#i miss spider hank
iwonderwh0 · 8 months
Toxic codependent coworkers (more like sentimentally attached. I really tried but it didn't turn out toxic, but rather everything but)
(AU where Hank and Connor work as partners for years(or at least months) prior to revolution, and not on deviancy cases)
Despite being an android Connor has apparent lack of respect to Hank's superiority status, and at first it drives Hank nuts. He thinks he must be broken and fills the form for condition tests, but they come back normal, and as Hank finds out he's pretty much the only one having problems in making his android partner listen to his commands. After that Connor becomes even more annoying, as if specifically messing with Hank.
Hank, spends month begging to be partnered with someone else. Finally gets his wish granted and for one case he gets partnered with someone who is actually listening to him with respect and doesn't do or say weird shit. And it feels so off and boring that the next week or even day all he does is quietly asks to get Connor back.
This change made him aware that although sometimes annoying, his work has become much more fun and bearable with the presence of this specific android in it. It actually helps him forget things and distracts him enough from his regular thoughts for him to almost feel like fully-functional human again. Despite how much he hates overtime work, he's now occasionally taking some, especially on some holidays that he couldn't bear the thought of spending alone. This change of character is a bit shocking for everyone to witness, but Connor pretends to not notice, sparing him sarcastic notions this time.
Connor, being an android basically never leaves his work place. He leaves sticky notes on Hank's desk to report to him everything minor that happened in his absence, like overnight. The observations he's sharing aren't exactly worthy of a report, it's just things like "Someone had broken the coffee machine again (can you guess who?)", "That guy who came to report his stolen bike had a living rat in his pocket 🐀", "I've counted 12 spiders in this room alone, do you think I should give them names?"
He does that just out of boredom. He used to message Hank before, but the other threatened to block Connor's number if he keeps messaging him about work in his spare time, so now he's just leaving him notes. Sometimes they're just "Your shirt is ugly today" and Hank goes "How did you know which one I'll be wearing?" to which comes the response "Hank, we both know that they're all ugly"
In Hank's phone Connor is named as "smartass", periodically being renamed into other names. What Hank doesn't know is that Connor is aware of every name change. One time he makes it clear by saying something like "I can't believe I finally got promoted to Connor in your contacts. Not plastic asshole or smartass. I'll miss robot emoji tho."
One time Connor mentions that he charges his battery in the morning before Hank arrives and this fact now consumes his thoughts. So much that one day he shows up an hour earlier just to see that. When he doesn't account for is that Connor is deeply moved by this his decision and is like
"You hate waking up early, but you came here today an hour before your shift starts just to see me? Oh..."
For a moment Hank is embarrassed and half-expects his snarky partner to make fun of it, but instead he's just...so glad to see him it almost makes him feel bad.
Android doesn't rest and Hank can't help but feel kinda bad for him, even though he knows he's just humanizing him and shouldn't bother. Sometimes he's almost certain that he looks tired, but can't really explain what gives him such an impression.
One time Connor fucks up bad. For a regular reason of deciding to do something without being given a command to do so (which in absolute most cases was resulting in their favour before). For all Hank knows, such cases should be reported and usually result in temporary detention. But Connor is an android. He apologies frantically and visibly panics thinking about what it could mean for him. Hank ends up taking all the blame – the report on the case doesn't mention Connor doing anything out of line.
After that Hank can't deny feeling a sense of responsibility for his partner. After deviancy cases started to spread out, every android at the station is required to be tested weekly. As his partner, Hank is required to run those tests on Connor. The really first time results show "deviant".
Hank looks at him for a long moment
"I knew it."
"You're a good detective."
He marks the results as negative in the record. From now on they both keep pretending that everything is as usual. Hank never missed the day of assessment to keep marking "negative" under Connor's deviancy status, but Detroit is becoming more and more unstable. They start to get assigned their first deviancy cases. They let everyone escape and wonder how long they can keep doing this before they're both replaced. One day Connor receives the key to Jericho. Hank encourages him to get the hell out from DPD the same day it happens.
He gives him his gun and some money, they both dispose of his android uniform and Hank helps him to remove his LED. He says to throw it away, but actually saves the LED in his pocket in case it happened to be the only physical reminder he has left. They hug goodbye and part ways.
Hank fills the resign form the next day.
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stone-stars · 24 days
Murph: But, eventually, fatigue overtakes you, and you fall into a deep sleep. And you have a strange dream. Fia: What? Murph: Fia, you are standing in the middle of a barren landscape. And, after a bit… you feel a warmth behind you, as someone stands back to back with you. You look down, and see the back of her hand against yours, [The Prodigal Sister begins playing.] Murph: But you can't turn around to look. Fia: I know this is just a dream, and you are just a figment of my mind, but-- Irina? Irina: Have you come to save me again, Fi? Fia: I-- I mean, I don't want to say I'm saving you, right, because that's kind of like a loaded thing, but I'm-- I just. The Guardians, they asked me to take care of you, and-- ah, to take care of you, that sounds patronizing to, I-- I'm just… I'm just worried about you. Murph: You hear Irina laugh, um, and she goes-- Irina: I have been worried about you, too, Fi. Fia: Really? Irina: Of course. I think about you all the time. Fia: Wh-- Where are you. I'm in Endoterra. Irina: I'm right here with you. You and I, we have a connection, and it's easier to reach in our subconscious and when we're within physical proximity of each other. I'm… in the castle. Fia: Is this real? Is this like… really real? Is this you or me? Irina: This is… both of us. I have had prophetic dreams that you and I would meet again.
Murph: She-- she grabs you and she goes-- Irina: Fi! It is so good to see you! Fia: You're real! Irina: Of course I'm real! Fia: You're actually really real! Irina: I'm right here! Fia: I-- Oh, my goodness gracious! Emily (narrating as Fia): Um, I-- I hug her. I like, put my little hands through her hair, I am just like-- Oh my g-- I touch her all over being like-- You're real. You're not a fiction of my dream! And I just say-- Fia: Oh my god, you're real.
Emily (narrating as Fia): I look up to Mister Hank. [Gunvar plays in the background.] Emily (narrating): and I look down at Irina, and I say-- Fia, crying: God, you were my fucking dream for so fucking long, but these people are my reality. And it is by your actions that one of them has died. And you tried to kill more of them. And I-- [sobs] will miss you so much. [Caldwell sobs in the background.] Fia, sobbing: But I-- [sobs] I cannot support this. Mister Henry, kill her.
Murph: You see, uh, she looks at Zirk. And her hands hit the grass, and she starts like-- spider crawling away. Irina: Nononononono. Fia: No! Stay here! Irina: Nononononono. Nonononono. Fia: What are you running away from? Irina, distressed: I did not do this! I am nn--! (breathes heavily) Fia, seriously: Irina. Your actions, or rather your sister's actions, led to this. At least stick around to try to right it. Irina: Fi, it was as if-- it was as if I was... outside of my own body. Fia: I know. I know it wasn't yo-- Irina, with increasing intensity: And everything made sense. I was angry, and I was right. I was just right. Someone was mad at me, and they were wrong, and they deserved to die. And they were just wrong, Fi. But it wasn't real, Fi. Fia: I know. Irina: It was a dream, Fi. Fia: It wasn't a dream! Irina: It was like a dream. Fia: Irina, it may have felt like a dream to you but it had very real repercussions to us! Anger is a fucking drug! You took a fucking drug, and now there are fucking consequences to deal with!
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rmoonstoner · 9 months
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Poisoned Empanadas
Moon Knight (Jake Lockley) x Spider!fem!reader
Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O'Hara) x Spider!fem!reader
Violence, strong language, mentions of death, mentions of depression, sexual themes, volatile emotions, dats a big boi, dats an angry boi, reader gets hurt, whumpy, hit-you-in-the-feels, why are they so sweet?
Miguel goes out on patrol with you and your friends. Something noteworthy happens. We see a side of your ex that you don't get to.
Chapter 6 - Panades, Belize
This empanada is from Belize. Like many other Empanadas, they are usually crescent shaped and packed full of white fish and a variety of beans, sometimes with cheese and other meats. The shell is made of corn flour, giving it a yellow color, and is deep fried in lard until fully cooked and golden and crispy on the outside. It is typically serced with salsa made of onions, cabbage, and peppers.
The next morning.
Everyone was seated around the table, except for Stephen and Miguel. Stephen had made it clear that there would be a mandatory meeting this morning, before anyone was allowed to leave for the day.
"What do you think? Is the doc gonna find a missing Spider?" Gwen asked.
"Pffft. If that man is smart, he wouldn't dare leave." America laughed as she jotted down some quick notes for class without even looking up.
"I dunno. He broke my arm. It takes a lot to do that." Peter huffed. America stopped and looked up at Peter with a deadpan expression.
"He what?"
"Yeah, but it's fine. Stephen fixed me up as good as new. Miguel even apologized! I believe his apology was genuine."
"That's not good enough, Peter! He owes you, now. He broke into your building that you inherited from Tony. He beat you up and shattered your arm. You're lucky Stephen was available!" Gwen complained, while America hummed in agreement.
"Shhh, I hear them coming down the stairs!" You hissed at them both and you picked up your tea to feign like you were occupied.
Stephen had Miguel marching into the room in street clothing. Miguel was in simple blue sweatpants, some white sneakers, red socks, and a tight fitting black tee with a faded Led Zeppelin logo on the front. Miguel had a frown and he seemed to squint at the bright lights of the kitchen. He grumbled as he took a seat next to you and started to rub his eyes generously.
"Damn. You look awful." Gwen declared while looking at the large man that was hunched over the table.
"Mmmhmmm." Miguel huffed back. When he removed his hands, he was still squinting badly. He looked like he was hungover.
"He will be fine. He's light sensitive." Stephen said while the lights dimmed and the curtains in the kitchen windows closed. He set down a pair of red sunglasses beside Miguel and patted his back.
"These have special lenses. A friend of mine, Doctor Hank McCoy, developed them for a colleague of his. They should help with your sensitive eyes and also if you happen to have hellfire spewing from them." As he explained the glasses, Miguel snatched them up and put them on.
Stephen was quick to set the table for breakfast with a simple hand gesture and he motioned for everyone to dig in. The moment a steaming cup of coffee appeared in front of Miguel, he took it and guzzled it down. He didn't even make a face at the temperature, and merely sighed happily as the caffeine flooded his system.
Everyone ate and talked. Stephen and Peter were discussing the genetic testing he was doing at the lab, and how it was set back a few months for obvious reasons. One of which was sitting there, trying to be invisible. Gwen was helping America with her notes by making flash cards versions of them.
And that left you and Miguel to sit there awkwardly. Miguel was listening to Peter talk about his experiments. You sipped your tea and poked the food around your plate until it was eventually all gone. When breakfast was done and cleaned up, America left through a portal, while Peter and Gwen followed her.
"You're free to leave, if you want, but please remember that when I summon your presence, you better come running." Stephen said as he waved his hand dismissively.
You gawked at him. Whatever discussion they had, they certainly weren't letting on about anything they talked about. Miguel was quick to get up and leave, only stopping briefly at the door to say his goodbyes.
"So, uh… I'll see ya tonight? Sanctum roof?" You asked. He sighed and nodded.
"Yeah. The doctor said I have to stay within sight of one of you four. I assume that includes the black and red Spider-Man?"
"Yeah. He was the new kid, before I came along." You laughed and rubbed the back of your neck. Miguel chuckled and turned to leave.
"If I show up early, can we get pizza again?" He turned back to give you a dopey grin. You blushed and agreed.
"Yeah. We can get pizza." Miguel gave you that adorable fangy grin and he left before he said something stupid.
He made his way down the steps and towards the general direction to his hotel. Miguel's brain was filled with images of the night ahead.
The doctor had basically given him an old school vibe of; 'If you hurt my daughter in anyway, shape, or form, I'll blast you with my boomstick.' The daughter being you, and the boomstick probably being some sort of magic spell pulled from the depths of Hell or something.
The other Spiders were mentioned as well, with him being just as clear about not hurting them either. Miguel understood why. He did kind of severely damage Peter's arm.
But, the man made it very clear he wouldn't tolerate Miguel playing around with you if he wasn't serious, or if you weren't interested. Stephen said, no, he demanded, that Miguel was absolutely not allowed to come on to you first. No intentional flirtatious behaviour or comments, unless you initiated it first, any sex that could happen, he needed your explicit and coherent consent.
No drugs. No alcohol.
No consent. No sex.
It was terrifying and awkward for Miguel to sit there like a shrinking lump in a massive chair. He felt like some awkward and scared teenager in the fifties, and not a grown ass man from the not so distant future, with superpowers and a couple of doctorates.
The fact he was technically a doctor as well didn't even cross Stephen's mind. He knew first hand that having a doctorate didn't make you a good person. He was more worried about the kind of person Miguel was. Miguel didn't even know that yet. He had lost who he was and he was still figuring himself out.
Miguel suddenly smiled at the thought of the major loophole to the wizard's words.
If you initiated the flirting first, he could roll with it. Stephen didn't give him any sort of level to adhere by, except for explicit sober consent from you.
He had a sudden thought that you were still watching him through the window, and he stopped to look over his shoulder. You were there, up on the window where people normally shouldn't be, smiling, your face lighting up when he locked eyes with you and you began to wave in a silly manner. He waved back and felt his face heat up even more. The heat was threatening to sneak on down to his nether regions, but with a quick thought process change, he saved himself from a surprise erection.
What also helped that surprise erection disappear, were the sudden 'ooo's' and 'ah's' and kissing sounds coming from Lyla.
"Shhh. Stop it. Please?" He covered the faceplate of the watch with that deep heat in his cheeks returning full force.
"You like her." She giggled back.
Miguel didn't answer. He started to walk again and picked up his pace as he swiped away Lyla's face and began going through his messages. Stephen had given Lyla the app details and she downloaded the program. It was an app that Peter and the others had worked on for communications between the Spiders and the different hero factions they were a part of.
He saw he was added to three chats. One was the room for the Spiders, and it was named 'Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiders'. Since being added only that morning, there had been an overwhelmingly large amount of texts. He decided to wait until he got back to his hotel to check those.
