#i have Big Feelings
You know what fucks me(up) about the people complaining about all the ship content of Alastor is that as an asexual myself it genuinely makes me so happy to see so much fanfic taking my sexuality into account. I like that people who want to write Al in ship content and have to actually fucking sit there a think "how would someone who's not interested in sex, engage with sex?" and then work and think creatively within that. I absolutely love that because Hazbin Hotel has canon asexual representation that it encourages real ace people to project onto this character and make art around that. I love that I have a solid 7/10 chance of the fucked up weird ass Alastor porn I read to be written by another ace person as apposed to every other fandom where I have a like 1/50 chance(unless its like mob psycho/opm)
I like being able to read about the kind sex that I actually resonate with. And I wanna clarify that I'm an incredibly sex repulsed ace, like, I get very upset and bothered by being sexualized myself and have absolutely no interest in others or sex itself. So before any other repulsed aces come up and be like "uwu but I don't like it and writing Al like that insults me, saying identity is a spectrum is a copout" first of all, no❤. Second of all, every identity is a spectrum especially asexuality because it's more of an umbrella term then necessarily one solid concrete sexuality. If this was like a Taylor Swift situation where people were headcanoning a irl person as queer because they're insane, I'd understand the weird pretentious vitriol towards the people in the fandom who want to fuck Alastor but its not. He's not real and it truly does not matter if you draw his dick or write him as something more then a weirdly virginal idiot who doesn't understand what a stripper pole is(I blame u for this Ed jk love u).
I really really really hate how the fight for representation and the rightful demand of better and more respectful media has emboldened people to use the guise of "protecting" underrepresented and valued people by essentially saying they want the representation we have to go away. Angel isn't the perfect innocent victim who cries once and gets over being raped? Harmful to REAL victims uwu and thus shouldn't exist at all. Fuck off. Say what you want about Viv's writing but Hazbin has done more to represent trauma and queerness then your hissy fit tiktoks and text posts.
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ohbrightnewday · 2 months
aaron samuels is asexual actually
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jamieedlund · 1 year
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First week of April warm-ups 📝ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)🌸 ft. my one and only favorite crown guard.
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And they were besties 😏😏😏
aka I adopted a new son and his name is Soren 🤛👊🤜✊ I think about Aaravos's smile at least twice a day.
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grimslye · 8 months
Guys i think so hard about c!Sherb/Icarus and their wings. Like in season one they first got the wings while corrupted and saw them as like a cool think to have and a useful tool, then after being un-corrupted they didn't want the wings because it felt wrong to have something from Enderian and they wanted to get rid of anything from that time. Then in season two I feel like is where the wings really started to feel like a part of them they rarely ever took off the wings and started to fly more, and by late/end of season two it was back to being like a normal thing to have wings, everyone had them and they really started to become birb. Then theres season three, they got the birb ears and was birb even without the wings but they missed the wings because it felt like a part of them and when they finally got the wings back they were so relieved and happy. They got a bunch of birb friends and were known for being birb, it was the whole bit. And then quixis took away their wings, a process that not only hurt physically but emotionally as well. And they were too hurt to get the wings back. They had to re learn how to live without the wings, without a part of them. And they were scared to get them back because it might happen again but they also really wanted them back because they felt weird without them. And also like they said it's would feel weird getting a new pair of wings, it would be like getting into a new relationship and they needed to be ready. AND THEN THEY GOT THE WINGS BACK AND THEY NOW HAVE BEEG WINGS AND IM SHBEJSISBNW I'm so normal /sarc
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gemini-forest · 9 months
I have big feelings about Casey Jones Jr that no one fully understands that his character development is as important as Leo's.
Big tangent under cut
Like from the beginning Leonardo says "This isn't about me" and Casey doesn't understand.
His entire focus is "Find the key. Stop the krang."
But Casey still made it about Leonardo/Leo. Inflating Leo's ego and being blinded by star struck and grief that he forgets Leo is a person too. He's not perfect.
The development for him is AS important. When he justifyingly yells at Leo calling him out we see that he's willing to forgive Leo. Because not only he sees Leo's potential, he then understands he's a person too. He's not perfect.
Even by stll calling him sensei!!
And when he's pulling the key you can tell he's reliving Leonardo's death. His FUCKING DAD!
But he remembers what he told him. In that moment it wasn't about Leo OR Leonardo. Or hell even Casey. It was about the key. The mission.
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hirunoka · 11 months
Everyone please please please watch this amazing fanvid and show some love on the YouTube comments, because oh my, I feel so emotional over this video right now 😭❤ Cannot believe I'm seeing this just now.
