#i love his outfit qwq
hitsujirui · 1 year
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merrystar · 2 months
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LDR self insert.
Love Death and Rollerskates belongs to @spadillelicious
This fic is so interesting though Sun has scared me since the start and Moon too now since the recent chapter XD
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insufferablemod · 4 months
going out from anon i fucking love your art your attitude i love youuu so much !! when you started liking my ask-blog i almost pissed my pants like "dude is like an icon for me and he like my art im gonna die" i want you to know just how much i like you ok? ok ==> abscond
sasfg sorry i took a while 2 respond! tysm,,, qwq <3 <3 your lil hal is so cute, he looks so smug n i love his lil outfit it just looks so fun, so uhhh, heres a lil fanart B)c
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jazjelspen · 2 days
my angel baby (special chapter!)
alastor w/ angel daughter reader
(notes: This special chapter gives us another glimpse at Alastor's relationship with his only daughter, you, and how unique his parenting skills are. Currently set in the 30s where you two are still living and breathing so far.)
( Welcome back to my fellow angel baby readers! Also much welcome to any newcomers!
Here is a new chapter for my alastor and daughter series, I know it's been such a long while and I understand if a lot of you have moved on qwq I did take quite awhile so I can't blame you. But school finally ended and it's summer! I have much more time on my hands now! If thee are people still interested I'm totally willing to focus my time on updating!
Thank you so much for staying tuned! Let's start then shall we!)
(caution: alastor being manipulative(?), more or so cruel, he makes you cry :( )
(Tags: @maksdust @willowwillflower @sunshinesetsstuff @0willowwisp0 @projectdreamwalker @1potato2rulethemall @just-here-reading @avitute @pooplyface1423 @insomniacfigure @mo-0-o @thekanrojimitsuri2 @nevermorekisses @wildfire153 @sirenetheblogger @potaturkey17 @barrythestrawberry041)
(p.s. NOT PROOFREAD, I also apologize if the pacing and writing is a bit weird qwq I have written in awhile so I'm slightly rusty..!)
It was yet another particular day in the 30s of New Orleans.
Word of mouth of politics, money, entertainment.. everything was nothing but as normal as it could possibly be for a seventeen year old girl.
You woke up to the sound of soft birds chirping yet soon being covered by human made sounds like chatter and metal clanking. You fixed yourself up once you got out of your puffy bed that kept you in sweet dreams each night.
You looked at yourself in the mirror as you fixed your chosen outfit for the day, a small smile cheering yourself up at how you felt a soft gleaming feeling in your chest.
'today will be a good day.' you thought.
Something was missing, there was a little gleam of excitement that you couldn't wait for.
You could start it anytime soon but-- it felt wrong.. it was wrong.
'maybe later, I can wait much later...'
Walking out of your bedroom and down the hall, passing by your father's study and your family bathroom ended up in between the kitchen and living area, your nose led you down to the kitchen.
It was a fairly early morning but your nose could smell your father's presence despite him leaving half an hour ago, your feet tapped against the hardwood floors as you went up to the stove with your eyes also noticing a note with writing on it on the counter beside the heating appliance.
Eyes flicked between the warm pot on the stove and the note, your nose took another long whiff of the comforting aroma to be a dish you absolutely love to have in the mornings.
Your hands went on to pick up the note and raised it up for your eyes to see, your father's neat and sophisticated writing made you smile as you started to read:
'Good morning my dove, I do hope you had the sweetest of dreams last night. I know you over exerted yourself the other day and I just hope you aren't slugging like a sloth this morning!-'
Giggling slightly, you continued reading.
'Nevertheless, I made you your favorite before I left off to work. Don't forget to tune in soon!
Love, Father Dearest.'
Right.. his radio show will be on soon!..
You smiled as you folded the note and tugged in into a small pocket/spot on your person before going on to plate yourself breakfast that your dad made and getting a glass of your preferred drink before skimming past the dining table to eat on the living room.. you weren't exactly allowed to eat here but it's not like your father was here to scold you.
Carefully yet hurriedly sliding your glass and plate on the small coffee table your father recently bought to 'bring more life to the house'. You would then scramble up to the home radio and flick with it for a bit until you finally reached your father's signal.
Turning up the volume to hear it loud and clear you proceeded to go back to your break fast and set yourself nicely.
A small opening of music played, his show's theme was a tune you knew by heart and you never missed a day where you wouldn't hum it to yourself.
"Good morning New Orleans!"
Cheered a familiar voice, your own responding back to him despite you fully knowing that he cannot hear you at all.. yet a part of you knows that to a certain extent he knows you're very much present.
"Morning papa!" you smiled as your father's voice continued on to start his daily morning schedule. You proceeded to pick up your eating utensil to start eating.
"This is Alastor! Your favorite radio host here to join you on today's morning broadcast to start off your day with the latest news and weather! Today it's described to be of a nice warm sunny day with little to no clouds, yet it is said to get very chilly once the sun starts to set. So prepare those coats and scarves ladies and gentlemen!-"
You took note of the weather for today, remembering that you needed to have a fire on in the fireplace by the time father came back as well.. he’d probably arrive cold.
He continued on talking about small updates on politics but more or so on the music and entertainment industry, maybe even a little bit of 'gossip' talk about famous figures in pop culture at the time.. talking about latest trends and such.. you sorta admired that about him.. you ate your breakfast whole as you listening to him while sometimes he faded into background noise here and there.
During both your times alive, Alastor always kept up with the latest rages and knew as much as he could about the most recent fads while he was kicking it, even as he raised you he somehow always kept up with all these details.. it was almost fascinating.
Speaking of fads..
You couldn't help but frown slightly.. you were home alone, you could just sneak a peek and father wouldn't know.. but guilt ate at you.
'..I'll do it after chores.. ' you thought.
You finally finished your food and drink and placed your glass and silverware on your empty plate, prepared to pick it up and take it to the sink until you couldn't help but listen to him a little longer until his broadcast ended, which should come to a break segment.
You sat on the sofa and rested your arms and head against the arm of the furniture, feeling slightly full and a bit sleepy from what you ate but in the end it was all worth it.
You let out a huff of air from your lungs out your mouth, the sigh full and heavy.
Your father's voice deafened slightly as your eyes closed for a few seconds, your mind wandering off to your current life and how you were mostly content with everything.
Mostly everything.
You were mostly satisified with your life, you were happy. How couldn't you? You have a warm home, a bed, food, a caring father, caring friends-
Everything minus the friends.
Sure, you have befriended a few people but your father never let you ever hang with anyone your age. Ever since you no longer needed babysitters, you would lack communication with young people such as yourself.
It was nice that a few people around your age recongnized you as being your father's daughter, you enjoyed people seemingly knowing you off the bat simply because of who raised you but.. father would constantly deter you away from befriending others.
According to him, because of your connection to him there could be people in the world who want to do you wrong.. of course you believed him, you never really knew any better.
Sometimes the loneliness kicks in, you yearn to befriend those similar to you and to have the life of the average ordinary teenager.
But father wouldn’t let that, not for a second.
That is- of course if he never finds your hidden teen fashion magazi--
“And to my lovely daughter, ______, who must be leisurely resting at home.”