Another was set to an unnamed chat that contained Stephen, America, Peter, and you. He assumed that was the house chat.
And the last chat thread had been started with just your name at the top of the box. That one made a deep grin form onto his face. It was a simple, yet funny greeting.
Hello there, handsome. It's me, the bane of your existence! Lol.
He happily replied and sent back a message.
Haha, very funny.
As he was sending the message, he heard a car door open to his left. With a quick sidestep, he avoided the door. A man got out and slammed the door shut as he turned away from Miguel. His collar was up, hiding his face, while the man wore a newsboy cap with the rim over his eyes. The man lit up a cigarette and appeared to be leaning on the cab as he typed away on his phone. He was clearly agitated.
Miguel didn't want to have a hassle with some random guy right after leaving your presence, while still in full view of the Sanctum. He promised the wizard that he would behave himself during his stay here.
That cabbie brought the phone up his ear, and his voice went from frustrated and angry to calm and collected. He wasn't calm for very long, and he started to cry and rub at his face with his sleeve as he pleaded into the microphone.
"Hola. Last call for now. I'll try again tomorrow if I haven't heard from ya by then.-" The sound of that man's voice hit Miguel's ears and he felt a knot twist in his gut. He sounded so God damned familiar, and he couldn't place why.
*- I miss you, my pretty little star, mi estrella. Te extraño mucho. Please consider giving me a call. Te amo…"
And there it was.
The Spanish accent that sounded a little too close to his own. The jet black hair that was slicked under the back of the man's hat and over his olive skin. The little nickname he had heard clear as day in his dream. The one the grey suited man had affectionately referred to you as, right before Miguel took his place.
He took a quick glance at the license plate and subtly took a picture of it with his watch. He even got the man in the photo frame as well. After, he took a video of him typing away on his phone and he turned his head, as if he were about to look at Miguel.
Miguel was quick to speed up and leave, turning down an alleyway and going to his hotel as he shot you a text to message him if you needed him for any reason. The man only caught a streak of him leaving and thought nothing of it as he got back into his cab and drove off.
When Miguel left, you found yourself quickly clambering up the wall to the large circular symbol in the glass. You peered out the window to watch him walk away while Stephen chuckled and gave you privacy. You were sure you looked insane, like a gecko stuck to a glass tank, sideways, face close to the glass, but not exactly touching it.
Miguel's ass looked quite nice in those sweats as he was walking away. Your eyes followed him as his form got smaller and smaller. He turned around and saw you, which made you blush and bite your lower lip. You waved. He waved. You smiled. He smiled. He turned around and kept going, and your eyes lowered back down to his rear. It wasn't until he nearly collided with a car door, when your eyes darted away from that scrumptious bottom.
Your heart dropped.
It was Jake. He was wearing a scowl as he absently tossed a middle finger at Miguel for nearly getting in his way and he slammed his door. The sound was so loud, you could hear it. You even saw Miguel wince and quickly move away from him, but not too far as he stared at the audacity of the other man. It didn't look like he had seen Jake's face. If he did, you just knew he would have stopped dead in his tracks and confronted him.
You watched as your heart sped up, thudding harshly in your chest as Jake didn't even look back at Miguel while he pulled out his phone. You gulped as you heard your phone down on the table start to ring and vibrate against the old wood. All you could do was dumbly look down at it while it skittered about making a horrible buzzing noise accompanied with Jake's ringtone.
After six rings, it stopped and the lights went dim. You sighed in relief and relaxed, but then it started to buzz again. You let go of the window and dropped to the floor, eyes not leaving the device. You brought both hands to rest against the table as you leaned over it, glaring when you saw his name flashing across the screen, along with the one photo of his stupid face in that stupid hat of his that you forgot to remove from the phone contact list.
Again the phone stopped, and this time it went to voice-mail. The phone was quiet for a moment, until the voice-mail registered and the screen lit up while the phone vibrated to alert you to a new message.
You let go another heavy breath of air and relaxed, resting your head against the desk and sighing. Maybe he had given up, maybe he wasn't. You had no way of knowing.
However, you did know that Jake must have come back and seen the car missing. He must have panicked when he saw that the house was stripped bare of anything you owned. He was probably actively looking for you.
But he had no idea where you were, right?
You bit your lower lip and picked up the phone, going straight to look at the alerts and call history. You could see one from Miguel, but it had to wait until you inspected the ones from Jake, first.
Jake had actually called you five times. He left four voice mails. Before listening to them, you checked your text messages. He had sent you around ten of them, right after you had sent Miguel a message and put the phone down for breakfast.
Heya, doll. I'll be coming into town in thirty. See you soon. I missed you a whole lot.
You still like those Redbulls? I got a couple cases of the ones ya like.
You have missed a call from Jake Lockley.
You have a new voice-mail from Jake Lockley.
Is this a joke? Real funny.
Mi estrella? Hello?
I talked to the neighbors. They said they saw you packing and getting rid of things. Did you go to the school you were talking about? I must have forgotten.
You have missed a call from Jake Lockley.
You have a new voice-mail from Jake Lockley.
Where are you?
I found the sale papers for the car. Why did you sell it? Was there something wrong with it? Why did you sell it to Clint?
I called Clint. He said you sold it to him like two weeks after I left. Said you didn't need it and never used it. I'm not mad or upset. It's your car. I'm going to go grab some breakfast and call ya in a bit.
You have missed a call from Jake Lockley.
You have a new voice-mail from Jake Lockley.
I am getting worried, here. At least respond to me, so I know you're safe.
You have missed a call from Jake Lockley.
You have a missed call from Jake Lockley.
You have a new voice-mail from Jake Lockley.
Please, sweetheart. Please reply. I know I said we were on a break, but I came back. I just had to see you. I have only a week, before I gotta go back. I'm sorry. Please, mi estrella?
The messages were sweet and sad. Your heart panged for Jake. He was acting lost without you. He wasn't even showing any signs of being angry. He was clearly worried about you and your safety.
You dialed up your voice-mail and waited to hear his voice.
"Hola! How is my beautiful girl, eh? I see a lot of empty space. What's going on here? Are you renovating? The mailbox is pretty full."
When the message finished playing, you frowned. He sounded nervous, like he was pretending to be optimistic and happy. You could hear the disappointment in his voice. You waited for the next one to play.
"Did you… Did you go to that university that you were talking about? Ya said something about a Stark scholarship a few times. It looks to me like… Like ya moved out. I hope not. There's literally nothing of yours left here, except the junk mail. Uh, anyways, please shoot me a call back."
Now his voice had melted into a hollow tone. You almost cried, but you held them back.
You remembered how violent and volatile he was towards others. Miles had seen him beat the crap out of a few people. Gwen had reported seeing him yelling at gang members... And both Peter and Stephen had some not so nice things to say about him. What if his next voice-mails were rude and belligerent?
What if he threatened you?
"Hola, sweetheart! I am just calling to be sure you know that I support whatever decision you are making. I know you're probably mad at me right now. I get that. That's okay. If you don't want to see me again, please just let me know. I promise I'll leave you alone, once I know that you are okay. Please?"
Your heart broke at his begging and pleading. His voice was cracking and he sounded like he was sniffling. Was he crying? He never did that around you.
"Hola. Last call for now. I'll try again tomorrow if I haven't heard from ya by then. I miss you, my pretty little star, mi estrella. Te extraño mucho. Please consider giving me a call. Te amo…"
By now Jake sounded quite depressed. He wasn't yet giving up, but for today he claimed that he was.
But wait… Did he just admit to loving you? You had to play the message again, and it made you feel both extremely good, and terribly sad.
Now you were crying as you set the phone down. You paced around the room for a long moment, then remembered he was just down the street. With a quick couple of jumps and flips, you got back up to the window and looked to see if he was still there. You completely missed your phone's muffled buzzing again as it sat on your sweater.
He was just getting back into his cab and you cursed to yourself. There would be no way to chase him down with the way he drove. You had a hunch he was looking around the city for any sign of you. You thought about telling someone of what you saw, but then that would just freak everyone out for no reason. You decided to wait and see what happened and kept it a secret for now. You weren't going to reply, not yet anyways, but he'd know you read the messages.
Jake was anxious as he walked through a park he used to take you to. It was close to the bridge, with his favorite taco truck near by. He always enjoyed looking at the lights up there. He once admitted to you that he would sit here and smoke weed while watching the Spider-Folk go about their business across the buildings in the night sky.
What he didn't reveal, was that he was there to specifically watch you. How he adored your outfit and the way you'd gracefully leap about with those lights, or swing with your webs. He missed coming out at night for his cabbie job, because he spent most of the night following you around, making sure you were safe.
He even kept his secrets to himself, secrets that would have made everything easier for the both of you if only you knew.
It was the middle of the day, and he sighed as he sat down on a bench with a couple of pork carnitas and watched the boats on the water go by. He chain smoked for a while and eventually went back to his car to drive around for a few hours. He didn't catch any sight of you, but he did see Bruce Banner walking with Natasha Romanoff, hand in hand.
That image made him feel smaller. He had that with you, and he just had to go and fuck it up by not being honest with you.
By nightfall, he found himself driving lazily down a strip of cheap motels with bars and pubs across the street. He wanted to keep himself occupied and his mind off of you, so he went looking for fares.
A few hours in, he'd made a good chunk of money. A bunch of college frat boys needed rides up to a dormitory, and that took up most of his time to make three separate trips. He didn't mind. It was a fair and honest rate and they all tipped him quite well. One of them even handed him a bottle of whiskey and a bag of weed, before he stumbled off to his dorm.
Jake was just making a turn down Bleeker street when he noticed a sparkle of orange on the roof. His foot hit the pedal and he sped up to get closer. Once he was close enough, he parked the cab and got out to get a better look.
There on the roof was one of those portals he'd heard so much about. Jake frowned and watched as you leapt on through and set off some lights into the air. A moment later, a black and red Spider-Man was zipping towards the roof from the left, while the white Ghost-Spider came flying down from the right.
Jake's frown grew wider at the sight of that, but he was relieved that he didn't see the large Spider-Man. He was almost going to call you again, but when he checked his messages, he saw that you left him on read.
He sighed and almost gave up. He decided to have another cigarette and a drink from the booze he was given as he waited a few more minutes, before he would consider leaving you alone.
He was half way through his cigarette when a very tall man walked past him while talking to his watch. He was wearing a baseball cap, his hair falling out the sides and hiding his face. He was wearing sunglasses. At night. Jake raised an eyebrow, but the man was fully occupied. Whatever. He wasn't important. It didn't matter anyways, as the guy just dipped into the pizza place and out of sight.
His attention was caught by the OG Spider-Man walking through the portal, and you going back inside. He grumbled about that, hoping you'd come back out soon.
It was exactly an hour before the meet up time, and Miguel was patiently waiting in line to make the pizza order. He was getting what he got last time, while you had sent him a list of what everyone else wanted. There was an extra large pepperoni and mushroom for Miles and Gwen, a pesto linguini for the doctor, and two boxes of wings for you and Peter. After he ordered and got the food, he made his way back to the Sanctum.
On his short little walk, he passed by a cabbie faced away from him that was smoking and drinking a rye and coke in a can. The light was off on the cab, and the man looked exhausted as he blankly stared ahead and power smoked what smelled like weed to Miguel. He chuckled and passed by the poor tired man without another thought, without even looking at his face.
It was New York at night after all.
When Miguel arrived at the Sanctum doors, you greeted him and beamed at the food in his arms
"Heya, big guy! Good to see you!" You said while grabbing his arm. With a tug, you went trotting over to the library, Miguel happily following you and enjoying your hand on his bicep. The door closed itself and Miguel noticed, finding it creepy.
"Stephen! The food is here! Can you please open up a portal to the roof, again? His hands are full." You asked the doctor, who had been peacefully doing Sudoku a moment ago. He looked up at you, then at the bags in Miguel's hands, then raised a brow.
"Oh, uh, before we go up, here's your green pasta." Miguel quickly handed the man his take out box. Stephen's mouth just barely curled upwards, showing Miguel that the man was appreciative of the meal.
"Thank you. The others are waiting upstairs." Stephen said as he opened a portal and went right to work unboxing and eating his food with chopsticks that appeared from thin air. When you got through the portal, Miles stood up and pointed.
"That's the guy?!" He was not subtle, nor was he quiet about his shock and clear disdain for seeing Miguel's face.
"Yes, Miles. That's the guy." Gwen said as she grabbed his arm and tugged him back a bit. The young man was furious to see that face.
"Ya got some nerve, Lockley! Showing your face after what you did to her!" Miles hissed. In an instant Gwen had slapped her hand over his mouth and quietly apologized to Miguel. You decided to speak up and explain.
"Miles. This is Miguel O'Hara. This is not Jake Lockley. Yes, they look a lot alike, but this man isn't my ex. He is one of us. Please welcome him."
"Yeah. He's alright." Peter piped up. Miguel gave him a confused looking eyebrow raise at the lack of mentioning the broken arm. Was Peter just going to pretend it didn't happen? Either way, his calmness was bleeding through to Miles, and the young man calmed down enough to sit.
"Miguel will be patrolling with us from now on. I figure having a massive brick wall on the team will help out with all the smaller Spiders we have." Peter continued as he dug into the food.
Okay. So it did look like he wasn't going to mention the arm.
"What powers does he have?" Miles asked.
"Uh, the usual spider stuff. I have super strength, stamina, speed, agility, dexterity, durability… I can jump thirty feet, more if I absolutely have to. I have sharp fangs that secrete a paralyzing toxin…" He opened his mouth and showed Miles his teeth.
"... Oh, and I have retractable claws." He finished as he held his hands up to show his talons. Miles gawked then looked up at Miguel's face.
"What spider bit you? Did you see it?" Miles asked. Miguel's face scrunched up in annoyance.
"Uh… Well, about that… I did this to myself."
"Yeah… I was experimenting with genetics, and I had a sample of some superhuman Spider DNA, then an accident happened at work, and well… This happened. I bulked up over night, got taller, and I could see better… But I now have an intolerance to bright lights." He explained it like it wasn't a big deal. You suspected there was more to it, but you didn't dare ask in front of the others.
