#i just wish the fandom would acknowledge it
eisforeidolon · 2 days
You seem to have been in the fandom for quite some time and I was curious has the factions in the fandom always been at odds with each other in regards to the actors and the story of SPN? It just seems like the hellers are trying way to hard to take over this show and it irritates me that they insist on a story moving forward that looks drastically different from what we got from this series. I really hope if there is a continuation of some sort that both Jared and Jensen stick to this story being about these two brothers because I would hate to see that diminished by delusional fans with an agenda to just win and prove themselves right. Misha continues to frustrate me with his pandering and now Jensen is having to try and navigate "gotcha" questions to prove his character is actually bi. It just seems like some fans are not enjoying this show for what it was and now I am in the camp of hoping no reboot happens. Maybe J2 can do something else together. I would enjoy anything at this point to get away from Destiel and crazy shippers.
Someone else may be able to give a more thorough picture with detailed history, because I haven't been here the whole time, just since about season 8 or so. The general impression I've gotten from my own observations and previous discussions on the topic is that it was a cumulative thing, though.
A lot of people are squicked by incest and RPF, which is entirely fair. So there was a certain portion of the audience prior to season four that was desperately looking for something to ship that wasn't either of those things. Then Castiel came along and stuck around for more than just one or two episodes, and they were off. Obviously there was some shipwarring over that. No fandom over a certain size is actually very peaceful and there had already been some back and forth between Samgirls and Deangirls over who was The Worst or The Woobiest in the early seasons. But it started out as just typical shipping stuff at the beginning. You know, writing fanfic, making gifsets, talking up certain scenes, enjoying the shipper teases, coming up with wishful scenarios that could happen. Just shipping something that isn't canon which fandom has been doing basically forever.
Except somewhere along the line, some of those shippers started to take their own fan activity way too seriously. It wasn't just an interesting possibility to read that scene as intimate, the writers totally intended it as intimate, how could they not? That joke? Wasn't really a joke, it was the characters' hidden feelings trying to come out. All those things that could be very, uh, creatively associated with sexuality/a romantic relationship? Were secret signals for the Real Audience aware of the Real Story that had to stay hidden for now for Reasons, but would obviously be Endgame! No one they acknowledged the existence of cared about Sam & Dean & the family business anymore. Except maybe a couple lingering creepy wincest shippers, and ew, nobody likes them! It just kind of built on itself over time. It wasn't as intense when I joined the fandom as it was by the end, because each secret hint they convinced themselves was actually there, each lie and misleading hint Misha told them? Built on itself to where they convinced themselves they had a mountain of evidence rather than a house of cards that was all jokers scribbled on by a five year old.
I don't know exactly why it happened or what any more specific tipping points may have been, although it has been a more general trend for fanon ship shippers to get very demanding of TPTB as those people have become more accessible on SM. Still, I don't know of any faction that are still going nearly four years after their canon ended like hellers are. Is it the conventions? Is it that they were already talking revival as it ended? There are some interesting questions there, but I don't think anyone has really delved deep into all the specifics of the whys and wherefores.
Regardless, I really don't see any universe in which Jared and Jensen agree to a continuation that isn't about Sam & Dean, given everything they've ever said about those characters and their story. I can't even see any kind of additional attempt at a spin-off including D/C. It's just not a canon thing (according to anyone who hasn't been shown to have a hidden agenda). Even Castiel's final scene interpreted as romantic? Is just about Castiel's feelings, not the ship being a thing. Jensen may have decided it's not worth trying to talk people out of their wild interpretations, but that doesn't mean he's actually decided they actually know the show or his character better than he does.
On the other hand, I don't see any continuation that doesn't involve hellers eagerly convincing themselves they're getting secret signals through Dean's eye blinks up until the very last second that the ship will happen ANYMOMENTNOW! And then wailing in bafflement about how they could be so wrong and screaming about homophobia before self-soothing each other that surely it will be canon next time. Surely the Sam & Dean show has to stop being about Sam & Dean sooner or later. It's not like not having a revival is going to stop them, clearly.
I'm not actually against a revival, I'm more ambivalent, but I would actually rather see J2 together in something else given the choice. I don't really need more SPN, especially SPN of the same caliber as the last several seasons, and I think it would be really interesting to see what kind of dynamic they'd have together as entirely different characters.
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g1deonthefirst · 17 days
☕️ well now that youve mentioned I would love to hear you talk about Cam&Pal and their relationship with BoE !
ok so basically i think that a lot of the fandom assumes that cam and pal are like our moral north star in ntn or whatever but i think that they are much less radical than the fandom assumes, both with respect to lyctorhood and with respect to their alliance with boe. they're allied with boe because they don't really have anyone else to ally with, not because they're all that invested in boe's cause. they're clearly invested far more in the fate of their own house than anything else, and it's not until the end of the book that i think you see them both begin to reckon with what the houses have done — for instance, palamedes asking aim about what happened on lemuria. in general, i think the way that cam and pal talk to and about the people outside the imperial core is fairly condescending and evinces a lack of understanding of what the nine houses have done to non-housers that i wish the fandom would recognize more often. obviously they just don't know what they don't know, but i don't think it's clear that paul is going to be "a good guy" in atn, and i think all the praise for campal convincing the sixth to move and rebelling is overstated; after all, they say themselves that they did it because cassiopeia left instructions to, not because of "moral philosophy."
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silveredsound · 2 months
How you go from harry styles to hockey I will never understand.
I was going to make a little joke, as I do, (would have been v hilarious, best joke ever pls know this) and leave it at that. But like, it's been raining for over 24 hours, it's 2am and it might be good for me to reflect a little.. So sorry anon I am going emote all over your ask (which (the ask) sounds a bit judgey tbh but the written word is NOT a great conveyor of tone so that might be on me.)
On one hand it's just fandom. And, I think it's been pretty clear that as much as I love Henry Stars, I'm not like, a 'Harry is the be all and end all of all music creation and creativity and actions.' I like him for the good and the bad, and I don't leave critical thinking at the door. (Not saying I'm the only person to do this, just that it's hard sometimes in fan spaces and Stans definitely do..)
Which, can make it hard to participate in fandom as a lot of people are not great at irony, or accepting that someone else can say, god damn that is a terrible song - and that it's okay for that to happen. It doesn't mean that the person who expressed the neg opinion is not still a fan of the artist they were speaking about. Same with if the artist you are a fan of does something that gives you the ick.
I def learnt this when Harry went to Google Camp the first time. Like obviously I've been around 1d fandom in some way since 2012 ish I think it was - and it was my own reaction to Harry going to Camp Douchebags the first time that made me go, oh jeez Silv, you are a bit too involved in the parasocial relationship here. Like I was genuinely upset that he'd done something I thought was so dumb and wanky.
