#i dunno how to tag haikyuu posts
casperrscapes · 1 year
haikyuu x hogwarts crossover fanfic rec list !!
hello!! i really like haikyuu, and i quite like harry potter, so it makes sense that i like haikyuu x hogwarts fics, doesn’t it? here are some of my favourites ones that i’ve come across!! (o゜▽゜)o☆
be careful, and check tags/warnings before reading!! 
this isn’t in any particular order. 
(i used the little moon phases to represent .5/.25/.75 of a star ( •̀ ω •́ )✧)
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sixth Time's the Charm by tsumekakusu (T) 2,068 words [kyouhaba] --- (aka How to say "I like you" in six different ways)
kyoutani is such a nerd, and we love him for that. oh, right, yahaba’s also a bit stupid at times... he’s very dense. they get together in the end though, so that’s what matters!!
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Love from the Quidditch Bleachers by sunablinks (NR) 5,271 words [sunaosa, bkg sakuatsu] --- In a wizarding world where everything fell into place because Suna Rintarou just wanted to know why everyone hated the Miya twins so much. “Wanna sneak into the pantry later and grab food for a picnic at the Quidditch field tonight?”
this might actually be the first and only sunaosa fic i’ve ever read?? not cause i don’t like ‘em!! and honestly, i might read some more of these after how cute this one was... but anyways, this is such an endearing fic, and they’re so in love, and i just love this!! suna taking care of osamu is really cute :).
⭐⭐⭐🌖 stardust by InkCaviness (G) 1,415 words [kyouhaba] ---  Shigeru first meets Kyoutani during their Herbology class and he watches in fascination as the Hufflepuff with the permanent scowl and broad shoulders carefully handles delicate plants.
it’s very nice, fluffy fluff, what else can i say?? 
⭐⭐⭐🌖 Magicked by HoneyBeeez (T) 8,470 words [kyouhaba] check tags for this one!! --- Yahaba loves all things medicine, so he's basically a kid in a candy store when he's allowed to be an assistant at the Hospital Wing. He loves what he learns, what he does... the only thing that's a little troublesome is the patients, and even then, its only one patient: Kyoutani Kentarou.
oddly humorous?? also quite sad though... the ending fit kyouhaba so well!!
⭐⭐⭐🌘 Blood by darkbluebox (T) 20,215 words, 10/10 chapters [tsukiyama] ---  Words like "Muggle-born" and "Pure-blood" don't mean a lot when you're still a child, but everyone has to grow up sooner or later.
adjdakjdwka, why do tsukiyama work so well for hogwarts au angst??? this hurt me,,,, but also, why are they so dumb?? like come on!! 
⭐⭐⭐🌗 Show A Little Faith by minijhi (G) 13,872 words, 3/3 chapters [kuroken] --- “Why are you sending me a singing Valentine telegram?" Kenma asks, mouth flattened. "It’s six months until Valentine’s Day.” “I bought a dwarf over the summer to use as cupid.” Kuroo says. “I figured he could use some practice.” - Presenting Kenma as the Boy-Who-Lived, whose living becomes a lot more interesting when Ravenclaw Prince Kuroo Tetsurou starts sending him singing telegrams about defeating the Dark Lord.
kenma as the boy who lived is so jdakdjkad?? idk what to say. also, kuroo sending him valentines (not really valentines, but still) is so funny. 
⭐⭐⭐ The Love Potion Of The Century by mago_teung (M) 170,383 words, 45/45 chapters [daisuga, bokuaka, kagehina, tsukiyama, asanoya, iwaoi, kuroken, ushiten] check tags for this one!! ---  "Wait, give me a sec. I have 7 brain cells left." "I bet you 5 galleons professor Takeda and professor Ukai are smashing each other, right now as we speak." "That Akaashi-san doesn't seem like a Ravenclaw at all. I was so sure he was in Slytherin." "Wait, Sugawara is in Slytherin? ... I've been calling him Hufflepuff trash this whole time." "Guys, I just saw that Slytherin kid Tsukishima and the Hufflepuff Yamaguchi making out at Three Bro-hey, stop laughing! I'm serious!" "You think if I turn into an owl I won't have to do the exams?" "That bitch Oikawa got another love letter. Thinks he's the shit..." "Why are you crying? Stop it." "With how often Kuroo goes to the Ravenclaw tower, you would think he was one of them. Kinda sad though, he's stupid." "I'm telling my daddy about this! ... No, that's my father. I'm pretty sure I said daddy." 
this one is certainly odd!! it’s technically part one of a series, but i’ve only read this first one (and the last oneshot/spinoff/oneoff). it’s very... chaotic?? definitely not everyones cup of tea, and in hindsight, i can’t say i loved it that much. i definitely enjoyed it a lot more in the moment. the whole concept is completely stupid (literally everything happends because of a love potion), but if chaos is your thing, you might like this one!!
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Oh My! (You didn't know?) by mago_teung (T) 13,977 words [aofuta] --- "I like you! Get it through your thick skull!" ". . . okay?"
spinoff i mentioned above!! honestly, i like this one better than the main fic, haha. it’s very funny and sweet!! 
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Burning Deep, Burning Bright by jellyryans (ryankellycc), ryankellycc (NR) 28,031 words, 4 works [asanoya, kagehina, daisuga] might want to check tags?
this series is absolutely amazing. asanoya focused, but there’s a kagehina and a daisuga fic too!! it’s such a fun twist of the whole asahi and nishinoya fight that happened early on in haikyuu!! it’s so cool to see it in a harry potter au... not really a hogwarts au though, just a harry potter au in general. 
⭐⭐⭐🌗 As Well As You Know Me by Authoress (E) 8,542 words [daisuga, bkg hinayama, kuroyaku] very smutty, check tags!! --- There's nothing like a Gryffindor v. Slytherin match to get the blood pumping. Well, that is, except angry post-game sex, but Suga's a prefect, he would never instigate something like that, right?
umm... i don’t really like smut?? like, i don’t read a lot of it?? so i can’t say whether or not this is “good smut.” but, i like hogwarts aus!! and i loved the whole bit about house loyalty/pride, it was funny, and made a lot of sense considering actual lore of hogwarts!! 
⭐⭐⭐🌖 woo you by bishounen_curious (G) 755 words [daisuga] ---  Suga snickered. “You really have no idea why I’ve been practically stalking you for a week?”
suga has the confidince i’ll never have, i can only dream... and daichi’s oblivousness to why suga’s been “harrassing,” him is so funny,,, this is really just such a funny fic!! 
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Spellbound by orphan_account (T) 6,847 words [daisuga, bkg kuroken, iwaoi] --- Out of all the people Daichi had to fall for, it had to be a Slytherin. Their two houses were supposed to hate each other. To be fair, he was nothing like the stereotypes preached. He wasn’t snide, slimy or pompous. He was beautiful in an ethereal kind of way. He was almost ghostly pale, all innocent brown eyes and silvery-blonde hair. Sugawara Koushi, the boy who was even sweeter than his name suggested.
daichi being done with his underclassmen is so funny, i can’t!! this fic is definitely really funny, but it’s also just extremely sweet?? huge rec from me!! 
⭐⭐⭐⭐🌗 quidditch gloves, parchment, and custard cream by h_lovely (T) 12,450 words [matsuhana] ---  After class, Matsukawa finds Hanamaki in the tall cushy grass by the lake.
hajdkasdjakd, matsuhana > everything !! i love them so much gahhhh!! look at them!! look!!! and a freaking matsuhana hogwarts au??? ‘course i’m going to love it!!
⭐⭐⭐⭐🌗 snowflakes by arsenicjay (T) 3,622 words [bokuaka] --- Bokuto is a simple wizard with simple needs; a nice date, a little romance, and he's all good to go. Or, Akaashi and Bokuto spend a day in Hogsmeade just before Christmas.
they’re so ahdjakdj??? skrunkly?? little blorbos?? i love this sort of fluff,,, the cultural differences/references were really fun too!! 
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ don’t let this magic die by canvases (oilpaints) (G) 8,498 words [semishira] --- Shirabu and Semi don’t really get along. By some twist of fate, they wind up sharing a room at the Leaky Cauldron after running away from their respective homes. Both plan on cutting ties as soon as they return to Hogwarts, but cramped rooms have a way of getting even the coldest of people to open up, often in the most unexpected and magical of ways.
i love semishira with, like, my whole heart, and this was so good!! their development- and their banter is written so well!! it’s so funny!! and their dynamic?! chefs kiss. i love this fic so much :’). (if you couldn’t tell by the rating i gave this fic, i have huge bias towards semishira)
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Haikyuu at Hogwarts by Killthespare (T) 622,936 words, 5 works, ongoing [daisuga, asanoya, ushiten, kiyoyachi, yakulev, akisae, bokuaka, shoumika, amanai/ennoshita] ---  Pretty much as the title suggests: a Hogwarts!AU with Haikyuu. It's planned for 7 book series so definitely a longer series. This first few can be read out of order with only minor confusion (about as easily as the first few Harry Potter books can) but there is an overall series plot in addition to the individual plots of each story. As of the fourth book, the previous third story should really be read before the fourth or later books.
i really like this series!! the characters are all really well handled!! it unfortunately hasn’t been updated in a little while, but the author says that they’ll be updating dec.18-19, so now would be a great time to get yourself caught up on the series in prepreation for the next chapter!! i will say, the current book is bound to get interesting... 
⭐⭐⭐🌘 in which tsukishima and yamaguchi win ten points for slytherin by deanpendragon (T) 3,990 words [tsukiyama]
very crack-y i’d say. i think what i originally said when i bookmarked this fic sums up my feelings about it quite well: “eeeeeeeee!!???”
(if you couldn’t tell, i really like short, fluff-and-no-plot sort of fics.)
this is shorter than i’d thought it’d be,,, i’ll probably end up continuing this post as i read more haikyuu hogwarts aus, but here are my recs for now!! 
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Word Count: 3,130
Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Fem!Reader
Warnings: some insecurity angst (only a little though) but all fluff otherwise!
A/N: thank you for the help and love you two give me @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​. Was having a shitty day so I queued this fic up to hopefully bring some smiles to people’s faces <3
Haikyuu Masterlist
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Ushijima would never understand why people flocked to him the way they did during tournaments. No matter where the team went, there were people begging for answers to their invasive questions, people screaming in excitement as soon as they saw them, but why?
“You’re a big strong attractive dude, Ushi, I dunno what to tell ya. Not to mention, you’re the ace of a powerhouse school,” Tendō laughed when Ushijima asked him why. But it wasn’t like any of these girls knew him so why were they always asking for pictures?