You just wanted to get through tonight.
"I don't understand. We have business to attend to, my son." A gravelly voice boomed through the silent night.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I have time." Jake's voice replied. The sounds of metal clicked and snapped, and a flame lit the dark alley up once again. His face was visible, a white stick stuck in the corner of his mouth as he puffed away.
"You have exactly seven days. Seven days, and you go back to Egypt, no matter what." The louder voice hissed, while the quieter and calmer man shot a death glare at the other.
"Mierda, get off my back. You know I'll get us back there in time."
"Are you sure? You said that the last time, and Steven woke up in a ditch, covered in blood, when he had just been at work for a double shift." The comment drew a string of silent curses from Jake as he tapped his cigarette.
"That was my mistake. I didn't get back before the sun came up. At least there was a dead deer on the road, so he just assumed he hit it."
"On his bicycle? Really?"
"Whaddya want from me? They still have no idea I exist."
"Uh huh. They also have no idea you've been dicking down a Spider for the last three years, while Marc's been married to Layla for half of that time."
"It doesn't matter. They broke up when she found out about you."
"That's what you think. Marc left of his own accord and he lied to her about me. Steven wants them to go back to her."
"Not gonna happen. I just know if Steven and Marc see my sweet Galaxy-Spider, they'll love her, too. They'll forget all about their Scarlet Scarab."
"What? You think they will just magically forget about their wife?"
"No, but they will choose her over Layla. I am sure of it. Besides, Steven only just found out about Marc and Layla. He's only ever kissed her once." Jake argued as he summoned his suit.
"Jake, my son… Will they not be furious to find out there's another alter, and that he's been in a committed relationship for this long, with absolutely no sign of it? You basically made Marc into a cheating scumbag, without his knowledge, and Steven by association as he's made it clear that he wants Layla."
"It's different. We are different. Different lives-"
"But will she see it that way? What about Layla? She doesn't deserve this shit, and she's Taweret's Avatar now. She is fully aware that Marc has DID." The old bird said simply. Silence permeated the air as Jake power smoked the rest of his cigarette. Khonshu cleared his throat, then continued.
"And what of your precious little star Spider? Do you think she's going to be happy to find out about Layla? Or that she's married to Marc?"
More silence as Jake refused to look at his boss.
"You really think she's just going to jump back into your arms after you left like that?"
"Of course she will, it's a silent understanding."
"Riiight. And this has absolutely nothing to do with that explicit nightmare you had the other night?"
More silence.
"You better keep the dark suit on, then. It's harder to see than your white and black suit." The loud voice rumbled.
Jake didn't reply as he snuffed his smoke out between his gloved fingers and threw the butt away. He straightened his jacket and adjusted his tie while looking at himself in the windshield of the yellow taxi.
"Mierda …" Once satisfied, a dark grey mask slowly materialized onto his face, stitching itself up over his left eye. He slowly removed his hat and threw it inside of the trunk of the cab, then turned to watch the Sanctum.
He saw four different colored lines zip across the sky to a tall building, while multiple blobs of lights were deployed in the sky. Soon after, five colorful shapes were dashing across the horizon. Jake scowled when he saw another, much larger Spider with them. He took a deep breath and set off in a run to follow them in the shadows.
The night was going…
Well, it was going.
Between the four of you, you managed to nab a few gangsters each and drop them off at the police station. You had performed nicely, and had even forgotten the fact that Miguel was a new addition to the team. He seemed to understand what you were doing and didn't need to be verbally told.
Miles was eager to show Miguel his own powers, by demonstrating them on the four guys, right before he had caught them, while Miguel watched them drop like electrocuted flies. Gwen wasn't eager to show off at all, and her and Peter had stayed by the group they had already collected. That just left three guys to round up, and you went after them once Miles began to tie up the ones he grabbed.
Miguel was quick to follow you. He waited for your signals, and he followed your nonverbal commands perfectly. When you pointed to two guys trying to make their way through a crowded street where people were leaving from the clubs and bars. They were obviously trying to blend in, and it almost worked, but your eyes spotted them easily, as did Miguel's. Unfortunately you didn't see where the third one went.
You each picked a side of the street, concealing yourselves in the shadows as you followed them to the bus terminal by the club owned by a local gang leader. If they went inside, you would lose them, and then it would be you and Miguel tucking tail and running.
Miguel found an opening and he gave you a look and quick gesture towards the one that was going around the back of the building. You nodded, and he shot off towards the man at a terrifying speed that sent vibrations through the pavement that you could clearly feel.
That left the other guy, now leaving the safety of the crowds at a run. He moved fast for a big and out of shape guy, but you were certain that you could catch him in time. You pulled some orbs of light into existence right in front of the guy to surprise him. He screamed and swerved away from the gang hideout.
Shooting a few webs at his legs, you managed to catch him. Just as the thrill of it hit your veins, you were hit over the back of the head and passed out.
Miguel had seen it all happen. He was tasked to take down the one guy, while she was sent to fetch the other. He made quick work of his target, and just as he was coming back around the corner, his target tied and slung over his shoulder while he kicked and squirmed, Miguel witnessed the third man come out of the hideout and run at the other Spider. Miguel dropped the guy in his grip and sped forward.
As quick as he was, he hit the guy, but he missed the trash can lid that flew out of his hands, hitting her directly in the back of the head. He watched in horror as she made a weak sounding sigh and went down like a sack of potatoes.
A blinding rage filled him as he clambered to the man that had caused the blow to her head. The thug skittered back, his face full of terror as Miguel snarled and grabbed him by the leg. With a heavy jerk, he yanked the man towards him and bit him in the leg. The man screamed and kicked at his face.
Miguel let him go, only to watch him stagger a few car lengths away and collapse to the sidewalk. The bite had taken its toll on him, and he was now out cold and twitching. Miguel figured it was safe enough to go check on the Galaxy Spider, but when he went back to the spot she had fallen, she was gone.
Miguel panicked.
If he came back without her, the wizard would certainly be pissed. Not to mention the other Spiders would be just as displeased. Miguel looked around, his eyes darting every which way. A glinting of some sparkles in the alleyway caught his eye, and he was moving towards them with as much stealth as he could muster.
"Shock, this isn't good. My first night on patrol with her, and she gets kidnapped!" Miguel muttered to himself.
"Perhaps you should be careful about this. Approach from the rooftop." Lyla's voice hit his ears and he scaled the wall immediately with his webbing.
Once on the roof, he made his way towards the other end of the alley. He was careful to remain hidden, but in efforts to do so, he couldn't get a good look at who was hauling her away. Every turn they made, he was always just one step behind, just getting a glimpse of the dark silhouette that held a sparkling Spider.
There were a few times he lost sight of them. Lyla couldn't pick up anything from the security cameras in the area, but his nose caught the scent of flowers in the air. He followed the smell. It was paired with whatever scent the man had, which smelled like some sort of designer cologne, mixed with cigarettes, liquor, and blood.
Series Masterlist
I hope you are liking this story so far. Please let me know. Yes, I know I put she/her instead of you at the end. It's from his POV.
Special thanks to:
Beta readers/Ideas:
@einno-arko @theaussiedragon
@theaussiedragon @autismsupermusicalassassin @readingfan @missdragon-1 @marvelescvpe @lunar-ghoulie @cicithemess2000 @animesnowstorm @mahbeanz @dafuqelaine @bby-lupin @paranoiac-666 @konniebon @cl0v3r-s0up @seraphine-so-pretty @jupitersmoon167 @butterflypillows @ivystoryweaver @mintellaine @bxdbxtxh15 @badbishsblog @cleothegoldfish @xxmadamjinxx @bitchyexpertprincess @sakurayuki8655-blog @jklkverr @jkthinkstoomuch @oscarissac2099 @neteyamsluvts
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tacosrobot · 2 months
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Meet the gang! Or don't, I guess.
Actual character bios under the cut!
Full Name: Russell Jacobs
Nickname: Rusty
Birthday/Age: 24 – 5th of April
Place of birth: Somewhere in Colorado
Place of Residence: Somewhere out in the middle of nowhere
Education Level: Highschool graduate but barely
Occupation: Vampire Hunter (self-appointed)
Pets: n/a
Height: 5’9
Eye colour: Green 
Glasses/Contacts: N/A 
Prominent features: Freckles, lots of freckles.
Distinguishing Marks/Scars: There’s a thin scar running down the back of his right shoulder to his elbow. He has a few tattoos, too. They’re mostly around his shoulders and on his arms, he has no tattoos on his back but has tattoos on his chest and waist. They vary in nature but he holds the record in his friend group as ‘Guy With the Most Spider Tattoos’, he has three.
Hairstyle/Colour: He has ginger hair, cut by himself, of course, is choppy and layered. It reaches just below shoulder length and was once styled into a very fashionable mullet.
Style of clothing: He’ll wear anything he can get his hands on. He doesn’t care about conforming to any sort of gender norms and thinks fashion is a great way to express himself. He always has paint-covered yellow boots on.
Other: He has two nose piercings, a septum piercing and a bridge piercing. He almost got a tongue piercing but he chickened out and got another tattoo instead.
Optimist or pessimist: Optimist
Introverted or extroverted: Extroverted
Conflict Avoider or Seeker: Conflict seeker
Personality description: Upon first meeting Rusty, people usually sum him up in one word: ‘irritating’. Once you get to know him a little better, however, you soon learn that it’s not entirely true. Rusty can be annoying, don’t get me wrong, but he can also be considerate and caring when he needs to be. He may give off the vibe that the whole world revolves around him yet outside of trying to be the centre of attention, he’s a gentle guy with a somewhat gentle soul.
Traits and interests:
Strongest trait: Individualistic
Weakest trait: Arrogant
Habits: He cracks his knuckles, or just his fingers in general. Sometimes this extends to his neck too.
Favourite colour: Pink
Favourite music: Electro-pop or anything with synths
Favourite Food: Greasy foods of any sort.
Favourite Literature: Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice, but literally anything to do with Vampires. He thinks that it’ll give him some sort of advantage over the vampires.
Goal: To get back to Colorado.
Motivation: Seeing his younger sister again.
Parent(s): Hank Jacobs, May Jacobs (deceased)
Sibling(s): Mildred ‘Millie’ Jacobs (younger sister)
Best friend: Janey Brinkley
Other friend(s): Emeric Moore (belongs to @viaterra) Donovan V. (belongs to @ross-stories)
Partner: N/A (his last girlfriend died)
Full Name: Toddman Farebrother
Nickname: Todd, Roddy (he calls himself that)
Birthday/Age: 19 – 12th of November
Place of birth: Wothead.
Place of Residence: Wothead.
Education Level: Got expelled in year nine
Occupation: Stay-at-home nuisance.
Pets: a hamster named Cricket
Height: 5’6
Eye colour: Brown 
Glasses/Contacts: N/A 
Prominent features: A significant number of freckles, primarily on his face. He also has a tooth gap; he’s missing his second tooth on the left.
Distinguishing Marks/Scars: N/A
Hairstyle/Colour: Roddy takes good care of his hair, despite how it may look. It’s short, layered and very messy. At some point, he decided to dye it redder than it was originally then settled on some weird shade of pink.
Style of clothing: Anything he can put a worn-down brown leather jacket over. This can vary from shirts to vests and even (albeit very rarely) jumpers. Trousers are often a second thought. He’ll put on whatever’s clean.
Other: He went through a phase of wearing fingerless gloves, no one knows why he did this. It didn’t even look that cool.
Optimist or pessimist: Pessimist
Introverted or extroverted: Ambivert
Conflict Avoider or Seeker: Conflict seeker
Personality description: Roddy has a problem with any kind of authority. Friends, family, the police; he doesn’t care because he knows he’s in the right every time. There are exceptions to this rule, he respects his sister and like one other person, plus his hamster, but that’s it.
Traits and interests:
Strongest trait: Independent
Weakest trait: Abrasive
Habits: He has no idea what he’s supposed to do with his hands so he often picks things up to play with. Also scratches his left cheek regularly.
Sports, including but not limited to football, cricket and tennis
Nature walks
Favourite colour: Red
Favourite music: Whatever the Clash and The Ramones have going on?
Favourite Food: Sausage sandwich with brown sauce and a sprinkle of salt
Favourite Literature: He doesn’t tend to read much, but The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle has a very special place in his heart.
Goal: Play football professionally.
Motivation: Making money.
Parent(s): Phillip Farebrother (deceased), Catherine Farebrother (absent)
Sibling(s): Patricia Farebrother (older sister)
Best friend: ‘Harry’ Hamilton
Other friend(s): That’s literally it. You could be his friend if you wanted but I don’t recommend it.
Partner: N/A
Enemies: Kenneth.
Full Name: Hayden Hayes
Alias: The Crow
Birthday/Age: 24 – 7th of March
Place of birth: London
Place of Residence: Still London, it’s a small world, ok?
Education Level: University Graduate. He got a degree in some sort of science. He doesn’t remember
Occupation: Museum security guard
Pets: n/a
Height: 5’6
Eye colour: Blue 
Glasses/Contacts: N/A 
Prominent features: His hair is pretty prominent
Distinguishing Marks/Scars: Nothing overly distinguishing about any of him if you look past the fact he’s a vigilante crime fighter.
Hairstyle/Colour: It’s short, black and really messy. It fans out at the sides and cannot be tamed, so don’t bother trying.
Style of clothing: Ignoring his big crow-inspired get-up, Hayden primarily wears whatever’s on sale. He tends to lean towards black clothes, though and has had the same coat for almost five years.
Other: He always, always, always carries a tie with him? For some reason? He calls it his ‘emergency tie’.
Optimist or pessimist: Optimist
Introverted or extroverted: Introverted
Conflict Avoider or Seeker: Conflict seeker
Personality description: To be honest, Hayden is kind of mixed up. He doesn't know if he wants to be the goofy comic relief hero or if he wants to be the stoic brooding type. He's street smart but not smart smart. He knows what he wants but he doesn't know how to get it sort of thing. He’s still figuring it out.
