#i miss stu he's gone now
sulsulesbian · 1 year
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
hey! can you write ghostface! ethan smut? where the reader knows and they have sex? I know for a fact he whimpers 🤭 thank you!
Warnings: Smut (obviously), p in v, Ethan’s a lil nervous, super cute, a little plot
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Yeah, ethan was a good guy. But was he that good to where you still liked him even after you knew he was a murderer?
After helping his father and sister on something, he was still wearing the mask. He took it off while walking, just to put it back on when he reached your parents house.
Your parents were gone for a few days, and you were taking a break from studying for just a day, then it was back to your dorm.
He didn’t knock on the door, or go through the back one even. He climbed up to your bedroom window, where he suspected you would be. Which you were.
He opened it silently, hoping to surprise you. Your back was turned to the window while you bent over and rummaged through a drawer. He closed the window and made his way to you, knife still in hand.
“Goddamnit!” You groaned in frustration. You turned around, when someone grabbed you. You screamed and kicked, but the person who grabbed you put their hand on your mouth.
The person took their hand off and let you go for a second. They took off their mask and of course-
“Surprise, (your name).” He said into a modulator.
(Stu and Ethan are my favorites so I had to)
“Ethan! Don’t scare me like that!” You hit his arm.
“You need to lock your windows.” He said, and pointing the knife at you.
“You sound like my parents.” You rolled your eyes, and he smiled widely.
“I missed you.” He said.
“I missed you too.”
He smiled again and sat down on your bed, putting the knife on the floor. You sat down next to him.
“So… why are you here?”
He shrugged “I just- I don’t know.. I just don’t like to be alone, after... I mean I know I haven’t actually killed anybody yet, I’m just helping them, but I mean still…”
“No, no, Ethan it’s fine. I don’t care, you know you can come to me at anytime.”
“Yeah.” He said, with a small smile and he laid his head on your chest. You played with his hair, and you picked out a movie.
After a while, let’s just say the movie got boring. Then, Ethan’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when there was a sex scene.
Ethan had just lost his virginity last week, to you. He made a joke saying how he’ll “die a virgin.” Good thing you were there.
Ever since then, you’d been closer. You didn’t quite understand it, were you guys a thing or not?
It didn’t matter at the moment, because Ethan’s hard on was very obvious through the Ghostface outfit he was still wearing. You paused your movements and stopped messing with his hair.
“Ethan..” you said, he looked up at you.
“Can we… talk?”
“Y-yeah. Yeah, sure.” He sat up.
“Ethan, I like you. I really do. But I don’t know if you like me too, I mean like are a we a thing, are we not a thing?”
“Wh- of course I like you! I mean…” he took a deep breath. “Y/n, I’ve wanted to say this forever. Would you wanna be my girlfriend? I know this isn’t like.. ideal but-“
“Ethan. Ethan-“
“I do really like you and-“ he ranted on.
“Ethan!” You said, louder and interrupting him.
“I’d love to be your girlfriend.”
He stared at you, and you stared back. You both slowly leaned in to each other, and kissed. It was slow and passionate.
He slowly led you down to the bed, him on top of you.
You both moved quickly to take off your clothes, then he realized.
“Uh… do you have a… condom?” He said, embarrassed. His cheeks went pink as he finished the sentence.
You smiled “In the drawer.” You said, and pointed to a drawer, he quickly fumbled off of you, almost tripping on his own shoes. He couldn’t believe it was happening, again, and now you guys were actually dating.
He grabbed it and went over to you again, he was thankful that the Ghostface outfit was easy to take off. He took off his boxers and put the condom on.
Then, he realized that you weren’t even completely naked. You were too busy watching him.
He slowly moved his hands to your bra, and unclipped it.
He then took off your underwear, and he tensed up. He was scared that maybe you wouldn’t like it, or you didn’t really like him. Maybe you’d leave him the second he got you.
“Ethan, calm down, it’s okay, it’s me. If you don’t want to do this or your not ready we don’t have to-“
“No, no I want to. Do you want to?”
“I do.” You said with a smile.
“Uh, this is—an embarrassing question, but can you uh… ride me?” He sat up, scratching the back of his neck.
You laughed at him, and he feels like he’s done something wrong.
“Can I? I would love to.” You said with a smirk.
“Okay, because I still dont exactly know what I’m doing and I want this to be good for you-“
“Calm down, it will be. I want it to be good for you.”
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right.” He said, taking another deep breath as you straddled his lap. You held onto his shoulders, and his hands awkwardly were at his sides.
You guided his hands to your hip. One thing you couldn’t get over was his muscles, his cock wasn’t huge, but it was definitely big. But his muscles? No one would think that a quiet boy like him would have his muscles.
Finally, after what felt like hours for Ethan, you slowly hovered over his cock and then you slowly lowered yourself onto it. He screwed his eyes shut and threw his head back a little.
He couldn’t believe it, he was literally having sec with his GIRLFRIEND. A girl, who he could now call his girlfriend. And even after she knew he was a murderer, she still stayed with him.
If this wasn’t heaven, he would say heaven didn’t exist.
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cherubfae · 3 months
how they cuddle || slashers x reader
With Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Brahms Heelshire, Billy and Stu, Art the Clown, Vincent, Bo, Lester, Sal Fisher, & Thomas Sawyer
tags: AFAB reader (not specified), cuddling, affection, rz!Mikey, art is his own warning lmao, terrifier 2 spoilers, little spoon!slashers, nightmares (Sal), comfort, poly!Ghostface, I low-key rant about art in Vin's lmao
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Exhaustion isn't something he's used to feeling so heavily in his bones. He feels the heavy weight rippling across his broad shoulders and spiraling down his spine in white hot pain. He's not a tame being, but he is a bit more docile in the months before and after Halloween. His knife doesn't thirst for blood quite as much as on the 31st.
Seeing you in your bed is a welcomed sight. Michael doesn't say much more than the soft grunt of acknowledgement as he sheds his coveralls from his dirt-caked skin. He has a lovely warm bath that loosens all the tight muscles of his lower back. You'll have his head later for leaving a ring of grime in the tub; Mikey doesn't care about that right now.
The fresh sheets are so comfortable, accepting them fully as Michael tucks his face into your side. His recently cut hair is still long enough to form a fringe curtain over his grey eyes.
Softly leans his chin to your shoulder. Depending on how far along you two are into your relationship, Jason might feel comfortable enough to have his mask removed. He's aware the material probably doesn't feel too pleasant being pressed to the side of your face or lightly digging into your skin.
His arms wind around your waist, happily sighing as he leans himself against you. Jason also doesn't mind if you switch things up and hold him in return, stroking the top of his head softly.
If there's a way where he can wind his body around yours, Brahms will find it. He definitely likes keeping you away from all of the noise of the world, and while he's not mega happy about it, he knows you need trips into town sometimes. He likes seeing what kind of food items you bring back because the meals you make are simply delicious!
After dinner and bathing, Brahms snuggles beside you, clinging to you like you've been gone for ages. The chill of his porcelain biting into your skin as he happily huffs behind it. He's so glad to have you. <3
Billy and Stu
The pair are constantly together, if not with you, then they're almost always flanking each other's sides. The other is often not far from the first. Adding you into their duo to form a trio didn't change much of their dynamic. Instead of the two boys slinking around, they've got you as their third and final confidant.
Billy isn't the most touchy-feely person-- that's what he likes to claim. He doesn't really know how to ask for the things that he wants. He's different to Stu in the way that he's silent when you press your hand to the brunette's cheek, smiling as his eyelids flutter closed. Subconsciously leaning into your touch, chasing the feeling when you pull away.
Stu likes to be what he calls the mega spoon. It's him behind you, snuggled at your back, and with Billy pressed close to your chest still too proud to say that he enjoys being taken care of as the little spoon. You three make a nice, lovely three-person sandwich. Even when lying down, you're in the center with the boys wrapped around you like snakes. There is no them without you; you are their missing piece.
This man is mostly, if not always, within your personal space. 'It's not yours, it's ours'. Art is rarely a being ever to break character or change out of his damned costume, and his hygiene is quite questionable sometimes; though he does in fact bathe and wash his suit. Just not often.
He's a man of very few words, especially when he's deep into his clown character and doing what he does best. Being immortal has its advantages, but his fight with Sienna really put him through the ringer. Art was decapitated! What a riot.
With his strength slowly returning to him, Art is always almost underfoot. In your bubble, seeing what you're doing. Snuggling up to you in a rare moment where his costume is off, leaning his head into your chest with an exhausted expression. It seemed that Pale Girl was allowing him some respite with you for a bit.
He is a busy man, constantly sculpting and creating. His sketchbooks are filled to the absolute brim of beautiful works of art in all sorts of mediums: charcoal, graphite, watercolor, and ink. You're his muse, his favorite subject of which his art circulates. There's something so breathtaking about you, minute details that only an artist can see within people. An eternal, everlasting beauty.
Vincent is quick to jot down the rough outline of your sleeping form resting against Jonesy. He's smiling behind the wax mask, skilled fingers shading the crease of your eyelids then moving to sketch the curve of your Cupid's bow. When he felt it was finished enough for now, Vincent sets his book aside in favor of crawling into bed beside you.
His broad frame dwarfs yours as he curls his body around yours, his large hands slide beneath your sweater pressing across your tummy. Vincent really adores you, you know?
Not much of a cuddler, but if you get especially pouty about it Bo will roll his eyes and tug you to him. He can be a major asshole but he doesn't like seeing his baby upset.
He tucks you beneath his strong arm, his mechanic's hat resting on top of the back of the sofa. Waiting for you to settle down doesn't take long as you're soon drifting off with your head on his chest, focusing on his hand placed on your knee; gently stroking the skin there. His eyes begin to droop, feeling heavy. Cradling the back of your neck, Bo allows himself to drift off, too.
Long days certainly do get to him sometimes. Tiring him out something awful. He's prepared enough roadkill and deer for his brothers and you, enough to satiate any hunger for the time being until he finds time to run into the nearby town again.
Lester finds you lounging in his bed with Jonesy, Vincent must be working hard and the pup sought out attention where she could. He had no idea where Bo was or whatever the hell he was up to.
Collapsing onto the bed, Lester sighs deeply when you immediately comb your fingers through his messy short hair. He's out like a light soon after.
Sal Fisher
Poor guy has so much going on that sometimes he just wants to crash and sleep for one-thousand years. He doesn't sleep well on the best of days, plagued by frequent nightmares that not even the warmth and comfort of your sleeping form beside him can quell.
Another nightmare yanks Sal out of a fitful sleep. One that has him patting the sheets, searching for you. The heat of your skin against his hands sends a calming peace over him. He's scooping your sleeping form in his arms, his face hidden in your neck. Sal gives a weak smile as you snuggle into him. He focuses on your even breathing, allowing himself to fall asleep soon after.
It's incredibly hot on the best of days in Duller County, the Sawyer family set up several oscillating fans that constantly work overtime without a proper functioning air conditioning unit.
Even the lackluster cool breeze and the sweltering Texan heat aren't enough to have Tommy pulling you into his lap and nuzzling his masked face into your hair.
You're much smaller than him. It gives Tommy a sense of pride knowing that he's your big, strong protector. :)
He is such an enigma, a contradiction. Patrick isn't much of a cuddler or snuggler but he wants to play the role of being a dutiful partner. He is quick to become a jealous lover if you were to find someone else to give you attention while he's fretting over what sort of shade of cream or white Paul Allen's next business card will have.
A prideful, vain being such as himself would never admit how much he truly does enjoy having your curl up next to him. The warmth your body exudes is a comfort, one he finds him seeking out more and more even though your relationship is still within its earlier stages. Patrick hates that he finds himself being so undone by you, but he can't find it within himself to stop either. There's something inside of you that his fervent bloodlust can't be satisfied by.
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sadesluvr · 19 days
Beautiful Liar
After you boyfriend Randy is tragically murdered, Billy is determined to be the shoulder you cry on.
A/N: Been sitting on this idea for a while. Please read the tags, and minors DNI!
Word count: 3.6K
Tags: SMUT / DUB-CON / Dacryphilia / Manipulation / Grief / Unprotected sex / Creampies / Loss of virginity / Corruption kink / Gaslighting / Misogyny / Reader has a vagina / Fingering
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Randy Meeks was dead, and there was no way to change that.  
He’d been murdered, brutally; his body in tatters, bloody mess left on the stockroom floor of the video store he’d worked at. Police had said it was a homicide, just another in a series of attacks by the infamous masked ‘Ghostface’ killer that had been running around Woodsboro. The whole town, your friend group included, had been speculating the person – or people’s - identity, wondering if they were male or female, old or young, insider or outsider...either way, the sole question was why. Why Woodsboro? Why now? Why your friends?  
The simple answer – in Randy’s case at least – was that you were living in a classic horror movie, in which none of you would get out of alive unless you followed the rules, (which was the sole reason why you hadn’t slept with him during your relationship) but that particular answer was far from satisfying to you. First Sidney’s mother had disappeared, next was Casey and her boyfriend, soon followed by Sidney’s father, Tatum, Randy and Sidney herself, leaving only you to remain. You were, as Randy would dub it, ‘the final girl’. 
And you hated it. Randy painted these women as strong, brave, heroic, even, but you were far from it; instead worn down and shattered by the massacre of those closest to you over the past six months. There was a reason that the term was only reserved for the movies; it was too difficult, maybe even downright impossible to be able to fight back in real life, especially when it had happened so constantly and so close to home. There were few words you had to speak anymore, and when you did you found that they were only able to materialise around Billy Loomis. 
Billy, and his friend Stu Macher were the only of those that remained. Randy would’ve chalked it down to it being intentional, but the only pattern you could see was that they were killing ‘boy-girl-boy-girl’, which meant either of the two could’ve been next. 
So, imagine your shock – and horror – when Stu had gone missing, leaving nothing but a bloodied shoe in his wake. It was the only death of your friends that you hadn’t been to; no morgue visits or ceremonies, with Billy choosing to spend the day with you after he claimed that the Macher’s had just wanted family at his funeral. You would’ve been hurt, but considering you’d spent the past few months feeling like a curse, you were rather happy to keep your distance. 
“Thanks for staying with me…” you sighed, rubbing your red eyes. You’d been crying over Randy again, and although Billy wasn’t someone who liked dealing with emotions, he’d been a shoulder to cry on – literally – his silence giving you space to vent. “I’m sorry, I’m such a mess…” 
“I think you’re taking this too hard,” he said simply, watching you intently as you tried to compose yourself. “None of this is your fault. There are psychos everywhere.” 
“Yeah, but why us? How am I still here?” you gasped, the question blatantly rhetorical.  