Anyway, clearly I still loved - love - him and I celebrated him and spent a fuckload of money on him and engaged in fandom and etc etc. But I just did at that point I think turn a little from heading in a very blinkers on version of fandom to one that's def more me - where you just get to have fun, make fun be creative, make friends! and have a bit of a perv depending on the silk cream vanilla ice cream outfit Harry might be wearing in Nashville.
I like RPF. I mean I like all transformative works and fandom extending and enhancing source material via creation, but I don't have an issue with RPF. I believe in 4th wall. And I clearly have written 1d fic. A lot of my good fandom mates, and real life best friend(s) are people I have met through sharing a love of writing in fandom spaces. Obviously all the best writers in 1d went to Hockey. And I stayed here. And I tried. I wanted to be where my friends where. I had fomo and I was lonely! My fandom had changed in a few ways all around the same time.
But Hockey is very confusing, (for starters as I often say to Angela or Joanna, snow is fake) and nothing clicked for me - it seemed large and I had no idea where to even start and I didn't really try.
But I think the change in some fandom fellow participants, and also anons being mean when they would get even a glimpse in their peripheral that I might have vaguely indicated that Henry did something that I thought was dumb or embarrassing, or just not that good, (it's no fun sharing a thought and feeling chatty about it, and wanting to engage with other people's thoughts if some random is going to anonymously tell you that you are a dumb c*nt and should delete etc etc so I stopped sharing any thoughts at all.) Of course Nick leaving breakfast and then R1 altogether - as well as obviously my whole life narrowing to a point that was just tend Mama- work - tend mama - work - tend mama - sleep - grow a tumour - tend mama left me not so much time for proper joyful engagement.
And then, in Jan/Feb this year, I think as I'd been looking at book reviews and as soon as you search for a book on tik tok they push book tok romance reviews into your feed and I think then that pushed an actual hockey clip (which is a really shite 4th wall issue as is the whole Kraken thing etc) and I can't even remember what it was but I know I then swiped through and watched other videos on the account and like 1d being adorable shites repeating stock answers and sitting on top of each other I was intrigued by what seemed to be very dumb and very entertaining.
But Silv, you cry, what about the emotions! You need emotions! Ah, yes, see, because I am nothing but devoted I had followed Angela and La's hockey blogs, and something La posted grabbed my attention and I followed a link and read an article and I was like. Oh, I want to read more about these kids. So I did. And after a little while I reached out to La and was like, um, I think I get it. And I posted something about the Fantilli Bros and then Max reached out and tbh I don't think anything says it better than my wide eyed enthusiasm reply. (You are probably by now thinking, Silv why is your answer to Max so short, why didn't I just get a paragraph? This is an endless essay with no conclusion or indeed a thesis statement, (that is if you have even made it down to here) & anon I can only apologise.)
I am really enjoying learning so many new things, being welcomed into a new space of connection and joy and silliness and emotional breakdowns. It's been so lovely to meet new people who are so excited to share their niche interest with you and no one minds how many questions I have and everyone searches out Primera and Important Past Instagram Posts from the archives - and of course reconnecting with people who I have always been friends with, fandom changes didn't change that, but it's delightful chatting much more often. The other day Angela and I watched an Avs game together via Tumblr chats, which was delightful, to learn about the team and to talk about random other things, and I've spent my last month of Saturdays watching umich with lovely people who La introduced me to, and having MANY EMOTIONS. (It's like hanging out all posting about a show's fits and one liners and if he's going to sing medicine but it's many pantomime gooseberrys. The performative homoeroticisim, wild hair, jokes, punching (only now during not pre show work outs ) and very goddamn impressive skill and physicality is actually pretty similar). Meghan and I have been able to chat through our very similar horrible experiences with cancer and mums with cancer and it's been so lovely and strengthening to be able to share that experience with a person who beyond gets it, and then also I've been able to announce to her that I want to write a fic about 5 ways Nolan saw god with the UMich Bible Study Group but didn't find faith. which is obviously a completely ridiculous concept but equally worthy of discussion. It's this that I love so much about fandom friendship - you share SO much because you are sharing something that gives you intimate joy, so the relationship always starts from a place of an automatic mutual understanding and empathy - and from there we make it our own.
But also, I really like the game. Like I love watching them play, all of them! It's fast (obviously - and oblig have to say - ice is slippery) and it's hard - and they make it look easy. When one of the special players (they are all special, but one of the ones who play almost with innate ability) makes a pass or a turn sometimes it's almost almost magic, like how the fuck did they see that gap between four players, and did you see how they kept the puck a moment longer so they could release it perfectly into the lane !! Hot.
The game can be all encompassing and it's SO SO SO silly. Like it's the dumbest sport. It's The Show. I'll put on ESPN and stream a match while I'm working during the day (the time difference is perfect for once) and I'm spending time cos I want to, learning the rules and the logistics and business side of it all. And of course, the differences between college hockey and the show. Idk. It just clicked on so many levels for me.
And so, I have no idea why it took me so long to transition from Henry to Hockey, but I am not surprised I did now that I have - it def wasn't something that I was bloody expecting. And Anon I will say this, the last few years of my life have been sad, hard, and tbh shitty. Now, I know what it's like to have fucked years, so I am not saying this to try to be and show off but 2024 feels a bit better. I feel clearer, I have started to lose some weight (15ish kg so far depending on the time of the month) and now I have a meeting w a PT on Tuesday as I actually don't care what I weigh but I want to get stronger and reduce my visceral fat as it will be better for hormones which is better for lessening my cancer reoccurrence %.
God knows it's (2024) not all roses, I literally had surgery again a fortnight ago and the cost of living in Sydney is giving me so much anxiety. I am still a terribly disorganised mess, my work is undergoing a complete restructure (thanks NSW gmnt) and my clean washing is NEVER folded and put away, it's always in the basket - but I feel so happy and entertained and creative - I am writing again! like it's joy. It's ye olde you are who you are at this moment but you are also the 4 year old you and the 15, 27, 34 year old you - girlhood (non gendered concept of not literal interpretation) and I love it. 💛🩵🌱
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sugar-coated-saphic · 7 months
when you have a new special interest amd make posts about it but everyone is focussing on your old special interest and posts about that....
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tarnussy · 9 months
the blog turned 6 months old yesterday, and one thing hasn't changed in my head in this 6 months: I still think there is no point in it, like genuinely tumblr is not a place for a blog if you like G0dr!ck / are a creator for him
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wazzuppy · 2 years
honest to christ i have never felt such a deep exhaustion and dislike towards i person ive never met before more than ken penders. like he doesnt even have to say anything, i just hear his name or see his face and my entire mood changes.