Traits and interests:
Strongest trait: Humorous
Weakest trait: Muddle-headed
Habits: Will cut you off while you’re talking. He’s not doing it on purpose he just a little bad at conversations.
Reading, he’s a big fan of non-fiction but will sometimes read fiction, too.
Watching documentaries
Favourite colour: Yellow
Favourite music: Early 2000s dance music
Favourite Food: Crème Brulee
Favourite Literature: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Goal: Stop the stupid idiot guys running this weird underground network of illegal stuff.
Motivation: Keeping his family safe.
Parent(s): Keith Ashbee (step-father), Polly Hayes
Sibling(s): Dylan Hayes (younger brother)
Best friend: ???
Other friend(s): He goes out with his co-workers a lot; I suppose they count.
Partner: N/A
Enemies: Those freaky little guys in suits who are doing weird illegal stuff under London.
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BCS season 5 roundup!
Magic Man
-Saul Goodman is ~official~
-I ADORE the magic man montage
-The scene where Kim refuses Jimmy’s plan for convincing her client to take a plea deal and then does it herself anyway reminded me of when Jimmy told her to beat Howard to Mesa Verde and she initially declined but ended up sprinting through HHM
50% Off
-Nacho’s face when he sees his father in the restaurant 💔
-I don’t know why I’m so obsessed with context but I geeked out over Lalo giving Domingo the nick name Ocho Loco since we know him as Krazy 8 but no one has called him that in BSC yet
-This early still-Jimmy-at-heart phase of Saul Goodman is so fun to watch. Confidently strolling through the court house in ridiculous outfits dropping so many great phrases:
-Into every life a little rain must fall
-Life’s a rich pageant who are we to judge
The Guy for This
-HANK and GOMEY!!! What a perfect reveal
-I’d honestly forgotten that in Breaking Bad Hank said Krazy 8 was an informant but now it seems so obvious that we’d see how that came to be
-I’ll say it again, I love watching Kim Wexler yell
-A Suzuki Esteem, it’s an import
-Acker accuses Kim of saying anything to get what she wants and it seems to really affect her. I don’t think it gets to her because she believes it to be true of herself, but because she KNOWS that’s true of JIMMY
-Me during the opening scene:
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-Jimmy does the ole bang on the interview room door to make it seem like you’re walking away from the negotiating table trick that Hank JUST did to him to the criminals he’s meeting with
-My friends still call me Jimmy, you can too
Dedicado A Max
-Jimmy squeezing into the construction meeting 💀
-An all-time great Mcwexler scene: Kim role playing as Kevin
-The Acker scam is probably my favorite so far
-He’s claiming our prime contractor is an escaped felon lolol
-There’s a moment when Kim is confirming to Jimmy she wants to go after Kevin personally where she says “ok” and Jimmy replies “ok” while extending a beer her direction. She smirks. THIS is true Mcwexler happiness.
-Jimmy and Kim really make schemin and drinkin beers look so damn enjoyable
-Kim makes a hilarious face when Jimmy is on the phone with Mike and says “this is not like that other thing”
Wexler v Goodman
-I just feel like if just we get out there and we hustle we can do it!
-Jimmy is having FUN giving acting instructions. The whole shooting the commercial montage makes Jimmy so lovable
-The shot of Nacho and his car in that warehouse with missing windows is so sick
-Jonathan Banks plays Mike playing a sweet innocent old man so well
-No Cliff my hookers were taller than these
-Ofc Kim proposed to Jimmy
-Jimmy asks who the hell is Jorge de Guzman right when the opening credit for Tony Dalton pops up on screen
-They absolutely nailed the whole consummating the marriage scene because Jimmy is honest with Kim which showed way more intimacy than the actual act
-LIGHTNING BOLTS SHOOT FROM MY FINGERTIPS!!! I love that this specific language was included in the rant because now we know what Jimmy is thinking when he does the lil finger waggle to make something happen
-One of the coolest things about this show is how it influences the way you view Breaking Bad on a rewatch, and this episode is a prime example. Seeing what Mike and Jimmy go through in Bagman completely recontextualizes their relationship for me. The closest feeling I can relate it to is when after you’ve known two people for a while you find out that they also know each other.
-Did Mike and Jimmy think they would be able to steal the car of the guy they baited and sniped???
Bad Choice Road
-Jimmy in the tub scene 👀
-Kim is the queen of impulsive decisiveness
-Ok Lalo IS Spider-Man. First the roof thing at Travel Wire and now him jumping off a ravine onto the esteem
-Jimmy pestering Kim with that ”pro bono means no money” argument is rich considering she held him down when his license was suspended
-When Lalo presses Jimmy for more about what happened in the desert Jimmy throws in the detail about drinking his pee, which was the same thing he did when Kim tried to get him to open up about what happened
Something Unforgiveable
-Kim snorting in laughter at Howard’s accusations of Jimmy made that scene
-There are a myriad of reasons why Kim turns on Howard and one I don’t see mentioned enough is TIMING!! Consider this, Jimmy tries to break up with Kim on the same day Howard approached her about Jimmy being unhinged. She brings this up to Jimmy that night almost as a way to distract from the heavy shit they’ve been experiencing. They spend the evening lightheartedly brainstorming schemes against Howard, then it becomes serious for Kim when she thinks going through with a plan will keep Jimmy in the relationship
-Jimmy leaves the mint chip off his room service sundae. I don’t exactly know why but it feels significant
-I’m trying to imagine how Jimmy felt when Kim did the finger guns at him. I imagine whatever he felt in that moment is what he was trying to convey to Kim when he did them to her in Saul Gone
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mooseonahunt · 1 year
what are a few of your favorite headcanons for your Spider-Man DBH Au?
OOOO where do I even begin? Thank you for the ask!!
First one that comes to mind is in regards to Sixty. While his name is Conrad in the AU, some people still call him Sixty. This is because I HC that when he was in university and able to drink without Hank getting on his ass about it, he attended a frat party for the beer. He only managed to get through 6 cans before passing out drunk. The people who were there started calling him Sixer, but as they kept using it, the name slowly turned into Sixty.
Having said that, Sixty is kind of a campus legend now because people think he drank 60 cans of beer (which is just straight up impossible but y'know how myths are-- they're unbelievably silly like that).
Along the same vein of RKbros HCs, Connor and Sixty shared a bunk bed until they moved out for university. Hank never got around to remodeling their room after they left, so Nines sometimes goes in there when he misses his brothers and sleeps on one of the bunks with Sumo (can't leave Sumo out of this AU).
I'd like to think Gavin keeps a framed picture of Spider-Man in his bedroom that he cut out of a newspaper. Only Tina knows about it (she probably climbed into his room in the middle of the night to ask him if he wanted to go out somewhere and she saw it). He doesn't want anyone to know how much he looks up to Spidey, and it would take him a lot of courage to admit any of that to Nines.
(And then when he finds out that Nines is Spider-Man, he'd probably work twice as hard to keep his fanboy status a secret because there's no way in hell he's gonna admit he was obsessed with his boyfriend before he was even his boyfriend.)
aaand last HC I can think of rn that I really like is in regards to the other RKbros (Reed-Kamski). Nothing huge really. I just really enjoy the thought of them having matching necklaces from when they were little kids and were still on speaking terms. Thin, silver chains with some sort of small pendant/charm on them. Gavin keeps it tucked under his shirt while Elijah wears his like a bracelet (he had it modified). Gavin is never close enough to him to see him wearing it, and Eli can never see it on Gav because it's under his clothes, so neither of them know the other wears it every day to remember each other.
Again, thank you for the ask!! I loved getting to talk about this AU again it's been so long aklsdjf And of course most of the HCs that came to mind were family-oriented god I love familial relationships so much
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imagine-silk · 2 years
Masterlist (Old)
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🍮 My Favorites
Peter B staring down Jess while hugging Autistic!Younger!Spider
Peter B taking Autistic!Younger!Spider to a meeting
Dragon Age Inquisition characters finding comfort with you
Yan!Sera headcannon
Josephine Montilyet headcannon
Cassandra Pentaghast headcannon
Varric with a Noir Detective 🍮
Dorian, Cassandra, and Cullen finding out a Scout has a crush on Varric🍮
What if Sten was Pining
Vegas AU ideas
Okay hear me out... Trian and Alistair
Origins Fake dating ideas(Commenter has a great one for Shale)
DAI Modern summer events (Sera, Josephine, Iron bull)
You're a dark elf (Solas, Dorian, Josephine)
How they show affection (Varric, Cullen, Morrigan)
Their child is sick (Cassandra, Josephine, Vivienne)
Pining over a scout (Varric, Cole, Josephine)🍮
Days Recovering; One, Four
Fallout Yan!Dudes with a courser s/o who left the Institute
Yan!Cait w/ Institute scientist Darling
Sole turns into a supermutant
Preston reacting to Sole w/ Auditory processing disorder (APD)
Yan!Girls Meeting your Assaultron Girlfriend
Yan!Girls w/ a tourist Darling
Reactions to terrifying super-ghoul
Super-mutant wing-man
Sole's accidental trick-shot
Sole painting companions in a surreal art style
Missing Sole turns up as a glowing ghoul
Girl companions meeting your ghoul parents
Sole sobbing uncontrollably when they come back from the Intitute
Modern!Companions comforting reader after a pet death (Not dogmeat's)
Cartoon door beat-up thing
Sole high on painkillers confesses (Deacon, Preston, MacCready)
Yan!Danse and Haylen react to Sole being former Enclave
Yan!Girls react to you saying you want to have a baby w/ them
Yan!Girls react to Sole leaving to hunt down an item and returning months later
Insults between dumb and dumber
Sole having four arms
Peaceful!Sole finally snapping at an ungrateful settler
Telling Yan!Girls you were once in the Enclave
Shooting Yan!Girls w/ a bubble gun🍮
Pouring your heart out to Yan!Girls
Companions gaining fire abilities
Companions (+Proctor Igram) react to a ripper doc
Life w/ Codsworth after the bombs dropped
Reader giving love-nips (Hancock, Nick, MacCready)
Scribe Haylen headcannons
Piper Wright headcannons
React to a magical girl w/ guns
Hancock, Deacon, Nick, and MacCready react to M!SS who shaves too much and ends up with a babyface
Companions react to Pacifist!Lycanthrope!SS who is stuck in werewolf form🍮
MacCready, Deacon, and Danse after a gore-y fight with blood everywhere🍮
X6-88's guide to cure love sickness🍮
React to the song Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez
Chipper!SS breaking down after going to the institute
React to the song Glimpse of Us by Joji
Child giving them a friendship braclet (X6-88, Cait, Vadim and Yafim)🍮
Taking care of a Asian!Teen!SS(Travis Miles, Nick Valentine, Deacon)🍮
Deacon traveling with a Vampire SS(not romanced)
M!SS is protective over non-human companions (+Kent, Sturges)🍮
House husbands (Preston, Hancock, Deacon)
Favorite place to go for a date (X6-88, Preston, Hancock)
Yandere (Cait, Curie, Piper)
Having a trouble-making twin (Hancock, Nick, Piper, Deacon)
Yandere Preston, Gage, Danse
Relationship milestones (Deacon, Preston, Gage)🍮
Modern Companions
Modern Companions Love Interest/Ocs
You have a stutter (X6-88, Hancock, Piper)
When someone reacts negatively to them being a synth (With no interference)
What their kisses are like (Deacon, Hancock, Curie)
What are mornings like (MaCready, Cait, Preston)
Danse and Nate smut I wrote drunk
Marvel characters being inebriated
Finding a portrait of them you painted
Secretary!Trilogy!Peter finding out he's in love with you
Natasha and sleepy kisses
Secretary!Spidermen; You doze off
Secretary!Spidermen; Winter dates i guess
Secretary!Spidermen (MCU, TASM, Trilogy, Peter B., Miles Morales)
Secretary!Spidermen; Getting you ready before a meeting
You're a Slime (Peter, Tony, Bruce)
Glass in my hands (Scott Lang/Fem!Reader)
Yandere husband!Hank + son!Connor x willing!Darling
Supernatural lore ideas
Gavin having a surgeon husband
"You're so cute." (Hank, Gavin, Chloe)
Hugging them out of the blue (Hank, Gavin, Chloe)🍮
You don't like androids (Simon, Luther, Markus and Carl)🍮
Meeting your parents (Hank, Markus, Gavin, Elijah)
Darling is very tactile (Yan Connor, Hank, Gavin)
Please I need this Bagginshield ending
Yandere Elliott
Yandere Sam, Sebastian, Emily
Star Trek: Next Generation; Having a crush on Data (+Socially awkward)🍮
Overprotective!Yan!Parvati/Nyoka + trying to escape
Parvati romance headcanons (still ace)
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nicsnort · 2 days
Gravita Anima (part 9)
Nightcrawler/Fem!OC/Quicksilver Long-form romance and drama fic. All chapters are posted to Ao3.
Intro (with link to full Ao3 story) First Previous
In Lucy’s mind, there was nothing. It was gray with shades of white and darker gray swirling around. In the midst of it sat a still version of Lucy. She sat on the floor with her knees pulled up to her chin, her long blonde hair draped around her, and her gaze blank. 
When she sensed Xavier, her eyes lit up and flickered towards him. She blinked. She seemed to be processing that there was a person with her.
Xavier looked around at the area they were in. It was very blank. Very drained. He saw the woman on the ground. She had noticed him, that was a good sign. “Miss Ansell, my name is Charles Xavier. I am here to help you.”
The mind-Lucy stared at him without speaking. She seemed almost distracted. Her eyes glazed over for a moment before she blinked, and they came back to life. The light was momentary as fire and emotion filled them. She seemed to recognize finally that something was off and that ‘something’ was the man’s existence. 
Her expression shifted to one of annoyance and irritation. She raised her hand and swiped at him -- the delay lasted just a second before black, pure black, shot from one of the darker gray areas and wrapped itself around Xavier’s body. The material wrapped itself around him like liquid but felt like velvet. In it, he could see a variety of frightening images -- a man coming at him with a knife, a body of a girl crawling towards him broken and beaten, spiders, and the like. General frightening images, but all that seemed fairly realistic. 
