#i feel bad bc i have a lot of disconnected stories in the same world & people like to complain about others doing that
red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year
what the fuck is up with akire ocs. masterpost made way too quick while i need to sleep. i was going to add images but im tired feel free to look at the toyhouse pages tho
723 - behavioral issues. by choice. shes just like that.
aira - trapped in xeir own personal ever changing hell. like literally xi is stuck in a world that feeds off of & changes based on fears.
aisha - killed by her best friend.
alstroemeria - selectively mute until an injury made her permanently mute. often mistreated by people who think they know best bc she can't verbally argue with them
amari - she is willingly in such a fucked up relationship. constantly being framed by and the subject of bad rumors from her gf (fuyue)
amaryllis - no one listened to her or took her seriously so she ran away & when no one came to look for her realized no one really cared anyway! (isolation)
ash - was trapped in the same hell world as aira but made a deal to get out. her morals are destroyed from it & she tries to trap others in the world so she doesnt have to go back
cestria - idk what her deal is. shes just violent. hashtag influencer things i guess
cherry - u know what i dont think she has any. hm.
chime - no sense of self. theyre exclusively a mirror, intentional or not, of the people around them
chira - commits to the bit too much. will exploit people for views
cleo - refuses to get involved even when she can help. she only wants the scoop on drama
crian - currently, she beats herself up over not being able to help void before they ran away & thinks its partly her fault
daelryc - trust issues
dusk - naturally more violent than ur average person. also trapped against her will
feisha - family issues only fushia knows about. they wont talk about it to anyone else.
fjahva - his mom hates him. he gets kicked out if he tries to come back home. among other mistreatments
flora - trapped against her will & forced to participate in ethically questionable experiments
fushia - mild childhood bullying
fuyue - everything (no). malicious, petty thief, constantly lying for her own amusement, frames her gf for her crimes, blackmails, etc etc etc. why? shes bored
glacia - bully. manipulator. potential murderer but she hasnt stooped that low yet
greeml - theyre self conscious of their ears bc theyre pointy. thats like their worst problem. bc i love them
hanabi - social media poisoned mind. shes not an influencer she just needs to get offline
helix - playboy. self obsessed. used his own blessings on himself enough the other deities demoted him to demigod.
iono - despite neither of her parents being qualified to care for a kid she surprisingly doesnt have any serious problems
iraidis - carrying the weight of being rejected by several generations of people & erasure of proof of her existence
itsumi - shut in by choice & lost all her communication skills. very familiar with escapism
jade - idk i havent thought about it enough yet
keppi - also carrying the weight of generational rejection and erasure
kin - theres just so much wrong with her. she's taking herself down and the world with her. or just kinako. either works
kinako - straight up no will to live she endures whatever kin does to her. or doesnt. she dies a lot.
konome - orphan? lives in the woods with his sister & causes problems for people (""natural"" disasters)
kumo - god complex (they are not a god). the fact they arent dead is a miracle bc they are so stupid and bold and rash
kyeslu - weird girl. no one hates her per se but no one really gets along with her either.
lavender - also trapped in her own hell world
lilium - cave explorer. in the tundra. i think that counts.
linesus - (my sister :) ) well. shes dead. guess she had worm farming trauma too idk
lyra - bullied :(
lyrica - also in personal hell world
maien - shes just massively unlucky.
malshay - power complex (is that what its called??) needs to prove shes better than everyone.
manayo - causes problems on purpose. shes a fox demon she can do what she want tho
meimu - haha trauma of dying repeatedly while the worlds falling apart etc etc shes an aru sekai fan oc thats all i need to say
meision - idk i need to think about her more
meringue - got mad once (unfairly discharged from her job) and now shes a serial killer. hashtag girlboss or whatever
meshika - orphan? lives in the forest with her brother causing problems for people. has definitely killed people but good luck proving it
mkoom - victim of capitalism
nuria - disrespected & killed. now carries the stress of maintaining an entire world with her mind
oken - trauma (?) of turning into a cat against his will
paolo - would rather be a bird than a person
pomgara - distrusted & frustrated by it so shes rather sharp
refrichi - trauma of using her ability. not only accidentally killing people but also casual self harm so she can protect herself (she controls blood. if that makes it make more sense)
rhonda - unsuited to her home country & the problems that come with that. not necessarily stockholmed but she did fall in love with a serial killer
roselii - bad home life. she's overprotective bc of it
ryuusei - isolation of being in space only to come to earth & have to act like a celebrity
sarlina - blank spots in her life bc her ability consumes memories if shes not careful.
saturday - petty.
saturn - burden of maintaining balance in the world. emotionally isolated bc of it
scarlet - bully manipulator liar etc etc and all for her own gain. started bc she didnt want to get punished for bad grades & then she never stopped
sepheria - trust issues. emotional isolation bc shes from a different time period & no one will understand
sera - forced into a sort of celebrity type role he didnt want
seyla - idk what to say here she doesnt really cause problems & she doesnt really have any. mischievous at most
shaia - abandoned his duties as the weight of them was too much. somehow still a deity regardless
sometya - doesnt like people. scaredy cat. yet theyre always off exploring other worlds
sora - ability related trauma. naturally a kind hearted person but she's killed people & it haunts her
teila - tired of rejection she'll promise anything to get her way. ironically shes a shitty mom who rejected her son
tobio - trust issues & quick to argue.
towaka - accidentally got herself trapped in a video game & no longer has control over herself or a way to communicate
vanilla - fear of the unknown & stays in an area that frustrates her bc of it
viridia - victim of her own sister, verbally tormented, tricked into going places she shouldnt & losing important items bc of her only to come home and get told her sister wouldnt do that she should be more like her.
void - we've been over this. bullying into a mental breakdown into 8 years of physical and emotional isolation
wyndi - also carrying the weight of generations of rejection & erasure
xeli - victim of various poisoning attempts that dont work bc theyre immune
yuclenya - isekai'd into a world she knew nothing about, didnt speak the language, was cornered by people looking for a fight, only found out she had an ability when she used it out of fear & it thoroughly cut up her hands
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ofbreathandflame · 9 months
I feel like the reason there's such a disconnect between a lot of pro/anti accs has to do with how people go about their critique of the work. There is a difference between a critique against a character (i.e., how we chose to justify that character given the explanation/information given in world) and a critique against the choices that are made during the writing process (i.e. introspection into the problems that are caused via the writing). When we critique a character because of decisions the character makes we a crafting a analytical profile about why we surmise a character does something. When we critique the characterization, then we are critiquing the decision the writer is making.
So - a critique against the logical set up of a scene or dynamic is a testament of a writer's skill. Like - when we critique the logic of Rhysand's dynamic with Amarantha that has nothing to do with Rhysand's in world characterization. I think the entire premise of the beginning of WAR is also a plot point that is less a testament of Feyre's character and more a statement on SJM's skill as a writer.
Of course, there are issues that occupy both of these spaces - where the writer's bias operates in a way that is inseparable from the issue in world. In this - its more about how the author interjects information that is contradictory or addling to the narrative of the story. These are moments where the telling conflicts with the showing - and the only way the narrative (the character's in world) distinguishes what information we should extract from the events is by a character straight up telling us how we should feel or what we should take away. The Illyrian/CoN/SC situation starts off as a technical problem but becomes a character problem (the character's consistently begin to parrot actual justifications for why these issues are still ongoing or the story wants us to take away something that conflicts with what we're shown). Rhys's dynamic UTM starts off as just a technical issues (issue of skill) and becomes a character problem for the reason I said above. It's like when you're in lab and you make up data and then write a narrative to justify your false results. Or when you try to cheat your numbers to justify a hypothesis. And a lot of the problems in TAR onwards start as just technical issues that you ignore and they become character issues for the exact reason above. Like - Tamlin's abuse and the hypocritical elements is easy enough to ignore in MAF and maybe even WAR, but it becomes a real problem in SF when the story is trying to sustain a storylines that literally contradicts and justifies behavior it spent the last three books reiterating is bad. It becomes a character issue when the characters enable and justify that behavior (consistently - as it does w/ rhys). And bc ACoTAR is a series that has a hard time removing itself from SJM's honest to God ideologies a lot of issues that we could have brushed off as technical issues often become character issues.
I'm saying this all to say that often, when we make critiques about the writing (meaning - our framework for analysis exists outside of the explanation/information we are given in the story. We understand the reasoning given we just don't think its a valid reason) we get these response that tries to mix the in-world justifications (that we're already said we don't agree with) with cherry-picked irl justifications. Like - if I say I don't believe in God, and then someone says 'God is real - just look at these passage in the holy book' - that's not an actual response to my question, especially if I've already establish that I have issues with the canon.
And the pro debates are often running in circles bc they justify behavior bc the story tells them too, and they only apply real-world standards where its comfortable. It's easy to see Tamlin as abusive bc there's literally a big red sign that says ABUSE every time he's on the page. But its harder for many to acknowledge those same traits when its in a character they actually like. So then its easier to fall back on the book's explanation and not the real world one.
This is the same case with the intervention scene, where the beloved characters actions are abusive and illegal by our standards (tough love interventions have been proven to be oftentime uneffective and often results in relapse) - and even by the book's standard (Feyre literally acknowledges the HoW as a place unequipped for her sister's healing). So the only solace those fans have is to use the justification the book immediately gives, but also ignore the other books bc even they don't support it. It's just selective reading. 'Real world' justification can only go so far with that side - and its not on their side most times, but it is for antis. So it devolves into these semantic arguments. That's why when the criticism is valid they say these books are 'fairy porn that we shouldn't care about,' buuuuut when they want to make a point it becomes 'important,' 'relevant,' and 'problematic if you say xyz' Chose a framework and stick with it.
I'm just so tired of having these conversations and then someone throwing the book at my hand to "justify" why my critique is 'wrong' when the ENTIRE premise of the critique is that I think the writing decision is wrong.
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justatalkingface · 9 months
No idea if I send this one before (I think not) but here we go. I think Izu op could have worked! Controversial take, I know.
I mean...if Hori hadn't this mentality "Izu needs to suffer bc I hate him" this could be a 0 to hero story as Izu ends up having a powerful quirk. But for that to work we would need a few things
(Note how Hori seems to love the underdog trope but failing miserable)
1) time skip. Izu cant master ofa in a few weeks. On that note, the second user cant be bk 3.0
2) a writer who is interested in explored the ofa and what it can do. Like, what if Izu can have a quirk awaken? That would be cooler.
3) senseis who know what they are doing and who helped Izu not only physically but mentally. Wouldn't be swell if Izu stoped thinkig he is worthless? If bk got consequences and Izu CAN be mad at him for what bk did? Yes it would.
4) and a sense of limit. Yes, I did mentioned how op Izu can work but if he gets too op and can face all the big bad villains, if he can use ofa 100%...it would be a bit stalled in terms of writing "dont fret, super Izu is here". It would be Izu repeat AM's mistake. What I would do is make Izu, who after proper training and well used time skip earned how to use his quirk safely, has a support group. Ochako, Iida, Shoto and whatnot. Meaning is not just Super Izu alone.
Friendship wins.
But of course....Hori didn't went to this route. And the timeline is really ....a joke.
Anyway, to end. I do think the concept of op Izu could have worked if Hori had stopped his hate for Izu and focused on the mc and developed more ofa.
I... have mixed feelings about OP characters in stories, mostly because they don't do them right. The thing is, an OP character, on the scale we're talking about here, because in chapter one, All Might sets that ceiling of OP way up there? That is someone so... stupidly strong that they actually direct national policy just by their very existence; quite possibly the world changes because they exist. And I feel that, most of the time, stories either: A, ignore the implications that this person can beat up God and isn't hiding that fact, or B, makes some shallow attempts at acknowledging it, but quickly moves on from those attempts so they can fight their equally OP enemies without giving it it's due.
The point being is that introducing an OP person is something a writer should use carefully, the same way they should treat time travel, if they're not just some villain driven off by the power of love, friendship, this gun I found, and the McGuffin used to beat them.
