#i like them a lot. very silly. perfect embodiment of their characters
lion-buddy · 2 months
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i dont think ive seen these prints posted anywhere so here
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koqabear · 5 months
Hmmm, I'm really into fantasy. As for groups, I stan a lot (probably too many), so you could recommend any 😭
Also, what do you mean?!😭 Your personality is just so 💜💜💜!! Like I have never admired a stranger so much in my entire life 😭😭😭
hi loveee !! so as it turns out,,, making a rec list is very hard. very. i've read a lot less fics than i thought omg (which is why all the ones i listed are on the older side LMAO), so i am here with some txt and bts recs 😭 they're mostly supernatural/fantasy, but you can always check out my main blog (@/michipan) if you wanna see anything else!
also 🫠 please.... im sobbing rn u are the cutest ever </3 i am nothing but a silly little normal person i promise
to anyone who decides to check out these recs, pleeeeaaase support the authors!! please im genuinely begging you!!! leave a little review and a reblog and show them love bc they're amazing <3
BTS Recs
☆ Beastly Gods by @lemonjoonah
✧ hybrid!taehyung x fem!reader x ???
wc: 8K // genre: hybrid au, thirller, drama, smut, potentially dark and triggering content so read the warnings carefully!
Summary: ‘Don’t leave the forest,’ a rule that you’ve been forced to follow since birth, but you are tired of living in this wooden cage. Out of desperation you cut a deal with Taehyung, who claims to be the only one who can get you out safely, even though he might be just as dangerous as the god you’re trying to escape.
sol's personal notes:
oh. my. GOD. this was one of the first few fics i read when i joined this site, and it's literally stuck with me ever since. i can't say too much about it without spoiling it, but the worldbuilding and pacing was just. immaculate. the storyline is so well done and just. everything about it is perfection omg. there's another part that goes along with this story, but i can't link it bc ofc... spoilers 😖i wish i had more to say about this fic, but i read it years ago and forgot to write a review for it T_T
☆ Treasure by @sombreboy
✧ faerie dragon hybrid!jimin x fem!reader
wc: 4.7K // genre: pwp smut, hybrid, yandere, fairytale, again potentially dark and triggering content so read the warnings carefully!
Summary: Jimin loves to collect sparkly riches and playthings. You just happen to be the next treasure that ignited his obsessive desires.
sol's personal notes:
(fucking explodes into a million pieces) i can't. i had to reread this story real quick to get a refresher on it and just. jimin's character in this is literally so perfect and mischievous and evil!! and i love it... <3 he is characterized so well and the descriptions are just so well done... ouuu i just read over the smut again and i teared up a little. the dialogue is genuinely so insane im not normal abt this fic sorry.
TXT Recs
☆ the prince and the jackal by @gyuluster
✧ prince!beomgyu x woodcutter!metalbender!reader
wc: 11.8k // genre: fantasy au, fluff
Summary:  in the Kingdom of Terrae, you, a metalbender, believe in the deforestation to modernise the land. As a member of the Lumberjackals, you thrive on cutting down trees and stealing resources until you get caught by the Crown Prince, Choi Beomgyu, a lover and embodiment of the nature you wish to destroy. However, instead of imprisoning you for your crimes, Beomgyu decides to show you the beauty and wonders of nature, leaving you to doubt your beliefs, your identity, and your very feelings for the certain boy determined to change you for the better.
sol's personal notes:
unfortunately the author is no longer active on this account (💔💔💔💔) but like. this story literally changed my brain chemistry i dont think you guys understand. it's been so long since i read this but even so, it lives on in my mind... the world building and characters are so well done and from what i remember, beomgyu's character was literally so charming T_T such a pretty story, i might go reread this bc like... the fantasy was executed so well and i love me a good royalty au <3 not to mention the whole concept of the powers is so cool!
☆ Swimmin' in a Mirror by @bangchanswolfpelt
✧ soobin x2 x fem!reader (stay with me here)
wc: 2.5K // genre: magical school au (not a harry potter au) smut
Summary unavailable.
sol's personal notes:
this one's like a whole 180 from the last fic LMAO but GOOD GOD. this author isn't active anymore from what i know of but like. they were literally revolutionary and this fic is just. never seen anything like this before but )#%(&#%??? it's genuinely so impressive how they managed to pull this off alkghadg so hot so insane so creative
☆ that's the spirit! by @agustdiv1ne
✧ sixth sense/ ghost hunter! soobin x fem!reader
wc: 14.6K // genre: high school au, fluff, angst, some elements of horror
Summary: a couple weeks before halloween, you find the quiet boy from your high school staring up into your bedroom. you're a little creeped out, and miles more scared, but then he shows you something that changes how you see, well, everything.
sol's personal notes:
are we surprised. i don't think so. i literally never shut up about this fic ever like i'm such a sucker for unique stories and this is definitely one of them! the pacing, supernatural elements, and environment was written sooo well, and the worldbuilding and explanations that comes along with the plot is so perfectly executed and well thought out. such a cool story, with a banger playlist to go along with it :]
☆ Dirty Little Secret by @petrichor-han
✧ vampire! yeonjun x gn!witch!reader
wc: 4.0K // genre: angst, dark fantasy, vampire!au, witch!au, enemies to lovers
Summary: yeonjun is one of prince seungmin’s most trusted bodyguards. born as a low-class vampire, he worked his way to the top and is proud of his accomplishments, beginning to adapt his friends’ classist mindsets and forgetting where he came from. but when his brothers come to visit one day, exposing his poor ancestry, everyone turns against him except for one: a lowly servant whom he’d picked on in the past—you.
sol's personal notes:
are you kidding me. DARK FANTASY. yeah that's literally all it took for me to fall in love with this story; the imagery is beautiful and the storytelling is so heart wrenching and good and i am literally clawing at the bars of my enclosure rn btw. this fic is sososo good and i'd literally kill to get another morsel from this universe !
✧ again, make sure to show all these lovely authors some love!! if any of you manage to see this (unlikely. for the most part) i literally cherish these stories sm and would literally die for them idcidc u guys truly made some masterpieces over here ✧
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 9 months
makenzie!! batman adaptation discussion for you: it could be argued that there are small elements of camp in batman begins (jonathan crane & falcone embodying them specifically, but also zsasz a little bit lmao), that are nearly obliterated in the two sequels... like nolan was toying with the idea of letting loose, mayhaps. it's really interesting to me, especially because batman begins is arguably the most boring film of the three. would love to know if you have thoughts on this
(my thoughts are getting away from me but also like how does this compare to the kind of camp in batman 2022?? neither are very similar to the 80s/90s films)
hi Elizabeth!!! I was waiting to answer this because I thought my Batman movie club was going to knock out all three Nolan movies pretty quick and I could give a more informed answer, but alas - we've hit a hiatus after Batman Begins, so that's all I'm going to have to work with and it's going to have to suffice because I don't want to leave this sitting in the inbox any longer.
I think for the most part Nolan's Batman movies are too wildly self conscious to qualify for true camp status, but without having revisited the Dark Knight and Rises yet I think I can agree that Begins has the most flirtation with maybe getting a little silly? I think Zsasz is too minor to make much of a dent in the all-consuming self-seriousness, but Cillian Murphy is really breathlessly committed to the Scarecrow and playing him as a straight-up comic book villain in a way that doesn't get to happen much later in the series. he tells Batman to lighten up while he sets him on fire, which rules and would, I think, probably not be allowed in the later movies. he ends the movie wearing a straightjacket riding a stolen police horse and gets immediately taken out by a lawyer with a taser! he's giving us everything he has to give! he has like four minutes of screen time and all of them are perfect.
I do think it's very interesting that throughout all three movies, Nolan is picking out antagonists who are known for being like. BOMBASTICALLY weird and over the top - Scarecrow! Two-Face! Catwoman! Bane! the fucking Joker!!! an entire secret society of assassins, COME ON - and then kind of fighting against the very nature of these characters to make them fit into the world he's envisioned, with mixed results; Harvey and Selina and Bane in particular all fall pretty flat for me. like, fuck, where's Lady Shiva's movie? not that she's not also on some freak shit, but a vicious martial artist obsessed with proving herself against the best fighters in the world seems way easier to fit into a grounded Bat universe in a way that doesn't feel anticlimactic than, say, a bad CGI Two-Face who almost immediately gets murdered. there were options!
anyway I've gotten way off topic, but I agree that Begins had the most wiggle room to set the tone for the universe by virtue of being the first and it did Try Some Things, especially with the presentation and pomp of the League of Shadows, as well as some of Bruce's Brucier moments when he's playing up his rich dolt image, but ultimately a lot of it got rejected in the latter installations in favor of getting ever grimmer.
comparing it to the 2022 movie is REALLY INTERESTING because they're both very dark and gritty, tonally, and I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out why one of them mostly works for me and the other one mostly doesn't (although I'll preface this by saying that they both have high and low points, especially: re their casting; Murphy's Scarecrow is inspired in a mostly bland movie and Paul Dano's Riddler is miserable in a mostly excellent movie, etc).
for me personally a lot of it comes down to how much trust the respective directors seem to be willing to put in their audiences to buy in and accept Batman as a story for what it is; this is largely what I mean when I say Nolan seems insecure in his story. Batman Begins, in particular, has much of its first hour bogged down by explanations of where every individual piece of Bat costuming and tech comes from, almost like Nolan feels a need to look at the audience and prove that it totally makes sense and could work; it comes across like he was specifically anticipating and writing for people who would call Batman's gadgetry unrealistic plot holes, and preemptively apologizing for what Batman is. the whole trilogy comes across as similarly cringing, like it can't quite shake being embarrassed by where it comes from.