One word filled the air. “Leave.”
Whatever Xavier had been expecting was not what happened. He had seen frightening images in people’s minds, their memories before, but to force them into his own mind while he was in another’s was disconcerting. While he knew the tendrils of ooze were not real his body still reacted as though he was in a living nightmare. Xavier pulled out of her mind with a short cry of fear.
Around Xavier, the group jumped slightly at his cry. “Professor! Charles!” Jean and Hank said quickly, checking on the older man. His face was white and his hands shaking slightly.
Elle reacted as well, without thinking she reached out with comfort and calm to drive away the fear that he was obviously experiencing.
Kurt watched as the Professor regained some of his color and his hands became steady once more. His shoulders lowered and he was no longer trembling, nor did he have an uneasy gaze or look about him. 
Before he could speak, the Professor’s gaze landed softly on Elle. His voice sounded at ease and soothed. “Thank you for that, Ms. Hughs. What a pleasant power you have.”
Kurt blinked. His tension turned into confusion. A pleasant power? He blinked and turned his yellow gaze onto his guest, as did the others. Lucy was momentarily forgotten. “...You’re a mutant?!” Kurt called out in surprise.
Embarrassment flooded Elle’s cheeks. Kurt’s surprised exclamation just made it worse. “Sorry,” she muttered, unable to say much else. She was staring in half-horror at the floor. She had just used her powers on the leader of the X-men and he could tell! Oh god! What if the others realized she used her powers on them?!
“Do not apologize.” Xavier sounded like his normal self: calm, welcoming, assured. “You are in a safe environment here, Ms. Hughs.”
“But...what are your powers?” Kurt asked in earnest. He was still processing this information and feeling a bit foolish for not knowing this somehow.
“She is able to influence anothers’ emotional state...a gift that...came in handy today.” He gave the blonde woman a curious look on the bed before looking back at their other guest. “Is that correct?”
Elle could tell he had done this many times before. For once someone helped her calm down. Right, this was a safe place. An oasis. A school for mutants. These were the X-men. Taking a deep breath, she steadied her own emotions. “That’s right,” she was able to say in a normal voice. “Emotions and perceptions...it is useful for keeping people calm, and stopping fights…”
Kurt smiled wide. Perhaps in his excitement, he didn’t think she might feel uneasy. After all, her power was hidden, so why be embarrassed? “That is amazing!” He remarked. And it was. To soothe people in their times of need, it was such a responsibility but a rewarding one. 
“Marvelous, a literal empath,” Hank said with a smile. He, Jean, and Xavier could easily tell she was still a bit uncomfortable.
Elle used the moment to draw focus away from herself, however. “You were frightened. Lucy’s powers have to do with dreams and nightmares. She feeds off them, as she puts it. Perhaps this is something related to that.”
Xavier nodded once. “Yes,” he laced his fingers together as he looked thoughtful, “that would make sense as to what I saw in her mind. I am not sure what she needs, Hank, but perhaps rest may be the solution.” There was uncertainty in his voice though.
“From everything that we gathered, Charles, I concur. Bed rest just might be what she needs,” Hank replied checking a few settings on the medical equipment. “I was planning on staying down here for a while doing some research I had to set aside for my meetings. I will keep an eye on her.”
“Thank you all for taking care of her. Especially you, Dr. McCoy, I know she will be very embarrassed when she wakes up seeing how you first met,” Elle replied, the red in her face mostly gone. Kurt’s excitement at her mutation kept it there just a bit. An X-man thought her power was amazing!
“It sounds as though everyone has had an eventful day. I believe the students will have begun to gather in the kitchen. Ms. Hughs, I trust Kurt will escort you to dinner and then Jean will have a room ready for you if that is acceptable.” Xavier said with a small smile. He began to move his chair towards the door. “I believe it is Spyke and his group’s turn to do dishes tonight...which means Flick and her group will outdo themselves with a variety of dishes to pick from.” 
Kurt nodded. “Of course, Professor.” He glanced at Hank. “Want me to bring you a plate, Hank?”
“Thank you, Kurt, that would be most appreciated,” Hank told Kurt half-distractedly. His mind was already a buzz organizing the work he needed to do. “Perhaps, I should start with the genetic sequencing…”
Elle hadn’t realized that it was expected that she would stay the night. She supposed it would be okay. There wasn’t anyone waiting for her at home and she was off work tomorrow as well. “That sounds lovely. Thank you for the hospitality.”
Kurt walked with Elle down the hall, following Jean and the Professor, and seemed to be thinking. It was only when they got out of the elevator with the others did he speak. “Your powers must assist at the protests.” He finally both stated and asked Elle. “Is that why you are an activist?” From not too far off, voices could be heard.
A little bit of red returned to her cheeks at Kurt’s question but she was able to answer without hesitation. “Yes and no. It is why I run along the front lines, stopping conflicts from escalating during protests. But I like to think I would be an activist even if I didn’t have these powers. It is the best way I can help after all.”
They all left the elevator and made their way toward the dining room. On the air wafted the scent of cooking food. 
Jean and the Professor had given the pair their privacy. Not that they would have much of it once they entered the dining hall, or peace either. Kurt’s yellow eyes landed on Elle, and he smiled. “Of course, you would be.” It was sincere. She would absolutely be fighting for equal rights if she weren’t one of them, either. “You are kind like that.”
“Thank you,” Elle replied to his compliment, her cheeks deepening just a bit in their red. Oh, dear. She had it bad. Elle really had to be careful from here on out.
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stormxpadme · 8 months
Whumptober 2023 No. 19 - Floral Bouquet
Scogan Bingo challenge Poppy (Red) - Pleasure
The damn flowers should have been the first sign that today wouldn’t be going as expected, in hindsight.
Scott had everything planned out – of course, he did, organizing came as naturally as breathing to him and obsession was his second name. He'd arduously preached himself patience for the perfect date though he'd been sure for a few months already that he was going to ask Jean. The ring, she'd basically chosen herself, pointing it out in a shop window on a grocery run a couple of weeks ago. He'd roped in Hank to cancel one of the lectures for the current further training Jean was undergoing together with her old friend so that she could sleep in, and Jubilee was happy to help him out with breakfast because Scott simply sucked in the kitchen. Actually, nothing about this could go wrong. Yet as the sun started to come up, something Scott had not even needed to set an alarm for because he'd been too damn nervous to fall asleep all night, he saw with dismay a message on his cell phone telling him, the flowers wouldn’t be here in time. He'd placed the damn order two months ago; this was outrageous. Sure, it was Valentine's Day and car accidents happened; he wouldn’t be that asshole, writing the company a shitty Google review but … This was bad news, this was really bad news. With a curse, as silently as possible, he writhed his way out of bed, for once relieved that Jean hadn’t really been the cuddly type since her and his rebirth after that whole Phoenix drama, because of recurring nightmares on both sides. Meaning, he somehow managed not to wake her. With what was all but lighting speed, he reached for the next best pair of pants and shirt and raced into Ororo's garden behind the house, hoping his friend wouldn’t take his head off with the help of her morning teacup, for stealing a few of her precious flowers. He almost – almost – made it back to the teacher floor in time.
Except when he just wanted to step into the elevator, one of the little ones came up running behind him for a daybreak hug, and thanks to only just recently growing paws instead of hands and feet, the girl's balance was terribly off at the moment. So she promptly stumbled and fell, bruising her knee on the coarse carpet.
Until Scott was finished comforting the little one and came up with a Spider-Man band-aid from some First Aid Kid nearby to dry the last tears, the sun was already bright in the sky, classes were about to start, and his mood was threatening to drop below zero. If he was unlucky, Jean would already have left their apartment for some workout or one of those meditation sessions Charles and Emma had ordered her after that whole possession catastrophe … Scott sighed a breath of relief when he came all but running back to their door and saw the food tray Jubilee had prepared for him still standing right outside the door. Which meant, unless Jean had taken the window for some telekinesis training, he hadn’t fucked up yet. Balancing a whole board full of coffee mugs and plates filled to the brim with all of his girlfriend's favorites, like salmon sandwiches, strawberries, and chocolate croissants, still being quiet was a mission lost though.
Luckily, Jean still looked sufficiently sleepy when he carried that thing towards the bed, blinking at him with a yawn and a surprised smile that he'd very much come to miss since that catastrophe of her demon that had not only almost ripped them both from their lives but damn near set the whole world on fire. "To what do I owe that effort?" Brushing her adorably messy red tresses from her face, Jean sat up to take a closer look at that tray, only now spotting the hastily-picked flowers placed on its side. A confused look at the calendar on the wall finally had her eyes go wide, a chuckle breaking from her lips. "When did you start being a romantic?"
Huh. So the occasional anniversary gift, mixtapes for common training, cute sticky notes on Jean's scientific papers, or city sightseeing trip together in the course of some missions weren’t enough in terms of attention. Well, there was always room for improvement. "A guy can learn. Besides …" With the whole proposal-at-sunrise-script already ruined anyway, Scott decided to waste no more time. Putting the tray down carefully over Jean's half-naked legs, he knelt down next to the bed, feeling himself blush, his hands slightly shaking as he reached for the snow-white box he'd just barely remembered to store in his shirt pocket before storming out. "I thought maybe we should be doing Valentine's properly this year …" All those lengthy words, put down on a dozen drafts and all blasted to pieces because none of them seemed to do it justice, how important that woman was to him and how happy he was that he'd been given this new chance of a life together with her … All of that weighty reminiscing, declarations of affection and promises were suddenly nothing but a blank page in Scott's head when the color drained from Jean's face as her gaze fell on the ring.
Indeed, she promptly almost dropped the coffee cup she'd already reached for. Had he read it that wrong how much she'd held on to him since they'd returned to life? Maybe she just wasn’t that far yet in her readjustment to life, just like Emma had warned Scott. Maybe her mind wasn’t stable enough yet for big decisions, for changes in her life …
The last thing he should be doing was putting pressure on her, making her feel like he wouldn’t wait patiently for her to really commit to stuff like formalities and planning their own little family together, forever if he had to … It must be showing in his face that he was rapidly contemplating all the excuses he could come up with to put that ring right back where it belonged, play it all down, acting like this wasn’t what it looked like at all, just to not make things awkward between them.
Before he could pull his hand with that box away, Jean gently held it tight with an invisible grip around his wrist. By now, Scott had somehow learned not to startle anymore at such of a touch of her power, in spite of having been at the lethal receiving end of it not too long ago. An enchanting smile chased such memories quickly away. "Well, come on then, say it. I know you've been dying to make that speech."
"How about we cut this short and you just say Yes?" Scott suggested, rubbing the back of his neck in growing panic because he still couldn’t remember for the life of him what he'd meant to say, and taking a look at said notes in his bedside drawer was obviously out of the question …
Smirking, Jean leaned across the tray for a brief, sweet kiss and then reached out her hand to him so that he could finally slip that ring on. Maybe that was all the answer needed already.
As much as Scott would have loved to stay, with all those delays, he had no choice but to leave for his own morning duties. He only just made it to change into a workout shirt and shorts before the well-known sound of an adamantium-steeled fist almost knocked their apartment door from its hinges. "Coming!" Scott rolled his eyes behind his glasses and quickly gave Jean another kiss before all but floating outside, his half-empty coffee mug on his lips. "It's five to eight, Claws. No need to get impatient."
"I'm not." Logan shrugged, never horribly verbal before his third coffee, and hurried ahead to the stairs toward the cellar. "Just thought you could use a distraction, so wanted to make sure you don't forget that sparring session."
"Distraction …?" Scott tilted his head at his teammate questioningly, only now realizing Logan was looking back and forth between him and the closed apartment door as if he knew something about what had been planned there this morning.
"Heard ya order the flowers in the control room a couple of weeks ago." Logan shrugged, apparently not ashamed about eavesdropping. "Just figured, you might need a bit of battle adrenaline if she …"
"She didn’t." Scott was quick to allow that grin back on his lips when he finally got what his friend was thinking.
Of course, he was. After all, Logan and he were the persons who'd been closest to Jean after her resurrection, and Logan had played an important part in putting Jean's soul into balance before taking a step back which Scott was still very grateful for. It was only natural for him to be skeptical, probably.
Even when there was no more need to. "It's all good, she said yes."
"Huh. That's great, bub." The surprise in Logan's narrow hazel eyes almost felt insulting, but then there was a smile on his lips that looked like it was sincere. Logan even went as far as pulling Scott in a quick half-hug which was arguably the most one could expect from someone emotionally so constipated in terms of an enthusiastic reaction. And also the closest they'd been outside of training ever since calling this whole weird, interesting but ultimately just too unconventional thing between the three of them off two months ago.
Scott found with a hint of patient resignation that the so very distinctive scent of a good stiff drink and half-smoked cigars always surrounding Logan's stocky shape still didn’t leave his hormones entirely cold. Nothing that counted any longer though. "You're gonna be my best man, right?"
"I wouldn’t dream of it," Logan replied brusquely to his disappointment before carrying on to the elevator as if nothing had happened, punching the button that would get the cabin straight to the Danger Room. "I plan to spend that day as far away as possible from this house."
His stomach suddenly in an even worse knot than before the proposal, Scott waited until the door had closed and there weren’t any possible listeners nearby to a conversation he'd hoped he'd never have to have again. It hadn’t been exactly a secret what had gone down between the three of them after the Phoenix crises, but neither Logan nor he were keen on having their love life plastered all over the blackboard. Especially when there was apparently another episode of that unworthy soap opera in the making. "I thought you said, you no longer wanted to be part of us."
"I don't," Logan said calmly, with so much sobriety in his gravelly voice that Scott decided to believe, that subject was indeed closed for good. Not least because he was determined not to let it destroy this wonderful day.