“Luck. And skill. You’ve been in the right place at the right time,” he sniffed. “Maybe the killer doesn’t want you dead...” 
“Oh, that’s comforting.” You scoffed, dabbing at your nose with a tissue. He didn’t reply, but he tapped his finger impatiently along the edge of the sofa as his eyes roamed your body.  
You used to be such a sweet little thing; always dolled up in your signature clothes and makeup, but now you were timid, a recluse, even, walking around in Randy’s old shirts and running on two hours of sleep (if that). He couldn’t argue – solely because he’d been the one to cause this - but in time he’d get you back to the way you were. In fact, he might’ve even enjoyed this broken version of you even more; with swollen lips, a melancholy glow, and a psyche that was desperate for affection that only your former boyfriend could’ve given to you. 
Killing Randy had been exhilarating. It’d been all too easy, the boy practically boasted about his job (and therefore his schedule), and then it had been down to hiding in the stock room on his late shift, only to lunge at him from the shadows, pointed blade digging in and ravaging his pale flesh, all the while he screamed – even cried – your name. That was your knight in shining armour, a guy who’d failed to follow the rules he swore to live by. Pathetic. 
He’d shown him his face right before he died, remembering the way his eyes, though dull and rubber like a fish, had seemingly shone with recognition. He’d put the pieces together, simply far too late. 
“Don’t worry, Randy,” he’d said. “I’ll take good care of your little girlfriend.” 
Even in his moribund state, the nerd had known what he’d meant, his eyes flickering with worry just as the life had snapped out of him, the whole situation comically cinematic. All that was next was to kill Sidney, the girl that Randy adored before you’d even transferred to Woodsboro. It was simple; Sidney was collateral, and you were a spoil of war. And there was no one left to save you. 
“I think you should go outside,” Billy said bluntly. “Being inside all day isn’t good for your head.” 
You sighed and wiped your face, glancing around your living room. Truthfully, you couldn’t remember the last time you’d opened the curtains; much less when was the last time you’d gotten off the couch. The television was always on, and you’d done nothing but aimlessly flick through the channels, both avoiding yet drawing yourself to the news, hoping there’d be an update on the killer. It struck you as odd that it had all gone silent. 
“Like...Where?” you said incredulously, and Billy resisted the urge to sigh. 
“We could go to the movies,” he suggested. “It’ll be on me. I’ll even let you watch those terrible romance ones with the sappy endings.” 
You seemed to perk up at this, glancing over at the time on the clock across the room. It was 6:15, and if you showered quick enough (and found some clean, unwrinkled clothes) you could make it to a random seven o’clock screening. It was kind enough that Billy was here with you, but offering to take you to a romance film took selfishness out of the question – he was a true friend, treating you in the same way he had Sidney.
You, like many others, had joked about how perfect he was, often wishing that Randy had been the same way. He’d been nice, without a doubt, but sometimes he was erratic and clingy (some would say annoying), whereas Billy was far more level-headed and relaxed, evident through his constant support. It was time for you to smile, even if it would be temporary. 
“Okay...” You whispered with a weak smile, standing to your feet. “Give me a minute, I’m just gonna freshen up.”   
Billy’s deep brown eyes followed your figure as you walked past him and disappeared up the stairs. Sitting for a moment, he stared at the blaring screen of the television before shutting it off. Considering your state, he’d been surprised that it had been that easy, but apparently all it took for a girl to come around was the promise of a free outing and cliche love stories. The silence was telling – your parents weren’t around – and he pondered your reaction to his arrival in your bedroom...for company, of course. 
Pushing himself up from the couch, he followed you, his shoes barely making a noise as he made his way up the steps before stopping at your bedroom door, being a gentleman and taking his shoes off before he entered. A crack of light from the doorway of the bathroom told him that it was occupied, and so he took it as a signal to enter your threshold, wasting no time in rummaging through your drawers.  
He ran his lithe fingers over the outlines of your bra, following the soft cotton and curved shape as he imagined holding your tits in his hands, groping and tugging on them as you rode his cock, screaming and moaning his name so loudly that you forgot all about your idiot boyfriend.
It was the same with your panties, except he wanted to cut them off you, to watch as your legs trembled from trying to avoid the blade; only to get nipped, ruby rivulets trickling down your thighs. He’d rub it, smear the substance across your skin as he tried to soothe you, your fluids coating his skin and fingernails, only to been mixed with the translucent l cream of your orgasm – over and over and over again.  
Sitting down on the edge of your bed, he waited for you to come in, raising his brows at your squeal upon seeing him. You were only in a dressing gown, with your bra peeking out of the sides of the fluffy material. If he wasn’t already hard, he certainly was now. 
“Billy!” You gasped. “I told you to wait downstairs!” 
“I got bored,” he shrugged. “I wanted to see more of you.” 
You gave him a pointed look as you scraped your earrings off the dresser, clipping them on as you paced around the room in search of an outfit.  
“You know me,” you chuckled. “We’ve been friends for a year.” 
“Yeah, but do you ever really know someone?” He said softly, his gaze locked on your own as he cocked his head, blinking slowly at your confused expression. There was something unsettling about his tone, and you couldn’t help but think back to one of Randy’s many pained rants: “Never trust anyone. Everyone’s a suspect, even the love interest!” Did he know something you didn’t, or was he just being his typical, elusive self?
“I mean, come on now, Y/N. Look around. There’s no one left…just us. I think it’s time we got to know each-other.” 
Pulling on some pants under your gown, you frowned. 
“What’re you saying?” 
“We should be closer than we are,” he said softly, reaching out a hand to fiddle with the strap of your gown leisurely, his eye contact fleeting, but coy. “How else are we going to get through this?” 
Your eyes widened, and you gave Billy a once over as you contemplated the implications of his words. He’d never really been that much of the touchy type up until now, and it couldn’t be coincidental that all of a sudden he’d become so close to you. Perhaps it was the stress; the trauma of losing his friends that made him feel like he needed to fill the void. Or maybe it was genuine, that he wanted to stick through this real-life tragedy with you. Why else would he stay the long nights and weekends, watching TV with you or offering you his snacks?  
“Y-You’re a good friend,” you stammered. “Really. But I just don’t know if I can let anyone close to me anymore. What if you get killed!?” You choked, and Billy pulled you to the side of him, pressing your head into the crook of his neck as you sobbed. Tracing small circles on your back, he let you fix yourself before he pulled away, staring into your eyes as he spoke. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” he said softly. “I promise. And you know why?” 
You shook your head. 
“I spoke to Randy a few days before he died. He was  paranoid – you know how he was – I guess you could say that he had a sense he was going to die…” Billy paused, eyes flickering with recognition before he swallowed and continued. “…He said that if anything were to happen to him, that I should be the one to take care of you. He knew how close you were with Sidney, and she’d have wanted the same.” 
Shakily, your lips parted as you took a breath. Sidney, like many others, had always gushed about how sweet Billy was – particularly how patient he’d been when it’d come to having sex. It would only be logical for them to say that, given the fact that Stu was the only other candidate. No one else would’ve stuck beside you, putting up with your weeks of moping and incessant crying. It was only right that you started giving him some thanks. After all, he was all you had left. 
“O-okay,” you smiled softly before wrinkling your nose. You were so close to Billy that strands of his hair was grazing against your face, and you could smell the faint scent of his cologne – icy, yet comforting. “I’m sorry,” you sighed. “I guess I got so wrapped up in thinking about Randy that I haven’t really been grateful to you. Come on, let’s go out —“ 
“This isn’t about the movies.” Billy interjected, his brows slightly  wrinkled. “This is about you. You’re a girl, and you have needs.”  
You froze, always worried it would come to this.  
“I can’t let you do that,” you said affirmatively. “You were with Sidney, she was my friend —“ 
“She’s gone now,” he said, zero inklings of emotion detected within his voice. “Just like Randy’s gone. I have needs too, you know. You’re not really being a good friend by ignoring them.” 
“You mean a lot to me,” he continued, placing a hand on your thigh, rubbing it in a slow but enticing manner. “I think about you a lot. I want to do more to help you…but you’re not letting me.” 
You knew it was wrong to go there, but part of you knew that he had a point. There was no use in festering in misery; Randy, Sidney and the rest of your friends were gone for good, and there was ultimately nothing that would change that. All you could do was focus on what you had now, and that was Billy; patient, willing, and ready to carry out the wishes of your deceased friends. You just had to let him in. 
Silently, you nodded, and he took that as confirmation to kiss you. His lips were warm and wanting, but certainly felt unfamiliar, and you found that it took you a while to find a suitable rhythm. Billy wasted no time in pushing you back onto the bed, kissing down your neck as he straddled you, the faint outline of his hardening cock brushing against your covered leg. His hands lingered on the tie of your robe, glancing down at it with a smirk before pulling it undone, exposing your semi-nude torso to the cool air of the bedroom. 
Your heart leapt out of your chest; not because what you were doing was taboo, but because you’d never done it before. You were about to lose your virginity to your dead friend’s boyfriend – something that your cloudy mind couldn’t comprehend.  
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, leaving love bits on your chest as his fingers slipped under your bra and pinching and rubbing at the surrounding skin and sensitive nipples. “Randy didn’t know what he had…” 
Letting out a moan, you allowed yourself to be consumed by him, pushing off his open button-up so that he was left in his white shirt. He didn’t look much, but his arms were surprisingly muscular, and you found yourself tracing along the outlines of his skin, inadvertently pulling him closer.  
Billy pulled away, a smirk visible on his face as he unzipped his pants, sliding his trousers to his ankles before readjusting himself on the bed. Taking your hand, he guided you off the bed and brought you to your feet. 
“Strip for me,” he lulled, watching you intently for a reaction. “I want to see how pretty you are…” 
Nervously, you peeled the robe off your body, dropping it to the floor at the edge of your bed before undoing your pants, all under the watchful, jaded eyes of Billy Loomis. As cliched as it sounded, you felt like a bride on her wedding night, nerves released by Billy’s soothing coos and gentle touch. He patted the bed – yours, which you seemed to forget – and you laid down, taking laboured breaths as his brown locks disappeared between your thighs, skin breaking into goosebumps as he slid your panties down your legs. 
“You’re wet...” he hummed, placing his index and middle together before rubbing your hood in small, deliberate circles. “I think you wanted me more than you let on.” 
“B-Billy...” you gasped, shutting your eyes at the pleasurable sensation. “I-I’ve never...” 
“Shh, I know, I know...” he whispered, his touch becoming rougher as he prodded and spread your lips apart, admiring your insides like some sort of fucked-up doctor. “ ‘M gonna make you feel good, but you need a little practise first...” 
Billy began to finger you, withdrawing his digits every so often to admire the way the slickness of your arousal coated his skin, glossy and translucent, the feeling second only to the blood of his victims on his skin. As he curled his fingers within you, he found that you began to shake and clench; your orgasm abruptly evident.
As much as he wanted to indulge in it, he wanted to savour you – and so pulled his fingers out, earning a breathy whine from you. Hastily, he lowered his boxers, his erect cock jutting out like a weapon as he stalked you, pushing your body deep into the pillows as he straddled you. 
“D-Do you have protection...?” you whispered meekly, and Billy could’ve came right there and then at the sight of you, lips parted and begging to be kissed as you gazed at him through your lashes.  
“No...” he replied, watching the fear wash over your face. “But it’s ok. I was safe with Sidney, and you’ve never had sex, right? That means you’re good.” 
Biting your lip, you debated protesting, but found it wasn't worth it. You wanted him – needed this – and you were already sinning by fucking your dead friends’ boyfriend. What did unprotected sex have on that? 
“You’re right,” you said with a small smile, puffing your cheeks as you prepared for him to enter you. “Be gentle...” 
“I wouldn’t dream of hurting you,” he said firmly, eyes unblinking as he adjusted himself at your entrance, the edge of his cock grazing against your folds. “We’re in this together, remember?” 
You knew he meant it when he kissed you upon his penetration, his lips swallowing your whine as he entered you. He wasn’t by any means a stallion – simply averaged sized – but he filled you almost instantly, a dull ache forming around your walls as he began to thrust his hips up into you. If this was what sex was like; rhythmic, passionate, if not a little sharp-edged, then you were partially sad that you hadn’t got to experience it with Randy...the remaining deeply selfish part of you glad that it was with Billy. 
He seemed to know every part of you, where to kiss, where to rub, where to hold – when to slow down and when to quicken, all adorned with his sweet nothings that he spoke into your neck, ever so occasionally peering up at you through his lashes, his exact thoughts elusive to you. He cared, right? Why else would he hold you so close to him, kiss your collarbone, rub and soothe your thighs as he rolled his hips deeper, your pelvises slapping against each other in the heat of the moment? 
“You’re so tight,” he moaned as your lips gripped his bare shaft. “So good to me...Taking me so well...” 
You whined, the sound getting lost under the slight creaking of the bed and the rustle of your bedsheets, tightening your arms around his neck as you drew him closer into you and running a hand through his hair. Billy was thankful, thankful that you couldn’t see his shit-eating smirk from this position onto of you, but much more for Randy; as if he hadn’t had been such a paranoid nerd, he wouldn’t have had the opportunity to imprint himself on you forever. 
His strokes were deep and fulfilling, the head of his cock beginning to buck up into your g-spot, pleasure made more overwhelming as he reached down again to rub at your clit. It was dark, somewhat twisted, but it was perfect; and you could actually feel your anxieties disappear entirely. Who was Randy? Had you ever really loved him? 
Even amongst your white haze as you got closer to the heat of your orgasm, you were able to make out the sound of a lock opening. Your eyes shot open, trying to piece together footsteps and visible signs of entry – Billy had been the only one to come in, perhaps he’d forgotten to lock the door? Or maybe it was your parents, home early from their outing? Worse, maybe it was the killer, dead on arrival like the Grim Reaper as soon as you’d gone against the rules and had sex. 
“Billy —“ you gasped, squeezing your eyes shut as his cock hit your sensitive spot. “The door…I-I think someone’s here…” 
“Shh, you’re okay…” he murmured into your ear. “I didn’t hear anything…” 
A plunging, shaking feeling consumed you as you came, half-lidded eyes making out the shape of a gloved hand and knife creeping from behind the door. Instinctively, you opened your mouth to scream, but nothing came from it. All you could do was lie there, throat parched and the air knocked out of your lungs as you watched the figure enter the room; not hooded, masked or even bloody – but taking the shape and form of a tall, lanky boy with blonde hair. 
Stu was alive, and Billy had lied to you. 