The Batman 2022, to me, is sort of tonally similar, in that it's very grounded in the crime and corruption and grimiest parts of Gotham, but it reminds me much more of stories like the Long Halloween the way it's taking place in a sweaty haze version of the city that feels like a fever dream. everything is so heightened where Nolan's movies are so grounded as to be miserably earthbound; from the opening narration Bruce is already a prowling, larger than life shadow who calls himself a creature of the night and sulks around his miserable gothic mansion in running eye makeup while flinching from the sunlight. Reeves doesn't waste a fucking second explaining what Batman is or why Batman is because you are a 21st century moviegoer, you know what and why Batman is and we have shit to do. he already knows Gordon, the Joker is already in prison, the Batmobile is a muscle car that looks goddamn possessed and no, you don't need to worry about where it came from.
the whole movie is wrapped is this fucking. vaguely horny neon ambiance where you mostly know the rules but also have this sense that anything weird could happen at any moment; it's a space that is operating without powers or anything too outlandish for now but very much feels like it has room for a Poison Ivy or a Scarecrow twisting your mind, for a Clayface making you paranoid as you don't know who to trust. it's a gorgeous world to play in and I think it's going to lend itself much more to adapting the world, much more so than the Nolan movies where the addition of each new iconic character just came with the question of how much would be stripped away and flattened to make them fit in. camp requires that kind of playful artifice, things masquerading as other things, to work, and I think Batman 2022 really nailed that.
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yakool-foolio · 5 months
You know I got to ask you about the main bois. Yakou and Vivia
Since, I'm feelin' extra, I'll talk about both of them separately and then talk about the ship!
First up, the man, the myth, the legend(27): Yakou! For my first impression of him, why not go back to the source? This is the first message I wrote about him when his name and summary was revealed. Suffice to say, I was very excited.
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Yakou instantly hooked me and I had plenty to enjoy about him even before the game released. I got so frustrated that Yakou was being censored out of the English character trailers since Nintendo said 'nuh uh,' but I'm glad Chunsoft said 'fym nuh uh' and shared voice clips of Yakou on Twitter. I fought so hard against the theories that Yakou would die, too (but look where that got me... in anime Resident Evil). He was my favorite since day one!
As for headcanons, I know I've shared a few, so I'll do a lightning round! Yakou owns a retro gaming console; he's still got the mixology skills down pat; he knew how to do parkour in his youth, and can sometimes pull off tricks nowadays (heavy emphasis on sometimes, he is renowned for failing horribly a grand majority of the time); he writes his own silly editor's notes in the books he buys; he makes up tall tales about his raincoat's decals and his scars; he's a stomach sleeper and snores loudly; he has a very good mental map, even for places he's rarely been to, he's the go-to 'ask me for directions' guy.
As for complaints n praises, y'all know how I've sang to the rooftops about how Yakou is what I believe to be one of Kodaka's best written characters he's ever made. The only complaint I genuinely have is that he doesn't get more screentime. I would've loved more bonding time with him n the detectives, not just Yuma. I wish he was the one who told Yuma that he's doing the right thing as a detective instead of Kurumi, even if it would be interlaced with plenty of scolding for Yuma getting himself in trouble with the peacekeepers yet again.
And my overall opinion shouldn't be a surprise. He's my number one favorite in Rain Code, y'all know the drill.
Next order of business is Vivia! My first impression of him started out before he even had a name. There were illustrations of him released before his name was revealed, so I ended up nicknaming him 'Radioactive' cause his design looked like the physical embodiment of Radioactive by Imagine Dragons at the time (but I know not to disrespect him like that anymore). When his name and the photo of him laying under the piano was finally shared, me and my boyfriend collectively adored him.
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All it took was that one piano image to make me spiral into an unshakeable association with the instrument for Vivia.
A perfect transition into talking about headcanons for Vivia, lightning round two! He plays piano to improve his self-expression; he is the equivalent of a cat in a human body; he can fit into places he shouldn't be; he can purr cause I said so; he prefers to sleep with candlelight due to paranoia caused by his Forte; he's the eldest brother out of his family; he knows how to care for basic wounds cause he was the one who supported his brothers' when they were injured from roughhousing.
I don't necessarily have any complaints about Vivia either. Other than the obvious 'gimme more content,' he's a solid character! He's a great rival and assistant for chapter 4, and his DLC is my favorite of the bunch! His Forte is the most interesting of the Master Detectives shown so far, and there's lots of room for growth if he were to appear in a sequel.
Overall opinion: second favorite for plenty of reasons as shown here and in many of my other posts!
Now I shall discuss Viviakou! I'm very active in shipping them, writing up content for them and thinking about them on the daily. It helps that me n my boyfriend also ramble about them often, cause they just like us frfr. We're both grateful it's a pretty darn popular ship, cause the fanart and fics fuel us.
The third and final headcanon lightning round! Yakou picks up guitar to duet with Vivia's piano; Vivia got the umbrella tattoo in Kanai Ward after the events of his DLC as a symbol of them protecting one another; Vivia will go out of his way to come up with the most poetic pet names of all time, while Yakou keeps it short n simple, which can be just as effective since he likes to use them only for their more intimate moments; Yakou is the ocean to Vivia's moon; they write notes to each other in the books they borrow from one another; they have those long distance couple bracelets that when one of the wearers touches it, it sends a signal to the other person, which is something they like to do when Vivia's at the agency and Yakou's out investigating or vice versa.
Overall opinion: Perfect ship for all my fluff and angst needs. They feel like the natural evolution of Komahina to me. Am I the only one who thinks that?
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dnangelic · 6 months
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COMMON MISCONCEPTION(S).  uhhh hmmm lots and lots and lots about dark. he's not actually chaotic evil despite his edgy appearance and anime villain colorscheme; he's chaotic good. he's just as equally silly and approachable as he is sensual, serious, and a diehard romantic. he's subtle and manipulative but he's not trying to manipulate daisuke anymore in any selfish way. dark likes to flirt and is the 'cool' and 'hot' one but he's also so Doomed, you guys, and canonically, actually actively avoids 'true' love bc he knows how doomed he is, leaving him with what i call a 'good host(club host) mentality.'(aka, he wants people to feel good around him with his charisma but he'll pretty much never actually commit.) power of love despite it all is very real to dark even if he personally can't feel anything without daisuke. speaking of daisuke, the simplest misconception is that he's weak or a wimpy coward. he's not and almost always pushes bravely through fear (real courage shines in the dark of terror my friends) and always gives it his all for anything he puts his mind to. also, he's awkward, but once he comfortably warms up to someone, he can be incredibly romantic and loving. dai being clumsy is true in its own way (he's a little scatterbrained most of the time) but that's at odds with the fact he is still quite literally a trained phantom thief, which is easy to forget sometimes. dai's also not a perfect woobie, dark's literally meant to represent his flaws and the sins of his family: daisuke and dark is, in the end, a fallen angel, someone who's supposed to be 'guilty' of sin and likewise a sinner. i can't think of anything else huge off the top of my head but i'm sure there's more.
AN IMPORTANT HEADCANON.  dark is daisuke's dream and daisuke is dark's heart. it's plastered all over my blog and only visually represented within canon, so i regard it as somewhat more of a headcanon than canon might have it. dark embodies daisuke's aspirations, he encourages and inspires daisuke to have something to reach out for and step forwards towards, the sort of 'self' he wants to become, if not absorb traits of self-confidence and 'style' from. dark, as a nonhuman entity, requires daisuke as his human host and heart both to literally live, exist, and to feel anything; he also has a line that canonically states [he] as an artwork, "cannot exist outside of a human's dream." dark and dai should not necessarily ever be physically separated or pit against each other in a contest of favoritism. if you want to fully love dark, you also have to acknowledge daisuke. if you want to fully love daisuke, then you have to acknowledge dark. the way i portray them in their canon verse, they're always at the point where they're basically in positive harmony with each other. i don't really even consider myself a multi just because dark and daisuke are supposed to be that intertwined and reflective of each other; when you cut down to their absolute character cores, how they feel about themselves and their own thematic functions, they truly are the same despite their superficial personality differences.
A USELESS HEADCANON.  daisuke considers a lot of his skills as a phantom thief useless, but his absurd dexterity can come in handy in some other ways. aside from all the fun little magic tricks he knows how to perform, if you show him how things work and then turn around so he doesn't feel pressured and get embarrassed, he can basically perfect full combo any rhythm game for you or hit the jackpot every single time at an arcade in games of skill. dark also has a plethora of talents that he either doesn't care to use, or rarely gets the opportunity to use- for example, in canon he's shown to know how to ballroom dance (very capably, at that,) and so i've let him inherit from his inspiration as the phantom of the opera: he's also capable of playing just about any instrument, has memorized an impressive repertoire of pieces, and has an exquisite singing voice that he sometimes lulls daisuke to sleep with, especially since daisuke is the only one who can actually hear his voice most of the time.
