#i dont know why i made this so rambly but hiiii
sereina · 7 months
When Serena first got to Kalos' Elite Four, she genuinely had no idea what to expect. Both out of herself, and out of the Elite Four members themselves. Most importantly, she wanted to do her team proud. It was what they deserved after their arduous and tough journey. Serena had already kept them waiting long enough following her month long recovery post-Flare, and she was entering Kalos' League with a team of 5 - not 6, not like how it should have been, Olympe's absence and death still fresh for both Serena and the rest of the team.
Siebold's chamber was where Serena encountered her first major problem, though no fault of his own. The battle had been going well, up until Siebold sent out his Gyarados. The Flare HQ incident was still a raw wound for Serena that hadn't yet healed, and seeing the Gyarados only threw her back to her battle with Lysandre and his Gyarados - the Gyarados that resulted in Olympe's death, after Lysandre had used it to attack Serena.
Luckily Joyeuse was out on the field at this time. Serena was beyond coherency, unable to actually direct Joyeuse. The deep bond and trust they shared, however, was what guided Joyeuse to her decision making. The decision of getting the Gyarados down immediately, seeing the distress Serena was in. The roaring waterfalls of the chamber deafened most noise, and one would assume Serena had simply given orders.
Joyeuse dispatched Siebold's Gyarados with a ferocity that had become characteristic of the Aegislash as of late, knocking it out with a heavy blow from her blade. They were able to exit the chamber following the battle without much of a fuss, and Rose, Serena's Sylveon, was able to finally come out and help calm her trainer down.
Her battles with Wikstrom and Drasna were far less eventful. Serena had Merlin out for most of Wikstrom's battle, the Delphox dispelling his steel-types with expertly weaved flames. Joyeuse was utilized against Wikstrom's Aegislash, pitting sword against sword, though Joyeuse would inevitably come out on top.
Drasna was more or less the same story, pitting her Venusaur, Snack against her Dragalge and then utilizing Rose and her Goodra, Jello, for the rest of her team. Both Wikstrom and Drasna were very kind to Serena, both before and after their battles. She left both of their chambers following the battles feeling a lot better than before.
This only lasted until she finally reached Malva's chamber. Malva was someone Serena had only a couple run-ins with during her journey, but she knew what Malva was all about. Seeing her holding such a lofty League position made her blood boil, instilling a deep rage in her. After all that Flare had done - for one of them to be among the ranks of the Elite Four? It was unforgivable to her.
Despite having the odds stacked against her, Serena knew Joyeuse was insistent on letting her fight. It was a brutal and grueling fight, the most intense Serena had thus far in the Elite Four. After bringing Malva down to her final pokemon, her Pyroar, she could tell Joyeuse was beginning to grow tired. The Aegislash was too proud to make it obvious, but Serena knew better. The Pyroar landed a devastating hit to Joyeuse's shield, fiery claws scorching hot and cleaving three scars through her steel. In the end, though, Serena and Joyeuse were both able to pull through and vanquished the final member of Kalos' Elite Four.
Serena took to Diantha's arena with ferocity, eyes a dark stormy grey. It only grew worse as the Champion, whom Serena had met multiple times during her journey, didn't remember who Serena was at first. Being thanked for her efforts in squashing Flare was the final nail in the coffin, especially after Kalos' own Champion had done nothing to help.
Everything that had happened during her journey, and everything she had experienced fighting Kalos Elite Four culminated to this moment. Serena, at this point, was so angry she could hardly think straight.
All of her team was utilized in this final battle, though with Diantha having six pokemon, Serena had to double dip one of her team members. This, of course, would be Joyeuse. With Serena having healed Joyeuse with what she had available to her, she was roaring to fight. She came head-to-head with Diantha's Gardevoir, of which she would waste no time in Mega Evolving. Joyeuse was getting decent damage in, but she was also being whittled away with every attack due to Mega Evolution's sheer power.
In the end, Joyeuse would fell the Mega Gardevoir, only to fall unconscious not long after herself. Though Joyeuse was knocked out, the Aegislash did not waver, and she did not fall, remaining upright despite her lack of consciousness.
Serena was the victor, being crowned as Kalos Champion. She was quickly ushered to the League's healing station, and then her Hall of Fame photo was taken. The empty spot that Olympe should have filled was glaringly obvious, and Serena's smile did not meet her exhausted eyes. Around her neck were still bruises, in the crude outline of hands, from where Lysandre had attempted to take her life.
When she finally got a chance to speak, Serena stated she had no intention of taking the Champion seat. Upon arriving to the League, she may have thought differently, but after everything... she had no respect for Diantha, and she couldn't idly take the Champion seat knowing a former Flare member was in the ranks of the Elites.
Her declination came as a surprise, to the point where no further words were exchanged between the two. Serena gathered up her team, made sure she wasn't leaving any personal belongings behind, and left Kalos' League.
While Serena was never officially was Kalos Champion, she is still registered into the Hall of Fame. These records are publicly available, showcasing the photo of her and her team, along with her Trainer ID. It's common knowledge Serena took down Diantha without taking the seat itself, a point that caused contention in the Kalosian media. Some touted it as her disrespecting both Diantha and the League, while others praised her for not falling into the cycle of the child prodigy turned Champion.
She was emboldened and embittered to make such a decision in the end, her overall view on Kalos' Elite Four and Champion utterly and completely soured. Their inaction to aid her and her friends - all of which were just kids at the same - was egregious enough as it was. Diantha's lack of care over Malva being in her League and not even remembering who Serena was, despite her being the one to have to step up for Kalos - a teenage girl of all people when there was a perfectly capable Champion - was the final nail in the coffin.
