#i mean YES
padsmoony04 · 3 months
Jason Todd on a daily basis:
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 1 year
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this game is so good
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dafuq-lyrehc · 6 months
The ST main ig account, ii, and iii- look at al these cool shots taken during the show
iv- …y’all wanna see iii’s hand around my throat?? 😏🥴
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chiarrara · 2 months
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I was trying to check if maki called people by their first name or not and....
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petitmimosa · 9 months
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gniteruirui · 4 months
Honey is like
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Everybody be complaining about how Miguel was crazy for having beef with a fifteen year old as if that's not literally almost every villain or person to go up against a superhero ever in the history of villains or people to go up against a superhero
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hummanbirb · 4 months
Ancient Magic and Admittance to Hogwarts: htf does it work??
By this dumb birb
So, Hagrid says that Harry's name was written down for Hogwarts admission since he was born. The Book of Admittance and the Quill of Acceptance writes down the child's name the very moment they exhibit signs of magic. Which means Harry's first bout of magic happened when he was born.
Some spoilers for Hogwarts Legacy (kinda/maybe?)
As for the player character in Hogwarts Legacy, they don't attend school till their fifth year. So either their first exhibition of magic doesn't happen until very recently, or ancient magic has something to do with it.
Based on the fact that Isidora and Rackham were both admitted for their fifth year, I think this is the case.
Since Hogwarts is a stronghold of ancient magic and was built by it, maybe the Book and Quill were too? Maybe it separates ancient magic and ordinary magic?
Instead of the first expression of ordinary magic, maybe it bases it off of the first moment of ancient magic, but only specifically in those individuals.
Which means the Book and Quill are capable of knowing when a person with ancient magical ability is born.
The Quill however, writes whenever a child first does magic, regardless of how weak, like how Neville made his blankets snug around him.
The Book only accepts when the magic is powerful enough and will snap shut, refusing to be written in, if it isnt.
So maybe the Quill will write any magic a wixen uses, but the Book only accepts at the first significant sign of a person with ancient magic.
SO when a wixen capable of ancient magic first exhibits a significant amount of ancient magic, the Book will only then allow the Quill to finally write their name. It will disregard the fact that said wixen had performed 'acceptable' ordinary magic before then.
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OK... take two as I just tried to leave you this but my fucking phone froze tf up and then went crazy!!! This could be fake news, I don't know (let's pretend that it isn't though Ms Darkly!) but I remember reading some Adrien tea a while ago, from a friend of one of his former flings. The words crazy tongue game were used. I am feral. I think you will be feral too!!!!!!!!!!
Erm... excuse me?
You come mooching over here to this inbox, and you leave me this?
I am not okay. I am not.
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I am these gifs. I am. No more me just reactions. Girl bye.
Let's pretend there is absolutely no chance that this is fake information and just let it marinade. WOOOOOOOOO.
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ikkosu · 3 months
are you telling me SG prowl would be nice. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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ryudaeng · 1 year
“you agree?” 😂😂😂
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glorixusbeast · 20 days
i was talking with Daddy just now and a huge realization hit me about how much i love myself more now, after ive become softer, sweeter, more feminine and accepted that all i really want in life is to be the perfect needy girl for my Daddy
(this is huge as a large portion of my mental health struggles past or present revolve around self-loathing in a variety of forms: NPD, anorexia and then binge eating disorder, body dysmorphia, my depressive bipolar episodes)
it feels like such a relief, like i suddenly dropped all the armor id been carrying around all these years trying to protect myself from my trauma, from the hurt, from the expectations of society of how i had to be a boss babe and start my own successful business in my field and blah blah blah
but no i dont have to do that. Daddy doesn't want me to do that either because he sees the drain on me now, and sees how much i struggle and hurt because of it. he loves and cares about me and wants only the best for me
and truly the best for me is to be his stay at home partner/eventual wife and mother to our kids
it can't happen yet, but we're gonna work hard to reach that goal for us, so i can finally fulfill my true purpose in life of serving, pleasing, and supporting Daddy in every possible way with love and dedication
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petitmimosa · 10 months
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itsyveinthesky · 5 months
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lil-llewellyn · 1 year
Broke: BBC Merlin has so many tropes
Woke: Merlin is similar to this film/series/book
Bespoke: Everything is a Merlin AU
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thegreymoon · 8 months
I just cannot with that feathered tribe and their stupid payment system. To the best of their knowledge, the accepted a six-year-old as an apprentice. And they expected said six-year-old to fight demon owls over a lava pit to be able to eat??
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