POTENTIAL TRIGGERS.  uhhhhh thematics of loss, death, and grief? crime? theft? the suffocating feeling of being trapped in an inherited cycle or religious trauma in the form of unwilling martyrs and manmade devils? the occasional delve into light-ish psychological horror? lots of stuff happens to dark and daisuke that could be considered triggering, for example getting shot and outright physically injured by magic and literal swords, but dnangel isn't rlly out to hurt anybody rather than teach people how to move on and cope with various forms of loss, loneliness, and separation.
SOMETHING YOU ENJOY ABOUT (WRITING) THEM.  god the contradictions. always. daisuke has one foot in the criminal sphere that's very popular in the tumblr rpc but his magical-girl alignment simultaneously makes him a complete and total fish out of the water. the monster has a heart, the boy is a monster, it's very meta for a chara who's trying to keep a secret and quite literally bears a curse that inevitably isolates him away from any true intimacy. that chaotic good rather than outright chaotic evil throws soooo many people off, it's so funny. dai's somehow a bastard rogue and the most kind-hearted middle schooler ever, and this is something that once the muns have grappled over, their muses have to grapple with too. i think the moral dilemma that dai n dark both present to others (are you going to hurt dark? are you willing to, even knowing he's daisuke? what about not knowing, and only learning after you've hurt him?) alongside the dilemmas that dai n dark have to face themselves (are you going to tell? do you know what you want? do you belong here? can you trust this person) is always entertaining.
SOMETHING YOU WANT OTHERS TO KNOW BEFORE WRITING WITH THEM. nothing in particular comes to mind rn? you can go through my reference tag if you want to see me ramble about hc stuff for miles, otherwise, the only thing i can think of is that dark and daisuke literally share a single body, and their transformations into one another can be extremely fluid, hence me not separating their interactions or IC tags. it's okay to question and ask yourself who the hell you're actually interacting with because again, dark and daisuke have such a weird relationship of host/possessor + alter ego/alter ego (yet actually are one and the same) going on. for the most part tho, dont worry about it. just act naturally. also yeah dark's wings are real and he actually does have freaky demon teeth and weird eyes. daisuke's just a lil guy but chances are he WILL try to befriend and support you, so like, know what you're getting into with that and all.
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desolateice · 1 month
For character bingo: Chozen and Kumiko
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I love them. I love the whole Okinawan crowd. Is the salad spinner a punishment? I wasn't sure what that one was. If it is, Chozen can go in the salad spinner. 😂Mostly for Tkk2 related things. I'm going to start with Kumiko though. I adore her. She threw a tomato at Chozen, danced with Daniel, had a sweet little romantic moment with Daniel during a huge monsoon in a broken down building. Which is a choice even though it was romantic. She was like I know a spot where no one will find us and it'll be romantic but if I remember correctly had like broken windows even before the storm. But she made it nice which is a feat. And it just lends to her personality. She's not fragile. She wanted so much more then her small village life and she went out and got it. I'm just bummed that she didn't do it in the films. Like I truly thing she would've thrived in LA. And I think it's kinda a poor write off that neither she nor Yukie went to LA with Daniel and Mr. Miyagi. But I am happy that she lived out her life doing what she wanted and that she even has a little trickster-y spirit to her setting Daniel up with Chozen in CK. I want her to come back and have a bigger part. I want her to meet all the gals and for them to have an amazing time. Let her take them dancing. Let her be in the baseball batting cage scene or something where she show's that she's still got perfect aim. (Headcanon of mine I guess is that she's a very good shot with like a baseball or something, from the tomato and all). I also really like Chozen. At first I was meh, but then when I was writing Root Beer Floats and Green Tea and taking the movie apart minute by minute I tried to give him a reason for his behavior. An excuse and it's become this settled headcanon that TKK2 is pretty much all a strangled and teen angst display of grief. Like he doesn't really seem to have any good outlets for his grief. His uncle is closed off, he's scamming the town so they don't get along, and he's got two bros but I mean he's also a teen. He's lived in a small village his whole life and the guy who taught his uncle karate is dying. That's kind of a huge deal. I could write a lot about it. Plus he's a teen too. Grief and complex emotions and bad choices. The death threats though not cool, holding a knife to Kumiko not cool the creepy threat at the dance place also not cool, into the salad spinner you go. But I also love Cobra Kai Chozen so much because he's healed. Like he had the opportunity to continue Miyagi's legacy, not Mr. Miyagi's but like Mr. Miyagi's dad's. And he's teaching and he's silly and having fun and it's like he grieved and found happiness again and I love that for him. I love the way he teaches the students at Miyagi-do/Eagle-fang and even Tory when he snuck into Cobra Kai. He's dialed up to an 11, even though it's like sometimes a bit too far, but he's there. He's got a silly dad energy about him that I enjoy. I like that he keeps everyone on their toes, that he went head to head with Silver (though I was so worried for him), that his only screw up really in his con was using Okinawan instead of Japanese when cheering (I screamed when he did that) I like how he meets everyone at their level. He gets fancy for Silver, he is both calming and ready to go for a fight with both Daniel and Johnny. He helps the kids where they are, but also destroys all their hidden eggs. But then again he's kind of embodied the Miyagi life. Which makes me wonder if some of what we're seeing is more Miyagi senior then our Mr. Miyagi. Parts that shown through and all. Or even the Mr. Miyagi that'd rubbed off on Sato as childhood best friends. Anyway I want Kumiko to come to LA for the final season, but not to be with Chozen. I want her to kick ass and dance all night and just fulfill that TKK2 promise of her going to LA. After all Chozen shouldn't have all the fun.
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daggersandarrows · 10 months
okay so like. here's the thing. i love doctor who. i know that it's always been flawed. that's what makes it charming. i don't care about the bad cgi, i don't care about the cheesy dialogue, i don't care when the solution to the alien invasion planning to invert the known universe involves three grapes and a sock. it's sci fi from the 60s. it's always been silly.
things that i DO care about:
the companions being Actual People with strong opinions: rose's constant defense of the service worker and attempts to get them to unionize, donna's impenetrable stubbornness, rory's unfailing common sense. i want them to fuck up too. i want them to not listen to the doctor. obedient companions are so boring.
egregious racism. i get it, it's mainstream tv, there's gonna be some. but man sometimes i can't even pay attention to the plot in these chibnall episodes. rtd wasn't great either but mickey and martha felt like Real Actual People. no i didn't care for the pair the spares bit nor did i care for the family of blood/human nature two parter but good lord at least martha behaved like an actual black woman
"look at me i'm so Special and Good" performativity. doctor who has always been a bit ahead of its time with characters like jack and the very casual references to queer partnerships and nonbinary characters and trans characters. for the doctor's first run as a woman to be filled with so many wink wink nudge nudge back pat type lines about how the show is sooo good at feminism was massively eye-roll-y. also how come ryan only has dyspraxia when we need to feel sorry for him
and last but not least: i care about the master. like a lot. like an unhealthy amount. and their characterization doesn't have to be perfect, but i think that they have to embody the following: 1) they are at least a little bit camp, 2) they are obviously in love with the doctor, 3) they are kind of supervillain cartoon evil, where they never do anything TOO fucked up, but their grand scale plans always involve taking over the world or making everyone think that they're god or something (their most cruel plans are reserved exclusively for the doctor) and 4) they are kind of just a petulant child. at the end of the day, they just so so so badly want the doctor's attention.
so thus far chibnall has massively failed my first three things, and as far as the master goes, he has horrendously obliterated point three but surprisingly hasn't totally wrecked anything else. all this to say: i think i hate his seasons.
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narzissenkreuz-ordo · 8 months
are raz and oren related? they look pretty similar. i'm assuming raz is from the same family because of the mask
what ideas do you have for the other head warlocks 👀
[RUBBING MY GRUBBY HANDS TOGETHER] anon you are so correct actually. oren & raz ARE brothers and shit is WILD
i found this in my lore doc earlier where i guess i gave most the warlocks names & ages
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currently the only two i have developed at all are silas (she/he/they) & oren (he/him) since theyre both part of the main cast
silas is basically the main character and became head warlock after gawain killed their parents and has been Suffering through various political challenges & assassination attempts since her parents' political reforms were hated so badly (even within other city states) and is struggling to maintain any sort of power within her own damn city and ends up enlisting the help of 'raz' (he/him), a guild master from the underdark to work behind the scenes for her since her own family cannot be trusted atm. they have that classic flirty x annoyed couple bickering dynamic going on (they kiss eventually. Trust)
since you clocked in on raz and oren being related..... raz is an alias he uses after leaving the grimr family. HE was supposed to be the next head warlock since his mimicry magic is literally the perfect embodiment of The Masked Acquaintance but oren successfully 'wins' the role over him through various means of violence, trickery and backstabbing. It's not like Raz really wanted to be the next warlock so he takes the opportunity to bounce. he spends his time in the underdark helping people & enjoys doing so. he tries to keep out of the spotlight of any of the noble families but most of them have never properly seen his face before.
oren is probably my FAVORITE character outta them all. oc blorbo who used to live rent-free in my mind so i have a lot of fucked up lore abt him:
he is probably the most unhinged head warlock out of any of them, hes mostly very silly & aloof in personality but most people find him exhausting to be around since one moment hes excitable & eccentric then the next hes terrifyingly serious in a very unsettling way
he is almost always wearing his mask, even when not in public since half his face is scarred & ruined Previous Events
he uses his illusion magic to change the expressions on his mask which makes him seem very silly and emotive since this grown ass man is making his mask display those like. silly cute keyboard emotes
he used to be a lot more like raz in his ideals and wanted nothing to do with his family's religious beliefs. he wanted to be a doctor actually. he found himself leaving the estate a lot travel around w/o his mask on, hiding in plain sight to experience things he wouldnt be able within his family
he meets aspen (they/them) this way, hits it off fairly well with them..... only discover theyre a smuggler & thief when they try breaking into the grimr estate to steal magical artifacts. they quickly begin a forbidden love affair that ultimately ruins the both of them once various noble families get involved
aspen is the reason for oren's fucked up face & aspen's missing eye is because of oren
oren has a 10 year old son with aspen he didn't know existed, his name is cain and i joke that he's the universe's antichrist because he the world's most fucked up parents FJDSKFDS
aspen x oren is literally strangers to short-lived enemies to lovers to enemies to ???
