#i dont think anyone will but. since i made a ref... if anyone wants to draw fanart---
milkbreadtoast · 3 months
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(OC) I tried drawing the components of Siwon's outfit/uniform (not to scale)... THIS WAS FUN...! as u can see siwon pops his collar, tucks in his jacket + leaves it unzipped, and rolls up the sleeves... (didnt draw the zipper on the jacket bc lazy)
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mynameisnotsoda · 3 months
Explaining my entire dsmpsona playlist because I can
P.s. every mention of Soda in this post isn't me, i just dont feel like putting c! In front of it every single time LMAO
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Also i dont think i ever posted the ref on tumblr!!?!??! Criminal but putting it here is better methinks
I also put this in my studentbur playlist, which feels fitting for both of them. However for Adam its more metaphorical whereas with Soda its more literal.
I have my own shapeshifter lore that's loitering in my brain that i need to write down eventually BUT the basics are essentially that shapeshifters are "born" from the planet. They CAN come from other shapeshifters but only once and most choose not to have a bio kid.
So basically, Soda literally popped out of the ground one day, was found by Sapnap and then adopted by Bad and Skeppy. Soda was maybe physically 9/10 years old and was so curious about the world and excited to experience life. If any creature could possibly be made of pure love, its them.
Growing up Soda got REALLY attached to Bad, they clung onto him a lot and it was to the point where it was probably unhealthy. Of course Bad noticed, which made him actually set some boundaries despite not really wanting to. Skeppy was able to convince him, though, as when it comes to the kids hes the voice of reason.
So, Bad would start off by telling Soda that he was going to be gone, leading up to him just disappearing for maybe a few hours at a time before eventually coming back. Eventually Soda was able to function without Bad, but that ended up backfiring as they just latched onto Sapnap instead.
With Soda's attachment to their brother, they tagged along with him when he went out fairly often but after being weened off of Bad it became more frequent. Soda and Sapnap were practically attached at the hip, regardless of Sapnap's protesting.
With a group of teenagers they were obviously doing some reckless, stupid shit and Soda was just along for the ride! At first Dream and George hated Soda—they were just Sapnap's annoying younger sibling—but eventually they got used to Soda being around. Especially since they may have persuaded Soda to use their shapeshifting for nefarious purposes.
At first everyone found Soda adorable, their cheery optimism, endless energy and amusing naivety was a part of their charm. But then it became...obnoxious.
Sapnap always had a short temper, he tried his best to handle it, but sometimes he'd just snap at Soda when they became too much of a handful. He was always quick to apologize but it affected Soda deeply.
Soda very much struggled with any sort of negative emotions, when they felt it—it hit them hard. One day, it was enough to send them spiraling, having a panic attack alone in their room. This was also the first time memories of their past lives resurfaced. At first it was rather intriguing, though a jumpscare, but then it just got worse.
It seemed like Soda's lives were always filled with turmoil and a constant feeling of dread. The stronger their emotions became the more fragments of memories would appear. Soda didn't tell anyone about this.
Skipping much further ahead, Soda obviously sided with the Dteam during the revolution. They were family, in Soda's eyes at least. Which made it incredibly easy for Dream to use that to his advantage. He used them in every way that he could to win the war, even going as far as to try and make Soda resent Tommy and Tubbo. Soda was a spy, mostly, turning into a cat to effortlessly infiltrate the enemy. They heard and saw everything, but part of them felt bad for it, so they never told Dream everything. He noticed.
The horrors of being a child soldier.
Dream's obsession with power and control was never obvious, not to his friends and certainly not to Soda. They truly believed he had good intentions despite going to war with Wilbur. Then again, Soda doesn't understand what war really is. But the pressure to keep up with Dream's demands and avaid his increasing irritably became exhausting and overwhelming. Yet Soda believed it was their fault.
Tubbo and Tommy weren't safe from the horrors either, they had that much in common with Soda. The three of them went through hell, basically.
Aaaand tumblr wont let me add more songs so im cutting this into parts through reblogs. I'll probably continue this later (bc its almost 2am pFF) and might post the second part before i go to sleep like im doing now :P
I am cringe but I am free
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knives-blue · 11 months
ive thoughts abt the b team
ik i already posted abt this but i wanna elab more.
so yall know how in itsv miles throws a bagel at j. ohn, and he becomes the spot, right? and in a deleted scene olivia says "the power of the multiverse in the palm of my hand" in ref to doc oc in spoderman 2. and guess who says that line in spiderverse 2? spot! why am i bringing this up? im using it as an example of the bonkers foreshadowing in spiderverse. Things often go from cameos and gags to something BIG. Like how miguel ended up being the secondary antagonist in spoderverse. He went from popping up at the end in a gag cameo scene, to being the antagonist of the second half of the second act and the entirety of the third act. My point is little things matter here.
That brings me to my next point. Now, I love the B Team, and I jus want to see more of them in the next one so this may be a little biased.
In ATSV, at the start of the third act when Miguel is explaining canon events to Miles, Peni pops up, and is given a single line. Now, most people dont/didnt think of this as more than a cameo. But I am not most people mon frer. They could've done this with anyone else, literally anyone else from the B Team, or just a random Spider-person. They couldve easily replaced her scene with the crowd of Spider People looking at him disappointed. But they didnt. They draw attention to her, they have miles EXPLICITLY Notice Her and even say her name. They show off her new mech and let the cam linger on her face more.
And then, in the third act, when Miles is running through Earth 42's nyc, we see in the reflection of a building he runs past, specifically, Noir, Ham and Peni. Specifically them, even thought they arent plot relevant. You even hear Porker saying "You cant save everyone,", his line from the first film. My question is. Why. Them. The producers couldve easily shown Gwen, Peter, and Miguel, or hell, His Mom, Dad and Uncle Aaron, hell maybe kingpin and doc oc and the spot! They couldve easily replaced Hams line with Uncle Aarons Keep Going line, or Peters Leap Of Faith line that im p sure shows up idk my memories fuzzy, But no. It was specifically *those three. * and That One Line.
And then at the end, when we see Gwens Spider-gang, we see Peni in her crossed arms pose behind Hobie, and Noir / Ham right behind Gwen in front of Margo. And in that very scene, just seconds before, we see Peni, and we see her smirking back at the camera from the corner of her eye. Now why did they specifically decide to give Peni this knowing look? It would've made sense for Hobie, as hes the one who helped Miles get free from Miguels cage, but why Peni. Last time we saw her she looked depressed, she looked tired.
Now, here is the crux of my theory. I believe, that just like in ITSV, BTSV is gonna come full circle, and make the B-Team extremely plot relevant. I feel like the producers are dropping little breadcrumbs relating to the plot, but not making it so obvious we immediately catch on. Much like The Spot and The Bagel Incident and Miguel and Miles' Spider and the constant showings-up of the number 42.
In ITSV, Peni is literally the one that gets them all to their home dimensions, she is the one that made the new goober, and got them all home. So I feel like she will play a big role in defeating The Spot. And call me crazy, but I feel like her standing behind Hobie at the end might mean that she works with him to create something that will defeat Spot, or make something that will help, most likely relating to the collider, since Hobie did make their watches.
And, vis-a-vis, Ham and Noir (along with Peni and SP//dr's dismembered arm), play a part in defeating Scorpion and Tombstone, and while they werent extremely important to the Plot, they where part of the Sinister 6, and they where the antagonists of ITSV after all. Next to King Pin, that is. All three of them also took out the alchemax employees (Gwen got sidetracked seeing Miles come back tho), and since Miguel is more a man of hand-to-hand and melee combat unlike spot and his portal fuckery, I feel as though they will be pretty instrumental to defeating Miguel, and maybe, his Migbot (cuz of the concept art that got leaked recently).