Your eyes opened up as your head perked up at the mention of your name. Your heart skipped a beat—
“Ughhh.. daaadd!..” embarrassment creepep up your neck into your cheeks, highlighting the red in your face while you groaned and shoved yo ur face back into the arm rest.
“Don’t forget that we’ll be heading out soon! Get your shoes and coat ready! Don’t forget, father loves you dearly!
And with that, our morning broadcast concludes as the afternoon is now setting. Don’t miss out on our evening broadcast where we’ll be singing a few gentle tunes to soften your night!”
Right.. it’s been a few short hours. You always wondered how your father could never stop talking or run out of words while on air, another talent of his you supposed.
You sighed as you dragged your arms and legs to pick up your dirty dishes, head back to the kitchen and clean them up before father came home.
Oh! And you almost forgot— you also went to set up that small fire in your home’s fireplace. It was rather easy for you to install, you’ve done it many times. Alastor wouldn’t let you do this unless he knows to trust you well and that you know exactly how to do it without burning yourself or the house down.. so you did this part without a hitch.
Even let your arms warm up to the soft ever glowing flames as well..
You knew that he was now wrapping things up with his coworkers and heading back home so you sped slightly so you would be able to get ready on time.
Once you were done you checked the time,
You read on the nearby clock, father gets here at exactly 2:00 at most times.
You stood there for a minute, pondering if you should scratch that hidden itch to the back of your head or if you should patiently wait.
But you’ve been waiting since yesterday to look at it..
Should you risk it??..
"One second wouldn't hurt.." you mumbled to yourself, and just like that you were gone in a flash into your room.
You sped so fast to the point that you almost stumbled slightly as you tried to carefully slide down to your knees and your head peeking under your large and heavy dresser.
Your hand reached under and moved side to side with your fingers trying to grip onto the familiar texture of flimsy paper-
You exclaimed as you felt your fingers curl around the sudden sound of crunchy paper.
Pulling it out you were met with three various magazines that you saw around the shops as the ideal fashion magazines for teen girls such as yourself.
You remember how you wanted one before but father says that it's not appropriate for a 'pure and gentle soul' such as yourself.
Oh boy if only he knew you had them now.. he’d absolutely go bananas! He would never let you out to get groceries again!
You quickly flipped through the first few pages of the first magazine, it's thin pages full of color and various designs of trendy clothes, accessories, make-up, hair, even love and school advice here and there.
Heck- even the celebrity photos caught your full attention, stars like Clara Bow, Louis Brooks, Anita Page, Madge Bellamy, Jean Harlow, Constance Bennett.. the list could go on forever!
It captivated you, making you curious of the outside world.
You stopped at a certain page, one where you purposefully bent the corner of the page as to remember the spot you wanted to go back to.
It was a particular piece of clothing, one that was all the rage. You stared at it for a bit in admiration and yearning.. you wished father would let you wear something like that. It was that unique shape, style, color/pattern, accessories and other smaller details that simply made you want to wear!
You slowly flipped the page over to the back, a part of the magazine you haven't yet explored, and your eyes widened.
'Call ****! And get your free order of this piece's sewing pattern straight to your home as to make it yourself at home with your own unique choice of fabric, colors, and/or patterns! CALL NOW!'
"No.. way.." you mumbled breathlessly, the sudden realization hitting your head like a broken wine glass to a skull.
Free sewing pattern?.. make it at home?? This is just a GAS! Perhaps you could order it and while making it you could most definitely tweak it a bit!.. to make it into something father would approve of or even let slide!
"I.. I've GOT to get this!-"
Before you knew it you were yet again scrambling on your feet to run towards the living room to the telephone with your magazine in hand, excitement rushing into your veins up your face as you now knew what you had to do!
"With the patterns maybe I can make it myself! make it my own!.."
Your hands esthetically rested the magazine with the number attached on the table the telephone rested on and you quickly started to dial the numbers to the device one by one. You awaited eagerly..
"Cmon cmon.. pick up pick up..!"
"Hello this is Everygirls Magazine, what can I help you with?"
"H..Hello! I—“
The phone was snatched right from your hand, you still tried to reach for it due to confusion but then realized who it was that took the phone from your hand.
"Hello there! My apologies for the disturbance-" rang Alastor's voice, sweetly apologizing to whomever was on the other side of the line.
"-but we accidentally dialed the wrong number. Thank you!"
Alastor gently placed the phone back on it's stand, in an almost threatening type of way.
There was silence, your father stared at the magazine before slowly picking it up. You couldn't bear to look at his face, not with that smile you were sure was plastered across.
Minutes passed that felt like hours, the silence was deafening with the only thing cutting it was the sound of paper rustling.
"Father.. " you mumbled, your hands curled and resting onto your chest in slight fear "Are you.. alright?.."
With no words he turned towards the hall, his steps sharp and loud as if confirming his presence and his title in the house.
He was going straight to your room.
"Father?... Father!.." you rushed to follow him, lagging a bit behind him. "Father where are y--"
You couldn't help but softly gasp as you saw him walk into your room and bend down to grab the rest of the magazines to take a closer look. He did all this without saying a word-- and that smile never faltered either.. not for a second.
He flipped through the pages a bit erratically but eventually just clenched the thin booklets in his right hand before suddenly walking up to you and grabbing your wrist with his left. He dragged you with a sudden uncharacteristically harsh and aggressive demeanor.
He was getting tired of your growing rebelliousness. He hated it.
Why couldn't you just listen?.. he was trying to keep you safe! In how own way!
"Father!.. hey!-- that hurts!--"
“Listen here young lady.”
Alastor’s voice was stern and commanding, as if intending to intimidate you.
And it did, you stood there in disbelief and fear.. yet you haven’t fully realized that the both of you were now in front of the fireplace. Its flames dancing, waiting.
“There will be absolutely no secrets under my roof, no misuse of your allowance, no misuse of your time outside that you are more than privileged to have." He was angry, fuming even despite the vaguely cool tone he tried to emit--yet..
His smile, was still there.
As if he was mocking you..
"I told you many, many times that these magazines are full of garbage only intended to rot your head with silly and useless ideas.."
You feared him.
"You've been disobeying me more than I hoped. you're rotting from the inside--"
It wasn't until you saw him turn only to throw your magazines into the fireplace, tossing them mercilessly as he knew you'd watch with distraught eyes.
Tears were brimming in your eyes, your hands held together against your chest as to hold back any sobs.
To him they were just magazines, to you was everything you wanted to know and more.
"I'd hate to do this to you little dove, but no daughter of mine will get consumed by filth that'll decay your pure little mind."
His neck snapped quickly towards you, making you jump slightly and how fast and abrupt it did so.
"Do you understand, dear?"
You opened your mouth to speak but to your dismay nothing came out, but you cried.
Just cried, without warning the tears you tried so hard to hold back just spilled out the moment there was silence after his last sentence.
Your hands snaked up to your face to cover your eyes and tears from being more visible than it already is.
"Oh, darling. Shh.. no need to cry.." Alastor said, you heard his footsteps come closer and you couldn't help but have your shoulders stiff up when you felt his arms go around your shoulders, one of his hands gently patting your head as if trying to soothe you.
After destroying your things.
Even while speaking, you could hear him smiling.. you just knew he was.
"I saved you, little dove. You truly have the world's greatest father.."