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hydrostorm · 2 years
i think the reason i love rondo so much is because they actually cared about annette, it seems like rondo of blood was the only time that annette was an actual character and in everything else shes just the damsel in distress that the fandom thinks she is : (
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dragonflute · 1 year
im gonna be blunt abt this instead of vaguely posting abt it since it is 2 am so its whatever but i cannot stand it when ppl ship ou.ter wilds characters
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Spider-Man Kiss
One particularly bad crash lands her in hospital, out for the count. Max, Lando and Charles visit her every single day. While she's out the reader lives several different lives. The one thing they all have in common? Her boys
Max Verstappen x Reader, Lando Norris x reader, Charles Leclerc x reader
Any suggestions for the fandoms used in the next part would be much appreciated!! I'm thinking maybe pjo, maybe harry potter, maybe star wars but im not sure
The Second Part The Third Part
Huge thanks to @cheriladycl01 for their help with this one
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The Ferrari hadn’t felt right all afternoon. But her engineers insisted that there was nothing wrong with the car, that she should keep driving. So, she did just that. Qualifying had been good, not the best, but good, and she’d started in fourth.
But then she was overtaken by a Mercedes. She wasn’t sure what Mercedes; she just knew it was a Mercedes. The car fell apart after that. It wasn’t long before she lost control of the car. Her back tyre clipped the corner and sent her flying into the barriers.
The session was red flagged when she didn’t climb out of her car or respond on the radio. “What happened?” Asked Max Verstappen as he led the rest of grid into the pit lane. His engineer didn’t tell him right away. He let Max stop his car before he told him.
Charles and Lando had been behind her. Charles himself had almost been involved in the accident, having followed close behind. “Fuck, Y/N!” He shouted as it happened. With no other choice but to keep driving, Charles looked in his mirrors, trying to watch for her leaving the car. At the red flag he was panicking. This couldn’t have been good news.
“Holy shit,” Lando found himself saying as he drove past the Ferrari in the barriers. “Is she okay?” But nobody had an answer for him.
She was pulled out of the car and placed onto a stretcher. She was out cold as they placed her in the ambulance and drove away. As soon as her car was removed from the barrier the race resumed. But neither of the three drivers could concentrate. All she had been told was that she was alive, but they couldn’t stop worrying about her.
For maybe the first time in all of their careers, they couldn’t wait for the race to end. It was a foreign sensation, and none of them liked it. The podium wasn’t for celebrating, and none of them were filled with enthusiasm as they covered one another in champagne.
As soon as they could they raced to the hospital to be by her side. It wasn’t an easy sight, seeing her lying on the hospital bed, connected to a drip. “Oh my God,” whispered Lando as he slipped in the seat beside her and took her hand. Max sat on a small space on her bed and Charles leaned against the wall beside the bed.
Videos of the crash had been all over social media. The boys couldn’t go into Instagram without seeing it. Sure, the captions and comments were all wishing her well, but it was still hard to see. “I wonder what she’s dreaming about,” Charles said quietly, almost sadly as he petted her hair.
“I hope it’s something nice,” Max said, kissing the side of her head.
The party was in full swing. The drinks were flowing, and Y/N had already had plenty. Charles stood behind the bar, serving with a sultry smile, and Lewis entertained his guests. She sat beside Daniel, leaning against him as she sipped her drink. He was speaking to Max, a man who still refused to acknowledge everyone.
Lewis and Max didn’t get along. It was understandable, Max had been an unstoppable killing machine, and he’d killed Lewis’s parents. But they’d saved the world together, and he was giving him a chance.
The Iron Man, in his strapping suit, walked past and offered Y/N his hand. “Dance with me,” Lewis said and she happily obliged, handing Daniel her drink to look after.
Daniel may have been Australian, but he was still Captain America. He certainly loved this country enough to be their Captain America. He protected Y/N’s drink as he continued talking to Max. Misunderstood Max, who had been his best friend all those years ago. Max, who had been ripped away from him in the war. Max, who wasn’t the same man he used to be now that he was returned to him.
“Where’s Lando?” She asked as she danced with him.
Lewis shrugged his shoulders. “Oh, you know kids. He’s probably swinging about somewhere.”
She gave him a look, one that said she was unimpressed. “You didn’t invite him, did you?” She asked, and Lewis looked at the floor, still slightly smiling. “Lewis! He really looks up to you,” she said and stepped away from him.
“Hey!” Lewis called after her. “Where are you going?”
“To get him!” She called back as she grabbed her coat. Lewis, Max and Daniel watched as she walked out of the tower they called home.
Lando wasn’t an easy guy to find. He didn’t answer his phone when he was in his suit, swinging from building to building. The easiest way to find him was to look up (and follow the news articles).
Currently, Lando was sat on top of the building opposite Lewis’s, watching as the party went on without him. He’d just so happened to land on the building opposite during his nightly patrol, and it was just a little heart breaking. He didn’t see as Y/N left the party to go find him, just continued to watch as Pierre sat on the bar as Charles poured drinks.
Using news sites, Y/N found herself on the next roof over. Lando didn’t spot her. But she certainly spotted him. As quickly as she could, she left the roof and ran over to the next building.
Lando knew she was there before she opened the door. Well, he knew that somebody was there. He stood up in an almost protective stance, waiting for her to push open the door to the roof.
"Lan?" She called softly as she walked towards him. "What're you doing up here?"
He pulled his mask off as he strode towards her. "Having fun at the party?" He asked somewhat bitterly.
She gave him a look. "C'mon," she said, reaching for him. "Lewis meant to invite you but he never got around to it. I came to get you."
But Lando didn't believe her. Of course he didn't. She stepped up to him and ran her fingers through his hair. They'd always been close, and, as much as he wanted to kiss her, he couldn't. Not yet.
Lando bit the inside of his cheek. He wrapped his arms around her and looked down at her, waiting for her next move. "I left the party to come get you," she said as she gently swayed from side to side. "How about you swing us across and we can crash the party," she said.
He pulled his mask back over his face and wrapped on arms around her. "Hold on tight," he said and she squeezed her arms around him.
Lando swung them across. He shot a web at Lewis's tower and swung them both across, landing them on the helicopter pad. Even once they had landed Lando still had his arms around her. She giggled and pulled his mask off as she grabbed a hold of him and pulled him through the tower.
The party was dwindling down. Daniel and Max were still there, as was Charles and Pierre. Esteban was pulling on his coat, heading out, and Lewis was surveying everything from the landing above.
