#i miss having energy. i miss talking to people. i miss being emotionally available for my friends.
veliseraptor · 10 months
eagerly awaiting the time when i will not be so fucking tired
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nerdestiwrites · 2 months
predator and prey chapter eight (hazbin hotel reader insert)
You were glad that the next meeting you had would be much easier, much more transactional. An exchange of goods, perhaps some small talk thrown in, but it really shouldn’t take longer than just a few minutes at most. You needed the short interaction just to decompress from the stress that had built up in your shoulders and neck from having to deal with the grumpy old cannibal woman. It honestly was a surprise that the woman hadn’t been killed yet by her pissing off the wrong person at the wrong time.
Carmillas domain was halfway across the city, so you scheduled a car to come pick you up. You had no energy to make the walk across the city while having to deal with potentially stupid demons wanting to try their luck with you just because you were unsuspecting and unknown. So as soon as the car pulled up, you opened the door to the back seat and slipped inside, letting your entire body practically melt into the seat. The door closed and the car went down the road, taking a U-turn and heading back towards Carmillas. 
Your phone had been going off, text after text, for the past ten minutes and you tried your best to just ignore it. It was when the text alerts just wouldn’t stop that you finally grabbed the device from your pocket and unlocked it with a frustrated groan. The cause of the insistent noise had been from two different people, though one was the main culprit. Charlie had been texting you, asking where you had gone, if you were coming back, what you might want for dinner, and if you’d be back for dinner.
A long sigh escaped you as you started to regret giving the princess your number. You couldn’t remember the last time you had someone text you that much, even when you were still alive. Even when you or your friends had gotten drunk, it wasn’t by text that you’d spam one another, it was always with stupid Tiktok videos or memes. So many questions had been so draining. You responded and hoped that would stop the incoming texts.
You: hey sorry for disappearing! just had a few things to do today. i’ll be back later tonight, and i’ll eat whatever is provided or i can make my own dinner.
Charlie: Hi! Okay! Im so happy to hear you’re coming back!!! 
Charlie: Everyone decided on pizza tonight so I’m ordering three large pizzas!
Charlie: You missed our activities today.
Charlie: That’s okay though!!! I’ll go over everything with you when you get back!!!
Charlie: Its super simple today! Just learning how to be emotionally available and vulnerable to be able to create stronger bonds with friends!
Charlie: Wanted to tell you so you weren’t worried about what it could be!
Responding to the texts had just invited more from the woman and you pulled at your face as you let the phone slip from your fingers to fall to the seat. The text notifications came to a halt just a few moments later but you didn’t pick your phone back up. Instead, you used the rest of the car ride to stare out the window as you passed by different buildings in different stages of disarray. Even most of the ‘nice’ buildings in most of the city had something wrong with them. 
As the car pulled to a stop, you grabbed the phone and exited with a polite thank you to the driver. Even if the demon didn’t have a choice in being your chauffeur you still had your manners. You stood outside of Carmillas warehouse, seeing her two daughters already standing outside waiting for your arrival. 
You hadn’t had much interaction with the two women, they were nearly just as busy as their mother was making it difficult to get a meeting with any of the three women. This had been a rare occasion that you had gotten a meeting on such a short notice. The two younger Carmines were the ones to make deliveries, especially when someone ordered in bulk. Carmilla only met with those ‘worthy’ of meeting, other Overlords, or potential upcoming overlords. You were surprised to see the two for just a simple sheet of metal.
As you approached, Odette met you, holding the small box that had the metal you had purchased. “I’m surprised my mom let you purchase just a sheet of metal. With everything going on, we’re pretty busy with orders on angelic weapons and angelic steel-tipped ammunition.”
You gave a small shrug as an answer. They didn’t need to know that you weren’t the one to actually place the order. Other people with more power behind their names that were under your favors had placed the order to ensure you’d get as much as you needed. “Just have one of those faces. People just love doing what I want.”
Clara looked over the clipboard she held and gave Odette a nod, showing that the payment had already been made. Odette handed over the sleek box to you and you gingerly took it into your hands. You opened the box and looked it over curiously. It was a small square, one foot by one foot, and it glinted under the light. Your fingers traced over the smooth surface briefly before you closed the box and held it under your arm, placing your hand out for Odette to shake. “It is a pleasure doing business with you and your mom. Tell her I said thanks.” 
Clara nodded and Odette shook your hand before the two of them quickly went back into the warehouse. Not much for conversation pass business, not that you minded. You returned to the car, placed the box down on the seat beside you, and gave the driver the next location. 
It was located outside of the city in a district people rarely wanted to travel to due to the distance and the dangers. The surrounding lands were littered with landmines, old bombs that could explode at any moment if the breeze went the wrong direction or someone sneezed too hard, traps that would send those into spike pits or trapped until the person who set them up came to collect them.
The demon who you were going to see wasn’t one to be trifled with, so most just left them alone. A mad scientist who had died during one of their experiments got sent to Hell and immediately began their research and experiments again without a second thought. This had been their second chance after all, to get it right this time. Except now there wasn’t anyone actively trying to stop them. This was Hell, where people didn’t care if sinners went missing or ended up mutilated beyond recognition.
The car stopped at the gate, not daring to drive further down the driveway that led up to the broken-down, seemingly abandoned building. Deceivingly so. You walked up the driveway, stepping over broken shrapnel, over a tripwire, and jumped across a small pothole. It had been a while since you’ve been this way, there were more holes in the ground than you remembered.
As you approached, the door opened, and out stepped a demon. They had goggles on their head, a blue and gold coat with an intricate design mixed with electronics, and two horns upon their head, one shorter than the other. “You have it!” They clapped their hands together and motioned you forward. You walked toward them and held the box out, letting the demon grab it rather harshly from your hands and open it. The steel was taken out and the box was discarded like it hadn’t even been there in the first place. They whistled once as they held it upwards, “Didn’t think you’d be able to get this much! Costs me an arm and a leg for half of this.”
“Well, it wasn’t cheap. How long until you have your results?” You questioned as you placed your hands into your pockets. The demon turned and began to walk back into the building and as you went to follow, they stopped you. 
They turned and gave a pointed look. “Ah, no, You’ve got some Voxtech on you. Either leave it outside or you’re not coming in.” 
You frowned before grumbling. “It’s got a VPN-”
“Nope! Nope nope nope. I’m not having that egomaniac asshole inside my lab. Maybe the next time you visit you can come in, when you’re not carrying Voxtech. I’ll text you the results later. Toodles!” The door slammed shut behind the demon. 
You were left standing outside the abandoned-looking building, the piece of angelic steel gone as it had been taken from the demon, and no idea when you’d get any sort of results back. The only solace that you had was that the other had to give you results if they wanted out of the deal they had made years prior. You never needed their service until then. When you had first texted them they had been surprised to hear from you. That surprise turned to annoyance and frustration when you reminded them of the deal, the favor they owed. When you told them the favor, they were more agreeable. 
That was the thing, you got favors from people for specific reasons. Some were just because they needed something and eventually you’d need something back, but others, others were planned. This particular demon had been planned. You knew that one day you’d need their specific expertise for something, so you waited until they needed something. An act of desperation. You had delivered and now you were turning in that favor. 
You returned to the car and told the driver to drop you off at the hotel. The itinerary you had for the day had been completed early as you had expected both the interaction with the Carmine daughters and with this demon to take longer. You’d be back long before dinner, enough time to potentially participate in the bonding exercises that the princess had planned. That alone made you debate if you wanted to return then or later. If you returned in time, that would give you points with the princess. You’d say you tried your hardest to return and she would definitely appreciate that. Or you could take your time returning to the hotel, maybe stop and see Velvette and talk with her about the Overlord meeting, and get more information about that.
You decided to go back to the hotel, not changing the address that you had told your driver in the beginning. If you decided later that whatever activity the princess had decided to come up with was too much, you could always make up a small lie about having plans or being tired or something to get out of doing whatever she had planned.
A/N: did i delete this chapter six times? yes. did I finish writing this chapter while tipsy? also yes. so sorry if it doesn't make any sense!
tags: @luleck @rl800 @literalzxmbie @rapunzelbro
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Stop, I cannot. Miles put so mu h thought in Johnny's room. 😭😭😭😭 The clothes, the posters, the cassette player.
Oh Wynn, your dad's flannel.
Someone talked about Miles's haven like the tower Caleb made in critical role. And I can't unsee it now and it makes me so emotional! These two emotionally stunted idiots telling the people they love how much they care about them. 😭😭 I will never be over this.
Of course Wynn, the most emotionally available one in the group recognises exactly what this is.
Britta's closet nest, and not getting out of it. 😭 Baby girl.
Ira, sir. 👀 We are getting some deep feelings and lore from you.
I have to be honest, I am unsure what the aster is exactly.
"you're not bad for a tremere," compliment of the highest order from Johnny.
Oh no, what's going on with Miles??? Why does he feel like part of him is left in the chantry??
Super casual, slacks and a button up. 😂 I love that that is the most casual Miles can imagine getting.
Oh no the mental attack!! Poor Miles, that sounds awful, the mirror.
Wow Miles being honest and open about the psychic attack, personal growth, even if he is so casual about it.
If Wynn and Johnny compliment you, you know it's true.
It's moments like this I remember that Wynn studied psychology.
Why is Delgado in new York?
Traitors within the sabat? I have a feeling that is quite rare.
Neil!!! Oh no. This is bad.
Okay but why does the Miles and Britta talk have such strong dad talks to his teenage daughter after she has been dumped by the love of her life energy?
Lmaoooo the rest has been talking about Neil being missing, and they haven't even tried calling him??? 😂
Whethers and Johnny talking to each other is always such a delight.
All the emotional unavailability Miles keeps for himself, he is so good with the others. 😭
👀👀 Talking about the prince dying and Miles becoming prince.
Why does Neil keep running into people he wouldn't remember?? 😂😂 Also at those two really being vampires now.
A mortal?? With the sabat? 🤔
Also how do they know Miles is a diablerist???
Ohh a mortal being piloted around by a vampire. That makes more sense.
Lmao Lucida is a badass.
Wait Reiss got promoted in all of this???? No!!
What is Reiss's angle? He is just such a fucking shithead. Saying Ira did so good and telling them about Eden. I hate that he is so smart about all of this. I just want him to die.
Also congratulations on the promotion! I guess?
Now look at this boy, telling the truth despite it all. That is some wholesome snitch energy.
Wait so Ira needs to take Eden?? Lmao good luck taking her away from Wynn, you're gonna need it.
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dreeftaway · 8 months
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hi, hello everyone! i'm jamal and here's my stoic, slightly emotionally constipated scientist jin dosoo. super excited to be here (haven't been in a tumblr rp for years so i'm a little nervous) but i hope i can write with every amazing writer here! here's dosoo's brief info (will be updated gradually) and here's dosoo's app that contains her story pre- and post-outbreak. below the cut is some trivia about her and some wanted connection (which is not much). i'm also available on discord for a discussion! :D
dosoo is the only daughter in her family. she has (had?) 5 brothers, 3 older, 2 younger. they were fishermen and they had a sashimi restaurant by the beach. so naturally dosoo was expected to work there after she graduated high school
her family is the typical asian family who thinks sons can do no wrong and puts daughters on a higher pedestal; dosoo was very self-sufficient because she was expected to do all the work in the house when her mother wasn't around (while her brothers were lazing around after work)(bad). no one ever asked her what she wanted out of life
she wasn't born a genius; she was fairly average in school but she was very very very dedicated to her studies (who trades sleep for a study session kind of student). she's also very critical of herself but she hates it when other people criticize her (bad)
her relationship with her family made her not want to get married but she still did nevertheless (it was an arranged marriage). her husband, jungha, is very chill about her and the whole relationship was business-like more than anything. they b chilling 2 meters apart, watching the news and reading books, sometimes bitching about their colleagues
dosoo is not a fan of teamwork and prefers to be left alone but her marriage taught her that not everything can be done alone (and that its okay to ask for help!)(she's still feeling very conflicted about that but with the apocalypse going, she's learning to cope)
not a fighter, more of a runner. she ran marathons and it all pays off! very sloppy with weapons, it's a surprise she didn't take her eyes out or something. fairly good with knives because of her years serving sashimi in her family restaurant but she doesn't have the stomach for violence (violent thoughts are where she draws the line)
she brings her journal everywhere like a holy book. it's like a diary for her, where she writes her daily routine and what she encounters on the road especially about the infected. she's very observant when she's not getting chased by the infected (which is why she prefers to sneak around so she can take notes of everything that's going on around her)
loves animals but does not have the commitment to keep a pet. dosoo would wave at stray cats but shrink away from them because she doesn't want the cat to get attached to her. she really doesn't have the energy to take care of another being.
wanted connections:
dosoo is not a fighter and therefore susceptible to attacks by the infected or other aggressive civilians. please teach her fight! (she's not good at it)(there will be frustrated screaming)
you catch her snooping around trying to figure out what the hell is up with the fireflies. dosoo is curious about a lot of things (the wrong things). more fighting? or just talking ensues?
probably with one of the gen zs? dosoo used to teach and host lectures so maybe you've seen her before. she's not very enthusiastic when meeting people but she'll talk your ear off about her research
something in the team reminds dosoo of her husband and you, a kind soul, offer to listen to dosoo loudly denying that she misses her husband while being all melancholic
i'm always up for a discussion! i'm down for anything angsty comedic thriller any genre to ever exist please don't hesitate to pitch your idea to me
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catty-words · 3 years
can you please tell me how you interpret otis' relationship with jean?
mm, so, while i don’t always find it enjoyable on a minute-by-minute basis because jean’s boundary issues touch a nerve and because i’ve imprinted so completely on my boy otis and hate to watch his autonomy challenged, there can be no denying that otis and jean’s relationship is incredibly rich and complex. there’s So Much to talk about, it’s kind of hard to pick a starting point.
but the aspect of their relationship i find most fascinating, i think, is the way both jean and otis’ number one priority is to mold otis into/become a man who doesn’t at all resemble remy. jean tries to accomplish this by constantly reframing otis’ reactions to her in the female point of view. like, think of the moment in 1.02 where otis says something to the effect of “you're stalking your son” and jean responds “that word carries a lot of weight, young man, don’t misuse it” or even the scene in the pilot that establishes their relationship for the audience, where otis takes jean’s latest sexual conquest to task and jean points out the sexism inherent in the argument otis is making.
and i like how years of this kind of guidance, this encouragement to see the broader cultural consequences of the worldview you’re imposing on others, has both helped otis flourish as a compassionate person and given him a crippling self-consciousness. he can both offer useful and mature sexual education to his peers, and fail to step outside his preoccupation with his insecurities in order to forge sexual relationships of his own.
also, one of the compelling consequences of the fracturing of their family and their subsequent preoccupation with remy’s part in it is the way jean’s unwillingness to be emotionally available to a partner affects otis. he’s watched her hedonistic approach to sex and leaned that sexual intimacy can - and perhaps even should - be developed only with people you don’t care about on a deeper level. it’s a way to invite intimacy into your life while maintaining steady boundaries around your heart. even remy’s absence, and the reason for remy’s absence, reinforces this for otis. having sex with someone you care about, with someone you’d willingly adopt as a life partner, gives them the power to hurt you beyond repair.
we see this guiding life principle take its toll on otis throughout season two, where he struggles with the idea of jean dating jakob and chooses ola over maeve again and again because he sees her as the safer alternative to being with someone he cares for deeply and in a way that’s already painful without it being as intimate as it has the potential to be. otis’ lashing out during the season comes from the fact that he’s unprepared to deal with his mom changing the foundation upon which she’s built their lives. that foundation being suddenly called into question by jean willingly becoming emotionally intimate with another person post-remy only makes otis’ latent anger more pronounced. now that he actually has a sexual life of which to speak, he’s building it in jean’s own image. so if she changes her mind about what makes physical vs. emotional intimacy worthwhile, that means otis has to deal with the fact that he could have followed his heart all along instead of choosing the closed-off and pragmatic option. what he’s missing, of course, is the way emotional intimacy after all this time doesn’t come naturally to jean. she’s working very hard to go against her nature in order to maintain - or fail to maintain, as it were - her relationship with jakob and that, in point of fact, the effort is what speaks to the relationship’s worth. relationships are the work of two people, they don’t magically spring into being by nature of intense chemistry and they aren’t time bombs that blow up in your face at random. for all jean’s preoccupation with keeping her dynamic with otis open and communicative, she certainly fails to pass along the idea that, above all else, passivity is the worst thing you can bring into any relationship.
which brings us to the other aspect of otis and jean’s relationship that’s of most interest to me: the aforementioned boundary issues. both otis and jean are very internal and largely private people. for otis, we see it manifest mostly in his relationship with jean. he doesn’t want to tell her about maeve, or the sex clinic, or his fight with eric. for jean, it’s in her consistent shutting down of anything more than sex with her various suitors and, most notably, in the 1.06 scene about otis’ thrashed wardrobe with jakob - “do you always avoid questions like this?”
but even while jean shares otis’ preference toward self-reliance and contemplativeness, she battles against his every assertion of privacy, wandering into his room to look through his stuff both when he specifically asks her not to and at random. the kid doesn’t get a lock for his bedroom door until he’s sixteen for crying out loud and, when he finally does, jean kicks open the door in a violation of what the lock symbolizes - namely, otis’ ability to choose when and what he shares with her.
so while this parent-child dynamic is far too close to home for me to make me particularly warm toward jean or identify with her, i do appreciate the way it brings endless complexity to the character. her whole persona is built on respectful and direct communication. it’s her greatest tool as a therapist, and it’s her greatest pitfall as a mother. because for every spoken “let the negative energy dissipate” and ‘let’s have a calm and rational discussion about this,” there’s a choice she makes to actively violate otis’ spoken and unspoken requests for stronger boundaries.
aside from her practice, otis is jean’s whole life. and you can clearly see the ways she’s done an exceptional job at raising a compassionate and thoughtful human being with all the energy and time she’s focused on doing just that. on the other hand, otis is jean’s whole life and you can clearly see the ways him behaving similarly to her both reinforces jean’s perception that she’s entitled to his life on her terms and creates tension around the fact that all otis wants is to assert the self-reliance she’s instilled in him.