They had a good spar after that, strengthening their partnership in the field in a bloody but successful simulation against Sabretooth and Mystique at Magneto's old headquarters on Genosha. Scott was even successful, not glancing to the neighboring shower stall a single time when they brushed off sweat, a few shallow cuts and abrasions, and the last of battle adrenaline afterward. After today, such annoying, childish desires for something no longer relevant in his life should be a thing of the past for good. It had been fun while it had lasted, sure, but in the end, he'd always been Jean's, and Logan had seemed honest about being good on his own just as well. Neither their plans for life nor their temper were even close to being a good match, so whatever attraction might occasionally still be simmering between the three of them, with time, it would surely fade. Scott would turn his full concentration to the woman he was in love with henceforth, and thinking about it … For someone he was now engaged to, he'd not seen said beautiful redhead for far too long … Sadly, teaching days at Mutant High always meant a packed schedule, so Scott hadn’t even really finished the thought yet that he could stop by in the sick bay where Hank and Jean were working on Jean's ambitious current science project for her studies before Jubilee caught Logan and him off outside the Danger Room.
"Professor Summers? Do you have a minute for tutoring before math classes start? Me and statistics aren’t gonna be friends anytime soon." The girl rolled her pretty almond eyes at her admittedly really quite lousy last test results in her hand. The teenager was apparently so busy with her worries about the upcoming finals that she'd already entirely forgotten again what she'd been paid some extra allowance this morning for.
"Sure, let's find an empty desk." Scott said goodbye to Logan with a quick nod and went ahead to the elevator, throwing Jubilee a broad grin. "Breakfast was delicious by the way. I'd say that swayed the odds in the right direction."
"She said yes?" Jubilee sounded as if Scott had just asked her to hold the upcoming class for him but quickly lightened up when Scott couldn’t quite hide an offended grimace on his lips for the second time within an hour. "I mean, of course, she said yes, how could she not, with all the preparations? You and I make a great team. And don't you forget that when the next negotiations about free spots on your team come up, Professor Summers." Jubilee's smile looked almost a little too bright and enthusiastic now, but Scott decided, when it came to such a wonderful subject, maybe that wasn’t even possible.
There wasn’t a lot of time to dwell on his confusion anyway because some teenagers in this house and math, that was worlds colliding, and they were short on time, as usual.
"Aren't we waiting for Jean?" Scott interrupted Ororo before she'd done more than take a breath to start the weekly teachers meeting. So far, he'd been waiting for the spot on the sofa next to him in Charles' office in vain, but it wasn’t exactly unusual for his girlfriend to be late, especially when she was immersed in her test tubes and files together with Hank.
"Uh, I didn’t send her an invitation this time." Ororo gave him a look from over her notepad that Scott didn’t see for the first time today, and that was really starting to get on his nerves. She apparently didn’t notice the way Logan was more or less inconspicuously signaling her from the other side of the room to shut it, while Charles over there at his desk looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here right now. "There's nothing we need to talk about with regard to her subjects, and I thought, maybe you two could use a few hours apart after … uh …"
"After what?" Scott snapped at her, harsher than he should but what every person in here seemed to think about his relationship was quickly becoming depressing. Maybe that was what just happened when the last attempt at said relationship had ended with the woman in question tearing you into neat little particles unwillingly. Which was exactly why he wanted to get the damn ceremony planned as quickly as possible now, so people would finally realize, Jean and he were just fine. "Since gossip already seems to be spreading in the halls, maybe you should be listening better, 'Ro. She said yes, and we already got plans for the appointment. It's heartwarming to see how much faith you all have in us."
Ororo held up her hand in surrender, visibly feeling bad for the slip-up, a brief white shadow over her dark pupils, a strong gust of wind outside revealing she was upset. "I'm sorry, Scott. I didn’t mean it like that. I just thought, maybe she wasn’t ready yet, you know?"
"Well, she was." Still grumbling a little, Scott turned to his notes for the conference but found he couldn’t quite follow the conversation quickly ensuing. His thoughts were with the scene in the morning, with that brief look almost of terror on Jean's face, with the many whispers he'd heard behind his back in the course of the morning, and few of them had seemed exuberant.
Had he made a mistake? Was it too early to ask Jean to act like she hadn’t almost torn the universe apart like she wasn’t still in weekly therapy and having mental sessions with Charles and Emma to make sure her soul was now protected from that damn demon? Of course, his lover had a lot to deal with, of course, she would always have to fight, especially people's prejudices against her person and to keep control over her now so powerful gifts …
But shouldn’t it be Scott's job as her partner, supporting her in that, being there for her as much as he could instead of walking on eggshells around her all the time and often allowing their relationship to be on the back burner just to go easy on Jean? Suddenly he was filled with so much restlessness himself that he could hardly wait for the meeting to end and went straight back to his apartment instead for lunch afterward, not even quite sure exactly why. The excuse to drop the damn flowers there that had finally been delivered by now was as good a reason as any to sit down and think for a moment why nothing really worked the way it should on this day that should have been such a happy one … And then he walked inside the bedroom door and finally, finally got it.
Jean looked up with a startle from the two suitcases she was busy packing, obviously not having expected him. Immediately, she went pale again, her lower lip quivering as her cheeks flushed. "Scott …"
"Really. Really, Jean?" Much too dumbfounded to even become angry, Scott dropped on the bedroom bench, that stupid bouquet still in his hands, and tried to find anything to say in vain, something angry, something hateful maybe even. The worst about all this, maybe, was that he couldn’t even be surprised. Jesus, how blind had he been in the last few months?
"I tried, Scott. I did." Jean quickly came around the bed, sitting down on the floor in front of him to try and catch his gaze, but somehow, she'd forgotten how to do that through the obstacle of his glasses since her rebirth. "It's not that I don’t care about you, you know that. But I'm not good for a relationship with anyone right now, and I didn’t realize that this morning."
"Shouldn’t you let me decide that? If I can't deal with it or not?" he asked, with numb lips, not hoping to convince her even … He just wanted answers. "Why run immediately? We can work this out, Jean. I'll be there for you. If I went too fast with this whole thing, that's not a problem. We can wait …"
"You don’t understand. You know what I did after you left?" Jean stared down at her hands dully as if the glistening of a certain piece of jewelry there made her uncomfortable. "I called Emma. But not to tell her that now she'll definitely never have a chance with you again but to ask for an emergency session tonight. Just because for a second, I could swear I heard Phoenix laugh in the back of my head when you came in here with those flowers. I can't do this, Scott." Jean closed her hands gently around his face, and ever since dying by Alkali Lake, he'd never felt so much like shying away from her. "You did nothing wrong. Anyone should fall on their knees and pray to have someone like you as their partner. That's exactly why I won't be an obstacle in your life any longer. I can't give you what you deserve, and I'm not sure that's ever gonna change. I need to be my own person first and foremost before I can share this new life of mine with anyone. And I don't want you to wait for something that might never happen." After a last sad glance down on her finger, she pulled her ring off and thrust it into his hand. His was shaking. Hers wasn’t. "Sell that thing and buy a couple of rounds for Logan and you in your favorite joint. I got a feeling, he's waiting outside already."
"Guess I'll leave you to it then." Scott pushed himself up again, still far too alienated even for reproaches, no matter how justified they might have been. Useless, and apparently it had been so from the start, no matter what he could have tried. At least about that, he wanted to be sure. "Did you ever mean it? When we woke up inside those clones back then and you said you wanted to give us another shot? When you said yes today?"
"I wanted it more than anything when we started over back then." Jean swallowed hard, wiping her reddened eyes with the back of her hand. "But all that goodwill and wishful thinking wasn’t enough. The moment I accepted that ring this morning, Scott … I guess I already knew that I didn’t want that attempt to fail either. Do you really want a girl who's fearing a divorce already before you've even tied the knot?"
Scott didn’t.
Logan was already waiting in the hallway, and for some reason, that made Scott far more pissed than no longer having the girl he'd been with ever since turning 18.
Because if there was one thing Logan's rugged face was not showing when he saw Scott step outside that door with that huge, expensive bouquet in his hand, it was surprise. Instead, he just thrust a cigar into Scott's hand uncompromisingly, took him by the elbow almost gently, and led him straight to Logan's apartment at the end of the floor, locking the door behind them. That was apparently it with any kind of duty for today. "Charles and Ororo know. They'll do your classes."
"So that, you all can believe, huh? That she dumps my stupid ass on Valentine's, that seems perfectly normal to you." With a bitter laugh, Scott dropped down on Logan's sofa, just throwing those damn flowers somewhere on the ground. That money, he really should have spent on a good bottle instead.
"I'm a feral, Slim," Logan reminded him, still conspicuously softly, already busy with some whiskey and glasses, judging by the clanking and rummaging from his kitchen corner. "My amnesia rendered my instincts worth shit back then and I'm still relearning how to read the world around me right. But sometimes I get a hunch from what I can sense in people, and those are usually not that far off."
"A hunch." Scott only too gladly reached for the drink he was offered though he felt sick already. "You're telling me I'm sitting here with a hole the size of Texas in my heart because half the people in this house had a hunch that Jean long stopped wanting me but no one bothered to tell me."
"They probably hoped for the best, just like I did." Logan took the spot next to him, so close that when the sofa dipped under his weight, their legs touched in a maybe not coincidental gesture of comfort that Scott couldn’t bring himself to pull away from. "People in this house love you a lot, you know. Should have noticed that when they moved literally heavens and earth to bring you back at the time. Would've been a beautiful story, you and Jeannie." Logan knocked back his own drink in one go without batting a lid, a hint of bitterness and never-forgotten longing in his drooping shoulders, his weary voice. "But with what she is now? Don't think that's gonna happen, Slim. Wish I had better news for ya, believe me."
"Just give them to me sooner next time," Scott hissed, only his voice lacked a lot of energy, and the alcohol tasted stale in his mouth. When Logan wrapped his arm around his waist in another unexpected close gesture, he could finally allow the tears to fall.
Scott wasn’t sure for how long he'd been drowning Logan's sweater in salt water but it was dark outside by the time, he fell asleep for a few badly needed minutes of rest on that damn sofa that was actually far too short for his exaggerated height. He awoke with a grimace and back pain promptly, but also to the delicious smell of pasta from that kitchen corner. He was surprised to feel he was actually hungry. "You seriously cooking for me right now? That bad conscience really kicking, huh?"
"Got none. And I was hungry." Unfazed, Logan handed him a plate filled to the brim with the empty carb kind of spaghetti, far too much cheese, and enough ball peppers to burn his mouth out, probably. It was the best goddamn thing Scott had eaten in months.
After Logan had also coaxed a whole bottle of the healthier stuff into him while they were eating, over only the sound of some baseball rerun on the TV, Scott didn’t feel that off anymore. He had no plans of returning to his apartment as he usually would have at this time though, knowing he'd been greeted by a half-empty cabinet and missing pictures on the walls. As he put down his plate to the ground – one of these fine days he'd buy Logan a damn coffee table, he thought dully – his sight fell on that heap of leaves and glitter and petals on the carpet. Not even sure why, he picked it up, with tight lips, ripping off the greeting card still attached to the cord. A weak grin on his lips, he held it out when he heard the very well-known snikt of an extending claw next to him and watched the paper tear to pieces on an adamantium tip. It was strangely satisfying. "That arrangement got a nice color at least? I'd hate to have wasted a whole night shift bonus on an ugly non-engagement gift."
Logan made a non-committed grunt in the back of his throat, maybe just glad Scott was no longer crying his eyes out on his shoulder. After Alkali Lake, and now this, that should have been the last time this happened over the same damn woman. "Almost the shade of your glasses. Bet the designer wanted to bone you. Let me see that." Logan fished for the inscription card still attached to the flowers' cord whereupon Scott's and his hand briefly touched which had them both startle, now that the instinctive, amicable closeness from earlier had faded. For once it was Logan, scooting away with a look on his face Scott couldn’t quite place, a snort on his lips when he read the information card. "Told ya. It's poppies. This says their color stands for pleasure. Guess they thought you had big plans with your girl tonight."
Scott's embarrassed chuckle turned into a far more cynical sound halfway. "Yeah, well, no such luck. We didn’t make it past holding hands since you no longer came by. She said she didn’t trust her mind enough yet," he tiredly added when Logan made a surprise noise. "Because of Phoenix. You know how jealous that cosmic bitch was … is, whatever. She offed me at the time because she wanted to have Jean on her own. With you in the room with us, she felt safe, she said, but …" Scott lifted his shoulders in exhaustion, no longer sure he even wanted to think about if all those explanations for the lack of intimacy between Jean and him lately had in fact not rather been excuses. "Let's be real, Jean stopped physically being into me the day she saw you shirtless for the first time. I tried what I could but …"
"That's the problem, Slim, you tried and tried and forgot to look out for yourself. Always told you, you're too damn good for this world." Logan threw the ruined bouquet somewhere behind them and turned to his side on the sofa, propping his legs up on Scott's as if he had a right, a half-opened bottle in his hand that he stared at so intently as if the answers to all questions that had never been quite solved between them, could be found at the bottom. "You know why I didn’t tell you when I realized what was up with Jean? Or why I quit you? Please don't tell me you bought it that I didn’t want you anymore. Come on, you're smarter than that. You're seeing sharper than that, poppy glasses or not." When Scott still just stared at him quizzically, Logan let out a deep sigh and reached for his hand with his free one without much ado, and Scott did no longer have it in him to wonder why he didn’t pull away. "Every time we did this thing … whatever it was, the three of us … I can't remember you enjoying yourself a single time. You were all about her. When I tried to make it good for you, you always sent me back to her. You spent so much time since she came back making sure she was alright that I was beginning to think, that was what you needed. That this was what made you happy. I just wanted you to be fine after what happened with Phoenix, because you deserve that. Thought you two could manage that better when I'd be out of the picture. Should have known that only meant, there was no one to care about you left at all. That's what I feel shitty about. Not that you're finally free of someone who never deserved you."