But despite not really understanding, Ushijima often complied with the request for photos, standing there as stoic as ever, not even bothering to crack a smile. He didn’t want to make anyone upset and he felt like just going along with it might actually be easier than trying to run away.
But today, Tendō watched as one girl got prepared for a selfie, and surprised Ushijima with a kiss on the cheek for the photo. She squealed in excitement, thanking him even as she ran away. The two Shiratorizawa boys stood there in confusion, Tendō’s eyes looking around to make sure you weren’t around to experience that.
Ushijima stood there for a moment longer, his hand going up to his cheek and touching the place she had kissed him. Had that really just happened? How odd. Why would someone he had never even met before do something like that?
The thought left his mind as soon as it had entered, turning around to follow Tendō onto the court. But he noticed how his friend’s eyes seemed to glance around the hallway, as if looking for someone, then fall on him questioningly.
“What is it?” Ushijima asked, watching his friend’s eyes carefully. 
Tendō just laughed and shook his head, “I’m just glad poor Y/N didn’t have to watch that. Can’t say I’d envy her.”
Ushijima’s brow tensed a little hearing those words, trying to comprehend Tendō’s words and tone, “I don’t understand.”
“I mean, you’re constantly followed around by girls and you must see some of them all the time at every one of our tournaments. But you and Y/N haven’t had a lot of time to see each other now that practice is every day right? Plus... what girl wants to see her boyfriend get kissed by some random fangirl?” Tendō explained, holding his hands behind his head as they walked into the stadium courts. 
Ushijima frowned a bit, still not fully comprehending. You knew that he was busy with volleyball and you knew he loved you, didn’t you? So why did it matter what some insignificant people thought? Or what some random person did for that matter? Sure, it was an uncomfortable kiss and was awkward but would it matter? He didn’t even know the girl. 
Unbeknownst to either of them, the girl had posted the pic onto social media. Swarms of jealous students and gossip news reporters started to share the picture and repost it with the question “Is this Ushijima’s girlfriend?”
It didn’t take long for you to be tagged. One of your friend had sent the photo with a questioning keyboard smash, wondering if you had known.
You hadn’t.
You had been up in the stands when it all took place - you didn’t see Ushijima often before a game since he was usually stretching while you got there early to get good seats. You had been sitting up in the stands, talking to another friend of yours and some of the other players’ friends and family. But when you saw the picture, it was like everything around you started to move in slow motion.
Your heart felt like it was moving up your throat, your chest tightening. Who was this girl? Your fingers instantly clicked onto her profile, glancing at all of her public photos. She was gorgeous, thin, smart by the looks of it too. She even had a picture or her playing volleyball.
Something inside of you asked the question, “Would Ushijima be better off with someone like her?”
He wasn’t following her on social media, so he didn’t know who she was. It wasn’t uncommon for people to post their photos with Ushijima, but no fans had ever been so bold to kiss him for a picture before.
You couldn’t even remember the rest of the game. Your stomach was churning so much you thought you were going to be sick.
“Everything alright, Y/N?” Your friend asked when they realized you hadn’t cheered as loud as you normally did during the games. You quickly plastered on a smile, nodding quickly.
“I’ve got to head out early! Tell the boys I said congratulations!” You asked them as the game came to an end, your feet quickly moving out of the stadium before the crowds left.
Ushijima could’ve sworn you had been up in the stands and you always came to his games. So where were you? Why hadn’t you come down yet? He stood in the hallway, watching as crowds of people left. Loads of them congratulated him or tried to strike up a conversation with him. But not a single one of them was you.
“Oh Ushijima! Y/N asked me to say congratulations!” Someone smiled up at him giving a thumbs up. He recognized them, they were friends with you weren’t they? So you had been here...
Ushijima’s forehead creased ever so slightly, “Where is she?”
“She said she had to go for some reason! She didn’t look so good when she left to be honest. Maybe she was feeling sick?” Your friend shrugged and gave another wave before rushing off.
Ushijima glanced at his phone, finding no notifications from you. If you had been feeling sick, why wouldn’t you tell him?
“You alright there, Ushi?” Tendō called, slapping his shoulder playfully. “We won, it’s time to go! What’re you standing around for?” His head spun around, looking for the missing part of their trio. “Where’s Y/N? It’s almost time for our celebratory dinner!”
“She left,” was all he said with a frown.
Tendō sucked in some air nervously, glancing at his own phone and all the notifications he had gotten over the recent scandal photo. “Think it might have to do with this?” He asked, showing the post to his friend. “Didn’t you get tagged in it too? Seems like the whole team was.”
“I don’t have notifications for those apps,” Ushijima shrugged. “I get tagged in a lot of things and it gets annoying.”
Tendō pouted at this, realizing that’s why Ushijima never responded to the hilarious things he would send him.
Ushijima was still frowning, wondering why everyone seemed so concerned with his dating life. He scrolled through the notifications that Tendō had on his phone, news reporters questioning Ushijima’s relationship status, people from their school mentioning Y/N and curiously wondering if they had broken up. 
All of this over some random girl? He glanced at her post a little closer, noting the caption read, “Ushi” with a little heart emoji next to it. He hadn’t been happy at all that some girl had decided to plant a kiss on his cheek but he never had the chance to tell her that before she ran off. 
“Why would Y/N leave over that?” Ushijima finally spoke, glancing again at his own phone to see if maybe you had texted him in the last few minutes.
Tendō sighed and raised an eyebrow to him, “Ushijima, some people get jealous.”
Jealous. The word echoed in Ushijima’s mind as he tried to consider the possibility that you were jealous over someone whose name he didn’t even know. 
“Wouldn’t you be jealous if you saw someone posting a similar photo of Y/N?” Tendō asked with a tilt to his head, curiously watching his friend’s expression. 
Ushijima let the thought cross over his mind while the two of them walked to where the rest of the team had gathered. What if some dude had posted a picture of Y/N, kissed her cheek, and everyone had assumed they were together? He frowned and shook his head of the awful thought, now understanding that maybe jealousy was that pit in his stomach he was currently experiencing. 
Although Coach Washijo growled a little in response, Ushijima insisted that he would not be joining the team for a celebratory dinner. When Goshiki asked Tendō where Ushijima was going, he’d just shrug and smile saying, “He’s off to be a good boyfriend.”
It must’ve been strange, seeing this tall man running around town, looking confused and frustrated. Numerous people around him glanced back at him, watching him with questioning eyes as he passed but Ushijima didn’t even noticed. He needed to make sure that you were okay.
You weren’t really sure why you left so quickly after the game was over. You knew the longer you waited to have this conversation with Ushijima, the more awkward you’d feel and the more upset that he’d be that you hadn’t brought it up sooner.
It’s not like you were mad at him or anything - how could you be? It wasn’t like he was the one kissing her, or that he had known she was going to do that - you knew it wasn’t the latter since Ushijima wasn’t all that big on PDA anyways so there was no way he’d be okay with it with some random girl... you hoped at least.
So if you weren’t mad, why did you run? You frowned as you tried to think of a good excuse, trying to tear apart the reasons for your behaviour. But all you could really think of is how insecure you had felt, seeing that picture. That girl was everything and you were... well what even were you?
Ushijima didn’t know how to beat around the bush - he didn’t know anything but being blunt and honest. So he had to be with you for a reason right? If he wanted to break up with you, he would’ve... right?
You groaned quietly, stuffing your face into the pillow you were holding into your lap. You needed to text him - he was probably wondering why you didn’t stay till after the game. But he hadn’t even texted you... hadn’t called... maybe he hadn’t noticed? You glanced at your phone one more time, as if waiting to see a notification you had missed or a text that you hadn’t heard the alert for.
Maybe you should just call him. Maybe if he hadn’t noticed, you both could just go out for food or have a nice night in and you could forget you ever saw that photo. You nodded slightly at your plan, moving your finger to call him. 
But a knock on your door distracted you. You looked up at the sound, glancing between that and your phone.
You dragged yourself out of bed, starting to type out a very nonchalant casual text to Ushijima as you made your way downstairs. Though it was very obvious once you opened the door that the text wasn’t needed.
What was it about the way he said your name that sent chills down your spine? 
You bit down on your lip nervously, realizing that all that time spent coming up with excuses was useless because here he was right in front of you, panting slightly, and you were drawing a blank.
“H-Hi, Ushijima,” you hesitated slightly, both standing there awkwardly until he nodded towards the inside of your house.
“Can I come in?” He asked softly, his voice more gentle than usual even with his heavy breathing. 
You nodded slowly and let him in, watching as he tucked his shoes away and stood in front of you as if waiting for you to say something.
“So... congratulations on your win,” you offered after moments of silence.
His eyes just watched you, as if checking to make sure you were okay, “Your friend said you had to leave. They also mentioned you weren’t feeling well. Is that why you didn’t stay?”
You stuttered out some sort of syllables that were no where near to being words as your boyfriend placed his hand on your forehead, cupping your cheeks in his other hand, “You don’t feel feverish but you are a bit warm,” he stated quietly. “Would you like me to make you some soup?”
You shook your head quickly, stepping back from him slightly, “I’m okay, Ushijima, promise. My... stomach just didn’t feel right.”
His eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he watched you, “Your stomach?”
You nodded, staring at your feet. You should just be honest, shouldn’t you? Ushijima was always honest with you. But what if you were honest and he came to the same realization - that he could do better than you?
“So this has nothing to do with that Instagram post?” Ushijima’s voice was stiffer this time around, almost... awkward? He shifted on his feet, trying to get you to look at him but when you wouldn’t, he just gently put his fingers under your chin, lifting your gaze to his. “Please talk to me, darling.”
It was as if you had been hiding tears this whole time and didn’t even realize it. But the softness in his voice and his eyes, the way he touched you, just made your eyes start to tear up, “It’s stupid,” you admitted after a moment and Ushijima’s thumb wiped away a tear that escaped you. “I know you don’t even know her.”
He nodded in response, stepping a bit closer to you now, “I didn’t know she was going to do that,” he told you, confirming what you had already assumed. “But I’m sorry.”
You gave a little laughing, shaking your head, “Ushijima, you have nothing to be sorry for. I know you take pictures with your fans sometimes.”
“No, I’m sorry because I didn’t understand why you would be upset at it at first. But Tendō helped me understand. Please don’t go taking photos like that with other men,” Ushijima asked you and made you laugh again. “I... I wouldn’t like it.” He admitted shyly, his lips turning to a small smile as he watched you laugh.
“She’s rather pretty though,” you mumbled softly, finally wiping the rest of your tears that were building in your eyes. “I just... You two look really good together.”
Ushijima seemed to think about this, lifting his eyes up to the ceiling as he considered your words, “She’s not ugly.” He stated simply, finally looking back down at you. “But I have no feelings towards her.”