...However, MHA is interesting to me in that it started off by doing it better than normal, with All Might. The story starts by insisting that All Might is so damn broken that Japan itself actually worked differently after he heroed for awhile, even though, as far as we can tell, he did nothing to actually try and manipulate national policy or anything like that.
He just existed, and everything changed in response.
And, while I admit I wasn't thinking that hard about it when I first read the story, the initial set up actually was in a great place to work with an OP Izuku... if almost everything after the initial setup went differently, anyways.
Let me explain.
So, early MHA, those initial chapters, just hinted at a lot of depth to it. Philosophical, legal, societal; part of the reason I, and probably others, fell in love so fast is that it was approaching the usual super hero thing from a new direction, and seeming to acknowledge the flaws in such a system the ways other stories generally don't.
Back then, it was the difference between being a Hero, the job description, and being a hero, someone who saved people, and how wildly disconnected those two terms were. The disparity between the weak and the strong, Quirklessness as something five seconds from being called a disability, a heroic system that had been slowly festering in on itself, for years and years and years, until we get people like Mt Lady, who caused god knows how much property damage just to kill steal a villain away from Kaminio Woods, who had the situation under control.
Into this toxic mess of a situation walks Izuku Midoriya: kind, smart, beaten down on for all his life for being weak, yet determined to stand up for what is right anyways, blinded by childish naivety and propaganda to how fucked up the world of heroes truly is.
And the man who changed Japan with his mere existence gave him his power, the power to stand above everyone else, to do anything he wants, because once he masters One For All, the only one able to stop Izuku? Would be himself.
And here's where it would have to change: Izuku's conflict, for most of the story, is simply about fighting; not about right or wrong, not should he do this, but can he do this? There is something he wants to earn, or a person he needs to beat, and so he tries to do it. Sometimes he does it by being smarter, more often he does it by being stronger, and sometimes, and too often for my tastes, or at least at the wrong times, he just can't.
Hori gives up on all the things that made MHA so interesting, only giving them empty lip service from that point on, so he can just do the usual shonen plot.
But imagine if he didn't. Imagine Izuku's conflicts being about idealism. He's strong, unbelievably strong, the second coming of All Might, acknowledged as such by the man himself, who may even admit that he is retiring. In a fight, Izuku wins, plain and simple; hell, he may have to worry about keeping his opponents alive rather than if he can beat them or not.
But that's not where the problems come from, beating X person in a straight up fight. The problems come from the system itself: a machine made to chew up idealistic kids and spit out cynical, money hungry heroes. An entire department in UA devoted to selling an image to the public, ruthlessly trying to take advantage of the new students while they're too new to realize what's happening. A bigoted, self-important teacher who hates him just for what he is, and is determined to ruin his career because he can. A government agency determined to control heroes and direct them to their own aims, who take an interest in this budding super star, and their pawn, merciless yet conflicted, who will kill to see their will done. A media system determined to get headlines, no matter the cost or who it may harm. A Number Two Hero ascendant, cruel and calculating, who uses his own offspring as pawns and views Izuku as a threat to his rise. Villains who, knowing they can't take him in a fair fight, try to beat Izuku in other ways, more complicated and sinister than a simple fight. Festering in his mind like a dark secret, Izuku's entire life as a Quirkless child, despised by the world for being Deku, for being useless, an old pain and shame that still defines him and shapes him, even if he's not longer Quirkless.
And with all this arrayed against him and his dreams, all Izuku has to guide him onto the proper path is his mentor, wise yet cynical and broken in his own ways, and his own innate spirit of heroism. And the choices he makes? Effects millions.
Leaning into what they said they were about, the League of Villains would not be a bunch of crazed murderers, but what Hori wants us to think of them: people beaten down by society until they felt they had no other choice but to fight back. Toga who isn't a deluded serial killer, Spinner and Compress with more development, and yes, the Dabi Benchmark of Insanity(TM) to keep them all sympathetic, because their purpose here isn't just as villains who have to be beaten... their purpose here is also about how heroes react to them.
To a LoV who is milder in what they do, so they still get heroic ire, still get labeled as, 'villains'... only for them not really to deserve that label, the hatred they get from the public, and the force used against them.
And Izuku, who is no longer a spectator but on the front line, sees that. He sees how they're getting tarred by the brush of 'villain', the way they're getting discriminated against because of their Quirks, and the eerie similarities it has to his own treatment as a QUirkless child.
And yet, the ones doing it are heroes, the ones he looks up to, and all but worshipped for his entire life, the ones supported by everything he's seen in his entire life, by the entirety of Japan.
And that is where the conflict is, that is what the story focuses on: what is right? What is a hero? What is a villain?
Well, that's how I would do an OP Izuku story, anyways.
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popstarryeyed · 2 years
second impression of midnights (more favorable)
lavender haze - i think i would've liked this better as a track off reputation. like now taylor writing about her reputation is overdone but the idea of falling in love while the world hates you is actually compelling. i love "delicate". objectively it's not a bad concept for a song. it's also very jack antonoff-y production wise and i don't mind that but it is very noticable.
maroon - still can't get over "so scarlet it was maroon". not the same color! also one of the things i find fun about taylor swift is her continuity with imagery and theme, and in "daylight" she talks about how she used to think love was burning red (like the song and album red) but it's golden. i don't know how maroon fits into that established color imagery.
anti-hero - the first few lyrics are a bit too hashtag-relatable (saying the word depression directly instead of just describing the experience) but overall i really like the song. i feel like people might think the sexy baby/monster on the hill line is cringe but i actually really love it bc i can totally see tall 30-something taylor swift feeling odd and ungainly next to younger music industry girls. and as a fat woman in my late 20s, i definitely feel that way sometimes about college students on the train. the music video skit IS cringe though
snow on the beach - it's pretty, but saying it's featuring lana del rey is laughable. if i didn't know she was on there i wouldn't have noticed.
you're on your own, kid - kind of growing on me. i've certainly felt alone a lot of the time. i like that this album is giving some insight into taylor swift as a kid being kind of lonely and weird. when she first got famous, i saw her as a very normal popular girl but a) i don't know what she was like pre-fame and b) getting famous at a young age would make you weird.
midnight rain - i really want to love this bc the lyrics and concept are so good. taylor swift thinking back to someone who wanted a more stable life but she wanted to pursue her music career and how they just had such wildly different priorities. i love the imagery of sunshine and midnight rain to convey this distance, reminds me of that verse from "your best american girl" ("you're the sun / you've never seen the night / but you hear its song from the morning birds"). and i can totally imagine that she still thinks about it sometimes because pursuing her fame has also fucked her over. BUT that pitch-shifted voice. it's not the worst pitch-shifted voice i've heard but i don't like it and i think the song's lyrics would hit harder if delivered more directly.
question - this is good, asking a past fling for closure makes sense with the whole midnights thing. i like when taylor gets pointed
vigilante shit - it's so...revenge as aesthetic. like she does some interesting stuff on the song, revealing her ex's crimes, teaming up with his ex-wife, but the way it comes back to how she's dressed makes it so hollow. like it's not a story about her getting revenge, it's about the aesthetic of being a vengeful woman. like scary scary sexy lady from crazy ex-gf but not a joke. "mad woman" does the "aren't you tired of being nice? don't you want to just go apeshit?" theme better, and "no body no crime" has an actual revenge storyline. this does neither.
bejeweled - i like it. flex on that loser
labyrinth - not particularly memorable
karma - sounds lovely but i don't love the smugness
sweet nothing - i think this is about how the world expects so much of her but this partner expects nothing and it's so comfortable. but idk. something rubs me the wrong way about it. especially the bit about people asking her to do more but she's too soft for it. like obviously i get the appeal disconnecting from the world to be with your partner but that's not a solution to the world's problems
mastermind - i like this one. i get it, trying to orchestrate things because you don't get things if you don't.
the great war - i still like this one a lot. maybe my fave overall.
bigger than the whole sky - still good.
paris - again with the whole "i'm totally disconnected from the world with my boyfriend" thing. except paris is, in fact, a part of the world.
high infidelity - i like this one better on second listen. rolling eyes at a jealous lover like do i have to tell you every detail of my life? ugh!
glitch - i like it. the idea that falling in love is some flaw in the plan, some electronic glitch in your programming - i feel it.
would've could've should've - i totally understand why this relationship is still bothering her over a decade later. i still listen to dear john and feel homicidal.
dear reader - i don't like songs where the singer just gives you advice. it's always so trite.
overall i am far more positive on it than i was. still think there's some filler and weak songs, but hey, that's typical for a taylor swift album
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sapphire-knight · 3 years
Let's jump on my confusionary train of thoughts, because I want to talk about the Red Vines secondary plot right fricking now-
So, as a lot of people on here already do, I'm all for betting that those things are connected to dreamons or to Schlatt's resurrection thing, I honestly think both because it would tie some loose strings for me
When Ranboo basically foreshadowed that the "egg" was alien I think he got it slightly wrong: he understood that it was not human, but since almost no one in the story is aware of what a Dreamon is, he probably betted for the first inhuman thing he thought it could be, because he doesn't know what Dreamons are
Also the thing that the people primarely involved are from the Badlands is interesting, because for his plan to resurrect Schlatt, Quackity gave Schlatt's bones to Sam, who is as of right now the only one in the badlands that isn't under the effect of the red vines (Bad was the first one to get "possessed", followed recently by Ant)
I think that the egg and the vines are a product of a ritual to bring Schlatt back to life that went horribly wrong
And since the materials that the vines are made of are all red, I think it could have gone wrong bc Schlatt was in hell and the ritual made a breach in hell towards the overworld, possibly letting a Dreamon free for error
"But what proves do you have that it is a Dreamon?" Glad you asked person that is totally real and not just a way for me to jump to this topic without making it incredibly disconnected
I claim that it is a Dreamon for the way that it is acting, and no I'm not talking about the vines spreading, but how it's controlling people
From what we've seen fron Bad, the egg has an almost complete control over his mind, making him behave in a strange and unusual way, like when he attached his friend for trying to remove the vines, wich isn't like him at all- what set Tubbo off about Dream in the Dreamon hunt was, you guessed it, strange behaviours and a spike in violence
But what sells me a bit more is what the egg isn't controlling: what Bad thinks and feels about Skeppy, Bad admitted thathe still cares about Skeppy more than he does for the egg. Dreamons have three canonical weaknesses for now, and one of those is love (any kind of love I think, I think that they are creatures that feed on negative and destructive emotions, so any kind of love would hurt them, romantic, familiar, platonic...)
Also Dream's reaction to them keeps me on edge, because he was actually concerned about them. Dream, a god of the server, with unlimited power, but at the same time the person possessed by an incredibly strong Dreamon. He is concerned about the vines.
After his talk with Bad, he immediatly switched to talk about the unescapable prison he's making Sam build for him. If at first I thought that the prison was gonna be to imprison someone that Dream hated, I'm now thinking more about something or someone that Dream consideres a threat. Not to him personally, because what could be a threat to a god, I'm talking about a Threat to the server as a whole.
My theory right now is that Dream knows about Quackity's plan to rivive Schlatt, and that the prison was gonna be for if something went wrong with it, like for example something really dangerous being brought to live to the server for an error. And I think that it is exactly what is happening with the egg. I think Dream is afraid for whatever the hell is in that egg.
This part apart, I also think that this plot line won't be secondary for long. The vines are spreading across the server pretty quickly, and apparently it's possible for them yo get new people under their influence. These things are surely going to spread across the entire server bringing it into the major plot events and causing even more chaos than the one already happening.
Because what could happen if other people get possessed by the vines? What can happen if maybe Tubbo gets possessed by them? They get control of the mind and manovrate people to get them to do what they want them to do. They are incredibly dangerous for the server as a whole, and destroying them right now is not an option, because Bad and Ant are protecting them.
Maybe it will be like one of those situations is stories when sure, the first conflict isn't resolved, but something far more menacing is approaching, and the protagonists and the antagonists have to work together before the world gets destroyed.
