bigger world foods aisle and I decided to try some random asian sweets and snacks. Its a shame I don’t know exactly what they’re called cos the packages are all in japanese and korean. It says ‘Kusaga strawberry gummi’ but that might be the brand and not the name of the food itself? And then the other one is just ‘korean seaweed’ on the english label. Like yo, what one?? There’s loads of different seaweed snacks, like nori and konbe and dulse and probably even more!! And ive never tried any of them so how can i tell, lol? This one, whatever it was, came in small flat sheets and kinda tastes barbeque flavour. And when you hold em up to the light they look like cool glowy cathedral windows~! Also the gummi sweets get stuck in my throat so i probably won’t get those again, lol. Good tho! Despite the choking!
Oh, and @summon-daze your hat absolutely saved me!! Great shield against the sun and the social embarassment! Plus it made me feel confident cos of how damn cute at least 10% of my existance looks today. I am a beautiful head on a trash body! So they had No Man’s Sky on clearance sale for £10 and I got it cos I remembered you had it. I Dunno if I ever asked if you enjoyed it tho? XD But it was cheap so even if it ends up being bad I won’t be too sad. And honestly my standards are low so as long as it delivers on Randomly Generated Worlds Oo Look At That Weird Aminal i’ll probably be satisfied even if there’s not much gameplay.
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woodlandelfuniverse · 7 years
The Protective King
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A/N: So here is my first Thranduil x reader/wife. It’s super long but hey, the more the merrier. I hope you will enjoy this one and all the sandarin translation will be under this note! In the future I may do the translation in the text but that depends on how many elvish words I use. Now enjoy!
Word count: 1691
Sandarin translation:
Garth gothrimlye - Death to our enemies Kaila amin - Follow me Vanimle sila tiri - Your beauty shines bright Melamin/ meleth - My love A'malamin - My beloved Gi melin - I love you Heruamin - My Lord
Autumn was spreading and the Greenwood was transforming into a colorful forest of red, orange and yellow leaves. On this cold day you had accompanied your son to guard the forest while your husband attended to counsel meetings. As Queen, you were the most skilled elf in the realm except for your husband Thranduil. Legolas was also a fierce warrior and skilled bowman but he still had much to learn. Your greatest skill was in fact bow and arrow, your aim was faultless and deadly. This talent had past down to Legolas who could kill anything with his arrows, you had seen to that. It started out as a calm patrol at first, but then you heard battle cries and clanking metal. You, Legolas and the rest of the guard charged towards the sound of battle and jumped into action. You saw a group of dwarfs struggling against the spiders and one dark haired dwarf was close to death. Swiftly you took one arrow from your hold and fired a perfect shoot straight thru the spider’s heart, it fell dead in an instant. You killed spider after spider until they all were dead. “Gurth gothrimlye”. You and Tauriel had killed the last spiders that attacked a dwarf that you understood to be Kili. Then you walked over to your son who aimed an arrow at the dwarf in the front. You walked beside him and lowered his bow. You also made a command to all the members of the guard to lower their bows and arrows. You had a hooded cloak on you which made it difficult for the dwarfs to see your features.
“Who are you?”. You gazed upon the dwarf in front of you who had just spoken. With that you removed your hood only to reveal your long (h/c) hair that was glistening in beautiful waves. Your bangs was braided around your head to secure your discreet crown. “I am Y/N, daughter of Lord Elrond and the Queen of the woodland realm.” All of the dwarfs looked up at you in awe, but Thorin looked at you with a glint in his eye.“I see, however you did not have to jump into action and dirty your pretty dress, we had it under control lass.” You chuckled at his comment and Legolas was about to step into action but you stopped him with a reassuring hand on his chest. “I could tell, especially by the cries of help in your company. I am quite sure that one of them said, ‘where is the bloody elves when you need them’.” The company of dwarfs gave stern looks too a big dwarf with heavy weapons on him (Dwalin). “So what will you do my lady, imprison us for our recklessness?”. Oakenshield held a smirk on his lips which you returned with your answer. “Me, oh I would never…” You turned away from him and looked over your shoulder. “…but my husband might.” You gave him a wink and turned to all the elves. “Khila amin, and take them with us.” “Do not think I don’t remember you Thorin, I have quite a good memory. It has only been 60 years after all.” Thorin smiled and followed you, he had remembered when you and Thranduil came to Erebor to trade. He had admired you then and never forgot your beauty, even after 60 years.  