(Another thing i wanna discuss is the possibility of doc oc making a comeback in BTSV cuz last we saw of her she did get hit by a truck, but in a deleted scene it shows her throwing herself into the collider, but thats another subject for another time.)
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morbid-zombii · 3 months
↻ ^. lev headcanons tlou2 (some sad, some random /ref)
notes: mostly lev since i dont see anyone talking ab him, sprinkled in some yara + abby
wc: 393
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↻ ^. yara def struggles w her self worth since she had to have her arm amputated, especially since she used to be a solider and now cant fight as well she feels useless
context before this next one since i think its a really niche detail and idk if many people remember it:: yara leads abby through the broken fence when theyre going to their moms house to find lev on the seraphite island
↻ ^. the reason the fence is broken is because as children, yara and lev would sneak out during the night so that yara could train lev to be a solider, and breaking part of the fence made it easier for them to do so
↻ ^. yara deffinetly helped lev to cut his hair really short before he actually shaved it. they thought it looked good, but it really just gave lev a bowl cut
↻ ^. in santa barbara, abby surprised lev with a binder at some point so he wouldnt have to keep using baggy clothes and sweating in the heat
↻ ^. LEV IS A MAMAS BOY. he'll never forgive himself for killing her, even though it wasnt really his fault. he tries to remember what yara said to him that night, but it doesnt help much
↻ ^. the night lev got assigned his role in the community, he prayed to the prophet nonstop for the elders to change their minds because he didnt want to have to shave his hair, especially since he knew the consequences. he locked himself in the bathroom and cried for an hour straight after he realized what he'd done
↻ ^. lev constantly wears abbys jacket. she says it makes him look tough
↻ ^. lev started to feel helpless when he realized he didnt know how to help yara with her arm and prayed to the prophet for guidance. he was so relieved that abby came back and lowkey felt bad for almost shooting her
↻ ^. lev has serious religious trama & survivors guilt. he feels like it's all his fault that yara died, which really makes him wish he wasn't trans sometimes, since if he wasn't then none of this would've happened. abby is a big help though, she always manages to make him feel better.
↻ ^. even though she didn't get to right away since lev ran off to the seraphite island before she could, after the two got to santa barbara abby gave him the shark stuffed animal that her and yara picked out. now he can't sleep without it.
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unexpectedbrickattack · 7 months
You know, a bonus to designing the oc is that other people will drawn them in the scenarios you share! I know your lore really made me excited to see your little fella ^^) it's so nice to encounter someone eho likes SDV in the wild and your world building makes me want to boot up my computer and deal with the lag to see everyone again. I do have to wonder though, what's your take on how the valley feels about JojaMart? It seems like it replaces extensions on the Vally's magic if you fund it.
TRUE…U ARE SO RIGHT!!! Luckily I have a small little ref sheet for him already made heehee. But ill post it on my sdv blog (when i make it). I can put it here too but ill do that under a readmore 😌
Also. U are so sweet 😭 I am so sorry ur game is too laggy to play but i am touched that my little bit of lore is enough for u to want to brave through that mess anyway LMAO
FIRST OF ALL….here is my boy….
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His name is June and ive since tweaked some stuff about him. You dont need to know much about him, just that hes a bit of a cryptid among the town for almost two years before townspeople start interacting w him on their own volition. His best friends are Marnie, Kent, and Caroline, and he is really cool w Willy, Linus, and Marlon (old men gang rise up). Also romances Shane which is funny to Me bc whenever shane gets a male farmer to romance i am constantly rotating this image of vincent getting upset and saying ‘gee jas how come YOU get two cool godfathers’
To answer ur question about Jojamart; i feel like it truly wouldnt mess with the balance of magic in the valley. Magic is powerful BUT. It is adaptive. The Junimos harness the magic of the valley to fix things in the broken down community center, but if someone else came along and fixed it for them, well thats one less thing the magic of the valley is used for. Theres plenty of talented people in the valley that dont need magic to get things done 😉 (Robin my beloved)
But i do think jojamart is a big indicator that something is amiss with the town. I think it is a common idea to believe that jojamart is like. Evil. And like. Its totally a soulless corporation, but i think its filling a very specific Need of this town. Pelican town has some very skilled laborers that sell their work and services to help provide not just for themselves, but FOR pelican town; if that still leaves people unable to pay rent/mortgage or groceries, then people will absolutely swoop in and offer ‘solutions’.
I have more Thots but basically……magic is powerful, but it cant do anything on its own. Its utilized by magical beings to make tangible change in the world. But humans are capable of making real and tangible change without the use of magic. Jojamart says ‘here, give me money and time and ill fix this stuff 😉’ and that is not anymore different than Robin, Clint, the junimos, etc saying ‘give me some money and time and i can do this thing for u 😉’. Jojamart is like. Bad. But bad in the same way Pierre owning the only grocery store in town wo employing anyone is bad, and how Lewis is okay with all of this Mess. Its indicative of a bigger problem in the valley that magic cant really fix
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pinkrifle · 1 year
If you're still taking requests, could I please get headcanons for the main 4 boys, Butters, and Wendy reacting to finding out reader is aro/ace? If that's too many characters then just Kenny, Butters, and Wendy would be fine.
— Kenny, Butters and Wendy finding out reader is AroAce! —
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cws/tw’s: sex jokes/questions made by kenny
a/n: heyyy! thank you for the option of just the 3, i was kind of having trouble with writing cartman and kyle 😭 <3 i hope u enjoy this!! i loterally love writing for tyese 3 ty for requesting them ☹️☹️🫶🫶🫶
misc. notes: characters can be interpreted as any age, this is not supposed to be a sexual post at all!! gender is not specified, post will be platonic since not specified ^^ :3
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— Kenny !!
doesn’t really care what you identify as as long as your not cartman (/j) but he’s still kinda clueless on what aro/ace is.
when you explain it to him he specifically listens to the asexual part of it, surprised when he finds out it means you have no sexual drive.
“YOU CANT HAVE SEX?? ☹️” “i mean your kind of on the right track?.. i just, dont want to”
definitely does not get it at all since he’s a big F-boy, but respects your nonchalant life. at least you won’t have to put up with annoying wives or nagging husbands forever.
gets more low-key with the dirty jokes, acts like it’s a deathly offense to you and says sorry when he says something dirty (or just whispers it to his friends), even if you don’t mind it he’s still cautious.
doesn’t know if he should talk about relationships that much with you, but you really don’t care since it doesn’t, and won’t involve you.
when someone flirts with you he sweeps in infront of you and acts all super man 😭 “VERY FINE CHOICE OF ATTRACTION BUT THEY ARE OFF LIMITS FOREVER 🙅‍♂️😙” it makes u giggle a little, then you tell the person your super not interested and kenny’s happy and pats himself on the back for his “hard work”
if you make a dirty joke around him he’ll laugh 100x more than before you came out to him, it’s just funny watching you make those jokes when he 100% knows you mean none of it (unlike him)
a little dumb on the subject but he’s got the spirit, hates when people flirt with you as much as you do!!! if your shy and get hit on he’ll drag you away and blow a muffled raspberry to the person
ACTS LIKE MYSTERION WHEN SOMEONE FLIRTS WITH YOU OR TRIES TO GET WITH U 😭 and if he is mysterion and he see’s someone doing that he’ll stand next to you and put his hands on his hips, motioning for the person to go away (even if you can perfectly do it by yourself)
kind of just goes on with his life after you tell him, he doesn’t really care but he does think your neat!! even tho he’s prone to crushing on everyone he probably loses his (romantic) love for you after a while.