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doorplays · 1 year
Door Reviews: Hypnospace Outlaw (2019)
Sometimes I find myself wanting to return to the past. In the face of a lot of troubles today, the past, by comparison, is wonderful. The climate was cooler, everything was more affordable, and the problems don’t seem as big as today. And most of all, the past is just… familiar. It’s set in stone. We know what happens, so we can relive it at will, with our own memories. Nothing can hurt us beyond how much the past already did. It’s no wonder people are fond of nostalgia.
Tendershoot harnessed that nostalgia for something rather specific: late-90’s internet culture. They’ve crafted something that is very reminiscent of the days where everyone can make their own site and make their own rules, a time before Facebook was solidified as the de facto social network. And what they’ve made, I found very charming! So: let’s review Hypnospace Outlaw!
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What’s it about? In an alternate universe, Hypnospace has replaced the internet as the nascent technology that brings people together. You have enlisted as a sort of volunteer moderator for the company who made this space: Merchantsoft.  You enforce their rules and note down offenses ranging from copyright infringement to extralegal commerce. It sounds boring, but at its heart Hypnospace Outlaw is an investigation game where you try and find the content that you should be removing by going through Hypnospace, bouncing from one page to another, experiencing the rich worldbuilding along the way.
STYLE (Gameplay, Graphics, Music)
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Starting this game I instantly remember one thing: the Windows 98 era. You go on your computer, boot it up, turn on your internet, hear that modem sound, then visit various websites. Exploring all the websites has that funny vibe because a lot of them look so ridiculous yet still looks like it wouldn’t look out of place in the late 90’s! The style is just perfect and I find it so charming and endearing.
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Gameplay revolves around you exploring sites relevant to the cases given to you by your handler. You will be given access to certain zones, each with a certain number of websites you can access from there. You have to inspect the websites to see which one of them breaks the rules of Merchantsoft, embodied by the acronym CHIME: Copyright Infringement, Harrassment, Illegal Activity, Malicious Software, and Extralegal Commerce. When a site element (text, picture, or hyperlink) falls under these categories, you will then report them to your handler and mark them as Violation Points.
Each penalty you mark gives you HypnoCoin, which you can use to buy various things. You can use them to buy wallpapers, songs, stickers, and other things you can use to decorate your Hypnospace desktop. And there are a LOT of these you can discover, ranging from silly wallpapers from hotdog companies to vaporwave-esque songs by underground artists.
The cases that you have to solve are of decent difficulty all in all. Solving them reminded me of Her Story (2015) by Sam Barlow. I made use of the in-game search functionality a fair bit, and had to root through a lot of sites to understand what I had to do next. They were fun to solve!
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There’s music in most of the pages and a lot of them have different vibes. All in all, they definitely fit with the so-bad-it’s-good vibe they’re going for. Have you ever had music playing in your Friendster page or whatever social media you had back then when you were a teen? Well, that’s the vibe. Some are so over the top, some are just funny, and some are plain good.
All in all, this game’s style is perfect for what it’s going for. It really brought me back to the days of Windows 98, and all that I associate with it. It’s funny and charming! I love it a lot.
SUBSTANCE (Story, Characters, Impact)
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I had a false start with this game. I understood that I ended up being a sort of moderator for Hypnospace. But I wasn’t quite prepared for what it entailed. And let me tell you, penalizing old people for small mistakes they don’t quite understand felt really bad, so bad that I stopped playing this game the first time I played it…
I picked it up again this month though, and I pushed on, and I was very much rewarded for it discovering all these in-game websites. Most of them are shitty webpages, but the fact that each one was made by a person in the game made it feel more real. Like, of course it’ll be shitty, most of these people don’t really know how to do graphic design! And there’s also the physical limitations of the hardware!
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There’s the overarching story, which is pretty good, but there’s also the small stories you see browsing Hypnospace. A lady running for community leader, a widowed biker who just wants friends, some geeks just trying to protect their space, a religious child who loves this world’s version of Pokemon, there’s a lot to see!
It’s a strange mix of mocking yet earnest. It plays up the shittiness of websites of the past and puts a lot of care into how personal they can be for the people making them. The people feel real. The world felt real. I found myself getting amused at the antics played out, and caring for the highs and lows of everyone.
After I finished this game, I really had to pause and just… digest everything. I think I will remember this game for a while.
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Y2K may have let me down, but this game has not. If you are looking to relive the nostalgia of late 90’s internet, play this game. If you’re looking for at least a decent investigation game, play this game. If you are looking for something very unique, play this game!! It’s charming, funny, and earnest. I am very fond of it and wholeheartedly recommend it.
Door Rates Hypnospace Outlaw: 4.5/5!
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funnywormz · 1 year
mp100 or toh for the ask game :0c?
someone else sent me mp100 so i will do toh for this ask!!
blorbo (favourite character, character i think about the most):
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eda....... i love her so so so much......... she's basically the embodiment of everything i could ever want from a female character and she's the sole reason why i started watching the show in the first place <3 she's funny and silly. she's so sad. she's loyal and cares so deeply abt others. she's rude. she's uncouth. she's feminine. she's masculine. she can turn into a badass huge beast. she's bisexual. she's a milf. she's a witch and a hag. she's such a tragic character and yet still so fun. she's deeply relatable. she commits so many crimes. she's everything to me.
scrunkly (my "baby", character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
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hunter....... he's such a good character. the owl house always nails comedy AND tragedy and i think he's a perfect example of that, he can be such a (unintentionally) comedic character but when you think abt him for more than a few minutes you start to get Sad. ik he's very popular in the fandom but i can understand why, he's such a great character
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im putting gus in this category as well bc he's so adorable and i love him so much. such a cute silly little guy. his backstory was very relatable to me and he reminds me a lot of my younger self, albeit more outgoing and confident lol. he's a rlly caring and sweet character at times and puts his own feelings aside for the benefit of others, which is a side of him we see in the human realm especially. he's so young, even younger than the other kids, and he's been through so much....... someone give this kid a hug please
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fav):
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darius....... i know he's already pretty popular in the fandom but i just think he should be even more popular. he's my babygirl and he deserves it
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gus (again). like with darius he's already pretty popular but i think he should be Even More Popular given that he's a member of the main cast and all. he's such an intriguing character to me and he doesn't get nearly enough hype imo
glup shitto (obscure fav, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and i won't shut up about it for a week):
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this golden guard......... he only appears for like one flashback scene but he's fascinating to me. he clearly wasn't integrated into witch society and was going along with philip's plan to hurt/kill witches, which is rlly interesting bc later on philip seemed to take on the strategy of telling the golden guards they were witches and letting them view him as a witch as well. i wonder if the moment in this flashback where they stage the explosion was the moment that convinced this golden guard to rebel, when he saw how people were suffering because of philip/belos.......
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obv caleb as well. we haven't even seen him get animated yet or heard him talk but he means so much to me and every time he's even vaguely mentioned i go rabid. fingers crossed that we'll see more of him in the next episode
poor little meow meow ("problematic"/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fav):
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obviously it's fucking Phil. hate this guy so much but i cannot shut up abt him or stop thinking abt him. putting him in a blender biting him kissing him so passionately (who said that)
horse plinko (character i would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
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kikimora. she is so pathetic and i think her suffering is funny sorry
eeby deeby (character i would send to superhell):
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him again. i think he should burn in hell forever <3
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Hi, thanks for answering my ask about Clay's Wudai Weapon. If you're able, what are your thoughts on Omi, Kimiko, and Raimundo's Wudai Weapons.
I'd want a Wudai Weapon to embody the character's personality and their element's characters thematically, and fit the character's fighting style functionally, so I'll give my thoughts in relation to that.
Shimo Staff
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Nice alliteration, and says exactly what it is. I like that they mixed languages, curious that they went with Japanese though. Frost staff.
Relevance to Character and Element:
My absolute favorite Wudai Weapon!