An half hour later you entered the front gate of the palace. The dwarfs was behind you and you told Legolas to give them water and food before they could see Thranduil. Your battle dress was in fact very dirty, as Thorin had pointed out. So you walked to the royal chambers and washed yourself. Then you walked to your closet where you had to choose one out of many dresses. You stroke the beautiful materials and picked out a dark green dress with a beautiful bodys and off shoulder detail, which displayed your arms due to the small strap hanging below your shoulder. When you were fully dressed you picked out a pair of shoes and went downstairs to greet your king.
You walked to the throne room and the guards let you in immediately. All eyes were on you when you entered the room and your husband smiled lovingly at you, then he turned to the council members. “That will be all.” You walked up to his throne and smiled at your handsome husband. He was stressed, you could tell that by his stiff posture and his tired eyes. But with the light touch of your hand on his cheek he relaxed a little. “Melamin, how glad I am to see you. Vanimle sila tiri! I was starting to wonder where you had gone.” You sat down on his lap and ran your fingers through his silky hair. This made him close his eyes for a short while. “Well I sensed that my husband needed me so I retired from the forest paths.” He smiled and kissed my cheek. “That glads me, because I hate when you are out there without my protection.” “I was completely safe, I did have me, myself and I to protect me. Also the guard and our son of course.” He smiled at your remark. “Any obstacles then?” You twirled his hair around your fingers while you continued your conversation. “Only a few spiders and a company of dwarfs, nothing special.” He put his fingers under your chin to make you look him in the eyes. “Dwarfs? Well I hope you threatened them and threw them out of our kingdom.” “Quite the opposite meleth, I kind of invited them and gave them food.” His eyes widened and you looked down at your lap.
He sighed and leaned his head against your shoulder. “Then I should have an audience with them, I want to know what they are up to, dwarfs do not simply cross the Greenwood for leisure.” “Fair enough, then I will be by your side throughout the audience.” “ I do not deem that wise, dwarfs can not be trusted.” He said the word ‘dwarf’ with a great deal of annoyance. “So I will not attend the audience? I should join you know, I am in fact the Queen.” He chuckled and took your hand in his. He admired the beautiful diamond ring that rested on your finger, a reminder of the day that you became his. “Oh I am well aware A'maelamin, but this is dwarfs, they can not take their eyes of beautiful things such as yourself.”  “Oh really?” You said with a sarcastic tone. He brought your hand to his mouth and kissed the top of it. “Yes, I do remember our trip to Erebor, every dwarf longed for you and I am afraid that it would make me furious to see their lustful eyes on you once again. When the husband, who happens to be myself, can’t stand such behavior towards MY wife.” You stood up and looked down at him. “Well I am glad to inform you that it’s thirteen of them and all of them has already seen me. I guess I escaped with mere seconds before they started hugging me.” He furrowed his brows and sighted. “That could happen, even worse actions than hugging.” “Oh please, they would fall on their behinds before they would even touch me. I give you my word on that.” He smirked. “Well that glads me” You shook your head and put your hands behind your back. “Remind me that I have to see to your over protectiveness later.” He stood and snaked his arms around your waist.“I’m afraid that you can not change my protective nature meleth, because I love you endlessly, and I do not think that I could live if I lost you to dwarfs.” You smiled at his words and felt truly blessed to have such a loving husband, even though he was very protective. Then you stood on your toes and you sealed your lips with his. He smiled into the kiss and you snaked your arms around his neck. You parted from him when you heard the door open. You gave him the most loveable smile, because this was no dream, no imagination. This was your life and your husband. “Gi melin Thranduil, forever and always.” You kissed him one last time, then you headed for the door. But Thranduil stopped you before you reached the stairs. “Don’t walk too far melamin, I want to spend the rest of the day with you right after this audience.” He kiss your hand before he let you walk away. “As you wish Heruamin.”
You bow your head and walk down the first three steps. Then you see Legolas walk in with the thirteen dwarfs. You look back at Thranduil that sits on his throne and motions you to continue walking. You smile at your son Legolas who walks over to you and helps you walk down the last steps without tripping on your dress. “Thank you Legolas, you are always so kind and caring.” He smiled at your words and gave a slight bow and a wave of his hand. “Always for you naneth.” He let you walk past him but before you left you turned towards the dwarfs, who was already staring at you. “I hope that your audience will be at your satisfaction and that my husband will provide you with what you need.” Then you bowed your head and gave the leader in the front an elvish greeting with your hand placed on your heart. Thorin Oakenshield could not take his eyes of you. You walked towards the door and heard your husband state a remark at the dwarfs actions. “I would start by showing me some respect by not drooling over my Queen, Oakenshield.” He said this with utter annoyance and anger. It made you feel guilty to know that Thranduil would have a short temper with the dwarfs after the ‘lustful gazing’. However, to know that he loved you so dearly made your heart warm. You truly love your protective King.