— Butters !!
gets the hang of it super fast and is kind of protective of you when hanging around clyde and stuff, is okay with you “not being able to like someone”
kind of gets it mixed up with you not wanting to date FOREVER instead of just feeling very slow/little attraction, but the more you remind him he more he tries to screw it in his head.
he doesn’t focus much on sex and stuff like kenny does, so the asexual part is mostly just extra info from you. but he is a little bit of a lover boy (to other girls/boys) so he does get confused on that little to no romantic attraction part, (he’s still respectful <3 MY BELOVED)
if someone flirts with you he’s all like “woah fella !! they are off limits today!! move along please!!” and hates when people do dirty pick up lines on you, he just tugs on your sleeve and makes an angry face at the person
sympathizes with you more than anyone else, but he still has no idea what it is. he’s just happy his friend wanted to share a piece of sacred information with them, and just because of that he feels much better revealing his marjorine side to u. (are u lgb cuz ur gun pink… /ref)
accidentally outs you to a few people, thinking it’s a good thing but it kinda makes you upset since you don’t want it to be shared with EVERYONE. definitely apologizes 100000 times <\3 butters just wants to give the world to his bestie, but sometimes he does weigh you down
looks it up on his computer every once in a while, just to learn more about it. googles how to make a lgbt friend feel comfortable and he does some of the steps pretty wonky 😭
asks you about your identity a lot, like when you figured it out and what are the pro’s and con’s? this man is such a talker, he loves his friends and would do anything to make them feel okay (even tho nobody does it to him ☹️)
when his parent’s think you guys are dating he almost explains it to them without asking, but he encourages you to tell them you have no attraction to anyone at all. and if your uncomfortable saying it then he does it for you!!
educates himself on more things in the lgbtq community rather than aroace, it kind of bores him but anything to keep his little brain going!!
tries to not talk about it when your upset, or jus not to much in general since he doesn’t wanna look like he’s just getting gay bff points. he doesn’t care about your sexuality!! he just wants to have someone to play hello kitty adventure with, and being aroace doesn’t stop you from doing much 🫶
— Wendy !!
UNDERSTNDS IT SM since she is super educated on a lot of things and is an expert at comforting her friends, she has no problems figuring out what it means and trying to help you in the best ways possible.
doesn’t know if she should talk about her relationship with stan/bebe (depending on if u like either ship LAWL) and isn’t afraid to ask if your comfy with her talking about her struggles and non struggles.
if your comfortable with it then she’ll talk about it but tries to not be so bold about it, just small problems and if you give her advice on how to deal with them she’s forever grateful.
if your uncomfortable with it she reassures you it’s no problem and she’ll try her best to sympathize with you and your identity as much as she can.
if someone flirts with you she politely tells them your off limits, and if they keep doing it she goes mama bear mode and tells them to stop. she won’t hesitate to kick someone’s ass to make you comfy!!
never dares to even think about outing you, makes sure your comfortable and feel welcome whenever your coming out to more people with her. doesn’t push you to do anything regarding coming out!!!!
she feels like she doesn’t know more about it and always takes time out of her day to research more on the topic, what’s offensive and what’s not so she won’t fuck up and make you upset one day.
makes sure all her friends know not to flirt with you, trying her best not to out you. let’s you come out to her friends yourself and always corrects someone if they try to make a move on you.
always takes care of people if their making you upset, nobody fucks with her besties >:(
supports u during pride month and buys you all this pride stuff, she’s the typa girl to see something rainbow and text it/ show it to you saying “it’s rainbow i thought of you :)”
buys you all pride flags you want, if you have homophobic parents that don’t like the fact your being accepted for your identity she offers to keep the pride stuff at her house and jus gives it to you when you want it.
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THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE !!! I HAD LIKE LITTLE TO NO TROUBLE FOR THESE 3 <3 sorry this was like 8 hours late omfg ☹️ i try to get everything done within one day ^^
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im-bored-so-i-draw · 5 months
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a lazy comic about my dinoverse oc? uhh idk
oc info below (if you are intrested ofc)
oh god its very long
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jameson heelshire (obv ref)
this is a dinoverse oc (because lately a certain friend of mine has been drawing me into this neat game and honestly i love it), based from brahms heelshire (duh). instead of him being a rat wall (which my oc actually also has a room in the walls but just simply doesnt live there), its his 'wife' that lives there. or so he thought. or so i thought. idk man she maybe lives in the walls or just straight up dead it'd be a mystery instead ig. im more leaning to shes living in the walls, but she is scared of jameson. more to that yes.
i was intending to make him killed his wife but im still contemplating to make the continuation of it. is she dead? is she alive? if so is she in the walls? if she is what is the solemn reason she stays there? fear? or did jameson trapped him? i have more question of him its actually scary.
i know you guys would probably not read those sentences i made in like half to 4 am so i give you
bullets headcanons or just the timeline of his:
his parents is a really strict parents with high standards.
he is very pressured which shapes the personality of him that is perfectionist and doesnt really care for others. also he is very bad at delivering his actual emotion so he looks like a resting bitch face most of the time.
this causes many of his playmates just like naw mommy i dont want to play with this boy, hes real annoying.
and also he doesnt even have that many time to think about friendship anyways.
until this one playmate, a blond girl stayed long enough that when she stop showing up, jameson starts asking about her.
his parents is very thrilled about this that they literally begged the girl to comeback to the mansion.
actually the girl was just really curious about violins and other music instrument, and jameson is basically a walking band (actually its basically just piano, violin and flute mainly).
and jameson didnt expect that his parents would bring her back because he just asking where she went and was about to just continue on with his life.
well now they just like. hating each other. theyre like i didnt want this- AND SO AM I LEAVE ME BE!!!
they have 3 years age gap fyi idk
more and more years passed and jameson doesnt really have a friend other that this girl and they know each other too well now.
they memorized each other habit on the back of their head and often use each other (?)
that girl has a lot of problem with her friends since she become jameson playmate so she often use his name to slip away from her friend group. which they idk kinda judgemental to everyone.
and jameson uses her name as an excuse from his BUSY schedule. also she knows a lot about him WHICH his parents dont.
yeahh and so he come to success by being a professional violinist and that girl is like, prepared to be his bride??????
i mean she doesnt mind anymore but like
well jameson did something about it and her parents let her do her own things BUT YOU ARE STILL MARRYING JAMESON
she like yeah yeah and go venture on her own idk making a shop or working in the government.
this sounds like a kingdom lovestory BUT IT IS NOT o have found the answer
she is working as *drumroll queue* administration for the voorhees company. (is that right i feel like voorhees is a company there)
nothing bad happened dont worry
instead of being invested in music, she instead pursue the career of science because she sees the struggle jameson went through.
and shes not having any of that
jameson in the other hand is oh wow you learn this kind of things??
ok then after she went, this girl barely contacted anyone from his family
even jameson. oh EVEN JAMESON. she didnt even bother to send him regards or something. jameson too dont give a shit.
they occasionally meet each other at parties but like simple his and leaves
until jameson parent died. both of them. in the same time. in a weird but also not really.
then the girl hears about this and attends the funeral.
in which she meets jameson again, and he is not crying. at all.
he did cried on her so
long story short they bond with each other again and get married.
