#i love cynder too much
janegumball · 10 months
Wait THE legend of Spyro trilogy?? The one with Cynder??? Oh man that was like, one of my absolute favorite video games ever! All I ever see is hate for it. Glad to see someone else likes it too!
I've seen soooo much hate for those games but tbh I just love them, I don't care what others think about it.
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madame-mongoose · 2 years
Please tell us about the Cinder au I love Spyro!!!
Okay so basically my au focuses on rewriting Cynder's story from Legends to better fit the Reignited universe while also introducing Ember and Flame into the mix. Here's their designs as I have them currently!!!
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Now I'll put the lore under a readmore-
Cynder is a young dragon who originates from the Magic Crafters homeworld. Outcasted by her peers and overlooked by her elders in favor of the child hero, Spyro, she runs away. Jealous and angered over the unfairness of her situation. She stumbles inside of a cave where she finds a large, black, glowing crystal. It whispers to her, beckons her. She lays a paw on it, entranced, and blacks out. She awakes to find herself in a nightmare world. One twisted and ugly full of her fears and insecurities. She eventually finds Him. The Nightmare King, shrouded in darkness. Only his eyes able to be seen. He speaks to her and appeals to her emotions. Manipulating her and promising that she will be loved by all is she can help free him from his prison. Cynder, a young and desperate child, agrees. She awakes, her body changing, her scales darkening, her horns growing sharper, and chains forming around her neck and ankles. Marks of the nightmare king appearing on her scales. Now starts her task to free him. She becomes a terror, wielding elements of darkness to aid her in battle. She must steal a crystal from each dragon homeworld and lay them together in the abandoned Nightmare temple in dreamweavers to summon him back to the waking world.
Along her journey she meets Flame, Spyro, and Ember who she defeats in battle. Spyro being the first she beats, as he overestimates his abilities due to his previous wins. This spawns a NEED to defeat her and he chases her all across the dragon realms. She meets Flame in Peace Keepers. He boasts how he can easily defeat her, having a huge ego. But he's all bark and no bite. Her kicking his ass just crumples his self esteem completely (think teru from mp100) Spyro convinces him to join forces and they continue pursuit. They fight her together in Beast Makers and are defeated, but with quite the struggle this time. The last world she visits, Dream Weavers, is where we meet Ember. Ember is the hardest opponent she faces. Being the princess of the homeworld and also most gifted dreamwalker gives her a huge upper hand. Ember, during the battle is able to see inside Cynder's mind for a brief moment and sees the corruption she's under. And it shocks Ember so much it gives Cynder time to defeat her and continue her journey to the temple. Ember is HORRIFIED bc she KNOWS who the nightmare king is. Malefor. An ancient dragon who once overtook the lands with his creatures of terror and destruction. Every dream weaver who is set to rule is taught this history and made to meet him in the dreamscape to understand truly what a monster he is. Ember screwed up when she met him tho, and a piece of him escaped. Growing that crystal found in Magic Crafters.
Cynder makes it to the temple and lays out all the crystals in order, ready to summon her King. Spyro, Flame, and Ember all confront her, but it's already too late. She frees him from the nightmare realm. The mass amount of power she uses knocks her out, the portal she opened beginning to suck her in. Ember, in a state of pity for her rescues her last minute and takes her with the group to safety. When Cynder wakes up she is PISSED. (This is pretty much all the most detailed plot I have so far the rest is story beats) After that I want Cynder to have a moment of clarity and realize through a really hard hitting scene that Malefor was just using her. It takes her a while but she slowly reforms and tries to make amends. Her and Ember have a love hate relationship. Ember feeling guilt over being the cause of this in the first place, but also hating Cynder's guts for what she did. And Cynder just hating her in general akhdjs. Flame being very skeptical and the hardest to warm up to Cynder. Kinda taking a Sparx like role from Legends? Except less annoying bc fuck Legends Sparx fr. Spyro I'm still debating on tbh. I want him to be really headstrong and like child hero syndrome?? And Cynder eventually becomes like bad influence big sis to him?? But yeah they all create a found family thing and figure out a way to defeat Malefor for good
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 29 days
Hello! I come from your Wattpad and I don't know if this is allowed because I didn't see her under the characters you write for for Twisted Wonderland, but I stumbled across your Twist Oc and she's brain rotted my thoughts since. I was wondering if I could get headcannons of Cynder in a relationship with the reader, or just anything with her in general.
Plz ignore if it's against your rules, and thank you in advance!
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I didn't think anyone would ever request Cynder so this is really unexpected but I'm so glad you like her! She's my pride and joy so I hope you enjoy these headcannons!
Warnings: gn reader, talks of short life spans.
Request: Yes.
Words: 731
Cynder Lynn
Being a closed off individual even before arriving at Night Raven Collage, the fae wasn't interested in petty companionship in any form. And that especially included those with short life spans. To be in a body of a hundred years was to be in a body you could feel dying.
Of course, Deuce, Ace, and (Y/n) thought otherwise. And that wasn't Cynders opinion to change.
“Hey, can we sit here? Cool, thanks.” The ginger plopped down at her table in the cafeteria before she could even usher open her mouth to form a proper answer. Typical of Ace, really. So, she closed her eyes and went back to her book after a moment, leaving the question unanswered.
Her first conversation with you was when the two of you happened to be paired up together in Crewel's class, the both of you situated in front of a brewing pot.
“Don't add that into the potion. You'll cause an explosion. Heart of a rat and the bones of a bat don't mix. Use a pelt of a frog instead as a substitute.”
After the first conversation it's like Cynder kept being pulled into them, one after the next. And soon enough, she was conflicted. Because she'd realized she'd started liking these little conversations. And your little smiles. She noticed the dimples of your cheeks or the way you'd subtly snort when you laughed too hard.
Life was full of hardships. And knowing her heart wanted to be around a human, a being with such a short life span, was a hard thing to face. But the heart will do what it wants. And she will face the pain later on.
When the two of you do establish a relationship, it likely would've been you to confess to her first. Unless she's undoubtedly certain you're showing an interest in her romantically, Cynder won't open her mouth to it.
As for the relationship itself, Cynder is happy to accompany you anywhere to do anything. Though her main interests lie in nature and the stars. She can name every constellation in the sky.
Though her favorite things to do with you are hikes, stargazing, drawing and painting, picnics, cuddling, watching movies at godawful times in the night when you both should really be asleep, and holding your hand when you walk.
Please, grab her by the horns and rip her down into kisses, she loves it. She loves any little quirk about you and everything you could ever offer up. Because those small little details especially are what makes you you.
Cynder likes to wrap her wings around you both when you're cuddling or stargazing, or anything really. She likes a good scratch on her wings too, the scales with puff out on you if you do so.
Being around her means being around the rest of Diasomnia a lot though, so I hope you don't mind the diasomnia folk that much.
She's a very good cook and most of all likes making many many stupidly small pancakes for you, though she can cook just about anything she puts her mind to.
Cynder isn't very fond of large crowds of people, though if you want to go to a party she will reluctantly go. She also isn't that good at speaking up on how she feels about subjects but give her enough time to trust and consult and she'll open up like a book.
She likes picking you up with her tail too. And being dragon Fae she can do so with relative ease. One moment you'll be walking and the next you'll be off the ground being held by her tail. Be careful though, because her tail is relatively sensitive.
Due to Fae not needing a lot of sleep most of the nights are spent with her curled up with you, deep in thought. After all, in her long life span this is just a fleeting moment in the hundreds of years she'll live.
But Cynder is quite sure it'll be the best hundred years of her life she's lived. You'll live on in her memory, forever.
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antirepurp · 3 months
Dawn of the Dragon brainrot related question: how did you feel about all the armor pieces you could find throughout the game?
i loved them as a kid and i still think they're conceptually a fun way to customize the dragons and the way they play, there's just very little reason to mix and match the pieces when a full set of one type gives you an objectively better bonus. i think more variety would also have done the system favors but i get that dotd was developed quickly and on a budget so i can't blame them too much on that. it's still a fun feature and makes for useful collectibles
also the set that gives cynder the ability to poison enemies when she hits them is busted as hell and i love that for her
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cy-cyborg-draws · 7 months
I just want to say I've been loving your story so far! Where did you learn to write? I've been loving how you write dialogue. All of my characters always sound the same.