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
Part - 1
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: Poly! ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating,
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19
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"Do you have anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?" You hated this. First days were known to be horrible for a reason. Why on earth would you want to tell a room full of strangers some random fact about you? They don't care if you have a pet nor do they want to know why you're here. The room was dead silent waiting for you to hurry up and sit down. "Umm-"
"What's your cup size?" A boy asked making the other kids in the class snicker. The dark-haired boy next to him smiled shaking his head in disapproval. "Steven I'm not doing this with you today, out." Steven groaned already grabbing his books. "But miss-" With a stern point of the finger she spoke again. "Out!" The class once again fell silent and you couldn't possibly feel more uncomfortable. You've done nothing wrong yet within 5 minutes you feel everyone staring at you with disdain.
Once the door closed behind Steven the teacher spoke again. "I'm terribly sorry Y/n. Just take Steven's spot for today and we'll figure the rest out tomorrow." A simple nod was all you could muster. All you had was a pencil in your hand and a bright yellow notebook sitting on top of your new desk. You closed your eyes trying to fast-forward time. This was the last class of the day and it could honestly not be worse. "Don't worry about him he's a dick." The note on your desk read. The boy to your left looked at you then the paper wanting you to send the note back.
With a quick scribble, you handed him the paper. A huffed laugh left his lips as he read "You are what you eat." The note was then crumpled and shoved into his pocket. That seemed to be the end of your conversation with the stranger but you pushed further. Leaning to the side you whisper, "What's your name?" Instead of saying anything he opened up his notebook. The black and white cover was scuffed showing obvious signs of use. He lifted the book showing you the inside. With a single word written in big letters. 'Billy.'
The class went on, no more pleasantries being exchanged. The bell rang signaling the tiring day was over. You were going to say something else to Billy but he was up and gone by the time you looked up. "So much for that." You mumbled as you got up. The movies always showed the new girl getting all the attention. Everyone tries to quickly mold her into their cult-like clique. Maybe it was the dress you were wearing or the way you wore your hair that made you look like a prude. Growing up with your grandparents sets you up for a life of social isolation.
The parking lot was crowded but not crowded enough to not see your bright red car. Just as visible was the short-haired boy sitting on the hood. "Get off my car." You scolded flatly. "Holy shit this is yours!? How'd you get it?" He asked bouncing with joy. "It's my dad's so I don't want you sitting on it. Thanks." You tossed your bags in the car as he continued talking. Just a second ago you were praying Billy would keep up some conversation. Now you're wanting nothing more than to get home. "Man look it's Christine!" He shouted as the girl next to him covered her ears. "Is he always this loud?" She laughed at the question shaking her head up and down. "Unfortunately. I'm Tatum, so you're the new girl everyone's talking about?"
A puzzled look fell over your features. "Who's talking about me?" Before she could answer Billy walks up to the car. "This is nice." His blabbering friend seems disappointed with that answer. "Nice? It's fucking awesome! Can we ride in it?" He turns to beg you. Billy looked over at you raising his eyebrows in silent confusion. "I don't even know you." What part of 'dads' car did he not understand? "I'm Stu, this is Billy."
"We've met." Billy says gesturing towards you. "it's nice to meet you Stu but I don't give rides to strangers." He walks over throwing his arm over your shoulder. Way too much physical contact from someone you don't know. "Well you know my friend Billy and now you know me. I'd say we're all friends here." Tatum rolls her eyes at her friend's antics. "If you two are going to harass this poor woman I'm leaving. I've got to catch up with Sydney. See ya, babe." She blew a kiss at Stu which he caught.
"Pleaseeeee." He begged. Just as Billy was about to intervene you agreed. "Fine but no food, drink, cigarettes, or really anything that could mess up this car. Got it?" You laid out the rules as you climbed into the driver's seat. Stu bit his lip nodding his head. "Yes ma'am. Come on man." Stu said as he jumped in the car. Billy stood awkwardly looking down at his feet. His eyes nervously looked around almost like he was late for something. "Go without me I've got some errands to run." Stu stuck his head out of the window. You tapped the steering wheel impatiently. "Come on man Christine is like your favorite movie." At this, Billy laughed.
"No, I think you're confusing things. A murderous car is definitely more your speed." At this point, you regretted saying yes to Stu. "Please come with us I don't trust him." Stu covered his heart in fake hurt. "If you should be worried about anybody you should worry about Billy." You seriously doubted that. Sure he was quiet and a little unnerving but he might just be shy. "Fuck it." His hands smack his thighs in defeat. Stu loudly rejoices at his friend's surrender. "Get in the back."
You figured Stu would put up a fight considering he was there first. Yet he opened the door with sad eyes and quietly got into the back. It was strange. You weren't sure how long these two had been friends but it was an odd dynamic. "Why do you get to sit next to her?" Stu whined from the back seat. "Because she doesn't trust you." A laugh forced its way from your throat. "Who said I trusted you? According to him, I should be careful around you." You pointed to the man in the back who gladly smiled. Billy propped his arm on the window shaking his head slightly. "I'm sorry but dressed like that you need to be careful with everyone."
"Gotta agree with him on that. You look like Betty Crocker." Stu leaned his head on the seat between you and Billy. "Don't get me wrong it's kinda sexy but still very grandma." With a roll of your eyes, you started the car, hearing the engine purr to life. The boy next to you cracked such a small smile you'd have to catch it on camera for proof that it happened. "This is amazing! I fucking love you, Betty Crocker." Stu kissed you on the cheek making your nose crinkle. At that, Billy actually laughed. Nothing too dramatic though. "Ew can you not touch me at all? Jesus Christ." With one hand on the wheel, you took the other to wipe your cheek.
"Now you see what I put up with," Billy adds. "Oh, so you kiss him too huh?" You drove out of the parking lot heading to the main road. "Only on weekends." Stu shrugged. You giggled but Billy didn't seem to find anything funny. "So what brings you to this hell hole?" He asks still keeping his eyes out the window. "Me and my moved into my grandparent's house after they passed. He found a good job here too so ta-da here I am" Stu leaned forward to press buttons on the dash which you promptly swatted his hand away. "What is your deal with this car?"
Stu seemed shocked you had to even ask. "It's Christine baby! The man-eating car." You blinked a few times a little confused. "You know the John Carpenter film? Came out in 1983. Same guy that directed Halloween with Michael Myers." Billy seemed interested in this conversation more so than others. His whole body seem to turn towards you actively listening to anything you had to say. "Of course, I know Halloween I've just not seen Christine." It was Billy's turn to pick at you. "You're telling me you've never seen Christine but you've got the car?"
He must be brain-dead to think you got a car based on a movie. "This is a 58' Plymouth. It is way older than the Christine movie. I've got the original if you ask me." Stu looked like he was adding numbers to fact-check your math. Billy on the other hand had the same stoic expression on his face. His eyes dragged up and down you seemingly trying to figure out something. "Say where do you two live?" Stu gave out directions to his house without hesitation. "You can just drop me off at his place." You nod in Billy's direction as you focus on the road.
"Why do you dress like this?" Billy picks at the fabric of your dress. It seems no one in this town knows what personal boundaries are. But you guess it beats the awkwardness of a new friendship. With these two it's like you jumped ahead. "I like it." Plain and simple. Billy wasn't buying it either was Stu. "It's more than just that. You know people look at you differently do you get off on that sort of thing?" The question was rude. If you had a backbone of any sort you throw him out of the moving car. Being a people pleaser however made you give him an honest answer. "Maybe. Do I notice when people look at me hatefully? Duh. But at the end of the day, I'm happy they looked at me at all. I mean you both look like every other teenage boy out there. You don't want to stand out?"
Stu liked your answer it was honestly one he could relate to. "No, we like to blend in." That was all Billy said. It was a change from the chattiness before. "Well, what about you Stu?" Billy turned to look back at the boy. Meanwhile he was happy at being included. When it was just him with some girls he could say whatever he felt like. When Billy was around things were different. Just with his eyes he could tell Stu what and what not to say. He didn't mind of course he loved Billy more than he would ever know really. Plus he knew his personality could be a lot for new people. It was nice to have someone to let him know when enough was enough.
"Like he said we like to blend in. We're not big attention whores." He laughed. You don't think the comment was aimed at you but you couldn't help but feel a little hurt by it. "What's your name?" Stu asked while he lay down in the back seat. "Y/n." Billy once again needed more of an answer. "Y/n what?" He was looking for a last name. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Stu's eyes shot back and forth between you two. "I would. That's why I asked."
"Well, you ask too many questions. Unless you're looking to change my last name I don't know why you'd need to know." Billy wasn't mad. Aggravated sure but not mad. You were smart. Not smart enough to tell two psychos to fuck off but smart enough to not hand out personal information easily. He'd have to work for it which he loved to do. "Is your place down this road Stu?" The boy perked up. A little sad that the ride was over. "Yeah just go on down."
"What are you doing this weekend?" Billy asked seeing his window of opportunity was closing. "Nothing much why?" More boring and cryptic answers. "We should come over to your place this weekend seeing as nothing's going on." Billy looked at his friend for backup. "Absolutely! I could bring a copy of Christine and we could get mad wasted!" Billy closed his eyes regretting asking him for anything. "I don't drink. Never had a reason to."
"Well, Ms. Crocker I'm giving you one." Unfortunately for these two you had self-preservation skills. Getting drunk with two men you don't know at your house is not smart. They act like you haven't seen any scary movies. "I'm not getting drunk with you two. I'll think about hanging out this weekend but no drinking. My dad would kill me if he knew I had two dudes in the house let alone drunk dudes." Billy could work with that. Stu was practically jumping at the idea to hang with you. For once he didn't have ulterior motives. He couldn't say the same for his friend who had that gleam in his eye he's seen before.
You pulled into the driveway saying goodbye to your new friends. "See you at school tomorrow?" Billy asked knowing the seat you occupied today would be permanently vacant so you could stay next to him. "Unfortunately. Bye, losers." You waved at the guys ready to get the hell home. The boys watched as you pulled away, the bright red car was easy to follow down the road. "What do you think about her?" Billy asked his friend. "She's alright man. Needs better taste in movies but I can fix that." Billy agreed but something just wasn't sitting right with him. In one day you managed to weasel your way into their lives. He wasn't sure if he wanted to watch movies with you or make you the star of one.
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Part 2
A/N: I've been writing for about 5 years now but I'm new to the Scream fandom. I just recently watched the first movie and I can't seem to get these two out of my head so feedback is greatly appreciated! See ya lovelies 💞
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indigovigilance · 8 months
Neil Gaiman's 3 cameos
"But Neil only has one cameo, it's in the movie theater!" Come now. What show are we watching? There is not just one cameo. There are three. The first one is...
The one that actually happened:
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but then there is also...
The one that was supposed to happen, but didn't:
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See those two people in the background? Lower left-hand corner of the screen? By rights, that should have been Neil and Terry, but Terry was taken from us too soon. Neil wrote this scene intending to do the cameo by himself, in honor of his friend, but on that day couldn't bring himself to do it:
Terry Pratchett and I, had a standing… not even a standing joke, just a standing plan, that we were going to have sushi - there was going to be a scene in Good Omens where sushi was eaten and we were gonna be extras, we were gonna sit in the background, eating sushi while it was done. And I was so looking forward to this and, so I wrote this scene with it being sushi, even though Terry was gone, with that in mind and I thought: Oh, I’ll sit and I’ll eat lots of sushi as an extra, this will be my scene as an extra, I’ll just be in the background. And then, on the day, or a couple of days before, I realized that I couldn’t do it. [...] it was written for Terry and all of the sushi meals we’d ever had and all of the strange way that sushi ran through Good Omens.
The fact that the scene exists at all, I think, can be taken as a cameo. I would interpret it as one of Neil's cameos, since he wrote it as a self-insert of an important aspect of his relationship to the work, but it is also Terry's cameo. Focusing on the empty space where something ought to be is itself a representation of what is missing; there is something to be said for drawing attention to absence, which is what our knowledge of how this scene came to be accomplishes.
There's no good way for me to transition to the next part of this meta other than to encourage you to take a deep breath and remember that Terry Pratchett has been immortalized by this and other works. He is beloved, and not forgotten, and lives on in our hearts, and we honor him by celebrating his works not only in mourning but in the full range of emotion that his works inspired in us, including laughter.
Because this next part is just silly.
Neil's AU Gary Stu cameo:
Neil Gaiman has told the story multiple times about how a careers advisor tried to redirect his life course from storytelling to... *shudder* accountancy. Here's one quote [source]:
Gaiman: I very much wanted to write comics. I remember as a kid, I was 15, and I had a meeting with an outside careers adviser. I was asked, “OK, well, what do you want to be?” And I said, “Well, I really want to write American comics.” There was a long pause, and then the outside careers adviser said, “Well, how do you go about doing that then?” I said, “You’re the careers adviser. You tell me.” And then there was another seriously long pause, and the adviser said, “Have you ever thought about accountancy?” I said, “No, I have never thought about accountancy.” And then we just sat and stared at each other.
We are all very lucky that teenager!Neil decided to completely disregard this advice, but Good Omens S1E2 contains a character that seems to resemble who Neil would have become (or thought he would have become) if he had let that careers advisor drag him into a life of bean-counting mundanity.
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We may not see Neil's face in this scene, but we do get to experience his existential dread of the what if: what if I had never become a storyteller? What if I had listened to that wanker, and lived a life without following my dreams?
I'd say it counts as a cameo.
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xoxoladyaz · 10 months
AU-gust, Day 6: Domestic
Eddie Munson was a rockstar. Eddie Munson was a renegade. Eddie Munson was a bad boy, living life on the edge, destined for wild nights on the open road, for success and fame and riches. Eddie Munson was – 
“ – ridiculous.”
“Excuse me?” Eddie whirled around from psyching himself up in the mirror to glare at Jeff. Jeff, who had the utter nerve to roll his eyes at him.
“You’re being ridiculous, man,” Jeff repeated.
“He’s not being ridiculous, he’s being a baby,” Gareth cut in with a snort.
Eddie gaped at his two best friends, his musketeers, his brothers in arms. “What – I – how dare you! I am not being a baby, I’m Eddie fucking Munson, I’m a high-rolling freak on the streets and in the sheets - ”
“Dude, gross.”
“ – who’s ready to rock across America!” He finished emphatically.
Jeff just quirked his eyebrow at him. “You’re literally pouting right now.”
“No, I’m not!”
Jeff and Gareth shared a look before sighing in tandem. “You’ve gone to bed before eleven every night the last few weeks. The rest of us aren’t even out of the venue by the time you’re asleep,” Gareth started.
“Not to mention the fact that you can’t do anything in the morning until you’ve called and talked to Steve,” Jeff continued.
“And if you can’t talk to Steve during his lunch break then you’re grumpy for the rest of the day.”