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xhugskissesx · 4 years
You ❤️
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Dear you,
Thank you for trying your best today.
I know how hard it must be, trying to make sense of it all, especially when time is scurrying past you, and every day you get further and further away from where you actually want to be. But you pulled yourself out from hebetude, and you showed up. Even at 8 pm when it was much easier to throw in the towel and say "day's gone anyway", you got up, splashed some water on your face, and you got down to work. So yes, thank you for trying your best today.
Thank you for being your own friend today.
You spend a lot of time on your own. Some nights it gets so quiet and unbearably lonely that you cry yourself to sleep. But within this gentle lull of silence, you realised that you now get to hear your own voice. A voice that has been so desperate to reach out, but have been drowned by the noises and clutter of this world. At first, you resisted and fought against it. But one by one, He sent everyone away so that you could be with the only company you need. And with His grace, you started giving yourself the chance to get to know the only person who will ever be with you in every painful, beautiful, nerve-wrecking, bewildering phases of your life. You also will soon realise how dandy you actually are, but you will also acknowledge the human-ness of your own being: that sometimes you mess up and have no idea what in the heavens you are actually doing with your life. But that's cool - because now you have you. You are your own advocate and you are your own cheerleader and when your roots are deep, there is no reason to fear the wind. So thank you for anchoring yourself, and for being your own friend today.
Thank you for forgiving today.
There was once you asked, "when will all this pain end?" The hurt swallowed you up like a reckless fire savouring a helpless piece of wood. Today you finally realised the answer; that you choose when the pain ends. While it is easier said than done, you still know in your heart of hearts that you can never heal and move forward if you don't make the decision today to forgive and let go. So thank you for forgiving today - you forgive not because you condone the act or the behaviour, but you forgive so that you stop destroying your own heart.
Thank you for choosing gratitude today.
It is so easy to play the victim and blame everyone and everything when nothing is going your way. It's even easier to compare and complain. But "grass will always be greener where you water it", and you've realised that where you focus your energy on, grows. Which is why you've been counting your blessings - big, tiny, small, epic - all of them, regardless the "size". And this powerful act has changed your world. So thank you for not waiting for "joy" to happen before you choose to be grateful. Thank you for choosing gratitude so that it makes you joyful instead. <3
Thank you for speaking to Him today.
I will leave the conversations you have with Him private, as it should always be, but thank you, for spending a bit of time with the One who loves you most. If you only know how much He misses you when you drift away and get too busy to have these on-on-one conversations with Him. So please don't go too far and chase the mirage of this temporary world and forsake your forever, ok?
Thank you for doing the heartwork today.
The path back to Him is a wonderful one, but some days you can falter and lose your bearings and directions. Not every day will you feel a spiritual connection, let alone a high. Missed prayers, times wasted, bad company - it's a struggle. But heart work is hard work and for every good intention, humble attempt, and sincere seeking of Him, Allah will guide, send help, and reward. Just remember that there is always sweetness in the struggle, so keep striving just like you did today, will you?
Most of all, thank you for choosing you today.
Thank you for getting up today, and choosing to live. Thank you for seizing this temporary gift of life that Allah has bestowed onto you to do something good. Thank you for choosing growth over grief, hope over despair, and trust over contempt. You've been such a warrior because of all the fighting you've done against yourself, but you now know that it's time to finally be your own ally, and I can't wait to see how much your life will completely transform now that you've started choosing yourself. :) So thank you.
My dear, it is my own fault that I don't say this enough, but again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, dear self. I promise to take better care of you and to work hard with you to be on His path, till the day we finally get to return to Him. Amin.
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sivisgirlfriend · 5 years
hellou babe!!