Thank you so much!
I've been writing ever since I was little, so most of it has just come from lots of practice! That and my partner is also an author and is getting his own book edited lately, so I've been trying to pay attention to the feedback and advice he's been getting too.
But I struggle a lot with my characters sounding the same too (Its actually part of the reason I wanted to write my fic so I actually had a chance to practice on something I could work on quickly, as opposed to my comics that take years to make lol). A method I found relatively recently though that's helped me out a lot is called the "filter method" of writing dialogue. Basically, you write a very direct and to-the-point version of the conversation that establishes what you want to get from the exchange, then you give each character a set of "filters" - things they will or won't talk about and edit the conversation based on those.
So for example, in the last chapter of my fic, Cynder and Valori talk while they head towards the village. The point of that conversation was to establish that Valori (and by extension, the other dragons on the island) don't know much about what happened in the cannon game series, because they're so isolated, and to establish that something about this island is kind of off - specifically the curse Valori mentions. So the to-the-point version of the conversation was basically just that, the two characters stating, point-blank, things about where they live/d and the things they don't know. Obviously that's not a natural conversation though, so this is where the filters come in. The most obvious things you want to filter out are that the characters aren't going to outright say they don't know something, because they don't know to bring it up, so you filter out some of that directness and adjust as needed so the "point" of the conversation can still be addressed. Valori doesn't know what a purple dragon is for example, so Cynder had to say something to lead into that part of the conversation, so she can ask about it. Cynder doesn't know about the curse impacting the island, so Valori had to say something to lead into that so Cynder can ask about it. There's also the personal filters, Cynder's filters are basically anything to do with her history or the fact she has multiple elements - she will not usually mention either of those things in conversation as she wants to keep them secret for her safety. Stuff about her history can be coaxed out of her in certain situations (e.g. after pyra told Valori everything anyway, so she wants to set the record straight), but she won't reveal all of it without a big push. So any mentions of that get edited out, and she'll move away from conversations she thinks are going in that direction/change the topic. Valori on the other hand is a very open book, she has no reason to hide things for the most part, and she knows very little about the outside world. She likely won't bring up anything she assumes is normal for all dragons based on her knowledge of life on the island, because she assumes Cynder already knows them, so those conversation topics will get filtered out, at least until she realizes this isn't the case a bit later.
You can also include smaller, less situational filters too. For example, a character in a comic I'm working on used to work as a botanist and has a special interest in plants (she's autistic), so some of her filters include the fact she talks in very formal language and prefers larger, more specific words. so any smaller words or less direct language will usually get filtered out in her speech, giving her a distinct voice compared to her love interest, who's a farmer who prefers slang and informal language.
Basically, these filters act as rules for how your character behaves and talks that help make them sound different to one another. I saw this method in a youtube video but I haven't been able to find it again. It helped me a lot though, I don't use it all the time but it's a good fall-back if I'm finding a lot of my dialogue between characters is feeling too similar or is just not going the way I want it to!
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wackywibrart · 8 months
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☆ Oc-Tober Day 6 // PERSONALITIES
I was unsure if I really wanted to just do 1 oc, so I just decided to do multiple for it! These will consist of all my current Ring Of Satyr main gods!
Going from top left down to bottom right, we have: Lord Embry (Wrath/Pride), Liege Vampbry (Greed/Deceit), Monarch Fatebringer (Fear/Idolatry), Lady Cephabry (Lust/Envy), Cynder (Limbo/Discord), and Lord Grumbry (Gluttony/Sloth)!
Let's start from the top!!
Lord Embry (He/King) This guy is a, lack for the better words, a big brash bully. He is the ruler of the Wrath and Pride rings, and makes SURE you know he owns the place. He's incredibly egotistical and enjoys messing with people for a quick laugh. Though, if you are to piss him off, he has a temper of a bull, and will absolutely kick your ass. Deep down, though, he's a softie if you catch him in the right way.
Liege Vampbry (They/Xe) They're a stotic one, typically prefering to stay to themselves and focus on their work. They come off cold with their monotone short replies and are quick to pass off anyone attempting to be buddy buddy with them, but they are rather understanding if you are to let them know. They enjoy gardening and fostering animal souls, so if you happen to come down to their level there, you can see the hidden nerd they actually are. Officer worker by day, bio nerd by night.
Monarch Fatebringer (She/It/They) She's.... Interesting. She's a brute, a bully, in a very snarky girlbossy way. She's a bringer of death and typically overlooks a lot of things when it comes to common safety concerns. She'd probably push you off a cliff if you joked about it without a moment's hesitation! She enjoys flaunting off her power most of the time and is always confident in her actions. Additionally, she likes to get into mischeif to see where things go. Lets just say she's... definitely... a lot!
Lady Cephabry (She/They/Jewel) An ABSOLUTE sweetheart! She's all about her femininity, making sure her mane is always in tip-top shape for the perfect occassion, like parties! She's a show girl, a party girl, and loves to flaunt her style. However, she also holds a lot of love for those who she's close with. Her motherly nature makes sure all of her citizens and loved oens are well tended too and accomdated if need be. She can be a bit of a hopeless romantic around pretty ladies and enbies. Though, if you fuck up, then you fuck up, and she isn't afraid to let you know that with a stern talk!
Cynder (He/They/Xe) My persona, but also his own character! An outlier to all the others, being very much a young adult. He's a clumsy, impulsive kid constantly striving to do his best and make it out there. Not all of his decisions are the greatest as they're made on the whim, but he's always quick to try and turn it around to a potentially positive thing! He's a hard worker and may overexert himself from time to time due to his dedication. He can be stubborn, though, and may struggle on some responsibilities due to anxiety and his ADHD.
Lord Grumbry (They/Them) I've sorta described them already, but, might as well again! Grumbry is an absolute gentle giant. They're rather slow with their words and have a difficult time understand more complex operations like technology, but have fun learning stuff nonetheless. They're a sweetheart, happy to cater to those who may need an ear to listen too or just have a hug. They're difficult to annoy... though if you manage too... then... It probably won't be a good day for you. They can bite. Hard.
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brightenight-heart · 3 days
Thank you for the art. I really like your art style you do great work especially the dragons. Also do you have more cardiophilia art of Cynder? She is a favorite of mine.
Thanks you so much ^^ Hehe yeah she my favorite too ! Sadly this time I have not mood for do cardiophiles art
But if you have a idea and desire about her heart tell me
I love cynder too
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faecaptainofdreams · 8 months
AHOY THERE CAPTAIN!! Since it looks like I’ll unfortunately be unable to draw you anything again this year (Although depending on how much money I have by the end of this month then your birthday gift from me will be hard earned cash from commissions & if not then mark my words I am making plans to have a whole armada of gifts to shower upon you next at as 30 is a big number!!!) I wanted to take the liberty of wishing you a very, albeit a week early, Happy 29th Birthday!!! 🎉Thank you for all the inspiration, growth, and love you have given me since the start of this very decade, you are a diamond in the rough and I am so lucky to have met you. Hopefully one day I can make plans to come see you in person and perhaps have the honor of spending the rest of my tomorrows with you but until then may your 30’s all you to Wander into new Yonder’s ♥️🏴‍☠️🏳️‍🌈
With love from Rain/Rayne
P.S, Send Cynder my regards!! Btw are there any WOY characters whose birthday is this month?
Awwww duuuuude!!! You’re SO FUCKIN’ SWEEET HNNGGG *HUUUUUUUGS*!!!! I’ve loved having you in my life too, don’t stress about a gift bc YOU DONT OWE ME NOTHIN 😭♥️🏴‍☠️ Love ya Rayne 🥹
Aaah not that i can think of canon wise, BUT Thorn’s i think is October 18th! She’s literally based off toxic Libra traits 😂
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I will not stop. This is now your curse. I will make you all suffer.
I've TRIED to redeem myself, but you all just cry and run away like little fuckin' brats that haven't been told NO their whole life.