(THANK YOU FOR READING THIS SPECIAL CHAPTER OF MY ANGEL BABY!!! AAAAAAAA thank you sososos much! for anyone who's still reading this now thank you so much for looking for my pics yet again and thank you to anyone new for checking this out! much thanks! I once again apologize for the lack of proofreading this time and any other potential issues, I'll try my very best to get back in the zone!
I hope to see you in the next chapter of My Angel Baby! Where we will continue with it's current story in hell and the usual format of the flashbacks at the end as a treat, bye bye!!)
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ourlittleuluru · 1 month
How... How do I even put the things going on in my head into words 😭 I can't with the new trailer and and the eventttttt
I'm sorry I'm gonna be so annoying on main for a bit, am totally freaking out. Sorry for the long post ahead... and by long, i mean... LONG
That BGM in the trailer is pretty 🔥🔥🔥 Ngl, very phantom thieve-y
ALSO the 4 star?????
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This looks so gorgeoussss???? The rain and blood and him covering his face when the mask is taken of?!?!
THE DUALITY OF HIM IN JUST THE 5 stars as well????
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The new couple pose!!!
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The chat bubble is so pretty toooooooo and the ultimate????
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The moon and stars in the backgrounddddd
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Just him teleporting around and with the halo like a moon behind him. I have no words
Overall, loving the aesthetics!!!
can't stop looking at this pouty baby 😭🥺💕
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AHHHHH NO XAVIER BBY You're no idiot sandwichhhh ToT
Look at himmm he looks so sadddddd 😭😭😭
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Finally, about MC
Her outfit. I have... mixed feelings? I love it but yet something feels just a tad little awkward to me?? But I still mostly like it either way ><;;;
Maybe it's the exposed collar bone area???
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Same block animation but that same moon phase background QwQ
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The new skill seems to be a gathering skill??? Which will help a lot ngl X'D;;; If not it's a plain AOE skill, WHICH IS STILL USEFUL because there's no pushback! TwT
okok i better end my ramblings here. This post is loooooong enough
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ghostieyanyan · 1 year
You know I think Jamil is one of those characters I can envision as a yandere. If you’ve seen Aladdin, you’d know that once Jafar took over the kingdom, Jasmine became his slave? I like to imagine that overblot Jamil kept MC around instead, dressed them up in that red slave outfit and put shackles on them which sounds really kinky. Jamil would like to keep MC around as a slave but is also like crazy about them even before their overblot because MC was kind to him and didn’t treat him like a servant. Maybe he teases them a little bit to rile them up. Kinda like a glorified pet but also lover at the same time
Yes yes YESSSSSS!!!! without a doubt i love overblot jamil so much... its kinda bad xD
~My Jasmine~
Overblot!Yan!Jamil x mc
(i drew mc fem so it’ll fit the jasmine outfit. the red one, chef kiss. also chapter 4 spoilers. also sorry for my spelling and grammar mistakes. this is why i draw qwq)
i feel like jamil had a love at first sight with mc. like when they met in the kitchen and they offer to help with cooking and hearing his troubles. like yes, he wanted to used them at first but after like a few minutes he fell HARD. 
He knew he wanted mc as his queen/king but he, of course, needed Kalim to be out of the picture. With him as housewarden, he’ll be highly respected with his beloved by his side. and Kalim? well he’ll be gone, who knows maybe he’ll be kicked out of NRC too. If Jamil plays his cards right.
But noo... you just had to run from him and fall into those slimy octavinelle’s hands. They even had to mock him when they came by! Stupid slimy-.
During his Overblot!
yes yes yes! he will totally have you as a pet. his personal play thing. even with this power, he’ll be bored, so entertain with him.. 
no? you don’t want to play with him? what’s going to happen to your friends? oh, that’s the last thing you should worry about. master has to teach you how to behave. He can’t have a pet that bites that hand that feeds it, right?
I think at first he wont actually use his unique spell, it'll be a waste to just force you to behave when he can just train your body to behave first and you’ll stay like that for the long term. instead of the short term option, right? Let’s just hope you body and mind can take it.
but hey! if you be good, he’ll treat you. maybe he’ll feed you and look inside your pretty lips. Or he’ll keep you safe from those roaches that insist on coming back and steal what rightfully belongs to him. 
Just don't leave his side. K, pet?
for nicknames, i thought of pet and desert flower but then i was like wait... i know a flower, jasmine! but now after finishing the drawing, idk how i feel about it? cuz its an actual name.. so ya sorry if you don't like it. i really dont want to fix it rn TWT also i didn't know if i should keep his bangs so i did one with and one without. so yay. i’m actually very happy with his picture, it might change in a few days but rn, i love it. i hope you guys love it too. ^^
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p4pert0wle · 9 months
Why is it only now that I realize that they killed the lawer,LIKE AFTER THIS MOMENT
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I love this episode-
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I'm upset,I know that in order to get better at drawing them is to draw them constantly.BUT OZZIES WEIRD COLLAR THING JUST KEEPS THROWING ME OFF SM qwq
But I love him,love him sm.
Yes I know fizz is really tiny when compared to them,bros supposed to be just gigantic.But I doubt this will be the last time I draw them.
There isn't much context for the drawings,but for the first one I just imagine it's after the episode.And the other one,just them joking around idk-
I'm in nothing but pain bc I just feel like I'm not doing them justice,but then again this is like the second time I tried to do full on drawings of them.
Moving on uh
And then I got bored and um-
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Yeah this thing exists now
They were just a concept on a doodle page but then I got attached by the time I finished them.
No I didn't use Ozzy and Fizz's color palette while making him,I just kept looking at this one specific picture of a cockitrace and based his colors off that.
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I might change the oranges to be a bit more red to match fizz better,but if anything I wanted his color of blue to be a bit lighter.He still has feathers on the blue parts,I just made them look similar to scales.
I mean,he's a child of a fire breathing chicken this obviously was something that was bound to happen /hj
He's currently in a very early stage of creation,since,I made him while I was half asleep yesterday.So his outfit and other things I will change and need to think over again.
But ye,he :3
I changed his horns,and this is more a teenage version.Aiden isn't a name I fully like but I wanted a fire based name for him.Idk if I'm gonna keep his eyelashes.
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Whatever outfit I put him in however,I wanna like put a wing design on the back bc like alot of cockitrace's have wings.And if I make a demon design for him,I'm gonna give him wings.
I kinda wanted to give him more neck fluff like Ozzy that would grow kinda similarly into the whole mane he's got.
He's very much wip rn
But yeah that's about it rn,hope you have a wonderful Day/Night to anyone who see this :3
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May I plz request 📖🤹🥰🌶️ plz and thank uuu
Borrowed Time - Abner Krill/Reader
Warnings: Female reader, dinner date, casual flirting, bit of domestic fluff, making out, fully clothed grinding, bit of angst.
Wordcount: 2276
Summary: Romantic dinner? Check. Sexy outfit? Check. His hands bravely holding you close as your back rested against his chest? Double Check. If only anniversaries came more than once a year...
Notes: I'm getting so much Abner love today this is the best QwQ Tried to avoid the angst but the situation called for it OTL It's not as prominent as my last one for him, but it's still there despite the hopeful ending <:) Thank you so much for the request, I hope you like it 💗💗💗
Your phone beeped out the reminder that you had to leave very soon or you’d be late, and you silenced it with a grin seeing as you were already there. You were all dressed up for the occasion, your outfit carefully picked and switched out multiple times before finally settling on what you were wearing now, and you couldn’t help but hope he’d like it when he saw it, although you already knew deep down that he would. He liked everything you wore because it was you, and that thought made you smile as you knocked on the door and waited for it to be unlocked. You only had to wait a second, deadbolt sliding free and allowing you entrance as the door swung open to reveal the man you’d come to see.