“You keep complaining about the fact that none of his shirts smell like him anymore - ”
“ – seriously, you threw a temper tantrum until Stu stopped and bought a bottle of his shitty cologne for you to spray on your pillow - ”
“ – and you keep making super long and sappy speeches about missing your ‘sweetheart’ every single performance before we play ‘Faithfully’ - ”
“ – it’s embarrassing dude, we’re a metal band!”
“ – and to top it all off, you literally can’t go more than three minutes without talking about Steve or what Steve would think of what we’re driving by and God forbid you make any sort of decision without talking to Steve first.”
Eddie stood frozen, paralyzed by the heat rushing towards his face. “I – I do not!”
Phil walked in from the back of the bus and chuckled. “Dude, you literally called him to ask if you should order ketchup or mustard with your burger last night.”
“I - ” Eddie sputtered before crossing his arms. “I – he was having burgers too and I wanted us to match!”
“Awww,” Gareth cooed mockingly, fluttering his eyes back at Eddie. “That’s so sweet.”
“Ignore him,” Jeff said, shoving Gareth off of his chair. “For the record, it is really sweet, man. So why are you trying to hide it with all this ‘bad boy of rock and roll stuff?’”
“What do you mean ‘hide it?’ I’ve always been a bad boy.”
Silence. (If they weren’t on a moving bus and had their windows open, it would have been the perfect moment for a symphony of crickets to kick in.)
Eddie squeezed his arms against his chest and pouted (and yes, he knew he was pouting this time, thank you very much.) “Rude.”
Jeff rose with a sigh and crossed the tour bus. When he reached Eddie he threw his arm around him in a half-hug. “Eds, my man, I love you, but you’ve only ever been scary looking.”
“Seriously, you’re the sappiest guy I know,” Gareth added unhelpfully.
“And before you say that’s not metal,” Jeff kept going (and yeah, he knew Eddie pretty well to head off that train of thought), “that’s what sets us apart from the rest of the bands on the scene.”
“What does?”
“You being a super loving guy, man,” Phil nodded with a dazed look in his eyes. “Truthfully, I think love is the most metal thing of all. It can change the world.”
“Wow,” Gareth snorted after a few moments, “have you gotten up close and personal with Mary Jane already today?”
“Well, yeah, but - ”
“What Phil is trying to say is that you’re made of love, dude. And it’d be a real shame if you lost track of that, especially because that’s what we love about you, and that’s what Steve loves about you,” Jeff finished. He squeezed Eddie’s shoulder comfortingly before letting go.
“You’re right,” Eddie rubbed his hands against his arms. “I know you’re right, it’s just – this was supposed to be what I wanted, you know? Touring and fame and the open road. But - ”
Jeff prodded him gently. “But?”
“But I miss Steve,” Eddie sighed. “I miss seeing him come home every day. I miss waking up next to him every morning and falling asleep next to him every night. I miss his delicious pasta dinners and his burned pancakes because he always burns them and I just – I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this. I just miss him. But I don’t want to give up what we have either.”
The boys were silent for a moment, looking amongst each other and back at Eddie, who was wilting in on himself.
“Well,” Phil started, “we don’t have to tour like this. We could just do weekends maybe?”
“Or summers,” Jeff hummed thoughtfully. “That way Steve can come with us.”
“And Will!” Gareth perked up, grinning. “He doesn’t take classes in the summers, he’d be able to come with us then.”
“And that way by the time we’re done touring, Steve will be headed back to work and you can be home with him,” Jeff nodded, like it was decided. “We can definitely make that work.”
Eddie’s voice was small and quiet when he spoke. “You’d really do that for me?”
“I mean, it wouldn’t be just ‘for you,’ it would be good for all of us, but yeah, man. We just want you to be happy. That’s way more important than any tour.”
Eddie nodded once, twice, and then he was throwing his arms around Jeff and tackling him to the floor. “Thank you thank you thank you, you guys are the best, Steve’s gonna be so excited I gotta go tell him RIGHT NOW - ” and then Eddie was off, whooping happily into the back of the tour bus.
Jeff sat up from his spot now on the floor and exchanged looks with Gareth and Phil. “You’re good with that, yeah?”
“Dude, if Eddie wasn’t going to say anything, I was,” Gareth shook his head. “Eddie’s way less of a slob when Steve’s around.”
“And he’s a great cook! I’m getting tired of all this Taco Bell.”
“Speak for yourself, Phil!” Gareth growled, affronted, and the three remaining Corroded Coffin members began arguing about the nutritional benefits of Taco Bell.
(When they finally went on tour again the following summer it was a much better experience for everyone involved. Eddie was almost constantly in a good mood, Gareth didn’t feel the need to strangle Eddie for hogging the phone, Phil ate his weight in homemade – or hotel-made – pasta, and Jeff? Jeff got to enjoy himself without any worries about his best friend losing his way, because anytime Eddie got a little stressed or in his head, all it took was one look at Steve and he was okay, and that was more than worth the crowded tour bus.)
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roadkillremi · 8 months
Kinktober '23
5 out of 11
Consent Non-Consent
Billy Loomis X F!Reader
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MasterList. Kinktober '23
Summary : Billy and Stu got away with the murders. Billy and you share a small trailer, after an argument Billy shows you how much he loves you.Characters are 18+. Pre-established relationship.
Warnings : MINORS DNI, Angst, p in V, fighting, language, degrading, unprotected sex. Yelling at Billy.
You lounged on his couch watching Friday The 13th Part 2. He didn't say much, he walked back and forth from the kitchen and living room. The smell of butter overruled the house. A soft, "shit" was muttered from the kitchen.
"Everything okay?" You called out.
"Yeah" he walked out holding a bowl of popcorn. He held two beers between his arms and torso. He put the bowl on your lap before plopping down beside you. He handed you a beer while staring at the TV. You took the beer and sighed audibly.
"What is it?" He glanced over before focusing back on the movie. You popped the tab open, "It's Saturday the 14th.".
"I said sorry." He muttered. You took a sip of your beer, "You said we'd watch it together.".
"Stu needed me?"
"To what? Suck his dick?-" you spat. He stared at you, his eyes were cold and soulless. He was always with Stu now, never you. You wanted him to be with you, you huffed.
"You're pathetic." He whispered. The venom of his voice stung, you slammed the popcorn bowl on the coffee table. You stomped off to the kitchen, Billy sighed following you.
"What's your problem?" He slammed his hands on the counter. You rolled your eyes, "You! You're the problem!". He blankly stared at you, "You're always with him! Never with me!" You continued.
"You're being dra-"
"Shut up!" You yelled. He brows knitted, he gripped the counter tightly.
"You're always with Stu! When's the last time we went on a date?! Or We had sex! You always sleep on the couch! Never in bed with me! Or when you'd just fuck me, with no warning! I want that again!" Your face went hot due to shouting. Billy just stared at you, "I'm sorry.". You shook your head, "I.. you know how Stu can be. Ever since Sydney's dad he-".
"I know." You interrupted. Billy stared at you, studying your body language. You didn't believe him, he gritted his teeth.
"He misses Tatum and wants company that's all." He crossed his arms. You sighed, "I'm sorry..".
"I get it. I've been away, but he needs me.".
"...I need you-"
"I'm sorry, okay!" He yelled. You jumped back, "I'm working all the damn time! Stus grieving or some shit! And you're going to the community college!". Billy stepped closer to you, "I'm trying.".
"I know. You... You just break your promises." You defended. He sucked his teeth, "I'm sorry..". You looked down at his shoes, his worn out docs. He stepped even closer causing you to look up at him.
"It's fine.".
They stepped closer, he hugged you. You leaned into him, you didn't like fighting with him. You felt horrible, you knew he was trying but you needed him. He kissed the top of your head, "Go get ready for bed...".
You nodded walking to your bedroom, you shifted through the laundry. You put on the cleanest pajamas you could find. You shuffled to the bathroom grabbing your toothbrush. You turned the faucet on, wetting your toothbrush. Billy leaned against the doorway, his shirt was gone. You glanced over at him, "What?".
"You're so beautiful." He whispered. You put toothpaste on your toothbrush, "If you're trying to sweet talk to me it's not working.". He walked into the bathroom standing behind you.
"what are you-"
"Brushing my teeth." He muttered. He leaned over you to grab his toothbrush. His crotch pushing against your ass. You ignored it and brushed your teeth. He brushed his behind you, he'd glance down at you. The white toothpaste bubbling out of the corners of your mouth. You'd spit into the sink bending over a bit. Billy gently slid his hand on your hip. You ignored it again, you brushed your teeth over once more. Billy slowly unbuckled his pants as silently as possible. You brushed your tongue causing you to gag a bit. Billy twitched, he forced your hips against the counter.
"Ow!" You groaned looking back at him. He stared into your eyes, his cock waiting to devour you. You blinked, "Billy..". He shoved your shorts down and parted your legs.
"Keep doing what you're doing." His words slurred due to his toothbrush. You nodded trying to brush your teeth. He dragged himself through before thrusting in. He groaned with pleasure, his toothbrush hung on the corner of his mouth. The counter pushes into your hips causing a mark. You squirmed pushing yourself back, he huffed gripping your hips. He leaned over pushing all your makeup and toiletries to the floor. He picked you up laying your torso on the counter. He held your hips up thrusting into you.
He didn't say much, he stared into your eyes. A soft smirk formed as he watched your face contort with pleasure. He leaned down over your body, his lip grazed over your ear.
"Is this what you missed?" He whispered. You opened your mouth to speak but just moaned. He smiled, "Not much to say now, huh?". You curled your lips together, "Fuck you". He chuckled, "That's what we're doing". You let out groan trying to hold in your moans. He snickered, he pulled his tooth brush out of his mouth.
"Here. Since you wanna be an ungrateful whore." He shoved his tooth brush in your mouth. He smirked as he pulled your hips towards him.
"Never.." he slammed into your core. He backed up a bit, "Yell... At me... Again.". He slammed into between each breath. You nodded, he grabbed your chin.
"What do you say?" He took his toothbrush out of your mouth. You breathed heavily, "I'm sorry, sir... I won't do it again.". He smiled, "that's more like it..".
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updownlately · 11 months
i hope he's home for you (even though i had to lose you)
| leah williamson x reader
“Leah, are you kidding me?”
You couldn’t believe this. You never thought you’d be put in a position where you’d have to fight for your girlfriend’s affection yet here you were, doing exactly that. 
You only got a shrug in response, the blonde shuffling on the couch, trying to get more comfy as she continued texting on her phone. 
“I’m going for a little over a month and you’re already replacing me?” The incredulous look on your face didn’t do your emotions justice, the thought of the blonde not cherishing your last few days together absolutely shocking you.
“It’s nothing serious, I promise. Plus, he’s cute, outgoing, and really friendly…it’s going to be a good time,” she replied, not bothering to look up from her phone.
The nonchalant retort didn’t have the comforting effect that the blonde had hoped, actions not lining up with words, only managing to irritate you further. 
Eyebrows furrowing, you got up from your place at your kitchen island, making your way to stand near her. “I hope you do realize that these are our last couple days together before I literally fly across the world for the tournament for a whole month and then some?”
Just barely getting a nod in reply, you huffed, face twisting in annoyance.
You continued, hoping the midfielder would rethink her decision. “You’re gonna miss me you know? Especially when he can’t cook any of your favourite foods. And when our usual Sunday dates don’t happen, you’re going to feel it.”
“It won’t be that bad…he’ll be good company while you’re gone…”
You threw your hands up in exasperation, not believing that these were the words coming out of Leah’s mouth. The same Leah that had practically moved into your apartment after you had made things official. The same Leah that would constantly plan date nights for the two of you, wanting to spend as much time together as possible during the season. The same Leah that would complain every morning when you’d leave your shared bed to only start the coffee pot for the both of you. The same Leah that was now treating you like a spare choice, too caught up in the novelty of the new to even bother to remember the good times you two shared thus far. 
Silence hung in the air, disbelief making you momentarily mute, the other girl too caught up in texting that verbal communication was a hindrance.
It was only when Leah spoke again that you snapped out of your bewilderment.
“Actually, I think I’m going to go out today with him, I’ve just texted Beth and she’s free too…”
You couldn’t believe it. You really couldn’t. This was actually happening. Throwing your head back, you took in a deep breath, one that Leah could hear even from her seat a handful of feet away.
“So what? You’re going to make time for him but not for me? That’s how important I am to you? I leave soon Leah!”
“Oh come on, you’re acting like I’ve gotten a new boyfriend or something!” It was Leah’s turn to be annoyed, the blonde turning towards you as she got up, mild amusement littering her face. 
“You practically have!” You whined back, shoulders dropping, foot gently stomping petulantly.
“Babe, Cheeto won’t be replacing you, he’s just going to keep me company while you’re gone.” Leah was fully smiling now, hands on her hips as she observed your little temper tantrum, it amusing her more than she’d ever let on.
You raised your eyebrows at the skipper, not pleased with her reply.  
“He’ll be here when I’m back…he’s not gonna go away.” You were aware that you sounded absolutely childish right now but the thought of him being here and getting all of Leah’s attention while you were oceans away didn’t seem fair to you.
“Love, trust me, you’ll like him, he’s full of love.” The fond smile Leah expressed as she spoke the words set an uneasy feeling in your stomach. 
“You realize he probably won’t like exercising right? He’ll be more trouble than peace? And what kind of name is ‘Cheeto’? It just sounds stupid.”
Leah couldn’t help but laugh at your last comment, the immatureness of it finally breaking her. 
“It’s not like I can move much anyways? And he’ll keep things interesting. Plus, I think the name’s fitting, he does look like a ‘Cheeto’.” 
With the blonde recovering from her ACL, you knew she was right. Another presence around would help. Still, it didn’t mean you had to like it.
Rolling your eyes, well aware that you had no retort, you turned away from the Englishwoman and hoped that your body language spoke your aversion.
You heard a gentle laugh behind you before the patter of Leah’s footsteps filled your ears, her hand coming to rest on your waist and turning you to face her quickly after.
Bringing both of her hands to intertwine with yours, the blonde waited for you to meet her eyes before speaking.
“Listen…I’m not replacing you. Especially not with Cheeto. Yes he’s a great puppy but he’s no you, okay? Also you love dogs, especially corgis. You’ll love him, I promise.”
Finally giving up your act, you let yourself be pulled into Leah, letting go of her hands in favour of wrapping them around her while she did the same.
“I hope he treats you better than I ever could,” you mumbled into her neck, a teasing smile present on your face as you cuddled further into her warmth.
Leah’s laugh rang melodically throughout the apartment, her arms wrapping tighter around you. “Oh shut it you.”