I am your curse. I will make sure you never find peace from me. I may not be the Devil, but I will sure as hell make you suffer for what you did to me.
You have RUINED my life. You LIED to me.
Cynder started this shit over somethin' stupid, and now I feel like people are ACTIVELY tryna hunt me down to KILL me, all because of some STUPID ASS AU ART I MADE!!!
No wonder you never asked me about it right away...you were just tryna bait me out.
This fandom is horrible. You are all horrible people. You all deserve to rot in Hell for everything that happened.
I never wanted this to be drama in the first place...but I guess the cards have already been delt, and now it is war.
This is exactly why I hate fandoms. They start shit for the stupidest reasons. There's a difference between bein' critical about someone's character and harassing them out of a fandom because of it.
I never doxxed you. As much as that just sounds like shit comin' out of my mouth, I never wanted this to be a problem. I trusted you Lara. I thought that I was finally finna be able to redeem myself for everything. It turns, I was wrong.
Go ahead. Laugh. I'm already laughing, because I already won. Simple, nice, ya'll think you about to talk shit behind my back. I'm laughing at your petty little response to my ask :)
This whole fandom will pay, for everything that they've did to me. As much as I love the franchise itself, as perfect this fandom seems, it's really just an fuckin' dumpster fire that nobody cares for.
You will never find me. I am taking a step back, and I'm leaving social media. I'm goin' to therapy, and hangin' with close people.
You did this to yourselves. Even in the future, this fandom will not thrive.
You are banned from Lite Anime. Every single person in this fandom is blacklisted, and there is no way you will redeem yourselves. Even as a sadist, only the hurt you will receive is the memory of me, tormenting you until the end of your days.
*chucks you into a dumpster*
You and your stories can all burn in Hell, and I will make sure, you never recover from me.
*shuts the dumpster lid and locked it*
This is your life. I will never stop until everyone in this fandom that was ever involved in this drama and their legacies are sabotaged and never recovered. I will make sure to sabotage mine, just as equal punishment. I will make sure, yours is sabotaged, too.
Let this be a lesson to this fandom, and other fandoms: Nobody is perfect, but nobody deserves to have their lives ruined and in shambles over stupid reasons like these.
Of course, not like you'll ever learn that lesson anyway :)
BTW, my persona has one last thing she has to say: I'm sorry I was born the way I was. I'm sorry I'm a demon. I'm sorry I'm a supposed "Mary Sue." I'M SORRY I'M NOT YOUR IMAGE OF A GOOD CHARACTER. I'M SORRY I'M NOT PERFECT!!!
I've gotta go. I've got better shit to worry about than all you c***s.
Fuck you all! 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
So Good Riddance! 🖕
P.S. Max killing Cyn is not canon to her story :) fuck you
What a show!! Spent half an hour writing??
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Fuck you man! Get a life! Touch some grass! Stop making stupid threats on the internet that will never be taken seriously!
Nobody will like you for these things! You say you tried to redeem yourself but lied about why cynder blocked you!
Try doing that again and I'll keep laughing in your face until you stop!
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artbecome · 1 year
Today is Dragon Appreciation Day so here are my all time fave dragons, based on either cuteness or personality
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Orn Khai from ffxiv because of too much cuteness!
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Cynder from The Legend of Spyro series because her character arc is just so interesting and her eye colour’s the reason why I love turquoise so much!
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Of course we can’t forget the legend himself, Spyro! He’s the reason why I like dragons in the first place!
@jerseyfiredragon Happy Dragon Appreciation Day🐉💚
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pearlescent-soda · 1 year
🐑//My Young Dragon Headcanons (Spyro Edition):
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The man, the myth, the legend, it's Spyro, the most well-known dragon in the Dragon Kingdom, even above the current dragon leaders... even above Bubba. He's loud, cocky, and headstrong, but his enthusiasm can still sometimes bring a smile to the sourest of faces. On the flip side, he's constantly in trouble for something or the other, with 'I can't, I'm grounded' practically becoming his catchphrase. He pushes boundaries on a daily basis with his mischief and, combined with his irresponsibility, often sees him breaking stuff and being punished for it all the time. Man, it must be exhausting being one his guardians.
An Artisan who has yet to find his 'artistic voice', the Artisans are doing their best to ignite his 'artistic spirit', but Spyro is not feeling it. But whenever Marco the Balloonist is in town, he's the first to greet him, so, perhaps there's something for him there. Marco would love to teach Spyro how to operate a hot air balloon, all he needs is the 'go ahead' from Nestor, and he can start teaching.
He's been painfully lonely as long as he could remember, Sparx is his best friend, but he can't exactly play tag or hopscotch with him without his life being endangered. So, when he met dragons his age, he wouldn't leave them alone till he learned everything about them. Flame instantly became his second-best friend behind Sparx, Ember is warming up to him, Cynder couldn't care less, and Zinc absolutely hates his guts.
Definitely has ADD, which he has yet to properly manage. He's fidgety, interrupts others frequently, and is way too impulsive even for a kid. His Elders hope he grows out of it soon, but, uh, that's not how it works. The best anyone can do is be patient with him and give him a schedule or else he'll be all over the place. 'Hey, Gildas, you think I could climb on top of the roof of that castle over there?... You say no, I think yes. Give me, one... two... Five minutes'.
He knows every elder eragon; he can recognize their faces and call them by their names. Though, all of their feelings about him vary with one third spoiling him rotten, two thirds joining his shenanigans, and three thirds giving him actual discipline or doing the best to shoo the pint-sized nuisance away. 'Fine, I'll just go ask [insert lenient dragon elder's name] instead'. They're uncoordinated and they all have their own philosophies that they're trying to drill into him at the same time. The outcome is a spoiled, cocky brat with a heart of gold who has the ability to become friends with anyone, except Gnorcs, of course.
He has, like, five thousand baby pictures with more being discovered every day. There are at least two pictures of him in every Artisan home. Yeah, when he was born there was a 'Baby Boom', an explosion of inspiration that hit the Artisan worlds, dozens of paintings, sculptures and carvings depicting the newborn were everywhere. As he grew older, the pieces started to disappear, and he figured they were thrown out or locked up in storage. Nope, they were sent to other dragons outside of Artisans who couldn't meet him at the Year of the Dragon Festival.
He's not afraid of anything... Is what he'd like the others to believe, but he's still just a kid with an overactive imagination. He's scared of bodies of water and will actively avoid them unless he has to interact with them. That's why he's such a lousy swimmer and watching him try to swim is... Not going to lie, it's pretty funny but the more he meets with Beast Makers, the better he gets at it.
With how much he enjoys ramming things with his horns, it was only a matter of time before something gave. He charged a Gnorc Sentry right in the metal armor and, SNAP, two horns became none. No, dragon horns do not usually grow back, especially if they're completely removed at the base, but Spyro's had a clean break at the mid points. With the help of Beast Makers Bubba and Damon his former spiral horns became the slightly curved ones seen on him today.
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temiart · 11 months
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"Why'd you fight Flame, kid?" I decided to draw my own vision of Spyro's childhood. Even adding Mrs. Shoutfire from "Spyro: Hero's tail".
By the way, I've got an idea.
I had an idea over the story of the purple dragon after watching the Super Mario movie.
"Spyro, along with Ember, went without adult permission into a forest unknown to them and there they found an abandoned portal. While inquisitively exploring, the portal suddenly started up and the dragoness Cynder came crashing down on Spyro. This startled them both and she ran away. After a successful search with the adult dragons, she told them that she was from another universe and was trying to defeat a dark force similar to Spyro, but suddenly she moved there for no reason, but before that the Dark Spyro disappeared. The dragons get to the point that he got here too, but the question is where he might be.
Meanwhile, it turns out it was Gnasty Gnork who decided to summon the Dark Spyro to replace him with the real Spyro and he would do all sorts of nasty things according to Gnork's plan. But the dragons don't know that. While he and the evil copy are making a plan to replace him, Spyro tries to befriend Cynder and show her beautiful places, but she hated him because of how much he looks like him. Spyro tries to socialize with her no matter what, but for the first time in his life, started to have loving feelings for her. "
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greenysoliatre · 2 years
uhhhhhhhhhhh spyro maybe....?????