‘Hello, Y/N,’ he stuttered as he looked away, cheeks flushing when he saw how much skin your outfit showed off just for him.
‘Hey, Abner,’ you said with a kiss, standing up on your tiptoes in order to reach his face; he blushed harder and tried not to lean away, still getting used to receiving affection from you. You didn’t mind, his smile giving away that he appreciated the greeting, it would all come in due time. ‘It smells nice in here, is everything already made?’
‘Yeah, sorry, I had a bit of help earlier…’ He stepped aside so you could enter the small room, the many smells of dinner hitting you as you approached the table all decked out with different dishes for you to choose from. It all smelled delicious but you were more concerned with keeping it together, the simple pleasure of getting to sit down and eat a meal with him finally made real after all this time. ‘Is it too much?’
‘It’s perfect, thank you,’ you reassured him, your lips pressing tightly together as you felt an overwhelming happiness threaten to smudge your makeup. As you internally fought your battle, you saw him look at you before walking around and standing behind you, his hands, briefly giving away that he was still so unsure of himself after all your visit, resting on your shoulders as he kept a reasonable distance between the two of you. You smiled with a sigh, the battle won for now as you took his hands in your own and pulled them down and across your chest, Abner taking a couple steps out of necessity until you got what you wanted, his body now pressed up against yours. ‘It’s been a year and you’re still afraid to touch me?’
‘Not afraid,’ he mumbled into your hair, a shiver going up your spine as you heard him breathe in the scent of your perfume approvingly, ‘just don’t know where to touch first.’
It was positively bold of him, his touch so gentle even as you felt his lips brush against the shell of your ear, all the times you were together before, the many moments of you encouraging him, pushing him to be the one to take the first step, finally adding up as his hand hovered over your ribs.
‘Abner, the food…’ you began, heart racing as you looked at the clock; you only had so much time, and you didn’t want to choose between two wonderful options but it’d be a waste to forgo what he’d made for you now. He nodded reluctantly, cheek brushing against your temple before letting go, your appetite waning a little as he pulled out your chair for you. You sat down to his left, the table just big enough to hold everything that’d been prepared, none of it particularly extravagant but all of it brimming with how much he cared for you, that much was abundantly clear. ‘What do you suggest I start with?’ you asked as you placed your elbows on the table in front of your empty plate, your chin supported by your hands as he looked everything over.
‘Uh, well… this one was my favourite, back when I was a kid,’ he told you as he stood back up to reach for it, a big casserole dish of something absolutely covered end to end with cheese making your mouth water. He set it down and scooped you a decent amount, only giving you a bit more as you gave him a cheeky grin. He didn’t take as much for himself at first, his mannerisms telling you that he wanted to make sure you got enough even though you could’ve easily split the rest with an entire family, but as soon as he took his first bite his eyes shined with nostalgia.
He started eating vigorously, the sight encouraging you to join in before anything else could be added to your selection, the dish actually just diced potatoes and mushroom soup mixed together and baked; it was a simple recipe, cheap and very easy to make, it’d probably taken more time to go through the motions of dicing the potatoes than anything, but it was delicious and made you feel warm inside, melted cheese invading every bite and sealing it all together. As you ate, he grabbed a bit more for himself, his usual dinner not holding a candle to this you didn’t doubt as he got his fill, a youthful energy to him before he caught you staring.
‘You don’t like it?’ he asked nervously, suddenly self-conscious of his cooking skills and of himself for eating so fast, and you gave him a loving smile as your hand found his.
‘It’s amazing, I just wanna be able to enjoy a little bit of everything you prepared tonight,’ you explained fondly, Abner nodding and looking for the next thing to recommend.
The minutes ticked away as you enjoyed your meal together, his shy laugh hidden behind his hand as you relentlessly flirted with him between questions about why he picked each item; each one came with a story, little pieces of himself that he wanted to share with you in the brief time that he could, and when it came time for dessert, which came in the form of an attempt at your favourite type of cake, you felt your lip quiver again as he rubbed at the back of his neck anxiously.
‘Sorry if it’s bad, I only had so much time, never made this before, obviously…’ he explained before you could even take a bite, a quick kiss to his worried lips silencing him in a moment. He just sat back and stared as you lifted a forkful to your mouth, it not winning in any competitive baking shows anytime soon but still the love was there just like everything else, and you licked your lips and went in for a second bite when he leaned in and kissed you back.
You dropped your fork in surprise, it clattering to the floor as he braced himself on the corner of the table with one hand, the other cupping your jaw as his tongue darted out to lick across your lip. ‘You taste sweet,’ he murmured as he pulled away, pupils blown before he came back to his senses, yours no doubtedly looking the same. ‘Sorry- your fork, I’ll grab you a ne-’
You didn’t let him finish as you grabbed onto the front of his silky shirt, the patterns on it dancing under your palms as the fork was instantly forgotten about, the clock ticking away until it was forgotten as well as you pulled him to your side of the table. He craned his neck so you could wrap your arms over his shoulders, back arched to make up for the difference in height, what was usually one of your favourite things about him now getting in the way until a better solution was found. 
You broke apart just for a second as you located his bed against the wall to your left, the two of you not even bothering to break apart as you spun him around and let him sit down. Now he was the one looking up at you as you took in everything about him, your fingers lightly brushing his no longer styled bangs out of his eyes so you could press a kiss to his forehead. He leaned up into it, his hands on your hips as he silently begged for you to come closer, your dress straining a little as your legs tried to find comfort on either side of him. You frowned and bunched it up as high as you were willing to allow, your thighs feeling a slight breeze before they met his own, as well as something else.
‘Do I really taste that sweet?’ you teased, Abner’s head falling against your shoulder as he lightly kissed your bare skin.
‘Can never get enough,’ he moaned honestly, his chest pressing against yours as he leaned back and brought you with him. The angle was better this way, your panties catching on his zipper as you started to rock your hips against him, your hands on his cheeks as you stopped him from looking away.
‘We don’t have much time,’ you reluctantly reminded him as you started to move, it never enough but it had to be, you both had no choice otherwise. 
‘I’ve been waiting all month, I don’t want it to end,’ he whined, your kisses consoling him as you moved against each other, it only the two of you for just a moment. You took his hand from your hip and guided it to where the slit in your dress reached the highest point, the most amount of skin visible there as he touched your bare thigh, a noise of longing echoing from deep within him as he did the same to you; your hand was placed on his chest, fingers brushing over hair and faded scars as he started to undo a few more buttons for you. Your kisses deepened as your hand slid inside his shirt and felt hot skin, the most you’d been able to feel in all the times you’d been together, the clock ticking even louder as you rocked faster, pressed down harder.
‘I wish I could have you,’ you confessed against his lips like a secret prayer, his eyes locking with yours as he felt the same. ‘Getting to see you only twice a month is too cruel…’
‘I know,’ he panted, lips wet as he started to shake, unable to say anything else, ‘I know.’