Make no mistake, though. Despite Serena turning down the seat, she is a Champion-level trainer through and through. She still battles with her team at Kalos' Battle Chateau, holding the prestigious Grand Duchess title - one she also pried from Diantha's hands in a massive upset. She holds all the badges from the Kalos and Hoenn Gyms, along with boasting a handful of miscellaneous badges from other regions she's visited. Battling is still something she is very passionate about even after delving into furthering her education. It's a way for her to continually be close with her team, and to further forge the bonds they share.
All in all - Serena absolutely doesn't regret refusing the Champion seat. Not even for a single second.
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Hello valued mutual-in-law (I am the twitter mutual of Matt’s whose friend is long term essaying with him over curiouscat, for context); I just wanted to say I just read your writing on disability within enstars you linked in reply to one of the curiouscat exchanges (which I’ve been reading bc I like seeing what both people involved have to say) + the post about guardianship re: the Merus that it linked to. Just wanted to say thanks for writing it all because it was really insightful — particularly the Sakuma segment, because I’m not very well-versed on the two of them and especially not with Rei, who I’m mostly acquainted to through being a casual enjoyer of the oddballs’ group dynamic, as well as a 2winkP (the latter of which provides sort of complicated feelings on him based on Setsubun & its aftermath, or general lack thereof that’s only really brought up in Nightclub from what i’ve seen do far;;). Like I did know to a basic degree about the Wagahai & Orei selves being personas but the detail in which you went into them + the way his disability affects him & his relationship with Ritsu really gave me some new insight on him & a motivation to learn more up on him.
Tldr; I enjoyed your thoughts and writings on the mixed bag of disability representation in enstars, thank you for writing all that it was nice insight, and it helped me understand the Sakumas — particularly Rei — better. Good posts op
HIIII holy shit, thank you so much for reading them. JUST HOW FAST WERE YOU.... i am really happy to hear you liked them!!! its just a lot of rambling but i love to yap + i love when others yap and it introduces me to a new perspective...... in my mind were holding hands and dancing in a meadow <:)
genuinely, i think no one can be immune to the oddballs, right. theyre just good. see.... my partner is a shuP and my bestie is a natsumeP and matt is a wawaP and i am a rei guy by necessity and ..... THIS IS HOW I KNOW NOTHIONG ABOUT KANATA.... i feel like often orienting oneself around enstars as a series is extremely about picking like a handful of charas to major in and knowing people who are into everyone else so you experience enough secondhand lore LOL
i extremely get you though, rei is not sympathetic. i am on pc but what i mean is 2winkP handshake emoji kogaP = Fuck That Guy
i could talk about rei (and ritsu for that matter. tho i havent read that much about him) in the context of disability forever.... and it feels important because it is an angle that discussion about him is just EXTREMELY lacking. it often feels like barely anyone bothers to think about how much being ill shapes his person, his relationships, his job, his actions.... and i cant really blame people either because they probably havent made the necessary experiences to really internalize how big of a deal that is...
and narratively..... there is a big trend of characters being very lenient with him and basically thanking him for being.... extraordinarily condescending, nosy, emotionally unavailable, and actively a danger for everyone involved. the worst examples that instantly come to mind for me are repayfes, setsubun (as you mentioned), and dont even get me started on hidden beast.
+ often hes some sort of deus ex machina plot device for lazy writing and its SO obnoxious.
setsubun specifically is so weird because i understand and support his weird cartoon villain act (as in, its engaging to read and an interesting manifestation of his issues) and obviously i LOVE the drama of characters being unwell and causing issues for others that way... conflict is great... but the way the twins react to it purely positively at the end is just a really disappointing. like i dont expect them to truly nail that hinata almost died an hour ago but come on. (ig sandstorm tries to pick up there....) also sort of why i never brought anything in there about being "monstrous" and how "monsters are created" up in my disability post.... really really fits the topic and a lot of it is coming from the horses (reis) mouth but the context hinata and yuta experience it in is just an entirely different one. hm....
its sort of a similar deal with himeru, right. narratively i am disappointed. they dont get chewed out by the people i want. and hes doing evil shit. but then i see him and i go :( thats my funny menhera man.......
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beforeoursunsets · 3 years
aud. i'm so obsessed with literally EVERYTHING on your masterlist. ugh chefs kiss af. as for the request: since i haven't seen this trope on your account yet, what about some good ole amnesia? like one day draco gets wiped OUT by a bludger, wakes up, and forgets being in love with the reader. i just know you'd do this justice ILY
Amnesia - d.m
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a/n: hiiii anon! tysm for the love you are so kind and i hope i didn't totally butcher this request!!! also im too tired to come up with an original title,, lol enjoy <33
house: slytherin
word count: 1.7k
warnings: just amnesia but idk if that counts, oh and a sorta open ending dont kill me
You almost fell out of your seat, a cry escaping you as Draco plummeted nearly fifteen meters to the grass below. The astounding crack and thud sent the entire stadium quiet, Madam Hooch and her surrounding professors racing to the unconscious blond.
“Is he…” Pansy breathed, “...alive?”
Concern, etched on both of your faces, felt like a complete understatement compared to how you actually felt about the incident. Grabbing the coat you’d almost left behind, Parkinson followed along as you went straight for the infirmary.
Minutes later she had to slow down, unable to keep up with your running pace. Once she was finally able to catch up, Pansy found you bickering with Madam Pomfrey, begging her to let you inside the hospital wing.
“No you listen,” The matron scowled, “you can visit him tomorrow morning. Mr. Malfoy needs ample time to rest.” She said with finality.
You gave up, irritably walking towards your panting friend while dragging her back in the direction she had just come from. Tears stained your cheeks, but the weeping was gone momentarily, replaced with newfound disdain for Madam Pompfrey.