I'm not sure which Spyro you meant but I'm going to the Skylanders one because he's special in my heart along with the OG. Sexuality Headcanon: AceAro, that's it.
Gender Headcanon: Cis Male, I never really thought about it.
A ship I have with said character: Nobody, I can't really see him be with anyone romantically, not even Cynder.
A BROTP I have with said character: Him and his fellow Skylanders. Also him and my Portal Master Oc Silvana because I feel like they would bond a lot due to having a lot in common.
A NOTP I have with said character: I don't really have one to be honest.
A random headcanon: Despite that Spyro can use other elements but never really uses them, that's because he forgot he has those abilities due to sticking to his natural born element fire. Also angst headcanon that Spyro didn't take the incident where Kaos blew up the Core of Light rendering Eon as a bodiless spirit very well since it was stated in the books that he fears for the old Portal Master's wellbeing. The dragon thought for a moment he died when it happened. As much as Spyro is glad that Eon is alive but there has been times he has been pondering how he and the others can find a way to get the old Portal Master a body.
General opinion over said Character: I love him! I love this version of Spyro so much, the Spyro fandom were too mean to him for how he looked in Spyro's Adventure and other reasons. I have a couple of figurines of him and I don't plan on getting rid of them anytime of soon.
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spasticfanatic · 11 months
Celestial War: Prologue
Due to AO3 being down, I figured I might as well post this on here too!! 
Long before time had a name, we lived in peace and harmony. Until one day, all of that changed. A warrior, a young girl of some kind, instructed by the wrong advice and broke a treaty from years ago. The war she caused is not without much loss, possibly even her own life is to lose. To this day, she strives to make things right, helping all she can, and working with a group of misfits to hopefully, one day, stop the infection.
As the rain poured onto the ground below, a man ran through the linoleum halls of a run down building. The taps of his shoes echoed throughout the empty halls. The place stunk of dust and decay. So the smell of rain was a welcomed scent as it wafted in from the broken windows. 
“Cynder!” The man cried out as he threw open one of the doors. 
“Stop shouting! People are trying to sleep!” Snapped a man in a wheelchair. He was beside one of the two beds in the room. The man who sat in the wheelchair had bags under his eyes from working all night. 
“Is Cynder alright?” Noticing how the woman on the bed didn’t stir from his shouting, his concern grew. “Why is she not waking up?” 
“Garmadon, I had to heavily sedate her. She was trying to get up every five minutes, you know how much she hates bed rest.” The man in the wheelchair groaned. 
“I’m well aware of her hatred towards sitting around, Cyrus.” Garmadon sighed. “How’s Zane holding up? I heard they both got wounded in battle.” 
“Cynder took the brunt of it, from what I could see… However, from what I heard from the witnesses, they attached something to Zane’s soul.” Cyrus sighed heavily. “I don’t know the details, given the fact Zaned is still with Dr. Julien.” 
“That’s not good.” Garmadon sighed as he began to approach the bed and placed a hand to Cynder’s face. “You’re so reckless, my love.” 
“She really is.” Cyrus bit his lip when Garmadon glared at him. “Don’t look at me like that, had I not sedated her, we both know she would have ripped out the stitches by moving around too much.” 
“Her wounds are that bad?” Garmadon asked. 
“Yes. She’ll be in recovery for a while.” Cyrus sighed heavily. “She’s not going to like it.” 
“I know, but I’ll make sure she stays on bed rest the best I can.” Garmadon rubbed his thumb against Cynder’s cheek. “You silly girl.” 
“It’s not just physical wounds though, Garmadon, Cynder is blaming herself for Zane getting hurt.” Cyrus looked out the shattered window at the rain that was falling. 
“Do we know why?” Garmadon looked at Cyrus. 
“Why wouldn’t the Knight Killer feel bad? She’s who started this whole mess and by breaking the treaty!” Snapped Cyrus. 
“Don’t you dare call her that! She’s been working very hard to fix her mistakes!” Garmadon hissed, his pupils turned to slits. 
“She’s the reason this mess happened in the first place! She’s the reason the treaty fell apart. Had she not killed the Knights of the Damned, none of this would have happened!” Cyrus growled back, narrowing his eyes at Garmadon. 
“Shut your mouth before I shut it for you!” He snarled, his nails began to turn black as they sharpened. 
“Threatening the only doctor you know is not a good idea! I don’t have to help her, Garmadon!!” Yelled Cyrus. 
“Can you two please shut the hell up!?” Shouted a younger male voice. 
“Lloyd!” The two yelped. 
The young man stood in the doorway, holding his side as he leaned against the door’s frame. 
“Did we wake you up? Cyrus asked, softly. 
“Yeah, you both did with your stupid yelling.” Lloyd huffed. “First of all, Cyrus, you have no proof that this wouldn’t have happened without Cynder. Second of all, she doesn’t deserve to have you holding that over her head. Thirdly, dad, stop threatening Cyrus. He’s not going to change his mind about her if you keep yelling at him about her.” 
“I’m sorry, Cyrus.” Garmadon took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. 
“I’m not apologizing.” Cyrus grumbled, crossing his arms. 
“Cyrus, don’t be a child. You know her just as well as we all do. She was tricked into this life. You have zero proof that the treaty wouldn’t have been broken regardless of her involvement.” Lloyd glared. 
“I-I don’t have to prove anything to you!” Cyrus yelped. 
“Yeah, you kind of do.” Lloyd’s turned pure white, only two green slits in them as he began to walk towards Cyrus. “You shouldn’t say such things about her.” 
“Lloyd, relax, it’s fine! Why does it matter what I think anyways!?” Stuttered Cyrus. 
“It matters since you’re the one caring for her health. No wonder her mental health is falling apart.” The lights above them crackled to life for a brief moment before blowing out. 
Cyrus yelped as he rolled back and hit the wall. 
“Now Lloyd, killing me will shove nothing!” Cyrus was shaking. 
“I never said I’d kill you.” Lloyd growled. 
“Lloyd, enough of you scaring him. You shouldn’t be using up this much energy while you're still on a low charge.” Garmadon stepped in between the two. 
Cyrus let out a loud sigh as Lloyd’s iris reappeared around his slits, 
“Please, just calm down, both of you. I’m allowed my own opinions.” 
“I take it back, maybe I will kill you.” Lloyd snarled out. 
“Lloyd, killing him will do you no good.” A voice came from the doorway once more. 
“Zane!” Lloyd yelped, turning to face him. 
“Go get some more rest. You’re the one on a low charge.” Zane murmured. 
Lloyd stood there, staring. 
“Lloyd?” Zane blinked. 
“What the hell is that on your soul!?” Lloyd yelled in surprise. 
“A parasite.” Zane sighed heavily. “It is slowly eating my soul. It is exhausting. Father found a way to slow it down, but we are unable to remove it.” 
“Good god!” Yelped Garmadon. 
“Nothing about God is good.” Grumbled Zane. 
“Maybe don’t say that? You never know what’s listening.” A man chuckled as he appeared behind Zane. 
“Hello father.” Zane smiled. 
“Dr. Julien, why can’t you remove the parasite?” Lloyd asked. 
“Well, parasites are a tricky thing. And the fact I was able to slow it down is a miracle. Removing it would require a Death family member. I am not such a thing.” Dr. Julien sighed. 
“Christopher, will he be alright?” Cyrus rolled over to Zane, looking him up and down. 
“Maybe? We don’t know yet, I’ll have to monitor him. This isn’t looking good though, parasites are a nasty thing…” Christopher sighed. 
“As we all know.” Zane mumbled, looking at Cynder. “Is she alright? The moment the parasites got too close, she was fighting viciously and recklessly. Especially once I was on the ground. She refused to let up until they backed off.” 
“She… will need to be on bed rest.” Cyrus sighed. “She’s very hurt, and knowing her, she’ll have to keep being sedated or else she’ll rip the stitches.” 
“Cyrus, I don’t see why you hate her so much. She fights for everyone, she does her best. She recklessly fights until she thinks everyone is safe. She’d rather have died than have seen this all happen. You know this.” Christopher spoke up. 