"Sorry we're late," said Y/N as she pulled Lando over to the bar. Charles got the both of them a drink and Y/N pulled him over to Max and Daniel.
Daniel liked Lando. He was a good kid and Daniel knew he had a lot to give. It took some time for Max to warm up for Lando, but he felt somewhat protective over him, like Lando was some lost puppy.
"We were wondering when you were gonna turn up," Daniel said as he leaned back in his chair.
Lando pulled at his suit somewhat uncomfortably. "Anybody got anything I can change into?" He asked as he sipped at his drink.
Nodding his head, Max stood up and led Lando out of the room to get changed into something a lot more comfortable.
"I'm not surprised you went to get him," said Daniel as Y/N sat herself opposite. She rolled her eyes and leaned back, looking towards the doorway. "You've liked him since our Formula One days."
"What?" She asked quickly. "What did you say?"
Daniel cleared his throat. "I said you've liked him since he first joined the team."
That was definitely not what he said, but she didn't call into into question. "Have not," she mumbled, quickly finishing her drink.
Daniel rolled his eyes. On the next mission, he was putting them together. They could work it out then."
"Here," Lando said as he bought Max something to eat. Just days before Max and Charles had gone into Y/N's apartment and pulled books from her shelf. They took it in turns to read to her as she laid in her hospital bed.
A few of the grid had come by to see her, to wish her well. But, to them, it wasn't looking good. Daniel tried to talk to her, tried to jog her awake that way, but it wasn't working. Nothing seemed to be working.
Eventually their teams came to pull them away. They still had a job to do, and she would want them to do it. But it was damn near impossible to leave her. It broke their goddamn hearts.
"Keep dreaming, chérie," said Charles as he kissed the top of her head. Max squeezed her hand, but he got no squeeze in return. Lando couldn't bear to leave her.
The first half of the mission was a success. They stopped H.Y.D.R.A from making more super soldiers or something (nobody was really concentrating on the first half of the mission. It was piece of cake anyway) and were ready to head home.
Except one of their cohort was missing. Spider-Man was nowhere to be seen. "Lan?" Y/N said into her comm. "Where are you? Are you okay?"
There was a moment of a struggle, not like Lando was in trouble, but like he was pushing on something. "Yeah," he said. "I'm... somewhere. I've been locked in a room."
Daniel let out a sigh. "Let's go find him," he said and led the way. Daniel led Y/N back through the H.Y.D.R.A base, almost like he knew exactly where to go.
In a room deep inside of the base, Y/N ran over to the closet. There was chains holding the doors shut with a padlock keeping them secure. The doors shook; clearly Lando was in there.
"Danny? Use those strong arms of your and pull these open," she said as she stood beside the closet door.
Daniel did just that. He pulled open the closet door, but he didn't let Lando out. Instead he pushed Y/N inside and shut the door again, holding them shut. "Daniel, what the hell?!" She shouted as she pounded against the door. "Let us out, you dick!"
"Not until you kiss or something!" He shouted back.
She could barely see in the dark closet as Lando pulled off his mask, his hair messy. "What is he going on about?" He asked as he leaned against the wall.
Y/N let out a sigh. It was now or never. "Our gracious Captain America thinks I have a crush on you," she said as she continued to push on the door. But Daniel was annoyingly strong and the door wouldn't budge.
Lando looked at her. "Do you?" He asked somewhat hesitantly.
She tried the best to look at him in the darkness. "Would it matter if I do?"
He thought about it for a moment. Yeah, it really would matter. Instead of answering, Lando climbed his way up the wall. He went to the middle of the ceiling and let himself hang down. "Have you ever heard of a Spider-Man kiss?"
Her hands held his cheek. She leaned forward and kissed him. Their eyes were shut as Y/N tried to pull him closer. But it was impossible, he was as close as he could possibly be.
It was so intoxicating. She was so intoxicating that Lando nearly slipped off the wall. He still had a hold of it as Daniel opened the door to let them out. He probably wouldn't have believed them unless he saw it with his own eyes, saw the way Lando kissed her.
Her eyes opened when she saw the light flooding into the closet. "Wow," she whispered, but it was only for Lando's ears. But she still pulled away and lunged at Daniel, knocking him to the floor. Her punches weren't hurting him. As she punched him she said a quiet, "thank you."
Daniel couldn't stop himself from grinning.
Lando brushed his fingers through her hair. As soon as the race was over he headed back to the hospital to once again be at her side. "I miss you," he whispered, his hands stilling. "We all do. But I think me and Max and Charles miss you the most."
He didn't expect a response. And he didn't get one.
"You missed Monza. I know how much you love Monza." She excelled at Monza. Everybody expected this to be her first Ferrari win. The TIFOSI loved her and couldn't wait to see her win in Italy.
But she didn't get to this year. Lando would have loved to watch her win, to stand on the podium with her.
"Fuck." Tears sprung to his ears. "I miss you so fucking much."
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blackopals-world · 11 months
Malleus: Marry me!
Noble!Yuu: I will not.
Malleus: My love please. If it's not you then I'd love no one else.
Noble!Yuu: Tragic. How tragic. Don't you understand how impossible it is for us.
Malleus: I don't understand. You love me and I love you.
Noble!Yuu: I'm not naive my dear. I'm not some young sycophant who knows nothing of the world I would be walking into and more than that I have my own responsibilities. Do you think your people will accept a human as their ruler?
Malleus: I can make them. Given time they will accept you.
Noble!Yuu: You can not. You can't make them do anything just because you are king. No matter how powerful you are you can't control anyone. You'd be a tyrant thinking like that.
Malleus: I will protect you!
Noble!Yuu: And be a powerless consort who must rely on you to do everything for me. How humiliating would it be to be ignored and shut away in my own castle? How depressing to only have you to lean on and have no confidence in myself. I was raised better than that and educated for better.
Malleus: You'd be safe. Wouldn't you be happy with me?
Noble!Yuu: I would at first. I'd feel aflutter at the thought of always having you to make things better and not having to worry about petty trifles like money like some peasant. But then I'd be left alone as you govern your nation that I am foreign too. I'd grow to resent you as I feel impotent to change anything other than the decor of my room and even then the traditional fea lifestyle will likely prevent it. I'd never be your equal.
Malleus: You wouldn't be just my consort. My people will understand once we are married, they know how dragons are. They won't have a choice but to love you.
Noble!Yuu: Wishful thinking. Fea are slow to change and they have not moved on from their hate of humans. What can I expect but poison in my cup or protests against us? Not to mention the fate of any children we have. What will they think of a half-fea heir?
Malleus: ....