“She won’t tell me anything.” You complained, pacing in the Slytherin common room. “From what I know they could be embalming him right now!”
“Y/N, I think we both just need to relax right now. I don’t think Draco’s dead,” Pansy reassured you. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
After a long night of restless tossing and turning, you were out of bed the minute the sun rose. Thankfully it was a Saturday, and with no classes to attend you could spend the entire day in the hospital wing. Once you were inside, she would have to drag you out of there herself.
You pulled one of your boyfriend’s sweaters, holding it close to you as the cold morning air nipped your skin. With your best friend at your side, you pushed open the infirmary door, eyes searching for the injured boy.
Madam Pomfrey motioned for you to stay quiet, narrowing in her eyes as she did so.
You found Draco quickly, as he was the only other student in the room. His arm and left leg were bandaged up, his neck in a brace to hold it steady. The mere sight of him made your knees grow heavy, threatening to send you to the ground if you weren’t clutching onto his bed.
Pansy put a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to comfort you, “Hey, look, he’s waking up.” She whispered.
Slowly, his eyes opened, grimacing at the room’s lighting. Draco looked down at his hand entwined with yours, hesitantly recoiling it.
“Pansy? What’s going on?” He asked, his voice raspy.
You were almost taken aback. Never had you been insecure about his friendship with Parkinson, but it was like he didn’t even see you standing beside him. She looked almost uncomfortable, dealt with his awkward inquiry.
“One of the Ravenclaw beaters took you down with a bludger…” She prompted, trying to kickstart his recollection of last night’s quidditch game.
“Oh.” He responded simply.
“Are you serious?” You cut in, “You almost died and that’s the best you can say?”
Draco had finally made eye contact, looking back at you incredulously, “Why are you wearing my sweater?”
“And why is L/N even here?” He asked Pansy, turning away from you.
The matron picked up on the conversation, now concerned herself. “Miss L/N, I think it’s best for you to leave.”
“Of course I’m here, I’m your girlf--”
“I said, I think it’s best for you to leave.” She reiterated.
You were utterly confused, sending Pansy a look of near despair. “What’s wrong with him?”
“Leave. Now.”
After you had begrudgingly left the hospital wing, Pansy stayed behind as requested by Madam Pomfrey. Draco had seemed to recognize his friend, unlike you, who had only befuddled him.
She pulled your friend to the side, beginning to explain Draco’s condition now that you were out of sight. “I’m starting to believe that Mr. Malfoy here has suffered a brain injury after his fall. For how long have he and Miss L/N been together?” She inquired.
“Over a year,” She responded quickly.
Returning to his bedside, Madam Pomfrey began asking Draco a series of questions, trying to pinpoint how far his memory had recoiled. “What year are you in?”
“Fourth, obviously.” He drawled, “What does that have to do with anything?”
“And what was the last thing you remember?” She prodded.
“The goblet of fire,” Draco responded, “bloody Potter managed to cheat the damn thing.” He spat.
Pansy looked at Madam Pomfrey with concern, that had happened two years ago.
“Would anyone care to explain what bludger you’ve been blabbering about? And why has L/N stolen my jumper? Can someone tell me what’s going on!” Draco quickly grew frustrated by the women’s secretive conversations, demanding answers at once.
“Draco,” She began, “you’re a sixth year--and Y/N--she’s your girlfriend.”
“What do you mean he doesn’t remember me?” You cried out in exasperation.
“He knows who you are,” Pansy explained, “he just has no memory of your relationship. It’s like he’s still a fifteen year old.”
Never had you imagined Draco could forget you so suddenly, so entirely. It was like one of your worst nightmares had sprung to life. “I need to talk to him.” You responded, getting off your bed.
He had been released from the hospital a few hours prior, now on strict bedrest. You knew he’d be in his room, and luckily, you had a key.
Unlocking his bedroom door, you knocked on the oak wood as it slowly creaked open, signalling that someone was there. “Draco?”
He was laying on top of his comforter, nose buried in his journal. Clearly he was trying to piece together the last two years of his life, your life together. You had hoped that something in there could possibly trigger his memory, a hope that would only set you up for disappointment.
“You can come in,” He spoke gruffly, his eyes still trained on the ivory pages littered with his handwriting.
You sat at the edge of his bed, the distance between him and you feeling so foreign. “I write about you a lot.” He almost chuckles, scanning one last entry.
“You really don’t remember?”
He shook his head regretfully, “No, I don’t.” He apologized, “But I really wish I did, honest. From what it looks like, I was seriously in love with you.”
I was, his voice repeated in your head. Who would’ve thought that one sentence could pierce your heart so deeply. “If it helps--” Draco piped up.
“I still fancy you, even now--or back then--I don’t really know how to talk about it.” He rambled, somehow eliciting a small laugh from you.
“Well I’m just happy to hear you confirm it, I’ve always had my suspicions about our timeline.” You smiled softly, the air filled with a bittersweet tension.
“You know, I can come back.” Getting back on your feet, you went for the door, suddenly feeling like an intruder.
Draco held a hand out to stop you, softly closing the journal to his left. “No, don’t go.” He pleaded, “I have so many questions.”
You sighed, tentatively sitting back down a few feet away. He cleared his throat, and by the look on his face Draco was actively trying to pull back a memory, any sort of recollection of you he could muster.
“How did it, you know, happen? Us, I mean.” He asked after a moment.
Fighting a smile, you replied with “Well, you and I both know we had fought since the moment you stepped foot in the common room, it wasn’t just two years ago.”
“How could I forget?”
“At the end of our fifth year you got into a bit of a tussle with Cormac again, something about how you were the only one allowed to bully me.” You laughed, “After that, I had my own personal bodyguard--on the rare occasions you were being decent.”