Maybe it could also be the way they bring Tommy back in the main lands of the SMP, the vines reach logstead and he's either forced to run away and get back to the mainlands (and I think that if it goes like this Dream won't kill him for it, because he is also concerned about whatever the hell those things are), or the vines get also control over Tommy, manovrating him like their new puppet and making him to to the Badlands to join Bad and Ant in protecting them for the rest of the people not under control (and he gets saved and brought back to his senses by Tubbo and the two can finally make up for everything that happened).
So yeah, I'm thrilled to see where this plot point may be going
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princeoftheroses · 3 years
Since you want asks, PLSSSE I want your Utena TH0ughts. WHAT is your favourite black rose episode? actually how do you feel about the black rose arc in GENERAL
black rose arc, black rose arc, oh black rose arc!!! by you adding how do i feel about the arc in general you are unleashed me to make a long post giving my very disorganized thoughts about this arc.
a couple of people call it a filler arc? i guess technically it is because it does not directly contribute to the main storyline and it wasn't in the manga and also the ending of the arc sort of makes it so the whole arc kind of didn't happen???
but also i think if a person labeled it as a filler arc they are kind of missing the point?? even if it doesn't contribute to the main plot (which it absolutely DOES but i'll get to that) it adds so much nuance to the characters of utena.
you get to see side characters and how they tick!! some of which like kozue and shiori become very important later as they become miki and ruka's rose brides in the akio arc! (side note : what was up with ruka he just kind of showed up and disappeared lmaooo)
also, it adds to akio! (tw warning for only the next paragraph, i'm talking about akio so you can except me talking about grooming and abuse)
not only is this where akio is introduced, but he is always so omnipresent. it was ... honestly really terrifying to see how chill he acts with utena here. of course the real grooming begins in the akio arc but you can see how he starts here. how he kind of builds himself as anthy's cool older brother that utena can trust and ask for advice for... but we the audience know that he CANNOT be trusted as even know we see him being shady af in the background. i really feel like if we skipped straight from the first arc to akio arc a lot of the creepiness of akio would not have been realized because of ... just how NORMAL he akio acts to utena. he's charming, he's smart, and he overall is somebody utena SHOULD be able to trust bc we should all be able to trust an immediate family member of a best friend , but of course the world doesn't really work that way. anyway akio tangent over because BOOOOOO akio (he honestly terrifies me so much because of how many predators like that exist and you can meet without realizing their intentions)
one of the main reasons i feel like this isn't a filler arc, at least not in the traditional sense of the phrase, is because it builds a lot character relationships. something that i didn't like when i first watched revolutionary girl utena but now is one of my FAVORITE things is that for a while we don't really get a straight forward utena/anthy episode. because their relationship doesn't need to build in an episode, it just slowly builds over time. we just see these two causally existing and they just start to trust each other.
in the akio arc we get to see just how close utena/anthy have gotten over the series because of their late night conversations. like how if the black rose arc didn't exist akio wouldn't have been as impactful, if the black rose arc didn't exist it would feel more sudden how close utena/anthy have grown imo.
this arc adds a lot to the world as well. as long as the students stay inside of school they will not grow. dead people wander the halls thinking that they are still alive. these two facts contribute a lot to utena theorizing and analysis (mainly, the ideas that ohtori exists within a plain of frozen time literally because of anthy's magic and metaphorically because the cast is very cozy in their coffin) and i could not thank this arc for that enough. not only are these very cool ideas that may or may not have inspired elements in my own story (i can neither confirm or deny that one of my oc story is heavily inspired by utena) but they just add so many layers!
this arc also felt necessary because of the new duelists??? if we went straight from the first arc to the akio arc then it would've kinda gotten very tiring to see the student council constantly duel and lose to utena (with the exception of touga's sole victory to utena in the first arc before she duels him again and wins) but these new duelists possessed by the black rose are very interesting!
if i did have to make a compliant about this arc, though, i will say that at times the stories felt very disconnected to each other. while it was very funny for utena to not even know who keiko was when she dueled her, it would've been nice if sometimes the arc of the black rose duelist intertwined more with utena. as the arc goes on, the student council is on alert and is trying to figure out where the black rose is coming from, but they never really try to ask utena about it and utena never really tries to get involved? she just is chill until she gets the note to go to the duel arena to fight the black rose duelist. i don't really have a solution on how to fix this? maybe have the student council member that the black rose duelist takes the sword from be more involved? idk.
the villain of this arc mikage also really fascinates me??? i... really like him??? but not even as a villain ... i just really pity him. the realization he has in his duel with utena that everything he has been doing is for nothing because mamiya is already dead .. that always really hit me? the horror in his voice when he starts to recall the truth in his false memories.... for some reason, this is one of the most terrifying parts of the show for me. the realization that something you were doing, something you were doing that might've been awful but you were doing it because of somebody you care about deeply and love, it was all for nought. how much time he has wasted...
even before his duel with utena, there's this moment when after he got punched by utena he says something like "if she hadn't seen my duelist ring and challenged me to a duel, she could've killed me" or something like that, he's just so pathetic and i feel very bad for him but at the same time am too disconnected to him to truly feel empathy for him... that's some TOP TIER shit
overall, this part of the show is one of my favorites. the only part i like more is the last few episodes because it makes me very emotional.
favorite black rose duelist: honestly? wakaba. the girl deserves it this is stress relief for her. not only is this duel very emotional as i don't think we've ever seen utena refuse to duel somebody (at least not in the way that she does in this episode) but just the SHEER emotion.
i'm a real sucker for fighting the person you care about the most which is why the dark signer arc in yugioh 5ds is the best yugioh arc and this just really takes the cake in this arc. utena always shows concern for the black rose duelist because they are clearly people in pain who were not able to properly duel with their grief which let mikage manipulate them, but it's taken to a new level here.
the way that after the duel is completed, wakaba comes home to her empty dorm where saionji used to be but now isn't always gets me. she's just such a lonely girl and that's never really resolved for her. a lot of the other duelists have a optimist note to end on (kozue asking miki for a milkshake, shiori and juri saying hello to each other as they walk past, keiko being friends with nanami again, etc.) which is why the fact that wakaba is more alone now then she is ever... it is a feeling i can relate to an almost embarrassing amount.
favorite episode that isn't cowbell of happiness: i'm very torn between the landscape scaped by kozue and thorns of death. shiori and kozue are both very interesting characters that i like a lot. but i'm going to go with thorns of death for now, as while i really like the landscape scaped by kozue, i think my preferred miki/kozue episode is their episode in the akio arc. meanwhile i like thorns of death way more than i liked whispers in the arc (mostly because i just do not really care that much for ruka, but azure paler than the sky was a banger and he was in that?) i just loved the feeling of seeing shiori the girl juri loves so much and juri's reaction to seeing her. the way my heart was wrenched when black rose shiori mocks juri... it really did hit different. but the hopeful ending did make me feel a lot better. i do like the way that juri out of all the student council members is the one closest to self actualization and this really sets that up even if there is still a bumpy road until then.
honorary mention: the boys of the black rose and kanae as a black rose duelist are both really great. i feel like if this wasn't the arc opener it would've had more room to stretch its legs and show how horrific it could've been. kanae is a girl i feel really bad about and similar to wakaba, i don't really think her episode was a very optimistic ending for her especially since akio probably killed her later in the show?
honestly the minute akip appeared on screen, engaged to a girl who HASN'T EVEN GRADUATED and is also emotionally manipulating her so much and having his little sister manipulate her too... throw the whole man away
tl;dr - the black rose arc is very good and i like it a lot, the ending of the arc really fucks me up, somebody give mikage & all the black rose duelists therapy, throw akio in the garbage, and this show probably exists in some sort of time loop / frozen time space as a metaphor for the whole coffin thing but you can probbaly find people smarter than me talking about that.
oh and go rewatch cowbell of happiness it's great
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shinidamachu · 3 years
Okay, i watched the last movie and i have no idea of what i think of it. First things first, i realized right in the beginning that i had already watched most of it over 10 years ago, on cartoon network, and my general thought remains of how disconnected from their true self each character was.
Inuyasha was particularly childish, hitting the hanyo and shippo all the time, it felt like he was the old violent inuyasha that wandered around with kikyo.
Kagome not acknowledging kikyo (or pretending to not recognize her bow and arrow?). So out of character. She was so bland in this movie, i wanna cry
I've never seen sango and miroki take such relevance in the story. They hit monsters and that was it.
Kikyo's apparition ruined the movie. At this point, she seems like a vessel of rage and no other emotion at all. The way she talks to Inuyasha is plain disrespectful. Kikyo went from hating kagome to tolarating her to barely acknowledging her existance and avoinding at all costs, and i can only interpret that as bad writing
Now, the problematic part:
For some reason, i have been picking up hints of the Sesshr!n very-eww relationship (presented in hanyo no yashahime). The after-credits scene showing rin's obsession with sessh made me feel weird, because she said she wanted to know everything about him. What child in this goddamn world wants to know everything and is obsessed with their parenting figure? I have worked with children for years and that seemed more out of reality than the floating island inhabitated by four war gods. I gave up on books and shows in the past because of pedophilic content (i was obsessed with pretty little liars, and the series almost ruined the books for me. I kept reading bc the books do not have that content), and since season 6 i have been picking up some details of rin not behaving 100% as a real child would and saying things that could be easily taken out of context and sorta like backing up the distorted ideas of sesshr!n shippers.
Just to be extra clear: i'm not victim blaming rin, i just think the writing doesn't match up a real child's mentally. The writing is just pedophilic apology.
Btw i've seen a HUGE amount of sesshr!n shipping on instagram lately and at this point i can only say that those people are projecting themselves onto the narrative with a very twisted version of headcanon "childhood friends to lovers" while turning a blind eye to grooming and every other implication and that makes me sick
So now that you’ve watched all the movies, then you know. Sunrise can’t do shit on their own. They had a whole ass manga to base the anime on and still managed to drop the ball several times. I’d say I don’t know why they thought this sequel would be a good idea but I do. We all do.
They don’t get the characters or even care about them, they overuse problematic tropes and they take advantage of their power to make their twisted fantasies come through.
Sadly, it makes sense they would want to validate these movies through Yashah!me. I never worked with children but it’s very clear that, R!n being the mother, the dynamic she had with $esshoumaru in Inuyasha changes drastically and not in a good way.
At this point I’m tired and done having to explain why I interpreted the wholesome platonic relationship between a 19 years old and a 8 years old as familial when the real question is: why did some people look at a child being cared for and protected by an adult and immediately saw a potential romance there, going as far as using the gifts he brought her as proof he was courting said kid.
I’ve interacted with a lot of children in my life but mostly short  encounters and definitely not daily, so since you have worked with kids for years and I haven’t, I’ll take your word for it because my knowledge on the subject can’t compare to yours.
Regardless, nothing R!n said or did can change the fact she was a child. Even if sometimes her behaviour wasn’t 100% accurate to how a real life child would behave, the bottom line is that she is still portrayed as such. So if some of her lines were taken out of context by the audience, that’s on the audience. The line was still said by a child and there’s no escaping this context.
Even if the writing is pandering to a very specific demography, the rest of the viewers would still see it as an innocent exchange as long as is not blatant. The whole “wanting to stay forever with $esshoumaru-Sama” comes to mind. I won’t say it was intentional, but some people took it as harmless, cute demonstration of platonic affection while others took it as foreshadow to a future romantic relationship.
I wouldn’t know about Instagram because I tend to stay the hell away from it, but it seems like it’s the same in pretty much every plataform with $essrinners. Just remember to filter the content you’re not comfortable with so you can have a nice experience with your social media.
As for Pretty Little Liars, are you talking about the teacher/student thing? It’s been a long while since I’ve watched the show so I might be missing something, but that’s the first thing that came to mind.