“Feelings can be developed,” you suggested, hating every word that was coming from your mouth. Why were you arguing for him to leave you? Why were you trying to convince him?
Ushijima gave a chuckle this time, patting your head softly, “Why would I want to develop feelings for anyone else when I have so many feelings for you? You have nothing to be jealous over, love.”
Ushijima always said things with such honesty and you knew he would never say anything he didn’t mean... but didn’t he know there were girls out there much better than you?
“You are the one I want to be with. Not anyone else. All those girls I see at my games all look the same. But when I look at you,” Ushijima let his thumb graze over your lips gently, a small smirk on his lips, “I have to remind myself to stop looking at you. I have to tell myself that I’m staring. Before we started dating, Tendō told me you might think I was creepy because I just couldn’t take my eyes off of you.”
You giggled, trying to not focus on the tingles this man’s finger left on your lips, “Oh ya?”
Ushijima just nodded firmly and leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead, “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, Y/N. I couldn’t care less about anyone else. Do you trust me?”
The question hung in the air for a moment - you knew you did but how long would it be before he realized just how incredible he was?
“Yeah,” you whispered, trying to shove down all of your anxieties. 
He watched you and even though you were saying yes, there was something about the way you were standing that didn’t match with your words. Ushijima wasn’t the best at understanding people, but he knew you. “Everyone of those fans would stop coming up to me if I wasn’t as good at volleyball. One day, when I can’t play as well anymore, or if I ever get injured, all those fans will disappear. But the only one I’d still want with me is you. That’s how I know I love you.”
And even if it was just for a moment, all your anxieties stopped. You smiled to yourself and threw your arms around him into a tight hug. Ushijima’s massive arms wrapped around you as he pressed more kisses to your forehead and cheeks. “Next time, please talk to me honestly,” he whispered to you.
You nodded into his shoulder, closing your eyes tightly and murmuring back, “I love you too.”
The two of you would end up in your room, curled up with some show playing in the background before you’d sit up in realization, blinking at him in surprise, “Hang on, didn’t the team go for your celebration dinner?”
Ushijima shrugged and nodded, glancing at the time displayed on his phone screen, “Yeah they should be done soon. I imagine Tendō will text me to make sure you’re okay after.”
Your forehead creased in worry, staring at him, “Did... Did they drop you off on the way or something?”
Ushijima’s eyes shared your level of confusion, tilting his head as he tried to think about your question, “Why would they?”
“Ushijima, how the hell did you get here?” You asked with wide eyes, remembering how out of breath he was and wanting to hear the words from his lips.
“I ran,” he stated simply as if it was such a casual thing to do. “Is that important to know?”
“Babe, your tournament was across the city,” you gaped, mouth open slightly as your eyes widened even further. “That must’ve been such a long run, especially after a game!”
Ushijima thought for a moment, thinking about how the team had to take a bus to the games today, and how Y/N had to take transit. His mind tried to calculate the distance, though it wasn’t likely he’d get an answer. He just shrugged, thinking nothing of it as he settled back into your bed, “I could’ve gone farther,” was all he said as he pulled you in for some more cuddles, “as long as it was for you.”
Haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@al0ehas​ @aurumk​ @devilkittymusic​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​ @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @trashy-simp​ @jeppiet​ @lucyheartfilias-wife​ @darkvadeeer​ @haikyuutothetop​ @wolfishwriting​ @livy384​
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p-antomime · 2 years
no bc like yeah :((
every time i upload a thing i wrote now, i get so much anxiety i keep checking the tags every five seconds to see if it showed up. especially with my fae ran fic, because i poured so much into that, if it hadn’t shown up in tags i think i would’ve just given up on making content like that.
this also happened when i tried to upload for haikyuu in my earlier tumblr days. my works didnt show in the tags and i got so frustrated i just abandoned my tumblr for weeks :((
so yeah, if the # issue isnt resolved soon, a lot of the writers on tumblr is gonna just. poof! and its such a shame because tumblr is a genuinely good app with an easy interface and organized posts by #. sure, ao3 could work, but its just not the same yk ://
tbh, after the issue with mitsuya's piece yesterday, i'm looking at each piece i had (locked up in my drafts) and be like: jesus i want to delete everything because im feeling FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY LITTLE HEART that this shit won't show up in the tags, like, i have a lot of things for collabs and almost each one of them is 3K+ words and PLS IF THIS DOESN'T SHOW UP, i dont know how tf im going to react but if yesterday my mood was already so bad, next time it'll be a loooooooooot more worse.
for real, tumblr is such a good app in the sense of being easy to use, this i need to admit for sure, but like.... arghhh, dunno, i think i'm just so tired, literally needing an angel right now to help me because otherwise by the next week this p-antomime is going to be archived lol
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lov3ric · 3 years
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tagged by @sainthwngs thank you kiyo babie 🥺 [ I love the way you did the layout so I copied it owo ]
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[ 01 ] ⋆ why did you choose your url?
because I love eric :DD
[ 02 ] ⋆ do you any side blogs? if you do, name them and say why you have them?
I do not :o
[ 03 ] ⋆ how long have you been on tumblr?
ummm since around march of last year I believe? I started off on haikyuu tumblr and then I shimmied my way over here much later hehe
[ 04 ] ⋆ do you have a queue tag?
I do not :o pt.2, I've never queued anything actually 😳
[ 05 ] ⋆ why did you start your blog?
I thought writing would be fun and I wanted to make more friends uwu
[ 06 ] ⋆ why did you choose your icon / pfp?
because I love that pic of eric and it matches my theme :D
[ 07 ] ⋆ why did you choose your header?
again it matches my theme and that gif of eric just makes me (#@*)JT$)@((@
[ 08 ] ⋆ what’s your post with the most notes?
my sunwoo fluff hehe
[ 09 ] ⋆ how many mutuals do you have?
enough that I can't count them all rn but I love each and every one of you guys even if we haven't talked a lot >:[
[ 10 ] ⋆ how many followers do you have?
105 uwu I love you all 🥺🤍
[ 11 ] ⋆ how many people do you follow?
116 :D
[ 12 ] ⋆ have you ever made a shitpost?
yes 😽
[ 13 ] ⋆ how often do you use tumblr each day?
too often 😔 [ most of the time on another acc doing super top secret cb stuff 😳 ]
[ 14 ] ⋆ have you ever had a fight / argument with another blog? who won?
nope :D and I dont want to either ㅠㅠ
[ 15 ] ⋆ how do you feel about ‘you need to compare this’ posts?
*confused youngie noises* I dunno what this one means either :o
[ 16 ] ⋆ do you like tag games?
I love them :DD even if I forget to actually participate sometimes I still like reading your answers heh
[ 17 ]⋆ do you like ask games?
I've never done one before but they seem fun heh
[ 18 ] ⋆ which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I have no idea soindfoswoirmpfw
[ 19 ] ⋆ do you have a crush on a mutual?
nope :o but my soulmate is luna :DD @yourdaddychan pls come home </3 [ I'll claim all of you as soulmates though, dont think I won't ]
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tagging: @moonshineboyz @riskyrenjun @chwe-yeeun @hynngseo @aceseungg @mioung @atzxiao @thevampywarlock @minkibot @sluttysohn @feyregels I cant think of any more rn 😔 [ no pressure to do it hehe ]
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11 notes · View notes
A/N: Am reposting two of my shelved discontinued fem!Hinata fics from my old blog here (for exposure ig? Also I didn't delete them completely there, they're just posted privately lol); for those who've read the original post before and wondering why this blog repost another blog's work, supplies~!! OP here, filling this blog with some Haikyuu content from last October. Enjoy ^^;; ALSO DO NOT SEND HATE ORZ smh
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My Masterlist
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Prologue | 01 | Omake 01
tho it doesn't looked like an extra chapter at all smh ahaha
Omake 01
wc: 1.9k words
warning: mentions of thigh touching (and probs kidnapping but not implied), a bit of OOC-ness, a few ‘damn’ mentions.
note: indented paragraphs -> flashbacks
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*NOTE: since purple/violet is unavailable via PC (using desktop beta lol), I'll use yellow for Ushijima instead.
A female’s voice continued calling her from her deep slumber.
The faint smell of ammonia wafted in the air.
Eyelids slowly opened as she regained consciousness.
“Ah, thank goodness you’re awake now, Hina-chan!”
“Yachi-san?” She groggily glanced at her friend.
“I’ll tell the others she’s awake!” Suddenly, the owner of that voice earlier, Date Tech’s manager, Nametsu Mai, stood up and headed outside the door. Yachi nodded her thanks.
“W-what happened… Where am I? Is this not our—the managers’—room?” she asked.
Hinata started to sit up from where she was laying but wobbled.
Luckily, Yachi and their second-year senpai Kinoshita Hisashi helped her out and gently positioned their fellow member on one corner of the classroom-slash-makeshift sleeping area.
Her senpai sheepishly replied to Hinata, “This is Date Tech’s sleeping quarters. We were having our first practice match of the day, against them, when Sugawara-san called to inform that they’ve found you together with Shiratorizawa, and their captain carried you on—“
The decoy shivered, thinking about the restroom incident hours ago.
“—and fainted on Ushijima’s shoulder. Ma~n, Suga-san’s so furious back then Kageyama had to stop him from killing them.” Kinoshita chuckled.
“Your room’s kinda far away from where they found you, so the managers decided to drop you off here since it’s the nearest one.”
Hinata sweatdropped, a bit embarrassed.
“Ah… thank you, and sorry for whatever inconvenience I have caused earlier…”
Yachi shook her head. “No, no, it’s fine! You’ve done nothing wrong, Hina-chan~,” she grinned at the orange-haired girl.
Smiled back also.
Then she suddenly facepalmed. “I forgot about the practice match! Is it still going yet?”
“It finished an hour ago, we lost—2-1,” a scowling Kageyama answered, trudging towards the three.
“K-k-kageyama…!!!” the female middle blocker blanched with fear, hands gripping the blanket draped on her lap, while the raven-haired setter shot a menacing glare at her, which she averted. “I’m… I’m sorry for—“
“Are you alright?” he quietly asked Hinata, his hand perched on her head.
His deep blue eyes swimming with concern and worry.
She felt a slight flush on her cheeks while meeting his gaze.
“H-hai, I’m fine!” the chibi assured Kageyama. “Nothing to worry about, Bakayama-kun~!”
And she smiled at him.
The boy suddenly became hot and turned to look away from her, hiding his flustered face with the back of his hand.
“H-hinata boke… idiot,” Kageyama stuttered, his heart thumping louder than normal.