Noble: Sure a few half-fea here and there isn't much but as their ruler? A child of tainted blood who will only live as long as a human. A magicless human's child at that. In a world where power matters? Blasphemy. You don't think they wouldn't usurp you for that alone long before a child is born? Tell me my love do you think that we will have a fairy tale ending and happily ever after?
Malleus: I don't understand where this is coming from. Why can't we do what will make us happy? Forget about all these silly what-ifs and treasure each other.
Noble!Yuu: We are not at liberty to do such things. We were born in a position of power and trusted to use it for others, not ourselves. Of course, I want us to be happy and to be together. But I can't ignore our differences for the sake of love. Love today could be a tragedy tomorrow. I will not live for long, less than 10 years from your perspective. Can you stop time? Can you prevent death? Will you lose yourself to grief after I'm gone? Do you not think I will not suffer the older I get knowing how much I will hurt you when I pass? Do you think all of this only effects you?
Malleus: Yuu stop! Stop...I can't. Please don't ask anymore. You've clearly thought a lot about this, more than me. I've been short-sighted. But if I could find a way to fix these problems then you would be mine.
Noble!Yuu: Without hesitation.
Malleus: Even if you would cease to be human?
Noble!Yuu: As long as I'm not a monster or four-legged beast then yes.
Malleus: Would you become as fea?
Noble!Yuu: ...yes. I wouldn't take it lightly but yes. Is there even such a thing that could happen?
Malleus: I'll make it possible. For you.
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(I think as a Fandom we should acknowledge that being with Malleus would be no cakewalk. There are many problems with it but that doesn't mean we should forget about the bad parts. We all like to fantasize but we should realize that Malleus is complex and so is love. Hardships make stories good and trials make love stronger. I will never understand why some prefer ooc content where everything happens according to what they want with no conflict. How boring and unearned. I love you enough to hurt you so that you can be fulfilled.)
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pochipop · 1 year
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#. synopsis! — chishiya has fallen in way too goddamn deep .
#. characters! — chishiya .
#. warnings! — brief mentions of canon-typical gore, slight angst .
#. word count! — 1.2k .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
#. a/n! — i have not finished season 2 yet, but i wrote this all in one sitting after seeing the first two episodes + falling for this silly man all over again lolol. i might branch out + write more for this fandom (but i will never write for niragi, so just a heads up on that!)
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It really did just have to come to this, didn’t it?
Chishiya is a lot of things, but stupid isn’t one of them. He knows that when it comes to surviving in a place like this, there are times when you have to sacrifice others and be willing to carry that burden for the rest of your life. There is no easy way out. Either you die and go on to whatever happens next, —if anything happens at all— or you push others to the wayside in lieu of saving yourself, preserving your own survival, and you live to see the monster you inevitably become. 
And call him crazy, but Chishiya was okay with becoming a monster if it meant he could save himself. Hell, he’d done so much of the work from the shadows that it would hardly be fair to let him of all people meet his tragic end here.
But you just couldn’t help yourself. You had to crawl under his skin, —make him care about you, make him fall so hard that he was left to question whose survival mattered more. When it came down to the wire. . .
He’d have chosen you.
That’s the scariest realization of all, he muses. These games, all the gunfire, all the explosions, all the fatal electric shocks. . . They paled in comparison to the realization that his biggest fear wasn’t his own demise anymore. It was yours.
As the game comes to a close and those of you left standing slowly reacclimate to the best state of normalcy one can muster up given the circumstances, he hates that his first instinct is to slip away, knowing you’ll find him soon enough. He may have been foolish enough to catch feelings, but he wasn’t so dumb that he’d show such a weakness around anyone else. Though he’s sure the likes of Kuina or Arisu have long since caught on, —he won’t be the one to confirm a damn thing, and he expects that you’ll keep your mouth shut about it as well. It’ll be a worse liability than it already is if word gets out to the wrong people.
Chishiya slips away before anyone has the chance to acknowledge his presence, leaving his absence unaccounted for by everyone but you. Of course, you noticed him sneaking away, parting from the group like a snake in the grass. . . You’ve always been a little too perceptive for your own good.
Fatigue claws at you like a famished predator, weighing your body down a great deal. You smell of sweat and the blood of the young girl next to you who hadn’t been quite so lucky. Still, you will your body forward and follow in Chishiya’s footsteps after lingering for just long enough to throw suspicion off your trail. While you certainly aren’t a master of manipulation, —you are clever in a way that even someone like Chishiya has to respect. You know how to take care of yourself, even in a twisted world like this.
He wishes knowing that gave him any kind of peace, but he’s afraid he’s reached the point of no return. It’s not that he doesn’t believe you can survive just about any of these games on your own. . . It’s that even if he does, the worry lingers just because it’s you. 
He really can’t believe he’s done this to himself. It’s so untimely, so completely and utterly ridiculous, —so much so that he convinces himself his mind is just playing tricks on him sometimes until you fall into place at his side again and all such thoughts are forced out the window from his vice-like grip. 
“Ugh,” you grumble, arm tucked below your chest as you cradle your own torso, “there you are.”
Chishiya offers you little more than a sidelong glance before returning his stoic gaze to the skyline. The sun sets as you bring yourself closer to him, keeping a comfortable distance. It ends up just like this far too often, and Chishiya frowns at the thought of closing the barely-there gap, brushing his shoulder against yours. Maybe later in the night when the lethargy really starts to hit him and his inhibitions lower ever so slightly, he’ll let himself fall apart just enough to hold you for whatever time of fleeting hours remains. That way, he can blame it on the fatigue, on the cold, on the temptation of sleeping next to a warm body.
It’s not because it’s you, it’s just because you’re there.
And maybe if that were the case, Chishiya wouldn’t be quite this frustrated.
“Surprised it took you so long to find me,” he says finally, keeping his eyes straight ahead. “You’ve been getting slower about it.” 
“Oh, well excuse me for not rushing after you like a lion on a gazelle,” you answer sarcastically. “Not like my lungs almost gave out down there or anything.” 
He doesn’t say it, —but he’d trade his breath for yours if it meant you could reach him faster. 
“That one wasn’t so bad,” he shrugs. “We’ve both been through worse.”
His worst is just beginning, it seems. You close the gap yourself, resting part of your weight against him, and he feels his heart flip itself into a tailspin. For the first time in so long, Chishiya isn’t sure where to go from here. He’s trapped inside these feelings and they’re inching closer to swallowing him whole by the second. They run so deep he might as well be drowning in them.
“Easy for us to say, I guess,” you mumble. “We’re alive. Most people who end up here aren’t that lucky.”
“True enough,” he acknowledges softly, making no move to push you away.