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dearmrsawyer · 3 years
well IT WAS A YEAR. it was also emotionally two weeks and five years? lol. its been a lot, but there were some real positives from this year that i wanna reflect on just because! they’re nice to think about!!
i’d love to know if any of you have any positive things from your year that you’d like to reflect on. accepting asks where we can celebrate your little wins too :)
in general i’m just quite proud of myself for how i’ve managed the library this year, given that its just me. its been hard feeling more disconnected from our students, and also trying to provide them with support that can reach across the void created by distance learning. it wasn’t 100% successful all the time! but it can’t be, and i never aimed for that. i just did everything that i felt i could reasonably do as a single individual, and i think i did my best! i spent a lot of this year driving out to post books to our students, or meeting them at convenient locations to do book swaps, and i’ve spent a lot of time coaching academics through online systems over zoom so that they could effectively teach their subjects, and i’ve spent a lot of nights and weekends prepping materials that needed to be made available to students ahead of class, because our academic staff weren’t able to finish them while i was still on the clock (i’m def not trying to @ our academics here! they’ve been delivering material late all year bc of how much extra work they’ve had to take on too! its just the roll on effect bc i’m the last link in the chain). i’ve felt a huge sense of camaraderie with many of my colleagues this year, and am grateful i had them to make this work year more manageable. but i know i’ve been doing a lot of hidden work and i think i did well :)
oh man i loved turning off my wake up alarm in march and never turning it on again!!!! I think i can count the number of times i’ve had to use my alarm on one hand, and they were mostly dr appointments. it feels so comfortable to wake up when my body decides, whether its 6am or after i should already be working LOL. there have definitely been ebbs and flows to how well i’ve slept throughout the year, sometimes i know exactly what’s affecting my sleep and sometimes i have no idea, but regardless, the absence of an impending alarm has been such a nice way to compensate for.. everything else lol
i started growing vegetables!!!!!! I spent a week in March digging out a patch of my yard, and then the next month or two growing seedlings, and i successfully grew snow peas, silverbeet, beetroot and lettuce :D i also added dill to my herb garden, and successfully propagated thyme and lemongrass! i did attempt a few other vegetables that didn’t pan out, mostly because snails kept eating my seedlings jkjdgkj but it was so exciting to successfully grow something that i could then EAT! and i’ve also been able to figure out which vegetables i consider more convenient to grow, for example buying leafy greens can be super inconvenient bc i find its often impossible to use them all before they go bad. they sell greens in such ridiculously large bunches! but growing them myself, i can go out and pick however many leaves i want, and the rest won’t go bad because they’re still on the plant! i also started to stagger how many seeds i wanted to grow which meant they weren’t all maturing at the same time, and i didn’t need to use them all at the same time. 
Supernatural finished this year which was NOT a highlight 😭 but it was originally scheduled to finish in May, and i was given the gift of 6 whole extra months to live with this show as a work in progress. as much as i still wasn’t ready to say goodbye in November (would i have ever been ready), i was given so much unexpected extra time to appreciate being IN it while it was still going. i spent so much of this year reflecting on how big a part of my life this show has been, and how much its given me and shaped me. from the ages of 14 to 29 i was able to live with this show as a close friend, and i’ve never taken that for granted, but i am so thankful for the extra time i was given to reflect and appreciate it even more deeply. also supplementary highlight is how much that ending meant to me <3 the world can think whatever it wants but i was on that journey for 15 years, i was there for every episode, never falling behind or taking a break, and that ending honoured the story i watched, and i am very grateful that the pain of it ending was cushioned by the sense of peace and fulfilment that ending gave me. 
i finally found hair products that WORK!!!!! i’ve had the same hair routine for like a decade (basically sans products) and i thought i should use this extended period of time where i exist unobserved to experiment. i’ve never really bought hair products for myself, i’ve always inherited them from my mum bc she always had a surplus of products she’s collected over the years. our hair couldn’t be more different so i’ve never experienced a product that was particularly effective LOL. i have v dry hair that’s naturally curly/wavy but extremely frizzy, and i have soo much of it!! so many hairs on my head! my mission was to find a way to let it dry naturally without all that frizz popping up, and without having to dry it in two big twists. the only products directed at curly hair that i’ve ever been aware of is mousse, which used to give people that crunchy look that i can’t staaaaaand but i’ve spent a few months buying quite a lot of products and testing them out one after another, and i’ve found a couple that i absolutely LOVE!! this is big for me bc i always structured my week around when i wash my hair (the day of and day after i’m unavailable lol). i’ll still have to structure my time around it somewhat bc it takes so so long to dry, but its going to be less of a drama if i have to do things when its not completely dry yet, and also i just feel like i’m finally getting to let my hair do its own thing without it stabbing me in the back 😂
i think that human connection has probably been more important this year than ever before, and i’ve often felt like maintaining connections requires energy i just haven’t had for a lot of this year. but i also feel like i have been very connected? i feel like i put in the work. my best friend and i shared a few phone calls this year even though neither of us have ever really been big on phone calls (neither of us have ever talked with people on the phone much in our lives lol). i’ve skyped with my Norwegian friend Ellen almost every month this year!! my friend Bel and i started exchanging sporadic voice messages again, which i’ve just loved. i’ve video chatted with Steph even though it was a scary new venture! and it was so amazing! i do feel like i’ve had less interaction with people on my dash this year, but i feel like working from home has changed the ebbs and flows of my energy throughout the day sooo much, and i just haven’t been online as much when other people are, but i’ve spent a lot of time connecting with people over whatsapp! when it comes to family, being around my grandparents was really really stressful for the first half of the year, but as the situation in Australia eased we relaxed enough that we were comfortable to spend time with them without our masks (plus we weren’t seeing anyone else lol). and i was able to make myself available to them more often while working from home, since i live only a minute away! we stopped having our big family lunches until September, and when we were finally able to get back together we enjoyed each other’s company so much. so while i haven’t been face to face with people on a daily basis, i don’t think i’m any less connected to the people that matter than i was a year ago.
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indigosprite · 4 years
Hibari Headcanons
that nobody asked for
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He likes small animals but not your usual small animals. (The way he kicked uri out in the future instead of letting the cat stay 😭) I.e he’d pick a sugar glider over a guinea pig
He hates crowds because he still hates the fact that when he was still learning to be sociable kids had the power of alienating him. He despises that group mindset that children had. In kindergarten some kids invited him to play then told him to get lost and nobody stood up for him. He has one intrusive thought and it’s that feeling. He genuinely hates crowds because it feels like an opportunity for people to get to decide who isn’t welcomed. He lowkey doesn’t want to witness that moment to happen to anyone else.
His overthinking only stops when he’s alone so he genuinely does prefer it. He doesn’t mind one or two people in an intimate setting but when it’s more he wants to disconnect.
He’s all about repaying debts quickly I think he takes this on an emotional level too so he feels if you get too close or kind he has to return that by being transparent as well and he knows he’s bad at it so he just stops you altogether by not letting you even create that environment around him. I.e in the future he’s fine in the hospital room then more people come and he warns Tsuna then beats his ass because it was getting too emotional seeing ppl visit chrome when he just wanted to check on her from afar and not hear everyone’s emotions.
He takes pictures of random things , like a leaf with water droplets, clouds from Nami middles roof , his sneakers when he’s walking. They’re not amazing but he just always does it and never shares. It’s kind of grunge but unintentionally.
He has a knack for throw blankets. He has one in every room they’re mostly black white or purple no designs except for the ones from his grandparents.
If you have ever watched Saiki k I think he has the exact same relationship with his parents. If you haven’t : he’s serious and reserved and willingly antisocial but not because of trauma and his parents are so normal and caring it’s funny in contrast. But they’re a tad bit more refined than saikis.
He was partly raised by his grandparents when he was much younger and that’s why he really loves tradition and order while his parents are hardly as strict.
His grandfather was probably a vet who joined solely to protect Namimori . Hibari has that same love for the town because of him but like his grandfather he’s in no way patriotic. They both just love this town He thinks of his grandfather when he thinks of Namimori and because he is gone now he latches on to the town even more.
His grandfather is Fon. Hear me out. Fon could have been around 40 when he was cursed , could’ve had a son young (18) but it was fine because he was a very well respected champion. The Hibaris had money and as long as he was a positive image in his career field they wouldn’t mind what he did although their lineage is that of leaders and scholars. He stopped for a bit to go into the army and when he came back he stumbles upon the mafia . His son grows up to also have a kid young Fon and his wife watch after Hibari until he’s around 7 while his son and daughter in law work extremely hard to get established in their career paths. They come back and one day Fon just vanished bc he’s cursed and hibaris dad knows he was in the mafia so he just doesn’t dwell on what might have happened but doesn’t share because he didn’t want to pain him as a bad guy to his son but they’re all pretty upset about it.
Fon taught hibari how to fight , that’s why he has his grandfathers disposition and tenacity although it’s a tad immature in comparison. Fon tells him his style will be what he picks and hibari randomly picks tonfas as his weapon. Fon has it in his house because although he uses no weapons he’s fond of their history. Fon gets him a pair of silver ones.
He’s not the brightest, he’s not as terrible as Tsuna and Yamamoto but he’s average academically. He’s not interested in excelling academically and getting a painfully respectable job like doctor lawyer or something in business. And I think his air of nonchalant attitude can only come from a trust fund kid who’s parents don’t expect them to be their carbon copy.
He literally gets himself held back just to stick around a middle school he likes and nobody objects or is worried about his future. It’s definitely secured.
He really doesn’t care about the disciplinary committee members because he didn’t mean to form it. Students have a love hate relationship with him. He was just some scary strong guy who happened to beat up the right people who were pests and they thought he did it for the good of everyone. But they realized too late that it’s really just who irritates him and that sometimes coincides with their best interest so they let it be because he’s a comforting and unsettling presence to have. Like even Tsuna acknowledges this despite being terrified of him most the time he’s always like “wait Hibari will handle it”
He likes that he has disciples because it’s a crowd he’s apart of and is the center of but doesn’t have to be too close and nobody can kick him out or make him feel unwanted.
His parents actually like that he’s respected (oblivious to the fear) as the leader of this club around town because their family is known for strong leadership and he’s applied it to what he wanted.
He likes hamburger steak because when his parents came back his mom liked to test American recipes once she moved back to Japan. This was the only one he really liked enough to ask for again
He can’t cook. At all. Hopeless. Would burn water.
He would kill you for a well made dessert. They put him in a good mood but he’s a weirdo that doesn’t like rewarding himself so it has to be a gift or offered.
He actually likes band t shirts ripped jeans boots and all of that but hardly wears it out because he finds he likes being in his uniform more.
He’s a good boxer because everyone seems to forget he won a BOXING match for royhei. Hello he couldn’t use tonfas he actually had to punch ppl. Yeah he’s strong but that’s a style of fighting he definitely learned from Fon.
He jogs on a private trail around his families property, sometimes his father joins him.
His parents know him really well. He’s not a difficult kid to them. they’re the only ones he answers to but even then they raised him to be independent so they’re not that authoritative over him.
He has a hard time listening to them because he thinks they leave him to govern himself too much and shouldn’t only get a say sometimes.
They feel bad about leaving him to his grandparents for so long but his mother says she’ll never regret making sure their lives were better for him.
They have a good relationship give or take a few problems stemming from their separation from him.
He can draw really well. I don’t know why. But he just does. He does it often on random papers his only collection being a small box his mother keeps of them. He hates when she saves them.
He’s the baby of his entire family but his father is on the higher end of his family and same with his mother for hers so everyone is always asking to see him but he refuses to leave Namimori for longer than a day or two.
He has a sister. Idk. I just feel he has a sibling that’s either way older or a toddler that spends time on trips with their mother because she doesn’t have school yet.
He watches horror movies with his parents a lot. But they have to be psychological thrillers and he always has to fight his dad with his mom on what everything meant.
He’s spoiled. He’s nonchalant about everything but when it comes down to it he is a trust fund baby who would have been sent to a nice private high school abroad.
He has been arrested but his father being his father makes an arrangement with the police force in Nami where he’s just his own independent junior division. It would explain why the people in his committee look significantly older than him sometimes😭.