Water is the element of change, flexibility, and creativity, so a shapeshifting ice staff that can turn into any shape the user wills is the perfect embodiment of that. It's tiny and unassuming at first, but it can be absolutely anything. It's the most versatile weapon in the show. The way it can grow and shrink and change is perfect for Omi's personality too, since he's a character who's very deeply affected by the people and world around him. The fact that Omi could turn his staff into a mimick of the weapon of anyone he knows leaves so many great writing possibilities! Its base form being a staff feels like a reference to Omi's first lesson with Chase, too.
The staff itself is a reference to Ruyi Jingu Bang, the famous staff of Sun Wukong, legendary mythical from Journey to the West, so it's a nice callback to Omi's nationality! It's a fitting reference in more ways than one!
Omi is also the character with the biggest personality and the biggest expressions, so Omi's weapon being the only one that appears semi-sentient and is seen emoting or even moving on its own fits well!
Fighting style:
Omi's showed off his competency with a staff already, and he's really good at close combat. He's also really adaptable and can pick up new moves quickly from watching others, so having a weapon that can change at a moment's notice fits with how he's a best fight when he's being versatile and unpredictable. It incentivizes him to be more like water, something he struggled with with his rigid movements at the start. Omi needed to be more fluid, and this staff if the perfect thing for that.
Arrow Sparrow
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My only gripe is that the name doesn't try for anything except sounding silly-cute, while the others all try for this vaguely larger-than-life feeling.
Relevance to personality and element:
I've seen them compared to shuriken, and if that really was the basis for the choice, I love it. Nice little callback to Kimiko's origins.
And the fact that the weapon itself comes in the form of a bottomless, pretty stylish over-the-shoulder purse makes it suit Kimiko's fashionista nature. It even comes in a nice neutral color so it'll go with most of her outfits.
The imagery of birds flying free calls to mind freedom and courage and ferocity. Sparrows apparently symbolize persistence, community, simplicity, and empowerment. A lot of power packed into a tiny, cute vessel.
Fighting style:
The arrow sparrows fit perfectly with her fighting style. She's agile and acrobatic and light on her feet, and she's chaotic and hits with bit bursts of strength and a tendency to rush in, so explosive homing projectiles she can quickly throw at a distance suit her perfectly. It supplements some of the weaknesses of her approach while slotting in naturally with her moveset. Gives her good coverage and improves her aiming. Plus, watching the big grin on Kimiko's face while the flames explode is a real treat.
Blade of the Nebula
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A nebula is a distinct body of interstellar clouds. It's a tradition "cloud", but that definition makes it a nice layered reference to something associated with wind. The fanciness of its name being [Noun] of the [Noun] while all the others are [Descriptor] [Noun] is definitely a deliberate call to that it's supposed to feel bigger and more heroic than the others, and it definitely sounds cool.
Relevance to character and element:
It's serviceable. It's admittedly pretty boring that Raimundo's upgrade from his previous signature weapon of a wind sword is yet another wind sword, but I guess it's to show how far he's come in mastering it since the first wind sword was also his first big mess up way back when, so as a marker of growth, it works.
It being able to shift between forms and have a "more than meets the eye" thing is a reference to Raimundo's own journey of change through the series.
The nunchuks are literally made of a chain of wind that can stretch out as far apart as possible and whip into a tornado, which definitely covers the elemental connection. And wind is the element of freedom, so having a chain that acts opposite of a chain and doesn't shackle it into a strict length or pattern fits, too. The creativity in taking a traditionally chained weapon and completely eliminating the chain by putting a bit of himself in it instead is a nice touch.
There's no larger connection to his origins like there were for the Shimo Staff and Arrow Sparrow, but I think what they were going for the typical JRPG hero-wields-the-sword thing.
Fighting Style:
Capoeira is a fighting style that combines dance and acrobatics with combat techniques, so it's loose and free-flowing. The sword and the nunchucks service that well enough, I'd say. It doesn't really go quite as well as the others here, doesn't enhance it or evolve his fighting style or cover any blind spots it has, but like I said, I get what they were going for in choosing those weapons for him.
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overfedvenison · 1 year
Book of Vile Darkness is an interesting 3.X expansion There is uhh... A way to do evil alignments in a really cool manner. Obsidian’s works absolutely nails this consistently, in my experience... You get multiple evil party members in Neverwinter Nights 2, for example, and both embody this kind of pragmatism in approach that can make an evil outlook shine. Few mortals are cackling villains; they become evil because a ruthless and harsh approach can be very effective or is something you feel you may need. You have a character in one of those games, an evil warlock who kind of oddly reminds me of Walter White, who would knows about the ultimate villain of the game and who has become an absolute monster to try to match it. Or, in Knights of the Old Republic 2 (Lets be real, Jedi/Sith/Grey is ABSOLUTELY a good/evil alignment system) you even get this mentor who sort of philosophises on the draw and power of the dark side and it’s efficacy. A more proscriptive kind of alignment I like is from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. There, demons - and specifically Vampires, which are a type of demon in that show - are evil. This changes for demons over time, and we meet specific types of demons that are not inherently good nor evil, but it’s consistent that vampires are ALWAYS evil. And that is played with deeply... A vampire represents a person’s worst traits manifest. This is usually a heartless being embodying the evil of a person, but that’s not all it can be. One character utilizes her position as a popular girl at school to have a lot of societal power; as a vampire she is more sad than dangerous since, as a supernatural creature, she now lacks that status and yet is unable to move past her limitations. Another becomes a heroic ally of the main characters, but one that still cannot feel mutual respect or interact with others in a manner where he does not benefit. And, of course, there’s Angel; a vampire cursed with his human soul who has a full human mind cast inside a tortured body and who must struggle against the evil that is merely suppressed while his souls is “in charge” And that all being said... Book of Vile Darkness does not really facilitate as much stuff like this as a goal. Book of Vile Darkness treats those that have chosen evil in a manner like Warhammer treats those that have chosen Chaos - It presents creatures who’s flesh and bodies are warped by evil, and who take in evil as an end goal in and of itself. Evil is a substance, a cult, and an alignment that some people have chosen to champion. And that’s... Always been hard for me to wrap my mind around. Yet... There is an appeal there. One that, as I have come to appreciate alignment a lot, I do like quite a bit. I feel it would all be hard to use, but perhaps you can portray the stuff in it as more cosmic, and to an extent tragic. An elf who has been warped until they have altered to an innately evil and loathsome form, now unable to have the grace they once did. The elite of an orc army, who act not as their own individuals but as the subtly tragic pawns of Orcus - who molded them as his perfect soldiers unable to so much as question this authority. The Cancer Mage, who’s body and mind have been warped beyond recognition. That kind of thing - It is for when you want to embody that idea of an evil alignment as a kind of force of nature that some creatures can become an avatar of. But, a lot of it is uhh... Blunt, edgy, and kind of silly. I feel like, if you used it all, it would be kind of ridiculous as a setting. Still, you can find a poetry in that, I think... Innate evil given physical form, after all, is something which can represent the demons we face as humans. Fighting that is sort of symbolic, if you understand me, for combating other demons. So even the more ridiculous stuff in that book, I think, could be evocative or cool if given the right approach. Others are just really metal, and are good if you want an adventure that evokes a death metal album.
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domjaehyun · 1 year
hi jewel i didn’t mean to disappear! i spent the weekend turning 27 and being not sober but also i worked all weekend and a lot yesterday and this morning so that i could leave on time for Houston 😭
but!! i’m here to elaborate on what i meant about tangerine love being different!! something i really like about your fics is that you spend time establishing what kind of character the reader/oc is, along w their mindset and it’s very easy for the reader to get what you’re trying to say. I think especially in the last year you’ve had different quirks about the characters that are really refreshing and unexpected. the one in tangerine love seems a little bit less sure about herself than the others? not in an insecure way (like, she’s someone who feels confident enough to retreat to her room rather than push her feelings aside to be around someone she’s crushing on) but she’s not as sure/clear abt hc’s feelings and doesn’t often make the first move - and that’s why i made the comment about the fic reminding me of old fun college hook-ups!! It rly embodied that nervous fluttery feeling of not being sure someone likes you back but being excited to see them and interact w them when you can!! idk im rambling I hope this makes sense BUT you captured that feeling really well and I still can’t stop reading it. I also want to revisit i like you (i do) soon because i love that characterization of oc/hc as well!
sorry this was so long omfg have a good night!!!
DON’T APOLOGIZE OMG HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!! THATS SO EXCITING DID U HAVE A GOOD BDAY? and omg …. i could cry this put such a big smile on my face fr I LOVE CHARACTERS like that sounds silly objectively but i mean it as in i like to establish character behavior soooo much like i’ll be reading a diff fic and have a good feel for a character and then i’ll see a line of dialogue and be like. they would not fucking say that. but it makes PERFECT SENSE IM SO HAPPY YOU FEEL THAT WAY :’)))) and omg…..i love i like you (i do) its so cute to me it was so fun to write :’)
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huge-enthusiast · 3 years
You can find part 1 here.
The first one was really popular! So I decided to make a second part.
The rules are the same:
All of the fics will be rated Teen and up audiences or lower. Also if I don’t put the author’s tumblr is because they didn’t put it in the fic or/and I couldn’t find it.
The only thing that changes is that I would be putting the pairing in the description of the fic.
Without further ado...