“People were messing with you? Why?” He asked, suddenly concerned.
“There were a lot of rumors going ‘round back then, most of them about my romantic affairs.” Rolling your eyes, you added “All about you, of course.”
Draco’s fallen smile was back and brighter than before, “Nice to know I’ve always been a nuance.”
“It wasn’t always that way.” You clarified, “We had some really good times, and no one--not even Pansy or Blaise--expected you to be such a romantic.”
He sighed, “I just wish I could remember it. It’s all there, I know it is, but no matter how hard I try the memories stay locked up somewhere.”
You moved closer, placing a hand over his, “Don’t worry about it, I’m sure they’ll come back sooner than later. Besides, I won your heart once, I have full confidence that I can do it again.”
“Did the part where I mentioned my current massive crush on you just fly right over your head?”
“How could I forget?” You mimicked, “I’m just glad you’re okay, Draco, your fall had us all freaked out.”
“Is it weird?” He asked out of the blue, “Talking to me?”
You thought about his question for a moment, as there aren’t enough words in the dictionary to describe exactly how it all felt. “It is weird, I suppose. Honestly, if anything I’m scared, scared that your feelings for me won’t be the same after the accident. I have all these memories of the last year with you and the only thing left of them is that journal of yours.”
“Believe me, I’ve read it.” He assured you, “The moment Madam Pomfrey released me I was practically glued to it.” Draco finally pulled you into a hug, the long awaited embrace feeling like a weight being lifted off your chest.
“It's awful to say, but I feel so lucky right now.” He mumbled into your hair, “I’m experiencing you all over again.”
taglist (link in my bio/nav if you want to be added): @gwlvr @thatsassyhufflepuff @dracoswhore007 @eunoniaa @darlingmalfoy @dracoscene
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partylikemajima · 2 years
(kulemii) admittedly, i haven't played y7. i'm sure you can tell because of that one question, right? haha! anyway, hiiii, can ya answer a few questions for me? a2, a10, b1, c3, c7, d7, e1, f8 thanks again!
awww yeah tbh I just saw that question and cackled, I really do hope you and that anon get to play Y7 because its, something ( a good something but legendary despite the real time combat that was ripped from my hands because turn based does not feel as good as smacking someone with a motorbike over and over again
But omg more questionss!! Here we go guys more rambling
A.2 Favorite Game(s)?
Y0 because they just did so much with it, it was a breath of fresh air after years. Its very balanced to between story and gameplay like its so engaging even tho i kept rushing through it for majima and kiryu to meet as i was so eager to see how they met (bit of a let down for reasons but, probably similar to for others, i started playing when Y0 wasnt a thing yet)
Its such a great entry point to the series and definitely beats Y5 and Y6 in terms of how smoothly everything flows
but so much happens in Y4, it’ll always be legendary to me
A.10 Favorite Weapon(s)?
I love any weapon thats huge like motorbikes, sofas etc because it doesn’t give the enemy a chance to stand back up, i may have used all the sofas in the area during the final boss in Judgement loool
B.1 Which character do you relate to most and why?
the poppo customer assistant as i work in retail myself This is hard, I never really thought of it like I more just yearn to see all the interactions between the characters. but maybe some parts of akiyama? I just don’t want to do anything either lol but i really do want to help people in any way i can
C.3 Which character(s) deserved better?
Hana-Chan, she deserved to be in the story more, woman can even fight and knock out some goons like teach me.
in all seriousness nishiki deserved better people around him. Yakuza kiwami really helped in showing his downfall more than the original Yakuza 1 and it would be a whole different story if Kiryu didn’t go to jail.
C.7 Which character should have died but didn’t? (If that’s too harsh, who deserves to rot in prison?)
idk i feel like I dont remember a lot of charcters i hated but didn’t die, everyone I can think of that should of died, did actually die loool i feel like im forgetting a very alarming obvious character. did that guy who stabbed majima’s eye out die? just checked lol he did shibata is dead
D.7 Who was the least engaging protagonist?
Id’ have to say Shinada, didn’t really enjoy his gameplay sections and his story wasn’t really that interesting to me. i feel the conversations between him and diago could of been better handled like more cooler loool and like hes ok tbh, what happened to him was sad but he wasnt engaging imo
E.1 Explore: Kamurocho or Sotenbori?
Ohhh, i know kamurocho like the back of my hand i don’t use the map at this point, Sotenbori though yes I want to explore there. Its just so exciting and I feel they should of made it bigger to explore.
F.8 Which Morning Glory orphan would you adopt? (Sorry, Haruka is not an option.)
ohhhh sweet babies omg Eri I’d adopt her, I’d adopt them all tbh
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saidrolav · 3 years
Hi!! I was wanting to know if I could get a 🐧 for a marauders era and an umbrella Academy ship? I'm bi so it doesn't matter what sex/gender you ship me with <3
I'm 5'3 (I can smell the short people jokes), I'm a Pisces, and I'm an INFP-T (Myers Briggs Personality thing).
I love anything space related – astronomy, astrology, astrophysics, you name it. I'm a nerd, I take everything in. I could sit and listen to someone ramble about the most random things for HOURS.
Hobby wise, I love to draw, read, bake, nap, and write music. I'm a singer – I love singing to myself while I work, and I absolutely love writing little bits of music in my free time. It's like having a diary, but you can turn your feelings into a masterpiece.
I'm a very caring person and I tend to worry over people a lot – more so than I should, and I often lack care for myself. I get attached easily and I'm very affectionate. I'm kind of oblivious to flirting, but that's probably because I've been staring at the butterfly out the window for the past 5 minutes. I blame my adhd 🙄
Habit wise, I'm a big foodie. Someone could walk in on me stuffing my face with ice cream or whatever I could get my hands on, and I'd be like 'get out or join me'. Also, I have a terrible habit of just hiding food on me. Like I'll just pull a snickers out of my ass one day and I won't even know when I put it there.