and this is where shits got fucked up (eventually) .
yeah so their interest is not really.. compatible for each other.
and both of them changed through out the years they have been seperated
and jameson is real different. especially after his parents death.
he become more secretive than ever. more aware of anything.
on one side its a good thing that he almost never let any inconvenience go unnoticed but there are a lot of things that goes noticed that shouldnt??
but its still the same jameson. the one boy who was so in love with music that its the sole reason he keeps up with the strict schedule of him.
even the girl is sorta changed?
they often broke into an argument over basically anything. misplaced stuff? jameson angry. opening some specific windows in the girl's room? shes pissed as hell. fortunately the mansion is big enough to contain their yelling.
whats unfortunate though is that of the same reason. nobody can hear the screaming.
years passed and theres about no news from these two since the beginning of chaos.
jameson keeps gatting more fame and his 'wife' is now forgotten.
everytime they asked about her he just simply say that shes fine and other sorts. it almost sounded like she is living a happy life as a wife.
oh and also
jameson is VERY manipulative. he can talk himself out of a situation. he can (practically) rizz someone up for his own.
this is caused by his parents. he lies a lot without ever getting caught. his technically mastered the art of bullshit his way through since his parents dislikes a slacking son.
anyways if this were a game, jameson would be those of 'and then there were none' kind of shit.
the back of his mansion is a river near a forest that many people use to slip away from G4
its not that he kidnap them or whatever but he VERY mind the noises.
he prefers people to stay away from his place. the noises makes his 'wife' disturbed. or so he said.
some survived.
has a friend that is a con artist who works in either voorhees company or myers company. probably a friend of his wife.
poor guy doesnt have anyone. oh sorry. his wife.
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sho-minamimoto · 8 months
plz tell me about some of your ocs at random
YAAYYYY heres a few that r very special 2 me
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a sentient immortal grape that photosynthesize gunpowder and explode at will + regenerate itself at a moments notice. it was grown in a lab and escaped just to kinda run around out in the wild and have fun (not really on purpose it just got lost) and it usually expoads itself as a self defense mechanism against animals eating it (it can survive being food but it just doesnt like the experience) ive had this oc since i was like 8 maybe. im fond of this Orb also here are some phone doodles of it
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i'll put 2 more ocs under a read more i just wanted anyone scrolling to see the grape.
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(ref by my gf @nachtkern, various phone doodles by Me) This is Tesnik :) bitchboy guy who accidentally fused himself with an ant as a kid and gained the ability to disintegrate any part of his body into ants at will and he just decided to own it and live with it. he used to be an info broker and used his ants to manually spy on ppl + blackmail them + sell out secrets and got really rich that way but got way in over his head and got himself in a huge mess that ended with him Maybe (or Maybe Not) indirectly orchestrating the deaths of several people after his throat and afterwards he was like "man i dont wanna do all that again. im gonna be normal now" and now makes a living running a small cozy antique store with wares he collected and restoring old paintings. but he still spies on people with his ants as a bad habit of being nosy and just wanting to Know things at all times. he is my oc Ever. there are some ocs i have that i like a bit more than him but if i comm someone to draw my oc its always this guy and no one else.
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ok lastly this is Eirian.... i dont think i have any actual finished art of him but i love him to pieces hes a dumb loser idiot with a very low opinion of himself hes unapproachable and aloof and kind of a weirdo but hes very loyal to the ppl he cares abt and he cares for others really deeply. he has an obsession with his knife collection he loves knives and finds them really cool. also he can do parkour and loves getting into fights hes very rowdy. he has 2 sisters and they r all triplets he's very clingly with one and absolutely hates the other one (but not really he just finds her annoying.) I technically have 2 versions of this oc, one whos just Some Guy (as described above) and another whos the same guy but like a high fantasy au version. I dont wanna say Too much bc my gf and i kind of made a whole story abt it that we might do more with someday but in that version he's the disgraced prince of a kingdom that starts living on the run after killing his father (the King) and joins a travelling circus as an acrobat while trying to evade authorities and punishment from the rest of his family. i need to draw more of him hes a very special oc 2 me.
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HI HELLO HOWDY I just saw ur quirk requests and I gots one hehe
This quirk gives the user some attributes of a unicorn (horn, ears, and a long tail with hair on the end) as well as stronger legs, specifically enhanced agility speed and strength! The quirk also gives them the ability to remove toxins/poisons from water and to a greater extent people, although it's much more difficult. However, they do have a poison/toxin resistance due to the purifying part of their quirk
They aren't related to anyone in Canon but the stronger legs part of their quirk is similar to Mirko!
Platonic 1A please!!
And extra info is he/they pronouns and idk if you write trans reader but if you're comfy doing so that's be awesome :D, also their vibe is pastel himbo JDHDBSND
I lov ur writing and I hope ur having a good day/night!!!!
Unicorn in a UA Uniform
pairing: platonic!class 1a x reader (he/they, trans)
genre: fluff, sillies, LIGHT angst
warnings: mentions of femenization/fear of transphobia (doesn't aftually occur, just a fear of) + mentions of jerkwads
author's note: i was blasting mlp songs while writing this. ALSO***, for future ref, as a trans person, im more than happy to write trans rep!
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(also dont like how people made scary edits of this song :( )
(Ik this isn't unicorn themes exactly but it made me :]:]:]:] happy bc its bright and pretty like unicorns :])
you're warm. you're bright, and everything about your quirk should be an automatic eyestrain warning, but it's not because there's something about who you are as a person that balances.
you're not coolheaded or laidback, but you're not eccentric to the point where it comes off as forceful. you're you, yourself, a proud unicorn himbo, and nobody in your class can bring themselves to think anything negatively of that whatsoever. even people like bakugou embrace it (a few weeks in) and though it does perplex him, he doesn't look into it much.
so your first impression as a person? GREAT!
the next issue though was how people saw you as a peer. well, moreso from a professional stance.
because of your power to remove toxins paired with your ability to watch your own ass, you're typically quickly labeled as a support hero or told you should pursue rescuing. at first you just took it as a compliment because there's nothing weak or bad about being a support hero or rescuing! they're difficult fields of work and arguably some of the most important!
but when you realized it was a backhanded way to tell you that you weren't suited for prohero work, it started to bother you.
the way people told you, too, was just so condescending. they always said it with a bit of a bite in their tone, a second slap in the face once you realized they were also treating you like an outright idiot.
"have you ever considered... alternative career paths? heroes are always looking for sidek- er- support."
"you're no cat, but i'd imagine the pussycats are always looking for back up crew. the pay is good and well... it'd probably save you your...mental energy."
it wasn't just random people. no, it was some people even at SCHOOL who were telling you this, people who youd considered friends since middle school.
and it was tough. trying to act as though you didn't understand their intentions was TOUGH. but considering the alternative, which was losing your only "friends", you decided to play up the whole clueless, starry eyed dreamer act.
this was until you got your first praises from aizawa.
training was great. difficult and tiring, and it definitely pushed you to your very limits, but great. you were treated seriously and that was all you'd really wanted.
wearing pastel clothes, being a bit vacuous and having a unicorn quirk did not make you weak. it didn't make you less of a person, less of a guy, or less of a hero, and it was great to finally be treated that way with nobody trying to take it easy on you out of any pity.
your 1a peers weren't going to hold back and neither were your teachers. after the first two months of school, as the class started becoming better acquainted, compliments started rolling in more often. they were commonly shared amongst everyone with genuine and vibrant admiration for the diverse skillsets amongst the group, but what was rare was for them to come from aizawa.
it wasn't that he couldn't tell someone when they were doing well, but he hardly ever left it at that. it wasn't a bad trait, really; his ability to maintain a professional front despite caring so deeply about his students in order to provide the best feedback possible was an asset to the school staff. in the same way it drove everyone towards progress, though, it left many yearning for more assurances. however asking for it was going to be seen as selfish or needy regardless of who it came from.
it's still school, after all.
but this is why, 4 months in, when aizawa compliments you, genuinely compliments you, you finally get that improvement in self image that pushes you to stand up for yourself.