You buried your head in his shoulder and hung on for dear life as the buzzer rang, rudely but expectedly signaling that your hour was up as the door unlocked once more, your hands clinging to him as you stilled but refused to get up, release delayed so cruelly as two guards entered his room. ‘Alright lovebirds, you know the drill,’ one of them said, Abner just shaking his head and wrapping his arms around your back, the two men sighing as the blanket covering the window and shielding your date from any passersby as agreed was torn down again, there was no privacy allowed for him here, not at Belle Reve.
‘Don’t make us ask you again,’ the other warned, your lip quivering again as you nodded in understanding; it’d make for a pretty terrible anniversary if you were to be torn off of him so they could teach him a lesson for disobeying orders. You stood on shaky legs, Abner helping you readjust your dress before his modesty was covered by his pillow, the guards not caring in the least, they’d more than likely seen much worse than that, but it didn’t matter to him. They were already starting to clear away the food he’d so lovingly prepared when you stopped them, your voice cracking as your hands were held up in a panic.
‘Wait! Let me take the cake home, please, and the casserole,’ you pleaded, the two exchanging a look before deciding it’d be okay, it wasn’t like you were sneaking him in anything, after all. They let you balance the food in your arms as the rest was piled onto the rolling cart that had been waiting by the door, the table folded up and brought out to be put back into storage. ‘I really thought we’d have more time today,’ you mused as you were left alone for a moment, Abner putting his pillow back at the head of his bed and standing up. He stood behind you again, gentle touch making you sigh longingly as he rested his chain against the top of your head.
‘An hour is always an hour, even today,’ he accepted now that it was over, neither of you wanting to truly believe that.
‘At least I got to love you for an hour,’ you said wistfully, your head turning so you could look up at him.
‘I’ll love you every second until you come back again,’ he promised you just as he always did, your body quickly spinning in place to face him before it was too late, mouth opening to say something when the men returned with his collar, his regular clothes tossed into his arms for him to put back on now that the date was over. He gave you a sad yet happy smile as you were escorted out, your eyes on him until you left the cell block.
It really was a shame your anniversary only came once a year, but at least you got to bring home a little piece of him this time as you cradled what he’d made for you in your arms all the way back to your car.
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marbarmars-arts · 1 year
So...I MAY have been collecting Fawfuls like pokemon cards <3
(and what the heck do I mean by that exactly??) WELL in a discord GC my friend Parmy suggested we’d imitate each other’s art styles as like a collab of sorts? Well...I kinda took that a step further heheh ^^
(And fun fact...this was supposed to be something I was gonna do for AU day of Fawful month too, but that idea got cut due to time)
So may I present...the different Fawfuls I drew!! For my friends/cool acquaintances!
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So the one who led up to this in the first place, Fawful from @parmsnik AU!! He is dating/eventually marrying Naspi depending on where you’re at in the AU haha! Your way of drawing Fawful seems to change a little bit each time you draw him, so I tried to my best to guestimate a consistent looking Fawf! Very cute!
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Up next is Fawful from @the-spacewaffle AU!! Yippee Ronnie’s AU! Thanks for being my friend for so long,,to talk about Fawful and all that stuff y’know? I’ll be cheering you on to complete the story qwq your Fawful is always so nice to my OCs when we crossover khskdjh also...pet the Reddo!
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Eee yay now it’s @snuffydoo Fawful and his AU title I totally made up on the spot! I know you don’t really have a name for that kind of thing and it doesn’t have to be canon but I hope you think it’s cute anyways haha! I had a lot of fun drawing this one!! It’s so stylized! AND IT HAS DIMMY (I enjoy your Dimmy artstyle sm) but I don’t draw Spamton very often kjhskgh
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Here’s @federthenotsogreat Fawful AU of sunshine goodness~! HE RETURNITH (and since I couldn’t think of another character to feature with your AU...not knowing if Cackletta is there or not jhgskg I gave him a cute little swirly sun!) I admire the fact his outfit is mostly YELLOW and also blue those are cool colors OH AND THAT LEG TOO, also super cool :)
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The smol and cute @omgtheywereroomates Fawf! Your ask blog is so neat! I know I don’t ask too many questions there but I just,,,the cartoony fluffy hair?? Love that, and also thank you for your support and the super cool ship as well ^^ 
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Heheee yeah hey it’s @cammiluna Fawful from Immortal Fool! Before you say anything YES I’m aware he’s got the new design since it’s near the end of the comic, you released the page that featured said new design while I was already working on this drawing xD So whoops! I just wanted to give appreciation to your comic series that you continued despite everything, and well...I know I haven’t shown much progress on it, I also want to make a comic series...so you’ve inspired me a lil :D
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Deep down here there’s a little AU by @aliencatwafers which features Fawful in the sewers! With the little baby bros!! You’re a very insightful and inspiring writer with plenty of neat headcanons and ideas for the bean! Ik you mostly draw in pencil but I took the colors from your submissions to Fawful month this year and used em here! Hope it looks cool!
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This little gremlin here with the two moms is Fawful from @bean-n-shroob ask blog! He looks very silly and unhinged (in a good way) and I hope he’s having a good time since after BIS! I love how round your designs are and Fawf is no exception :D
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Last but not least is this VERY soft Fawful from @localdealmaker​ and their AU, whose title I made up too (again doesn’t need to be canon or anything if you don’t want it to be, I just wanted to give every drawing a cute name ^^) I think yours was the most complicated to draw for me but I love how he looks, so squish!! Kaboo is cute too!
WHEW THAT WAS A LOT OF TYPING KSJHKGH but yeah I hope you guys have enjoyed this...I might make another part someday full of more Fawful designs from friends but I AM A LITTLE BURNT OUT...doesn’t mean I didn’t have fun tho!
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quartzguts · 1 month
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @zanarkandfayth, i meant to do this when i saw the tag and forgor 😳 i even posted a new fic in between then and now... but thank you for the tag!!
most of these are gonna b vinsaga eheh.
Disinheritance (Who Made Me a Princess, gen) // It was Athanasia's worst nightmare.
In the Heat of the Moment (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // "Well," Askeladd said, rubbing his hands together, "it would appear that we're fucked."
Intertwined Fates (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // The slave market is a lively place.
Playing House (DC, Slade Wilson x Tanya Spears) // Tanya reminds him of Rose.
love is stored in the scent gland (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // Thorfinn wakes to sharp teeth digging into his neck.
Falconry (Teen Titans, Sladin) // Dick knows all the tricks.
Occupational Hazards (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // It was a chill, foggy day in Jutland, just outside the boundary of Gorm’s village.
shoeshine boy (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // Thorfinn bristles.
Pillow Talk (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // It was five o'clock in the afternoon and Thorfinn was starving.
Baby Blue (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // The outfit Thorfinn had picked out for this date was cute.
and here's my ongoing longfic, just for funsies:
11. how deep the bullet lies (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // Blood stains the white snow a vicious red.
overall i think i'm good at picking out a starting line. i try to lead with something interesting, whether it's atmospheric, dialogue, action, set up, etc. i did think i used to over rely on dialogue starters but apparently that's not the case anymore?! one of my faves from this list is In the Heat of the Moment, so maybe i should go back to dialogue lol
as for how deep the bullet lies... i don't hate it but... yeah. you can tell that fic was written out of 100% self indulgence because i didn't edit it as much as i should have. why did i specify that the snow is white... what other color would it be QwQ
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thenanbakacorner · 2 years
Hello, I hope this reaches you well. But I was wondering if you can do a little scenario of Hajime with a sweet chubby wife going to visit him at work to deliver him lunch. Running into Jyugo and the others before she can get to Hajime? Thank you for your time!