“I don’t hate her, I just wish she didn’t exist! None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for her!” Cyrus snapped. 
“Are you sure about that?” A gruff tone startled them all. “You seem to think that I’m the one who’s at fault for all of this. All I did was jump start it. If not me, it would’ve been someone else. And you’ve no idea what kind of morals that person could’ve had.” 
“Cynder!” Garmadon rushed over to the bed, laying her back down. 
“Stop it.” Cynder growled out, pushing Garmadon away. “He doesn’t get it. You don’t get it.” She glared at Cyrus. “Now I get it. Why you never fully help me despite being capable of it. Despite knowing how to help me, you never do more than what’s needed to patch me up or keep me quiet.”  
“Cynder-” Cyrus began, putting up his hands. 
“No.” She hissed, getting up. The blanket fell to the ground. “You seem to hate me, but I’ve done everything in my power to make up for my misdeeds. Yeah, I started this fight, but I’ll make sure I’m the one to finish it.” 
“Please lie back down, you’ll rip the stitches!” Cyrus frantically moved his hands. 
“Your stitch work is sloppy anyways.” Cynder growled out. “It always comes undone and Zane always has to redo it! You hate helping me, admit it!” 
“I-I!” Cyrus stuttered, tears welling in his eyes. He was shaking like a leaf. 
“Admit it!” Cynder yelled, hitting her fist into the wall. It crumbled around her hand.
“I wish you didn’t exist, okay! I do hate helping you! I hate helping the reason that we’re all going to die!” Cyrus cried out. 
“Get out.” Cynder hissed. “Before you get torn to shreds.” She pointed to the door. 
Lloyd’s iris had disappeared once more, as the room began to crackle with energy. 
Zane was livid, his mechanical wings had popped open, blocking the doorway. 
“You bastard!” The two yelled in duo. 
“Do you know what you just admitted to?!” Yelped Christopher. 
“Oh, I’m sure he knows.” Garmadon muttered in a strangely calm tone. 
“Zane, let Cyrus pass.” Christopher yelped. 
“Why should I?” Zane’s tone was cold as ice. “He has admitted to hating the very reason we are still able to be alive right now.” 
“We wouldn’t have to worry about dying if it were for her!” Cyrus yelled. 
“Do you know nothing?” Zane asked. 
“What do you mean?” Cyrus gulped. 
“You know nothing, I understand, but this was inevitable. As Cynder mentioned it’s nearly impossible to have known if this would have begun without her help. I believe it would have. The treaty was very fragile to begin with, Cyrus. If not Cynder, someone with less morals might have started this fight. We would not be alive if it weren’t for the fact Cynder has some morals.” Zane took a step forward towards Cyrus. “And for that reason, and that alone, you need to understand that she is the very reason we are alive right now. So actually help her, and if you do not, I will be the one shredding you apart, tearing you limb from limb.” Zane loomed over Cyrus, leaning over to get in his face. 
Cyrus was shaking as he shrink in his chair, trying to move away from the mechanical angel. 
“Y-Yes Sir! Right away!” Yelped Cyrus. “C-Cynder, c-can-” 
“I don’t trust him to actually treat her and not try to poison her.” Lloyd interrupted, crossing his arms. 
“Why would I poison her?!” Cyrus yelped. 
“Do we even have any poison?” Garmadon raised a brow. 
“Don’t answer that, please!” Cyrus looked to Christopher. 
“I didn’t plan to. I’m not stupid enough to let him poison you, Cyrus.” Christopher sighed heavily. “But I do agree with Zane, she might have made a mistake but she is trying to work to fix it. So properly treat her, please, she’s the strongest fighter here. We need her on our team and we need her in the best shape possible. If you decide to do that again, where you only do the bare minimum to help her, there will be hell to pay. Whether by my hand, or all of theirs.” 
“Christopher-” Cyrus began. 
“Not buts, Cyrus. This isn’t a situation where you can let your personal opinion get in the way. You want to survive? Well, fix her up. She is the reason all of us are still able to be here. She fights tooth and nail for all of us. You don’t know the amount of guilt she feels either.” Garmadon looked at Cynder with a soft look in his eyes. “She didn’t start this fight on purpose, but at least she’s trying to put an end to it.” 
“Not to mention none of us could have known that the angels and demons fighting would be corrupted by the parasites. We were left open, there was nothing that said that would happen. No one could have known that would happen. So shut up and get to work.” Lloyd watched as Cyrus rolled over to the bed. 
“I’ll stay and monitor him to make sure he doesn’t hurt her.” Christopher spoke up. “If he tries to, he will be punished severely.” 
“Sir!” Cyrus gasped. 
“You dug yourself into this hole, some things are best left unsaid, Dr. Borg.” Christopher blankly stated. 
“I-I-” Cyrus stuttered. 
“Shut up and get to work.” Cynder growled. 
“Alright boys, time to leave the doctor’s to their work.” Garmadon managed to shoo Zane and Lloyd out as he walked out.
“Do you really believe Cyrus will listen to my father?” Zane asked softly. 
“I think he will if he’s smart.” Garmadon grumbled. 
“You seem awfully calm, dad.” Lloyd glanced at his father. 
“Oh, I’m not calm. I just seem so. I’ve never felt this angry in my life.” Garmadon chuckled. 
“Oh.” Lloyd blinked. “Is it the so angry you’re calm kind of thing?” Lloyd asked. 
"Yeah. That.” Garmadon nodded. “Now, both of you need to get some rest. Back to the beds with you.” He smiled softly at his son and the mechanical angel. Lloyd nodded his head and shuffled off back to his room. Leaving Zane and Garmadon standing in the dingy hallway of the run down hospital 
“Yes.” Zane nodded. “Now… which room was I in again…?” 
“I’ll show you.” Garmadon chuckled. “Allow me to lead the way. All this fighting… you must have hurt your head.” 
“No, father said this will be a side effect of the parasite. As long as I keep my wits about me, I should be fine.” Zane sighed heavily. 
“Hm…” Garmadon let out a soft hum. 
“What is wrong?” Zane asked, rubbing his eyes. 
“I’m just worried about Cynder. I’m worried she’ll try to rip the stitches or move around too much if I leave her on her own. Alas, my brother and I need to start strategizing though. Most of our top fighters are down for a little while, you included.” Garmadon looked around, gazing out one of the broken windows. 
“I can stay with her, if you would prefer. I need as much rest as I can get. Not to mention, I highly doubt anyone would try anything with us both in the room.” Zane smiled a little bit. “It will be like a sleep over.” 
Garmadon fidgeted, walking over to the window. 
“What’s wrong? Are you worried I will do something?”  Zane asked, approaching. 
“No, not you. That.” Garmadon pointed out the window. “You both may not have time to recover before we’ve got to move the troops again.” 
“This is the safest place that can house us all. Moving us again would be foolish.” Zane stated. 
“I’m… aware, but with you, Lloyd, and Cynder down, we might not have a choice but to split up.” Garmadon was watching out the window. 
“I would talk to Wu and Misako, before you go rushing off.” Zane spoke up after a moment or two of silence. 
“I will. Get your stuff, kid, keep an eye on Cynder for me. Would you?” Garmadon grinned at him. 
“Of course… Can you lead me to my room though?” Zane asked. 
“Sure.” Garmadon nodded. “Follow me.” 
“Happily.” Zane nodded in response. 
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fattestwriting · 1 year
Skylands Rolling Green Hills
(An old story by muah)
Skylands is a rolling expanse of floating islands and fluffy clouds. The views from just about any of these land masses would far outrank anything possible in our world. It's beauty is unmatched by any other realm, and fittingly, this lovely quality is passed onto it's residents. Yes indeed, Skylands' women are plenty beautiful, although their standards of beauty differ quite greatly from those you may be used to. You see, the women of Skylands are all greatly voluptuous. From the ancient Ninjini's house destroying ass to the nature nurturing Boom Bloom's forest crushing melons, the Skylanders are all immense. All but one, that is.