Tetsyua has always been the only member who’s name he learned because he doesn’t disappoint him. He is to him what Shoichi was to Byakuran , competent in other areas and capable of surprising him. And he never made Hibari feel like he had to say anything to him for that hibari considers him to be a good friend.
Tetsu and Ryohei are the only people he finds familiar and respectable enough to converse with like a normal fucking teenager 😭.
Royhei is loud but he doesn’t mind him because the boy is ALWAYS alone training. And like him he doesn’t backdown from a fight , also he causes no trouble at school.
He hangs out with him more than you’d think but he never initiates it or stops it.
Hibari lets Royhei use his private trail to jog sometimes. His parents know the sasagawa kids well because of this, they get invited to dinner a lot.
He likes kyoko better because she’s like a quieter Royhei but just as kind and determined. He tries to be nice to her by greeting her from them to time but stops because she popular and it draws attention and annoying rumors.
She says he really hates crowds and understands how nosy people in their grade are and says it’s okay if he doesn’t wave back sometimes. She assumes he’s actually extremely shy and misunderstood. (Sis he’s just a delinquent)
It’s platonic but he actually fond of her and is nice to her and they text from time to time. She’s the only one who knows to give him sweets because they talk about them.
He tries to get revenge on Mukuro for making him associate something he actually liked enough to go view (Sakura) with humiliation and anger that he tries to return the favor. The bastard loves nothing that much so he’s still thinking.
His parents think some girl broke up with him at a Sakura filled place and that’s why he suddenly hates it. He won’t explain they’re wrong because it’s better than the real story.
He’s a history buff , but a world history buff not just Japan.
He has an admirable garden that he tends to and sells half the vegetables his chef only cooks for three and doesn’t need that many.
He likes the snow he thinks it’s calming when everyone stays home in their house while outside is cold and harsh but pretty. He makes his parents special hot chocolate on days like that. They let him drink hot wine sometimes but only a sip or two.
He’s bilingual because his parents taught him Italian when he was younger after they had come back. They also taught him a little English.
He watches a lot of American media and listens to their music as well.
On his birthday he never goes out because it’s a holiday and more people are out than usual so his family has a dinner for him and get him gifts.
His mother gives more thoughtful gifts that he appreciates later while his father indulges him and gets him stuff like a popular manga series or a meeting to upgrade his tonfas again or clothing he really likes.
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laundryandtaxes · 3 years
Hi Julia, I'm gonna push back on your post re: nyc. I grew up in another city in New York State and moved to the city at 17 for work, never going to college. I've lived in three different boroughs, and never held a lease, just for context. I think the divide of "native New Yorker" vs "transplant" is in many ways created as a way of sewing division and doesn't reflect that in every strongly-rooted ethnic group, immigrant or otherwise, there is a certain amount of coming and going. For me, every generation of my fam has come here to live for a time since immigrating, despite moving to the south or Midwest. That's super common for my ethnicity and common in many other groups here.
Many if not most of my friends who grew up here have nuanced views on this, and when it gets down to it see it beyond a binary of "native vs nonnative". I think that viewing it as a binary isn't particularly useful. There are definitely alienated internal migrants and people who move to join elite communties, but most of my friends who grew up here have lived elsewhere for a time, and if there have family or ethnic community here aren't weird about it.
This model of discourse doesnt usually talk about the strongly rooted elite/borgeiouse here, and many people who migrate to NYC internally do it for social and economic reasons. Particularly pre-pandemic, the gay and ballroom scenes were massive draws, and jobs in certain industries are concentrated here. Wealthy residents are catered to, and certain type of internal migrant/wealthy expat/wealthy immigrant is definitely catered to by legislation that favors gentrification and has made the city a playground for the rich. The city has intentionally eroded public housing, but it remains that a higher percentage of residents live in public housing, rent controlled apartments well-below market value or recieve housing subsidies here than nearly any other city in the country. People will get on public housing and section 8 waiting lists and leave the city or even country. To be here and to stay here is very tenuous for many multigenerational residents. Regardless, migration and immigrantion have been part of NYC since it began having a distinct culture towards the 1820's. Culture and social creation has never been the exclusive domain of people born here, and NYC is what it is because of born-residents, immigrants, internal migrants and being a center of cultural and social community that draws people from around the world. If it was just one of these things it wouldn't be NYC.
NYC is a place that feels disconnected from the (rest of) the USA and I think that the politicization of desire to be here will have implications exacerbated by the pandemic.
Re: nyc again:
Many wealthy people leave nyc because there isn't a great bang for your buck in the same way as other parts of the country. It's honestly a shitty and expensive place for the rich lmao.
And many poor/working class people come here bc of enviable renters protections, higher wages, and special education for disabled kids. In particular people come from within the eastern seaboard, New England and south for all of these things.
Thank you for another perspective! I am not from New York myself, so my perception of the city comes largely from the accounts of friends who are from NYC, and media, but just like with anywhere you can’t get a complete picture of what a place is like based on those two things.
I will say that a lot of what you’ve said here strongly contradicts my idea of what the city is like, some of which is based on personal experience. I considered a move to NYC at some point with an ex girlfriend (which, holy shit thank goodness that didn’t work out) and I have to say that in particular the idea of NYC as a place with “enviable renters protections [and] higher wages” specifically doesn’t square with what I saw when I researched those two things. Wages in NYC for work that doesn’t require degrees didn’t look good at all, and as far as renter’s protections go, my current understanding is that rent control is awesome but that landlords regularly engage in tenant harassment to pressure rent controlled tenants out of units and the city does almost nothing about it. The second is based more on recent articles I read and news pieces I watched about NYC, but the last time I looked at wages in NYC I was extremely unimpressed given the cost of housing alone, and when I was running the numbers for myself (this was maybe 2015ish) I came away not understanding how anyone could possibly afford to live in the city unless they 1) made a ton of money, in order to afford the outstanding rents, or 2) got into a rent-controlled apartment, which it seemed it was not easy to do unless you knew someone, like I did at the time, who was basically going to tell their landlord to hand you the lease. Obviously I’m not saying you’re wrong, just that I am very surprised to hear that anyone thinks of NYC as a place with genuinely solid rent protections and good wages, because the last time I looked it really did not seem like either of those was the case. If that is the case, that’s awesome and I am very glad to hear it. The story I was told by friends was largely one of intense, almost unbearable pressure from gentrification and jobs not paying nearly enough for the cost of living and being actively displaced by people who came to the city with an absurd amount of money to spend. So if that isn’t actually the case, that’s very very good news because I kind of had what I THINK of as contemporary NYC built up in my head as this horror story of the worst things that could happen to a city.
I also am not intimately familiar with the culture of NYC, but I have to say that I don’t think I agree with the idea that ‘ "native New Yorker" vs "transplant" is in many ways created as a way of sewing division’ because I don’t think that concept is unique at all to NYC- I certainly have a lot of a specific kind of pride in having been born and raised in Chicago, I and most other Chicagoans consider it genuinely offensive and rude when people who grew up in suburbs nearby tell people they are from Chicago, I and most other Chicagoans see ourselves, I would say, as a particular breed of people who share a particular kind of roots in this place, and I don’t think that pride is harmful or bad in any way. I would never tell someone that moving here is an evil thing to do- I consider roughly 10 years of residency to grant you the right to refer to yourself as a Chicagoan and not just a Chicago resident lol- or say that transplants to Chicago are categorically bad people. Half of that is just stupid cultural stuff, really, and shouldn’t be taken very seriously. But I don’t think the concept itself is bad. I have a fundamentally different relationship to Chicago than someone who grew up anywhere else and moved here, no matter how long they moved here, and I don’t think it is harmful at all to be open about and proud of that. I would never make the claim that transplants haven’t made massive contributions to the city, and I would assume most native New Yorkers wouldn’t make that claim about transplants to NYC.
Thank you for sharing your personal understanding of the situation there, and I am very surprised to hear that the proportion of residents in NYC who live in public or rent controlled housing is quite high, and glad to hear it. As needlessly aggressive as Chicagoans (myself included) can be when “New York” is even uttered aloud, I obviously have a lot of real respect for the city and I am glad to hear that it hasn’t just been mostly ruined in the way I had imagined it. This is a good lesson in taking any media you see about a place whose name will get clicks/engagement just by virtue of the aura of the place (New York, Chicago, San Francisco, etc) with several grains of salt. If I was only familiar with Chicago through media I’d think it was some super dangerous place when it definitely isn’t categorically. 
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cuartosol · 4 years
bougierthanthou ha respondido a tu set de fotos
“I binged all Code Lyoko seasons and played Quest for Infinity and I’m...”
@hinazinnia what are their lives like in high school? How have they developed post XANA and Lyoko?
IM SO HAPPY YOU ASKED ill try to make this short and if you wanna know more you can always ask me! They are actually in college! Two disclaimers:
(1) im from spain, and my french is limited, i did my best in learning how college works in france, but im sure there are a lot of mistakes! (2) this takes place after the 4th season, ignoring evolution BUT maybe taking some cool ideas from there, even if i had only watched a couple of episodes
YUMI (19)
she went to study history to japan in her first year of uni, but felt disconnected from her peers and missed her life back in france. She returned to france and switched to a translation and interpreting degree, and thats where the story begins
she witnessed something (back in japan) that disturbed her and is related to xana but she refuses to talk to her old group of friends for some reason....
shes in her first year of bioinformatics (both her and jeremy skipped a year)
she’s been dating jeremy since highschool and kind of wants to break up with him. she loves him so much, but she is curious about forming a life outside of the same people she’s known since she came back to earth
this desire is also related to her feeling of being stuck in the same place, she’s been trying to discover new things (both realted to lyoko and her past, among other things) but feels she is often more busy with jeremy’s research than her own
she is the only one who had kept in contact with yumi
1st year computer engineering-mathematics (2 degrees in one lmao)
he’s secretly been developing his own virtual world, offline and with his own techonology
he also feels kind of disconnected from his friends (can you see the theme of my story), but unlike aelita, he feels like things should return to “normal”, aka, how they were back in kadic. (i wanna focus his character arc on learning how to adapt to changes)
ODD (18)
1st years of fine arts (but he will change to cinema in the future, he was just to scared to specialize his studies so soon... he needs to learn to value his own work and have more self-esteem
he lives with ulrich (and KIWI!!!) and he is a fucking mess but makes up for it bc he knows how to cook
he is the one who has more friends outside of the group, however he feels like he is just passing by and doesn’t have any deep conections to any of them
1st year business management. he l o a t h e s it but chose it bc he was lost as hell and his father was, as always, pressuring him
he teaches little kids martial arts and thats the only thing keeping him sane
he dated yumi from 15-16 until yumi told him she was leaving to japan and they had one of their fights. (he dated sissi out of spite which was a very bad thing to do... i think the lyoko warriors treat her really badly and id to make them work on that)
AND NOW ONTO THE PLOT,,,, Ulrich stumbles upon yumi on a morning jog and he’s like “what are u doing here i thought u were in japan” and yumi just. stares. and leaves.
so ulrich comes back home and rants to odd and odd says to tell the rest of the group for that night’s celebrations (its jeremy’s bday lmao). aelita tells them that she’s been talking with her but that she’s been ghosting her for the last month and she was acting weird before that.
she then gets a text from yumi telling her that william is in the hospital bc “he’s been getting worse” and odd reads it aloud and of course they go. everything is really awkward and they all have unresolved stuff (mainly that they were too young for al the shit they went through and none of them had found healthy ways to cope with it except ignoring it so being all together again is... yikes).
yumi is left alone with william and he attacks her and the gang help her just like the old times. jeremy is very convinced it was xana’s fault and wants to turn on the supercomputer to check, but they dont all agree (kind of pararell to their feelings towards turning it off in the show) and they part ways.
yumi knows more than she wants to say, beacuse she /knows/ that if she said it, it would make everything go back to square 1 and is it really their mission? is it their responsability?
i dont wanna say what is actually happening bc i had a comic/mini zine planned but that’s the main plot. just an overly complicated fic about changes and old friendships and dumb headcanons and a plot that is in fact an excuse to explore all the trauma that these kids must actually have lmao
if you wanna know more (about this au or just about my headcanons for the show), feel free to ask!