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ah-ga-seven · 4 years
Till’ The End Of Summer - Chapter 10
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>> series masterlist <<
Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x Reader
In a Nutshell: College!AU, Rich Kids, Friends to Lovers, Fuckboy athlete Yeonjun, Overprotective Best friend Soobin, contains all of TXT and other Idol cameos, Omnipresent perspective.
Synopsis: You and Yeonjun are caught up in a cat and mouse game because of unspoken feelings and endless pining for each others’ attention. With the summer break approaching and lots of college parties, will you finally get a chance to explore your feelings for each other; even though the world and Yeonjun’s reputation makes things complicated?
Word count: 6.8K
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of death, alcohol consumption and depression.
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6 weeks had passed since the funeral and Yeonjun has been completely immersed in Choi Enterprises. With the help of other higher-ups and meeting after meeting, he had become quite the little businessman. The major stockholders seemed to love everything about him. They loved his youthful point of view, his energy, and his potential. The way he carried himself and charmed the people around him made them fall for him, just like everyone did at college. It was Yeonjun’s superpower. It’s like he was born with suave, but he never imagined using that charm against middle-aged men in clean-cut suits.  
To his disappointment, he still wasn’t a single step closer in figuring out why his dad didn’t trust his mother with the company. He had been trying his best to keep up with past business affairs, making sure to listen in and attend meetings whenever he could but it was to no avail.  
Everything seemed normal and boring, though he managed to stick around and keep up, it’s not like he enjoyed the job. However, it did distract him from the grief he didn’t allow himself to feel.  
It was 11 PM and Yeonjun was seated at his fathers’ old desk. Scanning through document after document about the company he once had no knowledge of. It’s like his dad took every company secret to his grave. There was nothing fishy to be found and Yeonjun was getting tired of trying to prove a point that apparently didn’t even exist.
A soft knock on the door broke his trance, as he looked up, he saw his mother in the doorway, looking at him with concerned eyes.
“Yeonjun, you’ve been in here all day for the past week. What are you looking for?”
“Nothing,” he says, averting his attention back on the pile of papers in front of him, trying to organize the mess he made before leaving his dad's former home office.
He rubbed his temples, forgetting the presence of his mother until she closed the door behind her, and sat on the opposite side of the desk to face him.
“You look like your father,” she says crossing her arms.
Yeonjun glanced up and cocked his eyebrow. “…That’s the last thing I want.”
He sighed, slouching in the large desk chair, parting his lips to speak but at that moment his phone lit up with a call request from you.
He looked at his phone, muting the sound as he took a mental note to call you back before he put it in his pocket.
His mother sighed at the sight. The last thing she wanted from all of this was Yeonjun neglecting the life he had built with his friends. She wanted him to finish school, make dumb decisions, party, and fall in love before he had to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders if he did decide to join the company later on.
“What…?” Yeonjun says as he catches his mom staring at him with sad eyes.
“I just…wish you would go back to school.”
“I never said I wasn’t.”
“Then why are you ignoring that girl.”  
“That girl has a name.”
“Really? Cause it seems like you’re forgetting all about her,” she savagely states pointing to his phone.  
Yeonjun rolls his eyes in irritation and scoffed. “I feel like I outgrew the need for being a college boy. I don’t need school.”
Well, that was a straight lie. He wanted to go back, but he didn’t know how to return to his ‘normal life.’ The fact of the matter is that Yeonjun has always been running from his father. He ran away across the country to go to college so he could build a new life and forget about everything, but now that his dad is out of the picture; he didn’t have to run anymore.  
For the first time in his life, he could make decisions purely based on his own will without being haunted by the shadow of the mighty Daniel Choi, which made him rethink all of the choices he has made up until now.
Does he return to school and still run from his life back home by pretending the multi-billion company he’s inheriting doesn’t exist?
Or does he stay here and run from you, his best friends and the life he had built for himself as a distraction from what awaits him when he graduates?
Either way, he was still a runaway. Running on a track with no finish line in sight and he was tired, emotionally and physically.
“Yeonjun. The semester only just started, you could still go back and catch up with the few weeks you’ve missed out on. I can contact a few people I know and help you get back on track. It’s your call,” she tells him in an almost pleading tone.
“I feel like there’s too much-unfinished business,” he replies nervously biting the inside of his cheek.
“The only unfinished business you should be worrying about is the relationship with your friends. How can you turn your back on them so easily after everything they’ve put themselves through to stand by you?”
Her words rubbed salt into his already existing wounds. She’s right, and he knows it. But it was almost as if Yeonjun felt ashamed to return to his friends. He hasn’t come one step closer to solving his emotional scars. He wanted to return to them and you as a changed person. Someone who grew from tragedy.
He wanted to be the same carefree Yeonjun that he used to be, the Yeonjun that people admired and looked up to, but genuinely this time.  
“I just…don’t know right now.”  
“Let me know when you do.” His mother says coldly, running out of patience with him as she got up, leaving him alone in the massive home office.  
He threw his head back in defeat. Closing his eyes to think; something he’s been doing a lot of lately.
He wanted to come out of this stronger, and he had hoped that staying here would help him do so but the frustration of not finding out what he wanted to only made matters worse.
He couldn’t move forward with all of this weighing him down. He owed it to himself and to you to be better because that’s how much he loved you. However, he wasn’t getting better at all. In fact, he wasn’t able to shake off his sadness and anxiety the way he used to, which meant it was getting more difficult to hide it from you as well.  
So instead of hiding his pain from you, he hid from you altogether because it didn’t take a genius to notice that Yeonjun was depressed.
Keeping in contact with Yeonjun became harder and harder as soon as school started. Talking every night before bed turned into short texts throughout the day that he forgot to reply to.  
Ever since you, Mia, and the boys left his house, you wanted to give him space because he seemed so busy, but when you did talk to him, he was the same Yeonjun for all you knew.
He put in so much effort during summer to make sure you knew how much he cared.
He would tell you he loved you every night before he ended the phone call.
He would send you flowers every week with notes attached to them so you would feel energized and doted on, and he would also send you hoodies with remnants of his cologne on it so you wouldn’t forget his scent when you missed him.
Yeonjun really tried the best he could for you. He even called Mia from time to time to check up on how you were doing so he could get an honest reply other than your usual “I’m fines.”  
You were always putting on a brave face for him, just like he was with you. And it made him realize just how similar you two were in that aspect.  
Mia told him that you were doing okay, that even though you missed him, you were focused on yourself and hanging out with friends per usual. Mia also told Yeonjun that you are coping with it all due to the fact that you thought he’d return before the end of summer, which made him feel guiltier than ever; especially when he didn’t return at all.
The night he casually told you he’d be staying at home longer than planned over text, you panicked. It’s like your nightmare was coming true and there was nothing you could do about it since it seemed like Yeonjun had already made up his mind. Also, the fact that he didn’t give you a time frame on when he would be returning, only made it worse.
As school started, Mia started feeling guilty about being in the know, and didn’t know how to be around you or Soobin without feeling trapped. Yeonjun felt bad for getting her involved. He knew it had to stop sooner than later, and that he would have to make a decision soon, but then again. He was ashamed of being unchanged and maybe even worse than before.
You hated that the connection between you two started to sever, but you had no clue that Yeonjun might have been doing it on purpose.
The thoughtful and loving Yeonjun you used to talk to had been missing for the past weeks and given the fact that he declined your phone call after 7 days of no real contact whatsoever, made you doubt his self-proclaimed love for you.
The dumbest shit started to swirl into your mind. Was he getting tired of you already? Did he find some new hot office worker lady to replace you with? Or did he realize that a relationship is the last thing he needs right now?
You felt horrible for feeling insecure. You wanted to be more understanding and give him time to heal but you missed him, and you wanted to be there for him, but he didn’t let you.
You were more than fed up with the endless overthinking while hoping for a call or text from Yeonjun, but you also knew that the next time you two talked; should be on his own initiative, and not yours.
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“One. More. Shot,” you yell over the loud music at the bar while you beam at Soobin, holding the shots of tequila in front of his face.
“Y/n. Do you want me dead?” he asks you wide-eyed as he leans on the bar, taking the shot from your trembling fingers anyway.
“No, where’s the fun in that,” you pout as you cheers with him, downing it without a chaser.  
Both of you put down the shot glasses on the bar simultaneously with a loud thud. You quickly grab a piece of lemon to suck on to subside the bitterness on your taste buds and make a face as you do so.
Soobin shakes his head aggressively at the burning sensation, his cheeks flopping around in response as he pinches his eyes closed to recompose himself while you laugh at his antics.
“Fuck,” he growls, looking at you a little googly-eyed. “I’m fucked up.”
“I can see that,” you snort, ordering the next round of shots.
You were mad at yourself for calling Yeonjun again tonight without response and you were sure to wipe your memory with liquor so you wouldn’t have to feel the shame lingering in your brain.  
It has been entirely too long since you spent time with Soobin alone and you would be lying if you said you didn’t miss having him around all the time. When he told you earlier this week that Mia and him had been going through a rough patch due to vagueness and silence from her side, you didn’t hesitate to invite him to drown your sorrows away because you were both going through the exact same thing.
Mia had been a little distant since school started, but it was nothing out of the ordinary to you since you all had different majors. But if Soobin is saying that she’s been distant to him too, then maybe you should talk to her about it. You take a mental note as you listen to him vent, hoping that she would open up to you if you asked.
Your evening started off slowly by talking about the whole situation with Yeonjun. Even though Soobin had been there for you throughout the remaining weeks of summer break, the past week was different. You felt a shift in your relationship with Yeonjun and it almost felt like you weren’t part of his world anymore. He told you over text that he wouldn’t be returning in time for the start of the semester, and though you’ve tried calling him; you hadn’t seen his face or heard his voice since.  
He would text you in the dead of night that he was sorry, and that he was just busy, promising to call you the day after but he never did. During the rest of the summer, you did your best to distract yourself from missing him. Even though he wasn’t around; he made quite the effort to show you that he was thinking of you, so in some way, it just felt like he was on vacation or something. In the back of your head, you had this lingering fear that he’d fall in love with living the life he was supposed to have if he had a good relationship with his parents and with his dad being gone, he could finally get a taste of what that life would be like.
When he spoke to you about the company he actually spoke enthusiastically, it’s like he enjoyed being Choi Yeonjun a little more than he enjoyed being just Yeonjun and it was incredibly selfish of you to say, but you wished he didn’t.
After talking over your issues, you had both decided you’ve done enough moping. Soobin started talking about funny things that have been happening during basketball practice and somehow it made you two reminisce about your childhoods when he would challenge you to basketball games. He’d never let you win with his towering height and you felt yourself relaxing in your seat as you laughed the night away.
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Drunk was an understatement of your current state, it was nearly 2 AM already and the both of you stumbled out of the bar together. You were latching onto his arm to steady yourself and to your surprise, Soobin was still strong enough to keep you and himself up as you were standing on the sidewalk to hail a taxi.
“Remind me to never drink with you again,” he says as waves his hand in hopes to be noticed by a taxi driver.
You giggle and roll your eyes, and just as you were about to say something, your phone starts to vibrate.  
You mindlessly pull it out of your pocket, and with blurry vision, you see Yeonjun’s name on your display. You let go of Soobin’s arm and turn around, giggling to yourself as you pick up.
“HelloooOooo, look who it is. Mister important businessman. Mister Choi himself. How can I help you,” you slur your words as you ramble incoherently.  
“Y/n?” Yeonjun sat on the couch in the formal living room, immediately alerted with the sound of your drunken state.  
“That’s meeee” you snicker, leaning your unstable figure on a lamppost.  
“Are you drunk?” he asks for confirmation as he sat up.
“Oh jeez, what a genius. Hey, by the way. If I want to talk to you do I need to make an appointment with your secretary, or do you take personal calls as well?”  
The liquid courage was coursing through your veins at rapid speed as your heart started thumping in your chest. You had no idea why you were being such a bitch, but the alcohol revealed the emotion you so desperately tried to hide from him for leaving you: Anger.
“Are you alone? Where are you?” Yeonjun completely ignored your drunken banter, knowing that your frustration is completely justified. He honestly thought you’d snap at him a lot sooner than this, without the alcohol involved.
“I’m with Binnie.” you sigh as you look back at him.
“Good, so you’re safe.” Yeonjun assumes out loud.
He started pacing in his living room, hating the fact that he wasn’t there to make sure you were okay, but knowing you were with Soobin eased his mind a little.  
“Oh, fuck no, he’s doing worse than me,” you say cocking an eyebrow as you see Soobin still waving his arms around like an idiot as he was trying to hail a cab.
“Make sure you get home safe okay?” He says as he bites his lip nervously.
“What do you care.”
“What do you mean, Of course I care.” His eyes were getting sad. He felt horrible for making you feel as though you didn’t matter when in reality, the thought of you alone was the reason he was able to get out of bed every morning.
You scoff. “Yeah, right. Okay.”  
You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around,  averting your attention completely. Drunk you could only focus on one thing at a time and you completely forgot that you were on the phone with Yeonjun.
You blink a couple of times before you put your phone in your pocket with Yeonjun still on the line, just now realizing who’s standing in front of you.
“JOHNNY!?” you exclaim loudly and maybe a little too excited.  
Yeonjun froze in place, increasing the volume on his phone so he could hear.
“Long time no see!” Johnny says as he wraps you up in a tight hug. The shuffling of your clothing against the mic of the phone was enough for Yeonjun to start clenching his jaw in anger.
He listened to the distant banter of you giggling, talking about this and that before Soobin called you over after he finally managed to get you two a cab.
“I’ll text you,” Johnny yells after you, which made Yeonjun scoff. “Like hell you will,” he says under his breath.  
He waited until he heard the doors to the car close, just to make sure before he ended the call.  
If a simple hello from a random guy already bothered him this much, how would he ever be able to leave you be on the other side of the country?
He groaned loudly, angrily throwing his phone to the couch, but he missed the safe landing, knocking over an expensive vase which shattered in an instant as it made contact with the tile floor.
“Shit,” he exclaimed before crouching down to pick up his phone, rummaging through the shattered pieces of glass carefully.  
Lita emerged from the halls, alerted by the loud noise. “Yeonjun! Don’t touch that. We have vacuums for that!” She practically yells at him.
He felt like a dear caught in headlights as he let go of the broken pieces of valuable glass and waited for Lita to return.
She cleaned up the mess so quickly that he couldn’t offer to help. She didn't even ask questions, and just stayed silent as she did her thing. He followed her to the kitchen like a lost puppy and sat down at the breakfast bar as he watches her discard her gloves in the sink.
She sighed, turning around to face him.
“Sweetheart, I’m going to tell you something and you can’t get mad,” Lita breathes as she sits down in the chair next to him.
He looked up at her, giving her a slight yet confused smile. “Okay...”
“Go back to college, and get counseling,” she says seriously.
He cocked his brow at her bluntness, as it is not something that Lita has ever done before.
“Counselling as in therapy?” he asks wide-eyed.
“Don’t you think it would help?” She questions carefully, fixing a piece of his grown-out hair on the back of his neck.
“Why do you think I should go back?” he questions in genuine curiosity.  
Lita is someone who watches from the sidelines. She observes but rarely speaks out. The fact that his mother wasn’t here to interfere was a good reason for speaking up, and so she did.
“Because, the only time I’ve seen you genuinely happy since you’ve been here, is when you saw your friends at the door the day they arrived. Oh, and that girl, you should have seen yourself when you laid eyes on that girl.”
Yeonjun chuckled at her observation. “So it was that obvious huh?”
“Yes. Stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Stop thinking you need to fix your flaws on your own and seek help. Professional help.”
She was right, though therapy was never something Yeonjun considered it didn’t sound too outrageous to him.
He didn’t feel comfortable with letting a stranger pick his brain, so maybe talking to a school counselor or teacher that he already knew and trusted would help.
He wanted nothing more than the hollowness in his soul to be replaced by the light he once had inside of him.  
He wanted to feel something other than sadness, but when he was trying to think of his last genuinely happy moment; he thought of you and the night you snuck into his room in the middle of the night.
He blinked a few times, giving things a good thought.
“Your mother would understand too Yeonjun, the company can wait,” she adds as she strokes his hair again lovingly.  
He nodded, getting up from the barstool as he gave Lita a shy smile.
“I know it’s late…but would you help me pack? I’ll leave first thing in the morning.”