Grinning, you knew you wouldn’t mind having Cheeto around, glad that Leah had something to fill her heart while you were gone, even if you weren’t the one she was choosing. 
“You deserve the world times two and I hope Cheeto and I can give that to you…” 
Feeling Leah’s pull you impossibly closer at your whispered words, you sighed in comfort, contentness spreading through your body.
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More Important then me? - yandere polyghostface
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The house was silent when you entered, bags of shopping adorning your forearms. Your day had been spent shopping with Tatum and Sidney, splashing out your wages on things you knew you probably didn’t need.
Dropping the bags by the door, you make your way to the living room. Empty, had they gone out? Surely they would have told you if they did.
“Billy? Stu?” you shout as you continue your search for the boys.
“Up here baby,” Stu replies. You race up the stairs excited to see the boys that had been on your mind all day. Walking into the room you see both Billy and Stu dressed in their ghost face robes, albeit without the mask.
“Fun day?” You ask noting their attire. They smirk and Billy walks over to you, kissing your neck as a welcome home.
“Oh it will be,” Stu replies as he grabs his mask from the bottom of the wardrobe and chucks it into a backpack.
“You guys are heading out?” You question pushing Billy away softly from the attack he was performing on your neck. Lucky you’d just bought a new concealer.
“Yup, this nights gonna be the best one yet. I can already tell we’re gonna have a screamer on our hands. Quite literally,” Stu chuckles and he comes towards you and lifts you up by the waist.
“But it’s a Sunday,” you whisper. They look at your sad expression and Stu let’s you down.
“We can do movie night another time baby, this is really important,” Billy says. You nod and turn around leaving them to pack their bag and finish getting ready.
It had been like this for weeks now. Since they first began their murder fest their minds had been overcome with bloodthurst. Whilst you understood their need to fulfil the plot that they had created, it hadn’t been easy if you.
Before they had been attentive and so loving. They would cater to your every need, worshipping the ground you walked on. They still did, they just failed to show it anymore. Movie night was something that had always been a part of your relationship, from the first time you all became official.
But for the last three weeks they had missed every one. Whether it be due to their nightly ghostface activities or simply that they were too tired. Whatever the excuse it was getting on your nerves.
You venture to the kitchen, hoping to find something sweet to eat in order to mask your upset. Finding cookies in the jar you sit at the kitchen island and wait for the boys.
Around three cookies later they come down the stairs and walk into the kitchen. Grabbing two bottles of water out of the fridge Billy throws them into the backpack and does the zip up.
“Back later pumpkin, we got an important night ahead of us,” Stu says kissing you if the forehead and grabbing the bag from Billy.
“More important then me?” you mumble. Both eyes snap to you, the silence is consuming.
“Pardon?” Billy says
………..To be continued
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The Knife in You Brings Out the Life in Me - Danny Johnson x Reader
Prologue ~
Y/n was never close with her cousin Billy and hadn’t seen him in years, but when he shows up at her roadside home, running from the law and with a Stu on his arm, she figures it’s best to let him stay. He wouldn’t.. gut her? Right? Best not take any chances! The real kicker, however, is when their inspiration - the real and original Ghostface - shows up. She has less faith he’ll let her live if she isn’t careful.
"How could this happen? Am I dreaming again? Her body's not moving I'm assuming she's dead"
- The Greatest Story Ever Told, Ice Nine Kills
"Fuck, Billy! What'd we do now?" Stu stressed, knife in hand, gesturing wildly.
"Well... our face is on every news station, too many people around here know who we are." Like Stu, Billy still wore his shitty dollar store Ghostface costume, albeit their masks were tossed off to the side. Both were covered in blood, Billy slightly more so, and Billy was trying to keep his cool while Stu made every effort to panic.
"Ok, so.. we need to lie low?"
"Exactly. I have a rich cousin who doesn't live far from here, but still pretty out of the way. She's a recluse, we won't be bothered there... assuming she'll take us in."
After pulling off their first couple murders scot free, Billy and Stu decided they couldn't let the thrill go. Of course it was going to bite them in the ass eventually, but how were they supposed to know karma is a cold hearted bitch? Welp! They sure do now...
Their latest victim managed to get away, and while she didn't see their faces, she was damn sure she knew the killers. The two slash happy teens had taken a hit at another one of their classmates who they weren't too fond of, and they got cocky. Gave a hint hint, wink wink, at who they were behind the masks to scare the poor victim into thinking she was going to get her guts spilled by the guys who sit across the classroom to her in chemistry. It's all part of the thrill!
Except this time the bitch got away and ran to the police.
Stu was quiet for a moment before another thought occurred to him. "What about... you know who..? How will he find us if we drop off the map?"
"For all we know Danny's watching us right now! He's probably laughing about us fucking up.. he'll find us or he won't, that's up to him. Right now we need to get out of dodge."
Danny Johnson. The original Ghostface. Billy and Stu thought they were funny copycatting such a famous psycho. He was their role model of sorts.
Things changed when good ol' Jed Olsen started being pally with Billy and Stu, though. He was older. Sort of came out of nowhere. Knew things he shouldn't have known.
At first the pair were worried he knew what they were up to and just needed confirmation before going to the police, but Jed seemed to find it more funny than anything. He had this energy about him that made them cautious.
One night they were getting ready to start stalking another future victim (Miss run-away-and-blab-to-the-police funnily enough) when they got a phone call.
"Do you like scary movies?" The familiar staticky voice had spoken. "Who am I kidding? Of course you do! Why else would you both be starring in one? The question is... are you really the predators? Or are you actually... the prey?" The line had gone dead a moment later.
But when they shared a slightly concerned glance and decided to continue to leave for their midnight hobby, they opened the door to see a matching - though much more pristine mask  - staring back at them.
The Ghostface at the door didn't wear a cheap, scraggly, dollar store Halloween costume like Billy and Stu. He wore thick, black, sturdy material with straps and combat boots. Ohhh fuuuuuck... this guy is serious.
Danny gave them a good scare and let them fear for their lives for a while. Danny's a better killer than them. More experienced. More ruthless, and far more premeditated. But despite planning on killing them at first (they stole his entire thing, they couldn't get away with it, Danny had been planning this for a while) in the moment, he saw potential in them. Also they were a good laugh.
From then on, Danny took them under his wing and turned up when he felt like it to guide them in stalking and nurture their talent for murder.
Danny wasn't typically the kind of guy to help out other killers, especially ones who steal his likeness, but these guys had the same raw psychopathy that Danny sees in himself. And also, what the hell, he gets bored, they buy him free meals, they treat him like a god, what's not love!
And so Billy and Stu met their hero and dedicated their time to someday be as great as him. (Danny knew they'd never live up to him, he can always kill 'em when they get boring).
But now they've fucked up. Their victim got away. Danny's laughing and hiding in a bush somewhere vowing to never let them live it down. And Billy and Stu are hitching a ride to Billy's cousins place, hoping y/n will look past the blood and murder and let them crash for a little while.
A/N: ok this is the prologue for my new fic! Now I know I've written fuck all in a long time, and I apologise to anyone who's been waiting on updates to my other fics if you've read any, but I've got to go where the inspiration takes me!
I hope you enjoyed this little intro and please leave a comment if you have any ideas!
Have a great day/night,
~ trick-or-fucking-treat
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yesimwriting · 2 years
Final Girl (Part 2)
Final Girl Series Masterlist (currently updated parts 1 - 9 and extras) 
A/N this one’s a bit of a filler but it’s needed and i’m looking forward to part 3!! a scene in part 3 inspired this entire fic :)) also i love feedback!! comments make my day and motivate me to write :)) so if you’re so inclined,, i’d love to hear your thoughts :) 
also lmk if you’d like to be tagged!!
Fandom: (original) Scream
Series Summary: Y/n can’t believe that she has to leave the only home she’s ever known just because her mom’s latest boyfriend has a house in some town in California. Just as she’s starting to think that Woodsboro might not be that bad, something life altering happens after she agrees to sleep over at  Becker’s house. Now her name is practically synonymous with Ghostface’s.
Chapter Summary: The only good thing that’s come from Casey’s murder and your injuries is that your good friends Billy and Stu are determined to help you. 
also i made the reader’s birthday Halloween bc it helps the plot and i love halloween and am so jealous of fall birthdays!! So on the really good chance that your birthday isn’t on Halloween, just go with it!! Also I named the mom character bc the reader’s connection to her mom is kinda specific and relevant for plot and that felt easier lol 
Warnings: maybe a tiny bit too fluffy in some parts but there’s a reason for it!! also gaslighting and the beginning of emotional manipulation (it’s billy and stu, y’all should’ve expected it lol)
I’ve always hated hospitals. Waking up with bandages I don’t remember getting placed on me just to receive the news of Casey’s death certainly hasn’t made me grow fonder of them. If anything, each additional second I spend in this hospital cot adds to the agony in my body.
“Miss L/n, are you feeling any better?” Nurse Samantha’s voice is cautious and smooth, but not overly peppy like Nurse Molly’s. 
In another life, in another situation, I might have really liked Nurse Samantha. She gave me extra Jell-O when she noticed that it was the only thing from my tray that I picked at. She was the only one willing to be honest about Casey’s death with me. But this isn’t another life or situation, so when I look at her, all I can think about is what it felt like to wake up here. Alone. 
But that’s not her fault, so instead of attempting to get out of this damn bed again, I just nod slowly. “A little.” My voice is so hollow and hoarse that it sounds wrong in my ears. 
She waits for me to clear my throat before speaking again. “Your boyfriends are here to see you, but if you’re not up for visitors--” 
“Boyfriends?” My voice is slightly less gritty than it was when I first spoke. “I don’t have a boyfriend, let alone a plural amount of them.” 
Nurse Samantha’s eyes widen slightly. “Oh, my apologies,” she then tilts her head slightly, leaning against the doorframe of the hospital room. “But you might want to consider breaking that news to the two boys that have been harassing our receptionist since a little after you arrived.” 
My eyebrows draw together in confusion. What is she--
“You said she was awake, which meant she could take visitors, so take us--” 
Yeah, even in my state, that voice cleared everything up. “Billy.” 
He’s close enough to Nurse Samatha to tower over her, but when he snaps his head in my direction, all sense of anger is gone. In an instant, he’s in my room. I must be more out of it than I thought, because I’m slightly surprised when Stu comes in right behind him. 
“Visiting hours are technically over, but considering what you’ve been through and the late time you were brought in, I can make a bit of an exception. If you need anything, press the call button.” 
I nod again, a little more grateful for Nurse Samatha than I was before. Not only do I love the idea of not being alone here, I’m also glad she decided to let Billy and Stu in before they got irritated. I know I haven’t known them that long, but I think Billy has a bit more of a temper than he’d like to let on, and Stu takes not getting his way personally. 
“Okay, thank you.” 
She disappears down the hall after a quick nod of her head. 
Billy has pulled forward one of the hospital room’s chairs so that he’s sitting as close to my bed as possible. He grabs my hand as soon as he’s settled. His fingers are squeezing mine so tightly it’s slightly uncomfortable. “Hi.”
His greeting is oddly hesitant, maybe even a little nervous. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Billy this unsure before. “Hey.” 
The silence that falls over us after that is serious. Much too serious for Stu to just stand on the sidelines in silence. Actually, it’s weird that Stu’s on the sidelines at all. What’s his deal? He never needs an excuse to be touchy and now that I actually need a hug, he’s choosing to keep his distance. Where was this restraint when I made eye contact with a cute boy during lunch and Stu decided that that’d be the perfect time to rest his head on my shoulder? 
I tear my gaze away from Billy’s hard stare, ready to call out Stu for being so weird. But then I see his expression. His face is oddly pale and his eyes are wide and kind of blank. 
“Stu, I’m fine, you can’t catch a concussion.”
Instead of taking the out and making some kind of joke, Stu’s expression falls even more. “A concussion?” 
Oh. Maybe Stu’s more worried than I thought. “Relax, we don’t know anything for sure. Concussions can take up to days to form, it hasn’t been long enough.” He doesn’t seem eased. “Would you stop looking at me like that? I’m fine, Casey’s the one that--” My voice catches on itself. Nope—still can’t even say it. “Would you please just come over here and be normal? I’m tired and I-I really want to pretend that I’m not in a hospital and I can’t do that with you staring at me like I’m on death’s doorstep.” 
His eyebrows draw together, but all he does is shove his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Stu,” Billy’s voice comes out so low and harsh I find myself gaping at him. “Y/n is asking you for one thing. For you to be normal.” 
On a normal night, I’d brush off their tension with some kind of joke or laugh. It’s not the first time I’ve ever witnessed the way they disappear into each other. A slightly longer than average glance or a simple sentence is all it takes to initiate one of their silent exchanges. Whenever they get like that, I can’t help but wonder what they’re like when they’re alone. 
Stu nods once, the motion oddly stiff, but then his eyes move so that he’s looking at me. And just like that, they’re back. Stu shuffles towards me. He moves like he wants to hug me but can’t figure out a tactful way to do it with all the wires connected to me. He settles for a gentle, barely there shoulder squeeze. It’s so awkward and unusually gentle I find an unexpected fondness tugging at my chest. 
He lets go of me, his hand moving forward to allow the knuckle of his pointer finger to graze the edge of the cotton bandage on my forehead. “It’s okay, Stu.” When he doesn’t ease, I continue, “No stitches. Doctor said it won’t even scar.” 
With that, Stu softens completely. He grabs the hand that Billy isn’t holding. “Won’t even scar, huh?” 
His easiness is infectious. “Nope.” 
“Good thing, too,” Billy says, “Wouldn’t want anything hurting that pretty face.”
My eyes widen slightly, heat rushing to my cheeks. “Shut up, I’m a total mess right now. I’m literally in the hospital.” 
“And you still look like an angel.” If I thought that the earlier comment had me struggling to form a coherent thought, this is something else. I hate how stunned into silence I am, there’s no doubt in my mind that he’s totally reveling in my reaction. “Don’t even think a scar could make you less pretty.” 
Weakly, I try to cover how sentimental I’m feeling. “I almost got murdered, you have to be nice to me.” 
Billy exaggeratedly frowns. “I’m always nice to you.” 
I pretend to contemplate his words. “Mm...nice-ish.” 
There’s something oddly comforting about Billy’s mock gasp. It’s a display of the softer side of him that I’ve only ever caught glimpses of. “Now who’s mean?”
“Still you.” 
Billy rolls his eyes at Stu’s reply. I turn, expression easing at the look on Stu’s face. “You’re on my side?” 
“Always,” he hums pleasantly, thumb running along my knuckles. He’s definitely lying. Billy and Stu seem to understand each other in way that I’ve never seen between two people, but the gesture is still nice.