"now, [last name]. their focus on getting to the target never made him lose focus of damage control. he supported mina when necessary and kept open communication to allow her to do the same for them. that's what a good teammate is supposed to do with any hero they're working with. adapting to a situation includes adapting to who you're working with. he made sure they stayed on track even when facing massive interruptions in plans."
and he moved on. three days later, you confronted your "friends" and decided you weren't going to take any shit about your career choices.
deku won't outright ask you to do it, but it's clear he's curious and you're more than happy to help him with his notes. it's not everyday you have a friend that's so genuinely interested in your abilities. (basically you test how fast you can purify water and he figures out how to calculate how that'd translate to your ability to purify toxins in people based on previous trainings and he uses that in order to-)
as mentioned earlier, bakugou doesn't mind you. todoroki doesn't either. they're not closest to you, and same goes with iida, jirou, sero, and momo, but it's moreso a difference in interest over anything. none of you are just very close and thats all good! you still care about each other and respect each other v much.
after hanging out in the dorms, you end up with black nail polish, kami ends up with pastel nails, and kiri ends up with a mix of vibrant red and pastel red that he honestly does not mind. you and kami also make fun of his croc obsession, all in good fun, but then kiri makes fun of your obsessions with sticking to your aesthetics and yall are 😶 /lh
you were honestly scared that uraraka, mina, and asui would femenize you because of your aesthetic + your quirk. you were scared of others doing it as well, but for some reason especially nervous about their reaction, especially after telling them your pronouns,, BUT THEY RESPECT YOU ON ANOTHER LEVEL OK? 👹 and when mina told you they go by she/they, everything was honestly great. you all get alone very well and often times help each other find clothes (you insist on helping uraraka pay for new clothes).
you're not that close to the other girls of the class, but that isn't to say you dont get along!
the same goes with teachers, really, though mic often times asks about something you're wearing, whether it's a bracelet, necklace, or even the nail polish. you notice sometimes that layer in the week, either him or shinsou is wearing something identical or near the same to what he asked about.
its become somewhat of a habit now, you staying two minutes late to trade information about where you get accessories.
but yes. overall it's a good time. you keep learning, not just about the prohero field, but about your value. you have a place in the world, in prohero agencies, in UA, in 1a. and nobody is ever gonna be able to take that from you. you're truly 1 in a million.
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huckleberryblossom · 1 year
hey can i ask for a tutorial or guide on how to draw a cat body? i've been struggling for days
just to get it out of the way since anyone you ask is going to say this, references are your best friend and will make this a lot easier
a friend of mine shared this site which has lots of good references, not just for cats but lots of things. if im looking for something specific, i usually google something like "cat curled up" and just scroll for a while or use multiple references to get what i want.
but as for how I draw a cat body, i use references but honestly a lot of what i do is a result of just having spent so long studying references (and how other artists drew them! sometimes studying what artists are doing can help you translate realism into whatever style you're going for) that i kind of just know where certain bones go/how the muscles would stretch or contract
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this is how i tend to visualize the body at its most basic. the parts i highlighted are the pieces i use to ground the anatomy: the shoulder, the haunch, the elbow, the ankle, the paws, and the skull. their shape tends to change very little from pose to pose, which is why i exaggerate/define them so strongly. they're usually what i sketch first and use to get the pose the way i want it. everything else is stretchy and fluid to "connect" these pieces of the body.
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here's an example of the parts using a photo from that site i linked
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and the way it looks without the ref, vers what i drew by looking at the ref!
these are pretty standard walking/standing poses, but the idea works for more complex poses.
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i havent really said much about it, because most of what i draw are refs, and they dont really have dramatic poses or difficult perspective, but its up to you to decide how much anatomy you're willing to sacrifice to get a more fluid motion, or a dramatic shot. i think this is where those guiding "pieces" of the body is helpful for me, because i can lay down those pieces and then do what i need to to connect them, so i may lose a little bit of exaggeration but the body doesn't look broken.
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you can see that in action here, with this anniversary piece i did. my first sketch was only meant to get down expression, pose, and movement (i changed raven's completely, lmfao) and unfortunately i dont have anything for the steps inbetween because i think i refined on one layer. but i kept the vibe the same even after cleaning up the sketch and fixing the anatomy issues.
fur is one of the last things i draw when i draw cats. i like to get the body shape and movement down first, and then cover it with fur if i have to. i think this ref is a pretty good example of that
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on the left is how i start most of my drawings, getting the pose down and everything where i want it. i make edits to this until i like the body shape (notice how the belly is much larger, and all of the limbs are thicker + the paws are big) then i use that sketch as guiding lines for all of the fur placement. the fur here ends up covering nearly all of the body, but it still looks fine because the anatomy was there to start with
i hope this helps anon skjfdhfkgjh ive never made a tutorial like this before. there's definitely better ones out there by other wc artists, but i dont have links to those posts on hand, maybe some of my followers can link them? good luck to you!! ill leave you with one last piece of advice you'll also hear a lot: just keep drawing! we all improve with time and practice, and are always learning and trying new things.
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missfingers · 1 year
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@dykecatboy see i DO but the thing is im allergic to creating character references so these bitches all exist on the sims 4. help. give me 1 second
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this is jeannie shes like the main protag of eklyreverse, she works under phiadia and kind of idolises her and doesnt like eklyre that much and her character arc is kinda learning just cause phiadia is nice doesnt mean shes not upholding a corrupt system? eventually she kinda becomes like eklyres annoying lil sis. i love her. theres also the deuteragonist griff whos a dragonborn based on a horned lizard whos kinda more levelheaded and a mother figure to jeannie and eklyre but obviously its. the sims so i dont have a ref for her HJDFJS
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this is phiadia, shes an aasimar so mind the Awful cc angel wings. she really does think what shes doing is good at heart but shes just. not a good person. like. benevolent dictator even. she took being made a god to be this miraculous sign from above that she was the chosen to lead or whatever so she refuses to allow anyone elses opinions. eklyre has a weird relationship with her cause of their abusive relationship with ylta theyre really freaked out by phiadias altruism. second unhealthy relationship pseudomother
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lustris. party guy at heart. hes always been a god so hes disillusioned with mortals and doesnt really see the harm in what he or any of the others gods are doing, but at the end of the main story he kind of realises how fucked ylta is and how fucked he is for allowing her to do whats shes done and hes the only one with the power to take her down since theyre the Originals so he kills them both
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birch. theyre a satyr. their faction is more or less just wildlife, streets overgrown with foliage and the wildlife and fauna reside there. some people go there because its relatively peaceful, and birch doesnt really take care of them or anything but allows them as long as they respect the foliage. theoretically eklyre wouldnt even need to kill them cause they also dont bother anyone but when they come with the brass knuckles birch immediately turns themself over cause theyve been alive for way too long and want to be able to finally rest
before ylta theres also answered riddle, theyre a tabaxi. big like 6ft tall furry based off those big fluffy maine cats. kinda a sleazeball, their place is rife for all the seediest shit.
and finally the megabitch herself ylta:
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yes i know she looks like lady dimitrescu i made her before re8 ever came out be QUIET. shes a changeling so she very much uses that to fuck with peoples heads. old to the point of seeing mortals as insects essentially.
twirls hair yeahhh thats them
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narwhalandchill · 11 months
Tag game: Current
got tagged by @begaydoalchemy !! thank u !!