It was a rash decision, but a decision like this had to be made on a whim; cause if he would let himself overthink about it. It would take another week for him to come to one.
Lita’s eyes lit up, smiling at him brightly. “Only if you promise you will consider the counseling part as well.”  
“Okay,” he sighed. “I’ll think about it.”
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You walk into your living room in your loungewear, your hair still wet from the shower you just took, and see Soobin still sound asleep on the couch. His mouth was slightly hanging open and he was snoring ever so lightly. You chuckled at the sight, crouching down before him as you shake his shoulder softly in an attempt to wake him up.
Soobin, being the light sleeper that he is, immediately arose from his sleep. He looked at you a little puzzled, immediately pressing his bunny-like lips together as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before he made eye contact with you again.
“Oh…oh…hell no,” he mutters as he feels the nauseating pain in his head as a side effect from his hangover. “Why is it so bright in here?” He huffs as he turns around, burying his face in the pillow he slept on.
You chuckle, smacking his back. “Get up.”
He groans turning back around to face you. “How did we even get home?”
“I don’t know, but the important part is that we did,” you say making your way to your kitchen.
He chuckled, reaching for his phone as he expected missed calls or texts from his girlfriend, but Mia didn’t contact him at all last night.
He frowned. “I don’t know what’s going on with her. She was fine until school started.”
You immediately knew who Soobin was talking about, and you purse your lips together; looking at him as you pour yourself a cup of coffee.  
“Maybe she’s just stressed about the workload,” you try, but he shakes his head in response.
“I don’t know, every time I try to talk to her about it, she changes the subject.”
Soobin got up from your couch, waddling to your kitchen to steal the coffee you just poured for yourself.
As he took a sip, you glare at him. “That’s mine.”
“Shut up, you owe me this much for killing at least half my brain cells last night.”
“Can’t kill what you don’t have,” you argue, taking back your coffee while he glares at you this time.
“Now go shower. You can wear some of Yeonjun’s clothes.”
“He left clothes here?” Soobin asked raising his eyebrows in surprise. “Yeah, he never got to use them though.” You sigh, looking at the by now wilted roses in the vase on your kitchen counter and suddenly your eyes widen in realization.
The phone call.
“Fuck,” you exclaim, leaving your kitchen, running around to find your phone.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” You raise your voice in annoyance scattering your apartment to find your jacket.
“What…are you doing?” Soobin asks as he takes another sip of your coffee, his eyes darting around your living room to follow your panicky figure.
You find your jacket and retrieve your phone from its pocket. You quickly open it, seeing Yeonjun’s name in the ‘Recent’ callers list at the exact same time you left the bar.
“He called me last night. It just came back to me. Shit. I was a total inconsiderate asshole.”
Soobin’s eyes widened and he walked up to you, grabbing you by your shoulders, making you look at him. “Calm. Down. What did you say?”  
“Something along the lines of him not caring about me and asking him if I need an appointment with his secretary to get to him, Also. I’m not sure if he heard Johnny’s voice but we all know how he feels about him” you pout.
Soobin pursed his lips, trying to suppress a laugh but he couldn’t as his nostrils flared, bursting into loud laughter.  
Your distressed state vanished, and you chuckled lightly, slapping his chest. “That’s not funny.”
“Yes, it is. Look, don’t worry. I’m sure he laughed just as loud as I did,” he says patting your hair in assurance before he envelops you into a hug to calm you down.
“You think?”  you say nuzzling your face in his chest.
“Yeah, I’ll call him if you want, don’t worry about it too much okay?”
You nod and he let go of you, giving you a sweet smile. “Now, while I wash up, please make me breakfast. I’m starving.”
You scoff, pushing him off of you. “Fine.”
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“That’s the last of it.” Lita says as she handed the driver Yeonjun’s last piece of luggage. He closed the trunk of the car that would take Yeonjun to the airport and got into the drivers’ seat without a word.  
His mother gave him a small smile. “I’m glad you changed your mind.”
“Actually…Lita imo changed my mind,” he says giving his housekeeper a warm smile before he averted his attention back to his mother.
“Please, pick up when I call you. Okay?” She says as she put a hand on his shoulder. He just chuckled, pulling her in for a hug that she didn’t expect.
“I will,” he says breathing in her scent, a scent that started to feel like home. Despite their differences, they did become closer. And hopefully, their future would be filled with more of these moments.  
His mothers’ eyes got glassy as he let go of her, but he didn’t notice as he wrapped Lita into his arms as well. Hugging her goodbye without saying much. 
“I’ll see you two soon, okay?” He says winking to them before he got into the car.  
He gave them a smile, waving to them from the car as he drove off and when they were completely out of sight, his smile faltered.  
Saying goodbye wasn’t hard for him, it was going back that made the stress inside of him run wild.  
He didn’t know how to face you knowing that he has to tell you that he wasn’t even planning to come back before Mia’s guilt would eat her alive.  
Hell, given the conversation you had with him last night on the phone, he wasn’t even sure if you’d run back into his arms at all.
He closed his eyes hoping that you would understand, but he also knew that the probability was small that the truth would be accepted without turmoil. He opened his eyes slowly, staring out of the window, wishing that his return to college would bring more good than bad.
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“Soobin, you’re taking too long!” you yell out for him as you assemble a sunny-side-up egg on top of the avocado toast you just made for the two of you.
“I can’t find Yeonjun hyungs shirts!” He yelled back to you.
You sigh, pausing your movements. “It’s on the top shelve.”
Just as you were going to resume your actions, your doorbell startled you.  
You frown, walking up to your front door, and open it, completely and utterly shocked when you see them at your doorstep.
“Mom? Dad?” Your eyes widen in shock, and then you remembered. They planned to visit you this weekend and you completely forgot about it.
“There’s my girl!” your dad exclaims as he wraps you into a tight hug.
Oh my god, how could you forget...
Your mom hugged you next, and your dad walks in, inspecting your living space.
“Wow, something smells good in here.”
You dumbfoundedly follow your parents inside of your living room, and right before you could open your mouth to speak, a wet haired and shirtless Soobin emerges from your bedroom, towel drying his hair.
“Y/n, I can’t find the sh-shirts.” Soobin paused, frozen in place as he made eye contact with your parents.  
He quickly wrapped the towel he used to dry his hair over his chest as his cheeks colored a bright red.
“Soobin!?” your mom exclaims as her eyes dart from you to him.
Your dad’s eyes narrow at Soobin and he sighed. “I knew it.”
“No! No. Absolutely not. That’s not what this is,” you say as you stand between your parents and Soobin.
“Then, what is this?” Your dad asks rubbing his forehead.
“Soobin, sweetie; didn’t you have a girlfriend?” Your mother asks as she crosses her arms.
“Y-yes, I do.” Soobin stutters nervously.
“Well son, that doesn’t make this look any better does it.” Your father retorts.
“No. We just went to have drinks last night, he crashed on the couch. That’s it.”
“Yes, besides, we’re both in relationships and we’re like family. It’s nothing like that I promise.” Soobin says with a bright smile before realization hit him.
You turn to him, fire-spewing from your pupils. Your parents had no idea Yeonjun even existed, and now Soobin basically outed him as your boyfriend.
“Both in relationships? Y/n what is he talking about?” your mom asks wide-eyed.
“I-uh…I’m…” you stutter before you turn to Soobin. “Please, dude. Get dressed. Top shelf, on the right,” you say through your teeth, shooing him away.
He mouthed an inaudible ‘I’m sorry’ to you before he disappeared into your room to find the shirt once again.  
Your dad sat down on your couch, patiently waiting for you to start talking and you sighed, trying to not so subtly change the subject.
“So…how was the trip…” you ask as you lean against your kitchen counter.
“This boyfriend of yours? What’s his name?”
“He’s…not really my boyfriend…yet…I don’t know where we stand.”  
“Ok…well as long as he treats you right.” Your mom says, making your dad nod in response.
Soobin emerged from your room again, fully clothed this time and you immediately relaxed in his presence. He took a seat across from your dad as your mother stood beside you.
“So, what’s his name? And, where is he?” Your dad start interrogating you as he crossed his legs. His tone was overbearingly protective which made Soobin chuckle as you roll your eyes.
“His name is Yeonjun…and he’s not in town right now,” you state vaguely which made Soobin jump in.
“Unfortunately, his father passed away and he’s been dealing with that before he returns to school,” he adds, and you thank him with a sad smile which he reciprocated with an assuring nod.
“Oh no, that’s horrible.” Your mom says.
“Yeah, too bad, I’d love to meet him before we left tonight.” Your dad huffs.
“Don’t count on it,” you sigh.
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It was 3 PM and Yeonjun finally arrived at the apartment complex. He silently thanked his mother for insisting he should take a flight instead of driving for six hours because the last time he did, he was exhausted for several days.  
Yeonjun turned the key to the apartment, sighing loudly as he twisted the doorknob. The familiar feeling of anxiety rippling through his veins. Making him freeze before he built up the courage to open the door.
He took off his shoes before rolling his suitcase into the living room, and as he glanced up, he was surprised to see a frozen Taehyun, Beomgyu and Hueningkai on the couch, looking at him as if they just saw a dead man walking.
Taehyun was the first to get up. “HYUNG!” he grinned from ear to ear. Jumping up from the couch to fly into Yeonjuns arms, followed by Beomgyu and Hueningkai who enveloped him into a tight hug as well.
Yeonjun’s lips curled up into a smile, genuinely this time. God, he missed them. So much.
“Oh my god, we missed you so much.” Hueningkai yelps as he clings onto the older ones’ waist.  
Yeonjun chuckled, feeling a huge weight lifted off his shoulders as he patted Hyuka’s head. Completely overwhelmed with how happy they were to see him, and he had to admit; the feeling was completely mutual.  
“How are you feeling?” Beomgyu asks as he took a hold of Yeonjun's shoulders, looking at him intently with his big eyes. “Anxious to be back.” Yeonjun answers honestly. “I don’t know, I’m not the same person I was before I left, you know.”  
The boys nodded in response. “Well, we’re here for you regardless. Take all the time you need.” Beomgyu says with a sweet smile, and Yeonjun sighs in relief. 
“Thanks guys.”
“Yeah, but don’t take too much time. The team is completely out of balance without you, our next tournament is in two weeks so it would be nice to have you back y’know.” Taehyun remarks which earned him a painful elbow in his ribs from Hueningkai. “Why would you burden him with that now,” he hisses, which made Yeonjun laugh out loud.
“It’s ok, I’ll still do charity work.” Yeonjun says cockily which made the guys laugh in response as he winked at them.
“Ahh, jup. He’s back.” Taehyun says rolling his eyes.
“I’ll take this to your room.” Hueningkai volunteers as he grabs a hold of his suitcase, rolling it to Yeonjun’s bedroom before he could say anything.  
“So…where’s Soobin? He was out with y/n last night, right?”  Yeonjun carefully asks, sitting down on the armrest of the couch.  
“Oh, yeah. He didn’t come home. I think he crashed at her place.” Taehyun says absentmindedly as he poured Yeonjun a glass of water.
Yeonjun raised his brows, nodding understandingly. He wasn’t thrilled that Soobin slept over at your place, but he also knew he had nothing to worry about.
The constant tinging feeling of jealousy was just a result of his own insecurity and he knew he couldn’t blame you for any of it. Especially since Soobin is like a brother to you.  
“Did you talk to y/n yet?” Beomgyu asks crossing his arms over his chest.
“More or less. She doesn’t know I’m back.” Yeonjun says, nervously biting his cheek.
“Oh really! She’ll be so happy to see you.” Taehyun exclaims, handing Yeonjun the glass of water he just poured for him.  
“Yeah…” Yeonjun says taking a sip of his water. “So happy…”  
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Mia was seated behind her desk, completely immersed in her study material before the loud vibrations of her phone on the wooden desk snapped her back to reality.
She sighed seeing Yeonjun’s name on the caller ID, so she picked up. Ironically so, he was the only one she didn’t have to hide secrets from. Meaning that she could pick up with an eased mind.  
“Hey,” she says as she answered the phone, moving the device to her left ear.  
“Hey, how are you?” Yeonjun asks, staring at the ceiling as he laid on his bed.
“Uhm…ok? I guess.”
“I’m back at school,” he says getting straight to the point.
Mia’s eyes widened in shock as she gulped. “What? Really?”  
“Yes. And I’m so sorry about making you lie to Soobin, y/n and the guys. But I want to make it right. I’ll tell them everything. I’ll tell them it’s my fault for getting you involved, but I need to clear my conscience before I can move forward you know.” He sighs, waiting for Mia to respond but she stayed silent.
“The last few weeks were hard Yeonjun.” Her voice cracked when she finally spoke up, and that familiar feeling of self-loathing took over Yeonjun’s senses again.
“I’m sorry. Let me make this right,” he says closing his eyes, hoping for a positive response.
“Let’s go to y/n place together Ok? I think Soobin is still with her since he didn’t come home yet.”
Mia sighed, rubbing her forehead nervously. “Ok...do I meet you there?”
“No, I’ll pick you up. Don’t worry. I’ll be there in half an hour.”
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You spent the day with your parents and Soobin around town for most of the day. Your mom wanted to cook all of you a feast, so you spent the day shopping for ingredients, and the four of you even had lunch together.
It felt like old times, and you desperately needed it. You were so wrapped up in schoolwork, Yeonjun, and everything that happened over the summer that you didn’t even realize how much you missed your parents.  
You came back home around 5 and you were helping your mom prepare dinner as Soobin and your dad talked about the trip your parents made in Europe.
“Mom, this is way too much food.”
“It’s okay, Soobin can take it home with him to feed those other boys.”  
You chuckled, your mom never knew how to portion her cooking right and it got the two of you talking about the time she cooked four whole turkeys for Christmas a few years ago for your and Soobin’s family alone.  
The ringing of your doorbell snaps you out of your conversation, and you ask Soobin to get the door as you were expecting a package one of these days.
Soobin nodded at your request, getting up from the couch while he made his way to your front door.  
Since your kitchen is directly across from your hallway, your gaze followed him while you peeled some potatoes, curious to see if your assumption was right.
Soobin opened the door with a dramatic swing, his friendly smile faltering as he sees Yeonjun in the doorway with his girlfriend. “Y-yeonjun hyung? Mia? What are you two doing here?”
You swore your eyes were playing tricks with you. That the alcohol from last night came back to you in forms of hallucinations and unexplainable mirages but when his eyes locked with yours, you knew it was really him.
You stand frozen on your feet, dropping the half-peeled potato in the sink as you start blinking to recompose yourself, suddenly realizing that your parents were in the room; having equally confused facial expressions to match those of you and Soobin.
“Yeonjun?” your dad asks. “The Yeonjun?”  
Yeonjun’s eyes left yours, completely shocked to see your parents in your apartment. Well fuck. This is not what he had planned at all.
Soobin’s eyes were boring into Mia’s, completely and utterly confused as to what she was doing here, and with Yeonjun at that.
He gave you a look and you shrugged, still too dazed with the fact that Yeonjun was standing in your doorway; so much so that you hadn’t even noticed Mia standing next to him.
Your mom's eyes lit up, seeing the two of them. “Oh, this is just perfect,” she exclaims.
“Now you can all stay for dinner!”
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Chapter 11
281 notes · View notes
misslilli · 3 years
Thank you guys, for going on this adventure with me 🥰 I'm having such a blast reading your comments!
Felix Felicis
MSR. AU. PG-13. | tagging @today-in-fic | AO3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Fantastic Mulders And Where To Find Them
[ DS ]
“Well, little lady, you’re pretty young and inexperienced, you’ll learn to distinguish when it’s appropriate to call in parents and when it’s clearly not necessary.” Stunned, I stare at the father of a girl in my class sitting across from me, trying to control my flaring temper. ‘What a misogynistic, condescending asshole!’
“I can assure you, sir, when a child comes to me with a concerning story from home, I will always want to clear it up with the parents. Now that we’ve cleared it up, I think we’re done here. Thank you for coming.” I get up and hold out my hand, hoping to end this nightmare of a conversation on a positive note.
Once he left, I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding, anger boiling in the pit of my stomach. There’s not much that I hate more than being belittled and I yank my book bag off my table angrily, spilling the cup of pencils in the process, scattering them everywhere. I want to scream. Okay, now I’m Pissed. Royally.
I pick up the pencils and shove them back into the cup before turning off the lights and leaving for today. As I head outside, I notice a small gathering of women down the front steps and they’re giggling and laughing at something Fox Mulder had said. At the sight of him, my heart skips a few beats. ‘Oh that’s just great. I’ll keep my head down and walk by quickly, I’m in no mood to be dragged into a conversation with the PTA brigade.’
I try to pass them by inconspicuously, walking briskly down the stairs and keeping my head down, but I’m stopped with a hand on my arm and a “Miss Scully, do you have a moment?” I turn to him trying to hide my exasperation. ‘Ugh, why do you have to be so damn handsome. And please, get your hand off my arm before I burst into flames. Victim: Dana Scully, cause of death: Spontaneous human combustion from being touched by Fox Freakin’ Mulder. Try and put that on a headstone.’
My mask of professionalism only slips for a brief moment, though, and I smooth out the frown on my face. “Yes, Mr. Mulder?” ‘Why is your hand still there? And why is it so hot all of a sudden, it’s freakin’ September.’