Ahh… he sure is whipped for Hinata, that Kageyama boy, Kinoshita thought, shaking his head.
While their blonde manager only giggled.
Recovering from his blushing mess a while ago, the raven-haired setter took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes at Hinata and quipped.
“But I guess you do know that we lost in the match earlier because of your carelessness around your surroundings, right, dumbass?”
He smirked.
This pissed the female decoy and threw in some punches at Kageyama, which he constantly dodged. “Shut up, you!! I said I’m sorry, alright?!”
“No, you did not!”
“Yes, I did, Bakayama!”
There goes their ‘lovers’ quarrel’ again… hahaha…
“Hinata!” Sugawara’s sweet voice boomed inside the room as he entered together with their team’s captain Sawamura Daichi. Beside them tagged along Hinata’s friend from Date Tech, fellow middle blocker Aone Takanobu.
“Ah, Sugawara-san!” The first-year idiot duo stopped their bickering when the gray-haired setter all of a sudden hugged her.
Hc’d Suga and Hinata are chummy-chummy but in a mother/daughter sort of way.
He is, after all, Karasuno’s Sugamama.
“Honey, are you alright now? Did those Shiratorizawa bastards hurt you? Don’t lie to me!” She blinked in reply, baffled.
He might cry in an instant now—
“Oi, Suga, calm down,” Daichi said, drawing circles at the fellow third-year’s back to calm him down.
Aone then stepped closer besides Hinata and sat with his legs crossed, his eyes gazing at hers like Kageyama’s.
“Are you okay?” he asked her, his deep voice nearly startled both Hinata, Yachi and Kinoshita.
Date Tech’s one-third of the famous Iron Wall is a man of few words, and his replies were mostly grunts, hand gestures, and nods.
So it’s rare for him to speak, or ask a question, especially to a member of the opposite sex—or, in this case, at Karasuno’s Number 10. At Hinata Shouyou.
She held both hands at Aone’s now flustered cheeks, and grinned.
“I’m okay now, Aone-san! Don’t worry too much~ nn?” She tilted her head while looking at him.
C-cute… she’s cute, No-Eyebrows thought to himself. Even the other boys thought so, too.
Then he nodded.
Hinata patted his shoulders. “Good!”
Ahhh the power of friendship, feat. AoHina—
“Say, Hina-chan,” Yachi looked at the orange-haired girl. “Care to say to us why you fainted on Ushijima-san’s shoulder?”
The chibi stilled herself, cheeks starting to get a bit red. Kageyama noticed it.
“A-a-ano!! H-hinata-chan, it’s o-okay if you d-don’t have to tell us! S-sorry for asking such a foolish q-question—“
“Yachi-san, calm yourself down, too—,” the captain sweatdropped.
Looking at the people around her, Hinata slowly opened her mouth to speak.
“My thighs are kind of ticklish when being touched,” she muttered, face in an embarrassed state.
“Ha?” “Ticklish?”
“He—Ushijima-san touched the back of my thighs, but just to keep myself from falling down his shoulder!” the female middle blocker said aloud, pouting. “That’s why I… f-fainted earlier.”
Her partner remembered the face she made while being carried on Ushijima Wakatoshi’s shoulder.
“USHIJIMA-SA—hyaah! …P-please… stop—“
A vein pop ticked on the raven-haired setter’s face, his jawline twitching slightly.
Kageyama’s fists gripped hard, his face a big scowling mess.
Damn that Ushiwaka guy—
Another dark aura emitted on another corner as vein pops ticked on both Dadchi and Sugamama.
Wearing their scary faces.
Both Hinata, Yachi and Kinoshita panicked, while Aone furrowed his brows.
“Did you bring some shovels, Daichi?”
“They’re inside the bus compartment, Suga.”
“Good. We’re digging some graves for some perverted volleyball dorks to bury down later—wanna help us, Kageyama?”
Meanwhile, at Shiratorizawa’s side of the training camp, the members were at the sidelines, taking a break from practice when—
“ACHOO!!!” Tendou sniffled for the nth time already ever since coming back to the gym with Ushijima after the incident with Karasuno’s Number 10. “Uh, yizz…”
“Tendou-san, are you really alright?” their team’s first-year ace-in-the-making Goshiki Tsutomu asked, his face scrunched with worry. “You’re sneezing constantly.”
The redhead shook it off with a wave of his hand in reply, and smiled grimly.
“Yeah, I’m a-OK, thanks for your concern, Tsutomu-kun!”
“Oi, are you sick?” Shiratorizawa’s team mom third-year setter Semi Eita stared at his fellow third-year teammate with disgust. “If you are, please stay away from us! We don’t wanna get infected by your cold… Goshiki, don’t go near him!” “Eh? But, senpai—“
Tendou narrowed his eyes on him. “Semi-Semi, if I do have a cold, I will first go straight at ya and share my germs, duh!”
“DON’T CALL ME BY THAT STUPID NICKNAME, YOU IDIOT!” the team mom seethed, throwing a pack of tissues at the middle blocker in reply, hitting his arm.
A quarrel ensued at Shiratorizawa—
“Okay, guys, that’s enough! Save your bickering later at lunch period,” another third-year, Oohira Reon, chided and managed to stop both Tendou and Semi from tearing off their heads.
While the rest of the team just sighed and/or watched at a distance.
“Ano sa…”
Some of them turned their heads at the semi-deep voice of second-year starting setter Shirabu Kenjiro.
Idk how to describe voice ranges ‘cept high-pitch, deep blah blah sorry—
“Tendou-san, you mentioned earlier that you and Ushijima-san met Karasuno’s Number 10, right?”
“Aye~ we have!” the redhead then nudged Ushijima, who was sitting near him, on the side. “Right, Wakatoshi-kun?”
He nodded. “Un. We met Hinata Shouyou early this morning, outside the gym.”
“EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! You two met that cute sunshine already upon arrival!?!!” Both their libero, Yamagata Hayato, and middle blocker, Kawanishi Taichi, squawked at their captain.
Their faces looked like (‘◉⌓◉’), with Kawanishi gripping the collar of Shirabu’s shirt, shaking wildly.
“T-taichi, stop shaking me, goddammit—!” Whack!
Said second-year middle blocker started to wail in a dramatic way.
Dunno how to grasp Kawanishi’s personality here tbh so stfu dejk—
“We were about to bring her here back though…” Then Ushijima’s usual stoic face darkened a bit.
“…if only those Karasuno setters didn’t show up.”
“Ah, that Kageyama guy and their vice-captain, isn’t it? Number 2?” Shirabu pointed out. “That guy’s really scary even though he has the face of an angel; their captain also.”
Oohira asked, “Wait… so you two attempted to kidnap the girl?”
“No, no, ‘kidnapping’ will only cause us trouble,” Tendou said, waving his hand in a disapproving way.
“Let’s call it ‘luring her with some sweets then put her inside a potato sack’—“
“ARE YOU A DOWNRIGHT LOLICON!?!!” Semi screamed straight at the Guess Monster’s face, pissed at his earlier statement.
Tendou vs Semi, Round 2–
“I-I heard from Date Tech’s Koganegawa-san that Hinata-chan fainted on you, Ushijima-san,” Goshiki stammered, red tinge on both his cheeks due to embarrassment, maybe? “Is that true?”
Ushiwaka nodded curtly. “Ye—“
“EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SHE DID WHAAAAAAAAAAT!?!!” Both Yamagata and Kawanishi squawked again, interrupting his response.
Their faces now looked like (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾, with Kawanishi again gripping the collar of Shirabu’s shirt, shaking wildly.
“KAWANISHIIIIII!” An uppercut.
Chaos ensued inside the Shiratorizawa Academy (High School Division) Men’s Volleyball Club.
Their captain declared to himself, his olive-colored eyes shone with determination:
We will take Hinata Shouyou here, in Shiratorizawa. She should have (come here). Whatever the consequences be.
How did the supposed-to-be ‘rumor’ begin? It all started when…
“Aaaarrrggghhh!! This is not right, Ryuu!”
“Huh? What d’you mean ‘not right’, Noya?”
“I want to sit next to our cute kouhai Shouyou on the bus earlier, but it’s always that bastard Kageyama who gets to sit beside her!! Hnnnnnngh—!!! He gets to touch Shouyou’s hair whenever she dozes off, or place her head on his shoulder to sleep on! Or-or maybe even take a candid shot of her sleeping cutely—dammit!!! This is frustrating!!!!!”
“Ahhh~ I know how you feel, bro! I, too, want to sit next to our precious Hinata-chan on the bus! B-but… Noya, what about Kiyoko-san?”
“Ryuu bro, our loyalty is always on our beautiful goddess Kiyoko-san—BUT SHE’S DIFFERENT FROM SHOUYOU! Our kouhai is literally the epitome of a living sunshine~! She cures our blues away! Remember that time during our match with Wakunan, when you were kind of down about Daichi-san’s injury then Shouyou suddenly hugged and peppered you with words of encouragement?”
“Oh, yeah! It calmed my senses down… and also! Remember when you came back from your suspension, and me and Hinata noticed bruises—“
idk I really need to refresh my HQ knowledge by rereading the whole manga orz—
“—on your arms? Ma~n, she freaked out and began applying those with some ointment she had in her bag. And you told me later that time Hinata’s hands were very soft even though she spiked and blocked so many balls in her lifetime? Also that expression on your face! So priceless!”
“Ahhhh~ I wanna touch Shouyou’s soft hands again longer! Not just a high five—but holding hands!”
“Me too~ Damn, I wish there’d be some kind of (rotational?) seating arrangement whenever we’re on the bus, traveling to matches and stuff…”
“Ryuu! Noya! Heya!”
“Tora! Our shitty (city) boy from Tokyo—wassup!”
“We can’t wait to play another game against you guys later! ww”
“Same here!”
“Ah, what are you guys talking about?”
“Eh? Shrimpy-chan? What about her?”
“It’s like this….—“
The two crows and mohawked cat walked their way inside the camp premises, talking.
Unbeknownst to them, two eagles accidentally eavesdropped on the earlier conversation.