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random thoughts related to kagepro (tw for depression?? death?? suicide ?? implied ?? im not sure and idk what else read at ur own risk)
well idk lately ive been thinking a lot and ik ive uh always (? since i can remember?) have been depressed (i mean...it started around age 12...i dont really remember much before that. most of what i remember are bad moments anyways. or very specific scenes. but they dont feel mine. if that makes sense. its like remembering the scene from a movie.  back on track i guess idk well lately ive realized i actually kin some characters and lately ive...been relating a lot to shintaro kisaragi fromkagepro. i mean its ok. there´s always been that specific similarity in us (after all, how many characters in anime are as related to coca cola as shintaro //and me,,im literally a coca cola addict lmao// well anyways. after some days, this lead me to thinking...to a hidden memory within my brain, i guess. I remember introducing my then best friends, to kagepro. one told me haha he´s like u bc the coca cola!! and i think i just laughed and smiled? i truly didn´t see it? i was sad sure, but i couldnt really relate to him. after all, i was the leader of my own little group of 12 year old weebs,right? (i was also 12 btw) i didnt personally dislike shintaro but i didnt rly see myself in him yknow? also i have loved ayano from ever since i have memory so idk like she´s one of my biggest comfort characters and its weird bc if she was ´´real´´ idk if i could date her or anything but im just glad she exists bc it somehow comforts me a lot yeah anyways ayano essay for another time lol. anyways at this age my favorite characters in kagepro were ayano and konoha ( i still love them a lot) thing is, at this point in my life i didnt know/wasnt aware i was transgender but i already kinda liked he/him pronouns so i roleplayed a lot. online. i roleplayed as konoha obviously lmao and actually one of my irl friends related to shintaro ?? and i think we may have roleplayed lmao and stuff.... she even had a facebook account named shin hikkikomori or smth like that. anyways fast forward bc after being 12 a lot of stuff happened obviously. and none of that relates to kagepro until quite some time. i will mention some items that dont really relate to kagepro but marked moments in my friend group that may be relevant later on. Around 2016)? Some of my closest friends changed schools (but we kept contact) yet i still had a big group at school. But it got fragmented along the way. 2017 i went to Japan and formed a new, different friend group with people that even today, are dear to me. When i came back, my friend group fragmented more. I kept contact with other members of the old group but one on one, not as a group anymore. 2018 we graduated, and i broke up my realtionship with one of my former best friends (2016-2018) 2019 was a year of change, and even though i was afraid and shit got weird, i was not doing too bad. i will skip that. Well. Im sure we all know 2020 was a trainwreck, shit happened. i had a villain arc. I lost my shit,definetely. Ups, downs, whatever. 2021 has not been too different. However, even through everything, in early 2020, i kept close relationships with my friend group. as the year moved forward and the restrictions started lifting ( thank you government very cool <3 //ironically obviously, this is the reason this shit wont go away//) some of my friends saw each other irl and stuff, or talked about stuff i didn´t understand/didn´t want to hear while on discord. I felt alienated. I felt empty. I got mad at a friend for the first time, for something he said. I ended up isolating myself. A friend celebrated her birthday. She invited me and never excluded me, asked me a lot of things and asked to virtually include me. But that would just make me feel more alienated, wouldn´t it? I told her it was ok, i didn´t go. Honestly, I felt like a bother. I didn´t want to bother. I wasn´t okay, but i didn´t want to bother anyone, so i isolated myself. I had a very bad breakdown. lasted weeks. When I recovered, it wasn´t the same. It felt like everyone else was closer, while i drifted away. I kind of recconected with some of my friends from Japan after this. In the vacations, i felt like i reconnected with some friends just to drift away again later. However, i never could reconnect with one of my best friends. She never really got mad at me or anything ( i think) but we don´t really talk much anymore. We used to talk daily, be it actual talking, memes, anything. I don´t think we´ve actually talked in weeks. There´s nothing I can do. This year, another friend had a birthday, but I was so disconnected from everyone I didn´t even care. I mean. It´s all broken now, isn´t it? The other day I just started wondering. When did I start relating to Shintaro so much? I had always been like this, hadn´t I? Who am I, actually? Why do I relate so much now? It´s not just about the soda. I had lost friends before, but I never really felt like that. Sometimes I feel like I´ve lost everyone. In a one year span I became a hikkikomori. About a month ago, when I entered classes, I was recognized as Shintaro pfp and I admitted to kinning him to people i´d never talked to before (on chat) // I decided to go apeshit idc anymore about what anyone thinks of me// I had fun. I think I must´ve posted on my stories, because two different people told me they were the ene to my shintaro. I appreciated it. i mean it´s kinda true bc now that i´m only on the pc they do bother me online and try to get me to open up or get better but sometimes the just annoy me lmao but also not bc they all have their own particular lives and they all seem to be doing better than me. Still, my classmates are very nice and inclusive. But it´s not like im close to any of them I guess. I´m just alone now. I´m fucked up man....I don´t feel real anymore. I don´t really know who I am. I guess that´s why I find comfort in seeing a part of myself in Shintaro? But when did i turn out like this? Why didn´t I relate when I was younger? Well, I hadn´t really lost any friends back then. I now know how painful that is. How lonely it is to be alone even when there is people around. idk. and i´ve always been quiet. introverted. shy. a loser. yet now whenever i meet anyone i try to idk connect? but i cant. i wish i could be more evil. maybe it´d just be easier if everyone really, truly hated me. maybe i´d get the strength to actually kill myself then. it´s weird. i really see myself in route xx shintaro. I know that´s fucked up because I know how it ends. but truly, i was trying. I was healing, i think i was going somewhere. and i was trying to keep my newly formed renovated friend group together. I really was trying to. I didn´t mind if we had sub groups on the big group, but we were all there for each other. I tried my best. I felt like i belonged. but now im alone again. and this time there´s nothing i can do. if something, i´ve made it worse. and i keep making it worse. it´s weird. when i first got into kagepro, both shintaro and ayano felt like adults. i thought they were really, really big. im older than them now. now i know theyre not really adults. i get it. i still feel 18. after all, these last two years have been taken away from me. i didnt waste them myself this time.  i feel like a rotten 18 year old...when i listen to lost time memory, i just...get it. i always liked the song. i thought the story was so cool. when it first came out.. i still remember. iwas there. i waited for it. i loved it. i still do, but back then, i just saw it all as some really great and cool song. now i feel like i really, really get it. i love it even more. im hiding away in all my memories. but what is my true heart? what do i really want? i don´t know, i don´t know... If I'm 'wise' then, I can't face forward; I have no reason to so, I'll rot away instead It would be nice if time could be turned back. Years may pass but I'll never die I repeat hopeful words to myself, even though I know I still won't be able to reach you. "It doesn't matter, just die already!" I said as I clutched my wrist, simply cursing it. Unable to do anything, I merely indulged myself in life. "If summer can show me dreams, then let's go to before you were taken away" The days where I hid my embarrassment are illuminating upon the atmosphere and burning my mind. If I'm wishing for a dream that can't come true, then I'll embrace this blurry past and have a dream which I don't wake up from and naturally seclude myself from the outside world. "But that means you can't even see tomorrow?" I don't really care 'bout that, so it's ok I stained my hands in order to kill these boring days I'm choosing "solitude" after all A rotten boy at 18 today too, prayed again while clinging on to your colored smile Underneath the blazing sun Asking "Somehow, please take me away instead of leaving like this!" and my murmuring breath was quietly stopped
I guess i just wish someone could actually help me. take me out of this hole. Maybe some kind of closure would be nice. It´s not the same, though. I don´t have enough bravery in myself to actually kill myself. Mostly because of guilt. I can´t take the guilt of dissapointing everyone. I don´t want my parents to get hurt. I don´t want my bunny to miss me. Yet i wish everyday for it to be over. Lately, half of my dreams have been in Japan, with many friends, some who i met there, some who have never been there. Yet my brain shows me the dreams before it was all taken away. I think one of my favorite parts of the day is dreaming. I like to sleep simply because I dream. And i sleep very few. mayb bc i hate myself? I still barely indulge in life. I do anything to stay distracted. If i think, it all goes to shit. it all does. like now. Heh. it´s funny. I guess no one is truly my ene, because no one actually knows how mentally fucked up i got these past months. No one knows how badly i´ve been treating myself and how badly i´ve been doing. Still, i can´t tell anyone but scream it into the tumblr void. No one has to keep up with my shit. No one has to take care of me. After all, it was I who chose solitude. It was me who kept them away. But I don´t get a second choice. I don´t get a change of routes if things go sour. And i guess I don´t get to get a mentally fucked up friend group where I belong for a second time. Once was good enough, wasn´t it? I.. Even when I wasnt as deep as i am now (again) into kagepro, ive always wanted to die on August 15. It holds meaning to me now as well. Every year I used to ask people to go out with me that day. I know im not brave enough to kill myself. I always hoped for a lil miracle i guess. Last year was the first year...I didn´t do anything. I just... I just hope this year i can make it. I hope the miracle happens this year....I can only hope......its too late for me to be saved, isn´t it? I never thought it´d be like this. I don´t get closure. I don´t get goodbyes. I am left behind on a world that keeps moving. I am nothing.
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trvelyans-archive · 4 years
i don’t even have anything to say actually. i was expecting to make a review post about tlou2 but there’s really nothing to say.
however i will repeat my past posts anyway because we all love suffering and dr uckmann likes making us suffer
things i liked:
dina !!! jesse !!! lev !!! yara !!! tommy before he was like That !!! jj !!!
exploration was fun besides seattle day 1 (bars) which was, personally, a huge slog on ellie’s behalf
rlly cool location design (aquarium, wlf stadium, jackson)
the rat king fight was actually super fun
LOVE LOVE LOVE the design for the building bridges with lev and abby it was one of the best parts of the game
i actually liked the abby ellie theatre fight (but i liked the david fight and feel like comparing ellie and david is a heretic comparison)
b o a t i n g
accessibility options !!! super cool !!!
the silenced gun you get in the resort chapter
all the collectible notes - that stuff is always rlly cool to me, i love it
the design for some of the buildings ! the cafes, the hotel w abby and lev, the salons, the bike shop, etc... all rlly cool and just. idk. dynamic and realistic
abby’s crossbow................ so incredibly sexy
how they showed off abby’s fear of heights... very cool !!! also several tims i went “you can do it abs” when trying to make her cross the bridge and then immediately didn’t like myself for it xx LKSJDFLK
rain sounds :) says my asmr-loving ass
good graphics !!! very pretty at times !!!
dina and jesse and lev and yara and tommy :) oh an alice ! a queen :’)
the flashbacks w ellie and joel !!! the museum flashback was very cool !!!
things i did not like
ellie’s seattle day 1, esp the open world area - i felt so disconnected and bored the whole time
ellie calling dina a burden.... i don’t think she would literally ever do that no matter how betrayed she felt by dina surprising her with the pregnancy thing
jesse getting shot in the face incredibly quickly and then not having him mentioned a single time after that ? ellie writes about him in her journal, like, once
playing as abby before jackson... felt very weird ??? idk why it just felt so so unnecessary 
tommy being very ooc ??? like ??? weirdly so ??? breaking up with maria 
killing dogs :) did not like that at all bc animal death is incredibly upsetting for me 
hey neil could you have put in more characters getting hanged or hung from posts ????? could you really ???
abby’s completely inconsistent writing
lev being deadnamed and misgendered SO MUCH - why couldn’t they call him apostate instead ??? 