“I was hoping you could give me another opinion on something.” He leans into my personal space conspiratorially and I raise my eyebrow in a silent question. ‘Mmmh he smells really good too. Why, God, why? Ugh, that low tone of voice is driving me insane.’
“Do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials?” The women around me giggle and I blink at him slowly. ‘What the fuck kind of question is that?’ I draw myself up to full height - don’t you dare laugh - thankful that I wore my heels today and gather the few braincells I have left that are not occupied with wondering how that broad chest would feel under my fingers.
“Logically, I would have to say No. Given the distances needed to travel from the far reaches of space, the energy requirements would exceed a spacecraft’s capabilities.” I can tell that my answer somewhat surprises him but he’s not done yet.
“But there are obviously unexplained phenomena out there, now when convention and science offer us no answers might we not finally turn to the fantastic as a plausibility?”
‘What I find fantastic is your ass in those jeans…’. “What I find fantastic is any notion that there are answers beyond the realm of science. The answers are there, you just have to know where to look!” The other moms watch our argument as if they’re watching a tennis game.
He flashes me a wry grin. “That’s why they put the ‘I’ in FBI.” ‘Huh, so he’s with the Feds? I wonder where he keeps his gun. Well, I know where I’d check first but… Okay that’s enough. I wonder how many Hail Mary’s Father George will make me say for what’s going on inside my head.
Felix comes running down the stairs at this moment and wraps his arms around his dad’s legs. “Well thank you for this fantastic point of view, I’ll see you tomorrow ladies. Miss Scully.” He tips his imaginary hat to us and walks Felix back to the car. The little boy turns and waves at me, briefly. I smile and wave back.
My mood has miraculously improved during this odd bit of conversation and I bid the PTA moms goodbye as well, walking over to my bike to head home.
“Hey dad, what did you and Miss Scully talk about back there?” I need to know. Please don’t let it be something embarrassing. Dad smiles at me in the rear view mirror.
“I asked her if she believed in aliens!”
“Noooo DAD, please tell me you didn’t!” ‘This is even worse than I thought. Can I give him up for adoption?’Dad shrugs his shoulders.
“She was having a pretty bad day, I just wanted to cheer her up. I think I did a pretty good job, too, she did smile at the end didn’t she?” Okay that is kind of sweet and yes she did, maybe I’ll keep him after all. I decide to change the subject.
“Dad, can we go to a soccer game sometime?” I just found out at recess today that our school has a soccer team and I really want to see that game. There’s another reason, too, but I keep this bit of information to myself.
“Sure, just tell me when!”
[ FM ]
During the week, I’m treated to various stories from Felix’s school day on the car ride home, but his favorite daily segment of the Felix Show is “Dad, Do You Know What Miss Scully Did Or Said Today?” I’m bat-shit crazy about her too, so I get where he’s coming from, but he’s downright obsessed and I worry that this kind of attachment is not healthy for a kid.
I talk this over with our therapist on Thursday, in a one-on-one session and she thinks that maybe because he lacks an emotionally available mother, he looked for a suitable substitute and found it in his teacher. I shouldn’t worry too much about it, she’s sure when it’s too much, that the teacher is capable of handling the situation. She also promised to talk to Felix next time, to maybe tone it down just a little.
Our time is up before I can tell her about my own concerns about this situation. How I’d like to ask her out on a date but I don’t know if I should because I don’t want my son to get hurt in the process. I’m too inexperienced in dating to know the proper ways to handle this and frankly, the thought of getting back into dating terrifies me a little too. Okay maybe a lot. Felix is not the only one who has been scarred by the divorce.
[ Felix ]
“Dad! Do we have any glitter glue in the house?”
It’s Thursday night and I’ve been working on my project for hours, wanting to get it just right. I had asked dad to write out a text for an invitation for me and I copied it onto the paper carefully. Pleased, I look at the two invitations I made, I can’t wait to hand them out. I really really hope they’ll accept the invite. My dad’s voice is getting louder while he talks, he’s coming upstairs. He enters my room and looks over my shoulder.
“Yeah, it’s in one of the drawers in the office. Tell me again why you’re making extra invitations when we had official ones made this week?” For someone who spends the whole day at work getting into other people’s heads, he’s not very good at understanding people.
“Because I reallywant them to come, dad! They’re my special guests!”
“Well, if there’s glitter glue, they won’t be able to say no! You did a really good job, Felix.”
“I hope so, dad. I’m pretty sad that mom’s out of the country and grandma can’t make it either.” He strokes a hand over my head.
“I know, son. I’m sorry!”
Chapter 14 - Last Chance For Spotting A Rainbow
I stole some lines from the pilot. Please don’t sue. They’re just too good. Asdldlgdf
Also, the scene in the beginning is not entirely made up, a version of it happened to me last year.
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saffronwritings · 3 years
C L U M S Y | S H I N S O U - P.2
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S H I N S O U | P A R T  T W O 
[Part One]
C L U M Y  M A S T E R L I S T
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: As of 4/22/21 I have updated the first part of this series for Shinsou, I made some adjustments as I noticed some bigger plot holes. Please go give that a read if you read the first part already before. 
Shinsou had severely underestimated how hard Aizawa was going to be training him. Everyday it seemed like his body found new places to hurt and joints he didn’t know existed ached. After being pinned to the training mat once again, Shinsou let out a defeated sigh. “Get up.” Aizawa commanded him after releasing the hold he had on him, moving away from the defeated student. “You are never going to get better if you don’t train yourself at your fullest potential.” Aizawa spat at him harshly. “You won’t be able to protect citizens, colleagues, or even your loved ones if you just take the brunt force and never get back up.” 
Shinsou laid there a moment more, thinking over his words. Shinsou didn’t really have friends, all besides that annoying blonde buzzing idiot in class 1A. They were mere acquaintances and Shinsou barely paid him any mind, however, the boy was surely convinced he was friends with Shinsou. That, and Shinsou didn’t really mind his presence all that much. After the sports festival, it seemed that Kaminari was determined to befriend Shinsou. Sitting with him during lunch period, finding him and bothering him while walking back to Heights Alliance after school. Eventually Shinsou caved and gave the energetic boy his number and he practically texted him every day. Being stupid memes or asking for help when mid-terms had come around.  
When it came to family, he didn’t really rely on much from his deadbeat father and his emotionally distant mother. Even though he wanted nothing more to become a hero, did he even have the drive to save people he didn’t care about? That’s when his one and only motivator popped into his head. You. Through every hardship, every bully that had taunted him for his quirk, when he was put into the general studies class, even when he lost at the sports festival. You had always been there for him, and he would be damned to let you down. 
Aizawa felt the shift in energy when Shinsou had risen from the matt. The boy looked beaten to hell and probably felt even worse. However, he got in the stance that Aizawa had taught him and readied himself for impact. “Are you sure you want to continue?” Aizawa asked with squinted eyes. It had only been a week, but Aizawa could tell the boy was getting worn down. He was not used to this kind of training, being a part of the general studies course. The boy had been done wrong when he had not been put in either Hero course, however, with his lack of drive up until recently, the boy had not put in any extra training himself. 
“I’m more than sure.” He rasped out, his breathing uneasy but for once, his eyes filled with determination. “Let’s continue then.”
. . .
Aizawa had been summoned to this staff meeting by principal Nezu, along with a few of the other teachers that made up the staff of UA. He had sat himself next to Present Mic, even though he knew the repercussions of potentially sitting next to him. “How’s it hanging, Eraser Head?” The loud blonde shouted, gaining the attention of the rest of the faculty in the room. “Shut up, Mic.” He answered, rubbing his temples from the oncoming headache he felt building. Though, he really picked the only seat that wouldn’t drive him absolutely mad. There was an empty seat next to Midnight, and one next to Almight. He had to choose his battle of whether to be annoyed by Almight or Mic and the choice was easy.
Finally after what felt like a dragging twenty minutes, Principal Nezu had entered the room and the staff had quieted down. “Good afternoon, I am glad that all of you have joined me today. This meeting is about the potential moving of students from their current classes to either one of the hero courses.” Nezu stated, making Aizawa sigh in defeat. Great, another student for him to have to look after potentially. Didn’t he have to deal with enough with the troublesome class he already had? From villain attacks, to one of his students being kidnapped, it felt like Aizawa could not catch a break.
If he were lucky enough, the students would be advised to join Sekijiro’s class and leave Aizawa to just tend to the students he had. “However, as we know, most of the general studies students usually don’t get the hero training they need. So we need volunteers to mentor these select students and if their training proves their abilities to join one of the hero courses, we will place them in either class.” Nezu continued. There was no way that Aizawa was going to take on a mentor. He was already swamped with teaching his own class, having to watch over 1-A’s dorms over in Heights Alliance. Just the thought of taking on more work made Aizawa yawn. 
Thankfully, throughout the slideshow that was presented on a projector, most of the students were taken on by other staff members. None had really caught Aizawa’s attention or really stood out to him. That is, until Shinsou Hitoshi had appeared on the screen. “The boy with the brain-washing quirk?” He overheard the other teachers whispering. He remembered him going against Midoriya in the sport festival and how much he had improved after. He trained minimally with his other classmates in the general studies class. Aizawa had kept his eye out for the boy. Not just from seeing him fight his own students in the sports festival, but also because if he was right, this was the boy that his own daughter was dating.
Aizawa quickly took out his phone and scrolled through him and his daughter’s messages. After scrolling through their many messages, he found the picture he was looking for. A picture of her and the boy sitting together in a grassy field, her smiling and him with a blank expression and a peace sign. He looked back and forth from the picture and the one on the overhead projector. That was definitely the boy that was seeing his dear daughter. Aizawa didn’t hear a word that Nezu was saying about the student. However, when Nezu asked if there were any available teachers willing to train the boy, the room was quiet. 
That was, until Aizawa pushed his chair out with a dejected sigh and stood up with his hand raised. This made the other teachers stop talking and turn towards him. “I’ll take him on.” Aizawa said in a very even monotone. This was definitely a conflict of interest and if Nezu ever found out, then he would definitely be in a lot of trouble. However, if there was going to be anyone to train the boy who was seeing his daughter, it was going to be him. Making sure he was strong enough to always defend her. 
“Are you sure, Mr. Aizawa? I know you are already preoccupied with your teachings of class 1A and watching over their dorms.” Nezu asked with an eyebrow quirked at him. “I’ve seen his potential. He needs a strict teacher to help him really use his quirk to its best extent. Plus, I could use a good mentoring session after having to deal with all the brats in 1-A.” Aizawa yawned, before sitting back down. Principal Nezu nodded his head in agreement. “Alright then! Mr. Aizawa will be mentoring young Shinsou Hitoshi. We have one more student left I’d like the remaining staff to take into consideration.” Nezu continued on.
Although, he knew that the staff room was still in shock that Aizawa had taken on a mentoring position. It had been a long time since Aizawa had taken on a mentor if he had at all. He couldn’t remember if he had. “Okay, who are you and what have you done with Shouta Aizawa?” Present Mic whispered to him. “What are you babbling on about?” Aizawa asked in an annoyed tone. “I don’t think you have ever taken on a mentor. You always deny taking on any student since you see it as a waste of time.” Hizashi pushed, raising his eyebrow at the tired Aizawa. “Maybe it’s time to shake things up.” Aizawa said with a tone of sarcasm in his voice.
Except he was anything but joking. Hizashi wasn’t as dumb as he let on, and he knew Aizawa better than anyone in the room. He would later confront the tired teacher about the risks of taking on Shinsou as his mentor. However, Aizawa already knew these repercussions and even though his decision was hasty, he was set on his decision. The easiest part about hiding the fact that he was mentoring his daughter’s boyfriend, was the fact that he and his daughter did not share the same last name. 
That and his daughter seemed to avoid telling people about him. It didn’t hurt him, he almost preferred it to be that way. Being a well-known Pro-Hero he always worried about the safety of his daughter. He was afraid of people using her to get close enough to hurt not only her, but him as well. He never wanted his fame to sway his daughter’s friendships or future relationships. He had joked about meeting this boyfriend of hers but at the same time, he was glad that she was taking her time with it. 
Hizashi had once again warned Shota about how it could not only interfere with his teaching, but his relationship with his daughter. He knew his daughter would understand if he told her he was only training him to make him stronger for her. To have him be able to protect her in a way that Aizawa couldn’t. If it had ever become a subject of debate for them later, he would explain himself to her. He knew his relationship with his daughter was strong. However, he too worried that maybe this would eventually affect his relationship with her. 
It had been a few weeks since the last time you had seen Hitoshi in person. You were happily cheering for him on the sidelines, but you were also missing him. The both of you knew that this wasn’t going to be an easy process for either of you. It felt like the relationship was growing very one sided to you, with the very little interaction he was giving you. The few texts that you received from the tired boy were good morning and good night texts, and occasionally asking you how school was going. You also didn’t want to be overly clingy and blow his phone up when you knew he was working hard. He had offhandedly mentioned how his training had been very intense and that he felt pain in joints he didn’t know existed.
You always encouraged him to take baths to help ease the pain he was feeling, or to make sure he was stretching properly. He made sure to let you know that he was doing everything properly, it was just a lot more work than he was used to. “I have a complete disadvantage of being so behind on both hero courses. My teacher is doing his best to make sure I’m prepared for when I get tested to potentially join one of the hero classes. It’s just tiring is all, but I promise you, I’m doing my best for both of us.” He had told you during one of your now rare video calls after his training. 
Shinsou had known that he wasn’t being very active in chatting with you, and it tore him up inside, but he had to keep his focus on what he wanted. He wanted nothing more than to become a hero. The two of you had scheduled to see each other after school when you were both free. You sat patiently at the park you two had always met at. Swinging your feet anxiously on the bench, almost bouncing in excitement to see Hitoshi. You checked your phone for the time, noting that it was 3:15 p.m. and that you had been a bit early. 
[3:15 p.m.] y/n: Hey Toshi! I’m in our usual meeting spot! I can’t wait to see you today :)
You quickly shot him the text, smiling like a dork to yourself. However, when a half an hour had passed and you hadn’t even heard from Hitoshi, you began to worry. A frown settled itself onto your face as you pulled up his contact information. You hit the call button and you were quickly sent to voicemail. You left a quick voicemail, saying you were just worried since he hadn’t texted you. You also decided to shoot him a text.
[3:45 p.m.] y/n: is everything okay?
You felt anxious with him leaving you by yourself at the park like this. He had always made sure to go straight from the UA campus to the park nearby to meet you. He hated leaving you by yourself with so much villainous activities going on as of lately, especially with the league of villains.
[4:05 p.m.] y/n: Toshi?
[4:30 p.m.] y/n: I’m heading to the train station, I don’t want to get stuck out in the dark. 
You stared at your phone in disbelief that your boyfriend had stood you up as you tried one more time to reach Hitoshi, but once again you were sent to his voicemail. You didn’t bother leaving a voicemail this time and headed towards the train station. On the ride home from the park you couldn’t help but let a few tears escape, because you were extremely disappointed that even though the two of you had made plans, he had wound up standing you up.
When you arrived home, you went straight up to your room, not saying anything to your mother. You flopped on the bed and let the tears you were holding in out. This was a lot harder than you had originally anticipated, but you never thought he would ever stand you up. You sobbed into your pillow, feeling the hurt in your chest from being so let down by the boy you loved. Even though you know he would never do it on purpose, it didn’t make the sting hurt less. 
You had fallen asleep shortly after letting your emotions out, skipping out on dinner. You were woken up by the sound of your phone vibrating loudly. Snapping out of your sleep-like state, you had hoped that it was Hitoshi, but a frown spread across your lips when you saw it was your dad. Sighing, you sat up and declined the call. 
[9:03 p.m.] Y/N: sorry dad, i’m not feeling good. I'll video call you tomorrow after school?
[9:05 p.m.] Dad: hey kiddo, just checking in on you. I will call you when I’m done with my meeting after school, sound good?
[9:07 p.m.] Y/N: sure thing :) love you!
[9:10 p.m.] Dad: love you too kid
You flopped back onto your bed with a sigh, feeling more tired than usual. You had assumed it had been from you crying earlier. However, before you could lull yourself back to sleep, you felt your phone vibrating again. 
[Incoming call: Hitoshi Shinsou]
You quickly hit the accept button and held the phone up to your ear. “Are you not in the mood to video chat?” Was the first thing out of Hitoshi’s mouth when you answered the phone. “I could do better without the attitude, Hitoshi.” You snapped back at him, anger forming in your chest. “I was calling to say goodnight, but if you’re going to yell at me then I guess I’ll just hang up.” His reply left you in shock. “What on earth is going on with you, ‘Toshi? First you completely blow me off today, you didn’t answer my calls or text messages, but when you call, it’s all attitude?” You finally snap, letting all the bottled up emotions you had been feeling today go.
“I got held up with my training-” Hitoshi started to say before you cut him off with a scoff. “Why am I not surprised.” You bitterly stated, trying to not let yourself cry again. You had been blatantly ignored for almost a whole month because of his training. “I’m trying my best here, Y/N.” He had said with what sounded like a frustrated tone. “Are you really? Because to me it feels completely one sided. I want to support you Hitoshi, and I’m trying so hard to keep it together!” You yelled, but before you could even continue he cut you off. “This doesn’t sound like you supporting me!” He yelled back. “You don’t know what it’s like to be pushed to your absolute limits day in and day out!” 