Written in the Stars by Boogum (@botherkupo here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Marichat and Adrienette.
He was the god of destruction. She was a princess whose kingdom had been prophesied to fall. To save her people, she became his wife. To save him, she would have to do the impossible. The castle has secrets, the gods are watching, and time is running out.
Chapters: 37/37
TW for mild violence.
Arrange marriage, God AU. While I'm making this list, I still haven't finished the fic, but I had to recommend it because is THAT good. The way I gasped out loud while reading some of the plot twists. The worldbuilding is so good, and even if you aren't into AUs that deviate a lot from cannon like me, I 100% reccomend it.
Need a Lift? again by Boogum.
Pairing: DJWifi
Getting stranded on a foreign planet sucked. Luckily for Nino, his rival was willing to give him a lift home. Unluckily for Nino, she was beautiful and funny and he might just be in love with her.
Chapters: 1/1
Space Bounty Hunter AU! Really sweet and funny. If you are into flustered!Nino then this fic is for you.
hey, you by peachcitt (@peachcitt here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Adrienette
“Have you ever had a dream about someone that changes the way you think of them?”
or Adrien has a dream about Marinette.
Chapters: 1/1
Okay so, peachcitt is one of my favorite ml writers. Everything that they write is sooo good y'all, and i'm already a sucker for adrienette, so I cannot recommend this fic (or any of theirs) enough.
double dare again by peachcitt (I told ya!)
Pairing: Ladrien (with lots of sided ladynoir)
“Don’t ever do that again,” Marinette says, maybe a little too emphatically, and Adrien looks at her, his expression quiet. His cheeks, Marinette notices, are a little red.
“But I wanted to save you,” he says.
or Ladybug and Adrien can't seem to stop running into each other. (whether that is on accident or on purpose is nobody's business but their own, of course).
Chapters: 30/30
This was a ladrien june fic! Every chapter corresponds to the day's prompts but it also continues a story. If that doesn't make you want to read it then I don't know what it will. I fear fanfic writers, they're insane.
(not) so much by therentyoupay (@therentyoupayfanfiction here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Marichat and adrienette
(The claws are sharp, but the host of Destruction—for all of his loudmouth chaos and lack of reserve—is paradoxically careful.)
Chapters: 1/1
In which Chat Noir pays a visit not long after Marinette has made a pretty difficult decision, and they accidentally make a routine.
Prompt: Marinette gives Chat a hickey. Adrien has a suspiciously similar looking hickey the next day at school...
Gotta be honest with y'all, I did not expect this fic to be as good as it is. The adrienette has everything a stablished!Marichat should have. Marinette conflicted with her feelings? Check. Adrien being a hot mess bc That's My Girlfriend But She Doesn't Know That? Check. Them being absolute idiots? Check. It's good!
Doctor, Doctor, Give Me The News (Your Lips Is The Only Cure I Could Use) by BreG21.
Pairing: Adrienette
Rainwater sloshed up from the pools they had made on the sidewalk and coated his jean pants with every step he took. He couldn't bring himself to care.
He sniffed away some of the water that dribbled down his matted head. "Yeah?"
He paused as if to consider his words while Adrien stared down at him, so lost. "You weren't wrong when you thought you knew. A part of you wanted it to be her, but it was too perfect, you let the illusion fool you because how would you get that lucky. But trust me, Adrien. You weren't wrong."
He wasn't wrong? What was he not wrong about?
You weren't wrong. You want it to be her.
And it finally clicked as a small gasp wisped past his lips. He wasn't wrong.
In which, Plagg falls ill, and with Fu gone and Ladybug being the guardian now, has to go find her civilian self-even with the knowledge that she might not like that-is shocked to realize that even with having the kwami that was supposed to embodied the very being of bad luck, Adrien could conclude the very opposite of what he had thought for so long.
He was so very lucky.
Chapters: 1/1
I screamed so hard while reading this fic. It's just one of those who gets the characters right. Do you like a good reveal? Go read this now.
Operation Mega Sleepover by InTheWild (@smellerbeee here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Adrienette
When Alya and Nino drop out of their long awaited mega-sleepover at the last minute, it leaves Marinette and Adrien alone together for the night. An Adrinette one-shot with lots of fluff and sleepover shenanigans.
Chapters: 1/1
I just,,, I love adrienette fluff so much,,, I love them,,,
You, Me & A Little Bit Of The Future by joonapeach.
Pairing: this is a fortunate case of all lovesquare shenanigans™
Marinette expects some disaster on her first outing alone with Adrien.
She just doesn't expect that disaster to be her future self passing off a baby for her to take care of with Adrien.
(Alternatively... two idiots obliviously in love cooing over their daughter while acting like they have no idea whose kid this is.)
Chapters: 1/1
I think the description says anything that it needs to be said. It's really sweet and funny and I love how they just change their minds so quickly and get emo for literally nothing. Peak shakesperean dumbasery.
The entire Marry That Girl series by Miraculous_Max (Maximilian_Alexander).
Pairing: Adrienette
Let’s say Marinette has a special sketchbook. This sketchbook is filled with drawings of their future house, of Adrien as an adult in multiple occupational settings, of Marinette and Adrien’s wedding, and most importantly, their future children.
Let's say Adrien found this sketchbook.
Works: 8 (All are 1/1 chapters)
Just realized how this list exposes me as number 1 adrienette sucker... oh well. I love how Adrien doesn't feel weirded out by the intensity of Marinette's crush. He likes it! He's as weird and romantic as her! That's one of the reasons I love the lovesquare so much and it makes me happy to see that everyone is in the same boat with me.
Strenght by 11JJ11.
Pairing: Adrienette
Marinette knew she was much stronger than she looked thanks to being a hero. So when her class had an arm wrestling contest she knew that she could beat all of them with ease, but she wasn't expecting anyone else to come close.
Chapters: 1/1
Good ol' accidental reveal feat. the entire class shenanigans. I, once again, screamed for an adrienette fic. Who could've thought.
Super Fan by Taliax.
Pairing: Ladrien
It was a good thing Alya was holding the phone and not her, because it would have slipped from her fingers and shattered. How had she not noticed? She had been there, and somehow she’d missed her crush looking at her like she was an angel sent from heaven.
Forget the perfume ad. This picture was going to be her new desktop.
(In which Marinette realizes that she and Adrien might both be obsessive fans.)
Chapters: 1/1
Canon divergent from after Gorizilla. They're so dumb. That's my opinion on this fic.
How to Kiss Your Crush in Five Minutes or Less also by Taliax.
Pairing: Ladrien
He just needed to know if Ladybug needed Chat Noir. He didn't expect to learn just how much she wanted Adrien.
This would be the best five minutes of his life, if he didn't expect her to forget it.
Chapters: 1/1
CW for making out.
Set during Desperada. I promise there's a happy ending. Also Luka is there for some reason, felt really bad for him.
Laying Down the Rules: The Gabriel Agreste Clauses by LadyKae
Adrien leaves the manor on a dark and stormy night and seeks sanctuary at the only place he feels safe: The Home of the Dupain-Cheng Family. When Sabine learns why her dear boy is fleeing to her home in the middle of the night, she makes a personal visit to one Gabriel Agreste.
There's more rules in play, but not for Adrien and Marinette.
Chapters: 1/1
This is just Sabine going to beat the fuck out of Gabriel and it's really satifying ngl
4am. by hannieks
Pairing: post-reveal lovesquare
In which Adrien has the cat tendency to wake up their owners at stupid o'clock, and Marinette just wants to sleep. Cuteness ensues.
Chapters: 1/1
Really short but really sweet. If you like Adrien acting like a cat then you would like this.
Can I Date You(r Character)? by midnightstarlightwrites (@midnightstarlightwrites here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Adrienette
Adrien turned to her, something unreadable in his gaze. “Are you ok with this?” he asked.
And what a loaded question that was. Was she ok with it? Was she ok with the one guy she couldn’t seem to get over in real life kissing her in a game of Dungeons and Dragons? When she put it like that, it seemed a bit silly to get so worked up.
It was just a game...right?
She was ok with it, right?
“Sure,” she lied. “I’m ok with it.”
When Adrien's character falls in love with Marinette's, they decided to date in-game. What could go wrong?
Chapters: 7/?
THIS ONE IS SO CUTE. You want to scream??? Read this.
two idiots and a hamster by Boogum (again) and carpisuns (@carpisuns here on tumblr)
Pairing: Adrienette
How do you hide your superhero identity from your roommate? (spoiler alert: badly)
Chapters: 5/?
Once @anna-scribbles described this fic as "is literally the closest i’ve ever seen a fic come to matching the energy of canon", and I couldn't have described it better.
And that's all for now! Next time I will probably make an only DJWifi list since I've been treating them so dirty lol.