Only now Scott's hand did something, trying to tug away from that tight grasp, surely … It was surely only some accident that instead, he let himself be pulled down on that damn sofa, halfway onto Logan's broader, muscular shape … It was also definitely only that too spicy food burning under his skin suddenly, not the vague question flashing through his mind if Logan's lips would still feel the same. And what it would be like, actually giving in to the wish of experiencing all that this man had wanted to do to him back then already but for which there somehow, never really had been time. "You realize I've only just been left alone, right?" he murmured half-heartedly, inches away from those broad, tempting lips. A last bit of resistance at least to that damn attraction between them that had never gone away even after calling their poly constellation quit. Maybe, Scott finally had the answer why. He just wasn’t sure he could let it into his heart yet, not after that clusterfuck that had been this Valentine's. "You deserve better than me throwing myself mindlessly into the next adventure just to numb the pain, in case what we have is not enough."
Logan shrugged, in that unimpressed half-sided way that Scott only could believe from this man was actually sincere. "I'm used to pain. And I ain't saying I do anytime soon, just so we're clear, so no harm in fooling around for a while, Slim. As long as you don't wake me up with breakfast a year from now, we'll be just fine."
"Oh no, never would," Scott deadpanned, just to annoy Logan a little because he was pretty sure if he allowed the guy to kiss him now, he'd be naked within 10 seconds. "I hate repeat performances. For you, I'll save the serenade and serving you donuts on my dick."
Logan didn’t even flinch – someone was in head over heels, definitely. Reaching between them unblinking, he drew a strangled moan from Scott's lips, pawing at the quickly growing bulge at the front of his jeans. "Think I can eat that up just fine without any chocolate or sugar." Before Scott had decided if that was a threat or a promise, Logan kissed him, finally, letting go of him to his disappointment in favor of wrapping both arms around his hips, pulling Scott fully on top of him, a combination of a longing sigh and a turned-on growl vibrating against his lips.
It wasn’t too comfortable because of their height difference and that damn sofa still being far too short and yet Scott didn’t want to miss a single second of that hungry touch of a greedy tongue slipping into his mouth, or those large hands slipping under his shirt, slowly rubbing up and down his back, keeping him close in this long-missed embrace so that he couldn’t even try and give some of those patient caresses back. That wasn’t what this was about, he quickly realized when they ended up in Logan's bed soon, both half naked, panting in growing excitement. They'd never done this in here before but with that well-known, earthy smell suddenly all around Scott, crumbled sheets instead of the impeccable tidiness of his own place, a couple of empty bottles on the nightstand being a proof of the inner demons his old-new lover, too, was always battling … There was suddenly no place he rather wanted to be. Maybe it didn’t even matter much if this would be temporary or not if they would ever be anything close to what he'd once hoped he'd become with Jean. Maybe all that counted was how much he suddenly felt wanted. Scott couldn’t remember when he'd buried his hand in Logan's thick, wild hair for purchase but whenever he tried to let go, to at least peel that guy out of his shirt, Logan did something especially wicked with his tongue where it was busy, following every ridge and line of Scott's quickly heaving chest, and he forgot about it again.
From the couple of rather sober touches in their bed of three at the time, he expected roughness, maybe some of those kinks Jean, in particular, had been into, and maybe they'd get back to exploring those at some point … But for now, Logan seemed entirely satisfied with driving Scott crazy with his slow licks and kisses, just an occasional harder tug on his nipples when he came back up for more of those deep kisses again and again. It was only then that Scott could feel his lover be just as turned on, thick hardness grinding into his own under those tight jeans, but whenever he tried to sneak his hand between them to get at least a button or a zipper open there, it was caught in a firm grasp and pushed back under some pillow without Scott having to feel restrained in a way he wasn’t sure he could have handled, not yet.
Only when he thought, he couldn’t take that tension anymore, when he was arching up against Logan's stomach with every sharp nip to his oversensitive nipples, every strong, massaging caress up and down his willingly spread thighs … Only now, that skilled mouth finally went lower on his body, the open halves of his pants pulled aside, his briefs out of the way just as quickly before velvety hotness wrapped around the head of this cock. Scott instinctively took a hand in front of his mouth to stifle a groan that he didn’t want to make it past the thin walls on this floor to certain neighboring apartments. His hands were still smelling of those damn flowers, one of the oval petals caught in those stupid cufflinks he'd put on this morning for the special day. He didn’t think he would be wearing cufflinks again anytime soon but at that moment, he really did start warming up to the sweet intensity of a certain flower the same color that he was forced to see the world in most of the time, in that first real night together with someone he'd never thought was even really interested in him. Someone who almost made him come into his damn pants with just his lips and tongue. The flower of pleasure indeed. Scott plucked the petal from his sleeve with a smile and used it to tickle Logan's neck, grinning when his lover scrunched his nose at him. No, neither of them would become a real romantic anytime soon, and seeing where the Eiffel tower, love letters, and flowers had gotten Scott last, that was probably for the best. But what they did share … Scott actually wanted to share that, indeed. One-sided, he'd had long enough. "Let me touch you? Please?"
Logan shuddered in a way at that one last word that had Scott suspect, maybe it wouldn’t even take that long before they'd be back to a little power pay and submission in bed, from time to time. "Jesus, Slim, how anyone can let your hot ass walk away from them is beyond me. Second round is all yours, don't worry. Right now, I just …" Lowering his head again, without letting go of Scott's gaze, he slowly circled the head of Scott's cock, licking off a few thick drops of white, with a hum of enjoyment as Scott bucked up and groaned against his palm again. "I want to make you scream so loudly, no one's gonna need telepathy to hear. Hold still."
It came too softly to be an order but Scott followed it gladly anyway when Logan thrust his head down onto him once more, sucking him in inch by inch until his lips were flushed with Scott's body and the pure strength of his throat muscles swallowing all around him almost made Scott come on the spot. With a curious, gentle fingertip slipping between his ass cheeks on top, slippery enough from saliva and precum, the next assault of that kind was sure to break his last restraint. When Scott squeezed his eyes shut with Logan's name on his lips as he emptied himself down his lover's throat only seconds later, he could still see nothing but poppy red, and for once, it was not his mutation to blame.
@whumptober | @whumptober-archive
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hiya! gil has a lot of pets throughout the show, like Hank, and at least one spider, and his cockroaches and some other bugs (and the foetal pig, which i personally choose to count. i bet he talks to it.) i was wondering if you or anyone else knew an approximate list of them, more so his bugs than anything else.
in one of the episodes (i think its post grissom) nick and greg find a tarantula and greg is pleased to note that its an old friend "hey thats little stevie! he's been missing for years!" i wonder if stevie was ever mentioned by name or if any of gil's other bugs were?
bit of a random one i know, but i do so love gil and his managerie of insects (and Others)
hi, anon!
so here's the thing: despite knowing grissom is something of an animal lover, we actually learn very little about what pets he has over the course of the show. basically the only two named ones we ever hear about are, as you mention, hank the dog and stevie the tarantula.
and, for the record, stevie had never been mentioned prior to the events of episode 10x01 "family affair."
while we know that at any given time, he has a "menagerie" of insects otherwise, seldom are they identified by species, and never are they referred to by specific names.
that so, the best "census" of his animals i can offer is as follows:
of course, he has his irradiated fetal pig (occasionally referred to as "miss piggy," though it's unclear if that is her official name) from the beginning of the show.
he also, as mentioned, from s7 on, has hank (though it's unclear under what circumstances he got him and/or how he decided on the name).
then, in episode 01x22 "evaluation day," sara lists a litany of animals in his care, including a pet tarantula who may or may not be one and the same as "little stevie" (who, as stated, is never mentioned by name prior to s10) and a maggot farm. she also claims he has a komodo dragon on back order, but considering that they are an endangered species and also are not the type of animal that your average person can care for in their private home—they are about ten feet long, can weigh up to 200 lbs., can run up to 13 mph, feed on large game like water buffalo, and have a venomous bite that makes them dangerous to handle—she is probably either a) being facetious, or, b) confusing a komodo dragon with a monitor lizard. in either case, grissom doesn't seem to actually have either a dragon or a lizard in his possession at this time.
in episode 02x05 "scuba doobie-doo," he acquires a silphid beetle from the crime scene, which he refers to, in-episode, as "paul;" however, it is unclear both if he intends to keep the beetle in the long term as a pet and, if so, if paul is actually what he's named him.
in episode 02x10 "ellie," he owns about a dozen madagascar hissing cockroaches, which he intends to race at an entomology conference in duluth, mn. he mentions that his roaches' competitors have names (such as "cocky balboa" and "priscilla, queen of the gutters"), so it's probable that his roaches have names, too. however, if so, he never states what they are.
in episode 07x13 "redrum," he gifts sara the cocoon of an unknown moth or butterfly species, sent to her from walden pond. she elects to keep this cocoon in his office until it hatches. it is unknown a) what kind of insect is inside of the cocoon, b) what becomes of said insect after it hatches, and c) what, if anything, grissom and sara name it.
in csi: vegas episode 01x03 "under the skin," grissom states that hank was the best dog he ever had, which implies he has had other dogs in his life. however, it's uncertain when he had these dogs. it's possible he had childhood dogs and/or other dogs predating hank. it's also possible he had other dogs either concurrent to hank or after him from s9 onward, either with sara or without her. from the sounds of things, by the time the events of csi: vegas s1 are taking place, he and sara are (for the moment) dogless.
from s1-s9, grissom's office is filled with specimens of preserved lizards, amphibians, and fish in jars. however, we don't know if he also has any other living vertebrates as pets. if so, it might explain why sara is able to spend so much unsupervised time in his office during his s7 sabbatical without anyone on the team really batting an eye (as she could just use the ol' "i'm pet-sitting for grissom while he's away. somebody's got to feed his salamanders!" excuse). but certainly nothing is ever mentioned specifically.
to the best of my knowledge, those are the only pets of his we ever know about.
sorry i can't give you a more exact answer!
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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coff33notforme · 2 years
♡Rules and Request info♡
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♡ General info and rules if you want to make a request
Some General Info to keep in mind:
♡I write for a lot of fandoms but if I'm hyper fixated on something I'll most likely write for that the most, so bear with me
♡Sometimes I get burnout and really struggle to write anything, so I might not get to your request immediately
♡Theres no grantee I will do your request usually I already have a lot of stuff in my ask box so I probably won't finish everything ^^
WHAT I'M WRITING FOR AT THE MOMENT: Markiplier egos, Rottmnt, Danny Johnson
Currently only writing for: Gender-neutral reader, Masc Reader, Nb Reader, Trans Readers, and others if specified BUT NO FEM
♡Newsies (movie and broadway version)
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Ghostface (Danny Johnson)
Michael Myers
Thomas Hewitt
♡Markiplier egos
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Engineer Mark
Wilford Warfstauche
Actor Mark
Eric Derekson
♡Adventure time
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♡Fnaf security breach
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Glamrock Freddy
♡Detroit become human
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♡ Owl house
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♡ Madness combat
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♡The outsiders
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Miss Pauling
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♡Wally Darling
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♡Spider verse
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Gwen ♡Call of duty
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König What I won't write!
-Any fetish stuff
-Any S3lf harm scenarios
-Any sort of underage reader in romantic situations
-Fem reader
-Poly stuff
What I will write!
♡LGBTQ+ stuff
♡General questions about character or my take on their world or anything like that!
If you do request be specific with what you want and make sure you ask if I write for a character you want before requesting!
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pissf----t · 7 months
header id: a painting of a figure in full latex bodysuit, kneeling in the water at a beach. they are looking at the ground.
avatar id: a skull, drawn in halftones on a dark background. end id
polyficto -> pissf----t
Hallo, everyone! I've decided to do F/O-vember this year! Feel free to send in asks directed to any of the following characters and I'll write for them :-)
*Note that this will only include characters I know I can write for, want to write for, and have named self inserts for at the moment. The list may change as the month progresses!
Gordon Freeman from Half-Life, he/him, S/I is named Dr. Jeremy Krueger & uses any pronouns
Hannibal Lecter from Hannibal/The Silence of the Lambs, he/him, S/I is named Jacobs & uses she/her
Harry du Bois from Disco Elysium, he/him, S/I is named Maxime (Max) & uses it/its
Jame "Buffalo Bill" Gumb from The Silence of the Lambs, she/her, S/I is named Sweetpea & uses it/he
Karin Sauer from Fear and Hunger 2: Termina, she/her, S/I is named Joan & uses ze/zir
Mettaton from Undertale, he/him, S/I is named Cat Burglar & uses she/her
Michael (The Distortion) from The Magnus Archives, any pronouns, S/I is named Jack (The Everyman) & uses any pronouns
Miss Pauling from Team Fortress 2, she/her, S/I is named The Janitor & uses he/him
Moira O'Deorain from Overwatch, she/her, S/I is named Berserker (B) & uses it/any
Noho Hank from Barry, he/him, S/I is named Phillip & uses she/he
Nosramus from Fear & Hunger, she/he, S/I is named Caged/The Caged One & uses no pronouns
Philip of Gwynedd from The Pillars of the Earth, he/him, S/I is named Jeremiah & uses he/him
Salvatore Moreau from Resident Evil Village, he/him, S/I is named Constantine (Constance) Moreau (they're married) & uses she/her
Spider Jerusalem from Transmetropolitan, he/him, S/I is named Thursday J. Marx & uses any pronouns
Victor Zsasz from DC Comics, he/him, S/I is named Basilisk & uses it/its
Vincent Sinclair from House of Wax, he/him, S/I is named JJ & uses they/she
William Murderface from Metalocalypse, he/him, S/I is named Kitty Kitty Katzen & uses she/her
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lxvenderskies · 8 months
Inbox check?