“I get that this is hard for you Hitoshi-” “No! You obviously don’t. I had a feeling this was going to happen and that you weren’t going to support me the whole way through. I need to do this, and if I have to do it alone, then so be it.” Shinsou had snapped, making you freeze in your thoughts. “You don’t mean that.” You whispered, letting the tears fall down your face. “I can’t be hung up on making you happy when I have goals to achieve. We’re done.” Were the last words you heard him speak before he hung up on you. You sat there, completely and utterly in shock with what happened. You clenched your chest, feeling as if someone was ripping your heart out. 
[9:15 p.m.] Y/N: You are such a selfish jerk, Shinsou.
[9:18 p.m.] Toshi: The destination number you are trying to reach is blocked from receiving this message. ## Error - 30004
Aizawa was already on high alert when you hadn’t answered his call the night before. You had always made time to chat with him, even on your worst days. For you to claim that you weren’t feeling good was an obvious lie that was making him feel on edge. His students could feel the difference in his attitude, as he was being much more stingy and strict than usual. His advice and criticism for his students was more harsh and louder. He tried to not let his personal life affect his work life, however, there was something that was bothering him about the whole situation. 
He had managed to trudge through the whole day, but was determined to call you before he went to train with Shinsou. He dismissed his students and they left the classroom rather quickly, making comments on their teacher’s odd behavior today. Aizawa had pinched the bridge of his nose and took in a few deep breaths before reaching for his cellphone. He had looked to see he had a missed call from you and immediately dialed your number back. 
“Hey kiddo, everything alright?” Aizawa asked as soon as you picked up the phone. “No.” You croaked out and immediately, Aizawa was on the defense. “Do I need to come pick you up from school?” He asked, ready to beat up any kid who had made you upset. “No. I’m just going through a lot of emotions today.” You told him, sniffling on your end of the phone. “Do you think we can do something together this weekend, if you aren’t working?” You asked sadly and he wanted nothing more than to drop everything he was doing to come to your aid. 
However, he knew if he had abandoned his post at the Heights Alliance dorms he would never hear the end of it from Nezu. “Of course, we can go see a movie if you’d like.” He offered to you, and even though he couldn’t see you, he knew you were nodding. “What’s going on kid, talk to me.” He tried to push you into telling him what was wrong. “You don’t have to, I just want you to know I’m here for you.” He continued, trying to make you feel more comfortable. 
Before you had responded to his question, Hizashi had opened his classroom door and was quickly met with a glare from Shota. “Your daughter?” Hizashi mouthed, nodding to the cellphone in his colleagues hand. Shota had nodded his head and turned his attention back to you. “Hitoshi and I got into a fight.” You started, making Shota stop breathing. “And I’m pretty sure he broke up with me last night over the phone.” You continued, sobbing into what he assumed was your hand. Hizashi had noticed the entire energy in the room shift. 
“Dad, I need you to promise me you won’t do anything. I’m sure he’s just stressed.” You spoke up when you noticed your father had gone silent. “Okay. I promise. Look I have to get to my meeting, but I promise to call you after, okay?” He asked, gritting his teeth. “Okay, I love you.” You choked out, making his heart hurt hearing you so upset. “I love you too, get home safe.” He said before hanging up the phone. Aizawa took a deep breath before storming past Hizashi and headed towards the gym he was training Shinsou at. “Shota, I think you need to take a breather.” Hizashi had tried to say, warning him about what he was about might have consequences. Aizawa was seeing red and there was nothing that was going to stop him from reaching his target.
He whipped the door open to the gym and startled Shinsou greatly. He turned around and saw Aizawa, but noticed immediately the fowl mood that his teacher was in. “Uh, is everything okay, Aizawa-sensei?” Shinsou spoke up, but from the look on his teacher’s face he was going to regret asking. “No. Everything is not okay, but that is no longer your concern. I am revoking your transfer offer and cancelling your entrance exam for the chance to join the hero course.” Aizawa spoke quickly and furiously. The color had drained from Shinsou’s face, his eyes widened in surprise. “Wait, what? But I’ve been working so hard!” Shinsou spoke up, obviously confused from the sudden remark his teacher made.
Aizawa had stalked over to Shinsou and backed him into a corner. “It doesn’t matter how hard you worked! If you think you can go and break my daughter’s heart without consequences then you are sorely mistaken. You are not the hero I thought you could be, especially for Y/N’s sake.” He yelled, making Shinsou stop breathing. Before Shinsou could make any plea to his teacher, Aizawa had walked out of the gym, leaving Shinsou completely shell-shocked. 
“What have I done…” 
(To be continued)
[Part Three]
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iamnightduchess · 3 years
Hi Queen ❤
I love your headcanons so much and I don’t know if you’ve ever done one of these, but I’d really like to imagine what it would be like if Mikasa and Reiner fell in love after the end of the manga, what this discovery would be like and how they would deal with this!
(Forgive me for my lousy english hahaha)
Hello dear, thank you for the Ask! 💖 It really helps me to envision a more ideal post-ending universe because the potential ending right now does not look promising that both of them will somehow survive (together) because I am foreseeing one of them voluntarily dies to save another person. I hope i'm wrong! 😢 I've only done a tiny snippet of ReiKasa in this Post-Rumbling HC AU. But, here's what I envision how it could possibly be IF they survive & they happen:
Reiner x Mikasa (ReiKasa) Post-Rumbling AU (Gen) Headcanon #16
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Before we delve into Post-Rumbling period, it's interesting to observe the tiny moments where the seeds of trust and possibly, love between these two former enemies turned allies might have possibly begun sprouting.
The Rumbling
We've seen the way Reiner had implied on the plane in ch.133, how Eren might want to be stopped by someone. Reiner was using himself as a pretext; an example. If HE was the one with the FT & somehow finding himself unable to control it, he'd want to be stopped by someone he knows is capable of doing so (someone more powerful & stronger than he is) When he said that sentence, he was gazing at Mikasa.
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There are 2 implications here, i) He is indirectly admitting in front of everyone that Mikasa is his weakness, like a failsafe. The one he knows who can take him down if he's the one with this enormous power & he's losing control, ii) Because to him, ever since they were younger, Eren is her family & a sensitive subject to her. Him voicing out his opinion and indirectly hinting that Eren is beyond the path of no return will hurt Mikasa's feelings & emotional state.
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During the Paths Intermission, the moment Eren basically told the alliance to go fuck themselves, that he will keep moving forward for his freedom, while the alliance members are free to fight him if that is what they want; Reiner was horrified to know that Eren basically confirmed his deduction & how much pain and devastation Mikasa would be in upon receiving the awful truth from Eren himself. Even after pleading to Eren to let her share the burden of his sins, which as direct as it could have been to "I don't want to be so far from you. I want to be with you through both light & darkness inside of you. Please come back to us." Mikasa still believed that the previous Eren that she knew is still there somewhere, which is no longer the case.
The shock-induced tears in Mikasa's eyes - seeing her in pain, hurts Reiner too. He'd knew how heartbroken she would be.
In Ch.135, when everyone was on the verge of dying as they're losing the battle with the raised forms of past titan shifters, Mikasa reached her breaking point & Reiner felt helpless, because he was at his last limit & Mikasa was planning to make herself the primary target just to buy the rest a little bit more time.
There's this woman who's fighting towards an expected death in front of him - any man would be an idiot for not seeing how foolish yet selfless and brave this last female warrior of Paradis was. She's always been a fearless woman who has their backs and protects their fronts. He has never stopped respecting this woman. This might have been the starting point for that seed to have sprouted inside Reiner.
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If Annie's timely rescue never came and they truly met their end there, the only regret Reiner has was he couldn't do anything else but watch this woman's final moments without being able to do anything to support her before his own ensuing end.
When Levi, Jean and Connie all collectively & firmly agrees that killing Eren is the only thing that stands between the world's survival, Reiner was silent the whole time. He believed he has no right to say anything, but he saw the vulnerable look on her face the moment Jean reiterated their ultimatum: "We need to kill Eren."
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Reiner did what he does best: he took charge. When Reiner told her, "You go help Armin." He was indirectly telling her, "You do what you can. I will shoulder your burden with Jean. Let me be the strength for you to do what needs to be done." This was Reiner's way of telling her, he will carry her burden for her and shelter her from an unbearable pain. Just like how she told Eren much earlier in Paths. Reiner's indirectly telling Mikasa that she's important to him too.
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This was the moment that the seed had sprouted within her heart. She realized that Reiner's communicating to her in the way only she would understand. How much she feels for Eren, Reiner feels for her in the same way because you can't give a reason why you care for or love someone. You just do. It just happened without signs. Annie, however, was able to catch that short but impactful interchange between them.
They barely survive the last stand against Eren's final form but they did with Ymir's divine intervention in Humanity's New Dawn.
Reiner sustains extremely heavy injuries on his physical body. Mikasa is emotionally & psychologically affected by Eren's true death.
The remaining humanity struggles to rebuild from the ashes of destruction. It was beyond devastation. The world is almost completely annihilated but hope is a powerful energy. Hope persists.
Reiner sees her grieving - like a pair of wheels suspended in motion - trapped while the rest of the world moves around her. She refuses to eat, she barely sleeps but when she does, she would toss and turn around restlessly. Annie tells him in passing that when Mikasa sleeps, her body contorts and freezes simultaneously like she's in a lot of pain.
Seeing her drifting through the days like a soulless vessel pains him a lot. No one could humanly survived what she had to go through without serious ramifications towards her emotional and psychological state. Mikasa becomes withdrawn and sullen.
Yet, he retains his distance like he always does & watch silently from the sides as Annie, Armin & Jean tried to reach out to her to no avail. Reiner himself is haunted by his failed attempt to hold the Founder's original form down that, in a way, had forced Mikasa to do what needs to be done. He feels responsible that he couldn't prevent her from having to go through those painful yet pivotal moments of securing humanity's survival. The day the alliance managed to save the world, well, the world that she built for Eren inside her heart was destroyed in return.
One day, she mysteriously disappears without trace. A panicking Armin searches on his own but Annie tells Reiner that Mikasa's missing, nowhere to be found. Reiner and Armin later found her at the crater where Eren's last resting place had been. The exact same location where she had to slay him with her own two blades.
Mikasa says that she just feels lost and empty. Like there's a huge dark void inside her body that she can't escape from. She just sits there amongst the dust and debris, staring blankly at a makeshift, unmarked grave. She confides that she's terrified of falling asleep because she sees Eren's face in her nightmares.
Armin wants to console her but Annie holds him back as she notices Reiner already making his way forward and settles himself next to her. Armin understands what Annie was trying to do.
Reiner only tells Mikasa, "You don't have to do this alone...Lean on us." He offers his hand, despite knowing she wouldn't even touch him. "When you feel that you can no longer breathe, I'll breathe for you. If you feel like you're drifting, I will hold you."
It takes her a while but she accepts his hand and he holds it tight in his. Reassuring her that he is here to stay for as long as she needs him to be.
Little either of them know that it would possibly be forever.
It is Annie who helps to bridge these two together with Armin's help.
Ever since the day they talked, Mikasa slowly finds herself regaining an ounce of strength. Reiner talks a lot to her and offers his silent company as they go for walks together so she does not feel alone.
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Reiner makes sure that he'll check in with Mikasa from time to time when he's not supporting the remaining forces with rebuilding, too frequent not to be noticed by everyone close to them in the survivor's settlement. However, none of them questions him about it. It is an understood, unspoken notion that Reiner cares a lot about Mikasa, and her for him eventhough she's being subtle about it. Armin could see Mikasa's eyes lit up whenever Reiner is nearby.
Mikasa shares a living space with Annie and Pieck. When her night terrors get too much that Mikasa thrashes around, screaming in pain despite being in a deep sleep, the two former shifters know that they couldn't possibly restrain the Ackerman girl physically on their own. They called for Armin, Jean and Reiner for help. When Armin and Jean hesitate to hold her down, it is Reiner who holds her tight even when Mikasa's unconsciously trying to struggle against him. They could see Reiner's face holding back his own physical pain from fighting against the immense resistance coming from her. But he'd never released his hold until she eventually wakes up and calms down. He stayed with her until the break of dawn.
After that night, however, Reiner seems to be pulling himself away from Mikasa as he couldn't get over his guilt and his helplessnesss as he also didn't want Mikasa to think that he's trying to take advantage of her vulnerability. The problem is, when he avoids Mikasa, she reverts back to the darkness she's slowly overcoming with Reiner's help and he's becoming miserable himself.
This frustrates Armin, Annie, Jean, Levi and even Pieck because it was fairly obvious to everyone but the two people in question that both Reiner and Mikasa are self-sabotaging and self-punishing themselves from pursuing something more than friendship despite their beating hearts calling out for each other.
Mikasa feels she's betraying her memories of Eren and she's afraid of moving on lest she would forget about him. Reiner feels he has no right to offer Mikasa anything more than friendship because she deserves someone better than him.
Mother's Intuition
Reiner's mother, Karina, finds herself naturally drawn to this young woman who seems to have her son's attention, even when he's trying very hard not to be obvious about it. She catches Reiner staring (longingly, she dare say) at the female warrior of Paradis from afar.
Apart from Mr. Leonhardt's daughter, she too, helps to bring her son and Mikasa closer. Karina has witnessed this woman's bravery and have heard from both Gabi and Reiner of her selflessness when she had saved both her son and her niece's lives. Through Reiner's story, Karina sympathizes with the pain this young woman is going through.
Reiner tells her that he feels helpless that he isn't able to help Mikasa and that she hasn't been eating well. Therefore, Karina brings her homemade meal and visits the young woman, wanting to get to know her better. Mikasa doesn't want to be impolite and relents to having the sudden company.
However, the moment Karina holds her hands to offer her comfort, Mikasa breaks down. She had lost 3 mothers/maternal figures in her life: her own, Carla & Hange. For some odd reason, she feels grateful to have an opportunity to be held by a mother again, even if it wasn't her own.
Karina finds herself growing fond of this young woman and deep inside believes that Mikasa and her son are meant for each other.
It is Karina who advises Reiner to fight for his own happiness and her mother's intuition tells her that his feelings isn't as one-sided as he thinks. Karina urges her son to tell Mikasa how he really feels and after all the years of fighting wars for Marley, Reiner needs to fight one last war: the one within his own heart and to win the heart of the one woman who had conquered his.
However, the relief entourage that arrives from Hizuru, led by Kiyomi Azumabito prevents him from telling Mikasa how he truly feels. He knows that she is destined to become the new empress of Hizuru and that her future would be brighter without him being in her way.
Mikasa tells him of her decision to ascend the imperial throne and Reiner feigns happiness for her decision, reassuring her that she will make a great empress and that she would have a better future there. Mikasa takes Reiner's words as him indirectly telling her to move on with her life without him in it.
Reluctantly, Mikasa leaves for Hizuru. Karina is upset that her son is still sacrificing himself & his own feelings even after being relieved of his Titan powers and its curse.
Karina tells him, "You've lived your life for me and for our family, Reiner. Now it's time for you to live for yourself."
Reiner thinks he's lost the only chance he still has left as Mikasa is already en route to the East Sea country. It is Armin who tells him that the Azumabito's ship is still docked at the nearest harbor because Armin has suspicions that Reiner will change his mind.
When Reiner, Armin, Jean and Annie reach the harbor, the sun is almost setting and Reiner finally revives his dwindling courage to tell her how he truly feels about her and he would like to remain by her side if she'd allow it.
Kiyomi forewarns Reiner that if he is serious about her kin, then he would have to sacrifice his newly-found freedom from being a soldier and titan shifter to become prince consort to their new imperial monarch.
Reiner only says, "I am as good as dead without Mikasa and my freedom means nothing if I'm spending the rest of my life without her."
In the sunset of the New World built from ashes, the two young loves finally seize the courage to pledge their hearts to one another with a kiss; the first of the many in their life together, which is only beginning.
*Continues in Pt. II
Thank you once again for the beautiful Ask! I truly enjoyed working on this ❤ Also, please don't ever feel that you need to apologize to another ESL speaker/writer for the language. We're always learning 💖 Take care! xoxo
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She Loves Me
Chapter 1
A/N: Hi guys. It’s been a minute. Here is the long awaited (by no one) She Loves Me AU. I’m putting chapter 1 out here in the hopes that people waiting for updates will spark some creativity in me again. I’m sorry it’s short. If you enjoy, let me know
Word Count: 1703
Warnings: not proof read.
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The sun was blazing down on you as you scurried down the busy New York sidewalk. The summer had decided to be blazing hot this wonderful morning, and you had decided to be extraordinarily late for work. Well, perhaps ‘decided’ isn’t the right word— you’d overslept on account of staying up extra late to finish a letter to your Special Friend.
There was no shame in using a dating service, you knew that, yet for some reason the very thought of joining one was something that you had scoffed at for so many years. “I want to meet someone organically,” you’d complain to your friends, “those services are full of strangers who have the weirdest quirks.” To be fair, that had been true in your brief experience using a dating service in college. It was definitely an odd time, figuring out exactly what ‘watersports’ meant. Needless to say, it had taken one single date for you to decide to withdraw your application and swear off dating services.