- Current time: 9:45 (AM for you US peeps smh)
- Current activity: finished up prefarming blades traces to 6/8/8/8. double calyx drops events is a godsend. was listening to a video essay on the bg but the favorite song section made me go listen to stiny on repeat again bc i love inflicting emotional damage on myself so i guess thats what.
- Currently thinking about: so theres this person in the hsr leaks subreddit megathread doing daily renheng insanity ponderings since blades trailer dropped and ive been just losing my mind ever since reading them. anyway i wanted everyone here to get to see them too but didnt wanna repost em bc its just kinda ehhhh to do so. here u go!! suffer with me!!! click the links theres all 3!!! (spoilery warning tho. idr how many leaks refs there are in there exactly but expect some at least)
- Current favorite song: spotify most listened to top5 currently looking like NEON by raon, kissaki by reol, wildfire, cha cha cha (we will never forgive xx swedes watch out) and stiny from KALUSH & jerry heil.
but like let me be clear the only reason reol isnt number 1 is bc the full version of the song only came out like 2 weeks ago and the earlier released shorter anime ver of kissaki is literally 7th on the list.
- Currently reading: ...i mean mostly just renheng fanfic but uhhh. i did read where the crawdads sing from delia owens (just plucked it out from the bookshelf randomly bc i was bored) a month or so back. it was neat but no like particular strong feelings abt it. it was very well written and i liked the flow of the prose a lot. also waiting for crooked kingdom to get a finnish translation bc i got six of crows in finnish and i dont do book series as mixed language sets generally. (also the translation work itself was just like an absolute fucking banger with the imagery and metaphors used like chef kiss)
- Currently watching: no particular show (last thing was when i rewatched fmab a couple months ago) going on but like. random video essays or informative stuff on yt honestly and its mostly for bg noise.
- Current favorite character: gee i wonder. dan heng (past editions included), blade, (big gap here bc i tunnel vision on characters), bailu, luocha, jing yuan i think for specific ones from hsr for now. am looking out for jingliu and fu xuan too i need to study them. in genshin its like. yeah its mr childe ajax tartaglia all the way but i kinda just havent been feeling it for the game much so eh. tighnari, kazuha up there too n arlecchino obvi.
- Current WIPS: what kind of productive person do you take me for??? ig i like. opened word this week to type out some random passage drafts for a ficlet type thing relating to the post i made a while back abt belobogs temperatures wrt dan hengs potential terrible, horrible, no good, very bad scalie time with it but do Not expect any results from that or anything i s2g. ive finished one fic in my life and that was half poetry half madness full one sitting and be done with it type deal
im sorry i have no idea who to tag so like. anyone who wants to do it feel free, mutuals or followers!!! :]
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popplyken · 2 years
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Dawn (MC): The pokemon and clothes here as so cute. Ingo: Yes, but I do not think they are familiar to me. What about for yourself? Dawn: Yeah... they aren't familiar to me either.  Some art for a silly self-indulgent AU of PLA I made to kind of combat a lot of the angst. (I have my own Angsty AU but this one is more for fun and silliness.) Also I’m surprised how well this came out since I can’t usually draw fire and haven’t drawn Dawn or Ingo EVER. (Dawn’s outfit is based on a Scorbunny and Ingo’s is based on his TeaTime outfit though I looked up some old clothes refs. AU info under cut.
Some more AU info:
Dawn and Ingo have very few memories. Dawn kind of has memories of Barry and her mom but it's mostly just that her mom read her stories (not her face) and that she knew someone very impatient.
Dialga and Palkia can't send them to where they're from originally since neither know where that was so they are kind of stuck hopping around time and space.
They spend a day or two in the places they land to see if anything feels familiar or if they get any memories and if not they move on. They might also spend extra time there if they get roped into helping people or if they aren't quite sure if it's familiar or not. They take their pokemon with them and occasionally Lady 
Dawn and Ingo know that they are from the future, but aren't sure quite how far in the future they are from. Originally they assume it might not be too far they are just in the wrong place, but as time goes on they begin to assume they are a lot farther in the future then they thought.
They both assume that they are probably from the same place at first since from what they can remember the place has the same attitude about pokemon and have a similar things. How many places can be like that?
After a week of hopping around they return to Hisui to recuperate and get supplies before trying again. They decided to have time pass equivalently in Hisui so they spend a week there and a week hopping in different locations.
Their friends in Hisui wait for them to get back with info on if they have found where they are from or not. They also tend to try and cheer them up after every failure. Cyllene has told Dawn that if she does find her home she still has to come back so they can give her a send off before leaving permanently.
They bring back gifts for their pals that they get with the money they get from battling people. They also occasionally get new pokemon just because I think that's cool and I like to draw those kind of things.
Dawn likes to show new pokemon to Laventon and sketches/photographs the pokemon they see since she won't catch any that dont want to permanently want to join their time adventures.
Ingo wont be wearing his usual coat and hat since it has been a year or two since Dawn came to Hisui and his old clothes are falling apart so bad that hes put them away to keep them save. Additionally they have agreed to get clothes more typical of the places they go to so that they dont stand out too much. This is mostly so I can practice new outfits.
They dont always hang out too long in place even if they got one part of it right since it still feels unfamiliar. For example, they are in the present for them, but in Kalos so they just hang around for a bit and then leave.
People have recognized them but they didnt notice.
As they pop around closer to their original time they go back to jumping around only a few months at a time compared to years at a time since things seem familiar.
They have definitely been in Nimbasa, but Ingo hadn't gone missing yet so people didnt really notice anything was wrong.
There are definitely reunions on the horizon, but for a bit they keep barely missing the people who know/care about them.
Anyway that's what I have so like if anyone wants to talk about it I'm so down.
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uhhhhhhhhhsblogyea · 3 years
♤| dragon ball shapeshifter au
storyline rundown
part two
tw: profanity !! a bit of gore and such
the story begins on kakarot's farm! he lives with his parents, bardock and gine, and his brother raditz.
kakarot takes his produce to the market to sell, talking to krillin who is a police officer watching over in case of robbery or stolen goods, with his wife 18 and his daughter marron.
he hangs out there and sells all his produce, making a whopping amount of money to give back to his mother to go towards their farm. so thats what he does.
later that night, raditz barged in through the door, huffing loudly and covered in purple blood. it had a reddish tint. gine and bardock jump to their feet, bardock still in his training gi and gine in her white shirt and some sweatpants. "raditz!? what happened?" bardock exclaimed, gine following up with "why are you covered in... purple blood!?" this caused kakarot to come out of his room in a rush, "h-h-holy s-shit! i didnt kill anyone i swear mom, mom, dad please, i wouldn't do that!" raditz panicked. "s-something tried to attack me! i didnt know what to do so i attacked back!!" he tries to wipe the blood off, it being on his face.
whatever happened, scared raditz enough to make him shake in fear and what seems to be regret despite it being to protect himself.
kakarot however, still was unsure what happened. his father said he would explain in the morning, the situation was too dire for kakarot to get involved - especially with the police.
in town, vegeta covered his bloodied chest, panting as he hid deep in an alleyway. "goddammit," he huffs, slicking his hair back to keep the human bangs out of his face. hes got a huge gash across his chest, thanks to that damned raditz he happened to work with. luckily, he was morphed into some other alien lifeform and not his original shift state. he slowly morphed into a bird, a finch, and flew off to him apartment. he always kept his window cracked just in case this were to happen. just his luck, we wont be able to eat and to heal he needs that energy for food or else hell be out asleep for awhile.
he decides calling off work, so thats what he does. what he doesnt expect is a man with a thick ass fucking tail and slicked back purple hair and red eyes to be reading a book, lounging like a king on his bed. "f... frieza!?" vegeta says, startled.