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royalarmyofoz · 11 months
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fka twigs - two weeks
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snippychicke · 9 months
tfw you're 7k words deep in a fic you're writing for an old ass fandom that never seemed to develop the OC/reader genre and you have a fic with a not so popular side character and wanna share it but its not done and you're writing it for yourself but its also low key good and you love sharing shit because you're a dirty whore for praise and kudos.
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whatevertheweather · 1 year
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So! One year and one day ago, I started posting The Space In Between, and I am emotional about it. Pretty much always, but in particular now, thinking about that date. I just????? I cry.
So I spent roughly 100% of yesterday in a TSIB stupor, during which I engaged in such activities as: laying in a puddle of blankets and emotion, listening to the playlist while my heart got too big for my chest, and staring at these beautiful pieces of art and sinking under that kind of nostalgia that’s so lovely it sort of hurts. (And don’t be fooled by that being the last in the list; I devoted substantial time to that particular activity.) (Sometimes I even mixed it up and did all three of those things at once.)
I could go on, but I would probably go on forever because I feel so much about this and this fandom and everyone who has read this and everyone I have met here and, and, and! And I have to reel it back a little. Here we are right now because I’ve been planning to post some deleted TSIB scenes for ages, and this is the proper occasion. So, please enjoy this Several Sundered Space (in between) Sentences Sunday. Or something.
More or less in the order they would have appeared:
He glances at Penny to see her looking imploringly back at him, and it takes him a moment to realize it’s nothing to do with Basil and everything to do with Gareth, who’s still gibbering about the week he spent in Majorca. Simon shrugs, and Penny glares at him before turning back to Gareth.
“That’s great!” she yells at him mid-sentence, with all the subtlety of a car alarm. “Really...very cool. Simon and I were just going to…”
“Do drugs,” Simon offers.
“Do drugs,” Penny parrots. “So—”
“Oh, I’ve got—”
“Bye!” Penny yells again.
“Dev was probably trying to do it for you, in his own fucked up way,” Simon says.
“Have you ever met Dev?” Baz asks.
“Never seen the man in my life.”
“Then shut the fuck up.”
“Aye, that’s fair,” Simon nods. “You can shut the fuck up about my intelligence too, then.”
A brief silence, and then, “Because I’ve never seen it in my life?”
“That’s not shutting the fuck up,” Simon points a stern finger at him, and Baz snorts.
“It doesn’t matter. We have to fix whatever it is we did wrong the first time around.”
“The original sin,” Simon nods, and Baz gives him a withering look.
If he’s honest with himself, the three minute rebuttal Baz made in one of dozens of forty-five minute lectures was not all that humiliating. It was galling, and uncalled for, but it wasn’t in and of itself that memorable. It didn’t warrant stewing on a reply, it didn’t warrant spending half of every class thereafter staring at Baz. It’s Baz that’s memorable.
“Alright, here’s one: we’re both in the coma ward. Stuck us in the same room ‘cause we both died at this stupid fucking party.”
Baz snorts. “It still doesn’t explain why we would be experiencing this together.”
Simon holds up a finger and says, “Proximity. Which we needed to facilitate—” he puts up a second finger “—the connection of our brainwaves.”
“Our brainwaves,” Baz repeats.
“Yeah. Like, we’re on the same wavelength. Our brains both operate on the same fuck-up frequency.”
“So it would seem,” Baz hums thoughtfully. “And the people disappearing? That doesn’t bode well for our recovery.”
“That doesn’t bode well no matter what the theory is, Baz. Maybe we’ll just wake up one of these days when they poke our feet with those pin things.”
“I don’t think they do that to coma patients.”
“Dunno. I reckon life’s all of that at once.” He glances up at Baz, gives him a crooked smile. “Maybe we’ll be fine now, yeah? This was all about learning the meaning of life, and we’ve figured it out.”
“What, that it’s a meaningless shitshow?”
Baz laughs. “I already knew that.”
Now...there’s quite a bit more to be shared from the last chapter, except it’s all quite sad because that chapter was much more tragic in its earlier drafts. It always ended the same, but we initially had roughly three times the angst in the first half, and since this isn’t Super Sad Sentence Sunday, I’m only going to share these tiny snippets:
His thumbs are moving over sharp cheekbones, his sore throat still moving over meaningless words. “—you’re just taking the car out of the equation, aren’t you? Don’t need a car when you can kill me with this shit, Baz, you fucking — I’ve aged ten years in the last ten minutes, it’s fucked up — I’ve got grey hair now because of you, you’re not even gonna like me anymore—”
“—look at this, the whole room is hardwood and you throw up on the rug like a fucking cat—”
“Shut up,” Baz moans.
“Telling someone to stop talking doesn’t count as talking, Baz, so—”
“I don’t want to talk to you,” Baz mumbles. Simon lets it sit in him for a moment, and then he breathes it out.