But you were getting older. And men seemed to just get more and more picky, the older they got. So, when you stumbled across an advertisement in your Sunday newspaper for a matchmaking service called ‘Special Friends’, you jumped at the opportunity. The directions were simple; you filled out the survey in the paper, mailed it to the listed address, and then your answers were compared with other submissions to find the best match for you. Once you received your match, you were to write a letter to them introducing yourself and signing off under the title of ‘Special Friend’. The two of you were given a specific P.O. box to drop your letters off to, provided by the matchmaking service. The only real rules were that the letter had to be handwritten, and you were only allowed to give real names if both parties agreed on it.
Your Special Friend was a true kindred spirit. It had been six months of trading letters back and forth, and the two of you spoke about everything, from your childhoods to your favorite books, from dream destinations to worst fears. About three months into this correspondence, you knew that, whoever this Special Friend was, you loved them. You stayed up until all hours of the night writing draft after draft until you formed the perfect letter. Because of this, you were often late for work in the morning.
Late. That’s right. You were very late. You willed your feet to move you as fast as they possibly could, cursing yourself for choosing this morning to wear heels. Finally, you managed to burst through the door just minutes before opening, scurrying to the back to drop off your bag. You made a mental note to yourself to start carrying flats in your purse, in case of emergency.
You’d just finished touching up your makeup in the small staff room mirror, when you felt someone sidle up beside you. You didn’t have to turn your head to know who it was. The smug energy emanating from his every pore was enough to confirm your suspicions of who was next to you. Santiago Garcia. Your worst nightmare in human form.
“Can I help you with something, Mr. Garcia?” You didn’t even spare him a glance as you finger-combed your hair, which was now windswept from your impromptu jog.
“Not at all, Miss Y/L/N,” Santiago flashed you a smile that, in any other circumstance, would have been charming. You, however, knew that pure contempt lurked behind those pearly white teeth. “I was just marveling at the rare sight of you, here, on time!”
“And why would that be something to marvel at, Mr. Garcia?” you scowled.
“Well, simply because it’s never happened before!” Santiago leaned against the wall, charming smile morphing into the smirk that often adorned his chiseled face. “You know, Miss Y/L/N, you may want to stop frowning so adamantly. At your age, those frown lines tend to stick around.”
“At my age?!” you nearly shrieked at him. “Mr. Garcia, need I remind you that you are older than I am!”
His smirk only widened. “Yes, but you seem to forget that one of us is ageing with grace, Miss Y/L/N.”
Your scowl deepened, and you shoved past him, making your way to the front of the store. You never did understand why Santiago didn’t like you. From the first moment you stepped into the department store, it seemed like he was trying to usher you out. Sure, when he thought you were a customer, he was the most charming man you’d ever spoken to. But once he had realized that you were trying to apply for the new salesperson position, he wanted nothing to do with you. He had insisted that there were no positions available, but Frankie Morales, his friend and co-worker, was quick to usher you to the owner’s office. Mr. Bailey had been a hard man to charm, but when you made your first sale to a woman who was insistent that she was just browsing, he hired you on the spot. After all, you’d gotten her to buy not one, not two, but five jars of various creams and lotions. None of Mr. Bailey’s workers had ever managed to sell that much in one go, not even his prized Mr. Garcia.
Making your way to the front of the store, you said hello and gave a kiss on the cheek to Frankie and each of the Miller brothers, Will and Benny. All three of the boys were quick to welcome you, despite Santi being the unspoken leader of the pack. They quickly became your protective band of brothers, something you’d long wished for as a young child.
“Good morning Frankie! How’s Elisa doing this morning?” You asked Frankie, your tone surprisingly chipper after dealing with Santi in the staff room.
“Round as ever!” Frankie exclaimed, a wide grin on his face. “The doctors estimate that the baby will be here in about a month, and Mr. Bailey’s been so kind as to let me have a month off after the baby arrives. I know it’s going to take a toll on Elisa, and I want to be there for her as much as I can.”
Sometimes, Frankie just melted your heart. It was so plain to see how much he loved his wife and their incoming baby. Their little family was everything you wanted. You only hoped that one day someone would love you just as much as Frankie and Elisa loved each other.
It was beginning to seem as though your Special Friend was never going to reveal himself to you. You had offered to meet for dinner on a few occasions, and each time he insisted that he had prior appointments. You didn’t want to assume anything, of course, but you were getting worried. Surely he wouldn’t lie to you about having a prior engagement, would he? But then, if he was so eager to meet you, as he claimed to be, then why did he never offer an alternative date?
On your way home from work, you stopped at the P.O. box. Your Special Friend had forgotten— or, well, neglected, you supposed— to write you the past two days, but you were adamant about writing at least every other day. You knew how much the letters meant to you, and if they brought him even half as much joy, you wanted to be sure he got it. Perhaps, if you hadn’t been so caught up in your own head, you would have looked up and seen the figure walking away from the wall of P.O. boxes.
To your surprise and delight, there was a letter waiting for you in the box when you finally opened it. If you hadn’t been so excited to read it, perhaps you’d have noticed the flash of a coat turning the corner as they walked away from the wall of boxes.
You hurried to open the letter.
Dear Friend,
I am so sorry to have not been able to write these past few days. Work has been an absolute train wreck, what with the most irritating co-worker constantly fumbling about. Somehow, the boss claims it’s my fault. Could you believe it? My fault that my imbecile of a co-worker is incapable of doing the simplest task that doesn’t involve talking a mile per minute?
But enough about that mess. I am supposed to be apologizing to you, my dear, sweet friend.
I know that you have been wanting to meet me. I am so sorry that I haven’t been able to make any of our appointments. As I’ve told you before, I was once in the army. An experience in war is one that I don’t wish on anyone. It takes a toll on you, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Because of my experience, I’ve decided to counsel other veterans and help them through their traumatic memories. On the nights you had wished to meet me, I’d had previously arranged counseling sessions, as well as one doctors appointment, a check up to see how I am recovering after all of my surgeries that I’ve told you about.
All of this to say, dear friend, that I’ve cleared my schedule for the night of the 27th. If you are available, I would love to meet you at the Ambrosia Garden down on the corner of 12th Avenue. I’ve made a reservation for two under the name Elizabeth Bennett, after you expressed how much you loved Jane Austen’s ‘Pride & Prejudice’. If you show, I will be wearing a purple rose on my lapel. I will look for you, where you will be holding a copy of ‘Pride & Prejudice’, with a purple rose tucked between the pages.
I sincerely hope to see you on the 27the, dear friend. I’ve been longing to meet you since we first exchanged letters, so many months ago.
Your Special Friend
You had to meet him. You would get to the Ambrosia Garden on the 27th, no matter the cost. You’d find out who your Special Friend was if it was the last thing you did.
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Personal Thoughts on Pacific Rim: The Black (2021)
I watched season 1 of Pacific Rim: The Black, which released to Netflix on March 4! I’ll admit I wasn’t expecting much, after disappointments with the movie sequel. But the Pacific Rim franchise means a lot to me, so I wanted to give it a try. I’m very pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed this new show and connected with it in various ways. And given how wild my own life has been lately, it was really nice to get lost in something that validated the importance of different kinds of connections, and to not close down when the going gets tough or hard to explain.
PRTB is a pretty emotional, angsty story, and it’s not afraid to explore that over the full 7 episodes. The stakes are high, involving the loss of friends and family. So the characters have a real investment in what they’re doing and why they’re fighting.
The grittier tone of the show is a deviation from the movies, which maybe some people would like or dislike more. I think the seriousness helps to balance out having (yet again) inexperienced teenage protagonists. But the show does still get some fun scenes and quips in, and our main jaeger has a snarky AI who provides both humor and critical thinking checks for our protagonists, which is nice.
I liked the 2013 movie because it showed all of humanity coming together to fight a common enemy. Here, there’s enemies and allies on both sides of the Kaiju war, and even some who are in-between. This is a stronger nod to reality while decreasing the fun fantasy violence of the 2013 film. I don’t think this is inherently a bad thing for this series to do, because a series has a lot more space/time to fill than a movie, and even the 2013 film showed that there were significant cracks in the so-called “unity” that the Pacific Rim universe outwardly celebrated. In the midst of the 2013 movie’s talk about countries setting aside old rivalries, we still had politicians who didn’t care, criminals capitalizing off pseudoscience and unsanctioned nuclear weapons deals, religious sectors rising up to worship the title enemy, people being forced into dangerous jobs to keep from starving to death, the rich and powerful experiencing minimal lifestyle impact vs. poor people being abandoned to die or surviving through precarious means, and even toxic hero worship and intriguingly, the glorification of violence for entertainment and toy sales. So in this new show, we’re really seeing the movie’s cracks expanded and focused on. It’s even more front and center, given that the rest of humanity sees Australia as a lost battlefront and has deemed so many left behind as worth less than the effort it’d take to rescue them. So maybe a part of me misses the cool concept of human unity from the first movie, but even that movie was trying to tell people that unity is an illusion. Here, it’s just so front and center that it can’t be ignored in favor of robot fights, and I actually liked that immediate boldness.
(review continued under the cut)
Some of the details feel AU or divergent from what I remember of the movies, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing to me, so long as the show itself can be internally consistent. Transformers franchise spent forever trying to created an aligned continuity to no avail, so it’s not a detraction for me if Pacific Rim franchise wants to just flail in its own playground too.
The animation style grew on me as time passed, as it worked well for animating jaegers and Kaiju even if humans seem a bit stilted. It better captured a sense of scale compared to the sequel film, and the jaegers felt actually integrated in the animated physical space (something I really struggled with in Uprising). The sense of scale is not as good as the 2013 film. But then this show has a significantly lower budget and is a very different medium, so it was easy enough for me to accept it for what it is and to be glad that we got anything halfway decent, really.
The pacing could have been better across the different points of conflict, but honestly if no adult questioned or tried to undercut a couple of teenagers piloting the last active jaeger on an entire continent, that would have felt even more jarring and unbelievable to me.
I think Pacific Rim as a franchise has never been about reinventing the wheel when it comes to characters. But I was definitely interested in the topical similarities between the movie’s Mako Mori and the show’s Hayley Travis. They both do things in want to help/prove themselves, which results in an incredible backlash that they have to emotionally work through and overcome. In comparison, Raleigh Becket and Taylor Travis are both fairly static supporters, but when their hope drops out, it’s Mako and Hayley who kick in with other options, more energy. If we get a season 2, I’d be curious to see how the show further differentiates and humanizes these new characters. 
The 2013 movie had main characters who were very significantly traumatized. So having protagonists in the show who are very significantly traumatized as well didn’t feel like a distraction to me but instead just a nod to the franchise and how it’s closely tied with struggles to obtain mental health and connection. I’d be more worried if the teenage protagonists were people who consistently don’t think of consequences or who don’t take an apocalypse or immense power from a jaeger seriously...
PRTB definitely earned its TV-14 rating. It can be gritty and dark at times, but coming out of several TV-MA shows, the way it’s visibly handled on the human side is a nice break and sometimes even more emotionally effective than if extremely gory scenes were shown. I’m a little hesitant to get too emotionally attached to any character for future seasons, though, given this rating.
Some scenes were more personally engaging to me than others, but I’ve watched several shows lately where I couldn’t stand to actually finish them or was checking to see how much more time was left. With PRTB, I kept wanting to see what happened next, and time really flew by with some episodes.
The Kaiju shown are incredibly diverse, with some really cool designs. There’s something in here I’ve been wanting to write a fic about/daydreaming about since 2013 and this show actually does the thing in its own way, so I was personally excited about that.
If this show gets a season 2, I’d love to see our protagonists meeting up with more people from all walks of life and exploring various ways people have survived and maintained or redefined a culture in this post-apocalyptic world.
There’s an element of “connective regret” in this show that really personally spoke to me, given that I’ve lost a lot of people in real life suddenly. Like, you assume people will always be there until suddenly they aren’t, and that fact of life can really destabilize a family or found family. This show doesn’t shy away from trying to validate that stress, or from validating how important healthy connections still are in the face of loss or decoupling from other toxic relationships.
Mental health relapses, trust issues, and survivor’s guilt are also a thing in this show, which I found really interesting, and that was something we really only had time to see in small measure in the 2013 film.
I still have some worldbuilding questions, but honestly I clicked on this show hoping for a good time to lose myself in—and I feel like I received that in this season. So I ended the show feeling like, actually excited to talk about it with other people.
There’s plot twists and characters I want to flail about so bad, but that would involve dropping very significant spoilers here, so maybe I better hold off for now. 
But yeah, if anyone else watches this show, please feel free to reach out and flail with me about it!
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lunaleen-writes · 3 years
Drown the future [Rivetra Story]
Link AOT3 [Modern AU]
‘’You could move in with me’’ Floch suggested casually like they didn’t start dating just 3 months ago.
And that’s how it all started if she could go back in time and say no, she could’ve avoided so much pain and suffering. But at the time, it didn’t seem like a bad idea.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, or so they say.
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‘’You could move in with me’’ Floch suggested casually like they didn’t start dating just 3 months ago.
‘’Yeah, I live close to your university, which means that you don’t have to worry about rent, roommates, or dropping out.’’
‘’I’m gonna have to talk to my father then.’’
‘’Give him a call tonight.’’
And that’s how it all started if she could go back in time and say no, she could’ve avoided so much pain and suffering. But at the time, it didn’t seem like a bad idea. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, or so they say.
In the beginning, everything was straight out of a fairytale. She didn’t have the best childhood, her mother died when she was quite young, her father never remarried, he became detached, overcritical, and sometimes aggressive. He wasn’t close to his family or her mother’s family, so after she passed away, she lost contact with all of them.
Petra grew up without love, her father supported her financially but he was very distant emotionally, she had great friends at school, but she always felt like there was something else missing. She was from a small town in the countryside, where people tended to be conservative, where family was everything. So, when she visited her friends’ houses and saw them interacting with their families, she felt so ashamed and out of place, she felt so much envy.
When she started college, made new friends, when she met Floch, Petra felt that finally, good things were happening to her, she started to feel like she was having a normal life, that she was normal.
They were head over heels for each other since the very first time they met, they didn’t go to the same college but when they weren’t together, he called her and messaged her every day, all the time. She never felt so loved.
Unfortunately, life happened, and her father lost his job, he was moving back to their hometown, three hours away. She was on a scholarship, but even so, she didn’t have anywhere to live, so when Floch offered his place, she was so happy.
He was her silver lining.
Petra woke up that morning feeling sore all over, she and Floch have had a huge fight the previous night over some stupid shit she couldn’t even remember. He threw her across the room a couple of times, she could see the bruises starting to form in her arms and legs.
She felt so tired, she didn’t really feel like going to classes but Floch only had classes in the morning that day which meant he would be home the whole afternoon and night, which translated to more fights and screams, just thinking about it gave her the energy boost she needed to get up and get ready to go to class.
‘’Hey guys, I saved you a seat’’ She said, waiving to Hange, Mikasa, and Armin that had just walked into the classroom.’’
‘’Hey, are you okay?’’ Hange asked sitting next to her.
‘’Yeah.’’ She smiled. ‘’I’m just really tired, I think I’m getting sick.’’ She lied, hoping that Hange would stop asking questions, she was a really good friend but so nosey sometimes.
‘’Do you wanna go to the new café after class?’’ Armin asked all of them, getting his things out of his backpack. ‘’They are giving out free cupcakes.’’
‘’Free food? Count me in.’’ Replied Mikasa. ‘’You coming too Petra?’’
She thought about it, on one hand, she didn’t want to be home, but she also knew that if she went out without him, he would get so pissed.
‘’I don’t know, I have things to do.’’
‘’Common, it’ll be just for a bit, besides everyone else will be there too. It’s like we never see you anymore…pleaaaaaseeee Petra.’’
‘’Okay, but just for a bit.’’
All her friends were at the café, Jean, and Eren fighting about the last cupcake, Mikasa was trying to calm things down between them, Armin was reading a book, Hange was ranting to Connie about some biology experiment she was working on, Sasha was stuffing her face with some doughnuts and Levi was just sitting there. Oh Levi, before she met Floch she kinda had a silly crush on him, I mean who wouldn’t like Levi? With those piercing blue eyes, his black hair, that undercut, she wondered how different things would be if she had been in a relationship with him instead of Floch.
But the guy was so reserved and intimidating, of course, they talked here and there being in the same group friend and all. But she couldn’t help but feel intimidated by his presence which made her nervous whenever she was around him.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a bunch of notifications on her phone after it connected to the WIFI.
30 new messages from Floch <3
She was really screwed.
‘’Alright guys, I’m gonna go home now.’’ She announced gathering her things.
‘’Oww why? Exclaimed Armin. ‘’It’s still early, we were thinking about going to the movies after this’.’
She really wanted to go, she missed hanging out with them so much, but Flock didn’t like them, any of them, and the few times they had met, they had ended up fighting someone saying something, or him being jealous of the guys, it was simpler for her just to hang out with them in class.
She could hear the notifications of all the text messages from Floch coming in, it was embarrassing, but she couldn’t put the phone on silent mode, because if he called her and she didn’t answer, it was a shitshow, luckily no one said anything about the phone.
‘’My head kinda hurts.’’ She wasn’t lying. ‘’Maybe another time yeah?’’