Hope this was enough – if not than I can send you my essay on why chocolate is the best food on the planet
Hiiii! Your 🐧 made me laugh so much because we have a lot in common 😭😭 the snickers out of the ass, bitch i felt that 😭😭😭 im also an obvious flirting thats why now i dont even hide it anymore lets just make it narcissistic and act like its a joke 😭 chocolate is indeed the best food on the planet but the dark one is the best 🤞 i ship you with...
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James Potter!
He's just as passioned as you in space stuff so you guys would probably have dates at the astronomy tower and he'll bring you ice cream and stuff so you guys could eat while star gazing!!
You guys would probably end up taking a nap together on blankets thooo..
He would definitly make fun of you when you flirt with him cuz at first he wouldnt believe youre flirting with him but when he realize that you're serious he's flirting back in no time 😏
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Allison Hargreeves!
She would definitly talk for hours because she just love seeing you listening to her as closely as you can!!
She'll love hearing you sing and could do it for hours she adores seeing you scribbling in your book new ideas for a song or some lyrics that you came up with 🧡
She'll take care of you when you care too much about someone that isn't being nice and she'll do everything she can to cheer you up!
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grandparomeaskblog · 4 years
Hiiii u mentioned Iullia and I got curious as to what she thought of little Junior? I mean she loved Romulus' kids and she loved her husband and Junior made him happy so 2 me it would make sense that she liked him but at the same time it could also be a reminder of That Other Woman ,you know? So yeah I'm interested !
Oof you are touching a delicate subject here that caused a few arguments in the house alright. Iullia really, really wanted a big family but it didnt work out. Somehow nations and humans dont match that well to make it possible or how does it even work, nobody knows. It was really frustrating to her that Renatus was pampering Greeces kid a lot. Although she tried not to show it to the kid. Renatus sat down with her to talk about it when she had been crying her eyes out for countless times and they discussed the option for adoption. But she shoved that idea off the table immediately cause to her that was not the same thing. She really wanted to hold a baby of her own. Renatus was kind and tried to comfort her but he was also realistic. There was nothing wrong with her body, but the fact remained that they would probably not have babies the natural human way together. She was quite devastated when he put it so plainly, but she was also relieved a little that it wasnt her fault. After a week or so he sat her down again and told her that if she wanted he would introduce her to someone else if she so chose. He already had the divorce papers in order she just needed to sign if she wanted to. Renatus thanked her dearly for the time she had stuck with him and said he would hook her up with someone from a renown family and started just rambling on and on about options. But Iullia just looked at him and asked him why he was doing this. He needed to think because he didn't expect that question. In the end he replied that he wanted that she was happy, but that he could not suffer anyone else touching her. He could not go threw that again, he said. She tore up the papers and stuck with him. They never stopped praying for kids though. She never had a baby... but they did get a puppy.
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ships-allday-errday · 6 years
From Middle School to High School
Characters: Sunwoo x Reader
Synopsis: this is an idea from this request: hiiii! i really like how u wrote the waltz! also wanted to request a story where the reader and sunwoo are best friends but both have feelings for eathother but dont think the other person likes them back? I think it would be really fun!
Words: 1913
Sorry it took me so long. I was having bad writers block and I just couldn’t think of anything. But here you go I hope you enjoy it.
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Spring of sixth grade was the year that changed everything for you. Sixth grade a time when kids begin to grow up, get curious, learn new things, about relationships, friends, or just your life in general. And although you could’ve been curious about any thing at all what were you most curious about. Kissing. “Can you believe Rachel already has had her first kiss! You exclaimed as you pushed against the wind with your legs propelling you to go higher on the swing. “And so has Nancy! Even Yena has had her first kiss!” Sunwoo huffed as he leaned against the pole that held the swing up. “I’m so jealous. Why has everyone had their first kiss but me?” You asked to the air. “Oh jeez what do you even do during a first kiss? I have no idea. What if I mess it up and then I have the worst first kiss in the history of first kisses!” You rambled as Sunwoo began walking on the ledge that separated the wood chips from the sidewalk. “And whose going to be my first kiss? I don’t want it to be some random person. I want it to be someone who cares about me and someone whoI feel good about.” You mumbled as you thought hard about it. As you were going to open your mouth to continue you were interrupted, “I’ll kiss you.” You heard from behind. When you slowed your swing and turned around you found Sunwoo staring at you. “Are you serious?” You asked confused by his proposal. He just shrugged as he stepped off the ledge and walked closer. “Sure, I mean I don’t mind if you’re my first kiss. Plus we have good feelings about each other, we’re friends.” He adds and you nod, he has a point. At that moment you thought what the hey, he was right and who better to have a practice kiss with then your friend. You agreed before jumping off the swing and taking a step forward. He put his hands on your shoulders and quickly brushed his lips against yours. It was short and barely lasted a second. Separating from you he shrugged, “eh kisses are okay,” he said before walking down the sidewalk. You watched his back as you subconsciously brought a hand to wear his lips were on yours. That kiss made you aware of two things. One, you definitely had feelings for Sunwoo and two, from that reaction Sunwoo didn’t have feelings for you. That little kiss, ruined everything. For your next couple years of friendship you hid your crush on Sunwoo just cause you knew that if he knew, it would make things a hundred times awkward for the both of you. It wasn’t until six years later that something finally changed. -------- Brushing through your hair you winced as your comb took out some strand and finally finishing your look, you add some earrings and a touch of pink lip tint. You smile at your well put together outfit before you hear a knock on the door. Instantaneously a grin displays on your face while you sprint to the door. Quickly suppressing your grin you open the door and on the other side stood Sunwoo looking as handsome as ever. But you of course couldn’t tell him that. “How do I look?” He questioned giving a little spin and you shrug, “eh should’ve gone with the denim jacket,” you quickly retorted. He feigned offense before you shouted a kidding. “Are you ready to party?” He