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12 notes · View notes
yamagucji · 3 years
hey dude! i have a question if its alright to ask u. i am a small writer on tumblr here, and for a while i would get a nice lil chunk of notes on things i wrote. lately though, it seems like everything i post doesnt even show up under any tags i put on the post... im not tryna be like “i Deserve notes😩” but i do wonder why all of a sudden my stuff went from 100 notes(which is like a hell yeah for me) ? i also think about the content itself, like maybe i’m just not as good at it as i thought i was? i dunno. i still enjoy and post when i can, i guess i’m out of the Writing Algorithm? lolz. if u have any advice or anything i would love to hear it, ur work is lovely and outstanding. thank u so much! hope youre having a good day.❤️
how to boost your blog I tips for writing blogs
first and foremost, im speaking from personal experience. so, this may not work for others!
evaluate your purpose. are you writing for others? for yourself? make sure that you’re not heavily dependent on notes/interaction. ofc they matter! but it shouldn’t dictate your worth or satisfaction.
repost or create a masterlist and use fandom tags. this one really helped boost my works. i made ANOTHER, separate masterlist of all my works in order and added haikyuu tags in it. i ended up having a lot of people go through them c:
follow tumblrs tag system. this app only allows the first five tags to show up in search. to combat this issue, please use < 5 tags for your post. wait 15 minutes, and then you can go ahead and add some more.
reblog your works. rb them in a different time so that people in different time zones can see.
create a taglist. ask and see if people want to be tagged to your posts! sometimes their dash is formatted so that they can only see what tumblr “recommends” and not from the people they actually follow.
format your posts. you can look at other blogs to see how they do theirs. something that makes me skim past a post is if the font is too hard to read or there’s no :readmore: link. doesn’t have to be too fancy, but enough to grab the readers’ attention.
mass character headcanon. this one... i’ve noticed gets a lot of attention. if you write headcanons or a story that includes many characters, it gets many notes. plus, you’d have a lot of tags to add which makes the post very visible.
interact with other blogs. it’s a big one. it makes the experience more fun when you’re actively supporting each other’s works or just getting to know each other. interaction in the writing community is a two-way thing.
21 notes · View notes
knightofameris · 4 years
Hiii! I was wondering if you had any fluffy fic recs? If you use AO3 and have any recs from there that would be nice too! Thank you!!!
AHDJSJD. okay I honestly do not mind giving out fic recs. Just for starters tho I do have a fic rec blog @knightofreaders !! You can also search through my blog with the tag “ameris’ fic recs”
Otherwise for now I’ll rec some AO3 ones and tumblr ones rn!! Mostly AO3 because you can find the tumblr ones on my rec account. I’m just giving recs I can think of off the top of my head rn. I’m sure I’m missing some.
Some of them might actually be GN!reader and not fem!Reader. I may have fucked up when labeling. Hmm.
Also I curse a bit on this. a lot. LMAO also terrible spelling throughout. good luck. 
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Fly High, Baby! by beartea on AO3
180k+ || slowburn || series ; completed || reverse harem || fem!reader
This one is one of my favorites. I’ll probably go hunting for the post (here!) I made for it but I went so hard on my lil review. It’s a reverse harem, slow burn. But they have such a beautiful writing style and their characterizations are spot on. I don’t know if anyone else have ever understood these characters this well with how they break down the characters. Literally break them down, make them raw because they’re crying and you’re crying suddenly too. The MC is incredibly relatable IMO. She has a personality while also being written where you can relate to her. I see myself in her. But I also see my friends. And my friends are themself in her. And she’s annoying. And frustrating. And she’s human. Reverse harem includes: Ushijima Wakatoshi, Kuroo Tetsurou, Sugawara Koushi, Akaashi Keiji, Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru.
Times I’ve cried reading: probably like at least 5x. MC does have a given last name but that is because she’s adopted. Also, I’m not an Ushi fucker at all, but tea made me like,,, just love ushi,,, a lot
Ghosts We See by Renesis on AO3 // @renesis-jj here on tumblr
200k+ || slowburn || isekai || series ; ongoing || fem!reader || reverse harem
Another masterpiece, also a favorite. I think Ren does a great job world building, she truly makes it an experience and at this point I’m not even reading it for the haikyuu boys LOL. I absolutely love how she brings us into the story (as the MC or just as a reader) and submerses us into this world she created. she does a great job showing us the world rather than telling, keeping us in the dark like MC, and guiding us through the world like MC as well. Ren also has an incredible way of understanding the characters, even their alternate forms because at the core they’re all the same. But because the ones in the alternate world grew up in a harsher environment of sorts, they seem different. Harem includes: Ushijima Wakatoshi, Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Tetsurou, Miya Osamu, Miya Atsumu, Kita Shinsuke, Suna Rintarou, Oikawa Tooru 
Ren has multiple side stories intertwined as well which makes it just absolutely amazing. I should ALSO mention, I was already an inarizaki fucker but Ren made me go oh shit. also the same as I said about Ushi from beartea, I was not an Ushi fucker but Ren also made me like him a lot more
Next Time by @\dorkyama (I am not tagging her I’m too shy lol)
??k+ || slowburn || exes to lovers || completed || fem!reader || Miya Osamu
UGH one of my favorite series (I keep saying that) for osamu this time. I love the way remy portrayed MC. She’s frustrating and annoying but so real. She also did a great job showing the relationship with MC and Osamu. It’s funny people were always angry at Osamu but personally I was always angry at MC. I think more so because I’d do what she’d do lol (i was going to add all the chapters word counts but lol)
Sugar Sweet series by @kuroos-babie​
parent AU??? lol || ongoing || fem!reader || multiple  
So this is actually connected to all of her single mom!headcanons. I haven’t read all of them but I DO know that the one’s I have read make my heart just throb. If you know me, you know how much I do Not Like Kids. Well it’s not that I don’t like them, it’s more like I would not want to be a parent lol. I’m fine with being that older figure someone looks up to, but not in a parent way,,, but like Chiqui makes me question it every so often LMAO. But I’d like to be the cool aunt or idk. 
embroidered hearts by memento_amare on ao3
2.1k+ || one shot || strangers to friends to lovers || fem!reader || Sugawara Koushi
This is just insanely fluffy. And. It makes my heart cry with how cute it is. Because MC is scared of love and yet,,, Suga shows her it’s okay to be scared but to let herself love. 
the comfort of your hand in mine by memento_amare on AO3
1.2k+ || one shot || childhood friends to lovers || fem!reader || Sugawara Koushi
Another fluffy one. I just loved it for the mutual pining and childhood friends to lovers and the revelation. Ugh. It’s also on tumblr now :3c
Read more because I have a lot lol.
Claustrophobia by melremade on AO3
11.2k+ || two shot || friends to lovers (?) || Sugawara Koushi || a lil spicy || fem!reader
I thought this one was cute LOL. Sugas adorable in here and it’s only a lil spicy cus it had a pretty detailed make out session
Miscellaneous by Thisisforthebest on ao3
?.?k+ || multiple parts || fem!reader || has some SPICEY moments but it’s cute fluff mostly.
This ones hard to group. This one has a bunch of stories split into parts throughout different chapters of this uhhhh AO3 fic? I’ve admittedly only read Suga’s and Oikawa’s. I love both and Oikawa’s is still unfinished. suga’s is childhood friends to lovers and ugh it’s just so cute. Oikawa’s is also cute and I wanna scream. There are also other characters on here, but I haven’t read them oops. I only was interested in Suga’s and Oikawa’s lol. 
Drop the Guillotine by rosequartsy on ao3
13.7k+ || one shot || friends to lovers (?) || a lil SPICEY || fem!reader || Miya Osamu
I’ve gone back to this fic once or twice. It’s well written and it’s obvious about the pining going on in both sides and. Well I like it kol. And idk how to talk about it without giving out spoilers
All I Want by declaraso on AO3
44.5k+ || series ; completed || slow burn || childhood friends to lovers || fem!reader || Miya Osamu
The slow burn in this one was so FRUSTRATINF. and yet I kept reading because I loved it so much. You really want to bonk MC AND SAMU.
Crush like WOAH by herecomestroublr on AO3
9.2k+ || one shot || established relationship || fem!reader || Sugawara Koushi
HINATA goes to his two upperclassmen for help on confessing. And MC and suga explain their relationship development lol. This one was just really cute cus it focuses on Mc and suga but at the same time not.
too easy by @\kuroopaisen
3.2k+ || one shot || friends to lovers || Sugawara Koushi
Another fic I go back to a lot. I JSUT love friends to lovers. And I can see how this relationship developed so well and realistically??? Because there were moments in there I could relate to with my former relationships lol
pillow fort rituals by @\kuroopaisen
3.9k+ || one shot || childhood friends to lovers || Kuroo Tetsurou
My one single kuroo rec on here. lol. Well not counting the reverse harems. Anyways this one I absolutely LOVED. it was just well written and it was another type of relationship I’d want, one that kinda eases into one from friendship. I love that shit. I also think about this one a lot. I also enjoy this one a whole lot because, well, I like the idea of a relationship developing naturally in a way where there are no declarations of love or likes. It just happens and you know it’s there and the other knows its there. and maybe eventually you both do talk about it but. it’s there. 
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Can you guys tell I have a strong preference towards gray haired characters 🤡🤡 and can you tell what my favorite tropes are ajdhajjd
Anyway I’m sure some of these you may have already seen. But these are my absolute favorite. Or maybe they are ones you’ve seen while scrolling through AO3 or tumblr but never gave a chance because I dunno. Some ARE long which is understandable. But hopefully this will convince you because hngngh
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Ten Characters Tag
Tagged by: @dialovers-translations
Rules: make a new post, name 10 of your favorite characters from 10 different fandoms that you like, and then tag 10 people.
1.) Shu Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
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Shu Sakamaki, the love of my life, my husband, my everything XD. He’s just about my only favorite person in the entire anime. I’m okay with some others but nothing more. Shu is someone I find dear to my heart and will always have my heart. Shu is also at the top of my list on everything and most likely always will be ^o^
2.) Usui Takumi - Kaichou Wa Maid Sama
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Usui Takumi is the “perfect” man in everyone’s eyes, and we all know he fits best with his girlfriend/wife, Misaki Ayuzawa. Usui is the first anime guy I can officially say I “liked” because Maid Sama was my first anime. So he has a very special place in my life.
3.) Tomoe - Kamisama Hajimemashita
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Tomoe is someone who left me completely hooked, but I also couldn’t help but stay out of the way for him and Nanami to be together. He was the most adorable, jerk, rude, elegant fox I’d ever seen XD.
4.) Ukyo - Amnesia
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Ukyo was one of my first reverse harem I had ever watched. He was crazy, but we all know he’s a sweetheart and you can’t tell me otherwise. I know he has a game but I’ve never looked too much into it nor played it :)
5.) Korosensei - Assassination Classroom
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Korosensei inspired me to keep working hard in school. He was truly some of my best motivation. He teaches you so much about how to be better not only as a student,,, but as an assassin >:).
6.) Sora - No Game No Life
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Sora is probably one of the most amazing characters, along with his little sister because it will always be Team “Blank”. This anime overall taught me how to think more strategically, that in many ways, it taught me that even in the most difficult situations... there’s still a way.