The realization that I’m really glad that they’re here settles into me comfortably, in a content sort of way. “I’m happy you guys are here.”
Stu tilts his head, his free hand moving to gently catch my chin between his thumb and pointer finger. I blink, eyes widening like a deer caught in headlights. He’s staring, analyzing me with a focus I didn’t think he was capable of. “You’re cute when you’re high.” My lips part in protest, but before I can get any words out, Stu continues, “You probably watched your friend get gutted, they definitely gave you something strong.” 
I frown, sinking further into the hospital bed without thinking about it. Noticing my reaction, Billy throws a dirty look in Stu’s direction before leaning over me in order to punch Stu’s arm. “Shut up.”
“What? She knows I didn’t mean it in any bad way.” He then turns to look back at me. “You know that, right?” 
I’m not exactly in the mood to brush off Stu’s insensitivity the way I normally would, and I don’t think I have the energy to humor him--but I also can’t bring myself to alienate them. I nod once, the motion tired and vague.
Billy runs his thumb over my knuckles gingerly, brining my attention back to him. “You did say you wanted him to be normal.” 
At that, I almost laugh. “Yeah, that’s on me.” A moment of silence passes, and for whatever reason, I don’t like it. “Y’know, I didn’t see anything. I-I was knocked out before it happened.” I can’t believe I’m talking about this. “I didn’t even know what happened to Casey until one of the nurses told me so that I’d cooperate with police questioning.” 
“The police already questioned you?” Billy’s question comes out too fast, too urging. “We’ve been waiting to be able to see you for hours, we didn’t know if y--” 
“Billy.” Some hard to name aspect of his personality takes on a darker shade, but he does stop ranting. So much for getting used to slightly more lighthearted Billy. “If it makes you feel any better, I was asleep for most of the time. One of the nurses had to borderline sedate me because I kept trying to pull out my IV and disconnect the heart monitor.” 
Instead of finding humor in my admission, the corner of Billy’s mouth turns downwards. 
“Why?” Stu asks Billy’s silent question before tacking on something to ease the tension, “This stuff looks important.” 
My nose wrinkles. There’s no good way to describe the panic I felt when I woke up here. No way to summarize the need I felt to be anywhere but the hospital. The desire to see Casey and be told that everything was just a bad dream. “Just didn’t want to be here,” I explain weakly, “I didn’t know what was going on and I freaked.” 
Stu’s eyebrows draw together. I’m too tired to hide the way I study him. It’s not that he’s never serious (though it is kind of rare), but there’s something strange beneath the way he’s looking at me. His eyes seem dark, tired and emphasized by the bruise forming near the top of his cheek.
Now it’s my turn to frown openly. Slowly, I pull my fingers from his grasp. Stu lets me move my hand towards his face with no reaction until my fingers just barely graze the line of barely formed purple.
He catches my wrist between his pointer finger and thumb, his grip just a little too tight. “You okay, angel?” 
The nickname leaves my face a degree or two warmer. Stu grins in a way that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Your face is bruised--what happened?” 
“You’re in the hospital and you’re worried about me?” He lets out a breath, demeanor shifting back into something easier.
I roll my eyes, glad that his strange worry is passing. “Shut up.” 
His hold on my wrist loosens. Stu twists my hand in order to press a quick kiss to the inside of my wrist, right above my pulse. “Billy and I were going to watch a movie. He threw the tape at me a little too hard when I wasn’t paying attention. Between you and me, I think he did it on purpose.” 
Billy sighs, throwing a mean look in Stu’s direction. “I told you I was going to give it to you right before--” 
“Yeah, give not throw--” 
“You were right next to the VC--” 
“Guys.” My interruption isn’t particularly loud, but they both instantly shut up. On a normal night, I really doubt that would have worked. I guess being in the hospital has its perks. “I’ve dealt with enough conflict.” 
After a second, Billy concedes, “You’re right.” He squeezes my hand once, eyes softening. “I can’t believe the police questioned you right after you woke up. You must have been so confused,” his thumb runs up and down my knuckles, “Probably still are. You can’t be sure about anything you picked up on.” 
An uneasy feeling I can’t name settles in my chest. The police were the ones that insisted on speaking to me as soon as possible, but if I accidentally gave them anything that leads to an inaccurate lead, I’m not sure I’d be able to forgive myself. “It was a man, I know that. I know that I wasn’t confused about that.” That was something I told the officers confidently. The voice on the other line was masculine and distinct and my attacker was too large and tall to likely be a woman. “I didn’t really remember anything else.” 
The memories of right before are seared into my mind perfectly. Casey and her polaroid camera, the phone, the popcorn. Or--or was it the other way around? Did I make the popcorn before or after the phone call? Did Casey come in with the movies before or after she took those pictures of me? 
What were her last words? 
I can’t remember them and for some reason, that makes me feel guilty. He wants to talk to you. That’s when she gave me the phone for the last time. The phone I threw at the killer’s head. Did it hit him? And then she screamed. Wait, no, she clasped her hand over her mouth. She didn’t scream until the glass broke. And then...there was a second scream much later, a much more pained, animalistic sound. 
My mouth goes dry. That might have been the last sound Casey ever made. I heard it, but I was too busy trying to escape the killer to pick up on it. Which would mean she was killed while I was being attacked. Which means...
“Hey, don’t think about it too hard. Don’t think about anything too hard, you said it yourself, you hit your head.” Billy’s voice is soft yet assured. He’s right, I know he’s right, and yet I can’t snap out of it. 
“I,” my throat aches, a part of me regrets sending away the nurse before she could bring me ice chips, “I think there were two of them.” 
The admission is so slow and unsure I instantly feel the need to defend it. “Maybe. I-I mean, I don’t--” I squeeze my eyes shut so tightly all I can see are stars that turn my stomach. The sharp ache in my head is returning. “I didn’t remember before, but now that I’m thinking about it--Casey ran while I was being attacked and I heard her scream. And not just a scared scream, it was the kind of scream that victims in a scary movie let out right before they die. I think what happened to Casey happened while I was still awake. Which would mean there were two of them.” 
The two gape at me before glancing at each other. Their silence feels like some kind of reproach that tears at my insides. Stu breaks the quiet with a laugh. A loud, free kind of laugh that’s usually only ever used after the kind of inappropriate joke that earns him some kind of scolding from Tatum. 
“You’re cute,” Stu hums with the kind of fondness a parent would use towards a child that proudly declares insanely unrealistic goals. Sure you’ll be the first president in space, here, have a gold star for being so creative. “This isn’t one of those books you read or a project for newspaper. This is about a real murderer that probably got hard watching you try to fight him off of you and finished to the feeling of killing Casey.” 
I flinch. A full body, knee jerk reaction that has me pulling both of my hands away from them. Blinking, I cross my arms across my chest. I’m tired and the irritated frustration and embarrassment running through me aren’t making things easier.
The look on my face is probably only making me look more childish. I’m only a grade behind them, but it’s come up before. Only in a semi-joking way after a particularly naive reaction to something. Like the time Stu made a vague sex joke that everyone rolled their eyes at but I missed. Need me to explain it, kid. Stu had said, emphasizing the nickname to further embarrass me before Tatum smacked him in the arm. If she’s a kid, then that was a total pedo move. 
Billy punches Stu’s arm again. This time he’s harsher. “You’re an asshole.” Billy then looks at me, expression placid with understanding. “Do you really think there were two of them?” 
“I--” Now my already rickety train of thought feels even more unsteady. “I don’t know. It was just a thought. My memory of right before has been kind of iffy.”  I scratch the back of my wrist, eyes focused on where my skin meets the plastic of the IV. “But shouldn’t I say something? Just in case? The police said that if I remembered anything a little more I should call.” 
“You’re the one in AP Psych--aren’t most serial killers loners?” 
The urge to rip off the tape that’s holding the IV in place leaves my fingers itching to do something. I tap my nails against thin hospital sheets. “We don’t talk about that kinda stuff, but yeah, I guess.” 
Billy’s gaze flits away from my hands and towards my face. “So that means it’s unlikely for there to be two of them.” That’s a fair point, or at least, a point that’s a lot fairer than Stu’s. “You can say something if you want, but they’re so desperate for leads they questioned you right away. And we both know that police officers aren’t necessarily the most driven.” He’s gently referencing my mother’s boyfriend, who’s a cop and the bane of my existence. Billy and Stu both know exactly how I feel about him. “What if it does more harm than good?” 
I frown, letting his words slowly sink in. Maybe if my head felt less sore and my body less far away, I’d be reacting a little more. “Yeah,” I mumble, “I’ll wait, see if it’s something I actually remember or not.”
The corner of Billy’s mouth turns upwards. “Good, would hate to throw off your step-dad.” 
My glare is violent, which only fuels his smile. “That man is not my step-father. You know that.”
“Leave her alone, Billy,” Stu mumbles. I turn my head forward, gaze shifting upwards. Stu’s eyes are softer than they’ve been all night. He reaches for me, expression falling when I pull my hand back at the last second. “Aw, baby, don’t be like that.” My hand stays near my chest. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for laughing, I’m sorry for what I said about you and your friend.” I try to glare at him through my lashes, but the look feels like more of a pout than anything. “Don’t give me that look.” He moves his hand again, placing it on my cheek before I can protest. “C’mon, hurting your feelings is like kicking a puppy.” 
Some instinct forces me to ease into the contact. Even though my shift is small, Stu picks up on it, because of course he does. My reaction unfortunately encourages him. His thumb gently brushes up and down my cheek. “Then don’t be mean.” 
It’s a sad attempt at holding onto my anger, and I’m sure all three people in the room know it. “Promise,” Stu nods, “Anything you want.” I thought he was laying it on thick as some kind of joke, but when I look into his eyes, I don’t see anything that indicates his usual brand of teasing humor. “I’ll even watch one of those lame chick flicks you’re always talking about with the girls.” 
A small, awkward noise that’s a hybrid of a scoff and a laugh escapes me. “Clueless may be my guilty pleasure, but it is not lame.” 
Stu kind of smiles, but he’s still stiff. “Still. I’ll watch it, whatever you want.” His touch loses all sense of hesitance. “You know I’d-I’d never hurt you. Not really hurt you.” 
“Stu.” Billy’s voice comes out a little too heavy, but I can’t look away from Stu.
“I’d never do anything to really hurt you, angel, you know that, right?” There’s something urging about the way he’s speaking. He’s waiting for an answer. 
I think of Stu, who I’ve only known for a little while but also forever somehow in a weird way. Stu, who’s always throwing an arm around my shoulders. Stu, who seems to know when I’m getting nervous before I do. Stu, who is always willing to hold my hand or say the wrong thing when I need a laugh. Stu, who’s always touching me but I’ve never thought twice about it until right now because he’s like that with everyone. 
Still, though, there’s usually something a little strange about the way his touch feels. More often than not, there’s a tension I don’t understand beneath his fingertips. Like he’s almost always trying to restrain the urge to hold on harder, to squeeze tighter, to keep pushing. 
I don’t know what that’s about, but I know that he always stops. That he’s never caused me any real pain. For all I know, he’s just so energetic that he has to constantly remind himself of his own strength. “Yeah, I know, Stu.”
My words are too honest. Something in Stu relaxes and that’s when I realize he wants me to be sure enough for the both of us. It’s an incredibly unfair--and weird--thing to ask for. 
Something flickers across Stu’s expression, but it’s quickly replaced by a grin. A genuine one. He leans down, pressing a shocking kiss to my forehead. My gaping doesn’t take away from his enthusiasm. “Does this mean I’m going to actually have to watch that movie?” 
“Oh, one hundred percent. No chance of getting out of it. Billy too.” 
Billy’s eyebrows draw together. “I didn’t make you any promises.” 
I feign a hurt look as best I can, turning my head to better face Billy. “I, your friend, was almost murdered and you can’t put aside your surprisingly good, but let’s admit it, pretentious taste for one movie?” He gives me a hard look, but it lacks any bite. “You know, if the killer comes back for me, you’re going to feel so guilty about saying no.” Billy must feel a little bad for me in some sense because at least he’s letting me continue this rant. “It’ll haunt you--I’ll haunt you.” 
He tilts his head downwards, the front strands of his hair falling forward. It’s an attempt to distract from the fact that he almost smiled. “Nothing’s going to happen to you.” 
I roll my eyes dramatically. “That was like the least important part of my argument.” 
“It was the main part of your argument.” Billy ignores my extremely pointed sigh. “Fine, compromise: a movie I pick, and then after, we can play your movie.” 
Biting my tongue, I fight down a grin and force myself to narrow my eyes. “Nothing too gore-y or stab-y.” 
“Deal.” He sighs the word like he can’t believe what he’s been conned in to. 
The feeling of having enough influence over these two to get them to agree to something like this leaves me beaming. They’re likely going to complain the whole time, but still, it’s the thought that counts. “No take backs, even when I’m out of the hospital.” A subconscious part of my mind begs me to yank out the IV and try to get out of here. “Which should be as soon as my mom gets here.” 
My mom and Wells were on a date--a show and a fancy dinner somewhere two towns over. The nurses and police assured me that my mom had been contacted, and that she was doing all she could to get here as soon as possible. But with traffic and the amount of time it took for them to get ahold of her, I’m not surprised that Billy and Stu beat her here. Actually, no, it is a little surprising. We didn’t have plans together that I missed and I’m not sure they’ve ever called me unexpectedly. Who told them I was here?
“How’d you guys know I was here?” The question is just as unexpected to me as it is to them. 
“Stu was over when your mom called me,” Billy says, ignoring the way I raise my eyebrows, “She said she still had my number from the time you called me from her phone when we were working on that history project, remember?” I nod, still in disbelief. 
Billy has been in my house twice. Both times were to work on the same project. My mom spent both of those times watching him like he was a danger to my entire future. I think in her head she was being subtle, but I can’t blame Billy for noticing. 
I give him a semi apologetic look. “You’re making it sound like my mom hates you.” He gives me a look that silently asks if I’m kidding. “She doesn’t hate you.” 
“She doesn’t!” I sigh once, my face already feeling warm as I struggle to figure out how to best word my thoughts. “She doesn’t hate you, she just--” Ugh, there’s no non awkward way to say this. "On Halloween, I’m going to be 17. That’s the same age she was when she had me. She just worries and she’s going to keep worrying and giving any guy I’m friends with a hard time until I’m in college.” 
Billy pauses, letting the implications of my explanation sink in. With no warning, he pulls the sheets down just enough to expose a bit of my thigh. “So she’s worried that I’m gonna knock you up,” he teases, punctuating the comment by quickly pinching the newly exposed skin. 
My face has never been this hot in my life. I laugh, the sound somehow both lighthearted and nervous. “Shut. Up.”