He never does. 
You stand in silence with him for a while, watching as the sky turns dark and the bright colors of the setting sun are swallowed up by a deep, velvety navy. There’re no stars to be seen, nothing for you to wish on. . . It’s a little childish, but any sliver of normalcy you can manage here, you’ll take with open arms. That’s why you let your feelings for Chishiya blossom freely, refusing to stifle your heart’s desires for the sake of some stupid game of life and death.
If I die right now, I’d rather do it with you than be alone. 
Chishiya wishes you’d never said those words to him, —not because he doesn’t reciprocate, but because they resonated much too wholly for comfort. If he can help it, he won’t be going out in a place like this. But more than that, he can’t imagine letting your flame be snuffed out without a ravenous fight.
Silence reigns once again. It’s a characteristic feature of your gentler moments with Chishiya that are few and far between, but when they happen, you like to think you cherish them the best way you know how. Beyond that, you also like to think Chishiya finds even the slightest sliver of peace with you. 
He doesn’t confirm or deny anything of the sort, but you wager that’s a flimsy yes at the very least when the tension in his shoulders melds away and his head rests gently against your own.
You can’t make any promises about tomorrow, —but for now, things are okay. And if that’s the best you’ll get here, then so be it.
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weast-of-eden · 3 months
I've been thinking about how I could contribute to the ACD/Granada Sherlock Holmes fandom for a while, seeing as I'm neither an artist, a writer, or anything actually useful lol. But then I realized something I myself always treasure are curated fic recs, which I could actually do! I've read probably like 25% of all the h/w ACD and Granada fics on ao3, so I compiled a short list for anyone who is just starting out with the fandom. Without further ado, may I present
Eden’s Top Picks for Beginning ACD/Granada Fics:
(edit: i made a second list here!!)
The Adventure of the Doctor's Heart by mistyzeo 12k | Rated E Summary: Holmes has observed much of Watson's habits and tastes over time, which is why it surprises him when his friend objects strangely to a folk song sung at the conclusion of a case. Disturbed by the Doctor's unexpected display of emotion, Holmes becomes determined to lift his spirits by any means necessary, with mixed results. Notes: obviously if you're going to read canonverse h/w, you are going to read mistyzeo. this one is just so good and angsty and features music (!!). it's got some steaminess but it also has wooing. basically it has everything you ever need. this is my odyssey, my iliad, my hamlet, etc.
Cameo by what_alchemy 8k | Rated M | For Archive Users Only Summary: Holmes and Watson become embroiled in a case Scotland Yard refuses to acknowledge. A soulmate AU. Notes: i honestly skipped over this fic for a while, since i'm not the biggest fan of soulmate aus. do not make the same mistake i did, because this shit HITS. this fic has hit after hit: soulmate-mark based case for our main duo, angst, hiatus feels, MORE ANGST, and ofc a happy ending. ugh. read this fic if you enjoy being happy.
A Tide That Does Not Turn by tweedisgood 3k | Rated T Summary: Holmes is a very bad patient with a devoted doctor who adores him. Watson wishes it was safe to speak up, but his friend is a tide that does not turn. Notes: do NOT read this if you don't like angst... ok now i'm sensing a pattern. anyways this is the first hurt/no comfort fic i read for this tag and i literally have cried more than enough tears over it. poor, poor watson :( iconic author though, read everything they write!
The Adventure of the Glad Outlaw by radondoran 7k | Rated T Summary: While Sherlock Holmes solves the mystery of a student's disappearance, Dr. Watson is more puzzled by the changing dynamic between his flatmate and himself. Notes: cute pastiche! a nice little mystery and a nice little get-together. ahhhhhh.... this fic is like cotton candy to me, so sweet and fluffy. defo recommend
Hands by MinorObsessions (draculard) 1.4k | Rated T Summary: Naturally, there are some things Watson thinks about Holmes that don't make it into the books. Notes: i'm also in the star trek fandom, so if you know anything about that then you know that hands are kind of A Thing in both circles and ergo i now Have A Thing about hands. so this is a nice little ode to holmes' hands, featuring some doctoring by watson AND a nice reverse appraisal at the end. it's so sweet :)
Conductor of Light by ColebaltBlue  1.4k | Rated T Summary: A Victorian stiff upper lip won't prevent you from falling in love, but it might prevent you from realizing it. Notes: they finally get their shit together! honestly i would recommend this fic to anyone just starting out with h/w fics in any medium. the characterization and dialogue is A1, and their argument is really realistic to me, idk. also features the iconic HOUN quote for its title so props to that!
A (Mis)fortunate Man by sans_patronymic 1.5k | Rated T Summary: December, 1880. Watson writes a note which may be his last. December, 1899. Watson writes back. Notes: READ THE TAGS BEFORE READING. this was a gut-wrenching read but god i cried at the end for watson. don't worry, this one has a happy ending. ugh now i wish there was a second chapter where watson lets holmes read the letters. to sum up: oof, my heart
The Second Smartest Man in London by FairSinner 73k | Rated E Summary: Dr John Watson returns from Afghanistan to Victorian London, wounded, traumatised and alone. When he meets Sherlock Holmes, his life begins to seem worth living again. But Holmes is a man who despises sentiment and Watson cannot seem to expunge it from his heart. Notes: congrats, you've made it to the end!! so now i must confess that it's been a loooong time since i've read this fic, but the private note i left on my bookmark was just "holy shit", so i'm sure it's a banger. i'm also sure it has angst because i love angst and i love bookmarking angst so i can read it again and again and suffer infinitely. enjoy :)
anyways, now that i've put these all here i realized how much i enjoy angst and hurt/no comfort fics. if any of you guys have a favorite fic you want to link or want to plug your own writing, feel free to!
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joansjusticiar · 2 months
I’ve been a dog | Lin Beifong x f!reader
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Images do not belong to me.
Summary: Young!Lin
You and your former girlfriend (Lin) separated years ago due to her unresolved feelings for Tenzin. Ten years later your presence is requested at a Gala held in her honour. What will happen when you see one another after a decade of separation.
Word count: 1,531
A/N: dipping my toes (back) into the avatar fandom with this.
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The gala was in full swing, Republic City’s elite all gathered in their respective ceremonial garbs to celebrate Lin Beifong’s rise to chief of police. Your presence was necessary, alongside the other council members, but you would much rather be at home than spending your evening speaking to the serpent tongued bourgeoise. Wolves seeking out any slither of power they could grasp onto with their dirty paws.
No, you weren’t fond of these events at all. Yet this one was different. This one was held in Lin’s honour and you would do anything to see her, if only for a moment. After your break up, you hadn’t seen nor spoken to Lin in person. It was too difficult; too fresh even after all of these years.