7.) Kyoya Ootori - Ouran High School Host Club
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Kyoya is a special thing, because with the two phrases that I will never forget: “You can pay me back with your body,” and, “What is it now... daddy?” It’s hard not to love the stoic guy XD.
8.) Meliodas - The Seven Deadly Sins
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Meliodas; different type of respectful pervert? Do respectful perverts even exist? I dunno, but Meliodas knows how to make a person laugh, cry, and leave impressed.
9.) Isaac Foster - Angels of Death
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Aw, Zack, look at that smile. But don’t be fooled, he’s a maniac. He’s a good maniac, though. This is also based off a game, which by the way, is a wonderful game that I myself have not played but I’ve seen my brother play. Good anime good game :).
10.) Toru Oikawa - Haikyuu!! (Smh)
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... Oikawa... to say the least: I’m so disappointed in myself for liking this guy... I hated him the entire time I was watching the anime (up to s2)... and then suddenly.. it’s been a week or so since I watched it and... why the hell do I like him now? I dunno, but he’s here.
I tag: @rider-chaos-moon @sublime-kawaii @shelbyllove @demonic-melodies @pinkcowgirleggpanda @sakamakimansion @konoriichii @dialovers-yui-comori @catalinatbc @jadefridamirai (Note: Sorry if you’ve already been tagged..!! Feel free to ignore ^.^)
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12redsky34 · 4 years
wip roundup
I have been tag-teamed by @autisticmidoriyas and @yamadadzawa so I guess it’s my turn! Thanks for inviting me to share my many ideas, both of u xD
Just gonna preface this by saying that I have only three actual in-progress and posted wips at the moment, so I’ll split this into written and currently unwritten. In addition, while most of my ideas are for BNHA, I have a few for Haikyuu as well that I’ll include.
1. The Soul Behind The Quirk: Currently the fic I’ve written the most content for, and it’s been tonnes of fun to write!. It basically started with the thought “what if Izuku could see like... souls?” and it spiralled from there. It starts with Hisashi, an S-class villain (not AfO though), coming to Izuku and Inko’s home. He and a currently unnamed accomplice murder Inko and heavily injure Izuku, leaving Aizawa to rescue him from the burning apartment. Izuku force-manifests a quirk from the stress of the experience.
2. Dancing through Embers: This one is still in the baby stages, but it features quirkless, trans Izuku and Hitoshi, graffiti artist Hitoshi, vigilante Izuku, vigilante and brotherly Dabi (eventually, it’s a bit far down the line at the moment), and eventual parental Aizawa. Also featuring the characters in Karasuno from Haikyuu!! You don’t need to know anything about Haikyuu to enjoy them, but they’re a nice addition for those who do. This one’s more serious than most of my other fics so far, and I’ve outlined a lot more than the rest. I’m actually quite proud of what I’ve planned, and you may take that as you will ;)
3. A Study of Soulmates: You want a soulmate AU? You want good dad Hisashi? Want a quirkless Izuku who doesn’t ever step foot into UA? Want an Izuku that will eventually work in a coffee shop as an informant on the side? Well this is the place for you! This one is in it’s early early stages; like I just started posting last month, early. It’s mostly going to be fairly light-hearted, with both platonic and romantic soulmates, but Tododeku is planned as a main pairing and there will be plenty of shenanigans surrounding them.
3. I’m falling to pieces (falling to pieces): A oneshot that is still being written. I’ve seen a lot of fics where Aizawa and/or his classmates find out about Izuku’s previous quirklessness somehow, and this was actually inspired from this post by @zippodippo! Features all the dadzawa content!
4. Dragon!Quirked Izuku AU: This hasn’t had too much thought beyond “I want to make Izuku a dragon” and “Ooooh what if he was taken in by the Hero Commission just like Hawks?” Basically in this fic, his quirk manifested a little late and quite violently; he effectively goes feral for a short while until heroes are called in to subdue him. He would have been pardoned for his quirk use considering it happened while he was afraid and under significant stress, but the power his quirk had even then caught the Commission’s attention and they basically forced Inko and Hisashi to hand him over. There isn’t a lot they can do about it.
5. Shady Dealings: Doesn’t really have an end goal at the moment, but this basically started from “I want to write a villain/informant AU that I feel would be true to Izuku’s character,” and it resulted in this. Inko works as a nurse/doctor of sorts in the underground for villains, vigilantes, or just people who can’t afford an actual hospital for whatever reason. Hisashi works as a support mechanic of sorts for the underground, mostly for vigilantes and for the poor division of the population who can’t afford traditional prosthetics. Both of them take payment in the form of money, favours, or both. They’re also very careful to keep anyone from targeting Izuku, and make active attempts to get him into a more lawful line of work, but that backfires of course. I plan for it to be pretty lighthearted despite the serious subject.
6. Everyone is Brainwashed: I see a lot of fix-it fics where those involved are often like “why didn’t I see/notice this before?” and I thought “well... what if it’s because everyone literally can’t?” The basic premise is this: when UA was first being planned and built, AfO placed a very subtle but very wide-ranged brainwashing on anyone involved in major decisions regarding the school. He can’t change how anyone under influence acts in a major way, but he can, for instance, make someone decide not to put in place one safety measure or another. This is a chink he eventually takes advantage of through the USJ arc. Things are going quite well for him until one Izuku Midoriya walks in completely unaffected by the brainwashing zone he’s put in place.
7. Anomaly!AU: Basically if Izuku is an SCP from SCP: Containment Breach. I’ve taken a fair amount of creative liberties with this one, partially because I have never actually played the game and partially because fitting things like that into a world of quirks can be a little tricky. He’ll be an SCP of my own design, I’ve actually drawn him quite a bit at this point, but he wasn’t originally one. AfO took him as a child and felt like experimenting so he sort of crammed a lot of weird, random quirks into him, but it kind of backfired, and Izuku became something not quite human anymore. There’s not a whole lot planned yet but I have some ideas!
1. Lightning Strikes Twice: Basically a HTTYD AU with some creative liberties. Hinata is a rare lightning Dragon, known in the racing world for his speed. The only problem is, his paired rider is abusive and keeps pushing and demanding, always telling him he isn’t good enough even though he keeps trying. Kageyama is a renowned dragon rider, known for his excellent control on the saddle and for being able to navigate racing courses even veterans find hard to clear. However, he never manages to find a dragon he truly connects with, and to make it far in the racing industry, that kind of connection is basically a requirement. Tragic accidents drive them from their old teams and bring them to Karasuno, where they both get a fresh start.
2. Giant Crow Hinata: Almost everything is the same except Hinata isn’t human, and lives in the mountains with his family, who are also not human. I haven’t decided what exactly they are past giant creatures of some sort. Hinata belongs to a clan of giant bird creatures, and he specifically is a crow. One night in a storm, he gets injured and ends up in Kageyama’s back yard. Kageyama’s mother patches him up and sends him home, but he comes back, and eventually he and Tobio end up in a routine of sorts where Hinata will sit there and listen to Tobio talking about volleyball. One day, Hinata arrives but he’s in a more human-like form and demands that he let Tobio try and play with him. That’s about all I got for that so far.
3. Pokemon AU: This one is. So involved, mostly on the worldbuilding side of things. For those who know anything at all about the main series Pokemon games, this will be set in Galar (Sword/Shield). Hinata grows up wanting nothing more than to be a Pokemon Ranger (they have a slightly different role than “canon” here), whereas Kageyama was born from a Gym Leader and the CEO of an influential company and has had heavy expectations on him basically since birth. The stress and fear of failure make him cold and controlling at first, so when he does his first run of the Pokemon League, he fails. He gets advice to visit the Wild Area where a certain Ranger spends most of his time. Needless to say, when he meets this scrawny, wild-haired little Ranger, he is not expecting it to be while he himself is being chased around by an angry Dragon-type until Hinata arrives and calms it down by just being there. He has many questions.
Aaaaand that’s it I believe! If any of you want to ask me questions about these, feel free to leave an ask! I’d be happy to talk about them more :D As for tagging, uhhhh... I dunno, @plusultrachaos, @faelwenholdsthelight, and @psychicshr00m, if y’all haven’t done so and would like to do this!
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floweringpopcat · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
thanks for the tag @ma-serannas-vhenan! <3
Name: bry (or cactus)
Fandoms: haikyuu!! and maybe some jjk in the future. little bit of kingdom hearts, too
Where you post: sanguine_puddles on ao3
Most popular one-shot: ...popular how?? the one with the most kudos is "snapdragons"
Most popular multi-chapter: the only multi-chap one i have is "crocus and petunia" and i dunno if that really counts
Favorite story you've written so far: definitely "snapdragons", it's just ( ˘ ³˘)🖤
Fic you were nervous to post: any of the ones that involve mental health because those are all projections (;;;・_・) also any that went unbetaed because if i didn't ask lyn (dadzawa) to beta then it was either too short or i was being a nervous wreck (・∀・) (or it's from before i met lyn lol)
How do you choose your titles: song lyrics that relate to the theme or flowers that have meanings that relate to the theme
Do you outline: not really because everything i write is super short. the closest thing i get to proper outlining is making a bullet list of what i want to happen and maybe some facts about the characters/scenes that i'd need to remember. sometimes even a piece of dialogue that i just want to throw in at some point. then i write the fic underneath the bullet list lol
Complete: technically 23
In-progress: none right now, but i do have a couple of ideas and plans sitting in docs
Prompts: nah, i don't do 'em. they can sometimes be inspiring, but i never have the urge to write based on one
Upcoming work you're most excited about: the one that will close the haikyuu series i've been writing, though i know for a fact that i'm gonna struggle when i get around to writing it
@extreme-technicality @littlemisscupcake and any other mutuals that write fic that i am unaware of
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ohhlookitsthepizza · 4 years
Fandoms: Boku No Hero Academia, Harry Potter, Haikyuu!!
thank for tagging meee @ihopuhopwehop
Where do you post: on here and Ao3
Most Popular One-Shot: Stand Up Guy its a wolfstar coffee shop au
Most Popular Multi-chapter: lmaoooo imagine starting and finishing a multi chapter bwahahah but i did just post my first chapter of my first multi chapter that is already finished so i guess it would be The Captive Pirate
Favourite Story Written So Far: Stand Up Guy probably because it was an act of small (yet not seen) rebellion against my homophobic parents, i wrote that fic while at the dining table while the adults in the room were having a discussion about how “man was made for woman” and “pronouns in today were ‘too confusing’”
Fic you Were Nervous to Post: ummm al of them??? hut i guess more than most i would say Icarus bc i definently didn’t edit it well enough and i ended up just posting in quickly cos i wanted to get it out there
How you chose You Titles: welll Stand Up Guy was based on the song Stand Up Guy and I varys was based on well Icarus and some titles (stares crudely at The Captive Pirate) and definitely destined to change and sometimes i think of the title before i even think of the plot lmao
Complete: Stand Up Guy, Icarus, New Relavations
In progress: The Captive Pirate
Coming Soon/ Not yet started: there’s the mauraders fic called Catch the Stars that i’ve been sitting on for a hot minute, this Heather fic that i’ve been sitting on since i stayed up waiting for that stupid song to come out (guess what my most listened to spotify wrapped song was) recently i have a jily construction au floating around and there’s this royalty au that’s been stuck in my brain for a while
Do you accept prompts?: sure? i dunno i’ve never rlly gotten one but if you wanna send me a prompt go for it :)
Upcoming Works ur most excited about?: the construction au bc part of it is based on real life and part of it because it was hilarious when it happened
tagging: ummm @alrightginger i know ur taking a break frim writing rn but i hope you can still do this! if not i’m sorry! @amaranthinedream , @authorsmberry , @wplfstar
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tottwritesfanfic · 4 years
Fanfic Authors Tag Game
Thankee for tagging @moramewhq​
AO3 name(s): Tottwriter, [REDACTED] Fandoms: Haikyuu!!, Digimon (a little lapsed, but I still tinker with my WIPs!), sliiiightly BNHA, and I have a TUA wip which I will someday resume. I try not to venture into new fandoms but, you know...I fail. Number of fics: I have 56 posted works, but also, uh... a few which I haven’t gotten to posting yet.