Sure thing!
Writer’s block hit me especially hard on this one unfortunately so I hope it turned out well and that you like it!! QwQ
(W/N = Wife’s name)
* * *
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🦍 Meeting the Missus - Cell 13 Meets Hajime’s Wife Scenario 🦍
Finally, she has arrived. (W/N) had a soft smile on her face as she made her way through one of the main halls of Building 13, seeking out Hajime. In one hand she held a bag which dangled and swayed with her movements; a bag of lunch for her beloved.
She and Hajime had been together for quite some time now, and she loved the man with all of her heart. He could be very cold to others sometimes, sure, especially in his line of work, but at home, Hajime was the sweetest man ever to (W/N).
As she neared the visiting room, she perked at the sound of approaching voices from somewhere nearby. She slowed to a stop as the voices and sounds of rapid footsteps drew nearer.
“C’mon, Jyugo! You’re especially slow today!”
“Shut up!”
“Not to mention, he ran into every last trap so far.”
An annoyed groan followed, and after a few more seconds, (W/N) saw four boys come around the corner ahead of her. They quickly noticed her as well, and one in particular was quick to approach with the best flirty look he could muster.
“Oh, hello there, miss! Aren’t you a sight to behold?~” Uno greeted, reaching out to take (W/N)’s free hand in one of his. His friends were next to him shortly thereafter, all smiling in the presence of such a pretty woman.
(W/N) giggled at the compliment and thanked him, but before she could state her reasoning of being here, Nico spoke up.
“I love your outfit! It’s so pretty!” He beamed, hands in fists in front of himself entheusiastically. (W/N) cooed appreciatively and thanked him as well.
“What brings a lovely lady such as yourself here to Building 13?” Jyugo asked. Rock added onto the question quickly thereafter. “And what do you got there? Whatever it is, it smells amazing.”
“Oh, I’m just here to drop off lunch to my husband.” (W/N) answered with a closed eye smile. “He was in such a rush to get to work that he forgot it. The silly goose.”
“Well, your husband’s a lucky guy to have such a beautiful wife.~” Uno complimented, placing a kiss on the back of her hand.
“Aw gee, you’re too kind.”
It wasn’t much longer before rapid, heavy footsteps were heard nearby, and all four inmates stiffened. Oh boy, here comes trouble.
“Found you, you little shits!!”
Hajime announced angrily, skidding around the corner to a stop. They all yelped in fear before being whacked on their heads, leaving bumps. “How many times do you need to break out in one day?! I am far too busy to be--!!”
Hajime cut himself off when he saw (W/N) standing there, and his eyes widened, blinking. “(W/N)? What’re you doing here?”
She was a bit stunned at what just occured as she hadn’t expected to run into Hajime like this, but she smiled and lifted the bag. “You forgot your lunch.”
“Oh! Oh. Right. I didn’t realize.” Hajime murmured and leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead. “You can leave it in the visiting room and I’ll get it after I deal with those inmates. Sorry you had to see that.”
“No worries, love.” She replied and leaned up to initiate a proper kiss, which Hajime gladly returned.
“That’s Hajime’s wife?!” Uno whisper-exclaimed to his friends, eyes wide.
“No way.” Rock murmured back.
“I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see it..” Nico said thoughtfully.
“Let’s get outta here while he’s distracted.” Jyugo offered, and the boys all nodded in agreement and started to tip toe away. However, Hajime noticed quickly, and turned to yell.
“And where do you think you’re going?!”
“Oh crap!” They yelped in unison, and made a break for it.
Hajime turned to (W/N) and quickly spat out a “Thankshoneyseeyoulater” before running off after the escapees, screaming at them to stop or he’ll beat them harder than he first intended to. (W/N) couldn’t help but laugh.
So this is what causes him to be so tired and stressed after work. The poor dear.
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yga-vn · 9 months
So, I just came to say that I love your drawing style, Joël's design is so beautiful, so clean, elegant and sharp (?), it fits perfectly with his personality (at least that's what I think) and what could I say about Noël? I love how you drew his versions, so cozy, I would describe it as lying in the warmth of the fireplace enjoying a cup of hot chocolate after a snowball fight with my siblings, he gives me such cozy joyful energy. I love how both brothers give off different energies even though they share a similar color palette and how the way they dress conveys their personalities. Joël's look feels like it was tailor-made, sharp, slim and chic, Noël's clothes look extremely comfortable and warm (which is quite a contrast to his yandere mode). AND I LOVE THEIR ACCESSORIES, I'm simply obsessed with their earrings.
In conclusion, I'm definitely a fan of the outfits you designed for them (and I kind of want to raid their wardrobe)
I'm really happy that you enjoy their designs QwQ
Clothes and eyes are my favorits things to draw on a character cause they kinda reflect their personnality, so that's makes me happy the fact that Joël's style gives you a sharp/elegant/clean impression cause that's what I was going for with his cold personnality. Same for Noël I gaved him a cozy look cause he is deffinatly the type to drink a hot chocolate while reding a book on a really cold day :3
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Am I here again? Yes i am. Am I here because I have no idea how to write my thoughts out? Lol YES. I JUST DONT KNOW HOW TO WRITE MODERN AU HELP. Aight so at first I was thinking about Childe since he probably would be one but since I'm a heavy simp of Pantalone and your way of writing him... *casually scratches Childe out * (sorry childe, Scribe can only take one at once QwQ *i guess*)
so... yan!Pantalone (i mean if we can get a but of childe as well then why not) with fem reader who's in a popular girlband.
This one will purely be based on your whole ideas about it since I don't even know what I had in mind. Sure, he's your typical crazy fanatic fans except that he can do even more with his power. (Right what do you have in mind? Here's mine) You who's not really the main (idk what but u get the idea) and doesn't really get as much screentime than that one member. Oh what will he do to make you shine even more? (Yeah right idk what, no need to make it sounds logical if you dont know too-) You being the third out of five doesn't sit right with him. You need to be the first and he'll do whatever it takes to make it comes true.
Oh yeah while we're at this, I have the idea that Childe would probably be the one who rewatch your MV over and over everyday to boost the numbers while Pantalone will also do the same but not as eager as him lol. Sure they both make everyone do the same everyday too lol but it's just that Childe seems to be a lil bit... nasty (im sorry) when doing so. Oh i mean both of them do notice how your outfits show so much skin in this one particular MV but even Pantalone won't rewatch that one part of the video of you where something slips away over and over (im sorry 2)
Anyway BACK TO PANTALONE,  he'll probably have a shit tons of informations about you ... i mean sure he had already knew you even before you debuted or even before you were a trainee! I mean, how can he forgot someone who's kind enough to give him a coat in the middle of the endless winter? You looked as angelic as how you once looked like when you stopped in front of him only to give him your coat and money for him. (Heh im sorry i cant with this trope). Sure, your family might be rich enough to pull some dirty strings for your debut but how surpirsed would you be if you knew they were not the only one who pulled the strings. (You know, Childe and you had been friends since HS smthg like that and I can see how he might do the same for you as well. Imagine them both seeing each other tho) The rest of his fanatic behaviours (and actions lol) are all up to you because I want to know what you had in mind so much qwq.