You were still bitter about it, to be very honest. She had stated that she still had feelings for Tenzin despite being with you. Despite him leaving her for another woman. Despite you giving her everything in hopes that she would be happy, happy with you. But everything wasn’t enough.
And here you were, 10 years later, still in love with the woman that had taken your heart and shattered it without second thought. Not that you had tried to reach out to her either. Would she have answered if you had written?
Kya’s swift movements as she weaved through the sea of bodies caught your attention. Excusing yourself from the dull conversation you found yourself in, you set off to follow her. Lin’s eyes seemed to follow you wherever you went, glaring down at you from the multiple tapestries that hung from the ceiling rafters. It was unsettling to say the least, yet you pushed onwards.
“Kya!” You exclaimed as you got closer, loud enough for her to hear but quiet enough to still be a respectable volume.
“Hey! I wasn’t sure if you would show up.”
She turned to you and embraced you in a long overdue hug. You hadn’t been able to spend much time together recently, with your council duties ramping up and Kya’s chaotic work load as a healer. Apparently, in the time that you hadn’t spoken, Kya’s girlfriend- now ex- cheated on her with another woman.
Somehow Kya venting about her ex turned into your being pulled into an elaborate scheme to make said woman jealous. Kya wanted to show her that she was desirable and she could do just fine without her. You figured it couldn’t hurt to comply with Kya’s wishes for the night.
That’s how you found yourself discussing city matters over dinner with Kya seated on your right, playing the part of lovesick girlfriend for all to see. You couldn’t fault her plan as you could see it working, if her ex’s explosive reaction and swift exit were anything to go by.
What you weren’t expecting, however, was the seat to your left to be pulled out and a gravelly voice to ask if it was taken.
“Chief Beifong!” You gasped, surprised at her sudden presence as you hadn’t seen her all night. “Of course not. Congratulations on your promotion. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the pleasure of conversing with you yet.”
“Thank you, councillor.” To anybody else she would’ve come off as disinterested, but you knew Lin well enough to know that she was pleased with your acknowledgment of her hard work.
You took your time to admire her as she sat beside you. She spoke with confidence and pride whilst addressing the other members of the table, a subdued excitement glinting in her eyes when recounting her favourite tales from her earlier working years. It was bittersweet seeing Lin again; seeing her older and wiser, recounting everything you had missed.
You were glad she had achieved everything she wanted.
Lin swirled the burnt umber liquid around her glass, ice cubes clinking against the side, threatening to spill over the edge. She watched you from afar. Jaw clenched as Kya flung herself all over you like a common whore. She shouldn’t care. She wasn’t allowed to care. You weren’t hers anymore, she made sure of it by letting you walk away all of those years ago.
She was yours though. She dreamt of you every night; of what could have been. Did you dream of her?
“She isn’t going to know how you feel unless you say something.”
Lin jumped, turning to look at who dared interrupt her brooding. “Tenzin… and Pema, how lovely to see you too.” She drawled with narrowed eyes.
“All I’m saying is, you should take your shot before someone else does. We all know you two are hopelessly in love with each other. Even after all of these years.” Tenzin spoke in a soft voice, not wanting to spook Lin in hopes that she would act on her feelings.
“Someone like your sister.” She grumbled.
“Just think about it okay?”
Without meaning to, Lin found herself walking to your table and asking you if she could sit next to you. She begged to the spirits for the strength to converse with you. If only for a moment.
“So, councillor. Whatever happened to your admirer?” One of your coworkers asked.
“Oh god,” you groaned. “He wouldn’t leave me alone until I finally had to tell him I was married. Apparently, men only respect other ‘men’.” Your eyes flicked to Lin then but her gaze was fixed on her soup.
“Wait, you’re married?” They asked.
“Something like that, yes.” You nudged Kya in hopes that she would play along with your lie. It would reflect terribly on you as a council woman if you were caught out in it.
Thankfully she played along, just as you had with her earlier. Lin pushed back from the table abruptly. Her eyes avoided yours despite you asking her what was wrong. In fact, she ignored you completely as she said her goodbyes to the people around you.
Unhappy with the way she stormed off, you set off to follow her.
“Lin!” You called, desperate for her to turn and come back to you. She didn’t.
“Lin!” You repeated.
After the third shout you knew she wasn’t going to speak to you on her own accord. No, you would have to corner her like you would a scared wild animal. She had never reacted well to being cornered but you knew it was what you must do.
You caught her just before she left, grabbing hold of her arm to stop her from fleeing. She didn’t turn to face you though. Just stood there, still as a statue, as you grasped her elbow.
“Unhand me.” She demanded. “Please,”
“Lin, talk to me!” You begged. “I haven’t seen you in years. Please, don’t go just yet.”
You felt like a fool begging for scraps on the street corner. Scraps you wouldn’t get.
She pulled her arm away from you. “Don’t you have a wife to be getting back to? I don’t think she’d want you speaking with your ex.” She spat.
“What? Why would you even care about that!”
You were confused to say the least. She was the one who loved another whilst in a relationship with you. She didn’t love you. Why was she acting like she did?
She merely scoffed at you before turning to walk away.
“Lin please! Please don’t walk away.”
“What do you want me to do?!” She exclaimed. “How can you expect me to go in there and act like I’m okay with you marrying another? How can I go back in there and watch you with Kya when I waited for you for over a decade,”
“Lin,” you grabbed her again, gentler this time but she shrugged you off.
“And you didn’t wait for me.” She whispered.
“I’m not married.”
“I haven’t been with anybody since we split. No dates, no relationships. Nothing.” You admitted. “I waited for you too.”
“You.. no, I. You never wrote to me.” She choked out.
“I didn’t know you wanted me to. Lin, my heart and soul, all of these years I thought you loved Tenzin.”
“How could I love anyone other than you?” She urged, reaching up to cusp your face between her rough palms. She drew even closer, breath ghosting over your lips. You froze, eyes darting frantically between her lips and eyes, back and forth, waiting to see what she was about to do.
Her lips brushed yours tentatively as she tested the waters. There was no need for her shyness though. You had needed this, much like you needed air to breathe and sustenance to live. Hands tangled into locks of hair, soft sighs puffed out between kiss swollen lips.
Yes. This was everything you needed and more.
You barely had the chance to enjoy it before she was pulling away, just enough so that she could look into your eyes. The whimper you let out at the loss would’ve been embarrassing if not for the look of pure adoration Lin was sending your way.
“How about I treat you to a long overdue dinner?” She rasped, a pink tongue darting out to anxiously lick over her lips.