the excessive and graphic violence, especially in the abby/ellie fight at the end and the boss fight with the scar at the end of haven - did not wanna watching abby stab that man in the face 3-4 times and having him spurt blood everywhere
giving yara such a shitty death where lev didn’t even get to say goodbye.......... even though he lost his mom like 30 minutes earlier............... wig
making marlene sympathetic in salt lake city and having abby’s dad coerce her into otherwise, which makes joel shooting her point blank in the head at the end of the first game even worse (especially bc he’s a white man and she’s a woc) because it’s obvious that she wasn’t entirely convinced and could have been swayed relatively easily
the abby and ellie fight. wig. it was so terrible watching these two incredibly weak and vulnerable women fight completely bloodied and soaked with water and grunting with pain/exertion the whole time. it’s like a 4 minute scene in which abby bites ellie’s fingers off and ellie sinks a knife into abby’s chest and then we watch abby’s face as ellie attempts to drown her. THAT above everything else in the game feels like murder
again, so many people getting hanged or being strung up, which makes me very very upset if that thing about neil druckmann liking horror bc he saw a video of a lynching once is true, can’t stop thinking about that post,
a homophobe yelling at ellie and dina for no reason........ couldn’t he have called ellie lazy or something like ????? they did not need to be called a slur ?????
maria forcing ellie to talk to the man who called her a slur for no reason and the man not even really apologizing for it (probably bc he didn’t want to lol....... but that’s just my opinion)
the scars and rattlers feeling unnecessary and shoe-horned in - again i don’t play a zombie game for the final bosses to all be human and so i can be told that “humans are the real bad guys” over and over again
neil druckmann wanted joel to say “sarah” when he died LMAO THAT MAKES ME WANNA DIE
once again getting the best gun in the game in the final 20 minutes for no reason ? i actually don’t understand why they do that
their respective seattle day 1/2/3 not being one after the other instead of all in a row, which made the story feel choppy and didn’t rlly flow smoothly - obvs we all knew where it was going, but having a back-and-forth would have been good for pacing because i completely forgot about ellie and the literal plot of the game after 1 day with abby
abby’s entire seattle day 1/2/3 having nothing to do with the main plot literally at all, her sudden liking of lev felt completely inconsistent to her character and everything about her
joel’s death being humiliatingly pathetic, for literally no reason
the abby/ellie theatre fight in which ellie is the bad guy and you play that fight the same way you play the fight with a cannibal rapist in the first game 
abby going after the man who killed her dad even tho everyone kills someone’s family member every day in this world to survive so why should joel specifically be demonized for that as if abby didn’t kill a single person who wasn’t an orphan and an only child
the guitar minigame was cool but like. i wanna know how much time they spent developing that bc it was not very necessary
obviously all the lying in the trailers
and like. a lot of other things i will probs remember and add to this list in the morning. anyway if i play this game again it will just be for abby’s seattle parts which are in no way related to or about the first game or first half of the second game in any way shape or form. OKAY NOW I’M DONE I PROMISE
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alrighty! im gonna talk about my two new dr!ocs and some updates on sheon’s whole thing. remember they don’t have names yet adkaljasdkfa
SURVIVOR: the ultimate jazz singer. 
as mentioned, she’s the ultimate jazz singer. pretty subdued personality, but she’s the type of jazz singer who would just. scream into a microphone a la screamin jay hawkins. she is pretty neutral/friendly but disconnected in the prologue/first chapter/second chapter. she gets more jittery as the interactions go on. but once you get to the post-fte section of chapter two, that night she actually tries to kill the protag. at this point its revealed her big Angsty Backstory is she got involved with drugs through the music scene and is currently suffering withdrawal symptoms and is Super desperate (something ive seen a lot with my co-musicians and its not good) big breakdown, really delirious, will eventually be talked off the ledge and calmed down. kind of like if sayaka was actually calmed down in thh chap 1
just so happens that during the night whoopsy someone else was killed. so you two have an alibi but to reveal it means you tell everyone about her issues. either there might be a lying feature like in drv3 to cover, or you tell the truth and end up isolating her. for chapter three and most of four she will keep her distance from the protag bc she’s uncomfortable but will eventually reach out to be friends again after chap 4 execution. 
is generally pretty useful during trials, tends to be a person who tries to help calm down more emotional students and look at things logically. is good at trying to calm down the blackened once the protag catches their bluff bc she understands what its like to be desperate. she does, however, cry during/after every punishment. tells others not to speak poorly of their executed classmates. 
she compulsively chews gum, and one of her favorite gifts would be gum. jokes about having an oral fixation. during school mode she might joke about singing love songs but being so awkward about it in real life. really likes dogs, has a dog plushie in her room. 
a first two fte will focus on her health/wellbeing. the third she’ll ask to not talk about that anymore and the next three are just about general stuff. the final one she’ll basically go a little further into detail but the moral of her story is like, she’s not a bad person for doing what she did, no one is. she’s just a person. and it cn happen to anymore.
dresses in clothes more inspired by late mod/early 70s fashion. hoestly im seeing like a turtleneck/pantsuit combo. short curly hair. big heavy under eyelashes. 
MASTERMIND: the ultimate drag racer (ultimate cruiser)
ok but I LOVE him. personality wise he’s the story’s anxious character, think closer in personality to chap 1 shuichi. quiet, skittish, easily flustered, sometimes cracks jokes that fall flat. he’s framed for the chap 1 murder (someone died in a go kart accident, its assumed he sabotaged the other car, his argument is why would he kill someone in a race in front of all his classmates?) the protag obviously works hard to prove he’s innocent. after the execution he makes a promise to the protag that he owes him one big time, and while it seems innocent at the time, the wording should have like. a slight suspicious undertone. 
he’ll investigate weirder areas of the school instead of practical (sometimes he has clues sometimes not) and if there’s ever a mechanical question for a trial, you’ll generally ask him for clarification. he’s not very trusting of others and is often the one to accuse others/bring the information learned in trials back into the real world and make a big deal out of it. for example, he’ll make a big deal about the attempted murder in chap 2, and he’s the one who’s constantly accusing sheon of being a traitor
at first he seems like he’s just anxious, but obviously, he’s the mastermind, and he’s trying to tear the group apart. 
his fte he’s awkward the first few times but he opens up slowly, showing actual comfort/joy around the protag. wants to be close friends. offers to take protag go karting. while their personality is pretty awkward most of the time, there are flashes of an adrenaline junky every now and then especially when talking about cars, where he seems so full of life and drive it’s almost scary. very competitive during these times, his determination almost taking a sadistic glee when talking about beating others. of course he explains it as his cutthroat sport, but ya know...mastermind. instead of saying we’re going to survive he says we’re going to win. friendly towards the others but doesn’t really care about them focused on protag. is consciously trying to seperate protag from sheon.
for a mastermind he’s actually quite the empath and grows attached to his classmates, which he actually takes pleasure in the amount of despair he feels after each of their executions. reason behind the game is the adrenaline rush he feels, never has felt more alive than on despair. he discovered the rush the first time he got in a car accident, and the moments before his crash where like pure bliss. he wanted to let everyone else feel his feverish joy, and talks about how everyone has enjoyed this, deep down. they’re all getting their sick kicks. breaks the fourth wall and alludes to the fact that the protag (through the player) is having the most fun of all. 
final trial where it’s revealed, he’s still v attached to the protag in like an almost yandere way and wants to follow up on the favor he owes from chap 1. he offers a deal to the protag where if they’re welcome to be their accomplice in all this and get out of the game. protag should push to bargain that everyone can give up their morals, sacrifice themselves to despair, and live as the mastermind’s accomplice in exchange for ending the killing game. 
eventually, he’ll agree, but only if the group decides one life among them to sacrifice for no other reason than to kill an innocent friend. the way to get to the correct ending is to choose yourself which will like invalidate the deal. protag ends up dying and everyone else lives. leaves the mastermind in a despair, but for the first time, he does not derive any pleasure. 
takes a LOT OF GLEE in admitting he convinced everyone else sheon was the traitor when she was not, everyone else is horrified.
anyways. his school mode/love mode events show his more likeable side, he can actually be a really cute partner if it weren’t for the part he’s evil but uh. soft sometimes. 
really likes energy drinks. talks about sponsorships. color scheme is like. a black racing suit but his jacket is tied around his waist and he’s wearing a wife beater. tons of accents of neon all over his outfit from like patches and brand deals. backwards hat. blushes easily. has a mullet. i love him. 
“TRAITOR” : SHEON FUKUDA (the ultimate film maker) 
ok so. still antagonistic. but more in the way of pushing your buttons and pointing out your flaws in a trial. like somewhere between antagonist and kirigiri. super chill personality, cracks a lot of jokes, is hardcore struggling with the games and will be open about her mental illness. her fatal flaw is still her martyr complex
is first framed after chap 2 bc of accused of having the ability to direct and oversee a production like this, and from that moment forward no one can trust her and she’s SUPER alienated. she’s still awkwardly trying to be friends/friendly but people act like she’s going to betray them all. tries to prove innocence multiple times going as far as to beginning of chap 3 announce to the group if they need to kill anyone, let it be her so no one else gets hurt and is super transparent about who she is. but this transparency makes people more suspicious. as she goes on she gets more desperate/gallows humor. last convo bfore chap 5 begins she has a vague conversation about with protag about if they fear death. chap 5 would end up being either a suicide or double murder (they killed each other one in attack the other while being defended against) so there’s no execution but monokuma still wants something. its also in this trial that the ultimate drag racer plants evidence taht makes it look like she’s the traitor and is addressed head on. 
a common motif for her is ‘playing the role assigned’ and knowing who she is and who she isn’t. she’s pretty comfortable knowing who she is but expresses unhappiness about being painted a villain. maybe like, three times through the story to this point it’s established as a motif/quirk of fitting a role she’s assigned bc if the protag asks her a question about herself/past/the overall story, she asks the protag a question like well, what do you want 1) 2) and you choose and she’s like. ok. then its _______. same thing here. as she’s finally excused she stares at the protag and is like do you really believe im the traitor? (yes) stares long and hard, somethng sad and defeated in her eyes. ok then. i am.
the trial doesn’t have a punishment originally planned bc the blackened are not alive. but she chooses not to vote and willingly chooses to be punished because everyone else has decided she’s the traitor and she chooses to play along so they can get closure. her last conversation should be about choosing the act of resistance, no matter how convoluted it can be. she doesn’t fear death. the pain sure, but not death. this was her choice to be punished, not the masterminds, and she hopes they lose any glee they take in her suffering because its a sacrifice for hope instead of a death in despair. last request is that she asks for the protag to make sure the manuscripts she wrote during her time are published, the last great work of sheon fukuda.