“You do,” he says. He holds back the “you told me” and instead says, “You tripped me in the hall that time, remember? I think we should talk about that.”
“Fuck off.”
And one final bonus:
Simon knows his face is doing all those things Baz accuses it of doing (hiding absolutely nothing, expressing absolutely everything—being, in general, the antithesis of a poker face), but he doesn’t much care. Baz isn’t entirely right anyway (he never saw him around Davy), but most days, Simon sees no point in keeping his eyebrows from tugging together in expression of what the fuck do you want to people who need to tell him what the fuck they want.
This last was actually cut from the other activity of my day: filling every spare moment between aforementioned stupors by working on the piece of bonus content I began writing shortly after I finished posting TSIB in the first place.
It is still not done, but I made some good progress, and I am cautiously hopeful that it might be ready on the anniversary of finishing posting TSIB. In the meantime, I’m sorry this post is so fucking long, I love you all, happy Sunday, I hope each one of you wear your favorite sweater or see a cute dog or a precious cat or a funky squirrel or hear your favorite sound or remember that one time that other person said that stupid funny thing and you laugh and/or smile and/or feel okay, okay? Okay.
Tags: (starting with those linked artists because y’all are still killin me with those one year later) @cutestkilla @artsyunderstudy (and now betas because ::sob::) @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @fatalfangirl @moodandmist (honorary beta, thank you for putting up with me) (okay I’m going to stop making notes and just tag people) @mostlymaudlin @captain-aralias @martsonmars @facewithoutheart @sillyunicorn @whogaveyoupermission @ileadacharmedlife @ivelovedhimthroughworse @aristocratic-otter @ionlydrinkhotwater @confused-bi-queer @basiltonbutliketheherb @bookish-bogwitch @urban-sith
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Wow they actually found a way to do the Mortgage Crisis episode and barely address any of it, let alone the Vic Vinegar and Hugh Honey gayness of it all. Hahaha. And we were out here confidently saying there's NO way, it's just too important and gay and iconic to the fans. But where there's a will, I guess.
I guess we learnt that this was written back in season 4 and held back until season 5. That was new information. I can find positives.
Speaking of, they did actually talk about the live show, which I wouldn't have bet on. Glenn really stuck it to the dudebros who don't know what "healthy communication" or "friends for 22 years" looks like.
Charlie had some interesting personal stories about meeting famous people. "Just so you know, I'm a person of value" lmao. Taylor Swift is a Sunny fan?!
Megan and Glenn tried to bring it back to the episode a couple of times and Megan even pointed out honey and vinegar specifically. I would've understood if they were just too tired to analyze the show because they're clearly under a time crunch for S16, but fucking Rob went out of his way to be a buzzkill today.
Sorry, I'm usually very willing to give them all the benefit of the doubt and then some because they're all people with shit going on, but Robert just pissed me off today. He constantly brings up Mythic Quest and now Wrexham when he should be talking about THIS show. THIS episode. He's allowed to not like things, Charlie frequently did in earlier seasons, but wow, you can still talk about the episode or at the very least, not interrupt the others when they're talking about it!
Anyway, at least Glenn called him out and said he was dead wrong about this episode. The show really needs all three of them to work.
I'm disappointed after a long break and dropped shit to listen to this as soon as it came out because I was so excited, so I'm still hot about this whole thing and it makes me want to say mean things, mostly about Rob and his neediness, that I might regret later so this is probably a good time to stop.
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wolfeyedwitch · 7 months
I love my therapist. She's the best combo of supportive and takes-no-bullshit.
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demonicsuburbs · 8 months
Me at least once a day: “I think that Pulse…” *sniffle* “I…I think,” *cries a little* “I think that Pulse and Flint should be kissing.” *lays on the ground and hallucinates about them for the next hour*
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rain-shoshana · 10 months
Sorry to my neighbors for the repeated wordless yelling at the top of my lungs but you see my blorbos are in love.
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vamprisms · 2 months
i feel like a lot of the 'i hate kids' crowd would be more tolerant if they understood that due to a kid's limited experience of the world that 4 hour flight might just be the longest they've ever had to sit still for or that trapped finger might literally be the most pain they've ever felt in their short life or they might not have ever seen a person with pink hair ever so of course they want to touch it or nobody's told them yet that they can't run around the museum and they only just learned cheetahs are the fastest animals so of course they want to put that to the test. how were they supposed to know etc etc.
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jesncin · 4 months
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"Who Is Superman? A Private Interview with Lois Lane" a fancomic about hope and connection. I've had this story in mind for so long and I'm very excited to be able to share it at last. Thank you for reading, and happy Lunar New Year!
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aristobun · 1 month
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stop it you fucker 😭 this chat is making me love this pairing way more than i thought i was going to 😭
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