1. Fic I spent the most time on:
Um. Oh jeez. I mean, I guess nothing has overtaken Hope’s Fire just yet, because that’s the monster. Hopefully nothing else will? XD
2. Fic I spent the least time on:
Well this is genuinely a toss-up, because I have a few which I wrote for 20 minute prompt game fills, and then hardly even bothered to edit before they were thrown up on Ao3 without a backward glance.
Annoyingly, some of them are among my most popular works.
3. Longest fic:
Hope’s Fire! As I said, it’s the monster, currently clocking in at ~144k. My longest completed fic is The Ocean’s Curse though, which is 62.4k!
4. Shortest fic:
Okay so my shortest fic is actually a bit of weird experimental stuff I wrote for Starbound, which you will note I did not list in the fandoms above, lol. It’s old and weird and 351 words long... I don’t think anyone wants to read it. You don’t want to read it.
5. Most hits:
Hope’s Fire! It’s not really surprising tbh, given how long ago I started it and how many chapters it has. 
6. Most kudos:
Hope’s Fire wins this one too! I bet you’re all really shocked to learn this.
7. Most comment threads:
...imma give you lot one guess. 
8. Favorite fic I wrote:
fuck. Er. I dunno? I mean I write because I like writing them, you know? But honestly if I have to narrow it down... Parallel for the ‘serious’ fics, and either Press Play or (Not) Moving On for my more lighthearted stuff. It’s hard to pick when I swing between such tone extremes!
9. Fic you want to re-write:
I mean this is probably gonna sound really dumb but...kinda also Hope’s Fire??
Hear me out tho, because it’s complicated (and also I sorta already am). This fic started in 2015. I love it wholeheartedly, and I keep coming back to tinker and I wish life would stop throwing so much shit in my way and let me devote a bit more time to fic-writing so I continue it properly. 
But the periodic and spaced-out returns have meant that every time I knuckle down I end up re-reading the whole fic for continuity and tone reasons. You can probably see where this is going. Each time I read my old opening I cringe. It’s just not up to the standards of my writing today and it bugs me.
If I’m being brutally honest, part of the reason I haven’t updated it in so long is that I keep getting distracted going back and tweaking/fixing old chapters rather than focusing on new ones. It’s a bad habit but one I just can’t seem to kick.
10. Share bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on:
You know, I’m actually gonna give two. I’ll drop them below a cut because this got long, but I know I have both Digimon and HQ peeps here and it’s sucky to be in the fandom that doesn’t get the love. I can’t promise when I’ll manage to get either of these posted (I’m trying to avoid adding more works to my Ao3 until they’re actually, you know, finished) but...they exist!
First up, we have Fun and Games at the Adventure Cafe
Yes, this is exactly what you think it is:
The notice on the door said “HELP WANTED” in large, sensible font.
The addendum “Enquire Within” sat below it, equally formal.
Scribbled underneath in scruffy handwriting was just one more addition:
     ‘as in we’re hiring. dw we know what we’re doing.’
   The notice on the door the following morning was back to plain old:
     HELP WANTED      Enquire Within
…It lasted half a day or so, at least.
As Sora remarked later, it was a wonder they got any applicants at all. Then again, as Taichi remarked, it wasn’t as though a lot of places were taking on extra staff—which was something of an oddity as the summer approached.
“It’s that swanky place round the corner,” he said with disgust, peering out of the window. “Bastards are driving everyone out of business.”
“But not you guys, right!” piped up their current interviewee. “You’re doing great! Honestly, as soon as I saw the sign I knew I had to apply. I’ve always wanted to start my own ramen business, and I figure I ought to start out with a popular place like this and get some real experience in the industry, you know?”
“Er, yes. Right,” Sora remarked, looking over his application. “Well, Daisuke, I will have to warn you that as a new hire you’d be working front-of-house rather in the kitchen, but if you’re okay with that—”
“Eh, just tell him he’s hired already,” Taichi replied, turning back to face them with a grin. “Yamato could definitely use a hand in the kitchen sometimes, so taking on a future all-rounder makes total sense.”
From the look Sora shot him, it perhaps didn’t, but Daisuke was already practically leaping to his feet with a grin, exclaiming that they could totally rely on him, and he absolutely would not let them down and could start the next day if they needed him to.
Next up, for my HQ peeps, here’s a little snippet from Connection Problems, my longtime langushing halfway chatfic. I’m not sharing the chatfic stuff because formatting tumblr is hell, though. 
Kenma always suspected that being a third year would turn out to be a pain, but he’d rather hoped his fears wouldn’t be realised within the first few weeks of the school year. Really, it’s bad enough that Kuro, Yaku and Kai have left, and that everyone else nominated him for the role of Captain (he’d talked them down to being Vice Captain instead, but that, apparently, was as low as they were prepared to go). He does not need Taketora constantly pestering him about—of all things—a chat group as well.
“Come on, I thought you and Kuroo were like, joined at the hip or something! Don’t try and act like you don’t miss him now he’s at university.”
He shrugs. “I have a phone. We’re keeping in touch.” Because, really. That’s all that matters, isn’t it? Why does everyone have to complicate things so much?
“Yeah, but, it’s not the same, right? Besides, what the hell! You spend all that time on your phone as it is. And even Fukunaga joined, right?”
Kenma glances over at Shouhei, who nods, grinning sheepishly. Drat.
“Still, I don’t have that chat app you all use,” he says. “It’s too much trouble setting it up, when I can message Kuro just fine.”
That should have been the end of it. Any rational person would have seen that it was no good, and left him in peace. Kuro would have, certainly. Not pushing—never pushing, actually. Just nudging him along a little, and even then, only when it comes to volleyball. He’s learnt all of Kenma’s limits over the years.
But the thing is, Kuro isn’t there any more. It’s just himself, Taketora and Shouhei, and okay, Shouhei never pushes—he hardly ever says anything, for that matter. But Taketora is clearly some sort of demon and he, Kenma, is being punished. Maybe he really pissed someone off in a previous life. Maybe this is a penance so he can piss someone off in his next life with a free pass. Either way, the badgering doesn’t let up.
Kenma holds out until the 27th of May. Seven weeks of hassling is more than enough for anyone.
Aaaand for tagging how about: @ahiddenpath, @humandisasterbuckybarnes, @mooifyourecows
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fandomsnstuff · 4 years
Fic Author Tag Game
Tagged by: @halcyonhowl​
Tagging: my dear friend @desiree-harding-fic 
Ao3 name: fandomsnstuff
Fandoms: Currently I’m writing for taz, but I went off with the amount of v*ltron fics, I also wrote a little bit for yuri on ice and haikyuu a few years ago. For this I’m going to answer for just taz fics and in general, just for fun :)
Number of fics: 30(!) total fics, with 10 of them being taz
1. Fic you spent the most time on: That’s probably going to be Out of Time (taakitz, “real-world” & time travel au) 
Although I do have a wip that’s already overtaken anything else I’ve ever written for the amount of time I’ve spent on it and it’s probably not even half done lmaoo
2. Fic you spent the least time on: Determining the Effects of Consuming the Light of Creation 
tbh I don’t think this would even technically count as a fic, so aside from that, I think I spent about a max of 45 minutes of Kepler’s Laws
3. Longest fic: In general - A Foster Kid’s Confessional: 11 Unexpected Uses for Families (14 241 words, keith/lance, modern au)
For taz - Out of Time (14 167 words)
4. Shortest fic: Kepler’s Laws (545 words)
5. Most hits: In general - Five times Keith saw Lance cry, and the one time Lance saw Keith cry. (4837 hits, fic is exactly what it says on the tin)
For taz -  Out of Time (830 hits, please read my fic she’s so good I promise)
6. Most kudos:  In general - Five times Keith saw Lance cry, and the one time Lance saw Keith cry. (584 kudos)
For taz -  Out of Time (148 kudos)
7. Most comment threads:  Out of Time (22 comments)
8. Fave fic you wrote: I’m going to pick a few because I can. So in no particular order: 
Don’t Commit Felonies, Kids - picked for the title alone. It’s about pidge (katie) reuniting with her dad in v*ltron
I Missed You - Listen v*ltron was trash, but this fic? Soft as hell. Someone complimented my characterization of the characters in this fic and it immediately became one of my favourites. 
Stay Safe Out There - Barry Bluejeans is shaped like a dad and I’m always soft for him and his baby girl, and this whole fic is just him loving his daughter
Out of Time - There’s a reason this one has come up a lot, I spent like two weeks on this, and I Went Off if I do say so myself
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: tbh I wouldn’t mind redoing Twists, Turns, and Shifts if I found the time and/or motivation bc I dunno. I don’t hate this one, but it’s the first taz fic I did and I think I could do it better if I really wanted to
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning: Okay so I’m in the process of writing a frozen 2 inspired fic with my blupjeans baby oc, but it’s multi-chapter and it has to be complete before I post it or it’ll never get done. This au has been in development literally since I saw frozen 2 on boxing day (dec 26th) and I adore it it’s so good. 