"ah hello my creation! lovely seeing you here, dont you think?" he throws the book off to the side, getting up and striding over to the bloodied vegeta. "aw looks like you got a paper cut." he jabs a finger into vegetas cut across his chest. vegeta groans in pain, a tentacle whipping around to hit frieza away into a safer distance, but the icejin blocks smoothly with his muscled tail.
from here:
wow!! you found out vegeta is a "creation" of friezas, but what exactly does that mean?
raditz gets taken in for questioning. he gets blamed for a murder that happened on the otherside of town, the law system being dumb sentenced him to 25 years in prision for a murder he didnt do
kakarot is confused, bardock telling him there arent any alien threats and it was a misunderstanding on the jury and judge's parts bc raditz was getting mugged and a murder far away happened at roughly the same time, and they were desperate to throw someone into jail.
this is a lie, to some extent. kakarot believes it, living happily thinking there are no threats
vegeta attacked raditz, needing food. shapeshifters need to eat hearts and lungs of animals as food
raditz is the one who cut him across the chest (thatd why he has a scar on his chest in the ref sheet)
kakarot has to bring crops and milk into a market farther into town sometime in the next week, it being an event ran by capsule corp, a company that produces a lot of housing and vehicles and being in business for 40 years being the anniversary that day.
vegeta is a mechanical manager, wearing fancy clothing that day since its technically a high spot in the ranks for capsule corp.
vegeta likes milk, surprisingly. it helps a lot when recovering damage, especially his species. this is when he meets kakarot
kakarot is running his stand with the crates of crops and glass jars of milk set out on display with their price, krillin with him
vegeta is annoyed he has to speak up to get the seller's attention so he grunts with an "ahem"
kakarot jumps, apologizing and asking what he wants to buy. vegeta gets his milk and some vegetables for someone he knows
"hey, whats with the fancy suit?"
"you dont know who i am?"
"no. should i?"
"i-? im vegeta! im manager of the mechanics in capsule corp!"
"oh. is the job hard?"
they conversate, as kakarot sells his produce happily listening as he was able to get the short man with a temper to talk about his job.
vegeta himself was caught off guard by this action but happily talks
this ends in kakarot running behing the stand's curtain and grabbing his business card so vegeta can have a discount on milk next time he decides to buy
vegeta takes the card walking off
the card has kakarots name and number on the back, a message saying "text me personally if you want extra, i dont mind taking some. you seem cool!"
vegeta is a bit ticked, but pockets the card
over time, vegeta and kakarot talk over text a bit, kakarot delivering him milk like an old time milk delivery boy
turns out he actually used to be one as a kid
turns out hes been into marial arts as well, a long time interest of vegetas
they bond over this, kakarot find himself growing a crush on vegeta
one time kakarot stops buy with a delivery unannounced, not knowing he typed the text but didnt send it. he knocks on vegetas apartment door, but no answer.
he checks to see if its unlocked, and it is so he lets himself in, just wanting to put the delivery on the counter and head out.
he doesnt expect to turn around and see a vegeta with a towel wrapped around his waist, tentacles coming out of his back, green eyes, and sharp ears, teeth, and claws. "K-KAKAROT!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" he yells, surprised. he doesn't have bangs either
"why do you have tentacles?? why do you look different? why do you have that scar?"
vegeta is caught off guard, not sure if he should push kakarot out or tell him the truth. one way or another he knows the truth will spread, so he carefully debates his options
he tells kakarot the truth, hes a shapeshifter and hes insanely dangerous
kakarot is surprised dangerous aliens exist
he tells vegeta this, and deep down vegeta is mad kakarot is sheltered
little do they know as they conversate and bond, growing closer to each other kakarot finds out vegeta made a vow not to ever get in a relationship no matter how much he envied them, especially a human relationship, a certain someone is watching them and listening in, theyre keeping tabs on vegetas and kakarots feelings
trust issues amirite?
later that night, kakarot says his goodbye heading home, heart pounding. wow!!!! vegeta is... great. very great. kinda cute too, i mean what!?? no!!
kakarot rants to himself aloud in his room, window open to keep himself cool, about vegeta as he debates his feelings. he doesnt care if this seems out of character in his friends terms, all they see from him anyway is a dense fightcrazed guy with a dysfunctional relationship with an ex and his son. he realized vegeta doesnt see him like that, but, what DOES vegeta see him as?
he calls it a night
he wakes up to a "thwap, thwap, thwap" against his wooden floor
he sits up, looking around and seeing a short figure sitting at his desk.
"whos there?"
"ah, youre awake monkey! i have valuable information for you, about your lovely vegeta." the voice is squeaky
"and, who is telling me this?" kakarots interest is piqued, not seeing the mysterious figure as a threat, as of now at least
"oh-hohoho! im dr. cold! but please, call me frieza. doctor cold is my father's name."
"and what do you have to tell me about vegeta?"
"mmm, are you sure you want to know?" he gets up, beginning to pace
"theres a catch isnt there" kakarot realizes, serious
"oh! maybe you arent so dense afterall. yes, there iss monkey. its simple, deliever some of your left over crop to my facility tomorrow, i already left the address on a paper over on that... pitiful little desk of yours." frieza pauses. "vegeta will kill you if you arent careful. hes hungry, and he wants that heart. but... i think the poor creation wants it in more than one way. kill him before he kills you."
frieza hands kakarot a box cutter
"thats the only thing that will kill him. if you dont do it i expect that delivery tomorrow by midnight. if you dont show, and theres no news of him being dead, youll be a brilliant collection to my creations, monkey!" the man laughs in joy, clasping his hands together as his red eyes pierce through kakarot
kakarot reluctantly agrees, unsure how this will play out
anyway heres the part 1 of the rundown.
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My top 7 Arsenal wfc players, aka the whole team because they're all my children and you can't chose between children
(And they're not many more than seven anyways)
Beth Mead: a wizard on the wong and the original crot queen. She may not have had the best season this year but shes still managed to play an important part in the team and has conquered many hearts in the process. If she has to retire early because of all the hits she receives during matches then she's got a bright future ahead of her as a cringey tiktok star or, if that fails, a career as a HSM impersonator on cruise ships
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Cailtin Foord: there were mixed opinions when she was first announced as a new signing, but she almost immediately became one more member of the arsenal family amongst players and supporters alike. Before Covid struck shes already stamped her mark on the club with her skill and made her way onto the scoresheet, and now shes also made her way into Lia's house and infected the squad with the chaotic tiktok bug
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Dan Carter: literally a gooner through and through having played for arsenal for practically all her life and pulling through in the big moments. Heartbreak and injury have been her middle names for over the past year having sustained two ACL injuries in 14 months. Even if she hasnt had as much of an impact on the pitch shes still been a large part of injury fc, with her and her diary always being a source of sarcasm and banter through it all.