Another rough yet brief pinch to exposed skin leaves me almost jumping out of my skin. I look up at Stu, glaring as he barely attempts to fight down a laugh. “Stu!” 
“What? I could knock you up just as easily.” 
I let out a sound that’s basically a snort. "That’s such a weird thing to want to be included in.” 
Stu half shrugs, placing a hand back on my thigh. Instead of pinching me again or doing something brief, he comfortably moves his hand up and down the expanse of visible skin. “The process would be fun.”
He’s joking, He’s joking. This is Stu--he’s definitely joking. Snap out of it, don’t be weird. I blink, coming to some sort sense. Pulling my legs forward, in an attempt to brush him off, I force myself to meet his gaze. “Fun for you maybe.” 
“I’d rock your world, babe.” I’m ready to roll my eyes, but before I can Stu moves his hand, pressing it firmly into my upper thigh. He slides his hand forward, his fingertips digging into the start of my inner thigh. I struggle against the instinctual need to press my thighs together. “You’d be begging to go again before we even finished.” 
In all fairness, I should have known better than to challenge one of those kinds of joke coming from Stu. He doesn’t know when to stop and doesn’t feel satisfied until I’m flustered. My brain must be as mushy as it feels, because I find myself digging my heels into the sand. “Pretty sure you’re all talk.” 
He tilts his head downwards, eyes darkening. “I’ll prove you wrong right now.” His fingers press even deeper into my skin. I wouldn’t be surprised if I found small, fingerlike bruises on my thigh tomorrow. 
“Mhm,” I manage after a long second, “There’s a supply closet in the hallway, give me a second to disconnect from all this and I’ll meet you there.” His expression is too good for me not to laugh. “Relax, I’m messing with you.”
“Haha,” he mumbles dryly, but makes no attempt to move his hand. And for some reason that I’m sure is head trauma or pain killer related, I don’t do anything to get him off of me. “You’re hilarious.” 
I poorly suppress another laugh. Stu frowns. Oh my god. There’s no way he’s going to be a baby about this. He’s the one that found a reason to put his hand between my legs and I haven’t smacked him upside the head for it. “Don’t pout. You had to have known I was kidding the entire time.” 
“Yeah, if she wanted to go to the supply closet with anyone, it’d be me.” I’m not sure if I’m more surprised by Billy’s comment or the way he says it. He’s much more evidently joking than Stu. The look he gives me after makes that clear. 
But there’s still something pointed about the way he said it. Pointed in a way that’s not meant for me. It’s another thing between him and Stu. I know I should make some kind of equally teasing comment just to keep everything normal, but I can’t help but sneak a glance at Stu. His expression is unreadable, but there’s something distinct about the turn of his head. More pressure is added to my thigh. Okay--that’s starting to become uncomfortable. 
“Alright,” I finally decide on, forcing a partial laugh into my voice, “We are dangerously close to either a bunch of threesome jokes or another one of those play fights over me.” I grab Stu’s hand by the wrist, moving it off my thigh before relaxing my legs. “And I do not have the energy for either.” 
Stu turns his hand over in order to press our palms together. I let him link our fingers. “You brought up threesomes pretty quickly.” 
My mouth falls open. “What?” 
“Fantasy or--” 
“Don’t even finish that sentence, Stuart.”
He holds up his free hand in defense, but he doesn’t have a chance to make some kind of comment. 
“Oh my god!” I’d know that panicked gasp anywhere. It’s been the same my entire life. One of my earliest memories includes that exact same shout, a bloody knee, and a tricycle that let me fall off the side walk and onto the (thankfully empty) road. 
Mom! “Okay, i know--” 
“Don’t you dare try to calm me down!” She reaches me in a flurry of motion that’s so her I can’t help but feel comforted. Stu steps out of the way after a second and my mom closes the distance between us, her fingers gripping the bed’s railing. “Oh my god, a concussion? You could be one of those professional football players--don’t they all have to retire early?” 
She presses the back of her palm to my forehead like I might have some kind of fever. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if she demanded the doctors perform more tests on me because something about me didn’t feel right. “Mom, be serious. Since when do you know anything about football?” 
Ignoring my response, she moves to cup my cheek. “I am so sorry it took me so long to get here. We were in the theatre when they first called and our cell phones were completely off. Never again.”
There’s so much emotion in her eyes I find myself feeling a lot less calm about everything. “It’s fine, how could you have known?” She’s still staring at me with so much maternal concern. Being so directly motherly is rare in our dynamic. If anything, I’ve spent just as much of my life parenting her as she has raising me. “I slept for most of the time, and when I woke up I had good company.” 
At that, my mom looks at Stu, analyzing his appearance. I’m ready to squirm for him. She then shifts her gaze to Billy and I bite my tongue to resist making some kind of joke. 
Her lips part and I fight the urge to interject, but then all she says is, “Thank you. I-I couldn’t think of anyone else I could call so late that knew her.” 
Billy’s expression is blank, but his silence lets me know that he’s as surprised as me. “No problem,” he finally settles on, “Wouldn’t have wanted her here all alone.” 
My mom nods once. She then looks over at Stu, “We haven’t met. I’m Gloria, Y/n’s mom.” 
I have spent my entire life dealing with reactions to people finding out my mom is my mom. I love her to death, but I don’t always love the way guys my age react. She’s pretty, I can’t be mad about that, but she’s also young and cool and I’ve had guy friends be super weird about it in the past. And she’s wearing a date night outfit. A dress that’s just a little too short that I’m pretty sure she stole out of my closet. 
And I know Stu. I know that he rarely filters through his thoughts before speaking. “I’m Stu,” he says normally, “I was over at Billy’s when you called.” 
My mom nods, processing the information before turning her attention back to me. I draw my eyebrows together, giving Stu a look. “Did they run tests on you?” 
Answering was pointless, she’s already turning towards the hall. My mom waves down some poor, unsuspecting nurse. “You--I’m her mother,” she points back to me, “I want-I want her chart read to me, and I want every single possible test you could run done.” The doctor blinks. “If it’s something that could have been harmed, I want it checked out, I don’t care how unlikely--” 
“Ma’am,” the nurse finally says, “I can personally assure that your daughter received excellent care. I worked with her myself and her vitals have been regularly checked. I understand that this is an emotional time, but--” 
“If you tell me to calm down, I will sue this entire damn hospital and then find a way to personally sue you.” She takes a breath to prepare for her upcoming war path. “So go get a doctor. Now.” 
The nurse’s tired eyes widen before he scurries off. “Mom!” She turns to me, giving me a look that’s barely apologetic. “Relax a little, okay? They ran like a thousand tests on me already. They even said that if you approved, I could leave tonight.” 
“No way,” she gasps the words like the thought alone offended her. An instinctual, embarrassing whine escapes me. “Sorry, kid, complain all you want but you’re overnighting it.” 
Even though Billy and Stu are literally right here, I pout. “That’s so unfair! When you had complications after getting your appendix out, you signed yourself out even though everyone thought it was a bad idea.” 
“Totally different situations and you know it.” I glare at her. “Look, I know I’ve made a point of not doing this too often, but I’m pulling the mom card.” She ignores my frown, “Wells is already making calls and seeing what he can do--and do not roll your eyes, he is not some ‘monster that’s trying to ruin your life’.” 
“I only called him that once,” I mumble petulantly. “And you’re in my dress.” It’s a stupid thing to point out, but she’s being completely unreasonable. 
“You left home this morning in my skirt.” Ugh, why does she always have to have some kind of point? “I’m going to tell Wells that we’re staying.” 
Leaving no room for argument, my mom turns on her heels and leaves the room. Once it’s just the three of us again, an unfamiliar shyness rises up my chest. I know feeling awkward is such a small thing compared to everything else, but Billy and Stu are definitely thinking and analyzing that entire interaction. Their silence is starting to unease me. 
“Okay guys,” I say, eyes focused on the hands in my lap, “Let it out. I know you’ve got some kinda rea—“
“Your mom is hot!” These kinds of reactions aren’t unfamiliar to me, but from Stu, it kind of bugs me more than I thought it would. I don’t know why--I mean, he’s the exact kind of person to react like that. “I totally see where you get it from, babe. Amazing genes.” 
My eyes widen, “Stu, I get your sense of humor, but my mom doesn’t.” I drop my voice as I whisper, “Cool it with the nicknames as long as she’s in the same building.” 
“So now you’re embarrassed of me? I’m not good enough to bring home to mom?” 
I might kill him. “I’m serious--try anything and I. Will. End. You.” 
“You threatening me is really getting me going.” 
Rolling my eyes, I don’t even bother replying to that comment. I then turn towards Billy, who seems a little too amused by all of this. “I feel a little better about you, but same rules apply.” 
Stu gives me a particularly hurt look. “Him you trust?” 
“He’s met her before!”
With a sigh, I sink further into the hospital bed. They’re both being quiet. Stu made a comment about my mom, but I honestly expected more. I was mentally preparing myself for jokes about me being a mama’s girl or a little kid. Stu’s expression is something I don’t understand and Billy isn’t looking at me. He’s staring ahead, face stoic. He’s somewhere else now. 
“Billy?” My voice is soft, hesitant.
He blinks, the corner of his mouth pulling downwards as his head turns. “Yeah?” His voice reveals nothing. 
I didn’t think ahead enough to have a question to ask him. He doesn’t seem like the type to want anyone noting his feelings. “You okay?” I regret my awkward phrasing instantly. “You um...for a second looked kinda,” my noise wrinkles as I struggle to think of the right word that won’t offend him, “Wistful almost?” 
He side eyes me and I can’t even blame him. “I look wistful?” 
Billy nearly smiles at the look on my face. That alone makes my embarrassment worth it. “I said looked--past tense.” 
“Mhm,” he hums, eyes a little darker than before. I don’t break his stare until the sound of footsteps entering the room becomes impossible to ignore. A nurse has entered the room, likely due to my mother’s insistence. “It looks like you’re going to be busy, Stu and I should go.” 
Oh. I don’t know why that makes my heart sink the way it does. It’s logical--my mom’s here now and she’s going to force them to scan me with every single machine in this hospital. Maybe it’s because they calmed me down or maybe it’s because they’re the first familiar faces I saw, but the thought of them leaving bothers me. 
Stu squeezes my shoulder, his fingers lingering as he pulls away. “Yeah, babe, you don’t need us around while they poke and prod you.” 
The description of what I’m going to be doing makes me frown. They’re approaching the doorway. “Guys,” my voice surprises me. They both turn to look at me, and once again, I don’t know what I want to say. Do I want to ask them to stay? There’s no way that’s normal. My mom’s here--it wouldn’t work out anyways. “Thank you,” I mumble, “Thanks for coming and staying with me and making sure I didn’t have a complete meltdown. I appreciate it.” 
Billy’s looking at me in that way that makes me want to shrink into myself. Not that there’s anything particularly wrong or uncomfortable about the way he’s staring, it just feels so sharp and analytical. “Anytime, angel.” 
“Yeah, couldn’t leave you here all alone,” Stu says, “Call me when you get out, okay?” 
I nod, smiling a bit. “Duh--don’t think I’m going to forget about the movie promise you made me, and you can’t back out because hospital bed promises are like way more serious than regular promises.”
Billy throws me a look I can only think to describe as ‘bitchy’ and Stu rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah,” Stu mumbles, “Take advantage.” 
They manage to leave me grinning as they disappear out of the doorway. I don’t know what it is about them, but they always manage to make me feel...safe, I guess. I can’t remember the last time anyone made me feel like that. 
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L- Lost: /Losing their S/O in a crowd/
A/N: nothing much to say- besides I think I wrote to much for 2d's
Request: open
Edited: no
Pairing: The band x GN!reader
This is apart of my crack alphabet
Tw: Panic, Murdoc acts a bit toxic(and it's not ok don't let people treat you like that), idk if i missed something
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-Bold of you to assume 2D wasn't the one getting lost
-It take's 2D a hot minute to realize S/O wasn't even there anymore
-At first he wouldn't realize it, so he would go about walking around doing whatever you two were doing- when he realized you two aren't holding hands anymore, so he looks back to go grab your hand when he realized S/O wasn't there
-Like Murdoc he comes to a freeze- as the info that his S/O is now gone sets it
-2D snaps back to reality when someone accidently bumps into him
-"oh- sorry didn't mean to-" the stranger was cut off by 2D's unintelligible panic talk before 2D scrambled away leaving the stranger confused
-2D would scramble all over the place looking for S/O panicked, to anyone who was looking from an outside perspective would be sincerely confused- I mean he doesn't look crazy or anything but he looks very lost
-And especially if you guys are on tour in a unfamiliar country or place for the first time
-Because if so- he's panicking get's worse
-Eventually he sees someone with a phone- and the realization that he should check his phone
-2D sighs in relief thinking that you probably sent him a text- in which you didn't and panic sets back in
-He spends the next half an hour looking for his S/O when 2D see's his S/O too busy looking at something to notice 2D
-2D stumbles over to S/O a bit winded and babbling about you being gone
-"Luv- where have you been-?" 2D said pulling you into a bone crushing embrace, "Why didn't you answer da' phone?"
-"oh sorry Stu... I got distracted, and my phone is dead so I couldn't answer any text-" you say as 2D still didn't let go
-After some reassuring hugs and a kiss and you two go back to whatever your doing- as 2D basically forgetting what just happened
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-He panics a bit but stays in place
-At first he just waits their hopeing S/O wanders back but when two minutes has passed and no sign of you
-Murdocs next checks his messages, and he had zero from you
-So now he's stressed as hell, but he tries to keep calm
-And walks around casually like nothings wrong, while he's sweating bullets and his eyes are darting all over the place looking for you
-every few minutes Mudz takes out his phone checking for a message
-He eventually find you and jogs over to you and grabs S/O by the arm and starts to grumble out frustrated nags
-"The hell- have' ya been, I've been looking all over the fucking place-" Murdoc would snap at S/O, as he drags S/O back to the car
-"Jeez sorry- just got distracted..." S/O would respond
-"Well why didn't you answer yer fuck'en phone?"
"Uh... I left it at home..."
-Murdoc would face palm
- you two didn't get to finish the outing because murdoc was stressed and just wanted to go home and relax
-But the next day you two went back out but this time Murdoc kept his arms around S/O's waist or shoulders
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-She looks around for a second before checking her phone to see if you texted her, and when she see's you didn't she would immediately start searching the area for you
-And Noodle finds you immediately- no joke, she take like a minute and then finds you
-"Hay S/O- where did you go?" Noodle said as she placed a hand on your shoulder as she walks up behind you
-"oh hey sorry Noods, I didn't realize I lost you..."