asked and you nodded excitedly. Every year one of your mutual friend throws what is known to be, the best party of the year. However, every year you’ve both been unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances but this was finally going to be the year where you experienced one of these parties. Running back to your living room you hastily grabbed your purse and locked the door behind you before heading out to the party. As soon as you got to the party you both instantly headed straight to the food. “Ah free food,” you said picking up a plate. “The best kind of food,” Sunwoo added following in your footsteps. After you both had sufficiently stuffed your stomachs you split up heading in different directions. After mingling and wandering around for a good amount of time you found yourself on the dance floor, dancing with Sunwoo. “How you liking the party?” You holler over the music as Sunwoo spins you around. “It’s an okay party, not as exciting as I expected.” You agreed, “although it’s better than doing nothing I guess,” you add as you both continue to dance until the song finishes and Sunwoo does a final dip for the last move. Staring at the world upside down you see a glimpse of a familiar face behind you. Returning from the dip you tense up and noticing the difference in your expression, Sunwoo looks past you, “It’s your ex,” he states. Next thing you know Sunwoo grabs your hand and drags you to the refreshment table away from your ex. “Are you okay?” He asks leaning closer and you nod getting out of your daze. “Yeah I’m...fine I just didn’t expect to see him here.” This ex boyfriend in particular was the type who had a difficult time accepting the break up. He was the type who wouldn’t leave you alone until a good month and a half after the break up. Sunwoo knew all this, having been there for you throughout it all. “You good? Do you wanna leave?” He queried and you shook your head. “We miss this party every year. I’m not gonna let some guy ruin this for us,” you exclaim. All will be fine if he doesn’t see you. Sighing Sunwoo hands you your drink, “well don’t worry about that guy. I won’t let him try anything while I’m here.” He says as he reaches for a drink himself And you grin at his assurance. Moving to the couch Sunwoo starts up conversation to distract you and it does justice for a time. That is until you see your ex from afar begin to walk in your direction. As he gets closer you begin to panic and lean in closer to Sunwoo, in a low whisper you say, “my ex is coming. I need you to kiss me.” “What?” He asks eyes bulging and you begin to plead with your eyes, “he won’t approach if he sees I’ve moved on,” you reason. “Quickly,” you plead as you scoot closer to him. Although hesitant he agrees and you nod thankfully. Turning his whole body towards you, he places both hands on your cheeks nervously and slowly leans in. You feel your breathe hitch in your throat as he draws closer. Even though you asked for it you felt your heart racing a mile a minute. Closing your eyes you wait for his lips but they never make contact, opening your eyes you find Sunwoo staring back at you with an unrecognizable expression. Confused you furrow your eyebrows. Sunwoo leans back and you slouch in disappointment. Abruptly standing up he grabs onto your hand and pulls you up, dragging you outside. As soon as you two step out on the porch he lets your hand go and paces before resting his elbows over the ledge. Trying to figure out what’s going to occur next, you stiffly approach him but stop a few feet short of reaching him. Unable to take the tension anymore you just come out and say it, “Sunwoo I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I just panicked and I apologize,” you say, quickly apologizing, however, with no luck since he doesn’t respond. Awkwardly shuffling your feet you feel even worse as you stand there in the heavy silence that was looming over. “Sunwoo?” You ask fixed in your spot. You thought he’d be upset but you didn’t think the thought of kissing you would make him this angry. Honestly this reaction made you feel as bad as a rejection would have. “Okay Sunwoo I know what I did was wrong and again I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d get this mad and I didn’t think of your feelings. I really shouldn’t have made you do something you clearly didn’t want to do.” You rambled and seconds that felt like minutes passed by before Sunwoo’s shoulders slumped while he let out a intense sigh. “I’m not mad.” This time it was your turn to sigh but in relief, “really? Are you sure? Cause you look pretty mad.” Sunwoo turns around to you and opens his mouth, then shuts it. He does this once more before shaking his head. “Look you said I shouldn’t have to do something I didn’t want to do but that’s not the problem.” Curiously you leaned closer on edge as he continued to explain himself. “The problem was that I wanted to kiss you.” Your eyes widen, “huh?” Quickly he brings his hands up to cover his eyes in embarrassment. “I know I know just let me explain. I’ve kind of always liked you. But recently my feelings for you have gotten more intense and it’s killing me on the inside,” he explains turning away from you. “Every time we’d say goodbye I just found myself wanting to see you a second later, every time that I did see you I just wanted to reach out and hold you. Ugh even my insults for you have gotten soft!” He exclaims and you laugh. Pushing himself off of the porch railing he positions himself right in front of you. “Y/n I like you.” You open your mouth to respond but quickly get cut off, “and I don’t know how you feel but I don’t want our relationship to get ruined just cause I confessed to you,” he unnecessarily adds as you clear your throat. Opening your mouth you get cut off again, “don’t get me wrong I’d love it if you felt the same way, but I’d rather have you in my life as a friend than not have you at all.” Displaying the biggest eye roll you could muster you look back at him, “are you done?” You ask successfully shutting him up and he nods. Opening your mouth you begin to express your own thoughts, “Sunwoo, I like you too and have for a very long time. And although you were droning on I think your confession was very sweet.” “Wait!” He exclaims cutting you off, “you like me?” Quickly you nod your head in affirmation. “Then can we...date?”he asks slightly blushing, and once again you enthusiastically nod your head. Immediately grinning Sunwoo lifts you by the waist and spins you around happily. Quickly apologizing he puts you down and you find your faces inches apart. You watch as his eyes flicker to your lips. “Can I kiss you?” “Ew don’t ask,” you say fake gagging before you laugh. “Sorry. I’m just nervous.” You raise an eyebrow in disbelief, “you weren’t nervous the first time we kissed in middle school.” Sunwoo chuckles on the memory, “I was, I just didn’t show it as much.” With a slight shake of the head in disbelief you mumble, “guess it’s my turn to step up to the plate.” Next reaching up to him you pull Sunwoo’s face down to your eye level before you seal his lips with a chaste kiss. ---- Ha I think this was a lot more dramatic then I intended it to be but hey it’s still okay. Anyways thanks for requesting and sorry for the long wait I honestly had such a hard time thinking of something to write but I hope u enjoyed it. Have a great day/night all!!!! And requests open as usual!!!!