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akajustmerry · 2 years
why is the eleventh doctor your favorite? /gen
i was gonna try n be funny like "cos he's just like me fr" but anyways its a mix of reasons honestly!
a big one is i just have a lot of fond formative memories tied up with that era so there's a nostalgia element. especially because I feel that was the height of dw's popularity in recent memory so it was really fun to be a fan at that time, particularly around the 50th anniversary. idk if I've ever had more fun as a who fan than being a who fan between 2010-13. if you weren't a fan or involved with the fandom then, it's one of those things that's hard to explain because it really was event television.
and then there's um............[checks notes] i'm bisexual and matt smith, karen gillan, alex kingston, arthur darvil, jenna coleman, etc. they were all, you know, very beautiful and adorable and talented and sometimes right? sometimes............i just watch things with my coochie as much as my eyes. also, i now recognise that i had immense gender envy for the 11th doctor so there's that too.
there's obviously some bias in this next part but i genuinely think that matt smith's performance as eleven is insanely good. the way he totally embodied the "old man pretending to be young cos his body is young" complex sooooo well. like the way he could drop that silly goofy awkwardness facade and switch to just being an angry vengeful old man was really haunting honestly. i remember reading a quote from someone that was like, "matt smith plays the Doctor like a young man built by old men from half-forgotten memories" or something and it's so true. 
he also just had really fun chemistry with literally every person/character (i BEG ppl to watch eleven’s guest appearence on sarah jane adventures because the way he interacts with sarah and jo is absolutely perfect!! i fucking CRY). obviously he’s from the only Doctor Actor™️ to do this well (Capaldi and Tennant also do this compellingly), but he made it very easy to believe that you were watching the Doctor, the same character that's been here the whole time, and not just a version or interpretation of the Doctor in the moment. a joy to watch as someone who grew up with classic who!!
and eleven is just..........kind, you know? like. yeah he got grumpy and genocided some bitches but that's just the gig being the doctor. eleven and his era was just so full of love and wasn't afraid of that and i loved it!! i love 12's era for this too ftr. like if I could travel with any of the current Doctors, I'd pick 11 or 12 because they're kind, not always nice, but kind!! 
He’s a great Doctor, especially considering some of the nonsense material moffat wrote. the whole first half of season 7 and middle of season 6 has some of the most mediocre writing in the show’s history, but matt smith did an amazing job of making it fun and compelling anyway and idk if he always gets the credit he should for that. 
I think it’s easier to be a great doctor when you have great material to work with (Eccleston and Tennant), or easy to just roll with whatever content you’re given because fuck it (Whittaker), but Capaldi and Smith did not have good shit to work with a lot of the time, and they put their whole hearts into being a great character anyway, even at the show’s lower points. i’ll always walk through fire for them both for doing that. but especially eleven, because that’s my blorbo, my manic pixie mass murderer 🥺🥰
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beauty-and-passion · 3 years
A (not so) brief post about my favourite Sanders Sides ships
It all started with this ask:
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I just wanted to write a short answer, I swear. Just a short answer with a tiny little explanation about why I like these ships in particular.
But then I got a bit carried away, my explanations became longer and so here I am, writing a full post.
One small clarification before starting: ships don’t have a place in my analyses. If I talk about connections between Sides, these connections are always in terms of friendships, cooperation or familial relationships. The romantic aspect is something different and I may joke about it sometimes, but it’s just a joke.
There is a time and space for romantic relationships - and it looks like that time has come. 
Janus and Patton
I've always liked the canonical ship, in (almost) every fandom. So of course I like the canonical ship of this fandom as well :P
Jokes aside, this ship is incredibly mature, very interesting and terribly hard to talk about. The nature of these two characters, their roles and the episodes that had them involved proved how these two speak the same language, work in the same field and, ultimately, need each other.
* More similar that we think
If we look at them on a superficial level, Janus and Patton are completely opposites: one is cynical and cold, the other is a ball of sunshine. One is dark and suave, the other is goofy and bright. Janus' moral is "step on others and only care about yourself", Patton's moral is "help others because they are more important than you".
These differences became clearer over time, the more we learned about Janus and compared him with Patton. However, along these differences, some similarities started to emerge. Some qualities.
Janus and Patton want what's good for Thomas. They are humble enough to recognize their mistakes (the latest example was POF). They have a strong empathy. They’re kind. They’re mature adults (even if Patton doesn’t show it too often). And they both love and use puns.
But that’s not all. Along with these qualities, we found out that these two have similar flaws: they are both liars. They are incredibly persuasive to the point of manipulation. They have a huge influence over the mind (and the other Sides). They both deal with denial.
And this isn't just important, but it's a fundamental point for their character growth. Why? Because if they have similar flaws, if they are both liars and manipulators, then they cannot deceive each other.
And this is HUGE, especially for Patton! By his own admission, Patton lied multiple times, especially about his feelings (the Nostalgia episodes) and his thoughts (the most recent wedding/callback saga).
He always got away with it, because he was lying to other Sides and Thomas. But what would the point be, to lie to the literal embodiment of lies? Janus already knows what of his words are lies and what not, so it would be absolutely useless to do it.
Therefore, if Patton cannot lie to Janus, he cannot pretend everything is alright when it's not or hide his thoughts on a certain topic. He cannot shift the attention somewhere else or let a conversation drop. That means Patton cannot avoid confrontation about his thoughts/feelings and oh boy if he really needs to talk about them - especially with someone mature like Janus.
And yes, having someone who is able to see past your lies means being a lot vulnerable... but also a lot freerer. With Janus, Patton won’t have to pretend to be the strongest one: he can allow himself to be weak and confused, because if he doesn’t have an answer or if the weight of decisions is too much to carry, he has Janus with whom he can share it.
* A foundation of mutual respect
This point has never been fully addressed, but it was very well implied by their words/behaviours since Janus’ first appearance.
The first proof we have is CLBG: after Deceit revealed himself and disappeared, all the Sides and Thomas went through various degrees of shock, frustration and anger. Patton, on the other hand, was the only one who showed a pretty calm demeanor.
He should've been the angriest, considering that Janus took HIS place and pretended to be HIM the whole time. And yet, not only Patton didn't show any resentment, but he didn't talk bad about Janus (even if he had all the reasons to) and he even justified the other Side’s actions to Thomas:
[Patton]: Kiddo, simply put, Deceit is an inner coach that acts with the one intention of self-preservation.
Patton could’ve said anything, to make Janus appear as the worst. And his words could've had a lot of influence on Thomas, considering they were coming from his heart.
However, Patton didn't say anything too bad about Janus - not even in the following episodes.
Then we reach POF: Patton's monologue about his morals went so dramatically bad, he turned into a giant frog with abs and Janus had to sweep in to save Thomas.
In that moment, he could've said ANYTHING to make Patton appear as the worst Side ever. He had his chance on a silver plate: Patton was wrong, he had been wrong the whole time, he was literally ready to fight Thomas.
And yet, Janus took Patton's defense:
[Deceit]: He didn't mislead you on purpose, Thomas. I don't think the little guy... or... the big frog is capable of that sort of thing.
In addition to that, let’s consider Janus' whole attitude towards Patton in SvS: he basically spent an entire episode trying to make Patton understand his point.
[Deceit]: You can defend him all you like... But you can't change the facts. Is Thomas an innocent little lamb? Let's let them be the judge of that.
Why did he insist so much on this? Why not tricking Patton like he did with Roman or ignoring him like he did with Logan?
Because Janus knows how important Patton's role is and his whole behaviour shows respect towards the other Side. Unlike the others, who tend to diminish/forget Patton’s importance, Janus never did and always tried to reach him in the most honest, difficult way: through dialogue and confrontation.
And when he failed, instead of disregarding Patton’s importance, he just kept trying again, until his message finally reached the other Side.
* The perfect working partner
POF proved Patton can't bear the weight of the decision-making process all by himself. He needs another Side who can help him and Janus perfectly fills this role.
But why Janus? Why not Logan? Logan is a very mature Side, he can deal with a lot of stress, he's extremely organized and knows a lot. Surely he can help Patton with the decision-making process, right?
Not exactly. For his own admission, morals and ethics are not Logan's area of expertise (as it should be: logic can’t be influenced by what’s considered “good” or “bad”: logic is neutral). Secondly, Logic isn't an emotional-driven Side: logic is way less affected by emotions than other Sides - especially compared to Patton, who is the embodiment of emotions.
What Patton needs is a mature Side with a grey mentality, humble enough to respect him/not diminish his role, from his same area of expertise and enough emotional-driven to connect with him on an emotional/empathetic level.
And Janus is the only one who fills all those points. Even the latter, as we saw in the last part of POF:
[Patton]: Janus... Do you think there's a limit... on how many times someone can say sorry... before you have to admit... that they're just bad for you? [Janus]: Oh, definitely not. I'd love for someone to ruin Thomas' entire life one apology at a time. [Patton]: Okay. [Janus]: (After seeing Patton's reaction)The reality is that... it depends.
Janus' answer changed, the moment he realized Patton didn't get his sarcasm, by switching from ironic to honest. This is the kind of emotional connection Patton needs, something that doesn’t require words, but a small gesture that says more than a thousand words (yes, I’m also talking about that gaze and the small nod in the end card).
If we add to all of that the detail that Janus can nullify Patton's excuses and see past his lies, we have the perfect partner to help him grow up.
But this cooperation isn’t just one-sided: Janus needs Patton just as much as Patton needs him.
Why? First of all, to have a seat at the table. After years hiding, Janus can finally talk to Thomas, introduce his cynical mentality, make Thomas a little more selfish and help him grow up.