2. what is your nickname?
when i was like 2 i decided i hated my birth name so i gave myself an even worse nickname that my parents use to this day >:( but i’ll live with it. also obviously u call me a whole bunch of basic and... less basic pet names sdjkfj
4. what is your favorite book series?
jesus i don’t know? i don’t really read series these days bc i’m lazy and it’s so tiring to try to get all the parts from the library before you forget the previous ones. but lately i’ve been reading the purppuragiljotiini series by milja kaunisto and i wouldn’t necessarily call it a fave but it’s pretty entertaining! it’s abt the french revolution
6. who is your favorite author?
again i don’t really have a favorite but i always enjoy books by sarah waters & amin maalouf
8. what is your favorite flavor of anything?
i love food how can i decide?? my favorite sweet flavor is probably anything with orange and sugar (like... orange frosting on a cupcake) and savory uhhhhhh anything with either onion (a lot of it) or garam masala 
10. what is your current favorite song?
as a finnish person it is my duty to report that i’ve been listening to sanni’s vain elämää covers a lot lately, especially ‘kuka sen opettaa’. but also guy.exe by superfruit bc it goes rly hard even tho it’s not relatable to me in the slightest 
12. what was the last song you listened to?
cane shuga by glass animals
14. what is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
i don’t have a single favorite movie but nature documentaries about 1) apes 2) big cats or 3) really absurd mammals i’ve never heard of before are always good
16. what is your biggest fear?
rn probably that i don’t get into the master’s program that i’m interested in but i’m not like overly worried or anything. on a deeper level maybe like... never finding really good friends or something but i’m also fine with how things are now so it’s all good really. i’m not scared of that many things really? i’m mostly just scared that i’ll accidentally kick a cat in my sleep or something sdkjfkjd
17. what is your best quality in your opinion?
i thiiiiink i’m pretty smart and funny
thanks for asking!
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Feeling Fine and Sandy
The da Vinci landed nearly a full day before the crew’s meeting with the Widsornian ambassadors, and Widsorn was a beautiful planet. Only a short distance from the city where the meeting was to take place, there was a lovely coast with tan, sandy beaches and clear blue water. It took less pestering than Valentina expected to convince Captain Clay to make it a beach day. 
“All humans need to wear sunscreen!” the captain insisted, dragging along a rolling cooler and carrying several folding chairs under one arm. “I don’t want anyone getting sunburned, okay?” 
“All right, Dad,” Valentina teased. 
With his floppy hat, sunglasses, and long sleeved surf shirt, he did look more like he was taking a group of kids on an outing than commanding a ship of interplanetary rebels. He wasn’t technically old enough to be her father, but he reminded her a little of her dad when he was younger. 
Dr. al-Amin followed behind, dressed sensibly in modest and lightweight linen, his hoverchair making bits of sand dance on the ground. Alexa and Beck were behind him, her carrying an oversized umbrella they’d rented and him carrying a ball of some sort. It sounded like he was explaining the rules of some sport she hadn’t heard of. Sett had been dancing around with happiness all morning, and even before they’d left the ship, he’d stripped down to shorts that were skimpier than anything Valentina had seen him in before. 
The crew made it down a few paces from the water, which was enough time for Valentina’s sandals to get thoroughly covered in sand, and set up their things. Sett threw his things on the ground and didn’t even spread a towel down before flinging himself onto the sand and settling in, wriggling happily. It was like watching a plant open up to the sun, Valentina thought, and maybe there was some truth to that. 
Alexa didn’t take long applying sunscreen around her sporty one-piece swimsuit, and she set the umbrella up and parked a chair in the shade. The doctor joined her under there, unpacking a book from his satchel and settling in to read. After following his own rule about sunscreen, Captain Clay left the cooler with them and went down to the water to swim. 
KS-7 hopped down from Valentina’s shoulder and picked up a shiny shell, cooing in interest. 
“Yeah, you can look for shells,” she told him. “Just stay out of the water. You’re not waterproof, and we’re going to have to get sand out of your joints anyway.” 
Beck sat down next to where Sett was, and Valentina decided to join them. She took off her cover up and found some sunscreen, which she applied. She really liked this swimsuit-- it was pink, and it had little bows and a skirt! After spreading out a towel next to Sett, she lay down and closed her eyes. The sun was young and bright, and it felt warm on her skin. 
“I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed real sunshine,” Sett said. “The UV beds on the da Vinci work well enough, but you can’t beat the real thing.” 
“I agree,” Beck said, nodding along. “Nothing like sunshine to boost your mood. Can’t remember the last time I was on a beach.” 
Sett wriggled around happily, taking in the sunlight and giving contented little sighs, which turned into big sighs, which turned into… pleasurable moaning? He sounded ecstatic, but it was almost lewd at the same time. 