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anarchistbitch · 2 years
hiiii, I'm back, sorry I took so long, i was gonna reply earlier but i had hw and so that I wouldnt procrastinate I told myself I wouldnt reply until I got it done and then when I did it I was tired af and fell asleep and then it slipped my mind, sorry sorry sorry
first off, a song rec Quizás, Quizás, Quizás by Andrea Bocelli and Jennifer López
I'm glad you had a great republic day♡ love me those independence celebration holidays
thank you for the link <3 and yeah, you're right, she worked on it so it should be good, i just have trust issues lmao
ah mbj, mbj, it's the same with moshang bc you see the fandom constantly talking about them but then you read the book and ???? where are they???? goes to show our love for them ig
YES definitely, it was SO easy to forget how powerful he really was bc he was just kind of going around being ~annoying and quirky~ that also happens with the whole book itself I think, cause it has a lot more humor than the others but the things happening are just as fucked up and painful
new hc: there was another person involved when binghe was conceived
they should just exaggerate sqq's inner monologue about how binghe is gonna kill him and all that, if shen yuan could convince himself of heterosexuality I'm sure they can convince the censors
I become a puddle of tears whenever I think of gongyi xiao, he was just a good boy and yeah, your sibling had a galaxy brain moment, they're so right
they're literally the "bro get your dog" "it dont bite" "yes it do" vine, he's sqq's (and our) little meow meow
I adore cbaw toooooo, it's so beautiful and nice, def a comfort read, and SJSJSJS ikkkkk, I understand they were trying to show that they looked so much alike but damnbro sjsnznsnsn
noooooooo, I actually love the watermark??? idk I just think it's charming, I made sure it was still visible sjdjsjsj my editing was basically adding more sky so I didnt have to crop anything out
I did see and I couldn't agree more ksdjdjsjsjsj this week was so tiring???? I dont even know why but everyone I talked to seemed so exhausted already, on thursday we got the day off bc we changed president and the ceremony was taking place that day (we just got our first ever woman president btw, she had so many good campaign promises, here's to hoping she sticks to them) but we'd just been back for three days and everyone was celebrating the day off as if we were three months in, seriously
thanks to having our day off I didnt have my second class with ms devil, first day was just introductions and going over syllabus so thursday was gonna be our real first class but monday I wont be able to escape my fate any longer
dont apologize for rambling, I do love reading what you have to say 😌💖
about your ps, 😳💍 might be a bit soon but will you marry me??
good luck on your classes and make sure to rest and eat properly!!
between the both of us i have a worse reply timing so pls dont apologize😭😭 also good for you for completing your hw!!
ive only listened to a few of jlo's songs and the song does give that vibe of wanting to be with each other but being able to due to whatever reason .the guitar in the song is really well played too!!
Song rec for ya: Never tear us apart by INXS (yea the song from euphoria s2 ep3😔 i dont know if youve watched it but this song is really so so good)
and yea i dont you blame you for the trust issues lol so many good books/comics have gone through.. tremendous changes when being adapted. but hey nellie is there!!
moshang is THE ship cause he really married his blorbo 😭😭 and isnt it enough? to create the perfect man? and marry him ?? speaking of sqh. whats ur thought on cumplane👀👀 i have a few hc's that they were together before transmigration but never told each other about PIDW. like a mr & mrs smith au but the being-agents is them hating each other on socmed.
ykw? su xiyan deserves two partners😤
gongyi xiao🥺🥺 when i tell you i cried when i saw him in the donghua. in another au where lbh is a disciple of huan hua i feel like they would been besties or at least have certain respect for e/o.
binghe is also sqh's meow meow <3
cbaw was such a great manhua and im so sad its ending but the drama is airing in a few weeks!!! also the next chapter is of their honeymoon 😳😳
heres hoping to a political term with no bad happenings and many progressive actions 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
everyone is so tired and idk if its cause of the weather or its that the vibes™ . but so many things are gonna happen in a few weeks and then months including my graduation to the next year(my teacher is a little shit and im stubborn i will literally graduate just to spite her)
celebrate ur days off!!! its literally so cold and i havent been out at all(covid restrictions back on and also my family member is high risk)
school is depressing as fuck but one thing i kinda realized that they also set a precedent of "this is how school is supposed to be :(:(" and i think have a slightly optimistic look on ur situation definitely helps a lot
skds i love reading what you have to say
damn take me out to dinner first🙄🙄 but yes i accept💗💗💗💗💗
the same for you as well!! stay safe and healthy!!