Secondly, by cooperating with Patton, Janus will become a better Side: he will learn to compromise, to work together and, most importantly, to trust Patton. And this is a particularly important point because, as I said in my analysis of POF, Janus isn’t used to trust others and he doesn’t want them to see past his barriers. Working with Patton might be exactly what he needs to trust the other Sides and lower these barriers, even a tiny bit.
* The romantic possibility
Considering all of the above points, the idea that their cooperation could evolve into something romantic-driven isn't so strange. The elements are all here, there's nothing weird to add nor need to bend canon, in order to make the ship happen. Their mutual acceptance can easily become need, learning more about each other can easily evolve into desiring each other and friendship could grow into passion.
And, of course, let's not forget marriage. These two can only end up in marriage. I mean, one is a dad, the other is a mom witch, so they are a perfect match XD
My point is: this ship isn't just a “cute couple being cute”. It's about dialogues. Conversations about themselves, their different points of view, their morals, their cooperation, how to help Thomas and the other Sides. It's based on listening to each other, on knowing each other a little more every day. On being silly together, working and failing together, going down and getting up, because there is someone by your side to lend a helping hand.
This is what makes Janus and Patton the most realistic, mature couple. And that's probably why it's so hard to perfectly nail it.
Logan and Remus
Here it is, the couple that blew up after one episode and was confirmed in the most recent Aside.
But seriously, these two have a huge potential - first as friends/working partners, then as romantic partners. Logan and Remus need each other and the reasons are pretty clear:
- Having an interlocutor
Remus is Unleashed Creativity, a volcano of ideas in constant need of new stimuli, no matter if they are considered good or bad. After all "good and bad are all made up nonsense", as he said.
Logan is a walking encyclopedia in search of someone who wants to listen to him. He's pure, undiluted knowledge because that's what logic should be. No morals about what's good and what's bad, no emotions, nothing but neutral knowledge.
Considering that, it’s pretty clear these two have to come into contact. But what would they gain?
Well, Remus would have the stimuli he desperately craves. And Logan?
Logan would gain an incredibly smart interlocutor. And I’m not saying it because I am biased towards Remus, but because the canonical episodes showed us how smart he is. In both DWIT and WTIT Remus proved to be a quick thinker, with a sharp intellect and an even sharper eye. He's silly and over the top, but he's not an idiot and he uses everything he has for his own creative needs, no matter how small it is.
Just imagine this cleverness applied to everything Logan might say to him. Remus wouldn’t be the only one to benefit from it, but the whole creative process and, ultimately, Thomas himself, who will have better, richer ideas.
- Gaining a place
At this moment in time (just after WTIT) Remus has not been fully accepted yet. He is tolerated and his presence is a nuisance, but he’s neither wanted, nor banished. He’s just here and he has no voice on any matter.
Also because no one wants to give him a chance to prove how useful and worthy he can be. Thomas barely tolerates him, Patton does his best to ignore him, Roman doesn’t even want to see him and Virgil would rather not have any of the Others present.
The only Core Side who accepts Remus’ presence and is willing to give him a chance is Logan. He spent the entire DWIT to explain why Remus is useful for Thomas and shouldn’t be ignored, while in WTIT, he said: "There will be a time and place for you" - thus implying that, one day, Remus will finally be able to show how worthy he can be.
This is exactly what Remus needs: a Core Side who doesn’t see him as a nuisance or a villain, but as a fundamental part of Thomas that can be helpful, in his own way. Someone willing to give him a seat at the table (at least in the future). And, most importantly, someone who is powerful enough to control him.
Remus is and will always be a force of nature. He will never rest or stop being chaotic. This is why he needs someone strong by his side, someone who can’t be overcomed by his dark thoughts and that can put him back on track if necessary. And Logan proved to be perfect for this role not once, but twice.
- Understanding on a deeper level
However this cooperation won’t be beneficial just for Remus. As I said before, Remus could be a clever interlocutor for Logan. And this cleverness isn’t just related to creativity, but also to emotional understanding.
The Core Sides have known Logan for almost thirty years and yet, they have no idea of the inner turmoil raging inside him. They keep ignoring and dismissing him, clearly thinking everything is fine.
It took Remus one single day to realize what Logan’s problem is, how deeply frustrated he is and how much he’s actually angry at Thomas. Less than 24 hours and Remus knows Logan better than his long time friends.
That’s exactly what Logan needs. Someone sharp enough to notice his behaviour, find out the root of the problem and make Logan face it, instead of dismissing it because who cares (yes, Roman, I am talking about you and your “You'll be fine, Rome didn't fall in a day.”)
- The romantic possibility
I think almost all the fandom agrees that these two would have a great sex life. After all, Remus is the embodiment of Thomas' sexual urges, so he would definitely go for a very physical relationship.
But having a good sex life implies a lot of other great things: good chemistry, no comunication issues, great stability and greater trust. And, even more important, the desire to try new things together. Logan and Remus are both very curious Sides, they both want to know new things and experience them: so their relationship would probably be based on discussing new ideas, testing them and finding out together if they are good or not.
And this doesn't apply to just the sexual aspect: even just the romantic aspect or the working aspect of their relationship could have these characteristics. Logan and Remus can motivate each other, learn from one another and find new things together. They are clever enough to stimulate each other's mind, curious enough to do stuff together to learn something new and honest enough to not withdraw their opinions on any matter.
Roman and Virgil
I am just recently starting to warm up to this couple, so I will keep this part short.
Just as it was for the previous two couples, these two can work together because canon made them work. The first part of their whole relationship is already all canonically established: at first Roman saw Virgil as a villain, then he slowly realized he could be a friend. Now moving from friends to lovers isn’t so difficult.
^ No need to demonstrate
Roman needs someone like Virgil, because Virgil is on his same level. Sure, Virgil’s mentality is way more gray-ish, but he still has a lot to learn, just like Roman.
Having someone on his side, who is on his same level is a huge relief: with Virgil, Roman doesn't have to pretend, nor to show off, nor to be dashing and perfect all the time. He knows Virgil won't care less, so he can relax. And for someone who is used to working all the time, having a moment of quiet with someone who has zero espectations is exactly what Roman needs.
Same goes for Virgil: he knows Roman won't care if he's gloomy and dark, because Roman already saw that side of him and appreciates him anyway. So no need to pretend to be different. He can relax too. And, because of his anxious nature, relaxing is exactly what he also needs.
So if they both need to relax, that implies they also need time to do it. And without expectations, without feeling like the other “is better than me and I’m slowing him down”, they can really take all the time they need, to grow at their own pace.
^ Growing together
Virgil and Roman’s is not a one-sided relationship, in which one knows more than the other and helps the other reach his level: since they are on the same level, if one of them learns something new, then it’s a victory for them both, because the other will be motivated to do more/learn more as well.
This isn’t just something I think, but something we saw in canon. During AA-part 2, Roman clearly stated that Virgil “make us... better”, thus implying that Virgil acted as a motivator for him.
Then we had FWSA and here we saw this sentence applied the other way around: Roman was the motivator and, thanks to him, Virgil overcame his own anxiety to push Thomas towards Nico. The final result was a victory for them both: Roman got the romance he’s desperately craving, Virgil found out a new aspect of himself: his bravery.
^ The romantic possibility
These two are a walking “enemies to friends to lovers” trope, so I don’t think there’s anything else to add XD
Only that they would both be quite passionate. One is Thomas’ romantic side, the other is heavily influenced by emotions: if the good one takes Virgil, he would probably be a very passionate partner.
Two couples I understand
Janus and Remus -> I understand the appeal of this one and it would kinda make sense, especially from Remus’ point of view. Remus has (probably) sexual fantasies about anything, so I wouldn't be too surprised if he has a whole collection of sexual fantasies about the Side who is closest to him.
But also, I see them too much like father and son/bestest friends to imagine them having a romantic relationship.
So my take is more like that: Remus has sexual fantasies about Janus, just like he has sexual fantasies about anyone. They are his way to show his affection, how much he cares about Janus and wants to protect him.
But Remus is Remus and he's prone to lose control. That's why, since he reached adolescence and started to develop the sexual aspect, Janus put clear limits that give Remus enough space to express his fantasies, but never past a certain point.
So Remus can be very touchy (because, well, he's Remus) and extremely physical in showing his affections, but never go below a certain point. He can talk in full details about all his sexual fantasies to Janus, but never try to sexually force him. He can try to seduce him or propose sexual things, but never pretend he will accept.
And so, over time, it became a sort of internal joke between them: Remus tells his fantasies at the breakfast table, while Janus rolls his eyes with a "very interesting", they have a laugh, they keep going with their day. Remus wants to cuddle, Janus will cuddle. Remus proposes sex, Janus will just laugh and give him a forehead kiss.
In other words, they are the kind of friends who you can find sprawled on a couch, one on top of the other and imagine they're a couple, while that's just how they read a book together.
Logan and Roman -> This couple isn’t bad at all and I really like the idea of these two having a sorta-romantic crush on each other. It can lead to a lot of poetic/romantic possibilities.
The only problem is: Logan is logic, therefore he would destroy all the romance with one sentence XD and the romantic, poetic scene evoked would turn into these two arguing like madmen.
So, well, maybe the hate-sex would be great, but they would definitely spend too much time arguing. Still, I am very curious about it, so I will keep searching for stuff about them.
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