Gregory (FNAF: SB) moodboard with themes of Blue, the Pizzaplex, Glamrock Freddy, and Sleepovers for anon
Jumping Spider Carekit with General Themes for anon
Fiddleford McGucket (Gravity Falls) Moodboard with themes of Green, Missing People, Amnesia, and Memories of Better Times for anon
Fiddleford McGucket (Gravity Falls) source call for anon
Beetlejuice Stimboard for 🪲anon
Space Deity Masc/Neu name recs for anon
L (Death Note) pronouns for anon
L (Death Note) moodboard with goth themes for anon
Jeff the Killer (Creepypasta) fashion kit with masc punk/emo themes for anon
Michael Afton (FNAF) fictive moodboard with themes of Arcades, Baking, and Siblings for anon
Licorice Cookie (CRK) stimboard with nature, cat, and candy for rise-of-scrouge
Fluttershy (MLP) masc names with fairycore/grunge vibes for scenevampyre
Philza (Origins Smp s2) fashion kit with masc leaning for 🌾🪶 anon
Grim (Twisted Wonderland) moodboard with canon color scheme, glitter, and love for grim the great
Techkin names and pronouns with robotic and technology themes for 💥🔌anon
Simon Petrikov (Adventure Time) names with masc themes for anon
Hank J Wimbleton (Madness Combat) names with neu themes for anon
Quackity (DSMP + QSMP) playlist with any music for Q anon
Jonah Marshall (TMC) playlist with songs like "Mother Mary" by Mr. Kitty for anon
Dracula (Monster High) fictive names and pronouns with masc and neu themes as well as bats and pink for anon
Michael Afton (FNAF) fictive pronouns with masc and neu themes for ✨️🔶️ anon
Silken Wind Hound names and pronouns with religous themes for anon
[The two fashion kits on here are the last I will be doing on the blog]
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spideyfan42 · 1 year
Why X-Men Apocalypse and I Are Just Acquaintances - Or More Accurately, Why Beast in the Movies Was Just Ok
(I'm sorry Nicholas Hoult, you're an incredible actor)
Now despite my URL being very pro-Spider-Man (That's a lot of hyphens), I got to say I love the X-Men. This is most likely due to them not only paving the way for superhero movies and also back in the olden days of 92' and 97 respectively, animation. I also found a kinship with these groovy dudes who were persecuted for being different. While no robots have tried to kill me for being autistic, i do get feeling like an outsider.
As a big comic fan since 2012, I've been picking up the odd X-Men here and there, but religiously watching the movies, so much so that old St Nick, The Kristopher of Kringle himself got me the Rouge Cut version of DoFP, my first real "directors cut" (?) of a film. Given how that reset the timeline I was so excited to see what would happen next. However, one little weird issue I had was Beast. Now for those in the know Henry "Hank" McCoy was a founding member of the merry mutant band, one of the OG 5 students, and in the films, he is also one of the original team members as well. Also mirroring his comic counterpart, he decides to perform some Oingo Boingo style Weird Science on himself, turning him from a guy whose power was :
"Man I have big hand and feet!"
To a man whose power was:
"Damn now I'm a blue fuzzy dude."
It's a change that whilst initially beginning as more lycanthropic in nature, eventually settled as permanent, supplanted by not one, but two future mutations to enhance his already furry physique.
Now why am I dropping 60ish years of Beast lore on you when I'm supposed to be describing my quote-on-quote "dislike" of X-Men Vs Poe Dameron/Moon Knight? It all stems from one thing.
Beast isn't blue. Or even grey.
Hell, he's barely fuzzy. One of the main joys of the X-Men is that in a school such as Xavier's School for Gifted Children is that everyone is welcome. Guy made of rocks? Come on in. Literal fairy lady? There are at least two. Guy whose mutant power is LIKE JUST HAVING MORE EYES? WHY HE'S STUDENT PRESIDENT, PROBABLY. These mutants, regardless of their mutation are welcomed and treated fairly by the staff, with some of the staff even in the same boat as them.
Now there are two reasons for said "De-Beast-ening"
Mr Hoult didn't want to be caked in prosthetic make-up, just to look like a superhero Cat in the Hat. Whilst I can empathise, you signed onto play Beast. The one guy who is just blue. ALL THE TIME.
In DoFP, Beast makes a mutant suppressive drug. For Charles, it turns off his telepathy and I guess also miraculously heals a spinal injury (Even though I suppose a drug that amplified his telekinesis at the cost of his telepathy would make more sense but I guess magic serums can do anything), but for Dr Bones here it means he turns blue when he's a wee bit agitated. That's just the Hulk. Smart guy turns into a monster when stressed? Hulk. Plus it's a stand-in for drug abuse in DoFP after the students get drafted and Charles can hear their pain through his use of Cerebro, so his continued use well into the 90s seems...questionable.
The main issue that Beast as a character is one who consistently is a mentor to students with outward mutations they can't control. It's a story of embracing consequence and change that the films stepped on to just have more actor screen time. And whilst I know films and comics are different mediums that can tackle different stories, the lackluster use of a role model for positive body images does show that the Fox Films missed that its the human part of superhuman we all prefer. Even just one scene where Kurt "Nightcrawler" Wagner could say Beast inspires him, being so open with is mutation.
Here's hoping the House of (M)ouse doesn't make the same mistakes!
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themculibrary · 9 months
Avengers Reacting To Their Movies Masterlist
A Beautiful Journey (fanfiction.net) - Aragorn II Elessar T, 566k
Summary: Watch-it fic. In 2035, members of the Avengers, X-Men and Fantastic Four bring forth the Avengers, Scott Lang, Hope van Dyne, T'Challa, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Pepper Potts, Aunt May and Loki from the past to watch the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
All the Days of our Lives, Phase 1 (ao3) - ElrondsScribe pepper/tony, jane/thor, clint/laura, ian/darcy, wanda/vision, sharon/steve, bucky/natasha N/R, 41k
Summary: An Avengers-watch-their-own-movies fanfiction. I know it's been done before, but I wanted to try it with a more expansive audience. In addition to all the Avengers (both retired and active) you'll find Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Laura Barton, Betty Ross, Helen Cho, Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis, and even Ian Boothby.
Post Captain America: Civil War. AU, obviously. All ships in the tags. Please do enjoy! Warning: there will be a bit of language.
First up: Captain America: The First Avenger
Assemble (ao3) - Stand_with_Ward_and_Queen T, 201k
Summary: Ten years after Thanos’ defeat, Clint Barton, with help from Stephen Strange and a SHIELD agent named Leopold Fitz, brings the Avengers, plus Peter Parker, Scott Lang, and T'Challa, from a few months prior to The Avengers Civil War to show them the future so they don’t repeat the same mistakes.
Avengers Watch Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantumania Trailer (ao3) - SpiderWidowFam88 scott/hope, hank/janet, pepper/tony, mj/peter T, 5k
Summary: [Part 2 of Avengers Watch Stuff]
After Watching the events of No Way Home, the Avengers have some time to cool off and have a chat before their host plays another assortment of clips of their future.
This time, it's about the rise of a new villain and the adventures of the lovely Scott Lang.
Avengers watch Captain Marvel (fanfiction.net) - Roxas Itsuka T, 30k
Summary: Called forth by an unknown being. The Avengers are made watch a movie about a hero who came not long before them. Fury and Goose present also. No pairing.
Avengers Watch Spider-Man No Way Home (ao3) - SpiderWidowFam88 mj/peter, pepper.tony T, 71k
Summary: The movie left me feeling so heartbroken for our favorite spider kid so this is how I'm dealing with it.
Expect everyone being protective of Peter and desperately wishing they could be there to kill all of his problems.
Cough* cough* Natasha...
It's exactly what the title says.
They watch Spider-Man No Way Home
bro (ao3) - hunkahulkaaburningfudge G, 64k
Summary: The Avengers watch their future.
A Hawkeye watch-it fic.
bus boy (ao3) - hunkahulkaburningfudge clea/stephen, kate/america G, 40k
Summary: The Avengers watch their future.
A Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings watch-it fic.
Film Reels (fanfiction.net) - Little-miss-laughs-alot G, 19k
Summary: A stack of film reels sent to the Avenger Mansion will be intriguing for some, but for one, it will be difficult. Reliving Steve's past- before and after Captain America came to be, they get to know exactly who the kid from Brooklyn really is. Now Complete!
pizza balls (ao3) - hunkahulkaaburningfudge wanda/vision, kate/america, clea/stephen G, 58k
Summary: The Avengers watch their future.
A Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness watch-it fic.
Rewriting The Way This Story Ends [IM1] (ao3) - bookaholic4ever G, 49k
Summary: An Avengers watch the MCU fic. Will be Tony Stark centric. The OG 6 and Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Vision and Rhodey are also included. Can the Avengers watch and learn from their mistakes to protect their earth and in turn the universe from a madman? Read to find out. Set after Civil War and Homecoming but before Infinity War.
In this installment they are watching Iron Man.
stupid pigeon (ao3) - hunkahulkaaburningfudge layla el-faouly/marc G, 67k
Summary: The Avengers watch their future.
A Moon Knight watch-it fic.
The story behind the man: Iron Man 1 (ao3) - Anothershadow24 bruce/tony T, 34k
Summary: A year after the so called 'Civil War', the six original avengers, plus Sam, Wanda, Vision, Fury and Hill, get locked up on a room to watch a stack of films about one Tony Stark.
Watching- Iron Man 1 (ao3) - Schayisgay pepper/tony T, 28k
Summary: Up First- Iron Man 1.
The Avengers and Co watch their resident Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist as he becomes Iron Man.
Watch my life, feel my pain (Do I deserve it?) (ao3) - Wise_writer_girl wanda/vision, steve/natasha, sam/bucky, bruce/thor, pepper/tony T, 175k (WIP)
Summary: The Avengers wake up in a theater, the Theatre of Judgement, all from different times in the MCU storylines. The Judgement Spirit, Justice, is forcing them to watch WandaVision clips. If Wanda has suffered enough, Justice will bring Vision, Tommy and Billy back to life. But things don't seem so black and white when the loved ones of the other heroes are brought in as well. A deal must be made: the reveal of the darkest, most embarrassing and most painful moments of their stories in exchange for just a moment longer with someone they've loved and lost. Can the Earth's Mightiest Heroes cope with their best-kept secrets being exposed?
For the sake of those they love, they're going to have to.
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adultswim2021 · 10 months
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The Venture Bros. #37: “Now Museum - Now You Don’t!” | July 27, 2008 - 11:30PM | S03E09
Before this episode aired (and after the previous one aired), Jackson Publick lead the Venture Bros’ San Diego Comic-Con panel. He asks the crowd how they’re liking the season so far, and they cheer. There’s a high likelihood I was in this room, also cheering. Then Jackson sorta grimaced and said “it’s kind of a weird one, huh?” as if he sensed me, specifically, being a little insincere with my wooping. 
I’ve beaten this horse half-to-death, but season three is absolutely a slump for the show, and a contender for my least-favorite season. But it did demonstrate the show’s ability and desire to change itself into something different. Sure, they became less focused on humor, but I do think the show gets better after this season. Season four will have to wait, though.
This one is about Jonas Jr. hosting the grand opening to the Jonas Venture Sr. museum on Spider-Skull Island. He’s invited the old 60s Team Venture, as well as a group of villains who for a time called themselves the Fraternity of Torment. A flashback opening scene taking place in the 60s is where we learn that this group used Spider Skull Island as their base. Team Venture infiltrated them to rescue Rusty, whom they were holding hostage. Team Venture beats the baddies and claim the base as their own, explaining why the Venture Family had a weird Spider-Skull Island to their name. 
During said flashback we get to see the Antman character in his original, afflicted-with-gigantism form, Action Man acting like a psycho murderer, and Jonas Venture in a very bad Asian guy disguise. That's a parody of James Bond in You Only Live Twice. Jonas also has a third nipple on his face which is a reference to another Bond thing. I heard them say so in the commentary, but did not retain any of the information at hand. Sorry.
It’s now 30-to-40 years later and the bad guys are now distinguished guests of Jonas Venture Jr. But, trouble is afoot! They intend to ease into their old ways and retake Spider Skull Island. One of the bad guys is a big-brain bad guy, who lives in a wheelchair and claims to be from the future (nobody believes him, for some reason). He had a telepathic link with a Gort robot that now sits dormant, functioning as a keepsake.
Big Brain Guy uses his brain power to not only try and rouse the robot from sleepmode, but also affect people’s general dispositions, sowing discord among the party guests. It’s not hard, there are plenty of sour grapes to be had; Richard Impossible is there, and he pathetically is trying to get Sally back, now currently with Jonas Jr. Also, Colonel Gentleman comes back from the grave! Turns out his death in season two was greatly exaggerated and he was just in a diabetic coma. 
But what of Hank, Dean, and Rusty? They are barely in this episode, which is honestly fine, and not actually a problem. It’s also sorta the point. Rusty is just observing the constant clashing and glad that he’s just nursing a garden-variety resentment for his more-successful older brother. He bails before the party goes nuclear, missing what turned out to be a tribute presentation to him at the end of the night. When a self-destruct bomb is about to blow up the base (triggered by the brain guy's misfiring neurons trying to wake the bad robot), Venture and family are already taking off, relieved to not be in the fray. We cut to credits before the bomb is about to go off.
The post credits scene reveals that Richard Impossible wrapped his mouth around the bomb mechanism and took the entire blast, which expanded his like-rubber body and managed to save the base and all the people on it. Traumatized from swallowing an explosion and surviving it, he’s perceived as a selfless hero by most, but called out by the pirate captain for simply trying and failing to commit suicide.
You know, I like a lot of season three fine, but that’s a far cry from having, say, favorite episodes. I like this one, but none of the humor makes me laugh out loud. I feel like they took comedic swings in an admirable way. Lots of the episode is just about these characters interacting and I’m glad when the show does that! But it falls short of being a hilarious or great episode. It’s only good, goddamn it. 
Things to make note of: Colonel Gentleman decks Rusty for breaking his step-daughter’s heart, referring to Dr. Quymn. The opening flashback scene has old film effects, but the commentary confirms that this is actually what happened and NOT a clip from the Rusty Venture cartoon show. And the most disappointing elephant-in-the-room I’ve yet to mention is that Stephen Colbert could not return for this episode, so Jackson does an approximation of his voice. You really do miss him in the role. Can we redub it with AI yet? While we’re on the topic: why aren’t there more Venture Bros. fan-edits? To me, it seems like The Venture Bros. would be the exact kind of show that would inspire fan-edits. Right?
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Robot Chicken San Diego Comic-Con Panel (July 25th, 2008 - 6:15PM)
Adult Swim Link
Robot Chicken sucks!
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