Also bonus is that this girlband is kinda... ehe...you know, quiet unique with its music *istg this is not my idea, it's because I just watched some Umetora mmds and can't stop brainrotting about this theme for the whole 2 weeks* which is... there's an element of moaning in it sometimes so make sure to keep an eye on these crazy yan okay. Who knows if they might go feral
There's actually a shit tons of extreme behaviours of them i had in mind but i dont even know if ur fine with it so i'll just *peaces out*
Yeah my request this time is so unorganized prolly because I really want it to be based on your thoughts completely (and yet i still write my mind out-) but still ty for reading my dum dum brainrot (fr wondering why do I always put some bits of love to Pantalone's past) qwq
The dark melody of the twin black stars
Yan! Modern! Pantalone x idol! Modern! Reader x yan! Modern! Gangmember(?) Childe
Lyrics from Melody in the dark from Undead, Star ensemble
Using all Childe's known name for this fic
Tw: sexual themes, stalking, panty sniffer, blackmailing (implied), yandere stuff, kleptomaniac, first time writing in a modern world, and please state more of your mind next time bubbles.
"Back at it again bubbles? Couldn't resist opening Pandora's jar of goodies, I see. Do you feel it? The harvest is here. Pity are those who have a place on the table… Unless you're giving up a piece of yourself for carnal desires. I have seen many fall and bend to the wordless will of our shrouded hearts. Its rewards are robust as it is unholy. Now, let us don our masks of vice and the feast could begin." -Scribe
" Thank you for coming to our concert everyone! It really means so much to us!" Rinna smiled, the leading singer. 
“On to our hit song!” There you are smiling so brightly, with a fist raised to the sky.
“And remember that we’ll have a greet and meet like always after this.” one winked at the audience, causing an uproar. They have waited for this concert, two certain individuals watched with great anticipation. One with tuffs of ginger, and the other rolling in dough.
Childe, a man who had known you for at least seven years. Wearing a jacket to conceal his tattooed gangster mark on his pelvic area.  He knew of you since your debut, who wouldn't recognize that lovely voice that overshadows the rest. With that growl shifting to a higher note, knowing how much work you put into shining brighter than any star known to man. He remembered that kind face anywhere, no amount of makeup could hide that inner beauty from him.
A bloodied handkerchief rests in his pocket as a good luck charm. In fact that’s how he found out about you in highschool, young and unafraid to get in a few fist fights before he got recruited by his foster father; the Rooster. Everyday of school he’d ask you on a date, but every time you'd turn him down he'd just laugh it off and just escort you back home. This is his first in person concert, and he’ll be glad that he sold an arm and leg to see you up close and personal with you in that costume.
Similar to the man that feasts upon the bloody tears of his prey. He had his own private view of you from where he stood. It's not shameful of him to be here since, why would he be, when the girl has done so much for him with nothing in return? Just like that one fateful snowy night. He hadn’t gotten rid of that cozy, fluffy winter coat, and nearly given everything you could to a grateful beggar like him. That sweet scent of pastry and comforting bitter coffee warms his frozen heart.
"You called for us wanting to be imprisoned, haven't you?//
You're simply a wandering kitten//
We'll show you the finest nightmare//
You won't be able to see anything else// Only jail//"
From then on, they promise to help you achieve your dream from the shadows of your life. Not minding that they were forgotten (oh, but they totally do mind!), buying every merch of you down to collabs with other brands/bands or even dare I say. Gacha games, where they try to max out your character and give you the best gear. Hearing your voice lines soothes them, almost like you’re actually conversing with them. These two are the ultimate whale-lords when it comes to you. Both have a shrine dedicated for your success, though one is more lavish than the other.
"Shake to your very core" Sierra winked at the audience followed by Faline
"Ignorant fools!" The tsundere of the group nearly stepped on the camera.
"I will protect the weak" then you picked up the camera, showing a kind smile with fake vampire teeth.
Childe's definitely going to use that screenshot as his wallpaper. 
"Let  me show you how serious I am. // Wallowing  in sleepless nights//" both Rinna and Lara sang.
Your line made the men swoon over your voice, singing your little heart out. Childe’s imagination got a hold of him when he saw how you hold the mic, swaying your body, it instantly reminded him of that one music video where you’re dancing up the stage with such a showy outfit. Giving much room for imagination, the gothic based uniform revealed quite a bit under your skirt and the dip of your curves. 
Not good, he's drooling. It was last night he found that solo album of yours, a very experimental one in fact. An interesting take on new music, combined with very steamy lyrics. He could only imagine what else you could do if you do accept him. 
The Regrator had long to meet you in person, so this meet and greet is perfect for him. Though part of him desires something more than just a brief meeting. To kiss your hand as thanks, he knows he might do something more than that. 
We'll sink our claws into your heart, strong and deep
Your heart (your heart) we'll dye it with the black of night
(We won't let you run away, our wanted angel)
This forbidden fruit that's playing an irregular cord
Your hope (your hope) just try chasing after it
(Be mesmerized in this misty show time!)
Out of the two men, Childe is the more gutsy type. Breaking and entering your house when you aren't home, rummaging through your things like a rat finding its next meal.
"Bingo!" Your underwear, a cute one in fact, with lace. You did notice it missing but you'd assume you just misplaced it and you'll find it once you stopped looking for it. Not knowing that a certain gangster is using it for his own unsavory pleasures. Occasionally he'd nab a few things like keychains, a fake pearl that fell off your costume. Or just getting that clam shell souvenir you got from the beach. 
Pantalone doesn't stoop to something so low like Childe, he has standards! But, he does have access to special bloopers and cut content of you through connections. Though that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy what kind of show you'll provide him in your private quarters.
Remember that stuffed toy from your last window shopping with your friends? You'll find that doll delivered to your changing room along with a usual bouquet of exotic flowers in a heart shape.
There's a poem stuck to it like always, this time it reads: 
"Along the sea danced in gilt and cupidity. Only the haunting song of a siren to be heard. On the horizon showed the moon casted still-ly shade upon lovely, Rose." - R. P. 
Childe usually gets annoyed when you swoon over the different poems you receive with the flowers. He kept wondering who the hell gives better gifts than him, he's been your best buddy since highschool! 
He knows what flowers you love, the food you like, your favorite music. Hell, he even took care of the bastard that cheated on you. He wants you to look at him, look at him the way you stare so lovingly at those swans. Those lips of yours only tempt him to just jump on you, give every love and passion he has burning inside of him for even a moment to forget about that crybaby. Just LOOK AT HIM, he’s a mess. Head rattled with thoughts of you being so intimate with him. 
You'll even forget to breathe in this dramatic night//
Dance! Live!//
You'll be falling into our melody in the dark//
They both equally love you- no, adore you! They know your ups and downs in life, they witness you being sad, angry, but they love it when you have a smile on your face. Just give them a chance to please you, it'll all be worth it if you do. 
As Childe, he'd kept asking you to help him with various things. Like baking, cooking, or even asking to go shopping for his family's gifts, especially Teucer. His older sister is rather fond of your songs which is how he connects two and two together.