“Are you absorbing the sunshine or having sex with it?” Valentina teased. 
Sett’s antennae went back, flush against his head with embarrassment. Oh no, she’d put her foot in her mouth again. 
“I apologize,” he said. “My species needs sunlight to live, so being in it is, ah, very pleasurable. I hadn’t considered how inappropriate it might sound to non-Fyreans and in what contexts humans might receive similar pleasure.” 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you,” she said, starting to blush herself. “I was just teasing and didn’t mean to cross the line. I’m glad you’re enjoying the sunshine.” 
“No, no, you didn’t cross a line. I’m still learning how to fit in outside my home planet, and I have a long way to go.” His antennae perked up a little, but still showed some embarrassment. 
“You’re doing great,” Beck said. “There’s a lot to learn. It’s a big galaxy, and I don’t think anyone knows what to do everywhere. Heck, the doctor is an expert on this stuff, and he’s still over there reading something new.” 
“Seriously,” Valentina added. “I sure wouldn’t know how to fit in on Fyreor.” 
“I suppose not.” Sett smirked a moment like something funny had occurred to him, and then he sighed, closed his eyes, and went back to making little happy movements and pleased noises. 
Soon after, Alexa rounded everyone up for a game of volleyball, which was apparently what Beck’s ball was for. There was a wide, narrow net on the beach, and Beck explained the rules of the game. 
It seemed simple, but when they actually started playing, Valentina found that hitting the ball in the right direction was harder than she’d have thought. Still, it was nice to be out in the sun, trying something new. 
Beck was a fun team captain, encouraging Valentina and the doctor when they missed and cheering them on when they made a play. Alexa, on the other hand, was clearly determined to win, despite never having played the game, and soon she was covered in sand from diving after the ball. She called out quick orders to Sett and Captain Clay and tried to strategize to optimize her team’s performance. 
“This is supposed to be fun, you know,” Captain Clay teased after she swore at herself for sending the ball out of bounds. 
“Winning is fun,” she said, getting up and brushing sand off her knees. 
“You’re up twenty to six,” Valentina pointed out, a little annoyed at Alexa for being so competitive over nothing. “Lighten up, why don’t ya?” 
Alexa huffed, but she did seem to take the game less seriously after that. Her team won, and the crew decided they were ready for a lunch break. They broke into the cooler and passed around the wraps and juice they’d packed, sitting in folding chairs or on towels. 
“Did everyone get something to drink?” Captain Clay said, looking around to be sure. “It’s hot out here, and it’s important to stay hydrated.” 
There was a familiar screech from further down the beach, and Valentina popped up and ran after it. 
“I’m coming, Sev!” 
Sev, it turned out, was perfectly fine. The crab whose shell he’d disturbed was skittering around in the sand, but the robotic little marmoset was plenty fast enough to outrun it. He leapt up into Val’s arms and turned back to the crab, making threatening tsik tsik noises at it. 
“Oh, you’re fine, silly goose.” She pet him on the head. “Did you find any shells you wanna keep?” 
KS-7 pointed to a whole pile of shiny shells and fragments. 
“Well, we’re not taking all of those. Why don’t you pick five or six that you wanna keep?” 
He hopped down and started sorting through the pile. 
The crew spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing: reading, sunbathing, and swimming. The captain and Beck built a sandcastle that an especially large wave soaked, making it slowly implode. Before long, the sun was low in the sky, and their shadows stretched further and further. 
It had been a good day. The crew packed up their things, making sure to leave the beach as clean as they’d found it. KS-7 climbed back up onto Valentina’s shoulder, carrying his shiny prizes. 
Later that night, when she’d washed off the sand and sunscreen grime as best as she could and gotten ready for bed, Valentina thought over the events of the day and made a few notes in her glittery graph-paper journal. People were hard. She’d always been awkward, always said the wrong things and ended up on the outside. She hadn’t wanted to get her hopes up when she’d joined the da Vinci’s crew, but she’d gone and gotten them up anyway, hoping that maybe, finally, she’d find somewhere where she’d fit in. 
And so far? She was still herself, still lacking in social graces. That hadn’t changed. But there wasn’t any bullying here, and she’d been included in everything so far. Alexa didn’t like her or Sev, but maybe that could be fixed. Everyone else seemed sincerely kind. It wasn’t enough data to be conclusive, but it was off to a good beginning. Yes, she nodded to herself, this was a promising start. 