The ever vigilant Stealth Elf, failing to allow herself to lean into the newly forged peaceful nature of Skylands after the great war she faced 23 years ago, never found her assets expanding. Her lack of indulgence, while concerning to many of her female compatriots, was something they all came to begrudgingly accept. She felt it her duty to stay more mobile than her larger friends, in case Skylands does ever fall into the hands of evil again. We find her here today, resting on the island coating belly of the Undead Cynder.
"I just don't get it, Elf,"
Cynder began.
"Ever since we trapped all of Skyland's villainy in the Portal Void, we've been in eternal peace! And yet you continue to..."
Cynder waved her chubby claw vaguely in Stealth Elf's direction, clearly trying to find a slightly less insulting word than she originally had in mind.
Cynder was a purple dragon, much the same as the titular Spyro. Now that the major difference she would have had from him- her slimmer body- was nothing more than a forgotten memory, she was soft and blobby. Her ass and stomach pooled off of the sides of the continent-sized island like an ooze, and the air around her was all but uninhabitable due to her un-aromatic lifestyle. Her constant gorging on all of Skylands' plentiful offerings meant she was a nonstop gas factory from both ends. This didn't bother her friend, however, as her mask was truly the best there was. She had also been around her enough that, even without it, she wouldn't have minded all too much. Although that doesn't mean she enjoyed the now unusable pile of clothes Cynder had permanently imprinted her disgusting reek onto.
"You never know, Cynder. Remember when we escaped from Earth? When Kaos escaped from Earth? I mean, they managed to get out of an inescapable prison. Even the Giants crawled out of the ground after being buried for centuries! If they do manage to come back, we need someone who can actually manage to attack them!"
Elf, standing on Cynder's ever-stretching purple belly, demonstrated with some of her well trained kicks and dagger jabs.
"Of course we can still attack them! Just cuz we're fatter and thiccer doesn't mean we're incapable of fighting!"
"Cynder, can you even fly anymore?"
To make her point, Stealth Elf began jumping on Cynder's flab, bouncing as if it was a trampoline.
"Of course I... can... fly..."
Cynder's voice became strained as she flapped her wings harder than they've ever flapped before, and off the ground she went. Just as Cynder's intimidating mass reaches a foot off the ground, a massive fart slips from her titanic ass, covering the surrounding islands in a rank stench. Following her expulsion, Cynder's wings give out and her immense form crashes back to the lowly island she calls home. Or rather, she used to call home. As her body comes into contact with the ground it shatteres into a million pieces. As the continent sized island disintegrates under her absurd form, Stealth Elf revels in her point being more or less made. Cynder's frantic wings finally settle as she makes a far more gentle landing onto a seperate island, her ass and belly destroying all life on it by either uprooting or crushing it. The lack of clean air and sunlight didn't help either.
"You see what I mean, Cynder?"
Stealth Elf had maintained her position on top of her friend's titanic tummy.
"Not really. I mean, I just destroyed an entire island. I think I could handle a Pain-Yatta or two."
Almost as if on cue, Cynder's belly began rumbling, quaking if you will. And it certainly would, so much so that it sent immense cracks through her new home and managed to violently topple her well-trained friend.
"Welp, I better let you go, because it sounds like it's time for my pre-lunch dinner."
Stealth Elf sits in her home (yes a regular sized home, despite how odd that sight is in this world) and ponders. Ponders whether Cynder was right, if maybe her not going soft was her going soft, if that made any sense. Maybe it was time to give in to the many indulgences Skylands had to offer. She couldn't say she hadn't seen Barbella's mountainous tits or Gearshift's 16-wheeler ass and felt a tinge of jealousy. But no, she decided, she wasn't being crazy. The less tactical among them surely weren't as skilled at this size as Cynder was (she was an original Skylander after all), and she was going to prove it. She decided to head over to her long time friend and mostly regular woman, Torch, to prove her point.
"Hey Elf, how's it hangin?"
Torch was a red skinned, flame haired lover of fire. Even after Skylands fell into eternal peace, her love for all things pyro never ceased. Like every other woman on the many floating islands of this realm, however, her self restraint had.
"Come to take a rest on the most comfortable ass in all of Skylands?"
Even as a hold out on the whole hyper thing, Stealth Elf had to admit that Torch was right. While others like Ninjini had her beat on shear size, her ass was the softest, most plush piece of ass in all the realms. It was so maluable, in fact, that it was possible to become completely encased within it, a situation Stealth Elf had proficient experience in.
"Not right now, T, but maybe later."
Elf pressed her hand (and eventually entire arm) into her tush, a nice fwump greeting her upon its removal.
"I'm actually here for a different reason."
She decided to get straight to the point.
"I'm actually wondering about your fighting capabilities? How have they held up since you, well..."
"Got an ass bigger than a town?"
"Yea, that."
Stealth Elf's concealed cheeks turned a light pink at Torch's bluntness.
"I think my fighting abilities have maintained just fine. I mean, I still have my long range flamethrower, and this bad boy even acts as a portable prison now!"
She slapped her rear, resulting in a pulsating wave to flow through its entirety.
"But I mean, can you even move anymore? How do you expect to fight if you aren't mobile?"
"Even if I can't move, it's not like I can't defend myself. Plus, Gearshift and Treadhead can make us all some kind of movement device. Also, I don't think any enemy could survive my blasts!"
Before Stealth Elf could ask her to elaborate, she was greeted with a quick reminder of what Torch has meant. From her plump ass erupted a loud booming fart, one that quickly spread miles and was louder than anything Elf has ever heard. Even through her mask, it stung her throat and her pupil-less eyes began to water. She could see what little vegetation had grown since her previous expulsion was quickly dying, wilting as it came in contact with the noxious brown gas. Torch giggled as her friend fell to her knees as she coughed up the stench.
"See? Even you can't take it! And you're my best friend. I think we'll be fine, you just need to relax."
Recovering slightly from the rancid scent, Stealth Elf returned to a standing position, fully aware her clothes were now and forever stained with the smell of her friend's previous feast.
"I- cough I suppose you're right. Thank you, Torch."
As she finally makes her way out of the many mile wide blast zone of Torch's fumigation, Stealth Elf begins to wonder if maybe she's been wrong all along, maybe they were all right and she did need to let go. Maybe a little indulgence wouldn't be so bad...
Meanwhile, in the mystical portal void lied a crew of upset villains plotting their freedom. As Skyland's worst and most evil argued and fought over their course of action to get them out of their eternal purgatory, the Golden Queen had devised a perfect plan of her own. The abnormally tall golden Royal knew she alone had the brains to escape, but to do so she'd need the powers her partners in crime had accrued. Unfortunately, she couldn't trust the bumbling idiots to act her prison break out. They had each failed her no less than twice so far, and thusly she concocted a way to acquire the power without needing their help. She wasn't sure if it would work, but she'd been around a long time and heard lots of things. Lots of rumors and here say about an ancient and long abandoned kind of magic in Skylands. A magic only a accessible by the most greedy of individuals.
"Oh Kaos, honey, come here, won't you?"
She knew Kaos was the only one of the villains she was stuck with that was stupid enough and infatuated with her enough to get as close as she needed him to be for this to work. Additionally, despite being by far the stupidest of the group, he actually held useful powers, powers she could use against the others.
"Yes, my queen?"
The short bald man waddled his way across the mystical floor of the realm, stopping only once he was right at her feet.
"How would you feel about joining me for lunch?"
She bent down, her head a mere few inches from Kaos's upwards turned gaze.
"Oh I'd love that!"
The Golden Queen licked her lips before opening her Golden jaw wider than any organic being could have and placeing her maw around Kaos's large head. Before the lord of chaos could react, she had turned him to gold. She knew this would make digestion take longer but she felt it a worthy trade off for easier consumption. She picked the Golden visage up as she continued to slide him down her throat until finally he plopped harshly into her slowly stomach. She firmly slapped it, leaving her hand on it to embrace her new form. Following the sudden jolt she released a loud belch. As it concluded, her face twisted into a devilish smile. The rumors were true, and it was going to be very, very fun for her.
Back in Skylands, Stealth Elf has head to her personal hero and sensei, Boom Bloom. As the plant hero stuffed ton after ton of raw meat down her ravenous maw, Elf explained her conundrum.