‘’Do you want any of us to walk you home?’’ Eren asked her.
‘’ No.’’ She answered, faster than she intended to. ‘’ It’s okay, I’m gonna take the bus. See ya.’’
She didn’t really take the bus, she decided to walk home, slowly. As soon as she was away from the café tears started to fall. Part of her just wanted to get hit by a car or maybe get kidnapped, she didn’t want to go back to Floch’s apartment, but where else could she go.
She was about to cross the street when a black car stopped in front of her, it was Levi. She quickly dried up her tears using the sleeves of her hoodie.
‘’Hey,’’ He said awkwardly. ‘’I thought you said you were gonna take the bus, want a ride?’’
She couldn’t really make up an excuse to say, so she jumped into the car. They rode mostly in silence.
‘’Does your head hurt that bad?’’ He asked, worried after noticing that she looked like she had been crying.
‘’Hmm,’’ She responded. ‘’I’ll just take something when I get home, don’t worry about it.’’- ‘’Weren’t you going to the movies?’’ She asked him, trying to change the subject.
‘’Not my thing, besides, Hange was probably going to pick the shittiest movie available.’’
‘’You are right.’’ She laughed. ‘’It’s here’’ She said, pointing to the building around the corner. ‘’Thank you so much for the ride, Levi.’’
‘’No problem’’
She looked around before getting out of the car, hoping that she didn’t look too crazy. When she didn’t see him outside, she quickly got out of the car, praying to whatever God there was, that Floch would not be waiting for her at the balcony or looking out the window to see her getting out of Levi’s car.
While walking up the stairs, scared for what was waiting for her inside the apartment, she could not help but wonder when did things get so bad.
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WandaVision Episode 8 spoilers
Ok I heard this episode is sad so I’m prepared to cry and ruin my eyeliner.
I’m just emotionally preparing myself rq before I start I’m assuming a lots gonna go down cause the second episode is the finale.
I’m still not ready 2 minutes later lmao wait.
Okay hmm the title is called Previously On so we’re going back in time to her childhood based on the summary.
I think we’re gonna get more insight on her and Visions relationship and how it formed and hopefully get to see her relationship with her brother I’m starting now.
Ugh my TV is glitching
Okay we’re starting out in witch trials so it’s Agathas backstory the lady staring at her looks familiar. Oh it’s her mom
Her powers are blue here she’s into dark magic and the book in her basement is the stolen book from Doctor Strange im assuming she began learning dark magic from it l.
As they started to drain her. Her powers became blue and she starting to drain them back. I’m assuming the witches shared power and it was blue and now that it’s dark magic it’s purple.
Wow she killed her whole coven my draining them of their life and magic. Then she took her mother’s amulet so that’s the amulet she’s always wearing from the comics is. 
She admitted her thoughts weren’t available and she was never under control.
Her accent is back because she’s angry because of her children being missing.
She possessed the fake Pietro from another universe she didn’t say he was from another universe she just said she couldn’t get to his body so she had to do possession instead of necromancy.
She picked up the fly now she’s chanting in Latin
She’s mind controlling and talking about how thousands of people can be under your control and all interact with each other with complex storylines which makes me think she wants Wanda power because she’s jealous she can do everything like transformation and mind control without having to study all the spells
“Magic on autopilot,” Dhe wants to know how she did this and she wouldn’t tell her and now she’s manipulating her with her own loneliness. She took a piece of her hair so now she has her DNA 
Real reruns aka memories so she can look into them to see how she did it.
Her kids are crying out for in the basement so she’s gonna go with Agatha to save them I honestly don’t think the cries were her own.
All the movies her parents were going to sell were the decades and movies she did projected.
When Wanda walked into the memory she turned into her younger self,
The Dick Van Dick show is in the TV shape of the one Darcy used on the first episode so we know where she got her inspo for that one.
Everything outside makes me think this is the scene where her parents die.
The Stark bomb just hit and she’s looking around and can’t find her family yeah the Stark industry label is in front of her and she’s reverted back to Sokovian because she’s young and not the best at English yet I’m assuming.
The TV I’d still on and playing the show “At the end of the episode you realize it was all a bad dream,” I’m not sure why she said that part in English maybe because she’s referring to the show and movie nights are for English? 
Agatha is asking if she used a probability hex to stop the bomb because Wanda reached her hand out towards it and that’s how she uses her powers.
Maybe Agatha is hinting towards Wanda being a natural born witch?
“So what I see here a baby witch obsessed with sitcoms and years of therapy ahead of her. Doesn’t explain your recent hijinks,”
Wanda used her powers subconsciously there and she’s probably using her powers subconsciously to keep Westview running and she used them subconsciously to get it started. 
“The only way forward is back,”
She’s referring to Wanda not wanting to go back to Hydra I haven’t seen the scene yet but I’m assuming it’s because the testing was painful and because she now knows who hydra is and what it stands for.
“Don’t be scared you already lived it once,”
They have Loki’s sceptor of course im assuming they got it from SHIELD since they are SHIELD.
She didn’t have to touch the sample it just came to her on its own further proving she’s a witch but I don’t think she knows she moved it,
She touched the tesseract making the mine stone she then absorbed all its energy and passed out.
In isolation she’s watching another sitcom I just can’t figure out which it is.
I’m sure the episode on the TV is important “she hasn’t got any feeling,” maybe it’s about the Westview citizens or maybe it’s about vision being a doll or like a puppet and the brother is like “she hasn’t got any feelings” just like when Pietro or Fietro called Vision a popsicle an inanimate object 
“So little orphan Wanda got up close and personal with an infinity stone that amplified what otherwise would’ve died on the vine. The broken pieces of you are adding up buttercup I have a theory but I need more,” This is probably talking about how if you don’t use your powers or learn to control them you stop having them but the infinity stone just made the powers she already had stronger. The name Scarlett Witch is starting to make sense now. 
Another door another memory that I’d her watching Malcom in the middle.
She said the Avengers compound was the first home she had ever shared with Vision and with her family and country gone she felt alone so I’m assuming she’s with Vision cause he cured her loneliness.
Vision walking through the walls again she asking him to watch the sitcom with her. The sitcoms are important to her and she’s sharing them with him.
“So it is funny because of the grievous injury that man just suffered?” Vision
“No he’s not really injured,” Wanda
“How Can you be sure?”
“It’s not that kind of show,”
I think this is sort of related to the fact that nothing bad ever happens in Westview permanently like in Malcolm in the middle where the roof structure fell on the dad sure he got hurt but it wasn’t a detrimental injury.
He wants to comfort to her “The only thing that would bring me comfort is seeing him again,” Wanda about Pietro she felt the same with Vision hence why Westview is happening and why he’s back.
“I’m so tired, It’s just like this wave washing over me again and again it knocks me down and when I try stand up it just comes for me again and I can’t- it’s just gonna drown me,” How she explains her grief and depression we’re getting a glismpe of how she copes with death in her actual reality.
Vision says he’s always been alone he never experienced loss because he never had a loved one to lose.
“What is grief if not love preserving,” Okay damn Vision getting all deep.
Aww they just had a moment and now he’s laughing over the show how sweet. The awkward smile they did at eachother. How cute
Vision was dead and she wanted him back now we get to see how she stole Visions body back from her perspective.
All the news on the TV playing might not be revelant but it’s related to tamiles being reunited after the blip. So this is very shortly after the blip and some people might be right thinking it was almost directly after Tony’s funeral.
“He deserves a funeral at least I deserve it,”
They’re letting her take him probably to be able to paint her as a villain which is why Hayward cut out the first part of the footage.
She’s being shown him take apart and sawed she’s in pain seeing him practically dying again. Hayward called vision a weapon and Wanda is saying he’s not a weapon because he wasn’t and he didn’t want to be a weapon Hayward is hiding his true intentions of bringing him back to be his own weapon
“I just want to bury him. That’s all I want,”
She said she can’t do that she truly believes she can’t.
He won’t let her take $3 billion of vibranium to put in the ground she just wanted him to have a proper burial but Hayward provoked her and set her off.
She can’t feel him. A nod to how Vision said “I only feel you,” When he asked Wanda to kill him there is nothing left. She hot in the car and went to Westview she left and when she left she didn’t have Visions body.
She’s pulled up to place where she planned to grow old in with Vision and it’s been demolished this is the scene where she breaks down crying over it. And when she grieved she lets it get the best of her which is how she put the house back together without realizing she was doing it. Then that spread over the whole town and she is projected her own version of Vision. But I’m unsure if this is really Vision or not because then she’d be way more powerful than I ever believe to be able to create people own her own.
Oh wow she’s showing all the lights and it’s like she’s own set so she’s back to where Agatha had this all set up and she was the audience.
Agatha is choking the twins “I know what you are. You have no idea how dangerous you are. You’re supposed to be a myth. A being capable of spontaneous creation. and here you are using it to make breakfast for dinner.” Maybe Wanda was a prophecy before hand and she just never learned how powerful she really was and now Agatha is trying to feed off her powers I’m assuming she’s going to try to get Wanda to push her powers into her so she can drain her.
“Let go of my children,” Wanda with her accent coming back.
“Oh, yes your children and Vision and this whole little life you’ve made, this is Chaos magic Wanda. That makes you the Scarlett Witch,” Ugh yes one of those moments where they say a name of the movie or a character that’s basically it’s own movie I love it.
I’m gonna research Chaos magic and then I’ll reblog this again after I research some other things too.
End credits time. “Team is ready for launch,” They’re going to use Wanda own power to attack her using Visions actual corpse. He’s been brought back as the one thing he didn’t want to be. A weapon. I’m not sure who that was who powered it up but was it Monica’s contact?
Also doesn’t Agatha have Monica now if she was possessing Fietro? I have a lot of questions that I can’t get out right now
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alex-fa-ch · 3 years
Trope Kingdoms Timeline, updated
Under a cut bc long 
@boombiotch here u go this is the timeline of the au dskjfsdk
Pre Story / Backstory 
- Alex, Potion, and Skulk (in that order) are born to the Angst Kingdom regency. Alex, the oldest, is the crown heir to the throne. 
- The parents die of Plot Disease and leaves behind the kids. Alex, age 13, takes the crown instead of appointing a regent. 
- Around this time, Potion is sent/chosen to go to the Charm Kingdom, to marry their heiress and become the princess there. 
- Skulk leaves for the Horror Kingdom, eventually becoming their Czar
- A neighboring kingdom, seeing the opportunity with only one regent with no heirs, and that regent is a child, decides to try and take over the Angst Kingdom.
- Alex, about 15 around this time, refuses to engage them. They instead challenge the opposing king to one on one combat. Alex wins, and peace is kept.
Though, it results in the notch in their ear.
- Alex continues to be a good king, actually even managing to negate the “curse of the throne” with their efforts. Admittedly, them having been crowned so young helps. The optimism of a child proved to be beneficial. There are still problems and suffering, but the kingdom is knowing peace it would later sorely miss. 
- Almond, from the Adventure Kingdom, plants a maple seed in Alex’s Forest, and Alex kinda pops out of nowhere to thank her. She pulls a sword on them. The two of them fall in love and get married, all that fun stuff. 
- Alex and Almond have their first son. They name him Rigel, and he is the Crown Prince to the throne. He doesn’t have any extra limbs, but he is the most Connected to Alex’s inherited divinity than the other two.
- A couple years later, Adrian is born. They have wings. 
- A couple years after that, Scar is the last prince born. They have horns and oh my god don’t think about that too much. 
- The three princes grow up fairly normally, for royalty. 
- Rigel begins to date a person called Silas, who is also an arsonist. Rigel thinks he’s keeping it a secret but yeah everyone knows. Eventually, his brothers find out and snitch, so that doesn’t help.
- Adrian finds the skull mask and begins to wear it. It makes them powerful, but unstable. They begin to struggle with the impulse to hurt and kill people. They can keep the truly dark impulses at bay, for now. 
- Silas and Rigel break up.
Main Arc
- Almond leaves to visit and explore other kingdoms, as well as for diplomacy. She is gone for around a month. When she leaves, her family is whole and everyone is alive.
- Silas lures Rigel into an abandoned building, and then lights that building on fire. They only meant to scare Rigel, not truly hurt him. Much less kill him. But the fire quickly spreads out of control. 
- Alex rushes into the burning building to save Rigel, and they lose their life in the process. Rigel falls unconscious right after escaping, and isn’t aware Alex isn’t with him.
- Rigel wakes up to Scar shaking him, and Adrian yelling at some poor knight. They tell him the awful truth, that Alex is dead. There’s not even a body, just the pieces of gold. 
- Adrian, though relieved at first that Rigel is alive, blames him for Alex’s death. It pushes him over the edge and causes him to snap. 
- Rigel doesn’t take the crown immediately, instead taking about two weeks to mourn. It’s hard to accept that Alex is gone, and taking the crown would mean that they really are. But, finally, Rigel does take the crown. 
- Rigel is only king for another two weeks. Adrian eventually takes Rigel’s axe, and murders their older brother in cold blood. Scar is a witness to this, and it traumatizes him. 
- Alex, due to being a god, is revived. They had no idea they were going to live. They rush for the castle, only to discover that Adrian is king now. Which can only mean
- Alex’s finds Rigel’s grave and with it, Rigel’s ghost. His spirit is bound to the grave. Alex uses their divine powers, though still weak, to change this. They bind Rigel’s spirit to a star shaped necklace with an emerald in it. 
- Almond returns from her trip, only to learn that Alex is dead. Not long after, she learns of Rigel’s death as well. She breaks down completely, borderline shutting entirely down.
- Rigel tells Alex exactly what happened. Alex is set on resolving things peacefully, with no further violence. They decide not to head for the castle, and instead try to come up with a different plan.
- Scar tells Almond what really happened, but Almond is powerless to do anything. Scar feels he might be too, but he comes up with an idea. He decides to make a coup attempt, and works with the hands to do so. 
- The Hands, Rhodes and Addict. Adrian’s right and left hand men. I think they’re even similar to a retainer, some combination of a bodyguard and servant. At this point, they are both still loyal to Adrian. They alert Adrian to Scar’s plan, but they remain quiet.
- Scar and Adrian have dinner together, with Adrian having poisoned wine. Adrian reveals that they know of the plan, and throws the wine in Scar’s face. Scar is taken to the dungeon, and set to be executed for treason. 
- Adrian decides to make the execution quite the event, and sets it up so that Scar will fight in an arena against several trained warriors. Scar has no prior combat experience. Adrian invites the entire kingdom to the event, turning it into a whole spectacle.
- Alex and Almond, separately, catch word of this. 
Alex ends up withering the paper on which the event is written in their hands. Rigel, being still in the necklace, can borderline feel their anger. A peaceful resolution is no longer an option.
Almond visits Scar in the dungeon. She’s crying, because she knows she’s about to watch her last child die. But she tells him she’s still going to be there. It’s better than not being there, and she doesn’t want Scar to be too scared of death. 
- Scar is taken to the arena. He’s given a sword and told good luck. Practically the entire kingdom is there, watching. Including a hooded figure, standing very close to the edge there...
- The figure jumps into the arena and saves Scar. Their cloak is cut away, revealing an alive and furious Alex. Alex, using their power, summons a wall of maple wood to keep the combatants at bay for a moment. 
- Scar, and everyone, is in shock that Alex is alive. But Alex is sort of in a rush. They tell Scar to run, that their maples can’t hold people back forever. Scar doesn’t want to, because their mama is alive. But Alex tells Scar he won’t be alone, and gives him the Star Necklace. Alex tells him to run, and that it doesn’t matter where he goes, they’ll find him. Scar, reluctantly, runs. 
- Scar escapes as Alex drops the other maples and begins fighting the warriors. It seemed everyone forgot that Alex is a very skilled swordsman, and is holding their own just fine.
- Adrian, completely outraged by this turn of events, calls down to Alex in fury. They put a sword to Almond’s back, threatening her life. This is the only thing that gets Alex to back down. 
- Alex is taken to the dungeon, which Almond is forbidden from visiting. 
- Adrian confronts Alex in the dungeon, and threatens to destroy everything they love. Alex, heartbroken and angry, tells them that they should take a knife to their own chest, then. 
- Adrian and the Hands drag Alex and Almond out into the maple forest. Adrian is punishing both of them for different reasons. Mostly though, they just want Alex to suffer. They light a torch, and begins to burn the maple forest in which the kingdom lies to the ground. 
- Scar is still making his escape as the fire begins to engulf them. However, an ex-assassin meets him and helps him. This is Cherry, who takes Scar to a different kingdom. In that process, they meet up with Silas, as well. And while Scar isn’t happy with their presence at first, he knows they need all the help they can get. 
- The fire hurts Alex both emotionally and physically. The hands hold them in place as they scream in agony. At first, it’s angry but it slowly dies down into silence and sobbing. As the fire finally burns out, leaving nothing but char, Alex is dropped to the ground. They are left there. Almond is left behind as well. 
- This is the first time the hands begin to question themselves in following Adrian. It’s one thing to murder your family for power, who hasn’t, but another to do something so needlessly cruel. Not just to Alex, but to all life in the forest. It was widespread destruction because Adrian was angry with like, maybe three people. 