Hiding our unleashed fangs//
This bloody poison is your enticing catharsis//
Kindness continues to caress freedom//
Overwhelmed with a choking urge
In this labyrinth//
Shut up solitude with a kiss//
Even though they know not to jump whenever you have collabs with boy bands, especially with the one with long white hair you're so fond of. It irks them to no end that you're being so intimate with him and his words.
While you tried to rise in the popularity ranks normally, your obsessed supporters think you should be the best among the best. Alongside with merchandise hoarding, these two bribe certain individuals to fudge up the numbers. Oh, the sparkles in your eyes when you saw how many people love you for how hard working you are to be on stage.
We'll make the spinning hands of the clock kneel and let time stand still//
Your love (your love) needs no hesitation//
(Our blindfolded wanted fairy)//
Now conceal this cross that won't grant our wish//
Your hope (your hope) we'll expose it//
(The moment we bite, our show time begins!)//
Recently, Pantalone had hired a professional crew, and interior designer('close friend or not'). Do you know that fabulous apartment building near downtown? It was a separate place for everything that you love or even items you were interested in. A dollhouse if you would call it that.
It's nearly a replica of your room, even the dust bunnies in that one corner. The only difference between yours and this, is the big portrait of you and him that he commissioned. It looked like it was photographed even though it's oil paint. 
A reverberation more certain than a fleeting promise//
You  surely know what that is//
The  flowing voice of these string//
will lead you//
To  a night that harbors eternity//
It will never end//
"So he's here" The black haired man looked over at the near front row seat. "Call him over." He told the disguised bodyguard. 
"Didn't expect you of all people to be here. " The 11th seat walked up to the Regrator. That facsimile smile never left his face since they first met underground. 
"Same could be applied to you, Tartaglia." the silence they shared with the 'hardcore' girlband fanatics' crazed screams of delight. It was then they both knew, they either have to work together or fight against each other for one singular objective. 
We'll sink our claws into your heart, strong and deep//
Your heart (your heart) we'll dye it with the black of night//
(We won't let you run away, our wanted angel)//
This forbidden fruit that's playing an irregular cord//
Your hope (your hope) just try chasing after it//
(Be mesmerized in this misty show time!)//
They need to have you for themselves. It's clear as day that these two are a whole separate level on regular hardcore fanatics. Hope you are prepared to face them when the time is right.
No strategy is necessary in this dramatic night//
Dance! Live!//
Into the wavering night, our melody in the dark//
Once the song was done, Rinna took the stage. "Did you all enjoy that?" The fans erupted in cheers as a reply.
"Our lovely ghoulies, we have an announcement to tell you all…" Faline said sadly.
" I, Rose, will be leaving the group." The lovely flower took a step, it made the crowd go silent and news hit the gangster fool. It felt like their world fell apart. He knew of the contract but he thought you'd renew it. Looking at the wealthy man who just adjusted his glasses, seemingly calm and collected.
“You boys know what’s the plan, yes?” An agent bowed subtly and went away to begin the next phase.
Part 1 complete
Pt 2: Valentines’ nightmare
"And now with the appetizers served it is on to the next course the main dish. And of course the dessert." - Scribe 
Feedback people, I need feedback to improve. Always welcomed.
Tag: @youyue
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hypnodigitalis · 4 months
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Got into my feels about Khalyn from The Man in the Forest. I like to use her as comedic relief. But damn, her life a lil' tragic. Text: Khalyn is one of my favorite side characters. I use her as comic relief because of her borderline obnoxious behavior. But, she is so much deeper than that. She is a girl who grew up with an extremely strict and workaholic father as her only parent. She learned painfully early that the only way to get his attention was through bad behavior. So, she grew into an unruly and bad mannered teen who spends her time doing anything she can to make him angry enough to put his work aside and acknowledge that she exists. "Khalyn is wild and undisciplined. She has no respect for herself or anyone else and... It's not her fault, or your fault. It is my fault. I have tried to protect her, to lead her down the right path, and failed. Somehow I managed to be both overbearing and completely absent from her life." -Caxton, her dad. "He didn’t want to go through that again so he got overprotective of me. Except he didn’t do anything other than be overprotective. He’s never been there for me except to yell at me. I can probably count on my hands how many times he’s said he loves me or hugged me or… showed any kind of affection for me, really. I don’t… I don’t think he actually loves me. He loves Mom. It’s always been about her, not me. He hasn’t been protecting me, he’s been protecting the last piece of Mom he has left. He just wanted to keep some part of her alive and- and I just wanted a dad.” -Khalyn Sad crud aside, I really like the outfit I designed for her QwQ
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Edit: Here's the No Text version just for a less busy view.
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acetrappolad · 2 months
hihi! i just wanted to say that i love how you drew leona in his fairy gala outfit
you did him justice, he's so...BEAUTIFUL AND ETHEREAL IM GOING TO SOB (positive)
thank you sm!! im so happy to hear qwq
his gala card is so ridiculously pretty ❤️❤️❤️✨✨it was so fun drawing it (waaaaa im so glad you think i did him justice!!)
thank you for your kind words!
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[ Sour Twist: Adults ]
Full Resolution on Patreon I tried to give each adult a different signature when writing their names n to have them sorta show off each characters personality XD
Each of them were a lot of fun to design and I'm so happy with their turn out. Look below for more info on the characters and their designs :3
Updates will be posted on my [ Twitter ] or my [ Tapas ]
Once the story is up for reading, it'll be posted here [ ScViNuzlocke: Party of Three ] which will hopefully be on a coherent schedule QwQ
Other Sour Twist Art [ Sour Twist: Adults ] [ Sour Twist: Party of Three ][ 3 x 3 = <3 ][ more about Sarah ] [ Challenger Sarah ][ A Pair of Brunettes ][ PKMN: Zephyr Haunts ]
Get early access to new content on Patreon for 2$
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Charlie Citrus: I fucking love how huge Charlie looks compared to them! I love my big Papa oc, hes so fun to draw and so huggable! Especially since Im much more comfortable drawing him too. I was going to give him a new outfit, but I love the very dad look I already gave him, so sadly no outfit change XD
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Donna Proper: With Prima's mother I wanted her to look pale, and the cold tones help with that, especially since she's a sickly character, so her outfit ended up being the most plain too, so I thought giving her hair a nice smooth shape with three brighter colors helped make up for that, while also giving her a bright pink shall to add a warmer tone.
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Jessica Evelyn Trevithick: Jess is my sister's oc for the RP we're doing together, so she only had the games customization to go off of, but I still tried to give her some flare rather than solely go off the game versions. Since Jess is from Sinnoh as a former champion I thought a little late that it'd be a good idea to give her a scarf like the protags from DP
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Prof. Ingo Trevithick: Since Paldea is based on Spain, I like the idea of Ingo getting a tan which looks weird compared to how pale he usually is. I also changed up his teacher design to still keep some old elements with his coat shoes n hat, but still tried to make it look fresh and new. There are alotta good designs for Ingo after he returns, so I wanted mine to not look too similar.
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Champion Emmet Trevithick: For Emmets champion outfit, I thought giving his more gray tones would held separate him from when he was a subway boss while still keeping some elements. His coat, while wearing it as a cape, is for more as a dramatic entrance than something he's always wearing now. Also gave him Victini bc they just suit eachother XD
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