"Honestly- gulp -gal, I- gulp -think you just- gulp -need to let loose."
Through the absurd amount of flesh being added to her immense boobage- her metabolism and ability to digest such quantities of food so fast almost out matched her impressive tenure as a sensei- Stealth Elf could barely hear her old teacher's words of wisdom, but what she did hear didn't ease her as she had hoped.
"I don't know Boom Bloom, what if Skylands does fall under siege again, what if everyone really is too big to solve it?"
"Well what if it doesn't?"
After allowing another city's worth of meat to pass past her green lips, Boom Bloom continued.
"What if you're- gulp -completely wrong? What if- gulp -Skylands truly is at peace, and you're just- gulp -depriving yourself of your well deserved victory lap?"
Stealth Elf had no answer to that question. This whole time she was so worried about Skylands that she never really thought about how this could be affecting herself. What if she was wrong? What if Skylands was truly peaceful and she wasted all this time just being paranoid.
"Thank you, Boom Bloom. I think you really helped me."
Giving simply a thumbs up in reply, Boom Bloom watched as Stealth Elf disappeared. She reappeared back at her home, her abnormal-yet-perfectly-normal home. She looked at just how bare bones her house was. How little personal touches and furniture she had, just how much of what little she did own was dedicated to her life of protecting Skylands. At this she finally saw her new goal, her new life path. She was going to embrace her new freedom like everyone else. She was going to indulge.
"But Queen, you couldn't possibly t-"
Wolfgang's pleas were cut short as the Golden Queen finally reached him. Her outstretched index finger just barely made contact with his chest as he was backed up against the walls of the portal dimension. You see, Golden Queen had been busy. After eating Kaos, not only had her powers grown, but so had her appetite. After cornering and captchering most of the other Doom Raiders trapped with her, her cravings only grew stronger. Gulper was her final straw, however, as it pushed her from continuing her plan with more personal pleasure into being a straight up glutton. Eventually, she had eaten everything and everyone in the realm, besides her hairy old love. Since he was nowhere to be found, she began to use Broccoli Guy's powers of healing to feed forever, rejuvenating the digesting villains in her stomach. As she grew to tremendous amounts, she eventually felt her ass and nipples crash into the boundaries of this endless nexus realm they had been trapped in. While far different from her original method of escape, she found this one far more satisfying and arousing. And this is where we find Golden Queen now, having finally caught and consumed Wolfgang as his back was against the wall of the infinite space they had been contained in. After consuming everything there was to consume in this place, the Golden Queen continued her infinite growth with a renewed sense of grandeur. She was going to splinter an entire realm using nothing more than her bosom and belly fat.
Many of the women of Skylands were out of touch with the world around them, often not corresponding with one another for many moons. So when Stealth Elf all but vanished, nobody batted an eye. Not until they all began seeing a growing green mound on the horizon did they begin to even think about their nervous green friend. Though none of the women of Skylands had any way of confirming it, this immense ball of dough was indeed Stealth Elf. She had began slow, planning to still keep some kind of restraint on herself while still allowing herself to be free. She'd eat an extra big lunch here, let a fart slip past there, etc. But eventually, she became comfortable with allowing herself to be sloppy, enjoyed the freedom it came with. So eventually it became drink an entire lake here, devour a village whole there. After a few weeks even that became too strict for the jolly green giant. Soon she desired for more than just the islands surrounding her and residing in her, so she turned her attention to the only thing bigger than them: the ladies of Skylands. Having finally given fully into her greed, Stealth Elf found little issue morally or practically with consuming her former friends whole. She started with someone she knew less than the others: Dèja Vu. She was an impressive Skylander, no doubts about it. She had a body just about as rounded out as her power set. Every part of her was as big as every other part, which is to say massive. While hardly the biggest of any category, she was definitely the most well rounded. Her tits, ass, and balls were all the same size with her stomach being roughly double and her cock pointing out just past her belly. Her time abilities allowed her to gain weight surprisingly quickly, even creating paradoxes to eat versions of herself to double her weight instantly. It was honestly a hella impressive grind, a grind Elf was hoping to get in on. She couldn't walk anymore, but she had many decades of experience with teleportation and a couple trillion pounds weren't gonna take that away. Deciding on a plan of attack, she vanished from her previous position onto an island that happened to be floating near Dèja (as getting on the same island would be literally impossible at this point). As the chunk of rock drifted past the purple blob of flesh's drooling dick, Stealth Elf opened her mouth as wide as it could go and firmly latched on. Dèja Vu let out a very audible moan at Elf's fondling of her house sized cock.
"If only she knew what was about to happen..."
Thought the Life Skylander as she continued to suck on the meaty length. It wasn't until Stealth Elf had begun consuming her stomach that Dèja realized she hadn't been going back and forth but rather making a continued march forward. This didn't stop her arousal, but seeing green slowly encase her whole body sure did. While she definitely came, Dèja's horniness was mostly replaced with pure dread at the realization of what was happening. She figured it was ironic given her pass time but didn't enjoy it anymore regardless.
"Please, whatever you are!"
Dèja shouted through her chubby cheeks and stuffed face.
"I don't want to die! Please stop!"
Stealth Elf recoiled at the cries for a moment, recognizing how similar hers was to the many pleas from doomed Mabus she once saved, before being hit with a rush of lust at the thought. The idea that this titanic woman was screaming, pleading, begging for her very life from her? Oh she was sopping right now. So she got faster, and thusly, so did the purple time lord's cries.
"Oh god..."
Finally, after Stealth Elf had gotten to Dèja Vu's head, she sighed in accepting terror. She allowed the horrific realization of her inevitable fate as nothing but future fat rush over her as the green Skylander's jaw did the same. Finally, she was gone. Though still digesting, Dèja Vu as a person and everything else they had from their memories to their life aspirations was gone, now nothing more than a snack for the green protector of Skylands. And all Stealth Elf felt at realizing she had consumed and killed one of her teammates was horny, horny satisfaction. Without needing to lay a finger on herself (not that she could) she came, and it was the best thing she'd ever felt in her life. Recognizing just how amazing her newfound freedom made her feel, she kept going. She ate friend after friend, relishing and loving their desperate screams for help against the unstoppable force. She loved how they wriggled against her insides as they tried in vein to escape her impenetrable stomach walls. She loved the thought that everything this person once was, their memories, goals, and life, were nothing more than tomorrow's shit to her. So she kept going and going and going until she felt a mass pressing against her own. Her old master's massive dual mammories pressed deeply into Stealth Elf's own titanic flab. In response, almost out of instinct, Elf found herself reaching out with an impossible strength. She leaned her titanic body forward as her mouth, now devoid of her staple mask, open widely and greedily. She firmly suckled her sensei's left nipple and finally allowed her body to rest once more, forcing the sentient foliage to be lurched forward. Before she had much time to react, Boom Bloom was paralyzed by an immense pleasure, as Stealth Elf sucked her dry of the juice her breasts contained. When she was done with the left she moved on to the right, and when she found both wells completely tapped dry, she quickly placed her eyes on her true meal. She shoved not just her nipples, but both of Boom Bloom's titties completely into her gaping maw. After a single swallow, both tits found themselves firmly in the Elf's stomach, and Boom Bloom was tit to face with her protege.
"Stealth Elf, what are you doing?!"
Before Boom Bloom could get another squeel out, she was plunged into her student's abyssal stomach.
"Like you said, teach."
Stealth Elf kneaded her massive tummy.
"I'm letting go."
As she felt her old role model dissolve into nothing within her superior form, she allowed a massive fart to emerge from her titanic ass. The shock wave turned all land masses within many miles to dust and killed all plant life within an additional dozen miles instantly. The smell that lingered another many miles even beyond that was beyond sulfuric, a stench so foul one would assume it was the smell of death himself. Or, should I say, herself, as Stealth Elf's final giving in to indulgence had turned her into a pure machine of digestion and devastation. Anyone not in her would be under her, and her teleportation and immense strength ensured that no one could ever escape. Not even her oldest friend...
"Oh, hey... Stealth... Elf..."