- Alex has completely lost hope and energy, and just lays on the forest floor for a long time. Almond tries to talk to them, but to no avail. Then Almond remembers something. She pulls a maple seed from one of her pockets, and plants it in the ground. She then gently puts Alex’s hand on the mound of dirt. Alex senses the life within, and Almond reminds them that all life can regrow. 
- Almond takes Alex to a different kingdom for shelter and so Alex has the chance to heal from everything before trying to do something again. 
- Adrian begins to unravel further, losing their mind more and more and getting paranoid. They begin threatening and hurting even the hands, who are meant to be their most trusted. 
- Addict eventually pushes back against this. In return, Adrian hurts them. This tips Rhodes over the edge. He had only stuck around to stay with Addict, their closest friend. Addict is badly hurt, and Rhodes is absolutely furious. 
- Scar, Cherry, and Silas are convincing the kingdom they’re staying in to help. Silas makes peace with Scar for their role in Alex’s death, which is a bit negated since Alex is alive anyways. Scar gives Silas the Star Necklace. Silas and Rigel make peace as well.
- Potion only just catches word of Alex’s death, as the Charming Kingdom is relatively far from the Angst Kingdom. She also becomes aware of Rigel’s death, and the fact that Scar is now missing. She decides to intervene, as a way to honor Alex’s memory. She has no idea Alex is actually alive.
- Skulk received word of Alex’s death a bit sooner, but was taking the time to grieve before making any decisions. But they too decide to intervene, as it seems Adrian is harming innocent people. Additionally, there have been refugees from the Angst Kingdom to the Horror Kingdom. 
- Alex and Almond actually don’t try to involve the kingdom their sheltering in. Instead, Alex makes it clear that they are going back, healed or not, to try and do something. Almond of course supports them, and they decide to try and take this whole thing down together. 
- Horror, Charming, and the other one (I wanna say Musical?) all have more to be gained than lost if Adrian is allowed to remain on the throne. And Adrian is hurting innocent people, including one of the people they were meant to trust the most. 
- The Angst Kingdom now has three enemy kingdoms to contend with. This drives Adrian further into madness, finally reaching a point where they outright kill Addict. Rhodes has enough, and sends contact to the enemy kingdoms and orchestrates a strategy. He lets them know where to be, and when. 
- This is the first time Horror, Kingdom, and the other one are aware that any of the others are also intervening. Skulk and Potion meet up, reuniting and both mourning Alex. And both knowing that they’re doing what Alex would have wanted. 
- Adrian’s knights abandon them. The kingdom’s people turns on them. The other Kingdoms are at the gates, ready to do whatever it takes to remove Adrian from power. Scar leads the charge with a lot of courage, just wanting to make things right again.
- Almond and Alex show up too, having disrupted some of Adrian’s other plans and orders among the people. Basically they were vigilantes among the citizens. 
- Adrian is surrounded and defeated. They look to Rhodes for support, but Rhodes takes the opportunity to explain that he’s behind the sudden invasion. Adrian finally gains a small sliver of sanity, and begs Scar to kill them.
- Scar refuses. He will not add to the blood that has been spilled in this family. Furious as he is, he instead leaves Adrian to Rhodes. Rhodes happily obliges Adrian, telling them that this is for Addict.
- With peace being achieved at last, Rigel’s spirit is able to move on to the next life. He and Silas have a tearful goodbye, and Silas keeps the necklace. 
- Potion and Skulk reunite with Alex, both crying with joy that they’re alive. Alex is crying too, because they did miss their siblings even if they could never see them. 
- It’s first suggested that Alex is king again, but Alex refuses. This change of power was always meant to happen, it just got a bit messy. But they turn to Scar, with a “Are you ready, King Scar?” 
- Scar does become the new king, and I like the idea of Rhodes still being a hand there, as way to make up for it all. Scar rules with the same wisdom and kindness that Alex once had, bringing the kingdom back to peace.
- Almond and Alex decide to travel together, like Almond had before she met Alex. They spent so much of their life living Alex’s life, having to stay in one place in one kingdom. Now, they’re going to live Almond’s life - just exploring. 
- And things are finally good again. 
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k-writer1998 · 4 years
Black, White, Grey (2/3)
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Having Bang Chan as your best friend is great cause he’s literally the best but not so much when you’ve had a crush on him for a majority of the friendship.
w.c: 2.2k
Part 1
“Shoot! I’m going to be late,” I cursed under my breath.
      It’s been a few months since I last saw Chan, they were promoting and I was filming a new drama but with our hectic lives it was nothing new. We usually just occasionally updated each other every now and then either by messaging or the rare phone call. What was new was the urgent message I got from Chan yesterday saying that we needed to talk ASAP. I had a few hours between shoots today so we decided to meet at a coffee shop between our two locations. By the time I got there, Chan was already sitting with two drinks on the table.
“Sorry I’m late, the shoot ran a little longer then it should’ve.”
“It’s fine,” he chuckled, “I got you your usual.”
“Thanks. So what’s up? What’s with the urgency?” I asked as I took a sip of my drink.
“Well you remember Eunhye?”
      I really wish I couldn’t but it’s hard not to when he talks about her… a lot. From what I know they’ve gone on a handful of dates and she is really understanding with the idol stuff. Apparently since she's a university student on the verge of graduating, so she’s pretty busy herself, things have been going well, and he really likes her. The urgency of needing to meet him, him bringing her up, the nervous energy flowing off of him… I didn’t have a good feeling about it. I prepared my heart for the worst and turned on my actress switch as a smile pulled across my lips.
“Yeah what about her?”
“Well… I really like her…”
“What? I didn’t know,” I gasped sarcastically.
“Stop I’m being serious,” he chuckled softly.
“Then just spill it already, it’s just me. I’m not going to judge you.”
“It’s just you’re the first to know so it kinda feels weird saying it out loud… I want to ask her to be my girlfriend. I mean not now but after promotions in a few weeks.”
      Even though on the outside my mouth dropped and my smile grew bigger as a gasp escaped my lips, inside… a heart wrenching scream clawed my chest. Yet another piece of my heart shattered to dust but now was not the time to dwell on myself. At least the next words that fell from my lips were honest, given from what little was left of my heart.
“Oh my god! Chan I’m happy for you. I mean I’ll be honest this will probably be like fighting an uphill battle but you know I’m always the pessimist in these situations. I am 100% happy for you though, you deserve it and your happiness is mine.”
“Thanks for your well wishes and warning,” he rolled his eyes with a laugh before adding, “You’re the best and remember I’ll always return the favor if you have someone you like.”
      How does that work when that someone is you?
“Thanks Chan, believe me I know,” I laugh.
“There isn’t anyone right now right? I know I haven’t really got to check up much on you since I’ve been going on about Eunhye and been busy with promotions…”
“Don’t worry about it, you didn’t miss anything. There’s no one right now.”
“Good but when that happens I better be the first to know,” he joked before he added on a more serious note, “no secrets right?”
“No secrets,” I smiled. No secrets… except for this one.
      I may have gone through this a few times already but like Seungmin said, it still hurts no matter how many times I go through it. We chatted a bit longer before we had to go for our next schedules but not before he planned something so that I could properly meet Eunhye… stupid best friend responsibilities. I know he hoped we got along and that was never the hard part when he got into a relationship. The hard part of it all was having to see her separate the grey areas in our friendship into black and white. When the day came, we met at the theaters to watch the movie Chan and I promised to see together. Our usual of sharing popcorn and a drink, making commentary during the movie, sitting close enough so that our shoulders touched… became a him and her thing with me watching the movie silently, an empty feeling on my sides, eating popcorn from a bucket far too big for myself because ordering a large was a force of habit. I still smiled, laughed, joined the conversation, and played the best friend role like I was supposed to. My mind was just in a haze through it all and although Chan noticed it, my lies blended with the truth. I told him I was tired, I just didn't specify that it was physically from work, emotionally from unrequited feelings and mentally from keeping up my farce. 
      The rest of those two weeks blurred together as the heartbreak set it deeper and deeper as each day passed. I was finally snapped out of my daze when I got messages from Seungmin in Minho in our "feelings" group chat when I was on break during filming. I’m guessing Chan took more time to clearly think about this before he told the boys. Throughout the day we exchanged messages but even though we were all busy, they demanded me to video call them once I was off even if it was at an ungodly hour. I love those two but together they were bossy and a force to be reckoned with. I agreed and didn’t get a message until I had just finished filming my last scene. They were back at the dorm and were reminding me to call. I rolled my eyes before updating them that I had just finished and would be home soon. By the time I had texted them I was home, my foot barely through the door, my phone rang with a face-time notification. I chastised them the moment their faces appeared on screen.
“You know there is this thing called patience right?”
“Well that is reserved for people who keep us updated,” Minho countered.
“Wasn’t my update to tell but okay,” I rolled my eyes but as I noticed the background behind them I dropped my voice, “are you guys in your room?! Don’t you guys share a room? Can you even be on call right now?”
“Well the person in question is sleeping and we aren’t that loud so it’s fine. We’re on the other side of the room.”
“So how are you?” Seungmin interrupted before I could rebut.
“At least someone cares,” I joke.
“Come on, be serious.”
“Okay sorry. You know I don't do "feelings"… Uhm… well… I’m better than the first day I heard the news but that can’t really say much.”
“Used work to fill the void? Have you at least been getting proper rest?”
“Yup. It helps that they are filming a bulk of my scenes right now so my mind stays occupied but sorry Seungmin sleep is not my friend right now.”
“I still can’t believe how dense Chan-hyung is. You’ve been friends for six years and you’ve had a crush on him for five, I’m sorry but how has he not figured it out or at least noticed something?”
      As Minho got annoyed his voice got a bit louder and we all froze as we heard rustling coming from the other side of the room. No one moved for a good few minutes to ensure Chan was still sleeping. When we were sure, Seungmin nudged Minho with his shoulder.
“Hyung, keep it down.”
“My bad! It just sucks that one friend is hurting our other friend and he doesn’t even know,” Minho hissed.
“Awww thanks Minho,” I teased.
“Whatever,” Minho mumbled before adding, “I’m just surprised the feeling lasted this long even after everything.”
“Well you know your leader, it’s kinda hard to get over someone like that. Like have you seen him? His body-”
“Ahhhhh, I don’t want to hear it,” Seungmin whined.
“I mean you’re right but ewwww.”
“I’m kidding,” I chuckled softly, “But on a more serious note… I just… I don’t know why I can’t get over Chan. I mean when I figured out I liked him five years ago it was the thing that I’ve liked him for awhile already before I even realized it and no matter what happens or how many times my heart breaks… that feeling is still there. I mean I, without a doubt, can say that he is my first love. Any guy I find, no matter how much I love him… I don’t think I’ll love him as much as I love Chan… Oh jeez.”
      Before I knew it there were tears streaming down my face as I was explaining. This was the first time I have vocalized just how much Chan meant to me and hearing it aloud just made everything so much worse. I gave a dry chuckle as I tried to furiously wipe away the tears but to no avail. The tears I’ve held back for so long took the chance to fall and I had no control anymore. I started to curse as the tears turned to sobs and the boys tried their best to soothe me through the screen. The rest of the night was filled with the boys comforting me and me finally letting it all out. After the call it felt lighter in my chest but that just gave pain more room to fill and I didn’t know which one was worse. I need to pull myself together or I’ll never be able to make it through dinner with the boys and Eunhye in a few days. It took a bit but the pain somehow subsided to a dull numbness where I could properly pretend to be myself. 
      The day of, I met the boys outside the barbecue restaurant and greeted them happily. Chan said that Eunhye was a bit behind so she’ll meet us inside. While he explained, he casted a nervous glance at me. I tiled my head, mouthing a “what?” in confusion, but he just shook his head and smiled before leading us in. Once we were seated, everyone began to chatter about the menu, arguing and discussing what they wanted to eat. I smiled at the organized chaos, a calming constant in my life. After a few more minutes passed Eunhye came in and greeted everyone. She came over and sat next to me, causing me to move closer to Seungmin and away from my place in front of Chan. Throb. No heart, not in front of Chan. I knew Minho and Seungmin would worriedly look at me but, among the many other strange things he’s been doing tonight, Chan too was anxiously giving me looks. When I finally caught him I raised an eyebrow in question but he quickly turned away, laughing at something Eunhye had said. When the food finally came I took my usual job of manning the grill and Eunhye helped. Out of habit I placed a majority of the meat onto the other members’ plates like I always have, save a few pieces for myself, and moved to Chan’s except Eunhye beat me to it. She giggled as he got flustered by her action… replaced yet again. Our eyes connected and for a second his eyes filled with panic and I just gave him a weird look before turning my attention back to the grill in front of me. Halfway through the meal my phone buzzed and I excused myself and stepped out of the restaurant, moving to a less crowded area to minimize the noise.
“Manager Kim? What's up?”
“Did you check your texts? There’s good news.”
“Huh? I’m at dinner right now, I haven’t had a chance to look at my phone. Give me a sec,” as I pulled up my texts I gave a delighted squeal as I put my phone back to my ear, “No way?! Seriously?!”
“Yup, once we finalize everything on our end, make sure you’re ready to go, got it?”
“Yeah of course. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
      A satisfied sigh left my lips as I held my phone to my chest. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath to enjoy the chilly night air as it filled my lungs. There was a comfort in the cold isolation of outside compared to inside and I basked in it a bit longer. As I turned to head back to the door I saw Chan coming to me.
"Hey is everything alright? You've been out here for awhile."
"Oh yeah, my manager was just updating me on the changes in my schedule. Are you okay though? You've been kinda weird all night."
"Haha yeah, I'm fine. Let's go back in yeah?"
"... Okay."
      I knew it was a lie. There was something bugging him but I won't pry. That's not how we were, it just naturally comes out and if he's holding back there’s a reason. I could never really badger him either when I’m now keeping two big secrets from him…
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jbeh · 3 years
a love letter to love
I took a walk at midnight yesterday, not knowing the air could smell so different compared to an afternoon— like freshly brewed tea leaves in rainy autumn. For the first time that day, by my own accord, I took a deep, long breath.
I am walking, like Naoko in Murakami’s Norwegian Wood— meandering, dreamy, melancholic. That same afternoon I had watched Happy Together by Wong Kar Wai, and realised that I am consistently drawn to these themes in the films I watch and the books I read: insatiable longing, intoxicating desire, obsession in its rawest, lethal state.
From Richard Siken:
“Actually, you said Love, for you,  
is larger than the usual romantic love. It’s like a religion. It’s  
terrifying. No one  
will ever want to sleep with you.”
The only way I have experienced love in my younger years has been this: the year-long unrequited yearning for a faraway crush, the agonising chase for an unavailable partner, the rejection of people who were actually good and loving to me. If I was with someone however brief and impulsive, I had always wanted the butterflies to last forever. Prolong me in a suspension of— “two lovers, they might kiss”, pull me into a dance of flirtatious desire, drench me in a love that cannot be consummated and I will write you a thousand love letters for a lifetime.
I never associated those experiences with love, but lately I have been trying to understand the maniac intensities that so consumed my late teenage years and early twenties. There is usually good out of analysing patterns, anyway.
Schreiber writes:
“There's little capacity to respond passionately to a healthier more rewarding dynamic, because the familiar ache of intense longing and yearning, which has come to be interpreted as love, isn't present with an available partner. One's perception of such a relationship is that "something's missing," as it cannot trigger feelings that parallel the disappointing/unrequited attachment experiences he had to endure throughout infancy and childhood.
Restated, a lover who's elusive, cruel, or just emotionally and/or physically unavailable can trigger painful sensations that replicate what one experienced as a child, seeking a loving/responsive parent when he needed that attention. This emotionally inadequate, yet dramatically felt kind of episode functions as a powerful catalyst, that inspires a tenacious (and vaguely familiar) pursuit to seduce the object of desire into returning his attention and ardor. Since the intense feelings that are invoked by such a relationship are compelling and addictive, any individual who awakens them, is presumed to be addictive as well.”
At 23, I've noticed that I am less inclined to obsession with people. I don't find the thrill of uncertainty as exciting anymore. Half-heartedness doesn't push me to compulsively chase for my own adoration to be returned– instead it keeps me at bay. I never tried to be less attached, but I think it is a side effect of being more devoted to my hobbies and my ambition. I think it's because I grew safe in my own silly heart. I always thought I'd be the kind of person who'd go to the end of the world for love. My body, possessed by inconsolable longing– I'd slam it into love 2 years ago but I am not so hollow anymore. I don't feel like I need anything anymore.
I only know what love shouldn't be– that it should never produce anguish. So I like knowing how other people talk about it. Alderton says that love is a "quiet, reassuring, relaxing, pottering, pedantic, harmonious hum of a thing; something you can easily forget is there, even though its palms are outstretched beneath you in case you fall." I like that. It's how I want to love: steady, nourishing, safe. And why would I want to give my time, my energy, myself, to someone who is half-hearted about me? (Half-hearted as in ambiguous, uncertain, there for the ride.)
I love falling in love. I love the me that reads Vita’s letters to her secret lover, Virginia Woolf. I love dreaming about watching the stars with someone I love. My world is imbued by Miyakazki’s spirits of the forest, his gentle caress of the wind, his oceanic bliss of wonder in a world often deemed mundane. And if you are my lover, I want to pull you into this gentle wondrous glow, too. I think you'd like that. I hope you will.
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