Trying to pick and excerpt for this was very difficult, but here’s some mom Lup for ya
An eight-year old Lilliana sits cross-legged on the floor of her room, Lup across from her and an unlit candle sitting between them. She stares intently at the candle, willing it to light up. When nothing happens, she crosses her arms and huffs, frustrated. The fire in the hearth next to her flares up accordingly. Seeing this, Lilliana groans (prompting the fire to flare again) and falls back to lay down on the carpet. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.” 
Lup moves to sit next to her. “You’re not doing anything wrong,” she brushes a loose piece of hair out of Lilli’s face and tucks it behind her ear, “you just have to keep practising, you’ll get the hang of it.” 
Lilliana looks up at Lup and pouts. “How should you know, Mama? You don’t have magic.” 
Lup’s hand pauses in its ministrations with Lilli’s hair. She looks into her daughter’s hazel eyes, eyes that she knows are gold underneath. She tamps down the aching in her chest and sighs, smiling softly. “You’ve got me there, baby girl.”
Long story short: Lup and Barry makes some questionable parenting decisions, Lilliana is Elsa but better, Angus frets over her health, Taako loves his niece, Kravitz is just hoping everything works out 
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franeridart · 6 years
Me: *has notifications on for when you post something* Also me: *checks your blog every day in case I missed something*
Ahhhhhh thank you!!! I’m sorry lately I’ve been less active, haven’t I orz a mixture of being busy and uninspired #rip I’ll try to do better!!
Anon said:I love how you draw kiri in casual clothes he looks so cool and cute! Eventhough it's canon he's a fashion disaster haha
Thank you!!! But actually I base my designs for Kirishima’s casual clothes completely on his official casual clothes (which is to say, his shifuku) and the stuff he’s worn in canon already ( x x x x x ) - people consider him a fashion disaster for the crocs, mostly, and I guess the patterns of his shirts? Ah, personally I don’t dislike either so I guess he doesn’t come off as a disaster in my doodles hahaha
Anon said:Idk why, but theres one panel of that one comic where bakugou and kirishima are little kids in the fantasy au and bakugou takes kirishima home and Mitsui is just like "..... " but her expression says "well shit" just makes me laugh. It brings me great joy. Idk why I'm telling you this, but have a great day! Ily and your art!
Thank you so so much!!!!! Mitsuki was so much fun to draw there, I’m really glad the expression came out right hahaha
Anon said:Dopo aver letto le FAQ, ripeto tutti i complimenti in italiano, visto che meriti decisamente un elogio multilingue :-P E tra parentesi, inglese eccellente! Mai avrei sospettato che non fosse la tua lingua madre.
AHHHHHHHHHH GRAZIE MILLE!!!!!!! Anche per il complimento sull’inglese hahaha scrivere fic in inglese mi ha probabilmente aiutata un bel po’ in quel senso lmao
Anon said:Another abuse of the "ask" function, but boy, your Kiribaku art makes me feel so happy and fluffy and giddy and they are even in-character!! Thank you so much.
THANK YOU !!!!! it always makes me so incredibly happy to know my characterization is okay!!! ;^;
Anon said:i finally got to the bottom of your bakushima tag and lemme tell you: it was totally worth all of the time spent.
MAN that must have taken way longer than it deserved hahaha but I’m glad you enjoyed it!!!! Even if I’m sure the further back you went the worse everything was..... rip lmao
I dunno which one this is about but hell yes the more red Bakugou wears the happier my heart is!!!!!
Anon said:i can’t believe i’ve been following you since haikyuu!! era. like,,,, ily a lot bro
Knowing that you’ve been following me that long I gotta say I love you a whole damn lot too??? thank you so much seriously !!!! ;^;
Anon said:I found the mug from one of your Kiribaku dad comics! (The one that says "Welcome to the Gun Show")
I genuinely hope you didn’t make the ill decision of buying it, anon lmao
Anon said:Todomomobaku gives me life aaakskglh
It was absolutely not meant as romantic but thank you for liking it!!!!!!!!!!! That specific doodle got so much love and I’m so glad for it cause that friend group makes probably little sense by canon but I love it so much? Drawing it made me super happy so I’m happy you liked it!!
Anon said:I just came back from watching the Incredibles and no matter which AU you are, you'll always find politics messing with the job of the heroes. BNHA heroes and TI heroes need a coffee break to chat tohether 9_9.
I still haven’t watched TI2 but hell yes I feel this ask ;-;
Anon said:(Bakushima kids thing) did mako get into UA? If so did she make some new friends right away and/or fall head over heels for a scary/angry looking girl in the new class(fallowing in Pappa’s footsteps)? In either case, what were Bakugou and Kirishima’s first impression on them/her?
Mako’s seven lmao she barely started elementary school, she definitely didn’t get into UA just yet hahaha 
Anon said:Awh Sero looks so lonely in that pic
He isn’t! He’s waiting for Ashido, they’re going on a date he doesn’t know it’s a date but it’s definitely a Date™, Ashido will make sure he realizes by the end of it *thumb up*
Anon said:Do you have any ideas for gender-bend Bakugou and Kirishima? Like what they would look like, how to their personalities would change, stuff like that. Sorry if I’m bothering you
I’d lie if I said I don’t have a couple of doodles saved somewhere in my art folder, but to be fair my gb Baku and Kiri are... exactly like Baku and Kiri, I wouldn’t really change them all that much, so I never find it much worth it to talk about it? I think Bakugou might have been a bit different in backstory since being a girl would have made people less, uh, sure he was destined to beat All Might or whatever, but in general he’d stay the same imho. Kiri too, he wouldn’t change all that much either. Their designs also, their quirks require them to be buff after all. I dunno man I just don’t think them being girls would change all that much about them so my ideas on this specific aus are always a bit eh, sorry!
Anon said:Fran! Don't read if you didn't see episode 11! How do you interpret that Kirishima try to hold the hand of Bakugou aroud the end of the ep? I mean: objectively?
That was actually a small variation of a scene already present in the manga (central panel here) so being as objective as I can be I’d say it was just bones playing on how much fans love the ship - that said, it’s still canon to the manga that Kirishima didn’t trust Bakugou where he couldn’t keep his hands on him and make sure he was there and safe? That’s adorable and I’ve been crying over that for two years now ;^;
Anon said:During a time I've been too depressed to make it to my counseling appointments or to my follow up appointments to get back on my meds, your art, quite especially your doodle comics, makes me smile. It's not really worth much, and I wish I could support you more, your sketches and doodles and full pieces and everything you draw, just really helps. You don't have to respond. Just please don't stop creating.
Thank you so so so much for this ask, anon ;-; and I’m really sorry you’re going through a hard time right now, but let’s be strong together okay? *holds*
Anon said:I’m so happy to see that you don’t draw noses because I can’t draw them and I never add them to my art and it makes me feel better knowing that I’m not the only one😭😂
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! noses are hard to draw aren’t they? they’re so hard!!! so incredibly hard!!!! I keep on trying to find a way to go about them I’m satisfied with but it just isn’t working!!!! Until I find one it’s noseless art for me hahaha
Anon said:Your art made me realize I’m bisexual so........ thanks bro ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
I don’t know how that happened but this is the best ask I’ve ever gotten ever?? you’re very very welcom my friend !!!!!!!
Anon said:Your art makes me so happy whenever I see it. The style is just so soft and sweet and comforting and I love it a lot. I have no money rn but soon I would love to buy some of the stuff you have for sale 😄💖💖
AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much both for the compliments and the nice feeling, anon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hyperbolicgrinch · 3 years
FIC Writer Interview Meme
Tagged by @the-sassiest-trixster THANKS, MAN! :)
name: jaz! (allthatjaz)
fandoms: (ones I've written for but not necessarily posted for) one piece, supernatural, mass effect, dragon age, guardian, killer and healer, all out!!, haikyuu!!, attack on titan, D&D
two-shot: two shots can be fun (she says like she’s actually written one lmao)
most popular multi-chapter fic: Come Over Here and Make Me because it is the only one I have posted with technically two chapters, ppft
actual worst part of writing: when it doesn't come out on the page like it is in your head
how you choose your titles: either from something that inspired me to do the fic or that is within the fic itself or something that I think just rings really nicely with it and connects somehow. All the ones I've posted came from prompts though so I just used the prompt for theirs. Unimaginative, I know
do you outline: not often but god I should, the ones I have actually finished were mostly outlined beforehand or after starting
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice: everything in my drafts hahahahaha :(
callouts @ me: just do it, just write it, hoe, you can edit and polish afterwards!!!!!!!!!! IM BEGGING HERE
best writing traits: nah, I dunno, man
spicy tangential opinion: not very spicy but, write what you love and for your own enjoyment, you don’t owe your readers anything you don’t want to 
Tagging me fellow wordsmith @joestarry-eyed <3
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spoookily · 3 years
getting to know me
ty @lesbianbb-8 for the tag!! fitting that the tag game about tumblr would fail to give me a notification
why did you choose your url?
my old url was ‘peemily’ after a friend from high school invented a new word. then i changed it for halloween and it just stuck.
any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
i’ll out myself idgaf.
in addition to this one, my relatively inactive main is @dorkybarnes , a (mostly) marvel blog. i also run a kpop blog @woozification , and an anime blog @heyyamaguchi . a blog for every interest. compartmentalization.
how long have you been on tumblr?
not including the time i started a blog but couldn’t figure out how to work it and left, i’ve been here about 9 years (since july 2012).
do you have a queue tag?
it’s just ‘q’. although i don’t really use it on this blog, since i don’t have a ton of content lined up.
why did you start your blog in the first place?
fandom stuff. probably doctor who, at the time.
why did you choose you icon/pfp?
i’m spooky lesbian.
why did you choose your header?
no reason tbh. just something to fill the space.
what’s your post with the most notes?
looking across all blogs, it’s this haikyuu!! textpost meme, with 23,473 notes. i peaked in 2014.
how many followers do you have?
here, 161. more on the other blogs, but i’m honestly surprised i have that many here since i'm literally just vibing. thanks for vibing with me, ya’ll.
how many people do you follow?
205 atm. i tend to follow/unfollow on a whim. 
have you ever made a shitpost?
for sure.
how often do you use tumblr each day?
i open the app over and over again when i’m fiddling with my phone. and i almost always have it open in a browser tab, even if i’m doing something else.
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once?
nah. too stress. i don’t blog about anything serious enough to be worth fighting over. i’m just here for a good time.
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’?
even if i agree with the content 100%, i go “you can’t tell me what to doooo” and scroll past.
do you like tag games?
yes!! i love them.
do you like ask games?
i don’t really reblog them, but i like to ask other people stuff.
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
dunno. i don’t have many ‘mutuals’ rly, since i follow from my main, which isn’t the blog i do most of my posting on.
do you have a crush on a mutual?
all of them
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