Danielle Van De Donk: she probably described herself best when she said she was a feisty puppy who wants to ball. A woman who takes no prisoners during matches, opponents refs and the back of nets all fear her. Off the pitch though shes a real softie who radiates chaotic energy and yet has developed over the years into quite the leader (even if she still follows beth around on her tiktok adventures)
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Jennifer Beattie: a friendly giant who quietly puts in all the work at the back, being an absolute unit as a last line of defense which was sorely missed during her injury. She came back from City because arsenal is home and that's beautiful. Talking about beautiful, her and Chloe. That's it, nothing more needs to be elaborated on. Pretty underrated although shes been getting more attention lately, she makes Kim company as the quiet Scottish duo who are lethal on the pitch
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Jill Roord: despite her love hate relationship with goal posts, shes still made her mark at arsenal this year especially thanks to the fact that she has remained injury free this year (dont worry I touched wood when I typed that) and hopefully next year when shes settled in even more to the team and the league then she'll be able to show what she's truly made of. That is, if she lasts that long before the team kick her out for being too annoying. A woman who likes the two extremes, Frozen and Olaf as well as blonde tattooed players and famous thirst traps, she epitomises this soft yet hard personality dichotomy too
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Jordan Nobbs: calm, composed, skillful, professional, dynamic and with the capacity of being able to astutely read the game, she's the personification of arsenal in a player. Having been at the club for a whole decade now she's practically lived it all and yet she continues on hungry for better and more. With the way she acts on the pitch you would never guess her forgetful, dorky, awkward nature off it. The woman with both the longest nando's order ever and the shortest attention span.
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Katie McCabe: the Irish devil, the arsenal player founder of the tucked in shirt, member of the love to hate her girlfriend club. Her almost permanent move to left back this season has reaped bountiful benefits for her, a flexible player who always finds freedom on the wing shes proved herself as lethal as both a defender and a finisher. In Jordan's words, she talks about her biceps all the time, but so would I if I was that stacked. That being said, Ruesha always finds a way to beat her which is probably payback for her scoring against West Ham in the cup
Katrine Veje: another player lost to injury this season, although lockdown has treated her well (that makes one of us) and she's apparently fully fit again. Shes been sorely missed as a fullback for most of her season, her explosiveness and crosses in particular. As it is shes used her time to get in some spectacular photoshoots and just be and just be a source of clownery as a veteran at injury fc
Kim Little: as silent as Kim and as deadly as Kim should be new british sayings at this point. Quick on her feet with nerves of steel shes an impressive player to watch and is sometimes the glue in the midfield that keeps arsenal together. Her professionalism both on and off the pitch is as big as her dislike of cameras
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Leah Williamson: the face of arsenal and not because of her looks, rather because of her insane talent and her embodiment of all things arsenal. From the moment she was born arsenal was pumping through her veins. One of the best up and coming CBs with long range passes for days she has been a crucial part of the arsenal squad for so long you forget she's just 23. What she lacks in some of her fashion choices she makes up in her bright and nerdy personality and her never ending stream of insults directed at Jordan
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Leonie Maier: she recently said that she has never regretted the decision to move to arsenal and that has been because shes been able to shine in defense mainly alongside Leah, each playing off each other's strengths and developing herself as a player in a new league which is never an easy transition. Dont let her banana bread making trick you into thinking shes the mum in the group, shes proved herself to be as chaotic as the rest of them.
Lia Walti: arguably the best thing to come out of Switzerland since toblerone (much better than swiss cheese though). Like a lot of arsenal players, it sometimes seems like she would be better off playing in bubble wrap so she wouldnt sustain as many injuries. She's an intelligent player, one of the best qualities to have as a midfielder, with skill coming out of her ears and unfulfilled potential still to come. Her sunshine-like looks can be deceiving though because she leaves her brain cells in the changing room, as is becoming an arsenal tradition.
Lisa Evans: another alround players who, as a winger-cum-fullback, has thrived in her position this year. Her defensive position yet forward thinking mentality has proved deadly and when shes been given space to roam the wing too shes provided goals and assists a plenty. Her unpredictability on the pitch translates into her chaotic tendencies off it and a love for the arsenal anthem “we've got McCabe, Katie McCabe”. Sometimes she likes to pretend that she's a seal (exhibit A attached below)
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Louise Quinn: it would be stereotypical to say that it's natural that shes so good at headers due to her height, but stereotypes exist for a reason and her tower-like build makes her a match for any Millie Bright in the heading department. She's a consistent, sturdy player who is great at starting up play from the back in many cases providing that vital first past (sometimes with her head because she's tall). Her pastimes include drinking a lot of coffee, understandable that she needs to refuel considering her height, and making fun on her teammates so that they dont make fun of her accent and her 183 cm length. Have I mentioned that she's tall?
Manuela Zinsberger: an extremely talented goalkeeper although sometimes people can excusably confuse her with being arsenal's eleventh outfield player. Another bayern recruit she's been key this season making some great saves and causing a few heart attacks in the process (west ham's penalty box free kick anyone?). She may look tough but she's just as much a clown as the rest of them
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Pauline Peyraud-Magnin: the second proud member of the goalkeepers union. Shes not called the Hulk for no reason, racking up some great saves and skills with her feet even as Joe's second choice. What she lacks in command of the english language she makes up in utter chaos including hand gestures, shouting and eratic dancing, well as staging photoshoots at arsenal's gym.
Viki Schnaderbeck: shes been able to mostly avoid injury fc this season after a long stint there last year and her hardwork has paid off to establish her as a mainstay here as a skilled defensive player. Shes been loud and proud recently on social media and I am loudly and proudly here to support it
Vivianne Miedema: in Katie's own words “the goat”. Absolutely lethal as a center-forward, calm collected and composed in front of the goal, and also crucial in providing build up play and assists. She can both hold off opponents and reach an unmatched maximum speed with surprising ambidexterity and complete nonchalantness. The only player who is actively lazy and is able to get away with it. She puts up with a lot of chaos but is not unknown to add to it too, mainly providing subtle humor and sarcastic wit. Not a personality for the faint hearted.
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20cm · 3 years
hiiiii tagged by val @sodrippy <33 thank u val mwah
ill tag uhmmm @porthavens @alligaytorswamp @3maeiri <3 if you guys want !!
name/nickname: caleb!! but i also go by rook :)
pronouns: he/they
star sign: libra/scorpio cusp <3
height: 5'5" ! (or 5'4 i literally dont remember)
time: 8:01am (8:45 when i actually post it tho)
birthday: october 21st >:)
nationality: recently got my am*rican 🤢citizenship.... im canadian-american <3
fav band/groups: monsta x, shinee, ab6ix !!! (to try to keep it to three)
fav solo artists: wonho (like you expect anyone different), but also taemin, kai, kang daniel, key, holland, i.m, and woodz
fave albums: follow: find you - monsta x, wonho's love synonym #1 + #2, taemin's never gonna dance again act 1 + act 2, don't call me - shinee, face - key, all about luv - monsta x, duality - i.m
song stuck in your head: drama (japanese ver.) - tomorrow x together
last movie you watched: silence of the lambs kfdjsf </3 because i remembered hannibal (2001) and figured i should start w/ the first one
last show you binged: i dont remember 😭i think it was manner of death tho
when you created your blog: this specific blog was made november 2020<3 i've been on tumblr since 2012 tho
last thing you googled: 'hotteok' :) i wanted to see images <3
other blogs: i have 2 sideblogs but theyre for interests im not into anymore, and then i have 2 other blogs for resources/references (a ref blog and a langblr)
why i chose my url: follow: find you by monsta x has me in its clutches
number following: 277 :)
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