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Hi sorry if I'm bothering you but I love your legacy so much and I was wondering, how do you get attached to you sims so you continue to play them? I've made lots of sims and tried stories and stuff but I never seem to begin to love them. Thanks in advance :)
hiiii!!! not a bother at all! it took be a really long time to truly fall in love with a family for my legacy, i stopped and started so much and even got to the point where i fell out of love with my original simblr fam (rip the montgomerys 3)
HOWEVER!! i’ve found the key for me personally is to not force myself to play with them! you want to take a break from simblr? DO IT! ive done it so many times and who cares! i know the people who love my legacy will continue to read it if theres 3 hours between posts or 3 months! (is now a bad time to mention my queue runs out in 3 days? anyway)
another massive thing for me personally is that i love story driven legacies! i have a google doc where i plan everything and i find that seeing my goals for my own legacy rly motivates me and reminds me why i love them and why i want to continue sharing them with u all!! 
now thats out of the way, to sims themselves - don’t be afraid to scrap a fam and start anew! im absolutely in love with my lil aspyn clarke, more than ive ever loved a sim but dw it took me a few tries. but here’s some things i found useful: — build them a personality outside of the traits - aspyn might be squeamish, perfectionist and romantic but shes also driven and proud of her work as well as a lil insecure and nervous around people she likes and also can be overly proud and kinda full of herself.. these arent traits obviously but theyre things i think about her and helps me shape her as more than just a sim. dont make them perfect people with perfect traits, theyre not people let alone perfect but u get my gist. — also for me, i share dumb quirky things with haley and jills that you cant replicate in the sims but thats how i see my own sim and thats why i love her - jills sent me this random photo of a girl with pride flags and loser written in the bg and said it was aspyn and it was true! getting your pals involved in your sims helps a lot and if you dont wanna to share with your friends, you can share with me (im ur friend but besides the point here anon)— also pinterest boards!! i love pinterest boards omg. i have some for aspyn and lucy (as well as some future charas we havent met yet) but they also help me visualise how i see my characters and inspire me.
this is very long and very ramble-y i hope it helps u a lot its 3am im sorry im a lil frazzled i just really wanted to answer this for you ♡♡
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harryisntstraight · 7 years
Medication anon is back- I was just wondering what made you want to take them (that you feel like death can't come soon enough is given but why that over anything else? assuming you don't do therapy too, idk?) and if you can feel any change at all? I'm terrified of giving it a go because I feel like I'm making up the shit in my head despite the fact that I would literally rather drill a hole through my brain than participate in society so I don't deserve to try but also, 1
I’m afraid that it’ll cause some weird ass reactions and take a while to settle which would impede my ability to take exams in a couple of months? (As though I’m in any state to take them now, lmao) Am I just crazy? So yeah, I feel like I’m making things up so maybe I should just suck it and make Lifestyle Changes but also… I’m glued to my bed so idk. I’m sorry I’m rambling, it doesn’t make much sense but I’m just a messy ball of hyper/ sad feelz and I want the world to stop so I can get off 
hiiii! tbh a lot of what youre saying i can really relate to. i spent a loooong time thinking i was faking or being overdramatic or just lazy and just trying to cope by myself and pretend that it wasnt really happening. as for deciding to take medication its kind of a long story, i first starting going to therapy when i was 18 because my mum kind of picked up that something wasnt right and that i needed help and booked me a doctors appointment where they offered me medication but i didnt want to take it basically for all the reasons you’ve explained in this ask. so eventually my mum decided to pay for me to get private therapy bc the waiting list to get it on the nhs was a year and a half long. so i went to therapy for like ?? 3 or 4 months before i moved to london for uni and then i stopped going bc i couldnt afford to pay for it anymore and i was like. u know what. i’m fine!!! i dont need therapy!! i’m an adult!! (spoiler: i was not fine) long story short a couple months ago i decided that i was really struggling and that i needed to see a doctor and get my shit together and i was honestly really up for taking medication seeing as therapy alone honestly just didn’t feel it had helped me at all. like to me my illness is so physical? so even though i had learnt all these coping mechanisms at therapy i just felt like my brain was physically incapable of performing them. like idk the only way i can explain it is that its like i had a broken leg and my therapist was telling me i needed to get from a to b but nobody had given me crutches or a wheelchair.
 but anyway YEAH this is such a ramble but i just felt like therapy alone wasnt enough and that i needed a physical aid, which i guess i saw as medication. my doctor has me on a waiting list to start therapy again and my first session is next week and i think pretty much any doctor will recommend that if ur going to take medication, that you do therapy as well so you can tackle ur symptoms from all angles. honestly i feel like theres such a stigma around taking medication for mental health issues that really shouldnt be there, in my experience its nowhere near as scary or life altering as people assume that it is. obviously it depends on what specific medication u take, but most antidepressants take 6 weeks minimum to have a proper affect, so its not like u take one and theres this huge reaction and u become a different person or an emotionless zombie, yknow? for me i did have some initial side effects, but they were pretty minor. stuff like feeling a bit sick, a bit jittery, and ironically having heightened anxiety. but that all went away after a week maximum. 
i think medication is different for everyone and although not everyone will benefit from it, i feel like if you think its a possibility for you, you should definitely ask your doctor about it and decide together whether its a good choice or not. they can start you out on a low dosage and if you have bad side effects or just change your mind about taking it then your doctor can help u to come off it safely. like, i have weekly doctors appointments to talk about my progress and my meds, its not like they just give u some tablets and throw you in at the deep end yknow? honestly, theres no shame in taking meds and mental health is just as important as physical health and everyone deserves a chance to get better and not suffer in silence and just ‘suck it up.’ meds are there to help you, theyre arent this yknow, super scary pill thats gonna turn u crazier than you already feel. from what youve said i’d really advise you to just make an appointment with ur doctor and tell them how ur feeling and that youve thought about medication and see where it goes from there. sorry this is so long and rambly omg but like.. i care a lot asjfhsdhf. i hope this helped a lil bit and feel free to ask if ur curious about anything else xxx 
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