-Noodle accepted the apology and you two went about your outing but this time Noodle walked behind you to make sure you don't wander off
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-The most rational out of all of them
-Like Noodle, Russel immediately checked his phone and sighed when he saw no texts
- He would calmly look around for you- it took like ten to thirty minutes to find S/O
-And when he found S/O he didn't ask any question, he just walks up to S/O puts a hand on their shoulder and says "Hey baby- come on we have things to do"
-"Oh- hey Rus look what i found.." S/O would point at the thing that distracted them
-"yeah yeah- lets go hon" Rus would hold your hand as you two go about your day- and he would look over his shoulder every once in a while to make sure you're still there
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maleyhae · 6 months
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem! Reader
Summary- You have being seeing this trend every where on tik tok, so you wanted to do it but on who? Your ex Simon Riley who you broken up with because of him always being gone.
Warning poorly written angst, out of character Ghost? Idk if I miss anything just let me know
A/N- I'm in my COD era so yay :D based of that 'do you think we are soulmates in every universe " angsty trend enjoy :)
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You were scrolling on tik Tok when you saw this trend that's been all over your for you page, you wanted to try it out on your Ex-boyfriend. Simion Riley better known as Ghost. You and he had broken up due to the lack of communication. He was at Johnny or 'Soap' house. So you texted him.
You: Hey sim I have a question
Simion: Go ahead and ask. And Sim?
You: Yeah sorry habit of mine
You: But, Do you think we are Soulmates in every universe?
read at 11:15 pm
You: Simon?
Simion Riley Pov:
I was hanging out with Johnny. Still not over my ex reader. Johnny is drunk out of his mind. Guess the Scot couldn't handle the alcohol like he claims. My phone vibrate who would be texting me at this hour?
what did she want? I unlocked my phone and read her text
"Hey sim I have a question?"
Sim... Her old nickname for me when we dated. I texted back a
"Go ahead and ask. And Sim?"
She apologizes another bad habit she had always had then she asked her question. She asked if we were soulmates in every universe. We were hardly ones in this one why would she think that now? I left her on read while I got another bottle of the shitty beer he had at his house.
"If we are I hope I was brave enough in at least one of them to make you stay." I sent her and saw that she read it at 11:20 pm.
Simon- If we are I hope I was brave enough in at least one of them to make you stay. How about you
You- I'm sorry Sim, I love you in every universe including this one, Just can't keep you with me in this one
Simon- I love you too my love, Just can't be brave enough for you.
Upcoming fics
Ghost face bill
Stu x reader
Philip graves x Male! Reader
Also if my shit randomly goes to Pierre it's because I changed my name :3 so RAHHHH MERICA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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pumpk1n-writes · 1 year
If it's ok with you, can I request a fic where,
Stu Macher has a younger adopted sibling who's about 12-14 years old and on the night of the party she's supposed to be spending the night at a friend's but she ends up going back to her house because her friend canceled on her and she ends up going home to find the house practically empty and sidney, stu, and billy in the kitchen with sidney during the whole reveal/monologue part and then everything just unravels from there.
Yes ofc!! Thank you for requesting <3
Supposed To Be Safe
➥ in which the reader comes home to a bloodbath and their big brother at the center of it {ft. big brother Stu, Billy is protective of the reader, mentions of blood and ✨murder✨, poor little traumatized reader}
Requested ~ yes / no | Word Count ~ 760
Taglist ~ @wasawattpadkid @itzlovelyautumn
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“And you’re absolutely sure that they’re going to be at their friend’s house tonight?” Billy asked for the fifth time in the past hour. Even though he wasn’t your brother, he still cared deeply about you.
Stu smiled at him, patting his best friend on the shoulder. “I’m absolutely sure.” He understood Billy’s worry — in fact every time he thought about what was to come he felt his own soul twist when he realized there was a chance of you coming home too early.
The first partygoers pulled up, and Stu ushered Billy into the shadows. “Go get ready!”
Billy rolled his eyes but complied anyway, retreating farther into the darkness and hiding behind a bush where one of the Ghostface costumes was buried. Billy went over the plan once more in his head.
First, Tatum dies. Hopefully no one notices that she’s missing or else their plan is ruined. Stu kicks everyone out around curfew — everyone except their soon-to-be victims. He goes to get dressed, and the bloodshed begins.
After that, the only thing would be to corner Sidney in the kitchen and have their main character moments, kill her off, stab each other, kill Neil, and wait for help to arrive.
Bing bang boom. Easy peasy.
The first part of the plan went off without a hitch. Tatum was dead, Sidney was going to be, and you were still gone.
Billy was still gloating to Sidney when he heard the front door open.
You were walking into your own house, but it seemed like a foreign country. Blood covered the walls and there were bodies by the front door that you had to step over to cross the threshold of your home. The only thing that you heard was someone breathing hard.
“Did you hear that, Stu? I think she wants a motive! Hmm. . . I don’t really believe in motives. Did Norman Bates have a motive? And did they ever explain why Hannibal Lector liked to eat people? Don’t think so. You see, it’s scarier when they don’t have a motive, Sid.”
Fear overtook you at the sound of Billy’s voice. If everyone was dead, what happened to Stu? What happened to Billy? Was Billy the murderer since he was currently monologuing?
“Stu!” You called out, trying to calm your shaking hands. Was this the work of Ghostface? “Billy!”
You heard Sidney scream, then get cut off, presumably by the culprit’s hand over her mouth. You heard someone get dragged away, then Stu’s yelp. “Stu?” You called again.
“I thought you said they were going to be gone tonight!” Billy whisper-yelled, using some random discarded rope to tie up Sidney so she didn’t escape.
“They were supposed to be!” Stu was frantic. “I don’t know what happened.”
Billy rubbed his hand over his face and groaned.
“What?” His voice was nasty, frustrated that his long awaited revenge had to wait yet another bit of time. But when he heard how soft Stu’s voice was, he made an effort to calm himself.
“Please don’t hurt them. I don’t know what you’re thinking right now but they mean too much to me, we can’t let them be a part of this.”
Billy was taken aback. Stu really thought that he was gonna kill you? “Stu, that’s your sibling. They might as well be my sibling too. I’m not gonna kill them. Not even a scratch,” he rubbed Stu’s knee. “We’ll figure something out.”
“Stu? Billy!” Your voice was getting more frantic as you entered the destroyed and bloodied kitchen. Billy could see that Stu was getting more distraught, so he motioned for him to go to you.
“I’m here!” Stu stumbled away from their hiding spot, Billy still covering Sidney’s mouth.
Relief flooded through you, washing to your very toes, before you realized that someone was missing. Your voice was extremely quiet, and Stu almost missed what you said. “Where’s Billy?”
“He’s fine.” He said it too quickly for you not to be suspicious, and he saw it on your face. “Come on, do you really think I could hurt anyone?”
You shook your head, guilty that you’d even considered that an option. You stepped closer to him, enveloping him in a bloody hug. He winced when you pressed against his wounds.
“Yeah?” Stu wrapped his arms around you, pressing his face into your hair. If anything had happened to you he doesn’t know what he would’ve done.
“Did I scare him off? Is he still here?”
“Yeah. You scared him off. He won’t bother us anymore.”
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Our Little Slut
This is my first smut! (Name-calling, breeding, CNC) Don’t repost! 
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The party was in full swing now, everyone’s been drinking and smoking most of them have gone home the other few were in the living room and a few were in the kitchen with loud music and dancing and drinking, there were about 10 or 11 people stung out around the spacious living room eating pizza, chips and drinking and watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Randy was there so was Billy, not really paying attention to the movie, but instead  seeing that someone was missing meanwhile in the kitchen Stu was watching me dance on the table, the music flowing threw the air enjoying Stu’s attention, running my hands along my body I swayed my hips, not drunk just buzzed and having a good time, Stu was so caught up in watching he didn’t notice a angry Billy walk into the kitchen eyes locked onto me then to Stu, Stu just smiled at Billy not saying a word to me Billy then disappear Stu looked back at me, as the night went on around 1am all but 5 people left, music was still playing but on low in the kitchen most of them were in the living room still watching movies, they were onto Halloween now, I got up and headed to the bathroom, the one down stairs was busy so I had to go up stairs that one was also busy, I was about to go back down stairs then I remember that Stu’s bedroom has a privet bathroom, Stu doesn’t like having people in his room but I was okay I’m one of his best friends, i went into his room shut the door and ran to the bathroom, once I finished I pulled my skirt back down washed my hands and fixed my hair a little and readjusted the fabric covering my chest, the black crop top hugged my chest perfectly, I turned to look at the back of my outfit then a knock on the bathroom door made me jump I opened it the door and no one was there, I figured it was Randy messing with me I turned to shut the light off and walk out of Stu’s room when someone grabs me from behind they put a  gloved hand over my mouth and held my arms I struggled and tried to get out of the grasp but it was no use “Stop wiggling you little bunny” the voice said that made me stop I tired to turn around but was held in place, a blindfold was put over my eyes then I was then pulled over to the bed, there was another body in the room I sat on the bed and felt it dip then I was pull on top of  someone’s body  legs on either side of the persons bare legs I felt a cold metal underneath my skirt on my panties, they then cut them off me, I  was exposed to whoever was in the room with me I was pushed down on the mans cock ”oh god she’s dripping wet”  he was thick and long he stretched me open making me and him moan out I sunk down onto his length until it was fully inside me, my hands were let go and they went to the persons chest there was a cold sharp metal pressed slightly into my neck “ Ride him, make him feel good little bunny” The voice said it was the same from earlier also slightly familiar, I  started to lift myself up and down, he hit such deep spots, my fingers and other toys felt good but nothing felt like this the man put his hands on my hips to help me move, he moved on hand up to play with my chest he pushed my shirt up and freed my breasts two gasps were heard “who would have thought our  little whore would have her nipples pierced” the first voice said “ I always told you she was kinky dude” The other said, the one beneath me took one into his mouth sucking and playing with the metal which made me moan out he pulled me down on his chest breasts in his face hands on my hips to guide me up and down on him. This gave him a better angle he thrusted up and pushed me down he moaned I continued to ride him until he was close so was I on a deep sharp thrust “ STU “ I had moaned my best friend’s name the thrusts stopped much to my displeasure “oh you little slut, you thinking about Stu boy fucking you?” The voice said under me laughed I let out a whine and tried to grind down onto the cock but I was stopped and pushed off to the other side of the bed, there was some whispering then I was pulled into a chest and held there for a few moments then the blindfold was taken off and I was met with a grinning Stu “So you wanna fuck me bunny? Huh who would've thought “ he said raising he's eyebrows leaning forward and grabbing my shoulders excitedly causing me to look down, he grabbed my jaw making me look back up at him “Don't get all shy now baby, tell me what you want “ He said staring into my eyes, after staring at each other for a few moments I sunk to my knees “ Tell me what you want bunny” he said before I could open his pants “I-I wanna suck your cock, please Stu” I replied  and started to unbutton his pants taking his length out and into my mouth his hands went to my hair and guided me back and forth pushing himself all the way back tip touching the back of my throat ” look at me baby, I wanna  see those pretty eyes when I cum down your throat” I looked up connecting our eyes, he’s warm cum shot down my throat after a few moments he released my head and I swallowed, he shoved his thumb into my mouth playing with my tongue “ What should we do with her Billy?” that’s when I felt another hand on my shoulder “Up on the bed now” Billy said, they both stripped and then looked at me Billy walked up to me holding his knife “ Come on baby, take it off, give us a show, don’t be shy you weren’t earlier, dancing like the little slut you are” he said tracing my collarbone with the knife, Stu had walked around behind Billy locking eyes with me I slowly started to undress, I took my shirt off then my skirt, I didn’t have a bra on, I went to take my thigh highs off when Stu stopped me “Don’t they stay on” he said, Stu laid  down on the soft carpet by his bed and pulled me to straddle his hips, he griped his length and guided it into me I closed my eyes and moaned, he was thick but he was extremely long once fully seated inside me I felt him so deep it hurt but it felt amazing, Stu let out a giggle I opened my eyes to see what made him laugh he put his hand on my lower stomach I looked down “Billy Billy you gotta see this!!” Stu said happily to his friend, Stu pulled his hand away and there was a bulge in the bottom of my tummy, Stu was thrilled “You see that she’s so tiny that I give her a tummy bulge” “Y-you’re really-too big Stu” I said still getting used to his size, he started moving he grabbed my hips, Billy turned my head to face him he pushed his cock into my mouth he gripped my hair making me moan around him “God Billy she’s so tight man” Stu said thrusting in and out “I know, such a sweet little pussy” with Stu thrusting so deeply inside of my and Billy’s heavy cock in my mouth I moaned causing Billy to thrust deeper into my throat. Bouncing on Stu’s dick while sucking Billy's cock, Billy’s hand laced in my hair with a tight grip as he cums down my throat holding me against his pelvis, once he’s finished he let my hair go and I sucked in the air “ Open, show daddy you swallowed” Billy said, I opened and stuck my tough out showing I swallowed all of his cum, “Good girl” he said causing me to tighten around Stu making him moan out “ I think the  little bunny likes praise, do it again Billy” Stu said from underneath me smiling up at Billy and I. Billy grabbed my face and looked my in the eyes “ Does our sweet little girl like getting praise from daddy?” He said with a smirk and a raised eyebrow “Yes yes daddy I do please “ “Keep beggin Bunny, go on, let your daddy’s know how they’re making you feel” Stu said smacking my ass, leaning forward pressing my chest into Stu’s face which he opened his mouth and sucked on a nipple playing with the piercing “God daddy please keep going, your cock feels so fucking good inside me please please don’t stop” I begged, “Alright bunny we’re gonna try something, you trust me?” Stu said pushing me up and making eye contact  I nodded “I need to hear you say it bunny” he said “I trust you daddy, I trust you both” I said looking up at Billy “Good bunny, lay back down on my chest” Stu said I did so then Billy walked around and kneeled behind me then I felt his cock pushing against my hole he pushed inside making me gasp and tighten around Stu and grip his shoulder “Oh god Billy fuck” I gasped out, he stretched me out, it was painful but it turned into pleasure as soon as he pulls in and out I started shaking with pleasure from being so filled “God I feel so full daddy! Oh God please please keep going it feels so good I'm so close” I said into Stu's ear, Billy with one hand gripped my hip then with the other he pulled my hair into a makeshift ponytail as he thrusted into me giving Stu perfect view of my tits swinging with every thrust from Billy, they both let out the most intoxicating moans “Gonna fill you up so good baby” Stu said “Cum in me please fill me please wanna fill you!” I cried out they  came at the same time filling me full of their warm sticky cum, and they pulled out and fell onto the bed “Our good little slut” Billy said “All for you” I said.
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