“I would love nothing more.”
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tumblingxelian · 2 months
One thing I hate to see neglected or outright ignored in ML fandom is how Adrien not only did genuinely like Chloe, but understood and sympathized with her a lot of the time and that this also reflects that he is every buit as out there as she is.
The most notable moment of this being how he handled Chloe intentionally using her newly gained super powers to temporarily disable a train driver to stage a run away train incident to stop. Her goal being to prove she could be a great hero and impress her abusive mother.
We can talk about how she had no reason to think she couldn't stop the train, showed no signs of giving up even when it seemed more likely to kill her than anyone, or how it made no sense how the train did stop.
ut the important part for this post, is that afterwards, after a full on battle with CHloe, Adrien's response was to put his hand on her shoulder and say: "I know that you did the things you did to impress your mother."
He was more bothered by Ladybug losing a Miraculous than this, because on some level he probably thinks/knows he might derail a train too if it would make his father love him. & yeah, I just wish that side of him and their relationship was acknowledged more.
Now for a jokey summation of this post:
Alya: Gosh that train thing! Nino: I can't believe she did something that crazy. Marinette: Really, who would risk lives, others and their own just to please a parent?
Adrien: Wouldn't you? Alya, Nino & Marinette: N- No!?!?!? Adrien: Weird. Kagami: How the other side lives.
Chloe (Runs in) Guess what!? My mother remembered my name for the third time in my entire life! I mean she was shouting at me, but she remembered it! Adrien: Congrats Chloe! Kagami: (Nod of respect)
Alya, Nino & Marinette: (OO)
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flymmsy · 4 months
i just know that gortash has no clue about personal hygiene.. if you pull his foreskin back it will have years supply of smegma, like you could make cheese out of it. I love him so much tho that it does not matter <3
Anon, I’m just gonna be real with you. I’m gonna have a real moment with you right here right now. And yes, anon, I’m prepared to lose followers in droves over this.
I do not agree with the unhygienic Gortash takes.
*blog explodes*
Anyway, let me start by saying yes I acknowledge there is literally dirt on him - I do see him as someone who definitely can get covered in grease and soot from working, so totally agree with you there. But lack of hygiene I don’t actually buy into. You see how much effort that guy puts into his appearance? No way.
Plus - grease and dirt send the message of “I work with my hands, fuck you patriars” which is 110% Gortash’s MO. Not being hygienic beyond that is too much a detriment to people’s opinion of him for him to not put effort into it.
Also - I gotta say it and I think people should really listen to this point too: there’s a lot of racial bias going on in that line of thinking. I wish I could find the post that I read that more fully addressed this, but we all have to check ourselves a bit in this “Gortash is filthy” messaging. For example, if Astarion had dirt on him, I think the fandom would pretty much be like “lol a lil dirty” but then not build up this whole unhygienic narrative on him.
Anyway, Anon this is not directly at you, you just happened to mention something I’ve been ruminating on for a while as a Gortash fan. Also, listen, if you get your kicks from imagining that I’m not gonna put you down at all - I just think the larger, widely accepted “Gortash is filthy” line of thinking is more harmful than fans realize sometimes.
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cfr749 · 1 month
Initial Thoughts on Chenford in 6x07
All right... I'm feeling... a lot at the moment, so just sharing my initial reactions before seeing anyone else's. I'm sure my feelings will evolve. Also this turned into a GD essay and I'm sorry.
The Good
Grey acknowledging that Lucy was going through a lot ABOVE & BEYOND the break up. I just wish he'd mentioned the shooting, too. Lucy deserves to be more than her relationship with Tim and I need to actually see that in the future.
Lucy laying out 2 key things in her conversation with Grey - how easily Tim walked away and that he had no right to make that decision for her
Prior to the last scene (see The Ugly below), I thought Tim's interactions with the therapist were reasonably well done; if only therapy was that easy in real life lol
"You've always got a home with me" - I loved this final scene between Lucy and Tamara. I don't really have feelings either way about Tamara at this point, and this still hit me right in the heart.
Smitty's poll made me laugh, but also another solid indicator that these writers / producers do in fact really enjoy laughing at the expense of the fandom and shippers (which, whatever, I don't care that they do, I'd prob do the same; but it does irk me when people act like these writers should be worshipped because of all the things they "give" us)
The Tim
"I'm not depressed. I broke up with her."
"I was her TO." Not her friend, cuz god knows Tim has yet to deal with the fact that he started banging his former Rookie I suppose.
I dunno whether to put this in The Good or The Bad at this point; it depends on where they take it, so instead Tim gets a section all about why he's a dick.
To be clear, I do not like that Tim is a dick. But I actually do kind of like that it is very clear TO THE AUDIENCE that Tim is being kind of a dick. Do I still think people will bend over backwards to defend him? Of course they will.
From my perspective, I love Tim, I understand that he thinks he's doing the right thing, and has lots and lots of trauma. I've never seen Tim as a character that magically healed at some point between Seasons 1 & 5 (please see his storyline with his dad, his ongoing issues with UC work and unwillingness to confront or deal with them, his feelings about therapy historically, his inability to dump Ashley, etc. etc.). He's never been perfect and he doesn't need to be.
All of those things are true. None of those things give him a free pass to be kind of a dick. He still has to take accountability for how he treated Lucy (which, to be clear, was like sh*t).
The Bad
Lucy being petty AF with the invites to Tamara's dinner - let her be ANGRY, but give me villain Lucy over this dumb sh*t.
Lucy having no one other than Grey to talk to.
Others acting like Lucy is actually kind of pathetic (why do these writers love sh*tting on her so much? girl could not be down and kicked any harder at this point) -- Celina / Nolan and the double dumping crap, Lucy thinking Grey paid actors and him telling her she was out of her damn mind
The last interaction between Lucy and Tim. I am so angry for her. I needed to see that from her, but instead it felt kind of like her being dumped / a kicked puppy all over again. We got it, thanks. What's next? Lucy being incredibly happy with the hottest man on earth? I'm here for it tbh. Lucy plotting Tim's murder? Also here for it at this point. LOL.
The Ugly
I could not hate the implication of that final scene with Tim and the therapist and the door shutting more. There was ZERO reason they couldn't have had him show up during the day, and it actually disgusts me that they are pushing this line again, but especially with Tim. I am literally NEVER this dramatic, but in this case I really hope they did that to just get a reaction, because if anything were to actually happen between Tim and the therapist, I'd be 100% done with this ship and show as would a whole lot of the audience (I think). If I kept watching, it would only be to see Lucy be absurdly happy without Tim.
Well, what'd I miss? What did y'all think?
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