Cynder looked up from her endless feast and laid her eyes on the pure gluttonous immensity that was Stealth Elf's stomach. The sight was as impressive as it was frightening. The green blob towered over her, being by far the largest mass in all of Skylands, and it was evident why, as her body was rampant with the reminders of her past meals. Through her stretched skin, accumulating at the bottom of her endless stomach, was a large collection of what was clearly skeletons, some of which were incredibly recognisable. Chill's helmet, Whirlwind's horned skull, Dèja Vu's metal face, Roller Brawl's metallic legs, Head Rush's curving horns, and Stormblade's beaked head were all clearly visible. Equally concerning were the bodies that were less boney, more voluptuous, clearly newer. Through her skin Cynder could see Sprocket's horrified face just above her tree-crushing cock, Ninjini's world ending ass, and Boom Bloom's equally large breasts and erect nipples, all wiggling and desperately attempting escape. It took Cynder no time at all to realize what was about to come, but no time was too much, as her dearest and longest friend had already begun her consumption. She started from behind, grasping Cynder's sizely ass tightly within her jaw, as Elf has grown to enjoy her friend's screams and begs for continued life in equal capacity to their actual consumption. Cynder was no different, as she immediately began to scream and beg.
"Elf, please, don't do this! I'm your best friend, we've known each other since before the academy! Please, I love you like a sister, please don't do this!"
Even as Cynder burst into tears Stealth Elf was unphased in her continued swallowing. After what felt to Cynder like an eternity but was really no more than a minute, her head had reached her friend's mouth. And with one last tear and one last swallow, she was gone. All of her life and memories permanently gone, all to maintain one Skylander's need for gluttony. Stealth Elf almost wanted to feel bad before remembering it was her friends who had encouraged her to do this in the first place, it was them who wanted her to embrace her most gluttonous impulses.
Before she could lose herself in thought any further, a fracture appeared in the sky above Stealth Elf. She looked towards it, only to see a golden girth emerge. As it continued its outward march so too did the crack, quickly filling the sky with nothing but gold. By the time the Golden Queen had fully destroyed the very walls of the portal realm and entered Skylands once more, she was many billions of times grander than even the largest life form within it. Having taken that role some hundred friends ago, Stealth Elf took her appearance here as something of a personal attack. To set things right once more, she teleported up to the face of the being and spoke.
"And what do you think you're doing?"
She spoke loudly and clearly despite her cheeks being wider than your average city was.
"This is my world, I am the one who protects it, why do you dare encroach on Skylands?"
The Golden Queen simply laughed at this notion. Her? So small? She dared claim ownership over an entire realm when she, the GOLDEN QUEEN, was so much bigger than she? Preposterous.
"I'm going to take your land, starting by eating it's inferior leader!"
With her dark magical abilities, the Golden Queen sucked Stealth Elf into her gaping maw, as if her very stomach was a black hole. She didn't remain in this field long, however, as she quickly teleported away, to a much more appealing spot; Stealth Elf stared at the absurd majesty of Her Majesty's breasts. Each billions of times larger than the little green elf could have ever hoped to be, she stared forward not at an unbeatable challenge, but a satisfying goal. She once again allowed her lips to purse around the Queen's Golden nipple, an immense task seeing as each was easily double Stealth Elf's size. Wasting no time, she began to suck. And suck. And suck. She drained and drained away at the teat of divinity itself until not even a drop would emerge. Naturally, Stealth Elf found herself at an equal size with the golden titty, now in a much better state to begin draining the other. Taking much less time- ten minutes rather than the previous thirty- the ravenous elf was tremendous. Though still a speck compared to the queen, she was at a size many times larger than our own sun. Luckily, as Skylands was an infinite void of sky and islands, she had nothing to worry about as she and the Queen endlessly fell and shattered islands with their mass. Finished with her appetizer, the gluttonous green ex-Skylander eagerly dug into her main dish, as she widened her mouth to allow the still absurdly immense bust of the Golden Queen to enter her. As the Queen had grown exponentially since entering this realm, with a mixed effort by her infinite stomach friends and an unending expanse of land masses to eat, Elf knew she had a long road ahead of her, and yet she was undeterred. She merely swallowed. And swallowed. And swallowed. For hours. And hours. And after a year of nonstop swallowing and digestion of the golden morsel that had dropped into her backyard, she was no closer to consuming her. Her growth was just too immense. In fact, Stealth Elf was now many thousand times smaller than she had once been in comparison to the Queen, despite her being infinitely large compared to the tiny speck that was once all of discovered Skylands. Exhausted but still just so damn hungry, Stealth Elf decided to take a small break. A small break that was over as soon as she released the most ghastly gas anyone in all of Skylands had ever smelt, albeit only two were left to do so. While Stealth Elf felt immense pride in letting rip a fart so nasty and grotesque it would likely have killed even the most disgusting of farters among her old friends, the Golden Queen's feelings were far more mixed. Initially, she wondered why every island within her near infinite view of Skylands had crumbled to nothingness all at once. And then she smelt it. The smell of death. A stench so horrible she wished sooner for death than to continue to endure it. Her eyes squirted and what very little remained of her golden clothing rotted away. She coughed and hacked at the smell, struggling to breath more and more until finally she gave out and fell unconscious. Not wasting anymore time, Elf began swallowing once more, faster and more ravenous than ever before. After only ten minutes, she traversed billions upon billions of light years of soft golden ass fat, boob fat, and regular fat.
As the Golden Queen began to finally awake, she was met with a terrifying sight: two rows of teeth and an ever dimming beam of light. Before she could even realize what was happening, she had been completely devoured. She attempted to retaliate to no avail. Her powers and the strength she gained from them was gone. She was nothing more than an infinitely big blob of fat. Even her beauty was worthless, as she was stuck in eternal darkness, damned forever to the pit of an Elf's stomach. Meanwhile, Stealth Elf felt a surge of power rush into her, adding to her already impressive abilities. The first thing she felt, as if her pure gluttony drew her to it, was her ability to gain infinite weight, just as the Queen had once done. So as the Queen resigned herself to a quick death within the acidic pools of some lowly Skylander, she felt herself being rejuvenated. Revived. And she wept knowing what fate she had been condemned to.
"You know-"
"-they were absolutely right."
"I really did need to let go."
And so she did. Stealth Elf quickly consumed all of Skylands before bursting through even its endless boundaries into a truly empty void to grow for all eternity, never facing any restrictions again. And as she allowed another immeasurable ass blast to emerge from her body, she couldn't help but wonder if she had just heard a crack?
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junkyardisles · 2 years
Whirlwind and Cynder? :]
two of my many favs from the first game!!!!!
- >whirlwind is a big ol (ace) lesbian, she's the one who buys all of the pride merch for her coworkers and friends >she loves baking! >i see her design having more horse traits, like having her back legs have hooves instead of claws. her front legs' claws are much chunkier and have less digits too >she and sonic boom are #besties >lowkey thinks flashwing is super pretty >her and ghost roaster share a mutual appreciation for food, sometimes they do meal collabs! >she's the type who loves retro rainbow vintage type stuff, along with 80s anime n care bears and g1 mlp but she'd also like something like street fighter >adhd - >cynder's orientation is usually described as "no". she doesn't feel much towards other people >her body shape is similar to a borzoi in my interpretations. her tail is prehensile as well n she's got these super sharp canid teeth n long sickle claws >grunge >her and drobot bonded over mutual uhhhhhhh...... not feeling much towards other people. drobot also likes to infodump about machines n she finds that entertaining to listen to >also she and pop fizz get along, weirdly enough >now i have the very unpopular take of i think she and spyro butt heads because both of them can be a lil bit hotheaded and stubborn >likes hanging upside down >she likes stuff like monster hunter (i think her fav monster is alatreon) also would be a huge luxray enthusiast >cat eyes, they dilate if she's feelin good :) also has that weird reflective eye thing that nocturnal animals have >she swears, a lot. no mercy when near children. they're learning the word fuck >overall i've always seen her as really grumpy n snarky but when she's having fun, she's pretty smug >has alexithymia woohooo self projection woohooooooo!!!!
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