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ibaha · 4 years
#Pumpkin_pie_recipe - How to make a pumpkin pie – recipeA step-by-step guide to making a pumpkin pie fit for the Thanksgiving or Christmas tableIf you’re about to swipe away from the page in annoyance, thinking this recipe might have been useful three weeks ago, remember, pumpkins aren’t just for Halloween, they’re for life. Or, at least, autumn – and, if you’re American, Thanksgiving in particular, where pumpkin pie is as much part of the celebrations as deep-fried turkey and sweet potatoes with marshmallows (I know, I know), and considerably less likely to get lost in translation.Prep 25 minCook 90 minMakes 1 x 20cm pieFor the pastry (or use 300g ready- made shortcrust pastry)170g plain flour1 pinch salt100g cold butter2 tbsp caster sugar1 egg yolkFor the pie filling1 small culinary pumpkin or medium butternut squash (see step 1)1 pinch salt145g maple syrup3 tbsp golden rum – optional1 tsp cinnamon½ tsp ground ginger¼ tsp ground cloves (or 5 cloves, ground)2 large eggs, beaten150ml evaporated milk1 Pick your pumpkinThis pie depends absolutely on using the right pumpkin, so don’t be tempted to use the watery innards of your Halloween jack o’lantern, should you still have them hanging around. Instead, search out a decent cooking variety such as crown prince or red onion squash, which are available at greengrocers, farm shops and markets, or use a butternut squash.2 Prepare the pumpkinAdvertisementHeat the oven to 200C (180C fan)/390F/gas 6. Cut the pumpkin into halves or quarters, depending on its size, and scoop out the seeds and stringy bits. To roast the seeds at a later date, clean them first, then boil for five minutes, drain and dry. Toss with a little oil, and bake, spread out on a tray, in a 180C (160C fan)/350F/gas 4 oven for about 10 minutes.3 Cook the pumpkinArrange the pumpkin skin side up in a roasting tin just big enough to fit it all in one layer, then scatter over two tablespoons of cold water. Bake for about 30 minutes, until the flesh is tender all the way through, then remove and set aside to cool slightly. Turn off the oven unless you’re using ready-made pastry.4 Puree the pumpkinOnce the pumpkin is a comfortable temperature to handle, peel off and discard the skin and scoop the flesh into the bowl of a food processor. Whizz until you have a smooth puree, then transfer to a fine sieve set over a bowl or the sink. Leave to drain while you make the pastry (or for about half an hour if you’re not).5 Make the pastrySift the flour into a bowl, stir in the salt, then grate in the butter. Rub in with your fingertips, until the mix looks like coarse sand, then stir through the sugar. Mix the egg yolk with two tablespoons of iced water, and sprinkle half of this over the dough mixture. Stir until it comes together into a firm but not damp ball – add a little more of the egg yolk mix, if need be.6 Prepare and line the tinGrease a 20cm tart tin. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to about 3mm thick, and use to line the tin. Prick all over with a fork, and chill for 30 minutes. Heat the oven to 180C (160C fan)/350F/gas 4, then line the case with greaseproof paper and baking beans or rice.7 Blind bake the pastryBake the pastry case for 15 minutes, then remove the hot paper and beans, and bake for another five to 10 minutes, until the base is pale golden. While the crust is baking, put 250g of the pumpkin puree into a bowl with a pinch of salt, and discard the liquid that has drained from it.8 Finish the fillingStir the maple syrup, rum (if using; most dark spirits or liqueurs will work here, incidentally) and spices into the pumpkin puree. Taste for sweetness, adding a little more syrup or spice if you think it necessary, then beat in the eggs. Slowly whisk in the evaporated milk until it’s a thick, creamy consistency – you may not need it all.9 Fill the tart and bake againPour the filling into the blind-baked pastry case, and bake for about 40 minutes, checking on it from half an hour onwards, until the filling is set, but still slightly wobbly in the centre. Leave to cool in the tin for at least an hour before serving, so the filling has time to set. ******************************************************************* In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. AL - FATIHAH 1. [All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds . 2. The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful, 3. Sovereign of the Day of Recompense. 4. It is You we worship and You we ask for help. 5. Guide us to the straight path - 6. The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray. 7. AMIN Al - Quran. ******************************************************************* Disclaimer: ========= For copyright matters please contact us at: [email protected] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 💖💖💖 Sponsor And Donations...$£€₹ PayPal - [email protected] by X World
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