EXECUTION: CULTURE SHOCK so she wakes up on a soundstage to blinding light. she’s attached with electrodes. monokuma is sitting on a director’s chair with a director’s hat. basically the premise is as the ultimate film maker, she has to recreate different iconic movie scenes and every time she makes a mistake she gets shocked. she keeps on getting thrown into new scenes into the middle of old ones, throwing her off. after a sequence of costume changes/farces she finally collapses in the soundstage. 
beat. she looks up. above the soundstage is a sign that says “congratulations” or something. everyone gasps. she believes she beat it. a single light comes on in center stage prompting her to take a bow. she stumbles over, stands up, and looks into the shadows in the general direction of her classmates. a teleprompter prompts her classmates to clap. she takes glee, soaking in her win, and bows. as she comes up she smiles for a second before a short rings out. she’s shot through the heart. culture shock!
fte are mostly talking about directors/film references and what its like to be a film maker. real dry humor, sometimes talks about deeper stuff. her backstory is that her dad was working for an american embassy so she grew up in america going to art shool, and she feels out of place, despite being a japanese student with the same basic culture as everyone else. sometimes talks about slimeball directors, sometimes talks about missing certain food, loves takling about movies. as a filmmaker she specializes in dark comedy/farce which makes her suspicious of how someone can enjoy writing somethng so twisted
views are very intersectional, a little new agey, but still well put together. clearly a free spirit, very quirky from working in cinema, super dry sense of humor. likes philosophy
really likes blueberry jam. favorite item is somthing blueberry.
after chap 1 trial she expresses to the protag how she can never be the blackened, not just because of murdering one student, but to get away with it, everyone else would be punished instead, and she can’t deal with the blood on her hands. 
is open about her struggles with mental illness and how she was getting help and showing improvement bfore coming here but now she feels herself spiraling and hates it.
values everyone here as good friends, and while she tries to play it off she hates how they’re painting her as a villain. takes every death very personally. 
color scheme is very pastel, and she wears sweat pants and a collared shirt with a light blue robe. you can’t tell if those are pajamas or an outfit. wears rose-colored glasses. all about the aesthetic, just lean so far into film culture with her. personality/feelings towards style are very influenced by the fact she went to an american arts school instead of a japanese school like her peers so every part of her is slightly off/quirky/out-of-touch
she’ll mostly wear the glasses over her eyes, sometimes pushing them down on her nose for emphasis to make eye contact. only her anger sprite (point) shows her taking them off. 
during her execution she pushes them onto her forehead before taking her bow, almost to meet eye to eye. after she’s shot the last frame is them landing on the ground, cracking. 
i love sheon so much
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morganisboringg · 4 years
Omegle friendship story ;-;
Stranger: m
You: hiya
You: f
Stranger: bonjour
You: hola
Stranger: im 18 bitchh
You: im 14 hoeee
Stranger: shidddd
Stranger: 😂😂
You: yeah im a childdd
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: but im not a creepy guy so ur good 👌🏼
Stranger: hahaha
You: yeah ie had a 20 year old try to keep talking with me
You: and a 17 yr old ask if i have a nice ass XD ive delt with creepy guys XD
Stranger: hahaha dudes are horny
Stranger: used to be like that too but i realized its wrong
Stranger: so yeah just vibing rn
Stranger: 😤😤😤
You: yeah they are, i be vibin too im watching sky high B)
Stranger: lol
Stranger: im watching rick&morty
Stranger: im the ultimate virgin
You: lmaoooooo , i mean u have to also like game theory and film theory for that but ur close XD
Stranger: never heard of that
Stranger: 😂
You: theyre nerdy yt channels, they make theorys on games and films and shows and stuff
You: they have a bunch on rick and morty
Stranger: oh
Stranger: i watch some of those
Stranger: 😤😂
Stranger: im an ‘adult’ child
You: yeah i do too, i literally have their merch
Stranger: hahahaha
You: oh i hope to be an adult child bc gRosS adults
Stranger: yeah i dont wanna be an adult
You: me either, adults get stares when they only dress in hot topic clothes why would i want that
Stranger: hahahah yeah
Stranger: thats the reason i dont have a gf
Stranger: bc im too childish
You: well then u just havent found the right childish girl
Stranger: that is a fact
You: might i reccomend the single rider lines at like amusement parks XD
Stranger: hahaha why
You: ive seen plenty of dudes shoot there shot there bc the girls are by themselves then they get to ride a rollercoaster together
Stranger: hahah yeah thats fun
Stranger: maybe i wikk
Stranger: :)
You: yeah XD then if it works out a cute date at an amusement park!
Stranger: hahah yeah
Stranger: do u have a amusement park obsession
Stranger: lmaoo
You: uh- thats uniMPORTANTTT
Stranger: hahahhah
You: theres food and adreniline whats not to love!
Stranger: i love them too
Stranger: i once forced my cousin to ride the same coaster 12 times in a row
You: ive ridden king da ka the tallest rollercoaster in the world XD
Stranger: he puked after
You: lmaoooo sounds like smth id do
Stranger: hahaha
You: but then id just say again and go again XD
Stranger: hahahah same
Stranger: adter he threw up i went alone
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: dude i need some advice
You: sure
Stranger: my friends sister (shes 15) has a crush on me
Stranger: what do i do
You: oh shit uh- tell her shes too young
You: or like take her on a cute date but say its a friends date
You: thats a nice way to friend zone sm1
Stranger: yeah true
Stranger: its kinda weird
Stranger: my friend says he doesnt mind
Stranger: 😂
Stranger: but still wekrd
Stranger: weird
You: well thats uh getting to chris hansen levels so gotta shoot her down lmao
Stranger: yeah hahaha
You: but like yk when like a little sisters older siblings s/o would take them on a "date" to show them how to be treated u could do that- idk
Stranger: yeah idkk
Stranger: we shall see
You: we shall broski, just uh dont do anything that chris hansen would ask u to sit down with him over XD
Stranger: hahahah
Stranger: i have no idea who that is
Stranger: oh i looked it up
You: yeah XD
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: yeah like it is weird but not the age difference
Stranger: 3 years is not a lot
You: oh abt the friends sibling thing? XD
Stranger: ya
You: ik 3 years isnt alot in like the grand scheme of stuff but NOW 3 years is the difference between 6th graders and freshman and thats really weird
Stranger: yeah true true
You: and abt them being a friends sibling, um dont pull a kissing booth and be all dating behind everyones back- that movie was weird in general smh
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: yeah i wont
Stranger: his mom told me i would be a good son in law
You: LMAO too soon??
Stranger: 😂
Stranger: yeah right ilnow
You: 1) u arent even dating and 2) u think its weird
You: that would creep me tf out
Stranger: yeah but i dont really care
Stranger: i take it as a compliment
Stranger: it means im nice
You: yeah, im just a generally akward perso so XD
Stranger: hahahaha
You: but like uh if u dont wanna date a friends sibling dont, in most movies thats like number one best friend code no dating sibkings
Stranger: yeah i dont really care if my friend doesnt mins
Stranger: but i dont like her
Stranger: i like someone else
Stranger: and she doesnt like me back
Stranger: 🙃🙂
You: oh cool, aw that suckss u seem really chill and have a good personality so idk whats not to like thats prob my pansexual talking tho XD
Stranger: hahha
Stranger: ur attracted to pans?
Stranger: thanks lmao yeah idk
You: no i came out of the pantry smh
Stranger: 🤯🤯🤯🤯
You: common misconseption XD
Stranger: yeah shes my girl best friend
Stranger: so thats why she doesnt like me
Stranger: but maybe some daaaaaayv
You: oooo thats a hard place to get out of the f r i e n d z o n e
Stranger: ivee been tryyiiiiiiiing
Stranger: to make u love meeee
Stranger: but everything i try
You: *blasts u belong with me by taylor swift on a boombox* now go stand outside her window
Stranger: just takes you further from me
You: XD
Stranger: ghost town by kanye west is such a good song
You: oh i dont think ive listened to it lmao too much emo music and musicals
Stranger: you like kid cudi
You: who..? ugh i feel stupid not knowing stuff
Stranger: ur too young
Stranger: hes a legend
Stranger: makes good music u should listen to him
Stranger: kind of drug/depresion related
You: oh okay, that sounds like smth id listen too XD
Stranger: listen to love. by him on youtube or soundcloud
Stranger: it isnt on spotify
You: oh okay, i use amazon music like a loser XD
Stranger: oh
Stranger: yeah its only on yt or soundcloud lmao
Stranger: hahah doesnt matter right
You: yeah lmao
You: u wanna be friends? its ok to say no cause im 14 XD
You: im morgan btw whats ur name?
Stranger: hahaha aw thats a nice thing to ask
Stranger: but i just came on here to twlk to random people :( sorry
You: im not good at the whole "making friends" thing so idk what to do but ask lmao
Stranger: my name is julian
You: oh okay
Stranger: im sure u will make friends some day
You: OMG ofc its julian- i meet guys with m names or julius/julians never anything else
Stranger: hahaha what do y mean
You: i mean in the past week ive met a mike, mikey, and a mick then ive met like 4 julius' and 2 julians
Stranger: ahhaha wow
Stranger: thats funny
You: i swear idk what is up but smth is
You: my fbi agent is on smth ig
Stranger: hahahhahaha
Stranger: tryna set u up
You: yeah they want either an m&m or m j XD just m&ms or michael jackson IDFK XD
Stranger: haahahah
Stranger: so when did u find out u were pan sexual
You: uh when i was 11 i thinkk
Stranger: wow
Stranger: when i was 11 i was eating boogers out of my nose
You: yeah i knew i wasnt straight since like pre school girls are just too cute lmao
You: lmao thanks for sharing
Stranger: that is a facr
Stranger: women are cute
You: yeah they are XD
Stranger: hahaha
You: ummm idk what to talk abt now lol
Stranger: yeah me too lol
You: uh do u like heathers? like the movie or the musical
Stranger: never heard of it
You: my friends saying to skip u smh but i wouldnt dare
Stranger: what do u mean hahah
You: heathers is like a cult classic 80s movie like breakfast club or 16 candles or the outsiders
Stranger: ohh ok hahah
Stranger: i dont watch a lit of old movies
You: u know what those are right? especially the outsiders?
Stranger: only fiction
Stranger: never heard of them
You: U HAVENT???
Stranger: whats sliced bread
Stranger: 😂😂😂😂
Stranger: i swear i dont watch movies
You: like a loaf of bread XD its an expression
Stranger: oh lolllll
You: but like look up dallas winston MMMMM I LOVE THAT MAN
Stranger: hahah ok
Stranger: this was a fun talk dude hahah
Stranger: i ahve to go eat rn
You: okay byee nice talk too bad we cant be friends i wish u luck <3
Stranger: were kind of stranger friends
Stranger: so count me as a friend
Stranger: :S
You: okay too bad after this we'll never talk again
You: S?
Stranger: idk lmao
Stranger: yeah but thats life
Stranger: byeee 😘
You: yeah it is byeeee
Stranger has disconnected.
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fairycosmos · 5 years
How does anyone find real friends? I feel as though my friends are only circumstantial and that I’ll always feel that way towards other people. Why are whole hearted people so difficult to come by? I hate being sensitive, but I need deeper human connection than what I’m experiencing right now and I think I’m going to drown in loneliness if I don’t connect deeply with someone soon and fast.
hey man, i can't tell you how much i relate like holy shit.....ive said it before, but i really think true friendship is so much rarer than anyone wants to admit. and that doesn't mean the people in your life are meaningless, or that you have nothing to learn from them. even if the bond is shallow, it's good to have that system of interaction. we all need each other unfortunately. not everything has to be profound to be worth it, but of course it's only natural to crave something more substantial. i also struggle a lot with not being able to find those with kind intentions. i think it's partially because most people can't be categorised as good or bad, and you never know where they're at in their own lives and what their motives are. it's also easier to be wary of others if you've been hurt before, which we all have, so there's always going to be a foundation of distrust. it's almost a recipe for disaster. you're not being overly sensitive. i know it can be absolutely exhausting to go through this world year after year without finding any sort of connection that feels real. how can anyone blame anyone for feeling hopeless? when you're an adult it's so much harder to make friends, and i think everyone feels that way to some extent. :( there's a lack of time, energy, opportunity etc for all of us. it's not because there's something wrong with YOU. unfortunately we don't get to choose when we find that friendship that changes everything. all we can do is remain open to it, and actively seek it in any way possible. which means putting yourself out there i guess, trying to find those with the same interests and ideas as you. attending dumb events, trying out that new activity, being an active member of your community. even just online to start with, even in small ways. i wish there was a better answer, bc i can totally understand the absolute frustration of this sort of thing. but i suppose timing is really important. i had a really close best friend for the majority of my childhood, and a few years ago we started to drift. now we're different people, and when i see her, we don't have much in common. we used to laugh so hard we'd collapse onto each other, now i don't have her number. if we met as we are today, we wouldn't be friends. so i kind of believe in order to be who you need to be to connect with a particular person, you have to go through these periods of slight isolation, you have to go through whatever the world throws at you. because then you meet someone who says "hey, it's like that for me too." i don't know though, you're allowed to be lonely.....we live in a reality that is pretty disconnected from passionate companionship. though im sure it's waiting in your future, even if it doesn't find you in the way you expect? just gotta keep an eye out for it. and let those around you be circumstantial orbiters if that's the role they're set on playing. they're just living their own story, i suppose. but you deserve more, and i hope that you keep seeking it. even if it hurts. you can't be disappointed if you don't give up. anyway im sorry there's not a quick solution, i wish there was......if you ever need to talk feel free to hmu. i know it's not the same but, i'll be here. :)
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